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The effect of service interaction interaction
orientation on customer orientation
satisfaction and behavioral
Received 5 May 2011
The moderating effect of dining frequency Revised 8 August 2011
Accepted 9 September 2011
Rong-Da Liang
Department of Marketing and Logistics Management,
National Penghu University of Science and Technology,
Downloaded by University of Mississippi At 09:26 23 June 2015 (PT)
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships among interaction
orientation, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions across firms in the hospitality industry.
Design/methodology/approach – A self-administered survey was conducted with a convenience
sample of 628 full-service seafood restaurants.
Findings – The empirical results indicate that interaction orientation has positive influences on
customer satisfaction in first-time and frequent diners; interaction orientation positively affects
behavioral intentions in frequent diners; and customer satisfaction positively affects behavioral
intentions in first-time and frequent diners. In addition, customer satisfaction is a mediator between
interaction orientation and behavioral intentions.
Research limitations/implications – The research target of full-service seafood restaurants limits
the generalizability of the findings to a wider population.
Originality/value – In addition to insights on how restaurant promotion strategies should fit the
needs of individuals with different dining frequencies, the paper offers other ideas to enhance the
dining experience.
Keywords Taiwan, Consumer behaviour, Customer satisfaction, Restaurants, Interaction orientation,
Behavioral intentions, Dining frequency
Paper type Research paper
Developing high-quality lodging and dining experiences is the main aim of
hotel/restaurant managers with regard to attracting customers (Hoare and Butcher,
2007; Jensen and Hansen, 2007). If customers are satisfied with the food or service in a
restaurant then they are more likely to re-visit it and thus increase its profits (Gupta et al., Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and
2007), and the importance of customer satisfaction and re-purchase behavior (i.e. customer Logistics
Vol. 24 No. 1, 2012
loyalty) is widely recognized in the hospitality/food field. For instance, Wu and Liang pp. 153-170
(2009), in a survey of 392 customers in luxury-hotel restaurants, found that pleasurable q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
interactions with service employees positively influence customer satisfaction. DOI 10.1108/13555851211192740
APJML In addition, service quality, food price and convenience directly influence customer
24,1 satisfaction (Dubê et al., 1994; Sulek and Hensley, 2004), and satisfied customers then
express increased loyalty (Ha and Jang, 2010). Customer satisfaction may thus play
a mediating role between customer loyalty and its antecedents (e.g. service quality)
(Ryan et al., 2010).
Moreover, due to technological advances and increased interactivity between firms
154 and customers (Yadav and Varadarajan, 2005), individual customers expect companies
to increasingly customize products and services to meet their specific demands.
Scholars thus argue that an interaction orientation can enable businesses to refine their
knowledge about customer tastes and preferences (Srinivasan et al., 2002). In addition,
Urban (2004) proposed that an interaction orientation can improve customer
satisfaction, strengthening repurchase behavior and leading customers to become a
firm’s trusted advocates. Consequently, the effective and efficient management of such
interactions and the interfaces at which these occur are increasingly being recognized
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Literature review
The relationship between interaction orientation and customer satisfaction
The idea of interaction orientation was first developed by Ramani and Kumar (2006),
who stated that it reflects a firm’s ability to interact with its individual customers and to
take advantage of the information obtained from them through successive interactions
in order to achieve profitable customer relationships. Interaction orientation in this
study represents restaurants’ ability to interact with individual diners and obtain Service
information from them to maintain profitable and long-term relationships. It is interaction
composed of four main elements, as follows:
(1) the concept of the customer, with the individual customer as the unit of analysis
with regard to every marketing decision (Hoekstra et al., 1999);
(2) interaction response capacity, which represents the degree to which the
business offers successful products/services, and is able to build relationships 155
with individual customers by dynamically incorporating feedback from
previous behavioral responses of both the same specific customer and those of
other customers collectively;
(3) customer empowerment, which reflects the extent to which a firm provides its
customers with avenues to connect with it and to actively shape the nature of
transactions, as well as to effectively collaborate by sharing information, praise,
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criticism, suggestions, and ideas about its products and services (Prahalad and
Ramaswamy, 2004); and
(4) customer value management, which represents the extent to which a firm can
define and dynamically measure individual customer value, and then use it to
guide marketing decisions (Thomas et al., 2004).
Sample and data collection
This study examines the relationships among interaction orientation, customer
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γ11 β21
Interaction Behavioral
orientation γ21 intention
Figure 1.
Research conceptual
Moderator: Firs-time vs. frequent customers framework
APJML Instrument development
24,1 The survey questionnaire for this study was composed of four parts. The first
three parts contained three constructs related to customer restaurant experience:
interaction orientation, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. To measure
the interaction orientation, this work adapted Ramani and Kumar’s (2008) multi-item
scales. In addition, when we asked customers to answer the questionnaire, certain
158 interaction orientation items needed to be modified to fit the specific setting and customer
perceptions. Interaction orientation was measured with four dimensions (the customer
concept, interaction response capacity, customer empowerment, and customer value
management) using a five-point scale (from 1 – strongly disagree to 5 – strongly agree)
and based on the question “how much do you agree or disagree with the following
statements?” Overall, customer satisfaction with the restaurant experience was
measured by three items based on Oliver (1997) and Namkung and Jang (2009).
Respondent behavioral intentions, such as willingness to return, intention to recommend,
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and intention to say positive things, were also measured on the same five-point scale
based on Zeithaml et al. (1996) and Namkung and Jang (2009). The measurement items
used for this study are presented in the Appendix. Part four of the questionnaire gathered
demographic data about the respondents (e.g. age, gender, education, marital status,
employment, and monthly income) and dining-out related behaviors (e.g. the main reason
for dining-out and dining companion(s)).
Analysis method
This study applied descriptive statistics to analyze the samples’ characteristics. At the
same time, based on the two-step statistical method of Anderson and Gerbing (1988),
this study also used SEM to analyze the measurement and structural models to test the
hypotheses. In addition, the study adopted x 2 differences to compare the FT and FC
models to test the moderating effect of dining frequency. Finally, based on the
suggestion of Baron and Kenny (1986), this research investigated the mediating effect
of satisfaction between interaction orientation and favorable behavioral intention in
four different conditions.
Descriptive statistics of the sample
Table I gives the demographic details of the respondents based on two
different groups, FT and FC. The proportion of male and female customers was
split roughly evenly into both groups. The largest group of respondents were single
(61 percent) and aged between 21 and 30 years old (30.8 percent) in the FC group, and
were married (55.7 percent) and aged between 31 and 40 years old (31.8 percent) in the
FT group. In addition, most respondents had a university education or above in both
groups, and about one-half of the participants had a monthly income of less than NT
$30,000 (FT customers group ¼ 53.6 percent; FC group ¼ 57.4 percent).
As shown on Table II, respondents in both groups indicated that the main reason for
dining-out was as a social activity (FT group ¼ 48 percent; FC group ¼ 53 percent),
and then for reasons of convenience (FT group ¼ 29.8 percent; FC
group ¼ 38.6 percent). However, the third main reason for dining-out for the FT
group was as a celebration (12.6 percent), while for FC it was for business purposes
(5 percent). In addition, almost half the respondents in both groups said that they
FT customers group FC group
Characteristics Number % Number % interaction
Male 72 47.7 253 53.0
Female 79 52.3 224 47.0
Age 159
,20 19 12.6 94 19.7
21-30 38 25.2 147 30.8
31-40 48 31.8 111 23.3
41-50 29 19.2 96 20.1
.51 17 11.2 29 6.1
High school and below 72 47.7 153 32.1
College and university 66 43.7 270 56.6
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usually dined-out with friends (FT group ¼ 47.7 percent; FC group ¼ 49.8 percent),
and then close family members (FT group ¼ 33.1 percent; FC group ¼ 25.3 percent),
while the FC group usually dined out with relatives and friends (13 percent), and then
business colleagues (11.5 percent).
APJML Measurement model
24,1 This study uses confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to examine the measurement
model[3], based on Anderson and Gerbing (1988). First, we evaluate the CFA results to
confirm the overall adequacy of the two-group model. The analysis of the results
included uncovering the uni-dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the three-factor
measurement model before testing the structural model. As shown in Table III, the level
160 of internal consistency in each construct was acceptable, with Cronbach’s a estimates
ranging from 0.77 to 0.92, thus meeting the suggested level of 0.7 in Nunnally (1978). The
composite reliabilities, ranging from 0.78 to 0.92, were also considered acceptable
(Fornell and Larcker, 1981). In addition, all variance extracted estimates, which ranged
from 0.53 to 0.80, exceeded the recommended 0.5 threshold (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).
