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Unit 2 - Bonus Features Solutions

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Features 2
Solution Walkthrough

Easy - Vertical Player Movement 2

Medium - Aggressive Animals 7

Hard - Game User Interface 19

Expert - Animal Hunger Bar 27

Easy - Vertical Player Movement
1. In the Project window, navigate to the Scripts folder and double-click the PlayerController script to
open it.

2. By the variable declarations, add the following:

public float horizontalInput;

public float speed = 10.0f;
public float xRange = 10.0f;

public GameObject projectilePrefab;

public float zMin;

public float zMax;
public float verticalInput;

3. In the Update method, after transform.Translate, we will add the code to move the player forwards

horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
transform.Translate(Vector3.right * horizontalInput * Time.deltaTime * speed);

verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * verticalInput * Time.deltaTime * speed);

4. Now that the player can move back and forth, we will need to limit the movement so that they don’t go
out of the screen. We can do that by adding the following before the horizontalInput variables value is
if(transform.position.z < zMin)
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y,

if(transform.position.z > zMax)

transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y,

5. The final Update method for the PlayerController script should look like this:

void Update()
if (transform.position.x < -xRange)
transform.position = new Vector3(-xRange, transform.position.y,

if (transform.position.x > xRange)

transform.position = new Vector3(xRange, transform.position.y,

if(transform.position.z < zMin)

transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x,
transform.position.y, zMin);

if(transform.position.z > zMax)

transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x,
transform.position.y, zMax);

horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
transform.Translate(Vector3.right * horizontalInput * Time.deltaTime * speed);
verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * verticalInput * Time.deltaTime * speed);

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
Instantiate(projectilePrefab, transform.position,

6. Save the script and head back into Unity. In the Hierarchy, select the Player GameObject. You will notice
that we have some new fields available on the Player Controller component.

7. Change the values of the Z Min and Z Max properties to allow for the player to not leave the cameras
view. We chose the following values:

8. Save the screen and press play. The player should now be able to move backwards and forwards, while
not being able to exit the camera's view.
Medium - Aggressive Animals

1. Navigate to the Scripts folder in the Project view and select the SpawnManager script. We will edit it to
allow animals to spawn on the sides. By the variable declarations, add the following new variables:

public float sideSpawnMinZ;

public float sideSpawnMaxZ;
public float sideSpawnX;

2. After the SpawnRandomAnimal method, create two new methods. We can use the contents of the
SpawnRandomAnimal method as a start for our methods. We would need to adjust the spawnPos to
better suit which side of the screen the animals will spawn. For the left side, we will need the negative
of the x position.

void SpawnLeftAnimal()
int animalIndex = Random.Range(0, animalPrefabs.Length);
Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(-sideSpawnX, 0, Random.Range(sideSpawnMinZ,
Instantiate(animalPrefabs[animalIndex], spawnPos,

For the right side we would need the positive of the x position

void SpawnRightAnimal()
int animalIndex = Random.Range(0, animalPrefabs.Length);
Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(sideSpawnX, 0, Random.Range(sideSpawnMinZ,
Instantiate(animalPrefabs[animalIndex], spawnPos,

3. At the moment, if we were to test this we would have an issue with the rotation of the animals. Thats
because we are currently using the rotation that is on the prefab. We can fix this by updating the
methods we just created to the following:

void SpawnLeftAnimal()
int animalIndex = Random.Range(0, animalPrefabs.Length);
Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(-sideSpawnX, 0, Random.Range(sideSpawnMinZ,
Vector3 rotation = new Vector3(0, 90, 0);
Instantiate(animalPrefabs[animalIndex], spawnPos, Quaternion.Euler(rotation));

void SpawnRightAnimal()
int animalIndex = Random.Range(0, animalPrefabs.Length);
Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(sideSpawnX, 0, Random.Range(sideSpawnMinZ,
Vector3 rotation = new Vector3(0, -90, 0);
Instantiate(animalPrefabs[animalIndex], spawnPos, Quaternion.Euler(rotation));

Click here to learn about Quaternion.Euler.

Save the script and head back to Unity.

