Vector Analysis-Krishna PDF
Vector Analysis-Krishna PDF
Vector Analysis-Krishna PDF
J. 7 - 144
4. d
md nd n·1 [ path
rlpl Prod
We o that the vector product ax or two vector ■ and
· itself a ve • r quan ·ty. Thercf; r n mul iply it by ano er
or arly n v torially. The product (a )•C ·
cal1 d ---- ·· pl pro41 ct hicb i pur number. On the o er
h nd the produc ( ) X c i called· ecto Ip 1n'ndllf'f, hie
J . again av tor q anti'ty.
Geo trl . pr of
erut · ba IO]
t u o "der a paral-
lel piped who c terminou
dgc OA, OB, OC the
lengths and dir ti r th
a, , c r pectjveJy.
L t V the volum of
p aU lop· . c . all regard
J', ncce iarily positive.
- . ur defi l ·o or c
to th face OA.DB nd it modulu n
of the par, clogram OAlJB A o., by
nition, the _ctor a, . ■ form . · t d d · _d.
gle bet eco the du-ccti n or
t e \re to
DC en - and e will form - right oded
01 anded tri d according u ~ i ute or obtu .
o (ax ~•c-1 ax ) 11 c I ~-I 11 c co f
=(area of the parallelogram ,OADB) . (OC ;)
[ . . I C I= OC].
~ will be po i · c or negativ ccord · a ft i
acut or obtu e. it abtolute v I will give us the lcnph of the
_perpendicular from C to the pl nc of the parallelogram OADB.
o the volume . J' or the parallclop1 d - (Ar of the
p rall~logram 0..4DB) x'Ien_gtb of the pcrpc dicular fro C
j. r lcJ01 . T .r fore(• )· +v. · ,J, i · cute I.•. ii
•• , c form a right handed triad and {a ) • c - - V if ~ i obtuse
i.e. if... , C rorm . L n and triad.
ow we t vecto a right handed
triad, the c vector n d • c, • and c, a, are al right
h nd d. e - each of the product ( x c •a nd (c a)• b will
ve the me value JI or - Y according a a, b c fo a right
handed or a le . ded t · d. u we conclude that in all ca
· ■ x )•C= ( c)•a-(cx ) b.
o • b • a and a = - x a.
,.9. )•C •(a, )=(bXC)•a=a•( X )
-(c •)· b= b• c a)
- (b a) ·c -ie•(l,x 1)==-(c b)••·
· =--••(e x )= - (• c)•b - •( .xc).
rom this co elude tb t the alu~ of a scalar triple product
depend on th lie order of the factor. and Is independi nt of the
position of the dot and cros . Thu may be interchtm ed at pleasure~
Ho ·ever. an antic) c/lc permutation of th three factor, change! the
alu of the product in sign but not in magnltud~. [lmpor
ot IOD. lo vie of the propertie d ·scu sed abo tho
triple product i u ually ritten (a )•c [abc) or
[ _. ,_ c). Thi - notation take ;,uo co _ Jd ·,atlon only the cyclic
order of the three ector, and d;s,egards tht unimportant po itions
o · dot and c oss. Thu [ · J ( ] =( bJ - {c etc.
The i ·. of dot d cro can be ·oscrtcd a pleasure
I.e. [ , ,cJ-• ·.bxc) or · (a b)•c.
n ortbo on I n t handed
J) ..
J' n uct (.
rm ri'gbt hand oded t · d of
'• ti or or P oaaa.
. To pro ~ that c}-•x + htre • , , c art an
1hree . · 1978; A l ■lalMIII 75]
b- a x ...(1).
r produ ot both ide o - 1) with
rbitr ry tor d, we gc
-.r-d•[• (h c)- - c)
or d-r . [a. + e ]- d·(•
(s· i _ di ib . I r prod.u I
ow in a seal r riplc product the po "tion of ot d c
- n be in ere n · d wit out - - ·ng i alue. T ereforc f:
(2. we
= 0-
Ther ore · · r d - ,. o r=O or .j rpend' u· tor.
But the r rb' The fo. -kc it to be on-
ro and not · ·
Hence r . _. c 0
I. .
ta) - t • C
(iii) The n~c sary and suffi ent condition that thr~ non-
P rail I a·non- ro v ctors a, b, c b coplanar Is that ( O.
(L,UC:atD011" 197'7; R II . aad 19~ .
i j k
- b, b b1 .
l Ca I
(b.,c.-b.c, - (bica b_c,) .J - b,c1 .
l 1
= I bi "-
<"1 c, c,
showing that the value of a scalar triple p rodu i independent
of the po ition of dot and cro .
•·. [• ] = b1 b, b, (l ■] .
c, c, c,
ote. •
me [ , j, = J, thcr fore s i p .rticuL r r 6.
P.1 ol ·ed
. . D if,ne color triple product of thr e ' C
and inttrpr t th ame g ometrlcall .
r p t. De - .
(b c) le · r triple pr d C V 0
b, h1
= - QJ. a. 0:, • J t re ID R 1 · nd R.
C1 C1 c,
bl b, b,
c, c1 , interchanging ~ and Rt
01 a1 a1
=- b• (c X a). · . •. l
A 1n a C'.. I •
C I a1 a,
inter hanging R~ a -d R1
b, b, b,
-c ( x b).. ••. 2
Fro (l) and (2J, w h ve
•· c = c x •)= c (• x _ .
~- Prove thar.a c = • x ••c . (Meent 1983 86)
e have •· I, e-a• b x c)
[ c I r rip~ r uc i unchang d
if the c ell ord r of th v . o
m mtaincd)
(a b) c [ •· d.ot pr uct f o
- • • e.
'ho that t•J >< = L
I. eh v )
= I ( ·: J
- I.
. 6. 'ho .
th(lt [).&+ I' , d) - ( . ·. d)+ I'[ , , d] .
J. We have P.•+ J'b, ,
. - ~• + J&b)· d)
=la (e x )+11 • • , by di tributiv I. .fi r d t
pr du
=~[ ,c,. ] + J& b,c,d.
7. Pro,e that [ - J, J-. , _- ]-=O.
. We h ve [i - J J-k. -i]
-=-(I J)•{(J-k) x(k )}
=(I. J>·O Jx l - kx k 1
( - (l+k+)
-== I+ • +l·J- J -J - J J
0+ 0-0-0- o.
. 8. Find th volume of the paralltlopip d ho e dgc ar
repr~ mt d by
(I) .==21-3J + 4k, = I+ J- ~·c= 31-J 2k
( J) •== - 2J 3 , ll+ J-k. c==J k.
q . Find the olume of tlie
para/I lopip d whos thr~e cottrminous edg ar~ the· e tors (2., - ·3,
4). (I. 2. . I) and (3, - 1, 2) • (MINlilllW 1 J )
Sol. (i The required v lumc of the par llelopiptd · equal
to the solute v ue of [a ].
We hav (akj 2 -3 4
I 2 - 1
3 2
0 [ be] = 2 - 3
3 p S
JO lp) 1 (5+ 9 + l (p - 6 = 1p 2 .
:. [ ] w'JI ~ro if 1p 28 - 0
p ::;-- -4.
en for the gi en vector to - oplanar h uld
l. Pro that the /our points 41 SJ + •
( 4 ) and (- i + J+ .) are coplanar.
(· · t 989, ,OP· a ...,.......· 77]
I. Let .A , B C, D be the fo r gi en oint h ition
vecto referr d to o ori ·n O re
41 + SJ - (J k), 31 + 9J+ 4 nd 4 -1 - J . ).
in . B C, Dare cop nar, th he tor
-+ -+
AB. AC and AD hould I o copl n r.
·- +
eh e AB=- po iti a · ector of B- tJ
= -(J+ . ) - (4 J+ k)= - 4 - ~
Simil rly C = (3i 9j+ )- { + SJ 3
- 8 - 1 3
=- - 12 (- 3+ 2 - 2( 1
=- 60+ 12' -66= 0.
; the in , A, B, C, D r copl nar.
• Ex. 2. ho .that the four point - • b- Jc, 3 +2•- ,
+Sh-Sc and -3 + 2b care coplanar. [,...____ 1 1]
I. Let A B C d D h . po·nt ho · tion ors
r pecli . ly - .a 4 --3 , 3a+ 2 - Sc. - 3 + 8 -Sc d
- 3 + 21w+c.
-.,. .
Ther for, vcct r d i rpendi 1- to AB. imilarly, we o
bo that d i p rp di ul r t. B . .
ow ince d i p r adi olar to two line in th plan AB ,
h it i perpend · ul r t the plan A.BC.
Es. 1 . Pro 1/iat [ b, b+ c, e ] = 2 f be).
l ru 98 • -, 88P. 90· Rolill an.d 76· A 80]
Sol. L.H.S.= (a b)•[ + c) (c+a)
b) • b c b a+ c + 1
( + bJ•[b . c c + b x a)
· ce c x c = O
c)+a•( X I •
+ b; + h•(c a)+b•(h x
- ( be] [ ca}+ (•b•J+[ i+r [b l
- [■'be} b ],
II t Jar trapf e pro du in wb.i ·b two v qu.
ut [ ]==( ].
He cc be .H.S. 2 [a ].
• . 15. Pro,t. that
I• I b I• .
[ 1[a ,b •C :
.Meerut 12, nd J
= ma +mJ+ma , = n1•
. Let J= l1 i . IJ+/1 +
+a J+a.k -b1l+ hJ+ b, . c 1 1 c1J c1 •
,. ,.
. =f Ima][• J
01 o. a,
ms b,
11°1· la41 + .ls<1a
l1b1+l bw:
,.,,. I + l,c
n1a,+n.a.+n_a1 n b1 + h 1 n1 b n 1c 1 n c,+ n c1
by. the rul or th mu tip lie f on f d t rminan of am
o I·•= I i + I +I •.) (a +aI b +a. I
I a1 I.a. lr1 1 , t. •
Hence the .H .. = m • • . •c .
.• 16. Pro • that if I , h three non-cop/OJ ar tor ·, lh n
l•a. l• I
D D [ 9 2, 9 l
l I -3
- {2 -3+2)+1 (-_3+ 2)+3 .( l-1)} [ be]
==(-2-1) (ab c]= -3 (a c].
1 p-2 4
) 0 - 3 =:; Q
3 3 -2
r J p-2 7
- b - ) {(c- ) X d-a t
- _- 1) (c a- +• •>
b- ( ) [: ,•= ]
b (c x d)- • a)- •(.• d)-.-·•(c ·d)+a•(c
[ c d]-( c ]-( a d]-[a c 41]
[ -· a•(c x a)- 0- (a ]
- I c d] + (c ad)+ [• d) - [1. c]..
B, C pl r f and only if
the C 0 A.B, A ndAD r copJ n r
-+ -+ -+
or if nd only if [AB, A , AD]= O
or if and only if fb c dJ+ [ •.1 ]=0
or 1f and only if (b c ]+( J b c].
•• ,. V or trlp e p t.
Th·e ,ector product of t o eclor. or,e of hi h ts itself the
,ector product oft 110 t tors i a •e tor quantity coiled a "'Vector
Jriple Product • ·r I, c e ec or -, e prod c
.,. th f1 X( c tc. re call d "V - t • I
To pro' e that - -x
Gora U d
Let r - a (b c
vector p rpcndi c
d. h ore r or
n ou ow th ve or r i . perpe:nd.icular
tor d here th vector is p rpendicul r to the pl
cont ining _nd . Therci r the v ctor r mu _t lie in th p _~
con ·rung ba d c nee the v tor r n exp.r d linearly
in _ m of b nd c io the form
r =lb+mc ... (I her / and m r calar ·.
Sin r i pcrp ndi ul to therefore r · -0.
. (lb + mc) a = O r l(b •)+ m(c. = 0.
.. I -m _y
. =a t+ a +a .
ow b x c= b x c · c k) = b c · x J+ b.cJ
- btc [ ·; j X = 0 nd J
r= (b x = a1i+ a J+ a
= a b.c,i J+ x·
-D h .J- [·: jx =- and = J] ... (3
Al f= A • ) b-( c]= A[ + c1k).(a1i aJ+
- b (a1 i + o ) (c )l
= >- [C1lltbJ c aJ, · + b,a1c b1a
= A [a b cJ - a b.c J. ... 1 4
ow from (3) and ( 4 we concl de that>- = 1.
enc · a b- (b. c
- e -( b)c [· c. = •-cJ
Coroll ( a x b)]
= -[(c · ) a-(c, ) b]
- (c ) b- (c.b) .
R Je lo re ~ her ■ ( ).
It i · vector t d
lin ly in term of b and c which are the vector
bracke . bo ·
(b r)- [Dot pro uct of• nd c] b
-[DQt pr, uct of a and Jc.
Similarly may member (• b) c.
Pro e that )+ b
{ t 1975, 80~82, 75·
I. h
. 2. how th t th · b x c),
are .coplanar
. Let r 1 = • ( = ·(
fir · _t +r ·O
p · us ex
n t be - cxi t a Jin D D -0 I' , r- ,
. eforc y of th n expr I
·Jin r
bination th oth r two ce he _ three vector r
• EvolUJJt (b c h re a- 21+3J - 5k,
• J , and c = 4j 2 6 .
) . ii) c-(c. •) b
= I( - 1 j (2 + J )] 41
- + 2J ·(21+3 - I+ -
(- 2+3 - 5) ( 2.J + .6 (8 6-30) J+ )
- 4 {41+2J+6 )+16 (- 1+~ )
-l O 2
0 1
= (0-2) 1-(-1-0) (- 1:-0) . · - 2 +J-
X c - l+ J) -21 + J- k)
j = ( - 1- 0 I- - - j ( +)
I 1
-2 I ~ 1
= -i+J+3 . .. (I )
( •C) - ~b)t
= [(i + J )] ( - i 2 )- [ i 2 )] J+ ·.
= 0 1 ( 2 )- 1 0 )
~ l (- =-- i J ... 2)
rom 1 nd (2 cc th t
. a (b c) - ) .
)- I• b c] c.
fee ti - 3 J
ol. et · C= •
Th n C
e- ( C C] .
- 1 -[
. c. ] = 0 nd [b )= [• b ].
( ) .
0 C b C {b ) = ( • ) b- .
.enc x a
• . 9. Show rltat i
1. ha- C i <(j )- i i
= 0. [ i X i = O]
=• (c ],
Let us fir t. nd the v lue of (~ X C ).
Let b c= d.
The c) x(c )= d x ( x )
- ( • c-(d•c
= [(b x c)••] c- [ b , c •CJ a
=l l -[ l
nd [
• [ b, · c c x ]- x b).,[a I c
= [•be] C x ) C=- [• J[ - -1
. - [ be] • .
-on p rt. ct ~ a 1 l+ aJ a . h=- b1 bJ + b1 •
c= eii+ c + c1 •
a a, 0:,
ha e [ ]= b1 b b
Ci • '"•
in a 01 aI - a
bi b, ba
- a,b -b a + b0 1 1 - a b1 J+ a b1 -a-b1)
I• j
SimiJ dy b C= b1 b, b,
Ci c, c,
=(ba-t,- ¥ 1) . + (c1b,- bie1) J+(b1c1 - c1h
· nd Cl c. Ca
01 aI o,
= (c a,-a.c) i+fa1c - a J (c1a1,- .o1c1)
a.J,1 -b o1 b1a - a,ba a1b - a b1
.. (a , b b 1- b . 1 -b 5c1 C b,-b1C b1c -b c1
Ci c, A1 .... a
1 A
B1 B J I
b b
m [ b ] :. {a b, ],
Q a
c, a C 3
. 11. Pro e that for an and ,
B)• B x < rut I 7 7 J
of. i qu sti n i th m a the rt rt f
ampl 10 ab ve.
. 12. Pro that for any three tor , band c,
[ b b C, C rut 1 6 , 7)
H nee shaw that 1/i " ctors , b~ are non- oplanar if and
on/ if the ectors · ar non•cop/anar. ( i 19 O}
ol . r the f th fir part r thi qu tion
de mpl 10
cond . rt. in th . fir t part of thi que ti n, c
t• c]1= [ x b b x x ]
.. ( ] - 0 if nd only ;r [ ,c 0
r [a ·. ];i;O if nd nly if [ ]=,:O.
0 b] ., b, are non- op
Jan r.
are n n..coplanar if n n1v· if th
re n c plan r.
r ' C. C ]= b - •C
b-b C
c b C
I. ve th b,. b , ]= [ p. r m-
p.l d 10.
rt f the qu ion, I t
a, ;
. i b J+ b.
- - (' i C J+ c:-3 k.
h.en [ - - 01 a -~ O:i I
bl b b '
1 3
a a
b1 b b- a
{' 1 :. I
IJ .!
l o1· + a11 a3b ac
be b8c1
b 1a1 aa -
b t ro multjpli ation ule r th p UCL l
·t rm1 am
. · (b·d)- (b c (•4 .
(' b
i relati n 1 kn n. d ity.
0. Vector OGD of ti or .
Let a, , c,
be four v.ector . th · vector product
of the v ctor a x b and 1: d. Thi n be writt n
(a ,< b) (c ) and ·j __ . led th produc of four v ctors
I i vector perpendi t ·, th coplianar wit
nd b. unit rly it · vector nar with c and d. Henc -
- thj vector be · t · c f int tion of a pl n
parallel to wit pl n par ll I t and d.
eor m. I
(i) (a , ) d) = [• ] -[ ]d
r. II babad 980.· Got par 17}
ii , b (c d = [1cdJ b- [bcd] .
l u DO . 1980· Gor , 88)
, b · c d) i vect r which ao b ith r cxpr d in
of c -nd d or in term f · an b. pr 1t in term
nd d, I t u put = I. h n
( - b , (c ·d) = I {c •. d) = {l•d) c- l•c).d
= [(a · b •d] c- [(&" b •C ~ [abd] t-(■bc] d.
'= [bed] a
Llwn, C I qu tao the
tw cip . f◄ r th f C et
or l d- 0,
... 3)
1. . of ctor .
If • b. c be an ' 11 n- oplanar ,. tor o that [
then the three •e to~ ' , 11 db the qu lion
• ~ I, X b'
-r r
· are CJJlled reclpro I ) t m of · r to lh c.
(i) To sho · that .. ' = · b' •c l
, c) f•bcl
e have •· · .-,,;:--].,...._(_ J J.
- - lt
n C I.
t e r 'pr . I Ii th r J
i n
•u Th - .tra/ar protlu J of any other p ir of tor , one
from eacl, 'Siem i z ro i . .
• , 0.
[ - .
imilarl., · - th th r e ult .
• iii Th lar lripf · product [ ] fi rm d from ti ree
non- oplanar v ctor . • , i th r cfproral of th ealar triple
producl [ ' b' ,c ] formed from the re ipro al I m ', b', c' t. .
( ] 1- 1. [Luc no 1977· R iJkh n O· eenat ]
h ( ' b~ ')= ' _ b' x '),
x ct r triple pr du t tr -
ting g_
;,- b = [ c ' -b] • )b
= [C b) - [ ]b
- [ bcl . • inc [ ]= 0
and (c b]. = [ b ]
.- r , be]
________,,___,.,..-= - ~,.-,;;,.-:---......;
[be 1
:.... {
[abcJ1 l
n c bcf
Th n b d finiti o I ------- =-J L
imil rly j' - i and '
th · rt: ult.
Jf , b, c b threnon op/an r e tor and ', b'. •
011 itut the r iprocal sy t m of ·tor. • th n pro,• that any 1· ctor
r an be expres ed q r (r•b' b r
[ aran t 1 71)
Lt b pr line r c mbin ti n f th · n n- pl nar
• b c in th
r ... l
n re x, ar m •
ultip] m I) calarl . ith b · c, w g t
r•• b = b·(b C
= X (bbc] z [cbc]
( be), inc ( ~] ~ O=( ].
..• b
=r• [&7' -= r•
. , .
, me
Sol mpl
Find a Sfl of ,utor reciprocal 10 1he t
2i+3J- , i J-2 • -i+2J-'-2 . [X: p r 1980· &r '79]
3j-k b= i-j-2k,. c . 2j 2
Let .', b', c' e et of ve.e tor r 1pr 1 t th _ t b c.
Th n by d finition,
-[- J
bx c
2 3 -1
ow [• J= J -2 2(2) - 3 0) - 1 1) -3
l 2 2
i J
and b <c= l - l - 2 - 2i,
- I 2 2
- ~ ·- ( ·+ 3 ) ·
, b "'. C
imi rly =-
• [ ]
j k .
- 8i + j - 7k
- -( 2 2 - 3
3 -I
, /. b
j k.
-7i+ 3J-5k
t 2 3 - 1
I 3
1 -I -2 I .
ood p rt. h
b . {c ,< d )} = b {(c• )d-c
= (c•e b , d)- • b e)
.... . [b Y {ex d }] = d) -(c d) ( ·, )
= c• )[ b d]-(c•d)[a · (b )]
= c • e) [ . d) b - a b d]
- c d) [ a ) b- •· b 1-
. .Prove that ~ [ {b . (c x d }1- t d) [ cd).
o. a {b • c d)} = I {(b ■ d c.- (b c) d}
= (bd) c -(b•c) ( , d .
.. d [a . {b X c d)}l= d•[(b•d) (• c -(b c) (a x d)]
= (b• d [d• (• x c)]- b•c) [d (a d)]
= h•d) [dacJ-(b . c (dad]
= (b: [ d] ince [ d) = O and
[d ] [ al].
s. 6. If the fo r ctor,1 a, b, d are . oplanar> how that
(a b) (c d) 0. [ _d 1975]
. 8. Prove that
[ .p "q . c r] q, . c x p]1
.-< ] = 0.