Convergent validity was also confirmed, because all confirmatory factor loadings
were higher than 0.50 and lower than 0.90, and all these were significant at the p level of
0.001. Finally, all indices of the measurement model were also examined and matched
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the suggested acceptance level of Jöreskog and Sörbom (1989) (x 2(137) ¼ 595.93,
p , 0.001; x 2/df ¼ 4.35; GFI ¼ 0.91; AGFI ¼ 0.87; RMSEA ¼ 0.07; NFI ¼ 0.98;
NNFI ¼ 0.98; PNFI ¼ 0.78; CFI ¼ 0.98; IFI ¼ 0.98; RFI ¼ 0.97; RMR ¼ 0.03;
SRMR ¼ 0.04; PGFI ¼ 0.66).
This study performed discriminant validity analysis based on the recommendations
of Anderson and Gerbing (1988) by limiting the correlation coefficient of the
paired dimensions to 1, then performing a x 2 variance test of the limited and
unlimited measurement patterns. If the x 2-value of the limited pattern exceeds that of
the unlimited measurement pattern and reaches a level of significance, then both
dimensions have discriminant validity. The results given in Table IV show that the
x 2 values of the limited patterns did not exceed those of unlimited patterns and reached
a level of significance, indicating that the discriminant validities among all dimensions
were acceptable.
Notes: ax 2(61) ¼ 281.82, p , 0.001, x 2/df ¼ 4.620, RMSEA ¼ 0.076, NFI ¼ 0.98, NNFI ¼ 0.98,
PNFI ¼ 0.77, CFI ¼ 0.99, IFI ¼ 0.99, RFI ¼ 0.98, RMR ¼ 0.039, SRMR ¼ 0.041, GFI ¼ 0.94,
AGFI ¼ 0.90; bx 2(8) ¼ 165.82, p , 0.001, RMSEA ¼ 0.18, NFI ¼ 0.96, NNFI ¼ 0.94, PNFI ¼ 0.51,
CFI ¼ 0.97, IFI ¼ 0.97, RFI ¼ 0.93, RMR ¼ 0.026, SRMR ¼ 0.037, GFI ¼ 0.92, AGFI ¼ 0.80; Table III.
c 2
x (137) ¼ 595.93, p , 0.001, x 2/df ¼ 4.35, RMSEA ¼ 0.073, NFI ¼ 0.98, NNFI ¼ 0.98, PNFI ¼ 0.78, Reliabilities and
CFI ¼ 0.98, IFI ¼ 0.98, RFI ¼ 0.97, RMR ¼ 0.034, SRMR ¼ 0.04, GFI ¼ 0.91, AGFI ¼ 0.87 CFA properties
APJML The proposed relationships among the constructs were all supported for the frequent
24,1 diners group. Interaction orientation significantly influenced customer satisfaction
(g11 ¼ 0.55; t ¼ 10.65; p , 0.001) and behavioral intentions (g21 ¼ 0.14; t ¼ 3.74;
p , 0.01), and thus H1 was supported and H2 was partially supported. In addition,
customer satisfaction (b21 ¼ 0.78; t ¼ 15.75; p , 0.001) had a positive influence on
behavioral intentions, and thus H3 was supported. These results demonstrate the
162 importance of interaction orientation as a determinant of behavioral intentions,
especially for the frequent diners group.
x 2-value of the unconstrained model (the coefficients in each group were allowed to be
freely estimated) was subtracted from the x 2-value of the constrained model, while the
path coefficients were the same for both groups. The results of the moderating effect of
dining frequency are shown in Table VI.
For the links between interaction orientation and customer satisfaction, and between
interaction orientation and behavioral intentions, the x 2 of the constrained model was
CC 1
IRC 0.90 (0.02) 1
CE 0.80 (0.02) 0.79 (0.02) 1
CVM 0.76 (0.03) 0.73 (0.02) 0.78 (0.02) 1
SA 0.53 (0.04) 0.45 (0.04) 0.41 (0.04) 0.45 (0.04) 1
BI 0.49 (0.04) 0.46 (0.04) 0.40 (0.04) 0.45 (0.04) 0.87 (0.04) 1
Table IV.
