140 OwnersHandbook1968
140 OwnersHandbook1968
140 OwnersHandbook1968
Before you start driving your new Volvo tion and excellent performance that you the future can be avoided. The better you
please read through this instruction book have every right to expect of a top-quality know your Volvo, the better service it can
carefully. It contains all the information you vehicle. give you. Even for an experienced motorist
need to be able to drive and service your This instruction book is not intended to be this book can contain some valuable informa-
vehicle in the best possible way. By following a comprehensive technical manual and does tion.
the instructions given in this book, you will not claim to make the reader into a perfect For a more detailed mechanical description
find that your Volvo will come up to all the car mechanic. It will, however, show you how and repair procedures, we refer you to the
expectations concerning economical opera- to look after your vehicle so that trouble in special Service Manual for the car.
Foreword 2 General 33
Volvo Service Organization 4 Maintenance scheme 34
Warranty and Service Booklet 4 Lubrication 36
Type Designations 5 Oil changes 37
Engine 40
Electrical system 45
Power transmission 49
Brakes 49
Wheels and tyres 50
I nstruments and controls 6 Body 52
I nterior and body 13 Servicing before a long-distance trip 54
Starting and driving 18 Procedure in cold weather 54
Running-in 18 Lubricating chart 62
Starting the engine 19
Gear-changing 20
To get the most out of the invested capital should also refer to your dealer for any in- condition and that is that the above-
represented by a car, it must be looked after formation about your Volvo that is not mentioned cost-free inspection is carried out
and serviced regularly. Volvo has gone to a i ncluded in this instruction book. at roughly the mileage shown and that the
great deal of trouble in the design and selec- Not only in your own country is there a vehicle has been looked after in accordance
tion of material to ensure that the car in Volvo workshop within easy reach. Volvo has with the instructions given in this book.
question only requires a minimum of also a widely distributed service network
servicing. We rely, however, on your co- i n other countries.
operation with regard to the future main-
tenance of your vehicle. To help you with
this, Volvo has built up a world-wide service
organization. All Volvo dealers have specially
trained personnel and receive a continuous Warranty and Service Booklet Service Inspections
supply of technical information from the
Volvo Service Organization concerning repairs A warranty and service booklet accompanies After the cost-free service inspection has
and adjustments. They have also special tools, each vehicle when it is delivered. This book- been carried out, you should make an
designed at the Volvo factory. Moreover, all l et contains a coupon entitling you to a free agreement with your dealer concerning
Volvo dealers have a comprehensive stock service inspection after 2,500 km (1,500 continued, regular service inspections in
of spare parts which is your guarantee for miles) running. If possible, let the dealer who accordance with the suggestions made in our
genuine Volvo spares. That is why our dealers supplied the vehicle carry out this service Service Book. Thorough and regular servicing
are in the best possible position to give your i nspection. Any of our dealers, however, i s of vital importance for the performance and
vehicle first-class service concerning both can do this if required. If our six-months l ength of life of the vehicle.
maintenance operations and repairs. You guarantee is to apply, we make one absolute Always use genuine Volvo spares.
Type designations
D Coolant temperature
9 Heater/ventilation
7 Fan switch controls
1 4 Handbrake
The fan is operated by means of a push- The control on the left, TEMP, regulates The handbrake lever is on the outside of
pull switch which can be set at two the temperature of the incoming air. the driving seat and operates on the rear
different positions. Pushing the switch The middle control, DEFR, regulates the wheels only. When the handbrake is
fully in stops the fan, pulling it out to air flow to the windscreen and rear applied and the ignition is on, a red
the first position operates the fan at full window. And the control to the right, warning light (6, G) shows on the instru-
speed and when pulled fully out, the FLOOR, regulates the air flow to the ment panel.
fan operates at half speed. front seat and rear seat floor. Remember that the footbrake warning
Due to the aerodynamic design of the car, The temperature, likewise the air flow, is system is also connected to this light.
the overpressure in the air intake is i ncreased by moving the controls down- Should the light show when the hand-
relatively small. Therefore, at speeds wards whereby a red strip marked down brake is not on, this may be due to a
below 80 km.p.h. (50 m.p.h.), the fan the middle of the control in question failure in one of the brake circuits. If this
should be allowed to operate at full i ndicates the size of the opening. Note i s the case, drive immediately (but with
speed if maximum air capacity is desired. that when altering the temperature control, due care) to a workshop for a check.
On the other hand, however, the fan there will be a slight delay before the
should not be used if cooling air is desired temperature is reached.
required on a hot summer's day. Instead, To avoid mist on the windows, set the
open both the fresh-air controls (15, 23), fan and defroster controls at maximum
the defroster control "DEFR" and the output. It may also be a good idea to 1 5, 23 Fresh-air controls
ventilation control "FLOOR". open the ventilation windows. However,
the fresh-air controls (15, 23) should be By sliding the control forwards, a fresh-
8 Cigarette lighter air intake on the driver's or passenger's
closed. Try to avoid water on the floor
To use the cigarette lighter, push it i n and under the mats,as this increases the side opens. Note that the fan should not
The lighter releases automatically when humidity and thereby misting, particularly be operating if cool air is desired through
it attains sufficient heat. during the wintertime. these intakes.
