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Association between Inhaled Corticosteroid Use and Pulmonary

Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infection
Vincent X. Liu1,2, Kevin L. Winthrop3, Yun Lu1, Husham Sharifi4, Hekmat U. Nasiri2, and Stephen J. Ruoss4
Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, California; 2Santa Clara Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente, Santa Clara,
California; 3Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon; and 4Stanford University, Stanford, California
ORCID IDs: 0000-0001-6899-9998 (V.X.L.); 0000-0001-7231-3813 (S.J.R.).

Abstract for airway disease. The median interval between treated airway
disease cohort entry (defined as date of patient filling the
Rationale: Nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) pulmonary third airway disease treatment prescription) and NTM case
disease prevalence is increasing. identification was 1,217 days. Compared with control subjects,
subjects with NTM pulmonary infection were more likely to
Objectives: To determine the association between the use of use airway disease medications including systemic steroids;
inhaled corticosteroids and the likelihood of NTM pulmonary they were also more likely to use health care. Any inhaled
infection among individuals with treated airway disease. corticosteroids use between 120 days and 2 years before cohort
Methods: We conducted a case–control study of subjects with entry was associated with substantially increased odds of NTM
airway disease with and without NTM pulmonary infection infection. For example, the adjusted odds ratio for NTM infection
(based on mycobacterial respiratory cultures) between 2000 and among inhaled corticosteroid users in a 2-year interval was
2010 in northern California. We quantified the use of inhaled 2.51 (95% confidence interval, 1.40–4.49; P , 0.01). Increasing
corticosteroids, other airway disease medications, and healthcare cumulative inhaled corticosteroid dose was also associated with
use within 6 months of NTM pulmonary infection identification. greater odds of NTM infection.
We used 1:10 case–control matching and conditional logistic
regression to evaluate the association between the duration and Conclusions: Inhaled corticosteroid use, and particularly high-
cumulative dosage of inhaled corticosteroid use and NTM dose inhaled corticosteroid use, was associated with an increased
pulmonary infection. risk of NTM pulmonary infection.

Results: We identified 248 cases with NTM pulmonary infection Keywords: nontuberculous mycobacteria; bronchiectasis; inhaled
with an estimated rate of 16.4 cases per 10,000 subjects treated corticosteroid; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; infection

(Received in original form April 9, 2018; accepted in final form July 26, 2018 )
Supported by the Bill and Jean Lane Center for Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Disease; by the Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine;
and by National Institute of General Medical Science grant K23GM112018 (V.X.L.).
Author Contributions: Study conception and design: V.X.L., K.L.W., and S.J.R.; analysis and interpretation: V.X.L., K.L.W., Y.L., H.S., H.U.N., and S.J.R.;
drafting the manuscript for important intellectual content: V.X.L., K.L.W., H.S., and S.J.R.; and guarantor of the manuscript, accepting responsibility for the
integrity of the work as a whole: S.J.R.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Stephen J. Ruoss, M.D., Department of Medicine, Stanford University, H3149, 300 Pasteur
Drive, Stanford, CA 94305-5236. E-mail: [email protected].
Ann Am Thorac Soc Vol 15, No 10, pp 1169–1176, Oct 2018
Copyright © 2018 by the American Thoracic Society
DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201804-245OC
Internet address: www.atsjournals.org

Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are rising globally (2–5). Although precise as 47 cases per 100,000 patients in selected
environmental organisms that can cause estimates have been limited by heterogeneity North American surveys (6, 7), with the
progressive lung disease associated with in case definitions and variability in highest prevalence rates observed in older
high morbidity and mortality (1). Recent diagnostic reporting, population-based patients (2, 8).
epidemiologic studies have reported that the assessments estimate the annual prevalence The clinical impact of NTM pulmonary
incidence of NTM pulmonary disease is of NTM pulmonary disease to be as high infection can be substantial owing to

