Final Accounts
Final Accounts
Final Accounts
Q.1 ) From the following details, prepare Manufacturing, Trading and Profit & Loss
Account, and Profit & Loss Appropriation Account for the year ending 31st March, 2016 and
a Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2016.
1. Additional Bad debts of ₹ 500 are to be written off and R.D.D to be charged on
Debtors at 5%.
2. Machinery and Office Furniture are depreciated at wrong rates. Actual depreciation
rate should be Machinery at the rate of 10% and Office Furniture at the rate of 15%.
3. Closing Stocks are :
Raw Materials ₹ 2,000. W.I.P. ₹ 16,330. Finished Goods ₹ 28,000.
Q.3 ) From following Trial Balance and additional information, prepare the Manufacturing
Account, Trading and Profit & loss Account and the Balance Sheet relating to 2015.
29,51,200 29,51,200
a) Stocks on 31st December, 2015 were: Raw Materials Rs.1,62,000. Finished Goods
Rs.1,70,000 Semi Finished Goods Rs.70,000.
b) Salaries and Wages Outstanding for December 2015 were Rs.8,000 and Rs.12,000
1,90,000 1,90,000
Adjustments :
1. Closing stock finished goods Rs. 6,500; Raw Materials Rs. 750; and Work-in-progrees
Rs. 4750.
2. A Motor car purchased on 1st October, 2015 for Rs. 10,000 has been included in
5. Provision for unrealised Rent in Respect of portion of the sub-let at Rs. 120 p.m.
from 1st October, 2015 has to be made.
Q.5 ) Kalidas carries on a manufacturing business. The following transaction were extracted
from his books as on 31st December, 2015.
Rs. Rs.
You are required to prepare Financial Statement for year ended 31st December, 2015
and Balance Sheet as on that date after taking info consideration the following information :
1. The valuation as on 31st December , 2015 were : Raw Materials Rs. 1,37,910;
Finished Goods Rs. 53,580; Work-in- Progress Rs.56,800.
2. Provision is to be made for following liabilities : Factory Expenses Rs. 3,740; Selling
Expenses Rs. 5,790; Administration Expenses Rs. 2,100.
5. Depreciation for the year ended 31st December, 2015 to be provided works out as:
Plant and Machinery Rs. 27,380 ; Motor Vehicles Rs. 8,560.
Q.6) A chemical manufacturing concern , as the following ledger balance on 31st December,
You are required to prepare Manufacturing Account, Trading and Profit & Loss Account
for the year ended 31st December, 2015 and a Balance Sheet as on that date.
Q.7) The Trial Balance of Rajesh as on 31st December, 2015 was as follows :
Q.8) The following are the closing balances as on 31st December, 2015 extracted from the
books of Mehta. Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st
December,2015 and the Balance Sheet as on that date.
Adjustments :
a) Stock as on 31st December,2015 was Rs.1,20,000.
b) Sundry Debtors included a sum of Rs.3,000 due from Mr.Nair and Sundry Creditors
included a sum of Rs.4,000 due to Mr.Nair.
c) 25% of the Printing and Advertisement was to be carried forward in the next year.
d) Provide 5% for bad debts and 2% for discount for prompt payment.
e) Write off depreciation at 10% off Furniture and Fittings Depreciation in respect of
items sold off during the year need not be provided.
f) As on 31st December,2015: salaries and carriage inwards that remained unpaid were
Rs. 1,200 and Rs.150 respectively.
Q.9 ) Shri Gourihar submitted to you the following Trail Balance, which he had not been
able to agree. Rewrite the Trail Balance, correcting the mistakes committed by him and
prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2016 and a
Balance Sheet as on that date after giving effect to the under mentioned adjustments :
Dr. Cr.
Rs. Rs.
Capital 15,000
Drawings 3,250
Stock (1.4.2015) 3,250
Returns Inward 17,445
Carriage Inwards 554
Deposit with Gadadhar 1,240
Return Outwards 1,375
Carriage Outwards 725
Loan to Lambodar @ 5% p.a. given on 1.4.2015 1,000
Interest on above 25
Rent paid 820
Rent Outstanding 130
Purchases 12,970
Debtors 4,000
Creditors 3,000
Advertisement 954
Reserve for Bad Debts 1,200
Bad Debts 400
Furniture and Fittings 500
Sales 27,254
Discount Allowed 330
Wages 754
Cash 62
Goodwill 1730
48,984 48,984
Adjustments :
3. Write off Rs. 500 as further bad debts and made reserve for bad debts at 10% and
for discount on Sundry Debtors at 5%.
4. Stock valued at Rs. 1,500 was destroyed by fire on 20th March , 2015; but Insurance
Company claim for Rs. 1,000 only and paid in May 2015.