21 Fuses
Fuse No.
1. Windscreen wipers, washer 8A
2. Horn, reversing lights 8A
3. Heater fan 8A
The electrical equipment is protected by 4. Warning lamps
a number of fuses housed in a compart- I nstrument panel 5A
ment under the dashboard. If a fuse has
5. Spare, overdrive
to be replaced, always make sure that 6. I nterior light 5A
it i s replaced with a fuse of the correct Glove compartment light
Dip beam relay
rating. Should any fuse blow repeatedly, 7. Brake light 5A
it must not be replaced by a fuse with a 8. Left rear light 5A
Parking light
higher rating. Instead, have a workshop I nstrument panel light
check the electrical system. Number plate light 5A
(left-hand drive)
On the inside of the cover for the fuse 9. Right rear light 5A
compartment there is place for a number Parking light
Number plate light
of spare fuses. (right-hand drive)
Lumbar support
l ocated between the front seats. A loud out the consequent belt slackness by pulling
clicking noise indicates that the tongue is i n the upper part of the double section.
securely locked. I f the belt requires shortening, pull in the
Make sure that the sections of the belt in upper of the lap strap's double section.
contact with the body are not twisted. After a certain amount of practice, all adjust-
Always make a point of ensuring that the ments can be carried out with the one hand.
Safety belts belt length is such that the belt fits well The belt is released by moving to the rear
against the body. If the belt requires lengthen- the respective lever in the locking device.
Always use the safety belt for all types of i ng, take hold of the adjusting piece with Safety belt anchorages are fitted as standard
driving. Remember that it is possible even in one hand and with the other hand pull out on the rear seat. On certain markets, the
slow city traffic to incur serious injury from to the desired length the lower part of the car is delivered with the belts already
sudden, unexpected stopping. double section of the lap strap. Straighten i nstalled in the rear seat.
The practical design of the belt makes it very
easy to use. Place the belt with one strap
over the lap and the other across the shoulder
- chest and secure it by pushing the buckle
tongue into the slot of the locking device
On the Volvo 142, the rear ventilation 1. The light comes on when either front door The luggage compartment is locked with the
windows can be partly opened by setting the i s opened. same key as that used for the doors. The lid
handle in either of the two positions. 2. The light is always extinguished. i s opened by turning the handle clockwise
3. The light is always on. and lifting the lid up at the same time.
Note that the key must be removed from
the lock in order to turn the lock knob.
The lid is balanced and will remain stationary
i n its opened position. The spare wheel is
securely held in position to the right in the
compartment. The jack and tool kit are
fastened to the spare wheel. Under the floor
of the compartment to the left there is
space sufficient for an extra spare wheel,
for stowing tools or a reserve fuel can.
Before your first drive idling speed is obtained. As the engine temperature as quickly as possible. Therefore,
becomes warmer push in the control do not idle the engine too long but start
Before you begin driving your new Volvo, more and more but never so far that the driving with a light load on the engine as
we would advise you to become familiar with engine starts to run unevenly. Drive for soon as the oil pressure light has gone out.
the vehicle and the various instruments and as short a period as possible with the
choke out. When the engine is thoroughly
controls used during driving. Sit in the car, Driving with the luggage
warm, the control should be pushed right
go through all the various instruments, test compartment lid open
the controls and adjust the seats and rear- i n.
view mirror to the positions which suit you After starting a cold engine, do not race
While driving with the luggage compartment
best. When you are comfortably seated and it immediately but run it at moderate speed
partly or fully open, exhaust gases can be
acquainted with the location of the various and do not subject it to heavy loading
sucked into the car through the luggage
controls, then you are ready to begin driving. until the engine temperature has reached
compartment. Normally, this involves no
normal level.
risk to the passengers. However, the following
advice should be followed on such occasions:
Start the engine Starting in a garage 1. Keep all windows closed.
as follows: 2. Set the fresh air and defroster controls to
Before starting your car in a garage, always the fully-opened position and the fan
1. Check that the handbrake is on and the open the garage doors. The exhaust gases control to full speed.
gear lever is in neutral. from the engine contain carbon monoxide
2. When the engine is cold, pull the choke gas which is poisonous and particularly
control out fully. dangerous since it is invisible and odourless.
3. Always make a habit of depressing the
clutch pedal until the engine fires
Warming up the engine
4. Turn the ignition key to the starting posi- Experience has shown that engines in
tion. Release the key as soon as the vehicles used with frequent stopping and
engine has started. If a warm engine does starting are subject to abnormally rapid wear.
not start immediately, depress the accele- The reason for this is that the engine is not
rator pedal fully and keep it depressed given a chance to reach its normal working
until the engine starts running. temperature. When the engine is cold, it
5. Push in the choke control until the best should just be taken up to its normal working
For this reason, the selector lever must first on a hill, the handbrake should also be
be lifted towards the steering wheel before applied.
it can be moved into any of the other posi-
tions. If the car is temporarily stopped and Driving
the selector is moved to the "R", "D" or Select the position, release the brake and the
"L" position, apply the handbrake or the car will start rolling slowly. The most rapid
footbrake to stop any tendency for the car acceleration is obtained by depressing the
to "creep". accelerator past the stop in the lower
accelerator position. The car is stopped in the
normal way by releasing the accelerator and
Selecting applying the footbrake. No manoeuvring of
the selector lever is required.
