HaAzinu - Selections From Rabbi Baruch Epstein

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From Rabbi Baruch HaLevi Epstein


ֵ ‫ָָארץ‬
ֶ ‫ א הַאֲ זִינּו הַּׁשָמַ י ִם וַאֲדַ ּב ֵָרה וְתִ ׁשְמַ ע ה‬,‫דברים פרק לב‬
‫ והארץ‬,‫ספרי למה העיד משה בישראל את השמים ואת הארץ? השמים לעדה למצות השמים‬
‫למצות הארץ‬
T.T. The Heavens testify on Mitzvos such as Kiddush HaChodesh, setting the dates for Yom Tovim
(Mitzvos between a person and G-d) The earth testifies on Mitzvos such as Terumah, Maaser, Leket,
Shikchah, Peah, etc. (Mitzvos between a person and other people).


‫אֶקְרא הָבּו ג ֹדֶ ל לֵאֹלקינּו‬
ָ '‫ ג ּכִי ׁשֵם ה‬,‫דברים פרק לב‬
'‫מסכת ברכות דף כא א אמר רב מנין לברכת התורה לפניה מן התורה שנאמר כי שם ה‬
‫אקרא הבו גדל לאלקינו‬
T.T. The Gemara in Yuma teaches that when Moshe began to tell over the Shira (of HaAzinu), he told
Yisrael I will make a blessing and you will answer after it, amen. This is the intent of “I will call”, to
make a beginning blessing.
The Chachamim disagree whether one makes a blessing only on learning Torah, or also on learning
Mishneh and Talmud. Disagreement hinges on whether one considers the Mishneh and Talmud as
proper forms of Scriptural learning since verses are included and explained within them.
T.T. Evidently, this disagreement pertains only to the blessing prior to learning. However, all agree that
one only makes the after blessing after reading the Torah, since this reading has a set time as
established by Moshe. However, learning Mishneh and Talmud has no ending time, and a “final”
blessing is not applicable. A possible evidence to this understanding can be learned from Tosefos in
Nidah 51b. The people in the West (Eretz Yisrael) make a blessing when the take off their Tefillin (at
the end of the day), and Tosefos explains that they maintain that this mitzvah is not applicable at
night. Thus, since the mitzvah has a set time, one makes an after blessing. However, since we
maintain that the Mitzvah of Tefillin is applicable at all times (only the Rabbis made a decree to take
them off at night to avoid falling asleep while wearing them), thus, this is a constant Mitzvah with no
final blessing.


‫נהנה מן העולם בלי ברכה‬ ‫ ו‬,‫לב‬

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From Rabbi Baruch HaLevi Epstein

)‫יראי ה' בטחו בה' (הלל‬

How does one understand this group called ‫ ?'יראי ה‬The previous verses refer to groups that trust in
HaShem as Yisrael and the Bais Aharon. And in Tehilim 135, in a parallel language, the group called
‫ 'יראי ה‬as blessing HaShem, and yet prior verses refer to groups that bless HaShem include the House
of Yisrael, the House of Leviim, the House of Cohanim. The groups of Yisrael, Leviim, and
Cohanim are not included in the group of “fearers of HaShem”?
The Ibn Ezra indicates that this group of ‫ 'יראי ה‬comes to include righteous of the non-Jews.
Rashi explains that this group comes to include the converts to Judaism. This is possible to understand
according to the Gemara (Kidushin 70b) that converts are difficult to the Jews since (according to
Tosfos) the converts are very particular in mitzvos even more that the born Jews. The Jews, already
in a state of being close to HaShem, wait for HaShem to draw them close (inspire them).
Alternatively, converts make the steps to draw close to HaShem and are later rewarded by close
relationship with HaShem due to their initial efforts. Thus, we can understand why converts have the
special title of ‫'יראי ה‬.
Even more, converts have advantages over born-Jews. Born-Jews are born in a Jewish home, filled with
talk and action regarding Torah and Mitzvos. Thus, it is not due to great effort, that such a person
grows up with faith and awe of HaShem. This is seen from the verse in Parsha HaAzinu ‫שאל אביך‬
‫ויגדך‬, a person can ask one’s parents for guidance. Thus, the born-Jew has much assistance in their
spiritual growth. (This assistance is included in the concept of (‫ זכות אבות‬A convert’s growth is due
mostly to their own efforts.

‫אשרנו מה טוב חלקנו ומה נעים גורלנו ומה יפה ירושתו‬

Different words (‫ ירושה‬,‫ גורל‬,‫ )חלק‬indicate various levels of the holy gifts given to the Jews. They are
alluded to in three places in Tanach: in Parsha HaAzinu ‫ תורה צוה לנו משה מורשה‬,‫כי חלק ה' עמו‬, and
Tehillim 125 ‫לא ינוח שבט הרשע על גורל הצדיקים‬.

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