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u lt pie Products

rlpl Prod
We o that the vector product ax or two vector ■ and
· itself a ve • r quan ·ty. Thercf; r n mul iply it by ano er
or arly n v torially. The product (a )•C ·
cal1 d ---- ·· pl pro41 ct hicb i pur number. On the o er
h nd the produc ( ) X c i called· ecto Ip 1n'ndllf'f, hie
J . again av tor q anti'ty.

ote. Sine a• b · . J r quantity, ·t her fore the produc

( b) c d • b) x c are me omgle oreov r in t produc
•· , )· c w can omit h parcntbes od o imply rite it
a X c. Obvi u l.y the produc a • has me ing only if w
1egard it ·. th product ( b)• c.
2. ar Trip
The s. alar product of two ,ector: one of which I Itself .the
'Vector product oft p ·vector& IJ a · 'Dia, quantity called a ' '
Triple Product . Thu if a .a nd c be three v ctor , hen {a
J called the caJar trjpl product of th three vector .
incc the calar triple product involves both th.e sign of
od 'dot· therefore ·.it i m ·' red the mllr.ea

Geo trl . pr of
erut · ba IO]
t u o "der a paral-
lel piped who c terminou
dgc OA, OB, OC the
lengths and dir ti r th
a, , c r pectjveJy.
L t V the volum of
p aU lop· . c . all regard
J', ncce iarily positive.

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2 D A5Y

- . ur defi l ·o or c
to th face OA.DB nd it modulu n
of the par, clogram OAlJB A o., by
nition, the _ctor a, . ■ form . · t d d · _d.
gle bet eco the du-ccti n or
t e \re to
DC en - and e will form - right oded
01 anded tri d according u ~ i ute or obtu .
o (ax ~•c-1 ax ) 11 c I ~-I 11 c co f
=(area of the parallelogram ,OADB) . (OC ;)
[ . . I C I= OC].
~ will be po i · c or negativ ccord · a ft i
acut or obtu e. it abtolute v I will give us the lcnph of the
_perpendicular from C to the pl nc of the parallelogram OADB.
o the volume . J' or the parallclop1 d - (Ar of the
p rall~logram 0..4DB) x'Ien_gtb of the pcrpc dicular fro C
j. r lcJ01 . T .r fore(• )· +v. · ,J, i · cute I.•. ii
•• , c form a right handed triad and {a ) • c - - V if ~ i obtuse
i.e. if... , C rorm . L n and triad.
ow we t vecto a right handed
triad, the c vector n d • c, • and c, a, are al right
h nd d. e - each of the product ( x c •a nd (c a)• b will
ve the me value JI or - Y according a a, b c fo a right
handed or a le . ded t · d. u we conclude that in all ca
· ■ x )•C= ( c)•a-(cx ) b.
o • b • a and a = - x a.
,.9. )•C •(a, )=(bXC)•a=a•( X )
-(c •)· b= b• c a)
- (b a) ·c -ie•(l,x 1)==-(c b)••·
· =--••(e x )= - (• c)•b - •( .xc).
rom this co elude tb t the alu~ of a scalar triple product
depend on th lie order of the factor. and Is independi nt of the
position of the dot and cros . Thu may be interchtm ed at pleasure~
Ho ·ever. an antic) c/lc permutation of th three factor, change! the
alu of the product in sign but not in magnltud~. [lmpor
ot IOD. lo vie of the propertie d ·scu sed abo tho
triple product i u ually ritten (a )•c [abc) or
[ _. ,_ c). Thi - notation take ;,uo co _ Jd ·,atlon only the cyclic
order of the three ector, and d;s,egards tht unimportant po itions
o · dot and c oss. Thu [ · J ( ] =( bJ - {c etc.
The i ·. of dot d cro can be ·oscrtcd a pleasure
I.e. [ , ,cJ-• ·.bxc) or · (a b)•c.

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n ortbo on I n t handed
J) ..
J' n uct (.
rm ri'gbt hand oded t · d of
'• ti or or P oaaa.
. To pro ~ that c}-•x + htre • , , c art an
1hree . · 1978; A l ■lalMIII 75]
b- a x ...(1).
r produ ot both ide o - 1) with
rbitr ry tor d, we gc
-.r-d•[• (h c)- - c)
or d-r . [a. + e ]- d·(•
(s· i _ di ib . I r prod.u I
ow in a seal r riplc product the po "tion of ot d c
- n be in ere n · d wit out - - ·ng i alue. T ereforc f:
(2. we

= 0-
Ther ore · · r d - ,. o r=O or .j rpend' u· tor.
But the r rb' The fo. -kc it to be on-
ro and not · ·
Hence r . _. c 0
I. .

afar tr/pit prod t, If t o of Its eclorJ

[ 1'97~
tor rpendic:ul r o -h pl - d
)= 0
a scalar trip/ - product if I ,o of it -- tor or
parallel, ;, •
Le ., h t nd p lei i . .

ta) - t • C

(iii) The n~c sary and suffi ent condition that thr~ non-
P rail I a·non- ro v ctors a, b, c b coplanar Is that ( O.
(L,UC:atD011" 197'7; R II . aad 19~ .

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Le ■ •• c thre coplan r vectors. ow x is vector

rpe acular to the plane of• . Sine a. , e coplan r,
there ore ax b j - aJ pcrpcndicul ow the dot product
or o perpendicular vector is equa zero. H nee (ax It)• c = 0
i.e.[• -0. refon t 4'Gllillll:IOD nec:eu■1 •
n11aeat. Be ual if [ ■be] 0 I.e.,
(• X b)•C=Oi lhen C . pe1pend" ular to a X b. But I, i vecto_r
perpendicular to the pl of a and . Sioc · c is perpendicular
to a b. the refore c · parallel to the plane of and b.
Hence a. b, care coplanar.
(iv) Since the distributive law holds for bolh scalar and vector
products. it holds_ I o for the .scalar triple product.
Thus [a, b+d, c+r]-[abc]-t-(a J [adc] (adr], the cycrc
order of the factors ing maintained in each term.
• To p aJ of tile trip prod c:t [a ] I
te - of ct &■Jar f;GJllll)jDDl•t or th tor .
(Alhbabad 1980]
Let a a11-f~ a , b == b,i+ b, +b, c= c11+ c +ck.
ow b c (b1 + b1 j + b:a ) (cit + )


i j k
- b, b b1 .
l Ca I
(b.,c.-b.c, - (bica b_c,) .J - b,c1 .
l 1

• • •• (b X c)==(a1 i a · + a1 b,.c2 -b1 i-(b1 c b1c1)j

(b1c1 -b,c1 ) k]
- ~1 b.c-1 - b c1 )- a 1 •blc1 - h1 J + a b1c1 - b 1 ·
[·. i•" = j•J=k• ,.. J nd ·•J = j• = •i -= O}
Qla, a,
.. (abc}- ~ b, .. . I)
C1 C
C1 C e,
AJ a x b) c,~ c•(a x b)=l a, a Oa
h1 b b,
a, a Oa

= I bi "-
<"1 c, c,
showing that the value of a scalar triple p rodu i independent
of the po ition of dot and cro .

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ote. If DA, OB, OC be th co umn cd1 of a. para--

II (. piped .d if (a 1• a 1 , a.) ...(b 1; b1 , bJ~ (c1., c1• eJ be the rectan-
gular coordinate of ,4., B. C referred ·to Ou origin. t e the
dete I t (I) give th volume that r Jelopiped.or
· Jar lrlf ll'OIIIICI [■ ., C I
... ect
Let • 0 11+0 +a .
==b,.l +b · +"91.
d c c-11+c +". .
0 x (b I b• + b ■)x(c 11 'c +c )
= bi 11x l+b c11x 1>1c x +hae1 x l+ b,c
b_c1 m x •+b.c, xl+b,c + •
(b1 1 - b . J ■-(b1 c1 -brJ XI
+(b c1 -h.c.) IX
[ : I )( J= 0 and I _etc. I
( b x c) = (a1 + a1m +a.■)·[(b1 ea-¥tl ·x■
- (b1c.-b,cx I (b1c,- b1cJIX ]
=~ al b c. - b,ca)[ DJ-a, b, ea- b,c1HJ ]
+a, (b1c1 -b,PJ [lmaJ.
- [ ] ·d ll the ar ttipl products
r et ] i.n c wo vecto arc qual vanish,
Ql a. aa

•·. [• ] = b1 b, b, (l ■] .

c, c, c,
ote. •
me [ , j, = J, thcr fore s i p .rticuL r r 6.
P.1 ol ·ed
. . D if,ne color triple product of thr e ' C
and inttrpr t th ame g ometrlcall .
r p t. De - .
(b c) le · r triple pr d C V 0

trical in :rpr tati ol ICalar tri . pl' Geom td

cally th . ar tripl pr doc • x b) c repr..,,-.-..,.,u.,l/oli c volume f
· p rallelopipcd who ·e three coterminou edgi are ropresent
b th. , . and c.
or ompletc di u ·o refer 2.

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1. D,fine calar Ir/pit product of c Pro e that th
Mlw of the &eall'lr triplr product of a, b, c remains uircluingetl if
the eye/Ii order of th telors l1 maintained I. ., pro-.e that
•· bx~).;.b•{cxa)-c•(•x ). [fatlns 975)
or dcfinitio of scalar triple product e solved
1· bove.
a1 J+tla , =b I 61 J+b1 ,
c-c Ci Ca
Proceeding in 5 eh c
• ( X c)= a 1 (b 1- bae.)- a·, (b1c1 b_c1 )+a; b c -b1 cJ
[Do it here
a1 a.
= b
"'b1 bs
Cl c, C

b, h1
= - QJ. a. 0:, • J t re ID R 1 · nd R.

C1 C1 c,
bl b, b,
c, c1 , interchanging ~ and Rt
01 a1 a1
=- b• (c X a). · . •. l
A 1n a C'.. I •

C I a1 a,
inter hanging R~ a -d R1

- 01 01 a1 • 1 tcr ban ing R1 nd R1

b, b, b,
-c ( x b).. ••. 2
Fro (l) and (2J, w h ve
•· c = c x •)= c (• x _ .
~- Prove thar.a c = • x ••c . (Meent 1983 86)
e have •· I, e-a• b x c)

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[ c I r rip~ r uc i unchang d
if the c ell ord r of th v . o
m mtaincd)
(a b) c [ •· d.ot pr uct f o
- • • e.
'ho that t•J >< = L
I. eh v )
= I ( ·: J
- I.
. 6. 'ho .
th(lt [).&+ I' , d) - ( . ·. d)+ I'[ , , d] .
J. We have P.•+ J'b, ,
. - ~• + J&b)· d)
=la (e x )+11 • • , by di tributiv I. .fi r d t
pr du
=~[ ,c,. ] + J& b,c,d.
7. Pro,e that [ - J, J-. , _- ]-=O.
. We h ve [i - J J-k. -i]
-=-(I J)•{(J-k) x(k )}
=(I. J>·O Jx l - kx k 1
( - (l+k+)
-== I+ • +l·J- J -J - J J
0+ 0-0-0- o.
. 8. Find th volume of the paralltlopip d ho e dgc ar
repr~ mt d by
(I) .==21-3J + 4k, = I+ J- ~·c= 31-J 2k
( J) •== - 2J 3 , ll+ J-k. c==J k.
q . Find the olume of tlie
para/I lopip d whos thr~e cottrminous edg ar~ the· e tors (2., - ·3,
4). (I. 2. . I) and (3, - 1, 2) • (MINlilllW 1 J )
Sol. (i The required v lumc of the par llelopiptd · equal
to the solute v ue of [a ].
We hav (akj 2 -3 4

I 2 - 1
3 2

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2 (4-1)+ 3 (2 + •3)+4 ( -1-6),

-••ding the de erminant -"••A R
= 2.3+l.S+4.(- 7) 6+ 1s- 2s~-1.
eglecting the negative · • we s~t he volume of tho
I pipcd-7 cubic uni
(ii) required volume= 1 - 2 3
2 1 -1
0 1
.. 1 - 2
0 5 -1
0 l I
- 1. S +7) = 12 cub·c uni .
- 9. ShiM that .the ,ecton - 2 + 3k., •- 21 + 3J - 4k#
1-3J+•5l are coplanar.
So. Let• • - 2J+li: b- - 2 +3J - 4'k c = l-3 5k.
The v o a, , c cop a·r if tbe'r calar tnple proch1ct
· zero, othc - · ey are non-copl n .
e lutve ( - 1 -2 3
- 2 3 -4
1 -3" s
- 1 -2
3 by R. + 2R1 and Ra R1
0 -1 2
0 2 2
= 1.(- 2+ 2)= 1.0= 0
cncc the gi en ve ors r coplan r.
• 1 ; "Find the constanl p such 1/uJt the vectors • = 2i- J+k,
• =1+2J- 3 , = 3 pj-- S are coplanar. . ( era 1978]
If the vecto c are copla r. the
# , e ould
vc [■bcJ ·o.
2 - I l

0 [ be] = 2 - 3
3 p S

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JO lp) 1 (5+ 9 + l (p - 6 = 1p 2 .
:. [ ] w'JI ~ro if 1p 28 - 0
p ::;-- -4.
en for the gi en vector to - oplanar h uld
l. Pro that the /our points 41 SJ + •
( 4 ) and (- i + J+ .) are coplanar.
(· · t 989, ,OP· a ...,.......· 77]
I. Let .A , B C, D be the fo r gi en oint h ition
vecto referr d to o ori ·n O re
41 + SJ - (J k), 31 + 9J+ 4 nd 4 -1 - J . ).
in . B C, Dare cop nar, th he tor
-+ -+
AB. AC and AD hould I o copl n r.
·- +
eh e AB=- po iti a · ector of B- tJ
= -(J+ . ) - (4 J+ k)= - 4 - ~
Simil rly C = (3i 9j+ )- { + SJ 3

and AD= 4( - j )- (41 + 5J+ ) 8 - J 3 - c(

o the ct rs , , will b opl n if ( b ] - 0 .
- 4 - 2
o (a c] = - I 4 3

- 8 - 1 3
=- - 12 (- 3+ 2 - 2( 1
=- 60+ 12' -66= 0.
; the in , A, B, C, D r copl nar.
• Ex. 2. ho .that the four point - • b- Jc, 3 +2•- ,
+Sh-Sc and -3 + 2b care coplanar. [,...____ 1 1]
I. Let A B C d D h . po·nt ho · tion ors
r pecli . ly - .a 4 --3 , 3a+ 2 - Sc. - 3 + 8 -Sc d
- 3 + 21w+c.
-.,. .

eh e AB= po ition vrctor of B-oosition vect r o A.

-(3 · · 2 - 5 ) - (- · + ~3 )=4•-2 -2c.

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AC- po ition v tor of C- p ition e r of A

= (- 3 · 8b- .5c)- (-a+ b 3c)- - 2a b- ,
nd Ab =(-3a+2b+ c)-(- a.+ 4b- 3c) = -2 a-2b 4c·.
ow the scalar triple p roduc of th ve tor: AB·, AC and AD
4 2 :_2
= (AB, AC, ADJ= -2 4 -2 [a b c] [Refer 6)
· -2 -2 4.
{4 (16.:- 4) 2 (-8 - 4 - 2 (◄ + )} l c)
=(48 -24 -24) [ab c] - 0 [ab c] = O.
. . ..-+- -t--
ince the sc lar trip pr duct of e v tor AB AC d AD
· zero, th r fore the v t re oplanar H nee the poin
A, B, C nd D are coplanar. *

3. If a, J,, c ar the po.rltlo!J vector; of , B, C prov that

X c c ■ is a e tor p rpn1dicular to th plan~ of ABC.
-+ -+
Sol. e v A.B- b- • B = c- nd CA - a- c.
L tel = x b + b c + c x a.
ow d•A.B-d·(b - a) - (a ~ c+ c . ) • _-a)
- ( x b)•b - a x b)- +(b x c)•b-(b Xc} (e •)•b
-(c •>••
. [abb)-[ ba}+[ 1- ( ]+[cab]-[ ]
= - [be ] b], ince [a ::=O tc.
==- ]. · in [ = (bca

Ther for, vcct r d i rpendi 1- to AB. imilarly, we o

bo that d i p rp di ul r t. B . .
ow ince d i p r adi olar to two line in th plan AB ,
h it i perpend · ul r t the plan A.BC.
Es. 1 . Pro 1/iat [ b, b+ c, e ] = 2 f be).
l ru 98 • -, 88P. 90· Rolill an.d 76· A 80]
Sol. L.H.S.= (a b)•[ + c) (c+a)
b) • b c b a+ c + 1
( + bJ•[b . c c + b x a)
· ce c x c = O

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c)+a•( X I •
+ b; + h•(c a)+b•(h x
- ( be] [ ca}+ (•b•J+[ i+r [b l
- [■'be} b ],
II t Jar trapf e pro du in wb.i ·b two v qu.

ut [ ]==( ].
He cc be .H.S. 2 [a ].
• . 15. Pro,t. that
I• I b I• .
[ 1[a ,b •C :

.Meerut 12, nd J
= ma +mJ+ma , = n1•
. Let J= l1 i . IJ+/1 +
+a J+a.k -b1l+ hJ+ b, . c 1 1 c1J c1 •
,. ,.
. =f Ima][• J
01 o. a,
ms b,


11°1· la41 + .ls<1a
l1b1+l bw:
,.,,. I + l,c

n1a,+n.a.+n_a1 n b1 + h 1 n1 b n 1c 1 n c,+ n c1
by. the rul or th mu tip lie f on f d t rminan of am
o I·•= I i + I +I •.) (a +aI b +a. I
I a1 I.a. lr1 1 , t. •

Hence the .H .. = m • • . •c .

.• 16. Pro • that if I , h three non-cop/OJ ar tor ·, lh n
l•a. l• I

D D [ 9 2, 9 l

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I. Lei 1-1 · +I +l k - m1 l+mJ+m, ,
• - "1 +n +11ak.
d a-a11. aJ+aak b- b11+bJ+ba .
I 4 /,
ow [ ]= m1 ms
"i n.
I J k
and ( X )= a a, a,
ba b. b,
,. '~ ,. J
. [ 1(• - m
nl ... b1 b1 b
/. l3J+I, l1 b 1 IJ, 1 +1,ba
n,i+n,J+na n1b1+nJ> +n b
o 'l •• = (/1i I J+l1k).(a 1 +a ) . /1 1 a +/1a 1·+/.,a1 etc.
I I• a I• .1.•a l ~b
:. [l }(a ) =- m • m•b - m•

. 7. Show that the vector 2a- b+Jc, a b - .2c and

a + b- care non-coplanar, h re. a b, are non cop/on r e torJ.

ol. Let = 2 - + c# =•+b- . C = + b- .

h tor , B and r n n-coplanar if h ir al r triple
pr du t i not qual to zer . bav
2 - 1 3
I. I - 2 (a b c] [ ·e 6}

l I -3
- {2 -3+2)+1 (-_3+ 2)+3 .( l-1)} [ be]
==(-2-1) (ab c]= -3 (a c].

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ince a, b,, c are non-coplanar, therefor . [ c]=,t:O.

e c A B. q~o ·nd the cctor , B, C •C noo-
· . 18. Prove that the four points 6a-4 + 10c -S• + 3 - lOc.
- 6b- 10c and2b+ l0c are coplanar. [M · 1987]
. Let A, B and D be the po·nt ose po iti vectors
ar r p c ivcly 6 -4 ·+1 0 , -Sa 3b- , 4 -6b-10c nd
2b lOc.
ch c AB= osition ve · t of.B-p siti n or f .A
-1 =- ll ■ +7b-20c,

A = P iti n vector of - po i ion vector of .A

a - 6 -I Oc-6 4b-l . = - -2 -20c,
d D 2 +I -6 + 4b- I 0c -6 + .
-+ -+
A.B, AC and AD
-+ -+
·- [AB AC, ADJ = -11 7 -20
- 2 ' --2 - 20 [ b ]
-6 6 0
= {-6 -140 ,o)-6 (220-40)} [ b ], expanding th. d t r-
min n J ng the third row
-6{-l 0+18 }(abc] = O{ab )= 0.
incc t c al r triple pr u of th ecto .AB. AC and A
i zero, therefi r th . r copt· n r. tJj int
A, B, ad D e plan r .
. 19. Find pin order that the points A 3, 2, I) B 4, p, 5).
, 2, - ) and D · 6 . - 1) ma coplanar. be [ ut 1991)

ol. e ha AB p iti n vector of B- po ition vec or of A

,= (4-3, p-2, -1) = (1. p-2, 4),

C- 4-3,. 2- 2., - 2- l = I, 0, - 3),

D AD =(3. 3, 2).
he p in s A, B , C nd D copl r if the tor AB, A .
-+- . -+-,II,,-+
nd AD are oplan rl.~. ~if[AB,. A , .AD]=Oi.e.,if

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1 p-2 4
) 0 - 3 =:; Q

3 3 -2
r J p-2 7

1 0 0 -o, pplyiog c1 + 3C1

3 3 7
or .p - 2 7
- I •1 -o., exp ding C dct. rminant
3 7 Ion the cond ro
or -(?p- 14-21)= 0
or 7p-35 0 or 7p = 35 or p==5.
. 20. how that the ,ector3 a., b. c are coplanar if bf c.
c +a, + are coplanar. [ p 983)
J t = b + c, B = c • od -
Then pro ing sin olvecl e mpl 14, w h ve
[ B )-2[• I, c]. [Do it here)
:. [a b c)- [ B CJ. ...(1)
ow if the . tor , Band C r copl oar then [ BC - o.
So .from (l) ; we have [ b c] =-0 hich means that tbe.-vecto b
and c re 1 coplan r.
H n th cctor , , c are cop an r if c c+a., a+b
opl nar .
. 21. Prov that the four po nts with position ,ectors a, ,
c, d are coplanar if and only if
(b, , d).+[c , , d) [a., b, d] = (a, b, cJ.
[M t 1992; ohil . 90. ar ]
I. let A, B., C and D be the four point who position
v c ·or arc a b c nd d r p ti ly.
W h vc AB position v ctor r B- po ition vector of A
=- b- ,
-+ -+
AC= c nd AD= cl - •
-+ -+ -+
. ow the calar tripl produ t of th . vector AB, AC d AD
----+- -+ --+
::::s [AB, AC., AD] == AB·(A ' AD)

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- b - ) {(c- ) X d-a t
- _- 1) (c a- +• •>
b- ( ) [: ,•= ]
b (c x d)- • a)- •(.• d)-.-·•(c ·d)+a•(c
[ c d]-( c ]-( a d]-[a c 41]
[ -· a•(c x a)- 0- (a ]
- I c d] + (c ad)+ [• d) - [1. c]..
B, C pl r f and only if
the C 0 A.B, A ndAD r copJ n r
-+ -+ -+
or if nd only if [AB, A , AD]= O
or if and only if fb c dJ+ [ •.1 ]=0
or 1f and only if (b c ]+( J b c].
•• ,. V or trlp e p t.
Th·e ,ector product of t o eclor. or,e of hi h ts itself the
,ector product oft 110 t tors i a •e tor quantity coiled a "'Vector
Jriple Product • ·r I, c e ec or -, e prod c
.,. th f1 X( c tc. re call d "V - t • I

To pro' e that - -x
Gora U d
Let r - a (b c
vector p rpcndi c
d. h ore r or
n ou ow th ve or r i . perpe:nd.icular
tor d here th vector is p rpendicul r to the pl
cont ining _nd . Therci r the v ctor r mu _t lie in th p _~
con ·rung ba d c nee the v tor r n exp.r d linearly
in _ m of b nd c io the form
r =lb+mc ... (I her / and m r calar ·.
Sin r i pcrp ndi ul to therefore r · -0.
. (lb + mc) a = O r l(b •)+ m(c. = 0.

.. I -m _y

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uttiQg the valu of/ and m in (I), get

r = >.(c ■■) b- l (b •) C

=>- ['c.a) b - (b J. ... (2)

ow w ar o find th v ue of )..
Consider unit v ton J and · , the fi t parall I to and
econd perpendicular to it in the plane con ining b nd c. Then
we may write
b= bJ
d c-c +c1 .

In terms of J and and the other unit v ctor I of the right

hand d V ' , th r ining V ctor may be rittcn

. =a t+ a +a .
ow b x c= b x c · c k) = b c · x J+ b.cJ
- btc [ ·; j X = 0 nd J
r= (b x = a1i+ a J+ a
= a b.c,i J+ x·
-D h .J- [·: jx =- and = J] ... (3
Al f= A • ) b-( c]= A[ + c1k).(a1i aJ+
- b (a1 i + o ) (c )l
= >- [C1lltbJ c aJ, · + b,a1c b1a

= A [a b cJ - a b.c J. ... 1 4
ow from (3) and ( 4 we concl de that>- = 1.
enc · a b- (b. c
- e -( b)c [· c. = •-cJ
Coroll ( a x b)]
= -[(c · ) a-(c, ) b]
- (c ) b- (c.b) .
R Je lo re ~ her ■ ( ).
It i · vector t d
lin ly in term of b and c which are the vector
bracke . bo ·
(b r)- [Dot pro uct of• nd c] b
-[DQt pr, uct of a and Jc.
Similarly may member (• b) c.

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1. e.

a d
1 cctor hich
pcrpendi .u.lar to a
a a v tor hich . in h fa
d perpeodicul r to . in the or
~ CD
. ill
:;e( r
the on c n t .• in ch with ut
I eriq the lu of th. p duct.


Pro e that )+ b
{ t 1975, 80~82, 75·
I. h


. 2. how th t th · b x c),
are .coplanar
. Let r 1 = • ( = ·(
fir · _t +r ·O
p · us ex
n t be - cxi t a Jin D D -0 I' , r- ,
. eforc y of th n expr I
·Jin r
bination th oth r two ce he _ three vector r
• EvolUJJt (b c h re a- 21+3J - 5k,
• J , and c = 4j 2 6 .
) . ii) c-(c. •) b
= I( - 1 j (2 + J )] 41
- + 2J ·(21+3 - I+ -
(- 2+3 - 5) ( 2.J + .6 (8 6-30) J+ )
- 4 {41+2J+6 )+16 (- 1+~ )

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== - l_ i - J- 24 - J6i · l j l
=- 32· + J- _= ---4i j - ).
.• Verify th formula for ctor trjp/ product
( X = (a )
b taking = · J, = -J + 2 , c J+ .
ol. eh veb x = (-. + 2k) (J +

-l O 2
0 1
= (0-2) 1-(-1-0) (- 1:-0) . · - 2 +J-
X c - l+ J) -21 + J- k)
j = ( - 1- 0 I- - - j ( +)
I 1
-2 I ~ 1

= -i+J+3 . .. (I )
( •C) - ~b)t
= [(i + J )] ( - i 2 )- [ i 2 )] J+ ·.
= 0 1 ( 2 )- 1 0 )
~ l (- =-- i J ... 2)
rom 1 nd (2 cc th t
. a (b c) - ) .
)- I• b c] c.
fee ti - 3 J
ol. et · C= •

Th n C

e- ( C C] .
- 1 -[
. c. ] = 0 nd [b )= [• b ].
( ) .
0 C b C {b ) = ( • ) b- .

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· U IPL P.RO CI 19
A in x b) ,.: a- - { ~( . )} ;::;:::::- u)
-- - ( ·• . }
... (2)
n ( ha
X a)=- ( a.
• . 7. If 2J+ , =. i +2J- , find
X( c).
J. e ve x ) - (• c) b-(
=[ - 2J+ i+lf 2i
j 21 +J+ ] i 2j - )
2 j
= (l - (J + 2J-k)
= -8 . 4. - .= 9i-6J-3 .
. 8. S1,o that i ( { 2 .
pa.r 1 - lb." 1 ·
ol W h vc . .i (11..<i) = (i i a- · . ) i
- a-(1 ••) · [·; i-i I]
j X ( X J)= (j•J) ·- (j )
- - <••l t
nd (k ) - ( = -( a
ddin the thr c c pre ion , w t
• - X t) j X j) (a X
= 3 -(.l·• • i-(J••) J- ••)
= 3•-[ a•i +(• J ][• j a etc.]
ow wo h · n b w th t
• =(■ •I) i+ . J') j • •
ta.- +Y
T ing dot pr duct of both ith · and ucc ively.
eg t

.enc x a
• . 9. Show rltat i
1. ha- C i <(j )- i i
= 0. [ i X i = O]

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. 0 ho that [ ~ , b ,.- ]11 anti expr s the
re ult by m a of det rtninant .
, ,.,.ro
[l'lil -- t 981, _, 87, 88, D 79;
bpu 87· All
h- , C X ]

=• (c ],
Let us fir t. nd the v lue of (~ X C ).

Let b c= d.
The c) x(c )= d x ( x )
- ( • c-(d•c
= [(b x c)••] c- [ b , c •CJ a
=l l -[ l

nd [
• [ b, · c c x ]- x b).,[a I c
= [•be] C x ) C=- [• J[ - -1
. - [ be] • .
-on p rt. ct ~ a 1 l+ aJ a . h=- b1 bJ + b1 •

c= eii+ c + c1 •

a a, 0:,

ha e [ ]= b1 b b

Ci • '"•
in a 01 aI - a

bi b, ba
- a,b -b a + b0 1 1 - a b1 J+ a b1 -a-b1)
I• j
SimiJ dy b C= b1 b, b,
Ci c, c,
=(ba-t,- ¥ 1) . + (c1b,- bie1) J+(b1c1 - c1h

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· nd Cl c. Ca

01 aI o,
= (c a,-a.c) i+fa1c - a J (c1a1,- .o1c1)
a.J,1 -b o1 b1a - a,ba a1b - a b1
.. (a , b b 1- b . 1 -b 5c1 C b,-b1C b1c -b c1

c a1 -c1 a1 a 1.c1 -~c cla - c 1

Ci c, A1 .... a

1 A
B1 B J I

he pital leu r 1 • A 1 A, . den t th

ndjng m II letter a 1 , a a 1 tc. ·11 the dct

b b

m [ b ] :. {a b, ],
Q a

c, a C 3
. 11. Pro e that for an and ,
B)• B x < rut I 7 7 J
of. i qu sti n i th m a the rt rt f
ampl 10 ab ve.
. 12. Pro that for any three tor , band c,
[ b b C, C rut 1 6 , 7)
H nee shaw that 1/i " ctors , b~ are non- oplanar if and
on/ if the ectors · ar non•cop/anar. ( i 19 O}
ol . r the f th fir part r thi qu tion
de mpl 10
cond . rt. in th . fir t part of thi que ti n, c

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t• c]1= [ x b b x x ]
.. ( ] - 0 if nd only ;r [ ,c 0
r [a ·. ];i;O if nd nly if [ ]=,:O.
0 b] ., b, are non- op
Jan r.
are n n..coplanar if n n1v· if th
re n c plan r.

r ' C. C ]= b - •C

b-b C

c b C

I. ve th b,. b , ]= [ p. r m-
p.l d 10.
rt f the qu ion, I t
a, ;
. i b J+ b.
- - (' i C J+ c:-3 k.
h.en [ - - 01 a -~ O:i I
bl b b '
1 3
a a


b1 b b- a

{' 1 :. I
IJ .!
l o1· + a11 a3b ac

be b8c1
b 1a1 aa -
b t ro multjpli ation ule r th p UCL l
·t rm1 am

.b u a a= {a1 1+01 ;+a

b·• :~b •{a1 i + a
C: I
=a1-+a +a . etc.

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rom the r I ti n prove bo g t th rel ti n

rcquir d to b pro e in 'the qu ion.
4. Pro that - • d [' - ].
I. L t X -- r.
Then. (a b) ( , · /. r ) - r• )
b • c) { -< )· J
] ince [ b ] = 0.
b = [ be] a d
-( ·d) [a ],
.I b · rhr ,,nil h that
find the angl · ilh ·nrJ
para/I I. .197 ohil
. It i &i en X X b
· ( c) b- ( b) b.
- •b - 0. . .. l
I .. · therefi r ~ r th i ten f
relati nd c h uld ni h p rat ly.
Ther g t
½ o. i. n a-b ~ O.
Lt 8 n '1 · e th angl . - - m· ith band r
t ve)y.. inc . b, c r unit , th
a•b - c 0 ..•. 8
•• •c - c rf,-
. 16 Pro c= if and on/ if
b= O. D.f 8]
. ha
nd nl i · b
i. . nd nly if
I.e., ·c nd onJ ff.
i .• i od only if
i.e., if and onl i
e. C ) · tJ c Jiln ar
then c C, I.e. b . perpendi-
uJ to both c and a or iii) a, b~ c i
null vector. [ 1.988P]
Prod ct tctor
er of i ur - tor .
lf , b, f ur ve tot , the product (a b)•(c x d,

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.24 VECro MADS

(a X ~-(• c) _ . arc lied ca ar pr du of four vectors.

1-..~-. To rote a
<• )•(C ... d =
P o ilk
ffl'llt 8 , . , 89P,
eta x lt=r,, Then(a b)•(c d=r• x d).
ow in a lar tripl pr_oduct · e po ition of dot nd cross
may be mterchanged _ "th ut. tering the . ue f the product.
ercfore, r• (c =-(r c) d.
. {a b)•(c x dJ-((a b) c]•d
((c•a) -(c h) a]•d
e •) ( ·d) - {C• ) (a•d)

. · (b·d)- (b c (•4 .
(' b

i relati n 1 kn n. d ity.
0. Vector OGD of ti or .
Let a, , c,
be four v.ector . th · vector product
of the v ctor a x b and 1: d. Thi n be writt n
(a ,< b) (c ) and ·j __ . led th produc of four v ctors
I i vector perpendi t ·, th coplianar wit
nd b. unit rly it · vector nar with c and d. Henc -
- thj vector be · t · c f int tion of a pl n
parallel to wit pl n par ll I t and d.
eor m. I
(i) (a , ) d) = [• ] -[ ]d
r. II babad 980.· Got par 17}
ii , b (c d = [1cdJ b- [bcd] .
l u DO . 1980· Gor , 88)
, b · c d) i vect r which ao b ith r cxpr d in
of c -nd d or in term f · an b. pr 1t in term
nd d, I t u put = I. h n
( - b , (c ·d) = I {c •. d) = {l•d) c- l•c).d
= [(a · b •d] c- [(&" b •C ~ [abd] t-(■bc] d.

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TU'l.8 PI.ODU 25
A · to cxpre ( b) (c d ) ,.. t rm f nd b, I t u
. put c x 4 = . T en
(a. b) ..< ,, d - a - b) b
- -[ - (m
= ((c . C

'= [bed] a
Llwn, C I qu tao the
tw cip . f◄ r th f C et
or l d- 0,

which the requir d linea r r Jati n

j nn . 'ni the four vectors
a, b. c, d.
0 or r, i ,. .a Uaear
In tio , b, c.
II bl 77·
Repl cing d y r in the r at ion 1) j~ ta .Ji hcd we get
[ t] - [ ] r] - (a 0
or [• Jr =[h rJ -(] ... (2)
Sine C n tcfi r [ c] 0
Th r for dividio b · f ... ) by ( 1. e get
,_[ r] - [
or [ r] =- -[c:rr]

... 3)

1. . of ctor .
If • b. c be an ' 11 n- oplanar ,. tor o that [
then the three •e to~ ' , 11 db the qu lion
• ~ I, X b'
-r r
· are CJJlled reclpro I ) t m of · r to lh c.
(i) To sho · that .. ' = · b' •c l

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, c) f•bcl
e have •· · .-,,;:--].,...._(_ J J.

- - lt

n C I.

t e r 'pr . I Ii th r J
i n
•u Th - .tra/ar protlu J of any other p ir of tor , one
from eacl, 'Siem i z ro i . .
• , 0.

[ - .
imilarl., · - th th r e ult .
• iii Th lar lripf · product [ ] fi rm d from ti ree
non- oplanar v ctor . • , i th r cfproral of th ealar triple
producl [ ' b' ,c ] formed from the re ipro al I m ', b', c' t. .
( ] 1- 1. [Luc no 1977· R iJkh n O· eenat ]
h ( ' b~ ')= ' _ b' x '),

·-r-1 ·trY[ '~1}

__ _____..............,.
[ b ]

x ct r triple pr du t tr -
ting g_
;,- b = [ c ' -b] • )b
= [C b) - [ ]b
- [ bcl . • inc [ ]= 0
and (c b]. = [ b ]
.- r , be]
________,,___,.,..-= - ~,.-,;;,.-:---......;

[be 1
:.... {
[abcJ1 l
n c bcf

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ote 1. Since [a J~O. h r for -Cr m th r 1 ti n,

(a' [• ] = 1,. ud that [ a;b' ']::;cO.
Hence the vcct •, b' c' c al · non-copl · na r.
o . T
mmetry of re ult pro d in p rti i,
sugg t lha if ' b', c' i th r ci l m to
b, C I

o e 3. Th r lati ] [ ' b' c']= l ho th

ducts [ ■ be] nd l' b' c'] ar po iti e
Henc th o of ec. , b, c nd ', b'. ~, ar
i1her b th ri ght b n e<l th I ft hand d.
(i Tl, orthonorn tor triad: i, j. form a · If r ipr •

th f ect r c'pr I t the st m

Th n b d finiti o I ------- =-J L
imil rly j' - i and '
th · rt: ult.
Jf , b, c b threnon op/an r e tor and ', b'. •
011 itut the r iprocal sy t m of ·tor. • th n pro,• that any 1· ctor
r an be expres ed q r (r•b' b r
[ aran t 1 71)
Lt b pr line r c mbin ti n f th · n n- pl nar
• b c in th
r ... l
n re x, ar m •
ultip] m I) calarl . ith b · c, w g t
r•• b = b·(b C
= X (bbc] z [cbc]
( be), inc ( ~] ~ O=( ].

..• b
=r• [&7' -= r•
. , .
, me

imil rly multipl in · both side of I

b, c n how th t

'Putting the luc f x, y and z in I), w t

r - (r• 1
)· r• ') b+ r c') c. .:• .2)

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ote 1. In imil r manner,. we an pr e that

r- ( ••) a'+ ,. ) b' +(r c c'.
ote 2. Sin the sy t m of v tor l, J. k i lf-r cjprocal,
h refor from (2 e c ncludc tha
- (r• I) l + r• j) J+( •

Sol mpl
Find a Sfl of ,utor reciprocal 10 1he t
2i+3J- , i J-2 • -i+2J-'-2 . [X: p r 1980· &r '79]
3j-k b= i-j-2k,. c . 2j 2
Let .', b', c' e et of ve.e tor r 1pr 1 t th _ t b c.
Th n by d finition,
-[- J
bx c

2 3 -1
ow [• J= J -2 2(2) - 3 0) - 1 1) -3

l 2 2
i J
and b <c= l - l - 2 - 2i,

- I 2 2
- ~ ·- ( ·+ 3 ) ·
, b "'. C
imi rly =-
• [ ]
j k .
- 8i + j - 7k
- -( 2 2 - 3
3 -I
, /. b
j k.
-7i+ 3J-5k
t 2 3 - 1
I 3
1 -I -2 I .

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. 2. st, "f ' c/or r ;pr cal to the thr e '

- i i-j + .. J -.
ol. Pr d a in 1 ed example J.
i t '- j i ' i+ j.
. 3. Pro e th identit • b
. ol. Y [a X b]
- • X [( · , ) ]- [(a y di t. la u [
- { • ) l Xb [ : (mb) 11a .• b]
-( [\' a . = 0]
[ . h= - / ]
Pro ' that
{ { X d }=- h•d) ( c. ( b•c) d.
H nc {c . ,t }).
l pur 1977· Rohilkb d 76]
ol. ir t art. have
{b { d c- b· d}

ood p rt. h
b . {c ,< d )} = b {(c• )d-c
= (c•e b , d)- • b e)
.... . [b Y {ex d }] = d) -(c d) ( ·, )
= c• )[ b d]-(c•d)[a · (b )]
= c • e) [ . d) b - a b d]
- c d) [ a ) b- •· b 1-
. .Prove that ~ [ {b . (c x d }1- t d) [ cd).
o. a {b • c d)} = I {(b ■ d c.- (b c) d}
= (bd) c -(b•c) ( , d .
.. d [a . {b X c d)}l= d•[(b•d) (• c -(b c) (a x d)]
= (b• d [d• (• x c)]- b•c) [d (a d)]
= h•d) [dacJ-(b . c (dad]
= (b: [ d] ince [ d) = O and
[d ] [ al].
s. 6. If the fo r ctor,1 a, b, d are . oplanar> how that
(a b) (c d) 0. [ _d 1975]

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30 ORS D E

ol. X bi ctor p rp ndicul r to the pf · n cont inin

and b. irnil rly d .i tor p rp ndi ul r o the pl ac
t iniog a d d
in , b,. c. d are 11 op n r, tber the b nd
c ·d p ndicul r t the m pl n . heref◄ re . b nd
cX d · lJ I.
n w that b ctor pr duct of . o p rall I vector
i q It zer · th ( b) (e x d = 0 . .
Prove lhat
X ) X( Xd + C ' (d X )+ ax ) X b C
-=-2 [ dJ .
I . X b) ( X d c . d. wher I= x b
)C C

b)-dJ c-[( b)• c] d

=[ ] ] d ... (1)
, h rem
b) J c- [ d X ) ] a
Jc- (d ]
- -[ bdJ - [bed] a. . .. 2)
ince [dbaJ 1, a w hav~ h nged th cy lie o der of
the v cto ]= [ ]. a th c Ii ord r b been m in
taine .
Al where n = b x c
c)• Jd - [ c) d]
d-[bc ] . ••. 3
g t
' C (d + ■x b c

. 8. Prove that
[ .p "q . c r] q, . c x p]1
.-< ] = 0.
[Ro ii pur 6]
So . j>, b " q, c r]
)( p• [b · r)
- Xp [{ b q r} c - { b q) } J
x p {[ r]c- [bq]r}
] [ qr]- { pr] (bqcj. ... 1

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in [ . q. . r, c ,. ] ~[b r
= b
= b r p • ] q}
cpq p ]. . .. 2) .•
nd [ .. r. b .. p, c q , , b p1
•[( a . r) (b pJ
=q C [ a X r · b] }
= (cqh] .. . .. 3)
ddin l
[ p, r r. b ;. p. q
=[ pc] [bqr]-[ pr [ pa]
[ ub]
=[ )[ r - [ pr] [ ( [a
[■pr] - [cpq] [b
= 0, since [br ]- r ), (cp ■ J -=- [apc] et .
Pro e that
[ , b. , d, . f] - [ bd] [ f] - ( ][ ]
=l ]f ]- [ bf] [ J
·-( ] [ f]- [ d ] [ CJ.
( o· il1tna11N1 992]
oJ r
r· = C cl
= a { c d. ,e} (]
= [all]
= (•be] ] incc [cdf]=(fc ] et .
. in [ X b, cl. ·- , r, I J
a X )]
. {(e f) } ]
1 [
= [cd J •
nd X It d]
- (e r
.. f b c} dJ
] - [• ]
. 10. Pro ·e tlr I
d) + (b b • c ·• d -= •
[ ut ; Go r 7 ohil band 71.; De'lbi 80]

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b c ( ·d b ■ __ ,·d I= . ' e• )- e,a)

\' . . '

... ( ])
Cb Cd

a b a•d

d)-(a b (c•d) .•. (2)

a d
and b •(c d -

- (a .. (3
dding . we .' t
(b c • __ x d
. = ·•
. 11. Estohli h th id nlily
] d- l d] +(• dJ
f or any Jour tors , b. , d. . Bard t7
H nee '101 th at n •
1 torr can b
Jin or combination of thr n•cop/anar ve .
o. or om I t lution of this qu · n refer 10.
qoatmg th t · ns t r th of
, eg t
[ d] C ] - [ ]
or ( b c] c cl] b+ [ )
d] a [c d] b+ [a b d] c. ... l
o I t .a, , r gi -co r tor , d r. '
n ect r. T n ing r in ( I), e et
[ b ]r +[ ]c
r r= ~
- - +-----1] C
bicb i the r ·c · · :(or r linear mbio tion of
th.r e non co r . , c.
. l. q a 11. c be a s I of non-coplanar -tor. and
, , ax b
= o--e---c _- -,,--.....,
C - ~-
th n pro e that
' a' a' b'
, c.,) and c-l•' b; c']
[Meenrt 1987 I 1

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Sol ir t prov that[• b c] (a' I.

