Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. Training, Research and Development Department (CIN No. U40109MH2005SGC153646)
Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. Training, Research and Development Department (CIN No. U40109MH2005SGC153646)
Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. Training, Research and Development Department (CIN No. U40109MH2005SGC153646)
Subject: Training program on "Testing of Power System Equipment & Protections" at RTC
Waluj, Waluj from 24-06-2019 to 06-07-2019 (Twelve Days)
In pursuance of the approval accorded by the Competent Authority, the following MSETCL
employees shall attend Training program on "Testing of Power System Equipment & Protections" at RTC
Waluj, Waluj from 24-06-2019 to 06-07-2019 (Twelve Days)
General Conditions:
1. The training is residential. The accommodation will be provided by RTC Waluj at Waluj. The participant
may check in on 23-06-2019 (after 05.00 PM) and check out on 06-07-2019 (upto 06.00 PM).
2. The participant shall be eligible for T.A./D.A. as per Company's rules.
3. Date & Timing: From 24-06-2019 to 06-07-2019 (12 days). Daily 9:30 AM to 6.00 PM.
Venue Contact Person
RTC Waluj, Mr. Nitin Zope,
Plot No. RP-1, Oppo. Akar Tools Ltd., Addl. Executive Engineer, RTC Waluj,
Bajaj Nagar, MIDC waluj, Mobile: 8554994852
Aurangabad- 431136
4. Payment — The payment of training fee will be paid from Corporate Office, MSETCL, Mumbai through
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Subject: Training program on "Testing of Power System Equipment & Protections" at RTC Waluj, Waluj from 24-06-2019 to
06-07-2019 (Twelve Days)
Training Section.
5. Effective feedback, both positive and negative, is very helpful. Feedback is valuable information that can
be used for betterment of Training programs. Thus, it is compulsory to submit the training feedback.
Participants are requested to fill the feedback in attached format genuinely and submit feedback forms to
the training co-ordinator.
6. Participant at sr. no. 1 & 2 will be the training co-ordinator for that particular batch and will collect and
will arrange to submit all feedback forms to the training section, corporate office, Mumbai within 8-10 days
by messenger coming to Mumbai for any other work or by speed post.
7. No leave shall be granted during the training period.
8. The completion of training program shall not be ground for any accelerated promotion of participants.
9. Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited during the training program.
10. 'Declaration of Training Program Attendance' (copy attached) should be submitted to custodian of
service book for entry in service book and SAP system and acknowledgment of same declaration should be
submitted along with TA bills.
11. The custodian of the Service Book of these participants shall take entry of this training attendance in
service book and concerned officer of HR department shall take entry in SAP system about the said training
undergone by the participant.
12. The controlling officer of these partiCipants will make sure the implementation of instructions
contained in H.O. circular No. 10935 Dtd.: 12-10-2018 about relieving the participant to attend training
13. The attendance at training is compulsory. In case of any exigency, the replacement candidate shall be
provided strictly on the recommendation of respective Superintending Engineer. The respective HR head
will be responsible for reporting batchwise consolidated report to training department.
14. Every employee shall follow the code of conduct (of MSETCL & Training Institute) during training
period. Any type of misconduct in any form during training period will be viewed seriously and dealt
accordingly which may please be noted.
15. No pick up & drop facility will be provided from Airport/railway station. The participants will have to
make their own arrangements.
Encl: As above
(Signature of Participant)
SAP No.:
CPF No.:
Attendance sheet must be submitted in above format along with participants CPF nos. and SAP nos.
working as at
(Full Name) (Designation)
titled as
(Training Course/Module Name)
from to at
(Start Date) (End Date) (Details of Venue/City)
I am aware that in case of false declaration, I shall be liable for disciplinary action
against me.
Programme Duration:
please Note: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very good, 5= Excellent (Use ✓ Mark)
Description 1 2 3 4 5
A) Training Content
1 2 3 4 5
B) To what extent are you satisfied with the following?
a) Residential Accommodation including Housekeeping
d) Library Facilities
e) Computer facilities
0 Recreation Facilities
g) Administrative support
h) Will you recommend this training to a friend or a
i) How satisfied are you overall with this training program?
C) Faculty ';valuation T 1 2
Topic Faculty
Qt. What other topics would you like us to cover in future training program?
Q.4. What are the immediate organizational improvements you will make by incorporating knowledge from
this training program?
Participants Signature: