UIUX - M01 - C02 - SLM - Models and Theories (1) - 1 PDF
UIUX - M01 - C02 - SLM - Models and Theories (1) - 1 PDF
UIUX - M01 - C02 - SLM - Models and Theories (1) - 1 PDF
To familiarize the students on Models & Theories of user interface so that it can be
applied to develop user interface.
Instructional Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
• Describe various range of models that can be used during interface design
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, you are expected to:
Generally when we design something new, we need a model. In the same way, we need
models to be used in interface designing process while designing interactive system. This
chapter emphasizes on different types of models and theories. Psychological or cognitive
model is based on user behaviour like goal formation and problem solving. This chapter gives
an idea on communication collaboration, interaction model and programming interactive
system. Task analysis technique determines that the user can do proper action for some
specific work. Dialog analysis and design specific communication between user and system.
Modes of Cognition:
1. Experiential cognition
2. Reflective cognition
In Experiential cognition, we perceive, act and react to events around us efficiently and
naturally. A certain level of expertise is required in this case. Examples include car driving,
book reading, conversation and video game playing.
Cognitive models are based on the cognition of the user such as understanding, knowledge,
intensions or processing. Cognitive model is used in various artificial Intelligence (AI)
applications. There are various types of cognition models available. Few are explained as
This model is used by cognitive psychologists to describe mental processes of a human. The
human also takes the information, stores it and processes it, just like a computer does.
Computer takes the input from keyboard or scanner, the input devices of human are different
types of sensory organs like the eyes, ears etc. Through these sensory organs, humans receive
information from surroundings. Humans’ short term memory works just like central
processing unit of a computer. In short term memory information is temporarily stored.
Later it is transferred to long term memory, as in computer information is stored in hard
disk. Computer’s output is displayed on computer screen or printer. In the same way the
human output we can see as behaviour of human like facial expression, reply to a question, or
body movement.
This model determines the time duration to perform a particular task. It helps to analyse the
human performance. From this model, a Hypothesis can be stated about how long a person
will take to perceive and respond to a stimulus, which is also called reaction time. The human
processor model is the cognitive process of a user interacting with system. From information
processing model, we have seen cognition in a series of processing stages. The human
processor model predicts the cognitive processes, which involved when a user interacts with a
computer. This model enables the calculations for how long a user will take to perform tasks.
The goal is achieved by the user by solving sub goals- this is the main concept of user’s task
and goal structure. GOMS models are under this category.
Card, Moran and Newell introduced the GOMS model. GOMS model consists of four
elements (Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection). Goals are what the user wants to
achieve. Goals can be divided into sub goals that are arranged hierarchically. Operators are
the actions that used to achieve the goals like “move mouse to menu bar, “double click on
mouse”. Methods the procedures to accomplish goals. To accomplish a goal we can have
several methods or procedures. Selection rule determine which method will be used to
achieve the goal. This selection is based on the user or state of the system. Suppose we want to
delete a word. If the cursor is near the word which we want to delete, we use arrow key to
reach that word otherwise we use mouse to reach that word.
Self-assessment Questions
1) The main goal in HCI is to understand how human interact with __________.
a) Computers b) Users
c) Interface d) Network
2) The time taken by a user to perceive and respond to a stimulus is also known as
__________ time.
a) Alteration b) Reaction
c) Refresh d) Renew
Face-to-face contact is the most basic form of communication. The primary thing to be
considered in face-to-face communication is not just listening and speaking, but it also
includes body language and eye gaze. We shall discuss how these features influence in the
computer-mediated communications. The face-to-face communication is mainly considered
in audio visual modes of communication. When we come to use computer-mediated forms of
communication, we carry forward all our expectations from face-to-face communication.
The eyes implies whether the person is listening or not; they convey interest, confusion or
boredom. Direct eye contact is vital in establishing a sense of commitment and social
presence. Experiments have shown that remotely working participants experience a greater
sense of social presence, if video is used in addition to an audio link. In order to establish a
rapport between the participants, eye gaze is useful. In establishing the focus of the
conversation similar to eye contact but more direct way, we use our hands to indicate interest.