Liu, Winthrop, Lu, et al.: Inhaled Steroids and Pulmonary NTM Infection 1169

relatively poor response rates to current airway disease, we sought to determine This study was approved by the Kaiser
multidrug therapy (1) and the almost whether this potential causative association Permanente Northern California
universal airway injury and resulting could be confirmed in a separate and large Institutional Review Board.
bronchiectasis that accompany NTM patient population. Accordingly, in a large
pulmonary disease. The resulting chronic and diverse patient population, we Identifying Patients with
and progressive disease can cause significant investigated the hypothesis that ICS use Airway Disease
morbidity and mortality (4, 9, 10) and can increases the risk for pulmonary NTM Figure 1 displays our treated airway disease
impair quality of life (11). The impact of infection in patients with treated chronic cohort identification and case–control
NTM infections on healthcare systems is airway disease. matching approach. To identify subjects
also substantial, with disproportionate costs with airway disease, we screened for
resulting from the need for chronic and provider-reported International
complex treatment regimens (12–14). Methods Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision,
The factors predisposing patients to Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM),
the acquisition of NTM pulmonary disease, The population for this case–control study diagnosis codes among adults (aged >18 yr)
or the rising prevalence of the disease, was identified from the Kaiser Permanente enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente Northern
remain poorly understood (8, 14). Aspects Northern California integrated healthcare California integrated healthcare delivery
of exposure environment, intrinsic host delivery system, which includes 4.1 million system between January 1, 2000, and
response and infection susceptibility, and persons representing the diverse December 31, 2010. The use of this database
acquired susceptibility modifiers have been demographics of a broad geographical provided access to a large and very broad
considered as potentially important factors region (21 hospitals, 242 medical offices). community-based subject cohort to avoid
in the increased prevalence. In addition, The Kaiser Permanente system uses a biases potentially inherent in smaller or
recent studies suggest that the use of inhaled single electronic medical record system for preselected subject cohorts. We identified
corticosteroids (ICS)—an increasingly clinical and laboratory data for its entire subjects (n = 636,327) with at least one
common therapy for patients with common healthcare system, thus providing access to healthcare provider–reported inpatient or
airway diseases, including asthma, chronic a robust database for clinical investigation. outpatient ICD-9 code for asthma (493),
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
and bronchiectasis—is associated with an
increased risk of NTM pulmonary disease
(5, 9, 15, 16). Corticosteroids can attenuate Airways Disease Present
Patients with any diagnosis code for
cellular immunity against intracellular asthma, COPD, or bronchiectasis from
pathogens, including mycobacteria, raising inpatient or outpatient encounters
the potential that ICS could alter airway (n = 636,327)
immune responses and predispose patients
to NTM infection and disease persistence
(17). This potential effect would most likely
Treated Airways Disease Cohort
manifest itself in individuals with chronic Patients with 3 distinct prescriptions for
airway disease including bronchiectasis, in airways disease medications in 1 year
part owing to the increasing use of chronic (n = 279,333)
ICS therapy in this clinical population,
even in the absence of data supporting any
benefit of this drug class in bronchiectasis
The potential adverse effect of ICS to NTM pulmonary infection
increase the risk of NTM disease in patients Patients with a single positive
with COPD has been explored in two recent AFB culture (bronchoscopy) or
studies in different populations. Andréjak two positive AFB culture
(sputum) within 1 year
and colleagues found in a nationwide
(n = 549)
Danish registry that ICS use was associated
with increased odds of NTM disease in
patients with chronic respiratory disease
(20). In a case–control study in Ontario, NTM pulmonary infection Matched
Canada, examining individuals older than
NTM pulmonary “case index” 10 randomly selected age,
65 years of age with chronic airway disease, infection date after gender, disease type, and
Brode and colleagues found that ICS use was treated airways disease cohort duration matched
associated with an increased risk of NTM “cohort entry” date controls for each NTM cases
pulmonary disease (5). (n = 248) (n = 2,480)
With emerging support for the
hypothesis that ICS use can increase the risk Figure 1. Cohort identification and case–control matching for primary analysis. AFB = acid-fast bacilli;
of NTM disease in patients with chronic COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NTM = nontuberculous mycobacterial.

