1 s2.0 S2352492823003227 Main
1 s2.0 S2352492823003227 Main
1 s2.0 S2352492823003227 Main
Keywords: In this work, the importance of the size and concentration of binding sites in mesoporous nanostructures on their
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles performance for protein delivery is reported. Various types of carboxyl-functionalized mesoporous silica (MS)
Polyacrylic acid nanoparticles, i.e., SA(x)-MS, PA1(x)-MS and PA2(x)-MS, where x = 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 mg, were synthesized
Functional molecules size
by using succinic anhydride (SA) and polyacrylic acid with two molecular weights (i.e., 1800 (PA1) and 100,000
Binding sites concentration
Protein delivery
(PA2)), respectively. The particles were thoroughly characterized by TGA, FTIR, STEM and zeta potential
measurement techniques and then, their biomedical performance was investigated by using a model therapeutic
protein, lysozyme. The carboxyl functional molecules concentration (CCOOH) on the particles was increased as a
function of the functional molecules type and quantity in the synthesis reaction environment. The maximum
CCOOH values were recorded for SA(10)-MS, PA1(15)-MS and PA2(15)-MS, being 827, 1662 and 2137 µmol.g− 1,
respectively. However, SA(10)-MS, PA1(15)-MS and PA2(10)-MS particles led to the highest lysozyme loading
yield values of 63.1%, 90.0% and 71.5% as well as the loading capacities of 631, 900 and 715 mg.g− 1,
respectively. The controlled lysozyme release rate and some protein conformational changes favored the in vitro
antibacterial activity of lysozyme molecules carried by the particles, which followed the order of PA1(15)-MS >
PA2(10)-MS > SA(10)-MS.
against Escherichia coli in vitro and in vivo. In another report, the effect
of silica particles size on the lysozyme loading and antibacterial activity
1. Introduction
was investigated [16]. The best antibacterial performance was reported
for the particles with the average size of 79 nm and pore size of 22.4 nm,
Owing to promising developments in pharmaceutical sciences, the
as compared to the large particles (160 nm) having smaller pore size
design and application of nanostructures have been one of the main
(2.4 nm). Yu et al. [17] reported the poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-
topics of researches [1,2]. Generally, the aim of using nanomaterials in
coated core-shell Fe3O4/mesoporous silica particles as a potential
the medical fields has been to load and deliver significant quantities of
nanocarrier of lysozyme to fight against Bacillus cereus and Micrococcus
therapeutic agents to the target cells and reduce the side effects [3–5].
luteus, where the lysozyme release was depended to the thermal alter
For this purpose, various nanocarriers, including organic, inorganic, and
ations. Moreover, the ability of the isobutyramide-modified mesoporous
hybrid types of nanoparticles, have been extensively developed [6–8].
silica for the delivery of various therapeutic biomolecules such as serum
Among various nanomaterials, because of the low cost, easy prepara
albumin, peroxidase, immunoglobulin and polylysine, was investigated
tion, high surface area, excellent biocompatibility, and high thermal and
[18]. The results demonstrated the higher loading capacity of particles
chemical stabilities, silica has been of utmost interest for the therapeutic
for serum albumin and peroxidase compared to others, coupled with the
biomolecules delivery [9,10]. It has been reported that the capacity of
sustainable release rate and high biological activity of the immobilized
the mesoporous silica for loading any therapeutic agent and its release
biomolecules. Recently, the influence of silica structure on the encap
remarkably depends on the physico-chemical properties of particles
sulation and release of a model bone morphogenetic proteins (soybean
[11–14]. Li et al. [15] reported that the excellent performance of
trypsin inhibitor) has been reported [19]. Compared to the ordered
carboxylated mesoporous silica particles as a carrier of lysozyme phys
structured mesoporous silica, the unstructured sample showed higher
ically adsorbed onto them to act as an efficient antibacterial agent
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Esmaeilnejad-Ahranjani).
Received 7 December 2022; Received in revised form 17 January 2023; Accepted 13 February 2023
Available online 14 February 2023
2352-4928/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Esmaeilnejad-Ahranjani and S.A. Maboudi Materials Today Communications 35 (2023) 105632
P. Esmaeilnejad-Ahranjani and S.A. Maboudi Materials Today Communications 35 (2023) 105632
spectrophotometer. The zeta (ζ) potential and hydrodynamic diameter 3. Results and discussion
of particles were estimated by a Malvern Zetasizer Nano instrument
(S90, UK) equipped with the dynamic light scattering (DLS) system. 3.1. Characterization of nanoparticles
Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) was carried out by a
Hitachi S-5500 microscope. The Quantachrome CHEMBET-3000 in The coating of functional molecules onto the surface of particles was
strument was used to measure the BET surface areas. Prior to the anal evaluated using TGA technique (Fig. 1a). For all the samples, the
ysis, the samples were outgassed with a gas mixed of N2 and He, at desorption of physically adsorbed water molecules below 120 ◦ C makes
300 ◦ C for 2 h. The pore volume and diameter were determined by BJH a mass loss of about 2.96%, which is in agreement with the literature
model. [25,26]. For the bare MS particles, no further mass loss is observed,
revealing that the possible decomposition of silica may occur at tem
2.4. Loading and release of protein peratures above 600 ◦ C [27]. For APS-MS particles, the mass loss be
tween 120 and 250 ◦ C can be due to the thermal decomposition of the
In a typical procedure, 4 mg of the prepared carboxyl-functionalized corresponding organic component [28]. The further mass losses for all
MS particles dispersed in 2 mL sodium phosphate buffer solution (pH SA(x)-MS particles are associated with the thermal decomposition of the
7.4, 50 mM) was added to 2 mL of the lysozyme solution (2 mg.mL− 1) in SA bonded to APS, which is in agreement with the literature [28]. For
the sodium phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.4, 50 mM). After shaking at both PA1(x)-MS and PA2(x)-MS particles, the mass losses observed in
200 rpm for various contact times (30, 60, 90 and 120 min), lysozyme- the range of 120–350 ◦ C can be related the thermal decomposition of
loaded particles were centrifuged (13,000 rpm, 20 min) and washed two PA1 and PA2 molecules covalently attached to the APS-MS particles [29,
times with the sodium phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.4, 50 mM). The 30]. The corresponding mF, CF and CCOOH values calculated from TGA
lysozyme-loaded SA(x)-MS, PA1(x)-MS and PA2(x)-MS particles were profiles and using Eq. (1), Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), respectively, are reported
named as L-SA(x)-MS, L-PA1(x)-MS and L-PA2(x)-MS, respectively. The in Table 1. From Table 1, it is observed that by the increase in the initial
amount of loaded lysozyme (MLP, mg) onto the particles (MNP, g) was concentration of SA, the mF, CF and CCOOH values for the corresponding
determined by subtracting the amount of lysozyme remained in the particles gradually enhance and then level off at x = 10. Therefore, at
solutions (MRP, mg) from the applied initial lysozyme (MIP, mg), which this point, the maximum mF, CF and CCOOH values of 82.8 mg.g− 1,
was analyzed by using the spectrophotometry method at 280 nm. The 827.8 µmol.g− 1 and 827.8 µmol.g− 1 are achieved for SA(10)-MS parti
lysozyme loading yield (YLP, mg.mg− 1%) and the loading capacity (CLP, cles, respectively.
mg.g− 1) of particles were determined using Eq. (4) and Eq. (5), However, for PA1(x)-MS and PA2(x)-MS particles, mF continuously
respectively. increases by the enhancement of the initial polymers concentration,
showing the maximum values of 130.0 and 166.8 mg.g− 1 for PA1(15)-
× 100 (4) MS and PA2(15)-MS, respectively, and then starts to decrease by
MIP further enhancement of x. The corresponding CF and CCOOH values for
PA1(15)-MS are 72.26 and 1.668 µmol.g− 1, where they are 1662.0 and
CLP = (5) 2137.5 µmol.g− 1 for PA2(15)-MS particles, respectively. Additionally,
the rate of decrease in the attachment of polymers by the enhancement
To study the in vitro protein release, the lysozyme-loaded particles of x, is much higher for PA2(x)-MS in comparison to PA1(x)-MS.
were dispersed in sodium phosphate buffer solution (50 mM, pH 7.4) Perhaps, the formation of polymers aggregates at higher polymer con
containing KCl (0.5 M), following by shaking at 180 rpm for various centrations in the solution may limited the attachment of polymers onto
time periods. After separation of particles through centrifugation, the the particles. Additionally, the lower CF value for PA2(x)-MS particles
amount of released lysozyme (MDP) in the supernatant was estimated at surface compared to that of PA1(x)-MS can be related to the severe steric
280 nm using the spectrophotometer. The lysozyme release percentage and electrostatic repulsions between polymer molecules that hinder the
(PRP, mg.mg− 1%) was calculated using Eq. (6). PA2 molecules to attach closely on the particles surface. However, the
higher CCOOH value for PA2(x)-MS in comparison to that of PA1(x)-MS
PRP = × 100 (6) can be due to the higher number of carboxyl functional groups (about 55
folds) in one molecule of PA2 compared to that of PA1.
The secondary structure of protein was evaluated by the circular The FTIR spectra of the particles are illustrated in Fig. 1b. The bands
dichroism (CD) spectroscopy technique using the J-715 spec at 810, 973 and 1099 cm− 1 are related to the stretching vibration of
tropolarimeter (Jasco Co.). The analysis were performed at the wave Si–O–Si, Si–OH and bending vibration of Si–O bonds, respectively [28].
length range of 190–260 nm on 0.2 mg.mL− 1 solution of either fresh free For the SA(10)-MS, PA1(15)-MS and PA2(15)-MS particles, the coated
lysozyme or separated lysozyme with the background corrected by carboxyl groups make two absorption peaks at 1410 and 1725 cm− 1
blank spectra of buffer solution. associated to the bending vibration of C− H bonds and stretching vi
bration of C− O bonds, respectively [30]. The absorption peaks at 1560
2.5. Antimicrobial activity and 1647 cm− 1 are associated with the stretching vibrations of amide
(C− N) bonds, fairly confirming the formation of covalent bonds be
The antibacterial activity of the free lysozyme and the ones loaded tween the carboxyl groups of SA, PA1 and PA2 molecules and amine
onto the particles were valuated via the minimum inhibitory concen groups onto the APS-MS particles [31].
tration (MIC) using Staphylococcus aureus. To do the experiments, The surface charges (ζ potential value) of the prepared particles
various concentrations of lysozyme (1000–3000 μg.mL− 1) being either recorded in an aqueous solutions with pH 7.4 are reported in Table 1.
in free form or loaded onto the particles were added to the solution of The ζ potential value of bare MS particles was − 28.8 ± 2.3 mV,
1 × 106 CFU.mL− 1 S. aureus in 20 mL BHI medium, and incubated at implying the presence of the hydroxyl groups (-OH) on silica surface
37 ◦ C and 200 rpm for 24 h. The bacterial cell viability was measured by [28,32]. After coating the particles with the functional molecules, the
recording the optical density (OD) of samples at 610 nm using a spec surface charges of SA(x)-MS, PA1(x)-MS and PA2(x)-MS particles were
trophotometer. For the background correction through the OD mea decreased and, as it can be expected, by the increase of the CCOOH values
surement, the BHI media including the free lysozyme and/or lysozyme of particles, the surface charges of particles get more negative (Table 1).
loaded particles with the content exactly equal to the ones used in MIC The STEM images revealed the spherical morphologies with the
assays were applied. The experiment was performed in triplicate and average diameter of 92 ± 10 nm for all the MS, SA(10)-MS, PA1(15)-MS
mean standard deviation values were reported. and PA2(15)-MS particles (Fig. 2). It is observed that through coating of
P. Esmaeilnejad-Ahranjani and S.A. Maboudi Materials Today Communications 35 (2023) 105632
Fig. 1. TGA profiles (a) and FTIR spectra (b) of the prepared particles.
P. Esmaeilnejad-Ahranjani and S.A. Maboudi Materials Today Communications 35 (2023) 105632
Fig. 2. STEM images of (a) MS, (b) SA(10)-MS, (c) PA1(15)-MS and (d) PA2(10)-MS particles.
influencing the electrostatic interactions between the positively charged 3.4. Antibacterial activity of the protein-loaded nanoparticles
lysozyme and the negatively charged particles (see Table 1).
This work intends to develop a system to carry and deliver proteins, The in vitro antibacterial efficacy of the samples against S. aureus are
thus the release of the loaded lysozyme molecules was analyzed. From shown in Fig. 5. The bare particles do not show any activity, which is in
the desorption profiles (Fig. 4), upon 24 h treatment in the buffer so agreement with the literature [21]. L-SA(10)-MS, L-PA1(15)-MS and
lution, about 32.5%, 16.2% and 8.3% of the lysozyme molecules release L-PA2(10)-MS show MIC values of 1000, 350 and 550 µg.mL− 1, which
from the L-SA(10)-MS, L-PA1(15)-MS and L-PA2(10)-MS particles, are 2.1, 6 and 3.8 folds higher than that of the free lysozyme (2100 µg.