It is done consciously and deliberately as we point to the item, or may be a slight wave of the
hand or alignment of the body. A video connection may be sufficient to read the movements
of employees.
Text-Based Communication
While considering the asynchronous groupware and some synchronous individual systems,
the main form of direct communication is text based. There are exceptions who use the
instance voice messaging systems and answer phones and other media may be used in
addition to text such as graphics, voice annotation or even video clips. But the text is the
dominant form of communication.
The style of text communication is different from face-to-face communication. The text-
based communication in group ware systems act as a speech auxiliary.
• Linear – participants’ messages are added in at the end of the single script. These
are usually temporal.
While the communication is an annotation, it may be structured in any one of the ways listed
Group working
We have mainly observed the properties of direct communication and two way
conversations. Group behaviour is more complex, where we have to consider dynamic social
relationships while working in groups. There are various factors and problems that affect
group working. This section deals with groups that are actively working together, for the
organizational issues. Group working is primarily concerned with the long-term structure of
the organisation.
The roles and relationships within a group may change rapidly during the lifetime of a task
and even within a single work session. For example, consider that there is a project which has
a project manager, team leader, developers and testers. The duration of the development is 45
days. The relationships between the members are defined but there may be a scenario where,
the team leader has to quit the project and the senior most developer takes the role of the
team leader and now the relationship changes. This means that the systems which use a
formal concept of role, must allow the roles to change, based on the timely defined roles.
Self-assessment Questions
4) __________ Contact is the most basic form of communication.
a) Face to face b) Text
c) Audio d) None of the above
There are three different methods to perform task analysis. They are
• Task decomposition
a) Task decomposition is considered as the method to decompose the task into subtasks and
finalise the order in which it has to be performed.
b) Knowledge-based technique is considered to identify the users’ need to know about the
objects and actions involved in a task and how that knowledge is organized.
Task analysis is about the existing systems and techniques. One of the uses of task analysis is
to assist the production of training materials and documentation. For this, the analysis of
existing systems is sufficient. Task analysis leads to identify the tasks that your website and
applications must support. It helps you to improve or re-define your site’s navigation or
search by defining the appropriate content scope.
• What are the users’ goals and what they are expecting to accomplish
• What experience(personal, social and cultural) the users take to the tasks
Implementation of task analysis is very important to perform at the early stage of the process,
specifically before the design work. Task analysis helps in the maintenance of various aspects
of the user-centered design process, which includes:
There are many styles of task analysis. The foremost common techniques are described below:
• Cognitive Task Analysis- is used to understand the tasks that needs decision-
making, problem-solving, memory, attention and judgment.
The task analysis has varied levels from simple to complex.it is used additionally to promote
analysis, competitive analysis and net metrics analysis, we are able to determine high tasks
level through varied user analysis techniques. The steps to be followed are:
2. Split the high-level task into four to eight subtasks. The subtask is known as the
objectives and it should cover the whole area of interest.
3. A layered task diagram is drawn for every subtask confirming that it's complete.
5. The analysis has got to be presented to some other person who has no knowledge
about decomposition.
Self-assessment Questions
7) __________ considers the method to decompose the task and split into subtasks
and the order in which they are performed.
a) Task decomposition b) Task detailed
c) Task decomposed d) Task deficit
10) __________ aids to identify the tasks that your website and applications must
a) Task script b) Task analysis
c) Task file d) Task system
• Lexical: This is the lowest level. This denotes simple form of understanding like
the shape of icons on the screen and the actual keys to be pressed. In human
language, it is like the sounds and spellings of words.
• Syntactic: This specifies the order and structure of inputs and outputs. In human
language, it is similar to the grammar of sentence construction.
The dialog properties are discussed under three headings. They are Action properties, State
properties and lastly the Presentation and Lexical properties.
