Invoice IXITRS185875952789718
Invoice IXITRS185875952789718
Invoice IXITRS185875952789718
Booking Id:IXITRS185875952789718
Invoice date and time : 2023-03-13 07:55
Details Of Supplier :Le Travenues Technology Limited
Place of Supply : Haryana
2 Payment Gateway Charge 998551 96.28 81.60 9.0% 7.34 9.0% 7.34 N.A N.A
3 Round Off Charge 998551 0.62 0.52 9.0% 0.05 9.0% 0.05 N.A N.A
Certified that the particulars above are true and correct and the amount indicated :
1) Represents the price actually charged and that there is no additional consideration directly or indirectly.
2) No tax is payable under reverse charge for this invoice.
a) All dispute subject to Gurugram Jurisdiction.
Authorised Signatory