GM Counter, Liquid Drop Model
GM Counter, Liquid Drop Model
GM Counter, Liquid Drop Model
Radiation ionizes the gas through which they pass and produces few ions. If the
applied voltage is strong enough, these ion produce a secondary avalanche and
small voltage drop is recorded across the load. This voltage is amplified so that
the counter can record it.
The G. M. tube consists of a rugged metal cylinder which acts as cathode. A wire
of tungsten runs through the axis of the tube, it acts as anode. Cathode and anode
are separated by ebonite plugs. Both the cathode and anode are connected with
high DC battery (1000 – 2000 Volts). Heavy load is connected in series. At one
end a thin window of mica is arranged to allow the entry of radiation in the tube.
The tube is evacuated then is filled with 90% Argon at 10 cm pressure and 10%
ethyl alcohol vapors at 1 cm pressure.
A dc potential about 1200 volt is applied between the cathode and anode. When
the radiation enters in the GM tube through the mica window it ionizes few argon
atoms. If the applied voltage is strong enough, these ion produce a secondary
avalanche that causes a current pulse. The current through RL produces a voltage
pulse of the order of 10 mV. This voltage is amplified upto 5 -15 Volt by vacuum
tube amplifiers and is then applied to the counter. As each incoming radiation
produces a pulse the number of radiation are counted.
Characteristic of G M Counter
The characteristic shows the plot of count / min as a function of voltage
For voltage less than 1000 Volt there is no discharge and hence no counts.
Between 1000 – 1200 Volts, the number of count increases linearly with the
applied voltage. The region is called proportional region
Above 1200 Volt upto 1500 Volt the count rate shows least variation, almost
constant the region is called the plateau region or Geiger region or Operating
If the voltage is applied above 1500 volt a continuous discharge will take place,
count rate increases rapidly due to discharge of Argon gas which is undesirable.
Counting rate
The G M Counter can count about 5000 particles / sec. The counting rate depends
upon the death and recovery time of G M Counter.
Death/dead time
In the counter, the slowly moving positive argon ion takes 200 micro sec to reach
the cathode. If the second radiation enters the tube during this time, it will not be
registered this time is called death time of the counter.
Recovery time
After death time the tube takes another 200 micro sec to regain the original
working condition. This time is called recovery time of the counter.
Paralysis time
The sum of death and recovery time is known as paralysis time, which is 400
micro sec. The tube can respond to the second radiation after 400 micro sec.
The Liquid Drop Model of the Nucleus
The liquid drop model of the nucleus was formulated by Russian-born American physicist
George Gamow in 1929. The model was further developed by Niels Bohr and John Wheeler.
In 1938, Austrian physicists Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch used this model to explain nuclear
The model shows the similarities between the drop of an incompressible liquid and the
High-energy electron scattering experiments showed that the interior of all nuclei, big or
small, is identical with regard to the charge density and the nucleon density. That is, like a
drop of a liquid, the density of nuclear matter in different nuclei is constant. Thus the big and
small nuclei are like the big and small drops of a liquid.
Like a liquid drop, the nuclei also show surface effects that are analogous to the surface
tension in liquids. The near-constant binding energy per nucleon (B/A) measured via
experiments may be compared to the constant latent heat of evaporation of a liquid. Short-
range forces play a similar role in both the cases: the nucleon-nucleon force and the intra-
molecular force in liquid drops.
All nuclei are nearly spherical like the drops of a liquid. The explanations for fission and
fusion are encoded in this model. Two small liquid drops combine to make a big drop and a
big liquid drop breaks into small drops.
The scattering experiments revealed that nuclei were essentially spherical objects, with sizes
that could be characterized by radii R proportional to A 1/3 , where A the nucleon number. This
relationship, R ∝ A1/3 , suggested that nuclear densities were almost independent of nucleon