Solubility product principle deals with an ionic equilibrium established between a solid solute and its ions in a saturated solution.
With the system Ca(OH)2(s) ↔ Ca2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) -- which is dissolved in different media including distilled water, potassium chloride, and
calcium nitrate -- this principle is applied to determine the solubility product constant of Ca(OH)2(s) expressed by Ksp = [Ca2+] [OH-]2 .
Using water as the medium, the experimental Ksp of Ca(OH)2 is obtained. The effect of diverse ions K+ and Cl- on the solubility and Ksp of
Ca(OH)2 is then tested in different concentration of KCl. Also, the relationship between solubility and ionic strength of the solute is
determined by a plot. Lastly, the effect of common ion is analyzed by reacting Ca(NO3)2 with Ca(OH)2. Result shows that diverse ion and
common ion increases and decreases, respectively, the solubility and Ksp. Thus, this study proves the relation and importance of concentration,
ionic strength, solubility product constant, and solubility in ionic equilibrium. More importantly, experimental data results to a Ksp of 3.30 x
10-5, which is 511% greater than literature value of 5.4 x 10-6.
,where YOH is the precipitate formed in the solution. On the other hand, solubility product
principle encompasses also the determination of
The reaction proceeds essentially to solubility of a substance and also its ionic strength.
completion in one direction because an insoluble These two concepts support the said principle.
product is formed. Eventually, a condition of
equilibrium is established between the insoluble metal Solubility product constant of a solute and the
hydroxide and its ions. It happened by the time YOH, solute’s molar solubility – its molarity in a saturated
which is a strong base, is respectively added to different aqueous solution have relationship with each other.
concentration of an acid. Solubility is equal to amount of moles of solute divided
by the volume of the solution.
For experiment sake, this precipitate will be
saturated with acid and the equation will be reversed. Therefore with the system wherein what is
asked is the Ksp of YOH,
YOH(s) ↔ Y+ + OH-
YxOHz(s) ↔ Y+/xs + OH-/zs
One convinced that the above reaction is at
equilibrium, the equilibrium constant for the reaction Then Ksp will now be equal to xs(zs)2 = xz2s3.
can be obtained. From here, the solubility, s, can be obtained.
Since there is nothing to be used in place of where x is the number of moles of specie Y+ in the
the term YOH(s), then this suggests that YOH(s) is given metal and y is with OH-.
constant. Then as long as a saturated solution is
considered, the term, YOH(s), is a constant. Under these Furthermore, in the solubility product which
conditions we can combine it with the equilibrium involves ionic equilibrium, there’s diverse non-common
constant, K, and obtain a new constant, Ksp, the ion effect and the common ion effect which affects the
solubility product constant. solubility of a certain species.
(1) distilled water to determine experimental Ksp; The system is the reaction of formation of
(2) different concentrations of KCl for the effect calcium hydroxide and its saturated solution with an
of diverse ions; acid.
(3) and, 0.1 M Ca(NO3)2 for the common ion
effect; Calcium hydroxide is prepared through
reacting 1.0 M calcium nitrate and 1.0 sodium
with the aid of effective titration with strong acid 0.1 M hydroxide, with the equation,
Ca(NO3)2(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) ↔ Ca(OH)2(s) + NaNO3(aq)
[OH-] = [(10.1 mL HCl) (0.1 M HCl)] / (25mL aliquot)
Ca2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) → Ca(OH)2(s) = 4.04 x 10-2 M
The formation of precipitate, which is And since [Ca2+] = ½ [OH-] with respect to
Ca(OH)2, push the essential completion of reaction their stoichiometric coefficient, the concentration of
towards the product only. Nevertheless, equilibrium calcium ion can be obtained.
can be attained between Ca(OH)2 and its ions, Ca2+ and
OH-, by the time calcium hydroxide is respectively [Ca2+] = ½ [OH-] = ½ (4.04 x 10-2 M)
added to water, to an acid, which must have diverse = 2.02 x 10-2 M
ions with respect to Ca(OH)2, or to a specie which has
the common ions with Ca(OH)2. In here the Now that the concentration of calcium and
determination of Ksp and solubility is made possible. hydroxide ions are known, the experimental solubility
Saturated solutions of Ca(OH)2 and different media are product of constant of calcium hydroxide can be
prepared. calculated.
Afterwhich that the precipitate hydroxide is This acid cause a decrease in the ion
dissolved to deduct to appropriate product of the ion concentration of the insoluble base thus dissolving it.
concentrations to made it less than the solubility
product constant of Ca(OH)2. Meaning decreasing the As soon as Ca(OH)2 dissolves with KCl, a
concentration of either calcium ion or hydroxide ion is back reaction, the recipritation of Ca2+ and OH-,
through the addition of water, then the aliquot from begins. Eventually the rate of dissolution and the rate
the obtained supernate is titrated with 0.1 M HCl. of precipitation become equal and a dynamic
equilibrium is established.