[For it compl 'on lJ , p rt 'ii ]
o ·, x. , - ~,_...,_ ,-.-- a ~

[ca b] ]
= [
=ca . . inc [c

(ab c]
• - (a c](!:'

[ .: [ b c] [ ' ' c')= I].
, ,
imil rly prove t at b= n C

. 13. If _ , and I
; b' , I
a, r ipro ol
tor, , pro e that
(/) ' b ~ b' v c' = 0 .
( o ilk · 0 Of 89 · g . 87)
ii) a' b' + b' c' c' • [
and • '+ b b' C• ' = 3. L ohilk
ince , b, and •, b'. c' ar r ·ipr a] tern f
vector , ther for
, ,,.......,_ t,'
• =[ .,

_[ ] 0 [·: •· - c• etc.]
= 0.
(ii) We ha ea' - ~- .;.______,,-...,,,~ -
c •C) a [b C

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(a c]

-~ c~l~ inc r• I, =I C ) =-[ ab]

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· =-====:i '=1=
&duco t i onol Pi.-blishers
S,lh<e 1942

••• 05

JJt Sharma
AJL VoJi$h1ha
viffttentiatio.n and fntegl'fttioo o(Vi!cton; l- 2i
i. Vector fl111ction • l
2. Lun,·1s 11 rid cunlinuiiy ofn vec-.tor function l
l. Derivative of-'l vector: functjon wilh res~cf t9 <i scalar 3
4. Cun·~ in space 10
s. Velocity and accelmltion 12
6. JtftegratiQll of v~or-f , ~ 23
Gradi~nt, Divtrgcnee and Curl 30,......74
I. Partial derivatives of vectors- 30
!. l he vtct()r differential opern.wr Del. V 30
J. Gradient ofa sculat fiel.d 3,1
4- bevel Surfaces 37
5 DirectiQnal derivative ofa ~calarpoinl t\1twtion :n
li 't1ingent plane and normal to~ levt'I;e 41
7 Divergence ofa vector poim ftmction 49
8 Curl of a veccor point function 49
9 The Laplacian oper1.1tor Y' 51
lo lmportm1t -veoc1or identitie'S
11. lnv.W'ianoe

l. Some preliminary eo11cepj~
2. Line, i'rttegrals 75
J. Cin:;.ulati.on 76
.ll S_urface intetrals 17
5. Volume int11gral$ 78
6. ~oo•s the~ i1,-tli~ plane so
7. The di ver~cmce- t.neo1'ffli of Gauss 96
3. Green•~ theorli'Jln
9. Stoke'$ l,beorem
10. 1,,ine h1t¢grals independtmt ofpa_;.h
11. 132
Pb)(Sical interpretation o·fd'
"'- lllld curt 1.52
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First Edition .: 197.S


This book or any :part thereof may not:be reproduced in any form without ·the
written permission of the publishers' and &ldhors.

Edited by : Dr. (Mr&.) Hemlata Ymuhlluz

Book Code No. 234-33

Price : RI. 15.00

Published by : KRISHNA Pn.bshan Media (P) Ltd.

11 1 SldYlji Road :Meerut.- 2S0 001 (U.P.) India
Phones : (0121) 2642946P 26447~ Fax : O121-2645855
• Website : www. krisbnaprakasban. com
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Printed at : Raj~Printers. Meerut.
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•' ~- - - -
Differentiation and -Integration or Vecto!'5·
l Vector function
Limits and continuity of a vector function 2.
1 3
3. Derivative of a vector function with respect to a scalar
4. Curves in space
5. Velocity and acceleration 23
6. · Integratlon of vector functi~ns
Gradient, Divergence and Curl
' . 30~74
30 -
L Partial derivatives of "YectOts
2. The vector differential operator Del. V
.3. Gradient of a scalar field
4. Level Surfaces
S. Directional derivative of a seal~ point function
6. T~gent plane and.normal to a level surface
7. Divergence of a vector point function ·
8; Curl of a vecror point function
9. Toe Laplacian operator V2
10. Important vector identifies
11. Invariance
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems
1. Some preliminary concepts
2. Line int~gnus
.3, Circulation
4. Surface integrals 80
5. Volume integrals 96
6. Green's theorem in the plane
7. The divergence theorem of Gauss
8. Green's theorem 132
9. Stoke' s theorem 152.
10. Line integrals independent of path
I l. Physical interpretation ,of div. and curl
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Differentiation and Integration .
of Vectors

§ l. Vector Function .. We know that a scalar quantity posses-

ses only magnitude and has no concern with direction. A single
real number-gives us a complete representation of a scalar quan•
tity. Thus a scalar quantity is nothing but a real nllmber.
Let D be any subset of the set of all real numbers. If to
each element t of D, we associate by some rule a unique real
number /(t), tbe.n this rul.e defines a scalar function of the scalar
variable t. Here/(t) js a sea.Jar quantity and tb'us/is a scalar
In a similar manner· we define a vector fµnctfon.
Let D be any subset of the set of all real numbers. If to each
element t of D, we associate by some rule ' a unique vector t (I), the.n
this ru.le definea a ,ector foncUon of the scalar variable t. Here f (t)
is a vector ~antity and tllus f is a vector function~
We know that e,very vector ca_n -be uni.q ucly expressed as, a
linear combination of three fixed noo.. coplanar Thel"tfore
we may write
f (t)-.h (I)•+/~ (t) .i +/1 (t) k
where i, j, k denote a fixed right banded triad of three mutuaHy
perpendicular eon,•co,~lanar unit vectors.
§ 2. Scalar •Fields and Vector Fields. If to ea.c h point
P (x, y, z) of a , region R in spa.ce there corresponds a unique '
scalar f ( P). thC?n f is called a scalar point ruoction and we.say -
tbat a sca.l ar field/ has been defined in R ..
Exa.mples. (J) The temperature at any point within or QA- •
the surface of earth at a certain time defines a scalar .field.
(2) f (X, y, z)=x 9y3 - 3z2 defines a scalar field.
If to each point P tx. y, z) or
a region R in spa.ce there
corresponds a uo.ique vector f (P). then r is called a vector po1iit.
function and we say that a l'ectof field f has been defined in R. ' .
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'2 UmU and Continuity of a Vector Function

Examples. (I) If the vel~ity at aoy point (x. y, z) of a pa.rti•

clc moving in a cu~e is known at a certain time. then a vector
fiold is defined.
(2) f (x, y, z)~xyt ·i+3yzl J-2.xl zk defines a vector field.
§ 3. Limit and CoatJHity or a vector function.
Definition 1. .A ,ector function I (t) i's said to 'tend to a limit I.
wh~n t· tends to t,, if for any gl,en positive number c, however small,
there corresponds a positive number 8 such that
whena,er O < . J t-t• I < &.
Jr f (t) tends to a limit I as t lends to t0, we write
l-+t, I (l)=I..
Deflnitlon 2.. A •ector Junction I (t) Is 8aid to be contlnuour
I or a value 'lo oft if
(i) I (to) _u defined·and
(Ii) for .any given positive number i,. however .smallt tber~
corre~ponds o positive number a such that
1 f (t)-f (tel I < •
whene,er I, , _ t, I <: a.
Further a vector functlo" r (t) iY said to be continuou if It ts
eontinua141 for ,,ery ,alue oft for which it has been defined.
We shall give here (without proof) some important results
I -

about the limits and continuity of a vector function.

Theorem 1. The nec,ssary and sufficient condition for a ,~ctor
function I (t) ·to be continuous at t~t, iJ that
_ f (t)==f (t0l.
t➔ t, .
Theorem 2. If r (t)-/1 (t) ifr/ 1 (I) J+/1 (t) k, then I (I) f3
continuous if and only If / 1 (t) .f1 (t), / 1 (t) ar:e continuous.

Theo.rem 3. .Let f (t)=/1 (I) i+/, (I) J+/s (t) k.

and 1-'•1 ·1'+11 J+'• k.
~ Then the ·nec~ssary and .sufficie11t condftions that ,!7. f (l)=I
llm IJ,n tim ·
are _ / 1 (t)::../19 - /1 (t)=/1 and _ fa (tJ=I,.
1 ➔ 10 l➔ te t➔ t0
Theorem 4. lfl {I), I are vector function, of scalar variable
t and~ (t) t, a scalar furrction of scalar variable t, then
(I) .llm [f (t)±g i i)]= llm I (t)± llm g (I)
t➔ l0 t➔ t0 t➔ t8

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Differentiation and /11/egratio.n ~I V~ctors .3

(ii) ,!~. rr Ct>•g c,n=[,~~., <11 ] • [,~~. 1 <t> ]

(it;) llim,· [f(t)Xg (t)J=[ Ii~
.-+ o t➔ io
((t) ]x[,''m
I (t)]
-+10 . ,

(iv) lim [~
t➔ t0
(tl r (tJJ=[ lim rf, (t) ]
_ t➔ fo
r lim f (1)]
_ ~t➔ t0
(v) lim
·r, (t) l==l f--,.fo
/im r (t) I'·
§ 4. Derivative of a ,ector fuoctio.a wit• respect lo a scalar.
[Banaras 61; Kolllapar 73]
De6.nilion. Let r= f (t) be a vector function of tht scalar
variable t. We define. r+ar~f (t+3r).
8r==f {t+Bt)-f' (,t).·
Consider the vtcto.,. ~ = f 0+ 3.t)-f {t) .
· · a, a, ·
lim 8r .l im f (t+8t)-f ft) . . . .. .. . • .
If 81 _.,., 0 s, = 8t-+O 31 ex11t1, then the value of thi1 /unit,

which we shall denote by : , is ( J//ed the derivative of the vector

function r with ,,espect to the :-calar t. Symbolically
dr lim (r+Brl-r lim f (t+BO-f Ct)
iii:= 8't➔ O St = .~t-+O 3t •
If ! exists,~ then r is said to be differentiable. Since /f is a
vector q uant1ty. th ere1ore
r d· 1s a lso.a vector quant,ty.

Successi,e Derhatives. If r is a vector function of the scalar

variable t, then :-is a~ao io general a vector function or t.. If~/

is differen·~iable, then its derivative is denoted by ~ -and is called

the stccnd derivative of r. Similarly the derivative of~: is deoo--

ted by dsr . calle

dt• and 1s . d t het.b 1rdd . . o f rand. so o~.
. •envat1ve

ddr. , 4 ': .•. are a[so represented by f~ r ..... rcspecti\!ely.

t dt
§ 5. Dilferentijat.ion Formulae.
Theorem. 'ff•• thind care di;fferentiabll vector functions of a·
scalrJr t and tfJ ls a differentiable scalar function of the same 1•arlable
t, then
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4 Dljferentiatlon Formulae

db da
==••·-dt +-dt •b·
Note. We know that a•b=h••· Therefore •bile evaluating
d . . .b -
r (a•b), we should not other about the order of the factors. fl
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JJ>ifferentiatlon and Integration of J/Pctor~ 5

.3 ~(a b)= lim (a+8a)x(b+8b) - axb

• dt x 8t➔ O 8t
lim axb+ax8b+8axh+aax8b-axb
=ot➔ O ot
lim axab+8axb+6ax ab
~8t➔ O - -- 8t - - -
Jim {
= at➔O ax 81 + 8,
ah 8a aa
xb+ 8, x8bJ
li.m 8b aa ..
lim ~• .· lim
=a,➔o • x a, +a,➔o 8i x b+ ot➔ O a, x 80
db da . da .
a= ■ xdt+ dt xb+ dt xo, since ah➔ zero vector as 8t➔ O
db da db da
=ax dt +dt xb+Om:axdt +dtxb.
We-know that cross product . of two vectors is not
commutative because ax b....:. -bx•· Therefore while eyaluatiog
. ' (ax b), we must .maintain the order of tbe factors a and b.
4• .~ (ipa)= Um . (;+a;) (a+8a)-•
at at➔ O a,
lim ,jJa+,>aa+8"'a+8r/Jo• - ~ tim ~+a;.+a~a
=a,➔ O 8t -=a,➔ O It
Jim { ..t ~ ~ •+a+
= 8t➔ O 'f' 8t +8t Bt
lim . Ba . Hm a~
'8v, . lim
-=a,➔ o ti> a·i +a,➔o ii •+a,➔o a, B•
da def, d,fo O . ~ ., .
di • +dt , since 08➔ zero vector as ot➔0·
=="' dt+
da d,p . da def;
'='PtTt+ dt a+O=~ di+ dt a.
Note. ~ is the multiplication of a vector by a scalar. Ia tbe
case of such multiplication we usually write the scalar in. the first
position and the vector inDthe second position. ··

5. ~[ab c]=~, {••(bXc)}

d.. (b Xe)+-d
-=••d- da -b · .)
·i •( X c ·
I · [by rule (2))
de db ) da
==a• ( b X dt + dt Xe + dt •{b X c) [by rul~ (3)]
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6 Derfrat.ive of a Function of a Function

-=•• ( b X de
dt .) +a•
. ( db
dr x .c ) +d,•
da (b )
.X e .

~[• b ~j]+[ • t~ ]+[:: b ,cJ


= [ da b ] . [ db de] ]
di c . + • dt c + _a b dt _ ·

Nole. Here [a b e] is the scalar triple produ~t of tbr~e vc.cton

a., b and c. Therefore while evaluating:, -[a b c] we must main ..
tain the cyclic order of each factor.
d . . d . . da .
Ci.. dt {ax(bxc)}== ■ xdt (bxe)+;r,xtbxc) [by tule (3)]
-=•x {.-xc+
db . h
dt x .·-
_dtda .
dt X ) + a X (·b
=• X (.db C
de) da b
. X dt . +di X ( X c)

==~:x(b~c>+•x (:xc)+•x (bx~;).

§ 6 Deri,atbe of a function of a function.
, Suppose r is a differentiable vector function of a scalar varia..
blc I ands is a differentiable sQalar function of another . scalat
variable ,f . Then r is a function of t. · ·
An incremco, 3t int produces an increment 8r in rand an
increment Ba in,. When 3t.-..O, 3r-+0 and ai-.O.
We have dr lim Br lim (8s 8r )
dt = 3t-+0 it== 8t➔ O 8t 8s .
lim & .·.• ) (· _
nm ar·)= d_!
8:t-+0 as

We can also write : =::.
dt tb
But it should be clear

t h-at "jii
dr .as a vect or quantity
• an d. th
dt .1s a seaIar quaotiCy.
. Th us

ui ·ddii 1s· . noth.111g- b-ut th.e malt1plication

dr • of th c vector th
-;;; by th
scalar· dt ·
§ 7. Derbatlte of a constant ,ector..
A vectqr is--aaid to be constant only if both its magnitude
and direction are fixed. If either of these cha0iges then the vector
will change and tbua it will not ho coutant.
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· Di.ffere1ttlation ,and lnte,ration of Vectors 7

Let r be a conataot vector function of the scat&r;ablc ,.

Let r== e, where c is a constant vector. Then r+ 3r=-c.
J. 8r-=O (zero vectorJ.
8r O .
• -==--·=0.
· · a, a,
• Hm 8r == Um o~o.
·· ot➔ O a, a,... o ·
:. Tt== O (zero vector).
Thu, the derl,atlve of a conatant v.eclor is equal to the n11II
§ 8. DerivatiYe or a vector function la terms of ia components.
Let r be a vector function of the scalar variable,.
Let .r== xi.+ J1l + zt where the components X. y, z are scalar
functions of the scalar variable t and i, 1, ·k ,re fixed unit veoton.
We have r+&r=(x+&x) i+(y+8y) J+(z+8.z) t .
••. ~r=(r+Br) 1+8y J+az k.
. a, =a ax 1+ '-! j+8z k.
• ~I 81 &t . 8t
• lim. ar == lim {3~x I+ 6y J+~ k}
•• ~t➔ O 8t Bt➔ O 31 8t ot ·
• ~=~ l+dy J+~ k.
• • dt dt dt dt
Thus in order to differentiate a vector w, should diff~r,ntiote 11,
compon,nts. •
Note. U r=.d+yJ+zk, then sometimes we also write it aa
r={x, y, z).' Jn this notation
dr ( dx dy dz) d2r (dlx tPy tPz)
dt di' dt, dt • dt 1 =i:. di-' di•• at• •aDd so on.
AJterna.tive Method.
We have r==~i+yJ+zk, where I, J, k are 00n1tant veetor1 and
so their derivatives will bo zero.

Now i==~, (.xi+1J+1k)==~(xi)+:, '(yJ)+~ (zk)

dx di ~y dJ dz dk
:-a;- 1+xdi'+;i J+y dt +a; k+zdi
dz . dy .. dz L • di .h
-=- I +-d J+-d .,, since -:;- etc. vao11 ..
dt I · .t ut
§ 9. Some Important results.
Theorem t. The necessary and mfficlent condition for th,
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8 Some lmpor.tanl Results

vector /unction a(t) to be constant Is that ~=0.

Proof. The condition .is necessary. Let ■(t) he a constant
vectot function of the scalar variable t. Then a(t+ot)=a(t). We
da . lim - a___,;_
. -==-
h ave _ _ _ _ = .lim -=
(t+Xt)-a(t) O 0-
- dt - a, .... o a, Bt-+O a:, ·
Therefore the conditioo. is necessary
. da
Tile conditioo is sufficient. Let dt-=0•. Then to prove that a
is a constant vector. Let •lt)==a1(t) i+a,(t) J+aa(t) k. Then
~ ==da1 i+r!a• +da1 k
dt dt ' dt l dt •·e
- ll · -da-= O gives --- ·+
. . . . da1 1 · da ·+daa
- .2J •- k :c O·
dt ·· ' dt dt dt "'
Bquadn_g to zero the coefficients of i, j and t, we get
da1=0 da.===rO da"=O
dt "dt 'dt •
Henoe a1, a1 , a1 are constant scalar:s i.e. they arc independent
oft. The-refore a(t) is a. cons.t ant vector function.
'Ibe&rem 2. If• is a dif/ere.ntlable vector function of the scalar
,arlable t and if I a I=a. then
· d ( 1 do ,d (I") da da
(i) .d t • )= 2a dt ; an . ' ••dt ==a dt •
Proof. ('i) We have at,....,,a-a-(a) (a) oos O=al.
d. . d .· da
Therefore dt (a1 )==d, (a')==2a dt •
. .. d - d . da da . da
(al).=. dt <•·••)-di••+•• dt =2•• dt.


- .
We have dt

. - (a1 )=2a ~
!!._ (a1) ·= d~
2a•di=2adt or ••d,=adt·
. ~-
. da da

Tbeore:81 3. If• has constant length ( fixe.d magnitude), then •

and da . d';I',...,
dt are !'P'P"' •.,j_., dt
Hi" ar prov1u1:u
da j...,J,.o
-,- . II

!'roof. Let I a I -=a=constant.. Then ••a=,a•=-cons.t a:a t.

d . . .• da da
/. dt (a•a)==O• or ;u••+••~=O
,da .. da
or 2a• dt -o or •• di c=O.
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Di//erentiatio.n and Integration of vectors 9

Thus the scalar product of two vectors a and ;~ is z.e ro.

Tb "-
. ere.ore . perpen d'1cular to da
a 1s dt prov1..d·· e d da .
dt 1s not nu11

vector i.e. ptovided I;~ 1#0. .

Thus the derivative of a v·ector of constant length. is perpendi•
cular to the J1ector provided the l'ecto.r itself is not constant.
. Theorem 4. The necessary a,:,d sufficient co.ndili'on for the
' .da ·
vector a(t) to have constant is•• dt =0.
[Agra 1970. 75; Allahabad 80; Kanpur 75 1 78; Sambalpur 74]
Proof. .Let a be a vector function of the scalar variable t.
Let I a ! =a=-constant. Then a•a=a2 ~constaot.
d dada -
:. dt (a•a)=O or ••c1,+Ji•a = O
d da ·
or 2a• d~=O or •· d/=0.
Therefore the condition is necessary.
C.ond1ttoo 1s so ffi cieu
• • " t. If
. a• da ., th en
dt = O
da da
•• dt+ dt•a=O

or 1(.a•a)=O
or a•a=constant
or a2 = constant
or a1 =coostant
or I a I = constant.
Theorem _S. If a is a differentiable vector function of the scalar
variable t • then

i(•x~n ax:~- [Agra 1967]

d( da) da da . .dla
Proof. We dt a.x dt =d,x d,+•x dt2

=O+axdla2 sinoe the cross · pr.oduct of two eqllal

· · dt '
da .
vectors -d
. t 1s zero
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10 Some lmpqrtant ·Results

Theorem 6. The necelsary and .sufficient condition for the

vector a {t) to have con~tant dlrection'i~
ax 41 =0.
[Agra 1970; Sambalpur 74; A.llab1bad 80; Kolluipar 73J
Proof.. Let a be vector function of tb.e scalar variable t. Let
A be .a unit vector in. the direction of•· If a be the magnitude
or•• the.a a=aA.
da dA da .
:. d,=a +di A. dt
da . ( dA da )· dA do
Henoe ax dtliiiil(aA)X •. a di+dtA . ==a2Ax dt +a di AXA
- dA
=·a.2 AXdi [·: A-xA.=0] .. (l)
The conditi.o a ls necessary. Sup:p ose • has a 'oooscant direc...
tion. Then A is a ,c onstant vector because it has constant direction
as well as constant
. . magnitude.
. Thercfo11e !-d~=O.

,:.. .
From . we get ax da
{I), -d,.= a%A
· · x I. = 0..
Therefore tbe condition is necessary.
Thi condition is sufficient. ·
Suppose that ax ~=0.

Then form (l), we get a 1 A x!:•==D

Axd, ~o. ....._(2)
Since A ls of constant length, therefore
A•_:_ =0.
dt •...(3)
F rom (2) . dA -
and (3) 1 we gotd
- =0.:
. t
Hence A is a constant vector i.e. the ~direction of• is ,oont-
§.. 10
. . cur
. ··-,e·s I·. a space
. • .
A eurve in· a three dimenslonal E,uclidean , .pace may be regar-
ded as ·t he intcTSCetion of two surfaces ·repl'eS.Coled by two equai-
tions of the form F1 (x, y, Z}=O, Ft (x. y, z)i::m·O..
It can be easily seen tbat the parametric equations of the form
x / 1 (t), Y-/1 (t), z-/1 (t),
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Differentiation and Integration of Vectors 11

where x, )', z are scalar functions of the scalar t, also .represents. a

cu:rvc in. three[dimensional spa.ce. Here (x, y, z) are coordinates
of a current point of the curve. The scalar variable t may range
o,·er a set of values a ~ t <
In vector notation an equation of the form r= f (t), represents
a. curve in three ..dimensional space if r is the position vector of a
current point on the curve. As t chang,es, r will give position
vectors of different points on the curve. The vector r (t) can be
expressed as / 1 (t} i ~/, (t) j+/1 (t) k.
Also if (x., y, z) are the of a current point on the
curve whose -position vector is r, then r=xi+YJ+zk.--.
Therefore the single vector equation .r = f (t)
-i.e. xi+ yJ+zk ft (I) i +ft (t) j +fa (t) k
is equivalent to the three parametric equations -
x-f1 (t)~ Y-h (t). z-f, (t).
The vector equation r==a oos ti+b sin tJ+Ok ,
represents an ellipse, as for different values oft, the end point of
r describes an ellipse.
Similarly r=at1 i+ 2at J+Ok is the vector equation of a
Geometrical signlfican~ or di .
Let r=f (t) be ti-e vector equation of a curve in space. Let
r and r+ 8r be the position
vectors or
two neighbouring
points P and Q on this curve. /
Thus we have .t
OP=r=f {t.)
and OQ=r+at=f (t+8t~.
-+ _..,. ~ ()
-== 8r.
Thus!~ is a vector parallel to the chord PQ.
As Q➔ P I.e. as it--+0, .chord PQ-+tangent at P to the curve.
Jim ar dr . h
/,. ~t-+- 0 ~ = : ; dt 1s a vector parallel to t · e tangent at p to
the, curv.,. ·r;:;;; r (t).
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12 . Velocity and Acceleration

Unit tan,g ent ve.c tor to a carte.. [ Allahabad 1 ~9]

Suppose in place of the scalar parameter t, we take the para-
meter ass wheres denotes the arc length meas-ured along the
curve from any convenient fixed point Con the curve. Thus aro
CP::::;;:s and arc CQ=s+8s.
In thi~ case ~ wiU be a vector along the tangent at p· to the
eorvc and in the direction of s in,creasing. Also w,· have
· Jdr
lim I 8r
8s➔ O I' 8s .
I= Um __JJrJ_,=
Q~Pa,c PQ
lim _ chord PQ =I.
· Q➔ P arc PQ ·
Thus: is a unit vector along the tangent at Pin the direc-
tion of s increasing. We denote it by t.
§ 11. Velocity and Acceleration. Ir the :scalar variable, be
the. time and r be the position vector of a moving particle P with.
respect to the origin 0, then 3r i.s Che displacement or the particle
in time ·a,.
The vector:: is-the average velocity of the particle during
the interval ot. If v represents tbe velocity vector of the particle ,
lim 8t dr
at P,, lb.en ,:a 8t➔ O 8t = ·dt •
.. dr I
Since 'iii is a · vector a ong the tangent at P to the curve in
which the particle is moving, therefore the direction or veJocity is
aloog the tangent~
Ir av be tho change ia the v,elocity , during the time a,, then
:;~ is the ,a verage ,acce~e.ration duri~.g that interval. If a represents
the acceleration of the particle at time ,, then
(dr )· r

lim a, · d, d d1
•==8t➔O 8t iii .== dt . dt . dt 2 • ::=ii

Ex. 1.. If r=(t+·l) i+(t1 +t+l) j+(r3 +c=+t+ I) k, find
dr d 1r
di and d12•
Solution. Since I, j, k are constant, tbcretore
di dJ dk
tJt =-=O== dt =-;ji·
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Dlfferentlatior. and Integration of Vectors 13

:. !-=; (t+I) _
i+ d~ (t 1 +1+ l) ita'1-(t tt•+r+l) k

=1+(2t+ 1) i+(3t 1 +2t+l) k.

d 1 r d ( dr ·) di d . •. d
Again. dt•=dt dt ·=dt+ dt (2t + l) J+at(3t 1 +2t+l) k
=0+2j+(6t+2) k=2j+(·6 i+2) k.
Ex. 2 . If r=sin t i+cos t j+t k, find
( I) dr ( .. ) d 2r ( .. ") drI I (,.
d2r /
'iii' u · dt 2• m dt • ni) .J dt 1 • [Agra 78]
Solution Since i, j, k are constant vectors. therefore dt =0
etc, Tberefore
(i) dr
dt d ( SlD
=dt . t) i
+-dtd (C03 t) • · t J•+k•
J+ dtd (t) .·,•..=COS t I-SID

(11"") d~r d
dt•=dt dt
(dr )=dtd ( ) . d ( . ) .. +dk. .
cost •- dt sm t l dt
= -sin t i-cos t j+O= -sin t i-cos t J.
(Hi)' 1I= y{(cos t)2 +(-sin t}1 +(1)1] = v2

(iv) I:;:.I== y[(-sin t) 2 +( -cos t) 2]= l.

Ex. 3. If r=(cos nt) i + (sin nt) j, where n is a constant and t
. sow
varies, h dr
t h·at rxd-=nk.
.t [Utkal 1973]
Solution. We have
dt = dtd c·cos
dr . d (·srn
nt. ) •• +dt . nt ) J== . nt I +n. cos nt J.•
• -n sm

••• dr ( _
rx dt •. .
· : : cos n·t 1+sm nt J") X (. -n sin
. •
nt •+? .
cos, nt .J•)
~-n cos. nt sin nt i xi+n cos• nt i)<j
- n sin1 nt j xi+ n cos nt sin nt j x;
.,,.,,.n cos1 nt k+n sin.1 nt k
[·: ,ix 1=O~ ix j = oj ix J=k, l xi= -k1
= n (cos nt+sin nt) k=t,ik .
2 1

Ex. 4.. If a, b are constant vectors, w i~ a constant, and r is a

vector function of the scalar variable t given by
r _ cos wt a+sin o,t h1
show that
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.14 Solved .Examples

[Madras 1983]
Solatioa. Since a , b are cq,nstant vectors, therefore
da db .
dt =0,. 7t=O.
dr d d .
(i) dt = di (cos wt)•+ di (sin wt) b
=-<u sin wt a+w cos wt b.
:. tPr1 - -mt cos wt a - w' sin"'' b
dt ·
== - w (cos <of a.+s1·n "'' b)= - w2r.

; • d-:a + 6J'r =0.
' t
(U) r x ;: =(cos wt ·a+sin wt b) X ( - w sin wt •+w cos wt b)
r==wcos2 rut axb - <d s.in1 wt bx• [•: axa=O, bXb=O]
=w cos• .w t a :x b+w· sin1 ez,t axb
=w (cos• wt+s10:1 wt) axb=waxb.
Ex. 5. If r=(slnh .t ) •+(cosh t) b, where a and b are con.ttant
,ectors* then ~how that dt' ==r.
Solution. Since· a, b are constant v~ctors, therefore
da db
dt == , d,= 0·
dr d . d
:. dt ==di (s1ob t) a+ dt (cosh r) b
-=(ooah t) a+(1~11b I) b.
dlr .
:. dt 1 ==(sinh t) a+(cosh t) b=r.

- Ex. 6. lfr=a-cos ti+a Jin t J+at tan« k . find

·( dr dtr
. dt x dt 2 0nd
(dr d'lr tPr]
dt ·' di •' dt 3. • [Agra 1977)
So-latJon. We have
dr . I . •
Jr' ~ -:a sin t +a cos t J+a tan « k
· cos
- t i - ,a sin t j, [ ·:

d'r . i •
dt• =a sn, t - a cos , J
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Differentiation and Integration of Yectors 15

• Jr d1r J j k
· dt X dt& = - a si o t a cos t a tan. «
-a cos t -a sin t 0
= fl sin 1 tan ex I- a·• cos t tan citJ+a1k.
~-. ldr d'r
dt xdt• I==v. /'(_. . - 1
u - san1 t ta,n 1
• -)
:-,; eos 1 t tao1 at:+a•
==a1 sec a:.

Also [i, ~~]=(!:-x:;~) •:!

-=(r •in t tan~ i-a• cos t tan. a: i+•a2k)•(a sin ti - a cos t j)
-=a' sin1 t tan« i•i+a3 co~ t tan « j•J ['·; l•j-=-0 etc. ]
1::a' tan « (sin' t +cos• t) [ ·: i•i = J =i•i]
~at tan a:.
du d,
Ex. 7. If -, t =w X a, d-
.·t. ==w Xv, show that

dd't (11 X v)=W' X (u xv) •

[~eerat 1975; Kanpur 77]
Solution. We have
.d da d, ·. .
di (DXl')=di xv+u,xdt =(wxu)xv+ox(wxv)
~Cv••w) o-(,•u) w+ •( u.,) w- {u-w) v
=(V•W) u-,( u•w). (·; D•V=Y•U]
= (W•V) U- (w••> V== WX(u Xl').
Ex. 8. If R be a uni.t vector in the direc.tfon of r. prove that
dR 1 Jr
Rx --- =---2 r x - , where r=I r I.
dt r dt ·
[Kanpur 1979; .A gr• 74]
Solutlou. We have r=rR; so that R=_!_

dt =·, 1 dr l dr
dt -,• dt r.
Hence R xd~=;_!_ rx
dt r r dt r• dt
(..!.. _
~~ t_ dr r )
1 dr I dr ~
== ,2 r x dr· - ;:a dt r x r
1 dr
= ,,- r X d- ,. • { •.-_• rxr= 01-'
Ex. 9. If r is a vector· function of a sealar t and a is a cons,.
tant ve~tor, m a constant. differentiate the f of/owing with r·e.specJ
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16 Solved Examples

(ii) r X 8;, (.iii)

(1) r1 +-,21, (vi). (dr )'

m , dt
-· · , I

Solution. (i) Let R=r-a.

dR dr da
Then dt = dt ••+'•di
dr - 0
.::::-~••+r• ·.
dt ·
,dr - dt
c:::::: dt •a+O=a, •a.

fii) Let R=r xa.

Th dR dr . da
. en dt =,1, xa+rx dt
dt xa+rxo [-.;
, • '•=•]
dt . ·
dr dr
==d, X a+O= tit x a.
(iii) Let R=rx dt .,
dR dr dr d2r
Then x - +rx
dt =dt dt dt 1
-r dr _ ]
=O+rx -d"r
dt 2
··• at

dt =o _
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Dijferen.tiation and Integration of Vectors 17


.. = rx
.. ~ L et. R
( VJU)

The.n dR
-;=:: -
dr r••.dt . ·
{d (
I d. (rxa)-t · -.. . -.1.)·}
dt r .. a •·· ,(·rxaJ
[No:te that r•a is a scalar qaantity)
=- 1 ( dr-- x a+rx -da) - ' - { {r•a)-
-I-,. d
-(r•a) } (r '< a)
r•a. dt dt cit .
-dr xa,
= dt·r•a -{..(-r•a)
l ( dr
1 .·. ·d-.-f .a + r• -dt
da)}· (r x a)
dr dr
·-- x a --- •a
--,~ )" (r x a).
r•a ~ [·: da l
d,= O I
F:x. 10. {fr .is a vec·tor fmi,•·tion of a scalar t. r its module and
a, b .are cansrant 1t,ectors, d{(ferentiate the followingl ritlz respect ro
I :

(i J ,:1r +a X ~; ,. (ii) r 2 r +(a•-r) , b. ~ iii) rur, (fr) (ar+ rb):?.

Solution. Let R=r 3 r+• x dr_
dR d d J dr 1
Then dr == dt (rs r) + ,-,, 1ax dt I
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18 Solved Examples

dr . . 1 dr da dr d 2r
= 3r1 .,,,
,., r+•r -
d t +-d.x
t ut:r+• x ---
.. 1
:: 3r -
r+r 1 dr
· dt
d1 r
dt 2 [ ...
(ii) Let R=r2r+(a•r) b .
. h .ih=
T en
t!R ddt . (r. 1
C {d db
r)+ dt (a•.r) . b+(a•r) di
=2r -dt •r+r•-+
dr .
1 4- •r+••- (dadr) b

dt t dt
dr . 2 dr (
=2r d·.t r+r · de · -+ •• dr)
dt b
(ii'iJ Let R=rn r.
Then ,dR .t = ( dt, . . dr (.n,n-1 -dr- ) r+r• -dr
d- ,,. ) r+r•--
· · dt ._ · dt dt •
(iv) Let R=(ar+rb)1 ~ Then
dR .
.d.t· · =2 (ar+rb)•:,
. ..
(or t rb)
·[ . d
Note - r1 -2:r• ·.·.
= ..,. ar +' , b)•• d·...t r+a-(dadi
_·. +-dl· b +r dt
dt ~. .
dr db)
= 2 ( ar+r b)· •• ( a-+-
dr dr
dt dt
b ) [, · ·
i •
- e:O ]. .
' dt
Ex. t'I. Find
Ci), ~[ r, : . :,;J; (11) f;. [ r, i, ~];
(iii) ~ [,x(S;x~)].
Solution. (I) Let" R=[ r, : . !!]- TbenR is the scalar triple
dr . dlr
product or three vectors r, dr and ,J, 2• Therefore using the role
for finding the. derivative, of a scalar triple product, we have
dR [- dt dr i/lr] [ tPr d'r], I[ dr dlr].,
dt ~ di' dt' d1• + r, dt1 • dl 1 1 + . r,, di' d1 1 .
={ r, t,, ~],lsince .scalar tfiple products haviu.g two
equal vectors vanish.
(ii) dr ""]
Let R= [ r. -d, d2 • Then as in part (i)
I ' ' ,t
dR [. dr d'r]
di = '• tit-' dt 3· •
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Differentiation and Integration of Vectors )9

Ditfereotiating again, we get

d1 R [dr dr ,d1 r] :[ d1r
dt:i - dt' dt' dt 3 +: r. dt•" d1 1
[. _ dr trrJ·
r, dt' dt' .
[ d 1r d'rl [ _ Jr
= , '• dt 1 t dt 3 J+, r, dt' .dt' . ·
(iii) Let R = r x ( dr
dt x d•r)·
dt* • Then R 1s - tr·
. t h· e vector _•.PIe pro~
duct of three vector1. Therefore using the rule ior fiodios the
derivative of a vector triple product, we have
dR dr (dt d"r) +rx (-:tPr
,dt -=diX .dt xdt 1 .
dlr) -. (dr "")
d ii x dt +rx dt xdt 2 1 ·

dr (dr tPr) +_r (drdi tPr)

== dt X 1t X dt 2 dt X · X 1 ;i

. tPr tflr . . d f
since dtl x dt 2 =4', oe1ng vector pro __ uct o two equ.a1 vectors.
Ex. 12. lf·• =sin .() i+cos 6 i + Bk, h~cos Bi - sin 9 j ~3k and
c- 21+3j-3k, find~ { a X(h x c)} at II= ; • [RehilkUIIII t979]
Solution. We
b x c= j i
[ co; 8
3sin 8 =~k =(3sin o+9) i+C3 cos8 - 6)j
+<3 cos B+2 sin 6) k.
;. a X (b XC) = r i j t
sin 9 cos IJ 8
I 3 sin 8+ 9 3 cos. , - 6 3 cos 9+2 sin f
={3 cos• 0+2 sin 8 cos 9- 38 ,c os o+,68) 1+(38 sin s+98
- 3 sin 8 cos tJ-2 sin1 8) J+ ( - 6 sin 9- 9' cos 9) k.
:. ~ {ax(hxc>}
=(-6 cos· 8· sin 8+2 cos1 8- 2 sin1 9-3 ,cos 1+38 sin B+6) i
+(3 sin e+3e cos 8 +9 - 3 cos• e+ 3 sin• 8- 4 sin 8 cos tJ) j

+( - 6 cos 8+9 sin O) k.

Putting ,() == r../ 2, we get the required derivative
=(4+f,:) i+ 1Sj+9k.
Ex. 13. Show that if a, b. e are constant vectors. th,-n
+ + is
r= a t 2 b t c :he path of a particle mo11.ln.g with constan,I acce~
leratlon. . ( Delhi 1962)
Sulution~ The velocity of the particle=i=lia·+b.

The acceleration of the particle = .didl : = 2a.

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20 Solved Examples

Thus the point whose pat.h is r·= a t'+b t+c is moving with
constant .a cceleration.
Ex. 14. A particle moves along the curve x::4. cos t, y=-4 sin t,.
z==61 · Find the velocity and acre/e:ratfon at time t=O and t=½~.
Find also the magnitudes of tire velocit)' and a.cceleration at any time
t. [Kanp11r 1980]
Selutloa. Let r be the position vector ,o f the particle at
time t
Tbeu r·-x i+y J+z i=4 cos r 1+4 sin .t J+6t k. If v is the
velocity of the particle at tirr.e t and a its acceleration at tha.t time
then Y=: =-4 sin r i+4 cost j+-6k,

■ = d2r
/ 'I = - 4 cos t ·1-
· 4 S1D
· f J·
Magnitude of the velocity at time t=I , f
=v'(l6 sin' 1+ 16 cos2 t+:t6)==v(52}=2y'(13).
Mag;nitude of the acce1cration
-I • t= v'fl 6 cos2 t+ 16 stn1 t)=-= 4.
At t=0 1 l'=4j+6k, a= -4i.
At J=½7t,.V =~ 4 i+6 k, a=-4 j.
Ex. 15. A particle moves a.long t~e curve x=t 3 J, y!E: t 1 , +
z=2t+5'" • here 1 is the .time. Find the components of its velocity and
acceleration at t= l in the direction i i-t-3k. + .
[Agra 1979, Rollilkltlntl 81]
. Solutfoo. If r is the position vector or any point. (x. y, z) on
the given cu·rve, then
r=xi +yj + zk=(t 3 + l) i +t 1 i+ 2t+ 5). t .
Velocity=v=: ~3t 1 i+20+2k= 31+ 2j+2k at t==- I.

Acceleration=a=!:=:, (i)=6t i+2j=6i+2j at t=l.

Now the unit vector in the given direction i+ j+ 3k
i+j+3k i+l+3k
:..;I i+J+3k 1= v(l l)- = b, say.
.•• the compon.e nt. of velocity in the given direction
= Y•h= (3i+2j+2kJ•(i+j-f:3.kl _ _ 1_ =v'(l l) .
v'(l l J - l(ll) · •
and the component of ac::elcratinn in the given direction
= 8_ •h= ( 6i -t 2Jl~!_i +.i +. ~~) _ 8
v'fll) -- · lO If
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IJifferentiation and' Integration uf Vectors -2l.

Ex. 16., A particle moves so that its positiori vector i., gi,en, bp
r=cos wt i.+.sin wt j where ul is a consta.nt; &how that (i} the velo--
city of the particle ts perpendicular to r (il) the aeeeleration is 1

directed towards the origin and has magnitude proportional to the

dis dr
.. · tance fi·rom ,th· e origin, (.iii) r x d- .is a cowtant vector.

Solution. (i) Velocity v=:i -= - w sin wt i+w cos wt ,j .

W e h ave r• dr .
dt -(cos ,w t
• .
• .
(JJt J)•(-w ·sin
"'' i+w cos wl j)
== - w cos wt sin wt+w sin (J)t cos wt=O.
Therefore the velocity is perpe·n dicular to r.
(ii) Acceleration of the particle
d11· .. . . I • • •

dt 9 cos wt, 1-·c11
· sin· · J

= -(IJ• {cos wt
~+ sin wt j) = - n.11 r.
: . acceleration is a vector opposite to the direction of r i.e.
a9eeleration is directed towards the origin. Also magnitude of
acceleration= I a I = I - w 2 r i =wtr which is proportional to r
I.e. the distance of the particle from the origin .