1170 AnnalsATS Volume 15 Number 10 | October 2018


COPD (491 or 492), and bronchiectasis was based on the first positive result. We procedure to capture the percentage of days
(494). Given the substantial variability in then defined the NTM case duration interval using other airway medications as well as
accuracy of diagnosis of these chronic as the number of days between a subject’s systemic corticosteroids (prednisone,
respiratory diseases, as well as the significant NTM case index date and their treated prednisolone, methylprednisolone, and
variability in the assignment of ICD airway disease cohort entry date, including dexamethasone). We considered ICS/LABA
disease codes in bronchiectasis populations subjects only when their NTM case medications as contributing to the ICS
(21), we included all these ICD diagnosis identification date occurred after their category. Over the same look-back period,
codes in our search. From the total identified airway disease cohort entry date (n = 310). we determined the percentage of days
study population, we specifically excluded We excluded subjects with an NTM patients spent in outpatient visits,
subjects (n = 8,427) with any ICD-9 diagnosis diagnosis code preceding their case emergency department visits, and
code of tuberculosis (010–018) or cystic identification index date (n = 6). hospitalizations.
fibrosis (277).
Case–Control Matching Statistical Analysis
Treated Cohort of Patients with For each of the confirmed NTM cases in our Descriptive statistics are displayed using
Airway Disease primary analysis, we randomly selected mean 6 standard deviation or median
To further identify a treated cohort of 10 control subjects from the treated airway (interquartile range). Comparisons between
patients with airway disease, we evaluated disease cohort; we excluded individuals groups are based on t tests, Wilcoxon
outpatient pharmacy records to select with NTM cultures positive only for rank-sum tests, or chi-square tests. We used
subjects (n = 279,333) who filled at least Mycobacterium gordonae because of the conditional logistic regression to evaluate
three prescriptions for airway disease very low likelihood of pathogenicity of this the association between the duration of ICS
medications within a 1-year period organism. Control subjects were matched use and NTM pulmonary infection in
surrounding their first assignment of an by age (in 5-yr increments), sex, and unadjusted and adjusted analyses. We
ICD-9 airway disease diagnosis code. airway disease at the cohort entry date adjusted for concomitant use of non-ICS
Airway disease medications were broadly (hierarchically categorized as bronchiectasis, medications in the medication-adjusted
categorized as follows: isolated ICS COPD, and asthma). For each control model and added demographic, comorbidity,
(beclomethasone, budesonide, flunisolide, subject, we censored their clinical data by and use variables in the fully adjusted model.
fluticasone, mometasone, or triamcinolone); the number of days from airway disease To evaluate a potential dose–response
mixed ICS, also termed ICS with long-acting cohort entry to replicate their matched relationship between ICS use and NTM
b-agonist (ICS/LABA); and non-ICS case’s NTM case duration interval; no pulmonary infection, we categorized 1-year
medications, consisting of short-acting matched control subjects had diagnosis ICS use in low–, medium–, and high–
b-agonists (albuterol or levalbuterol), codes for NTM pulmonary disease after cumulative dose categories. In sensitivity
LABAs (salmeterol or formoterol), the censoring date. We determined the analyses, we also evaluated look-back
anticholinergics (ipratropium or tiotropium), presence of subject comorbidities on the periods of 120 days and 2 years before
antileukotriene medications (montelukast, basis of ICD-9 codes before cohort entry cohort entry. We used Stata/SE 13.1
zafirlukast, or zileuton), or others (cromolyn dates (i.e., diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux software (StataCorp) to conduct statistical
or theophylline). In the cohort treated for disease, interstitial lung disease, rheumatoid analyses.
airway disease, we defined the “cohort entry” arthritis) as well as the use of other
date for determination of treatment duration medication based on pharmacy records
as the date on which the third prescription (i.e., anti–tumor necrosis factor-a Results
was filled. This cohort was then used to antagonists, oral corticosteroids, other
identify NTM infection cases and control immunosuppressants, and proton pump Between 2000 and 2010, we identified a total
subjects. inhibitors). of 549 subjects with NTM infection on
the basis of two or more positive AFB
Identifying NTM Infection Cases Quantifying ICS Use sputum sample cultures and/or one positive
From among the treated airway disease For cases and matched control subjects, we AFB bronchoscopic sample culture.
cohort, we identified subjects with NTM calculated the daily dose of ICS medication Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare was
pulmonary infection (n = 549) based on over a 1-year look-back period from the the NTM pathogen identified in 368 (67.0%)
respiratory acid-fast bacilli (AFB) cultures to case index date. We used a standardized ICS (Table 1) of positive samples, followed by
maximize specificity. We defined confirmed beclomethasone equivalency chart to M. gordonae (n = 91 [16.6%]), M. abscessus
NTM infection cases as either 1) subjects characterize the dosage of each prescription (n = 29 [5.3%]), and M. fortuitum (n = 25
with any single AFB culture positive for as high, medium, or low (22). For [4.6%]). Excluding M. gordonae occurrences,
NTM species from a bronchoscopic prescription periods that overlapped, we this represented 16.4 NTM infection cases
specimen or 2) subjects with at least two counted only a single medication dose, per 10,000 subjects treated for airway disease.
positive AFB cultures for NTM from a preferentially taking the most recent
sputum source within a 1-year period. For prescription. We then quantified the NTM Case–Control Matching
subjects identified by two positive sputum number of days in the look-back period After restricting the cohort sample to
cultures, the NTM “case index” date was during which an ICS was prescribed, as well individuals who were treated for airway
set to the date at which the first positive as the cumulative dosage of high-, medium-, disease before their AFB case positivity,
result was reported, and the NTM species and low-dose ICS use. We used the same our analytic cohort included 248