Obtaining the amount of the titrant used for
neutralization from the experiment, the concentration Meanwhile, as we add Ca(OH)2 to KCl it will
of hydroxide ion can be calculated using dilution dissolve until a point is reached when no more
equation, M1V1=M2V2. Ca(OH)2 can be broken up. All the calcium
hydroxided that can dissolve at this particular
temperature has dissolved. Adding more Ca(OH)2 will
not have an effect because the limit of solubility has Upon reacting calcium hydroxide with
been reached, and the concentrations of calcium and potassium chloride, diverse ions interact with our
chloride ions in the solution are constant. In here, a system. These ions are K+and Cl- from the medium,
saturated solution of calcium hydroxide is produced potassium chloride.
and filtering it’s supernate results to an aliquot that will
be titrated with 0.1 M HCl. From the definition above, K+and Cl- should
increase the solubility of this system’s solute, calcium
Once the volume of HCl consumed to hydroxide. Therefore KCl fastens up the dissolution of
neutralize the base is reached and known, the Ca(OH)2.
concentrations of the active ions can be obtained, and
thus Ksp can be calculated. Moreover, the calculation Hence, diverse effect or commonly called salt
solubility of of Ca(OH)2 will be possible. effect causes increase in solubility of a solute.
Moreover, the stronger the concentration of the diverse
Below is the table of the experimental data of ions, the greater the solubility will be.
the amount of HCl consumed in neutralizing Ca(OH)2
in different concentration of KCl as medium. More The table below, which is the experimental
importantly, stated below is the various concentration data, supports the statement said.
of Ca2+ at OH- in equilibrium with their respective Ksp.
Table II. Solubility of Ca(OH)2 with respect to
diff. concentration of KCl and its respective Ksp
Table I. Ksp of Ca(OH)2 in different concentration
of KCl, the medium used Medium Ksp Solubility (M)
0.001 M 2.45 x 10-5 0.0183
Medium VHCl 0.005 M 3.15 x 10-5 0.0199
[OH-] [Ca2+] Ksp
(KCl) (mL) 0.010 M 3.92 x 10-5 0.0214
0.001 M 9.15 3.66 x 10-2 1.83 x 10-2 2.45 x 10-5 0.050 M 3.35 x 10-5 0.0203
0.005 M 9.95 3.98 x 10-2 1.99 x 10-2 3.15 x 10-5 0.100 M 4.14 x 10-5 0.0218
0.010 M 10.7 4.28 x 10-2 2.14 x 10-2 3.92 x 10-5 0.250 M 4.50 x 10-5 0.0224
0.050 M 10.15 4.06 x 10-2 2.03 x 10-2 3.35 x 10-5 0.500 M 6.71 x 10-5 0.0256
0.100 M 10.9 4.36 x 10-2 2.18 x 10-2 4.14 x 10-5
0.250 M 11.2 4.48 x 10-2 2.24 x 10-2 4.50 x 10-5 These values are obtained through the
0.500 M 12.8 5.12 x 10-2 2.56 x 10-2 6.71 x 10-5 solubility expression of this system,
[OH-] = [( mL HCl) (0.1 M HCl)] / (25mL aliquot) Ionic strength of the solution, µ, is also
[Ca2+] = ½ [OH-] related in this part of solubility product principle. This
is a factor that affects the value of solubility product
The trend shows that the increase in the constant.
molarity of acidic medium increases the solubility
product constant of the solid solute. Meaning the faster The ionic strength of a solution depends on
it takes to dissolve. the concentrations of ions present and their charges.
Thus having the formula, µ = ½ Σ CiZi2; where Ci is
the molar concentration of each ion and Zi is the
Another thing is the diverse ion effect. It can change of each ion.
be interpreted in the experiment how this concept
affects the solubility of calcium hydroxide.
Given the system while it is reacted with The graph indicates the trend discussed
potassium ion and chloride ion, the possible ions that earlier.
contribute to the ionic strength is Ca2+, OH-, K+, and
Cl-. But the ionic strength of calcium and hydroxide With all these, it can be concluded that the
ion is negligible since they are solid so they will not observations, which are increase in the number of
produce ions, thus the only ions that will compromise ions, increase in ionic strength, and increase solubility,
the ionic expression of the system are potassium and indicate diverse ion effect.
chloride ion.
Figure I. Relationship between Ionic Strength and It can be interpreted that 0.1 M Ca2+ is
Solubility of Ca(OH)2 with different concentrations generated. So, there is an increase in the concentration
of KCl of calcium ion compared to its value in distilled water.
