A Dissertation
JoAnna Gillilan
Copyrighted by
JoAnna Gillilan
Plant essential oils have been used since antiquity for many purposes, including
pest control in agriculture and against nuisance pests such as mosquitoes, flies and ticks.
grown foods, as well as using natural and naturally derived materials to eradicate pests in
their lawn, garden and homes. In 1996, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
established a list, referred to as the 25(b) list, containing 31 active ingredients deemed
minimum risk. Companies developing pesticides using active ingredients from the 25(b)
list are exempt from federal registration requirements, providing a financial incentive to
develop such products as well as fill growing consumer demand. There are 14 plant
essential oils and essential oil constituents on the 25(b) list with proven pesticide
properties, but there is little public information comparing efficacy of these ingredients.
This study compared 14 essential oils and essential oil constituents from the 25(b) list in
insecticidal and herbicidal contact bioassays: cedar oil, cinnamon oil, citronella oil, clove
oil, eugenol, garlic oil, geraniol, geranium oil, lemongrass oil, mint oil, peppermint oil,
rosemary oil, thyme oil, and 2-phenethyl propionate. Their performance as single active
ingredients and as pairwise combinations with one another within liquid formulations
was evaluated for additive or synergistic benefits. In contact insecticidal assays using 9th
difference in knockdown (KD) time in response to the different essential oils tested, but
no synergistic effect was observed when two essential oils were combined . There was a
positive correlation of insect KD time and contact angle of co-formulants that were
combined with essential oils. Cinnamon, lemongrass and rosemary oils had slow KD
times (>1 minute), but were significantly enhanced when paired with the surfactant
system having the lowest contact angle of 60°. The 25(b) oils that should be considered
geranium, peppermint and thyme oils. The same essential oils and surfactant
herbicidal activity of the essential oils, but again no synergistic effect was observed when
two essential oils were combined. A novel discovery of synergy was made when
herbicidal activity was greatly enhanced by combining essential oils with a surfactant
system containing a non-herbicidal rate of sodium caprylate, a fatty acid salt. The 25(b)
oils with the highest weed injury were cinnamon, citronella, eugenol, geraniol, geranium,
peppermint and thyme oils. The findings of these experiments suggest that all 25(b)
essential oils except garlic oil can be formulated into effective pesticides. Targeting a
low contact angle surfactant system can enhance insecticidal activity of these oils, while
the use of sodium caprylate can speed phytotoxic symptoms when used as herbicides.
Company for the financial support of this project and for giving me the opportunity to
pursue my degree while serving as an employee. While there are many at “Scotts” who
have provided support, patience and friendship along the way, I would like to specifically
thank Dr. Rami Soufi for encouraging me to pursue this dream. You have been an
excellent mentor over the years, and thank you for taking time to serve on my advisory
committee. To Robert Radabaugh, Stuart Falk, Tiffany Stegner, Jean-Francois Bayle and
Jim Essinger, thanks to each of you for your advice, patience, and overall support of this
project. I would also like to extend many thanks to Amy Boone, Addaleigh Rife and
Michelle Green for the wonderful assistance in the lab and field. You made all the hard
work fun. I also thank my major advisor, Dr. David Gardner, as well as my other
advisory committee members Dr. Karl Danneberger, Dr. Brian McSpadden Gardener, Dr.
Dave Shetlar, and Dr. Rami Soufi. Your excellent guidance, support and confidence in
My deepest gratitude is reserved for the two that sacrificed the most while I
pursued a dream: my husband John and daughter Josie. Because of you and the Lord
Jesus Christ, I was able to accomplish what many said would just be too hard for a
working mommy.
Field of Study
Table of Contents
Abstract ..............................................................................................................................ii
Vita..................................................................................................................................... v
Chapter 2: Physical and chemical characteristics of U.S. EPA minimum risk essential oils
influencing their insecticide and herbicide activity ......................................................... 28
Chapter 3: Contact toxicity of U.S. EPA minimum risk plant essential oils on American
cockroach (Periplaneta americana) and the influence of surfactants on knockdown speed
.......................................................................................................................................... 57
Chapter 4: Post-emergent herbicide activity of U.S. EPA minimum risk plant essential
oils on dandelion (Taraxacum officianale) and crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum) and the
influence of surfactants on their herbicidal activity......................................................... 84
Appendix A: Essential oil chromatograms from gas chromatographic analysis ........... 119
Appendix C: Photographs from tensiometer for contact angle measurement ............... 141
Appendix D: Phase 1 photographs of weed injury 1 and 24 hours after application..... 145
Appendix E: Phase 2 photographs of weed injury 6 hours after application, greenhouse &
field trials…………………………………………………………………………….154
Comprehensive Bibliography…………………………………………………………..160
List of Tables
Table 1.2. Common & botanical names of 25(b) essential oils, plant parts used, raw
material origin and trade quantities.................................................................................. 21
Table 2.2 Nonionic HLB kit used in determining required HLB for 10 essential oils…..46
Table 2.3. Formulation components in the 3 surfactant systems tested in phase 2 insect
knockdown and dandelion herbicide experiments…………………...…………………..47
Table 2.4. Supplier list and lot codes for essential oils used in insect and weed control
Table 2.5. Constituent standards used in the GC-MS analysis of essential oils………....49
Table 2.6. Required HLB to emulsify the noted oils in distilled water………………….49
Table 2.7. Contact angle of essential oils, 5% v/v, combined with 3 unique surfactant
systems and the corresponding knockdown time of 9th instar American cockroach
Table 2.8. P values of essential oils + surfactant system C, compared to systems A and
Table 2.9. Mean knockdown time of surfactant systems A, B and C on 9th instar
American cockroaches, averaged across all essential oils……………….………………51
Table 2.10. Percent injury of dandelions 1 hour, 6 hours, 24 hours and 5 days after
application of 10 essential oils formulated with surfactant systems A, B and C in 2
greenhouse experiments………………………………………………………………….52
Table 2.11. Percent injury of dandelions 1 hour, 6 hours, 24 hours and 6 days after
application of 10 essential oils formulated with surfactant systems A, B and C under field
Table 2.12. GC-MS constituent analysis, retention times and the corresponding chemical
structures and molecular weights of 25(b) essential oils…………..…………………….54
Table 3.1. EPA-exempt insect control products currently sold or state-registered for sale
in the market……………………………………………..…............................................76
Table 3.2. Time (seconds, nlog transformed) to knock down American cockroach nymphs
using 10% cedar oil alone compared to combinations with other
Table 3.3. Time (seconds, nlog transformed) to knock down American cockroach nymphs
using 10% clove oil alone compared to combinations with other oils…………………..78
Table 3.4. Time (seconds, nlog transformed) to knock down American cockroach nymphs
using 10% eugenol alone compared to combinations with other oils……………………79
Table 3.5. Time (seconds, nlog transformed) to knock down American cockroach nymphs
using 10% garlic oil alone compared to combinations with other oils…………………..79
Table 3.6. Time (seconds, nlog transformed) to knock down American cockroach nymphs
using 10% geraniol alone compared to combinations with other oils…………………...80
Table 3.7. Time (seconds, nlog transformed) to knock down American cockroach nymphs
using 10% peppermint oil alone compared to combinations with other oils…………….80
Table 3.8. Essential oils in order of KD speed at 10% w/w concentration on American
Table 3.9. Main effect of essential oil on KD speed of 9th instar American cockroaches at
a 5% w/w concentration, average KD across three surfactant systems..………………...81
Table 3.10. Mean knockdown time of 9th instar American cockroaches with eugenol,
geraniol and geranium oil combined with surfactant systems A & C, averaged across 3
test dates………………….………………………………………………………………82
Table 4.1. Non-selective EPA-exempt weed control products currently sold in the
Table 4.2. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing cedar oil ……………………………………………………………….……106
Table 4.3. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing cinnamon oil………………..……………………………………………….107
Table 4.4. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing eugenol…………………………………..………………………………….108
Table 4.5. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing garlic oil…………………………………………………………………….109
Table 4.6. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing geraniol……………………………………………………………………...110
Table 4.7. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing geranium oil……………….………………………………………………..111
Table 4.8. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing mint oil……………………………………………………………………...112
Table 4.9. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing peppermint oil……………………………………….……………………...113
Table 4.10. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing rosemary oil……………………………….………………………………...114
Table 4.11. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing 2-phenethyl propionate……………………………………………………..115
Table 4.12. Percent injury of dandelions 1 and 24 hours after foliar application with 10%
w/w essential oil formulations………………………………………………………….116
Table 4.13. Percent injury of crabgrass 1 and 24 hours after foliar application with 10%
w/w essential oil formulations………………………………………………………….116
Table 4.14. Herbicide synergy of ten essential oils mixed at 5% w/w concentration with
surfactant system A six hours after application to dandelions………………..………..117
List of Figures
Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2. Positive linear relationship between knockdown time of American
cockroaches with increasing contact angle of essential oil formulations containing
surfactant systems A, B or C…………………………………………..………………..46
Chapter 1: Literature review on the use of essential oils as pesticides
been known for years, perhaps centuries for some. Evidence for the production of
essential oils via water distillation dates back to ca. 3500 BC, and the ancient equipment
is on display at the Texila museum in Pakistan (Brud 2010). While the use of essential
oils for pest control has been in practice for many years, there are few commercialized
agricultural or homeowner lawn and garden essential oil-based products available on the
market. In the 1940’s, botanical insecticides were widely used on farms for insect control
purposes, but were eventually replaced with synthetic pesticides (Isman 2000).
agencies, and general public. There has been a renewed interest in the use of botanical
pesticides for agriculture in the last decade, and that trend is mirrored in the consumer
market (Butterfield & Baldwin 2011). With the rising demand for natural based pest
control options, public and private sector organizations have re-focused their discovery
programs by looking back to natural sources for new biologically active compounds.
Choices for insect control in organic food production are limited primarily to biological
control agents and a few botanicals such as neem oil, spinosad and some essential oils
(OMRI Policy and Standards Manual 2010). Additionally, organic agriculture does not
allow the use of synthetic herbicides for weed control, which leads to labor issues in
having to control weeds by mechanical means, as well as reduced yields due to resource
competition between the crop and weeds (Dayan et al. 2009). Similarly, backyard
gardeners who desire to grow fruits, vegetables and ornamentals organically are left with
few commercially available product options for controlling pests. In addition to their low
insecticide resistances, and overall reduced ecological hazards, there is much literature to
support the benefits of using essential oils as part of an integrated pest management
(IPM) program due to the various means by which they can reduce pest populations
(Regnault-Roger 1997). The challenge for industry is to meet this demand for natural
and organic products while matching the efficacy performance of synthetic pesticides
active ingredient list containing 31 ingredients which were deemed to be “minimum risk”
to the environment. Along with the 25(b) active ingredient list, a “4(a)” minimum risk
list of inert ingredients was also established. The purpose of the minimum risk
“natural” pesticides by providing the financial incentive of avoiding the costly federal
requirements is allowed an exemption from the EPA registration process, but is still
required to register with some states (40 CFR Part 152, Vol. 61, No. 45, March 6, 1996).
Table 1.1 is a complete list of the 25(b) minimum risk pesticides as listed on the EPA
A few lawn and garden companies have commercialized exempt products. Most
of these products utilize the 11 essential oils and the 3 essential oil constituents from the
25(b) list as the active ingredient(s). The consumer products that are available often have
poor emulsions that require the user to “shake well”, can cause significant phytotoxic
effects to desirable plants, and have a reputation among consumers as having weaker
performance against control of pests (Scotts unpublished data). There are several
explanations of why exempt products containing botanical insecticides have been fairly
Essential oils are mixtures of complex, highly volatile plant secondary products
which rapidly break down in the environment and are non-persistent when used on food
products as a means of pest control (Machial et al. 2010; Sampson et al. 2005; Isman
2000; Misra et al. 1996). Dayan et al. (2009) state that the short half life of essential oils
is primarily due to their lack of “unnatural” ring structures, as well as the presence of
very few halogen substituents, such as Cl, F, and Br, that are sometimes found in
synthetic pesticides. The most widely recognized plant essential oils having pesticide
(Regnault-Roger 1997; Tisserand et al. 1995; Tarelli et al. 2009; Isman & Machial 2006).
These oils are extracted via steam distillation of the foliage or other plant parts (Isman &
Machial 2006). Plants that produce essential oils do so as a means to provide self-
protection from insects, herbivores and diseases. Others have the ability to excrete
neighboring plants, while yet others use their secondary compounds as semio-chemicals
to attract pollinators. There are numerous essential oils not included on the 25(b) list that
properties. Many other oils have been widely studied and used for medicinal and
therapeutic purposes and are also used throughout the world as fragrances and food
flavoring agents. Significant cost differences exist among essential oils, driven by global
14 essential oils on the 25(b) list (Table 1.1). Many researchers have elucidated the
constituents within the essential oils primarily responsible for the biological activity.
Ngoh et al. (1998) classify the volatile components of essential oils into 4 groups:
compounds. The combinations of these constituents within the plant are responsible for
the characteristic flavor and odor of plants. Functional groups include aromatic phenols,
oxides, ethers, alcohols, esters, aldehydes, and ketones (Batish et al. 2008).
carbon atoms, are major constituents of essential oils. These are lipophilic molecules
with high vapor tension. Linalool, menthyl acetate, limonene, menthone, geraniol, citral,
trans-anethole are well known examples of pesticide compounds (Phillips et al. 2010;
Tarelli et al. 2009; Isman & Machial 2006; Isman 2000; Sampson et al. 2005). Species
within the Lamiaceae family are particularly well documented as having acute toxicity to
insects. Four of the 25(b) essential oils are in this family: mint, peppermint, rosemary,
and thyme oil. These particular oils are rich in the mono- and sesquiterpenes carvacrol,
cymene, and thymol, and are primarily responsible for the efficacy of these oils (BJ
Sampson 2005). Other monoterpenes present in 25(b) essential oils include geraniol,
trans- neral), carvacrol, menthyl-acetate, camphene and camphor. The chemical structure
of these compounds, among others, is presented in Table 1.3 to illustrate the various
There are various documentations describing exactly how essential oils work as
insecticides. The means of delivery include fumigant and topical applications, and may
have antifeedant and repellent properties, ovicidal activity, cause reproductive delays or
modifications in development (Isman 2000; Regnault-Roger 1997; Rice & Coats 1994;
Singh et al. 1989; Choi et al. 2002; Choi et al. 2004; Huang et al. 1998; Petrakis et al.