Correlation matrix Note: SE, standards deviation between dimensions
Satisfaction Satisfaction
Unconstrained Constrained
model model x2
Hypothesized path x 2(df ¼ 64) x 2(df ¼ 65) difference(edf ¼ 1)
288.34 and the x 2 of unconstrained model was 303.17 (385.47), and thus the ex 2
(edf ¼ 1) ¼ 14.83 (97.13), which means that dining frequency had a moderating
effect on the interaction orientation-customer satisfaction link and the interaction
orientation-behavioral intentions link. As indicated by these results, interaction
orientation had a significantly stronger impact on customer satisfaction and behavioral
intentions in the FC group (g11 ¼ 0.55) than in the FT diners group (g11 ¼ 0.48).
In addition, the link between satisfaction and behavioral intentions was significantly
weaker for FT than for FC (ex 2(edf¼ 1) ¼ 168.7). Therefore, H4 was supported.
Similarly, structural equation modeling analyses were conducted on the FC group. The
goodness-of-fit indices of the model showed the structural model reasonably fit the data
(x 2(32) ¼ 208.19 ( p , 0.001); NFI ¼ 0.97; NNFI ¼ 0.96; CFI ¼ 0.97; IFI ¼ 0.97; GFI ¼ 0.92;
RMR ¼ 0.034). The first three conditions for the mediating effect were met in the original
structural equation model, given the significant relationships among the three constructs:
interaction orientation, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions (g11, g21, b21). The
fourth condition was also satisfied; the parameter estimate between interaction orientation
and behavioral intentions in the mediating model became less significant (partial
mediation) than the parameter estimate (g21 ¼ 0.14; t ¼ 2.54 vs gi to bi ¼ 0.61; t ¼ 12.06) in
the constrained model (as Table VII). The difference in value between the constrained
model (x 2 ¼ 208.19) and the mediating model (x 2 ¼ 365.22) was statistically significant
(ex 2(edf¼ 1) ¼ 157.03; p , 0.05), indicating that the mediating model is a significant
improvement over the constrained one. The mediating effects of customer satisfaction thus
clearly demonstrate that customer perceptions of interaction orientation produce future
behavioral intentions (e.g. positive WOM) through customer satisfaction.
Managerial implications
This investigation offers hospitality managers a view of how customers assess
their relationship with service providers from the interaction perspective, and this can be
APJML useful for developing more effective excellent marketing tools. When managers can
24,1 emphasize the requirements of customers and have the ability to interact with
individuals, they can better understand them, and managers should recognize that a
restaurant that exceeds customer expectations is likely to be perceived more positively.
The results of this investigation can help restaurant managers develop more effective
and efficient strategies and improve their understanding of how forms of service quality
166 based on interaction orientation achieve customer satisfaction, then eventually influence
customer behavioral intentions. For example, focusing on customer service needs and
empowering customers, thus boosting customer retention and profits.
In summary, the findings suggest that restaurant managers should treat FT and
frequent consumers in several different ways. For the FT diners, the interaction
orientation of the restaurant does not have a direct positive influence on their behavioral
intentions, but it does indirectly influence their behavioral intentions through dining
satisfaction. For more frequent diners, the interaction orientation of the restaurant not
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only has a positive influence on their satisfaction, but also on their behavioral intentions.
This result indicates that restaurant managers should consider how to offer improved
and more satisfying dining experiences to FT customers (including providing local
specialties, a party atmosphere, high-quality service, and so on) utilizing an interaction
orientation design. Second, customer satisfaction appears to mediate perceived
interaction orientation and dining behavior for both customer groups. Since the role of
satisfaction should be obvious, given the hedonic nature of restaurants, managers can
improve the probability of increasing customers’ behavioral intentions by ensuring
stronger interaction orientation, thus eliciting more positive emotions. Finally, the
relationship between interaction orientation and behavioral intentions was insignificant
in the FT customer group, but this finding should not be viewed as negating the
influence of interaction orientation as a determinant of repurchase intentions.
