Composing An Independent Critique - 4A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

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Lesson Plan in English (4 A’s Approach)

Grade 10 Week 1: 3rd Quarter

At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students are expected to:

At the end of the lesson, the


students muAt the end of the

lesson, the students must be
able to: 1. Identify the parts and
features of an argumentative
essay; 2. Learn the uses of an
argumentative essay in real life
situations; and 3. Write their
own argumentative essay in
response to an editorial article
be able to:
1. Identify the parts and
features of an argumentative
2. Learn the uses of an
argumentative essay in real life
situations; and
3. Write their own
argumentative essay in response
to an editorial article;
At the end of the lesson, the
students must be able to:
1. Identify the parts and
features of an argumentative
2. Learn the uses of an
argumentative essay in real life
situations; and
3. Write their own
argumentative essay in response
to an editorial article;
At the end of the lesson, the
students must be able to:
1. Identify the parts and
features of an argumentative
2. Learn the uses of an
argumentative essay in real life
situations; and
3. Write their own
argumentative essay in response
to an editorial article;
At the end of the lesson, the
students must be able to:
1. Identify the parts and
features of an argumentative
2. Learn the uses of an
argumentative essay in real life
situations; and
3. Write their own
argumentative essay in response
to an editorial article;
A. define critique;
B. identify the basic parts of a critique;
C. determine the steps/techniques in writing a critique; and,
D. write a four-paragraph critique about a chosen selection.


Topic: Composing an Independent Critique
Instructional Materials: Visual aid Presentation and Handouts
Values Integrations:


Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
I. Preliminaries

a. Greetings Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

b. Prayer Before we can start our day, can (Students will lead the opening
someone lead the prayer? prayer)
c. Checking of the attendance Do we have absentees today? ( Class secretary will report the

Okay, Ms./Mr.________ kindly

list down the names of the
absentees and give it to me later.
d. Review of the Lesson So yesterday, our topic is all (Student will raise their hand
about what? and give their answer)

That’s right! It’s about (Student will raise their hand

Informative, Persuasive and and give their answer)
Argumentative Speech and their
Techniques. What is the
difference again among
Informative, Persuasive and
Argumentative Writing

Great! These writing techniques Yes, ma’am!

are what we need for us to write
Informative, Persuasive and
Argumentative Speech
effectively which we are still
going to use for our new topic
for today. Are you ready to
e. Motivation Okay, that’s good to hear! To Yes, ma’am!
start our day, let’s have a little
game called ‘Word Search’. Are
you familiar with this?

Good! But for those who don’t Yes, ma’am!

know, the instruction is simple.
The hidden word can be
positioned in all directions,
written from left to right from
right to left, horizontally, and
vertically, but is always on one
straight line. Are you ready?

Alright, if you saw the hidden

word, raise your hand and (Student will raise his/her hand
encircle the word. and give the answer)

Nice! All of you got the hidden

words which are:

Are you familiar with these (Students will give their

words? answers)

Some of you says they are

familiar with it and other says
don’t. But anyway, let’s know
what will be the connection of
these words on our today’s
II. Lesson Proper Get your handouts, please.
A. Activity Now that you have with your (Students will get their
handouts, I want you to look on handouts)
the picture

Are you familiar with this

movie? This movie is entitled
“E.T (The Extraterrestrial)”. To
know more about it, let’s read
and analyze the article quietly. (Students will read and analyze
the article quietly)
A popular movie that captured
the hearts of the young and the
old alike was E.T., The Extra
Terrestrial directed by Steven
Spielberg. The movie was
released in 1982 and it was an
immediate blockbuster. The
story began when one night, a
spaceship landed on earth, and
queer-looking little creatures
hopped out of it and went
sniffing through the night,
looking for plant specimens.
Authorities arrived which
terrified the aliens to take off
and abandoned one of its crew
members. This little creature,
the E.T., was left behind on
Earth, confused and scared. He
was later found by Elliott, the
movie’s hero. He tricked
E.T. to come out from hiding
using candies as an irresistible
bait. They eventually became
friends and E.T. moved into the
house, unknown to Elliott’s
mother. The creature has the
powers of telepathy and
telekinesis, and one of the ways
it communicated was to share its
emotions with Elliott. That's
how Elliott knew that the E.T.
wanted to go home. The rest of
the movies showcased how
Elliot and his family developed
a special kind of friendship with
ET despite their differences.