The increase in [Ca2+] shifts the equilibrium to the left
based on La Chatelier’s. Thus, the presence of common
Ionic Strength vs Solubility ion decreases the solublity of salt.
y = 0.011x + 0.019 As to explain further, the obtained solubility
0.02 R² = 0.835
and conclusion earlier that common ion decreases the
solubility is valied in this experiment. From the calcium 0.01
hydoxide’s solubility of 0.0202 M in distilled water, it
decreases by 65% of value 0.0132 M. 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Ionic Strength
After determining the solubility product Ionic strength does depend on the
constant of calcium hydroxide with backgrounds concentration of the participating ions. On
regarding ionic equilibrium and solubility product the other hand, Ksp is affected by ionic
principle, and interpreting diverse ion and common ion strength. And because Ksp is obtained in
effect on the solubility and ionic strenght of the solute terms of concentration of ions present in the
equilibrium, while solubility is obtained in
term of Ksp, therefore the solubility of a Medium Ksp Percent Error
solute basically depends on its ionic strength, 0.001 M KCl 2.45 x 10-5 354%
or basically ionic strength affects solubility. 0.005 M KCl 3.15 x 10-5 483%
0.010 M KCl 3.92 x 10-5 626%
This flow of dependence is shown 0.050 M KCl 3.35 x 10-5 5.20%
below, i.e. solubility depends on Ksp. 0.100 M KCl 4.14 x 10-5 667%
0.250 M KCl 4.50 x 10-5 733%
concentration 0.500 M KCl 6.71 x 10-5 1100%
The calculated percent errors are
Interpreted from the graph is the large. The possible reason for this is that
relationship that states greater the ionic the literature value of calcium hydroxide
strength of a system leads to greater solubility. is obtained on its equilibrium reaction
Meaning the more ions involved the faster is with pure water.
its dissolution, wherein it is supported by the 3. How does the solubility and Ksp of the solution
diagram above. prepared in part C compare to those prepared in part
B? Explain any differences observed.
This effect on the solubility is due to
the dependence of solubility to Ksp. Wherein,
Ksp is affected by ionic strength. Therefore, a Part B:
change in Ksp due to ionic strength leads also
to a change in solubility.
Here, diverse ions explains the trend
of the Ksp and solubility of calcium hydroxide
with different concentrations of KCl.
2. Compare the Ksp values obtained for all the
Ca(OH)2 solutions. How do they compare to the Medium Ksp Solubility(M)
literature value? Give possible explanations for any 0.001 M 2.45 x 10-5 0.0183
differences among the values obtained and between 0.005 M 3.15 x 10-5 0.0199
them and the literature value. 0.010 M 3.92 x 10-5 0.0214
0.050 M 3.35 x 10-5 0.0203
The literature value of Ksp of 0.100 M 4.14 x 10-5 0.0218
CaOH2 is 5.4 x 10-6. 0.250 M 4.50 x 10-5 0.0224
0.500 M 6.71 x 10-5 0.0256
a. Ksp with dH2O as medium
= 3.30 x 10-5 Diverse ions interact with our
This experimental value of Ksp is system. These ions are K+and Cl- from the
511% (by 2.76 x 10-5) greater than the medium, potassium chloride.
literature value. K+ and Cl- should increase the
solubility the solid hydroxide because of their
b. Ksp with different concentrations of KCl diverse ion effect. Therefore KCl fastens up
(diverse ion) the dissolution of Ca(OH)2.
Hence, the stronger the REFERENCES
concentration of the diverse ions, the greater
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Common ion affects the solubility Harper & Row, Publsihers, New York. 1966
and Ksp of the system in part c.
[3] Banks, James E. Lt Col. Chemical
Medium Ksp Solubility(M)
Equilibrium and Solutions. McGraw-Hill
0.100 M Ca2+ 1.96 x 10-5 0.007
Book Company, San Francisco, 1967.
Calcium ion is the common ion [4] Petrucci, Ralph H., William S. Harwood
present in the reactants. Addition of Ca2+ to and F. Geoffrey Herring. General
Ca(OH)2, causes the formation of more Chemistry: Principles and Modern
Ca(OH)2(s). Thus, the solubility of the Applications. 8th ed. Singapore: Pearson
calcium hydroxide decreases. Education South Asia Pte Ltd., 2004.
2. Solubility
YxOHz(s) ↔ Y+/xs + OH-/zs
s = (Ksp/xz2)1/3
where x is the number of moles of specie
Y+ in the given metal and y is with OH-. 4. Dilution Equation/ Determination of
3. Ionic Strength
[OH-] = [(10.1 mL HCl) (0.1 M HCl)] /
(25mL aliquot)
µ = ½ Σ CiZi2 = 0.0404 M
2. Solubility
s = (Ksp/4)1/3.
s = (3.30 x 10-5 /4) 1/3.
s= 2.02 x 10-2
3. Ionic Strenght
µ = ½ [K+](+1)2 + [Cl-](-1)2
= ½ (0.001 M)(1) + (0.0001)(1)
= 0.001 M