Philosophy Statement
Philosophy Statement
Philosophy Statement
Niall Phelan
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Date: 27/11/2022
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline
(Education), in Design, Graphics and Construction. The aim of this essay is to explore my
personal philosophy of education and its application to the technical classroom. First, we
must learn what a teaching philosophy statement is, one source claims, “Teaching philosophy
statements clarify why we do what we do in the classroom” (Beatty, 2009). The role of a
personal philosophy statement is to reflect philosophical work that prepares students for the
teaching profession (Bakker,2020). The core of a teaching philosophy lies in the values and
beliefs that we cherish and that we teach in our classroom. “If you engage a group of learners,
then your behaviour in designing their learning environment must follow your philosophical
orientation” (Coppola, 2002) I intend to explore my own values and beliefs that affect me in
my teaching and discuss how I use these in a technical classroom through my philosophy
The Teaching Council Code of Professional Conduct highlights 4 key values in teaching,
these are respect, care, integrity, and trust. Respect and care are the values that I believe are
the most significant in the modern climate of education. Respect is a value which is received
on the basis that it is provided. Teachers must respect students and build relationships upon
that respect to maximise student potential. “We simply can’t undervalue the importance of
Respect in the classroom over the last number of years has proven to be essential as part of a
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline
teacher’s career. With gender, sexuality, religious beliefs, ethnicity all becoming more
inclusive and diverse a teacher must learn to embrace all as part of their teaching training and
The second value that I would like to discuss is care. Care is a fundamental part of
interacting with humans. From my experience in secondary school and higher education the
most effective learners are the ones that exhibit caring tendencies. I believe that care is a
value that can enhance a student’s relationship with a teacher and the school. In a world
where young people can be emotionally neglected and abused at home and on phones, the
care of one individual that being a teacher in this case can be the difference in a child’s life.
Care can increase student engagement and add to the school environment as well as maybe
From reading My Pedagogic Creed by John Dewey (1897) one of his beliefs that I found
of experience; that the process and the goal of education are one and the same thing”. I
believe that students learn greatest from experience, I think that another key role in learning
is making mistakes and reflecting on past experiences to affect future outcomes. From my
reading one source claims that reflection “empowers students in their personal learning”
In this section I will discuss the education theory’s that have affected my teaching and
planning the most in relation to my values and beliefs as an educator. The first theorist that
has had an impact on my educational studies is Abraham Maslow. I will discuss and explain
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and see how it can be adapted to a technical classroom. The
second theorist that I will discuss is Paulo Freire. Freire was a Brazilian educator and is
responsible for the modern co learning experience and believed education would liberate the
oppressed (Logue 2022). Both theorists have a humanist approach to learning, “Humanist
educators have an unwavering trust in the individual’s growth capacity and view self-directed
can be extremely beneficial to the quality of learning and the environment in a classroom. I
believe that the values and beliefs I hold can be seen in a humanist class.
Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who created the theory of the hierarchy
of needs. “In this theory, Maslow indicated that people have two types of needs: basic needs
and growth needs” (Zhang, 2022). The basic needs are the needs each individual needs to
survive like sleep, food, love, water, shelter etc. These needs must be met for students and a
Graph 1
Once these basic needs are met then students can begin to grow and learn. According to
Tulsa teachers registered with the Teaching Council are mandated persons who can report
instances for the safeguarding of children, therefore teachers not only in a technical
classroom are responsible for safety of the students which is one of the 5 needs highlighted in
Maslow’s theory. Another way this theory can be applied is through the growth of confidence
in students. Young students are extremely impressionable and a negative outlook on work
and teaching can greatly affect the development of students. A teacher’s use of praise where
warranted, can have an exponential effect on a student which can increase productivity and
enthusiasm in class. From my teaching practice in the wood technology room, students who
lack the motor skills to excel in the project manufacturing aspect of the course tend to
become disheartened and disengage when it comes time to create artefacts. I have noticed the
improvement some students like this have made when encourage and when a teacher believes
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline
in their ability to improve through observation, praise and when clear steps for improvement
are given.
In education, the old traditional methods of teaching involved children sitting down and
listening to the teacher provide the information, taking in as much information as they
possibly could, a term which Freire calls the banking system. With the banking system,
children are the passive recipients of knowledge while the teacher is the sole
active role in their learning styles and techniques in the classroom. “Dewey was instrumental
in the formulation and development of experiential learning and education, which many
would argue forms the basis of what we now call active learning in its various forms”
(LISZKA, 2013). Both Dewey and Freire were catalysts in the teaching methodologies we
use today and the ones we find most effective. Freire’s theory can be applied via active
learning strategies and discussion as a form of learning. Class debates, peer teaching, public
speaking, circle of learning are some strategies that can be use in a technical classroom and
can be found in each of our lesson plans to enhance active learning, discussion, and
engagement. I find that reflection activities can benefit greatly when using Freire’s theory as
students are actively engaging in previous learning. For example, when completing the topic
of conic sections in graphics, the topics is very detailed and requires a lot of memory to pull
information that must be applied to the topic. I believe that a student led discussion to recap
aspects like the division of a circle would greatly improve engagement and enhance students’
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline
In conclusion from explore my personal philosophy of education and its application to the
classroom, and I have explored the values and beliefs that I think represent me as a person
used in many classrooms across the world in today’s society allowing students to have a
voice and be
active learners in their education but also giving the teacher the chance to develop such skills
Bakker, C., Dubensky, K., Harvey, L., & McDonough, G. P. (2020). The
Bassachs, M., Cañabate, D., Nogué, L., Serra, T., Bubnys, R., & Colomer, J. (2020).
Beatty, J. E., Leigh, J. S., & Lund Dean, K. (2008). Finding our roots. Journal of
Graph 1, Needs before wants in user experiences – maslow and the hierarchy of
needs. The Interaction Design Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, 2022, from
Education Studies Assignment: Academic Essay Dr Pauline
Liszka, J. (2013). Charles Peirce’s rhetoric and the pedagogy of active learning.
Sackstein, S. (2021). Assessing with respect: Everyday practices that meet students'
Zhang, T., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, C., Yang, X., Tian, L., Wu, Y., Lin, L., & Li, H.
(2022). Quality indicators for the care of older adults with disabilities in long-term