Bekkaoui's Exam
Bekkaoui's Exam
Bekkaoui's Exam
these short stories?
Cultural studies is an interdisciplinary field related to many concepts and fields. Such
as anthropology, archeology, science, politics politics, and many other cultural issues
that are race, ideology, nationalism, and social classes, as well as many theories;
colonialism, Occidentalism, hegemony, Marxism, structuralism, and postmodernism.
This essay shall limits limit one theory which is postcolonialism and through this
essay, I will apply the politics ofpolitics of the gaze in different texts; "Marrakesh" by
George Orwell, "Tea on the Mountain", "Everything is Nice" and " Distant Episode"
by Paul Bowls, then "the Garden Wall " by John Bovey. All of them are considered
as travelogue in which the authors describe the places and their interactions with the
natives based on their backgrounds.
In his book " Signs of Spectacular Resistance" Khalid Bekkaoui, talks about
resistance by Homi Bhabha who criticizes the binary oppositions, as well as he
criticizes E. Said for minimizing the space for Eastern as exotics and not giving them
a space to resist their power and voice. In addition to that, there are other Marxists
such as Ijaz Ahmad and Arif Dirlik who criticize E. Said because they are against
eurocentricism Eurocentricism and capitalism. If Said argues that there is one text and
one West, Bhabha's concepts of ambivalence, mimicry, and third space means that
those subalterns who are minoritized and marginalized by the West, have voice and
power, they just luck lack the tools which are education, the knowledge, and
institutions that make them show to the other their hard work and agency.