This Sci-Fi Fantasy movie did

not just put the audience in awe
because of its visual effects and
cinematography but also of its
themes that people can relate to.
E.T. is a story about friendship,
loyalty, and family. The
characters and plot have been
very effective in bringing out the
themes of the movie. All these
things webbed together to form
the film touched millions of
people around the world.
The movie had no dull
moments. It was able to trigger
the varied emotions of the
viewers. The development of the
plot carried the viewers into
different emotions starting with
curiosity and fondness for ET,
amazement on how the alien
adapt with the environment,
worry when ET was put to
danger and mixed feelings of
happiness and sadness when ET
would already set off from earth.
Despite ET’s unearthly
appearance, odd little walk, its
high-pitched squeals of surprise,
its funny imitations of human
speech, and its catlike but
definitely alien purring sounds,
viewers developed endearment
and compassion to the creature.
ET as shown in the movie
manifested different emotions
common to people like fear,
love, altruism, pity, and joy,
thereby making viewers realized
that love for family is universal
and even transcends from this
world and beyond the outer
space. The movie also dwelt on
the possibility of friendship
between human and a creature
despite their differences and
inequalities. It highlighted how
an innocent boy accepted a
queer-looking creature as a
friend willing to sacrifice his
own safety and happiness to be
able to help ET to go back
where he came from.

The movie like ET The Extra

Terrestrial is a feel-good movie
that will make any viewer leave
the cinema with a smile on their
faces and a light heart. It may be
a Science -fiction movie yet its
purpose of reminding people to
continue loving every creation
of God is realized. It is a movie
that left an impact on the
viewers’ mind even after years
have already passed. Most
importantly, it is the movie that
taught me to point my index
finger to someone’s index finger
as I blurt the line- “ET phone
home” to mean home is family
and family is love.
By Myriam R. dela Cruz

B. Analysis Now, that you are done reading

the article, let’s answer some (Students will raise their hand
questions we have here: and give the possible answer)

1. What information did the 1. The writer evaluated the

writer give about the movie? movie ET in terms of how
the creator succeeded in
bringing out the themes
through the characters and
plot. He also justified why
the movie is worth watching.

2. What do you think is the 2. The purpose of the writer is

author’s purpose in this article? to make a critical evaluation
and analysis of the movie.

3.What do you call this kind of 3. This article is a critique


4. Would you be interested to 4. The answer may vary

watch or watch again the movie
after reading the article? Explain
why or why not.
C. Abstraction So what you read is a form of
critiquing a movie. But now,
what is critiquing?

Critiquing is something you do (Student will raise their hand

everyday but you are not just and give the answer)
aware that is an already form of
critiquing. For example, when
you buy a new dress, you might
ask yourself, “Is this dress fits
on me well? Does purple color
suits one me? But it’s too tight
on my waist!” These are things
you can consider as form of
critiquing. Now, with that
example and the article you’ve
read, what is a critique or
Great! So can anyone read the (Student will raise his/her hand
definition of critique? and read the following)

A critique is an in-depth
evaluation of a story, novel,
film, or other reading/viewing
materials for the purpose of
giving the public an insight into
the text.

So a critique is a careful (Students will look on the drawn

evaluation of one’s work. Venn diagram by the teacher)
Although a critique shares the
same root with the word
‘criticize’, it doesn’t mean they
have the same meaning. All eyes
on the board, please!

- Is constructive, - Is destructive,
Forms of
offering points out the
improvements faults or flaws
in the story. in the story

So that’s why we carefully Yes, ma’am!

evaluating one’s work because
we were critiquing them. Do
you get now their difference,

If that so, let me continue. A

critique could be in a form of:

- Critical essay
- An article evaluating a literary
- Review

But why would we need to (Student will raise his/her hand

critique a literary work? Let’s and read the following)
read the first one
- To know its overall value

As a reader or viewer, you may (Student will raise his/her hand

show, inform and/ or persuade and read the following)
your co-reader or viewer if the
literary piece is worth it or if - To determine its strengths
there are significant value and weaknesses
shown from it. Next, please read
Mr. /Ms. _________.
When you read the literary (Students will follow the visual
work, what aspect of it do you aid presentation)
think it makes the story
beautiful? Or makes the story
weak? But class, again, when
you are critiquing a literary
work, you are acknowledging its
beauty and weakness point.
Now let’s go to the parts of a

Now, these are the parts of

critical essay: Introduction, (Student will read the following)
Summary, Analysis, and • State the title of the work and
Conclusion that earlier, we had the author’s name
them as our hidden words for
today. Let’s have first what are
the things you need to put when
you are writing an Introduction.
Can you read the first point, Ms.
/ Mr.________?

Of course, that is very obvious.

