CH-8 Boiler O&m

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Boiler Operation & Maintenance
Not many years ago boiler house was getting very little importance and was
usually tucked away in some remote corner. Over the years the importance of
the boiler has been realised and personnel operating this plant now need a
high standard of skill and knowledge. This is mainly because major portions of
the operating costs are incurred in the boiler plant. A boiler consumes a huge
quantity of fuel, the cost of which has increased considerably. Every kJ of
heat, which can be saved, lowers the cost and increases the efficiency of the
To compile a detailed list of duties and responsibilities for personnel
operating a boiler is difficult. Boiler operation often varies with the age and
design of equipment, operating requirements, operating personnel changes
and new concepts of how to treat recognized symptoms of trouble.
A major responsibility of the operator is to keep the boilers in good operating
condition. The primary concern in the operation of steam boilers, regardless
of pressure or type, is safety. Like any pressure vessel, boilers represent
potential risks to personnel and property. Good operating practices result in
the maximum reliability and efficiency.
In the interest of safety, manufacturers, engineering societies, and most,
important, governmental jurisdictions have set forth rules for steam boiler
operation and preventive maintenance. The engineers and boiler operators
should be familiar with these rules specifically applying to their local

The objectives of Operation Management:

Following should be the objectives of Operation Management:
a. Operation of units at minimum partial loading and maximum availability.
b. Operation of units at rated parameters.
c. Efficient Control of Water Chemistry.
d. Operation of plant at minimum demineralised water makeup,
consumption, auxiliary power consumption and coal consumption.
e. Operation of plant and accessories at optimum efficiencies in sustained
Practices adopted for achieving the above objectives are as follows:
a) Systematic monitoring and reporting systems for operation, maintenance &
efficiency management.
b) Daily coordination meeting with Head of department to discuss:
• Operational events and daily plan
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• Analysis of abnormal events and remedial measures.

c) Merit order rating
• Continuous monitoring of important operational parameters having
cost implications.
d) Minimum forced tripping
e) Tripping Committee for analysis of cause.
f) Feed back to / from other plants.
g) Analysis of outages / categorizations.
h) Easy availability of operating instructions, manuals and other literature to
operating engineers and staff.
i) Efficient up keep of instruments, auto loops, annunciations, protections
and interlocks.
j) Good house keeping.
k) Good working environment.
l) Proper training & awareness program.
Key Operation Areas:
There are eight primary areas of the boiler itself that should he examined or
inspected regularly.
Water level: The most important maintenance inspection is to check the
boiler water level daily. Insufficient water causes pressure vessel damage or
failure. At a minimum, steel in the pressure vessel could overheat. The
condition could change the pressure withholding capabilities of the vessel,
necessitating vessel repair or replacement.
Boiler blow-down: Steam boilers should be blown down to maintain
recommended dissolved solids levels and to remove sludge and sediment as
and when needed.
As the boiler takes on makeup water the solids concentration builds up. Solids
accumulate in either dissolved or suspended form. Unless they are controlled
dissolved solids promote carryover of water with the steam causing water
hammer and damaging piping, valves, or other equipment. Carryover also
raises the moisture content in the steam, affecting proper operation of
equipment that uses steam.
Suspended solids, which cause sludge or sediment in the boiler, must be
removed because they affect the heat transfer capabilities of the pressure
vessel. Sludge buildup leads to problems ranging from poor fuel-to-steam
efficiency to pressure vessel damage.
Water column blow-down: Water columns on steam boilers should be blown
down once each shift or at a minimum once a day. This action keeps the
column and piping connections clean and free of sediment or sludge. The
water column also must he kept clean to ensure the water level in the gauge
glass accurately represents the water level in the boiler. The gauge glass

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connected to the water column is the only means of visually verifying boiler
water level.
The low-water cutoff should be checked once a week by shutting off the feed
water pump and letting the water evaporate under normal steam conditions
at low fire. The gauge glass should he observed and marked at the exact point
at which the low water cutoff shuts down the boiler. The test verifies
operation of the low-water cutoff under operating conditions. The low-water
cutoff also should the removed and cleaned every six months.
Water treatment: Proper water treatment prolongs boiler life and ensures
safe and reliable operation. Treatment programs are designed around the
quality and quantity of raw water makeup and system design. A qualified
water management consultant should direct them.
Flue gas temperature: Flue gas temperature is a good indicator of boiler
efficiency changes. The temperature should be recorded regularly and
compared to those of a clean boiler under the same operating conditions.
Accurately determining the affect on efficiency requires that the firing rate
and operating pressure be the same.
A rise in flue gas temperature usually indicates dirt on the fireside of the
boiler or scale on the waterside. As a rule of thumb a 40-deg F rise in
temperature reduces boiler efficiency 1%. The cost of fireside cleaning
should be compared to those of lower operating efficiencies to determine the
minimum temperature rise at which the fireside should be cleaned. Other
factors also affect flue gas temperature. For example, a rise in stack
temperature may indicate a baffle or seal in one of the boiler's passes has
Waterside and fireside surfaces: Waterside and fireside surfaces should be
inspected and cleaned annually. A visual inspection provides an early warning
that the vessel needs repair or water treatment or that combustion needs
adjustment. Inspecting and cleaning water-column connections should receive
special attention. Soot in the breeching is a fire hazard and can cause severe
combustion-related problems.
Safety valves: Safety valves are the most important safety devices on the
boiler. They are the last line of defense for protecting the pressure vessel
from overpressure. Once a year, the operating pressure should be tested by
bringing the relief valve to its setting. Valves should pop and reseat according
to the valve stamping.
Refractory: Refractory protects steel not in direct contact with the water
from overheating. It also helps maintain proper burner flame patterns and
performance. If the boiler remains on all the time, refractory should be
inspected twice a year. If the boiler cycles more frequently or is turned on
and off daily, refractory should be inspected more often.
Heating and cooling refractory a lot shortens its life considerably. It cracks
and eventually fails. Hot spots on the steel that the refractory protects

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indicate refractory or gasket failure. If a hot spot is found, the cause should
be determined and repaired immediately to prevent the steel from failing.
Start-up Operation:
After a boiler is has been properly cleaned and it has been ascertained that
all debris is removed it is advisable to take the following steps for start-up of
the boiler, which are expected to be generally in line with those
recommended by the boiler manufacturer. However, the boiler
manufacturer’s instructions must be adhered to:
• It is to be ensured that no men are in the boiler; man and mud hole covers
must be fitted in position.
• It must be determined that all mountings and fittings are in position and
the auxiliaries are in good working order.
• Water must be filled just over the bottom nut of the gauge glass to allow
for expansion of water when heated.
• When raising steam in a cold boiler as the automatic controls are not
available for service, the boiler must be manually operated until it carries
certain pressure and then automatic devices may be cut in after ensuring
that they are all tested and reliable.
• Reliance must not be placed on automatic controls during critical stages of
lighting up and bringing boiler on the line. Strict manual check-up and
vigilance must be maintained.
• During the period of raising steam, water level must be regularly observed
through the water gauges directly fitted on the boiler, at frequent
intervals. Until normal working conditions are reached, indirect water level
indicator may not be relied upon.
• No reliance should be placed on low water alarms; automatic feed water
regulators etc. until the boiler steams steadily. However, they should not
be neglected either.
• When the pressure in the boiler is about 50 psig (3.5 kg/cm2) below the
range pressure, the drains on stop valves should be opened after which the
by pass or equalizer valve must be opened first and then the main stop
valve opened only thereafter.
• Preferably for a few hours the boiler should carry about 20 to 25 percent of
full load until combustion conditions are stabilized.
• After a new boiler is put in service in the manner stated above and after
300 working hours the boiler should be shut down for routine inspection.
• All valves must be examined if they operate smoothly.
• A tool should preferably be passed through the tube lengths specially those
in radiant zone to ascertain that the passages are clean.
• Brickwork must be examined and attended to where necessary.

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• Fuel firing equipments must be examined that they do not bind or touch
anywhere and that they are free to take up the expansion.
• It must be observed that the baffles are in position and not dislodged.
• Soot blowers must be examined for accuracy of travel.
• Internal baffles in drums should be dismantled and internal inspection
should be carried out to detect the presence of oil sludge etc. or any other
• Follow-up all flanged joints of steam piping. Check if dampers are free to
move and operating gear devices are in good order.
• The boiler may then be put into service as directed by the manufacturers.
After 1000 hours of service, the same exercise as mentioned above should
be repeated.
Good Practices for Normal Operation of Boilers:
• Proper records of all operations and inspections should be maintained. The
records for boiler performance must show the time, boiler pressure, steam
temperature at the inlet and outlet of superheater, rate of evaporation,
rate of feed flow, feed water inlet and outlet temperatures, undue
leakages from pump glands, draught readings at boiler economiser and air
heater exit, air and gas temperature at entry and exit of air heater, gas
temperature at entry and exit of economiser, water temperature at entry
and exit of economiser, current reading of forced secondary and induced
draught fans, speed of the fan if variable type, quantity of raw water used,
bearing temperature of fans, rate of consumption of fuel, CO2 and O2
readings, occurrence of water shortage in boiler, frequency of soot
blowing, condition of feed water, chemical dozing, concentration of solids
in water, frequency of blow down period, testing of alarms, and safety
devices, leakages from valves and frequency of ash removal and name of
persons responsible for boiler operation.
• The boiler house records hourly or per shift must be examined every day by
the plant engineer and any departure from routine or significant event
recorded like flue gas explosion or shortage of water in a boiler must be
investigated and set right.
• If inaccuracy of the instrument is suspected they must be inspected and
• To derate a boiler and to work it at turn down ratio the burner nozzle size
is required to be reduced and an air blower of a smaller capacity provided
to prevent excess air to ensure complete combustion, and which will
prevent frequent on and off operation of a boiler which would create
thermal shocks due to which the tube ends in the hot zone may leak.
• The burner assembly must be cleaned periodically and a consistent flame
configuration maintained.
• The target must be 13 to 14% CO2 and no O2.