4. The next script we will need to adjust is DestroyOutOfBounds. Open up the script and add a new
variable by the variable declarations.

private float topBound = 30;

private float lowerBound = -10;
private float sideBound = 30;

5. Next we need to update the Update method to look like this:

void Update()
// If an object goes past the players view in the game, remove that object
if (transform.position.z > topBound)
} else if (transform.position.z < lowerBound)
Debug.Log("Game Over!");
else if(transform.position.x > sideBound)
Debug.Log("Game Over!");
else if(transform.position.x < -sideBound)
Debug.Log("Game Over!");

The code we added will make sure the animals are destroyed when they go out of view on the left and
right side of the screen. Save the script and head back to Unity.

6 Open up the DetectCollision script and update the OnTriggerEnter method to look like this:

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
Debug.Log("Game Over");

This will make sure that when the animal collides with the player, Game Over will be printed to the

7. The final bit of scripting we will need to do, is to adjust the PlayerController script. The reason behind
this is, we need to add a collider to the player to check for a collision between them and an Animal. The
issue with adding a collider is that it will make the food prefab collide with the player when they spawn
it, resulting in both being destroyed. We can fix this by having a separate spawn location as a transform
we can adjust in the editor. Below the variable declarations add the following variable:

public Transform projectileSpawnPoint;

8. In the Update method, we need to update the way the food is spawned. The updated code looks like

Instantiate(projectilePrefab, projectileSpawnPoint.position,

Save the script and return to Unity.

9. Next we need to adjust the Player GameObject. In the Hierarchy, right-click on the Player and select
Create Empty.
10. Rename the new GameObject to FoodSpawnPosition and adjust the position to be slightly in front of the

11. Back on the Player GameObject, we now need to assign the FoodSpawnPosition to the Projectile
Spawn Point on the Player Controller component.
12. We also need to add a Collider to our Player. In the Inspector, select Add Component > Physics > Box
Collider. Adjust the collider size and center to better suit the player.
13. Next we need to add a Rigidbody to the Player GameObject. This is because if neither the Player nor
the Animal has a Rigidbody, the collision events will not be called. To do this, click Add Component >
Physics > Rigidbody
13. The last thing we need to do on the Player is to change the Tag to “Player”
14. Next, select the SpawnManager in the Hierarchy. We will need to set up the new variables on the Spawn
Manager component.

15. Save the scene and hit Play. Animals should now spawn from the edges. When they collide with you,
the console outputs “Game Over”.
Hard - Game User Interface
1. The first we will do is create a GameManager script that will handle the lives and score variables.
Navigate to the Scripts folder and right-click > Create > C# script. Name the script GameManager.
2. Open up the script. The first thing we will do is create the variables for score and lives. Below the class
definition add:

private int score = 0;

private int lives = 3;

3. After the Update method, we will need to create two methods. The first will be called AddLives, and the
second will be AddScore. The methods will take in a value and update the relevant variables, printing
out to the console when they are updated.

public void AddLives(int value)

lives += value;

if (lives <= 0)
Debug.Log("Game Over");
lives = 0;
Debug.Log("Lives = " + lives);

public void AddScore(int value)

score += value;
Debug.Log("Score = " + score);

4. Now we will need to call these methods in other scripts. Open up the DestroyOutOfBounds script. We
will first need to create a reference to our GameManager script. Add a new variable for the

private float topBound = 30;

private float lowerBound = -10;
private float sideBound = 30;
private GameManager gameManager;

5. In the Start method, we will setup the reference to the new variable.

void Start()
gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>();
6. Inside the Update method, we will need to remove all instances of ’Debug.Log(“Game Over”);’. and
instead add in ‘gameManager.AddLives(-1);’.

void Update()
// If an object goes past the players view in the game, remove that object
if (transform.position.z > topBound)
else if (transform.position.z < lowerBound)
Debug.Log("Game Over");
else if (transform.position.x > sideBound)
Debug.Log("Game Over");
else if(transform.position.x < -sideBound)
Debug.Log("Game Over");

7. The next script we will need to update is DetectCollisions.cs. Open up the script, add in a
GameManager variable and set it up like we did in DestroyOutOfBounds.cs.

private GameManager gameManager;

// Start is called before the first frame update

void Start()
gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>();

8. Next we will need to update the OnTriggerEnter method. The updated OnTriggerEnter method looks
like this:
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
Debug.Log("Game Over");
else if (other.CompareTag("Animal"))

9. Save all the scripts and head back to Unity. In the Hierarchy, right-click and select Create Empty.
Rename the empty GameObject to GameManager.