Liu, Winthrop, Lu, et al.: Inhaled Steroids and Pulmonary NTM Infection 1171

Table 1. Nontuberculous mycobacteria Table 2. Baseline characteristics of nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary infection
identified in respiratory sample cases and matched control subjects
mycobacterial cultures from all treated
patients with airway disease NTM Cases Control
Mycobacterial n (% of Total)
Species No. 248 2,480
Age, yr 64.1 6 13.1 64.2 6 13.1
M. avium-intracellulare 368 (67.0) Female sex 157 (63.3%) 1,570 (63.3)
M. gordonae 91 (16.6) Entry diagnosis
M. abscessus 29 (5.3) Asthma 148 (59.7) 1,480 (59.7)
M. fortuitum 25 (4.6) Bronchiectasis 27 (10.9) 270 (10.9)
M. chelonae 19 (3.5) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 73 (29.4) 730 (29.4)
M. kansasii 19 (3.5) Race
M. szulgai 6 (1.1) White 180 (72.9) 1,727 (70.1)
M. xenopi 4 (0.7) Comorbid diagnoses
M. simiae-avium 4 (0.7) Diabetes mellitus 26 (10.5) 359 (14.5)
M. terrae 3 (0.6) Gastroesophageal disease 32 (12.9) 350 (14.1)
M. lentiflavum 2 (0.4) Interstitial lung disease 14 (5.7) 86 (3.5)
M. scrofulaceum 2 (0.4) Rheumatoid arthritis 10 (4.0) 31 (1.3)
M. aurum 1 (0.2) Healthcare use in past year
M. mucogenicum 1 (0.2) Ambulatory visit 246 (99.2) 2,320 (93.6)
M. flavescens 1 (0.2) Emergency department 95 (38.3) 616 (24.8)
M. asiaticum 1 (0.2) Hospitalization 113 (45.6) 661 (26.7)
M. interjectum 1 (0.2) Airway disease medication use in past 120 d
M. gastri 1 (0.2) ICS 187 (75.4) 1,111 (44.8)
Mixed ICS 1 LABA 42 (16.9) 161 (6.5)
Definition of abbreviation: M. = Mycobacterium. SABA 108 (43.6) 725 (29.2)
Note: M. gordonae isolates were excluded as a LABA 39 (15.7) 201 (8.1)
possible cause of nontuberculous mycobacterial Anticholinergic 104 (41.9) 437 (17.6)
pulmonary infection.
Leukotriene antagonist 29 (11.3) 96 (3.9)
Oral corticosteroid 90 (36.3) 353 (14.2)
Other drug exposure in past year
non–M. gordonae NTM infection cases TNF-a antagonist 2 (0.8) 2 (0.1)
Other immunosuppressant 11 (4.4) 54 (2.2)
with a cohort duration of at least 6 months. Proton pump inhibitor 48 (19.4) 414 (16.7)
Median duration of follow-up between
treated airway disease cohort entry and Definition of abbreviations: ICS = inhaled corticosteroid; LABA = long-acting b-agonist; NTM =
AFB case identification was 1,217 days nontuberculous mycobacteria; SABA = short-acting b-agonist; TNF-a = tumor necrosis factor-a.
Data are mean 6 standard deviation and frequency (percent).
(interquartile range, 525–2,139 d). The
mean age of the sample was 64.2 6 13.0
years, and 63.3% of cases were female
Association between ICS Treatment chronic airway disease to evaluate the
(Table 2). The greatest number of subjects
and NTM Infection Cases association between ICS use and NTM
had a clinical provider–assigned diagnosis
Any ICS use within the 1 year before cohort pulmonary infection. We found that NTM
of asthma (by ICD code) at cohort entry
entry was associated with substantially infection was associated with preceding
(n = 148 [59.7%]), whereas 73 (29.4%) had a
increased odds of NTM infection (Table 3) ICS use and that there was evidence for a
provider-assigned ICD diagnosis of COPD.
(adjusted odds ratio, 2.80; 95% confidence dose–response relationship. Each month
In addition, 30.6% (n = 76) of cases had
interval [CI], 1.79–4.37; P , 0.01). A similar of high-dose ICS use was independently
multiple diagnoses, in particular patients
association was present for any ICS use associated with greatly increased odds of
with concomitant diagnoses of asthma and
in the 120 days (odds ratio, 2.74; 95% CI, developing NTM pulmonary infection, even
1.83–4.09; P , 0.01) or 2 years (odds ratio, after adjusting for other airway disease
2.51; 95% CI, 1.40–4.49; P , 0.01) before treatments and healthcare use metrics.
Medication and Healthcare cohort entry. Increasing cumulative ICS These data represent an important finding
Use Patterns dosage in the year before cohort entry (based regarding potential factors contributing to
Compared with control subjects, patients on tertiles of beclomethasone-equivalent the increasing prevalence of respiratory
with NTM infection were more likely to ICS dose) was associated with increasing NTM infection and may link the use of
have used ICS before cohort entry (Table 2). odds of NTM infection (Figure 2). ICS with the increasing prevalence.
NTM infection cases were also more likely Although the relative absence of
than control subjects to have used most standardized public reporting requirements
other medications, including systemic Discussion for NTM infections may limit the overall
corticosteroids (36.3% vs. 14.2%). NTM applicability of some data, available
cases also demonstrated more frequent In this study, we drew from a large and infection surveillance data reveal a
healthcare use based on ambulatory, diverse population-based sample of significant and continued increase in NTM
emergency department, and hospital visits. northern California subjects with treated infection prevalence over the last three

