EC5500 - Topics Only - Sorted

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EC5500 PG Dissertation Topics

(2022-23 academic year)

Pick ONE topic from the list below. Alternatively, you can email any of the available supervisors
(see Dissertation Supervisors) to ask to be supervised and to agree the dissertation title, but the
supervisor can refuse. Before approaching a supervisor, study his/her webpage profile and
research interests. It is a good idea to have looked up at least one journal article on your
proposed topic so that you know something about the topic. You can agree on any topic the
supervisor is willing to supervise. Submit your chosen dissertation topic and agreed supervisor
(if any) on WISEflow by 12:00 noon on Friday, 31 March 2023. For more information please
refer to the “Introduction to Dissertation” recording on Panopto (PowerPoint slides are under

Accounting based stock valuation models: theory and tests

Applied macroeconometrics (and finance) with the use of mixed-frequency data, volatility
and/or panel threshold models

Asset pricing

Auditing Practice and Auditor Independence

Auditing Profession Restructuring

Bank Capital adequacy and bank risk

Bank Efficiency or Interconnectedness

Big data analytics in Economics and Finance

Business cycles and stock market fluctuations

Capital flows

Capital structure

Climate Change and asset pricing

Corporate social responsibility and/or sustainability

Corporate social responsibility and/or sustainability

Corporate social responsibility

Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility

Corporate Valuation and Financial Modelling in Practice

Credit default swap pricing

Credit default swaps

Credit rating

Credit spreads and credit risk pricing

Cultural and Geographical Origins of Income Inequality

Culture, Geography and Environmental Quality

Debt, deficits and austerity: Effects on growth, inequality and debt

Determinants of bank profitability


Determinants of bank profitability

Determinants of cryptocurrency market participation

Determinants of house prices

Determinants of Income Inequality

Determinants of initial public offering (IPO) underpricing

Determinants of seasoned equity offering (SEO) underpricing

Digital economy


Drivers and outcomes of sustainable/green finance

Early Warning System design for banking crises

Econometric analysis of causes of banking crises

Econometric analysis of the determinants of bank profitability, or of non-interest income

Econometric analysis of the effect of demographic developments on asset prices

Econometric analysis of the effect of macroprudential policy on credit, house prices or banks'

Econometric analysis of the relation of bank capital and risk in banking

Economic Reforms and Productivity Growth

Economics Growth and Climate Change

Effectiveness of quantitative easing

Effects of macro prudential policy on banking sector risk

Effects of macroprudential policy on banking sector risk

Empirical Asset Pricing

ESG and Financial Markets

Extreme Events and financial markets: The peso problem

Financial crisis and Accounting quality

Financial Development and Economic Growth

Financial Engineering

Financial Statement Analysis

Financial structure and the effects of monetary policy on growth and stock market performance

Financing in Practice

Fintech (or Cryptocurrency)

FINTECH and financial development

Forensic Accounting

GARCH Modelling of Volatility for Cryptocurrencies

GARCH modelling of volatility for financial time series

Green banking and financial contracts

Green investment and portfolio management

Health Economic

How culture (patience, individualism, risk raking) affects CEOs Decisions and Firm Performance

How firms structure their capital (i.e. debt, cash holdings) and/or their payout polices

Impact of monetary policy on stock markets

Impact of monetary policy on stock markets

Impact of Uncertainty on Financial Markets and Economy

Implied cost of capital

Income and Wealth Inequality

Inequality and poverty: Macroeconomic determinants and effects

Interest rate swaps

Internet search queries and stock prices



Labour economics

Listing effects

Machine Learning in Finance

Macroeconomic announcements’ impact on financial markets

Macroeconomic determinants of stock market performance: productivity, monetary and fiscal


Market competition and firm performance

Market efficiency

Mergers & Acquisitions in Practice

Mergers and regulation

Mutual fund (or investment trust) performance

Origins of Gender Inequality

Origins of Risk Taking

Political regimes, property rights, and economic outcomes

Portfolio Choice

Pricing of bonds

Pricing of derivatives

Quantitative Risk Management

Real estate valuation

Relation of bank capital and risk in banking

Relationship between Inflation and unemployment

Risk assessment

Risk Taking and Firm Performance


Sentiment and Financial Markets

SME financing

Social and environmental accounting

Social Media, Status Preferences and Economic Outcomes

Statistical properties of financial markets

Statistical/econometric analysis of economic and financial data using R Studio or Python

Stock market volatility

Stock pricing

Sustainability in procurement decisions

Sustainability Strategies

Sustainable development goals

Testing for seasonal patterns on stock prices

Testing for stock market efficiency

Testing the sensitivity of stock returns to foreign exchange rate changes using GARCH

Testing the unbiased forward rate hypothesis

The Behavioural Determinants of Stock Market Participation

The Behavioural Origins of Status and Luxury goods Preferences using google trends

The causes of banking crises

The Economics of Status and Culture

The Effect of Culture (e.g. patience, risk taking, individualism) on Stock Market Participation

The effect of financial development on economic growth

The Effect of Social Media on the Macroeconomy

The effect of taxation on accounting quality

The impact of adoption of IFRS on earnings quality

The Impact of Announcements on Stock Prices

The Impact of COVID-19 on corporate reporting

The impact of Economic and Political Uncertainty on the Economy and Financial Markets

The impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth

The relationship between competition and risk in banking industry

The relationship between ownership and firm performance

The relationship between ownership structure and firm performance

The rise and associated powers of the 'Big 4' firms of accountants

The role of Fiscal Policy on Inequality

The role of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development

The role of Monetary Policy on Inequality

The term structure of interest rates: models and tests

Trust, Culture and Covid-19 vaccination rates

Understanding countries differences during the Covid-19 epidemic

What drives the firm’s capital structure decision?

What is the role of humans patience on economic outcomes?

Why are some countries people more obese than others?

Why Italy is the Powerhouse of Fashion while Germany is not?

Why some countries have better environmental quality than others?

Why some countries have more entrepreneurs than others?

New topics

How has covid 19 affected earnings quality and stock returns?

Auditors, financial analysts and credit rating agencies: How do they affect managerial behavior
and stock valuation?

Has ESG resulted in financial reporting and stock valuation of higher quality?

How have cryptocurrencies affected investor behavior?

Do stock markets see through earnings manipulation and reporting tone management?

Do CEO tweets affect investor expectations and stock valuation?

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