WK4-TMF1014-SEM1-2022-2023-LU4 Information Gathering
WK4-TMF1014-SEM1-2022-2023-LU4 Information Gathering
WK4-TMF1014-SEM1-2022-2023-LU4 Information Gathering
Interviewing is an important method for collecting
data on human and system information requirements
Interviews reveal information about:
Interviewee opinions
Interviewee feelings
Key HCI concerns
Source: http://slideplayer.com/slide/8491463/
Open-ended interview
questions allow
interviewees to respond
how they wish, and to
what length they wish
Open-ended interview
questions are
appropriate when the
analyst is interested in
breadth and depth of
reply Source: http://www.orafitnessinstitute.com.au/open-ended-questions/
• Consider the term
open-ended. “Open”
actually describes
the interviewee’s
options for
responding. They
are open.
• The response can be
two words or two
• Some examples of
questions are shown
Source: https://www.w3computing.com/systemsanalysis/open-ended-closed-
Puts the interviewee at ease
Source: https://home.magpi.com/tip-open-ended-questions/
• The possible responses
are closed to the
interviewee, because he
or she can only reply with
a finite number such as
“None,” “One,” or
“Fifteen.” Some examples
of closed questions are
shown here.
• Closed interview
questions limit the
respondent’s options.
• The examples were
selected from different
interviews and are not
shown in any particular
Source: https://www.w3computing.com/systemsanalysis/open-ended-closed-
order. interview-questions/
Closed Interview Questions
Advantages Disadvantages
• Saving interview time • Boring for the
• Easily comparing interviewee
interviews • Failure to obtain rich
• Getting to the point detailing
• Keeping control of the • Missing main ideas
interview • Failing to build rapport
• Covering a large area between interviewer and
quickly interviewee
• Getting to relevant data
Image source: http://jacobyip.com/are-
Source: https://www.w3computing.com/systemsanalysis/open-ended-closed- 12
Thus, as the interviewer, you must
think carefully about the question
types you will use. Both open-
ended and closed questions have
advantages and drawbacks, as
shown in the figure.
A third type of question is the probe or follow-up
Probing questions elicit more detail about previous questions
The purpose of probing questions is:
To get more meaning
To clarify
To draw out and expand on the interviewee’s point
Probes allow the systems analyst to follow up on questions to get
more detailed responses. The examples were selected from
different interviews and are not shown in any particular order.
Source: https://www.w3computing.com/systemsanalysis/open-ended-closed-interview-questions/ 15
• Starting with closed questions and working
Pyramid toward open-ended questions
Pyramid Structure for
Begins with very Interviewing Goes from
detailed, often closed Specific to General Questions
Expands by allowing
open-ended questions
and more generalized
Is useful if
interviewees need to
be warmed up to the
topic or seem reluctant
to address the topic
Begins with generalized,
open-ended questions
Concludes by narrowing
the possible responses
using closed questions
Provides an easy,
nonthreatening way to
begin an interview
Is useful when the
interviewee feels
emotionally about the
Funnel structure for interviewing begins with
broad questions then funnels to specific
A diamond-shaped
structure begins in a very
specific way
Then more general issues
are examined
Concludes with specific
Combines the strength of
both the pyramid and
funnel structures
Takes longer than the
other structures
Write as soon as possible after the interview
Provide an initial summary, then more detail
Review the report with the respondent
Image source:
Stories originate in the workplace
Organizational stories are used to relay some kind of
When a story is told and retold over time it takes on a
mythic quality
Isolated stories are good when you are looking for facts
Enduring stories capture all aspects of the organization
and are the ones a systems analyst should look for
Experiential stories describe
what the business or industry is
The organizational
culture supports joint Offsite
problem-solving • Comfortable
Conditions that behaviors surroundings
support the use • Minimize distractions
of JAD Analysts forecast an
increase in the
number of ideas using
Personnel may be • Schedule when
absent from their jobs participants can attend
for the length of time • Agenda
required • Orientation meeting
All project team members must be committed to the
JAD approach and become involved.