1172 AnnalsATS Volume 15 Number 10 | October 2018


Table 3. Association of inhaled corticosteroid use with risk of nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary infection, stratified by period
of inhaled corticosteroid use before cohort entry and diagnosis at cohort entry

Any ICS use n Odds Ratios (95% Confidence Interval) for NTM Infection with ICS Use
Unadjusted OR Medication-adjusted OR* Fully Adjusted OR†

Within prior 120 d 2,728 3.88 (2.87–5.26) 2.86 (2.02–4.05) 2.74 (1.83–4.09)
Within past 1 yr 2,321 4.14 (2.80–6.13) 3.04 (1.97–4.68) 2.80 (1.79–4.37)
Within past 2 yr 1,829 4.49 (2.62–7.70) 2.82 (1.59–5.00) 2.51 (1.40–4.49)

Definition of abbreviations: ICS = inhaled corticosteroid; NTM = nontuberculous mycobacteria; OR = odds ratio.
*The medication-adjusted model adjusts for prior use of airway treatment medications, oral corticosteroids, immunosuppressant medications, and proton
pump inhibitors over the same period.

The fully adjusted model includes medications as well as age, sex, entry diagnosis, comorbid conditions (diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease,
interstitial lung disease, rheumatoid arthritis), and healthcare use over the same period.

decades. The prevalence of pulmonary treated airway disease than in the general First introduced in Europe in the 1970s, and
NTM infections in the early 1980s was population. then in North America in the early 1980s,
reported to be as high as 1.8 cases per The causes of increasing NTM disease ICS use has continued to grow substantially,
100,000 persons, further increasing to prevalence are uncertain, but a potentially initially with greater penetrance of use in
3–4 cases per 100,000 persons in the 1990s important factor is the contribution of asthma populations but importantly now
(23). Prevalence has continued to increase, corticosteroid therapy, and in particular ICS with broad use in patients with COPD
with recent studies revealing regional therapy, to NTM disease pathogenesis. Over (18, 19). Although it remains uncertain
prevalence of over 40 per 100,000 (24). the same period of an observed marked whether the current use of ICS in COPD
In our study, we noted a substantially increase in NTM infection prevalence, the populations is justified by available data
higher incidence rate among patients with use of ICS has also increased dramatically. (25, 26), ICS use in COPD is very common.
Prescription data from North America
and Europe reveal ICS use in 40–75% of
10 patients with COPD (27, 28), and the
9 penetrance of ICS use in COPD appears
8 to be increasing (29–31). Also, importantly,
7 although no data exist to support any
6 benefit of ICS deriving to patients with
bronchiectasis, the use of ICS in this
population is substantial. The recent
4 published data from a national registry
study of patients with bronchiectasis
Adjusted odds ratio