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• Excess air is the cause of all ills and reduces efficiency. It is detectable by
reduces CO2 level.
• If the burner is oversized the flame may be carried away from the confines
of the furnace overheating the tube ends in the reversing chamber of a
smoke tube boiler.
• Calorific value of CO is 2430 kcal/kg and that of C is 8084 kcal/kg. It means
that incomplete combustion of Carbon resulting in formation of CO results
in loss of 2430 kcal/kg out of available 8084 kcal/kg (meaning thereby that
around 30% of available Calorific Value goes waste. Thus maintaining high
CO2 level at the chimney base cannot be overemphasized.
Practical Hints for Successful Boiler Operation:
• High capacity boiler may operate very uneconomically at low loads. Hence
large boilers should not be operated at very low loads, in general.
• After a boiler is in regular use exposed flanges should be lagged,
instruments should be checked for accuracy against standard apparatus,
feed water regulators, remote water level indicators and low water alarms
inspected and adjusted and dowelling of all motors and bearings of fans,
pumps and other auxiliaries attended to.
• The principal aim of a boiler operator is to operate a boiler safely as nearly
as possible under design parameters as regards evaporation, steam
pressure, final temperature and produce steam of required quantity and
quality at lowest practical cost.
• Continuous supervision of boilers by the boiler house personnel is necessary
and the personnel to attend a boiler are not allowed to leave the post for
more than a few minutes at a time. Therefore for his personal comforts
facilities must be provided in the boiler house.
• An operator must observe the water level in the gauge glass, blow down
water column on each boiler after operating all the cocks and observe that
the water smartly returns back in the glass. He should check the pressure in
the gauge if it is within the operating limits. He should peruse the remarks
column of the logbook if any abnormal condition had occurred in the last
• Some of ideal conditions are under the control of boiler operators and
other fall within the jurisdiction of steam users and other authorities.
• The steam demand depends upon nature of plant using steam. In power
stations and large industrial complex, the load could be fairly constant for
several hours and the fluctuations could be anticipated with regular
frequency and approximate time of incidence. In case of rolling mills, steel
plants electric traction etc. load is subjected to violent fluctuations
depending upon the particular period of the day.
The boiler operator must get acquainted with the periodic variations of load
and anticipate intermittent fluctuations and get ready to combat the load
variations. Peak efficiency could be obtained in the range of 60 to 90
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percent of rating. If the load is below 30 to 40 percent of rating 5 percent

decrease in efficiency may be expected.
The response to load variations depends upon method of firing fuel. In oil gas
and pulverized coal firing, immediate control could be established within
the range of operation of the supply source burner regulation.
In automatic stoker firing, certain degree of flexibility is provided to control
within the limits the rate of combustion by additional supply of fuel and
air. When increased steam demand is expected, large bank of fire is built
up and preparation could be made in advance for increase or decrease in
Where load is likely to fluctuate, the design of the boiler must be such that it
is capable of adjusting itself certain sporadic changes in load.
For basic load changes concerned authorities have to decide on following
Accuracy of prediction of maximum steam demand, change of load variations,
numbers of boilers in service, flexibility of combustion equipment and
boilers, automatic control regulation, boilers on constant load and stand by
units banked to meet fluctuations. However attempt to constantly follow
erratic changes of load by boiler operators by constantly adjusting firing
condition is not a good practice.
Basically for load fluctuations instead of depending upon the storage capacity
and competence of a boiler operator initial selection of the boiler, suitable
size of furnace volume and firing equipment commensurate with available
fuel need attention.
Water content of a boiler is a useful storage of heat and a boiler having large
water content will act as a steam accumulator and store and liberate heat
in excess of the mean rate of generation corresponding to fuel
Variations of output will affect the steam pressure, which should be suitable
within the range of efficient performance of steam users.
It should be the aim of a boiler operator to maintain boiler working pressure at
the designed value which is achieved by balancing heat liberated in furnace
and steam released from the boiler.
• Besides the load fluctuations effecting the pressure in a boiler, certain
other factors also cause variations in pressure which could be due to
sudden changes in feed water temperature, soot blowing, changes in
calorific value of fuel and intermittent feeding. To avoid thermal stresses,
variations in feed water temperature should be avoided and feed water
admitted at an even rate. Feed check valve should not be fully open or
fully closed when a boiler is generating steam and this is the function of
automatic feed water regulator.
• Changes of characteristics of fuel could effect distribution of heat and
require adjustment to draught control air distribution and CO2.

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• Incorrect feed temperature, excess air supplied to furnace, delayed

combustion, deposits of soot, ash and other products of combustion, fouled
economiser and rear pass of boiler, moisture carried by steam, low steam
pressure, fouling of superheater tubes and discharge of steam from safety
valve may cause variations in final steam temperature.
• Low feed temperature, excess air supply, fouled economiser, fouled tubes
in radiant heat zone, discharge of safety valves, delayed combustion etc.
can raise super heater temperature.
• Deposit of ash soot etc. on superheater elements, moisture in steam, low
steam pressure can lower the superheat temperature.
• The final steam temperature will be high when a boiler is initially lighted
up on account of excess heat generated in the furnace to warm up the
brickwork, structure casing etc.
• Sudden increase of forced draught air may by radiation temporarily raise
the steam temperature, which normally subsides when a boiler steams
• During any emergency it is the duty of a boiler operator to minimize
damage, stabilize operating conditions of the boiler and maintain maximum
state of reliability.
• During any casualty it is advisable to put the boiler under manual control
and observe the water gauge glass fitted directly on the boiler and which if
not visible from firing floor level a man should be directed to stand near
the gauge to give indication about the water level in the boiler.
• If a water gauge glass bursts watch should be kept on the other gauge glass
and in the meantime a new glass fitted with care.
• A boiler must be cut out of service unless there is some reliable indication
of working water level.
• If a boiler tube bursts or heavy leakages noticed, the boiler must be placed
under hand feed control and the automatic feed water regulator by passed.
Further desirable steps are:
o Steps should be taken to reduce load and boiler taken out of service. The
rate of firing should be reduced or the burners extinguished as the case
may be and maximum induced draught capacity employed to minimize
steam leakage into boiler room.
o To control casualty, close all dampers including forced and secondary
ones, increase traveling grate to maximum speed after cutting out coal
feeds draw ashes and fire from the hopper as fast as it is discharged, lift
safety valves to relieve steam pressure, continue feeding the boiler by
fully opening the feed check valve until the boiler is cooled.
o When the boiler pressure has fallen below the range pressure and fires
are out, close the boiler stop valve. When the pressure has dropped to
less than 50 psig so that there is not much danger of steam blowing in

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the boiler room, stop induced draught fan and try to locate the faults
and then blow down water.
o Do not continue to feed water if the cause is due to low water or if the
steam leak is so large that water level cannot be maintained in the
gauge glass.
o Inform the Boiler Inspector concerned within 24 hours of the mishap and
do not clean the boiler or carry out any requirement as the evidence of
the cause of accident will be destroyed unless suggested by the Inspector
after the boiler is inspected by him and cleaned subsequently. Inspect
other tubes for evidence of erosion by escaping steam or distortion due
to heat.
• If the brickwork is saturated with moisture it may have to be dried out
after the boiler is repaired.
• In minor flarebacks or puffs, if fire is not extinguished the burner need not
be cut out but it must be ascertained if any damage is caused.
• In major flarebacks or flue gas explosions, the following is advisable:
o Oil burners must be shutoff, close the main stop valve, adjust or stop
feed pump to prevent high water in the boiler, speed up fans to clear
the furnace and flue passages of unburnt oil and gases. Check spring
tension of the burner shut off and solenoid valves.
o Inform the Government Boiler Inspector about the incident and after his
inspection any damage to brickwork or any other structure should be
repaired as suggested by him and then the boiler put into service.
o To obviate flarebacks do not allow oil to accumulate in furnace. If
burners accidentally get extinguished, shut off oil, purge furnace and
setting of unburned oil and gases. Light the burner by torches and never
attempt to light a burner from hot brick wall. Always stand clear when
lighting a burner to avoid injury in case a puff occurs.
• Panting of a boiler is caused due to inadequate air supply, which are in fact
series of small puffs. If adequate air is not supplied it may lead to major
• Water in a boiler is normally maintained at about mid level of a gauge
glass. If water goes out of sight at bottom nut of the glass low water
casualty should be deemed to have occurred. If the water goes out of sight
at the top nut of the gauge glass, high water casualty should be deemed to
have occurred.
• By merely looking at the gauge glass it is often difficult to distinguish low
or high water casualties, as the glass looks the same when empty or full.
But if the droplets of condensation are found tricking down from inside of
glass, it is an indication of empty glass and absence of them indicates that
the glass is full. To clear the doubts water gauge glasses must be tested.
After trying the water gauges if the water level in a boiler is found low,
shut off fire, close the feed check valve and never attempt to restore the

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water level, close stop valve, lift safety valves by hand to relieve the
pressure, secure the fans, allow boiler to cool slowly and open superheater
• After the boiler is cooled, inspect the boiler if any damage is caused due to
low water, informs the Boiler Inspector and get the boiler repaired as
recommended by him.
• Low water level in a boiler is to be considered as a most serious lapse on
the part of an operator as it damages the boiler and it is his main duty to
maintain water level under any circumstances. Too much diversification of
a boiler operator’s duties may cause low water in a boiler if too much
reliance is placed on automatic appliances besides distortion, bulging and
other defects, a boiler may explode causing serious damage to life, limb
and property.
• When filling an empty boiler in a battery with those in service large
quantity of water will flow in it, as its pressure is nil. In which case an
operator must observe that the boilers in service are not robbed of their
legitimate share of water or an accident due to shortness of water may be
• If a feed pump fails to deliver water in a boiler start stand by feed pump. If
even the other pump cannot maintain the water level repeat the process as
mentioned in case of low water in a boiler.
• If by accident water is fed in idle boilers, pump discharge may be low for
the boiler in service. If a common pump is used for boilers in battery, check
if feed check valve opening of the boiler concerned is adequate to admit
• Failure of feed pump could be attributed to malfunctioning of constant
pressure governor, air or vapour bound condition, feed temperature very
high for which the pump is not designed or feed by gravity to suction side
of the pump is low, faulty pump clearance and malfunctioning or improper
setting of the speed limiting governor and no water in the feed tank.
• If power supply to fans, combustion equipments, fuel, feed and other
auxiliaries fails, the boiler should be taken on hand control. The main
induced draught damper should be opened sufficiently wide to obviate
pressure in the furnace with consequent emission of smoke and forced
draught dampers closed.
• Unburnt fuel from ash hoppers and in case where pulverized fuel is used
from burner pipes and other places where fuel settles must be removed.
• Auxiliary driving motors and gears should be reset in normal starting
position so that they may start under minimum load condition.
• When power is restored, close induced draught control damper and start
forced draught fan and then other auxiliaries in turn and built load at
minimum rate of evaporation consistent with stable combustion conditions,
expansion of boiler components checked they are not fouled and load may