Executive a senior person who will introduce and conclude the JAD
sponsor session.
Users try to select users that can articulate what information they
need to perform their jobs as well as what they desire in anew
or improved computer system.
Session someone who has excellent communication skills to
leader facilitate appropriate interactions.
Questionnaires are useful in gathering information
from key organization members about:
what people in the Through the use of questionnaires,
Attitudes organization say they the analyst may be seeking to quantify
what was found in interviews.
In addition, questionnaires may be
what people think is used to determine how widespread or
Beliefs actually true limited a sentiment expressed in an
interview really is.
Conversely, questionnaires can be
what organizational used to survey a large sample of
Behavior members do system users to sense problems or
raise important issues before
interviews are scheduled.
properties of people
Characteristics or things
Organization members are widely dispersed
Many members are involved with the project
Exploratory work is needed
Problem solving prior to interviews is necessary
• Try to anticipate the
response you will get
• Well suited for getting
• Use when all the options
may be listed
• When the options are
mutually exclusive 29
Source: https://www.w3computing.com/systemsanalysis/writing-questions-questionnaires/
Responses to open-ended questions can help analysts gain rich, exploratory insights
as well as breadth and depth on a topic. Although open-ended questions can be written
easily, responses to them are difficult and time consuming toanalyze. 30
Source: https://www.w3computing.com/systemsanalysis/writing-questions-questionnaires/
Closed questions should be used when the systems analyst is able to list effectively all
the possible responses to the question and when all the listed responses are mutually
exclusive, so that choosing one precludes choosing any of the others.
• Use the language of respondents whenever
Simple possible. Keep wording simple.
Measurement Scales
The two different forms of measurement scales are:
• Nominal
• Interval
What type of software do you use the
Nominal scales are used to classify things most?
1 = Word Processor
It is the weakest form of measurement
2 = Spreadsheet
Data may be totaled (of each classification)
3 = Database
4 = An Email Program
An interval scale is used when the intervals are equal and there is no
absolute zero
Due to this characteristic, mathematical operations can be performed on the
questionnaire data, resulting in a more complete analysis. E.g. the Fahrenheit
or Centigrade scale
The example above is definitely not that of an interval scale, but by anchoring the scale on
either end, the analyst may want to assume the respondent perceives the intervals to be equal.
If the systems analyst makes this assumption, more quantitative analysis is possible. 34
Reliability of scales
• Getting the same results if the same
refers to
questionnaire was administered again
consistency in under the same conditions
Validity is the
degree to which • For example, if the purpose of the
questionnaire is to determine whether
the question
the organization is ready for a major
measures what the change in computer operations, do the
analyst intends to questions measure that?
Image source: http://keydifferences.com/difference-between-validity-and-reliability.html
The actual construction of scales is a serious task.
Careless construction of scales can result in one of the following problems:
Central tendency
Halo effect
• When the impression formed in one question carries into the next question
• For example, if you are rating an employee about whom you have a very
favorable impression, you may give a high rating in every category or trait,
regardless of whether or not it is a strong point of the employee’s.
• Solution is to place one trait and several items on each page 36
A well-designed, relevant questionnaire can
help overcome some resistance to respond.
As you order questions, you must think about your
objectives in using the questionnaire and then
determine the function of each question in helping
you to achieve your objectives.
It is also important to see the questionnaire through
the respondent’s eyes. Some guidelines for ordering
questions are:
Cluster controversial
items of questions
Place most similar first
important content
questions together
Deciding who will receive the questionnaire is
handled in conjunction with the task of setting up
objectives for its results.
Administering questionnaires has two main questions:
The choice of administration method is often determined by the
existing business situation.
Options for administering the questionnaire include the
Allowing respondents to
Personally handing out self-administer the
Convening all concerned
blank questionnaires and questionnaire at work and
respondents together at taking back completed
one time drop it in a centrally
ones. located box.
Interview preparation
Question types
Arranging questions
The interview report
Joint Application Design (JAD)
Involvement and location
Questionnaires Image source: Google search
Writing questions
Using scales and overcoming problems
Design and order
Administering and submitting