(iii) rx: =(cos wt i+sin wt j)X( - w sin wl i+OJ ~~~ m·l_j)

= w co, ~., w l )' X J.-
• sm. 2 wt J• XI' [ ·; I• X I" ;-'"" 0 ;J. X J. = 0]
(U ..
=c.u cos:.i wt k+(U: sin 2 wt k [ ·: i x J=k= - j x iJ
=w (cos~ wt+sin2 wi) k=wk, a constant vector. ·
Ex. 17. Find the unit tc,ngent rector to any poini on th,e cu,..,~ ·;
x=a ,cos t, y=a sin t, z= bt.
Solution.. If r is the position vector of any point (x, y, ZJ on
the given curve, then
r=xi+yj+zk=a cos I i+a sio t l+bt k.
The: vector di is also the tangent ·u the poinl (x. y, z) to tb.e

given 011rve.
W-.e have dt
dr =-a sm
. t 1+a
. cJs t J'+bk·•

;. I:: I= ·v(cr si112 t+a 2 CO!i1 t+b')= v(al+b•) .
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22 Integration of Vetlor Functions the unit tan.g ent vector t

dr/dt -a sin t i+a cost j,+b.t
= I dr/dt I• =- v(~+b')
== 1/(al~l,I) (-a sio I i+a cos t j+hk).
t . If r is the position vector of a moving point and r is the
modulus 9f r, show that
dr d,
- dt
. dr . dr
Interpret tile relations r• dt - 0 and rx dt =0.
,[ Sambalpur 1974]
2. If r is a unit vector, then prove that

j rx! J~I: l- [Rajasthae l974]

3. Ifr-t1 i+( 2r'-~.) j, show that rx!~=k.
[Ut·kal° 1973]
4. lf r=t"' •+e-:i' b, where a, b arc consta.ot vectors, show
that :;~ - n1 r:: 0.
[Agna 1976]
. wt+ b cos w.t +ct
S. If.· r~• SID . b
2 sin wt~ ptove t at
dlr , 2c
d t l +w2·r = -cos
wt ,
where a. h, c are constant v.ectors and w is a. conslant scalar.
[Maratbwacla 1974]
6. Show that r=ae••+~• is tbc 1oh1tion of the differential
d 1r dr
equ.ation dt'J - (m+n) dt +mn r::O.
Hence solve 1be. equation
JJr dr
- 2 - --2r-=O where
dt at '
- =J• r·or t = 0 .
r-=1. and dr
dt [Kanpur 1977J
A.111. , r=l (r'+2e-i) i+½ (eu-e-£, j ..
7. A particle move~ along the curve x==e-,, Y=2 cos 3t,
z~2 sin Jt. Determine the vcJod.ty and acceloratioo at any time
l ae,d their magnitudes at t=U. 1 pv t d,
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Dif/erenllstion and Integration of Vector~ 23

A.os. I , I ==v'(37) ; I a I =v(325). ·

8. If A=5t 1 i+t j- 1 k and B=sin t i-cos , j 1 find
d d d
(a) di (A•B); {b) dt (AX B); (c) di (A•A):
At1s. (a) (5t 1 -lltcos t+ l lt sin t;
(b) (t 8 sin t-3t' cos t) i-(t• cos t+St 2 sin t) .J
+(St• sin t-111 cost-sin t) k.
(c) l00t 8 +2t+6t 5 •
9. Prove the foUowing :
. d[ db da .] d1b d::a
(a) di I• di- dt •b .,_I• dtl-dt2 •b.

d [ . db da ] d 2b d'a .
(b) dt , • x dt-dtx b :s::ax d/2 - dr1 x b.
§ 12. lnJegratioa of Vector Fuoctioos.
We shall define integration as the reverse process .o f differentia-
tion. Let f (.t) and F (t) be two vector functions of the scalar t
such that dt F (t)=f (t).
Then F (t) is called the .(nde/inire int,egral ot f (t) with respect
to t and symbolically we write J f (t) dt =F (t). . ..( l)
The function f (1) to be integrated is called the integrand.
If e is any arbitrary conatant ~'ect'or independent of ,, then
:, {F (t)+c}=f (/),
This is equiv.alent to J f (t) dt=F (t)+c::. ...(2)
From (2) it is obvious that the integyal F (t) off (t) is indefi-
nite ' to the extent of an additive arbitrary constant c; Ther~fore
F (t) is called the indefinite integral o,f f (t). Tbe constant vector
c is called the constani of integtation. It can be determined if we
are given some initial conditions.

If d~ F ( t) = I (t) for aU t ·,o the interval [a, b], then ~he defi-
,nite integral between the limits t =a and t;;;;:;.b. can in such c~se be

l, . d '}
f (t) dt= .. idt F (t) dt

== F (t)+c]~ =F (h)-F (a).f

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24 Integration of Vector Funcliuns

Theorem. If f (t) / 1 (l) i +/ 2 (f) j+/1 (t), k, then

j ( (t) dt=i J/ 1 (r) dt+j J /! (t) dt+k J fa (I) dt.
Proof. Let dt F U)=f (t )..
. . (I)
Then J f (t) dt=F (t). . •. (2)
Let F (t)=F1 (t) i+F2 (1) i+Fa (t) k.
Thea from ( l ), we have

d~ {F1 (1) i+Fa (t) i+F1 (t) k}=r (f)

or {d~ F, (rJ} i+{:, F (t)} H{:, F, (IJ} k

=/1 (/) i +h
(t) j +/I (t) k.
Equatiog the coefficients of i. :L k, we get
d d d
di Fi V)-c /1 (t ), dt Fa (t)= f:1. (I), dt F 1 (t J /, (f .
:. F1 (t)=lf1 (t) dt,E,. (t)=J /2 (t) dt, F3 ,( t)=J /3 (I) dt.
:. F(r)={J f, (t) dt}i+{J /i dt}j+{i /a (t) dt} k, (t)
So from (2), we get
ff (t) dt=i J /1. (t) dt+j J/ 1 (t) dt+k J / 3 (t) dt.
Note. From this theorem we conclude that definition of
the ; ntegral of a vector function implies the def\nition of integrals
of three scalar functions which are the components of that vector
function. Thus i.o order to integrate a vector function we should
integrate its compooe:,ts.
§ I 3. Some Standard Re~ults.
Y.le have already obtained some standard n:sults for differen ..
tiation. With the help of these Tesults we can obtain omc
standard re~ults for integration.
· d dr ds
1. We have dt (r•S)=dt •s+r• dl .

Therefore {
j di
(dr •s+r• dtds } dt=r•s+c •
,•,here c is the -.;or,stanr of integration. t should be noted thal c is
hen:. a scalar quantity since tbe integrand is also scalar.
, d dr
··' 2. We have - (r1 )=2r•-
d1 dt ·
Therefore ~ (2r• ~) dl=r2 +c.
Here •he constant of iotegration ,. is a calar •4uantity.
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JJiffereutiatioti and l11Legrutio11 of VectorJ·

. d ( th ) 1 . dr d 2r
3. We have dt di =2 tlt .. dt'"
The refore we have

I{ 2!-~:qdt=(~:)"+c.
Here. the constaot of integrationJc ls a s~alar quantity..
Also (-1rdt ) -dt
_d.r • '!}.·~
d ( dr \ dr dr d'r d2r
4. We have ,ii . r xiii}= dt x dt -t r x d, 2 =r x dt"~
1{rx:~} dt=rx:~+c.
Here tbe constant of integratron c is a vector quantity since
- . d J2r . I ..
tbe mtegran r X dti 1s a so a vector quantity.

S. If a is a constant vector, we ha:ve

d da dr dr
-- (axr)= 4 - xr+axd
d -t =ax~
dt .
t t
T):ierefore ~ ( a X ~:} dl=a X r+c.
Hence the constant of integration~c is)a vecto1 quantity.

6. lf r-=l r ! and : is a unit vect.o r in the direction of r then

~(I')=~(_!_ r ),=]_ ~ - ~2_2 dr r.
dt · dt r r dt r dt
Therefor<: r(_!_ dr
} r
-~ !_ ~. r
dt r dt 2
), dt=; +c.
7. lf c is a constant scalar and r a vector function of a scalar
t, then obviously er dl=c Jr dt ,
8. [f r and s are two vector functions of the· calar t, then
obviously I(r +s) dt · · 1rdt I• dt.

Ex. L [ff UJ=(t-t:!) i+2t 3 j-3k,jind

(i) Jr (1) di and \ii) 1: f(I) di.

.(i) J fltJ dt=J {(t-i 2) i+2t 8 j-3k} dt
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26 Solved Examples

=1 i(t-t') dt+j 21 1 dt+k ! J-3dt

=i (~;- 1; )+i ( 2 ¼-)+t(-3t)+~-
where c is an arbitrary constant vector
= (.,.2 -- 3t• ) i+ 2,, j-3tk+c.

(ii) Jl f(t) d1-.J" {(t-t r+2t

1) 1 j.-3k} dt

'=i I
Ct-t 2 ) dt+j iiI 2t1 dt-k ·. ·l I' 3dt

=i [ ~ - 11 .J·z +i [. 2 ~ ] 3 -3k. [ . t
2 3 J 4 J1 ]* ~-~6 i+~2 j-3k.

Ex. 2. F;nd the value of r~s:atufping the equation :i:;a,

where• is a cona;tant veeto,.. Ala~ it is given thaJ when. t=O, r=O
and di=U. [Agra 1978]

SI .
· o ut1on. I ntegrat1Dg
. t h e" equation
. tPr 1=a, we get
dr 1

. .
t, 1s . ry constant vector.
an arb1tra.

But 11
. 1s
..given t wh en t=:= Oidr·
• ili==u.

:. u=Oa+b or b=u,
.":. dt = ta +u.
loteg.r atiog again with respect to t, we get
r=it 1 a+tu+.c, where c is constant.
But when t=O, r=O .
.•.. 0=0+0·+c or c=0 .
.:. r=lt a+ tu.

Ex. 3. Fi11d the value of r satisf,J,'ing the equation ~=ta+ b.

where a and bare constant vectors. [Agr•. 1979]
. . . h .. Jlr
Solutioo. lntegra ting t ·e equation Ji•:=; ta+ b, we .get


=itz a+tb+c, Where c is constant.
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Differentiation and Integration of Vectors

Again iotegrating,,,we get

t=¼t 3 •+½1 2 b+t c+d, where• is constant.
Ex. 4._ Inteb0 ra,-e dt2
- .= -n2r

Solution. We have dd'r = - n•r-.

t2 .•• (I)
Forming the scalar product of each side or (l) with the vector
dr dr d•r dr
2 dt' we get 2 dt • dt• = - -2n2r• dt.
Now integrating we get
(5: ) = -n r +c, where
1 1 c is constant.

Ex. 5. Integrate ax Jii=h, where a and bare constant vectors.
S olut1on. ,. 11 b _ d { dr } _ <Pr
"e ave ;; ax dt =ax d, 2 •
,._ .mtegratmg d"r =: b, we get
. ax dtz

axd dr . constant.
-- =t b+ c, wb ere c 1s
Again integrating, we get
ax r=tfib+·t c+d, where d is constant.
Ex. 6. lf r(t)=5t 2 i+t j-f 1 k., prove that
{2 ( d2 )-
)i r X dt:
dl=-14i+ 75j-15k.
[Kanpur 1976, 78; Aara 80]
Solution. We have i{ r X : : ) dt= r X ~: +c .
.·. 1: (rx~;~) dt=[rx~J:.
Let .us oow find rx~. We have ~=10t i+j-3r 1 k..,

.: . rXTf=(5,t 2 i+t j-tl1 k)X{lOl i+j-3t 2 k)

j k
-3t 1
-r 3 _ =-2t 3 i+St' j-5,t~ k.
:. [ (rx:;~) dt=[ -2ti i+St' j-5t~ k]:
=[-2,•J: i+( s,•]: j-[ s,• J: k=-l4i➔-1sj-~Sk.
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28 Solved Examples

Ex. 7. Given thal

r(t)=2i-j+2k. when t=2
= 4i - 2j+3k, when t=3,
( 3 {
show th"t 12 \ r• dr
dt )' dt=-10.
[Kanpur 1980; Robilkhand 80; Agra 76]
Solu,tion. We have
{l ( r• dr) - .-
dt dt=½rM+c; o

(3 ( dr
l~ r•dt) di= ir2
[. ]a 1•

When t=3, r=4i 2j+ 3k.

:. when t=3, r 9 =(4i-2j+3k)•(4i-2j+3k)=16+4+9=29.
When t=2, r=2i-j+2k.
. . When t -2, r 8 =4+ 1 +4=9.
1: (r-:) dt=½[29-9J=l0.
Ex. 8. The acceleration of a particle at any time t ~ 0 is
given by
a=~= 12 cos 2t i-8 sin 2t i+ 16t k.
If the velocity v a~-d displacement rare zero a.t t=O, find v and
r at any time. [Kerala 1974]

Solution. \\'e have ~;-= 12 cos 2t i- 8 sin .2t j+l6·t k.

integrating, we get
v=i \ 12 cos 2t dt+j I-8 sin 2t dt+k 16td1 i
Jt v = 6 sin 2t i+4 cos 21 j+8t2 k+c.
Wbea t.=0, v=O.


Integrating, we get
r=i J6 sin 2.t dt +j (4 cos 2t-4J dt+ k St• dt i
- -3 cus 2t i+(2 ~in lt-4t) j+·it 1 k+d,f where dis constant.
When t= O, r=O.
~ 0= - -3i +tj+Ok+d. •• II I
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Exercises 29

:. r=-3 cos 2t i+(2 sin. 2t-4t) j+ft" k+3i

=>(3-3 cos 2t) i+(2 sin 2t-4t) j+ft1k.
· Exercises
1. Evaluate J: (e' i+e·•, J+tk), dt.
An~. (e - ·n i~½ (e- 2 - l) .i +tk,
2. If f(t)= t i +(t 1 - 2.t) j+ (3t 1 + 3t 3 ) k, find
~: I (t) dt. (Agra 1977]
Ans... ii - il+. .i k.
3. lf r=ti-t 2j+(t- J} k and s=2t 2 H-6tk,. eva!uate
(i) [ r•s dt. (ii) J: r:Xs d1 ..

." Ans. (i) 12, (ii) -- 24i-~o·i+ ~j k.

. d'},t
4. Solve the equauon di3=a where a is a constant vector;_

give.n that r=(l- land :i = 0 when / -= O. Ans. r=Jt 2 a.,

.5. Find the va]ue of r satisfying the equation
- = 6t1-
· 24 t. 2•J-L 4 sm
. lk
dtl . ' f

given t hat r= 2·+·
1 Jand d.-
di = - 1• - -j k a t t=
· 0.
Ans. r=(ti-.t - 2) i·+(l - 21') j+(t - -4 sin t) k.
6. The acr.t!.leration, of a part :cale at any time t ,s
er i+~' j t k. Find v, glven th· t v=i+j at 1=0.
[Agra 1973]
Gradient, Divergence and Curl 31

The vector operator 'v can generally be treated to behave as

un ordinary vector. It possesses properties like ordinary vectors.

2 The symbols :x' :y' a: can be treated as its components along

l, j , k .
Gradient,, Divertence and Curl ~ , . Gradient of a scalar Field. Definition. Let f (x, y, z)
b defined and differentiable at each point (x, y, z) in a certain region
of space (i.e., defines a differentiable scalar field). Then the gradient
M_. Partial ·Derivative✓ of ·ect~rs. Suppose r is a vector
of/, written as V j or grad f, is de.fined as
depending on more than one calar •vanable . Let r=f{X, y, z) i .e.
. '\J / = ( aoX 1·+aoY J+
. a
k ) f ar ·+afoy J+c)z
=ax I
. of k
let r be a function of thr~e s a lar 2riables x, y and z. The partial
derivative of r with respect o x ., defined as [Kerala 1975; Allahabad 79]
or lim f(x -13x, Y, z)- f(x, y, z) It should be noted that "v f is a vector whose three successive
ox =ax-o - ix - - mponents are
aax/ , a•
{y"• and
az. ·
Thus tht> gradient of a scalar
if this limit exis•i;. Thus a,
1x is nothing but the ordinary deri-
H Id defines a. vector field. If f is a scalar point fun ctf.on, then 'v f
vative of r with respect 'to' provided the other variables y and z
/.1· a vector poi'lt function .
are regarded as constants. Similarly we may define the partial I

. . . or or yil. Formulas involving gradient.

oerivat1ves - and -
oy az · Vl'heorem 1. Gradient of the sum of two scalar point function;..
Higher partial df1vatives can also be defined as in Scalar
!ff and g e re two scalar point functions , then
Calculus. Thus, for eumple,
grad ( f+g)=grad f+grad g
usr a (, ) a2 r a (ar ) a2r2 a ( or' )
~x 2 =ax x 'ay =ay ay · az =az az '
2 r V (f+g) ='vf+Vg.

·r a ( ar ) a2r a ( ar )
fay=a x ,oy . oy ax=ay ax .
Proof. We ha ve v (f+g)=( i :x +j :Y+k a~ ) (/+g)
!fr has contiuous partial ~erivatives of the second order at = i ~x(f+g) tj ;y (f+g )+ k !z(f+g)
a2r a2r . .
· ox ? uy u X the order of di fferentiation is imma
least, then - - = '.'.! =i ~ -+i
og +.i a/ +.1og +k af +k ag
ax ay ay az az
tcrial. If r = fc, y , z), t e total differential dr of r is give n by
a- f · +·) a
= (. I. ax f +kaf) + (·I ax
ag .. ag +k og )
dr =
/r or
dx + - dy+- dz.
or -
oy -
az - T) -
cy -az
X ry oz
~ 2. T~ Vector iffilrential Operator Det ( v' ). The vect
=(i oxO + j ~+ l )1+( __!+
oy k oz
ax i 2:, + k az ) "·~

,pcrator (read as def or. nabla) is defined as =v'/+v'g=gradf+grad g .

a . a ·+ -a Similarly, we can prove that V ( f-g)='il.f-v' g.
. -ex •~J
,:y CZ .Jbeorem Z: Gradient of a constant, The necessary and suffi-
vely. rlcnt condition fo r a scalar point function to be constant is that
'v/ = 0 .

Pormulas Involving Gradient
,1 ,11/1 111, /J/,1n •ence and Curl
Proof. Iff (x, y, z) is constant, then 33
of of of
ox =O, oy =O, oz =O.
The. efio d f . of -t . of of . .
•J -
r re gra =1 -
ox ay +k -=01
oz +0J+0k=0
Hence the condition is necessary.

ConYersely, let gradf= O. Then i °a/ +i ?f +k cf =0.

ax ay az
Therefore ~f =0, of = 0, of =0.
ax cy oz
:. f must be -independent of x, y and z.
:. /must be a constant. Hence the condition is sufficient.
;fbeorem 3. Gradient of the product of two scalar point fon<'-
tions. If f and g are two scalar point Junctions, then
grad ( fg) = f grad g+g grad f 11; • If A=x'yz i-2xz3 j+xz11 k, B=2z i+y j-x2 k, find
or 'v ( fg )=J V g+g v /. 0
1/,1• value of--: (Ax B) at (I, 0, - 2). (Kanpur 1975, 791
(Meerut 1972; Bombay 69]
olution. We have Ax B=/ j k 1
Proof. Wt:. have 'v ( /g)=(i ~ +j -~-+k -~ ) ( Jg )
ex oy oz / x 2yz -2xz3 xz 1
ax (/gJ+j -~
ay (/g)+k -~
az (Jg) 2z I y -x• 1
=: ( f !: + g:~ ) + j ( f ii + i )+ I!; +
g k ( g :~ )
= (2xllz3- xyza) i+ (2xz 3 +x4yz) j+(X'2y 2 z+4xz') k.
?_ 1
ay (AXB)=-xz i+x4z j+2x yz k.
=/ (i axog+_Joyag + k oz?~\)+g (i 0axL +·J ay~r + k ilofz )
=f '7 g+g V f =f grad g+g gradf.
Again °:
(A x B.l =}
{0°y (Ax 8)}
In particular if c is a constant, then =-z 1 i+4x 3z i+4xyz k. •.. (1)
V (cf) =c v
f + .f V c= c f-i O=c v vf Putting X= I , y=O and z=-2 in (I), we get the required
~eorem 4. Gradient of the Quotient of two .scalar functions. derivative at the point (l, 0, -:-2)=-4i-8j.
If f and g are two scalar point functi ons, thw Ex. 2. ff f (x, y, z)=3x:.iy-y 3z 2, find grad I at the . point
(I, -2, -1). (Agra 1978]
v(f ) -- g v' J; f V _g
g g2 . \ Solution. We have
Proof. W e h it ve v · (
a ,-
l ) = (.1 ;--
-=- _, J. -a + k - 2 ) ( -J-) .
grad/-,'vf= (.•1 oax +Jay+
. a k oz
a ) (J x , y-yaz2>
d g ?,x r_1· i' :- g

.g +J.uoy (f)
. oax ,,_r) g _·-t k ?z?(f) ~ ~ (3x2y.:...y8 z1)+k

ax (3x y-y3z )+i ay

2 1
g- · =i } (3x 2y-Jh 2 )
= i uz
=i (6xy) +j (3x 2 --3y 2z 2 )+k (-2y3z)
=6xy i+(3x1 -3y2z1 ) j-2y8zk.
Putting X=I, Y=-2, z=-1, we get-
V /=6 ( 1) (-2) i+{3 (1) 1 -3 (-2)1 (-1)2 (-Ii} j .
_.,---2 (-2)3 ( --1) k

• - I
Solved Exampli , ,, 1,/ 1•111, l lvngence and Curl 35
= - I2i-9j-16k.
Ex. 3. /fr= / r I wher(r= xi+yj+zk,prove that
( ,~ 1o r) . ( _.!_ or\+k( --_!_
ax + J - r 1 ay I r1
oz ·
(I) 'v f(r) =f' (r) '\lr, (ii) 'vr=- r [Rohilkband ltll J 0
(iii) 'v /(r)\Xr=O,
(iv) 'v ( +)=-,:,
r '
[Kanpur J97fJ
I (..!.. i+ 'j+~'k)
ax ay uZ
.!_ i+L i+.:... k ) [see part (ii)]
r ( r r r
(v) . 'v log/ r /=-..,
~ (xi+yj+zk) =- r-i, r.
(vi) 'iJ rn= nrn-• r, r3
v) We have 'v log Ir /='v log r
[Kanpur 1970; Robilkband 76; R.H.U. '711
Solution. Ifr=xi+yj+ zk, then r=/ r /=v'(xt+y1+z11).
log r+j -a log r+ k ;-
a Iog r
t X oy uZ
r2=x•+yz+ z2.
l or ·+...!.or·+...!..
r OX l oy ) r oz
a!_ k=_!_ ( ~ i+L i+..:. k)
r r r r
(i) 'iJ /(r) = (i !x+j!y+ k~ )f(r)
_!_ (xi+Yi+zk) = r--i- r.
=i !xf(r)+ j :y f(r) +k :z f(r)
a o r"+ k oz
O n
·1·(r ) ax+
or J'/' (r ) ory+ k f' (r) orz
(vi) We have v r" = i ax r"+i oy ' .
0 er nrn-1 -:,-or =nrn-1 (.I ar·+J.or+k
= 1
0 0 o')
= i nrn-1 ...!.+j nrn-1
ox _+k
oy OX oy oz
f , ( ) (.1 or
= r ox +
j or k or ) /'
· oy+ o--; , = (r) '\lr. = n,n-l vr
uz .

.. we have 'vr=i -ar +j

(11) ar ar
- +k - . = nrn-1 -1 l [ •.· nV r= r, as in part (ii)]
ax oy oz = nrn- 2 r.
Now r 2__ x2+y2+z2,.

. .1 or y d or
"r or 2x . e or X
~ ox=
i • • ax=-,. Ex. 4. Prove that /(u) 'v 11 = v if (u) du .
S1m1 arly - = - an -=-. Solution. We have V ff (u) du
oy r oz r
n x.
v r=-
y . z .k I
r J+-
•• k
r . = r- (xi+n+z )=-
l ,.
r r=r.
=~ i ~x { i /(u) du } [by def. of gradient)

We have as in part (i), vf(r)=f' (r) '\lr.
= ~i {d• f f{u)
du } ou= ~i
ox f(u) ~'!.=J(u) l: i !:=/(u)
7 11-

. part ("
B ut as JD 1 r. Ex. 5. Show that .
11) "v r=- (i ) grad(r•a) = a, (ii) grad[r,a,b)=axb,
where .a and bare constant vectors. [Robilkbaod 198l; liombay 70]
l .
'v f(r)=f' (r) - r. Solution. (i) Let a=a1 i +a2 j +a3 k. Then ai, a2, a, are cons-
r tants . Also r==xi+yj+zk.
'v /(r) Xr={f'tr) ~ r }xr={-; /'(r)}(r x r) r•a=a1x+a2 y+ a.z.
:. grad (r•a)= V (r•a)= 'iJ la1x+a2y+at)
=0, since rxr=0.
= i ! x (a1x+a1y+a3z)+j :y (a1x+a1y+a1z)+k oz (a1x+a.y+a,z)
. We have 'v ( -l )
(iv) a ( - 1 )' +J• -a ( -I ) +t lo
=1. ._, -- ( -I ) = a1 i+a.j+a3 k=a. b • r· t
r ax r ay r oz r - (ii) grad [r, a, bJ=grad {r•(a x b)}, where ax 1s a cons an
Level Surfac .
,,,,11lw111 , Divergence and Curl 31
=axb as in part (i).
Ex. 6. (i) Interpret the symbol a• 'iJ. If u -I +z. v=x 2+y2+z2. w=yz+zx+ xy, prove that
(ii) Show that (a• 'iJ) </,=a• 'v ,f,. (grad u)-((grad v) x (grad w)]=O. [Kolhapur 1978]
(iii) Show that (a•'v).r=a.
If •, ( of of ) . ( of of ) • ( of of ) k,
Solution. (i) Let a=a1i +a2 j+ a 8 k. Then y oz -zoy i+ z ox -x oz J+ xoy - y ax
pr vc that
a•"v =<a1i +a 2 j+a8k)•(i ~ +j ~+k 0_)
ox oy oz (,) F rx 'vf. (ii) F•r=O, (iii) F•'v /=0.
=a1 -+a
o . o
·-+aa -. ft If ¢> ( r1 - 4r 1 12 +6r- 1 18 ), show t,h at
ox 2 oy oz 'v ,f,=2 (3-,-a,2_ , -1,s) r.
Thus the symbol'a• "iJ stands for the operator f. Pr v that 'v </,•d r=d</,.
o o o M P and p are two scalar point functions such that fl is a function
Oz OX +a2 oy +aa oz" . dp
f p; Show that 'v P= dp 'vp.
0 0
(ii) <8• 'v ) ,1,. = ( o ) tp.
ox +aa oy +a3 oz
Prove that A•{ 'v +-) = - ~;r .
Also a • 'vrp= (a1 i+a2 j+a8k)•(o</, i+ o,f? i+~,;,
ox oy oz
k) lO. Prove that 'v , - 8 = -3r- 5 r. [Agra 1974]
o<I> o</, o,t, 4 S. Level Surfaces. Let j( x, y, z) be a scalar field over a
= U1 OX+ a2 oy + as DZ. · gi n R . The points satisfying an eq uation of the type
Hence (a • V) </,=a•'v,f,. f (x, y, z) =c, (arbitrary constant)
o n tttute
a family of surfaces in three dimensional space. The
(iii) (a•'v) r=( 0 1 ~x+a2!y+ oR!z) r 111 faces of this fami ly are cal led level fiurfaces. Any sµrface of
or or er hi fa mily is such that the value or the function/ at any point of
=01 ox+o2oy+oaaz · I i the same. Therefore these surfaces are also called iso~f sur-
or . or . or 'c1ces.
r=xi+yj+zk. ox=I, oy =J, oz =k. :ibeorem l . L et f (x, y, z) be a scalar field over a region R.
(a• V) r=o1i+a 2 j+a3 k=a.
11en through any point of R there pa!ises one and only one level
Exercises Proof. Let (x 1, y 1, z1) be any poin t of the region R . Then the
1. 2y-x 4) i +(e'"11 -y sin x) j + x 2 cosy k, verify that level surface f (x , y , z)=/ (x 1, y 1 , z1 ) passes thrqugh this point.
If f=(2x
Now suppose the level surfaces f(x , y, z) =c1 and f( x, y, z)=ca
02r 02r
pass through the point (xi, Yi, z1) . Theo
I, [Agra 1978] f (xi, yi, zJ =c1 and f(x 1 , Yi, z1 )=c2 •
2. If ,f, (x, Y, z )=x2y+y'x+z 2, find 'v</, at the point (1, I, I). Since f (x, y, z) has a unique value at (x 1 , Yi, z 1) therefore
[Agra 1979] we have C1= C2 ,
Ans. 3i+3j+2k. Hence only one level surface passes through the poi nt
[ Note that 'v</,= o</, i+ .!!. i+ o,f, k
ox oy oz ·
J (x,, Y1 , 21),
Theorem 2. V f is a vec:or normal to the surface f (x , y, z)=c
3. Fin<:! g rad f, where / is given by where c is a constant. . lAgra 1968; Kerala 75J
f=x 3-y 8+xz2, at the point (I, -l, 2). (Agra 1977] Proof. Le t r=xi+yj+:zk be the positi o n vector of any point
Ans. 7i-3jf4k. p (x. y , z) on the level surface/ (x, y, z) =c. Lc. t

Q (x+~x, y+ t~y, z+ l>z)

Directio11al Derivative of a Scalar Pnint Functio11 ,,, 1,/ 1,,,1, Divergence and Curl

be a neighbouring point on this surface. Then the position vect r" Jim f(Q) - f (P) Jim 'Sf df It represents
Q➔ P PQ = ss➔ O &s= ds. - -- - - -
of Q=r+Sr=(x+Sx) i+(Y+oy) i+(z+Sz) k.
-~ th II t f change off with respect to distance at point Pin the
PQ=(r+Sr) - r=or=oX i+oy i+oz k. ,.
As Q--+P, the line PQ tends to tangent at P to the level sur• ii ,.t n 111' unit vector a.
face. Therefore dr=dxi+dyj+dzk lies in the tangent plane to th 'J'la or m t. The directional derivative of a scalar field fat a
surface at P. ··
(1/J ,,, /> , y, z) in the direction of a unit vector i is given by
From the differential calculus, we have
df ,.
df= of dx +of dy+ of dz - ='vf•a.
ds [Allahabad 1982; Pooi•a 70J
ax ay az
Proof. Let f (x. y, z) define a scalar field in the region R.
r . of . of
ox +J oy +
k aJ )
oz; •
(d . d .
x1+ YJ+dzk l=v'/•dr. L l
l+yj+zk'denote the position vector of any poirit P(x, y, z)
, thi region. Ifs denotes the distance of P fro~ iome fixed point
Since f (x, y, z)=constant, therefore df=0.
' v' f•dr=O so that 'v f is a vector perpendicular to dr and n the direction of ;, then ox denotes small element at .p in the
. d I
therefore to the tangent plane at P to the surface
f (x, Y, z)=c.
cl • •tion of;_ Therefore d:
is a unit vect6r1 at Pin this direc-
Hence v' I is a vector normal to the surface f (x, y, z)=c.
Thus if f (x, y, z) is a scalar field defined over a region R, ti 11 i.e. ds =a.
then v'fat any point (x, y, z) is a vector in the direction of nor- dr dx . dy . dz ..
mal at that point to the level surface f (x, y, z)=c passin(.througb But r=xi+yj+zk. :. ds = ds •+ ds J+ ds k=a.
that point
,., ( of of o f) (dx . dy . dz )
..g 6. · Directional Derivative of a scalar point functio . Now 'v.f•a= i ox + i oy +k o~ • ds i+ ds J+ ds k
· (Agra 1972; Kolhapur 73; Bc\mbay 74)]
of dx ·of dy of dz
D efinition. Let f (x, y, z) define a scalar field in •a "regio.oi R
and let P be any point in this region. Suppose Q fa a point in this
=ax ds +ayds +az ds
region in the . neighbourhood of Pin the direction of a given unit df
= ds = d.irect 1ona
: l. derivative off at P in tht direction of;.
vector a . Alternative Proof. Let Q be a point in the neighbourhood of
'T'h Jim f(Q) - /(P) ,., .
.1. , en Q-+ p PQ , if it exists, is called tile directional p in the direction of the given~unit vector a. If l, 1,:, n are the
·' ~ direction cosines of the hne PQ, thenJ;li+mj+nk =the unit
derivative off at P in the direction of a.
I vector in the direction of PQ=~ - Further if PQ=os, then the co-
/interpretation of directional derintive. Let P be the point
(x, y, z) and let Q be · the point (x+ ax, Y+ oY, z+oz). Suppose ordinates of Q are (x+ las, y+mss, z+n5ls). Now the directional
PQ= .s. Tht"l 8s is a small element at P in the direction of
a. If Sf=f(x+ ax , y+ay, z-t-oz)-f(x, y, z)=f(Q)-f (P), then
derivative off at P in the direction of~ is
lim f(Q )-f(P)
=Q ➔ P .---PQ
rs·represents the a,,:erage rate of change off oer unit di.stance in
lim J( x +lo1,y+ m3s, z+nSs) - f(x, _v, z)
=ss➔ O
the direction of a. Now the dtrcctional denvat ive off al pin the
40 r rnrlfet1t , Diverget1ce and Curl 41
Tangent Plane and Normal to a Level Surface

= lim !~ +mos oyof +n<is ozof)+ ... -fi(x, Y, z)

f(x, Y, z)+(tas uX Proof: Th e directional derivative off in the direction ot a is
os➔ O OS 1veo by 1s = V f •i
on expanding by Taylor's theorem
=J .ar af olJ·
. ,___ +m-+n- =(~ ~) .;
ox ay oz df ,. "
of . of . of )
=dn (n•a>
= ( ox i+oy J+az k •(li+mj+nk)='vf•;. # ~ ,,,
= dn cos 8, where 8 is the angle between a and n.
" ~eo~m 2. If:_ be a unit vector normal to the level surface
J (x , J • z)-c at a poznt p (x, Y, z) and n be the distance of p from Now 'f{,, is fixed. Therefore Xcos 8 is maximum when cos 8
Is maximum i.e . when cos 8= 1. But cos 0 will be 1 when the
some fixed point A. in the direction of i so that on repr~sents element ,,, ,. ,.
of normal at Pin the direction of~. then angle between a and n is O i.e. when a is along the unit normal
df,. vector n.
grad f= dn n. Therefore the directional derivative is maximum along the
(Agra 197 l; Bombay 69]
normal to the surface. Its maximum value is ·
Proof. We have gradf= V f =-;aJ i+ 0 j+of k
oy . oz . df
=Jn =I grad//.
II Also
grad f is a vector normal to the surface/ (x , y )-
Z -C.
s·lllCe § 7. Tangent plane and Normal to a level surface.
I n 1s a un it ,.vector normal to the surface J (x , y , z) c , th ere,ore
c To find the equations of the tangent plane and normal to the
grad f = A n, where A is some scalar to be determin d. surface f(x, y, z)=c.
Let f (x, y, z)=c be the equation of a level surface. Let
N df d" . . .
ow dn = 1rect10oal denvat1ve of/ in the di rec ·00 of~ r =xi+yj+zk be the p osition vector of any point P (x, y, z) on
this surface.
,. "
Then Vf = ~ i + %+~~ k
j is a vector along the normal to
= An•n [·: 'vf= gradf=A;] the surface at P i.e. '\l f is perpend icular to the tange nt plane at P.
= A. Tangent plane a t P. Let R=X i+ Y j +Z k be the position
d( ,. vector of a ny current point Q (X, Y, Z ) on the tan gent p lane a t P

,, '
grad f = V/= dn

d/ .Note.. . If the vector ~ is in


th d' •
e trect10n of f increasing, then
to t he surface. T he vecto r
P Q = R-r=(X-x) i+(Y-y) H(Z--z) k
lies in the tangent plane a t P. Therefore it is perpendicular to
the vector v f.
dn ,s pos1t1ve. Therefore V / is a vector normal to the surface
.,. (R -- r )• V/=0
f (x, .Y, z)=c in the direction off increasing.
J Tb eorcm 8. Grad f is a vector in the direction of which the
or [(X - x ) i+ (Y-y) j +(Z -z) k]•(~:-i+ ~i i+fz k)=o
of cf of
maximum value of the directionh! deriva tive 0,rf . df .or ( X- x) ax + (Y-y ) a,;,+(Z-z) az =O, .. (1)
. 'J 1.e. d-
s occurs.
is the equation of the tangent plane at P.
[Agra 1968, 71; Bombay 69)
42 Solved Examples c,' r ad lc11t , Divergence and Curl

a Normal at. P· Let R -- X 1· + y J·+ Zk be the position vector of 'olutiou . The grad fat any point (x, y, z) is the vector
ny current ~mt Q .(X, Y, Z) on the normal at p to the surface.
af_ i+ al .+ a/ k
The vector PQ = R - r -- ( X -x) I•+(Y - J') J+(Z-
normal . z) k lies along the
ax ay J oz ·
'v f at pt~ the surface. Therefore i~ is parallel to the vector The d irectional derivative off in the direction of i
f•i=(af i+ a/ i+af
. .· (R - r) x 'v/= 0 ... (2) . = grad
ax ay oz k )•i=af_
is the vectqr equation of the normal at p to· th e given
. surface Similarly the directional derivatives off in the directions of j
Cartesian form. The vectors ·
of af
(X-x) i+( Y-y)j+(Z-z) k and 'v/=o_f i+ of .+ of k
nd k 1rc oy and az·
· ox o" J a E . 3. Find the directional derivative off (x, y, z)=x'yz+ 4xz'
will be para Ile! if .r z
at the point ( l, - 2, - 1) in the direction of the vector 2i - j -- 2k.

ay 1·+ ~az.[ k) ,
[ Allahabad 1978]
(X-x) i+(Y- y) H ·(Z-z) k.=p ( of
. ax i+9/ 2
olution. We have / (x, y, z)=x yz+4xz ;-...
where P. 1s some scalar. 2
grad f=(2xy z+ 4z 1 ) i+xilz i+(x y+8xz) k
Equating the coefficients of i, j, k, we get
=8i-J - 10k at the point (1, - 2, -1).
X - X= p ?!,
Y-y = p of 7 - --
oy ' .~ Z-p azof '
1f; be tbe unit vector in the direction of the vector 2i - j - 2k,.
Y -- y
X -- x Z- z ,. 2i - j - 2k 2.. 1 . 2 k
?l = 0f = of then
a=v(4+I+ 4)-.3 - 3 J- 3 .
ax oy oz Therefore the required directional derivative is
are the equations of the normal at P. df ,. . • • • 16 1 20 37
ds =grad f•a=(8 1- 1- lOk)• (i1- ½1-ik)= 3 3 + +3 = 3 -
Ex. I. Find a unit normal vector to the level surface Since this is positive, f is increasing in this direction.
. x 2y+2xz= 4 at the"point (2, _ 3). Ex. 4. Find the directional derivative of
Solution. The equation of the level surfa is f (x, y, z)=X 2 - 2y1 +4z
f (x, Y, z)=x2y+2xz=4. at the point (1, 1, -1) in the direction ~f 2i+j - k [Agra 1979]
T he vector grad f is along the normal to th f - Ans. 8/y6.
point (x, y, z). e sur ace at the
Ex. 5.
Find the direc-tional ·derivative of the functiun
V-:e have grad/='v (x2y+2xz)=(2xy+2z) i+x2 i+2x k. J =x2-yz+2z1 at the point P (l, 2, 3) in the direction of the line
•: at t~e p_omt (~, - 2, 3), grad /=- 2i+ 4j+ 4k. PQ where Q ·is the point (5, 0, 4). [Agra 1980)
- 2r+ 4J+ 4k is a vector along the normal to th . af . of . of k
surface at the point (2, -2, 3). e given Solutioo. - 1 +-
Here gra d / = ax ay J+-
az ,. .
Hence ~ u~it normal vector to the surface at this point =2X i-2y j+4z k = 2i - 4j+12k at the point (l, 2, 3).
_ - 21+ 4J+ ' k - 2i+4j+.:.k
--r =positi on vector of Q -- position vector of P

- I - :d+4j+4k 1=v'l4 +· 16+ ~b)= - ½i+U +}k. Also PQ
, . . a a k) i-e
· ·• 1· ~- 2k 1s
3l -3J-a · also a unit =(5i +Oj+4k) - (i-t-2j +3k) = 4i - 2j+k.
norma l uct or to the give
. .,:-;: . n surface
. at the po· m t (2 • - 2 • .3) . . If; be the unit vector in the direction ot the vector PQ ,
. f.E x. 2.
I d'
Fmd. tne directional derivativer
- . of
. a sea I ar pornt . func-
,. 4i - 2j+k 4i - 2j+k
ion 111 t 1e trectwn of coordinate axes. ·
then a= v'(l 6+ 4 + 15= v'(21) .
44 Gradient, Divergence and Curl 45
Solved Examples
Ex. 9. Show that the directional derivativ_e of a scalar point
·the req_uired dirt:ctional derivative funct ion at any point along any tangent line to the level surface at
=(grad /l-:t=(2i-4j+ I2k)•{ 4i- 2l_+_k} the point is zero.
. v'(21) . Solotion. Let f (x, y, z) be a scalar point function and let a
28 28 4
=v1(f1)=21 vc
21 )= -3 21 >· v< be a unit vector along a tangent Ii ne to the level surface
f (x, y, z) =c.
. ~x. 6. /~ w~~t -dilection from the point (I, I, -1) is the We know that V.f is a normal vector at any point of the sur-
directwnal derivative of f=x 2 -2y 2 +4z1 a maximum? Also find the face f (x, y, z)=c. Therefore the vectors "iJ f and a are per-
value of thi.Y maximum u,rectional derivative. pendicular.
Solution. We have grad /=2xi-4yj+8zk Now the directional derivative off in the direction of a
. =2i-4j-8k at the point (1, I, - l). =8•'\J /=0-
The d1reqtional derivative off is a maximum in the direction Ex. 10. Find the equatio s of the tangent plane and normal to
of gra,d/=2i-4j-8k. , the surface 2xz2 -3xy- 4x=1 at the point (1, -1, 2).
The maximum value of this directional derivative Solution. The equation of the surface is
=/ grad/ l=l 2i -4j-8k l=v'(4+I6+64)=v(84)=2v(21). f (x ,_y, z'=2xz'-3xy-4x=7.
. ~x. 7. F_or ~he function f-y/(x 2 +y 1 ), find the value of the We have grad / =(2z11 -3y+4) i-3x i+4xz k
directional derivative making or, angle 30° with the positive x-axis at =7i - -3j+8k, at the point (l, -1, 2).
the point (0, I). · . . 7i-:: j +8k is a vector along the normal to the surface at
the point (1, - I, 2).
Solution. We have grad f-af i+af ·
ax ay J The position vector of the point (l, -!, 2) is =r=i -:- i+2k.
-2xy i xz - yz . . If R=Xi+ Yj+Zk is the position vector of any current point
(x2t-y2)z +(xa+y2)2 J=-J at the int (0, 1). (X, Y, Z) on the tangent plane at (I , - 1, 2), then the vector R - r
"' is perpendicular to the vector grad/.
If a is a unit vector along the line. which makes an angle 30° • the equation of the tangent plane is
with the positive x-axis, then
(R - r)•grad/=0,
;=COS 30° i+sin 30° j= ~ 3 i+½j. i.e . {(Xi+ Yj+Zk)-(i- i+2k}}•(7i-3j+8k)=0,
i.e. {(X-1) i+(Y+l) i+ (Z - 2) k}•(7i -3j+8k)=0,
the required directional derivative is I.e. 1 (X-1)- 3 (Y+ 1)+8 (Z-2)=0.
y3 .~+ I- J.') = - ½. The equations of the normal to the surface a 1 the point
= g ra d f •8=
" ( -J.) • ( ~
2 2 (I, - 1, 2) are
Ex. 8. What is the greatest rate of increase of u=xyz2· at the X-l Y+I Z -:F- i . X-1 Y+I Z-2
voint (I , 0, 3)? [Agra 1968]
of - of -- ?Ji ' I.e. 7 -- - j - 8 •

Solution. We have 'vu=yz i-t-xz i+2xyz k.