Normally position "D" should be used for
driving. The transmission then starts in first I f the car has to be extricated from snow,
gear and automatic upchanges to second and l oose sand or similar, it can be "rocked"
Automatic Transmission third gear occur in accordance with road l oose by moving the selector alternately
between the "R" and "D" positions under
speed and accelerator position. Automatic
The automatic transmission selector lever has continuous light accelerator pressure.
downchanges from third to second and
the following positions:
Starting by towing
first occur with decreasing vehicle speed.
• = Parking
Low gear position "L" is used for
R = Reverse Place the selector in the "N" position and pull
• = Neutral 1. Obtaining immediate manual down-
out the choke slightly. Switch on the ignition
• = Driving changing
when the car has obtained sufficient speed
L = Low gear 2. Providing powerful engine braking when, and move the selector to position "L".
for example, going down a steep hill
Starting the engine This will start the engine.
3. Obtaining a high engine speed, if so Do not select the "P" or "R" position
Move the selector lever either to the "P" or required. when the car is moving.
"N" position. The starter inhibitor switch is
The "N" position is the neutral position, that Do not select "D", "L" or "R" position
automatically disconnected if the selector
is, no gear is engaged. at a higher engine speed than idling
l ever is moved to any of the other positions.
The selector lever can be moved freely The "R" position is used for reversing. when the car is stationary.
between the "N" and "D" positions, while The "P" position is selected for parking with Do not select the "L" position at speeds
the other positions are provided with a catch. or without the engine running. When parking above 90 km.p.h. (55 m.p.h.).
I f the vehicle is to be towed, the tow line If the vehicle is to be used for towing, the It is extremely important that you maintain
must not be attached directly to the bumpers, tow line should be attached to the rear the correct air pressure in the tyres, particularly
but should be attached to the towing loop towing hook located under the spare wheel i f you intend driving long distances at high
on the front axle member according to the well. See the picture above. average speeds. It is better to have somewhat
picture above. too much rather than too little air in the tyres.
During towing, the tow line should be kept A tyre develops heat quicker if it contains too
evenly stretched. little air. The air pressure should be checked
when the tyre is cold. See page 59 for
NOTE. Snow chains may be mounted only
on the drive wheels. Rapid links may not be
i nstalled on the Volvo 140.
Engine compartment
The engine is a four-cylinder, water-cooled, The fuel pump is of the diaphragm type and Engine lubrication is taken care of by a gear
carburettor unit with overhead valves. i s operated by a cam on the engine camshaft. pump located under the crankshaft in the
The cylinder block is made of special alloy I t draws the fuel from the tank and pumps it sump. The pump is driven by a gear from
cast iron and is cast in a single unit. The to the carburettor. A filter built into the fuel the camshaft.
cylinder liners, which are surrounded by pump removes any impurities in the fuel. From the pump the oil is forced through the
cooling jackets, are machined directly in the oil filter and then along oilways to the various
block. The cylinder head has separate inlet l ubricating points. A relief valve is built into
and exhaust ports, one for each valve. the oil filter and prevents the oil pressure
The statically and dynamically balanced from reaching excessively high values.
crankshaft is carried in five main bearings. The oil filter is of the full-flow type, that is,
all the oil passes through the filter before
continuing on to the engine lubricating
The cooling system is of the sealed pressure the radiator. The circulation is regulated The function of the clutch is to transmit the
type and incorporates a circulation pump. during driving by the thermostat so that the power from the engine to the gearbox. The
When the engine is cold, the coolant circulates temperature of the engine is kept within the clutch is of the single dry plate type. Pressure
only inside the engine. As the engine warms correct limit. on the pressure plate is obtained from a
up, a thermostat valve begins opening the A special expansion tank prevents air from diaphragm spring which in turn is controlled
outlet to the radiator. When the thermostat circulating with the coolant as this would by the clutch pedal via the throw-out yoke.
i s fully opened, all the coolant flows through cause corrosion in the cooling system.
The gearbox has synchromesh on all the For certain markets, the Volvo 140 model is The propeller shaft, which is the connecting
forward gears. Since the gearbox is fitted fitted with an overdrive. With the overdrive, l i nk between the gearbox and the rear axle,
with helical gears and the gear lever is i t is possible to reduce the engine speed while i s divided into two sections. The forward
rubber-insulated, excellent sound insulation maintaining road speed. This is less wearing section is flexibly mounted at its rear end in
i s obtained. on the engine and reduces fuel consumption a bearing suspended in a rubberized ring.
at the same time.
Engine torque is transmitted via the propeller On certain markets, a differential brake can be Warning. Do not rotate a jacked-up rear
shaft to the rear wheels through the rear axle. obtained as extra equipment. A rear axle wheel if the other rear wheel is still on the
The rear axle is of the hypoid type, that is, with a differential brake automatically ground. Due to the differential unit, there is
the drive pinion lies below the centre line transmits the tractive power to the wheel still drive on the wheel in contact with the
of the drive shafts. having the best road grip when a wheel ground. Rotating the jacked-up rear wheel
begins to skid. Except for the differential unit, would thus move the other rear wheel and
the rear axle is similar in design to a conven- may cause the car to topple off the jack.
tional rear axle.
The steering is of the cam-and-roller type. The heating system is a combined warm air The vehicle has pressed steel wheels with
Movements of the steering wheel are trans- and fresh air system. The incoming fresh l ugs for the attachment of the hub caps.
mitted via the worm on the steering column air is forced by means of a fan through the All wheels have been carefully balanced.
to the roller on the pitman shaft, which in cell system of the element and into the The tyres are tubeless which means less risk
turn operates the wheels through a linkage vehicle. By means of the various ventilation of leakage and puncturing. The tyre size
system. controls, the fresh air can be warmed and specification is 165 S15.
directed to suitable places in the car. For winter driving, tyre size 165-380
The temperature of the heated air is regulated (165-15) with or without studs is recom-
by means of a heater control valve. mended. Snow chains may only be fitted on
the drive wheels. Rapid links must not be
i nstalled on the Volvo 140 because of insuf-
ficient space between the brake disc pad
holders and the wheel rims.
The brake system is of the two-circuit type are provided with a reducer valve which and rear-end lurching. With the engine
with disc brakes all round. The system is prevents locking of the rear wheels. stopped, the booster assists the braking a
provided with a tandem-type master cylinder The principle of the two-circuit system is further 2 or 3 times after which the pedal
and a directly-operating booster cylinder. that both the front wheels are connected to pressure must be increased about three times
When the brake pedal is depressed, the master one rear wheel, that is, should there be a i n order to obtain a braking power correspond-
cylinder is operated mechanically via the failure in one of the circuits, there is always i ng to the braking power available with the
booster cylinder, this increasing the pedal braking power on both front wheels and the engine running.
force about three times. The brake pressure is other rear wheel. At normal pedal pressure The handbrake operates the rear wheels
transmitted hydraulically from the master the braking effect of each of the circuits is mechanically as the brake discs have also
cylinder through the brake lines to the wheel 50%, but when pedal pressure is increased, been designed as brake drums in order to
cylinders. The pistons in these are then about 80 % of the full braking power can be i ncorporate the shoes for the handbrake.
pressed outwards and apply the brake pads. obtained in the one circuit. This provides
The pressure lines to the rear wheel brakes maximum safety and prevents lateral dragging
Before the vehicle was delivered from the the vehicle with the servicing it requires is to should take the precaution of checking these
factory it was subjected to a very thorough have all the servicing done by a Volvo work- parts for fatigue cracks during the useful
i nspection. Your dealer, in his turn, carried shop. You will then have the work specified l i fetime of the car, for instance, when the
out a further delivery inspection in accordance i n the service book carried out in accordance parts concerned are being reconditioned.
with the specifications of the Volvo Factory. with recommended prices and the workshop I f you prefer to carry out the simpler servicing
I n addition to this there is the free service stamp in the service book will show when procedures yourself or if you are sometimes
i nspection after 2 500 km (1 500 miles). the vehicle was serviced. obliged to have them done by a workshop
Subsequent servicing of the vehicle should When the car was being designed, particular outside the Volvo organization, this chapter
follow the routine of the service book which attention was given to the "safety details" contains some advice as to when and how
i s based on a system with all-round lubrica- (e.g. front end, brakes and steering). they should be carried out. For the sake of
tion after every 5 000 km (3000 miles) They are calculated to withstand the severest convenience, the servicing procedures have
and service inspections after every 10 000 km stresses with a wide safety margin. However, been summarized in a maintenance scheme
(6 000 miles). The simplest way to provide i f you use your car for hard driving, you i n the next two pages.
I n the maintenance scheme below the Some of the work must be carried out by
servicing procedures have been given certain skilled mechanics or requires the use of
numbers which refer to the detailed descrip- special tools and these have been marked 0.
tions on the following pages.
1 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 5 7 8
Chassis maintenance
above the upper mark since oil consump- Light driving conditions concern long-
tion will then be abnormally high. If distance driving on motorways with the
necessary top up by filling through the oil engine thoroughly warm and with in-
filler hole on the rocker-arm casing with frequent stopping and starting.
new oil of the same type already in the Normal driving conditions concern rela-
engine. tively short distances (not interrupted
by frequent stopping and starting) when
3 Changing the engine oil the engine is able to become warm but
For lubrication of the engine, oil "For cools down between individual journeys.
Service MS" should be used. Concerning Unfavourable driving conditions concerns
viscosity, Multigrade oil SAE 10W-30 is continuous driving in congested traffic
primarily recommended. At very low with much stopping and starting and long
temperatures (below -20°C = -4°F) or periods with the engine idling.
when cold-starting difficulties are to be The old oil is drained off at the oil
expected, Multigrade oil SAE 5W-20 is changing by removing the drainage plug
recommended. However, this oil should on the sump. Drainage should take place
not be used when the temperature is after driving when the oil is still warm.
continuously above 0°C (32°F). The
i ntervals between oil changes depend
to a great extent on the driving conditions,
2 Check the oil level in the engine see table below.
The oil level in the engine should be
checked each time the fuel tank is filled.
The check should be carried out with the
engine switched off but warm and, in order
to obtain comparable values, about 1
minute after the engine has been stopped.
Wipe the dipstick before measuring. The
oil level should be between the two marks
on the dipstick. It must never be per-
mitted to go down below the lower mark
but, on the other hand, it should not be
Oil grade Viscosity I Oil capacity Oil grade I Viscosity I Oil capacity Oil grade I I Oil capacity
0.75 litre
SAE 80 6.2 litres
At temperatures 1 1/4 Imp. SAE 30 or 1.6 litres For automatic
Gear oil continuously pints Engine oil Multigrade 2.8 Imp. pints transmissions 1.4 Imp. galls.
above -I-30°C 1 1/2 U.S. SAE 20 W-40 3.4 U.S. pints type A 1.6 U.S. galls.
( +90°F), SAE 90 pints
Oil grade Viscosity Oil capacity Transmission oil MIL-L-2105 or MIL-L- Oil grade Viscosity Oil capacity
2105 B with additive for differential brake.
1.3 litres
SAE 90
At temperatures 2 1/4 Imp. 0.25 litre
Hypoid oil continuously pints Hypoid oil SAE 80 3/8 Imp. pint
below -10°C All year round
2 3/4 U.S. 1/2 U.S. pint
( +14°F), SAE 80 pints
17 Oil filter 18 Fuel filter The foam plastic sleeve is removed from
The engine is fitted with a full-flow type The fuel filter should be cleaned after every the air cleaner and washed in paraffin
oil filter, which means that all the oil 1 0 000 km (6000 miles). Loosen the (kerosine), fuel oil or warm water mixed
passes through the filter on its way from the with a washing agent. Squeeze the sleeve
screw, remove and clean the cover and
until it is clean and then rinse it in clean
oil pump to the various lubricating points. strainer. Check that the gasket is not
water. When the sleeve is dry, dip it in
I mpurities in the oil are collected in the damaged and make sure that it seals engine oil SAE 30. Squeeze the sleeve in
filter and gradually block it. For this reason, properly when the cover is fitted. the oil and remove any surplus oil by
the filter must be changed every 10 000 km rolling the sleeve in a clean cloth. Fit the
(6000 miles). Scrap the old filter. If the sleeve on the paper filter.
engine is new or reconditioned, the filter 1 9 Air cleaner with foam plastic sleeve 20 Air cleaner B 18 A
should be changed after the first 5 000 km Cars intended for markets where driving The air cleaner should be replaced with a
(3000 miles). conditions are particularly dusty are pro-
new one after every 40 000 km (25 000
I f the oil filter is replaced without the vided with an air cleaner fitted with a foam
miles). With continuous driving in dusty
plastic sleeve. This sleeve is normally
engine oil being changed, the engine conditions, replacement must be carried
washed or changed every 20 000 km
should be topped up with 0.5 litre out more frequently.
(12500 miles). After every 80 000 km
(7/8 Imp. pint = 1 U.S. pint) of oil. ( 50 000 miles) or replacement, the paper NOTE. On no account must the ele-
filter must also be changed. ment be moistened or oiled.
22 Valves
The valve clearances should be checked
after every 10 000 km (6 000 miles).
The check should be carried out at a work-
23 Compression test
To get some idea of the condition of
the engine, a compression test should be
carried out after every 10 000 km (6 000
miles). This test should preferably be
carried out at a workshop.
24 Fan belt
The fan belt tension should be checked
every 10 000 km (6000 miles). Due to
wear or dirt, this belt can start slipping with
21 Air cleaners ( B 18 B) poor cooling and poor dynamo (alternator) 25 Check the coolant level
Normally both the air cleaners should be output as the result. A new belt should also The cooling system must be well filled
replaced with new ones after every be checked after the first 5 000 km with coolant and not leak if it is to operate
20 000 km (12 500 miles). The old ones (3 000 miles). at maximum efficiency. Check the coolant
should be discarded. The belt tension can be checked by l evel when filling up with fuel. The level
With continuous driving in dusty condi- pulling the tips of the fan blades in the should be between the "Max" and "Min"
tions, it may be necessary to change the correct direction of rotation. There should marks on the expansion tank.
cleaners more often, e.g., every 10 000 km be definite resistance to movement before The check should be carried out with
( 6 000 miles). No kind of cleaning the belt starts slipping. Another way to particular thoroughness when the engine
whatsoever should be carried out between i s new or the cooling system has been
test the tension is to press in the fan belt
the above-mentioned changing intervals. empty.
at a point midway between the dynamo
On certain markets, the B 18 B engine is Do not remove the filler cap other than
(alternator) and the fan. It should be
fitted with a damping filter in accordance for topping-up with coolant. Frequent
possible to press down the belt about
with legal provisions. This filter should 1 5-20 mm (1/2-3/4") with normal removal may prevent coolant circulation
be changed every 40 000 km (25 000 between the engine and the expansion
miles). tank during engine warming up and
The check can be suitably carried out at
a Volvo workshop. cooling.
33 Check the state of charge of the The rapid charger must never be used as
battery an auxiliary unit for starting, otherwise
The state of charge of the battery should this might damage the alternator and the
be checked after every 10 000 km (6 000 charging control.
miles). The check is carried out with the
help of a hydrometer, this showing the 4. Never disconnect the battery circuit (for
specific gravity of the electrolyte which example, to change the battery) while
the engine is running, as this will
varies with the state of charge. See page
58. When checking the battery, check i mmediately damage the alternator.
also the terminals and terminal bolts to Make sure that all the battery connections
are properly tightened.
make sure that they are tight, smeared
with grease or vaseline and that the
battery is firmly fixed. If necessary, wipe 34 Check headlight alignment
off the terminals and terminal bolts with The alignment of the headlights should be
a rag or brush them with a wire brush checked in a workshop after every 10 000
before greasing them. km (6 000 miles). Remember that the
section of the road lit up by the headlights
Right-hand drive cars are fitted with an can vary depending on the load in the
alternator. When changing the battery or vehicle.
when carrying out work involving the
electrical system, the following should be
1. A battery connection to the wrong
terminal will damage the rectifiers. Before Replacement of bulbs
32 Check the battery electrolyte level the connections are made, check the
To ensure that the battery functions polarity of the battery with a voltmeter. To obtain maximum lighting effect and to
properly, the electrolyte level should be forestall the chances of lights going out, the
checked regularly. A suitable time to do 2. If extra batteries are used for starting,
they must be properly connected to headlight bulbs should be changed every
this is when the fuel tank is being filled. year, suitably during the autumn.
The electrolyte level should be 5-10 mm prevent the rectifiers from being damaged.
The replacement of bulbs in the various
( 3/16-3/8") over the top of the cell The negative lead from the auxiliary
li ghting units is shown on the following pages.
plates. If the level is too low, top up with battery for starting must be connected to
the negative terminal stud of the car Make sure when fitting lamps that the guide
distilled water. Never add too much pin on the socket fits into its corresponding
distilled water since this can cause the battery and the positive lead from the
acid to splash over and possibly damage auxiliary battery for starting to the positive
terminal stud. When fitting headlight bulbs, do not touch
the engine compartment. Never check the glass with your fingers. The reason for
the electrolyte level by lighting a match. 3. If a rapid charger is used for charging the this is that grease, oil or any other impurities
The gases formed in the cells are highly battery, the car battery leads should be can be carbonized onto the bulb and this
explosive. disconnected. can cause damage to the reflector.
1 2
3 4
35 Checking the clutch yoke free travel 37 Check and overhaul the brakes
To avoid risk of the clutch slipping, the After every 10 000 km (6 000 miles) the
clutch yoke free travel should be checked vehicle should be taken to a Volvo work-
and adjusted if necessary every 10 000 km shop for a check on the functioning of the
(6 000 miles). If the clutch does not brakes. Every third year or 60 000 km
disengage in a satisfactory manner, the (36 000 miles) the brake system seals
free travel of the clutch pedal should also should also be replaced.
be checked. For data see page 59.
The clutch should be checked and
adjusted at a workshop which has the
proper equipment.
Replacing the bulbs for the 36 Check the propeller shaft 38 Replacing the booster cylinder air
number plate light After every 10 000 km (6 000 miles) or filter
once a year the rubber seal on the spline Every 40 000 km (25 000 miles) the car
The two bulbs for the number plate light shaft and the universal joints should be should be taken to a Volvo workshop for
are mounted on a holder located under the checked. If the rubber seal is damaged, it replacement of the booster cylinder air
l uggage compartment locking device. should be replaced and the new seal filter.
Loosen the two Phillips screws which hold filled with molybdenum disulphide grease.
the glass and remove it. The bulb is now
accessible for changing.
Changing a wheel
The spare wheel is stowed in a recessed space
to the right in the luggage compartment.
The jack and tool kit are kept next to the
spare wheel. Before the vehicle is jacked up,
the handbrake should be applied and one
of the gears engaged.
1. Prise off the hub cap with the help of the
removal lever.
2. Loosen the wheel nuts 1/2-1 turn with
the help of the box spanner. All the nuts
have right-hand threads which are
l oosened by turning them in an anti-
clockwise direction.