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be increased by increments and boiler placed on automatic control and

then full load taken.
• If oil is found in oil heater drains, leakage of tubes is certain and the heater
must be stopped immediately drain water diverted and a stand by heater
started. Oil entering a boiler is very dangerous as it causes serious damage
to boiler components on which it settles.
• If water has entered fuel oil indicated by sputtering of the oil burner and if
action is not taken immediately loss of fire, choked burners and flarebacks
may occur.
Practical Aspects of Operation:
All too often, when a boiler problem occurs, the system is overlooked. The
emphasis falls on the equipment and not the equipment's function in the
overall system. An effective maintenance program must be based on an
understanding of the entire system and the function of each piece of
equipment. Only an understanding of the system provides the means for
preventing the causes of system-related problems and reducing the time
spent on the symptoms.
Operating conditions: Operating parameters of the boiler room system should
be recorded daily. The data provide a means for evaluating boiler operation
trends that affect efficiency, downtime, and maintenance planning. The
following data should be recorded.
Feed water pressure/temperature: Changes in feed water pressure affect
the system's ability to maintain proper boiler water levels. A leaky check
valve on a standby pump or a worn pump impeller may cause a pressure drop.
Changes in feed water temperature are indicative of a problem in the
deaerator, potential pump seal damage, loss in efficiency, dirty economizer,
dirty lowdown heat recovery exchanger, or excessive or insufficient
condensate returns.
Boiler water supply/return temperatures: On hot water systems, supply and
return temperatures to the boiler are a means for evaluating the system's
effect on the boiler and vice versa. The desired operating temperature set
point and temperature differential across the boiler should be evaluated
against the system design to determine if a potential problem exists. High
temperature differentials caused by excessive load or a control malfunction
could cause thermal shock and subsequently pressure vessel damage.
Makeup water use: Records of the amount of makeup water used help
determine the presence of leaks or losses in the system. They also assist in
developing a more effective chemical treatment program. Excessive water
use indicates a change in system operation and, therefore, a change in
Steam pressure: Steam pressure operating set points usually are based on
system design and type of steam use. Pressure changes are typically caused by
problems with control settings, burner operation, boiler efficiency, or, most
commonly, changes in steam demand.
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Leaks, noise, vibration, and unusual conditions: Checking for leaks, noise,
vibration, and the like is a cost-effective way to detect system operational
changes. For example, tightening connections repairs a small leak. By the
time a leak becomes large, sealing surfaces usually are worn and major
repairs are needed.
Boiler Operation must focus on ‘prevention’ to be an effective tool. Whether
safety, cost, reliable operation, or all of these motivates such program, it is
the best means of preventing common, boiler-related problems.
Fuel Burning
Poor combustion is unsafe and costly. Changes in combustion air temperature
and barometric pressure, for example, impact burner performance (see
table). Low excess air levels result in incomplete combustion, soot blowing,
and wasted fuel. High excess air levels raise stack temperatures and reduce
boiler efficiency. Maintaining steady excess air levels with oxygen trim system
helps ensure optimum efficiency at all times.
Visually inspecting combustion is the easiest way to detect changes that
affect safety and efficiency. Changes in flame shape, color, and sound are
among early indicators of potential combustion-related problems. Changes
may be due to:
• Large fluctuations in ambient temperatures
• Changes in fuel temperature, pressure, heating value, or viscosity
• Linkage movement dirty or worn nozzle
• Dirty or distorted diffuser dirty fan
• Dirt on the boiler fireside
• Furnace refractory damage.
Visual combustion inspection should be compared to flame characteristics
observed at similar firing rates with efficient combustion. However,
combustion efficiency is verifiable only with a flue gas analyzer. Even if a
flame appears to be good, it should be checked with an analyzer and adjusted
once a month.
Before initially lighting any type of fuel and before re-lighting what has been
extinguished due to some cause, always scavenge the entire fire side of a
boiler at an air flow not less than 50% percent of the normal full load air flow
for a sufficient period and displace furnace volume three times by fresh air.
This will ensure that all combustible gases are removed from the boiler
setting. In any case the period of purging combustible gases should not be less
than five minutes. Failure to observe the above precaution may lead to
flareback or explosion.
Do not operate the boiler at excessively low rates as incomplete combustion
and offensive smoke may result.
Avoid firing at very high rates, as damage is likely to occur to the boilers, and
the resultant incomplete combustion will give rise to black smoke and fly ash
etc., which may be a nuisance to the surrounding locality.

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Solid Fuel
Ignite fuel with live coals from the adjacent furnace or use light combustibles
such as wood or rags. Do not use excessively volatile material, which would
form an explosive mixture. When fuel is hand fired, feed the fuel little and
often and make use of over fire air carefully to prevent the formation of
smoke. After the fuel is charged, admit overtire air and then reduce it
progressively. Before cleaning the fire, a good bed of hot fuel should be
allowed to build up, and one-half of the fuel barred over to one side. The
clinker, ashes etc., may then be removed after which green fuel is fired on
the bare bars. Red-hot fuel should then be barred over to the freshly fired
fuel, and then the process repeated for cleaning the other side of the fire.
Pulverised Fuel
Clean the burner of fuel incrustation, which may block the free flow of fuel
and air to furnace. Check the burner box to ensure that all tube protector
blocks are in place, so as to prevent any abrasive action on tubes. Establish a
proper airflow through the furnace. The burner register should be throttled to
improve flame stability. Open fuel feed to a steady minimum rate, ignite fuel
and cut down to safe operating value. Invariably light each burner with a hand
torch or special ignition equipment. If the minimum stable firing rate is too
high to meet the steam demand, do not reduce the firing rate but have
recourse to intermittent firing at the minimum rate.
Pulverizing fuel equipment should be inspected for wear and tear. Worn out
parts must be replaced in good time to ensure efficient operation.
Oil Firing
Inspect and clean oil strainer, burner tips and check and adjust air registers
and oil valves. If steam is not available to preheat oil, make use of an electric
heater or any other heating device. Remove spilled oil, if any, from burners,
boiler fronts, and furnace floor. Check draft and ascertain that the furnace is
properly ventilated as stated above. Switch on oil and light one burner with a
torch or other ignition contrivance by placing the torch near and just under
the burner tip. If the oil spray does not ignite immediately i.e., five seconds
after the valve is opened, or if the torch extinguishes before oil is lighted,
remove torch, shut off oil and ventilate the lighting procedure. Stand clear of
burners to avoid injury in case of back firing. Always use a torch or other
ignition device for lighting burners. Do not attempt to light a burner from a
hot furnace refractory, or from an adjacent operating burner. Make sure that
there is an excessive draft before lighting additional burners. Do not allow oil
to impinge excessively on brickwork or parts of the boiler. After igniting oil,
the air register should be opened immediately to prevent incomplete
combustion. Never throttle any oil valve beyond the least pressure serving any
group of burners. Avoid operation at overrated capacity, since this will
increase fouling of boiler and superheater surfaces.
A number of boilers are equipped with fully automatic burner controls. Such
controls incorporate many safety features, or ensure safe operation.

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Whenever automatic controls fail due to some reason, the attendant must
switch over to manual control. An attendant must study carefully, automatic
controls as well as manual functions. Automatic controls are not automatic in
maintenance, and their upkeep must be carefully attended to. It cannot be
overemphasized that automatic controls are not a complete substitute for
supervision, and that vigilance according to the conditions of working must be
regarded as a pertinent rudiment of operation.
The oil pump must be dismantled and the components checked for wear and
tear, clearance, deformation, corrosion and erosion. A large increase in
wearing ring clearance is the cause for inefficiency and the manufacturer’s
instructions must be followed for replacements
Gaseous Fuels
Check the burner, control valves and safety cut outs to ensure that they are
in good working condition before lighting up. Purge air out of gas lines
through vents before trying to light a burner. Check furnace draft devices and
ascertain if proper furnace ventilation exists as stated above. Light the
burner, setting it at a minimum rate, using a torch or other suitable ignition
contrivance. Do not attempt to light one burner from an adjacent operating
burner or from hot furnace refractory. Maintain fuel air ratio so as to always
obtain complete combustion.
It should be remembered that generally in gaseous fuels, CO2 content does
not necessarily mean a certain quantum of excess air, and the burners must
be operated with sufficient air to ensure complete combustion. Never throttle
a valve beyond the pressure serving any group of burners or any individual
If flame failure device of either the photoelectric or conductivity types is
provided, test them with a hand torch before relying on them to protect any
operating burner.
Equipment for gaseous fuels is generally not subjected to wear and tear. In
any case the valves must be examined and attended to for tight shutoff.
Malfunctioning of burners is due to burned burner tips and cracked or fouled
Water Level:
A very important rule in the safe operation of boilers is to keep water in the
boiler at the proper level an as steady as the circumstances permit. Never
keep full reliance upon automatic alarms or feed water regulators. At
frequent intervals compare the readings of the several methods of
determining water level. The water gauge cocks must be kept in good working
condition, without leaking, and these will be kept in good order by frequently
blowing through. Blow through the drain cock at the bottom of the gauge and
shut and open the steam and water cocks every few hours. These cocks must
be blown through more frequently when the water is dirty, and foaming,
priming or other feed water troubles occur. Should either of the passage
become choked, or whenever the water in the gauge glass moves sluggishly,

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the passage must be cleaned. Always test the glass water gauge thoroughly
when charge of the boiler is taken. This should be done by first opening the
drain cock and then shutting the upper cock, which should give water; the
upper cock should then be opened and the bottom closed which should give
steam. If water and steam do not appear in proper order, the choked cocks
and the passage water cock should be reopened after the steam cock. Have
the water column well illuminated and keep the glass clear.
When the level of water disappears in the water glass, blow down the gage
glass to determine whether the existing level of water is above or below the
water glass. If the water level is below the water glass, stop the supply of air
and fuel; close the dampers and ash pit doors. Restart the fire and feed water
supply after the entire situation is under control and one is positively certain
that if it is safer to continue steaming the boiler.
If low water is caused by operating conditions, rectify it immediately before
resuming normal steaming conditions. Low water is one of the most serious
emergencies to arise in the boiler room. Low water may be caused by failure
of the feed pumps, leaks in feed discharge line, economiser tubes, defective
check valves, low water in feed tanks etc. A frequent cause of low water is in
attention on the part of the watch or diversion of their attention to other
duties. It need not be overemphasized that low water is extremely damaging
to the boiler and may jeopardize lives and property. If any doubt exists,
continue the feed water supply, do not open the safety valves, or alter the
position of the steam outlet valves, or make any adjustment that will cause a
sudden change in the stresses on the boiler. If it is ascertained that the water
has disappeared in the gage glass, shut out the fuel supply in the case of
hand-fired boilers, do not disturb the fire except to cover it with ash or other
incombustible material, which would smother the fire. Lift the safety valves
by hand to gradually relieve the boiler pressure, close stop valves and other
auxiliary valves. Never attempt to lift the safety valve in the event of a high
water level. The water gage glass looks the same when empty or full.
Ordinarily droplets of condensate forming and flowing slowly down the inside
of the glass indicate an empty glass and the absence of the condensate
indicates a full glass.
In the case of high water in a boiler, reduce the feed water flow slightly
below the steam rate and blow down to lower the water to a safe operating
If the superheater temperature shows a sudden drop, it indicates that water
is carried over into the superheater, and in this case the fuel must be shut
off, blow down water to lower level, feed the boiler with fresh water, blow
down again if required and then put the boiler back in service.
The magnitude of losses caused by carry over is many times considerable.
Fuel consumption, equipment maintenance costs, and plant safety are
afflicted. Solid deposits in superheater tubes affect heat transfer and cause
overheating of tubes. Deposits in turbine nozzles and blading interfere with
steam distribution and cause high steam rates, and in some instance result in

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imbalance and vibration. Incrustation of governing and emergency valves

would cause erratic control, over speeding and damage to the machine.
Steam pipes may explode due to water hammer, trap trouble from deposits
may occur, asbestos or other packing and gaskets may deteriorate due to
abrasion, and chemical changes, erosion and incrustation of valves including
leakages may occur.
Unusual fluctuations in the water level must be checked and the cause
determined. If any unusual or serious foaming occurs as indicated by a
fluctuation of water level or sudden drop in superheater temperature, reduce
steaming rates until the water level in the gage glass stabilizes adequately, so
that the true level of water can be ascertained. If the level of the water is
sufficiently high, blow down some water and feed fresh water in the boiler.
Resort to alternate blowing down and feeding several times and if the
foaming does not stop, bank it fire and continue blowing down and feeding.
After correcting the water condition, test safety valves and the connections
to pressure gauge and the water column for any sticking or choking. Blow out
pressure gauge and water column gage glass drains.
Look for any signs of oil in water glasses, surface blow down and feed water
heaters. If oil is found, shut down the boiler as soon as possible and clean the
boiler thoroughly.
If the amount of oil or grease is large, boil out the boiler. Find out the source
of oil pollution and set it right before putting the boiler back into service. Oil
or grease prevents free transmission of heat and leads to overheating with
consequent bulging, distortion, rupturing etc.
Priming, Foaming and Carryover:
The causes of fluctuations of water in the drum could be attributed to
foaming due to high concentration of dissolved solids, appearing as soap like
material. Repeated blowing and feeding may stop foaming. Due to foaming,
carryover may result with consequent sudden and steep drop in steam
temperature, and in such cases the boiler must be shut down. Before starting
up, the pressure gauge, safety valves, and water gauge connections must be
checked and cleaned.
The bad effects of oil in water cannot be overemphasized. The presence of oil
could be attributed to the condensate return from fuel oil heaters, or form
the turbine gland steam exhaust system. By any chance if oil is found present,
the boiler must be shut down, the source of contamination determined, and
the boiler boiled out before putting it into service.
To maintain the concentration of dissolved solids within the prescribed limits,
the boiler must be blown down as and when required. Water wall drains must
never be opened when the boiler is in service. Such drain valves should be
opened when the boiler is banked or the fire killed.
Carryover results in deposits in superheaters and turbine blades, and this term
applies to all contamination in the gaseous, liquid or solid phase of boiler
water by steam. Carryover cannot be completely eliminated, but must be

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limited to permissible limits by mechanical separators in the boiler drum.

Carryover is the result of priming or foaming.
Priming is the result of spouting or surging of boiler water into the steam
outlet; thus excessive moisture develops in steam. Too high water level,
sudden swelling in drum level on drop in pressure, or sudden increase in
loading may cause priming. Water thus entrained in steam may cause a
sudden drop in superheat temperature, shocks and water hammer in steam
lines, and possible stripping of turbine blades. Priming could be controlled by
checked drum internal for proper installation and careful regulation of water
level in the drum.
Foaming is caused when water films around the steam bubble liberated from
boiler water are stabilized by the dissolved impurities. The effects of foam
carryover are similar to that of priming, but less severe in intensity. Such
foam carryover depends on the amount of impurities present in water and is
difficult to control by mechanical methods. Foaming could be controlled by
reducing boiler water concentration, by a controlled continuous blow down
system and proper control of chemicals added to boiler water like lignins and
tannins in low-pressure boilers. The degree of contamination can be
ascertained by measuring the electrical conductivity of the condensed steam.
Water Hammer:
No matter how well designed a steam range may be, faulty operation or
neglect in maintenance may result in pockets of condensate, with the risk of
explosion from water hammer.
A frequent cause of water in steam pipes is from the priming of boilers due to
impurities in the boiler water, or by unsteady load condition. Another cause
of the trouble is failure of steam traps due to dirt.
The shock caused by the impact of a mass of water traveling at high velocity
results in a breakdown. This is known as water hammer. When steam comes
into contact with water at a lower temperature, condensation takes place and
a vacuum is formed which would cause the water in the pipe to acquire a very
high velocity and strikes a blow, like that of a sledge hammer on the pipe,
valve or fitting. This may be caused by direct admission of steam to pipes
containing water, by draining pipes containing condensate in the presence of
steam, by slow accumulation of condensate eventually causing some
alteration to the pressure in pipes containing steam, by formation of steam in
feed water heaters or economisers from water under pressure, by formation
of steam from heated water due to local increase in velocity resulting in a
reduction in the static head pressure.
Before opening a drain tap when condensate is present, shut the stop valve
fitted on the steam line. After draining the condensate from a pipeline, ease
the stop valve slightly to warm the pipes after which the stop valve may be
gradually fully opened, and then the drain closed. Automatic drains are likely
to go out of order due to dirt or other mechanical causes, and they must be
frequently overhauled and tested to ensure that they are in good working
order. A defective trap may be a great source of danger. A good design of

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pipes and traps will not allow condensate to accumulate. All pipes must be
lagged efficiently.
Water Gauges:
All water gauges must be tested by the boiler attendants directly responsible
for the operation of the boilers at the beginning of each shift. For high
pressure boiler manufacturers may be consulted, as excessive testing of gauge
may result in shorter life and high maintenance cost.
Keep the water gauges and their connections free from leaks and no
connections allowing a flow of water or steam from the piping between the
water column and the boiler should be made. Any leaks or flow of water or
steam will cause a false indication of the water level in the boiler.
The outlet of the discharge pipes from water gauges should be kept open and
terminated at a safe point visible and audible to the boiler attendant while
blowing down.
Water gauges must be well lighted and maintained cleanly. A gage glass guard
must always be kept in position to protect the boiler attendants from injury if
the glass breaks. Keep a spare glass handy in the boiler room to replace in
case the one attached to the boiler breaks. When a glass breaks, shut off the
water valve first and then the steam valve.
Pressure Gauges:
Compare boiler steam pressure gauge frequently to check its accuracy. When
the safety valve blows, note the reading of the pressure gauge. If the reading
does not tally with the stipulated pressure, or with the gauge on adjacent
boilers operating under the same pressure, test the gauges. When the
foaming, priming and other feed water troubles occur and are likely to cause
choking of the gauge connections, test the gauges. A steam gauge is
considered with a dead weight testing device. Such a device is available is the
Chief Boiler Inspector’s Office and free service is given for testing of pressure
Never admit steam directly into the pressure gauges and ascertain that at all
times the siphon is filled with water. If the steam has entered the gauge, it
must be retested. After the gauge is tested treat it with care.
Keep the gauge well lighted and the dial and glass cover in clean condition. A
red line must be drawn on the dial showing the highest pressure allowed for
the boiler.

Safety Valves:
Maintain safety valves free and in working order. Test the safety valves by
raising the valve to its open position by the lever, and allow it to be closed as
if it had opened automatically. At least once a year the valves should be
tested by raising the steam pressure to their popping pressure.
When the safety valve sticks or fails to operate at the stipulated popping
pressure, no attempt should be made to free it by striking the body or other
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parts of the valve. Rather, it must be opened with the lifting lever, after
which the pressure should be raised to the pressure for which the valve is set
to blow. If the valve does not pop, the boiler must be taken out of service and
the valve cleaned and attended to.
Do not try to stop leakages by tightening the spring or by obstructing it in any
manner whatsoever. When the safety valve leaks at a pressure less than at
which it is set to close, try to free the valve by operating the lifting lever. If
this does not stop the leakage, repair or replace the safety valve as soon as
Whenever a safety valve blows, observe the pressure indicated by the boiler
pressure gauge and if it is different test the gauge. If the gauge is correct
adjust the safety valve.
Do not permit safety valves to be adjusted by anyone but an authorized
person familiar with the construction and operation of safety valves. Test a
safety valve after any setting or adjusting of the spring. Do not have the
water in the boiler above the highest level when setting or adjusting a safety
valve. When the spring becomes weak and is required to be screwed down to
secure the stipulated popping pressure, do not screw down the spring so far
that there is a restriction of the proper amount of opening of the valve.
Never set the popping pressure of a safety valve above the pressure stipulated
by a competent authority.
When boilers of different working pressures are connected to a common
steam pipe and operate under the same working pressure, never set a safety
valve to pop at a pressure greater than that allowed for the boiler having the
lowest pressure.
Scale, dirt or other foreign matter between the coils of the safety valve
springs must not be allowed to accumulate.
The drains in the safety valve body and discharge pipes should be kept open.
If the safety valve pops, a boiler attendant must observe the drains in order
to determine that the passages are free.
Keep proper tension in all supports and anchors; especially those to which the
escape pipes are attached.
When preparing for a hydraulic test above the working pressure of the safety
valve, remove it and blank the openings, or clamp the valve securely to the
Blow off valves:
Keep blow off valves and cocks in good working condition, and repair leaky
blow off valves as soon as possible. Make sure that they are in good working
condition before putting a boiler in service, and examine them carefully when
the boiler is not in service. Maintain in good condition the pipe and fittings
between the blow off valve and the boiler and inspect them when the boiler
is under cleaning or inspection.

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Operate blow off valves or cocks gradually and with care. When a blow off
valve is shut, see that it is closed tight.
A boiler attendant must never blow down more than one boiler at a time.
When blowing down a boiler, pay attention solely to it, and perform no other
duty until the blow off valve is closed. When a boiler attendant blowing down
a boiler cannot see the water glass, another man must be deputed to watch
the water glass, and he should signal the operator blowing down the boiler.
Examine carefully the conditions of the particular plant in order to find out
the amount and frequency of blowing down which depends upon the number
of hours the boiler is required for service in a day, the rate at which the
boiler is operated and the kind of feed water used. Blow down a boiler at
least one full opening and closing of the blow off valve every twenty-four
hours. Blow down valves on economisers, water cooled furnace walls, water
wall boxes, etc., are provided as drain valves and such valves should never be
used for blowing down in the usual sense while the boiler is in active steaming
condition, except under conditions specially recommended by the
Blow down the boiler if necessary just before putting it into service. When a
boiler is in service, see that the blowing down is down at a time when the
generation of steam is at the minimum. If any unusual or serious foaming
occurs, the fuel and air supply must be reduced, the superheater vents and
drains opened and the steam outlet closed, until the true level of the water in
the gage glass is determined.
If the level of the water in the glass is high, alternately blow down some of
the water and feed in fresh water several times. If the foaming does not stop,
bank the fire and resort to alternate blowing down and feeding. Check boiler
water chemical concentrations and feed water for pollution. If this cannot be
corrected, immediately reduce load until a stable water level is obtained, or
remove the boiler from service and if necessary inspect the circulators and
baffles, and correct their positions.
Dampers should be maintained in good working order. Inspect and repair them
before starting a boiler. Check them at certain intervals when the boiler is in
service, and certainly at the same time of its periodical or statutory
inspection. Electric interlocks operating through automatic combustion
control on forced and induced draft dampers, permitting operation of
dampers upon loss of fans or loss of fuel, should be tested immediately before
putting the boiler in service from either a cold or banked condition. Boilers
with natural draft should be provided with counter weights on the dampers,
which could be operated preferably from the boiler front ends.
Soot Blowers:
External cleanliness of the boiler, superheater, reheater, economiser and air
heater surface has direct bearing on efficiency, capacity, and draft loss. The
frequency of cleaning depends upon the quality of fuel used, load conditions,
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disposition of the equipment and steam temperature. Dry and saturated

steam and compressed air are used for soot removal. If lancing is used,
compressed air is preferred. While hand lancing a steam boiler, particular
care should be taken to ensure sufficient negative furnace pressure to protect
those doing the lancing operation. If water lancing is employed, direct
impingement of water on tubes, headers or drums must be avoided to prevent
thermal quench cracking.
It is desirable to increase the furnace draft above normal when operating soot
blowers or to change over to manual operation during the blowing period.
Before operating blowers, its pipeline should be thoroughly drained.
Compressed air is preferable for the cleaning operation when the units are
not in service, as steam may cause external corrosion.
When the rotating type of soot blowers are installed, the nozzles must be
maintained in proper position relative to the tubes. If they become displaced,
serious erosion of tube metal and consequent failure can result. When
retractable blowers are installed, the operation should be carefully watched
to prevent damage to the blowing elements in case they do not retract
Portable steam lances can also cause wasting of tubes if directed upon the
same location for long periods. Soot blowers should be carefully examined at
the time of each internal inspection and faults if any corrected.
Operating procedures for Soot Blowers:
a) Assure that power is available at the proper voltage and frequency as
specified on the application drawings.
b) Increase the furnace draft.
c) For steam blowing systems, open all drain valves wide. If traps are used,
be sure isolation valves are open and the by-pass valve is closed.
d) Open the steam or air supply valve slowly until it is wide open. Do not
operate at any blowers until all the piping have been warmed and drained.
Then, if traps are not used, close the drain valve. The hole in the valve
seat will serve to keep the lines drained. Never blow with wet steam.
e) Operate the blowers in the numerical sequence shown on the general
arrangement drawing. There is a panel with “start” push button for each
blower. The buttons may be included in the automatic sequential
operation or they may be individual (buttons for manual operation)
therefore one button must be used to start each blower. Each button
should be held in about 5 seconds and then released. The blower will start
operating; complete the cycle and this will be indicated in the panel. Start
the next blower after this blower operation is over.
f) When the entire blowing cycle is complete, close the main stop valve
tightly. Open the drain valves wide if they are closed.
g) Adjust the furnace draft to normal.
h) Open the power and control circuits.
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i) Be sure all blowers have completely retracted and all heads are fully
When structure, surrounding boilers are designed and equipped for expansion
of the boilers, they should be inspected at regular intervals in order to
maintain the full amount of clearance provided. Settlement of boiler
foundation must also be checked. Any structure over the boilers or supporting
columns between them must be examined and maintained in good order.
Pipeline supports and brackets should be examined at regular intervals and as
far as possible maintained under their average stress. Rollers in pipeline
supports shall be maintained in position and free for movement.
When chimneys are mounted on structures directly above boilers, or upon the
boilers themselves, precautions should be taken to maintain in good condition
all safeguards provided for the protection of all steelwork against corrosion
caused by moisture or water at such places running down on the chimney or
from the roof.
Supports of blow off pipes must be maintained in satisfactory condition and
Brickwork Drying:
Regarding brickwork of a new boiler or extensive refractory repairs carried
out on an installed boiler, drying out of the brickwork and insulation must be
carried out with a slow fire without generating steam pressure for a period of
say three to seven days, depending on the prevailing conditions. Such drying
out may not be necessary in boilers of radiant type where there is very little
furnace refractory. The manufacturer’s instructions for drying out by solid, or
liquid fuel must be followed. Temperature rise in the refractory should be
limited to 10ºC (50ºF) per hour. After the drying process is completed, boiler
casings for infiltration of air under pressure by means of smoke cartridges or
wet straw must be checked.
Boiling Out:
After the refractory in the boiler furnace is dried out, boiling out of pressure
parts must be attended to. Generally a dilute solution of tri-sodium phosphate
or soda ash is used for removal of mill scale, grease, oil, etc. Boiling out must
be carried out as suggested by the manufacturers and under the supervision of
an expert in the field. The boiling out process could be completed in about
three days. The maximum boiling out pressure on the third day should be
about fifty percent of the normal working pressure of the boiler. The main
steam pipe range could be warmed up during such periods and drain valves
opened to clear the sediment. Steam traps could be bypassed during the
boiling out process. Superheater and steam pipes should be blown through to
ensure that all foreign material is removed.
After boiling out is completed, hand and manhole covers should be removed
for internal inspection. Loose mill scale sludge and similar deposits should be
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cleared and the headers cleaned with water jets. All blow down and drain
valves should be washed through to ascertain that their passages are clear.
Gauge glass and pressure gauge connections may become dirty during the
boiling out process and should be thoroughly cleaned.
Shutting down a boiler:
When shutting down a boiler, the firing rate and draught conditions should be
reduced as recommended by the manufacturers simultaneously with the steam
flow. After the lower limit of the control range is reached, manual operated
should be adopted. Economiser recirculation valves where provided should be
opened soon after the boiler is shut down or before changing over form
continuous to intermittent feeding.
Pulverisers should be taken out after running them empty, which must be
progressively down, the last to be taken out of service being nearer the boiler
entry. At the prescribed minimum lead, oil support and igniters should be
used. As the pulverisers empty out it would be necessary to have its igniters in
operation to prevent flame instability.
In stoker-fired boilers the stoker hopper should be run empty and fuel
permitted to burn out before the boiler is taken out of service.
The expansion movement of the boiler should be checked at regular intervals
as the load is reduced. If the boiler is connected to a common steam range,
the stem of the non-return valve should be run down and then the range side
valves closed. Where two stop valves re provided, the range side valve should
be closed after the boiler side valve is shut off. The shut off valves may be
cheeked for tightness by opening the drain valve between them.
The furnace must be cooled steadily and the forced draught fan continued in
service to purge the boiler for about thirty minutes after the fire is killed.
Where refractory work is extensive, the boiler must be cooled sufficiently,
before airflow is increased for rapid cooling.
After the fire is killed, the boiler may be fed with water to three quarters in
the gauge glass and then feeding stopped. The feed pump should be kept
running in case of controlled circulation boilers.
When drum pressure drops to 1.75 kg/cm2 (25 psi), drum vents should be
opened to prevent formation of vacuum to prevent leakages at the gasket
After the boiler has sufficiently cooled, soot blowing or dusting may be carried
out keeping the airflow as high as possible. Soot blowing when the furnace is
hot may cause flue gas explosion.
Before commencing the work for boiler cleaning etc., all feed and steam
valves must be shut tight and locked. Pulveriser and fan breakers should be
de-energised. Oil and atomizing steam supply valves should be closed and oil
gun removed from burner housing. Gas supply valves, where provided, must
be closed. It is advisable to blank the supply line and thoroughly purge the gas
line towards the boiler beyond the blank with inert gas or steam, before