Action properties
Action properties deals with the user actions like selecting from the main menu (graphics,
text or paint), selecting a pop-up menu choice (circle or line), clicking on a point on the
drawing surface and double-clicking a point on the drawing surface. We can consider the
different dialog states and can evaluate that for any state.
State properties
State properties are the states in a dialog that signifies the points where the user has obtained
information or where the system has done something beneficial. This enables the user to
achieve the desired dialog state. These properties are considered as reachability. A basic check
of any dialog is whether it is completely connected. Considering any two states there is a
sequence of actions, which will take the user from the first state to the second.
But there are other states, which should be intentionally tough to reach. The states which
can’t be implemented automatically are called ‘dangerous. ’However, having labelled the
dangerous states with the coloured, we can make analyses on the dialog to determine how
easy it is to get to these dangerous states. This labelling process may involve duplicating states
which will otherwise look alike at the dialog level. The moves between safe states and
dangerous states has to be done by the analyst.
Presentation and lexical properties shows what things look like and what keys do what.
Different types of interfaces have exclusive dialog styles. The normal dialog form of a
command-based interface is verb object form. For example, ‘print free'. However, mouse-
based systems often have object–verb form. For example, select a file icon and then select
‘print' from a menu. Although it is possible to mingle these styles, it is not advisable as users
expect to find a certain interface style with a particular medium. So, detailed dialog design
must be dependent on the type of interface.
The range of outputs, based on visual and aural, will restrict the dialog. If modes and states
are visually distinct, then the device’s display must be able to differentiate these modes.
Self-assessment Questions
11) __________ specifies the order and structure of inputs and outputs. In human
language, the grammar of sentence construction.
a) Syntactic b) Synaptic
c) System d) Systematically
13) The __________ in a dialog signify points where the user has attained information
or where the system has done something beneficial.
a) Status b) Static
c) States d) Statically
The PIE model is defined as a black-box model. It does not replicate the internal architecture
and construction of a computer system but it explains purely in terms of its inputs from the
user and outputs to the user. For a simple single-user system, typical inputs would be from
the keyboard and mouse and outputs would be the computer's display screen and finally the
printed output. The below figure 1.2.2 shows the PIE model
The differences between the permanent result and the transient display of a system is the
central part of the PIE model. We can call the set of possible displays as D and the set of
possible results as R. Also, to express the principles of observability; we want to talk about the
relation between the result and the display. So, we can determine the result (what you will get)
from the display (what you see).
The power of the PIE model has many levels of abstraction, which can be implemented and
the model will be effectively functional. Some properties may only be valid at one level, but
most of the properties should be true at all levels of system description. PIE model can be
applied to just a simple user also. In a simple model user’s intended actions, the display and
the perceived response are considered. While applying the PIE model at various levels, it is
possible to map between the levels. This leads to level conformance properties as stated.
WYSIWYG is clearly associated with what can be inferred from the display (what you see).
This helps to determine the result from the display. The second interpretation is what you see
is what you have got in the system. For this, we can ask what display can tell us about the
effect. These are referred as observability principles. A related problem is predictability.
Imagine that you are using a drawing package and you are forced to get up in the middle.
When you come back we will not be sure on what has to be done. There will be no clue and
what was your last task. The screen image does not tell you what the effect of your actions will
be; you need to remember how you got there and your command history. This is just because
you have stopped in between. In fact, the state of the system defines the effects of any future
commands. So if we have a system, which is noticeable in the sense then the display
determines the state and it is also predictable. Predictability is a special case of observability.
The dialog description is checked to find if there are any blind alleys. The chosen blind alleys
would never let you back to the rest of the dialog. Systems have similar problems at a
semantic level. This uses the undo principle when the command c is undone itself. So at most
we have two states, a toggle, with all the commands flipping back and forth between them.
The only alternative is that the system does nothing. The basis of most workable undo
systems is not just any old command, but it is treated differently. The simplest way to fix the
above undo principle is to restrict the commands except undo.
A formal explanation of the requirement may well explain that, as in the case of undo, it is
inconsistent – that is, no system is built to satisfy the requirement.