3. Insert the lifting arm of the jack in the
appropriate lack attachment of the wheel
to be changed. Jack up the side of the
car far enough for the wheel to turn freely. 1 2
4. Unscrew the wheel nuts completely and
lift off the wheel. Be careful when lifting
off the wheel that the threads of the studs
are not damaged.
1. Clean the contact surfaces between the
wheel and hub and fit on the wheel.
Tighten the nuts until the wheel makes
good contact with the flange.
2. Lower the vehicle and tighten the nuts
3. Fit the hub cap. Do not rotate the raised
wheel if the car is fitted with a differential
brake. If a differential brake is installed,
turning the jacked-up rear wheel will
also move the other rear wheel on the
ground, this causing the car to topple off
the jack.
3 4 51
I f you are thinking of travelling abroad with 4. Check that the engine is running perfectly When cold weather is on the way, it is time
your car, or taking a long journey you should and that the fuel consumption is normal. to think of the winter servicing of your car.
have the car checked at a Volvo workshop. 5. Examine the state of charge of the battery The first night of frost can come as a very
You will enjoy your journey better if you and clean the terminals. unpleasant surprise unless preventive pre-
know that your car is in perfect trim. Irritating 6. Look over the tool equipment and check cautions have been taken.
i ncidents can be avoided as well as expen- the spare wheel.
sive and time-absorbing stoppages. Wherever 7. Check that the lighting functions properly.
you go you will have a Volvo workshop
within easy reach to take care of your car,
if it should be necessary. Engine cooling system
However, it is a good idea before making a
trip to ensure that, at least on a minor scale, A good quality anti-freeze should be used all
you have with you a comprehensive touring the year round. Thus, the cooling system
should always contain water plus anti-
kit. This is particularly the case if you
freeze and rust inhibitor, even during the
anticipate widely varying conditions as
regards to climate, roads and the prevalence
The coolant keeps its properties for approxi-
of much dust. Many workshops stock special
kits for this purpose. Remember when filling mately two years, when it should be changed.
up with fuel to observe the existing fuel A suitable time for doing this is in the autumn.
recommendations. If you prefer to look This would ensure against possible damage
over your vehicle yourself, the following from frost during the winter months. When
the coolant is being changed, the cooling
hints are worthwhile noting:
1. Check the brakes, front wheel alignment system should be flushed out with clean
water. For further details, see page 43.
and steering gear.
2. Check the engine and drive units with I f the coolant has to be topped up during the
regard to fuel, oil, coolant leakage. winter, do not use only water as water by itself
3. Examine the tyres carefully. Replace worn weakens both the anti-frost properties as
tyres. well as the rust-proofing effectiveness of
the coolant. It is a good idea when topping
up with coolant to have the concentration Electrical system the windscreen during the winter frequently
checked in order to be certain that there is becomes dirty and is often splashed with
always sufficient protection against damage The electrical system in the vehicle is water which rapidly freezes and thus
by frost. subjected to greater stresses during the necessitates the frequent use of the wind-
Experience has also shown that extremely winter than during the warm summer months. screen washer and wipers. Your Volvo dealer
weak anti-freeze solutions (10-20%) are The lighting and starter motor are used more can supply you with suitable anti-freeze for
very unfavourable from the point of view of and since the capacity of the battery is also this purpose.
rust protection. For this reason, the quantity considerably lower at low air temperature,
of anti-freeze should amount to at least 50 the state of charge must be checked more
of the coolant, that is, 4.3 litres (7.5 Imp. Anti-freeze for door locks
often and, if necessary, the battery charged.
pints ^ 9 U.S. pints), this lowering the I f the battery voltage is excessively low, there
freezing point to -35° C (-31° F). A frozen door lock is one of the most irritating
i s risk of the battery being damaged by frost.
Radiator spirit is not recommended as an things that can happen to a car-owner.
Many valuable minutes early in the morning
anti-freeze agent since it evaporates at
normal engine temperature. Brake system can be wasted warming up keys and melting
i ce in locks. Remember this in good time
During very cold weather the brakes are and lubricate the locks with some suitable
subjected to splash and condensation water
Engine lubricating system anti-freeze agent. Such agents are now
which can result in the handbrake freezing available in small handy tubes which can
up if left on.
During the winter multigrade oil SAE 10 W-30 easily be placed in a handbag or coat pocket.
When you park the car, do not apply the
or engine oil with a viscosity of SAE 10 W
handbrake but engage the first gear or
should be used for the engine lubricating
reverse and if possible place blocks behind
system. At very low temperatures (below
the wheels.
-20° = -4° F) multigrade oil SAE 5W -20
i s recommended. These oils reach the lubrica-
ting points in the engine more easily at low Windscreen washer
temperature and also facilitate cold starting.