2005). Lipophilic plant oils are known to kill soft-bodied insects by penetrating their
waxy cuticle, leading to desiccation. There is also evidence that once penetrated through
the cuticle, certain components within essential oils may begin to block
neurotransmitters, digestive enzymes or growth hormones (BJ Sampson et al. 2005;
Tarelli et al. 2009; Tisserand & Balacs 1995). In addition to the physical effects of
disrupting cellular tissue, the rapid toxic effects of essential oils indicate that there is a
neurotoxic effect on pests (Enan 2001, Isman & Machial 2006). Through experiments on
volatile oil constituents’ insecticidal and repellent properties against the American
cockroach (Periplaneta americana), Ngoh et al. (1998) concluded that “contact toxicity
decreases when the double bond is closer to the aromatic ring in isoeugenol compared to
capacity. In a study by Phillips et al. (2010), there was negative correlation between
essential oil constituent density and its toxicity to German cockroaches (Blattella
germanica). The authors concluded that the density may effect the penetration of the
compounds through the cuticle. They also found that aromatic compounds such as
carvacrol, thymol, eugenol, and trans-cinnamaldehyde were more toxic than the aliphatic
compound geraniol. Their conclusion was that the benzene ring present in aromatic
compounds is not easily metabolized and detoxified within the insect. Rice and Coats
(1994) also found that aromatic compounds were more efficacious to the house fly
pesticide activity of phenolic versus aliphatic terpenes, the extent of toxicity of these
compounds was highly dependent on the test species. At least one of the phenols eugenol
or carvacrol was more active on fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), tobacco cutworm
(Spodoptera litura), house fly and western corn rootworm beetle (Diabrotica virgifera
virgifera) than the terpenes a-terpineol and terpinen-4-ol. However, for twospotted
spider mites (Tetranychus urticae), terpinen-4-ol was much more active than either
They found that as the electron accessibility increased in the monoterpenoids, there was a
The QSAR derived from the acyclic monoterpenoids as compared to the aromatic
octopamine and tyramine receptors and essential oil mode of action in insects. The role
neurohormones, and neuromodulators (Enan 2004; Bischof & Enan 2004). In Enan’s
while significantly increasing cyclic AMP (cAMP) and Ca2+ levels. The presence and
insecticidal activity, with the 2 or 3 ring positions being most favorable. Kostyukovsky
response to two unnamed essential oil terpenes belonging to the Labiatae family. This
reaction is similar to the effect of octopamine on cAMP levels, indicating that there may
these constituents was not found to correlate with acetyl cholinesterase activity.
Several of the plant essential oils listed on the EPA 25(b) minimum risk pesticide
list are also sold commercially as contact, non-selective herbicides. The mode of action
is typically attributed to a rapid loss of cell membrane integrity (Copping & Duke 2007).
Cedar oil (Cupressus & Juniperus spp): The major components of cedar oil
(Virginia) are α- and β-cedrene at 80% concentration, cedrol at 3-14% and cedrenol.
acorene, are present, as well as monoterpenoids such as sabinene and sabinyl acetate
(Khan & Abourashed 2010). Choi et al. (2003) included cedar oil (Cedrus atlantica) in a
fumigant bioassay test of 53 essential oils and their toxicity to 3 stages of greenhouse
whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum). The mortality rate was less than 40% at all life
stages with cedar oil at the highest tested concentration of 19 x 10-3 µl/ml air, making it
Cinnamon oil (Cinnamomum spp): In Cassia bark oil from trees grown in China,
phenylethyl acetate, eugenyl acetate, (Z)-cinnamic aldehyde, eugenol and others may also
be found (Khan & Abourashed 2010). Wijesekera et al. (1974) reported that oils
extracted from the root stem and leaves of Cinnamomum zeylanicum were significantly
different in terms of constituent levels, with the stem bark containing the highest amount
of cinnamaldehyde at 70%. Root bark oil consisted mostly of camphor and linalool, and
leaf oil consisted mostly of eugenol. In a study conducted by Lee et al. (2008), cinnamon
oil was found to have an LD50 value of 0.016 mg cm2 on rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae),
a common destructive pest of stored grains. This study also tested fumigant activity of
the most toxic and comparable to that of dichlorvos, with 83% mortality using the closed
container fumigant method at a 0.013 mg/cm3 dosage. Other compounds included in the
hydroxycinnamic acid, and hydrocinnamyl acetate. Activity against S. oryzae in this test
was via the vapor phase due to the fumigant mode of delivery. However, there is still not
been registered with the U.S. EPA since 1994 as an active ingredient for use as an
Citronella oil (Cymbopogon spp): There are two main types of citronella oil,
referred to as Ceylon and Java. Both types contain citronellal, citronellol and geraniol as
the major components, but the proportions of these vary greatly depending on source and
type, with Java having a higher percentage made up of these 3 components. Other
constituents found in citronella oil include esters of geraniol, citronellol and linalool,
alcohols, phenols and free acids. The Ceylon type contains a higher percentage of
monoterpenes than the Java type (Khan &Abourashed 2010). Citronella is widely used
as a mosquito repellent. Waliwitiya et al. (2009) found that citronellal, as well as other
essential oil constituents, was highly effective against all larval stages of Aedes aegypti
(Diptera: Culicidae) at LC50 of 40 to 263 mg/L. Citronellal also showed 88% oviposition
deterrence. Citronella is currently sold in the UK as an herbicide under the name Barrier
H™, a ready-to-use formulation containing 22.9% citronella oil. Its herbicidal activity
was tested by Clay et al. (2005) as a treatment for clearing area for tree establishment. At
a high dose of 229 kg a.i. ha-1, citronella oil killed foliage of all weed species within one
day of application, but re-growth was reported. Choi et al. (2003) included citronella
was highly effective on both adult and egg stages, but only at the highest dose tested. As
a result, it was not ranked among the most toxic of oils on this particular species.
Clove oil (Eugenia spp, Syzygium aromaticum): Clove bud oil contains 60-90%
eugenol, 2-27% eugenol acetate, 5-12% b-caryophyllene and other minor constituents
such as methyl acetate, methyl eugenol, benzaldehyde, methyl amyl ketone, a-ylangene
and chavicol. Constituents found in clove leaf and clove stem oils are very similar, but
may differ in ratio. Napthalene may be present in leaf and stem oils, but does not occur
in the bud oil (Khan & Abourashed 2010). Tworkoski (2002) showed that clove oil and
halepense), which led to significant injury to the plant tissue. In Bainard et al. (2006),
clove leaf oil (2.5% v/v) inhibited growth of broccoli seedlings by 64%, and 67% when
leaf epicuticular wax was removed prior to spraying, with clove leaf oil proving more
effective than eugenol (1.5% v/v). Clove oil is a commonly used active ingredient in
commercial products sold for organic agriculture. Dayan et al. (2009) list the products
Exempt™ as non-selective herbicides containing clove oil as the active ingredient. Boyd
and Brennan (2006) reported that a 90% reduction of burning nettle and commom
purslane required rates from 12-61 L/ha, with an estimated price of $880 to $2140 per
agriculture, homeowners desiring an organic solution for weed control may find the costs
within reason, particularly if weeds are being spot treated. In Choi et al. (2003), clove oil
provided 98% mortality to greenhouse whitefly nymphs at 9.3 x 10-3 concentration, and
clove (bud) oil provided 94% mortality to eggs at the same concentration. Among the 53
essential oils included in this study, only 8 including clove, were considered highly
effective against all 3 stages (adult, nymph and egg) of greenhouse whitefly. The mode
of delivery was via vapor phase. Other 25(b) oils included in this study were cedar
graveolens), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), thyme red and thyme white (Thymus
vulgaris). Of these, only peppermint oil was equally as effective as clove on the three life
many essential oils. It is the primary constituent of clove oil, but is also found in
significant amounts in cinnamon oil. Eugenol is known for its herbicidal, insecticidal and
antifungal activity. Bainard et al. (2006) reported on the ability of both eugenol 1.5% and
clove oil 2.5% to reduce seedling growth of common lambsquarter (Chenopodium album
L.), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), and sprouting broccoli (Brassica oleracea
var. italica). Overall, clove oil was more effective as an herbicide than eugenol, and both
worked better on redroot pigweed due to its lack of leaf epicuticular wax. Ngoh et al.
(1998) tested the insecticidal and repellent properties of several volatile constituents of
essential oils against American cockroaches, and found that the most toxic compounds in
the contact toxicity test were eugenol, methyl-eugenol, safrole and isosafrole. Methyl-
eugenol was a better knockdown agent than eugenol, but both constituents had the same
mortality effect. In conclusion, Ngoh et al. state that the benzene derivatives tested are
better toxicants and repellents to American cockroaches than the monoterpenes included
in the trials, which were limonene, cineole, and p-cymene. Enan (2005) determined
eugenol LD50 values of 1.9 and 47 µg/insect for fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and
acid LD50 values were 1.65 and 98 µg/insect for D. melanogaster & P. americana, and
trans-anethole LD50 values were 6 and 1300 µg/insect for D. melanogaster & P.
americana. In addition, Enan found that eugenol had lower LC50 values on American
cinnamic acid.
