Maz 18 38 12 1 2016
Maz 18 38 12 1 2016
Maz 18 38 12 1 2016
This symbol advises the user to read all accompanying literature for safely opera�ng
the unit
General Informa�on
The Maz 18/Maz 38 series of amplifiers are designed to give you a portable and familiar package. These
amps offer the classic pla�orm of a 12AX7 front end coupled with an EL84 power sec�on, tube reverb, and
tube rec�fica�on. You’ll find this series has an unmistakable blend of classic American and English tones.
They can deliver full bodied clean tones and natural overdrive all while le�ng you dial in the “Chime.” The
Maz 18 is great for ge�ng classic breaking up tube tone at lower volumes. The Maz 38 gives you more clean
headroom and low end push. Both give you great flexibility to shape your guitar sound.
Changing Output Tubes: If your amp starts sounding a bit dull or lacks punch it’s usually �me for a new set
of output tubes. Changing the EL84 output tubes on your Maz 18/38 is easy. These amps are cathode biased
so there is no need to rebias when changing tubes. Always use a matched pair (Maz 18) or matched quad
(Maz 38) of EL84’s. Always make sure the power is off and AC cord is unplugged when changing tubes.
Always use cau�on not to burn your fingers as tubes become very hot quickly. With moderate usage output
tubes should last 6 months to a year.
Changing Pre Amp Tubes: When pre amp tubes fail it usually results in a sta�c type noise or a ringing micro-
phonic type sound. Pre amp tubes are easily replaced. We recommend replacing them with the same
brand/type that came in the amp. We have hand selected these tubes to deliver op�mal voicing.
Changing Rec�fier Tube: Signs your rec�fier tube (5AR4/GZ34) needs changed are fairly obvious. A bad
rec�fier will usually result in a fuse blowing. Power off, unplug the AC cord and replace the blown fuse before
replacing the rec�fier tube. Use cau�on as these tubes get very hot!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Input: Input jack for your guitar. Hi is for normal use. LO has 3 dB less gain. Use LO with Humbucker
equipped guitars for a cleaner sound.
2. Volume: Controls overall gain. Set over half way for over-driven sounds. Set below half way for cleaner
3. Treble: Controls overall high frequency response.
4. Mid: Controls overall mid frequency response.
5. Bass: Controls overall low frequency response.
6. Reverb: Turn clockwise to add reverb.
7. Cut: Controls overall tone/presence of amp. Turn clockwise for chime.
8. Master: Controls overall amp volume and output tube compression.
9. Stand-By: Leave in off posi�on for 1 minute when powering up the amp. Turn on for play. Place in off
posi�on for extended break periods.
10. Power: Switch up to turn on amplifier. Switch down to turn off amplifier.
11. Power Indicator: Lights up when power is switched on. If bulb fails replace with type T47.
Rear Panel:
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
12. EQ bypass footswitch jack: Plug supplied single bu�on footswitch in here. This will enable you to engage
the EQ bypass/gain boost mode. The new variable boost footswitch features an added knob to control the amount of
boost. Simply turn this knob clockwise to increase the amount of boost.
13. Send Jack: This will send the signal from the amp to the “in” of your effects chain.
14. Return Jack: Plug the “out” of your effects chain to return the signal back to the amp.
15. 4 OHM Speaker Jack: Plug in 4 ohm speaker here. Always have a speaker plugged into the amp when it is powered
on. Always match the speaker impedance to the proper speaker out jack. This will allow the amp to sound its best and
avoid damage.
16. 8 OHM Speaker Jack: Plug in 8 ohm speaker here. Always have a speaker plugged into the amp when it is powered
on. Always match the speaker impedance to the proper speaker out jack. This will allow the amp to sound its best and
avoid damage.
17. 16 OHM Speaker Jack: Plug in 16 ohm speaker here. Always have a speaker plugged into the amp when it is
powered on. Always match the speaker impedance to the proper speaker out jack. This will allow the amp to sound its
best and avoid damage.
18. Fuse: The fuse protects the amp from electrical faults. Replace only with the same ra�ng and type stated below fuse
holder (1.5A 250v SLO BLO). If the amp repeatedly blows the fuse contact your dealer or Dr Z Amps.
19. AC Inlet: (Class I Wiring). This device is used for disconnec�on from power mains and must remain readily opear-
able. The power indicator light does not indicate connec�on to power mains. The power cord must be disconnected to
disconnect amplifier from power mains.
MODEL: ___________________
EC/EU Declaration of Conformity
2014/35/EU Electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
This declaration certifies compliance with the indicated directives but implies no warranty of
properties. The safety instructions of the accompanying documentation shall be observed.
This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.