[Ro ii pur 6]
So . j>, b " q, c r]
)( p• [b · r)
- Xp [{ b q r} c - { b q) } J
x p {[ r]c- [bq]r}
] [ qr]- { pr] (bqcj. ... 1
in [ . q. . r, c ,. ] ~[b r
= b
= b r p • ] q}
cpq p ]. . .. 2) .•
nd [ .. r. b .. p, c q , , b p1
•[( a . r) (b pJ
=q C [ a X r · b] }
= (cqh] .. . .. 3)
ddin l
[ p, r r. b ;. p. q
=[ pc] [bqr]-[ pr [ pa]
[ ub]
=[ )[ r - [ pr] [ ( [a
[■pr] - [cpq] [b
= 0, since [br ]- r ), (cp ■ J -=- [apc] et .
Pro e that
[ , b. , d, . f] - [ bd] [ f] - ( ][ ]
=l ]f ]- [ bf] [ J
·-( ] [ f]- [ d ] [ CJ.
( o· il1tna11N1 992]
oJ r
r· = C cl
= a { c d. ,e} (]
= [all]
= (•be] ] incc [cdf]=(fc ] et .
. in [ X b, cl. ·- , r, I J
a X )]
. {(e f) } ]
1 [
= [cd J •
nd X It d]
- (e r
.. f b c} dJ
] - [• ]
. 10. Pro ·e tlr I
d) + (b b • c ·• d -= •
[ ut ; Go r 7 ohil band 71.; De'lbi 80]
... ( ])
Cb Cd
a b a•d
- (a .. (3
dding . we .' t
(b c • __ x d
. = ·•
. 11. Estohli h th id nlily
] d- l d] +(• dJ
f or any Jour tors , b. , d. . Bard t7
H nee '101 th at n •
1 torr can b
Jin or combination of thr n•cop/anar ve .
o. or om I t lution of this qu · n refer 10.
qoatmg th t · ns t r th of
, eg t
[ d] C ] - [ ]
or ( b c] c cl] b+ [ )
d] a [c d] b+ [a b d] c. ... l
o I t .a, , r gi -co r tor , d r. '
n ect r. T n ing r in ( I), e et
[ b ]r +[ ]c
r r= ~
- - +-----1] C
bicb i the r ·c · · :(or r linear mbio tion of
th.r e non co r . , c.
. l. q a 11. c be a s I of non-coplanar -tor. and
, , ax b
= o--e---c _- -,,--.....,
C - ~-
th n pro e that
' a' a' b'
, c.,) and c-l•' b; c']
[Meenrt 1987 I 1
[ca b] ]
= [
=ca . . inc [c
(ab c]
• - (a c](!:'
[ .: [ b c] [ ' ' c')= I].
, ,
imil rly prove t at b= n C
. 13. If _ , and I
; b' , I
a, r ipro ol
tor, , pro e that
(/) ' b ~ b' v c' = 0 .
( o ilk · 0 Of 89 · g . 87)
ii) a' b' + b' c' c' • [
and • '+ b b' C• ' = 3. L ohilk
ince , b, and •, b'. c' ar r ·ipr a] tern f
vector , ther for
, ,,.......,_ t,'
• =[ .,
_[ ] 0 [·: •· - c• etc.]
= 0.
(ii) We ha ea' - ~- .;.______,,-...,,,~ -
c •C) a [b C
inc [b ]- [• ·_ c] and [b c c] - 0
-[ .
imiJ - y - c n b t
b, c~ 1 a and • ' 1 •
[• c] , • = (~] •
; a' · b' ' . , c' • ' -~ - ( ).
(a c]
••• 05
JJt Sharma
AJL VoJi$h1ha
viffttentiatio.n and fntegl'fttioo o(Vi!cton; l- 2i
i. Vector fl111ction • l
2. Lun,·1s 11 rid cunlinuiiy ofn vec-.tor function l
l. Derivative of-'l vector: functjon wilh res~cf t9 <i scalar 3
4. Cun·~ in space 10
s. Velocity and accelmltion 12
6. JtftegratiQll of v~or-f , ~ 23
Gradi~nt, Divtrgcnee and Curl 30,......74
I. Partial derivatives of vectors- 30
!. l he vtct()r differential opern.wr Del. V 30
J. Gradient ofa sculat fiel.d 3,1
4- bevel Surfaces 37
5 DirectiQnal derivative ofa ~calarpoinl t\1twtion :n
li 't1ingent plane and normal to~ levt'I;e 41
7 Divergence ofa vector poim ftmction 49
8 Curl of a veccor point function 49
9 The Laplacian oper1.1tor Y' 51
lo lmportm1t -veoc1or identitie'S
11. lnv.W'ianoe
l. Some preliminary eo11cepj~
2. Line, i'rttegrals 75
J. Cin:;.ulati.on 76
.ll S_urface intetrals 17
5. Volume int11gral$ 78
6. ~oo•s the~ i1,-tli~ plane so
7. The di ver~cmce- t.neo1'ffli of Gauss 96
3. Green•~ theorli'Jln
9. Stoke'$ l,beorem
10. 1,,ine h1t¢grals independtmt ofpa_;.h
11. 132
Pb)(Sical interpretation o·fd'
"'- lllld curt 1.52
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This book or any :part thereof may not:be reproduced in any form without ·the
written permission of the publishers' and &ldhors.
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•' ~- - - -
Differentiation and -Integration or Vecto!'5·
l Vector function
Limits and continuity of a vector function 2.
1 3
3. Derivative of a vector function with respect to a scalar
4. Curves in space
5. Velocity and acceleration 23
6. · Integratlon of vector functi~ns
Gradient, Divergence and Curl
' . 30~74
30 -
L Partial derivatives of "YectOts
2. The vector differential operator Del. V
.3. Gradient of a scalar field
4. Level Surfaces
S. Directional derivative of a seal~ point function
6. T~gent plane and.normal to a level surface
7. Divergence of a vector point function ·
8; Curl of a vecror point function
9. Toe Laplacian operator V2
10. Important vector identifies
11. Invariance
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems
1. Some preliminary concepts
2. Line int~gnus
.3, Circulation
4. Surface integrals 80
5. Volume integrals 96
6. Green's theorem in the plane
7. The divergence theorem of Gauss
8. Green's theorem 132
9. Stoke' s theorem 152.
10. Line integrals independent of path
I l. Physical interpretation ,of div. and curl
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Differentiation and Integration .
of Vectors
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(iv) lim [~
t➔ t0
(tl r (tJJ=[ lim rf, (t) ]
_ t➔ fo
r lim f (1)]
_ ~t➔ t0
(v) lim
·r, (t) l==l f--,.fo
/im r (t) I'·
§ 4. Derivative of a ,ector fuoctio.a wit• respect lo a scalar.
[Banaras 61; Kolllapar 73]
De6.nilion. Let r= f (t) be a vector function of tht scalar
variable t. We define. r+ar~f (t+3r).
8r==f {t+Bt)-f' (,t).·
Consider the vtcto.,. ~ = f 0+ 3.t)-f {t) .
· · a, a, ·
lim 8r .l im f (t+8t)-f ft) . . . .. .. . • .
If 81 _.,., 0 s, = 8t-+O 31 ex11t1, then the value of thi1 /unit,
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4 Dljferentiatlon Formulae
db da
==••·-dt +-dt •b·
Note. We know that a•b=h••· Therefore •bile evaluating
d . . .b -
r (a•b), we should not other about the order of the factors. fl
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-=•• ( b X de
dt .) +a•
. ( db
dr x .c ) +d,•
da (b )
.X e .
= [ da b ] . [ db de] ]
di c . + • dt c + _a b dt _ ·
We can also write : =::.
dt tb
But it should be clear
t h-at "jii
dr .as a vect or quantity
• an d. th
dt .1s a seaIar quaotiCy.
. Th us
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- .
We have dt
. - (a1 )=2a ~
!!._ (a1) ·= d~
2a•di=2adt or ••d,=adt·
. ~-
. da da
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Tb "-
. ere.ore . perpen d'1cular to da
a 1s dt prov1..d·· e d da .
dt 1s not nu11
or 1(.a•a)=O
or a•a=constant
or a2 = constant
or a1 =coostant
or I a I = constant.
Theorem _S. If a is a differentiable vector function of the scalar
variable t • then
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,:.. .
From . we get ax da
{I), -d,.= a%A
· · x I. = 0..
Therefore tbe condition is necessary.
Thi condition is sufficient. ·
Suppose that ax ~=0.
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lim a, · d, d d1
•==8t➔O 8t iii .== dt . dt . dt 2 • ::=ii
Ex. 1.. If r=(t+·l) i+(t1 +t+l) j+(r3 +c=+t+ I) k, find
dr d 1r
di and d12•
Solution. Since I, j, k are constant, tbcretore
di dJ dk
tJt =-=O== dt =-;ji·
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:. !-=; (t+I) _
i+ d~ (t 1 +1+ l) ita'1-(t tt•+r+l) k
(11"") d~r d
dt•=dt dt
(dr )=dtd ( ) . d ( . ) .. +dk. .
cost •- dt sm t l dt
= -sin t i-cos t j+O= -sin t i-cos t J.
(Hi)' 1I= y{(cos t)2 +(-sin t}1 +(1)1] = v2
••• dr ( _
rx dt •. .
· : : cos n·t 1+sm nt J") X (. -n sin
. •
nt •+? .
cos, nt .J•)
~-n cos. nt sin nt i xi+n cos• nt i)<j
- n sin1 nt j xi+ n cos nt sin nt j x;
.,,.,,.n cos1 nt k+n sin.1 nt k
[·: ,ix 1=O~ ix j = oj ix J=k, l xi= -k1
= n (cos nt+sin nt) k=t,ik .
2 1
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[Madras 1983]
Solatioa. Since a , b are cq,nstant vectors, therefore
da db .
dt =0,. 7t=O.
dr d d .
(i) dt = di (cos wt)•+ di (sin wt) b
=-<u sin wt a+w cos wt b.
:. tPr1 - -mt cos wt a - w' sin"'' b
dt ·
== - w (cos <of a.+s1·n "'' b)= - w2r.
; • d-:a + 6J'r =0.
' t
(U) r x ;: =(cos wt ·a+sin wt b) X ( - w sin wt •+w cos wt b)
r==wcos2 rut axb - <d s.in1 wt bx• [•: axa=O, bXb=O]
=w cos• .w t a :x b+w· sin1 ez,t axb
=w (cos• wt+s10:1 wt) axb=waxb.
Ex. 5. If r=(slnh .t ) •+(cosh t) b, where a and b are con.ttant
,ectors* then ~how that dt' ==r.
Solution. Since· a, b are constant v~ctors, therefore
da db
dt == , d,= 0·
dr d . d
:. dt ==di (s1ob t) a+ dt (cosh r) b
-=(ooah t) a+(1~11b I) b.
dlr .
:. dt 1 ==(sinh t) a+(cosh t) b=r.
d'r . i •
dt• =a sn, t - a cos , J
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16 Solved Examples
dt =o _
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.. = rx
.. ~ L et. R
( VJU)
The.n dR
-;=:: -
dr r••.dt . ·
{d (
I d. (rxa)-t · -.. . -.1.)·}
dt r .. a •·· ,(·rxaJ
[No:te that r•a is a scalar qaantity)
=- 1 ( dr-- x a+rx -da) - ' - { {r•a)-
-I-,. d
-(r•a) } (r '< a)
r•a. dt dt cit .
-dr xa,
= dt·r•a -{..(-r•a)
l ( dr
1 .·. ·d-.-f .a + r• -dt
da)}· (r x a)
dr dr
·-- x a --- •a
--,~ )" (r x a).
r•a ~ [·: da l
d,= O I
F:x. 10. {fr .is a vec·tor fmi,•·tion of a scalar t. r its module and
a, b .are cansrant 1t,ectors, d{(ferentiate the followingl ritlz respect ro
I :
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18 Solved Examples
dr . . 1 dr da dr d 2r
= 3r1 .,,,
,., r+•r -
d t +-d.x
t ut:r+• x ---
.. 1
:: 3r -
r+r 1 dr
· dt
d1 r
dt 2 [ ...
(ii) Let R=r2r+(a•r) b .
. h .ih=
T en
t!R ddt . (r. 1
C {d db
r)+ dt (a•.r) . b+(a•r) di
=2r -dt •r+r•-+
dr .
1 4- •r+••- (dadr) b
dt t dt
dr . 2 dr (
=2r d·.t r+r · de · -+ •• dr)
dt b
(ii'iJ Let R=rn r.
Then ,dR .t = ( dt, . . dr (.n,n-1 -dr- ) r+r• -dr
d- ,,. ) r+r•--
· · dt ._ · dt dt •
(iv) Let R=(ar+rb)1 ~ Then
dR .
.d.t· · =2 (ar+rb)•:,
. ..
(or t rb)
·[ . d
Note - r1 -2:r• ·.·.
= ..,. ar +' , b)•• d·...t r+a-(dadi
_·. +-dl· b +r dt
dt ~. .
dr db)
= 2 ( ar+r b)· •• ( a-+-
dr dr
dt dt
b ) [, · ·
i •
- e:O ]. .
' dt
Ex. t'I. Find
Ci), ~[ r, : . :,;J; (11) f;. [ r, i, ~];
(iii) ~ [,x(S;x~)].
Solution. (I) Let" R=[ r, : . !!]- TbenR is the scalar triple
dr . dlr
product or three vectors r, dr and ,J, 2• Therefore using the role
for finding the. derivative, of a scalar triple product, we have
dR [- dt dr i/lr] [ tPr d'r], I[ dr dlr].,
dt ~ di' dt' d1• + r, dt1 • dl 1 1 + . r,, di' d1 1 .
={ r, t,, ~],lsince .scalar tfiple products haviu.g two
equal vectors vanish.
(ii) dr ""]
Let R= [ r. -d, d2 • Then as in part (i)
I ' ' ,t
dR [. dr d'r]
di = '• tit-' dt 3· •
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. tPr tflr . . d f
since dtl x dt 2 =4', oe1ng vector pro __ uct o two equ.a1 vectors.
Ex. 12. lf·• =sin .() i+cos 6 i + Bk, h~cos Bi - sin 9 j ~3k and
c- 21+3j-3k, find~ { a X(h x c)} at II= ; • [RehilkUIIII t979]
Solution. We
b x c= j i
[ co; 8
3sin 8 =~k =(3sin o+9) i+C3 cos8 - 6)j
+<3 cos B+2 sin 6) k.
;. a X (b XC) = r i j t
sin 9 cos IJ 8
I 3 sin 8+ 9 3 cos. , - 6 3 cos 9+2 sin f
={3 cos• 0+2 sin 8 cos 9- 38 ,c os o+,68) 1+(38 sin s+98
- 3 sin 8 cos tJ-2 sin1 8) J+ ( - 6 sin 9- 9' cos 9) k.
:. ~ {ax(hxc>}
=(-6 cos· 8· sin 8+2 cos1 8- 2 sin1 9-3 ,cos 1+38 sin B+6) i
+(3 sin e+3e cos 8 +9 - 3 cos• e+ 3 sin• 8- 4 sin 8 cos tJ) j
20 Solved Examples
Thus the point whose pat.h is r·= a t'+b t+c is moving with
constant .a cceleration.
Ex. 14. A particle moves along the curve x::4. cos t, y=-4 sin t,.
z==61 · Find the velocity and acre/e:ratfon at time t=O and t=½~.
Find also the magnitudes of tire velocit)' and a.cceleration at any time
t. [Kanp11r 1980]
Selutloa. Let r be the position vector ,o f the particle at
time t
Tbeu r·-x i+y J+z i=4 cos r 1+4 sin .t J+6t k. If v is the
velocity of the particle at tirr.e t and a its acceleration at tha.t time
then Y=: =-4 sin r i+4 cost j+-6k,
■ = d2r
/ 'I = - 4 cos t ·1-
· 4 S1D
· f J·
Magnitude of the velocity at time t=I , f
=v'(l6 sin' 1+ 16 cos2 t+:t6)==v(52}=2y'(13).
Mag;nitude of the acce1cration
-I • t= v'fl 6 cos2 t+ 16 stn1 t)=-= 4.
At t=0 1 l'=4j+6k, a= -4i.
At J=½7t,.V =~ 4 i+6 k, a=-4 j.
Ex. 15. A particle moves a.long t~e curve x=t 3 J, y!E: t 1 , +
z=2t+5'" • here 1 is the .time. Find the components of its velocity and
acceleration at t= l in the direction i i-t-3k. + .
[Agra 1979, Rollilkltlntl 81]
. Solutfoo. If r is the position vector or any point. (x. y, z) on
the given cu·rve, then
r=xi +yj + zk=(t 3 + l) i +t 1 i+ 2t+ 5). t .
Velocity=v=: ~3t 1 i+20+2k= 31+ 2j+2k at t==- I.
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Ex. 16., A particle moves so that its positiori vector i., gi,en, bp
r=cos wt i.+.sin wt j where ul is a consta.nt; &how that (i} the velo--
city of the particle ts perpendicular to r (il) the aeeeleration is 1
W e h ave r• dr .
dt -(cos ,w t
• .
• .
(JJt J)•(-w ·sin
"'' i+w cos wl j)
== - w cos wt sin wt+w sin (J)t cos wt=O.
Therefore the velocity is perpe·n dicular to r.
(ii) Acceleration of the particle
d11· .. . . I • • •
dt 9 cos wt, 1-·c11
· sin· · J
= -(IJ• {cos wt
~+ sin wt j) = - n.11 r.
: . acceleration is a vector opposite to the direction of r i.e.
a9eeleration is directed towards the origin. Also magnitude of
acceleration= I a I = I - w 2 r i =wtr which is proportional to r
I.e. the distance of the particle from the origin .
given 011rve.
W-.e have dt
dr =-a sm
. t 1+a
. cJs t J'+bk·•
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d [ . db da ] d 2b d'a .
(b) dt , • x dt-dtx b :s::ax d/2 - dr1 x b.
§ 12. lnJegratioa of Vector Fuoctioos.
We shall define integration as the reverse process .o f differentia-
tion. Let f (.t) and F (t) be two vector functions of the scalar t
such that dt F (t)=f (t).
Then F (t) is called the .(nde/inire int,egral ot f (t) with respect
to t and symbolically we write J f (t) dt =F (t). . ..( l)
The function f (1) to be integrated is called the integrand.
If e is any arbitrary conatant ~'ect'or independent of ,, then
:, {F (t)+c}=f (/),
This is equiv.alent to J f (t) dt=F (t)+c::. ...(2)
From (2) it is obvious that the integyal F (t) off (t) is indefi-
nite ' to the extent of an additive arbitrary constant c; Ther~fore
F (t) is called the indefinite integral o,f f (t). Tbe constant vector
c is called the constani of integtation. It can be determined if we
are given some initial conditions.
If d~ F ( t) = I (t) for aU t ·,o the interval [a, b], then ~he defi-
,nite integral between the limits t =a and t;;;;:;.b. can in such c~se be
l, . d '}
f (t) dt= .. idt F (t) dt
== F (t)+c]~ =F (h)-F (a).f
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=/1 (/) i +h
(t) j +/I (t) k.
Equatiog the coefficients of i. :L k, we get
d d d
di Fi V)-c /1 (t ), dt Fa (t)= f:1. (I), dt F 1 (t J /, (f .
:. F1 (t)=lf1 (t) dt,E,. (t)=J /2 (t) dt, F3 ,( t)=J /3 (I) dt.
:. F(r)={J f, (t) dt}i+{J /i dt}j+{i /a (t) dt} k, (t)
So from (2), we get
ff (t) dt=i J /1. (t) dt+j J/ 1 (t) dt+k J / 3 (t) dt.
Note. From this theorem we conclude that definition of
the ; ntegral of a vector function implies the def\nition of integrals
of three scalar functions which are the components of that vector
function. Thus i.o order to integrate a vector function we should
integrate its compooe:,ts.
§ I 3. Some Standard Re~ults.
Y.le have already obtained some standard n:sults for differen ..
tiation. With the help of these Tesults we can obtain omc
standard re~ults for integration.
· d dr ds
1. We have dt (r•S)=dt •s+r• dl .
Therefore {
j di
(dr •s+r• dtds } dt=r•s+c •
,•,here c is the -.;or,stanr of integration. t should be noted thal c is
hen:. a scalar quantity since tbe integrand is also scalar.
, d dr
··' 2. We have - (r1 )=2r•-
d1 dt ·
Therefore ~ (2r• ~) dl=r2 +c.
Here •he constant of iotegration ,. is a calar •4uantity.
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. d ( th ) 1 . dr d 2r
3. We have dt di =2 tlt .. dt'"
The refore we have
I{ 2!-~:qdt=(~:)"+c.
Here. the constaot of integrationJc ls a s~alar quantity..
Also (-1rdt ) -dt
_d.r • '!}.·~
d ( dr \ dr dr d'r d2r
4. We have ,ii . r xiii}= dt x dt -t r x d, 2 =r x dt"~
1{rx:~} dt=rx:~+c.
Here tbe constant of integratron c is a vector quantity since
- . d J2r . I ..
tbe mtegran r X dti 1s a so a vector quantity.
.(i) J fltJ dt=J {(t-i 2) i+2t 8 j-3k} dt
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26 Solved Examples
'=i I
Ct-t 2 ) dt+j iiI 2t1 dt-k ·. ·l I' 3dt
=i [ ~ - 11 .J·z +i [. 2 ~ ] 3 -3k. [ . t
2 3 J 4 J1 ]* ~-~6 i+~2 j-3k.
SI .
· o ut1on. I ntegrat1Dg
. t h e" equation
. tPr 1=a, we get
dr 1
. .
t, 1s . ry constant vector.
an arb1tra.