Garlic oil (Allium sativum L): Most published literature cites that diallyl disulfide
is the main compound in garlic oil, at 60%, with diallyl thiosulfinate, allylpropyl
disulfide, diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide also being major components. Other
tetra-, and pentasulfides and other related sulfur compounds. Other non-sulfur
compounds that may be found in garlic oil include citral, geraniol, linalool and b-
phellandrene (Khan &Abourashed 2010). Machial et al. (2010) reported garlic oil to be
the most effective of 17 tested essential oils on 1st instar cabbage looper larvae
(Trichoplusia ni), with LC50 = 3.3 µl/mL and LD50 = 22.7 µg/insect. It ranked 5th out of
17 in terms of its toxic effect to the oblique-banded leaf roller (Choristoneura rosaceae),
with 22% mortality of 1st instar larvae at 5 µL/mL. Major constituents of the garlic oil
sample used in this experiment were 35.2% diallyl disulfide, 26.2% di-2-propenyl
trisulfide, 20.7% 3,3’ thiobis-1-propene, 6.6% methyl 2-propenyl trisulfide and 4.5%
primarily l-citronellol and geraniol, with linalool and phenethyl alcohol also present. The
esters geranyl tiglate, geranyl acetate, citronellyl formate and citronellyl acetate comprise
20-30% of the oil. Many other minor constituents may also be found in geranium oil,
such as sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and alcohols, acids, dimethyl sulfide, cis- and trans-
2010). In Tarelli et al. (2009), toxicity of multiple essential oils including geranium,
mint, lavender, eucalyptus and orange oils were tested on the common house fly. A
topical application of 0.09 µg mint oil per insect was required to reach LD50, as compared
to 0.07 µg geranium oil. In the same publication, fumigant toxicity was conducted using
the same essential oils. Knockdown times of 50% (KT50) were 10.4 minutes for mint and
17.7 minutes for geranium oil, with the fastest being eucalyptus at 3.3 minutes. geranium
oil was tested for toxicity against three life stages of greenhouse whitefly, among 53
other essential oils by Choi et al. (2003). All 3 stages were effectively controlled (>90%
mortality) by geranium oil, but at the highest dose only. There were several other oils,
including clove and peppermint, which proved much more effective at lower doses.
from several plants. It is widely used in the flavor and fragrance industries and is
described as having a sweet floral and citrus fragrance (Chen & Viljoen 2010). Both
geraniol and eugenol have been used as attractants in Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica)
lures. Phillips et al. (2010) included geraniol in a toxicity study on German cockroaches.
The resulting LD50 values ranged from 0.05 to 0.83 mg per cockroach on small nymphs
and adult females, respectively. While certainly found to be toxic, other essential oil
LD50 values at most life stages. Joen et al. (2009) found that the acaricidal effects of
geraniol on storage food mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae) were more effective than the
industry standard benzyl benzoate, with LD50 values of 1.27 µg/cm3 and 1.95 µg/cm3,
respectively. Geraniol also displayed highly toxic acaricidal properties when in direct
contact with Otodectes cynotis in a study by Traina et al. (2005). Three other
monoterpenes (α-pinene, limonene and p-cymene) were included in this study, but were
Lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon citratus): West Indian lemongrass oil contains 65-
85% citral, whereas Cameroonian C. citratus contains geranial as its major component,
comprising 33% of the oil. Other compounds that may be present in lemongrass oil
volatile acids such as isovaleric, geranic, caprylic, citronellic and others (Khan &
commercial organic herbicide GreenMatch EX™ contains 50% lemongrass oil as the
active ingredient (Dayan et al. 2005). Lemongrass oil is also known for its insecticidal
properties and was included, among 52 other essential oils, in a test against greenhouse
whitefly by Choi et al. (2003). Lemongrass oil was highly effective against the adult
stage, but only at the highest rate tested; nymphs were only suppressed at this rate.
However, on the egg stage, lemongrass oil was the most effective (98% mortality) of all
53 oils at the lowest tested rate of 0.0023 µl/ml air. A fumigant toxicity study of essential
oils and constituents on 4 stored-product beetle species showed that lemongrass oil had
little to no toxic effect. However, linalool and terpinen-4-ol, found in lemongrass oil as
minor constituents, were found to be highly effective (Shaaya et al. 1991). In a study by
Machial et al. (2010) on the toxicity of 17 essential oils on two lepidopteran species,
lemongrass oil was the second most toxic to 1st instar cabbage looper larvae, with 53%
µL/mL. However, it was found to be one of the least effective on 1st instar oblique
banded leafroller. A GC-MS analysis found the major constituents of this lemongrass oil
Mint oil (Mentha spp.): “Mint” generically covers multiple mint species within
the Mentha genus. Major constituents of mint oil include menthol, menthone, etc, and
vary according to species. In Tarelli et al. (2009), a study of toxicity of multiple essential
oils including geranium, mint, lavender, eucalyptus and orange oils, to house fly was
conducted. A topical application of 0.09 µg mint oil per insect was required to reach
LD50, compared to 0.07 µg geranium oil. In the same publication, a fumigant trial was
conducted using the same essential oils. Knockdown times of 50% (KT50) were 10.4
minutes for mint and 17.7 minutes for geranium oil, with the fastest time of 3.3 minutes
obtained with eucalyptus oil. Koschier and Sedy (2003) tested repellency and oviposition
effects of mint oil, along with several other essential oils, against onion thrips (Thrips
activity of females on leaves (0.8 eggs per leaf disc treated with 1% mint oil compared to
Peppermint oil (Mentha piperita): The volatile components of peppermint oil are
Choi et al. (2003) that tested the efficacy of 53 essential oils on 3 life stages of
greenhouse whitefly. Peppermint oil, along with clove oil, was ranked as one of the eight
most toxic oils on all three life stages. The vapor phase was responsible for mortality. In
a separate study by Choi et al. (2004), peppermint oil was considered highly toxic in a
Phytoseiulus persimilis, a natural predator of T. urticae. Harwood et al. (1990)
abnormalities in cutworm. Peppermint oil was also highly effective on the red flour
and constituents against four stored-grain pests. Of the constituents tested, 1,8-cineole,
which is commonly found in peppermint oil and is also known as eucalyptol, was one of
the most toxic (Shaaya et al. 1991). Conversely, a peppermint oil sample containing 29%
menthol and 17% menthone was ranked least toxic to turnip aphids (Lipaphis erysimi) in
a study of 23 essential oils by Sampson et al. (2005). Samarasekera et al. (2008) studied
quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles tessellates. The authors concluded that
the optimum activity of the derivatives was related to their volatility, degree of saturation,
verbenol, verbenone, terpineol, 3-octanone and isobornyl acetate (Khan & Abourashed
2010). Koschier and Sedy (2003) tested rosemary oil, among other essential oils, for its
repellency and deterrence capabilities against Thrips tabaci. When tested for repellency
in olfactory bioassays (glass Y-tube), 10% rosemary oil performed the best with 77%
thrip settling on the leaf surface. Choi et al. (2003) evaluated rosemary oil, among 52
other essential oils, for toxicity of greenhouse whitefly at three life stages. Rosemary oil
was one of the least toxic oils in the study, with less than 40% mortality of adults and
eggs. Rosemary oil was also ranked low in toxicity to turnip aphids (Lipahis erysimi) in
a study of 23 essential oils by Sampson et al. (2005). The major constituents of this
particular rosemary sample were 38% 1,8-cineole and 19% α-terpineol. However, in a
fumigant toxicity study on stored grain pests, both rosemary oil and linalool proved to be
highly effective in controlling the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (Shaaya et
al., 1991).
Thyme oil (Thymus vulgaris): Thyme oil consists mainly of the phenols (20-
80%) carvacrol and thymol, with thymol typically being the dominant compound present.
cymene and g-terpinene. Alcohols such as linalool, a-terpineol and thujan-4-ol are also
present (Khan & Abourashed 2010). Choi et al. (2003) tested efficacy against
greenhouse whitefly adults, nymphs and eggs. At the highest rate of 9.3 x 10-3
concentration, thyme oil provided 100% mortality to adults and 88% mortality to eggs.
However, there were many other oils in this study, including clove and peppermint,
which provided greater mortality when tested at lower rates. In a study by Shaaya et al.
(1991), thyme oil had highly toxic fumigant toxicity against the stored-grain pest,
same study, carvacrol, linalool, and a-terpineol were also highly toxic. Machial et al.
(2010) tested 17 essential oils for toxic effect on two Lepidopteran species, oblique-
which thyme oil was the second most toxic on 1st instar C. rosaceana larvae, with 64%
mortality at a concentration of 5.0 µL/mL, superseded only by the 97% mortality with
patchouli oil at the same concentration. Despite thyme oil’s potency on C. rosaceana, it
was one of the least toxic essential oils on 1st instar T.ni. A GC-MS analysis identified
the two primary constituents of thyme oil were thymol (57.8%) and p-cymene (28.6%),
with all other constituents making up <5% of the total. Sampson et al. (2005) evaluated
capitatus, Thymbra sintenisii and Thymbra spicata) against turnip aphids (Lipaphis
pseudobrassicae). They found that plant species containing high amounts of carvacrol,
present at 20-27% in the three thyme species, were highly active against the turnip aphid.
Only two constituents (E)-2-tridecental and (E)-20-tetradecenal found in the essential oil
of wild bishop (Bifora radians) at 47% and 23%, respectively, were more toxic than the
larvicidal to Aedes agypti (Diptera: Culicidae) with LC50 values ranging from 17.3 to
53.5 mg/L on 1st to 4th instar larvae, respectively (Waliwitiya et al. 2009). It also had
naturally present in many plants. In 2000, it was patented as an herbicide and is currently
sold as an herbicide, in combination with eugenol, in the consumer lawn and garden
market. It is also frequently used as a lure for insect traps and as an active ingredient in
contact spray insecticides in combination with geraniol and eugenol (Copping & Duke
6. Tables
Trade name Species Plant Family Used Wild/Cultivate Qua
Plant d Collection ntitie
Part(s) sa
Cedarwood, Cupressus CupressaceaeWood Wild MQ
Chinese funebris Endl
Cedarwood, Juniperus Cupressaceae Wood Wild MQ
Texas mexicana
Cedarwood, Juniperus Cupressaceae Wood Wild MQ
Virginia virginiana L.
Cinnamon Cinnamomum Lauraceae Bark Cultivated LQ
bark, Ceylon zeylanicum Nees
Cinnamon Cinnamomum Lauraceae Bark Cultivated LQ
bark, Ceylon cassia Blume
Cinnamon leaf Cinnamomum Lauraceae Leaf Cultivated LQ
zeylanicum Nees
Citronella, Cymbopogon Poaceae Leaf Cultivated HQ
Ceylon nardus (L.) Wats
Citronella, Cymbopogon Poaceae Leaf Cultivated HQ
Java winterianus
Clove buds Syzgium Myrtaceae Leaf/bud Cultivated LQ
Clove leaf Syzgium Myrtaceae Leaf Cultivated HQ
Garlic Allium sativum Alliaceae Bulb Cultivated LQ
Geranium Pelargonium spp. Geraniaceae Leaf Cultivated MQ
Lemongrass, Cymbopogon Poaceae Leaf Cultivated LQ
West Indian citratus
Peppermint Mentha piperita Lamiaceae Leaf Cultivated HQ
Rosemary Rosmarinus Lamiaceae Leaf Cultivated/Wil LQ
officinalis L. d
Thyme Thymus vulgaris Lamiaceae Herb Cultivated LQ
Table 1.2. Common & botanical names of 25(b) essential oils, plants parts used, raw
material origin, and trade quantities. Excerpt from Table 3.7 (C.Franz and J.Novak,
Handbook of Essential Oils, Chapter 3: Sources of Essential Oils, 2010)
HQ=high quantities (>1000 t/a); MQ=medium quantities (100-1000 t/a); LQ=low
quantities (<100 t/a)
Geraniol Eugenol 2-phenethyl propionate
Table 1.3 continued
40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 152, Vol 61, No.45, March 6, 1996
40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 180.950 List of 4(a) inert ingredients eligible for
use in exempt formulations.
(http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/inerts/section25(b)_inerts.pdf), Jan 31, 2010
Bainard, LD, MB Isman, MK Upadhyaya. 2006. Phytotoxicity of clove oil and its
primary constituent eugenol and the role of leaf epicuticular wax in the susceptibility to
these essential oils. Weed Sci. 54: 833-837.
Bauer, K., D Garbe, and H. Surburg. 1997. Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials:
Preparation, Properties and Uses, 3rd ed. New York: J. Wiley-VCH. 278 p.
Blair JS, N Tabanca, N Kirimer, B Demirci, KHC Baser, IA Khan, JM Spiers, and DE
Wedge. 2005. Insecticidal activity of 23 essential oils and their major compounds against
Lipaphis pseudobrassicae (Davis) (Aphididae: Homoptera). Pest Manag Sci. 61: 1122-
Boyd, NS and EB Brennan. 2006. Burning nettle, common purslane, and rye response to
a clove oil herbicide. Weed Techn.20: 646-650.
Butterfield, B. and I Baldwin. 2011. National Gardening Survey 2011: a definitive guide
to Lawn & Garden business trends, analysis and understanding. National Gardening
Association, Burlington, VT.
Choi W, B Park, S Ku, and S Lee. 2002. Repellent activities of essential oils and
monoterpenes against Culex pipiens pallens. J. Am. Mosquito Control Assoc. 18: 348-
Choi, Won-Il, EH Lee, BR Choi, HM Park, and YJ Ahn. 2003. Toxicity of plant
essential oils to Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Hort. Entomol.
96: 1479-1484.
Choi, W, S Lee, H Park, and J Ahn. 2004. Toxicity of plant essential oils to Tetranychus
urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) J. of
Econ Entomol. 97: 553-558.
Clay, DV, FL Dixon and IWilloughby. 2005. Natural products as herbicides for tree
establishment. Forestry 78: 1-9
Copping, LG and SO Duke. 2007. Review: Natural products that have been used
commercially as crop protection agents. Pest Mgmt Sci. 63: 524-554.
Dayan, FE, CL Cantrell, SO Duke. 2009. Natural products in crop protection.
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chem. 17: 4022-4034.
Enan, EE 1998. Insecticidal action of terpenes and phenols to the cockroaches: effect on
octopamine receptors. Intl Symposium on Crop Protection, Gent, Belgium, May.
Franz, C and J Novak. 2010. Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology and
Applications. Ch3. Sources of Essential Oils, p.39-81. ISBN:978-1-4200-6315-8.
Huang, Y, SK Hee, SH Ho. 1998. Antifeedant and growth inhibitory effects of α-pinene
on the stored product insects Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Sitophilus zeamais
(Motsch) Int. Pest Control Jan/Feb: 18-20.
Isman, MB 2000. Plant essential oils for pest and disease management. Crop Protection
19: 603-608.
Isman, MB 2008. Botanical insecticides: for richer, for poorer. Pest Mgmt Sci. 64: 8-
Isman, MB and CM Machial. 2006. Pesticides based on plant essential oils: from
traditional practice to commercialization. Naturally Occurring Bioactive Compounds,
Ch.2. 2006 Elsevier.