Self-assessment Questions
14) The PIE model is defined as a __________ model.
a) Black-box b) White box
c) Gray box d) Red box
15) The power of the PIE model is that it can be functional at many levels of
a) Program b) Abstraction.
c) Encapsulation d) Inheritance
16) The formal principles of a __________ are to avoid some of the worst mistakes in
an interactive system but do not ensure a good design.
a) Net b) Formal net
c) ‘Safety net’ d) Talent net
• The object oriented paradigm defines a real-life system with interactions among
real objects.
• It models applications as a group of connected objects that can interact with each
• Programming starts its execution by correlating with the real world objects and
Real-world objects possess two characteristics that are state and the behavior. An object is
similar to a real world object and stores its information in the attributes and reveals its
behavior through methods.
Data Encapsulation
The implementation particulars of the class are hidden from the user via an object’s methods.
This is called as data encapsulation. It combines the code and the data together and keeps
them safe from outside interferences.
Public Interface
The logical point where the software entities interact with each other either on a single
computer or in a network is known as the pubic interface. Other objects can change the state
of an object in an interaction by using the methods that are visible to the outer world through
a public interface.
A class is collection of data members and methods. It can be replicated as a blueprint. Classes
do not communicate with each other .They are passive, but they are used to create objects,
which interact with each other.
Inheritance is the concept of acquiring properties from the existing classes. Reusability is the
property that is enabled and implemented by Inheritance. In OOP one object inherits the
properties of another object.
Polymorphism is the procedure of using same method name in different classes and redefine
the methods in the derived classes or the same method name can be used in the single class
which performs different tasks. The below figure 1.2.3 shows an example for polymorphism.
Object oriented interface is the association between the users and the real world for
manipulating software objects for designing purposes. The below figure 1.2.4 shows an
example for object oriented modeling of user interface design.
Figure 1.2.4: Example for Object Oriented Modeling of User Interface Design
Interface design is mainly used to make the successful accomplishment of user’s goals with
the help of interactive tasks and management. While creating the OOM for interface design,
first we need to perform analysis of user requirements. After that we have to generate design
document which specifies the structure and components required for each dialogue. Then,
interfaces are developed and tested against the Use Case. For example, Personal banking
application. The sequence of processes documented for every Use Case is analyzed for key
objects. This results an object model. Key objects are called analysis objects and any diagram
showing relationships between these objects are called object diagram.
Self-assessment Questions
17) __________ are the prime concepts in the field of computation in the whole field
of software engineering.
a) Programs b) Statement
c) Iteration d) Design
19) Polymorphism is the procedure of using same method name in different classes.
a) True b) False
o Many of the cognitive processes are interdependent. Several processes may be
combined together for a given activity.
o The conversation between the adjacent pair is not a basic structure of conversation
but the fundamental structure
o Group behaviour is more complex, still we have to take into consideration the
dynamic social relationships during group working
o State properties are the states in a dialog that signifies the points where the user
has attained information or where the system has done something beneficial. The
formal principles of a ‘safety net’ is to avoid some of the worst mistakes in an
interactive system, but do not ensure a good design.
o The power of the PIE model is that it can be functional at many levels of
o The Object Oriented programming example plays a significant role in the human
computer interface.
Terminal Questions
1) Explain the cognitive models
Answer Keys
Self-assessment Questions
1 a
2 b
3 a
4 a
4 a
6 d
7 a
8 b
9 c
10 b
11 a
12 b
13 c
14 a
15 b
16 c
17 a
18 a
19 a
Produce a high-level hierarchical task analysis showing how you would find information
on a website. Assume the site has a search facility as well as normal links.
• Using HCI Techniques to Design a More Usable Programming System (1st ed.).
from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pane/ftp/PaneMyersMillerHANDSDesign.pdf
External Resources
• Dix, A., Finlay , J. E., Abowd, G. D., & Beale , R. Human-Computer Interaction
(3rd ed.). Pearson Education Limited (2004).
• Pinder, S. Advances in Human Computer Interaction . InTech. (2008).
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