But 11
. 1s
..given t wh en t=:= Oidr·
• ili==u.
:. u=Oa+b or b=u,
.":. dt = ta +u.
loteg.r atiog again with respect to t, we get
r=it 1 a+tu+.c, where c is constant.
But when t=O, r=O .
.•.. 0=0+0·+c or c=0 .
.:. r=lt a+ tu.
=itz a+tb+c, Where c is constant.
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Ex. 5. Integrate ax Jii=h, where a and bare constant vectors.
S olut1on. ,. 11 b _ d { dr } _ <Pr
"e ave ;; ax dt =ax d, 2 •
,._ .mtegratmg d"r =: b, we get
. ax dtz
axd dr . constant.
-- =t b+ c, wb ere c 1s
Again integrating, we get
ax r=tfib+·t c+d, where d is constant.
Ex. 6. lf r(t)=5t 2 i+t j-f 1 k., prove that
{2 ( d2 )-
)i r X dt:
dl=-14i+ 75j-15k.
[Kanpur 1976, 78; Aara 80]
Solution. We have i{ r X : : ) dt= r X ~: +c .
.·. 1: (rx~;~) dt=[rx~J:.
Let .us oow find rx~. We have ~=10t i+j-3r 1 k..,
j k
-3t 1
-r 3 _ =-2t 3 i+St' j-5,t~ k.
:. [ (rx:;~) dt=[ -2ti i+St' j-5t~ k]:
=[-2,•J: i+( s,•]: j-[ s,• J: k=-l4i➔-1sj-~Sk.
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28 Solved Examples
(3 ( dr
l~ r•dt) di= ir2
[. ]a 1•
Integrating, we get
r=i J6 sin 2.t dt +j (4 cos 2t-4J dt+ k St• dt i
- -3 cus 2t i+(2 ~in lt-4t) j+·it 1 k+d,f where dis constant.
When t= O, r=O.
~ 0= - -3i +tj+Ok+d. •• II I
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Exercises 29
given t hat r= 2·+·
1 Jand d.-
di = - 1• - -j k a t t=
· 0.
Ans. r=(ti-.t - 2) i·+(l - 21') j+(t - -4 sin t) k.
6. The acr.t!.leration, of a part :cale at any time t ,s
er i+~' j t k. Find v, glven th· t v=i+j at 1=0.
[Agra 1973]
Gradient, Divergence and Curl 31
·r a ( ar ) a2r a ( ar )
fay=a x ,oy . oy ax=ay ax .
Proof. We ha ve v (f+g)=( i :x +j :Y+k a~ ) (/+g)
!fr has contiuous partial ~erivatives of the second order at = i ~x(f+g) tj ;y (f+g )+ k !z(f+g)
a2r a2r . .
· ox ? uy u X the order of di fferentiation is imma
least, then - - = '.'.! =i ~ -+i
og +.i a/ +.1og +k af +k ag
ax ay ay az az
tcrial. If r = fc, y , z), t e total differential dr of r is give n by
a- f · +·) a
= (. I. ax f +kaf) + (·I ax
ag .. ag +k og )
dr =
/r or
dx + - dy+- dz.
or -
oy -
az - T) -
cy -az
X ry oz
~ 2. T~ Vector iffilrential Operator Det ( v' ). The vect
=(i oxO + j ~+ l )1+( __!+
oy k oz
ax i 2:, + k az ) "·~
Pormulas Involving Gradient
,1 ,11/1 111, /J/,1n •ence and Curl
Proof. Iff (x, y, z) is constant, then 33
of of of
ox =O, oy =O, oz =O.
The. efio d f . of -t . of of . .
•J -
r re gra =1 -
ox ay +k -=01
oz +0J+0k=0
Hence the condition is necessary.
.g +J.uoy (f)
. oax ,,_r) g _·-t k ?z?(f) ~ ~ (3x2y.:...y8 z1)+k
• - I
Solved Exampli , ,, 1,/ 1•111, l lvngence and Curl 35
= - I2i-9j-16k.
Ex. 3. /fr= / r I wher(r= xi+yj+zk,prove that
( ,~ 1o r) . ( _.!_ or\+k( --_!_
ax + J - r 1 ay I r1
oz ·
(I) 'v f(r) =f' (r) '\lr, (ii) 'vr=- r [Rohilkband ltll J 0
(iii) 'v /(r)\Xr=O,
(iv) 'v ( +)=-,:,
r '
[Kanpur J97fJ
I (..!.. i+ 'j+~'k)
ax ay uZ
.!_ i+L i+.:... k ) [see part (ii)]
r ( r r r
(v) . 'v log/ r /=-..,
~ (xi+yj+zk) =- r-i, r.
(vi) 'iJ rn= nrn-• r, r3
v) We have 'v log Ir /='v log r
[Kanpur 1970; Robilkband 76; R.H.U. '711
Solution. Ifr=xi+yj+ zk, then r=/ r /=v'(xt+y1+z11).
log r+j -a log r+ k ;-
a Iog r
t X oy uZ
r2=x•+yz+ z2.
l or ·+...!.or·+...!..
r OX l oy ) r oz
a!_ k=_!_ ( ~ i+L i+..:. k)
r r r r
(i) 'iJ /(r) = (i !x+j!y+ k~ )f(r)
_!_ (xi+Yi+zk) = r--i- r.
=i !xf(r)+ j :y f(r) +k :z f(r)
a o r"+ k oz
O n
·1·(r ) ax+
or J'/' (r ) ory+ k f' (r) orz
(vi) We have v r" = i ax r"+i oy ' .
0 er nrn-1 -:,-or =nrn-1 (.I ar·+J.or+k
= 1
0 0 o')
= i nrn-1 ...!.+j nrn-1
ox _+k
oy OX oy oz
f , ( ) (.1 or
= r ox +
j or k or ) /'
· oy+ o--; , = (r) '\lr. = n,n-l vr
uz .
. .1 or y d or
"r or 2x . e or X
~ ox=
i • • ax=-,. Ex. 4. Prove that /(u) 'v 11 = v if (u) du .
S1m1 arly - = - an -=-. Solution. We have V ff (u) du
oy r oz r
n x.
v r=-
y . z .k I
r J+-
•• k
r . = r- (xi+n+z )=-
l ,.
r r=r.
=~ i ~x { i /(u) du } [by def. of gradient)
We have as in part (i), vf(r)=f' (r) '\lr.
= ~i {d• f f{u)
du } ou= ~i
ox f(u) ~'!.=J(u) l: i !:=/(u)
7 11-
. part ("
B ut as JD 1 r. Ex. 5. Show that .
11) "v r=- (i ) grad(r•a) = a, (ii) grad[r,a,b)=axb,
where .a and bare constant vectors. [Robilkbaod 198l; liombay 70]
l .
'v f(r)=f' (r) - r. Solution. (i) Let a=a1 i +a2 j +a3 k. Then ai, a2, a, are cons-
r tants . Also r==xi+yj+zk.
'v /(r) Xr={f'tr) ~ r }xr={-; /'(r)}(r x r) r•a=a1x+a2 y+ a.z.
:. grad (r•a)= V (r•a)= 'iJ la1x+a2y+at)
=0, since rxr=0.
= i ! x (a1x+a1y+a3z)+j :y (a1x+a1y+a1z)+k oz (a1x+a.y+a,z)
. We have 'v ( -l )
(iv) a ( - 1 )' +J• -a ( -I ) +t lo
=1. ._, -- ( -I ) = a1 i+a.j+a3 k=a. b • r· t
r ax r ay r oz r - (ii) grad [r, a, bJ=grad {r•(a x b)}, where ax 1s a cons an
Level Surfac .
,,,,11lw111 , Divergence and Curl 31
=axb as in part (i).
Ex. 6. (i) Interpret the symbol a• 'iJ. If u -I +z. v=x 2+y2+z2. w=yz+zx+ xy, prove that
(ii) Show that (a• 'iJ) </,=a• 'v ,f,. (grad u)-((grad v) x (grad w)]=O. [Kolhapur 1978]
(iii) Show that (a•'v).r=a.
If •, ( of of ) . ( of of ) • ( of of ) k,
Solution. (i) Let a=a1i +a2 j+ a 8 k. Then y oz -zoy i+ z ox -x oz J+ xoy - y ax
pr vc that
a•"v =<a1i +a 2 j+a8k)•(i ~ +j ~+k 0_)
ox oy oz (,) F rx 'vf. (ii) F•r=O, (iii) F•'v /=0.
=a1 -+a
o . o
·-+aa -. ft If ¢> ( r1 - 4r 1 12 +6r- 1 18 ), show t,h at
ox 2 oy oz 'v ,f,=2 (3-,-a,2_ , -1,s) r.
Thus the symbol'a• "iJ stands for the operator f. Pr v that 'v </,•d r=d</,.
o o o M P and p are two scalar point functions such that fl is a function
Oz OX +a2 oy +aa oz" . dp
f p; Show that 'v P= dp 'vp.
0 0
(ii) <8• 'v ) ,1,. = ( o ) tp.
ox +aa oy +a3 oz
Prove that A•{ 'v +-) = - ~;r .
Also a • 'vrp= (a1 i+a2 j+a8k)•(o</, i+ o,f? i+~,;,
ox oy oz
k) lO. Prove that 'v , - 8 = -3r- 5 r. [Agra 1974]
o<I> o</, o,t, 4 S. Level Surfaces. Let j( x, y, z) be a scalar field over a
= U1 OX+ a2 oy + as DZ. · gi n R . The points satisfying an eq uation of the type
Hence (a • V) </,=a•'v,f,. f (x, y, z) =c, (arbitrary constant)
o n tttute
a family of surfaces in three dimensional space. The
(iii) (a•'v) r=( 0 1 ~x+a2!y+ oR!z) r 111 faces of this fami ly are cal led level fiurfaces. Any sµrface of
or or er hi fa mily is such that the value or the function/ at any point of
=01 ox+o2oy+oaaz · I i the same. Therefore these surfaces are also called iso~f sur-
or . or . or 'c1ces.
r=xi+yj+zk. ox=I, oy =J, oz =k. :ibeorem l . L et f (x, y, z) be a scalar field over a region R.
(a• V) r=o1i+a 2 j+a3 k=a.
11en through any point of R there pa!ises one and only one level
Exercises Proof. Let (x 1, y 1, z1) be any poin t of the region R . Then the
1. 2y-x 4) i +(e'"11 -y sin x) j + x 2 cosy k, verify that level surface f (x , y , z)=/ (x 1, y 1 , z1 ) passes thrqugh this point.
If f=(2x
Now suppose the level surfaces f(x , y, z) =c1 and f( x, y, z)=ca
02r 02r
pass through the point (xi, Yi, z1) . Theo
I, [Agra 1978] f (xi, yi, zJ =c1 and f(x 1 , Yi, z1 )=c2 •
2. If ,f, (x, Y, z )=x2y+y'x+z 2, find 'v</, at the point (1, I, I). Since f (x, y, z) has a unique value at (x 1 , Yi, z 1) therefore
[Agra 1979] we have C1= C2 ,
Ans. 3i+3j+2k. Hence only one level surface passes through the poi nt
[ Note that 'v</,= o</, i+ .!!. i+ o,f, k
ox oy oz ·
J (x,, Y1 , 21),
Theorem 2. V f is a vec:or normal to the surface f (x , y, z)=c
3. Fin<:! g rad f, where / is given by where c is a constant. . lAgra 1968; Kerala 75J
f=x 3-y 8+xz2, at the point (I, -l, 2). (Agra 1977] Proof. Le t r=xi+yj+:zk be the positi o n vector of any point
Ans. 7i-3jf4k. p (x. y , z) on the level surface/ (x, y, z) =c. Lc. t
Directio11al Derivative of a Scalar Pnint Functio11 ,,, 1,/ 1,,,1, Divergence and Curl
be a neighbouring point on this surface. Then the position vect r" Jim f(Q) - f (P) Jim 'Sf df It represents
Q➔ P PQ = ss➔ O &s= ds. - -- - - -
of Q=r+Sr=(x+Sx) i+(Y+oy) i+(z+Sz) k.
-~ th II t f change off with respect to distance at point Pin the
PQ=(r+Sr) - r=or=oX i+oy i+oz k. ,.
As Q--+P, the line PQ tends to tangent at P to the level sur• ii ,.t n 111' unit vector a.
face. Therefore dr=dxi+dyj+dzk lies in the tangent plane to th 'J'la or m t. The directional derivative of a scalar field fat a
surface at P. ··
(1/J ,,, /> , y, z) in the direction of a unit vector i is given by
From the differential calculus, we have
df ,.
df= of dx +of dy+ of dz - ='vf•a.
ds [Allahabad 1982; Pooi•a 70J
ax ay az
Proof. Let f (x. y, z) define a scalar field in the region R.
r . of . of
ox +J oy +
k aJ )
oz; •
(d . d .
x1+ YJ+dzk l=v'/•dr. L l
l+yj+zk'denote the position vector of any poirit P(x, y, z)
, thi region. Ifs denotes the distance of P fro~ iome fixed point
Since f (x, y, z)=constant, therefore df=0.
' v' f•dr=O so that 'v f is a vector perpendicular to dr and n the direction of ;, then ox denotes small element at .p in the
. d I
therefore to the tangent plane at P to the surface
f (x, Y, z)=c.
cl • •tion of;_ Therefore d:
is a unit vect6r1 at Pin this direc-
Hence v' I is a vector normal to the surface f (x, y, z)=c.
Thus if f (x, y, z) is a scalar field defined over a region R, ti 11 i.e. ds =a.
then v'fat any point (x, y, z) is a vector in the direction of nor- dr dx . dy . dz ..
mal at that point to the level surface f (x, y, z)=c passin(.througb But r=xi+yj+zk. :. ds = ds •+ ds J+ ds k=a.
that point
,., ( of of o f) (dx . dy . dz )
..g 6. · Directional Derivative of a scalar point functio . Now 'v.f•a= i ox + i oy +k o~ • ds i+ ds J+ ds k
· (Agra 1972; Kolhapur 73; Bc\mbay 74)]
of dx ·of dy of dz
D efinition. Let f (x, y, z) define a scalar field in •a "regio.oi R
and let P be any point in this region. Suppose Q fa a point in this
=ax ds +ayds +az ds
region in the . neighbourhood of Pin the direction of a given unit df
= ds = d.irect 1ona
: l. derivative off at P in tht direction of;.
vector a . Alternative Proof. Let Q be a point in the neighbourhood of
'T'h Jim f(Q) - /(P) ,., .
.1. , en Q-+ p PQ , if it exists, is called tile directional p in the direction of the given~unit vector a. If l, 1,:, n are the
·' ~ direction cosines of the hne PQ, thenJ;li+mj+nk =the unit
derivative off at P in the direction of a.
I vector in the direction of PQ=~ - Further if PQ=os, then the co-
/interpretation of directional derintive. Let P be the point
(x, y, z) and let Q be · the point (x+ ax, Y+ oY, z+oz). Suppose ordinates of Q are (x+ las, y+mss, z+n5ls). Now the directional
PQ= .s. Tht"l 8s is a small element at P in the direction of
a. If Sf=f(x+ ax , y+ay, z-t-oz)-f(x, y, z)=f(Q)-f (P), then
derivative off at P in the direction of~ is
lim f(Q )-f(P)
=Q ➔ P .---PQ
rs·represents the a,,:erage rate of change off oer unit di.stance in
lim J( x +lo1,y+ m3s, z+nSs) - f(x, _v, z)
=ss➔ O
the direction of a. Now the dtrcctional denvat ive off al pin the
40 r rnrlfet1t , Diverget1ce and Curl 41
Tangent Plane and Normal to a Level Surface
,, '
grad f = V/= dn
th d' •
e trect10n of f increasing, then
to t he surface. T he vecto r
P Q = R-r=(X-x) i+(Y-y) H(Z--z) k
lies in the tangent plane a t P. Therefore it is perpendicular to
the vector v f.
dn ,s pos1t1ve. Therefore V / is a vector normal to the surface
.,. (R -- r )• V/=0
f (x, .Y, z)=c in the direction off increasing.
J Tb eorcm 8. Grad f is a vector in the direction of which the
or [(X - x ) i+ (Y-y) j +(Z -z) k]•(~:-i+ ~i i+fz k)=o
of cf of
maximum value of the directionh! deriva tive 0,rf . df .or ( X- x) ax + (Y-y ) a,;,+(Z-z) az =O, .. (1)
. 'J 1.e. d-
s occurs.
is the equation of the tangent plane at P.
[Agra 1968, 71; Bombay 69)
42 Solved Examples c,' r ad lc11t , Divergence and Curl
a Normal at. P· Let R -- X 1· + y J·+ Zk be the position vector of 'olutiou . The grad fat any point (x, y, z) is the vector
ny current ~mt Q .(X, Y, Z) on the normal at p to the surface.
af_ i+ al .+ a/ k
The vector PQ = R - r -- ( X -x) I•+(Y - J') J+(Z-
normal . z) k lies along the
ax ay J oz ·
'v f at pt~ the surface. Therefore i~ is parallel to the vector The d irectional derivative off in the direction of i
f•i=(af i+ a/ i+af
. .· (R - r) x 'v/= 0 ... (2) . = grad
ax ay oz k )•i=af_
is the vectqr equation of the normal at p to· th e given
. surface Similarly the directional derivatives off in the directions of j
Cartesian form. The vectors ·
of af
(X-x) i+( Y-y)j+(Z-z) k and 'v/=o_f i+ of .+ of k
nd k 1rc oy and az·
· ox o" J a E . 3. Find the directional derivative off (x, y, z)=x'yz+ 4xz'
will be para Ile! if .r z
at the point ( l, - 2, - 1) in the direction of the vector 2i - j -- 2k.
ay 1·+ ~az.[ k) ,
[ Allahabad 1978]
(X-x) i+(Y- y) H ·(Z-z) k.=p ( of
. ax i+9/ 2
olution. We have / (x, y, z)=x yz+4xz ;-...
where P. 1s some scalar. 2
grad f=(2xy z+ 4z 1 ) i+xilz i+(x y+8xz) k
Equating the coefficients of i, j, k, we get
=8i-J - 10k at the point (1, - 2, -1).
X - X= p ?!,
Y-y = p of 7 - --
oy ' .~ Z-p azof '
1f; be tbe unit vector in the direction of the vector 2i - j - 2k,.
Y -- y
X -- x Z- z ,. 2i - j - 2k 2.. 1 . 2 k
?l = 0f = of then
a=v(4+I+ 4)-.3 - 3 J- 3 .
ax oy oz Therefore the required directional derivative is
are the equations of the normal at P. df ,. . • • • 16 1 20 37
ds =grad f•a=(8 1- 1- lOk)• (i1- ½1-ik)= 3 3 + +3 = 3 -
Ex. I. Find a unit normal vector to the level surface Since this is positive, f is increasing in this direction.
. x 2y+2xz= 4 at the"point (2, _ 3). Ex. 4. Find the directional derivative of
Solution. The equation of the level surfa is f (x, y, z)=X 2 - 2y1 +4z
f (x, Y, z)=x2y+2xz=4. at the point (1, 1, -1) in the direction ~f 2i+j - k [Agra 1979]
T he vector grad f is along the normal to th f - Ans. 8/y6.
point (x, y, z). e sur ace at the
Ex. 5.
Find the direc-tional ·derivative of the functiun
V-:e have grad/='v (x2y+2xz)=(2xy+2z) i+x2 i+2x k. J =x2-yz+2z1 at the point P (l, 2, 3) in the direction of the line
•: at t~e p_omt (~, - 2, 3), grad /=- 2i+ 4j+ 4k. PQ where Q ·is the point (5, 0, 4). [Agra 1980)
- 2r+ 4J+ 4k is a vector along the normal to th . af . of . of k
surface at the point (2, -2, 3). e given Solutioo. - 1 +-
Here gra d / = ax ay J+-
az ,. .
Hence ~ u~it normal vector to the surface at this point =2X i-2y j+4z k = 2i - 4j+12k at the point (l, 2, 3).
_ - 21+ 4J+ ' k - 2i+4j+.:.k
--r =positi on vector of Q -- position vector of P
- I - :d+4j+4k 1=v'l4 +· 16+ ~b)= - ½i+U +}k. Also PQ
, . . a a k) i-e
· ·• 1· ~- 2k 1s
3l -3J-a · also a unit =(5i +Oj+4k) - (i-t-2j +3k) = 4i - 2j+k.
norma l uct or to the give
. .,:-;: . n surface
. at the po· m t (2 • - 2 • .3) . . If; be the unit vector in the direction ot the vector PQ ,
. f.E x. 2.
I d'
Fmd. tne directional derivativer
- . of
. a sea I ar pornt . func-
,. 4i - 2j+k 4i - 2j+k
ion 111 t 1e trectwn of coordinate axes. ·
then a= v'(l 6+ 4 + 15= v'(21) .
44 Gradient, Divergence and Curl 45
Solved Examples
Ex. 9. Show that the directional derivativ_e of a scalar point
·the req_uired dirt:ctional derivative funct ion at any point along any tangent line to the level surface at
=(grad /l-:t=(2i-4j+ I2k)•{ 4i- 2l_+_k} the point is zero.
. v'(21) . Solotion. Let f (x, y, z) be a scalar point function and let a
28 28 4
=v1(f1)=21 vc
21 )= -3 21 >· v< be a unit vector along a tangent Ii ne to the level surface
f (x, y, z) =c.