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commencing work into the boiler furnace. Neglect of the above precautions
may lead to serious or fatal accidents.
For internal inspection or cleaning, manhole covers of mud drums must be
opened last after the cover of the top drum is knocked in first. If the process
of opening the covers is reversed, there is a likelihood of injury to personnel
due to escaping steam or hot air caused by suction action.
If external surfaces are to be washed by steam or water, this should be
carried out just before the boiler is put back in service, so that the water,
which accumulates in pockets, crevices, porous refractory, or other such
places, may cause corrosion, if permitted to remain. After water washing, if
the boiler cannot be put in service, the boiler must be fired to dry out the
moisture. Specially in oil fired boilers, water must not be permitted to remain
after water washing, as the oil deposits may absorb moisture and cause
corrosion, and hence the boiler must be fired for a short period to dry out the
tubes and setting.
Preservation of boiler when not in use:
Steam Boilers when not in use are liable to deterioration from corrosion.
Unless well cared for and made rust proof, they may depreciate more rapidly
than when in use.
Wet storage:
If the boilers are required to be kept out of service, but are likely to be
required as standby units, the wet method is a practical one, by which a
unit could be made ready for service. In the wet method, the boiler is
filled through the economiser with deaerated treated water to give the
required alkalinity, and the boiler is fired with low sulphur fuel, and
steamed in service so that the boiler water will be circulated to secure
uniform concentration throughout the unit, and the oxygen eliminated
from the water. The boiler load should then be reduced slowly and the
water level raised as high in the gauge glass as its consistent with safe
operation, while delivery some steam a concentration of 100 ppm of
hydrazine should be maintained for preventing oxygen corrosion. When air
cocks reveal no pressure in the boiler, and before a vacuum can be
produced, the boiler should be filled in by deaerated water, until water
spills over and fills the superheater using a high point air vent, such as
pressure gauge connection as an indicator. The drum air cock should be
connected to a surge tank located above the steam drum to ensure
positive pressure and prevent ingress of air to the boiler, thus
compensating for volumetric changes due to temperature.
After firing the boiler, the setting should be closed and maintained in a
closed condition. Periodical inspections may be carried out to observe if
condensation has occurred on external surfaces, and if this happens,
heating devices may be placed at convenient points to keep metal surfaces
above dew point. In wet storage, the boiler must be protected from frost.
If the ambient temperature is likely to be dropped to freezing point, this
type of storage must be avoided.
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A protective coating should be applied to auxiliary equipment. All moving

parts should be rotated once in a week and also electrical equipment
attended to. Oil lubricated bearings should also be attended to as
suggested by the manufacturers for the equipment not in use. Generally
gearboxes and such applications are drained and cleaned, and filled with
medium viscosity oil excluding air.
Boiler connections should be checked for leakages and water samples
analyzed. If hydrazine concentration has dropped below 50 ppm,
chemicals should be injected to bring the concentration to normal after
lowering the level. The boiler should then be steamed sufficiently to
circulate the water added with chemical and the procedure followed as
stated above. In any case, if the boiler is to be stored for unduly long
periods, it should be emptied and inspected for corrosion defects.
Dry storage:
For dry storage the boiler must be cleaned properly and dried thoroughly,
since the moisture may cause corrosion of metal surfaces. Precaution must
be taken to prevent entry of moisture in any form, from steam, feed and
air lines. For this intent moisture assimilating material such as quick lime
at the rate of 0.9 kg (2 lb) or silica gel at the rate of 4.5 kg (10 lb) for 4546
litres (1,000 gallons) capacity, should be placed on trays inside the boiler
shells or drums to absorb moisture from the air. The manholes should then
be closed and all connections on boilers tightly banked. The serviceability
of the materials for such purposes and their replacement may be judged
through regular internal boiler inspections. Alternatively, dried air may be
circulated through the boiler.
Operational Aspects of Superheaters and Reheaters:
The following points must be taken care of to ensure longer life and higher
availability of the pressure parts:
a) The metal temperature at all the locations should be kept within
permissible value. This can be accomplished by keeping the steam
temperature at the end of each section within a particular value.
Desuperheaters are used to maintain the steam temperature and this will
serve for the metal temperature restriction also except at primary
superheater outlet before which there is no desuperheater. During design
stage sufficient margin is kept between the permissible temperature and
predicted temperature to take care of most of the operating conditions.
However, operating the boiler with low feed water temperature along with
high excess air may result in exceeding the limit. There should be no
hesitation to bring down the load on the boiler if this temperature cannot
be brought under control by other means. Tilting the burners down,
operating the lower tier burners, soot blowing the water walls, reducing
excess air, raising the feed water temperature will help reducing the heat
pick-up in superheaters.

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b) The raising and lowering of steam parameters should be restricted to the

value given in the starting diagram. Exceeding these values will result in
reduced fatigue life of pressure parts.
c) The superheaters and reheaters are to be soot blow down to keep them
reasonably clean. Indian coals have high silica content and hence no
problem is faced in keeping the surface clean.
d) In the case of tube failure which can be identified by hearing the noise in
the boiler gallery and cross checked by difference in steam and water
flow, gas and steam temperature, the boiler should be shut down at the
earliest by regular procedure for maintenance work, otherwise large
number of tubes may fail due to steam erosion and impingement.
e) Drum level should be maintained at recommended level both during
starting and at all conditions of operation to avoid carry over and in
extreme cases flooding of superheaters.
f) Entry of wet steam into superheater first rows or after desuperheaters will
result in removal of the oxide film due to thermal shock. Boiler salt in the
steam will accelerate the corrosion. Austenitic steel is the worst affected
due to stress corrosion in this case. Hence the temperature after the
desuperheater should be maintained well above the saturation point in the
case of direct spray type.
g) Reheater starvation should be prevented at all conditions of operation.
During starting till sufficient flow through the reheater is established,
furnace exit gas temperature should be kept below 540`C. During
emergency shut down or turbine trip fire should be put off automatically
by operating master fuel trip if flow through reheater cannot be
established automatically by-pass station (if provided).
h) The reheater temperature can be controlled normally by the method
provided for. However the desuperheater has to be kept as a ready stand-
by to meet emergencies, but passing of regulating valve of water injection
should be avoided by keeping the isolating valve in closed position.
i) The flue gas and steam temperature difference between left and right
should be minimized to the extent possible by adjusting the burner
loading, location and loading of left and right side of draft fans.
Operation of Economisers:
Before starting up the boiler, economizer should be inspected and cleared of
foreign materials, if any. Alignment of coils and the supporting arrangements
are to be periodically inspected. All access doors should be bolted tightly.
Check the doors occasionally for tightness.
It is essential to see that the inside corrosion of pressure parts including
economizer is prevented by better water chemistry. Presence of dissolved
Oxygen in water and low PH may cause corrosion to tube material. Hence
deaerated water is always to be used as boiler feed. PH of feed water should
always be more than 8. Otherwise the tube metal will become susceptible for
low PH corrosion. If external steam is available make use of the deaerating
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facility and fill up boiler only with oxygen free water. Feed water
temperature must also be maintained at the highest possible level either with
the help of feed water heaters or heating the water in feed tank. Low feed
water temperature (obtained during low load operation) will result in external
corrosion of economizer.
Some of the large capacity boilers are provided with recirculation system as a
save guard arrangement to economizer. At the time of start up of boiler at
times the feed flow may have to be closed completely, as there will be
swelling of level in boiler drum. But if the economizer is starved of water flow
the tubes may get over heated and result in tube failures. Hence the
economizer circulation system should be kept open, when there is fire in the
boiler with no feed flow. The unbalance in gas flow between different paths
will result in different water outlet temperature from economizer and hence
gas flow has to be equalized. Steaming in economizer is harmful to
economizer unless otherwise it is designed as steaming type and hence
steaming should be prevented by keeping a watch on economizer outlet water
temperature. To prevent steaming, during design stage, sufficient margin is
kept between the predicted economizer outlet water temperature and
saturation temperature for the corresponding pressure.
Frequency of operation of soot blowers depends entirely on local conditions.
Close watch on draft loss between consecutive blowing will determine the
frequency of soot blower operation. In many cases it has been found that
blowing the economizer soot blowers once a day or less is sufficient.
Operational Aspects of Fans:
In modern installations, boiler control has provision for remote ‘manual’ as
well as ‘automatic’ controls from the Control Desk. Of course the conditions
of the fan and the control parameters are all displayed in real time with the
help of on line indicators. However the following essential checks need to be
carried out physically at fan locations for ensuring safeguard of the
Before starting any fan:
a) Check for bearing lubrication. Check for oil level in bearings. If forced
lubrication is provided check for normal operation of the lube oil pumps.
Verify the lube oil pressure and the temperature nearer to the bearing
location. Check whether the cooling circuits for oil coolers are through
and the oil level in oil tank is normal,
b) Rotate fan by hand and verify that the shaft is mechanically free to
c) Ensure that the direction of rotation of drive motor is correct, if any work
on cable connection had been done prior to starting,
d) Check the remote/interlock operation of dampers and regulating vanes.
Check for proper open and close position of the dampers,
e) Ensure tightness of foundation bolts, manholes etc. and

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f) Check the motor and cooling system as per the respective manufacturer’s
Ensure that the fan is always started with minimum loading. This can be
achieved by ensuring that the inlet and outlet dampers in close position and
the regulating vane is kept in minimum position, before starting the fan. The
fan can be loaded, when the drive reaches its rated speed if there is no
abnormal noise or vibration in the fan.
During normal running of the fan:
a) Lubricate at regular interval.
b) Check up lubrication and cooling system.
c) Have a watch on bearing temperature.
d) Check up for abnormal noise and vibration.
Immediate attention is to be drawn to stop the fan and carry out
investigation, if there is abnormal raise of bearing temperature conditions or
there is abnormal or excessive vibration. The cause of vibration should be
analyzed and established. Rectification act should to follow immediately. If
insitu site balancing is required it has to be done under supervision of
experts. In the case of worn out impeller, the control equipment position will
reach maximum for the same conditions of operation. In these circumstances
it is essential to stop the fan to attend to the defect; otherwise it may lead
to forced shutdown for longer period due to damage to other associate
equipment also.
Boiler Log:
A Boiler Log is a checklist for the Boiler Operators. It helps to track the
operating parameters over a period. For any Boiler Preventive Maintenance
the Boiler log is a key factor. Separate log sheets are required for each Boiler
in the plant. One option is having a log sheet that is valid for one month (31
days), and has provision for two sets of readings per day for low and medium
pressure boiler and three sets of reading per for high pressure boilers. It is
recommended that completed logs should be properly preserves for future
The need for a boiler log:
It helps to avoid an emergency shutdown. Over a period of time, by following
operating trends from the boiler log, one can properly diagnose the problems
and fix up a suitable system maintenance schedule. For example, a steady
rise in stack temperature, at the same boiler load, indicates dirty boiler
firesides or waterside scale build-up. In either case preventive measure can
be taken before it is necessary to shut the unit down for cleaning.
The majority of the Boiler accidents occur mainly due to two reasons, control
failure and human operational / maintenance mistakes. Proper keeping and
analysis of boiler logs help operators to avoid operational/maintenance error
and therefore reduce boiler accidents. Data in the log should be compared
with data recorded when the boiler was new or recently overhauled. If such a

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comparison reveals significance deviation, technician may need to inspect

and repair components.
Check list to be covered in a boiler log:
Log sheets are available from boiler insurance companies. Maintenance log
should include those items recommended in the boiler and burner
manufacture's operating instructions. It is always advisable to prepare
customised log form. These logs can be easily customised for the particular
installation and its unique requirements. Suggested items that might be
included in maintenance log are shown below. But items may be added or
deleted as needed for the specific installation. It is advisable to maintain two
Log Sheets to filled up by the control room and field operators separately.