Joen, JH, CH Lee, HS Lee. 2009. Food protective effect of geraniol and its congeners
against stored food mites. J of Food Protection 72: 1468-1471.
Koschier, EH and KA Sedy. 2003. Labiate essential oils affecting host selection and
acceptance of Thrips tabaci lindeman. Crop Protection 22: 929-934.
Kostyukovsky, M, ARafaeli, CGileadi, NDemchenko, and EShaaya. 2002. Activation of
octopaminergic receptos by essential oil constituents isolated from aromatic plants:
possible mode of action against insect pests. Pest Mgmt Sci. 58: 1101-1106.
Lee, Eun-Jeong, JR Kim, DR Choi, and YJ Ahn. 2008. Toxicity of cassia and cinnamon
oil compounds and cinnamaldehyde-related compounds to Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae). J. Econ Entomol. 101: 1960-1966.
Phillips, AK, AG Appel, SR Sims. 2010. Topical toxicity of essential oils to the German
cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 103 (2): 448-459
Regnault-Roger, C. 1997. The potential of botanical essential oils for insect pest control.
Integ.Pest Manag Reviews 2, 25-34.
Sampson, BJ, NTabanca, NKirimer, BDemirci, KHC Baser, IA Khan, JM Spiers, and DE
Wedge. 2005. Insecticidal activity of 23 essential oils and their major compounds
against adult Lipaphis pseudobrassicae (Davis) (Aphididae: Homoptera). Pest Mgmt.
Sci. 61: 1122-1128.
Shaaya et al. 1991. Fumigant toxicity of essential oils against 4 major stored-product
insects. J Chem Ecol. 17: 499-504.
Tarelli, G, EN Zerba, and RA Alzogaray. 2009. Toxicity to vapor exposure and topical
application of essential oils and monoterpenes on Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae).
J. Econ. Entomol. 102: 1383-1388.
Tworkoski, T. 2002. Herbicide effects of essential oils. Weed Science 50: 425-431.
Chapter 2: Physical and chemical characteristics of U.S. EPA minimum risk essential oils
1. Introduction
In 1996, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the 25(b)
list of active ingredients which were deemed minimum risk to the environment. The
establishment of the 25(b) list allows companies to develop alternative pesticides with a
financial incentive of avoiding the costly federal registration process. Some states still
require “exempt” products to be state-registered but most do not (40 CFR Part 152, Vol.
61, No. 45, March 6, 1996). In addition to exempting these products from the registration
process, the EPA will also allow the manufacturer to use such claims as “safe to use
around kids and pets” on the label. This is the only category of pesticides in which the
EPA will allow any type of safety claim to be made. This is obviously an appealing
marketing aspect for companies who wish to sell to a certain segment of consumers who
There are 31 ingredients listed on the 25(b) list, 14 of which are plant essential
oils (cedar, cinnamon, citronella, clove, garlic, geranium, lemongrass, mint, peppermint,
rosemary and thyme oils) or major essential oil constituents (eugenol, geraniol and 2-
phenethyl propionate) (Table 1.1). Exempt products must only contain inert ingredients
that are listed on the 4(a) list or are considered 4b food-grade or “generally regarded as
safe” (GRAS). This restriction severely limits the formulator’s toolbox in terms of being
able to create highly stable emulsions, restricting microbial contamination of the product
exempt products being sold in the consumer lawn and garden category use essential oils
as the active ingredients and are marketed for several uses, including deer and rabbit
insecticides, and personal tick/mosquito repellents. These products often have poor
emulsions that require the user to “shake well,” can cause significant phytotoxic effects to
desirable plants, and are typically short-lived in the environment, requiring frequent re-
There is a need for better understanding of how surfactant technology can be used
materials categorized under the term surfactant, including emulsifiers, detergents and
wetting agents. They are also designated by their electrical charge, being ionic (anionic
with lipids and water (Behrens 1964; Tadros 1994). When surfactants are added to a
liquid that exceeds the critical micelle concentration, the coalescence of oil droplets is
hindered in an oil-in-water (o/w) formulation. This process slows the separation of oil
and water phases (Behrens 1964), thus creating an emulsion. Two tools that enable
formulators to narrow their surfactant options based on the functionality of the end-
product are the measurement of contact angle (θ) and the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance
The HLB system is a widely used method that was developed as a means of
selecting appropriate surfactants for emulsion purposes (Griffin 1949; Tadros 1994). The
HLB system is a scale that is based on the percentage of hydrophilic to lipophilic groups
in a molecule and can only be directly applied to nonionic surfactants. A low HLB is
characteristic of materials that are predominantly lipophilic such as plant oils, whereas a
higher HLB is characteristic of hydrophilic materials such as alcohols (Table 2.1). The
typical range of HLB for an oil-in-water (o/w) emulsifier is 8 to 18 (Tadros 1994), and
the HLB values for non-ionic surfactants are typically available from suppliers. There is
also a large amount of information readily available on the HLB required to emulsify
many different types of materials. For example, surfactants with an HLB range of 15-20
are known to be the most effective in enhancement of glyphosate efficacy for weed
control (Wyrill & Burnside 1977). The fairly high required HLB for glyphosate is
indicative of its water-soluble nature. Foliar nutrient uptake can also be influenced by
surfactants. Nonionic surfactants with HLB of 13-16 most significantly increased iron
together as proprietary blends. One benefit of doing so is that using the non-ionic
material allows for the formulator to adjust the HLB of the formulation as needed
(Behrens 1964). Despite the long history of pesticide enhancement through use of
surfactants and the HLB system, there is very little information available on the required
HLB for essential oils. Essential oils are not water soluble, and therefore require
peppermint oils have required HLB values of 9.8, 12.1 and 12.3, respectively (Oradifiya
& Oladimeji 2002). Required HLB values for the following 25(b) listed essential oils are
not currently reported in the literature: cedar, cinnamon, citronella, clove, eugenol,
garlic, geraniol, geranium, lemongrass, mint, rosemary and thyme oils and 2-phenethyl
Contact angle is the direct result of the interaction between a liquid droplet and a
particular type of surface. As the surface tension is decreased, the contact angle at the
liquid/surface interface is lowered. This helps the pesticide to spread more evenly,
increase retention on leaf surfaces, and enhance cuticle penetration of the active
ingredient, increasing the effectiveness of the pesticide. Cowles et al. (2000) reported a
strong correlation between trisiloxane surfactants with low surface tension as being very
toxic to twospotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae), even though these surfactants are
registered as inert ingredients with the U.S. EPA. Along a similar vein, a patent was filed
in 2008 claiming that liquid formulations having a contact angle of less than 40 degrees
would result in rapid knockdown of arthropods (Hollis et al. 2008). Herbicides can also
surfaces (Singh et al. 1984). In one example, barnyardgrass control was increased from
30% with Diuron alone to up to 70% when treated with a formulation containing Diuron
plus an organosilicone surfactant. The contact angle was decreased from 94° with Diuron
alone to 25° when the surfactant was added (Singh et al. 2002). Gaining an
with their pesticide activity may be a useful tool in their commercial development.
The objective of this study was to determine the usefulness of required HLB
values and contact angle in formulating essential oil-based pesticides. This objective was
achieved by 1) determining the required HLB of the 25(b) essential oils cinnamon,
thyme; 2) measuring the contact angle of essential oil formulations made with different
surfactant system being used with essential oils and the resulting pesticide activity. A
GC-MS analysis of the essential oil samples was conducted as a means of quantifying
primary constituents that are likely drivers for pesticide properties of the oils.
lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary and thyme oils were determined following the
nonionic surfactants Span 80, Tween 80, and Tween 20, solutions with HLB values of 6,
8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 were created (Table 2.2). The mixtures were prepared in 50 ml glass
tubes sealed with #4 rubber stoppers. In individual tubes, 16 g of essential oil and 1.6 g of
surfactant solution were added, and then tubes were vigorously shaken for 30 seconds.