. ~x. 6. /~ w~~t -dilection from the point (I, I, -1) is the We know that V.f is a normal vector at any point of the sur-
directwnal derivative of f=x 2 -2y 2 +4z1 a maximum? Also find the face f (x, y, z)=c. Therefore the vectors "iJ f and a are per-
value of thi.Y maximum u,rectional derivative. pendicular.
Solution. We have grad /=2xi-4yj+8zk Now the directional derivative off in the direction of a
. =2i-4j-8k at the point (1, I, - l). =8•'\J /=0-
The d1reqtional derivative off is a maximum in the direction Ex. 10. Find the equatio s of the tangent plane and normal to
of gra,d/=2i-4j-8k. , the surface 2xz2 -3xy- 4x=1 at the point (1, -1, 2).
The maximum value of this directional derivative Solution. The equation of the surface is
=/ grad/ l=l 2i -4j-8k l=v'(4+I6+64)=v(84)=2v(21). f (x ,_y, z'=2xz'-3xy-4x=7.
. ~x. 7. F_or ~he function f-y/(x 2 +y 1 ), find the value of the We have grad / =(2z11 -3y+4) i-3x i+4xz k
directional derivative making or, angle 30° with the positive x-axis at =7i - -3j+8k, at the point (l, -1, 2).
the point (0, I). · . . 7i-:: j +8k is a vector along the normal to the surface at
the point (1, - I, 2).
Solution. We have grad f-af i+af ·
ax ay J The position vector of the point (l, -!, 2) is =r=i -:- i+2k.
-2xy i xz - yz . . If R=Xi+ Yj+Zk is the position vector of any current point
(x2t-y2)z +(xa+y2)2 J=-J at the int (0, 1). (X, Y, Z) on the tangent plane at (I , - 1, 2), then the vector R - r
"' is perpendicular to the vector grad/.
If a is a unit vector along the line. which makes an angle 30° • the equation of the tangent plane is
with the positive x-axis, then
(R - r)•grad/=0,
;=COS 30° i+sin 30° j= ~ 3 i+½j. i.e . {(Xi+ Yj+Zk)-(i- i+2k}}•(7i-3j+8k)=0,
i.e. {(X-1) i+(Y+l) i+ (Z - 2) k}•(7i -3j+8k)=0,
the required directional derivative is I.e. 1 (X-1)- 3 (Y+ 1)+8 (Z-2)=0.
y3 .~+ I- J.') = - ½. The equations of the normal to the surface a 1 the point
= g ra d f •8=
" ( -J.) • ( ~
2 2 (I, - 1, 2) are
Ex. 8. What is the greatest rate of increase of u=xyz2· at the X-l Y+I Z -:F- i . X-1 Y+I Z-2
voint (I , 0, 3)? [Agra 1968]
of - of -- ?Ji ' I.e. 7 -- - j - 8 •
=( OX/2 k- O/sX i) + (- aoy/1 k+ oyofa i)+ (aOJ-.Z J._ OafZ2I·)
0 0 equation. A function which satisfies Laplace's equation is called a
harmonic function. · 1
=( 0ayfa __ ?ls)
i+( of1_of..
az ox
3) i+( a.t;_ aJ-.)
ox oy
. Ex. 1.
Prove that div !' =3.
. N o!e· It s_h ould be noted that the expression for curl f can be [Agra 1978; Rohilk.hand 81; Kanpur 75; M r.erut 67, 71]
':'ntten immediately if we treat the operator v' as a vector q ua n- Solution. We have r= xi+yj+zk.
t1ty. Thus
By d efi mhon, a +J• -a +k a- ) •r
d.1v r=\] •r= (·1 ;;;-
uX oy oz
Curl f= v' Xf-= (i ~ +j ~ + k o ) X (f; i+ f.. 1'+/' k) = i• or +i• ~+ k• Jr
riX rJy OZ l i 3
i i k I · ax ay az
a a 0
=i•i+joj+k•k [ .., a~=i or= ·
PX ' oy J,
ax ay ai =1+1+1=3.
Ex. 2. Prove that curl r=O.
!1 f'/, fa [Agra 1968; Kanpur 75, 79; Robilkband 76; Meerut 67, 71]
- ;;. a
ay Uz /;- h at ( ;, a ,k Solution. We have by definition
But we must t ake care that in tbe expansion of the detern,i - N OW r=XI·+YJ+z
. k• J. ;-=I, '.l- =J,. or = k .
?.r . or
nant the op · rat a a O must precede the fun cti ons f .r f, . uX l'Y 0. Z
" ors c::i x · r~y, <~
,Z 1' 2 , 3· 1 · Curl r=ixi+j x j+kxk=0+0+0=0.
..frrotational V"ctor. D ,.•fio•t· A vector f is said to be frr,. ta• Ex. 3. If f=x 2y i-2xz j+2yz k, find
.. 1 100.
tiono! 1( "iJ X f =O. {i) d£v f, (ii) curl f, (iii) curl curl f.
Solution. (i) We have
Solved Examples
a, a a
(r~ )=( ~:2+~:2+!:2
·){ r~ )
9x l 5x 3 3x 15xy 2 3x 15xz2
ax ay az =-,5+7-,0 +~-,5+~
·J ~x
-- -,:i; I 5x
- +-,1
. 1 Sx I Sx
(x +y'+ zt) = - r-- +-
r7 r 6
= 0.
=[a~ (ezV•)-a! (e:tll•)] i+ [ a~(e"'Y•) - : (e:tll• )] j Exercises
1. If f=xy2i +2x 2yzj - 3yz2 k , find d;v f and curl f.
r+ ax~ (e "'Yz)_.£_
L ; ay
(exV•)] k What are their values at the point (1, -1, 1) ?
=e'"11• (xz-xy) i+e'"11• (xy-yz) j+e,., z (yz-xz} k. [Agra 1979]
Ex. 9. Evaluate div f where Ans. y 2 +2x2 z- 6yz; -(3z2 +2x'y) i+(4xyz-2xy) k.
1 At the point (1, -1, 1), div f=9 and curl f=-i-2k.
f=2x zi-xy 2 zj+3y 2x k. [Kanpur 1970]
2. If f=(y 1 +zi - x1 ) i+(z 2 +x 2 - .Y 2) j+(x2 +y1 -z1) k, find
Soldtion. We have div f and curl f.
div r='v• r= (·loxa +·Joya +k az-
a )•(2x zi -xy zj+3y xk } 2 2 2
Ans. -2x-2y - 2z; 2 (y - z) i+2 (:z -x) i+2 (x-y) k.
3. If F=xszi-2y3z 2j +xy 2 zk , find div F, curl Fat (1, -1, l).
a a a Ans. div F= - J, curl F=-6i+2j.
=ax (2x2z)+ a1 (-xy2~)+az (3y 2x) 4. Find div f and curl f where
=4xz-2xyz+q= 2xz (2-y). f=grad (x 3 +y 3 +z 3 -3xyz).
Ex. 10. Show that 'v 2 (x/rfl) =O. Ans. div f=6 (x+y+z); curl f=0.
-raa :1 ~ " : . 5. find the divergence and curl of the vector
'\7 3 I\ r- 3- ) == \ ax
X \ I
Solution. - "+
2 v- + ~ ) (~ ).
3y 2 oz2 ,a
f=(x2- y 2 ) i+2xyj+(i1 - xy) k. (Agra 1977]
Ans. div f=4x, curl f= (2y-x) i+yj.
ax r 3
ax ox r3
(~)}=-2{ J.. _3xr ax~}
ox r 3 4
6. Given ef,=2x3y 2z4, find div (grad r/,).
Ans. 12xy 2 z4 +4x 3z4 +24x 3y 2 z2 •
ax r
]_ _3.xr ~r }[ •••
3 4 r 1 =x2 + y 2 +z 2 gives ~ - 2r
3x -
J 7.
If u=x 1 -y 2 +4z, show that 'v 2u=0.
If u=3x 2y and v=xz 2 -iy, then find
a{ I 3x2 } I . 3 or 6x I 5x 2 ar grad [(grad u}•(grad v)J.
=ax r3 -rfi, = - r' ax -,5+7 ox Ans. (6yz 2 -4x} i+6xz 2 j+12xyz k.
3 X 6X J 5xi X 9x l 5x3 9. Iff=(x+v+l) i+j+(- x--y) k, prove that
+ ,6 , -- r6 + , 1
== ,i -:, · ~" •
f•curl f=O. [Kanpur 1980; Agra 78, 80]
10. If f=fi i+/2 j+fs k, show that
'v •f= 'v/ 1 •i+ 'vf2 •i 'vfa•k, +
Important Vector ldenliti
Gradient, Divergence a,id Curl 57
'i7 Xf = 'i7/2 Xi+ 'v12 X j + \7fs X k.
Find the consta nts a, b, c so that the vector
F=(x+2y+az) i+(bx - 3y-z) j+(4x+cy+2-z) I,
=~{ i• ( ~~ A)}+}:{ i•( rf, ~~)}
=}:{ (!~ ) •A}+}:{ rp ( i• :!)}
is irrotational.
Ans. a=4, b=2, c=- l.
-/4 1 \. lmport11nt Vector Identities. ['r' ·_-:e,·a'• (mb)=(ma)•b=m (a•b}]
.1'. Prove thar div (A+B)=div A+div B
V•(A+B)= V •A+V•B.
={}: !! i}•A+rf,~ (i~ ~!)=(Vrf,)•A+r/,(V •A} .
Proof. 'We have 4. Prove that curl (if,A)=(grad <{>)XA + if, curl A
. div (A+B)= V •(A+B)= ( i ix :y+j +k 'il~ ) •(A+B},
V X (<,hA) =(Vrp) x A + <,h (V X A).
[Agra 1968· M eerut 67, 68, 72; Bombay 68; Kanpur 76;
=}: f ix
i• ( rf, A) }=}; {i• (!! A+rf, t)} ={~ 0
(i x 0!n·•B-L{ (ix~!) •A }=(curl A)•B-{ L ( i X ~!)}•A
-= (curl A)•.B' - (curl B)•A=B•curl A-A•curl B'. · ·
=};{(i• ~!) A-(i•A) ~!}+ ~{ (i•B) ~~-(i• ~~)s } =~at)+ :v(~1)+o! (!t)
a2<1, o',t, o2,;, ( a2 a2 a2 )
=a:x2 +oy +az = ax2 +ay2 +az2 r/,='v
0 3 3
= L{(A • ~~) i }+}; {(B• ~~) i } · ... (1) ox ay oz
No w we know that a x (bx c)=(a c) b-(a b) c. 0
or/, a,;,
.,. (a b) c=(a c) b -a x (bxc).
0 0
ax ay az
3B) I.= (A• .l) aB
.,.• (,A"ax ( oB . )
ox- A x,ax x1 =(-a2,;, _ _§!j___) i (J:j_- _
9l )
ay oz az oy + oz ax - ox oz
an A X ( IX·
= (A •l. )oX+ . aB)
ax. =Oi+ OJ+Ok=O,
pro_v ided we suppose that rf, has continuous second partial deri -
Thus}; {(A•~~) i }=L { (A •i ) ~!} + L{ A X (ix~~)} va tives so that the order of differe ntiation is immaterial.
10. ProJ1e that d1J1 curl A=O, i.e., 'v•('v x A) =O.
={A•Li :x1 B+AXL ( ix o~)
0 (Agra 1970, Kerala 74; Kolhapur 73; Bombay 68)
Proof. Le t A=A 1 i+A 2 j+A 3 k .
=(A• 'v ) B+Ax('v XB). ... (2) Then curl A='v XA = i j
Solved Examples
. ·•'(u.)~----+J
= .l!f
ou . f'( u)-
ac!u +k f, (u)-
vX y oz
=( oy1
oA _?~ 2
) i+( oA oAa) ·+(0A2_~A1 )
_ k.
'( ·)r·[. -+
J , ·u ox J --
au] ,
au . au+ k-
oy oz , =f (u) grad u.
02 oz ax J ox oy ,
x A) Ex. 2. T:11kiing .F=x'y i + xz j +;?yz k ve~ify th~t div curl F=O.
( Now di.v- curl A= "iJ •( v'
_ o_{;'oyj,3,_iJA 2 ) o (0A_0Aa)
1 a (oA 2 _aA 1 ) Solution. W:e have Curl F= 'i
[Agra 1968]
ox \ ay a,z + oy az ax +az ax oy j k
o2A 3 _o2 A2+_1ifrA _o2 Aa+ o2A2_----1..
o2A :a a a
-ax ·ay-ax oz ' oy oz - ay ax oz ox oz oy
=O, ass uming that A has continuous second partial derivatives.
cl.ix ,8y oz
11. Prove that
x2JP :x-z 2yz
V x ('v X A)= V ( v' •A)- 'v 2 A. (Meerut B .Sc. Physics 1983;
Proof. Let A =A 1 i+A2i+Aak,
Allahabad 81; Agra 71] =[:Y (2yz)-:z (xz) Ji-[~x(2yz)) - !z ('x y)J j 2
Aa ~ · (z-.x )= -
=~uX (2z-x)+ oz 2 I+ 1 =0.
j+(:i2-::1) k.
Ex. 3. Find V ,f, and / 'v ,f,
,f,=(x•+y2+z2) e -{x2+y2+z2)1'2
I M-'lien
j k
Solution. Let r =x 2 +y2 +z2. Then we can ,write ,f,=r'e-r.
=3rn+r{n,n-1 +
div r = 3 and grad/(u)=/' (u) grad u]
r] [ ·:
=3rn+11rn- 2 (r•r) =3 r"+nrn- 2 r 2 =(n+3) rn.
grad r=:-+ r]
curl [fir) r] = O.
[Agra 1974; Kanpur 1975]
The vector /(r) r will be irrotational if
or or X
/(r)= :!_+c2 ,
Now r 2 =x 2 +yi+z 2 • 2r -=2x i.e. ;:-= -- · 2 2
OX r.'X r :!·here r =x +y2 +z 2 and c1 , c2 are arbitrary constants.
or y or ~
Similarly - = - and ,,= -. [Bombay 1969]
ay r uz r ,_-;nlu!iou. As shown in the precedir,g example, if
div r = , -
3 (X;:a-,+
Z Z)
+Y 2 +z2, then 7 2
-=J"(r) + 2 . f'(r).
< radient, Divergence and Curl 65
64 So/lied Examples I
= div ( - _!_ grad ,) = ·d iv { - ~ !_ r) =div
r· r
{- -~-
r) Solution. We know that
curl (,f,A)=grad ,f,xA+,f, curl A.
=(.. :_ ,11-1_) ,a ,a
div r+;•grad( - _!_)= -]__ +r•[!!_
dr (-~)grad,]
r .
Putting grad ,f, in place of A, we get
curl (,f, grad ifo)=grad ,f,xgrad cfo+,f; curl grad if,
=-~ +r•( r4
~-'-r r )=- -+ ,s (r •r)= - ,a3- +},s r
3 3
= 0. =0+s&O.
Here grad ,f, x grad cfo=O, since it is the cross product of two
. . 1/r is a solution of Laplace 's eq uation. equal vectors. Also curl grad cfo=O.
Ex. 11. Prove that div grad r 11 = n (n+ I) , 11 - 2 ,
i.e .• : . curl (,f, grad ,'>)=0+0=0.
9 2 rn_=n (n+ l) , 2 • 11 -·
[.Kanpur 1978, 80; Robilkhand 81; Agra 69; Calicut 75] Ex. 16. If f and g are two scalar point functions, pro"e that
Solution. We have 9 2 r"= v' • (9 r") = div ( r 11 ) div (f 9g)=f v' 2g+ V f• 9g. [Meerut 1972]
= div (11rn-- 1 grad r ) = <liv ( n, n- 1 t-- r ) = div (nr 11- 1 r) . w h og. og ·+ag ...
Solution. e ave Vg= ;,- •+-,,- J :;- "'·
· uX uy uz
= (nr 11 - div r + r• (grad 11, 2 ) 11 -
=f ( ox2 +oy2 +oz 2 g =12 r-5 -
x-3r 4 =12r 6 x 2 -3r-'.
+( of i+ of i+ of
.ax oy oz
k)·( ox
o! i+ ~g i+ a_g: k)
ay oz · Similarly !Y (-3,- 4 y)= 12,-1 y -3r-' 3
Ex. 18. Prove that 'v •{ r'v (r; )}=,~ h•'v ( a•'v _!__)= 3 (a•r) (b•r) _!l•b
r rs ,s
or, div [r grad r- 3 J=3r- 4 • where a and b are constan t vectors.
Solution. As shown in the last example, we have
Solution. We have 'v ( r~ ) =grad r- 3 1 a•r
&• 'v - r = - 3r
=:?_ (r-a) i+ o_
ox i+ ~ (rs)
oy oz (r-s) k. :. h• 'v {~•v J_)= h• 'v (- a•r)=b-:Ei ~- (- a•r)
. o Vr r r 3
ra ax
ox v- )=-3,- ox'3 4
But r 1 =x1 +y 1 +z•.
=h•I:i {- r~ !x (a•r) +(a•r) !x (·-r~)}
' Therefore 2r. -=2x
or or X
=h•I:i {-..!.. (a• or)+3 (a•r) ,- , 71·}
or;-= - ·
ox u 'X r 4
a . -~ - -. ·- ox r3 . ox
so ox (,-a)= - 3r-4 7 = - 3,-5 x. [·r a is a constaL: vector]
3r- 5 y and o_ (r- 3)=-3r- 5 z. =h•I:i { - a•i + 3x (a•r>} [ .•. ar =i and er= -~- ]
uy (,- )= - ox
oz ra r 5 • t1 x r
( 1)
a b 3 (a•r) (b •r)
o (-3r- 4 x)+ o . y)+-:,-o ( - 3r' z), - ,a +--
E~. 22. If a Is a constant vector, prove that -=h1 x+b,y+b,z where b1 , b,, b8 are constants.
div {r• (ax r)}=0. [Allahabad 1980; Robilkbaod 77) :. grad (b•r)= b 1i+biJ+b3k=b.
Solution. We have · ;. div [(b•r) a]=a•b. . ..(2)
div (,f,A)=,f, div A +A•grad ,f,. Again div [(b•a)] r=(b••) div r+r .. grad (b•a).
• div {r" (axr)}=r" div (axr)+(axr)•grad rn But div r=3. Also grad (b•a)=O because ~-a is con~tant.
div [(b•a) r]=3 (h••). ...(3).
=r" div (axr)+(axr)•(nrn-1 grad,)
Substituting the valuea from (2) and (3) in (1), we get
=r" (r•curl a-a•cml r)+(a xr)•( nrn-1 div [(rxa)xb]=(a•b)-3 (h••)=-2b••·
(ii) Curl [(rxa)x b]=curl [(b•r) a-(b•R)r]
':'~ ,,. (r•0-a•0)+nrn- 2 (ax r)•r =curl [(b•r}af-curl [4,b•a} r].
[•f curl of constant vector is zero and curl r=0J But curl (ef,A) = grad ,f,xA+,f, curl A.
=nr•:...2 (a, r, r] :. curl [(b•r) a]=[grad (b•r)] x a+(b•r) curl a ·
· =0, since a scalar triple product ha,ring two equal vectors is =bx a [ ·: curl •=0 and grad (b•r)=b]
r.ero. Also curl [(b•a) r]=[grad (b•a)] X r+(b•a) curl r
\ Ex. 23. Prove that
'v •(U'v V-V'v U)=U'v 1 V-V':::J 1 U. .•
=0 [·; grad tbea)= O and curl r=OJ
curl [(rxa) x b]=bxa-0;,,.bxa.
[Meerut 1969; Bombay 69; Agra 70] Ex. 25. If a is a constant vector, prove that
axr a 3r
Solution. We have 'v •(r.l":::J V- V':::J U) ,,
curl-= - - +- (a•r).,3 ,6
= 'v e( U'v V)- 'v •( V'v U).
Solution. We have
Now 'v •(U'v V)= U{'v •(\7 V)}+('v U\•('v V)
=rrv•v +(\7 U)•C\7 V>. curl axr=\7
,a x(axr)=E{
r3 lx~-(~x')}
ax ,a .
Interchanging U and V, we get
'v~cvv U}= V\l 1 U +(\7 V)•(V U). Now a_ (•~r)\ =- ~ ~ (axr)+-:i (ax~r )+ ! ('~~xr)
ax r r vX r r u:: vX
~ \7 •(U'iJ V :-- V\7 U) ...(1)
= [UV f V+(V U)•('v V)]-[V':::J 2 U+(\l V)-(VU>]
Now aa =0 because a is a constant vector.
=Uv 2 v-vviu. ax '
Ex. 2~·. If~ and b ar~ constant vectors, prove that ar .
(i) div [(rXfi) XbJ=-, 2h•a, [Roliilkband 1979]
Also r=xi +yj+zk. :. ax=•·
(ii) curl [(rxa)xb] = bxa. [Robilk~aod 1979] or
Further "5""" = - ,
SuMion. (i) We have (rxa)Xb=(b•r) a-(b•a) r. . vXr ·
.:. div I(r x a)xb]=div [(b•r) a-(b•a) r] :. (I) becomes
=div [(b•r) aJ-div [(h•a) r,]
But div (ef,A)=c/> div A+A•grad ef,.
.•• (1)
,:i-· -,, ~,
ax·(•><r)= 1.