The interaction between customers and service providers can significantly impact
customer evaluations of restaurant service. In cases where customers have unfavorable
interactions with front-line employees, FT customers experience low satisfaction,
potentially leading to outcomes such as bad WOM. Therefore, service managers in
restaurants where customers spend time interacting with service providers must pay
close attention during staff training to ensure that they present the appropriate traits
(e.g. empathy or positive service attitude) in treating both FT and regular customers.
constructs. Future research including these variables can help increase knowledge of
customer perceptions of service interaction and its relationships with satisfaction and
behavioral intentions.
1. PHsea ( is a well-known web site that provides detailed tourist
information about Penghu. Therefore, based on content from this web site, we selected ten of
the most popular restaurants that internet users mentioned from 26 full-service restaurants
offering traditional Penghu seafood.
2. In a 2009 dining frequency survey conducted by (
view.aspx?id ¼ INF_INFORMATION000000119), it was argued that diners (36 percent) ate
out once in the previous month. Therefore, this study used the following standards to divide the
sample into two groups: diners eating in the restaurant for the FT were termed FT customers,
while those who had eaten there two or more times in the past month were termed FC.
3. Based on Harman’s single-factor test result, six dimensions were extracted from 19 items
with an exploratory factor analysis of the principal component analysis method, and the
accumulated variation explained was 22.53 percent, and thus this study did not have a
serious problem with common method variance.
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context”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 123-38.
APJML Cronin, J.J., Brady, M.K. and Hult, G.T.M. (2000), “Assessing the effects of quality, value and
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24,1 of Retailing, Vol. 76 No. 2, pp. 193-218.
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management”, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Vol. 35 No. 1, pp. 39-47.
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168 variables and measurement error”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 39-50.
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Cornell Hotel and Restaurant and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 284-98.
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Vol. 29, pp. 2-13.
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Further reading
Alge, B.J., Gresham, M.T., Heneman, R.L., Fox, J. and McMaster, R. (2002), “Measuring customer
service orientation using a measure of interpersonal skills: a preliminary test in a public
service organization”, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 467-76.
Corresponding author
Rong-Da Liang can be contacted at: [email protected]
Interaction orientation
170 Concept of customer Every marketing activity in the restaurant and customers’ reactions are all
based on individual customers, and thus efforts should always be focused on
people as individuals
CC1 1. This restaurant provides diverse food and services to satisfy the
needs of individual customers
CC2 2. This restaurant consciously seeks to identify and acquire new
customers on an individual basis
CC3 3. This restaurant observes customers’ reactions to marketing
activities at the individual customer level
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Interaction response The ability to dynamical incorporate feedback from specific customer dining
capacity experiences
IRC1 4. This restaurant has systems in place that record each customer’s
dining experience
IRC2 5. This restaurant can identify all the dining experiences pertaining
to each individual customer
IRC3 6. This restaurant analyzes previous customer dining experiences at
the individual customer level to predict future transactions from
that customer
IRC4 7. This restaurant possesses dining information on all individual
customers at all times
Customer The degree that the restaurant encourages customers to provide their
empowerment suggestions or opinions
CE1 8. This restaurant encourages customers to provide suggestions
about its products or services
CE2 9. This restaurant encourages customers to share opinions about its
products or services with other customers
CE3 10. This restaurant encourages customers to participate in designing
products and services
Customer value The extent to which the restaurant identifies and measures individual
management customer value
CVM1 11. restaurant identifies how each individual customer has been
contributing to its profits
CVM2 12. This restaurant predicts what each individual customer will
contribute to its profits in the future
CVM3 13. This restaurant calculates the revenue generated as a result of
every marketing activity an individual customer basis
Satisfaction The customers’ overall psychological state after dining in the restaurant
SA1 14. Overall, I am satisfied with the dining experience at this
SA2 15. I have really enjoyed the dining experience at this restaurant
SA3 16. I am pleased to dine at this restaurant
Behavioral intention The likelihood of customers’ coming back, recommending and giving a
positive evaluation of this restaurant to others
RI1 17. I will come back to this restaurant in the future
RI2 18. I will recommend this restaurant to my friends or others
Table AI. RI3 19. I would give a positive evaluation about this restaurant to others