R19 T24 Retail Oracle Benchmark Report PDF
R19 T24 Retail Oracle Benchmark Report PDF
R19 T24 Retail Oracle Benchmark Report PDF
Benchmark Report
The purpose of this document is to show the performance results for R19
R19 T24 Transact Benchmark report
1 Table of Contents
2 Document History
3 Acronyms
TAFJ – Temenos application framework in Java
TPS – Transactions per second
AppDynamics – Application Performance Monitoring tool
Definition of a transaction.
A transaction is a request from the Mq layer to T24 and the database and back to
An example of a transaction is a balance enquiry. Once the user has logged into the system, they
request a balance and this causes a request from the user screen (Mq request) to the application
(T24) and database layer and back to the user.
4 Executive Summary
Temenos is required to run a benchmarking exercise in 2019 on T24 RetailSuite, with the
objective of providing confidence to Any Bank that the T24 platform is able to support the
expected transaction volumes defined.
This plan represents a set of benchmarking tests where the objective is to more closely align to a
retail bank’s expected transaction types and volumes.
- Run the Oracle Database system with RAC (real application cluster) architecture on an
EXADATA server.
This will provide the confidence needed by the Bank in the underlying application and the ability
of the application to scale.
5 Dataset.
5.1 Dataset for the benchmark
Customers 36,024,669
Catchment Accounts 40,141,146
Credit Accounts 28,155,157
Total Accounts 68,296,303
Branches 50
7 Execution method
Transactions will be loaded into the queues on Mq and released to measure the throughput and
tps of the transactions.
Vertical scalability will be tested by injecting the mix of transactions into Mq and pushing the
single server to 90%+ CPU and resource busy.
To show horizontal scalability one server will be injected with transactions and increased to 90%
CPU busy, then the second will be added and injected with transactions to show the two servers
are able to handle the same amount of workload.
To validate that the platform is able to maintain the operation of the bank peak during a
specific time period, without experiencing errors or conditions similar to the following:
Response time
Test Summary
Zero errors
To validate that the platform is able to generate a high volume of accounts correctly in a
specific time while coexists with the average line operation of the bank (1,100 tps), each
account to be assigned a unique account number, which shall be determined on the basis
of a base number, to discriminate a duplicate account numbers already used by the
institution, this will allow us to understand the process of assigning account numbers.
CPU: 67%
Test Summary
Zero errors
The Above Results are taken from the DBTools before and after the injection to show the
successful input of records.
The amount to be deposited in the accounts will have to vary by account, in a range from
$1.00 to $5.00 US Dollars.
This should run coexisting with 1,781 TPS online during 1h, dividing the operations for
periods of 30 min, running the 2 main operations paid to credit and charge to account, one
for each period.
To validate that the platform is capable of performing a dispersion process payroll,
through an origin account where it will undergo multiple simultaneous charges,
subscribers to different accounts destination, in such a way that the process can live
together in parallel with the operation estimated peak and the duration of the process is
equal to or less than the expectation of the institution, ensuring that the total number of
payments corresponds with the number of charges from one account to the other, as well
as identify the speed in which target accounts will be able to access funds deposited.
CPU 80%
Test Summary
Each payment or deposit to the account must be carried out by a concentrator in the
amount of $5.00 US Dollars.
This should run coexisting with 1,104 TPS online during 1 h, dividing the operations for
periods of 30 min, running the 2 main operations paid to credit and charge to account,
one for each period.
To validate that the platform is able to perform multiple simultaneous operations of
compost to a concentrator, through charges from multiple accounts origin, simulating a
process of collecting payments similar to a payment transaction of services, guaranteeing
the traceability and integrity of operations, which may be by different amounts, concepts
and identified by unique references for each operation. The process must be coexisting
with the estimated average transactions.
Snapshots of the application server
Results: and the database node
Clearing = 408tps
Mix = 1873tps
CPU 60%
Test Summary
Once you have found the point of maximum break, be able to identify the symptoms that
we will be facing a similar scenario, such as:
As well as, the conditions necessary to return to an optimal state of the operation of the
system, without the need for manual restarts any of its applicative layers, or, failing that,
to be able to describe the manual procedure that must be followed in order to restore the
optimum operation of the system.
According to the maximum number of operations of 1.781 TPS in line in parallel, there
will be a progressive increase of 100 TPS every 5 minutes until you reach the breaking
point, with a time limit for the implementation of 1 hour.
Once you have found a breaking point must be performed a progressive decrease of 100
TPS each 2 minutes until you reach the point of normal operation.
You must use the following distribution of operations during the test:
The extended time is due to the huge influx of accounts being added into the daily end
of day.
Server Type # Servers # Cores Memory / server Total Cores Total Memory
T24-App 12 24 32Gb 288 352 Gb
Database 2 96 2 TB 96 352Gb
All data used in the testing was generated internally with no customer live data used at all.
The database is not being populated with transaction history. The system has been built for the
benchmark objectives and history is not currently in scope.