2 2
ax ay az
Ex. 11. Find the equations -of the tangent plane and normal to
at the point ( ! , 0, 3 ), we have the surface xyz=4 at the point (I, 2, 2). [Agra 1970]
V u=O i+9 .i+0 k=9 j. Solution. The equation of tbe surface is
The greatest ra te of increase of u at the point (l, o, 3) f (x, y ' ,)=xy~-4=0.
=th e
. du
max imum value of ds at the point (I, 0, 3) We have grad f...'.... yzi +xzj+ xyk
=4i+2j+2k, at the point (l, 2, 2).
=I Vu I, at the point (1, 0, 3) 4i+2j+2k is a vector along the normal to the surface _at
=I 9j /=9.
46 Solved Example.f Gradient, Diverge"ce and Curl
Solution. Angle between twq surfaces at a point is the angle
the point (1, 2, 2).
between th e normals to the surfaces at the point.
IThe -position
. .vector . of the point
. . (1 , 2' 2) I·s =r=1·+ 2J+2k.

Let f1 =x2 +y2 +z2 andf2 =x1 +y2 -z.
f :-Xi+ YJ+Zk is the position vector of any current point Then grad f1 =2xi+2yj+2zk and grad/2 =2xi+2yj - k.
(X, Y, ~) on. the tangent plane at (1 2 2) the f f Let 11 =gradf at the point (2, -1, 2) and o 1 ~grad/2 at the
tangent plane is • , , equa ton o the 1 1

(R-r)•grad /= 0, point (2, -· 1, 2) . Then

n =4i-.2j+4k and n2 = 4i - 2j - k.
i.e. {(Xi+ Yi_+Zk) .c_ (i: 2j+2k)}•(4i+2i+ 2k)=0, The vectors n and n2 are along normals t o the two surfaces
i.e. {(X-- 1) •+(Y-- 2) J+(Z - - ) k}•'.4i+2i+2k)=0 at the point (2, -1, 2). If 8 is the angle between these vectors
i.e . 4 (X- 1)+2(Y-2)+2(Z-2)= 0, '
then n1 •n2= I n1 I \ n2 I cos 8
i.e. 4X+2Y+2Z=12, i.e, 2X+Y+Z=6. or 16+4 - 4=v'(16+4+16) v'(l6+4+1) cos 8.
.(I, 2,The equations of the normal t O th e sur1ace
,. 1
2) are at the point cos 8= ~~ 1) or B=cos- 3-v' - -( 2-1-) .
6 2
X- I Y- 2 Z- 2 Exercises
of =ar=~-, 1 . F ind the gradient and the unit normal to the level surface
ax ay· az x2 +y - z=4 at the poi nt (2 , 0, OJ.
X-1 Y-2 Z-2 . X-l Y-2 Z-2 Ans. 4i+j-k, ) (4i+j-k) .
i.e. T =2 =2, t,e. T =-1- = - 1-· 3 2
1 2
Es. 12. Given the curve x•+ y•+z2- 1 _ . . 2. Find the unit vector normal to the surface x - y +z=2 at
tion of two surfaces) find th __ . - • +y+z=l (rntersec- the poin~ (l, - 1, 2). Ans. ½(2i+2i+k).
point (I, 0, 0). • e equritrons of the angent line at the 2
Find the unit normal to the surface z=x +y at the point
s I • [Agra 1969]
( -1, - 2, 5)- (Kanpur 1975, 79)
o uhon. A normal to x1+y2+z1=l at(), 0, 0) is
grad f1=grad (x2+y2+z2)~2xi+2Yi+2zk=2i. Ans. ( ) ) (2i+4i+k).
A normal to x+y+z=l at (1, O, O) is 4.
Find the unit normal to the surface x - 3xyz+z +1=0 at
grad/2=grad (x+y+z)=l i+l i+l k=i+i+k. . the point (I, l, 1). (Allahabad 1979)
The tangent line at the po· t (l O O) . . Ans ( ) ) (i-3j - k).
these normals Th ., . . m ,:. • is perpendicular to both 11
. ere,ore it is para'.llel to the vector
(grad /1) X (grad / 2). 5. Find the directional derivative of ip=xy+yz+zx in the
Now (grad_fi>_x (~rad j~)=li X (i+j+k) direction of vector i+2i+2k at (1. 2, 0). Ans. 10/3.
Find the i directional derivative of <fo.(x, y, z)=x yz+4xz~ at
=21 XJ+21 X k=2k - 2j = Oi-2'j+ 2k . 6.
I, Now to find the equations of the line throu h the . the point (1, -2, 1) in the direction 2i-j-2k.
(1, 0, 0) and parallel to the vector Oi - 2j+ 2k g point (Poona 1970; Allahabad 78) Ans, -13/3 .
The required equations are 7. Find the directional derivative of the functior.
X-1 Y - 0 Z - 0 f=xy+yz+zx
o= -2 ==2 in the directiop of the vector 2i+3i+6k at the point (3, l, 2).
(Robilkband 1980, 81; Agra 75)
i.e. X=l, -
- --
z Ans. 45/7.
- 1 - I ·
8. Find the directional derivatives of ip=xyz at the point
Ex. !3• Find the angle betwun the surfaces x• • - 9 (2, 2, 2), in the directions
and z=x +i1- 3 at the point (2' - 1• 2) · +z2-80),
48 1,1,1dient, Divergence and Curl
Divergence of a Vector Poinr Function 49
(i) i, (ii) 'j, (iii} i+j+ k. ..(8. Divergence of a vector point function.
"'-_ Ans. (i) 4, (ii) 4, (i ii) 4\/'3. Definition. Let V be any given dif fer entiable vector po int June-
~ d the greatest va.lue of the directional derivative of the /mi. Then the divergence of V, writte n as,
function 2x 2 -y - z 4 at the point (2, -1, 1). Ans. 9. 'v • V or div V,
10. Find the maximum value of the directional d!!rivatives of
,/,=x yz at the point (I, 4, I). (Bombay 1970) I, defined as div V='i7 • V= (i
~ +j c,y +k ~-)•V
, ..
Ans. 9. . 2v+ J•
. av 2v ~· av
11. Find the equation of the tangent plane
yz-zx+xy+S=0, at t he point (1, - J, 2).
to the surface
ax ry- +k• c::- =.:..1• ex
=I• - -- .

[Meerut 1971 , 72; Kerala 74; Bombay 70]

Ans. 3x - 3y+2z=IO. It should be noted . that d;v V is a scalar quantity. T a~·ehe
12. Find the equations of the tangent pla ne and normal to the ,//vergence of a vector point f unction is .a scala r point Junction. :,,
surface x 9 +y 2 + z2 =25 at the point (4, 0, 3). +
J beorem. If V = V1 i V 2 j+ V3 k is a d ·.lfne ntiab/e vector p1Jin t
4x+3z=25; x - 4 =-o=-
y z -3
' -- -ax +-+-
Ans. -. .
I IIIICtlon, h
ten d'IV V OV1 0 V2 0 V3
4 3 cy az ·
13. Find the equations of the tangent pla ne and normal to the Proof. We have by definition
surface z=x 9 +y' at the point (2, - I, 5),
d . V n V . av . av k oV
Ans. 4x - 2y-z=5; x - 2 = Y+I
_ =_z-5 .
IV = v •
ax +J• a-y + •az- .

4 2 1 N V V11·+v.·+vk av iW1. 2v2. av,

14. Find the angle of intersection at (4, -3, 2) of spheres
2 2
ow = aJ 8 ; :. ox =ax •+ ax J+ ex k.
x +y +z 2 =29 and x 2 +y 2 +z 2 +4x -6y-8z-47=0.
• i • il V = j. ( aVt i + ~ V2 j + il Va k ) = c~V1 , . ,
Ans. cos- 1 v'(19/29). ox ax ex ax (,.,;
15. If F and/ are poi nt functions , show tha t the comr,0nents of S.m.1.1ar Iy . oV av2
J• - =-= -
av iW
and k• - = - ·8 .
the former .tangential a nd norm al' to the level surface ay ay cz az
/=0 are 'v/x (FX'v/) and (F•'v/ ) 'vi Hence d. IV
2v~ av.
v 2v1
=-+---+ - -.
('v/)2 (y/ )2 . ex , 2y ?z
Solutfon. The unit normal vector to the surface f-0 is ,,Solenoidal Vector. Definition. A •1ector V is snl,f to be solc:-
'vi noidal ~( div V =0. [Calcutta 1975)
= I 'v/: . ./§ 9. Curl of a vector point fu wtion. Defini tion . Let f be
... The magnitude of t he component of F along the normal 011y given differentiable vector point f unction. Th en the c'url or
rotation off, written as \l X f. curl f or rot f is defined as
-F• 'vf
I 'vi I.
curl f =V X f = (i ~
+j ~ +k ~, :: ,) x f
the component of F along the normal
?f ;,r ;,r
={F•·I 'vf
VI } . VI _ (F •'vf) _(F•V/)
I I 'v/ I - I "./ 1~2 VJ'- (''iJ/)2 Vf
= i X ·-- + j >,: . ;-·- + k X ·- = ki X .
ex ,·y 2= ex .
Consequently the tan gential component of F is [Mt'erut 1971, 72 ; Kerala 74; Bomba y 70; Delhi 64; Punjab 63 ]
It should be note d tha t c url f is a vecto r qu a ntity. I/1:.1 s the
=F- (F• \JI) 'vf=('vf•Vf) F - (F •'v/) 'vf cur! of a vector poin: f un~tio~ i!· a _vec t~r p,.li11t fu nc_tion. -
('v/)2 ('v/)2 · ./theorem . If f =/1 1 + .t~ J+f:1 k 1s a d1f(ere11 twble rector point
'v/x(Fx V/) func tion, then
= (V/)2 [ ·: a x (bxc)=(a•c) b-(a,b) c].
S olved Example
Gradient, Divergence and Cur/ 51
~~ ,.11rl , _ (
ay oz
i +(
a_r;) c~- 3b) j +( ab _'q f.)
ox ax oy
. ..( 10. The Laplaciao operator 'v' 1 • The Laplacian operator
2 • . 9_32 32 32
Proof. We have by definition y' lS defined as \] = ax2+ ay1+ az2 ·
curl f='v' x f=i xar +j xaf+kx ar If f is a scalar point function, then
nx ay nz
. a1f a2J o"f
::ix !x U1 i+/2 i+/3 k)+j x~Y U1 i+/ 2j+/3 k) 'i!; 2 +ay2 +az1 •
It should be noted that \] 2/ is also a scalar quantity.
+k x U1i+/2 i+fs k) If Cis a vector point function, then
a2r a2r a2r
=i X (of1 i+- of; i+ 0/1 k )+i X (aft i+ 0/ 2i+ 0/3 k ) 92 f =axa+ aya+azs·
ax ax ax ay ay ay
It should be noted that \] 2f is also a vector quantity.
+ k X ( ofi i + ~f,,, • + o_ls k )' il:aplace' s equation. The equation 9 3/=0 is called Laplace'J
oz az J oz

=( OX/2 k- O/sX i) + (- aoy/1 k+ oyofa i)+ (aOJ-.Z J._ OafZ2I·)
0 0 equation. A function which satisfies Laplace's equation is called a
harmonic function. · 1

=( 0ayfa __ ?ls)
i+( of1_of..
az ox
3) i+( a.t;_ aJ-.)
ox oy
. Ex. 1.
Prove that div !' =3.
. N o!e· It s_h ould be noted that the expression for curl f can be [Agra 1978; Rohilk.hand 81; Kanpur 75; M r.erut 67, 71]
':'ntten immediately if we treat the operator v' as a vector q ua n- Solution. We have r= xi+yj+zk.
t1ty. Thus
By d efi mhon, a +J• -a +k a- ) •r
d.1v r=\] •r= (·1 ;;;-
uX oy oz
Curl f= v' Xf-= (i ~ +j ~ + k o ) X (f; i+ f.. 1'+/' k) = i• or +i• ~+ k• Jr
riX rJy OZ l i 3
i i k I · ax ay az

a a 0
=i•i+joj+k•k [ .., a~=i or= ·
PX ' oy J,
ax ay ai =1+1+1=3.
Ex. 2. Prove that curl r=O.
!1 f'/, fa [Agra 1968; Kanpur 75, 79; Robilkband 76; Meerut 67, 71]
- ;;. a
ay Uz /;- h at ( ;, a ,k Solution. We have by definition

/2 fa I 1i /3 r,1 Curl r= 'i7 X r=(i ax

~+j ~+k.£..) x r
ay az
=( 0.f~ _ 012)
\ oy cz
i+( of 1 _ 'i!/8 ) .
az ax J+ ox - ny
(¾ 2fi) k.· . or . or k or
=IX '.l- +J X ;;;- + x a- ·
<l Xuy · Z

But we must t ake care that in tbe expansion of the detern,i - N OW r=XI·+YJ+z
. k• J. ;-=I, '.l- =J,. or = k .
?.r . or
nant the op · rat a a O must precede the fun cti ons f .r f, . uX l'Y 0. Z
" ors c::i x · r~y, <~
,Z 1' 2 , 3· 1 · Curl r=ixi+j x j+kxk=0+0+0=0.
..frrotational V"ctor. D ,.•fio•t· A vector f is said to be frr,. ta• Ex. 3. If f=x 2y i-2xz j+2yz k, find
.. 1 100.
tiono! 1( "iJ X f =O. {i) d£v f, (ii) curl f, (iii) curl curl f.
Solution. (i) We have
Solved Examples

div f='\l•f=(i ~ox +i ay

0 0
- +k - 'L(x•y i-2xz i+2yz k)
o.z J
a 1 a a Gradient, Divergence and Curl
- (x .1)+-
cy (-2xz)+-
az (2yz)=.2xy+O-J-2y=2y
· (x+ 1).
j k
(ii) We have curl f= v' Xf= j k
a 0
a u a ox ay
OX ay oz
sin y+z x cos y -z x-y
x•y -2xz 2yz
=[ay0- (2yz)-i_az (-2xz)] i-[?ax- (2yz)-i_az (x y)]j_ 2
=[ :Y (x-y)- 0~ (x cos y-z)] i--:-[ 0~(x-y)- 0~ (sin y+z) ]1
+~[ ~ (x z)] k
ax (-2xz)- oy 2
+[a: cos y-z)- :Y (sin y+z)] k
=( - I+ l) i-(1--l) j+(cos y -cos y) k=0.
=(2z+2x) i-0 i+(-2z-x1 ) k=(2x+2z) i-(x1 +2z) k. • v is irrotational.
(iii) We have curl curl f='\] X('v Xf)
='v X [(2x+2z) i - ,x 1 +2z) k]
E~. 6. If V is a cons tant vector, show that
( i) div v=0 (ii) curl V =0.
=1 - j k I • av . av +k•az
Solution. (i) We have div V=i• ax+ J• ay
nz - - riv
av av
2x+2z O -x 2 - 2z (ii) We have curl V =ix ·ax +i x oy +k x oz
=[i_cy (-x -2z)] i -- [ ax~-- (-x -- 2z) - oza (2x+2z)]j
=ix 0+ j X 0+k X 0=0.
Ex. 7. // a is a constant vector , fi nd
(i) div (r X a), [Robilkband 1980, 81]
+[0-~ (2x+ 2z)] k (ii) curl (r X a). (Robilkbamt 1981J
=0 i - -(-2x - 2) i+(0 - 0) k=(2x+2) j.
Ex . 4. Determine the constant a so that the vector ~ all
V=(x+3y) i+(y - 2z) j-j-(x + a:'.) k is solenoidal. [K anpur 1978J constants.
We haver X a= j k
Soluri on. A vector V is said to be solenoidal if div V =0.
We have div V= \7 •V = --- a (x+az)
(x+3y)+ ~a (y -2z)+ ::;- X y z
ox uy uz
= l + l +a=2+a. a1 a, aa
Now div V=O if 2+a=O i.e. if a= --2. =(aay-a~z) i+(a1z-a.x) J+(aax-a~y) k.
Ex. S. Show that the vector (I) div (r x a)=:x (aay-a2z)+a: (a1z-aax)+a: (a,x-a1y)
V=(sin y+z) i+(x cos Y-z) j+(x -y) k is irrotational.
Solution. A vector .v is sai d to be irrotational if curl V = 0. (ii) curl (rxa)=v' X(rxa)
We have curl V= 7 X V
j k
Solved Examples
•u adient, Divergence and Curl 55

~ ---- __ / -[ :Y (a,x ~a,y)- a! (a, z-a,x) ] 1-[0: (a,x--a,Y)

= :A-;: ~} [·.- 2;y=~ J
- 0 0 aY-a2z)] i+[
0: (a1 z-a8 x}- 0~ (a3 y-a 2 z) k J =ay
- \ - 6r - 6+ 6
a ( 3xy ) __ 3x 15xy or = _ 3x+l5xy1 ,
r r "y
u rf> ,1
=-2a1 i-2a2j-2a8 k= - 2 (a1 i+a 2 j+a3 k)= - 2a. 2
Ex. 8. IJV=e'" 11• O+i+k),find curl V.
, . a 2
S1m1larly i3z2 ,3-
( X ) 3x 5xz
= -,5 + ,1-.
[Meerut 1969; Agra 70] Therefore adding we get .
Solution. We have curl V= . j k

a, a a
(r~ )=( ~:2+~:2+!:2
·){ r~ )
9x l 5x 3 3x 15xy 2 3x 15xz2
ax ay az =-,5+7-,0 +~-,5+~
·J ~x
-- -,:i; I 5x
- +-,1
. 1 Sx I Sx
(x +y'+ zt) = - r-- +-
r7 r 6
= 0.
=[a~ (ezV•)-a! (e:tll•)] i+ [ a~(e"'Y•) - : (e:tll• )] j Exercises
1. If f=xy2i +2x 2yzj - 3yz2 k , find d;v f and curl f.
r+ ax~ (e "'Yz)_.£_
L ; ay
(exV•)] k What are their values at the point (1, -1, 1) ?
=e'"11• (xz-xy) i+e'"11• (xy-yz) j+e,., z (yz-xz} k. [Agra 1979]
Ex. 9. Evaluate div f where Ans. y 2 +2x2 z- 6yz; -(3z2 +2x'y) i+(4xyz-2xy) k.
1 At the point (1, -1, 1), div f=9 and curl f=-i-2k.
f=2x zi-xy 2 zj+3y 2x k. [Kanpur 1970]
2. If f=(y 1 +zi - x1 ) i+(z 2 +x 2 - .Y 2) j+(x2 +y1 -z1) k, find
Soldtion. We have div f and curl f.
div r='v• r= (·loxa +·Joya +k az-
a )•(2x zi -xy zj+3y xk } 2 2 2
Ans. -2x-2y - 2z; 2 (y - z) i+2 (:z -x) i+2 (x-y) k.
3. If F=xszi-2y3z 2j +xy 2 zk , find div F, curl Fat (1, -1, l).
a a a Ans. div F= - J, curl F=-6i+2j.
=ax (2x2z)+ a1 (-xy2~)+az (3y 2x) 4. Find div f and curl f where
=4xz-2xyz+q= 2xz (2-y). f=grad (x 3 +y 3 +z 3 -3xyz).
Ex. 10. Show that 'v 2 (x/rfl) =O. Ans. div f=6 (x+y+z); curl f=0.
-raa :1 ~ " : . 5. find the divergence and curl of the vector
'\7 3 I\ r- 3- ) == \ ax
X \ I
Solution. - "+
2 v- + ~ ) (~ ).
3y 2 oz2 ,a
f=(x2- y 2 ) i+2xyj+(i1 - xy) k. (Agra 1977]
Ans. div f=4x, curl f= (2y-x) i+yj.
ax r 3
ax ox r3
(~)}=-2{ J.. _3xr ax~}
ox r 3 4
6. Given ef,=2x3y 2z4, find div (grad r/,).
Ans. 12xy 2 z4 +4x 3z4 +24x 3y 2 z2 •
ax r
]_ _3.xr ~r }[ •••
3 4 r 1 =x2 + y 2 +z 2 gives ~ - 2r
3x -
J 7.
If u=x 1 -y 2 +4z, show that 'v 2u=0.
If u=3x 2y and v=xz 2 -iy, then find
a{ I 3x2 } I . 3 or 6x I 5x 2 ar grad [(grad u}•(grad v)J.
=ax r3 -rfi, = - r' ax -,5+7 ox Ans. (6yz 2 -4x} i+6xz 2 j+12xyz k.
3 X 6X J 5xi X 9x l 5x3 9. Iff=(x+v+l) i+j+(- x--y) k, prove that
+ ,6 , -- r6 + , 1

== ,i -:, · ~" •
f•curl f=O. [Kanpur 1980; Agra 78, 80]
10. If f=fi i+/2 j+fs k, show that
'v •f= 'v/ 1 •i+ 'vf2 •i 'vfa•k, +
Important Vector ldenliti
Gradient, Divergence a,id Curl 57
'i7 Xf = 'i7/2 Xi+ 'v12 X j + \7fs X k.
Find the consta nts a, b, c so that the vector
F=(x+2y+az) i+(bx - 3y-z) j+(4x+cy+2-z) I,
=~{ i• ( ~~ A)}+}:{ i•( rf, ~~)}
=}:{ (!~ ) •A}+}:{ rp ( i• :!)}
is irrotational.
Ans. a=4, b=2, c=- l.
-/4 1 \. lmport11nt Vector Identities. ['r' ·_-:e,·a'• (mb)=(ma)•b=m (a•b}]

.1'. Prove thar div (A+B)=div A+div B
V•(A+B)= V •A+V•B.
={}: !! i}•A+rf,~ (i~ ~!)=(Vrf,)•A+r/,(V •A} .
Proof. 'We have 4. Prove that curl (if,A)=(grad <{>)XA + if, curl A
. div (A+B)= V •(A+B)= ( i ix :y+j +k 'il~ ) •(A+B},
V X (<,hA) =(Vrp) x A + <,h (V X A).
[Agra 1968· M eerut 67, 68, 72; Bombay 68; Kanpur 76;

=i• ~ (A+B)+j• t ~A+Bi+k• ~ (A+B)

Proof. We have
' Punjab 63]

=i•(;JA + o!J)+j• (aA+ aB)+k•

ax ax oy oy (,oA + 0_!!'1·,
az. or .
curl (rf,A)='v X(</JA) = ( i :x+j ~)I +k a:) X(r/,A)
1. oA . oA aA) ( . as . aB,
= ( · ax+ 1·ay+k•az + •·ax+J• ay+R:•az
=V•A+ V •B=div A+div B.
aB), = ~{ i X :x.(rf,A)} = ~{ i X at A+ <p : : ) }

,l<" Prove that curl (A+Bl=curl A+curl B =L{i x ( : !A )} + L{ i x ( ¢, ~)}

'ilX(A+B)=V x A+ V xB.
We have curl (A+B)=v x (A+BJ .=}:{( ~;i) x A}+~{ 'P ( ix:f)}
=(i ix +j l+k a!) X(A+B)=~ix a\ (A+B)=~ix (~!+~!) ={ I (:! i)} x A+</JL( i
[Note that ax(mb) =(ma) X b=m (a x b)]

=( Vr/,) X A+ rf, (V X A).

~-1x oAx+ ....~·1xax=cur
= ... oB l A+cur I B. X :: )
5. Prove that div (A x B) = B•curl A- A-curl B
If A is a differentiable vector functio,i and r/, is, a differenti- or 'i7•(A x B)=B• ('i7 XAl - A•(v' XB).
able scalar Junction, then
[Agra 1970, Punjab 66, Baoaras 68, CaJicut 74,
div (rf,A)=(grad r/,)•A+rf, div A Allahabad 76, 78, 79, Meerut 72J
or V •tr/,A)= t 'i7 ¢)•A+ ¢ (v' •A). Proof. We have
[Meerut B.Sc. Physics 1983; Venkateswara 74; Robilkhaod 80;
· I Agra 71, 74; Bombay 70]
div(A XBJ=~{i• : x(A X BJ } =~{i• (!! xB-t-A x}f)}
Proof. We have
=I{'.• (tt X B) }+L { i• (A x!~)}
div (rf,A)= 'v •{st\A)= (i ~ -+j _i_+ k ~ )•(rf,A)
. • ax ay
. a (.I.A)
=L,{( ix~~)-B}-~{i• (i A)} X
=••ax .,, +J•• aoy (rf,A)+k•az(rf,A)
[Note a•(b xc)=(axb)•c and a• (b x c)= - a •(c x b)]

=}: f ix
i• ( rf, A) }=}; {i• (!! A+rf, t)} ={~ 0
(i x 0!n·•B-L{ (ix~!) •A }=(curl A)•B-{ L ( i X ~!)}•A
-= (curl A)•.B' - (curl B)•A=B•curl A-A•curl B'. · ·

58 Important Vec tor Identities Gradient, Divergence and Curl 59

6. Prove that Note.If we put A in place of B , the n

curl (AxB)=(B• 'v) A-8 div A-(A•'v) B+A div B. grad (A•A)=2 (A• 'v ) A+2AX('v xA)
[Agra 1972, 74, Allahabad 77, Punjab 61] or ½grad A2 =(A• 'v) A+A xcurl A.
Proof. We have curl (A X B) ='v X(AXB) 8. Prove that div grad if,= '7 2 ¢,
i.e. 'v·('vc/,) = 'v 2 ef., . [Rohilkhand 1981 ; Agra 70]
=I{ix}x (A x B)}=L{ i x( Ax~~+~!xs)} Proof. We have
'v•('vr/,)=(i i_+j i_ +k i_).
ax oy az (a,ox;, itaQI j+o,t,k)
ay oz
=}; { i x ( A x i )}+}; {ix(~{ x B)}

=};{(i• ~!) A-(i•A) ~!}+ ~{ (i•B) ~~-(i• ~~)s } =~at)+ :v(~1)+o! (!t)
a2<1, o',t, o2,;, ( a2 a2 a2 )
=a:x2 +oy +az = ax2 +ay2 +az2 r/,='v

=};{ (i• ~!)A }-~ {(A•i) ~!}+~{ (B•i) ~~}-~{ (i•:)B}

2 2

9. Prove that curl of the gradient of if, is zero

={ L( i ~!)} A- { A•};i 0°x}R+{r };i :x}A - {~( i• ~~)}B
0 0
'v X('vc/,) = O, i.e. curl grad <b=O .
[Rohilkhand 1981; Agra 74; Delhi 64; Banaras 70;
Meerut 72; Kera la 74; Venkateswara 74; Kanpur 70]
=(div B) A-(A•'v) B+(B•'v) A-(div A) B.
7. Prove that Proof. We have grad ¢,= ~-,;, i+ or/, j+ oef, k.
grad (A•B)=(B• 'v) A+(A •'v) B+B xcurl A+A xcurl B.
ox a_v oz
:. curl grad if, = 'v >< grad ¢,
[Allahabad 1980, 82, Rob ilkband 78 , Punjab 67; Baoaras 68)
Proof. We have ~(i~ _ +i
u,., aoy-+k a-
ax i+a,t,
ay J· +o
grad (A•B)= 'v (A• B)=~i ix (A B)=:Ei ( A-~!+ at•B)
0 = j k

0 3 3
= L{(A • ~~) i }+}; {(B• ~~) i } · ... (1) ox ay oz
No w we know that a x (bx c)=(a c) b-(a b) c. 0
or/, a,;,
.,. (a b) c=(a c) b -a x (bxc).
0 0
ax ay az
3B) I.= (A• .l) aB
.,.• (,A"ax ( oB . )
ox- A x,ax x1 =(-a2,;, _ _§!j___) i (J:j_- _
9l )
ay oz az oy + oz ax - ox oz
an A X ( IX·
= (A •l. )oX+ . aB)
ax. =Oi+ OJ+Ok=O,
pro_v ided we suppose that rf, has continuous second partial deri -
Thus}; {(A•~~) i }=L { (A •i ) ~!} + L{ A X (ix~~)} va tives so that the order of differe ntiation is immaterial.
10. ProJ1e that d1J1 curl A=O, i.e., 'v•('v x A) =O.
={A•Li :x1 B+AXL ( ix o~)
0 (Agra 1970, Kerala 74; Kolhapur 73; Bombay 68)
Proof. Le t A=A 1 i+A 2 j+A 3 k .
=(A• 'v ) B+Ax('v XB). ... (2) Then curl A='v XA = i j

Similarly 1:{ (B•~!) i}=(Bo'v) .\+Bx('v xA). ... {3) 0 a

Putting the values from (2) and (3) in (I), we get ox oy
grad (A•B)=(A•'v') B+A x ('v xB)+(B•'v) A+BX('v X A) .
,radien(, ,lJiitergenct? and C.ur/ ,

Solved Examples
. ·•'(u.)~----+J
= .l!f
ou . f'( u)-
ac!u +k f, (u)-
vX y oz
=( oy1
oA _?~ 2
) i+( oA oAa) ·+(0A2_~A1 )
_ k.
'( ·)r·[. -+
J , ·u ox J --
au] ,
au . au+ k-
oy oz , =f (u) grad u.
02 oz ax J ox oy ,
x A) Ex. 2. T:11kiing .F=x'y i + xz j +;?yz k ve~ify th~t div curl F=O.
( Now di.v- curl A= "iJ •( v'
_ o_{;'oyj,3,_iJA 2 ) o (0A_0Aa)
1 a (oA 2 _aA 1 ) Solution. W:e have Curl F= 'i
[Agra 1968]
ox \ ay a,z + oy az ax +az ax oy j k
o2A 3 _o2 A2+_1ifrA _o2 Aa+ o2A2_----1..
o2A :a a a
-ax ·ay-ax oz ' oy oz - ay ax oz ox oz oy
=O, ass uming that A has continuous second partial derivatives.
cl.ix ,8y oz
11. Prove that
x2JP :x-z 2yz
V x ('v X A)= V ( v' •A)- 'v 2 A. (Meerut B .Sc. Physics 1983;
Proof. Let A =A 1 i+A2i+Aak,
Allahabad 81; Agra 71] =[:Y (2yz)-:z (xz) Ji-[~x(2yz)) - !z ('x y)J j 2

Then · 'v XA= j k +'\[,ox

u- (xz) - cy---a (x 1y) ]k
o· a a =(2z-x) i-0 j+<z - k=(2z - x) i+(;z-: x 2) k.
x 2)
ax ay oz N0w div curl F=div [(2z-x) i+(z-x2 } k]

Aa ~ · (z-.x )= -
=~uX (2z-x)+ oz 2 I+ 1 =0.
j+(:i2-::1) k.
Ex. 3. Find V ,f, and / 'v ,f,
,f,=(x•+y2+z2) e -{x2+y2+z2)1'2
I M-'lien
j k
Solution. Let r =x 2 +y2 +z2. Then we can ,write ,f,=r'e-r.

a a a Now v7,1. o,f, 1. o,f,. 2¢ k

ax ay oz .,,=ax +uy 1+a-; ·
o,f, 'iJrp rlr . Ar
oA 0A 3A! _ oA 3A 2 3A 1 V..'e have -- = - - - = [2re-r - r 2 e-rJ - .
az ax
ax -oy ox ur l!x <i x
But ,2=x2 +y2+z2.
=1;[{Iay (i~2_2A1)_ ! (0A1_0A3)} j] , iJr or
ax ay az az ax X
1 here fore 2r '.l =2x or - = -
ox r
=};[{a!2~ +a!~t; )-(~:~1+a;~1)} i) So
ilx=re-r (2-r) -;:- =( 2 -r) e-r x.

{!x (:;2+~:a)-(~:f1+ ::~)} i J

=}: [ . ·1
S 1m1 2,f, i),f,
arly - - =(2 - r) e-r y a nd . =(2 - r) e-r z.
=};U!x(!:1+::2+::3)-(!:11+;;11+ ~:~1)} i J ~ Jz
Therefore '7</,=(2 -r) e-• (xi+yj+zk)=(2 - r) e-r r .
{:x ('v•A)-(v' A i ]
=}; ( 2
1 )}
Also I 'v,f, l= I (2-r) e- r r 1=(2- r) e-r I r 1=(2 - r) e- r r.
Ex. 4. Prove that di,, (rn r) =- (n +3) ,n_
=1 lH:x ( v' •A)} i ]-v ~A1i='v ( v' •AJ -
v> 2 A. Solution. We have
[Mcerut 1971 ; Roh ilkhaod 78; Agra 76]

Solved Examples div (,f,A)=rf, (div A)+A-grad cf,.

Ex . 1. Prove that gradf(u)=f' tu) gradu.
Solution. We have
· · ·
f (u)+j ~
f (u)+k °
f (u)
62 Gradient, Divergence and Curl
Solved Examples 63

Putting A=r and ~1, = r" in this identity, we get 3 x 2 +v 2 +z 2 3 r2 3 1 2

div (rn r)=r" div r +r•grad rn
=--,- - - -,a--- = r---,;- = 7-7 :=. , :•
=3rn+r•(nrn- 1 grad r) Ex. 8. Prove that the vector /(r) r is irrotational.

=3rn+r{n,n-1 +
div r = 3 and grad/(u)=/' (u) grad u]
r] [ ·:
=3rn+11rn- 2 (r•r) =3 r"+nrn- 2 r 2 =(n+3) rn.
grad r=:-+ r]
curl [fir) r] = O.
[Agra 1974; Kanpur 1975]
The vector /(r) r will be irrotational if

We know that Curl (¢A)= (grad ¢)X A+s6 curl A.

Ex. 5. Prove that 2
(r" r)=n (n+3) ,,,-a r. [Agra 1970] Puttin g ¢=/(r) and A= r in this identity, we get I I

Curl [/(r) rJ=[grad /(r)J X r+f(r) curl r

Solution. We have v 2 (r" r)= V ['v•(rn r)J=grad[div(r"r)J
=U'(r) grad r] x r+fir) 0 [·: curl r=O]
=grad [(g rad r") •r+rn div r]
=grad [("Jr"- 2 r) • r+3rn]=grad [nrn- 2 r 2 +3rn]
=grad [nrn- 2 r 2 +3rn]=grad [(n t-3) r"]
= [f'(r) + r]xr = f'(r) ; (r x r)=O, since r x r=O.
The vect Jr f(r) r is irrotational.
=(n+3) grad r"=(n+3) nrn- 2 r=n (n+3) rn-2 r. ·
Ex. 9. (a) Prove that 9 2 f(r)=F(r)+!:_ f '(r).
Ex. 6. Prove that di11 ( ,~ ) =0. [Banaras 1970] r
Solution. We know that if ,f, is a scalar function then
Solution. We have div ( ,~ r) =div (,-3 r) V 2 r/,=V·('vrf,).
J. 9 f(r)= 'v •{ 9 /(r)}=d iv {grad f(r)}
=r··3 div r+r•grad ,- 3 =3r- 3 +r •(-3,-4 grad r)
=3r -~ +r •( -3,- 4 ~ r)
= div {/'(r) grad r }=div { + f'(r) r}
=3r- 8 --3r- 6 (r•r)=3r- 3 -3r-o r 2 = 3r- 3 -3r- 3 =0 . . = 7 J'(r) div r +r•gra d { +- /'(r)}

Ex. 7.
the vector ,-s r is solenoidal.
" 2/r.
Prove t Jiat d"iv r= [Kanpur 1979]
=-t f'(r)+ r•[ ! { +/'(r)} grad r]
Solution. d iv (;)=d iv ( + r ). Now proceed as in Ex. 4. = ! f'(r)+r•[ {- ~~f'(r)++, r(r) J! r]
}lJ (r•r)
Alternative Method. ,:--.! .. I' (r ) + [ -Ir { - I f ,(r)+ -1 /"(r)

div ; = · div ( +r) =di v [ ; (xi + yj+zk) ] =

~r f'(r)+[J__r {-t


/'(r) +.!_ f"(r) }] r

. r

=d iv ( ; i+; j+ ; k ) =!x (: )+!y ( ~ )+ ~ ( ; ) = 2_

f'( r) -J_ f'(r)-t-J'(r)=/"(r)+'!:_ f'(r).
r r
x ox
= ( ,1 -,i" or) + (..!._ L2 ay)+
~ ' (-~-~
-,r i 2 oz•
a, ) Ex. 9. (h) If \7 2 /(r)=O, show that

or or X
/(r)= :!_+c2 ,
Now r 2 =x 2 +yi+z 2 • 2r -=2x i.e. ;:-= -- · 2 2
OX r.'X r :!·here r =x +y2 +z 2 and c1 , c2 are arbitrary constants.
or y or ~
Similarly - = - and ,,= -. [Bombay 1969]
ay r uz r ,_-;nlu!iou. As shown in the precedir,g example, if
div r = , -
3 (X;:a-,+
Z Z)
+Y 2 +z2, then 7 2
-=J"(r) + 2 . f'(r).
< radient, Divergence and Curl 65
64 So/lied Examples I

Ex. 12. Prove that v' 2(#)=cfoV'cli + 2v'cfo•v'cli+cliv' 1 cfo. ·

.._ if 'iJ f(r)=Q, then
2 (Meerut 1972; Bombay 70]
2 f" ir ) 2 Solution. We hav9 v' 2('Pl!,)='v•[v'(\Ucli)]
J"(r)+,: f '. (r) =O or f'--(r'J =--;:· ·=9•[,p (9tJi)+cj, (9ip))=v'•[cp {'ycj,)]+9e[tjl (v',p}J
Integratiqg ·with respec.t tor, we get =¢,9 •(9 l)i) + (9tli)·( 9 ,fo)+ IJ;9 •(v' cfo) +(Vlji)•(V cp)
logf'(r)=-2 log r+log c, whe re c i<S.a ,constant =+v•l)i+ 2v1 cfo• 91ji+cliv' 1 cp.
C Ex. 13. Prove that div ( V,p X 9cli)=0.
[email protected] -·• •
1r· Solution. We know that
div (AxB)=B•Curl A - A•Curl B.
f'(r)= ~.
r :. div (9,f,X 9tjl)=(v'1Jij•(Curl 9,p)-(9,f,)-(Curl 'vcli)
Again integrnting, =(91Ji)•0,,....--('v ,p)•O [ ·: curl grad .cfo=0]
f(r)=-~+c. where' c., i'i a constant =0.
r .. .. •
Ex. 14. If A and B ,:re irrotational, prove that AX B is sole-
=c: +c 2, replacing -c by c1 • noidal. [Bombay 1970; Kanpur 77, 79]
Ex. 10. Prove that 9 1
( +)=o. Solution. If A and B are irrotational, then
curl A=O, curl B=O.
[Agra 1976; Rohilkhand 81; Kanpur 76) Now div (AxB)=B-curl A-A•curl B=B•O-A•O=O.
Solution. We have
Since div (Ax B) is zero, therefore Ax B is solenoidal.
( ~ )=9~( V ~ )=div ( grad+) Ex. )5. Prove that curl (if, grad ,f,)=0.

= div ( - _!_ grad ,) = ·d iv { - ~ !_ r) =div
r· r
{- -~-
r) Solution. We know that
curl (,f,A)=grad ,f,xA+,f, curl A.
=(.. :_ ,11-1_) ,a ,a
div r+;•grad( - _!_)= -]__ +r•[!!_
dr (-~)grad,]
r .
Putting grad ,f, in place of A, we get
curl (,f, grad ifo)=grad ,f,xgrad cfo+,f; curl grad if,
=-~ +r•( r4
~-'-r r )=- -+ ,s (r •r)= - ,a3- +},s r
3 3
= 0. =0+s&O.
Here grad ,f, x grad cfo=O, since it is the cross product of two
. . 1/r is a solution of Laplace 's eq uation. equal vectors. Also curl grad cfo=O.
Ex. 11. Prove that div grad r 11 = n (n+ I) , 11 - 2 ,
i.e .• : . curl (,f, grad ,'>)=0+0=0.
9 2 rn_=n (n+ l) , 2 • 11 -·

[.Kanpur 1978, 80; Robilkhand 81; Agra 69; Calicut 75] Ex. 16. If f and g are two scalar point functions, pro"e that
Solution. We have 9 2 r"= v' • (9 r") = div ( r 11 ) div (f 9g)=f v' 2g+ V f• 9g. [Meerut 1972]
= div (11rn-- 1 grad r ) = <liv ( n, n- 1 t-- r ) = div (nr 11- 1 r) . w h og. og ·+ag ...
Solution. e ave Vg= ;,- •+-,,- J :;- "'·
· uX uy uz
= (nr 11 - div r + r• (grad 11, 2 ) 11 -

= 311r 11 - 2 + r• [11 (ri -2) , 0 - 3 grad r ] Therefore f

og . f og .+fog
y g= f ax I+ oy J oz k .
= 3nr 11 - 2 + r•[ n (n - 2) ,,.- 3 + r]
So ~)+~y ( /
<!!v (/Vg)=:x ( f !;)+~z ( .f :;)
~,-311r "-~ + r• f11 (n -- 2) , n-·•1 r] =3nr" - 2 + 11 (n - 2)
a•g ag a g) (af og of ag of og)
4 (r•r)
2 2
= 311 , ,. ·- 2 +11 (n - 2) rn-~ r 2 = nrn-~ (3 + n - 2) = n (11 + l ) , n- s.
-/ (.ax1 +ay1 +az• + ax ax+ay ay+nz oz
No te. lf n = - 1, th en 9 2 (r - 1 ) '--= ( -- I ) ( - 1+ 1) ,-- :i= o.
66 Solved Examples
Gradient, Divergence and Curl 67
02 0 02 )

=f ( ox2 +oy2 +oz 2 g =12 r-5 -
x-3r 4 =12r 6 x 2 -3r-'.
+( of i+ of i+ of
.ax oy oz
k)·( ox
o! i+ ~g i+ a_g: k)
ay oz · Similarly !Y (-3,- 4 y)= 12,-1 y -3r-' 3

=f 'v 2g+ 'vf• '\l g .

Ex. 17. A vector function f is the product of a scalar function and
a (-3r-4 z}=12r- 8 z2 -3r-4 •
\ and the gradient of a scalar Junct:'on. Show that
l ) . .
f curl f=O.
[Ker.ala 1975] Hence 'iJ• ( r'v;,a =12,- 6 (x2 +y 2 +z 2 J-9r-'
,1 Solution. Let f= \)I grad rp, where \)landef,arescalar functio ns.
We nave curl f=cur (41 grad ¢).
= 12r-8 r 1 -9r 4 = 12r-•-9r-•=3r-'.
We know that curl (,f, A)=(grad rp) X A+ <$ curl A.
Ex. 19. Prove that a• (9 +) = __::r..
curl (tl, grad ¢,) =(grad 41) x (grad cf,)+ 41 (curl grad cf-) Solution. We have
=(grad qi)X(grad cf,) [·: c url grad rp=OJ 1 1 1 1 1
Now f curl f=( \)I grad ¢,)•{(grad qi) X (grad cf,)}
- .- r r=- r3
grad -r = --,1 grad r= - ,2 -- r.
=[41grad rp, grad \)I, grad cp]=41 [grad cf,, grad \)I, grad cfi]
a-(v _!__)=a•(-tr)=- a•r.
=0, since the value of a scalar trip!¢ product is zero if r r~ rs
two vectors are equal. Ex. 20. Prove that

Ex. 18. Prove that 'v •{ r'v (r; )}=,~ h•'v ( a•'v _!__)= 3 (a•r) (b•r) _!l•b
r rs ,s
or, div [r grad r- 3 J=3r- 4 • where a and b are constan t vectors.
Solution. As shown in the last example, we have
Solution. We have 'v ( r~ ) =grad r- 3 1 a•r
&• 'v - r = - 3r

=:?_ (r-a) i+ o_
ox i+ ~ (rs)
oy oz (r-s) k. :. h• 'v {~•v J_)= h• 'v (- a•r)=b-:Ei ~- (- a•r)
. o Vr r r 3
ra ax
ox v- )=-3,- ox'3 4
But r 1 =x1 +y 1 +z•.
=h•I:i {- r~ !x (a•r) +(a•r) !x (·-r~)}
' Therefore 2r. -=2x
or or X
=h•I:i {-..!.. (a• or)+3 (a•r) ,- , 71·}
or;-= - ·
ox u 'X r 4
a . -~ - -. ·- ox r3 . ox
so ox (,-a)= - 3r-4 7 = - 3,-5 x. [·r a is a constaL: vector]

3r- 5 y and o_ (r- 3)=-3r- 5 z. =h•I:i { - a•i + 3x (a•r>} [ .•. ar =i and er= -~- ]
uy (,- )= - ox
oz ra r 5 • t1 x r

Therefore 'v (,~ )=-3r- 5 {xi+yj+zk). = h•t {-1-

rs (a•i) i-:-~
,.,- (a•r) xi}

,-a a+ r~5 (a•r) r} [·: ~(a i) i= a,an d ~xi=rl

=b·{--1 0

•• r 'v (,~ )=-3,-4 (xi+yj+zk).

( 1)
a b 3 (a•r) (b •r)
o (-3r- 4 x)+ o . y)+-:,-o ( - 3r' z), - ,a +--

:. 'v • r'\7 =- - (-3r-• r:, ----· •

r3 , OX oy uZ

o or Ex. 21. Prol'e that div ( AX r)=r c1tr/ A. 0 [Robilkhand 1979]

Now - ( - 3,-• x)~-= J 2 ,- 6 -- · x-3r 4 Solution . · We know that ·
L OX div(},. x B)=B•curl A- A•curl B.
68 Solved Examples

... div (A>(r)=r•curi A-A•curl r Gradient, Divergence and Curl 69 ·I

=r-curl A-A•0 C: curl r=0]
=r•curl A. Then b r=(b 1 f +b2 j+b11 k) <> (~I+ yj+2k)

E~. 22. If a Is a constant vector, prove that -=h1 x+b,y+b,z where b1 , b,, b8 are constants.
div {r• (ax r)}=0. [Allahabad 1980; Robilkbaod 77) :. grad (b•r)= b 1i+biJ+b3k=b.
Solution. We have · ;. div [(b•r) a]=a•b. . ..(2)
div (,f,A)=,f, div A +A•grad ,f,. Again div [(b•a)] r=(b••) div r+r .. grad (b•a).
• div {r" (axr)}=r" div (axr)+(axr)•grad rn But div r=3. Also grad (b•a)=O because ~-a is con~tant.
div [(b•a) r]=3 (h••). ...(3).

=r" div (axr)+(axr)•(nrn-1 grad,)
Substituting the valuea from (2) and (3) in (1), we get
=r" (r•curl a-a•cml r)+(a xr)•( nrn-1 div [(rxa)xb]=(a•b)-3 (h••)=-2b••·
(ii) Curl [(rxa)x b]=curl [(b•r) a-(b•R)r]
':'~ ,,. (r•0-a•0)+nrn- 2 (ax r)•r =curl [(b•r}af-curl [4,b•a} r].
[•f curl of constant vector is zero and curl r=0J But curl (ef,A) = grad ,f,xA+,f, curl A.
=nr•:...2 (a, r, r] :. curl [(b•r) a]=[grad (b•r)] x a+(b•r) curl a ·
· =0, since a scalar triple product ha,ring two equal vectors is =bx a [ ·: curl •=0 and grad (b•r)=b]
r.ero. Also curl [(b•a) r]=[grad (b•a)] X r+(b•a) curl r
\ Ex. 23. Prove that
'v •(U'v V-V'v U)=U'v 1 V-V':::J 1 U. .•
=0 [·; grad tbea)= O and curl r=OJ
curl [(rxa) x b]=bxa-0;,,.bxa.
[Meerut 1969; Bombay 69; Agra 70] Ex. 25. If a is a constant vector, prove that
axr a 3r
Solution. We have 'v •(r.l":::J V- V':::J U) ,,
curl-= - - +- (a•r).,3 ,6
= 'v e( U'v V)- 'v •( V'v U).
Solution. We have
Now 'v •(U'v V)= U{'v •(\7 V)}+('v U\•('v V)
=rrv•v +(\7 U)•C\7 V>. curl axr=\7
,a x(axr)=E{
r3 lx~-(~x')}
ax ,a .
Interchanging U and V, we get
'v~cvv U}= V\l 1 U +(\7 V)•(V U). Now a_ (•~r)\ =- ~ ~ (axr)+-:i (ax~r )+ ! ('~~xr)
ax r r vX r r u:: vX
~ \7 •(U'iJ V :-- V\7 U) ...(1)
= [UV f V+(V U)•('v V)]-[V':::J 2 U+(\l V)-(VU>]
Now aa =0 because a is a constant vector.
=Uv 2 v-vviu. ax '
Ex. 2~·. If~ and b ar~ constant vectors, prove that ar .
(i) div [(rXfi) XbJ=-, 2h•a, [Roliilkband 1979]
Also r=xi +yj+zk. :. ax=•·
(ii) curl [(rxa)xb] = bxa. [Robilk~aod 1979] or
Further "5""" = - ,
SuMion. (i) We have (rxa)Xb=(b•r) a-(b•a) r. . vXr ·
.:. div I(r x a)xb]=div [(b•r) a-(b•a) r] :. (I) becomes
=div [(b•r) aJ-div [(h•a) r,]
But div (ef,A)=c/> div A+A•grad ef,.
.•• (1)
,:i-· -,, ~,
ax·(•><r)= 1.
0 (axr)+.l ,
1 (axi)

Taking cp=h•r and A=a, we get 3x · ,t

=- ,6 (axr)+-.
di't' ((b•r) a]=(b•i;) div a+a•grad (b•r).
. I •I ,
a 3x.IX (axr)+ ;•1lt IX
(axr·) =-,6 , (,lllX I)
SIIJCe ;a 11:1 .a ·constant vector, therefore div a=0. ). iXax ·- , ,
Also 1~!, i b=b1 i+b2 )+b8 k.
.:...-;: [ (i•r) a-(i•a) r ]+ ,! [(i•_i) a-(i•a)i]
70 Solved Examples radient, Di,-ergence and Curl 7l
3x 3x I 1 2. Pro,,e that
=-;:n xa+,6 a 1r+;:a a-;a a1 i
curl (lj., '\7 ,p)=Vt!ix '74> = -c ur l (ip \i'41). [Bombay· 1969]
[·; i•r= x and i•a = a 1 ifa -= a 1i+11.H•a 3k) 3. Show that curl (a • r) a= O, where a is a constant vector.
3xz 3 I I [Hint Use identity 4. Note that 'V (a·•r) = a, if a is a cons-
=-",f •+,;- a1x r+,3· a-;:a a1 i. tan t vector.]
J. ~)
i; ~ {a~r)}
uX \ r
4. If a is a consta nt vector, then pro ve that
(i) 'v (a•u)= (a• 'v) u + ax curl u,

a+{,; ~ a1 x} r+ ,;
(ii) 'v"(a x u) =- a cu rl u,
={-) ~x 2

(i ii ) V x( a x u)=a div u --( a • 'v) u.

,2 a+2 Prove that a {'v (v•a) - 'v x (v x a)} =div v, where a is a: cons-
,l.a a- ,a
rb (r•a) r+ _ l. a S. 0

""' - r fi tant 1mit vector.

6. Given that pl<' = 'v p wh ere P, p, F are point functions ,
a 3 prove that F "cur.1 F =O. [Kerala 1975]
= - ,a- +,r (a•r) r.
7. SL.ow that curl aip (r) = ..!._ rp' (r) r- X a, where a is a constant
Ex. 26.
h . d ' { f(r)
Prove t at rv - , -
r} = ,a /drd ( r
1 2 / )
• [Agra 1971] vector.

8. Prove that curl (a X r) r"= (n -t-2) r n a- n ,,,-i (r •a) r .

Solution. We have [Rohilkband 197_7]
d .IV {f(r)
-- -
r} = d . IV { -f(r)
( XI·+ YJ•+ Zk)}
Prove that curl grad r" =0.
If r is the position vector of t he poi nt (x , y, z) show that curl
(r"r) =O, where r is the mod ul e of r. [Kanpur 1978]
= ! x{f;r) x }+ :y{~r) Y} :- a! lf;') z} ... (1)
lJ. . Prove that r"r is an irrotational vector fo r any value of n but
is solenoidal only if 11 + 3=0. [Agra 1976; Robilkband 78]
Now ~ { / (r) x }=/(r) +x !!. { /(r) 3~
ox r r · dr r J ox
l 12.
If u=( l /r) r, show that 'V x u=O.
If 'i] 2.f (r )= 0, sho w that /(r)=c, log .r+c1
[Kanpur 1979]

=f(r) +x{ f' (r) _

r r
_!_ f
(r) 1~ r
= f(r) +x2 f' (r) - xi f(r ).
r r2 r3
where r 2 cc=x 2 +y2 a nd c1 , c2 are a.rbitrary constants.
[Poona 1970]
2 [ Hint. Firnt show that if , i= x 2 +y1 , then
. .1 I - o { -f<r) y } = /1r)
S1m1ary - + y-2 J., ( r) - y- 3
Ji( r)
. oy T r r r
\7 2f (r)=(~:,+~:2) f (r)>= f' ,er> +r (r).]
and ~ { f(r) z } =f(r) +z_:_2 f' (r)-::_ f (r ).
oz r r r ,a 14. If u= (l /r ) r fi nd grad (div uj. [.Kanpur 1976]
Puttin ~ these values in (1), we get Ans. <-2/r 1 ) r.
IS. Prove that½ 'i] a 2 =(1l • 'v ) a +a x curl a.
div { / (r)
r}= -~/(r)+C.,2 /' (r)-C_,a
. r
f (r) 16. If a and b are constant vectors, then show that
'v •(a•br)= a•b.
=; f(r)+f' (r) = ,! [2r/(r)+r 2 /'( r) }=,! d~[ r /(r)J. 2
17. Prove that '\/ 2 [ 9' • {,: ) ]=2r-'.
Exercises 18. Evaluate div {a x (r x a )}, when: iii is a constant vector.
1. Verify that curl grad /= 0, where [KliDpur 1976]
Ans. 2a 1 ,
f = x 2y+2xy+z 2 • [Agra 1973)
72 Invariance Gradient, Divergence and Curl 73

§ 12. lnvariance. .o
•c,+J -ay+ k
.o o a ., a-,
,: -, =•., a-;+J a +k',-·~·
Theorem I. Show that under a rotation of rectangular axes, uX uz X y uZ

the origin remaining the same, the vector differential operator 'v Theorem 2. If <f, (x , y, zl is o scalar invariant with , respect to
remain3 invariant; a rotation of axes, then grad </, ;s a vector invariant under this trans~
Proof. IA:t O be the fixed origin. Let Ox, Oy, Oz be one formation.
system of rectangular axes and Ox', Oy', Oz' be the other 'system Proof. Fi n , ., . Jceed exactly •.. t ~e same manner as in theo-
of rectnngular axes. Take i, j, k as unit vector3 along Ox, Oy , Oz rem 1 and obtain the 'e quations (I) and (2) .
a:nd i', j', k' ,as unit vectors along Ox', Oy', Oz'. Let P be ~ny Now suppose the function ef, (x, y, z) becomes ,p' (x', y', z')
point in space whose co-ordinates are (x, y, z) or (x', y', z') with after rotation of axes . Then by hypothesis </,(x, y, z) = ef,' (x', y', z').
,e11pect to the two systems of axes. Let Ii, m 1 , n1 ; / 2 , m2 , 112 ; / 9 , By chain rule of d ifferentiation. we have
m1 , n8 he the direction cosines of the lines Ox', Oy', Oz' with res- ocf, oc/>' ox' otf/ oy' oc/i' il z'
. pect to the co-ordinate axes Ox, Oy, Oz. ax=ox' ax +ay' ox +az' ax •
The scheme of transformation will be as follows ; Jx' ov' oz'
But from (I) , - = 11 • :;;:--=12 , ;--=la,
x'=l1x+m1 y+n 1z1 ' 0X uX uX
y'=l2 x+m:ay+n 2z >- ... (1) • e<f, aef,' a,;,' aef,' 1
z'=l 8 x+m 3 y-f-n 8 zJ ax= 1• ox'+/ 2 oy'+ls oz' I

Al.bto we know that if/, m, n are the direction cosines of a ot/, c</>' 0¢,' o<f,' I
Similarly oy = in 1 ox'+m2 oy'+ m~ oz' > ... (3)
line, then a unit vector along that line is /i+mj+nk, where i, j, k
are unit :vectors along co-ordinate axes. Therefore and
o<f, ac1,· o<f,' a¢/
oz = ni ax:+n 2 oy'+ ns oz' J
i'=l1 i+m 1 j+n1 k 1
k =/ 31+maJ+n1k
j ••• (2) Multiplying these equations by i, j, k respectively, adding and
using the results (2). we get
If Vis any function (vector or scalar) of x, y, z, then i ocfa +· ocf, +k
acp = i' ?cfa'+., af +k' of
ax J oy
oz ox' J oy' oz'
av avax' av oy' avaz' grad cp = grad ,/,'.
ax-ax' ax + oy' ax +az' ax. Theorem 3. If V (x, y, z) is a vecto• fun ction invariant with
• ~_ox'~ oy' j_ .oz' ~ respect to a rotation of axes. then div V is a scalar invariant under
. . ax=axox'+ ox oy ,+ax oz'" this trans/ormation.
Bx' oy' oz' Proof. First proceed exa~tly in the same manner as in theo-
But from (I), ax =Ii, ax =12, ax =la.
rems l and 2.
. a a +I a a 1 Now suppose the function V (;.:, y, z) becomes V' (x', y' , z')
• ax= 11 ox' 2 oy' +11 az' I after rotation of axes. Then by hypotbesis

a a . a a
a/=m1 ax'+m, oy'+m, oz'
r .. .(J)
V (x,y, z)=V' (x',y', z').
,: , I. By chain rule of differentiation, we have
u a a a 1 av_ av: a;;' av' oy' av· az'
az=ni ox' +n, oy'+na oz' J ox - ax' ox +ay' ox + az' ax· '
Multiplying the equations (3) by i, j, k respectively, adding ox' oy' oz'
and usin) the results (2), we get But from (1), ox =11, ilx =la, ox =la.
74 In variance

>- ... (3) 3
and I ~reen's, Gauss's and
.J ·Stoke's Theorems
Taking dot product of these three equations by i, j, k respec-
tively, adding and us ing the results (2), we get
·.I• av . av k av ., av' ., av' k' av,
- ...L • - = I • - + J • - + • - ·
- + J• ay
ax ' oz ox ' 8y ' oz' § 1. Some preliminary concepts.
or div V=div V'. ,.,Oriented curve. Suppose C is a curve in space Let us orient
Theorem 4. If V (x, y, z) is a vector J •nction invariant under C by taki ng one of the two di rectio ns along C as the positive direc-
a rotation of axes, then curl V is a vector invariant unde r this rota- tion; the opposite direct ion alo ng C is then called the negative
tion. [Punjab 1966] direction. Supposr; A i~ the initial point and B the terminal poiut
Proof. Proceed exactly i,n t he same man ner as in theorem 3.
In place of taking dot product of equations (3), tak~ cross
product. We sha ll get
. av+.] Xa-+
_av k x av o-=
., av· J., X;;,+
I x u6",+
av· k' x'.l'
OX Y Z X uy uZ
or curl V=curl V'.

Oriente d closed curve

of C under the chosen orientation. In ca~e these two points coin ,
cidc, the curve C is called a closed curve.
'1smooth cun'e. Let r (t) = x (t) i+ y (t) j +z ( t ) k, where r (t)
is the posi tion vector o f (x, y, z), be the parametric representation
of ·a curve C joining t he p oin ts A and B, where t=t 1 and t = ts
respe ctively. W e k now that dr is a tangent vector to thi5 cur\'e at
the poin t r. Suppose the function r (t) is continuous and ha!! a
continuous first de rivative not equal to zero vector fo r all values
of t u.ader consi deration. · The n th e curve C possesses a unique
tan gent at each of its points. A c ur ve sa ti 5fy ing these assurri ption3
i;; ca ll ed a smooth curve.
,iA. curve C is said to be piecewise smooth if it is composed of a
fi nite number of smooth curves. The curveC in the adjoining fi aurc
74 In variance

8V aV' aV' oV' )

• ax= 11 ax 1 + 11 ay-+ 13 cz' I
av av' av' av'
oy =rn 1 ox' +m2 oy' + ;na oz'
>- ... (3) 3
av av' . av·
az=n1 ox' +n2 o/ + ns oz'
av· I
~reen's, Gauss's and
Taking dot product of these three equations by i, j, k respec-
·Stoke's Theorems
tively, adding and us ing the results (2), we get
av . av av ., av' ., av' k' av,
- +k• - =I · - +J •-----, + •,;-,
OX oy OZ ox ' iJy uZ § 1. Some preliminary concepts .
or div V=div V'. Oriented curve. Suppose C is a curve in space Let us orient
Theorem 4. If V (x, y, z) is a vector J •nction in. variant under C by taki ng one of the two ::lirections along C as the positive direc-
a rotation of axes, then curl V is a vector invariant under this rota- tion; the opposite direction alo ng C is then called the nega tive
tion. [Punjab 1966] dire ction. Supposr:: A is the init ial point and B the terminal poiu t
Proof. Proceed exactly in th e same manner as in theorem 3. 8
In place of taking dot product of equa tions (3), tak~ cross
product. We shall get 4
i x av +j xa__y + k xa_y =i' x av' + i' x av· +k' x av'
ax oy oz ox' oy' oz'
or curl V =curl V'.

Orieate d closed curve

of C under the chosen ori entation. Ia ca~e these two points coin -
cide, the curve C is called a closed curve. ·
"Smooth cune, Let r (t) = x (t) i +y (t) j+ z (t) k, where r (t)
is the position vector of (x , y, z), be the parametric representation
of a curve C joining t he points A and B, where t=t 1 and t = t~
res pectively. W e k now that !: is a tangent vector to this curve at
the point r. Suppose the function r (t) is continuous a nd ha§ a
continuous first derivative not equal to zero vector for all valueg
of t under consi deration . The n the curve C possesses a uniq ue
tangent a t each of its poin ts . A c ur ve sati sfyin g thc:ie assuniption3
i;; ca ll ed a smooth curve.
~ curve C is said to be piece,vise smooth if it is composed of a
fi nite numbe, of smoo th cur-;es. The curveC in the !'1,djoining fi,aurc
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 77

76 Line Integrals of the curve C, then dd_.!:_ =t is a unit vector along the tangent to
the curve C at the point r . The component of the vector F along
is piecewise smooth as it is composed of three smootl;l curves C1 ,
. t -
th1s . F dr .T h . . dr
C 2 and C 8 • The circle is a smooth closed curve while the curve angent 1s • ds. · e integra_l of F- ds along C from A to B
written as
c, J: [F•~~] ds = J: F•dr= L F•dr
Piecewise smooth curve is an example of a li"e integral. It is called the tangent!!JL
consisting of the four sides · of a rectangle is a piecewise s01° 0th of F al.,r,g C.
closed curve. Since r=xi+yj+ zk, therefore, dr=dxi+dyj+dzk.
~ mootb surface. Suppose S is a surface which has a unique ;.. F •dr=(F1 i+ F 2 j + F 3k)-(dxi +dyj +dzk)
normal at each of its p01nts anQ 'the direction of this normal =F1 dx+F2 dy +Fa dz.
dep~nds continuously on the points of S. Then Sis called a smooth
Therefore- in components form the above line integral is _
sm-face. written as ·
If a surface S is not' smooth but can be subdividec\ into a finite
number of smooth surfa~es, tben it is called a plece·wise smoot~
surface. The surface of a sphere is smooth while the surface of a J F•dr= fl
(F1 dx+F1 dy+F3 dz).

cube ~ piecewise smooth. The parametriq equations of the curve Care x = x(t), y=y(t)
-Classification of regions. A ·region R in which every closed and z=z(tJ.
curve can be contracted to a. point without passing out of the Therefore we may write
region is called a simply connected region. Othe,rwise the region R
· { F•dr= ft~[F1_dx '+F.2 dy +F8 dz ] dt
is•multiply-connected: Theregion interior to a circle is a simply-
connected plane region. The region · interior \o a sphere 1s,a
Jc J11 dt dt dt ·
sim ply-connected region in space, The. reg1vn between two concen- k irculatioo. If C is a simple . closed curve (i.e. a curve which
tric circles lying in the same plane is a multiply connected plane does not in·tersect ftself anywhere), then the tangent line iniegral of
region. F around C is called the circulaNon of F about C. It is often de-
If we take a closed curve in this region surrounding the inner noted by
circle, then it cannot be contracted to a
point without passing out of the region. f F•dr = f(F 1 dx+F2 dy+Fa dz).
Therefore the region is not simply-connec- C C
ted. However the region bet ween two \\IWork done by a Force. Suppose a force F acts \!POD a parti-
concentric spher es is a simply-connected cle. Let the particle be displaced along a given path.~ in space.
region in space. The region between .two ·· ~~iir
infinitely long coaxial cylinders is a multi- If r denotes the position vector of a point on c;~ n-ds - is a . __ unit
ply~nnected region in space. vector along the tangent to Cat the point r in the direction of s
§ 2. Line Integrals. ArJt integral whicl,1 increasing. The compon ent -of force F along tangent to C is
is to be evaluated along a curve is called a line integral. dr
F• cfs- · Therefore the work done 1by F during a small displacement
Supposer (t)=x (t) i+y (t) i+z (t) k, wliere r (t) is the posi_.
tion vector of (.i, y, z) i.e. r (t)=xi+Yi+zk, defines a piecewise
smooth curve joining two points A and B. Let t=t 1 at A and t=t 2 ds of the particle along C is fF•;:] ds i.e., F•dr.The total work
at B. Suppose F (x, Y, z)=F1 i+F2 j+Fa k is a vector point func-
tion defined and continuous along C. Ifs denotes the arc length
78 Surface Integrals Green's , Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 79

W done by F in this displacement along C is given by the line


W= Jc f<' .dr, It is called the flux of F over S.

Let us associate with the differential of surface area dS a
the integration being taken in the. sense of the displacement. vector dS (called vector area) wh r se magnitude is dS and whose
__,§'13. Surface Integrals. direction is that of n. Then dS=odS. Therefore we can write
Any integral which is to be evaluated over a surface is called a
surface integral. Suppose S is a )~/•n dS= ~~ 5
surfac~ of finite area. Suppose Suppose th e ou tward drawn normal to the surface Sat P
f {x, y, z) is a sing!e valued iun::- makes a ngles tX, P, , y wi th the positive directions of x, y and z axes
tion of position defi ned over S. respecti -.,ely. If/, m , n are the direction cosines of this outward
Sub divide the area S into n ek- drawn normal, then
menis of areas 1lS 1 , cS, •.. , !-i Sn. i= cos ex, m=cos p, , n=cos y.
In each part llSk we choose a n Also n=cos O(.i+cos p,j + cos yk=li+mj+nk.
arbitrary poi nt A whose .coordi- Let F (x, y , z)=F1 i+F2 j+F8 k. Then
nates are (xk, Yk, Zk ) , V..'e define F n=F1 c:os tx+F2 cos P,+Fs cos y=F1 l+F2 m+F8 n.

f(Pk)=f(xk, Yk, z,,). FMmthe sum Therefore we can write

"~ / (P1c) !-i S,, . J~ s F•n dS= ~ Js (F 1 cos :x+Fi cos P, +F3 cosy) dS

1, -1

Now take the limit of thi s sum as 11 ➔ 00 in such a way that the = (Fi dy dz+F2 dz dx+F3 dx dy), if we define
largest of the a reas RSk approaches zero . This limit if it exists, is
called the surface inf('g ral of f(x, y, z } over Sand is dedoted by JJs F 1 cos ex dS = ~ ) sF 1 dy dz, II s Ft cos P, dS = II
s F2 dz dx ,
)js f (x, y, z) dS. JI sF cos,· dS= IJs F
3 8 dx dy.
It can he shown that if the surface S is piecewise smooth a nd
th., function f ( x, y, z) is co ntinuous 0ver S, then the above limit Note l. Ot he r examples of surface integrals are
exists i.e. , is independent of th e choice of sub-d ivision and points
Pk. ~~sf D dS, IJ s F X dS
-4'Iux. Suppose S is a piece- where f (x, Y, z) is a sca la r fun cti on of position.
wise smooth surface and
. . Note 2 . . Important . In order to evaluate surface int eg rals
F (x , y. z) 1t 1s convenient to express them as douhle integrals taken over
is a vector function of position the ortbo onal projection of the surfa one of the coordi-
defi ned and co ntinuo us over S. nate planes. But thi s is· possible o nly if any lin e perpendicular
Let P be any point on the sur- to the co-ordinate plane chosen · meets the surface S in no more
face S and let n be the unit than o.n e poin t. If the surface S .does not sati sfy this co nditi on,
vector at P in the direction of t hen 1t · can be sub-divided int o surfaces which d o sat isfy this
condition .
ouhvard drawn normal to the
surface S at P. Then F•n is th e Suppose the surface S is ~uch that a ny line perpendicular to
no rmal · compon e nt of Fat P. T he integrai of F-n ove r Sis the xy-plane meets S in no more than one point. Then the equa-
80 Vo/~me lritegr~ls

t ion of the surface S can be

written in the form
z =h (x, y) .
C~s" Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 81

I I If we subd ivide the volume V into small cuboids by drawing

Let R be the orthogonal I I
lines parallel to the three :co-ordinate axes, then dV=dx dydz a nd
projection of S on the xy- I
1 the above volume integral becomes
plane. If y is the, acute angle •---+-I- -- ---r-~y ~ ~ ~vf (x, y, z) dx dy dz.
which the uncti,rected normal I I
n at P (x, y, z) to the surface I I I f F (x, y, z) is a vector func tion, then

S makes with z-ax~L. t-heo it
can be shown tha( HLF dV
cos y dS=d:x dy, is also an example of a vol ume integral.
where dS is the small element SOLVED EXAMPLES
of area of surface Sat thepoint P.
dx dy dxdy
y-Ex. 1. E valuate L F • dr, where F =x 2i+y 3j and curve 0
Therefore dS= - - = , --k I' where k is the unit vector is the arc of the parabola y=x 2 in the x-y plane fro m (0, 0) to
COS - Y D•
(1, .l).
along z-axis.

Hence ~LF•n dS= F•nHR f:.1\ Solution. We shall illustrate two methods for the sol ution of
such a problem.
Method l. The curve C is the para bola Y= X1 from (0, 0) to
Thus the surface integral on S can be evaluated with the help
(1 , I ).
of a double integral integrated over R.
liiil(4 Volume Integrals. Let X=t; then y =t 2. If r is the position vector of an y poi nt
(x, y ) o n C, then r (t )=xi +yj= ti+t 2j .
. Suppose Vis a volume bounded by a surface S. , Suppose'
f (x, y, z) is a single valued function of position defined over V.
dt 2 tJ.. =•·+
Subdivide the volume V into n elements of volumes oV1 , av2 , • •• , Also in terms of t, F= t1i +t 0j .
av... In each part avk we choose an arbitrary point pk whose co- At the point (0, 0), t = x=O. At the po int (l, 1), t=l .
ordinates are (xk, y,., Zt). We define f(P")=f(xk , y,., z,.).
Form the snm :. L F•dr = Jc (F-: ) dt= J: (t i+t'j)•(i +2tj) dt

~ f (P,.) av".
= J0 (t +2t
• 7
) dt=
[ti. 2,s11 I I
. 7
3-+g Jo = 3 +4 = 12·
Method 2. In the xy-plane we have r=xi +yj.
·Now take tne limit ·of this sum as n➔ cx. in such a way that dr= dxi +dyj.
the: largest of the volumes /Wk approaches zero. This limit, if it Therefore F •dr =(x 2 i+ y 3j)•(dxi+dyj)= x 1 dx+ y a dy.
exists, is ca lled the volume integral off (x, y , z) over V and is
denoted' by .,. L L F- dr= (x 2 dx+y 3 dy).

~~~ V f (x , y, z) dV. Now alon g the curve C, y=x•. · Therefore dy= 2x dx.

It can be show~ tha t if the surface is piecewise smooth and r F •dr= r l [x1 dx4-x 6 (2x) dx]
the funct io n J (x , y, z) is co ntinuous over V, t hen the above limit
JC J"'-O
exists i.e. is independent of the cho ice of sub,divisions and points . =[ (x +2x dx=[x; + 2;8J: =~ 2.
2 7

Ex. 2. Evaluate Jc F •dr, where F=(x -y~) i+ xyj and curve

C is the arc of the curve y=x 3 from (0, 0) to ( 2, 8 ).

82 Sofred Examples r en's, Qauss's and Stoke's Theorems 83

Solution. The curve C is the curve y=x 3 from (0, 0) to (2, 8). Solution. Let C denote the arc of the parabola y 2 =x from the
Let X=t. then y= t 3 • If r is the position vector of any point (x, y) P->i nt (0, 0) to the poil't (l, 1). The parametri-.; equations of the
on C, then r(t)...:..xi+yj=ti+t 3j. pnrn bola y 2 =X can be taken as x=t 1 , y=t. At the point (0, 0),
dr . 3 2· ,.. o and ;t the point (1, I), t=l. The required work done
dt =•+ t J.
=L F•dr= le {(x2 -i'+x) i-(2xy+y) j}•(dx i+dy j)
Also in terms oft, F=(t'-t 6) i+t 4j.

At the point (0, 0), t=x=O. At the point (2, 8), t=2. = { [(x1 - yl1+x) dx-(2xy +y) dy]
L F-dr= L(F-~) J:
dt= [(t?.:::. t 6 fi+t4j J•(i+3t2j) dt = f [<x2-y2+x)
J,_o dx -(2xy+y) dy] dt
dt dt
=r [(t 1 -t 6 )+3t 6J dt= f 2 (1 2 +21 6J dt =[ [(t 4 - t 2 +t 1 ).2t-(2t 8 +t).1J dt
Jo - Jo
=[~~+ 2;]: =[: +?.;6]=~~4. J:
= [2t 6 -2tl1 -t] dt=[ 2.~ -2.~
6 4 2
-~ I
Ex. 3. l_/'F=3x~ i-y 2j, evaluate
in the xy-plane, y=2x , from (0, 0) to (1, 2).
!c F•dr, whereCisthe curve
Ex. 5. Evaluate I(x dy - y dx) around the circle x2 +y1= 1.

[Kanpur 1978; Agra 76] So.lotion. Let C denote the circle x 2 + y 2 = I. The parametric
~olutioo. The parametric equations of the parabola y=-2x 2 equations of this circle are x=cos t, Y=sin t.
can be taken as To integrate around the circle C we should vary t from O to 21- .
x ~ t, y =2! 2 • · f c (x dy-y dx)= Jof 2" ( x dy -y dx) dt
dt dt _
At the point (0, 0), x=O and so t=O. Again at the point
(1, 2), x=I and so t = l. = [' (cos 2 t+sin 1 t) dt= ~:.. dt=21t.
Now L L F•dr= (3xy i-y 2j)•(dx i+dy j) _
Ex. 6. Evaluate '
[·: r=xi+yj, so that dr = dxi+dyj] where F=i cos y-j.x sin y
=J _ c
(3xy dx-y 2 dy)=p
(3xy dx - y 2 dy) dt
dt dt
and C is the curve Y=v(l-x 2 ) in xy-plane from (1, 0) to (G, 1).

=[ (3.t.2t 2.l-4t 4 .4t) dt Solution. We have

J F•dr

[·: x=t, Y=-2t 2 so that dx/dt= l and dy/dt = 4t] =~ (i cos y-jx sin y)-(i dx+ j dy)= ~ (cos yd.~-.uin y dy)
= {1 3
Jo (61 - I6t 6 ) dt=[ 6.~-- 16. ~]
4 6 0 = {c d(x cos y)=[x cos r]{o;iJ =0-1~-l.
6 16 3 8 7 JC ( 1,u)

Ex. 4. Find the work done when a force

Ex. 7. Evaluate L F-dr, where F===xyi+(x1 +y') j and curve
C is the arc 0.f y=x~ -4 from (2, 0) to (4, 12).
F=(x1 -y1 +x) i-(2x_v+y) j
moves a particle in xy-plane from (0, 0) to (l, 1) along the parabola
Y =X. [Kanpur 1980]
Solution. We have LF•dr
(,'reen's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 85

84 Solved Example!
= L: (t 3 +5t 8 ) dt= [
dr +s[1 6
t dt

= ic [xyi+(x 1 +y 2 ) j]•(dxi+ayj) = o+s (2) [ 1

dt= 10 [ ;
J: =~ 0

= le [xy dx+(x +y
1 1
) dy]= \c •XY dx+ \c (x 2 +y2 ) dy. Ex. 10. If F=(2x+y) i+(3y-x) j, eval:.tate ~c F dr where C

· Along C, y=x•-4 and x 2 =;=y+4 . I.~ the curve in the xy-plane consisting of the straight lines fro,n
(0, 0) ro (2, 0) and then to (J, 2).
.\ { F•dr= { •
).._, x (x -4) dx+ {J,._o (y+4+y ) dy
1 1
Jc Solution. The path of y
4 11
=rx' -2x +[y' +4y+~] =732.
2] integration Chas bei::.n shown
L4 , 2 3 o in the figure . It consists of )
. Ex. 8. Evaluate { xy• ds, where C is the segment of the line the straight lines OA and AB, . B
le (3,»
Y=2x in the :xy-plane from ( -1, - 2) to (1, _1. We have Jc F•dr
Solution. The parametric form -of the curve C can be taken
as r(t)=ti+2tj (-1 ,i;;; t ~ 1). ,.Jl C[(2x+y) i+(3y-X~ j]• o....<o,o>
W e h ave dr .
di=• 2J.. ·+ (dx i+ dy j)
dr dr ds ~
-= c [(2x+y) dx+(3y-x) dy].
Now dt=ds dt'

I I= I I =
Now along the straight line OA, y=0, dy=0 and x variow
dr dr ds d:: . dr . .
dt ds dt dt, because ds ts unit vector. from O to 2. The equatio n of the straight line AB is
· ~i=Ii,2j I= vs. y - 0= _ (x- 2) I.e., y=2x - 4.
3 2

J. along AB, Y=2x-4, dy=2d:x and x varies from 2 to 3 •
••• { xy 3 df={
JC l
(·xy '!.!)d1=\
C dt ·
t(2t) y5dt 1
:. ~ c F•dr= [(2x+0) dx+0]+ j: [(2x+2x-4) dx
=8v5 {1 t' dt=~ . +(fx-12-x) 2dx]
l-1 vs
Ex. 9. Evaluate ic F•dr, =[ x
J: + J: (14x - 28) dx=4+14 [ (x-2) dx
(x - 2)2]3
where F=xyi+yzj+zxk and curve C is r=ti+t 2j+t 1k, t varying =4+14 [ - 2 - 2 =4+7=11.
,from .- l to +l.
Solution. Along the curve C, Ex. 11. Evalua te J C
F dr where F= (x 2 +y 2) i-2xyj, curve

r=xi+Yi+zk-:::::,ti+t 2j+t1k.
is the rectangle in the xy-plane bounded by y=0, x=a, y=b, x=O.
:. x=t, Y=t 2 , z=t 3 and ~: =i+2tj+3t 1 k. [Meerut 1981 ; Kan?ur 79]
;. Along the curve C, we have Solation. In the x-y plane z=O. Therefore
F=(tXt 1 ) 1+(t1 xt 8 ) J+(r•xt) k=t'i+t 6j+t'k. r=xi+yj and dr=dxi+dyj.
The path of integration Chas been shown in the figu re. Jc
Hence ( F•dr=={1 ( -F•dr) dt
}c J-1 dt cons ists of the straight lines OA, AB, BD and D O.
.= [ ,. (t'f+t j+t•k)•(i+2tj+3t 1k) dt= [ (t 8 +2t 8 +3t 8) dt
86 Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 87
Solved E:xampl,
Ex. 13. Find the work done in moving a particle once around a
We have J/•dr= Jc [(x +y 2 2
) i-2xyj]•(dxi+dyj) circle C in the xy-p/ane, if the circle has centre al the origin and
radius 2 and if th e f orce field F is given by
= !
c [(x 1 +y 2 ) dx-2xy dy] F=(2x-y+2z) i+(x+y-z) j+(3x-2y- 5z) k.
. fKa ·•~r 1979]
yt Solution. In the xy-plane, we have z=0. There f1re
F=(2x-y) i+ (x+y} i+(3x-2)') k.
The circle C is given by x 2 +y'= 4 or x =2 cost, y=2 sin £.
Dr---"""""----.4a,6J .,.. r=xi+yj=2 cos ti+2 sin tj.
.'. dc= - 2 SID
. . 2
ti+ COS /J.
Also F=(4 cos t - 2 sin t) i+ (2 cos t-j-2 sin t) j
+ (6 cos t - 4 sin t) k.
Q (O,O) In movir g round the circle once t will vary from O to 2r..

Now ou OA, y=O, dy=0 and x varies from Oto a, The required work don~ is= [ F•dr= [2w F• dr dt
] C ] o <Jt
on AB, x=a, dx=-0 and y varies from O to b,
on BD, y=b, dy=O and x varies from a to 0, =f"r-2 sin t (4 cos t- 2 sin t)+ 2 cos t (2 cos t+2 sin t)) dt
on flO, x=0, dx =0 and y varies from b to O.
:. f F•dr= f" x 2 dx- {b 2ay
0 0
dy+ f (x2 +b1) dx+ f 0 dy = J:"(4 1 iiin 2 t+cos 2 t) - 4 sin t cos t] ,,:,
Jc Jo lo J.. ,Jb
J:" =81t.
[x' ]"o - 2a [y'2 ]bo +[xaf +b2xJo +0=-2ab•,
= [ ' (4-4 sin t ,:-051 t) dt=[ 4t-2 sin 2t
= 3 u

Ex. 12. Find the'total work done in moving a particle in afore Ex. 14. If F= (3x'+6y) i-14yz j+20xz 2 k, evaluate LF•dc
field given by F=3xyi-5zJ+IOxk along the curve x = t 2 +1 , y=2t• where C is a straigh t line joining (0, 0, 0) to (1, l, I).
z=t 3 from t= 1 to t=2. [Kanpur 1978 (Meerut B. Sc. Physics 1983]
Solution. Let C denote the an. of the given curve from t= ~ Solution. The equations of the straight line joining (0, O, O)
to t=2. Then the total work done and (1, l, l) are
x-0 y-0 z- 0
=~c F•dr= j c (3xyi - 5zJ+IOxk) ·1xi+dyj+ dzk) 1-0=1 - 0=1-0= 1 (say).
Then along C, X=t, y=t, z=t.
= ~ c (3xydx - 5zdy+ IOxdz ) Also r=.xi+yj+zk=ti +ti+tk. :. dr=(i+j+k) dt.
Also along C, F=(3t 2 +6t) i- 141 2 j+20t 3 k.
=[ {3xy!; -sz it +I ox:; ) dt At (0, 0, 0), t=0 and at (1, I, 1), t= I.

= 1: [3 (t 2 + \)(21) 2 (2t)-(5t 3) (4r)+10 (t ~+ l) (3t 1)) dt J. r] c

F-dr= [

[(3t 2 +6t) - l4t 2 +20t 3J dt=3~.

= ~: (12t 5
+12t 3 - 20t 4 +30t'+30t 2 ) dt Ex. 15. if F = yi - xj, evaluate ~ c F •dr from (0, 0) to (1 , I)

= r (12t 6 + lOt~+121 ~+30t~) dt=303 .

along the following paths C :
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 89
88 Solved Examples

( b)
the parabola y=x 2 , [Agra 1973]
the straight lines from (0, 0) to (1, 0) and ther, 10 (l, 1),
Now le F•dr= \c (yz i+zx j+xy k)•(dx i+dy j+dz k)

(c) the straight line joining (0, 0) and (1, 1).

Solution. The three paths
= Jc (yz dx+zx dy +xy dz)= !c d (xyz)

of integration have been shown Y A = [ xyz ],_,. /2 = [(a cos t).(b sin t).(ct) ]"'2
in the figure. We have ( 1,1) f.-0 0

!c F•dr
=abc t cos t sin t ]
Ex 17.

=abc (0-0)=0~ -

-I c (yi-xj)-(dxi+d;,j)
!c {(2xy3 -y 2 cos x) dx+(l -2y sin x+}x i i) dy}

-==. C
f (y dx-x dy) . o-~----B---~x where C is the arc of the parabola ~x=ny 2 from (0, 0) to (½1t, 1 ).
[Meerut 1977]
(a) C is the arc of parabola }'= x• from (0, 0) toll, l). Solution. We know that Mdx+Ndy is an exact differential
Here dy=2xdx and x varies from Oto 1. .f oM oN
oy =ax·
Jc F•dr= J: [x

J. dx-x (2x) dx]= [ -x2dx =-¼. oM =6xy2 -2y cos x.
Here M=2xy 8 -y2 cos x; oy
(b) C is the curve consisting of straight lines OB and BA.
Along Oil, y=0. dy =O and x varies from O to 1. Also N= I-2y sin x+3x'y 2 ;
oN =-2y cos x+6xy 2

. Along BA, x=-= I, dx=0 and y varies from O to I.

:. L F•dr= J: 0 dx+ [ - 1 dy=-1.

Thus : : =~:- Therefore Mdx+Ndy is an exact differential.

Let cf, (x, y) be such that 1

(c) C is the straight li ne OA . The equation of OA is dcf,=(2xy 3 -y 2 cos x) dx+(I-2y fin x+3x'y ) dy.
1- 0
y-0= _ (x-0) i.P,. y=x. Then o,f, dx+ 0:! dy=(2xy 3 -y 2 cos x) dx+(l-2y sin x
1 0 ax ay
+3x2y 2 ) dy.
dy=dx an, 7 x varies from Oto 1.
.•.. f
• o</J =2xy3-y~ cos x which gives c{>=x 2y 8 -y2 sin x+/1 (y) ... (I)
F•dr= [ (xdx - xdx)=0 . ox
, C JO
Note. We observe here that Fis a vector fie ld such that its Also ocf, =(1-2y sin x-t-3x 2y 2) which gives ,p=y-y sin x
lin:: integral depends not only on the end points but also on the + x2ya !2 (x). .. .(2) +
geometric shape of the path of integration. We shall discuss this
The values of ef, given by (1) and (2) agree if we takef1(JJ)=Y
topic in ctepth in t he latter portion of this chapter. and/; (x)=O. Then cf,=y-y 2 sin x-x 2y 3 •
Ex. 16. Evaluare j c F•dr, where F=yz i+z..: j+xy k and C
· The given integral

r ct k, = I def, = \ d (y-y 2 sin x+ x 2y3 )

;s the pnrtion of the curve r=a cos t i + b 3in t j from t=0 to Jc .c
t = rc/2 .
Solutic,n. Along the curve r:,
[Agra 1975]
=rLy-y 2 sin x+x 2y~ ]
(-,/2' l )


r-=xi+y.i+zk = a cost i+b sin t j -J-ct k.

l. x=a cos t, y= b sin t, z= cr.
=[{ 1-lxsin .·i + rt: x1}-0]=1t~ .
90 Solved Examples Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 91
Ex. 18. Find the circulation of F round the cun·e C where
F=yi+zj+xk . ., ~ L ;z 3
dx dy-3 ~JR xy dx dy
and C is the circle x 1 + y 1 = l, z= 0.
Solution. By definition, the circulation of F along the curve ==3
1'/2 j
(r cos 8) (r sin 8) r dO dr, on changing to polars J,-o r-o

= f F•dr, where r=xi+yj+zk == 3

f"'/2 [r44-]l cos 8 sin e dfJ=¾ (½)=¾.
O 0
Ex. 20. Evaluate ~ L F•n dS, where F=zi+xj-3y2zk and S
Is the surface of the cylinder x 2 + y 1 = 16 included in the first octant
between z=O and z=5,
=fydx ['.' 'on C, z=0 and dz=O] Solution. A vector normal to the surface S is given by
C V (x2+y 2 )=2xi+2yj.
Therefore n=a unit normal to any point of S
=["sin (J (-sin 8) d(J [-.· on C, x=cos (J, y=sin 8] 2xi+2yj = xi+Yi since xz+yz=16 ,on the surface S.
v'(4x 1 +4y 1 ) 4 ' '
=- J:'' sin 2
(J dB= - ~ :" t (I-cos 28) do We have ( ( F•o dS= ( f F•n dx d~ I' where R is the pro-
=-½ [ 8- - 2 28] sin 2
0 =-rt. jection of S on the x-z plane. It should be noted that in thi~ case
we cannot take the projection of S on the x-y plane as the surface
Ex.19. Evaluate HsF•ndS, where F=yzi+zxj+xykand S is perpendicular to the x-y plane.
S ls that part of the surface . £of the sphere x•+y 2 +z 2 = 1 which lies
Now F•n=(zi+xj-3y 2zk)•(xi;yj)=¼ (xz+xy),
in the first octant . [Agra 1974; Kanpur 79; Meerut 84 (P )]
Solution. A vector normal to the surface Sis given by
V (x 2 +y2 +z 1 )=2x i+2y j+2z k. n•i=(xi!Yl)•i= ~.
Therefore n=a unit normal to any point (x, y, z) of S
Therefore the tequired surface integral is
2xi+2yj+2zk . . k
--y'(4x2+4Y2+4z2) =x•+YJ+z ' _ f ( XZ"""t""XY dx dz
since x 1 +y2 +z2 = l on the surface S.
- Jh 4 y /4

We have ~t F•n dS= fr R F•n f:17, where R is the pro-

f J.,_
= J._
( ( xz 2 +x) dx dz,
v' lo-x)
since Y=v'(16-x 2 ) on S

j~eiion of S on the xy-plane. The region R is bounded by x-axis, = ~: (4z +8) dz=90.
y-axis and the circle x 2 +y 2 =1, z=O.
We have
fj Ex. 21. E valuate ~ j ~ v if, dV, where if,=45x 2y a.~d Vis the
F•n=(yzi+zxj+xyk)•(xi+ yj--j-zk)
closed region bounded by the planes 4x+2y+ z=8, x=O, y=O, z= 0.
Solution. We have
Also n•k=(xi+yj+zk)•k=z.
.. i n•k l=z.
( ( ( ( 2
j j Jv rp dV = j .,_0 J11 _ 0
f 4-2.: f•-o8-4:i:-211
45x y dx dy dz
H..:nce ~ L F•n dS = 45

~ 4- 2:i,

x 2y
]8-4:i: -211

dx dy
92 Solved Examples

=45 (2j a:-o (l Y-o-2:ox y(8 - 4x-2y)dx dy

2 Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 93

2 [x y2 y3 ]4_,2., dx
~ "'~
=45 2
(8-4x) - -2x1 - integrate with respect toy from y = O to y=6. In this way R is
2 3 0 completely covered].
2 2
=45 ( x (4-2x)3 dx=1 28. =2 {e y [ 3x- x2 ]'6-11)12 dy
Jo 3 111-0 2 "'-0
Ex. 22. Evaluate jfs F•n dS, =2 .C y [ 3 (; - y) - <\t >] dy
where F=(x+y2 ) i-2xj+2yzk ~and S is the surface of the plane
=2 [• y [ 9- 3y - 36 +!_q -~] dy
2x+y+2z=6 in the first octani. [Kanpur 1970] Jo 2 8 8 8
Solution. A vector normal to the surface S is given by r6 y [ 836 -8
=2 Jo y2 ] r6 [ 3
dy= Jo 9y - Y4
v (2x+y+2z)=2i+i +2k. 4
3 6
n=a unit n,::-rmal vector at any point (x, y, z) of S =[ 9 2 - yTI; ] 0 = [ 9.
2- 36 X 36] _
-16- =[1 62-81] =81.
_ ~2i+j+2k =(~·+i· -t-4k)
- y(4+i +4) al 11) 8 •
~ 3. Evaluate ~~ sF 0
n dS, where F=y i+2x j-zk and S

We have ~ ~s F•n dS= \L ~~-f I'F•n where R is the pro- is the surfac e of the plane 2x+ Y= 6 in the first octant cut off by the
plane :Z=4.
jection of Son the xy-plane. The region R is bound . d by x-axis ,
y-axis and the straight line 2x +y =6, z=O. Solution. A vector normal to the surface S is gi ven by
We have F•n=[(x+y2 ) i- 2x i+ 2yz k]•W+½i+ ¼k) 'v (2x+y) =2i + j.
=} (x+ y 2 ) -?x+½yz= !y 2 +!yz. Therefore n=a unit normal vector at any point (x, y, z) o f S
2i +j 1 ,2 · .
Also n•k=W+ ¼i+!k)•k= ;. = v'(4 + 1)= v'5 •+J).

Hence ~ L F•n dS= jJ 8

[!y 2 +iyz]• !dx dy We have [ (
F•n dS = ( (
F •ndx ~2- , where R is the pro-
= J~ R (y 2
+2yz) dx dy jection of S on the xz-plane. It should be noted that in t his case
we cannot take the projection on the x_v-plane because the surface
=n R [y+2y ( 6 -;x - y)] dx dy, using the fact that
2 S is perpendicular to xy-plane.

6 - 2x - y
. ,
fro m the equation ot S
Now F•n= (yi+ 2xj -zk).f\~ i+_!_
v'5 v'5
- y'5
Y+~ x
v'5 .

= ~ L (y 2 - ' 6y - 2xy - y 2 ) dx dy=2 ~~ Ry (3 -x) dx dy

. V1 (2·+
D•J= ') . I
5 I J •J= y ·
the r equired surfa ce integral is

6 ,· ( 6-11)/ 2
j x- o
Y- ij
y (3-x) dx dy.

[Note :ln ~ R is bo unded by x-axis, y-axis and the straight line

= JL \Js Y+ : 5 x )•v5 dx dz = IL 2(y+x) dx dz
2x+y= 6, z= .l , To evalua te: th e double integral over R, keep y = 2 { { [6-2x + x] dx dz, since y= 6-2x on S
6-y Jh -
fixe d an<l integr;:1 te with respect to X from X=J to X=z ; then 3
=2 ({ (6 - x ) dxdz= 2f ' ( (6- x) dx dz
Jl R J•-oJ.,_o
=2 [_/6 - x>[ zJ: dx =s[ 6x - x;-J: =s[ 18 - { ] = 108.
Exercises Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theo, ems 95

Exercises 8., Find the work done in moving a particle in a force field

1. Find I c t•dr
F=3x 2 i+(2xz:......y) i+zk
along the line joining (0, 0, 0) to (2, I, 3). [Delhi 1969] t is the unit tangent vector and C is the unit circle, in Ans. 16.
xy-plane, with ce,., ~re at the origin. 9. 1
Calculate c [(;x , • J i+ lX ' -·· y 2 ) ~~ dr
Hint. For any curve,!:-=unit tangent vector=t.
where C is the curve :
:. f t•dr= t]c t• dr ds= f t•t ds=J ds (i) y 2 = x joining (0, 0) to (1, 1).
]c ~ Jc c (ii) x'= y joining (0., 0) to (1, 1).
= ~ :" ds, since along the unit circle C, s goes from 0 to 21t (iii) consisting of two straight linesjoining (0, 0) to (l, 0)
and (1, 0) to (I, I).
(iv) consisting of three straight lines joining (0, 0) to (2, -2),
2. If F=(3x2 +6y) i-14 yzj+20xz 2 k, then evaluate ~ F•dr from (2, -2) to (0, - 1) and (0, -1) to (1, 1).
,o, 0, 0) to (I, 1, 1) along the curve Ans. (i) j_'-0 , (ii) H, (iii) 1, (iv) -½,
x=t, y=t 2 , z=t 3 • Ans. 5, 10. Find the circulation of F round the curve C, where
3. Integrate the function F = x 2 i - xy j from the point (0, 0) to F =ie"' sin y +j e"' cosy
(1, l) along the parabola y 2 =X. [Robilkband 1978] and C is the rectan gle whose vertices are
Ans. -}i. (0, 0), (l. 0), (1 , ½re), (0, ½1t). Ans. O.

4. Evaluate~ c F•dr where Fis x 2y 2 i+yj and Cis y 1 =4x in the 11. Evaluate f ~ s F•n dS, where F= 18z i - 12 j + 3y k and S is
xy-plane from (0, 0) to (4, 4). [Agra 1978; Kanpur 77] the surface of the plane
Ans. 264. 2x+3y+6z= l2 in the first octant. Ans. 24 .
5. Evaluate ~ c F•dr where, 12. Evaluate ~~s A•n dS, where A=xy i - x 2 j+(x+z) k, Sis the

F=c [- 3a sin 2 t cos ti+a (2 sin t-3 sin 3 t) j+b sin 2tk] portion of the pl a ne 2x+2y+ z =6 included in the first octant
and C is given by r=a cos ti+a sin tj tbtk a nd n is a unit n ormal to S. · (Meerut 1974]
from t=1t/4 to 1e /2. [Delhi 1970] 13 . If F =2y i - z j +x 2k an4 S is the surface of the parabolic
Ans. ½c (a +b ) .
1 2
cylinder y 2 =8x in the first 1octant bounded by the pl anes y = 4

[Hint.~c F•dr= c::(F•!: )dt]. and Z= 6, then evaluate f (\ F-n dS.

· lh Ans . 13 2.
6. Evaluate J F,dr where F=z i+x j+yk and \C is the arc of [ Hint. (( F•n dS= ( r F•n rj__v__1:. , whe re R is t heprojec-
C , J Js JJ n l n•tl
the curve r=cos t i+sin t j+tk from t=0 to t ~ 21t.
tion of S on the yz-plane].
Ans. 31t. [Agra 1974, 77]

7. Evaluate Ic F•dr where 14. IfF=(2x 1 - 3z) i- 2xy j - 4x ~• then evalu ate fl~ v 'v •F dV
F = xy i + (x 2 +y 2 ) j where Vis the closed region bounded by the planes
and C is the x -axis from x=2 to x=4 and the line x=4 from X= O, y = 0, z=0 and 2x+2y+z=4. [Kanpur 1976)
y=0 to y="12. Ans. 768. Ans .
Grern's, Gauss' s and Stoke's Theorems 97
96 Green's Theorem in the Plane

•y§°' 5; Green's theorem in the plane. Let R be a closed bounded =- f M (x, y) dx, since y=/(x) represents the curve
region in the x-y plane whose;boundary C comists of finitely many C

smooth curves. Let M and N be continuous functions of x and J AEB and y=g (x) represents the curve BFA.
havmg. continuous
. .I d
partra . .
. erzvatives y and oN ,n. R • 'T'h
ooM ax
.l' en
If portions of Care segments parallel to y-axis such as GH
and PQ in the figure on this page, then above result is'not affected.
1i(!:-~~) dx dy= f
(Mdx+Ndy), The line integral ~ M dx over GH is zero because on GH, we have
x=constant implies dx=O. Similarly the line integral over PQ is
the line integral .being taken a'tong the entire boundary C of R such zerQ. The equations of QG and HP are y-/(x) and y=g (x) res-
that R is on the left as one advances in the direction of integration. pectively. Hence we have .
[Meerut 1978, 79, 81, 82, 84]
Proof. We shall first pro:ve the theorem for a special region -IJ ::
dx dy= f M (x. y) d,;.
••• (1)
R bounded by a closed curve C and having the property that any
straight line parallel to any one of the c9ordinate axes and inter- y
secting R bas only one segment (ur ::1 si.ngle point) in common
with R. This means that R can be represented' i~both ol¾tµe forms
a ¾ x ~ b.f(x) ~ y ~ g(x) " '
and .c ~ y ~ d, p(y) ~ x ~ q(y).
In the adjoining figure, the equations of the curves AEB and
BFA are y=f(x) and y~g(x) respectively. Similarly the equations

-~- B,
of the curves FAE and EBF are,,x=p(y) and x=q(y) respectively.
Cf oN dx dy= {d [fq<11> oN dx] dy
y J R OX l11-c j a:-p(II) OX
- I- - ~I '
= (d
[N (x, y) ]"'"""<">
I :x=b = J:_ 0
[ N [q (y), y]-N .[p(y); y]] dy
1: J:
lx=a. : = N [q (y), y] dy+ N [p (y), y] dy

We have =f N(x,y) dy.

... \2)
{ { rJ!'! dx dy=I~ ry
j h oy x -a L J
r (,r)
Y-f(X )
~YM dy ] dx

From (1) and (2), we get on adding i

= r [M(x , y)]y-u
j a:-a
(z )
Y= I ("')
dx dy= f
(Mdx+Ndy). _ 'J'
=J:_JM[x,g(x)]-M[x ,f(x)]] dx
The proof of the theorem can now be extended to a region 'R
= - ~: M [x, f (x)] d~-J: M [x ,- g (x)] dx
which can be subdivided into finitely many special regions of the
98 Green's Theor~m in the Plane
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's T~eorerns 99
above type by drawing lines (TS in the figure on this page). In this
aries. The region bounded by ADEFGDAPQLflA is simply-connec-
case we apply the theorem to each subregion (R 1 and R 2 in the
ted and so Green's theorem is valid for ·it. Therefore
figure) and then add the results. The sum of the left hand members
will be equal to the integral over R. The sum of the right band f
M dx+N dy = fj J(oN
ox - oM\
0y } dx dy.
members will be equal to the line integral over C plus the line ADEFGDAPQLHA R
integrals over the curv~s introduced for subdividing R. Each, of The integral on the left hand side leaving out the integrand is
the latter integrals comes twice, taken once in each direction (as equal to
ST"and TS in the figure). Therefore these two integrals cancel
eacli other and thus the sum of the right hand members will be LD+ le,+ ~DA+ ~c1
equal to the line integral over C.
y =Jc,+ Jc/ since JAD= - JDA
= f (Mdx+Ndy).
Hence the theorem.
§ 6. Green's theorem in the plane in vector notation. .
s We have r=xi+yj so that dr=dxi+dyj. Let
Then Mdx+Ndy=(Mi+Ni)•(dxi+dyj)=F•dr.
0'----------'-----+.x Also curl F=V x F
Note. Extension of Green's theorem in plane to multiply- j k
connected regions. 0
0 0
Green's theorem in the plane is also valid for a multiply- OX ay oz
connected region R such as shown in the figure below. Here the
boundary C of R consists of . two parts ; the exterior boundary C1 M N 0

y c, (V
oN oM
xF)•k= 0x - 0Y .
Hence Green's theorem in plane can be written as

Jl<v xF)•k dR= f F·dr

where dR=dx dy alid k is a unit vector perpendicular to the x-y
If s deriotes the arc length of C and t is the unit tangent
• C

vector to C, then
is traversed in the anticlockwise sense so that R is on the left, while dr= ds ds=tds.
the interior boundary C2 is traversed in the clockwise sense so that
Therefore the above result can also be written as
~ ts on tpe left.
In order to establish the theorem, we construct & line such as ~ J (V x F)•k dR= f F•t ds.
AD (called a cross cut) connecting the exterio'r and interior bound- R C
100 Gre..en's, Gauss' s and Stoke's Theorems 101
Solved Examples

SOLVED EXAMPLES \: [{(x) (x)+x 2} dx+x• dx]= I'i 3x' dx= - 1.

Es. 1. Verify Green' s theorem in the plane for
Therefore the required Hoe integral=~~- !-=- ~0 . Hence
f (xy+y) dx+x'dy where C is the closed curve of the region
the theorem is verifie<;l.
Ex. 2. E valuate by Green's theorem
bounded by Y=JO. and y=x•.
Solution. By Green's theorem in plane, we have f (x 1 -cosh ·y) dx + (y+sin x) dy,
'Y where C is the rectangle with vertices (0, 0), (1t, 0), (~, I), (0, 1).

Solution. By Green's theorem in plane, we haye

,,,, R
dx dy= f(Mdx+Ndy).

,_c;;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z
~ 1(::-::) dx dy-= f(Mdx+Ndy).
R C R.
Here M=xy+y•, N=x' .
. ~he c~rves y=x and y=x• intersect at (0, 0) and {I, J). The Q (O,O)
pos1t1ve dtrection in traversing C is as sh,wn in the figure. ('11,0)

We have { { ( aN__ aM) dx dy :S.. Here M=x•- cosh y, N =y+sin x .

l ]R ax ay ~~ aN oM . . .h
=J (JR [~ax (x 2 ) - ~ (xy+._y 2) ] dx dy
ay -,
/,. ~ =COS X, ~ = - SID
uX , uy
Hence the given line integral is equal to

=II R (2x-x-2y) dx dy=::Jl R (·x -2y) dx ,dy {(

(cos x+sinh y) dx dy= f"
]z~J v~
(1 (cos x+sinh y) dy dx
= (1
Jo:-o h=x
(" (x-2y) dy dx= (1
[xy-y'l ;i, dx = ("' [1 cos x +cosh y ] dx= (" (cos x+cosh 1-1] dx
yJ=x 1
l z-o u- o J11: -0
= J: [x1 -x 1 - x8+x'J dx= J: (x' - x8 ) dx - = [sinx+xcosh 1- xT =1t (cosh 1- 1).
... o

=[x; -~ = - J: ~ ! =-!o·
_ Now let us evaluate the line integral_alo_ng C. Along y= x2.
Ex. 3.
Evc. luate by Green's theorem
(cos x sin y -xy) dx+sin x cosy dy,
dy-2x dx. Therefore along y= x 2 , the hoe mtegral ·equals C

[ [{(x) (x 1 )+x'} dx+x 1 (2x) dx]

where C is the circle x 2 Y2 = 1.+
Solutim1. By Green's theorem in plane, we have

.[ (3x 8 +x') dx=1~- ~ \ (::-~~) dx dy= j(M dx+N dy) .

Alongy-x, dy=dx. Tb'erefore along Y=X the line integral
•Ja)s \ ' .
102 Solved Examples Green's, Gauss's and Stoke'1 Theorems 103

Here .M=cos x sin y-xy, N=sin x cosy. where u b the outward unit normal vector to C ands is the arc length
aM oN of C.
.". Of ;=COS X COS y-X, OX =COS X COS y.
Solution. We have A=Ni- Mj.
Hence the given line integral is equal to · . oN oM
2 1 d1vA = -- - .
{ ( x dx dy= { " ( r cos () r do dr, changing to polars . ax ay
ll l ,-o lr-o
= ~::
[r; J: cos o do=½ [sin 8 J:" = ½(0)=0.
Ex. 4. Show that the area bounded by a simple closed curve C
fs given by if (x dy-y dx). Hence find the area of the ellipse
x=a cos (J, y=b sin 8. [Agra 1974]
Solution. By Green's theorem in plane, if R is a plane region
bounded by a simple closed curve C, then o~------➔ ,t'

I!(~:-::) dx dy= f M dx+N dy.

Putting M=-y, N=x, we get
:. II R
div A dx dy= ii(~:~~:)
dx dy

f (x dy-Y dx)= ~ ff:x (x)-at (-y)] dx dy = f<M dx+N dy), by Green's theorem .

=2 JJ dx dy=2A, where A is the area bounded by C.


Hence A=½ f (x dy-y dx). --------- ={ (Mi+Nj)• ~: } ds.

' N ow 1'ft.1s a umt
. tangent.vector
. h dr
C 1 , t en t= ds . Also if k
The area of the ellipse=½ f (x dy-'rdx) is a unit vector perpendicular to xy-plane, then t = k x n.
C J. M dx+N dy=[(Mi+Ni)•t] ds=[(Mi+Nj)•(kXn)J ds
, {2" ( dy dx) =[(Mi+Nj) X k]•D ds=(Mixk+NjXk)•n <Is
-=l l ,-e a cos 8 _do -b sin 8 do dB =(Ni-Mj)•o ds=A•D ds.
Hence the result.
-l J:"(ab cos• e+ab sin 2
8) dO=½ab ~:• d(J=1tab. Note. Putting A= V ,p in the;above result, we get
Ex. 5. Introducing A=Ni- MJ. show tiiat the formula In
G: ?en's theorem may be written as
div (v' rp) dx dy=
f (v' rp)•o ds .
Hdiv A dx dy-== f A•o ds, or
a C
104 Exercises Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 105

Exercises. 7. Apply Green's theorem in the plane to evaluate

1. Verify Green's theorem in the plane for jc [(2x 2
- y 1 ) dx+(x 2 -t--y 2 ) dy],
! c (2xy-xz) dx+(x 2 +y 1 ) dy, where C is the boundary of the surface enclosed by the x-axis
and the semi-circle y=(l-x 2 )11 2 , Ans. 4/3.
where C is the boundery of the region enclosed by y=x and
y•=x described in the positive sense. [Meerut 1973) [ Hint. By Green's theorem the given integral
2. Verify Green's theorem in the plane for 2

{ [(3x 2 - 8y 1 ) dx+(4y - 6xy) dy)],

• [ __
f~(l-x ) <2x+2y) dx dy ].
le . 8. If C is the simple closed curve inJthe xy-plane not enclosing
where C is the boundary of the region defined by Y=vx,
[Hint. Proceed as in solved example 1. Here each integral
the origin, show that

F•dr=O, where F=-2- - 2- .
I x 1+Y
will come c,ut to be ½]. .
-.I§ 7. The Divergence theorem of Gauss.
3. Apply Green's theorem in the plane to evaluate
Suppose V is the volume bounded by a closed piecewise smooth
. ~ c {(y-sin x) dx+cos x dy}, surface S . Suppose F (x, y, z) is a vector function of position which
is continuous and has continuous first Pf;tial derivatives in V. Then
where C is the triangle enclosed by the lines
y=O, X=1t, 1ty=.2x.

[Agra 1973]
n~v dV=n~ \l•F
where n is the outwards drawn unit normal vector to S.
[Kanpur 1977, 79; Agra 72; Allahabad 80; Rohilkband 80;
[ Hint. Here M=y-sin x, N=cos x. Therefore the given Madras 83; Kerala 75; Meerut B. Sc. Physics 83]

. /
integral= BR G:-~:) dx dy=
Evaluate by Green's theorem in plane
c~: \:~~) z (-sin x-1) dx dy]
Since F•n is the normal component of vector F, therefore
divergence theorem may also be stated as '. follows :
The surface integral of the normal component of a vector F taken
over a closed surface is equal to the integral of the divergence of F

~ - 1c (e-"' sin y dx+e-"' cosy dy), taken over the volume enclosed by the surface.
¥"1/ Vihere C is the rectangle with vertices Cartesian equivalent of Divergence Theorem.
(0, 0), (1t, 0), (1t, ½n), (0, ½r:). Ans. 2 (e-"-1). . k Th en 'v•F=d1vF
. 0F oF oF
5. If F=(x2-y ) i+2xyj c1.nd r=xi+yJ, find the value of
1 Let F = F11+F2j+Fa. = -- 1 + - 2+ - 8 .
ox oy oz
If or.,~. y are the angles which outward drawn unit normal n
IF•dr around the rectangular boundary x=0, x=a, y=O,
makes with positive directions of x, y, z-axes, then cos rx, cos ~.
y=b. [Gaobati 1973] cos y are direction cosines of n and we have
Ans. 2ab 2 • n=cos cd +cos ~j+cos y k.
6. Verify Green's theorem in the plane for J,. lf• D= (F1 i+F2 j+F8 k) •(cos 1xi+cos ~j+cos -yk)
f (xs-.xy 3) dx+(y11-2xy) dy, =F1 cos or. +F2 cos ~+Fs cosy.
jC ' Therefore the divergence theorem can be written as
where C is the square with vertices (0, 0), (2, 0), (2, 2), (0, 2).
[Meerut 1974] ~ ~ ~ v (:: + ~: + 1 2
::s) dx dy dz
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 107
106 The Divergence Theorem of Gauss

= n / tF1 cos a.+F 2 cos ~+Fa cosy) dS ttt

We have
ilFa dV= rf f oFs dx dj dz= { i [ (g (x,y) oFs dz] dx dy
= ~ ~ /~F dy dz+F dz dx+F 3 dx dy).
}llvoz j} voz }}R Jz=f(x,y) oz
1 2

The significance of divergence theorem lies in the fact that a

= ~ \ R[ F 3 (x, y, z)];j(:_> y) dx dy

surface integral may be expressed as a volume integral and vice =HR [Fa [x, Y, g(x, y}J-F [x, y, f(x, y) ] ] dx dy

Proof of the divergence theorem.
=HR F [x, y, g (x , y)] dx dy- ~ ~ F [x, y, f (x, y)] dx dy
3 R 8

We shall first prove the theorem for a special region V which . .. (I)
is bounded by a piecewise smooth closed surface S and has the Now for the vertical portion Sa of S, the normal D8 to S 3
property that any straight line parallel to any one of the coordi• makes a right angle y with k. Therefore
nate axes and intersecting V has only one segment (or a single
point) in c.;ommon with V. If R is the orthogonal projectiod of S
~ ~Sa Fa k•n 8 dS3 =0, since k•n 3 =0.
on the xy~plao~, then V can be represented in the form For the upper portion S 1 of S, the normal n1 to S 1 makes an i I
acute angle y 1 with k. Therefore ,1
\ f (x, y) ~ z ~ g (x, y) k•n 1 dS1 =cos y 1 dS 1 =dx dy. Hence
where (x, y) varies in R.
Obviously z=g (x, y) represents the upper portion S 1 of S,
~ ~ 51 F k•n
1 1 dS1 = ~) R F 9 [x, y, g(x, y)] dx dy.
z=f(x, y) represents the lower portion Sa of S and there may be a For the lower portion S 2 of S, the normal n2 to S 2 makes an
remaining vertical portion S8 of S. obtuse angle y 2 with k. Therefore
k•n 2 dS 2 =cos y 2 dS 2 = - dx dy. Hence
H52 Fs k•D 2 dS,= - JJR F 3 [x, y,f(x, y)] dx dy.

:•. H 83
F 3 k•Da dSa+ ~ Lt F 8 k•D 1 dS1 + JLF
3 k•n~ dS 2

=0+ !. JR Fa [x, y, g(x, y)] dx dy - ~ ~ RF 3 [x, y, f(x, y)] dx dy

or with the help of (1), we get

' I
n2 ~ L Fak•D dS= d~. V ::
... (2)
Similarly, by projecting Son the other co-ordinate planes, we
1- - - - ~ - - - - - -
JJs F j~n dS= ~ ~ ~ v : ; dV
I 2
I 2
... (3)
~ ~ s F i~n dS= JJ~ v : : dV. 1

and 1
••• (4)
Adding (2), (3) and (4), we get

, X
~ ~ s (F i+F i+Fak)•n dS= !.
1 2 i!_(~: +:; +::s)
1 2

108 Some Deductions from Divergence Theorem Green's, Gauss's andI $j1oke's Theorems 109

:. divergence theorem gives

. ~ ~ ~v [c,67 1 4'+(v7,fo)•(v'lji)] dV
The proof of the theorem can no w be extended to a region V
which can be subdivided into finitely many specia l regions of the
= ~ ~s (\6'i7 1Ji)•n dS .. .(l)
above type by drawing auxiliary surfaces. In thjs case we apply
the theorem to each sub-region and then add the results. The sum [Meerut 1970]
of the volume integrals over parts of V will be equal' to the volume This is called Green's fi rst ide1Jtlty or theorem.
integral over V. The surface integrals over auxiliary s urfaces cancel Interchanging ef, and in (1), we getlji
· in pairs, while the sum of the remain ing surface integrals is equal
to the surface integral over the whole boundary S of V.
~j L 1
[4'\7 r/,+(v'lj/)•( 'v' f)) dV

. . Note. The divergence theorem is applicable for a region Y if

1t 1s bounde<!I by two closed surfaces S 1 and S 2 one of which lies
=ns [q, V ef,]•D dS .. (2)
Subtracting (2) from (1), we get

Hlv (\67 1 1
1Ji-1Ji V cp)dV=~~s(r/,'i7 41-lji 'i7,f,)•ndS .. . (3)
This is called Green' s second identity or Green's theorem in
symmetrical form.
s, Since 'ill\,=!! n a nd 'vr/,=~t n, therefore
(¢,'v' 41 - lji V r/,)•n = ( ,f, 1 n-q, ot/,
on on
u ·)•n

=,f, ol)i - lji of

within the other. Here outwa rd drawn normals will have the di- on · on
rections as shown in the tigure. Hence (3) can also be written as
j § 8. Some deductions .from divergence theorem.
1. Green's theorem. Let .:, pnd 4' be scalar point functions
~~ L(\h'v 1
1Ji- lji 7
r/,) dV= 1L( ::-lji ~!)
cp dS.
[Meerut 1972, 80]
which together wiih their deriva tives in any dir1ction are uniform
and con tinuous withi11 the region V li11unded by a closed surface S, Note. Harmonic function If a scalar point function ,f, satisfies
Laplace's equation y' 1 ,f,=0, then r/, is called harmonic function. If
t/, and qi are both harmonic functions, then 7 1 ,f,=0, 'i7 1q,=0.
iJJV (,f, 'v' 21Ji- lji 'v 1rp ) dV= ~ ~ s (rp y' lji -1), y7 rp)•D dS.
Hence from Green's second identity, we get
fr ( "' oq, -lji o,f,) dS=O.
[Agra 1971, Gauhati 72; M. U. 1979; Indore 1979] JJs on on
Proof. By d ivergeni.;e theorem, we have -
·z. Prove that ~~L 'v</idV=iLipndS.
J~ ~ v V •F dV= ~) s F•n dS. [Agra 1972; Allahabad 77)
. Proof. By divergence theorem, we have
Putting F =r/, 'v l)i, we get
. 'v • F='v' •{r/, 'i74')
=4' <v• Vl)i)+C7cfo)· Cv4') = r/, 'v 2 41 +{ V r/,) • Cv1Ji).
HL 'il•F dV= ~ LF•n dS .
Taking F=r/,C where C is an arbitrary constant non-zero
Also F•n=(ef, VIJi)•n. vector, we get
fireen's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 111
110 Some Deductions From Divergence Theorem

~ H ~
v v •(cf,C) dV= ~s (cf,C)•n dS ...(1) Ex. 1.
For any closed surfar:e S, prove that
Now v'•(¢C)=(v'</>)•C+¢ (v•C)
=('v,fo)•C, since v •C=O.
\L curl F•n dS=O.
Also (cf,C) .. n=C•(</>n). Solution. By divergence theorem, we have
JL ~ j ~ v (div curl F) dV,
• (I) becomes

JJ]v C-(vcf,) dV= ~ L C•(</>n) dS

curl F•n dS= where Vis the
volume enclosed by S
or c-n L 9¢, dV=C•J~s ¢,o dS
~ L
=0, since diw curl F=0.

or c{!\\v vs/> dv-\J 5

Ex. 2. Evaluate r•n dS, where S i~,a closed surface.
(Madras 1983; Robilkband 76; Allahabad 75]
Since C is an arbitrary vector, therefore we must have

jj Lv = ~ L
Solution. By the divergence theorem, we have
¢, dV ¢,n dS.
~ ~ s r•o dS= ~ J~ v •r dV V

3. ~-JL
Prove that v' xB dV= ~ L nxB dS.
= H\ v3 dV, since v ~r=div r=3
(Gauhati 1971, 74] = 3V, where Vis the volume enclosed by S.
Proof. In divergence th·e orem taking F=B x C, where C is
an arbitrary constant vector, we get Ex. 3. If F=axi +byj +czk, a, b, c are constants, show that

~J L v ·(BxC) dV= ~ L (B X C)•n dS. •.. (1)

~L F•n dS= ! 1t (a+b+c), whereSisthesurface of a unit sphere.

Now v' •(B x C)=C•curl B-B•curl C [Kerala 1974; Agra 80; Robilkband 77; Allahabad 80, 82]
=C•curl B, sin•ce curl C=O; Solution. By the divergence theorem, we have
Also (B x C)•n = [B, C, n] = [C, n, B]=C•(nxB).
. • (I) b~comes iJs F•n dS= ~~ L (v•F) dV.
\\L (C•curl B) dV=\L C•(n x B) dS where Vis the volume enclosed by S

or c-n L (v X B) dV=C• \ L (ox B) dS

=·ii~ v [ v' •(~xi+byj +czk)] dV
or c-[ \\L(v x B) dV- ~ \s (n x B) dS ]=o. =~J L[~x (ax)+ ~y (by) + ~z (cz)] dV

Since C is an arbitrary vector therefore we can .take C as a = \ \ \ v (a+b+c) dV=J(a+b+c) V=(a+b +c) ~ 1t,
non-zer0 vector which is not perpendicular to the vector
sine'! the volume V enclosdd by a sph:!re of unit radius is equal
\JL (vxB) dV- ~L (n x B)dS. to 4
3 1t
(1)3.1.e., 4
3 'lt.

Hence we must have

If n is the unit outward drawn normal to any closed
j \L( L( Ex. 4.
'v x B) dV - \ n x B) dS ~O surface S, show that ~ ~ ~ v div n dV = S.
or \\~v(v x B)dV=~\ (n X B)dS. Solution. We have by the divergence theorem,
112 Solved Examples
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 113

H!v div n dV= JIs n•n dS= 1ls dS=S. = J jv ! 'v • {,! ) dV, by divergence theorem.
Ex. 5. Prove that

JJJv v,f,•A dV= Bs ,f,A-ndS- ~ ~ ~" </Jv•A dV.

Now v• ( ; 2 )=r! ('v•r)+r•'v (r!)
Solution. . By divergence theorem, we have = r; +r• (-..3_ 2 -~
,a 'vr)= ,~ ,a (r• .!_)
r \ = r2
]_ _3_
r' r2=r-!- .

JJL v•(,f,A) dV= ~ !s (,f,A)•n dS. . ..(l) Hence , JLr;: dS= B Jv ~.V.
Now ~-(,f,A)=(v,f,)•A+,f, (v ·A). Ex. 9. If F= v </, and v 1=0, show that for a closed surface S

Also (ef,AJ•n=,f, (A•n).

Hence (1) gives JJL Fl dV=B s r/,F•ndS. [Robilkband 1978, 79]
~!!" [(y,f,)•A+ef, ('v•A)] dV= ~ ~s ,t, A•n dS Solution. By divergence theorem, we have

or HL (v</,)•A ~v=fls </JA•n dS- ~ ~ L"' v•A dV.

Bs r/,F•n dS=fH v ['v•(</JF)]dV.
Now v'•(ef,F)=( v' </J•F)+c,6 ('v•F)=F•F+.,& (v•'il cf,)
Ex. 6. Prove that ~s v</JX 'vqi•dS=O. =F2 +<fo 'v 1 cf,=F1 , since y' 1 rf,=0.

Solution. We have t 'v</J>< 'v ~· •dS= Is (v,f,x·vqi)•u dS Hence !!s ef,F•n dS = J!)"F 1
Ex. 10. l/F=vcp, 'i7•ef,=-41tP, show that
= 1 'v•(vef,x vqi) dV, by div~rgence theorem Ij s F•n dS = - 41t !J! v p dV.
=0" [·: v•(vef,x 'v"1)= b. See Ex. ·13 page 651 Solution . By divergence theorem, we have
Ex. 7.
Prove that
'vef,•curl F dV= Is (Fx 'v</,)•dS. Hs F•n dS= HL (V•FJ d V.
Now 'i.7 •F= 'i7 •('i7</,)= 'i7 1 cp= -41tp.
Solution. We have L (F x 'vcf,) dS= Js (Fx vrf,)•n dS
:. BsF•n dS=BJ"(-41tP) dV= - 41t\~LpdV.
= ~" v •(F X v //C=½ v xB, B-v XA, show that
ef,) dV, by divergence theorem applied Ex . 11.

to t':\e vector function F X 'v </, f Iflv 2

B dV=½ IIs AXP•n ds+ A·C dT'.

= (vcf,•curl F - F-curl v~) dV I Solution. We have by divergen.:e theorem

[By vector identity 5 on page -57] i lt (AxB)•n dS=½\ \ L 7 · ' AxB) dV.
= ~" v ef,•curl F dV. I[ ·: curl 'v tfo=O] Now 'v •(Ax B)=B•curl A-A•curl B
= B•('il x A) - A•( 'v XB)=B•B - A•(2C)=B 2 -2 (A•CJ.
Ex. 8. . Prove that j !l.- ~!'= 11s r;, 0
Hence ½\ L (Ax B)•nldS=½ !~ L (B 3 - 2 (A•C)] dV

Solution. \ L° r;2 dS= JL (r: )•n dS

= ½\ j~ v B 2
dV - ~ \ 1v A•C dV
Solved Examples Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's . Theorems 115

t IIL 1
ll dV=i j ]s AXB•n dS+ IfL A•C dV. J. \) ~v 1 'Vcfo r dV=O.
Ex. 12. If¢, is harmonic iii V, then 1
I \J tf, 1 =0 in V.
[ [ o,f, dS=O "v cp=0 in V.
j Js on
¢ =constant in V.
where Sis the surface enclosing V.

Solution. We have l ls:: dS= Jt c~

[Meerut 1972]

n )•n dS
Ex. 15. If if, and "' are harmonic in V and :!= t~ on S, then
¢=,.)i+c in V, where c is a constant.
=JL (Vef,)•, D dS Solution. We have, ,Jl,p=O, 'v 1"'=0 in
.. v7s (¢>-ljl)='v1,p-\J 1qi=0 in V.

=JI Iv 'v •( V </>) dV, by divergence theorem Therefore ¢,-qi is harmonic in V.

. a or/> alji
=BL 'v cfodV
Agam on S, aii (,p-,.ji)=an-cn=O.
=0, since 9 1 ,p=0 in V because if, is harmonic in V. Thus¢,-"' islharmonic in Vandon S we have
Ex. 13. If r/> is harmonic in V, then a
an (¢>-lji)=O.
}L :!
¢ dS= \ \ \v [9¢ )' dV. Hence as in exercise 14, we have
(Meerut 1969, Agra 70] ¢>-,.ji=c, where c is a constant
Solution. We have or ¢,="'+c.
JL 'P ~!ds=IJs( r/>:!n )•ndS=IL<¢v'r/>)•ndS
Ex. 16. If div F denotes the divergence of a vector field F at a
point P, show that

= 'v •(r/> 'vrf,) dV, by divergence theorem
F•n dS

=· [( 'v ¢• 'vif>)+¢ ('v • v r/>)J dV
. F- lim _a_s____
div -8V➔ 0 iW
where 3V is the volume enclosed by the surface ~Sand the limit is
=!IL [( V,f,)•+ ~'v 2 r/>J dV
obtained by shrinking av to the point P.
Solution. We have by the divergence theorem,
=j )L 1
j v </, / .dV, since 9 2 ,/,=0 and ('vcfo) 2 =1
V :/, / •
~~Lv divFdV=JLs F•n dS. . •. (I )
Ex. 14. If¢, is harmonic ~n V and ~! ==0 on S, then ¢ is cons- By the mean value. theorem of integral calculus, the left hand

1ant in V. side can be wrHten as

Solutio11. s ·,,ce ¢ is harmonic in V, therefore as in exercist! div F dV=div F av,

13, we have
where div F is some value intermediate between the maximum and
minimum of div F throughout 8V. Therefore (I) e,ive:.t

div F 8V= \ Ls F•n dS

Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 117
116 Solved Examples

ff F-u dS c-! L ('v 4>) X D dS= IIS' C•[('v 4>) X n] dS .

div F= JJas av
Taking the limit as av-o such that P is always interior to
= fls [C X 'vef>]•D dS I

av, div F approaches the value div Fat point P. Hence, we get = J~JV ['v •(C x V r/>J) dV, by div. theorem

. F
. {J} as F•n dS
hm = ~ ~ ~ v rv74>.curl C - C.• curl 'vip] dV
ll I

d iv = av-o..::...:;.__'-=---a -v--· =0, since curl C=O and curl 'vef>=O. II

Ex. 17. Show that~ ~s n dS=O for an, closed surface S. Thus C• ~ \s ('v ip) x o dS=O, where C is an arbitrary vector.
Solution. Let C be any arbitrary constant vector. Then Hence we must have\ \s (vip)Xo dS=O.
C• ~t n dS= It C•n dS Ex. 20. Prove that I)nx(axr) dS=2Va, I

=~ H., ('v •C) dV, by divergence theorem where a is a constant vector and V Is the volume enclosed by the
closed surface S.
-o, since div C=O. Solution. We know that

Thus C• ~Is n dS=O, where C is an arbitrary vector. JHv 'yxBdV=Hs oxBdS. [see page l 10]

Therefore we must have ~Is n dS=O.

Putting B=axr, we get
Bs nx(axr)dS=\Bv 'vX(axr)dY
Ex. 18. Prove that~ Is r x ndS=O for any closed $Ur/ace S .
-= ~ ~ ~ v curl (ax r) dV
Solution. Let C be any arbitrary constant ycctor. Then
~ \ \ V 2a dV, since curl (ax r)=2a

C•i ~s rxn dS= J\s C•[(rxn)J dS= Hs (Cxr;.n d;:'


~ 1~ v dV=2aV. I/'
= \ I\
v [ 'v •(C X r)J dV, by divergence theorem
Ex. 21. A vector B is alway s normal to a given closed surface

-= HJ V [r•curl C-C-curl r] dV S. Show that j11 Vcurl B dV=O, where Vis the region bounded

=0, since curl C=O and r=O. by S.

Solution. We know that Ii
Thus C• ~ ~ s r x n dS=O, where C is an arbitrary vector.
\ ~ \ y curl B dV= fls nxB dS.
Therefore,:we must have~ ~S' r x n dS=O. Since B is normal to S, therefore B is parallel to o, Therefore

Ex. 19. Prove that 1ls ('v rf,) X o dS=O for a closed surface S.

Solutior Let C be an arbitrary constant vector. Then

... Jls nxB dS=O •
Solved Examples ,'reen's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 119
J. JJJv curl B dV= O. Solution. We have div F= 'v •F

Ex. 22. Express I Y {(grad P)•Y+P div,} dV, as a surface

(x1 - yz)+~
(y 1 -zx)+ ~
(z 2 - -.XJ,} =2x+ 2v +2z.

integral. [Gaubati 1972, 77] • volume integral= JHV 'v •l<' dV= IJI V 2 (x+y+z) dV
Solatioa. We know that 0

div (PY)=(grad P)••+P div,. =2 ( Ib (" (x+y+z) dx dy dz

J•-o 11-0 j a:-o2 I
[See vector identity 3 on page 56].
=2 r·j•-o rJ11-o [X2 +yx+ zx ]".,,. dy dz

:. .f {(grad P)•Y+P div Y} dV:c:;: J div (PY) dV

[-o [f +ay+az] dy dz = 2 J~ [~ y+a f+azy J:.. dz
y y

IC: y 'v •(PY) dV
=2 I:-o
1:_ J:
= t.
=2 ( a;b + a: +abz] dz=2 [°;b z+ ar z+ab:; I
(PY)•n dS, by Gauss divergence tb..:orem =[a 1bc+ab1c+abc1 ]= abc (a+b+c)~ ·
= Is P (v•n) dS. Surface Integral. We shall
now calculate 'I
Ex. 23. Using the divergence theorem, show that the volume V
of a region T bounded by a surface S is JL. F•n dS
V= IJs x dy dz== IL. Y dz dx= I t z dx dy over the six faces of the rect-
angular parallelopiped.
- i J (x dy dz+y dz dx+z dx dy). Over the face DEFG,
D=i, X-:-0•
Solution. By divergence theorem, we have

IJ s x dy dz== JJJV ( 3~ (x) ) dV = JJJv dV = V I

JJs ydzdx=HJv[a~ (y) Jdv=JIJvdV=V

Jtzdxdy=HJv[! (z)] dV=JfJ YdV=V.

Adding tbeseiresults, we get

3V=Jt (x dy dz+y dz:dx+z dx dy)

or V-i JIs (x dy dz+y dz dx+ z dx dy). jl

Over the face ABCO, n=-i, x=O. Therefore

IL.1co F•n dS= \ ![(0-yz} i+ ... + ... J•(-i) dy dz
Ex. 24. Verify ,divergence theorem for
F=(x1 -yz) i+(y 2 - zx) J+(z1 -xy) k
taken over the rectangular paral/elopiped
0 Ci; x c;; a, 0 c;; y c;; b, Oc;; z ~ c. [Meerut 1976]
~ •-o
~ b yz dy dz= ~ •
[y•- z]b
•-o 2 11-0
dz= I••-o 2
1 1 1
z dz= b c .
120 Solved Example, Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 121

Over the face ABEF, n=J, y=b. Therefore Ex. 26. By transforming to a triple integral evaluate
0 0

ff F•n dS= { { [(x 1 -bz) i +(b1 -zx) j I=~ ~s (x 3 dy dz+x•y dz dx+x•z dx dy)
J ]AJl6F J•-o J.,-o
= J•-o ! a
+(z 1 -bx) k)•J dx dz
(b 1 -zx) dx dz=b 1 ca--.
where S ts the closed surface bounded by the planes z= 0, z= b and
the cylinder x•+ y•=a'. . [Meerut 196?, 80]
Solution. By ·i ivergence theorem, the required surface rnteg-
Over the face OGDC,'n=-j, y=O. Therefore ral I is equal to th -- • ,iii., it:i~f',t;':';?.l

zxdxdz=c a
2 2


\\\v[:x (x')+t (x'y)+ ;z (x z)] dV 2

Over the face BCD£, n=k, z=c. Therefore =fb { rv(a2-yl) 2 0

' I (3x2+x'+x') dx dy dz
{ F•n dS- (bl11-o J{Q..-~(c -xy) dx dy= c ab- a4b 1 2
2 2
•-o l11--a Jx= - v<a -y .l
=4x5 {b ra (v(a'-y')x 1 dxdydz
j •--o l11-0 J"'-O
Over the face AFGO, n=-k, z=0.
{r F-n dS= r ra xy dx dy= a2bl.
=20 p {a [x3 ]v(a2-y2) dy dz= 20 tb ~cl (al-y1)3fldydz
J JAFGO J Jo:•o 4
l •-o l 11-0 3 2'-0 3 l z-o 11-0

Adding the six surface integrals, we get =20{a [<a1-yl)3 /2 z ]b

dy=2ora b (a'-y1)3 /I dy.
3 lv-o •-o 3 h-o
~ ~s F•n dS=( a'bc-c:• +ct)+( b'ca- at+ a;•) Put y=a sin t so that dy=a cos t dt.
• 1= 20 b ['• a• cos 3 t (!1 cost) dt
+ ( c'ab- a•b2
4 +4
asb2) 3 lo
=abc (a+b+c). - -20 a4b J"''2cos' t dt= 20- a•b -3
-1t = -5 1ta b ·
-3 0 3 4.2 2
Hence the theorem is verified. Ex. 27. Apply Gauss's divergence theorem to evaluate
Ex. 25. Evaluate
JJ [(x3 -yz) dy dz - 2x2y dz dx+z dx dy]
Bs X
dy dz+y• dz dx+2z (xy-x-y) dx dy
over the surface of a cube bounded by the coordinate planes and the
where S is the surface of the cube planes x=y=z=a.
0 ~ x ~ 1, o,-.;; y 0.,;; z ~ 1. ~u.
[Meerut 1968) Solution. By· divergence theorem, we have
Solution. By divergence theorem, the given surface integral
is equal to the volume integral ~ L.(F dy dz+F2 dz dx+Fa dx dy)

l V [oOX o o ]
(x')+ay (y')+oz {2z (xy-x-y) } dV =JfJj(0F.+ 0F2+0F3) dxdydz.
ox oy oz
l •-o J{11-0 f1
J .,_.
[2x+2Y+2xy-2x-2y]dxdydz Here F1 =x 3 -yz, F 2 =-2X1Y, F9 =z.
. oF1 +oF2 +oF,= 3x1 _ 2x2+l=x2+1.
-=2 f1


f 1

xy dx dy dz=2
1 1
f f [ ~- y
J•-o J11-0 2

dy dz
• • ax oy oz
the given surface integral is equal to the volume integral
=2. 1 ~ 1 -y dy dz= 1 [ yll
- ]l dz J ~:-o ~:-o J:_
•-o 11-0 2 •-o 2 11-0 0
+1) dx dy dz
= ~:-o ½ dz~{ z J: =½. _{a
- ] •-o
[x3+x]a dydz
3 :i:-o
Solved Examples Green's, Gauss's and Sloke's Theorems 123

=f_ J:_ Ex. 30. Apply divergence theorem to evaluate

Ex. 28.
0 0
(a; +a) dy dz=a2 (a; +a).

JfF=xi - yj+(z 1 -l) k ,find the value of~ L F•n dS

~ t [(x+z) dy dz+(Y+z) dz dx+(x+y) dx dy]
where Sis the Jurface of the sphere x 2 +y 2 +z 2 =4.
where Sis the closed surface bounded by the planes z=O; Z= I and Solution. By divergence theorem, the given surface integral
the c_,/inder x +y1 =4. [Kanpur 1978, 80J is equal to the volume integral
Solution. By divergence theorem, we have
J)s F-n dS= JJJ v div F dV. H~v[ix (x+ z)+ :j, (y+z)+ :z (x+y)] dV

Here d'W F =OX 0 (
( X )+ oy 0 = J~ J., 2dV=2 JJ) V dV=2V, where Vis the
-y)+OZ (z 2 - I)
volume of the sphere x•+y1 +z 2 =4
. =l-1+2z=2z. 4
1 =2 [ : TC(2) 3] ~ ~ TC .
J. f)
JV div F dV=J •-o (2
lf Xv'.5_ -!1
() 2z dx dy dz
Ex. 31. If S is any closed surface enclo.sing a volume V and
I•-o1 J2 4 - Y1 )
11--2 - - v1

= [2zxJv(4-y2) dy dz F=xi+2yj+3zk, prove that


r· 4zy'(4 - y
X=-\/(4-y 1 )
) dydz=r· [4z2I v'(4 -y1)]
~ ls F•n dS=6V.
•-o Jv--2 J11--2 •-o [Kanpur 1979; Robilkband 80; Agra 78]
Solution. By divergence theorem, we have
J11--2 y'(4-y 2

Jls F•o dS= !JjV div F dV= !j ~ v div (xi+2yj+3zk) dV

=2 ) dy=4J y'(4-y 2) dy

-=4 [ ~ v'(4-y )+2 sin- ~

1 1
J: =4 (2 sin- 1]=4(2) ; =4TC,

= JJJv[~x (x)+ a; (2y)+ :z (3z)] dV

Ex. 29. Find Hs A•n dS,

where A=(2x+3z) i-(xz+y) j +(y 2+2z) k

Ex. 32.

JJ v 0+2+3) dV=6 llJ JI dV=6V.
and S is the surface of the sphere having centre at (3, -1, 2) a_nd
radius 3. [Meere· 1974]
Solution. Let Vb'! the volume enclosed by the surface S.
fl s (y1z2 i+z1x 2 i+z 2y 2 k)•n dS

Then by Gauss divergence theorem, we have where Sis the part of the sphere x 9 +y2 +z•.,., l above the xy-plane
and bounded by this plane. [Agra 1969; Bombay 66]
jj 5
JJ1v div A dV.
A•o dS= Solution. By divergence theorem, we have
N .
ow d 1v
a 2x a a
A= x ( +3z)+ Y {-(xz-f-y)}+ iJz (y 2 +2z) Jt (y1z2 i+z 2x 1 j+z 2y 1 k)•n dS
0 0
= JJJv div (y 2z1 i+z2x2 i+z•y2 k) dV,
.:. Jt. A•o dS= IJJ v 3 dV=3J J1 vdV=3V. where V is the volume enclosed by S
But Vis the volume of a sphere: of radius 3.
V=fTC (3)3=36it.
Therefore =fr
JJJv [a-
(y•z2)+~ (zlxz)+~ (z2y2) ]
ay az

j js A•n dS=3V=3 >< 36TC= l,08TC, 1

=B~v2ty dV=21Bvzy 2 dV.
We shall use spherical polar coordinates (r, 0, ,f>) to evaluate
124 Solvtd E,.amplt1 Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 125

this triple integral. In polars dV=(dr) (rd8) (r sin 8 d,f,)=r.• sin 6

Ex. 34. Evaluate \ \ F•n dS over the entire surface of the
dr dB drf,. Also z=r cos 8, y=r sin 8 sin rf,. To cover V the limits 5

of r will be O to I, those of 0 wi 11 be O to ; and those of ,f, will be

region abo,e the xy-plane bounded by the cone z1 =x 2 y 2 and the +
plan~ z=4, if
0 to 21t. The triple integrai is F=4xz i+xyz 2 j+3z k.
1 1 2 Solution. By divergence theorem, we have
=2 f (r cos B) (r 2 sin 2 8 sin• rf,) r 2 sin 8 dr do drf,
("' ( "
Jr-o JB- o ) ♦-o F•ndS= J~ iv div F dJi,
12 2
=2 (1 (" ( " r 6 sin3 IJ cos 0 sin1 rf, dr dB drf,
j r-o JB-o ) ♦-o where Vis the volume enclosed by S.
) =2• - I
J"'s-2o \2"♦-o sin 3
8 cos IJ sin 2 ,f, dB d</>, Here div F=~ (4xz)+ ~ (xyz?.)+~ (3z)=4z+xz 2 +3.
OX 'iJy uZ
on integrating with respect to r. Also J' is the region bounded by the surfaces
[Note that the order of integration is immaterial because the z=O, z=4, z1 =x2 +y2 •
limits of r, o and ,f, are all constants].
= ! • i:• 4
\ sin 2 ,f, d,f,, on integrating with respect to 8
Therefore fjf., div F dV= !IJv (4z+xz +3) dx 1
dy dz

1 f.,. 12 1 l 1t 1t = {' r· [y(z• - v<z

J,-o J,_. Jx- -
( 4z+ xz + 3) dx dy dz 1

=12•4 Jo sin2 ,f, d,f,= 3 • 2 • 2=12•

Ex. 33. By converting the surface integral into a volume integ- =2 {' r· {y~z• - yl) (4z+3) dx dy <lz,
ral evaluate · J,_. Jr--• Jx-0
. \ y(z2-y2) _
smce X=-v . '( Z1 -y1 ) x dx-0
Ji s (x 3 dy dz+ y 8 dz dx+ z8 dx dy),
where Sis the surface of the sphere x 2 +y•+z1 =1. [Bombay 1970] o=2 \:,,,o \:__, (4z+3)v'(z -y 1 2
) dy dz,
Solution. By divergence theorem, we have on integrating with respec! to x
It (F1 dy dz+F2 dz dx+Fa dx dy) =4 {' · {•
J•-o lr-o
(4z+3)v(z 2 -y1 ) dy dz

= HL (:: +::~ +::a)

dx dy dz, =4 [ .. (4z+3) [ { v(z1 -yl1)+ z; sin- 1
~ J: dz
where V is the volume enclosed by S. 2
=4 ~: (4z+3) [z; sin• 1 1] dz=rr. ~: (4z 3 +3z ) dz
Here F 1 =x3 , F1 =y3 , F 8 =z 3 •
• 'iJF1 'iJJ,~
• • OX +oy
'iJFs_ 3 ( + +
+az - y z X
2 2 2)
• =,c [z'+z• J: =,c (256+64)=32011:.
.;. the given surface integral Ex. 35. Show that ~ ~ 5 (x 2 i+y' i+z 2
k)•n dS
-= JJJv 3 (x +y +z 1 2 2
) dx dy dz vanishes where S denotes the surface of the ellipsoid
1 211 x:a y• z2
=3 f f" { r 2r 1 sin 0 dr dB drf,, al +b1 +;l=l.
Jr-e ) •-o ) ♦-o changing to polar
spherical coordinates Solution. We have by divergence theorem

= 3 X 21t X 2 X - 5J J 21t
= -S • ~ L (xi i+y1 j+z 2 k)•n dS
126 Solved Examples Gree,ls, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 127

= JJL div (x2 i+y 2 j+z 2 k) dV, where Vis the volume or ·~ L, curl F•n ds+ J~ Si curl F•n dS=O
enclo&ed by S [ ·t S' consists of S and Si]
= JfJv (2x+2y+2z) dx dy dz or !L.curlF•nds-iis curlF•kdS=O [·: onSi,n=-k]
=210 f bv{l-(z2/c2)} ra·v {l-(yl/b2)-(z2/cl)}
or Jt curl F•n dS= IJ

Si curl F•k dS.

•--c jy=-bv'{l-(z9/c 1 )} jx=-av'(l -y1/b1 -z2/c2}
(x+y+z) dx dy dz Now curl F= j k
fo f by{l -(z2;c2)}
J,--c Jy=-bv'{l-(z2/c')}(y+z)
J( y• z•)
l - b1- -c2 dydz, 0
on integrating with respect to x oy
[ Note that I~a f(x) dx=O if f(-X)=-f(x) and ra f(x) dx 3xy 2xz+z1
x 2 +y-4
=Oi-z i+(3y-1) k=-z i+(3y-l) k.
=2 1: f(x) dx if /(-x)=/(x)] .t curl F•k={ - z i+(3y-l) k}•k=3y-l.

J.f•__ Jrbv{l-(z'Jc•)}
z J(1 -z2 -~•) dydz
cz b2
fJs curl F•ndS= Hsi (3y-l) dS
=8 Jo•--• fb~{l -(z2/c2)} ~ J{b1 (1-~)-y1}dydz
= \ " f' (3r sin o -1) r dO dr, changing to polars
jy-O b c1 Je~o Jr-o
[Note that S 1 is a circle in xy plane with centre
= ! J:--• ~ ✓{ b l - ;: )-yz} 2

r dr-r. r
z [ ( origin and radius 4]
= r ·= 0 3r sin o dO
b ( z ) • _1 y ]bv'{l-(z1 /c1 )} 2
r do dr
+2 l-c 2 Stn b,l{l-(z 2/c 2 )} y=O dz

=i 1:__ 0
z[ b; (1-;: ) sin- I ] dz=! I:__ ~ z ; - ( 1-;) idz=O
1 =0= J f 2;-o[!:_]' d8
9= o 2 o
[-~-o {;;
J 9-o
sin 8 d()=O]

Ex. 36. If F=(x2 +y-4) i +3xy j+(2xz+z2) k, evaluate =~8[ 0 r•= - l61t.
1L<v' xF)•n dS where Sjs the surface of the sphere xi+y'+z'=16 Ex. 37. Evaluate ) )s. (V X A)•n dS, where
above the xy -plane.
Solution. The sur face x 2 +y 2 +z 2 =16 meets the plane z =O A=(x-z) i+(x 3 +yz) j-3x'-~ ~{ and Sis the surface of the cone
in a circle C given by x 2 +y 1 = 16, z = O. Let S 1 be the plane z =2 - v(x~-t-y 2 ) -: , -ve the,,:)- y lane. [Meerut 197~)
~ol ution. TL ., , face z= 2 -- v'(x 2 -t-y 2 ) meets the xy-plan~ m
region bounded by the circle C. If S' is the sErface consistir1g of a cir :le C given by x 2 +y 2 =4, z=O. Let 5' 1 be tt> ~ pla_ne region
the surfaces $ and S,, then S' is a closed surface. Let Vb<! the bounded by the circle C. If S' is the surface consist mg of the
region hounded by S'
If n denotes the outward drawn ( drawn outside tl-.e region V) surfaces Sand S1 , then S' is a closed surface. By application of
'livergence theorem, we have
unit normal vector to S', then on the plan.:: surface Si, we have
n= - k. Note that k is a un it vector normal to S 1 drawn into the
region V. j ]s' curl A•n dS=O [See Ex . ! page i II]
Now by an application of Gauss d;vrrgence theorem, we have or j t. curl A•n dS+-J).s- curl A•n dS=O
(J f S' curl
F•n dS =~ O
[See Ex. I rage 111 ) or n cn rl A •n ,,' ':, "=

~ 1Si curl A•k .IS ( ·: on 5\, n -= - k)

rlreen's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 129
128 So/lied Examples

Now curl A= j k =J JJ v (a+b+c) dV . [ '!• div F=a+b+c]

=(a+b+c) IIJ v dV=(a+b+c) V
· =(a+b+c) t1t, since the volume V enclosed by the
x-z x 3 +yz -3xy2 1r,h ere S of unit radius is f1t.
=i (-6xy-:-Y)+j (-1+3y 1 )+k (3x 2 -0). Ex. 39. Gauss's theorem. Let S be a closed surface and let
:. curl A•k=3x 1 • r denote the position vector of any point (x, y, z) measured from an

!ls curl A•n dS= ~ JSi 3x 2

l)rigin 0. Then
{ _!_.n dS
= {" J
2 1
3r 1 cos• 8 r d8 dr, changing to polars
JJs rs
j ,-o r.o Is equal to (i) zero if O lies outside S; (ii) 41t if O lies inside S.
=3 {
j •-o j r-o
c· r• cos1 :9 d8 dr=3 {Zir
j •-o
['4' ]o cos
2 () d8
Proof. (i) When origin O is outside S. In this case

Ii'= ~ is continuously differentiable throughout the region V

=12 J:" cos• 8 d() r
nclosed bys~ Hence by divergence theorem, we have
ln cos• 8 d8=48x
} 'It
x - =121t.
2 j Lr: •n dS= j j fv div (r:) dV=O, since div (r: )=o.
Ex. 38. Evaluate J L (ax'+by 1 + cz 1 ) dS
(ii) When origin O is inside S . In this case divergence theorem
. . r
cannot be appli-ed to the region V enclosed by S 1110ce F= 8 has a
over the sphere _x •+y•+z•= l using the divergence theorem, r
Solution. Let us first put the integral point of discontinuity at the origin.
l ls (ax'+by1 +cz1) dS in the form
To remove this difficulty let us en-
close the origin by a small sphere l:
where n is unit normal vector to S.
t F-n dS,
of radius E.
The function Fis continuously
differentiable at the points of the
The normal vector to ,f, (x, y, z)=x•+ y 1 +z 8 - 1 =0 is region V' enclose~· between S and l:.
='v,f,=2x i+2y f+2z k. Therefore applying divergence the-
• _ Vr/, 2x i+2y J+2z k orem for this region V', we have
n- ,-~i-i=v(4 (x2 +y2 +zi)]
x1 +y1 +z•= 1, on S] ff : •n dS= { f ! •n dl:
=xi+yj+zk [·: JJsr- . · Jhr
Now we are to choose F such that
F •n = F•(Xi + yj +zk)=ax2 +by1 +cz2•
Obviously F=ax i+by j+cz k.
= ~ ~ V' div { r: ) dV' =0, since div ( r~ ) =0.

Now ns (ax 2 +by~+cz1 ) dS ~Lr: ~n dS=-iL= (r~ )•ndl:.

=~ LF■ n dS, where F=ax i +by j+cz k
Now on the sphere~. the outward drawn normal n is directed
towards the centre. Therefore on :E, we have
=} J) 1
, div F dV, by di·n:rge nce theorem
n=- - -.

Exercis,a I
Green•s. Gauss•, and Stoke•s Theo:ems 131
:. -JI~,! d~=-IJl; e! •(-:)~•since
•n on E, ,_,
=BI:: ~= H~ ;~ lb~ ~=.! d~=.! 9
4lf( =-4,r,
xz2 dy dz+ (x1y-z') dz dx+(2xy+Jl'z) dx dy.
wi.ere S is the entiro surface of the hemispherical region
Hence J{ls ,a..!...n· dS=41t · bounded by z=y(a'-x1 -,r) and z==0. [Meerut 1974)
[Hint. Proceed as in Ex. 32]. Ans. - -.
Exercises 5
1. Verify divergence theorem for F=4xzi-y'J+yzk taken over 6. By using Gauss divergence theorem, evaluate
the cube bounded by
X=O. X= I, y=O. y ... 1. z=O. z- I.
Jls- (xi+yJ+z2k)•n dS
[Hint. Proceed as in Ex. 24. Here we shall have where Sis the closed surface bounded by the cone .x•+yl=zl

!I! y V •F dV= ; •
and the plane z= J.
[Hint. Proceed as in Ex. 34].
[Aara 1973]
Ans. ~rc/6.
The six surface integrals will come out to be 2. 0, -1, 0, I
and 0. Their sum is=f. 7. Use divergence theorem to find l Js- F•n dS for the vector
Hence th e theorem is verified]. F=xi-yj+2zk over the sphere x'+.r+(z-1)1 -=1.
Ans. 81t/~.
2. Evalua te. by qreen's theorem in space (i.e .• Gauss divergence 8. ·1f F=axi+byJ+czk, where a. b, c are constants. show that
theorem). the mtegral
J L. 4xzdydz-y•dzdx+yz dxdy, JL. (n•F) dS=~ (a+b+c),
S being the surface of the sphere (x-1)1 +(y-2)1 +(z-3)1 = I.
where S is t'1e surface of the cube bounded by [Gaubat~ 1971)
x=O, y=O, z=O. X= l, Y= 1, z= 1. [Meerat 1974; Kanpur 77] 9. Use divergence theorem to evaluate

3. . Verify ·Oauss divergence theorem to show that

Ans. f. JJs [x dy dz+ y dz dx+z dx dy].
, JIs {(xa-yz) i-2x'yj+2k}•n dS==Ja•, 19.
where Sis the surface .xl+.r+z1 =1.
Verify the divergence theorem for
Ans. 41t.

where S denC\tt;s the surface of the cube bounded by the planes F=4xi-2y2J+z'k
X=~x=~Y=~y=~z=~z=~ taken over the region bounded by the surfaces
[Rollllk..N 1979; Agra 77] .x•+,r=4, z=0, z=3. [Allahabad 1978]
[Hint. Show that each of the two integrals is=84r.].
4. Evaluate JIs (xi+yJ+zk)•n dS where S denotes the surface
n. Verify divergence theorem for
of the cube bounded by the planes x=O, x=a, y o, y=a. F-2ryi-y2J+4xz'k
z=~. z=a by the application of Gauss dinrgence theorem .taken over the region in the first octant bounded by
Verify your answer by evaluating the Integral directlv. · .r+z1 =9 and x=2. [Kanpur 1976)
. ·· . . [Agra 1979) [Hint. Show that each of the two integrals is= 180).
[Hmt. Here F=x•+YJ+zk. By divergence theorem, we have 12. Verify divergence theorem for the function F=yi+xJ+ z1k
JL. F•n dSc: HJ Ydiv F dV over the cylindrical region bounded by
x2 +,r=a2• z=0 and z~h. [Kanpur 1975; AJlab11bad 79]
== JJJv 3dVc::lV-=-Ja'. as V=a'=the volume of the cube]. 13. If F=yi+(x-2xz) j-.xy~. evaluate JJs (v' xFJ•n dS where
5. Evaluate hy divergence theorem the intr.gral Sis the surface of the sphere x'+yl+z'=a' above the ::y-
plaoe. [ltanpur l!llOJ
. I
132 Exercises

[Hint. Prnceeel as in Ex. 36. Here (curl F)•k=-z=O over

the surface S 1 bounded by the circle x•+y 1 =-a•, z=OJ. Ans. O. Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 133
14. Evaluate · J L. ('v X A)•n dS, where
normal n to S, has the surface on the left.
A=[xye•+log (z+l)-sin x] k and Sis the surface . of the [Agra 1970; Nagpur 70; Meerut 77, 80, 82, 84 ( P), 85]
sphere x 1 +y1 +z1 =a1 above the xy-plane. Ans. o.
15. Evaluate iis ('v xF)•n dS, where
Note. f F•dr= f (F-:: ) ds= f (F •t) ds, · where t is unit
F=(x2 +y-4) i+3xyj+(2xz+z 1 ) k and Sis the surface of tangent vector to C. Therefo re F•t is the component of F in the
the paraboloid i=4-(x1 +y1J above the xy-plane. Ans; -4n. direction of the tangent vector of C. Also ('v X F)•n is tbe co m-
16. Compute
ponent of cur\ F in the direction of outward drawn ncrmal vector n
(i) Iis (a2x•+b•y•+clz1)1l2 dS, and
of S. Therefore in words Stoke's theorem may be stated as
T he line integral of the tangential component of vector F taken
-(ii) JIs (a x +b y +c2z•y-111 dS
1 1 2 1
around a simple closed curve C is equal to the surface integral of the
over the ellipsoid ax 1 +by1 +cz•= 1. normal component of the curl of F taken over any surface S having c
A (i) 41t (a+b+c) ("') 4n as i:s boundary.
ns. 3y(abc) ' II 'v(abc)' Cartesian equivalent of Stoke's theorem.
Let F=F1 i-t·F2 j +F3 k. Let outward drawn normal vector n
17. Evaluate ~ ~S' (x 2 +y2) dS, where Sis the surface of the cone of S m ake angles ct, ~. y with positive directions of x, y, z axes.
Then n=cos cti +cos ~j + cos yk.
z1 =3 (x 2 +y 2 ) hounded by z=O and z=3, Ans. 9rt.
Also 'v xF = j k
18. Prove that
f f,curl F dV= f F x f•dS+ f F•curl f dV. a o a
Jv Js . Jv ox ay oz
[Hint. Apply divergence theorem for the vector function F x f].
19. Let r denote the position vector of any point (x, y, z) me'l- F, F1 F3
sured from an origin O and let r= I r I, aF~_aF,) i+( aF1 _aF3 ) ·+(oF,._ oF1 ) k.
Evaluate ff :.:n dS where Sis. the spb~_re x•+y 1 +z 2 = a'.
= ( oy az cz ax l ox oy
JJs r ·· - 2 1 3
Ans. 4n. [Calicut 197S] ('v xFJ•n=( ~:~ - ; : ) cos ct+( ~: - : : ) cos~
§ 9. Stoke's Theorem. Let S b~, a piecewise smooth open
surface bounded by a piecewise smooth simple closed curve r:. Let
+ (aF 0F
a:x-ay 1)
F (x, y, z) be a continuous vector functiO'I which has continuous fi rst Also F dr = (F1 i+F 2i+ F 8k)•(dxi+dyj+dzk)

= F1dx + F2dy+ F3dz.

partial derivatives in ci . region of space which contains S in its
• , Stoke's theorem can be written as
interior. Then

f F■dr= Hs (7XF)•n dS=It (curl F)•dS .r,{ F1dx+F2dy+Fadz= (j {l[( aF 80F2) cos
oy -~ CX

where Cis traversed in the positive direction . The direction of C is
called positive if an observer, walking on the boundary of S in this
+(~:1-~:s) cos ~+ ( ~= -!~ cos ; ]
9 1
) dS.

direction, with his h~ad pointing in the direction of outward drawn Proof of Stoke's theorem. Let s ' be a surface which !s such
that its projections on the xy , yz a nd x z planes a re reg1 o ns _boun ded
by simple closed curves . Suppose Scan be re presented s1multane•
ously in the forms
134 Solved Example~
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theortm3 135
z=/(x, y). y=g (x. z), X==h (z, >') I
where/, g, h are continuous functions and have continuous first let f be its boundary which is oriented as shown in the ugure.
partial derivatives. Using the representation z==/ (x, y) of S, we may write the line
integral over C as a line integral over f. Thus
Consider the integral JIs ['v x (F1 i)J•n dS, f F 1 (x, y, z) dx== f F 1 [x, y, / (x, Y)] dx
We have 'v x(F1i)- i · j k C l
0 a =f {£1 [x, y, f (x, y)] dx+o dy}
ax ay r
== _ ( (
}j R
oy dx dy, by Green's theorem in plane
for the region R.
But aF, [x, y, l (x. y)J oF, (x, y, z) + 0F1 (x, y, z) of
ay . - = ay . az ay
[·: z=f (x. y)]

;, f
Fl (x, y, z) dx= - \ \R (::·+::· r,) dx dy ... (1)

Now the equation z=f(x, y) of the surface Scan be written as

,f, (x,y, z)=z-f (x, y)=O.

· we have grad <f,= - o

--l . cf J·+•·•·
1- - -
ax cy
Let I grad ,f, l=a.
Since grad ef, is normal to S, therefore, we get
'r---,-----r--~Y grad cp
n= ± --- ,
I But the components of both n and grad ,f, in positive direction
I · I of z-axis are positive. Therefore

grad if,
n=+ · -a -
l af ,_..!.a a/ay J.+_!_ k.
. f' or cos lli+cos ~j+cos yk= - 0 ex a

-a-1 0ax/ •cos .!a ?L ~ s r=..!.a .

JL~ (!;• cos ~-:; cosy) dS.
(l, _ _
cy '
:. cos ci:= t'
J.. ['v ~•(~ ~;J•n dSc: 1

· dxd1
We shall prove that Now dS=--=a dx dy.
. cos -y
( r (0F
Jjs 1 aF1
ozcos~- 0)' cosy
f F1 dx. .•. ({
l ls (0F1
az cos ~- oF1
cos '>') dS

({ [oF, (-·__! cf) - c' F 1 _!_] a dxdy


Let R be the orthogonal projection of S on the xy-ptane and i= l }R oz a vy ~y a

136 Solved Examp/1 Green's , Gauss's and Stoke' s Theorems 137

=-ffJ R
( 0F1+ 0F1
ay az ay
of) dx dy.
... (2)

From (I) and (2), we get Ex. 1. Prove that f r•dr=O.

f F dx= n(!:
1 1
1 s cos ~-: : cos y ) dS Solution . By Stoke's theorem
f r• dr = ~} ,curl r ) •D dS=O, since curl r=O.
.. (3)
Similarly, by projections on the other coord inate planes, we Ex . 2. Pro ve that f
cf, v'qi •dr =- f '¥ "v cf, dr .
C -


f F2 dy = JJ
s [ v' X (F2 j)J•n dS .. . (4)
Solution .
By Stoke's th eorem, we have
V (cf,,J;) •dr = ~) [curl grad (cf, rJ;)]•n dS

f F dz= JL
8 [v' X {F8k)J•n dS .. .(5)

= 0, since curl grad (cf, tji)=O.

But V (cf, tji)=cf, v' rJ;+rJ; vcf,.
Adding (3), (4), (5), we get
f(F dx+F2 dy+Fa dz)= JJs [7 x(F1 i +F2 J+Fa k)]•n dS
:. f (cf, Vt} +'i'Vcf,) •dr = O
1 C

or fF•dr-= J~s(v' XF)•ndS.

or f cf, Vt)i • dr = - f ,}"v cf, •dr .

If the surface S does not satisfy the restrictions imposed Ex. 3. (a) Prove thatf cf,V,} •dr = \~[ "vcf,X \ t}J•ndS.
above, even then Stoke's theorem will be true prov ided Scan be C S

subdivided into su rfaces Su S,, .. , S11 with boundari es C;, C 2 , . • , C1e Solution. By Stoke' s theorem, we have
which do satisfy the restrictions. Stoke's theorem holds for each
such surface. The sum of surface integrals over S 1 , S 2 , . , Sk will f cf,V,} • dr = ~ j ['v x (c/> 'v'i')]•n dS
give us surface integral over S while the sum of the integra ls over
Ci, C1 , .• . , C11 will give us line integral over C.
=~~s [v'cf,X v''i'+cf, curl grad 'i'J •n dS
Note. Green' s theorem in plane is a special case of Stoke's
theorem. If R is a region in the xy-plane bounded by a closed =~ L [v' cf, X 'vt)i]•n dS, since curl grad tj.,= 0.
curve C, then in vector form Green's theorem in plane can be
written as Ex. 3. (b) Sh ow that L c/;Vcf,•dr=O, C being a closed cu rve.

Solution. Applying Stoke's theorem to the vector funct ion

~~R(v'XF)•kdR= fF•dr.
,p 'v cp, we have
This is nothing but a special case of Stoke's theorem because
here k=o- outward dra wn unit normal to t he i;urface of reaion R.
l (rf,'yrf,)• dr= ~ L[curl (,f,v' ,p)]•o dS

138 Green's, Gauss's and Stoke'z Theorems 139
Solved Examples

=Hs [,f,curl 'vs&+'v,f,X"i/,f,J•n dS = fF•dr-f F•dr=O.

= 11 s O•o dS [ ·: curl 'v ,f,=0 and \J ,p x 'v ,f,=0] Negative sign has been taken in the second integral because
=0.- the positive directions about the boundaries of the two surfaces
are opp_osite.
Ex. 4. Prove that f ,f, Jr= 1l dSx \l,f,. ;. IB., 'v•(curlF)dV=O,
Now this equation is true for all volume elements V. There•
[Kanpur 1977]
~lotion. Let A be any arbitrary constant vector. Let F-,f,A. fore we have \J •(curl ~')=0
Applying Stoke's theorem for F, we get or div curl F.=0.

f'v X(,f,A)J•n dS= H
[\l,pX A+,f, curl AJ-dS
Ex. 6. By Stoke's theorem prove that curl grad ,f,=0.
Solution. Let S be any surface - enclosed by a simple closed
curve C. Then by stoke's theorem, we have
=IL ("i/,f,XA)•dS, since curl A=O. 11 s (curl grad ,f,)•n dS= f grad ,f,•dr.

.:. j(,f,A)•dr= 1J A•(dSx y,f,) C

Now grad ,f,•dr=(!! i+ ~: i+·iz k )•(dxi+dyj+dzk)


or A / ,f, dr=A• dSx 'v,f, or A{f ,f, dr- Hdsx y',f, ]=o. = o<f, dx+ o<f, dy+ or/, dz=drf,.
ox oy oz
Since A is an arbitrary vector, therefore we must have
.. f grad rp•dr= f d,f,= [ ,f, ]: , where A is any point on C

· f ,t,dr=B dSx\lrf,. C C

Ex. 5.

By Stoke's theorem prove that div curl F=O.

Therefore we have j Is (curl grad ¢,)•o dS=IJ,
Solution. Let V be any volume Now this equation is true for all surface elements S.
enclosed by a closed surfaces. Then by Therefore we have, curl grad ¢•=0.
divergence theorem Ex. 7. Verify Stoke's theorem for F=yi+zj+xk where Sis
the upper half surface of the sphere x 2 +y 2 + z2 = l and C is its
111v v'•(curlF)dV boundary. [Bombay 1970; Meerut 81; Agra 79; Robilkbaod 77]
Solution. The boundary C of S is a circle in the xy plane of
= 1ls (curl F)•n dS. radius unity and centre origin. The equations of the curve C are
Divide the surface S into two porti 0 ns S x'+i1=1, z=O. Suppose x = cos t, y=sio t, z=O, 0 ~ t < 21t
S1 and S, by a elosed curve C. Then are parametric equations of C. Then

H s (curl F)•n dS=.J L. 1

(curl F)•li JS1 f
f (yi+zj+xk)•(dxi+dyj+dzk)

. +f []s., (curi F)•n dS,.

... (1) =f (ydx+zdy+xdz)= f ydx, since on C, z=O and dz=O i
By Stoke' s theorem right hand ·side of (l) is · ,:; C
Gree,i's, Gau~s•s and Stoke's Theorems 141

1 2
l4U Solved Examples ,_ - (Jo" [sin 2t-½ (I-cos 2t)] dt=- [ - cos 2t
- --½t+½ sin 2t] •
2 2 0
=-[(-½+½)-½ (1t-O)+t (0 -0)]=1t. . .. (1)
= ~:"sin t : dt= [" -sio t dt 2 Also ('\7 x F)= j k

=-½ ~:"(1-cos 2t) dt=-½ [r- si~ 2'J:" a

= - · 7t. ... ( l)
2x-y -yz 1 -y2z
Now let us evaluate ~~s curl F•o dS . We have curl F =(-2yz+2yz) i-(0-0) j+(O+I) k=k.
