Project Stage 1 Report

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Project Stage-1

“Pick and Place Robert for Injection Moulding Machine”



In the partial fulfillment for the requirement of Bachelor Degree in

Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering

Miss. Dighe Harshada Ashok
Miss. Dighe Swamini Gorakhnath
Miss. Gaikwad Vrushali Balasaheb

Under The Guidance Of

Dr. S. L. Kurkute Sir






To serve as an outstanding and valuable resource for industry, academics and society; to become
the best rural engineering college in the world.
We continually strive to focus on imparting outstanding knowledge, application ability and
promote research relevant to the needs of society in general and rural areas in particular; focus on all
round growth of students and faculty to develop global citizens.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication


Provide excellent quality education to create engineering professionals of global standards by

keeping pace with rapidly changing technologies to serve the society.


To inculcate and stimulate Electronics and Telecommunication expertise by adapting to global

innovative educational and research practices to create dynamic engineering professionals with enhanced
technical skillset and hence global accept ability.
M1: To educate the students with the state-of-the-art technologies in the field of Electronics and
M2: The student works effectively as an individual, as a member of a team and in Multidisciplinary
M3: To pursue their education through advanced studies for the betterment of society.

Program Educational Objectives

Ø To provide fundamental knowledge in science, mathematics and in the field of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering so as enable the students to understand the engineering subjects.
Ø To prepare the students in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering so that
they can effectively design and solve the research problems.
Ø Exhibits functioning in teams, leadership, working the domain and making effective contributions
to the benefit of their workplace and community.

Ø An ability to update knowledge with emerging technologies by higher education and to embrace
professional, ethical attitude, multidisciplinary approach to solve the problems.
Program Outcomes (POs)

Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problemsanddesignsystemcomponentsorprocessesthatmeetthespecifiedneeds with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions
in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for
sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms
of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive
clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering
and management principles and apply the same on one’s own work, as a member and leader in a
team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Lifelong learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune


This is to certify that the project stage-I Report on “Pick and Place Robert for Injection Moulding
Machine” has been successfully carried out and the Project stage-I report is submitted by Miss. Dighe
Harshada Ashok, Miss. Dighe Swamini Gorakhnath, Miss. Gaikwad Vrushali Balasaheb the students of B.E.
Final Year in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering during the Academic year 2022-2023.This
Project report embodies the work carried out by the candidates ,towards the partial fulfillment of the
Bachelor of Engineering Course in Electronics and Telecommunication conferred under the ages of
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

Dr. S. L. Kurkute Prof. A. H. Ansari Dr. S. M. Turkane

Project Guide Project Coordinator HOD


Throughout the journey of this work till the date, we realized more strongly how much selfless
effort. So, we should not forget them while praising flower. It is matter of gratification for us to pay our
respects and acknowledgements to all those who have imparted knowledge and help us to complete our final
First, we would like to acknowledge the great contribution and support received in this endeavor
from our project guide Dr. S. L. Kurkute Sir for this depth knowledge, guidance and inspiration for will be
of great importance to clarify and kind of problem likely to be me in the future.
We express our sincere thanks to project coordinator, Prof. A. H. Ansari for his valuable guidance we
also thanks to our Head of Department Dr. S. M. Turkane for their encouragement and support. We obliged towards
all the staff members, librarians, our friends and most important our family those supported directly and indirectly.
Last but not least we are very much thankful to our principal and the college for cooperation and support in the entire
course . We will keep our improvement curve on the rise and there by enhanced the reputation of our college.

Miss. Dighe Harshada Ashok

Miss. Dighe Swamini Gorakhnath
Miss. Gaikwad Vrushali Balasaheb


We here with submit the project stage-I report titled “Pick and Place Robert for Injection
Moulding Machine” to Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni for the Bachelor degree of Electronics
and Telecommunication Engineering .We are carrying it out under the guidance of Dr. S. L. Kurkute Sir,
Dept of Electronics and Telecommunication, Loni.
This final report has not been submitted to any other University/Institute for a war do any degree or

Miss. Dighe Harshada Ashok

Miss. Dighe Swamini Gorakhnath
Miss. Gaikwad Vrushali Balasaheb


1 Introduction
1.1 Literature Survey 13
1.2 Problem Definition 14
1.3 Aim of Project 15
1.4 Objectives 15
1.5 Methodology And Tools 15
1.6 Specification Of Project 16

Theorotical details of IOT Based Automatic 17

2 Waste
Management System
2.1 What is IOT? 17
2.2 What is Waste Management System? 17
2.3 What is IOT Based Automatic Waste Management System? 17
3 Actual method and analysis

3.1 Working of Proposed System 19

4 Proposed Results
4.1 Advantages 33
4.2 Applications 33
4.3 References 33
5 Personal Details


Figure List of figure Page no.

1 Waste Management System 17
2 Block Diagram of system 19
3 Ultrasonic Sensor 20
4 LCD Display 22
5 GSM Module 24
6 IR Sensor 26
7 Moisture Sensor 27
8 Buzzer 28
9 PIC18F4520 Controller 29
10 DC Motor 30
11 Relay 31


Table no. List of table Page no.