10. In the Inspector for the GameManager GameObject, Click Add Component and search for
11. Save the scene. In the Project window, navigate to the Prefabs folder. Select one of the animals, then
select the Tag property and click Add Tag… .

12. The Inspector will now show the Tags & Layers window. Under the tags option, click the + and write in
Animal. Then click Save.
13. Now that we have the tag, assign it to all of your animals. You can do this quick by selecting all the
animal prefabs and changing their tag to Animal.

14. Save the project and press Play. You should now see a score in the console every time you feed an
Animal. The current amount of lives will also be displayed when an animal gets passed, or collides with,
the player.
Expert - Animal Hunger Bar
1. We will start out by creating the UI for the hunger bar. Navigate to the Prefabs folder and drag one of
the animals into the Hierarchy

2. Right-click in the Hierarchy and select UI > Slider.

3. On the Canvas that was just created, rename the GameObject to SliderCanvas. Find the Canvas
component and change the Render Mode to World Space.
4. If you zoom out of the scene view, you will see that the slider is currently massive. We need to adjust
the size of the canvas so that it will be viewable. The settings we used for the Rect Transform of the
SliderCanvas can be seen below:

5. Next we will adjust the Slider. In the Hierarchy, click the arrow to show the child GameObjects of the
6. We won’t need the Handle, so delete that GameObject. Select the Background GameObject, and adjust
the Color of the Image component.

7. On the Fill Area GameObject, we will need to adjust the Rect Transform component. Change the Right
value to 5.
8. On the Fill GameObject, we will adjust the Color of the Image component. We set ours to green.

9. The next thing we need to do for the Slider, is adjust the Slider component. On the Slider component,
check the Whole Numbers property.
10. Drag the SliderCanvas from the Hierarchy into the Prefabs folder in the Project View
11. Add the SliderCanvas prefab to the animal you have within the scene.
12. Navigate to the Scripts folder, right-click and select Create > C# Script. Name the new script

13. Open up the new script. The first thing we need to do is include another namespace. At the top of the
script, update the ‘using’ section to look like this:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

14. Next, let's set up the variables. Before the Start method, add the following:

public Slider hungerSlider;

public int amountToBeFed;

private int currentFedAmount = 0;

private GameManager gameManager;

15. In the Start method, we will set up the maxValue of the slider, as well as the GameManager variable.
The updated Start method should look like this:

void Start()
hungerSlider.maxValue = amountToBeFed;
hungerSlider.value = 0;

gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>();

16. Below the Update method, we will create a new method that will be called to update the current fed
amount of the animal.

public void FeedAnimal(int amount)

currentFedAmount += amount;
hungerSlider.value = currentFedAmount;

if(currentFedAmount >= amountToBeFed)

Destroy(gameObject, 0.1f);

Save the script.

17. Open up the DetectCollisions script. We now need to adjust the collision when the food hits the animal.
Update the OnTriggerEnter method to look like this:

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

//Check if the other tag was the Player, if it was remove a life
if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
//Check if the other tag was an Animal, if so add points to the score
else if (other.CompareTag("Animal"))

Save the script and head back to Unity.

18. In the Hierarchy, select the Animal prefab that you placed earlier in the scene. In the Inspector, click Add
Component and search for the AnimalHunger script.

19. Drag the Slider that is a child of the animal, into the Hunger Slider parameter. Adjust the amount to be
fed based on the animal being selected. For the Moose we used the value of 3.
20. Let’s apply the changes to the prefab. In the Inspector, click Overrides and then Apply All.
21. Now repeat the process for each of the other animal prefabs. Ensure they have the SliderCanvas within
their hierarchy and the Animal Hunger script applied to the root. The amount to be fed value we used
for the other animals are:
- Fox = 1
- Doe = 2
After you have set up the prefabs, remember to apply the changes and delete them from the scene.

22. Save the scene and press play. The animals should spawn with a black bar, the bar will go green the
more you fire food at them.

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