='vXF= j j k =-i - j - k. If S 1 is the plane region bounded by the circle C, then

I o J a 1t ('v xF)•n dS= 1~S 1

('v x F)•k dS

I :x a: ': ·' [by an application of d'ivergence theorem,

see Ex. 36, page 126]

If S1 is the plane regio n bounded by the circle C, then by an = j)s1 k•k dS= ~ ~S1 dS=S 1 =1t. ... (2)
application of divergence theorem, we have
Hence from (I) and (2), the theorem is verified.
~ js curl F•n dS= ~ j 81curl F•k dS [See Ex. 36 Page 126) Ex. 9. Verify Stoke's theorem for
F=(x 2 +y2) i-2xy j
=j~s1( - i - j - k)•k dS=ns/ - l)dS= - H s/S=-S1. taken round the rectangle bounded by
x=±a, y=O, y=b. [Meerut 1967]
But S 1 = area ofa circle of radius l=1t (1;2=1t,

J.. ~ L curl F•n dS=-1t.

. .. (2)
Solution. We have

Hence from (I) and (2), the theorem is verified.

~"\ Ex. 8. Verify Stoke's theorem for F =( 2x--y) i - yz 1 j-y1 zk, E--~--+-----8
,/ where S is the upper ha({ surface of the sphere x 2 + y 2 + z1 = I and
rJ, C is its boundary.
\' [Kanpur 1970; Rohilkbaod 78; Allahabad 78; Agra 73, 76, 80] Z•·a.
Solution. The boundary C of Sis a circle in the xy plane of
....,_A.____ X
radius unity and centre origin . Suppose x=cos t, y=sin t , z=O, 0
0 ~ I < 21t are parametric equ a tions of C. Then D Y=o
f F•dr=f [(2x-y) i- yz 2 2
j-y zk]•(dxi tdyJ+dzk) curl F= j k
o 0 o
=f [(2x-y) dx-yz 2 dy-y 2 z dz] ox ay oz
i 2 . 2
C I x +y-2xy 0
=f (2 x - y) dx, since z=O an d dz=O =(-2y-2y) k=-4yk.
C Also n=k.

(2cost- sint)dt dt = -
dx Jh (2cost - ~int)sin tdt
142 Green's. Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems
Sol11ed Example, 143

:. ( ( (curl F)•n dS= [

Jv-o Jc--a
(-4yk)•k dx dy == 1:• [-sin• t (-sin t)+cos 3 t (cos t)] dt

. =-4
rb (" ydx dy=-4 Jr·v-o [x,. ]"
Jv-o J=--a z--o
dy = l~ (cos• t+sin• t) dt=4 J:' 2
(cos• t+~in • t) dt

=-4 [-0 2ay dy==-4 [ay!r = - 4ab 1•

..,,4 {3.1 ~ 3.1 ..!:
. 4.2 2 +4.2 2
J= 231t•
Also '1 xF- i j k =(3xt+iy•) k.
Also f F-dr= f [(x 1 +y1 ) i-2xy JJ•(dx i+dy j)

=f rc~•+y 1
) dx-2xy dyJ
- y• x• 0
Here n=k because the surface Sis the ::y-plane.
==J [(x•+i)dx-2xydy]+J +J •11 +fJ . :. ('7 XF)•n=(~.x1 +3y1) k•k=3 (x1 +yl).

:. Hs JJs (x +yt) dS
DA AB 60
('1 X)')•n dS=3 1
Along DA, Y=O and dy=O. Along A.B, x=a and dx=O.
Al ::,ng BE; Y==b and dy=O.
/. f F•dr=J• x• dx+f
Along ED~ x--a and dx=O.
0 == 3 {.. 1
I 1

J•-o r-o r r d9 dr, changing to polars

C t:•-a ,..,
-:-2ay dy
3 J'•
3 (21t)==2·
d8=4 3n

+ J:. (r+b') dx+ J:_ 2ay dy Thus f

F•dr = Hs
('1 xF)•n dS=~~-

=J:G x• dx-r. (x +bl) dx-4a I: y dy

6 c
Hence the theorem is verified.
Ex. II , Evaluate by Stoke's theorem
=- f" x• dx-4a
Jof6 y dy=-2ab -4a[ y']• =-4ab'. f
J-a 2 1 (e" dx+2y dy-dz)
Thus J F-dr= Jt (curl FJ•n dS.
where C is the curve x 1 +.Y'==4, z=2. [Meerut 1969; Agra 72)
Hence the theorem is verified. Solation. f (e• dx+2y dy-dz)
Ex. 10. Verify Stoke's theorem for F= -y'i+x'J, where Su C
the ci,:cular disc x 1 +y• ~ I, z =O. II
Solution. The boundary C of S is a circle in xy-plane of
=.f (ezi+2yj-k)•(dxi+dyj+dzk)
radius one and centre at origin.
. Suppose X= cos t, Y=sin t, z=O, O ~ t < 21t are parametric =f F•dr, where F=e'"i+2yj-k.
~quations of C. Then C

F•dr= f
( -y3 i+x11 j)•(dx.i + dy j+dz k) Now curl F= j k i= Oi+0H0k= 0.
0 iJ il I
vx vy oz I
'"' -I
'I I
Solved Ei amples
.r. By Stoke's theorem
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theor ems 145
cf F•dr= JL. (c1:1rl F)•n dS
= 1
~ 11--1
2y2 dy = 2 [r- ]

- 1
=0, sinc;e curl F=O.
Ex. 12. Evaluate by Stoke's theorem Ex. 14. Evaluate f F•dr by Stoke's theorem where
f (y z di +xz dy+xy dz) C

C F=y2i+x 2j-,-(x+z) k and C is the boundary of the triar,g/e wilh

where C is the curveldx2+Y'=l, z=y•. vertices at (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0).
[Kanpur 1980]
Solution. Hete F=yzi+xzj+xyk. Solution. We have
J. Curl F= j k Curl F-' i j k = Oi +j +2 (x-y) k.
a 0 a 0 0 0
ex oy oz ax oy oz
yz xz xy y:a x1 -(x+ z)
=(x-x) i-(y-y) i+(z- z) k=O. Also we note that z-coord inate of each vertex of the triangle
J. By Stoke' s theorem is zero. Therefore the triangle lies in the x -y plane. So n=k.

/ F•dr= IL. (curl FJ•n dS / . Curl F•n=[j+2 (x -y) tt]•k =2 (x-y).

In the figure, w~ have only considered the x-y plane.

=0, since curl F=O. y

13· Evaluate
f (xy dx+xy 2 dy) by Stok e's theorem where

C is the square in the xy-p/ane with vertices (1 0) (--1 0) (0 1)

(0, -1). ' ' ' ' ' '
Solution. Here F=xyi+xy•j.
J. curl F= (1,0)
j k Q V - - ~ - ~- -.-.,.X
0 o o The equation of the line OB is y=x.
ox oy az By Stoke's theorem
xy xy 2 O fF•dr= fl (curl F•n) dS
Also n=k. C S
curl F•n=(y 2 -x) k•k=-y2 - x .
The given line integral
= [ _ [ "' 2 (x-;-y) dx dy = 2 (1 [
J"'-0 J11- 0 J"'•0
xy - yl
r dx

... 11-0

= (y2- x ).dS =2 J:_J x x;] 1

- dX=2J: x; dx= [ x2 dx=i•

= r Y--1
(y2- x ) dx d.v=Jl lf•- 1
[ y2x- ~2-2-]l.,_ -l
Ex. 15. Evaluate by S toke's theorem
f (sin z dx -cos x dy + sin y dz)
where C is the boundary of the rectangle

Solved Examplea Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theo;ems 147
0 < <X 1e, 0 y < <
1, Z= 3.
Let us tale S as the surface of the plane x+.v=2a bounded
Solution. Here l<' =sin z i-cos xj +sin yk.
by the circle C. Then a vector normal to Sis grad (x+y) = i+j.
Curl F= j k
.t. n=unit normal to S= ) (i+j).
a 2
az =cos yi+cos zj+sin xk.
:. J C
(y dx+z dy+x dz)=~
-(i+j+k)• ( V2 i+ J2 i )ds
sin z -cos x sin y
Since the rectangle lies i.n the plane z=3, therefore n=k.
=- j 2 J~ s dS=- )i<area of the circle of radius av2)
• curl F•n=(cos yi+cos zj+sin xk)•k = sin x. =- y2 (21ra~).
By Stoke's theorem

f F•dr= !Js (curl F•n) dS

Ex. 17. Use Stoke's theorem to evaluate \
,vhere F=yi+(x-2xz) j-xyk and Sis the surface of the sphere
t Cv X F)•n dS,

x1 +y 2 +z 2 =a1 above the xy-plane.
= (1 (• sin x dx dy=j·.,, sin x dx = 2. Solution. Tlie boundary C of the surface Sis the circle
J11-• j .,_o "'-o x 2 +y2 =a2, z=O. · Suppose x=a cos t, y=a sin t, z=O, 0 <;; t<;:l21e
Ex. 16. Apply Stoke', theorem to prove that are parametric equations of C. By Stoke's theorem, we have ·
JC (ydx+zdy+xdz)=-2v21ea2 = J~s ( v' xF)•n dS
where C is the curve given by
Jc F •dr= JC [yi+ (x-2xz) .j-xy k]-(i dx+j dy+k dz)
2 =(
x +y1 +z2 -2ax - 2ay=0, x+y=2a
and begins at the point (2a, 0, 0) and goes at first below the z-p/a.,e.
(Agra 1969; Meerut 82)
Solution. The centre of the sphere x 1 +yi+z• - 2ax-2ay=0
= !c [y dx+(x - 2xz) dy-xy dz]

is the point (a, a, 0). Since the plane x+y=2a passes through the =~c (y dx+x dy) [ •t on ·c, z.=0 and dz=O]
point (a, a, 0), therefore the circle C is great circle of this sphere.
J. Ractius of the circle C -- Jfz.,, ( dx
y dt
+xdtdy ) dt
=radius of the sphere=v(a2 +a1)=ay2.
Now Jc (ydx+zdy+xdz)= Ic (Yi+zj+xk)•dr = [ ' [a sin t (-a sin t)+a cos t (a cos t)] dt .

(cos2 t-sin2 t) dt=a'J:• cos 2t dt=a1 [sin

tJ:.,, =0.
= JJ s [curl (yi+ zj+ xk)]•n dS,
=a 2 ~:.,,

where S is any surface of which circle C is boundary [Stoke's Ex. 18. Evaluate the surface integral ( f
cur.JF•n dS
by transforming ·;; into a line integral, S being that part of the sur-
Now curl (yi+ zj + xk)= j k face of the paraboloid z=l - x 11 -y2 for which z ~ 0, and
F=yi+zj+xk. (Bombay 1970
o o o . Solution. The boundary C of the surface S is the t· r •I
ox ay oz xs+y 2 =1, z=0. Suppose x=cos t, y=sin t, z=O, 0 <;; t '11: 11 1

Y Z X parametric equations of C. By Stoke' s theorem, we hav ·

!ls curl F-n dS= ~c F•dr
Solved Examples Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 149

= Ic (yi+zj+xk)•(i dx+j dy+k dz)= Jc y dx+zdy+xdz =2

~ •-o (cos 9- sin 8)
3 •
3 ]'- eo, • d(J
=-LY dx [·: on C, z=O and dz=OJ =2 x Sa
3 Jo
('" (cos (}-sin 8) cm,3 (J do

= J~ y :; dt= [ ... sin t ( - sin t) dt=-J: .. sin• t dt

..,. 'It
= l:a 3
[ (cos' 8-cos3 O sin ll) do
=-4 J sin
t di=-4xix
- 2
=-n. = l~a [ co~' o d8 [ •: [ cos 3 8 sin- 9 de =O]
Ex. 19. //F=(y +zl-xll) i+(zll+x2-y1) J+(x1 + y 1 - z1 ) k, I 6a 3 [ ,.,a
=2 x 3 J. cos' O d(}
evaluate JJ curl F•n dS taken over fhe portion of the surface
l 6a 3X l 3
x•+y +z•-iax+az=O above the plane z=O, and verify Stoke's --2x' - - x -'It2-= 2na.a
3 x4X2
1c F•dr= L(Y +
. ..(I)
1 2 1 -X2)
Solution. The surface x•+y2 +z1 -2ax+az= O meets the Also dx
plane z=O in the circle C given by x"+y1 -2ax=O, z=O. The · +(z1 +x1 - y 1 ) dy+(x•+y 1 -.r') dz
polar equation of the circle C lying in the xy-pJane is r= 2a cos 8,
0 ~ 82 < n. Also the equation x 2 +y1 -2ax=O can be written as
r (y2-
= JC 1
. xi) dx +(x ·- y=) dy [ ".' on c. Z=O and dz=OJ
(x-a) +y•=a • Therefore the parametric equations of the circle ( 21r ( dy dx \
C can be taken as = Jo (x•- y•) dt -dt} 1t
x=a+a cos t, Y=a sin I, z=-0, 0 ~ t < 2n.
Let S denote the portion of the surface x 2 + y 2 +z1 - 2ax = [" [(a+a cos t )•-a• sin 2 t] (a cos. t+ a sin t) dt
+az=O lying above the plane z=O and 3 1 denote the plane region
bounded by the circle C. By an application of divergence theorem, =aa [ ' (l +cost r+ 2 cos t -si n 1 t) (cos t+sin t) dt
we have
j:• 2 cos• t dt , the other integrals vanish
curl F•n dS=
8 JJ81 curl F•k dS. 8 ( .. ,. 1 7t 2 3
cos t dt= 8a3 x½x
Now curl F•k= j k =2a x 4 Jo
2 = rra , ... (l)
Comparing (1 ) a_n d (2), we see that
0 0 0
ox oy oz IIs curl F•n dS= !c F•dr.
y•+z2-x1 2 2+.:t• - y1 x•+y1_ 21 Hence Stoke's theorem is verified.
- (z•+x•-y 1·) - ~
ax oy (y + z - x ) k• k
2 1 2 J Ex. 20. Prove that a necessary and sufficient condition that

[ ·:• i•k=j•k =OJ

f F•dr= O f or every closed curve C lying in a simply connecled
=2 (X-y). C

/. JL. curl F•n dS= JJ 81

curl F•k dS= 1J s/ (x-y) dS regio11 R is that 'iJ x F= O identically. _ _
Solution. Sufficiency, Suppose R 1s simply connected and
=2 J..•-o Jr-o
(la~••' (r cos fi-r sin 9) r d(J dr, Cllrl F = o everywhere in R. Let C be any closed path in. R. Since I
R is simply connected, therefore we can find a surface S 10 R hav• I
1n ~ r ~tr,;, 1,~ hn11nrl~r, i Tl,.,.o .......·...... - ... L-. c,. - I. "- •• I
changing to polars
lJO Solved Examples Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theor_ems 151

f F•dr= Ii
(curl F)•n dS=O. 6. Verify Stoke's theorem for the function
F=x2 i+xy j, ·
integrated round the square, in the plane z=O, whose ~ides
Necessity. Suppose f F•dr=0 for every closed· path C and are along the lines x=O. y=O, x=a, y=a. [Bombay 19'.{0J
C [Hint. Proceed as in Ex. 9 Page 141. Show that
assume that 'v X F:;c0 at some point A.
Then taking 'v x F as continuous, there must exist a re gi on ~c F•dr=½d1= it curl F•n dS].
with A as an interior point, where 'v x F;t=0. Let S be a surface 7. Verify Stoke's theorem for the function
contained in this region whose normal n at each point is in the F (x, y, z)=xyH xy 2j
same direction as 'v x F, i.e. 'v x F=An where A is a posi.tive integratl"d round the square with vertices (1, 0, 0), (I, I, 0),
constant. Let C be the boundary of S. Then by Stoke' s theorem, (0, I, 0) and (0, 0, 0),
f F•dr= ~ j ('v xF)•n dS= !JAn•n dS where i and j are unit vectors along x- axis and y-axis res-
pectively. [Meerut. 1979]
=AS> 0. 8. Verify Stoke's theorem for the vector A-3yi - xzj+yz 2k,
where Sis the surface of the paraboloid 2z=x2 +y• bounded
This contradict.~ the hypothesis that f F•dr=O for every by z=2 and C is its boundary. [Meerut 1973, 77]
C 9. By. converting into a line integral evaluate
closed path C. Therefore we must have 'v X F = 0 cveryw here in R.
~ ~s ( 'v x A)•n dS, where A=(x-z) i+(x'+y:) j-3xy 2k
l. , Verify Stoke's theorem for the function · and s is the surface of the cone z=2-v'(x + y1 ) above the
· · F=zi+xj+yk xy-plane. Ans. 12it. [Meerut 1974]
where curve is the unit circle in the xy-plane bounding the
\0. By converting into a line integral evaluate
hemisphere z=v'(l-x 2 -Y 2 ).
[Agra 1975; Rohilkhand 81; KanJ,ur 78]
[Hint. Proceed as in Ex. 7 Page 139. Show that
i ~s ('v x F)•n dS
where F=(x +y-4) i+3xyj+(2xz+z') k

~ c F•dr=1t= ~ L curl F•n dS] ands is tbe surface of (i) the hemisphere x 1 +y1 +z1 =16
abov e the xy-plane (ii) the parabol oid z=4-(x 2 +y 1 ) above
2. Verify Stoke' s theorem for A= 2yi+3xj - z 2k, where Sis the the xy-plane. Ans. (i) - l 61t, (ii) -41;.
upper half surface of the sphere x 2 +y 2 + z 2 =9 an d C is its
boundary. [Meerut 1975] 11. Evaluate~ ~s ('v xF)•n dS. where ·
3. Verify Stoke's theorem for the vector q=zi+xj+ yk ta ken
over the half of the sphere x 2 +y 2 +z 2 =a 1 lying above the F=(y-z+2)i+(yz+4)j-xzk and Sis the surface of the cube
xy-plane. [Gauhali 1973] X=)'=Z=O, x=y=z=2 above the xy-plane. Ans. -4.
4. Verify Stoke's theorm for the function [Hint. The curve C bounding the surface S is the square, say
F=x2i-t-xyj OABC, in the xy-plane given by X=0, X=2, y=0. y=2].
integrated along the rectangle, in the plane z=0. whose sides Show that
are along the lines X==0. y=0, x=a and y=b . [Meerut 1976]
Verify Stoke's theorem for a vector field defined by ns rp curl F• dS =\ c rp F•dr-ns (grad r/iXFJ•dS.
F=(x1 -y2) i+2xyj in the rectangular region in the xy-plane [Hint. Apply Stoke's theorem to the vector rfiFJ .
bounded by the lines X=O, x=a, y=0 and y=b. 13. lf f= v' rp and g= y' lji are two vector point functions, such that
(Kanpur 1975] y'2cp = 0, y'~lji=fl
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 153
152 Line Integrals Independent of Path

show that J ( f dx+g dy+h dz)

Jt (g•v') f•dS= !c (fxg)•dr+ JL (f•v') g•dS. is independent of path in R if and only (f the differential form under
the integral sign is exact in R. ·. [Meerut 1968]
§· 1O. Line integrals IPdepeodeot of path.
Let F (x, :Y, z)=f(x , y, z) i+g (x, y, z) J+h (x, y, z) k be a
vector point function defined and continuous in a region R of
Let F (x, y, z) be continuous in region R of space. Then the
space. Let P and Q be two points in R and let C be a path joining line integral
Pto Q. Then ·
~ F•dr
C F-dr=
JI (fdx+gdy+hdz) ... (1) C

is called the hoe integral of F along C. In general the value of is independent of the paih C in R joining P and Q if and only if
this line integral depends not only on the end points P and Q of F=grad rf, where (x, y, z) is a single-valued scalar function having
the path C but also on C. continuous first partial derivatives in R. LKerala 1975)
In other words, if we integrate from P to Q along different Proof. Suppose F=grad <f, in R. 'Let P and Q be any two
paths, we shall, in general, get different values of the int'egral. points in R and let C be any path from P to Q in R .
The line integral ( 1) is said to be iudepenljent, of path in R, if for Then
every pair of end poinU P and Q in R the value of the integral is the
&ame for all paths C in R starting from P and ending at Q. \ c F-dr= ~c 'v rp•dr
In this case the value of this line integral will depend on the
choice of P and Q and not on the choice of the path joinmg P to =~c(~!i+!!i+:: k )•(dxi+dyj+dzk)
Definition. The expresJion f dx+g dy+h dz Is said to be a11
exact differential if there exfa'ts a ~ingle valued seal/Jr point function
= H:~ ~t
dx+ dy+~- dz ).=~ d<p
,p (x, y, z), having continuous first partial derivatives such that
def,=f dx+g dy+h r!z. =1p
( Q
dip=l ¢, ]Qp =<f,(Q) - rf,(P).

It can be easify seen that f dx+g dy+h dz is an exact diffaential if

Thus the li ne integral depends only on points P and Q and
• and only if ·he vector function
not the path joining them. This is true of course only if cf> (x,y ;-z-)
F=fi+g J+h k
is single val ued at all po; nts P and Q.
is the gradie,t of a single valued scalar function <p (X, y, z).
Because F= grad ¢, Conversely suppose the line integral \ c F•dr is independent
if, and only if/ H-g i+h k= 0!! i+ orp j+ orf, k
ox oy · oz of th e path C joining any two points P and Q 10 R. Let P be a
fixed point (x 0 , y 0, z0 ) in R and let Q be any point (x, Y , z) in R.
·r an d onIy,
1, 1'f f =-:i-,
or/> g=-,
orp h=-
ux ay oz Let
if, an<J only if f dx+g dy+h <'z= orf, dx+ orp dy+ :?. dz
0 ef> (x, y, z)= I(x, Y, z) F•dr= ((x, y , z) (
J(Xu, Yo, Zo)
J(x 0 , Yo, z 0) ds
ds .
.. ox oy oz
if, and only 1f / dx+g dy+h dz=d</,. Differentiat ing both sides, with respect to s, we get
. T h~s _F = grad if, if, aod only if f dx+g dy+h dz is a .:i exact def> = F• di
d1fferent1a1 dr/>, ds ds •
Theorem I. Let f (x, y, z), g (x, y , z) and h (x, y, z) be conti• d</> o</, dx or/, dy o,f, dz
nu('US in a region R of space. Then th e line integral But ds = 0x ds + oy ds + oz ds
154 Line lntfg1a/s lndependent ·of Path Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 155

= JF -dr + ~ F • dr = ~ F. dr - ~ F • dr

=0, since the integral from P to Q a long a path

tbrough B is equal to the integral from P to Q along a path
through A.
or Conversely suppose that the int eg ral under consideration is
zero on every simple ciosed path in R. Let P a nd Q be any two
Now this result is trne irrespectiv e of th e path joining p to Q points in Rand let PBQ and PAQ be any two paths in R wh ich
i.e. this result is true irrespective of the direction of dr which is join P to Q and do not cross. Then
~ ~
tangent vectqr to C. · Therefore we must have f F•dr= \ F•dr+ } F•dr = F•Jr -- F•dr.

i.e., 'v cf,=F.

This completes the proof of the theorem . But ,s given, we have§ F•dr = O.
Definition . A vector field F (x, y, z) defined and continuous in
a region R of space is said to be a conservative vector field if the line
integral L F•dr is inde~endent of the path C in R joining p and Q




where P and Q are any two points in R. } PBQ
By theorem 1, the vector field F (x, y, z) is conservative if and This completes the proof of the theorem.
only if F = v7 'P where cf, (x, y , z) is a single valued scalar function
Theorem 3. Let F (x, y, z)=fi+gj+hk be a continuous vecror
having continuous first partial derivatives in R. The function
function having continuous first partial derivatives in a region R of
'P (x, Y, z) is called the scalar potential of the vector field F.
Theorem 2. Let F (x, y, z) be a vector func-t ion defined and space. If } fdx+gdy+hdz[is independent of path in R and conse-
·continuous in a region R of space. Then the line integral Ia F •dr quently fdx+gdy+hdz is an exact differential in R, then curl F=O
. lp everywhere in R. Con vusely, if R is simply connected and curl F=O
is independent of the path joining any two points P and Q in R if
everywhere in R, then fdx+ gdy+hdz is an exact d,f ntial in R
and only if f F •dr=O for every simple closed path in R. or ~ fdx+gdy+h dz is indep endent of path in R . [Allahabad 1979]
Proof. Let C be any
simple closed path in R and J ( fdx + g dy+ h dz) is '
let th e line integral be in de-
Proof. Suppose independent of path I
in R. Then fdx+gdy+hdz is an exact differential in R. Therefore .I
pendent of path in R. Take Q
two points P and Q on C F=/i+gj+hk=grad ¢.
and subdivide C into two • curl F=curl (grad ¢)=0.
arcs PBQ and QAP. Then Conversely suppose R is simply connected and curl F=O eve ry-
where in R. Let C be any simple closed path in R. Since R is
f F•dr= j F•dr simply connected, therefore we can find a surface Sin R having €
C P BQA I' as its boundary. Tj}!Eefore by Stoke's theorem


Line lntegrals Independent of Path

f F•dr= rt (curl F)•n dS=O,

Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems

equations of C can be taken as X=cos t, y=sin t, z=O, 0~t<2~.


:y xa:

f F•dr= ~ ( - x 2
f F•dr is zero for every simple closed path c in R. We have
2 dx+ ya dy)

f 2,. [ sin t _ t}_J!. cost dy] dt

Therefore J F-dr is independent of path in . = J,_ 0 cos 2 t+si n 2 tdt+cos 2 t+s m2 t dt
. I .
. The~efore F= V</> and conseq uently Jdx+gdy+·hdz is an exact
d1fferent1al d</,.
= ~:• (sin 1 t+cos 2 t) dt=2~.

Note. The ass~mption that R be simply co nn ected is essential Thus we see that f F•dr.:;6::0.
and cannot be omitted. l e .ts ob vious trom the following example. C
Example. Let F= _ _Y_ i+ ~ · Definition. lrrotational vector field. A vector field F is said
x2+y2 1·
to be irrotational if curl F=O. (Calicut 1975; Allahabad 79)
Here F is not_ defined at origin. In every region R of the xy-
plan e not contammg the origin, Wt' have We see that an irrotational field F is characterised by any one
Curl F= j k of the three conditions:
(i) F=Vtf,,
a 0 (ii) V XF=O,
ay oz (iii) f F•dr=0 for every closed path.
y X
-x2,-y• x 2+y2 0
Any one of these cond itions implies the other two.
=Oi+Oi+ { ~x (x 2: y 2) + :y (x 2: y• )} k Ex. 1. Are the follo wing forms exact ?
(i) xdx-ydy + zdz. (ii) e11 dx+e"dy+e•dz.
-{x2+,2 - 2x2 x2--j-y2-2y2}
(x2+ y2)• + (x•+ y")"
- k=Ok =O. (iii) yzdx+xzdy+xydz. (iv) y 2z 8dx+2xyz 3dy t-3xy2 z 2dz.
Solution. (i) We have
. . Suppose R is simply connected. For exam ple let R be the
region enclosed by a simple closed curve C not enclosing the ori- xdx-ydy+zdz=(xi-yj+zk)•(dxi+dyj+dzk)
gm. Then = F•dr, where
F=xi -yj+zk.
f F~dr= .( (--):'.._--; dx+ _ x_ dv)
J xi+ y2 x•+y~ " We have Curl F=1 ~ j
ax ay oz
by Green 's theorem in plane X -y z
=O. :. the given form is exact.
Su ppose R is not simply co nnected. Le t R be the region of the (ii) Here F=efli+e'"j +e•k. We have
xy-plane contained between concentric circles of radii ½and f and Curl F= j k =Oi tOj +(e"'-e11) k.
hav mg centre at origin. Obviously R is not simply con nected. We
have F=O, everywhere in R . Let C be a circle of radius one a a a
and centre at ongin. 1 he n C is a clostd curve in R. The parametric ____./ ax ay oz
158 Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems
Solved Examples 159
Since curl F:;t:0, therefore the given form is not exact. (1), (2), (3) each represents ¢,_. These agree if we choose
(iii) Here F=yzi+xzj+xyk. We have
fi (y, z)=- ~+~ ~-~ ~- ~
Curl F= j k =(x-x) i-(y-y) j+(z-z) k=O. 2 - ./2 (x, z)-: - - , /8 (x, y)=-- . 2 2
a a a .... x2-
</,= -
-=.- to wh ich ro ey be added any_ constant.
ax ay oz x - v•-z 2
Hence </, ·2 + C, where C is a constant.
yz xz xy
(ii) Here F=i+zj+yk. We have
Since curl F=0, therefore the given form is exact.
Curl F= j k
(iv) Here F=y1z3 i+2xyz 3 j+3xy2z2 k. We have
Curl F= j k 0 o
a ay oz
ay oz l z y
y z 2 3
2xyz 8 3xy2 z1 J. the given form is exact.
2 Let F=t;J</,
=(6xyz -6xyz 2 ) i-(3y 2z 2 -3y 2z2 ) j+(2yz1 -2yz3) k
=0. or ·+ ZJ·+y k =aef..
I - •+ or/,.
-·1+-o</> k. Then
• the given form is exact. ox oy ilz
Ex. 2. In each of following cases show that the given differential ox=I whence </,=x+fi (y, z)
form is exact and find a function <p such that the form equals dr/, : ... (1)
(i) xdx-ydy-zdz. (ii) dx+zdy+ydz oy=z whence <f,=zy+/2 (x, z)
(iii) cos x dx-2yz dy-y 2 dz. (iv) .(z2 -2xy) dx - x 1dy+_2xzdz. o,t, ... (2)
Solution. (i) Here F=xi - yj-zk. We have oz =y :whence </,=yz+fs (x, y)
Curl F= j k =0i+0j+0k=0. .. .(3)
(1), (2), (3) each represents rf,. These agree if we choose
a a J; (y , z)=zy. / 2 (x, z)=x,f9 (x, Y)=x .
ax oz •-. </>=x+yz to which may be added any constant.
X -y - z (iii) Here F=cos xi-2yzj-y2k. We have
the given form is exact. Curl F= j k
Let F=t;J<f,,
o 0
or xt. - YJ. - Zk = o,f,.
- 1,' o,f,.
-- J+ o,f,
- k . Th en ox ay
ax ay az
or/, x2 COS X -2yz - y 2
ox = X whence <p = ·i +f1 (y, z)
... (1) =(-2y+2y) i+0j + 0k=0 .
or/, y2 the given form is exact.
ay=- y whence </, = ·- 2 +/2 (x, z)
Let F= t;J </,,
.. (2) '
or/, z2
ai =-z whence </,= - +fa (x,y). or cos xi-2yzj - _,1, 2k= or/, i+ ?j j+ or/, k. Then
2 ... (3) . ax ay oz
.:· 1.:he constants of integration are functions of the variables not ---
!t=cos x whence </,=sin x+ft (y, _~)
involved in the integra ti_on because the derivatives are partial. < ', • ~ : I• • , •
.• . ( l)
' •• ·1 :~• •••

,• · ·
'• ·..
Solved Examples
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems 161
oy= - 2yz whence <p= -y'z+h (x, z) (
... 2) Therefore F is a conservative force field.
oz =-y2 whence <fo=-y•z+fa (x, y). Let F=V</,
••• (3)
or (2xy+z8) i+ xll j+3xz2 a,;, ••+ oef,
k=a;; az .
oy J·+a,t, k Th en
(1), (2), (3) each represents </,.These agree if we choose
Ii (y, z)=-y'z,/2 (x , z)=si n x,f8 (x,y)=sin x.
ox + .z 3 whence r/,=x'y+z3 x+J;. (y, z)
•:. </,=sin x-y•z to which may be added any constant. •. . (1)
:. <p = sin x-y 2 z+ C.
orf, =x2 whence rf,=x•y+/2 (x, z)
(iv) Here F=(z2 ....:..2xy) i-x'j+2xzk. We have oy . •• (2)
Curl F= j k:
o</, = 3xz2 whence ¢=xz3 fs (x, Y)
... (3)
o a
ox oz ( 1), (2), (3) each represents rf,. These agree if we choose
/ 1 (y, z)=O, / 2 (x, .i)=z x, / 3 (x, y)=x•y•

•;. <fo=x•y+xzs to which may be added any constant.

.:. the given form is exact. J,. r/,=x'y+xz3 +C .
Let F='v</, W ork done= {)(l, (3, 1, 4) F di
_ 20 I) • r
(z -2xy) i-x1j +2xzk =~! i+ ~:j+ k. Then !{ = {(3, 1, 4) drf,=[ ,ft ](3, l, 4) 1'
o<f, j(l, -2, I~ (1, -2, . ,
ox =z1 -2xy whence <fo=z2x-x2y+f1 ,y, z ) (3, 1, 4) 202
... (1) = [ x•y+xza ] (1, -2, I)= .
o</, 2 2
oy=-x whence r/,=-x y+/2 (x, z) Ex. 4. Show that the vector field F ginen by
... (2)
F=(y+sin z) i+xj+x cos zk
:: =2xz whence 'r/,=xz1 +/a (x, y). is conservative. Find its scalar potential. ,-
. .. (3)
(1 ), (2), (3) each represents </,. T hese agree if we choose Solution. We h;ive
J;. (y, z)=O, / 2 (x, z)=xz2 , /3 (x, y) = -x'y • 'v xF= j k =U.
•;. r/,=z'x-x•y to which may be added any constant.
:. <p= z 2x- x 2y+C. a a a
Ex. 3. Show that F=(2xy+z 3 ) i +x2j+3xz1 k is a conservative ·ax oy oz
force field. Find the scalar potential. Fin i also the work done in - y+sin z x x cos z
moving an object in this field from
.;. the vector field F is conser-vative.
(I, -2, J) to (3, 1, 4}.
Let F='vr/,
Solution. The field F will be conservative if 'v x F = O.
· or/, ·+oif, ·+oif, k
We have or (y+sin z) i+xj+x cos zk= ax I oy J az- . Then
'v XF= j k =0. 0
'! =y+sin z whence r/,=xy+x sin z +f1 (y, z)
ox . ...(1 )
0 0
oy oz a,t,.,..
oy . whence r/,=xy +/2 (x, z)
... (2)
2xy+z8 x2 3xz 2
o</, =X cos z whence cp=x sin z+fs (x, Y)
oz . , __(3)
Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems

Solution. We have F-yzi+(xz+I) j+xyk.

162 Solved Examples ·:. y'XF=-=1 a \ ka
(1), (2), (3) each represents <f,. These agree if we choose 1 ax ay az
.'1 (y, z)=Q.I. (x, z)=x sin z,!8 (x, y)=xy. I
J. 11',~xy+x sin'\% to which may be added any constant. i yz xz+ l xy
• i/>-=xy+x sin i+C. . =(x-x) i-(y-y) J+(z-z) k=O.
I '
Ex. !. Evaluate :. the differential form yzdx+(xz+ I) dy +xydz is e~act aod

! c 2xyz• dx+(x•z•+z cos yz) dy+(2x 1yz+y cos yz) dz

the given line integral is independent of path.
', Let F= 'iJ cf,
where C is any path/rum (0, 0, I) to(], ¼,r, 2). (Meemt 1968) • ot/> • acf, ot/>
Solution. W~ h_a ve F=2xyz2 i+(x1 z1 +z cos yz) j ·
ori. ):'Zi+(xz+l) J+xyk=ax a+ay l+az k. Theo
+(2x yz+y cos yz) k. o_cf, =yz whence ,f,=xyz+/1 (y, z)
ax ... (1)
'iJ xF- j k or/> .
=xz+ 1 whence tf,=xyz+y+f. (x, z)
a a ay ••. (2)
ay oz oip =Xy whence cf,=xyz+fa (x, y)
oz . _ ... (3)
2xyz1 .x1z1 +z,cos yz 2x1yz+y cos yz (1), (2), (3) each represents rf,. These agree if we choose
=(2x1 z+cos yz-yz sin yz-2x2z-cos yz /
(y, z)=J',h (X, zJac0,/1 (x, y)=Y.:
. +yz sin yz) i-(4xyz-4xyz) J+(2xi1 -2xz2) k=O . :. ip=xyz+y to which may be added any constant.
•;. the given line integral is independent of path in space.
Let F = 'iJ ip. Then __,c ·
Th~ given line integral is therefore
' f(2, l, 4) d
"""](l,0,0) (xyz+y)- xyz+y (1,0,0)
](2, l, 4)
a,t., . =(8+ 1-0 - 0]=9, .
ax=2xyz1 wheClCC ~-x'yz•+fi (y, z)
... c) Ex. 7. Show that the form under tfie tntegral sign is exact and
a~ . . evaluate
{y =x•z•+z co.s yz whence ,=x1 z1.)' yz+/9 (x, z)
... (2)
0~ 2 I . . . .
{( 2 , O, l) (ze"' dx+2y~ dy+(e~~y 1 ) dz].
oz= x yz+y cos yz whence ~=x1yz1 +sin -yz+fa (x, y) ... (3) J(0, 2, l) ,

( 1), ~-2), (3) each repre~ents ip. These agree if we choose

• / 1 (y, z)=s10 yz, / 1 (x, z)=O, / 1 (x. y)-0.

J. •=x•yz•+sin yz to which may be added any constant.

· We ha,, cu,) ~-1
Solution. Here F=ze"' i+2yz i+(e•+ y1 ) k.

al \ k
. The given line integral is therefore \ tix ay az
4 2 ze" 2yz e"' +Y2
fJC d(x1yz2 +sin yz)=[x2yz•+sin -yz ](]• TC/ , )
(0, 0, ]) -=(2y-2y) i-(e"'-e"') f+0k=0.
. . the form Uilder the integral sign is exaet. and consequently
=rr+sin l1t=1t+ 1.
the line integral is independent of path in sp:ice.
Ex. 6. Evaluate
Le t F=v'i~
. Jc yzdx+(xz±_l) 4y+xy /dz,
where C Is any path from (1, 0, 0) to (-2, 1,,4)•.
[Meerut 1969; Agra 72)
Hi4 Solved Exampli~ G een's, Gauss's and Stoke:--s Theorems 165

From (l ), (2), (3), we see that </,~x cos y;

T he given line integral is equal to
3,1, (0' 1) [ ] (0 ' I) ·
;=ze"' whence rf,=ze"'+fi (y, z) d (X cos y)= X cosy = [0-1 cos 0]=-1.
0 J (1, O) ( i , O)
Ex. 9. Show that the vector field F given by
~ =2yz whence ¢=y2z+f2 (x , z)
... (2) F=(x 2 - yz) .i +(y 2 -zx) j+(z 2 - xy) k
o</, . ta irrotational. Find a scalar rf,, such that F= 'v rf, .
- =e"'+y2 whence ip=e"'z+y1z+fs (x, y)
oz .. . c Solution. We have
(I), (2), (3) each reprr sen ts rf,. These agree if we choose Curl F= j k
/ 1 (y, z)=y z, / 2 (x , z)=e"'z,/3 (x, y)= O.
:. rf,=ze"'+ y z to which may be added any co nstant , 1 a 0 a
given line integral is therefore OX oy oz
..J ~2, 0, 1) d (ze"'+y2z)=[ze"' +y2z](2, 0, 1) x2 -yz y 2 -zx z2 -xy
hO, 2, 1) _ (0, 2, 1)
=(-x+x) i - ( -y +y) j+(-z+z) k=O.
z=[e 1 +0-l-4J=e 1 -5. :. The vector field F is irrotational.
Let F ='vrf.,
Ex. 8. {f F=cos y i-x sin y j, evaluate ) c F•dr where .::1s 0 0
or (x -yz) 1+(y -zx) i+( z1-xy) k= rf.,i+ orf,i+ !!. k.
1 2
the curve y= v( 1-:- x2 ) in the x -y plane from ( 1, 0) to (0, 1). , · ax ay oz
Jc (cos ydx-x sin ydy)
Solution. We have Jc F•dr= arf.,: ' .x31' ,
ax =x 2 -yz Whence ,f,= (y, z)
0 3 '-Xyz+f1 .. (1)
a:: ( cos v(l-x 2) dx- f 1 y(l-y1 ) sin y dy. orf, ya
j1 jO • oy=y 2 -z:-c whence ¢,= -xyz+f2 (x, z)
It is difficult to evaluate the integrals d irectly. However we 3
observe that oz =z 2 -? whence r/.,= z33 -xyz+
· ..
fa (x, y ).
. ..(3)
curl F--=1 i j k
(1 ), (2), (3) each represents ¢,. These agree
a . _ ys 2a . x3+za xa+ya
:x oz 1f we choose fi(y, z) =
3 3+ ,J, (x, z) = ·
: .fa (x, Y)= - - .

I cos jl -x sin y O .
xa + ya+ 2 a
Therefore cf,.,_..;, _ _ __
-xyz +C.
=0 l+O J+(-sin y+sin y) k=O. Exercises
• the given line integral is independent of path. 1. Show that
Let F='vrf,
(y 2z 3 cos x-4x 3 z) dx-+2z 3y sin x dy+( 3y 2 z 2 sin x--xt ) d;: is
,. or . '
COB y l - X SID y
j O<p
=~ • oef,
•+ • orf, k . Th en
Cl J+ - an exact differential of some function cf, and fin d this lu nct:on.
u.x uy oz Ans . cf,=y 2 z3 sin x-x 4 z+C.
ax=--= cosy whence rf,-=x cos y+/1 (y, z) 2. (i) Show that the vectoli' fiel d

tt=-x sin y, whence rf,=x cos y+f~ (x , z)

... (2)
· F = (2xy 2 +y;) ''i+ (2x 2y+xz + 2yz2 ) j+(2jl1 z+xy) k
is conservative. .-~
(ii) Show that F =x i+yj +zk is conservative and fi i,d </> :,uc:-:
rJcf, = "~ ·• tt>at F=- <J,f,. [Kaup~ l 980J
-::-- wb euce
· . = f 3 ( x,
cl, y ). -
.:. . .. (3 Ans. c/>=½ (x 2 +,vi +z 2 )+C.

3. Show that
F=(sio y+z) l+(x cos y-z) J+(x-y) k
is a conservative vector field and find a function cp such that Green' s, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems
F = 9 r/,. [liombay 1966 l
Ans. r/,=x sin y+xz-yz+c.
4 Show that the vector field defined by
F=(2xy-z8 ) i+(x 2 +z) j+(y-3xz2 ) k
is Cbnservative, and find the scalar potential of F.
[Bombay 1970)
5. Show that the following vector functions F are irrotational
and fi.nd the corresponding scalar ,fi such tJ1at
(i) F=x3 i+ y 8 j +z3 k.
(ii) F=(y sin z-sin x) i+(x sin z+ 2yz) J+(xy cos z+y 2 ) k.
(iii) F=(sin y+zcos x) i+(xcos y+sin z) J+(y cos z+sinx)k.
[Calcutta 1975]
Ans. (i) r/,=¼ ,+y +z )+,.~.
(x 4 4 4
, ·,;i ,

(ii) </i=xy sin z+coslf+.Y 2 z+~ 1,:

x- ◊;, Y, z)
(iii) r/,=x sin y+y sin z+ z sin x+c. =V1 (
G. Find a, b,cif F=(3x-13y+az) i+(bx+2y-4z) J+(2x+cy+i)k
is irrotational. , [ Calicut 1974] ==v1 ( ) _Sx ov1 ·
Ans. a=2, b= - ·3, c=-4.
x, Y, z - 2 ox -f:: .. by Taylor s theorem
7. Show that . , 1 • _ 1,
(2x cos y+z sin y) dx+(xz cos y- X~''S,tn y) dJl+x 'sm y dz-0
• . =v (x
1 • Y, z
- -ox ov1
i ax approximately.
is an exact differential equation and hence solve it. Similarly x-component of v at centre of opposite face
Ans. Solution is x 2 cos y+xz sia y=C.
GHC:O=v1+ ox ox
OV1 '
8. If F is irrotationa:i in a simply connected region R, show that 2
there exists a scalar field ,f, such that F,,,;, grad cf,. .~. volume of fluid entering the parallelopiped across AFED
[Calicut 1975]
§ 11. Physical interpretation of divergence and curl.
(Meerut 1968]'
per unit time=( v ~
1-~ ::1) oy
Also volume of. fluid g omg
· .ou t t h e parallelop1ped
. ·
across G HCB
Ptiyskal interpolation of divergence. - Suppose that there is a
fluid motion whose velocity at any point is v (x, y, z). Then the loss per
2 ox
unit time= ( v1 ox ovi) Sy oz. "'-
ofjluid per unit unit volume per time in a small para//e/opiped /iaving
centre at P (x, y, _z) and edges parallel to the co-ordinate axes and • loss in volume.per unit time in the direction of x-axi~
having lengths ox, oy.' oz respectivtly, is give11 a/ rcximately by ,-( +ax ov1)
-~ _vi ' ·2 ox Sy oz- ( V1-72
ax ax·
av ) oy oz=a:1
ox Sy 8z.
div v='\,1•v. .
I S1m1larJy, loss in volume per unit time in y ditection -
Le ~ v,=~'i i+ Y.I j+va k. OV2
x ,_ )mponcnt of velocity vat P=v 1 (x, y, z). =ay ox ay oz,
x•component of v at centre of face AFED which is per-
r 11d1 ,·ui.n to x-a xis a nd is neare r t.o origi o and loss in vo,lume per unit time in z direction= ~'t ox oy Sz.
• · .total
. loss of th e fl m··ct per u01t
• volume per unit time
OV1 OV2 OV3) .
=( ax+ay+az 8x Sy oz
8x oy oz
Solved Examples

av1 av2 ava .

= - +-+ - = V •V=dJV v.
ax oy oz
Pliysical interi,retation of curl. Let S be a circular disc of . ·
small radius r and centre P bounded by the circle C. Let F(x, Y, z)
be a continuously differentiablP. vectm. function in S. Then by
Stoke's theorem

f F•dr= fl s (curl F)•n oS=(curl F)•n ~ L
dS, by mean value

theorem of integral calculus where (curl F) n is some val.ue inter..

mediate between the :naximum and min imum values of (curl F)•n
over S.
,;. f F•dr=(curl F)•n S.

Taking limit as r➔ O, we get at P

f l'•dr ...
lim C
(curl F)•n= ,_,,
O --
Now (curl F)•n is normal component of curl Fat P and
f F•dr is circulation of F about C. Therefor~ the normal com-

ponent of the curl can be interpreted physically as the limit of the

circulation per unit area.

. . ~.'/:' .

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