0 (axr)+.l ,
1 (axi)
a+{,; ~ a1 x} r+ ,;
(ii) 'v"(a x u) =- a cu rl u,
={-) ~x 2
§ 12. lnvariance. .o
•c,+J -ay+ k
.o o a ., a-,
,: -, =•., a-;+J a +k',-·~·
Theorem I. Show that under a rotation of rectangular axes, uX uz X y uZ
the origin remaining the same, the vector differential operator 'v Theorem 2. If <f, (x , y, zl is o scalar invariant with , respect to
remain3 invariant; a rotation of axes, then grad </, ;s a vector invariant under this trans~
Proof. IA:t O be the fixed origin. Let Ox, Oy, Oz be one formation.
system of rectangular axes and Ox', Oy', Oz' be the other 'system Proof. Fi n , ., . Jceed exactly •.. t ~e same manner as in theo-
of rectnngular axes. Take i, j, k as unit vector3 along Ox, Oy , Oz rem 1 and obtain the 'e quations (I) and (2) .
a:nd i', j', k' ,as unit vectors along Ox', Oy', Oz'. Let P be ~ny Now suppose the function ef, (x, y, z) becomes ,p' (x', y', z')
point in space whose co-ordinates are (x, y, z) or (x', y', z') with after rotation of axes . Then by hypothesis </,(x, y, z) = ef,' (x', y', z').
,e11pect to the two systems of axes. Let Ii, m 1 , n1 ; / 2 , m2 , 112 ; / 9 , By chain rule of d ifferentiation. we have
m1 , n8 he the direction cosines of the lines Ox', Oy', Oz' with res- ocf, oc/>' ox' otf/ oy' oc/i' il z'
. pect to the co-ordinate axes Ox, Oy, Oz. ax=ox' ax +ay' ox +az' ax •
The scheme of transformation will be as follows ; Jx' ov' oz'
But from (I) , - = 11 • :;;:--=12 , ;--=la,
x'=l1x+m1 y+n 1z1 ' 0X uX uX
y'=l2 x+m:ay+n 2z >- ... (1) • e<f, aef,' a,;,' aef,' 1
z'=l 8 x+m 3 y-f-n 8 zJ ax= 1• ox'+/ 2 oy'+ls oz' I
Al.bto we know that if/, m, n are the direction cosines of a ot/, c</>' 0¢,' o<f,' I
Similarly oy = in 1 ox'+m2 oy'+ m~ oz' > ... (3)
line, then a unit vector along that line is /i+mj+nk, where i, j, k
are unit :vectors along co-ordinate axes. Therefore and
o<f, ac1,· o<f,' a¢/
oz = ni ax:+n 2 oy'+ ns oz' J
i'=l1 i+m 1 j+n1 k 1
k =/ 31+maJ+n1k
j ••• (2) Multiplying these equations by i, j, k respectively, adding and
using the results (2). we get
If Vis any function (vector or scalar) of x, y, z, then i ocfa +· ocf, +k
acp = i' ?cfa'+., af +k' of
ax J oy
oz ox' J oy' oz'
av avax' av oy' avaz' grad cp = grad ,/,'.
ax-ax' ax + oy' ax +az' ax. Theorem 3. If V (x, y, z) is a vecto• fun ction invariant with
• ~_ox'~ oy' j_ .oz' ~ respect to a rotation of axes. then div V is a scalar invariant under
. . ax=axox'+ ox oy ,+ax oz'" this trans/ormation.
Bx' oy' oz' Proof. First proceed exa~tly in the same manner as in theo-
But from (I), ax =Ii, ax =12, ax =la.
rems l and 2.
. a a +I a a 1 Now suppose the function V (;.:, y, z) becomes V' (x', y' , z')
• ax= 11 ox' 2 oy' +11 az' I after rotation of axes. Then by hypotbesis
a a . a a
a/=m1 ax'+m, oy'+m, oz'
r .. .(J)
V (x,y, z)=V' (x',y', z').
,: , I. By chain rule of differentiation, we have
u a a a 1 av_ av: a;;' av' oy' av· az'
az=ni ox' +n, oy'+na oz' J ox - ax' ox +ay' ox + az' ax· '
Multiplying the equations (3) by i, j, k respectively, adding ox' oy' oz'
and usin) the results (2), we get But from (1), ox =11, ilx =la, ox =la.
74 In variance
>- ... (3) 3
and I ~reen's, Gauss's and
.J ·Stoke's Theorems
Taking dot product of these three equations by i, j, k respec-
tively, adding and us ing the results (2), we get
·.I• av . av k av ., av' ., av' k' av,
- ...L • - = I • - + J • - + • - ·
- + J• ay
ax ' oz ox ' 8y ' oz' § 1. Some preliminary concepts.
or div V=div V'. ,.,Oriented curve. Suppose C is a curve in space Let us orient
Theorem 4. If V (x, y, z) is a vector J •nction invariant under C by taki ng one of the two di rectio ns along C as the positive direc-
a rotation of axes, then curl V is a vector invariant unde r this rota- tion; the opposite direct ion alo ng C is then called the negative
tion. [Punjab 1966] direction. Supposr; A i~ the initial point and B the terminal poiut
Proof. Proceed exactly i,n t he same man ner as in theorem 3.
In place of taking dot product of equations (3), tak~ cross
product. We sha ll get
. av+.] Xa-+
_av k x av o-=
., av· J., X;;,+
I x u6",+
av· k' x'.l'
OX Y Z X uy uZ
or curl V=curl V'.
76 Line Integrals of the curve C, then dd_.!:_ =t is a unit vector along the tangent to
the curve C at the point r . The component of the vector F along
is piecewise smooth as it is composed of three smootl;l curves C1 ,
. t -
th1s . F dr .T h . . dr
C 2 and C 8 • The circle is a smooth closed curve while the curve angent 1s • ds. · e integra_l of F- ds along C from A to B
written as
c, J: [F•~~] ds = J: F•dr= L F•dr
Piecewise smooth curve is an example of a li"e integral. It is called the tangent!!JL
consisting of the four sides · of a rectangle is a piecewise s01° 0th of F al.,r,g C.
closed curve. Since r=xi+yj+ zk, therefore, dr=dxi+dyj+dzk.
~ mootb surface. Suppose S is a surface which has a unique ;.. F •dr=(F1 i+ F 2 j + F 3k)-(dxi +dyj +dzk)
normal at each of its p01nts anQ 'the direction of this normal =F1 dx+F2 dy +Fa dz.
dep~nds continuously on the points of S. Then Sis called a smooth
Therefore- in components form the above line integral is _
sm-face. written as ·
If a surface S is not' smooth but can be subdividec\ into a finite
number of smooth surfa~es, tben it is called a plece·wise smoot~
surface. The surface of a sphere is smooth while the surface of a J F•dr= fl
(F1 dx+F1 dy+F3 dz).
cube ~ piecewise smooth. The parametriq equations of the curve Care x = x(t), y=y(t)
-Classification of regions. A ·region R in which every closed and z=z(tJ.
curve can be contracted to a. point without passing out of the Therefore we may write
region is called a simply connected region. Othe,rwise the region R
· { F•dr= ft~[F1_dx '+F.2 dy +F8 dz ] dt
is•multiply-connected: Theregion interior to a circle is a simply-
connected plane region. The region · interior \o a sphere 1s,a
Jc J11 dt dt dt ·
sim ply-connected region in space, The. reg1vn between two concen- k irculatioo. If C is a simple . closed curve (i.e. a curve which
tric circles lying in the same plane is a multiply connected plane does not in·tersect ftself anywhere), then the tangent line iniegral of
region. F around C is called the circulaNon of F about C. It is often de-
If we take a closed curve in this region surrounding the inner noted by
circle, then it cannot be contracted to a
point without passing out of the region. f F•dr = f(F 1 dx+F2 dy+Fa dz).
Therefore the region is not simply-connec- C C
ted. However the region bet ween two \\IWork done by a Force. Suppose a force F acts \!POD a parti-
concentric spher es is a simply-connected cle. Let the particle be displaced along a given path.~ in space.
region in space. The region between .two ·· ~~iir
infinitely long coaxial cylinders is a multi- If r denotes the position vector of a point on c;~ n-ds - is a . __ unit
ply~nnected region in space. vector along the tangent to Cat the point r in the direction of s
§ 2. Line Integrals. ArJt integral whicl,1 increasing. The compon ent -of force F along tangent to C is
is to be evaluated along a curve is called a line integral. dr
F• cfs- · Therefore the work done 1by F during a small displacement
Supposer (t)=x (t) i+y (t) i+z (t) k, wliere r (t) is the posi_.
tion vector of (.i, y, z) i.e. r (t)=xi+Yi+zk, defines a piecewise
smooth curve joining two points A and B. Let t=t 1 at A and t=t 2 ds of the particle along C is fF•;:] ds i.e., F•dr.The total work
at B. Suppose F (x, Y, z)=F1 i+F2 j+Fa k is a vector point func-
tion defined and continuous along C. Ifs denotes the arc length
78 Surface Integrals Green's , Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 79
"~ / (P1c) !-i S,, . J~ s F•n dS= ~ Js (F 1 cos :x+Fi cos P, +F3 cosy) dS
1, -1
Now take the limit of thi s sum as 11 ➔ 00 in such a way that the = (Fi dy dz+F2 dz dx+F3 dx dy), if we define
largest of the a reas RSk approaches zero . This limit if it exists, is
called the surface inf('g ral of f(x, y, z } over Sand is dedoted by JJs F 1 cos ex dS = ~ ) sF 1 dy dz, II s Ft cos P, dS = II
s F2 dz dx ,
)js f (x, y, z) dS. JI sF cos,· dS= IJs F
3 8 dx dy.
It can he shown that if the surface S is piecewise smooth a nd
th., function f ( x, y, z) is co ntinuous 0ver S, then the above limit Note l. Ot he r examples of surface integrals are
exists i.e. , is independent of th e choice of sub-d ivision and points
Pk. ~~sf D dS, IJ s F X dS
-4'Iux. Suppose S is a piece- where f (x, Y, z) is a sca la r fun cti on of position.
wise smooth surface and
. . Note 2 . . Important . In order to evaluate surface int eg rals
F (x , y. z) 1t 1s convenient to express them as douhle integrals taken over
is a vector function of position the ortbo onal projection of the surfa one of the coordi-
defi ned and co ntinuo us over S. nate planes. But thi s is· possible o nly if any lin e perpendicular
Let P be any point on the sur- to the co-ordinate plane chosen · meets the surface S in no more
face S and let n be the unit than o.n e poin t. If the surface S .does not sati sfy this co nditi on,
vector at P in the direction of t hen 1t · can be sub-divided int o surfaces which d o sat isfy this
condition .
ouhvard drawn normal to the
surface S at P. Then F•n is th e Suppose the surface S is ~uch that a ny line perpendicular to
no rmal · compon e nt of Fat P. T he integrai of F-n ove r Sis the xy-plane meets S in no more than one point. Then the equa-
80 Vo/~me lritegr~ls
S makes with z-ax~L. t-heo it
can be shown tha( HLF dV
cos y dS=d:x dy, is also an example of a vol ume integral.
where dS is the small element SOLVED EXAMPLES
of area of surface Sat thepoint P.
dx dy dxdy
y-Ex. 1. E valuate L F • dr, where F =x 2i+y 3j and curve 0
Therefore dS= - - = , --k I' where k is the unit vector is the arc of the parabola y=x 2 in the x-y plane fro m (0, 0) to
COS - Y D•
(1, .l).
along z-axis.
Hence ~LF•n dS= F•nHR f:.1\ Solution. We shall illustrate two methods for the sol ution of
such a problem.
Method l. The curve C is the para bola Y= X1 from (0, 0) to
Thus the surface integral on S can be evaluated with the help
(1 , I ).
of a double integral integrated over R.
liiil(4 Volume Integrals. Let X=t; then y =t 2. If r is the position vector of an y poi nt
(x, y ) o n C, then r (t )=xi +yj= ti+t 2j .
. Suppose Vis a volume bounded by a surface S. , Suppose'
f (x, y, z) is a single valued function of position defined over V.
dt 2 tJ.. =•·+
Subdivide the volume V into n elements of volumes oV1 , av2 , • •• , Also in terms of t, F= t1i +t 0j .
av... In each part avk we choose an arbitrary point pk whose co- At the point (0, 0), t = x=O. At the po int (l, 1), t=l .
ordinates are (xk, y,., Zt). We define f(P")=f(xk , y,., z,.).
Form the snm :. L F•dr = Jc (F-: ) dt= J: (t i+t'j)•(i +2tj) dt
~ f (P,.) av".
= J0 (t +2t
• 7
) dt=
[ti. 2,s11 I I
. 7
3-+g Jo = 3 +4 = 12·
Method 2. In the xy-plane we have r=xi +yj.
·Now take tne limit ·of this sum as n➔ cx. in such a way that dr= dxi +dyj.
the: largest of the volumes /Wk approaches zero. This limit, if it Therefore F •dr =(x 2 i+ y 3j)•(dxi+dyj)= x 1 dx+ y a dy.
exists, is ca lled the volume integral off (x, y , z) over V and is
denoted' by .,. L L F- dr= (x 2 dx+y 3 dy).
~~~ V f (x , y, z) dV. Now alon g the curve C, y=x•. · Therefore dy= 2x dx.
It can be show~ tha t if the surface is piecewise smooth and r F •dr= r l [x1 dx4-x 6 (2x) dx]
the funct io n J (x , y, z) is co ntinuous over V, t hen the above limit
JC J"'-O
exists i.e. is independent of the cho ice of sub,divisions and points . =[ (x +2x dx=[x; + 2;8J: =~ 2.
2 7
Ex. 2. Evaluate Jc F •dr, where F=(x -y~) i+ xyj and curve
Solution. The curve C is the curve y=x 3 from (0, 0) to (2, 8). Solution. Let C denote the arc of the parabola y 2 =x from the
Let X=t. then y= t 3 • If r is the position vector of any point (x, y) P->i nt (0, 0) to the poil't (l, 1). The parametri-.; equations of the
on C, then r(t)...:..xi+yj=ti+t 3j. pnrn bola y 2 =X can be taken as x=t 1 , y=t. At the point (0, 0),
dr . 3 2· ,.. o and ;t the point (1, I), t=l. The required work done
dt =•+ t J.
=L F•dr= le {(x2 -i'+x) i-(2xy+y) j}•(dx i+dy j)
Also in terms oft, F=(t'-t 6) i+t 4j.
At the point (0, 0), t=x=O. At the point (2, 8), t=2. = { [(x1 - yl1+x) dx-(2xy +y) dy]
L F-dr= L(F-~) J:
dt= [(t?.:::. t 6 fi+t4j J•(i+3t2j) dt = f [<x2-y2+x)
J,_o dx -(2xy+y) dy] dt
dt dt
=r [(t 1 -t 6 )+3t 6J dt= f 2 (1 2 +21 6J dt =[ [(t 4 - t 2 +t 1 ).2t-(2t 8 +t).1J dt
Jo - Jo
=[~~+ 2;]: =[: +?.;6]=~~4. J:
= [2t 6 -2tl1 -t] dt=[ 2.~ -2.~
6 4 2
-~ I
Ex. 3. l_/'F=3x~ i-y 2j, evaluate
in the xy-plane, y=2x , from (0, 0) to (1, 2).
!c F•dr, whereCisthe curve
Ex. 5. Evaluate I(x dy - y dx) around the circle x2 +y1= 1.
[Kanpur 1978; Agra 76] So.lotion. Let C denote the circle x 2 + y 2 = I. The parametric
~olutioo. The parametric equations of the parabola y=-2x 2 equations of this circle are x=cos t, Y=sin t.
can be taken as To integrate around the circle C we should vary t from O to 21- .
x ~ t, y =2! 2 • · f c (x dy-y dx)= Jof 2" ( x dy -y dx) dt
dt dt _
At the point (0, 0), x=O and so t=O. Again at the point
(1, 2), x=I and so t = l. = [' (cos 2 t+sin 1 t) dt= ~:.. dt=21t.
Now L L F•dr= (3xy i-y 2j)•(dx i+dy j) _
Ex. 6. Evaluate '
[·: r=xi+yj, so that dr = dxi+dyj] where F=i cos y-j.x sin y
=J _ c
(3xy dx-y 2 dy)=p
(3xy dx - y 2 dy) dt
dt dt
and C is the curve Y=v(l-x 2 ) in xy-plane from (1, 0) to (G, 1).
[·: x=t, Y=-2t 2 so that dx/dt= l and dy/dt = 4t] =~ (i cos y-jx sin y)-(i dx+ j dy)= ~ (cos yd.~-.uin y dy)
= {1 3
Jo (61 - I6t 6 ) dt=[ 6.~-- 16. ~]
4 6 0 = {c d(x cos y)=[x cos r]{o;iJ =0-1~-l.
6 16 3 8 7 JC ( 1,u)
84 Solved Example!
= L: (t 3 +5t 8 ) dt= [
dr +s[1 6
t dt
= le [xy dx+(x +y
1 1
) dy]= \c •XY dx+ \c (x 2 +y2 ) dy. Ex. 10. If F=(2x+y) i+(3y-x) j, eval:.tate ~c F dr where C
· Along C, y=x•-4 and x 2 =;=y+4 . I.~ the curve in the xy-plane consisting of the straight lines fro,n
(0, 0) ro (2, 0) and then to (J, 2).
.\ { F•dr= { •
).._, x (x -4) dx+ {J,._o (y+4+y ) dy
1 1
Jc Solution. The path of y
4 11
=rx' -2x +[y' +4y+~] =732.
2] integration Chas bei::.n shown
L4 , 2 3 o in the figure . It consists of )
. Ex. 8. Evaluate { xy• ds, where C is the segment of the line the straight lines OA and AB, . B
le (3,»
Y=2x in the :xy-plane from ( -1, - 2) to (1, _1. We have Jc F•dr
Solution. The parametric form -of the curve C can be taken
as r(t)=ti+2tj (-1 ,i;;; t ~ 1). ,.Jl C[(2x+y) i+(3y-X~ j]• o....<o,o>
W e h ave dr .
di=• 2J.. ·+ (dx i+ dy j)
dr dr ds ~
-= c [(2x+y) dx+(3y-x) dy].
Now dt=ds dt'
I I= I I =
Now along the straight line OA, y=0, dy=0 and x variow
dr dr ds d:: . dr . .
dt ds dt dt, because ds ts unit vector. from O to 2. The equatio n of the straight line AB is
· ~i=Ii,2j I= vs. y - 0= _ (x- 2) I.e., y=2x - 4.
3 2
J. along AB, Y=2x-4, dy=2d:x and x varies from 2 to 3 •
••• { xy 3 df={
JC l
(·xy '!.!)d1=\
C dt ·
t(2t) y5dt 1
:. ~ c F•dr= [(2x+0) dx+0]+ j: [(2x+2x-4) dx
=8v5 {1 t' dt=~ . +(fx-12-x) 2dx]
l-1 vs
Ex. 9. Evaluate ic F•dr, =[ x
J: + J: (14x - 28) dx=4+14 [ (x-2) dx
(x - 2)2]3
where F=xyi+yzj+zxk and curve C is r=ti+t 2j+t 1k, t varying =4+14 [ - 2 - 2 =4+7=11.
,from .- l to +l.
Solution. Along the curve C, Ex. 11. Evalua te J C
F dr where F= (x 2 +y 2) i-2xyj, curve
r=xi+Yi+zk-:::::,ti+t 2j+t1k.
is the rectangle in the xy-plane bounded by y=0, x=a, y=b, x=O.
:. x=t, Y=t 2 , z=t 3 and ~: =i+2tj+3t 1 k. [Meerut 1981 ; Kan?ur 79]
;. Along the curve C, we have Solation. In the x-y plane z=O. Therefore
F=(tXt 1 ) 1+(t1 xt 8 ) J+(r•xt) k=t'i+t 6j+t'k. r=xi+yj and dr=dxi+dyj.
The path of integration Chas been shown in the figu re. Jc
Hence ( F•dr=={1 ( -F•dr) dt
}c J-1 dt cons ists of the straight lines OA, AB, BD and D O.
.= [ ,. (t'f+t j+t•k)•(i+2tj+3t 1k) dt= [ (t 8 +2t 8 +3t 8) dt
86 Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 87
Solved E:xampl,
Ex. 13. Find the work done in moving a particle once around a
We have J/•dr= Jc [(x +y 2 2
) i-2xyj]•(dxi+dyj) circle C in the xy-p/ane, if the circle has centre al the origin and
radius 2 and if th e f orce field F is given by
= !
c [(x 1 +y 2 ) dx-2xy dy] F=(2x-y+2z) i+(x+y-z) j+(3x-2y- 5z) k.
. fKa ·•~r 1979]
yt Solution. In the xy-plane, we have z=0. There f1re
F=(2x-y) i+ (x+y} i+(3x-2)') k.
The circle C is given by x 2 +y'= 4 or x =2 cost, y=2 sin £.
Dr---"""""----.4a,6J .,.. r=xi+yj=2 cos ti+2 sin tj.
.'. dc= - 2 SID
. . 2
ti+ COS /J.
Also F=(4 cos t - 2 sin t) i+ (2 cos t-j-2 sin t) j
+ (6 cos t - 4 sin t) k.
Q (O,O) In movir g round the circle once t will vary from O to 2r..
Now ou OA, y=O, dy=0 and x varies from Oto a, The required work don~ is= [ F•dr= [2w F• dr dt
] C ] o <Jt
on AB, x=a, dx=-0 and y varies from O to b,
on BD, y=b, dy=O and x varies from a to 0, =f"r-2 sin t (4 cos t- 2 sin t)+ 2 cos t (2 cos t+2 sin t)) dt
on flO, x=0, dx =0 and y varies from b to O.
:. f F•dr= f" x 2 dx- {b 2ay
0 0
dy+ f (x2 +b1) dx+ f 0 dy = J:"(4 1 iiin 2 t+cos 2 t) - 4 sin t cos t] ,,:,
Jc Jo lo J.. ,Jb
J:" =81t.