revealed that over 50% of that bronchiectasis
cohort were treated with ICS, even though
only a small minority had either an asthma
or COPD diagnosis to potentially support
the use of ICS in a treatment regimen (21).
Corticosteroids can alter cellular
immune function, critically important in
host response and defense against pathogens,
and this may contribute substantially to risk
1 of pulmonary infections, including NTM
infection. Human histopathological data in
patients with COPD have demonstrated
substantial increased adaptive immune
responses in infected peripheral airways (32),
and these airway immune responses appear
to be significantly attenuated by ICS, even
Low Medium High
when airway remodeling and mucus
Cumulative 1-year ICS dose
impaction are not reduced by ICS (33).
Figure 2. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for nontuberculous mycobacterial In addition, animal data reveal significant
pulmonary infection based on tertiles of cumulative dosage of beclomethasone-equivalent inhaled suppression by ICS of multiple cytokine
corticosteroid (ICS) use in the 1 year before cohort entry. The reference group is patients without ICS mediators of host responses to intracellular
use in the year before cohort entry. pathogens (34). Thus, ICS may produce an

Liu, Winthrop, Lu, et al.: Inhaled Steroids and Pulmonary NTM Infection 1173

airway environment that is permissive for between ICS use in patients with chronic consensus definition of NTM pulmonary
infections. This indeed appears to be the airway diseases and an increased risk of disease in this population, prior published
case on the basis of available background NTM infection, and it complements and work has established that 1) the use of
clinical data derived from studying ICS use extends the findings of these previously American Thoracic Society/Infectious
in COPD. In addition, and supporting the report studies. Indeed, a comparative Diseases Society of America consensus
concerns for adverse effects of ICS on the analysis of our study and the recent report microbiological disease criteria are valid
risk for NTM disease, a recent study of by Brode and colleagues (5) reveals as a surveillance tool for identifying
the immune genetic phenotypic responses substantial concordance of the central data pulmonary NTM disease, with a roughly
in patients with NTM disease provides of our study and their report. In their 85% concordance of microbiological
direct study corroboration for the central similarly structured, population-based, disease definition with clinical disease
involvement of adaptive cellular immune nested case–control study (although definition (38); and 2) the prognosis
responses involving the interferon- restricted to only subjects over age 65 yr), of individuals meeting consensus
g–mediated pathway, an immune response Brode and colleagues found an adjusted microbiological NTM infection criteria is
component that is also substantially affected odds ratio of 1.86 for NTM disease in ICS highly concordant with the prognosis of
by exogenous corticosteroids (35). users compared with nonusers (95% CI, individuals meeting consensus NTM
Prior and substantial studies suggest 1.60–2.15). The adjusted odds ratio in clinical disease definition (4).
that the use of ICS therapy in COPD our study was 2.74 (95% CI, 1.83–4.09; Second, although we followed a
populations is associated with an increased P , 0.01), and in the report by Andréjak rigorous matching protocol, we found
risk for pulmonary infections (36, 37). and colleagues (20), a similar positive notable baseline differences between our
Similarly, ICS use has been associated with association was noted for ICS and risk of cases and control subjects in medication and
increased risks of tuberculosis infection NTM disease. In addition, Andréjak and healthcare use; these differences were also
(38, 39). Brassard and colleagues reported colleagues (20) and Brode and colleagues (5) present when we matched by medication
that in a large population-based sample of also found, as we did in our present study, and systemic steroid use at cohort entry.
patients without oral steroid use, high-dose a significant dose–response association Although we adjusted for these use
ICS use was associated with a roughly between increasing cumulative ICS dosage differences in our regression model, we
twofold increase in the risk of pulmonary and increasing odds of NTM infection cannot eliminate the potential contribution
tuberculosis infection. (Figure 2). Importantly, our study extends of residual confounding. This includes
Prior studies have also suggested that the observations and conclusions of Brode the possibility of protopathic bias
ICS use is associated with increases in NTM and colleagues to include subjects under (i.e., symptom-based treatment in the
pulmonary infection (4, 5, 9, 15, 20). as well as over age 65, thus avoiding that absence of clear clinical knowledge of the
Hojo and colleagues evaluated a cohort of limitation in their study, while fully underlying disease[s]), and this potential
464 patients with asthma in Japan, 14 of supporting the conclusions regarding for protopathic bias could extend to