Q.10) The following in the Trail Balance of Shri Ajit as on 31st March, 2016. You are required
to prepare the Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2016 and
Balance Sheet as on that date after making the necessary adjustments:
Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
Stock on 1.4.2015 5,50,000
Purchases 19,25,000
Sales 29,35,000
Wage and Salaries 1,25,000
Discount Received 2,000
Carriage Inwards 40,000
Bills Payable 1,85,000
Insurance 35,000
Creditors 9,32,500
Consignor,s Balance on 1.4.2015 4,00,000
Bills Receivable 2,25,000
Debtors 15,00,000
Capital 8,95,000
Commission 40,000
Cash sent to Consignor 8,00,000
Interest 35,000
Trade Expenses 34,500
Furniture on 1.4.2015 60,000
Consignment Sales 6,40,000
Cash in hand and at Bank 4,22,500
Rent & Taxes 1,27,500
Sales of Furniture on 31.3.2016 10,000
Charges paid against Consignment 80,000
59,99,500 59,99,500
5. Furniture sold was appearing in Balance Sheet on 31st March, 2016 at Rs.13,000.
6. Creditors at the end includes ,Creditors for stationery Rs.3,000 for credit
Q.11) From the following Trail Balance of Sanjay, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss
Account for the year ended 31st March, 2016 and a Balance Sheet as at the date:
Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
Stock at beginning 55,000
Purchases and Sales 1,92,500 2,93,500
Wages and Salaries 12,500
Carriage Inwards 4,000
Insurance 3,500
Bill Receivable and Bill Payable 22,500 18,500
Commission 4,000
Interest 3,500
Trade Expenses 3,450
Debtors and Creditors 1,50,000 93,250
Furniture 1.4.2015 6,000
Cash in hand and Cash at Bank 42,250
Rent and Taxes 12,750
Sales of Furniture on 31.3.2016 1,000
Discount Received 200
Charges paid against consignment 8,000
Sales Re-consignment 64,000
Consignor’s Balance on 1.4.2015 40,000
Cash sent to Consignor 80,000
Capital 89,500
5,99,950 55,99,950
Adjustments :
a) Stock on 31st March, 2016 Rs. 80,000 (including stock of stationery Rs.80).
b) Trade expenses include payments for stationery Rs. 2,250.
c) Stock at beginning includes stock of stationery in the beginning Rs. 180.
d) Creditors at the end include creditors for stationery Rs. 300 for credit purchases.
e) Furniture sold was appearing in the balance sheet as on 31st March, 2016 at Rs.
f) Stationery of Rs. 200 was consumed by the proprietor.
g) Bills Receivable include a dishonoured bill of Rs.800.
h) Included in the Debtors is an amount of Rs. 200 in respect of a bankrupt debtor
whose estate is expected to realise not more than 25 paise in a rupee and an item of
Rs. 500 for goods supplied to the proprietor.
i) Make provision for doubtful debts at 5% on debtors.
j) Commission receivable on sale of consignment Rs. 4,000 is to be provided.
Q.12) The following balances are extracted from the ledger accounts of Mr. Bharat as on
31st December, 2015.
Dr. Cr.
Mr. Bharat Capital 1,50,000
Mr. Bharat Drawings 10,000
Plant and Machinery 40,000
Stock as on 1.1.2015 25,000
Purchases 1,74,000
Sales 2,60,000
Furniture and Fixtures 5,000
Trade Debtors 1,35,000
Trade Creditors 90,000
Wages 24,000
Freight Inward 4,000
Salaries 22,000
Printing and Stationery 9,000
Rent, Rates, Taxes, Insurance 12,000
Consignment Account 33,000
Cash and Bank Balance 7,000
5,00,000 5,00,000
Q.13) The following are the balances as at 31st March, 2016 extracted from the books of Mr.
Rs Rs
Plant & Machinery 19,550 Bad Debts recovered 450
Furniture & Fittings 10,250 Salaries 22,550
Bank Overdraft 80,000 Salaries Payable 2,450
Capital Account 65,000 Prepaid Rent 300
Drawings 8,000 Rent 4,300
Purchases 1,60,000 Carriage Inward 1,125
Opening Stock 32,250 Carriage Outward 1,350
Wages 12,165 Sales 2,15,300
Provision for Doubtful Debts 3,200 Advertisement Expenses 3,350
Provision for Discount on Printing & Stationery 1,250
Debtors 1,375 Cash in hand 1,450
Sundry Debtors 1,20,000 Cash at Bank 3,125
Sundry Creditors 47,500 Office Expenses 10,106
Bad Debts 1,100 Interest paid on Loan 3,000
Additional Information :
a) Purchase include sales return of Rs. 2,575 and sales include purchases return of Rs.
b) Goods withdrawn by Mr. XYZ for own consumption Rs. 3,500 include in purchase.
c) Wages paid in the month of April for installation of plant & machinery amounting to
Rs.450 were included in Wages Account.
d) Free samples distribution for publicity costing Rs. 825.
e) Create a provision for doubtful debts @ 5% and provision for discount on debtors @
f) Depreciation is to be provided on plant & machinery @ 15% p.a. and on furniture &
fittings @ 10% p.a.
g) Bank Overdraft is secured by hypothecation of stock. Bank over draft outstanding as
on 31st March,2016 as been considered as 80% of real value of stock (detecting 20%
as margin) and after adjusting the marginal value 80% of the same has been allowed
to draw as overdraft.
Prepare a Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March,2016 and
a Balance Sheet as on the date . Also show the rectification entries.