Following are the important objectives to be fulfilled by a boiler:
 It should be safe,
 It should operate to its capacity with efficiency and
 It should have long economical life.
In order to ensure that the above objectives are achieved, it is necessary not
only to operate the Boiler in a proper manner but to also maintain it in a
condition so that the above objectives are achievable.
If due emphasis is not given to the proper and scientific maintenance of a
boiler, it would suffer from frequent unplanned shut downs and breakdowns
resulting in production loss and high cost of putting it back into operation
after each such unplanned shut down or breakdown. Further, such frequent
unplanned stoppages of steam generation shall result in consequential losses
in the process where steam is put to use. Also, if a boiler is not maintained
properly, its condition can be unsafe and result in accidents causing loss of
life and property apart from losses of revenue.
Therefore, modern techniques of maintenance are used for ensuring that the
above-enumerated three objectives are achieved. These techniques are the
1. Routine maintenance - covering such activities as are recommended by
manufacturers of various machinery or components of a boiler. For
example - topping up lubricant of bearings of fans and fan motors and
pumps and pump motors, blowing cocks of level gauges, maintaining
cleanliness in and around boiler house, etc.
2. Preventive maintenance - covering such activities which are meant for
preventing of breakdowns and unplanned shutdowns. For example -
tightening the gland of pumps and valves, replacing v-belts after they have
been operating for a pre-judged hours based on experience, etc.
3. Predictive maintenance - covering such activities that are meant for
diagnosing the condition of various parts and components of a boiler and
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taking actions in advance so that forced shut downs and breakdowns do

not occur. For example, measurement of vibration of bearings of fans and
pumps and their respective drive motors and taking action for balancing or
other corrective measures in case vibrations are found to be on the high
Out of the above three categories of maintenance, the first two are
sometimes classified under one common head viz., ‘Scheduled Maintenance’.
Thus there remain only two categories of maintenance viz., Scheduled
Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance.
Certain maintenance work is also to be taken care of while operating the
boiler. The above mentioned three categories of maintenance are over and
above those.
Routine Maintenance:
All maintenance work that is to be carried out routinely and is prescribed by
respective equipment manufacturers or the boiler manufacturer fall under
this category of maintenance. For ensuring that the Scheduled Maintenance is
carried out properly it is customary to prepare schedules for all the
maintenance activities based on Maintenance Manuals of various original
equipment suppliers or the Maintenance Manuals of the Boiler Manufacturer.
The Schedules of Maintenance Activities for automatic package boiler
comprise Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annual Maintenance Activities. Following
is an example:
Daily Scheduled Maintenance Activities:
1. Blow off water from the main intermittent blow off valve in every shift for
about half a minute to remove sludge and sediment.
2. Blow down water column for every hour; all the water gauge test cocks
must be operated to check water level. Float chamber of the alarm device
must also be blown.
3. Check water analysis every shift.
4. Check stacks temperature. If it is higher than normal, Check asbestos rope
seal in back cover; also check if refractory is damaged. Higher chimney
temperature could be attributed to scale formation on internal heating
surfaces, or excessive soot formation or carbon deposits on smoke side,
and short-circuiting of gases.
5. Check burner block for excessive clinker formation.
6. Check lubrication of moving parts.
7. Check CO2 for abnormal rise or fall.
Weekly Scheduled Maintenance Activities:
1. Clean burner nozzle with kerosene or compressed air. Such nozzles must
not be cleaned with metal wire or cotton waste.
2. Clean burner diffuser plate and check electrode position.

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3. Clean lens of photoelectric cell.

4. Clean sight glasses for viewing flame.
5. Clean fuel oil strainers and filters.
6. If necessary, regenerate water softener, which should be on the basis of
analysis and not on time schedule.
7. Check the working of low water arrangement and automatic devices if
they are in good working order.
8. Clean tubes from fire side.
9. Check water pump operation.
Monthly Scheduled Maintenance Activities:
1. Check electrical automatic equipment and clean contacts if necessary
wiping them with clean cloth moistened with carbon tetrachloride. Never
use emery or other abrasives to clean the above contacts.
2. Check feed pump gland.
3. Check for clogging in oil lines.
4. Remove and clean all the burner components.
5. Clean blower screen and blades.
6. Test the safety valves if they lift freely at the set pressure.
7. Check tube ends for leakages.
Quarterly Scheduled Maintenance Activities:
1. Open out boiler after cooling it, drain water completely, and open air cock
before man and hand hole covers are removed. If the boiler is in battery
with others, isolate it thoroughly from others. Also isolate control panel
before carrying out maintenance.
2. Clean the boiler internal heating surfaces with high-pressure water hose.
3. Check water surfaces for scale, corrosion etc., to modify water treatment.
4. Check the tube ends for leakages or corrosion.
5. Open chambers of automatic water control equipment, remove float and
switch mechanism and other parts, clean and service them if necessary.
6. Replace man and mud hole covers using new gaskets.
7. Replace asbestos ropes fitted to end covers. Repair refractory if necessary.
Half-yearly Scheduled Maintenance Activities:
1. Open all mountings and attend them.
2. Attend to feed, and oil pumps, and other accessories.
Annual Scheduled Maintenance Activities: In addition to daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly and half-yearly maintenance the following annual
maintenance may be envisaged:

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1. Clean fire and water sides thoroughly and offer boiler for statutory
inspection and hydraulic test, after applying to Boiler Inspectorate well in
2. Repair rear and front doors and ducting leading to chimney. Clean the
chimney and ducting internally and externally and apply paint.
3. Overhaul all auxiliaries, blowers, fans etc.
4. Overhaul electric motors and test their insulation.
5. Replace refractory and baffles if necessary.
6. Overhaul and clean feed water, oil service tanks, and softening plant
7. Clean the internal heating surfaces of a boiler by chemical process.

Preventive maintenance:
Preventive maintenance is the most widely used means of minimizing common
problems in boilers. Statistics indicate about two-thirds of all boiler failures
and nearly all unscheduled shutdowns are caused by poor maintenance and
Boiler inspection and maintenance are critical. A typical inspection schedule
covers four basic areas: boiler, burner, controls, and system. Regardless of
boiler design, application, or size, the basic maintenance criteria remain the
Maintaining the Burner:
Although burners vary by design, application, fuel, regulations, and insurance
requirements, the same basic maintenance criteria must be addressed. Burner
maintenance generally focuses on safety, efficiency, and reliability. Only a
trained service technician using the proper instrumentation and tools should
make adjustments.
Fuel and air linkage: Changes in fuel and air linkage affect the combustion
fuel-to-air ratio. Flame failure or a hazardous fuel rich condition may result.
Proper linkage settings should be physically marked or pinned together.
Linkage should be checked for positioning, tightness, and binding. Any
noticeable changes should be remedied immediately.
Oil pressure and temperature: Pressure and temperature directly affect the
ability of oil to properly atomize and burn completely and efficiently.
Changes promote flame failure, fuel-rich combustion, soot blowing, oil
buildup in the furnace, and visible stack emissions. Causes include a dirty
strainer, worn pump, faulty relief valve, or movement in linkage or pressure-
regulating valve set point. Oil temperature changes typically are caused by a
dirty heat exchanger or a misadjusted or defective temperature control.
Gas pressure: Gas pressure is critical to proper burner operation and efficient
combustion. Irregular pressure leads to flame failure or high amounts of
carbon monoxide. It may even cause over or under firing, affecting the

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boiler's ability to carry the load. Gas pressure should be constant at steady
loads, and should not oscillate during firing rate changes.
Usually, pressure varies between low and high fire. Therefore, readings should
be compared to those taken at equivalent firing rates to determine if
adjustments are needed or a problem exists. Gas pressure irregularities are
typically caused by fluctuations in supply pressure to the boiler regulator or a
dirty or defective boiler gas pressure regulator.
Atomizing media pressure: When oil is burned, an atomizing medium, either
air or steam, is needed for proper, efficient combustion. Changes in atomizing
media pressure cause soot blowing, oil buildup in the furnace, or flame
failure. Changes result from a regulator or air compressor problem or a dirty
oil nozzle.
Fuel valve closing: If a fuel valve leaks, after burn may occur when the
burner is turned off, or raw fuel could leak into a hot boiler and cause an
explosion. When the burner is turned off, the flame should extinguish
immediately. Prolonged burning is a hazard and demands immediate action.
Maintaining the Controls:
Controls are often used to protect the boiler against unsafe operation. Flame
safeguard, operating, limit, and safety interlock controls are among the most
common. Of course, controls only protect the boiler if they are maintained
and adjusted properly.
Flame safeguard control: Also called the primary control or the programmer,
the flame safeguard control ensures safe light off, operation, and shutdown of
the burner. The control regulates purging the boiler of all gases prior to trial
for ignition. It also verifies that there is no flame in the boiler prior to light
off, and checks for a pilot before allowing the main flame to light. The
control provides proof that the main flame has ignited before releasing the
boiler to the run (modulation) mode. Most importantly it does not allow any
action to occur if operating controls, limits, or safety interlocks are open.
In addition, this control initiates a post purge upon shutdown to remove all
gases from the boiler. And it often provides a means for detecting a problem
elsewhere in the system. Although the flame safeguard is designed for fail-
safe operation and is quite reliable, a faulty device can be catastrophic and
should not be ignored.
Operating and limit controls: These controls tell the boiler at what
temperature and pressure to operate. Proper settings minimize boiler cycling,
maintain proper limits for efficient system operation, and ensure the boiler
shuts down when predetermined limits are reached.
Improperly set operating controls cause the burner to operate erratically and
stress the pressure vessel. All these controls should be checked weekly. The
scale of the control for temperature or pressure settings should not be relied
upon. Settings should be verified with the actual operating temperatures and
pressures on the boiler gauges.