respectively. The slow lysozyme release can be attributed to the cationic mL− 1), respectively. According to the literature [35,36], the enhance
charge of lysozyme (pI 9.5) at pH 7.4, which in turn leads to the ment in the antibacterial efficacy of lysozyme through loading onto the
reduction of the electrostatic repulsion between the particles and pro particles can be originated from the improvement of the interaction
tein molecules [36,37]. In addition, as the particles surface gets more between the adsorbed lysozyme and the bacterial cell wall [35,36].
negative, this repulsions decrease and therefore, desorption rate in Therefore, the reason of the order of L-PA1(15)-MS > L-PA2(10)-MS
creases in the order of SA(10)-MS > PA1(15)-MS > PA2(10)-MS. > L-SA(10)-MS for the antibacterial activity can be related to the
mechanism of protein release and the conformational changes of pro
3.3. Secondary structure of the lysozyme delivered by nanoparticles tein. From Fig. 4, it was shown that PRP values increase in the order of
L-SA(10)-MS > L-PA1(15)-MS > L-PA2(10)-MS. In addition, CD analysis
Before suggesting the optimum structures of the prepared particles, it results showed that the conformation of the lysozyme changes in the
is important to study whether proteins structures can be affected by the order of L-PA2(10)-MS > L-PA1(15)-MS > L-SA(10)-MS (Table 2). From
type of carboxyl groups coated onto the particles. The secondary these results, it can be concluded that the protein release from L-SA
conformation of lysozyme loaded onto particles was studied using CD (10)-MS is fast and even not controllable, thus it shows lower antibac
spectroscopy technique. The contents of structural elements are re terial performance compared to two other prepared samples, though this
ported in Table 2. The results show that, for the lysozyme loaded onto loaded lysozyme showed the negligible conformational changes
the particles, the content of α-helical and β-sheet elements decreases and (Table 2). In contrary, the almost low PRP values for L-PA1(15)-MS and
the unordered elements increase in the order of L-PA2(10)-MS > L-PA1 L-PA2(10)-MS may be favorable to introduce high antibacterial activ
(15)-MS > L-SA(10)-MS, in comparison to the free lysozyme. The ities. The lower activity of L-PA2(10)-MS in comparison to that of L-PA1
alteration of proteins’ structure is the typical future the processes of the (15)-MS can be related to the very slower lysozyme release rate and
adsorption of proteins onto the particles [36–38]. Here, as reported in higher conformational changes of the former. Moreover, perhaps, some
the previous sections, by the increase of functional molecules size changes in the lysozyme conformation through loading, particularly by
attached onto the particles (i.e., PA2 > PA1 > SA), the CCOOH values of loading onto the PA1(15)-MS particle, is favorable for its activity.
the particles increased leading to the reduction of ζ potential values, see
Table 1. Therefore, it can be concluded that as the surface charge of 4. Conclusion
particles gets more negative, the electrostatic interactions between the
protein molecules and particles increase, thus the higher conformational To develop carboxyl-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles
changes of protein in L-PA2(10)-MS compared to L-PA1(15)-MS and with the optimized size and concentration of binding sites, different
both of them in comparison to L-SA(10)-MS are observed. structures of SA(x)-MS, PA1(x)-MS and PA2(x)-MS, where x = 5, 10, 15,
20 and 30 mg, were synthesized and applied for the therapeutic protein
delivery. The size and initial concentration of the applied functional
molecule had a significant effect on the concentration of carboxyl groups
P. Esmaeilnejad-Ahranjani and S.A. Maboudi Materials Today Communications 35 (2023) 105632
Fig. 3. The YLP values of (a) SA(x)-MS, (b) PA1(x)-MS and (c) PA2(x)-MS; and CLP values of (d) SA(x)-MS, (e) PA1(x)-MS and (f) PA2(x)-MS at pH 7.4 using the
protein initial concentrations of 2 mg.mL− 1.
on particles and consequently on the YLP and CLP values. Among the Additionally, the release rate, PRP values, secondary structure and
particles prepared by SA, PA1 and PA2 functional molecules, the SA antibacterial activity of the loaded protein depended to the type of
(10)-MS, PA1(15)-MS and PA2(15)-MS particles exhibited high CCOOH particles. The lysozyme release rate increased in the order of L-SA(10)-
values, respectively. However, the YLP and CLP values of particles MS > L-PA1(15)-MS > L-PA2(10)-MS. The protein conformational
increased in the order of PA1(15)-MS > PA2(10)-MS > SA(10)-MS. change increased in the order of L-PA2(10)-MS > L-PA1(15)-MS > L-SA
P. Esmaeilnejad-Ahranjani and S.A. Maboudi Materials Today Communications 35 (2023) 105632
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