Next, 22.4 g deionized (DI) water was added, and then tubes were inverted and shaken 20
times. The tubes were set aside in racks to allow for phase separation. Photographs were
taken at approximately 10, 20 and 60 minute intervals. The HLB solution that separated
into phases last was considered to be within + 1 HLB unit of the required HLB for that
particular essential oil. To validate the method, soybean oil was included since its
required HLB is known to be six. For rosemary oil, the test was repeated, and surfactant
to essential oil ratio was reduced by 50%, using 0.8 g, in order to get a better
determination of HLB. For Thyme oil, only 4 g of essential oil 0.4 g surfactant solution,
and 5.6 g water were used due to limited quantity of the thyme oil.
Ten essential oils were each formulated with the three unique surfactant
combinations described in Table 2.3. Contact angle was measured for all essential
which are commonly used as agro-chemical surfactants. These two particular surfactants
were chosen based on the determination of HLB required to emulsify the essential oils of
from renewable raw materials and is readily biodegradable. Stepanol® (sodium lauryl
sulfate) is one of the most commonly used anionic surfactants across many industries,
including personal care products. It is also listed on the 25(b) list as a minimum risk
active ingredient.
phase while on magnetic stir plate. Caprol® MPGO was added to essential oil in a
separate vial and shaken until homogenized. After xanthan gum had fully hydrated in
water for 15 to 20 minutes, the oil phase was added while the water was still on the stir
plate. After the oil phase was added, the mixture was stirred for an additional 15 minutes.
System B: Tween 20 and then Tween 40 were added into a vial containing the
essential oil. The vial was shaken until mixture was homogenized, then poured into
water while on a stir plate. After the oil phase was added, the mixture was stirred for an
additional 15 minutes.
System C: Sodium lauryl sulfate was added to water while on stir plate. In a
separate vial, Agnique® was added to the essential oil and shaken until homogenized,
then poured into the water phase while stirring. After the oil phase was added, the
Contact angle of the samples was determined using a Kruss tensiometer DSA 100.
The tensiometer test chamber was set to 50-60% relative humidity temperature ranged
from 21.0 to 22.6°C and gas carrier flow was 5 to 10 psi. The test surface used was
parafilm. Samples were thoroughly mixed with no visible sign of phase separation prior
to being pulled into the syringe. The time that the solution was in the syringe before it
was dropped onto the parafilm for measurement was minimized to reduce risk of phase
separation inside the syringe. The sample was dispensed at 200 micro liters per minute
until a drop fell onto the parafilm. The video was recorded at a rate of 12-25 frames per
second. The contact angle of the droplet was measured 240 milliseconds after the drop
had made contact with the surface, allowing enough time for the droplet to stabilize. The
contact angle was measured using the sessile drop method, which takes into effect the
properties of the droplet, as well as the solid surface and the atmosphere inside the
chamber (www.kruss.de/fileadmin/kruss-website/brochures/kruss-bro-dsa100-en.pdf.).
2.3 Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis of essential oils
peppermint, rosemary and thyme oils were analyzed for their major constituents using
GC/MS. A list of essential oil suppliers is presented in Table 2.4. A list of constituent
standards used in the analysis is presented in Table 2.5. Computerized GC/MS analysis
was carried out on an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph coupled to an Agilent 5975C
quadrupole mass spectrometer. The GC was fitted with a fused silica capillary column
(HP-5MS: 0.250 mm i.d._30 m) coated with a mobile phase consisting of (5% phenyl)-
run, the column temperature was held at 35° C for 3 minutes, ramped at 2° C/min from
35° C to 90° C, and then ramped for a second time at 5° C/min to a final temperature of
140° C. The total time for the chromatographic separation was 45 minutes. Solutions of
essential oils and standard compounds were prepared in methanol for quantitative
purposes. All data were collected and quantified using Agilent ChemStatation®
software. The solutions were introduced into the GC via split injection (split ratio 1/100).
The temperature of the injector as well as the mass spectrometer detector was held at
250° C. Hydrogen was used as the carrier gas and the flow rate was 1.0 mL/min.
Generation of ions for mass spectrometric analysis was performed using 70 eV electron
ionization (EI) and analysis was performed in full scan mode (m/z 50-550). A solvent
delay of 4 minutes was used at the beginning of the separation in order to protect the EI
filament. The 2011 NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) mass spectra
library, version 2.0 g, was used to identify the compounds associated with the major
essential oils could be influenced by the surfactant systems used. This experiment
consisted of a factorial treatment design that allowed for testing the effects of 10 essential
oils, each combined with three unique surfactant systems. The experimental unit
consisted of one lab-reared 9th instar American cockroach nymph, with 10 replicates per
treatment (n =10). The measured variable was speed of knockdown, recorded in seconds.
fashion, typically as a result of being treated with a pesticide. The experiment was a
completely randomized design and was conducted twice. A maximum time limit for
observations was set at 7 minutes (420 seconds). For observations that did not end in
mortality, a time of 420 seconds was recorded. Due to time constraints, it was not
possible to mix all of the 33 treatments in the laboratory and test them on the same day.
Therefore, for each day of testing, 6-10 samples were randomly selected, formulated in
Cockroaches were reared in glass tanks in a room maintained at 20-25°C with 30-
40% relative humidity. The rearing room was kept under dark conditions and
cockroaches were fed a diet of apples and dog food on a weekly basis to maintain colony
vigor. The cockroach nymphs were gathered from rearing tanks by anesthetizing with
carbon dioxide (CO2), individually placed into knockdown tubes, and randomly assigned
(PVC) tubes with an aluminum drain cup in the bottom. Food and water was not
provided to cockroaches after being removed from rearing tanks since tests were initiated
approximately 30 minutes afterwards. For each treatment, a 100 ml sample was placed
on a magnetic stir plate to maintain homogeneity of the formula. A 4.8 ml aliquot of the
sample was placed directly on the cockroach inside the knockdown tube using a pipette
(Figure 2.1). The knockdown tube was held over a beaker to catch excess sample as it
ran off the insect and through the drain cup in the bottom of the knockdown tube.
polypropylene bowl with a lid and observed for knockdown time. A timer was started as
soon as the application from the pipette was completed. Knockdown was determined
based on the insect’s inability to propel itself forward, control its movements in a
Two greenhouse experiments and one field experiment were conducted to test for
foliar burn potential from essential oil formulations mixed with three different surfactant
systems. Fresh samples were made in the lab following the procedure described in
section 2.2.1 within 24 hours of the greenhouse and field applications. Applications were
made in late morning hours, and subjective % leaf injury ratings were measured at 1 hour
and 24 hours after application. A two week evaluation was also taken as a means of
The greenhouse experiments were a completely randomized design, and the
experimental unit was one individually potted six week old dandelion, with four
replicates per treatment (n=4). Dandelion seeds were germinated in flat trays filled with
MetroMix® potting media, then transplanted into individual 10 cm pots filled with the
same type of potting media within approximately one month of germination. The
transplants were allowed an additional two to three weeks to establish in the pots before
Greenhouse temperatures ranged from 15° to 21° C at night and 21° to 32° C during the
day. Overhead irrigation was provided daily to maintain moisture in the weed pots.
Fertilization was provided through the irrigation system at the time of transplanting at an
end-rate dilution of 450 ppm N (174 ppm NH4 and 276 ppm Urea), 901 ppm P2O5, and
450 ppm K2O. Weeds were trimmed weekly to simulate effects of lawn mowing.