[x' ]"o - 2a [y'2 ]bo +[xaf +b2xJo +0=-2ab•,
= [ ' (4-4 sin t ,:-051 t) dt=[ 4t-2 sin 2t
= 3 u
Ex. 12. Find the'total work done in moving a particle in afore Ex. 14. If F= (3x'+6y) i-14yz j+20xz 2 k, evaluate LF•dc
field given by F=3xyi-5zJ+IOxk along the curve x = t 2 +1 , y=2t• where C is a straigh t line joining (0, 0, 0) to (1, l, I).
z=t 3 from t= 1 to t=2. [Kanpur 1978 (Meerut B. Sc. Physics 1983]
Solution. Let C denote the an. of the given curve from t= ~ Solution. The equations of the straight line joining (0, O, O)
to t=2. Then the total work done and (1, l, l) are
x-0 y-0 z- 0
=~c F•dr= j c (3xyi - 5zJ+IOxk) ·1xi+dyj+ dzk) 1-0=1 - 0=1-0= 1 (say).
Then along C, X=t, y=t, z=t.
= ~ c (3xydx - 5zdy+ IOxdz ) Also r=.xi+yj+zk=ti +ti+tk. :. dr=(i+j+k) dt.
Also along C, F=(3t 2 +6t) i- 141 2 j+20t 3 k.
=[ {3xy!; -sz it +I ox:; ) dt At (0, 0, 0), t=0 and at (1, I, 1), t= I.
[(3t 2 +6t) - l4t 2 +20t 3J dt=3~.
= ~: (12t 5
+12t 3 - 20t 4 +30t'+30t 2 ) dt Ex. 15. if F = yi - xj, evaluate ~ c F •dr from (0, 0) to (1 , I)
( b)
the parabola y=x 2 , [Agra 1973]
the straight lines from (0, 0) to (1, 0) and ther, 10 (l, 1),
Now le F•dr= \c (yz i+zx j+xy k)•(dx i+dy j+dz k)
of integration have been shown Y A = [ xyz ],_,. /2 = [(a cos t).(b sin t).(ct) ]"'2
in the figure. We have ( 1,1) f.-0 0
!c F•dr
=abc t cos t sin t ]
Ex 17.
=abc (0-0)=0~ -
-I c (yi-xj)-(dxi+d;,j)
!c {(2xy3 -y 2 cos x) dx+(l -2y sin x+}x i i) dy}
-==. C
f (y dx-x dy) . o-~----B---~x where C is the arc of the parabola ~x=ny 2 from (0, 0) to (½1t, 1 ).
[Meerut 1977]
(a) C is the arc of parabola }'= x• from (0, 0) toll, l). Solution. We know that Mdx+Ndy is an exact differential
Here dy=2xdx and x varies from Oto 1. .f oM oN
oy =ax·
Jc F•dr= J: [x
J. dx-x (2x) dx]= [ -x2dx =-¼. oM =6xy2 -2y cos x.
Here M=2xy 8 -y2 cos x; oy
(b) C is the curve consisting of straight lines OB and BA.
Along Oil, y=0. dy =O and x varies from O to 1. Also N= I-2y sin x+3x'y 2 ;
oN =-2y cos x+6xy 2
. Along BA, x=-= I, dx=0 and y varies from O to I.
j~eiion of S on the xy-plane. The region R is bounded by x-axis, = ~: (4z +8) dz=90.
y-axis and the circle x 2 +y 2 =1, z=O.
We have
fj Ex. 21. E valuate ~ j ~ v if, dV, where if,=45x 2y a.~d Vis the
F•n=(yzi+zxj+xyk)•(xi+ yj--j-zk)
closed region bounded by the planes 4x+2y+ z=8, x=O, y=O, z= 0.
Solution. We have
Also n•k=(xi+yj+zk)•k=z.
.. i n•k l=z.
( ( ( ( 2
j j Jv rp dV = j .,_0 J11 _ 0
f 4-2.: f•-o8-4:i:-211
45x y dx dy dz
H..:nce ~ L F•n dS = 45
~ 4- 2:i,
x 2y
]8-4:i: -211
dx dy
92 Solved Examples
2 [x y2 y3 ]4_,2., dx
~ "'~
=45 2
(8-4x) - -2x1 - integrate with respect toy from y = O to y=6. In this way R is
2 3 0 completely covered].
2 2
=45 ( x (4-2x)3 dx=1 28. =2 {e y [ 3x- x2 ]'6-11)12 dy
Jo 3 111-0 2 "'-0
Ex. 22. Evaluate jfs F•n dS, =2 .C y [ 3 (; - y) - <\t >] dy
where F=(x+y2 ) i-2xj+2yzk ~and S is the surface of the plane
=2 [• y [ 9- 3y - 36 +!_q -~] dy
2x+y+2z=6 in the first octani. [Kanpur 1970] Jo 2 8 8 8
Solution. A vector normal to the surface S is given by r6 y [ 836 -8
=2 Jo y2 ] r6 [ 3
dy= Jo 9y - Y4
v (2x+y+2z)=2i+i +2k. 4
3 6
n=a unit n,::-rmal vector at any point (x, y, z) of S =[ 9 2 - yTI; ] 0 = [ 9.
2- 36 X 36] _
-16- =[1 62-81] =81.
_ ~2i+j+2k =(~·+i· -t-4k)
- y(4+i +4) al 11) 8 •
~ 3. Evaluate ~~ sF 0
n dS, where F=y i+2x j-zk and S
We have ~ ~s F•n dS= \L ~~-f I'F•n where R is the pro- is the surfac e of the plane 2x+ Y= 6 in the first octant cut off by the
plane :Z=4.
jection of Son the xy-plane. The region R is bound . d by x-axis ,
y-axis and the straight line 2x +y =6, z=O. Solution. A vector normal to the surface S is gi ven by
We have F•n=[(x+y2 ) i- 2x i+ 2yz k]•W+½i+ ¼k) 'v (2x+y) =2i + j.
=} (x+ y 2 ) -?x+½yz= !y 2 +!yz. Therefore n=a unit normal vector at any point (x, y, z) o f S
2i +j 1 ,2 · .
Also n•k=W+ ¼i+!k)•k= ;. = v'(4 + 1)= v'5 •+J).
6 - 2x - y
. ,
fro m the equation ot S
Now F•n= (yi+ 2xj -zk).f\~ i+_!_
v'5 v'5
- y'5
Y+~ x
v'5 .
6 ,· ( 6-11)/ 2
j x- o
Y- ij
y (3-x) dx dy.
Exercises 8., Find the work done in moving a particle in a force field
1. Find I c t•dr
F=3x 2 i+(2xz:......y) i+zk
along the line joining (0, 0, 0) to (2, I, 3). [Delhi 1969] t is the unit tangent vector and C is the unit circle, in Ans. 16.
xy-plane, with ce,., ~re at the origin. 9. 1
Calculate c [(;x , • J i+ lX ' -·· y 2 ) ~~ dr
Hint. For any curve,!:-=unit tangent vector=t.
where C is the curve :
:. f t•dr= t]c t• dr ds= f t•t ds=J ds (i) y 2 = x joining (0, 0) to (1, 1).
]c ~ Jc c (ii) x'= y joining (0., 0) to (1, 1).
= ~ :" ds, since along the unit circle C, s goes from 0 to 21t (iii) consisting of two straight linesjoining (0, 0) to (l, 0)
and (1, 0) to (I, I).
(iv) consisting of three straight lines joining (0, 0) to (2, -2),
2. If F=(3x2 +6y) i-14 yzj+20xz 2 k, then evaluate ~ F•dr from (2, -2) to (0, - 1) and (0, -1) to (1, 1).
,o, 0, 0) to (I, 1, 1) along the curve Ans. (i) j_'-0 , (ii) H, (iii) 1, (iv) -½,
x=t, y=t 2 , z=t 3 • Ans. 5, 10. Find the circulation of F round the curve C, where
3. Integrate the function F = x 2 i - xy j from the point (0, 0) to F =ie"' sin y +j e"' cosy
(1, l) along the parabola y 2 =X. [Robilkband 1978] and C is the rectan gle whose vertices are
Ans. -}i. (0, 0), (l. 0), (1 , ½re), (0, ½1t). Ans. O.
4. Evaluate~ c F•dr where Fis x 2y 2 i+yj and Cis y 1 =4x in the 11. Evaluate f ~ s F•n dS, where F= 18z i - 12 j + 3y k and S is
xy-plane from (0, 0) to (4, 4). [Agra 1978; Kanpur 77] the surface of the plane
Ans. 264. 2x+3y+6z= l2 in the first octant. Ans. 24 .
5. Evaluate ~ c F•dr where, 12. Evaluate ~~s A•n dS, where A=xy i - x 2 j+(x+z) k, Sis the
F=c [- 3a sin 2 t cos ti+a (2 sin t-3 sin 3 t) j+b sin 2tk] portion of the pl a ne 2x+2y+ z =6 included in the first octant
and C is given by r=a cos ti+a sin tj tbtk a nd n is a unit n ormal to S. · (Meerut 1974]
from t=1t/4 to 1e /2. [Delhi 1970] 13 . If F =2y i - z j +x 2k an4 S is the surface of the parabolic
Ans. ½c (a +b ) .
1 2
cylinder y 2 =8x in the first 1octant bounded by the pl anes y = 4
7. Evaluate Ic F•dr where 14. IfF=(2x 1 - 3z) i- 2xy j - 4x ~• then evalu ate fl~ v 'v •F dV
F = xy i + (x 2 +y 2 ) j where Vis the closed region bounded by the planes
and C is the x -axis from x=2 to x=4 and the line x=4 from X= O, y = 0, z=0 and 2x+2y+z=4. [Kanpur 1976)
y=0 to y="12. Ans. 768. Ans .
Grern's, Gauss' s and Stoke's Theorems 97
96 Green's Theorem in the Plane
•y§°' 5; Green's theorem in the plane. Let R be a closed bounded =- f M (x, y) dx, since y=/(x) represents the curve
region in the x-y plane whose;boundary C comists of finitely many C
smooth curves. Let M and N be continuous functions of x and J AEB and y=g (x) represents the curve BFA.
havmg. continuous
. .I d
partra . .
. erzvatives y and oN ,n. R • 'T'h
ooM ax
.l' en
If portions of Care segments parallel to y-axis such as GH
and PQ in the figure on this page, then above result is'not affected.
1i(!:-~~) dx dy= f
(Mdx+Ndy), The line integral ~ M dx over GH is zero because on GH, we have
x=constant implies dx=O. Similarly the line integral over PQ is
the line integral .being taken a'tong the entire boundary C of R such zerQ. The equations of QG and HP are y-/(x) and y=g (x) res-
that R is on the left as one advances in the direction of integration. pectively. Hence we have .
[Meerut 1978, 79, 81, 82, 84]
Proof. We shall first pro:ve the theorem for a special region -IJ ::
dx dy= f M (x. y) d,;.
••• (1)
R bounded by a closed curve C and having the property that any
straight line parallel to any one of the c9ordinate axes and inter- y
secting R bas only one segment (ur ::1 si.ngle point) in common
with R. This means that R can be represented' i~both ol¾tµe forms
a ¾ x ~ b.f(x) ~ y ~ g(x) " '
and .c ~ y ~ d, p(y) ~ x ~ q(y).
In the adjoining figure, the equations of the curves AEB and
BFA are y=f(x) and y~g(x) respectively. Similarly the equations
-~- B,
of the curves FAE and EBF are,,x=p(y) and x=q(y) respectively.
Cf oN dx dy= {d [fq<11> oN dx] dy
y J R OX l11-c j a:-p(II) OX
- I- - ~I '
= (d
[N (x, y) ]"'"""<">
I :x=b = J:_ 0
[ N [q (y), y]-N .[p(y); y]] dy
1: J:
lx=a. : = N [q (y), y] dy+ N [p (y), y] dy
y c, (V
oN oM
xF)•k= 0x - 0Y .
Hence Green's theorem in plane can be written as
vector to C, then
is traversed in the anticlockwise sense so that R is on the left, while dr= ds ds=tds.
the interior boundary C2 is traversed in the clockwise sense so that
Therefore the above result can also be written as
~ ts on tpe left.
In order to establish the theorem, we construct & line such as ~ J (V x F)•k dR= f F•t ds.
AD (called a cross cut) connecting the exterio'r and interior bound- R C
100 Gre..en's, Gauss' s and Stoke's Theorems 101
Solved Examples
Solution. By Green's theorem in plane, we haye
,,,, R
dx dy= f(Mdx+Ndy).
,_c;;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z
~ 1(::-::) dx dy-= f(Mdx+Ndy).
R C R.
Here M=xy+y•, N=x' .
. ~he c~rves y=x and y=x• intersect at (0, 0) and {I, J). The Q (O,O)
pos1t1ve dtrection in traversing C is as sh,wn in the figure. ('11,0)
=[x; -~ = - J: ~ ! =-!o·
_ Now let us evaluate the line integral_alo_ng C. Along y= x2.
Ex. 3.
Evc. luate by Green's theorem
(cos x sin y -xy) dx+sin x cosy dy,
dy-2x dx. Therefore along y= x 2 , the hoe mtegral ·equals C
Here .M=cos x sin y-xy, N=sin x cosy. where u b the outward unit normal vector to C ands is the arc length
aM oN of C.
.". Of ;=COS X COS y-X, OX =COS X COS y.
Solution. We have A=Ni- Mj.
Hence the given line integral is equal to · . oN oM
2 1 d1vA = -- - .
{ ( x dx dy= { " ( r cos () r do dr, changing to polars . ax ay
ll l ,-o lr-o
= ~::
[r; J: cos o do=½ [sin 8 J:" = ½(0)=0.
Ex. 4. Show that the area bounded by a simple closed curve C
fs given by if (x dy-y dx). Hence find the area of the ellipse
x=a cos (J, y=b sin 8. [Agra 1974]
Solution. By Green's theorem in plane, if R is a plane region
bounded by a simple closed curve C, then o~------➔ ,t'
f (x dy-Y dx)= ~ ff:x (x)-at (-y)] dx dy = f<M dx+N dy), by Green's theorem .
' N ow 1'ft.1s a umt
. tangent.vector
. h dr
C 1 , t en t= ds . Also if k
The area of the ellipse=½ f (x dy-'rdx) is a unit vector perpendicular to xy-plane, then t = k x n.
C J. M dx+N dy=[(Mi+Ni)•t] ds=[(Mi+Nj)•(kXn)J ds
, {2" ( dy dx) =[(Mi+Nj) X k]•D ds=(Mixk+NjXk)•n <Is
-=l l ,-e a cos 8 _do -b sin 8 do dB =(Ni-Mj)•o ds=A•D ds.
Hence the result.
-l J:"(ab cos• e+ab sin 2
8) dO=½ab ~:• d(J=1tab. Note. Putting A= V ,p in the;above result, we get
Ex. 5. Introducing A=Ni- MJ. show tiiat the formula In
G: ?en's theorem may be written as
div (v' rp) dx dy=
f (v' rp)•o ds .
Hdiv A dx dy-== f A•o ds, or
a C
104 Exercises Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 105
F•dr=O, where F=-2- - 2- .
I x 1+Y
will come c,ut to be ½]. .
-.I§ 7. The Divergence theorem of Gauss.
3. Apply Green's theorem in the plane to evaluate
Suppose V is the volume bounded by a closed piecewise smooth
. ~ c {(y-sin x) dx+cos x dy}, surface S . Suppose F (x, y, z) is a vector function of position which
is continuous and has continuous first Pf;tial derivatives in V. Then
where C is the triangle enclosed by the lines
y=O, X=1t, 1ty=.2x.
[Agra 1973]
n~v dV=n~ \l•F
where n is the outwards drawn unit normal vector to S.
[Kanpur 1977, 79; Agra 72; Allahabad 80; Rohilkband 80;
[ Hint. Here M=y-sin x, N=cos x. Therefore the given Madras 83; Kerala 75; Meerut B. Sc. Physics 83]
. /
integral= BR G:-~:) dx dy=
Evaluate by Green's theorem in plane
c~: \:~~) z (-sin x-1) dx dy]
Since F•n is the normal component of vector F, therefore
divergence theorem may also be stated as '. follows :
The surface integral of the normal component of a vector F taken
over a closed surface is equal to the integral of the divergence of F
~ - 1c (e-"' sin y dx+e-"' cosy dy), taken over the volume enclosed by the surface.
¥"1/ Vihere C is the rectangle with vertices Cartesian equivalent of Divergence Theorem.
(0, 0), (1t, 0), (1t, ½n), (0, ½r:). Ans. 2 (e-"-1). . k Th en 'v•F=d1vF
. 0F oF oF
5. If F=(x2-y ) i+2xyj c1.nd r=xi+yJ, find the value of
1 Let F = F11+F2j+Fa. = -- 1 + - 2+ - 8 .
ox oy oz
If or.,~. y are the angles which outward drawn unit normal n
IF•dr around the rectangular boundary x=0, x=a, y=O,
makes with positive directions of x, y, z-axes, then cos rx, cos ~.
y=b. [Gaobati 1973] cos y are direction cosines of n and we have
Ans. 2ab 2 • n=cos cd +cos ~j+cos y k.
6. Verify Green's theorem in the plane for J,. lf• D= (F1 i+F2 j+F8 k) •(cos 1xi+cos ~j+cos -yk)
f (xs-.xy 3) dx+(y11-2xy) dy, =F1 cos or. +F2 cos ~+Fs cosy.
jC ' Therefore the divergence theorem can be written as
where C is the square with vertices (0, 0), (2, 0), (2, 2), (0, 2).
[Meerut 1974] ~ ~ ~ v (:: + ~: + 1 2
::s) dx dy dz
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 107
106 The Divergence Theorem of Gauss
surface integral may be expressed as a volume integral and vice =HR [Fa [x, Y, g(x, y}J-F [x, y, f(x, y) ] ] dx dy
Proof of the divergence theorem.
=HR F [x, y, g (x , y)] dx dy- ~ ~ F [x, y, f (x, y)] dx dy
3 R 8
We shall first prove the theorem for a special region V which . .. (I)
is bounded by a piecewise smooth closed surface S and has the Now for the vertical portion Sa of S, the normal D8 to S 3
property that any straight line parallel to any one of the coordi• makes a right angle y with k. Therefore
nate axes and intersecting V has only one segment (or a single
point) in c.;ommon with V. If R is the orthogonal projectiod of S
~ ~Sa Fa k•n 8 dS3 =0, since k•n 3 =0.
on the xy~plao~, then V can be represented in the form For the upper portion S 1 of S, the normal n1 to S 1 makes an i I
acute angle y 1 with k. Therefore ,1
\ f (x, y) ~ z ~ g (x, y) k•n 1 dS1 =cos y 1 dS 1 =dx dy. Hence
where (x, y) varies in R.
Obviously z=g (x, y) represents the upper portion S 1 of S,
~ ~ 51 F k•n
1 1 dS1 = ~) R F 9 [x, y, g(x, y)] dx dy.
z=f(x, y) represents the lower portion Sa of S and there may be a For the lower portion S 2 of S, the normal n2 to S 2 makes an
remaining vertical portion S8 of S. obtuse angle y 2 with k. Therefore
k•n 2 dS 2 =cos y 2 dS 2 = - dx dy. Hence
H52 Fs k•D 2 dS,= - JJR F 3 [x, y,f(x, y)] dx dy.
:•. H 83
F 3 k•Da dSa+ ~ Lt F 8 k•D 1 dS1 + JLF
3 k•n~ dS 2
=0+ !. JR Fa [x, y, g(x, y)] dx dy - ~ ~ RF 3 [x, y, f(x, y)] dx dy
or with the help of (1), we get
' I
n2 ~ L Fak•D dS= d~. V ::
... (2)
Similarly, by projecting Son the other co-ordinate planes, we
1- - - - ~ - - - - - -
JJs F j~n dS= ~ ~ ~ v : ; dV
I 2
I 2
... (3)
~ ~ s F i~n dS= JJ~ v : : dV. 1
and 1
••• (4)
Adding (2), (3) and (4), we get
, X
~ ~ s (F i+F i+Fak)•n dS= !.
1 2 i!_(~: +:; +::s)
1 2
108 Some Deductions from Divergence Theorem Green's, Gauss's andI $j1oke's Theorems 109
Hlv (\67 1 1
1Ji-1Ji V cp)dV=~~s(r/,'i7 41-lji 'i7,f,)•ndS .. . (3)
This is called Green' s second identity or Green's theorem in
symmetrical form.
s, Since 'ill\,=!! n a nd 'vr/,=~t n, therefore
(¢,'v' 41 - lji V r/,)•n = ( ,f, 1 n-q, ot/,
on on
u ·)•n
~ H ~
v v •(cf,C) dV= ~s (cf,C)•n dS ...(1) Ex. 1.
For any closed surfar:e S, prove that
Now v'•(¢C)=(v'</>)•C+¢ (v•C)
=('v,fo)•C, since v •C=O.
\L curl F•n dS=O.
Also (cf,C) .. n=C•(</>n). Solution. By divergence theorem, we have
JL ~ j ~ v (div curl F) dV,
• (I) becomes
jj Lv = ~ L
Solution. By the divergence theorem, we have
¢, dV ¢,n dS.
~ ~ s r•o dS= ~ J~ v •r dV V
3. ~-JL
Prove that v' xB dV= ~ L nxB dS.
= H\ v3 dV, since v ~r=div r=3
(Gauhati 1971, 74] = 3V, where Vis the volume enclosed by S.
Proof. In divergence th·e orem taking F=B x C, where C is
an arbitrary constant vector, we get Ex. 3. If F=axi +byj +czk, a, b, c are constants, show that
Now v' •(B x C)=C•curl B-B•curl C [Kerala 1974; Agra 80; Robilkband 77; Allahabad 80, 82]
=C•curl B, sin•ce curl C=O; Solution. By the divergence theorem, we have
Also (B x C)•n = [B, C, n] = [C, n, B]=C•(nxB).