1 Electric Parameters of Ultrasonic sensor 21
2 Pin Description of LCD 23
3 Personal Details 35


IOT: Internet of Things
GSM: Global System for Mobile (communication)
GPS:Global Positioning System
GPRS:General Packet Radio Service
IEEE:Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers


In today’s plastics industry industrial robots have been used across all areas of plastic production,
including injection moulding related processes. From loading components into the injection moulding
machine to finishing and assembling injection moulded parts, the use of robotics provides plastics
manufacturers with a competitive advantage with marked increases in productivity and high quality. Besides
this, robots are more frequently used in post processing outside of the moulding process, such as welding,
assembly and packaging tasks, driven by an increasing demand for more flexible solutions. Pick and place
robots enable companies to use automated solutions for lifting objects from one location and placing them at
other locations. Simple tasks such as lifting objects or moving them do not require a lot of thought
processes. Therefore, using human workers on these tasks can be wasteful, as the workforce can be used for
other tasks that require higher mental abilities. These repetitive tasks are handled by pick and place robots.
These robots are often equipped with sensors and vision systems to lift objects from moving conveyor belt.




Injection moulding is the most traditional plastic parts manufacturing procedure. Using
injection moulding, a large range of items are made, varying in scale, complexity and
implementation. Hot runner is better than cold runner but is seldom utilised due to high cost and
difficulty. Every substance needs a complicated set of parameters such as injection temperature,
injection pressure, flow rate, mould temperature, ejection temperature, cooling rate and cycle
time. Improper set of parameters leads to many flow lines, burn marks, warping, vacuum voids /
air pockets, sink openings, weld lines, jetting. Few defects, including discoloration, plastic use
and delamination storage. Quick shots and flash triggers faulty construction or fix. These
criteria include process optimization and defect-removal collection. The impact of these criteria
on moulding process and recommendations to generate defect-free components needs more

Injection molding technology is one of the main methods of industrial processing. Most
injection machines used in industry today are screw-type injection machines. According to the
driving mode, injection machines are mainly divided into electric injection machines and
hydraulic injection machines.[1-3] It is a powerful molding method that can mold plastic
products of various shapes and sizes. It is also the preferred process for products with complex
three-dimensional structures. From micron gears,[4-6] micron needles,[7-9] etc. to plastic
bottles, plastic barrels and daily necessities that are common in daily life, they can be molded
by injection molding. Injection molding technology can be used for a variety of materials,
including composite materials, foamed materials, thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics and
rubber, etc.[10-17] There are also various forms of injection molding such as gas-assisted
molding, waterassisted molding, micro-injection molding, injection foam molding, low-
pressure molding, injection compression molding, etc.[18-29]

1.1 Literature Survey :

Robotics has become most common course in higher education or industries most of them are for
industry purpose . In industries there are many robots are available but most of them are costly. There
is need to develop a low-cost system for students or small-scale industries. For students it will be
useful for learning the elements of robotics such as kinematics, dynamics, sensing, and control. The
aim of the project is to develop and design a mechanical structure of a robotic arm that can perform
various operations like pick and place the object, material handling, welding, etc. the main objective
is to control the robotic arm automatically and manually. This project focuses upon to create more
useful, and build more compact, cheaper robotic arm to perform various dangerous tasks and to
eliminate human error to get more precise result . History – Conceived from a design for a mechanical
arm patented in 1954(granted in 1961) by American inventor George Devol.

1.2 Problem Definition :-

Plastic injection moulding is a commonly used manufacturing process for producing plastic parts.
The injection moulding process requires the use of an injection moulding machine, raw plastic
material, and a mould. Raw plastic material is fed into a heated barrel, melted, mixed and then
injected into a mould cavity, where it cools and hardens into the shape of the mould.

1.3 Aim of Project :-

Objectives :-

• Increase in productivity
• Reduction in running cost
• Precision in control
• Increase in speed of operation
• Efficient operation
• Early/predictive fault notification
• Reduce the start-up time for process
• Complete control of manufacturing process
• Increase in quality and consistency of the product
• Shorten the time to market
• Increase in human safety from hazardous Conditions Parameter

1.4 Specifications of Project

An artificial developed structure to ease complex tasks used to pick up heavy loads to do complex tasks
with perfection and speed.

1.5 Methodology
Plastic injection moulding is a manufacturing process for producing plastic products in large volume. It
is typically used in mass-production processes where the identical products are being made repeatedly
and Industrial robots can perform these highly repetitive tasks. The most common application is machine
tending – to unload finished parts from the injection moulding machine ready for downstream processes.
In traditional injection moulding, this task is labour intensive and requires high consistency in handling
due to the heat sensitive material being moulded. The use of a robot can relieve operators from repetitive
work and the risk of injuries, resulting in improved product consistency and production capacity. Robots
equipped with pneumatic grippers or vacuum can ensure the careful handling of newly injected moulded
parts and avoid damage. Robots are also relied on to perform insert moulding. Insert moulding involves
encapsulating an ‘insert’ in moulded plastic. Most often, the insert is a metal object such as a pin, blade,
threaded rod and so on. (Picture 1) Inserts can either be put inside plastic moulded parts during or after
the injection moulding process. The following picture (Picture 2) shows two six-axis robots loading and
unloading a vertical injection moulding machine and adding an insert to the moulding. The inserts are
presented to the first robot, which loads them into the machine for the moulding process. There are
multiple designs of pick and place robots, based on the specific application for which they are used. The
basic principle of most of these designs is on similar lines. These robots are typically mounted on a
stable stand, and have a long arm that can reach their entire area of operation. The end of arm attachment
is specialized to the type of objects the robot intends to move. These robots can transfer items from a
stationary surface to a stationary surface, stationary to a moving surface, moving to a stationary surface,
and moving to a moving surface (such as between two conveyor belts). The proposed system is divided
in two major parts, an on-board embedded device (situation node)& emergency control terminal room.
We have divided vehicular emergencies into five different types according to their characteristics like
medical, accident, civil, criminal, and mechanical.


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