whom were found to have NTM infections, infection risk from their study as well as include ICS exposure. Third, although there
and they found that patients with NTM that of Andréjak and colleagues. may be differences in immune system
infections were more likely to have used The known cellular immune-modulatory modulation by various ICS, and thus
fluticasone at higher doses than those effects of ICS support a possible causal link drug-related differences in NTM infection
used in patients with asthma who did not between ICS and NTM infection risk, and risk dependent on specific ICS used, we
have NTM disease (15). In a larger study our data are concordant with other reports have not analyzed these data to answer
examining 332 patients with pulmonary of ICS association with infection risk in that question. We have, however, made dose
NTM disease and 3,320 general population COPD. The magnitude of the effect equivalence adjustments using broadly
matched control subjects in Denmark, revealed in this analysis and the very accepted standard ICS equivalence
Andréjak and colleagues found that the substantial clinical consequences of NTM adjustments, and thus we doubt that
presence of chronic respiratory disease pulmonary infection raise the important differences in specific ICS used by patients
was associated with an increased likelihood question whether the broad and increasing included in this study account for the
of NTM disease, but they also discovered use of ICS for COPD needs to be results we report. Fourth, we chose the
that there was a significantly increased odds reconsidered. case–control study design because of the
of NTM disease among patients with There are important limitations of relatively rare occurrence of NTM
respiratory disease who also were exposed our study. First, although we used the pulmonary infection even in our large
to ICS (9). In addition, in a recent large, American Thoracic Society/Infectious starting population. However, the case–
population-based, nested case–control study Diseases Society of America consensus control approach did not allow us to
in Ontario, Canada, researchers reported microbiological criteria to identify patients establish a causal link between ICS use and
an increased risk of NTM pulmonary with NTM infection, we have not NTM pulmonary infection. Additional
disease in an older cohort (age .65 yr), ascertained whether these subjects also studies, using more robust study designs,
offering added support to the hypothesis met the consensus definition of NTM are needed to clarify this link. Finally,
that chronic treatment with ICS is associated pulmonary disease. Our case ascertainment our inclusion of a broad range of clinical
with a dose-dependent increased risk of method is comparable to that used by Brode diagnoses of chronic obstructive diseases
NTM disease (5). and colleagues (5). Although we have not as designated by ICD-9 codes should be
Our analysis of a large patient investigated the relationship between these noted. Given the increasingly broad use
population reveals a significant association microbiologically defined cases and of ICS in patients with chronic airway

1174 AnnalsATS Volume 15 Number 10 | October 2018


diseases, and given the variability in analytical approach allows for a more robust patients with a diagnosis of bronchiectasis
assignment of disease diagnosis (and thus conclusion in consideration of our would have been clinically unwise and
ICD code) by clinicians, plus the intrinsic underlying hypothesis. In addition, past not defensible for a robust investigation
biological and pathological overlaps that studies of NTM infection risk have clearly of the question.
exist between specific chronic airway identified and included in their analyses In summary, in our present study,
diseases, we chose to more broadly include subjects without a bronchiectasis diagnosis. we found that ICS use was associated with
chronic airway disease diagnoses, including In the reports by both Brode and colleagues a substantial increased risk of NTM
COPD and asthma, in addition to and Cowman and colleagues, only a pulmonary infection. In the face of
bronchiectasis (21, 40–44). minority of identified NTM disease cases uncertainty regarding possible benefits of
Although the approach taken in our had an established concurrent diagnosis ICS in COPD, these data argue for a
analysis might have included some patients of bronchiectasis (5, 35). Published data reanalysis of the broad use of ICS in chronic
in the exposure group who may have no do not support an argument that NTM airway diseases. n
underlying bronchiectasis, if this were the infections occur only in patients with
case, it would have the effect of biasing our previously identified bronchiectasis, so an Author disclosures are available with the text
analysis to the null hypothesis. Thus, our a priori restriction of our analysis only to of this article at www.atsjournals.org.

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1176 AnnalsATS Volume 15 Number 10 | October 2018

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