. • (I) b~comes iJs F•n dS= ~~ L (v•F) dV.
\\L (C•curl B) dV=\L C•(n x B) dS where Vis the volume enclosed by S
Since C is an arbitrary vector therefore we can .take C as a = \ \ \ v (a+b+c) dV=J(a+b+c) V=(a+b +c) ~ 1t,
non-zer0 vector which is not perpendicular to the vector
sine'! the volume V enclosdd by a sph:!re of unit radius is equal
\JL (vxB) dV- ~L (n x B)dS. to 4
3 1t
(1)3.1.e., 4
3 'lt.
H!v div n dV= JIs n•n dS= 1ls dS=S. = J jv ! 'v • {,! ) dV, by divergence theorem.
Ex. 5. Prove that
JJL v•(,f,A) dV= ~ !s (,f,A)•n dS. . ..(l) Hence , JLr;: dS= B Jv ~.V.
Now ~-(,f,A)=(v,f,)•A+,f, (v ·A). Ex. 9. If F= v </, and v 1=0, show that for a closed surface S
Solution. We have t 'v</J>< 'v ~· •dS= Is (v,f,x·vqi)•u dS Hence !!s ef,F•n dS = J!)"F 1
Ex. 10. l/F=vcp, 'i7•ef,=-41tP, show that
= 1 'v•(vef,x vqi) dV, by div~rgence theorem Ij s F•n dS = - 41t !J! v p dV.
=0" [·: v•(vef,x 'v"1)= b. See Ex. ·13 page 651 Solution . By divergence theorem, we have
Ex. 7.
Prove that
'vef,•curl F dV= Is (Fx 'v</,)•dS. Hs F•n dS= HL (V•FJ d V.
Now 'i.7 •F= 'i7 •('i7</,)= 'i7 1 cp= -41tp.
Solution. We have L (F x 'vcf,) dS= Js (Fx vrf,)•n dS
:. BsF•n dS=BJ"(-41tP) dV= - 41t\~LpdV.
= ~" v •(F X v //C=½ v xB, B-v XA, show that
ef,) dV, by divergence theorem applied Ex . 11.
t IIL 1
ll dV=i j ]s AXB•n dS+ IfL A•C dV. J. \) ~v 1 'Vcfo r dV=O.
Ex. 12. If¢, is harmonic iii V, then 1
I \J tf, 1 =0 in V.
[ [ o,f, dS=O "v cp=0 in V.
j Js on
¢ =constant in V.
where Sis the surface enclosing V.
n )•n dS
Ex. 15. If if, and "' are harmonic in V and :!= t~ on S, then
¢=,.)i+c in V, where c is a constant.
=JL (Vef,)•, D dS Solution. We have, ,Jl,p=O, 'v 1"'=0 in
.. v7s (¢>-ljl)='v1,p-\J 1qi=0 in V.
= 'v •(r/> 'vrf,) dV, by divergence theorem
F•n dS
=· [( 'v ¢• 'vif>)+¢ ('v • v r/>)J dV
. F- lim _a_s____
div -8V➔ 0 iW
where 3V is the volume enclosed by the surface ~Sand the limit is
=!IL [( V,f,)•+ ~'v 2 r/>J dV
obtained by shrinking av to the point P.
Solution. We have by the divergence theorem,
=j )L 1
j v </, / .dV, since 9 2 ,/,=0 and ('vcfo) 2 =1
V :/, / •
~~Lv divFdV=JLs F•n dS. . •. (I )
Ex. 14. If¢, is harmonic ~n V and ~! ==0 on S, then ¢ is cons- By the mean value. theorem of integral calculus, the left hand
1ant in V. side can be wrHten as
av, div F approaches the value div Fat point P. Hence, we get = J~JV ['v •(C x V r/>J) dV, by div. theorem
. F
. {J} as F•n dS
hm = ~ ~ ~ v rv74>.curl C - C.• curl 'vip] dV
ll I
Ex. 17. Show that~ ~s n dS=O for an, closed surface S. Thus C• ~ \s ('v ip) x o dS=O, where C is an arbitrary vector.
Solution. Let C be any arbitrary constant vector. Then Hence we must have\ \s (vip)Xo dS=O.
C• ~t n dS= It C•n dS Ex. 20. Prove that I)nx(axr) dS=2Va, I
=~ H., ('v •C) dV, by divergence theorem where a is a constant vector and V Is the volume enclosed by the
closed surface S.
-o, since div C=O. Solution. We know that
Thus C• ~Is n dS=O, where C is an arbitrary vector. JHv 'yxBdV=Hs oxBdS. [see page l 10]
~ 1~ v dV=2aV. I/'
= \ I\
v [ 'v •(C X r)J dV, by divergence theorem
Ex. 21. A vector B is alway s normal to a given closed surface
-= HJ V [r•curl C-C-curl r] dV S. Show that j11 Vcurl B dV=O, where Vis the region bounded
Ex. 19. Prove that 1ls ('v rf,) X o dS=O for a closed surface S.
integral. [Gaubati 1972, 77] • volume integral= JHV 'v •l<' dV= IJI V 2 (x+y+z) dV
Solatioa. We know that 0
IC: y 'v •(PY) dV
=2 I:-o
1:_ J:
= t.
=2 ( a;b + a: +abz] dz=2 [°;b z+ ar z+ab:; I
(PY)•n dS, by Gauss divergence tb..:orem =[a 1bc+ab1c+abc1 ]= abc (a+b+c)~ ·
= Is P (v•n) dS. Surface Integral. We shall
now calculate 'I
Ex. 23. Using the divergence theorem, show that the volume V
of a region T bounded by a surface S is JL. F•n dS
V= IJs x dy dz== IL. Y dz dx= I t z dx dy over the six faces of the rect-
angular parallelopiped.
- i J (x dy dz+y dz dx+z dx dy). Over the face DEFG,
D=i, X-:-0•
Solution. By divergence theorem, we have
Adding tbeseiresults, we get
Over the face ABEF, n=J, y=b. Therefore Ex. 26. By transforming to a triple integral evaluate
0 0
ff F•n dS= { { [(x 1 -bz) i +(b1 -zx) j I=~ ~s (x 3 dy dz+x•y dz dx+x•z dx dy)
J ]AJl6F J•-o J.,-o
= J•-o ! a
+(z 1 -bx) k)•J dx dz
(b 1 -zx) dx dz=b 1 ca--.
where S ts the closed surface bounded by the planes z= 0, z= b and
the cylinder x•+ y•=a'. . [Meerut 196?, 80]
Solution. By ·i ivergence theorem, the required surface rnteg-
Over the face OGDC,'n=-j, y=O. Therefore ral I is equal to th -- • ,iii., it:i~f',t;':';?.l
zxdxdz=c a
2 2
\\\v[:x (x')+t (x'y)+ ;z (x z)] dV 2
l V [oOX o o ]
(x')+ay (y')+oz {2z (xy-x-y) } dV =JfJj(0F.+ 0F2+0F3) dxdydz.
ox oy oz
l •-o J{11-0 f1
J .,_.
[2x+2Y+2xy-2x-2y]dxdydz Here F1 =x 3 -yz, F 2 =-2X1Y, F9 =z.
. oF1 +oF2 +oF,= 3x1 _ 2x2+l=x2+1.
-=2 f1
f 1
xy dx dy dz=2
1 1
f f [ ~- y
J•-o J11-0 2
dy dz
• • ax oy oz
the given surface integral is equal to the volume integral
=2. 1 ~ 1 -y dy dz= 1 [ yll
- ]l dz J ~:-o ~:-o J:_
•-o 11-0 2 •-o 2 11-0 0
+1) dx dy dz
= ~:-o ½ dz~{ z J: =½. _{a
- ] •-o
[x3+x]a dydz
3 :i:-o
Solved Examples Green's, Gauss's and Sloke's Theorems 123
Ex. 28.
0 0
(a; +a) dy dz=a2 (a; +a).
Here d'W F =OX 0 (
( X )+ oy 0 = J~ J., 2dV=2 JJ) V dV=2V, where Vis the
-y)+OZ (z 2 - I)
volume of the sphere x•+y1 +z 2 =4
. =l-1+2z=2z. 4
1 =2 [ : TC(2) 3] ~ ~ TC .
J. f)
JV div F dV=J •-o (2
lf Xv'.5_ -!1
() 2z dx dy dz
Ex. 31. If S is any closed surface enclo.sing a volume V and
I•-o1 J2 4 - Y1 )
11--2 - - v1
r· 4zy'(4 - y
X=-\/(4-y 1 )
) dydz=r· [4z2I v'(4 -y1)]
~ ls F•n dS=6V.
•-o Jv--2 J11--2 •-o [Kanpur 1979; Robilkband 80; Agra 78]
Solution. By divergence theorem, we have
J11--2 y'(4-y 2
JJ v 0+2+3) dV=6 llJ JI dV=6V.
and S is the surface of the sphere having centre at (3, -1, 2) a_nd
radius 3. [Meere· 1974]
Solution. Let Vb'! the volume enclosed by the surface S.
fl s (y1z2 i+z1x 2 i+z 2y 2 k)•n dS
Then by Gauss divergence theorem, we have where Sis the part of the sphere x 9 +y2 +z•.,., l above the xy-plane
and bounded by this plane. [Agra 1969; Bombay 66]
jj 5
JJ1v div A dV.
A•o dS= Solution. By divergence theorem, we have
N .
ow d 1v
a 2x a a
A= x ( +3z)+ Y {-(xz-f-y)}+ iJz (y 2 +2z) Jt (y1z2 i+z 2x 1 j+z 2y 1 k)•n dS
0 0
= JJJv div (y 2z1 i+z2x2 i+z•y2 k) dV,
.:. Jt. A•o dS= IJJ v 3 dV=3J J1 vdV=3V. where V is the volume enclosed by S
But Vis the volume of a sphere: of radius 3.
V=fTC (3)3=36it.
Therefore =fr
JJJv [a-
(y•z2)+~ (zlxz)+~ (z2y2) ]
ay az
= 3 X 21t X 2 X - 5J J 21t
= -S • ~ L (xi i+y1 j+z 2 k)•n dS
126 Solved Examples Gree,ls, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 127
= JJL div (x2 i+y 2 j+z 2 k) dV, where Vis the volume or ·~ L, curl F•n ds+ J~ Si curl F•n dS=O
enclo&ed by S [ ·t S' consists of S and Si]
= JfJv (2x+2y+2z) dx dy dz or !L.curlF•nds-iis curlF•kdS=O [·: onSi,n=-k]
=210 f bv{l-(z2/c2)} ra·v {l-(yl/b2)-(z2/cl)}
or Jt curl F•n dS= IJ
J.f•__ Jrbv{l-(z'Jc•)}
z J(1 -z2 -~•) dydz
cz b2
fJs curl F•ndS= Hsi (3y-l) dS
=8 Jo•--• fb~{l -(z2/c2)} ~ J{b1 (1-~)-y1}dydz
= \ " f' (3r sin o -1) r dO dr, changing to polars
jy-O b c1 Je~o Jr-o
[Note that S 1 is a circle in xy plane with centre
= ! J:--• ~ ✓{ b l - ;: )-yz} 2
r dr-r. r
z [ ( origin and radius 4]
= r ·= 0 3r sin o dO
b ( z ) • _1 y ]bv'{l-(z1 /c1 )} 2
r do dr
+2 l-c 2 Stn b,l{l-(z 2/c 2 )} y=O dz
=i 1:__ 0
z[ b; (1-;: ) sin- I ] dz=! I:__ ~ z ; - ( 1-;) idz=O
1 =0= J f 2;-o[!:_]' d8
9= o 2 o
[-~-o {;;
J 9-o
sin 8 d()=O]
Ex. 36. If F=(x2 +y-4) i +3xy j+(2xz+z2) k, evaluate =~8[ 0 r•= - l61t.
1L<v' xF)•n dS where Sjs the surface of the sphere xi+y'+z'=16 Ex. 37. Evaluate ) )s. (V X A)•n dS, where
above the xy -plane.
Solution. The sur face x 2 +y 2 +z 2 =16 meets the plane z =O A=(x-z) i+(x 3 +yz) j-3x'-~ ~{ and Sis the surface of the cone
in a circle C given by x 2 +y 1 = 16, z = O. Let S 1 be the plane z =2 - v(x~-t-y 2 ) -: , -ve the,,:)- y lane. [Meerut 197~)
~ol ution. TL ., , face z= 2 -- v'(x 2 -t-y 2 ) meets the xy-plan~ m
region bounded by the circle C. If S' is the sErface consistir1g of a cir :le C given by x 2 +y 2 =4, z=O. Let 5' 1 be tt> ~ pla_ne region
the surfaces $ and S,, then S' is a closed surface. Let Vb<! the bounded by the circle C. If S' is the surface consist mg of the
region hounded by S'
If n denotes the outward drawn ( drawn outside tl-.e region V) surfaces Sand S1 , then S' is a closed surface. By application of
'livergence theorem, we have
unit normal vector to S', then on the plan.:: surface Si, we have
n= - k. Note that k is a un it vector normal to S 1 drawn into the
region V. j ]s' curl A•n dS=O [See Ex . ! page i II]
Now by an application of Gauss d;vrrgence theorem, we have or j t. curl A•n dS+-J).s- curl A•n dS=O
(J f S' curl
F•n dS =~ O
[See Ex. I rage 111 ) or n cn rl A •n ,,' ':, "=
rlreen's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 129
128 So/lied Examples
!I! y V •F dV= ; •
and the plane z= J.
[Hint. Proceed as in Ex. 34].
[Aara 1973]
Ans. ~rc/6.
The six surface integrals will come out to be 2. 0, -1, 0, I
and 0. Their sum is=f. 7. Use divergence theorem to find l Js- F•n dS for the vector
Hence th e theorem is verified]. F=xi-yj+2zk over the sphere x'+.r+(z-1)1 -=1.
Ans. 81t/~.
2. Evalua te. by qreen's theorem in space (i.e .• Gauss divergence 8. ·1f F=axi+byJ+czk, where a. b, c are constants. show that
theorem). the mtegral
J L. 4xzdydz-y•dzdx+yz dxdy, JL. (n•F) dS=~ (a+b+c),
S being the surface of the sphere (x-1)1 +(y-2)1 +(z-3)1 = I.
where S is t'1e surface of the cube bounded by [Gaubat~ 1971)
x=O, y=O, z=O. X= l, Y= 1, z= 1. [Meerat 1974; Kanpur 77] 9. Use divergence theorem to evaluate
where S denC\tt;s the surface of the cube bounded by the planes F=4xi-2y2J+z'k
X=~x=~Y=~y=~z=~z=~ taken over the region bounded by the surfaces
[Rollllk..N 1979; Agra 77] .x•+,r=4, z=0, z=3. [Allahabad 1978]
[Hint. Show that each of the two integrals is=84r.].
4. Evaluate JIs (xi+yJ+zk)•n dS where S denotes the surface
n. Verify divergence theorem for
of the cube bounded by the planes x=O, x=a, y o, y=a. F-2ryi-y2J+4xz'k
z=~. z=a by the application of Gauss dinrgence theorem .taken over the region in the first octant bounded by
Verify your answer by evaluating the Integral directlv. · .r+z1 =9 and x=2. [Kanpur 1976)
. ·· . . [Agra 1979) [Hint. Show that each of the two integrals is= 180).
[Hmt. Here F=x•+YJ+zk. By divergence theorem, we have 12. Verify divergence theorem for the function F=yi+xJ+ z1k
JL. F•n dSc: HJ Ydiv F dV over the cylindrical region bounded by
x2 +,r=a2• z=0 and z~h. [Kanpur 1975; AJlab11bad 79]
== JJJv 3dVc::lV-=-Ja'. as V=a'=the volume of the cube]. 13. If F=yi+(x-2xz) j-.xy~. evaluate JJs (v' xFJ•n dS where
5. Evaluate hy divergence theorem the intr.gral Sis the surface of the sphere x'+yl+z'=a' above the ::y-
plaoe. [ltanpur l!llOJ
. I
132 Exercises
f F■dr= Hs (7XF)•n dS=It (curl F)•dS .r,{ F1dx+F2dy+Fadz= (j {l[( aF 80F2) cos
oy -~ CX
where Cis traversed in the positive direction . The direction of C is
called positive if an observer, walking on the boundary of S in this
+(~:1-~:s) cos ~+ ( ~= -!~ cos ; ]
9 1
) dS.
direction, with his h~ad pointing in the direction of outward drawn Proof of Stoke's theorem. Let s ' be a surface which !s such
that its projections on the xy , yz a nd x z planes a re reg1 o ns _boun ded
by simple closed curves . Suppose Scan be re presented s1multane•
ously in the forms
134 Solved Example~
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theortm3 135
z=/(x, y). y=g (x. z), X==h (z, >') I
where/, g, h are continuous functions and have continuous first let f be its boundary which is oriented as shown in the ugure.
partial derivatives. Using the representation z==/ (x, y) of S, we may write the line
integral over C as a line integral over f. Thus
Consider the integral JIs ['v x (F1 i)J•n dS, f F 1 (x, y, z) dx== f F 1 [x, y, / (x, Y)] dx
We have 'v x(F1i)- i · j k C l
0 a =f {£1 [x, y, f (x, y)] dx+o dy}
ax ay r
== _ ( (
}j R
oy dx dy, by Green's theorem in plane
for the region R.
But aF, [x, y, l (x. y)J oF, (x, y, z) + 0F1 (x, y, z) of
ay . - = ay . az ay
[·: z=f (x. y)]
;, f
Fl (x, y, z) dx= - \ \R (::·+::· r,) dx dy ... (1)
grad if,
n=+ · -a -
l af ,_..!.a a/ay J.+_!_ k.
. f' or cos lli+cos ~j+cos yk= - 0 ex a
· dxd1
We shall prove that Now dS=--=a dx dy.
. cos -y
( r (0F
Jjs 1 aF1
ozcos~- 0)' cosy
f F1 dx. .•. ({
l ls (0F1
az cos ~- oF1
cos '>') dS
=-ffJ R
( 0F1+ 0F1
ay az ay
of) dx dy.
... (2)
f F2 dy = JJ
s [ v' X (F2 j)J•n dS .. . (4)
Solution .
By Stoke's th eorem, we have
V (cf,,J;) •dr = ~) [curl grad (cf, rJ;)]•n dS
f F dz= JL
8 [v' X {F8k)J•n dS .. .(5)
If the surface S does not satisfy the restrictions imposed Ex. 3. (a) Prove thatf cf,V,} •dr = \~[ "vcf,X \ t}J•ndS.
above, even then Stoke's theorem will be true prov ided Scan be C S
subdivided into su rfaces Su S,, .. , S11 with boundari es C;, C 2 , . • , C1e Solution. By Stoke' s theorem, we have
which do satisfy the restrictions. Stoke's theorem holds for each
such surface. The sum of surface integrals over S 1 , S 2 , . , Sk will f cf,V,} • dr = ~ j ['v x (c/> 'v'i')]•n dS
give us surface integral over S while the sum of the integra ls over
Ci, C1 , .• . , C11 will give us line integral over C.
=~~s [v'cf,X v''i'+cf, curl grad 'i'J •n dS
Note. Green' s theorem in plane is a special case of Stoke's
theorem. If R is a region in the xy-plane bounded by a closed =~ L [v' cf, X 'vt)i]•n dS, since curl grad tj.,= 0.
curve C, then in vector form Green's theorem in plane can be
written as Ex. 3. (b) Sh ow that L c/;Vcf,•dr=O, C being a closed cu rve.
138 Green's, Gauss's and Stoke'z Theorems 139
Solved Examples
f'v X(,f,A)J•n dS= H
[\l,pX A+,f, curl AJ-dS
Ex. 6. By Stoke's theorem prove that curl grad ,f,=0.
Solution. Let S be any surface - enclosed by a simple closed
curve C. Then by stoke's theorem, we have
=IL ("i/,f,XA)•dS, since curl A=O. 11 s (curl grad ,f,)•n dS= f grad ,f,•dr.
or A / ,f, dr=A• dSx 'v,f, or A{f ,f, dr- Hdsx y',f, ]=o. = o<f, dx+ o<f, dy+ or/, dz=drf,.
ox oy oz
Since A is an arbitrary vector, therefore we must have
.. f grad rp•dr= f d,f,= [ ,f, ]: , where A is any point on C
· f ,t,dr=B dSx\lrf,. C C
Ex. 5.
1 2
l4U Solved Examples ,_ - (Jo" [sin 2t-½ (I-cos 2t)] dt=- [ - cos 2t
- --½t+½ sin 2t] •
2 2 0
=-[(-½+½)-½ (1t-O)+t (0 -0)]=1t. . .. (1)
= ~:"sin t : dt= [" -sio t dt 2 Also ('\7 x F)= j k
If S1 is the plane regio n bounded by the circle C, then by an = j)s1 k•k dS= ~ ~S1 dS=S 1 =1t. ... (2)
application of divergence theorem, we have
Hence from (I) and (2), the theorem is verified.