You always need to state those (Student will raise his/her hand
things so your reader can know and read the following)
immediately what literary work • Outline the main ideas and
are you critiquing and whose identify the author’s thesis
literary work is that. Next,

In this part, you have to tell

what the literary piece you’ve (Students will follow and look
read or watched is all about and on the board)
what is the author trying to
prove why he or she wrote or
make it. All of this should be
OBJECTIVE. Let me write on

OBJECTIVE means you

should not mix it with your own Yes, ma’am!
opinion, it should only be based
on the text or literary work
alone. Get it, class?

Alright, after this,

• State your own thesis

statement and your main idea
about the work.

In this part, this is how you view

the literary work, what is the (Student will raise his/her hand
aim of it? Your opinion should and give the answer)
be based how you understand
the piece so on this part, it
should be SUBJECTIVE. Now
what is SUBJECTIVE means if
the OBJECTIVE means not
influenced by or based on a
personal viewpoint?

Good! Of course,
SUBJECTIVE is your own
perception or personal opinion Yes, ma’am!
on the text. Do you get it, class?

Okay, good. Now for the

summary, please read, Mr.
/Ms.________. (Student will read the following)
• Summarize the text in your
own words
From that detail itself, “IN
please, avoid your favorite Yes, ma’am!
internet method which “copy-
paste” everything from the
internet because it’s plagiarism,
class. Okay?

Now, let’s go to the third part

which is Analysis. In this part, it
is subjective because this is (Student will read the following)
where you will discuss the • State what you like and do not
following. Can someone read like about the text
the first bullet?

Okay, again when you are

writing a critique or critical
essay, you should have the (Student will read the following)
balance viewpoint of the story. • Interpret and evaluated based
Next, please. on:
 How the text is organized
 The style and rhetoric
 How effective the message
 Whether or not the author
did justice to the message
 How the text appealed to
its target audience
Those are what should be
discussed on the analysis.
Lastly, let’s have the conclusion. (Student will read the following)
Please read, Mr. /Ms. ________. • Restate your thesis in new

So again, from our previous

lesson, why we need to restate
our thesis in conclusion (Student will raise his/her hand
and give the answer)

Good! We are restating the

thesis in conclusion because we
want to bring the reader back to (Student will raise his/her hand
overall purpose and focus of our and read the following)
essay. Next bullet, please. • Summarize your main ideas, if
possible, with new and stronger
On your own understanding, words
why we need to summarize your
main ideas with a better and
stronger words? (Student will raise his/her hand
and give the answer)

Great! Of course, in order for

your statements to be more
convincing. Last bullet please!
(Student will raise his/her hand
and read the following)
It means this is where we • Include a call to action
include our suggestions in
improving the work and if we
are recommending this to our (Student will raise his/her hand
co-reader or viewer. Now, with and give the answer)
all these bullets, what do you
think the form of perception
should be in the conclusion?
Subjective or Objective? Why?

Alright! So the conclusion

should be subjective because it
depends on how you compose
your thoughts and understanding Yes, ma’am!
about the text or selection. Do
you get it class?

Now, here are reminders to take

note of when writing a critique.
Please read the first bullet and
explain. (Student will read the following)
• Avoid introducing your ideas
by stating “I think” or “In my
opinion” because this weakens

(Then, the student will explain

his or her understanding of what
Okay, good job! So we don’t use s/he read)
these phrases because it makes
our statement too biased. Again,
remember class, you are writing (Student will raise his/her hand
a critical essay or a critique. You and read the following)
must write a stronger analysis of • Always introduce the work. Do
your critique to make your not assume that the readers
reader encourage to read your know what you are writing
point. Next bullet please. about and that you don’t need to
mention some details anymore.

Of course, that is the purpose of

introduction. From the word
itself, “introduce”. You have to
introduce the work and things (Student will raise his/her hand
from it you are trying to pin and read the following)
point on that particular part. • To be able to write a good
Last, please read Mr. critique and help readers
/Ms._______. understand the story, you
yourself should know well you
are writing about.
It is obvious! You can’t write or
talk about something without
knowing it, right? Just like in
love, you can’t just be with Yes, ma’am!
someone else without knowing
him/her well. So always know
and you should fully understand
what you are writing about.
Okay, class?

Were you able to take a note on

the parts of an independent
Yes, ma’am!
So, are you ready to compose a

Yes, ma’am!

D. Application Since we are done with our (Students will get their
discussion. Get your handouts handouts)

Read the short story and do a

simple critique of it by
answering the guide questions
in the table.

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