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Safety and interlock controls: Safety and interlock controls vary with state,
local, and federal codes and insurance requirements. They must be
operational at all times. Among the consequences of inoperable safety
interlocks are personal injury, equipment or property damage, and liability
for losses or damages. All interlocks should be checked weekly for proper
operation. A defective control should be replaced immediately. A control
should never be bypassed to make a boiler run.
Indicating lights and alarms: Indicating lights and alarms are part of the
control circuit. They alert the operator to specific boiler conditions.
Unfortunately, they are often neglected and do not provide the intended
information. Many control circuits have test buttons to verify proper
operation. Simulating conditions that activate a light or alarm should check
circuits that do not have such facility.
Maintenance of Superheaters and Reheaters:
When the boiler is shut down and is cool enough to enter and make an
external inspection of superheaters and reheaters. Clean the firesides, where
necessary, and examine all tubes for evidence of corrosion, erosion, swelling,
warping blistering etc.
Swelling of superheater tubes indicates overheating which may have been
caused by bringing the boiler up to pressure too quickly, failure to vent the
superheater sufficiently during start-up or scale on the internal surface due to
carry over. Slight warping is not serious if steps are taken at once to
determine and eliminate the cause.
Check the conditions of setting, manhole doors, and casings for leaks and
rectify. Remove the hand hole caps if provided and inspect the internal tube
If the unit is shut down for considerable time, lay up procedure given in the
water treatment chapter has to be followed.
Washing of heating surfaces of superheaters and reheater are seldom required
for boilers firing Indian coals. But oil firing may require washing. Washing can
be effectively done by using hot water (30 kg/cm2 and 200`C). In severe
cases, caustic or soda ash may be added to water. Care should be taken to
arrange draining of the wash water effectively. The air/gas ducts should be
blanked to avoid entry of water into air heater, other gas duct, air duct etc.
The hoppers should be cleaned of ash before starting the wash. Huge amount
of water is needed and complete thorough washing should be attempted to
avoid acceleration of corrosion and plugging due to left out soot. Immediately
after washing, the surfaces should be dried by firing boiler at low rate.
Most of the Indian coals used for high capacity boilers are having high
percentage of ash and the ash is predominantly silica. And hence erosion due
to fly ash is inherent and superheater reheaters, economizers are vulnerable
for this. Screen tubes, terminal tubes, and bends are to be checked for this
erosion. Erosion around the soot blower may also occur due to steam erosion.

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Boiler design parameters are based on conservative possibility of erosion.

However there is still possibility of localized erosion.
Erosion is indicated by polished surface appearance, gauging, holes in duct
expansion joints, etc. Reduction of tube diameter can be verified by
micrometer readings. The effect of erosion can be controlled by protecting
the affected area (Pad welding, installation of replaceable tube shields,
refractory coating etc.) or by dispersing the flue gas stream by the use of
deflector plates or wire mesh baffles. But care should be exercised when
installing deflectors or baffles so that it will not create new areas of erosion
or shift erosion from one area to another.
Fuel oil contains contaminants such as Sulfur, Vanadium, and Sodium etc.
Hence mainly in oil fired boilers gas side corrosion is experienced. The life of
the pressure parts can be increased by providing stainless steel shield in front
of first row and by operating at less excess air.
Remnant Life of pressure parts can be easily assessed by non-destructive
testing methods available. Ultrasonic thickness gauge can be used to measure
the tube thickness, which will reveal external and internal corrosion, erosion
and pitting. Radiography can also be utilized. Special camera and scopes are
available to see the internal surfaces of the headers and pipes. In extreme
cases tubes at suspected points may be cut and subjected for test on Oxide
layer thickness measurement and creep strength tested.
Failure of superheaters and reheaters may occur due to various reasons. In a
newly commissioned unit the most likely reason is overheating by blockage of
foreign material, which may not be traceable after failure if blown out by the
failure. Erosion by ash or soot blowers may cause failure if not inspected and
rectified in time. Due care is taken during design stage in selecting material
and allowance is given for stratification of flue gas and water/steam.
Corrosion and pitting on steam side may result in tube failure if feed water
and boiler water conditioning are not satisfactory. The failure caused by
material defect, material mix-up and welding defect are minimized to a
greater extent by tight inspection and quality control methods used currently.
The maintenance of high-pressure parts requires storing of correct material,
correct size tube and welding consumables. Highly skilled and qualified
welder has to do the hob as per the approved method of the national code
and recommended procedure for the particular job. Pre and/or post heat
treatment and subsequent inspection and testing are essential to ensure
freedom from harmful defects.
Normally spray type desuperheaters are fitted with renewable liners to
protect the main superheater shell from erosion of spray water and thermal
shock. See figure below. Excessive noise usually indicates the work on liner.

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Whenever a work is carried out on pressure part all precautions should be
taken to avoid the entry of foreign material inside the pressure part, as this
will cause another failure. Surroundings should be kept clean. Ash, firebrick,
dust etc. are also harmful as these contain high silica. Extreme care should be
taken in this regard when a work on desuperheater or valves is taken up since
the possibility of foreign material entry is much favourable.
Maintenance of Economisers:
With higher feed water temperature now used in modern boilers with
pulverized fuel firing low temperature corrosion or bonded deposits in
economizer are seldom encountered. For on load cleaning most common
arrangement is to provide full retractable or half retractable lance blowers at
gas inlet to economizers. Shot cleaning can also be utilized but lance cleaning
is normally sufficient.
Water washing can be done to remove bonded deposit and fouling at
inaccessible locations as off-loading cleaning. In severe cases soda-ash
solution may also be employed. Even though on load cleaning is sufficiently
effective, it is usual to water wash economizer during each annual overhauls.
All welded type economizers require little maintenance apart from routine
cleaning mentioned above. Experience has shown that site welds are more
prone to failure particularly during initial period of operation. The location of
these site welds is carefully studied in design stage to afford the best possible
access for welders on site. Most reliable site welding method and checking the
weld with radiography will ensure higher availability.
Maintenance of Feed Pumps:
Feed pumps should be dismantled, cleaned and reassembled, as
recommended by the manufacturer. Where strainers are provided they should
be cleaned when the pressure drop exceeds the permissible limits. Before
starting a new pump or one after a period of prolonged idleness, bearings
should be wetted with lubricating oil, the lubrication system cleaned and
filled with fresh oil. The cooling water system where provided should be

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checked. The pump should be primed before starting. For hot water service,
the pump should be warmed up gradually using the warming up connections
provided. Proper suction pressure must be maintained to operate the pump at
a specified temperature.
Pump alignment should be checked at operating temperature at regular
intervals. Sludge formed in lubricated couplings may adversely affect the
flexibility of the coupling. Such couplings should be watched for leakages and
oil topped up. Oil should be drained and replenished at certain intervals and
at least once in a year.
Cavitation in a centrifugal pump is not very harmful judging only from the
noise, unless excessive vibrations are caused. If cavitation is severe, wasting
of metal occurs in vanes of the impeller, or enlarged balancing ports, and loss
of efficiency is the result.
Dynamic balancing of impeller is necessary for high-speed multistage close
clearance pumps. Vibration is caused when a pump is repaired unless the
impeller is statically balanced. Vibration not exceeding 2 mils on the bearing
house is considered satisfactory for are repaired pump or a new one, when
installed on a regular foundation.
Flexible seal parts should be replaced if they are hardened or pitted. Any
other parts like metal collars, rings, springs, etc., may be replaced if they are
deformed or pitted. All packings must be replaced.
The shaft must be examined for corrosion, worn out key ways, and keys
replaced. All parts, which mate with one another, should be measured and
compared with original size. If the ball bearings feel rough when turned in
hand they must be replaced.
Maintenance of Fans:
Following are the salient points to be taken care of in respect of fans:
a. Procedure recommended by manufacturer is to be followed for
disassembly, assembly of impeller, bearing and other works.
b. Use only recommended lubricants for the bearings. Periodic topping up
and replacement as per the condition of oil by inspection and analysis is
to be done. Follow OEM recommendation and replace oil after the
specified running hours of operation is completed.
c. The period between the replacement, check up etc. can be varied from
manufacturer’s recommendation by the customer to suit his condition
only if he is satisfied that it is not against the safeguard of the equipment.
d. During the planned maintenance, the maintenance personnel should take
all the care so that the equipment will perform satisfactorily till the next
planned shutdown.
e. During emergency maintenance work, the time will be critical, but quality
of the work or safety of personnel and equipment should not be

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Maintenance Check-ups
(a) During annual overhauls check up critical clearances of impeller blade
and casing/inlet branch.
(b) Make sure the operating actuator results in a uniform open and close
setting of all guide vanes.
(c) Check for impeller blade, inlet guide vane and outlet guide blade for
(d) Check for condition of coupling and renew the rubber bushes if worn
(e) Check the joints for wear/leakage.
(f) Use fine strainer while pouring oil.
(g) Do not mix up oil of different quality or lubricant from different
(h) During annual overhauls make sure that the bearing clearance checked
and the bearings are replaced if necessary.
(i) Check up the lubricant condition and make sure that the seals are in
(j) Check and lubricate the inlet guide vane bearings.
(k) Clean the deposits from impeller, suction and delivery ducts.
(l) Ensure perfect fan / motor alignment before coupling.
(m) Before releasing the equipment for trial run, after maintenance
check up the following:
i) Works have been completed satisfactorily.
ii) Men and material were cleared.
iii) Screws and bolts were tightened properly.
iv) The manhole is closed and insulation is restored if applicable).
v) Interconnecting equipment like regulating gear, monitoring
instruments and interlocks are restored back for proper

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1. (a) What are possible causes and remedies if the steam pressure is lower than the
usual pressure?

(b) How is the water side of water tube boiler is cleaned for internal inspection.

2. What preventive maintenance should be followed for oil fired automatic package
on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

3. Write short notes Blow Down and Continuous Blow Down of boiler

4. Write short notes Priming and foaming

5. What are the measures to be taken during the operation of a condenser plant?

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