If you drive for the most part short distances I n the same way as anti-freeze is added to the
during the winter, the engine oil should be cooling system during the winter to prevent
changed more often than usual, for example, frost damage, anti-freeze should also be added
after every 2500 km (1500 miles). See page to the water container for the windscreen
37. washers. This is particularly important because
WHEN THE ENGINE STALLS it will go and keep it there. Engage the starter Checking the fuel system
OR WILL NOT START motor. As a rule the starter motor needs to Disconnect the fuel pipe to the carburettor(s)
run 5-10 seconds. Release the accelerator and run the starter motor for several seconds,
pedal when the engine starts so that it does If there is a rich flow of fuel from the pipe.
This section is intended as an aid if it should not race. i t should be re-fitted. Remove the air cleaner
happen that the engine stalls or if it is not and check that the choke is functioning.
possible to start it. However, all types of If the fault is not there, then it is best to-get a
engine trouble are not included as this would How to start the car downhill mechanic.
be too comprehensive and complicated. ( only with the vehicle running forward): If no fuel comes from the pipe, clean the
Switch on the engine, pull out the choke if fuel filter. Disconnect the fuel pump and
required, engage 3rd gear or 4th gear and let blow in the tank opening. If air comes out
How to "dry out" an engine given too the car roll downhill with the clutch pedal of the pipe, then there is too little petrol in
much fuel depressed as far as it will go. When the car the tank; and if petrol comes out, the fault
Minor cases: Push in the choke fully, switch reaches a speed of 15-25 km.p.h. (9-17 will probably lie in the fuel pump. If nothing
on the ignition and depress the accelerator m.p.h.) and not before, release the clutch at all comes out, then the fuel pipe must be
pedal as far as it will go. Run the starter pedal slowly. blocked - try then to blow it clean with
motor for periods of 5 seconds at intervals During towing: Use the towing loop. The compressed air from the point where the
of 30 seconds. If the engine does not start, towing vehicle should be driven at an even pipe runs from the fuel filter.
follow the procedure described below. speed in 2nd gear. Try starting the towed car
Major cases: Remove all the sparking plugs, i n the same way as when starting on a down-
allow the fuel on the electrodes to evaporate hill grade.
or dry them. Run the starter motor for 35
second periods at intervals of 15 seconds,
Examining sparking plugs
fit the plugs and reconnect the ignition Remove the sparking plug, check its washer
cables. Make one or two attempts at starting
and remove any carbon deposits. Adjust the
for 5 seconds without choke, at half choke
electrode gap to 0.7-0.8 mm (0.028-0.032") Examining the ignition system
and at full choke, in that order. If the engine using a wire gauge. If the inside insulator is Place the blade of a screwdriver with in-
does not start, it is best to obtain help;
heavily coated with soot or is oiled up, then sulated handle against the cylinder cover
further attempts at starting only wear out
the plug is probably too "cold" and should next to the sparking plug and move the
the battery so that you must still get help in be replaced when possible. If the insulator handle close in to the upper part of the plug;
the long run.
has a grey or brick colour with an even sur- i f sparks, jump the gap when the motor is
face, then the plug is in good condition. turned round, they should both be seen and
A "blistered" whitish, dry insulator surface heard.
Starting when the carburettor gives too means that the plug is too "hot" and should I f no or poor sparks occur, the fault must lie
much fuel be replaced with a harder type. i n the distributor or in the ignition coil - in
This remedy is suitable if the engine un- I f there are thick layers of carbon and oil on which case a car electrician should be
expectedly stops when it is particularly warm, the plug, the engine should be checked by a called or the vehicle towed to a workshop.
for example in traffic queues or on long mechanic. Plugs saturated with petrol is a If the sparks are loud and clear, remove and
i nclines. Depress the accelerator pedal as far sign of excessive choking. examine the sparking plugs.
Light engine oil Note 7. Fill the cup with light engine oil.
The lubricating cup is opened by turning the
Engine oil Notes for lubricating chart outer cap. Use an ordinary oil can, not a
Grade: For Service MS force-feed can.
Viscosity: Multigrade SAE 10 W-30 Note 1. The wheel bearings are packed at the
See also page 37 factory with a special type of grease intended Note 8. At every engine oil change check
to last for the entire lifetime of the bearings. that the oil level in the carburettor or the
Normally, therefore, the sealed-for-life bear- centre spindle of the carburettor reaches up
i ngs do not require a change of lubricant or to about 6 mm (1/4") from the edge of the
additional grease. In connection with such spindle. Use oil ATF type A (transmission oil).
workshop operations involving uncovering
the wheel bearings, the bearings should be
cleaned and then lubricated with high-class, Note 9. Change the oil filter every 10 000 km
durable grease according to the instructions (6 000 miles). See page 41.
i n the service manual. Except on the above
occasion, subsequent adding or changing
Note 10. Check the oil level when tanking.
of lubricant is not required. Change the oil every 5 000 km (3 000 miles)
Note 2. Check that the oil reaches up to the and in spring and autumn when changing
filler plug. Use all year round hypoid oil over to another viscosity if multigrade oil
SAE 80. i s not used. Where the operating conditions
are unfavourable, the oil should be changed
Note 3. Check that the fluid reaches up to after every 2 500 km (1 500 miles). See
the level mark. page 37.