Sahi Export
Sahi Export
Sahi Export
Age Band 0
Family Definition Employee, Spouse and 4 dependent children upto 25 yrs of age
Sum Insured Sum Insured Per Employee Rs.---------500000----- during the policy period as per annexure attach
Corporate Floater -
1% of SI maximum upto 3500 for Normal & 2% of SI maximum upto 5000 for ICU (inclusive of
Room Rent
insured will bear difference of all medical expenses as in final hospital bill in same proportion.
Home Healthcare on cashless (IL empanelled provider) basis is covered, if the treating doctor advi
Home Healthcare a hospital. Services are available in 9 major cities only i.e. Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi
please call ICICI Lombard, Health Assistance Team.
Health Check Up NA
Health Assistance is a dedicated medical care service that assists you in all your health related que
Health Assistance Services Doctors/Nutritionist /facilitating 2nd opinion, etc. To avail this facility please call our Helpline at
holidays) or write to
Appendix No Limit
Eye related No Limit
Gall Bladder No Limit
Hernia No Limit
Hydrocele No Limit
Hysterectomy No Limit
Piles No Limit
Urinary Stone (incl DJ stent removal for same stone) No Limit
Joint Replacement including Vertebral joints (Per knee) No Limit
Vertical SME-Agency
Mailing address 0
Contact no 0
Email Id 0
Risk address 0
Grievance: For resolution of any query or grievance, Insured may contact the respective branch office of the company or may call the to
“Grievance Redressal” on our website (Customer Support Section). However, if the resolution provided by us is
Development Authority (IRDA) through the integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS) or IRDA Grievance Call Centre (IGCC)
re Insurance Quotation
Employer Employee
Both Cashless & Reimbursement GST DETAILS (MANDATOY)
IPD Vertical Banca
ICICI Lombard Healthcare GST Registered Yes
Constitution of
Y Address 0
Waived Off GST In Number 0
30 Days Customer Type General
200000000 This is a first time
First time GHI policy GHI policy taken by
Declaration the Insured from any
0 Insurer
e policy period as per annexure attached herewith.
mum upto 5000 for ICU (inclusive of nursing charges). If insured is admitted in a higher category, then
al hospital bill in same proportion.
First 2 children
s is covered, if the treating doctor advises an active line of treatment at home instead of being admitted in
Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi (NCR), Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune. To avail
sists you in all your health related queries for identifying Specialist/Hospital/fixing an appointment with
his facility please call our Helpline at 040 – 6627 4205 (9:30 am to 6 pm Mon to Sat, excluding public
documents due to unavoidable circumstances and it is proved that the delay was for reasons beyond the
the insured was placed it was not possible for him or any other person to give such notice or file claim
ase of:a) spouse (on account of marriage during the policy term)b) children (childbirth during the policy
bject to not more than four children
dorsement. , No Refund for deletion-if lives less than minimum required & if insured has claimed during
ital,on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner only but to Sum Insured
nsured whicheveronly
ase of Employee is less.
policy or else it's Per Family within Family sum insured) if length of stay for the
o boarding and lodging of the attendant in a hospital/location prescribed by treating Medical Practitioner
mcost incurred.
tal disease is covered in life threatning situation.
ation.Cochlear Implant treatment shall be restricted to 50% of the SI.
e and product features.
n of relationship with the organization.
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 400
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 400
ffice of the company or may call the toll free no. 1800-2666 or may approach us at the sub-section
ver, if the resolution provided by us is not satisfactory you may approach Insurance & Regulatory
IRDA Grievance Call Centre (IGCC) at their toll free no. 155255.