~ js curl F•n dS= ~ j 81curl F•k dS [See Ex. 36 Page 126) Ex. 9. Verify Stoke's theorem for
F=(x 2 +y2) i-2xy j
=j~s1( - i - j - k)•k dS=ns/ - l)dS= - H s/S=-S1. taken round the rectangle bounded by
x=±a, y=O, y=b. [Meerut 1967]
But S 1 = area ofa circle of radius l=1t (1;2=1t,
(2cost- sint)dt dt = -
dx Jh (2cost - ~int)sin tdt
142 Green's. Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems
Sol11ed Example, 143
. =-4
rb (" ydx dy=-4 Jr·v-o [x,. ]"
Jv-o J=--a z--o
dy = l~ (cos• t+sin• t) dt=4 J:' 2
(cos• t+~in • t) dt
=f rc~•+y 1
) dx-2xy dyJ
- y• x• 0
Here n=k because the surface Sis the ::y-plane.
==J [(x•+i)dx-2xydy]+J +J •11 +fJ . :. ('7 XF)•n=(~.x1 +3y1) k•k=3 (x1 +yl).
:. Hs JJs (x +yt) dS
DA AB 60
('1 X)')•n dS=3 1
Along DA, Y=O and dy=O. Along A.B, x=a and dx=O.
Al ::,ng BE; Y==b and dy=O.
/. f F•dr=J• x• dx+f
Along ED~ x--a and dx=O.
0 == 3 {.. 1
I 1
F•dr= f
( -y3 i+x11 j)•(dx.i + dy j+dz k) Now curl F= j k i= Oi+0H0k= 0.
0 iJ il I
vx vy oz I
'"' -I
'I I
Solved Ei amples
.r. By Stoke's theorem
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theor ems 145
cf F•dr= JL. (c1:1rl F)•n dS
= 1
~ 11--1
2y2 dy = 2 [r- ]
- 1
=0, sinc;e curl F=O.
Ex. 12. Evaluate by Stoke's theorem Ex. 14. Evaluate f F•dr by Stoke's theorem where
f (y z di +xz dy+xy dz) C
... 11-0
= r Y--1
(y2- x ) dx d.v=Jl lf•- 1
[ y2x- ~2-2-]l.,_ -l
Ex. 15. Evaluate by S toke's theorem
f (sin z dx -cos x dy + sin y dz)
where C is the boundary of the rectangle
Solved Examplea Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theo;ems 147
0 < <X 1e, 0 y < <
1, Z= 3.
Let us tale S as the surface of the plane x+.v=2a bounded
Solution. Here l<' =sin z i-cos xj +sin yk.
by the circle C. Then a vector normal to Sis grad (x+y) = i+j.
Curl F= j k
.t. n=unit normal to S= ) (i+j).
a 2
az =cos yi+cos zj+sin xk.
:. J C
(y dx+z dy+x dz)=~
-(i+j+k)• ( V2 i+ J2 i )ds
sin z -cos x sin y
Since the rectangle lies i.n the plane z=3, therefore n=k.
=- j 2 J~ s dS=- )i<area of the circle of radius av2)
• curl F•n=(cos yi+cos zj+sin xk)•k = sin x. =- y2 (21ra~).
By Stoke's theorem
x1 +y 2 +z 2 =a1 above the xy-plane.
= (1 (• sin x dx dy=j·.,, sin x dx = 2. Solution. Tlie boundary C of the surface Sis the circle
J11-• j .,_o "'-o x 2 +y2 =a2, z=O. · Suppose x=a cos t, y=a sin t, z=O, 0 <;; t<;:l21e
Ex. 16. Apply Stoke', theorem to prove that are parametric equations of C. By Stoke's theorem, we have ·
JC (ydx+zdy+xdz)=-2v21ea2 = J~s ( v' xF)•n dS
where C is the curve given by
Jc F •dr= JC [yi+ (x-2xz) .j-xy k]-(i dx+j dy+k dz)
2 =(
x +y1 +z2 -2ax - 2ay=0, x+y=2a
and begins at the point (2a, 0, 0) and goes at first below the z-p/a.,e.
(Agra 1969; Meerut 82)
Solution. The centre of the sphere x 1 +yi+z• - 2ax-2ay=0
= !c [y dx+(x - 2xz) dy-xy dz]
is the point (a, a, 0). Since the plane x+y=2a passes through the =~c (y dx+x dy) [ •t on ·c, z.=0 and dz=O]
point (a, a, 0), therefore the circle C is great circle of this sphere.
J. Ractius of the circle C -- Jfz.,, ( dx
y dt
+xdtdy ) dt
=radius of the sphere=v(a2 +a1)=ay2.
Now Jc (ydx+zdy+xdz)= Ic (Yi+zj+xk)•dr = [ ' [a sin t (-a sin t)+a cos t (a cos t)] dt .
where S is any surface of which circle C is boundary [Stoke's Ex. 18. Evaluate the surface integral ( f
cur.JF•n dS
by transforming ·;; into a line integral, S being that part of the sur-
Now curl (yi+ zj + xk)= j k face of the paraboloid z=l - x 11 -y2 for which z ~ 0, and
F=yi+zj+xk. (Bombay 1970
o o o . Solution. The boundary C of the surface S is the t· r •I
ox ay oz xs+y 2 =1, z=0. Suppose x=cos t, y=sin t, z=O, 0 <;; t '11: 11 1
f F•dr= Ii
(curl F)•n dS=O. 6. Verify Stoke's theorem for the function
F=x2 i+xy j, ·
integrated round the square, in the plane z=O, whose ~ides
Necessity. Suppose f F•dr=0 for every closed· path C and are along the lines x=O. y=O, x=a, y=a. [Bombay 19'.{0J
C [Hint. Proceed as in Ex. 9 Page 141. Show that
assume that 'v X F:;c0 at some point A.
Then taking 'v x F as continuous, there must exist a re gi on ~c F•dr=½d1= it curl F•n dS].
with A as an interior point, where 'v x F;t=0. Let S be a surface 7. Verify Stoke's theorem for the function
contained in this region whose normal n at each point is in the F (x, y, z)=xyH xy 2j
same direction as 'v x F, i.e. 'v x F=An where A is a posi.tive integratl"d round the square with vertices (1, 0, 0), (I, I, 0),
constant. Let C be the boundary of S. Then by Stoke' s theorem, (0, I, 0) and (0, 0, 0),
f F•dr= ~ j ('v xF)•n dS= !JAn•n dS where i and j are unit vectors along x- axis and y-axis res-
pectively. [Meerut. 1979]
=AS> 0. 8. Verify Stoke's theorem for the vector A-3yi - xzj+yz 2k,
where Sis the surface of the paraboloid 2z=x2 +y• bounded
This contradict.~ the hypothesis that f F•dr=O for every by z=2 and C is its boundary. [Meerut 1973, 77]
C 9. By. converting into a line integral evaluate
closed path C. Therefore we must have 'v X F = 0 cveryw here in R.
~ ~s ( 'v x A)•n dS, where A=(x-z) i+(x'+y:) j-3xy 2k
l. , Verify Stoke's theorem for the function · and s is the surface of the cone z=2-v'(x + y1 ) above the
· · F=zi+xj+yk xy-plane. Ans. 12it. [Meerut 1974]
where curve is the unit circle in the xy-plane bounding the
\0. By converting into a line integral evaluate
hemisphere z=v'(l-x 2 -Y 2 ).
[Agra 1975; Rohilkhand 81; KanJ,ur 78]
[Hint. Proceed as in Ex. 7 Page 139. Show that
i ~s ('v x F)•n dS
where F=(x +y-4) i+3xyj+(2xz+z') k
~ c F•dr=1t= ~ L curl F•n dS] ands is tbe surface of (i) the hemisphere x 1 +y1 +z1 =16
abov e the xy-plane (ii) the parabol oid z=4-(x 2 +y 1 ) above
2. Verify Stoke' s theorem for A= 2yi+3xj - z 2k, where Sis the the xy-plane. Ans. (i) - l 61t, (ii) -41;.
upper half surface of the sphere x 2 +y 2 + z 2 =9 an d C is its
boundary. [Meerut 1975] 11. Evaluate~ ~s ('v xF)•n dS. where ·
3. Verify Stoke's theorem for the vector q=zi+xj+ yk ta ken
over the half of the sphere x 2 +y 2 +z 2 =a 1 lying above the F=(y-z+2)i+(yz+4)j-xzk and Sis the surface of the cube
xy-plane. [Gauhali 1973] X=)'=Z=O, x=y=z=2 above the xy-plane. Ans. -4.
4. Verify Stoke's theorm for the function [Hint. The curve C bounding the surface S is the square, say
F=x2i-t-xyj OABC, in the xy-plane given by X=0, X=2, y=0. y=2].
integrated along the rectangle, in the plane z=0. whose sides Show that
are along the lines X==0. y=0, x=a and y=b . [Meerut 1976]
Verify Stoke's theorem for a vector field defined by ns rp curl F• dS =\ c rp F•dr-ns (grad r/iXFJ•dS.
F=(x1 -y2) i+2xyj in the rectangular region in the xy-plane [Hint. Apply Stoke's theorem to the vector rfiFJ .
bounded by the lines X=O, x=a, y=0 and y=b. 13. lf f= v' rp and g= y' lji are two vector point functions, such that
(Kanpur 1975] y'2cp = 0, y'~lji=fl
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 153
152 Line Integrals Independent of Path
is called the hoe integral of F along C. In general the value of is independent of the paih C in R joining P and Q if and only if
this line integral depends not only on the end points P and Q of F=grad rf, where (x, y, z) is a single-valued scalar function having
the path C but also on C. continuous first partial derivatives in R. LKerala 1975)
In other words, if we integrate from P to Q along different Proof. Suppose F=grad <f, in R. 'Let P and Q be any two
paths, we shall, in general, get different values of the int'egral. points in R and let C be any path from P to Q in R .
The line integral ( 1) is said to be iudepenljent, of path in R, if for Then
every pair of end poinU P and Q in R the value of the integral is the
&ame for all paths C in R starting from P and ending at Q. \ c F-dr= ~c 'v rp•dr
In this case the value of this line integral will depend on the
choice of P and Q and not on the choice of the path joinmg P to =~c(~!i+!!i+:: k )•(dxi+dyj+dzk)
Definition. The expresJion f dx+g dy+h dz Is said to be a11
exact differential if there exfa'ts a ~ingle valued seal/Jr point function
= H:~ ~t
dx+ dy+~- dz ).=~ d<p
,p (x, y, z), having continuous first partial derivatives such that
def,=f dx+g dy+h r!z. =1p
( Q
dip=l ¢, ]Qp =<f,(Q) - rf,(P).
= JF -dr + ~ F • dr = ~ F. dr - ~ F • dr
where P and Q are any two points in R. } PBQ
By theorem 1, the vector field F (x, y, z) is conservative if and This completes the proof of the theorem.
only if F = v7 'P where cf, (x, y , z) is a single valued scalar function
Theorem 3. Let F (x, y, z)=fi+gj+hk be a continuous vecror
having continuous first partial derivatives in R. The function
function having continuous first partial derivatives in a region R of
'P (x, Y, z) is called the scalar potential of the vector field F.
Theorem 2. Let F (x, y, z) be a vector func-t ion defined and space. If } fdx+gdy+hdz[is independent of path in R and conse-
·continuous in a region R of space. Then the line integral Ia F •dr quently fdx+gdy+hdz is an exact differential in R, then curl F=O
. lp everywhere in R. Con vusely, if R is simply connected and curl F=O
is independent of the path joining any two points P and Q in R if
everywhere in R, then fdx+ gdy+hdz is an exact d,f ntial in R
and only if f F •dr=O for every simple closed path in R. or ~ fdx+gdy+h dz is indep endent of path in R . [Allahabad 1979]
Proof. Let C be any
simple closed path in R and J ( fdx + g dy+ h dz) is '
let th e line integral be in de-
Proof. Suppose independent of path I
in R. Then fdx+gdy+hdz is an exact differential in R. Therefore .I
pendent of path in R. Take Q
two points P and Q on C F=/i+gj+hk=grad ¢.
and subdivide C into two • curl F=curl (grad ¢)=0.
arcs PBQ and QAP. Then Conversely suppose R is simply connected and curl F=O eve ry-
where in R. Let C be any simple closed path in R. Since R is
f F•dr= j F•dr simply connected, therefore we can find a surface Sin R having €
C P BQA I' as its boundary. Tj}!Eefore by Stoke's theorem
Line lntegrals Independent of Path
:y xa:
f F•dr= ~ ( - x 2
f F•dr is zero for every simple closed path c in R. We have
2 dx+ ya dy)
Note. The ass~mption that R be simply co nn ected is essential Thus we see that f F•dr.:;6::0.
and cannot be omitted. l e .ts ob vious trom the following example. C
Example. Let F= _ _Y_ i+ ~ · Definition. lrrotational vector field. A vector field F is said
x2+y2 1·
to be irrotational if curl F=O. (Calicut 1975; Allahabad 79)
Here F is not_ defined at origin. In every region R of the xy-
plan e not contammg the origin, Wt' have We see that an irrotational field F is characterised by any one
Curl F= j k of the three conditions:
(i) F=Vtf,,
a 0 (ii) V XF=O,
ay oz (iii) f F•dr=0 for every closed path.
y X
-x2,-y• x 2+y2 0
Any one of these cond itions implies the other two.
=Oi+Oi+ { ~x (x 2: y 2) + :y (x 2: y• )} k Ex. 1. Are the follo wing forms exact ?
(i) xdx-ydy + zdz. (ii) e11 dx+e"dy+e•dz.
-{x2+,2 - 2x2 x2--j-y2-2y2}
(x2+ y2)• + (x•+ y")"
- k=Ok =O. (iii) yzdx+xzdy+xydz. (iv) y 2z 8dx+2xyz 3dy t-3xy2 z 2dz.
Solution. (i) We have
. . Suppose R is simply connected. For exam ple let R be the
region enclosed by a simple closed curve C not enclosing the ori- xdx-ydy+zdz=(xi-yj+zk)•(dxi+dyj+dzk)
gm. Then = F•dr, where
F=xi -yj+zk.
f F~dr= .( (--):'.._--; dx+ _ x_ dv)
J xi+ y2 x•+y~ " We have Curl F=1 ~ j
ax ay oz
by Green 's theorem in plane X -y z
=O. :. the given form is exact.
Su ppose R is not simply co nnected. Le t R be the region of the (ii) Here F=efli+e'"j +e•k. We have
xy-plane contained between concentric circles of radii ½and f and Curl F= j k =Oi tOj +(e"'-e11) k.
hav mg centre at origin. Obviously R is not simply con nected. We
have F=O, everywhere in R . Let C be a circle of radius one a a a
and centre at ongin. 1 he n C is a clostd curve in R. The parametric ____./ ax ay oz
158 Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems
Solved Examples 159
Since curl F:;t:0, therefore the given form is not exact. (1), (2), (3) each represents ¢,_. These agree if we choose
(iii) Here F=yzi+xzj+xyk. We have
fi (y, z)=- ~+~ ~-~ ~- ~
Curl F= j k =(x-x) i-(y-y) j+(z-z) k=O. 2 - ./2 (x, z)-: - - , /8 (x, y)=-- . 2 2
a a a .... x2-
</,= -
-=.- to wh ich ro ey be added any_ constant.
ax ay oz x - v•-z 2
Hence </, ·2 + C, where C is a constant.
yz xz xy
(ii) Here F=i+zj+yk. We have
Since curl F=0, therefore the given form is exact.
Curl F= j k
(iv) Here F=y1z3 i+2xyz 3 j+3xy2z2 k. We have
Curl F= j k 0 o
a ay oz
ay oz l z y
y z 2 3
2xyz 8 3xy2 z1 J. the given form is exact.
2 Let F=t;J</,
=(6xyz -6xyz 2 ) i-(3y 2z 2 -3y 2z2 ) j+(2yz1 -2yz3) k
=0. or ·+ ZJ·+y k =aef..
I - •+ or/,.
-·1+-o</> k. Then
• the given form is exact. ox oy ilz
Ex. 2. In each of following cases show that the given differential ox=I whence </,=x+fi (y, z)
form is exact and find a function <p such that the form equals dr/, : ... (1)
(i) xdx-ydy-zdz. (ii) dx+zdy+ydz oy=z whence <f,=zy+/2 (x, z)
(iii) cos x dx-2yz dy-y 2 dz. (iv) .(z2 -2xy) dx - x 1dy+_2xzdz. o,t, ... (2)
Solution. (i) Here F=xi - yj-zk. We have oz =y :whence </,=yz+fs (x, y)
Curl F= j k =0i+0j+0k=0. .. .(3)
(1), (2), (3) each represents rf,. These agree if we choose
a a J; (y , z)=zy. / 2 (x, z)=x,f9 (x, Y)=x .
ax oz •-. </>=x+yz to which may be added any constant.
X -y - z (iii) Here F=cos xi-2yzj-y2k. We have
the given form is exact. Curl F= j k
Let F=t;J<f,,
o 0
or xt. - YJ. - Zk = o,f,.
- 1,' o,f,.
-- J+ o,f,
- k . Th en ox ay
ax ay az
or/, x2 COS X -2yz - y 2
ox = X whence <p = ·i +f1 (y, z)
... (1) =(-2y+2y) i+0j + 0k=0 .
or/, y2 the given form is exact.
ay=- y whence </, = ·- 2 +/2 (x, z)
Let F= t;J </,,
.. (2) '
or/, z2
ai =-z whence </,= - +fa (x,y). or cos xi-2yzj - _,1, 2k= or/, i+ ?j j+ or/, k. Then
2 ... (3) . ax ay oz
.:· 1.:he constants of integration are functions of the variables not ---
!t=cos x whence </,=sin x+ft (y, _~)
involved in the integra ti_on because the derivatives are partial. < ', • ~ : I• • , •
.• . ( l)
' •• ·1 :~• •••
,• · ·
'• ·..
Solved Examples
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 161
oy= - 2yz whence <p= -y'z+h (x, z) (
... 2) Therefore F is a conservative force field.
oz =-y2 whence <fo=-y•z+fa (x, y). Let F=V</,
••• (3)
or (2xy+z8) i+ xll j+3xz2 a,;, ••+ oef,
k=a;; az .
oy J·+a,t, k Th en
(1), (2), (3) each represents </,.These agree if we choose
Ii (y, z)=-y'z,/2 (x , z)=si n x,f8 (x,y)=sin x.
ox + .z 3 whence r/,=x'y+z3 x+J;. (y, z)
•:. </,=sin x-y•z to which may be added any constant. •. . (1)
:. <p = sin x-y 2 z+ C.
orf, =x2 whence rf,=x•y+/2 (x, z)
(iv) Here F=(z2 ....:..2xy) i-x'j+2xzk. We have oy . •• (2)
Curl F= j k:
o</, = 3xz2 whence ¢=xz3 fs (x, Y)
... (3)
o a
ox oz ( 1), (2), (3) each represents rf,. These agree if we choose
/ 1 (y, z)=O, / 2 (x, .i)=z x, / 3 (x, y)=x•y•
al \ k
. The given line integral is therefore \ tix ay az
4 2 ze" 2yz e"' +Y2
fJC d(x1yz2 +sin yz)=[x2yz•+sin -yz ](]• TC/ , )
(0, 0, ]) -=(2y-2y) i-(e"'-e"') f+0k=0.
. . the form Uilder the integral sign is exaet. and consequently
=rr+sin l1t=1t+ 1.
the line integral is independent of path in sp:ice.
Ex. 6. Evaluate
Le t F=v'i~
. Jc yzdx+(xz±_l) 4y+xy /dz,
where C Is any path from (1, 0, 0) to (-2, 1,,4)•.
[Meerut 1969; Agra 72)
Hi4 Solved Exampli~ G een's, Gauss's and Stoke:--s Theorems 165
I cos jl -x sin y O .
xa + ya+ 2 a
Therefore cf,.,_..;, _ _ __
-xyz +C.
=0 l+O J+(-sin y+sin y) k=O. Exercises
• the given line integral is independent of path. 1. Show that
Let F='vrf,
(y 2z 3 cos x-4x 3 z) dx-+2z 3y sin x dy+( 3y 2 z 2 sin x--xt ) d;: is
,. or . '
COB y l - X SID y
j O<p
=~ • oef,
•+ • orf, k . Th en
Cl J+ - an exact differential of some function cf, and fin d this lu nct:on.
u.x uy oz Ans . cf,=y 2 z3 sin x-x 4 z+C.
ax=--= cosy whence rf,-=x cos y+/1 (y, z) 2. (i) Show that the vectoli' fiel d
3. Show that
F=(sio y+z) l+(x cos y-z) J+(x-y) k
is a conservative vector field and find a function cp such that Green' s, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems
F = 9 r/,. [liombay 1966 l
Ans. r/,=x sin y+xz-yz+c.
4 Show that the vector field defined by
F=(2xy-z8 ) i+(x 2 +z) j+(y-3xz2 ) k
is Cbnservative, and find the scalar potential of F.
[Bombay 1970)
5. Show that the following vector functions F are irrotational
and fi.nd the corresponding scalar ,fi such tJ1at
(i) F=x3 i+ y 8 j +z3 k.
(ii) F=(y sin z-sin x) i+(x sin z+ 2yz) J+(xy cos z+y 2 ) k.
(iii) F=(sin y+zcos x) i+(xcos y+sin z) J+(y cos z+sinx)k.
[Calcutta 1975]
Ans. (i) r/,=¼ ,+y +z )+,.~.
(x 4 4 4
, ·,;i ,
f F•dr= fl s (curl F)•n oS=(curl F)•n ~ L
dS, by mean value
theorem of integral calculus where (curl F) n is some val.ue inter..
mediate between the :naximum and min imum values of (curl F)•n
over S.
,;. f F•dr=(curl F)•n S.
Taking limit as r➔ O, we get at P
f l'•dr ...
lim C
(curl F)•n= ,_,,
O --
Now (curl F)•n is normal component of curl Fat P and
f F•dr is circulation of F about C. Therefor~ the normal com-
. . ~.'/:' .