Applications were made using hand-pump bottles, and approximately one gram of spray
growing in a low maintenance turf area that was mowed weekly to 7 cm height. The
experimental unit consisted of one dandelion, with four replicates per treatment (n=4).
completely randomized block design. Spot applications to the dandelions were made
using the same hand-pump bottles used in the greenhouse trials. Approximately 2.5 g of
2.5 Data Analysis
The correlation of contact angle with insect knockdown speed was determined
using PROC CORR procedure (SAS 9.2 version). The dandelion data were subjected to
statistical analysis using PROC MIXED (SAS 9.2) and treatment mean separation was
based on Fisher’s LSD, with α =0.05. Data for runs 1 and 2 were treated as blocks within
3. Results
The majority of essential oils had a required HLB of 16, with the exceptions being
eugenol (6), peppermint (10), rosemary (12-14), and thyme (6) oils (Table 2.6). The
required HLB was determined at different time points after oils were mixed with
surfactants. Eugenol, geraniol, cinnamon, clove and thyme oils immediately began
separating into phases within the glass tubes; therefore required HLB was determined
rosemary oils held emulsions longer, and HLB was determined approximately 24 hours
after mixing with the surfactant systems. Rosemary oil held its emulsion with the
surfactants longer than all other oils tested, and the phase separation in the tubes
containing surfactant blends with HLB values of 12 and 14 were indistinguishable. The
required HLB for rosemary oil can not be more precisely determined without repeating
the experiment at lower surfactant rates. Soybean oil had a required HLB of 6,
confirming the validity of the method. Required HLB of peppermint had previously been
determined as 12.3 by Oradifiya & Oladimeji (2002), but results from this experiment
showed peppermint oil to have a required HLB of 10, with an error of +/- 1. Inherent
methods, and geographic location may influence HLB needed to emulsify different
Contact angle of all mixtures ranged from 47.5° to 81.6° (Table 2.7). All
surfactant systems reduced contact angle when mixed with water compared to water
alone, which had a contact angle of 111.2°. When added with water, System A surfactant
solution θ = 60.0° (Table 2.7). The addition of essential oils to the surfactant mixtures
further reduced contact angle in all formulations. It is worth noting that the surfactant
system with the lowest contact angle, C, was toxic to cockroaches when tested without
being combined with an essential oil, with a knockdown time of 309 seconds (Table 2.7).
Surfactant systems A and B were not toxic to cockroaches when tested without an
essential oil, so the maximum time of 420 seconds was recorded as the knockdown time.
When averaged across all essential oils, surfactant system C treatments had significantly
faster KD time than treatments containing systems A or B (Table 2.9). Some essential
oils were very fast KD agents regardless of surfactant system (clove, eugenol, geraniol,
geranium, peppermint and thyme oils), and KD speed was not significantly increased
with system C for these oils, except for thyme oil (Table 2.8). It is not understood at this
time why thyme oil KD speed was significantly faster when combined with surfactant
were significantly increased with system C (Table 2.8). The strength of the relationship
between knockdown time across all essential oils to contact angle was dependent on the
surfactant system used. Treatments containing surfactant system A best fit the regression
line, with an R2 = 0.74 (Figure 2.2). A correlation of contact angle and knockdown time
could not be determined with treatments containing surfactant systems B and C, with R2
values of 0.52 and 0.45, respectively. A PROC CORR analysis of the correlation of KD
time with all treatments indicated a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.67. However,
because of the significant differences in KD of the essential oils as a main effect, future
studies should limit the study of contact angle influence on KD to one essential oil at a
there was a highly significant increase in herbicide injury to dandelions when essential
oils were mixed with surfactant system A at 1, 6, and 24 hours after application (p
<0.0001 at all three data collection periods) (Tables 2.10 and 2.11). All essential oils
combined with system A, except rosemary oil, burned greater than 90% dandelion foliage
systems B and C burned 25% or less foliage within 6 hours and 50% or less foliage
within 24 hours. One exception is thyme oil which injured nearly 90% foliage with
system C by 24 hours. It is worth noting that system A, in the absence of an essential oil,
is the only system that had herbicide activity on its own, with 23% injury by 24 hours
(Table 2.10). The validity of the results obtained in the greenhouse was validated with a
oils primarily consisted of monoterpenes, which were both cyclic and acyclic in structure.
cedar oil was the only 25(b) essential oil that was composed of cyclic sesquiterpene
compounds, a-cedrene, cis-thujopsene, and (+)-cedrol (Table 2.12). Since not all
components could be quantified, it is not possible to determine percent of the oils made
up of aromatic versus aliphatic terpenes. However, one could reasonable argue that clove
and thyme oils consisted of a larger percentage of aromatic compounds than the other
oils. Furthermore, it is well known that clove oil typically consists of 60-80% eugenol,
and thyme oil consists of 60% or more thymol, both of which are aromatic monoterpenes
(Khan & Abourashed 2010). No peaks were observed for garlic oil, and it is assumed
that the known major constituent, diallyl sulfide, also known as “oil of garlic” was lost in
the first few minutes along with the methanol solvent. For cinnamon oil, there were three
distinct peaks with retention times of 14.366, 20.294, and 26.860, and two distinct peaks
in lemongrass oil with retention times of 17.242 and 18.252. These were labeled as
unidentified since they could not be matched within the library at a threshold of 85% and
we did not have standards at those retention times (Table 2.12). However, the
compounds in the standard mix with retention times of 20 minutes or greater were
bicyclic compounds camphene, (+)-cedrene, coumarin and cedrol. This indicates that the
two unidentified peaks with retention times of 20.294 and 26.860 in cinnamon oil are also
in the standards analysis, so this is most likely the identification of the peak in cinnamon
oil which had a retention time of 14.366 minutes. It was not specified on the sample of
cinnamon oil from The Essential Oil company which plant parts were used for the oil
constituents depending on whether the oil is extracted from stem bark, leaves or root stem
cinnamon oil, or any of the other oils for that matter, the pesticide efficacy could vary
4. Conclusions
formulating oil-in-water emulsions with essential oils. Regardless of HLB, the essential
oils eugenol, cinnamon, clove, geraniol and thyme were less inclined to emulsify in water
than others and phase separation occurred very quickly. It is interesting that these oils
were also the most effective insecticides and herbicides. While citronella, geranium,
lemongrass, peppermint, and rosemary oils held emulsions longer, these oils were still
highly lipophilic.
One hypothesis as to why eugenol, cinnamon, clove, geraniol and thyme oils are
most difficult to emulsify with water is that their main constituents are terpenoids
containing an aromatic ring (Table 2.12). These compounds are not water soluble.
Eugenol is the primary constituent in clove oil, comprising around 80%. Cinnamon oil
primarily consists of cinnamaldehyde, as well as eugenol and coumarin, all of which
contain an aromatic ring. Thyme oil consists primarily of thymol, and can also contain
Geraniol, an acyclic terpene alcohol may be the exception in this hypothesis. In this
However, a study conducted by Phillips et al. (2010) concluded that while geraniol was
found to be toxic to German cockroaches, other essential oil constituents such as thymol,
trans-cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, and carvacrol had lower LD50 values at most life stages.
These components also had higher densities than linalool, limonene, menthone and
density and boiling point. Rice and Coats (1994) also reported that aromatic compounds
were generally more toxic than aliphatic compounds to the house fly, Musca domestica.
compounds is that they are generally more difficult to metabolize once inside the insect,
current study were equivalent to aromatic terpenes is that, being a pure constituent,
formulations as compared to the essential oils, which are blends of many types of
Although there was a positive relationship to knockdown time and contact angle
of the formulations containing surfactant system A, none had contact angles less than
40°. In a patent filed by Hollis et al. (2008), there is a significant increase in KD speed of
surfactant mixtures which have a contact angle less than 40°. Further exploration of the
contact angle and knockdown speed relationship using “super-spreader” surfactants could
Alternatively, using low contact angle surfactants may allow for lower concentrations of
5. Figures
Figure 2.1. Application of treatment to cockroach inside knockdown tube using a pipette
80 C
Linear (C)
Linear (B)
Linear (A)
System A:
Contact Angle
y = 0.0604x + 54.072
R2 = 0.7411
System B:
y = 0.0375x + 50.312
55 2
R = 0.5165
System C:
y = 0.0521x + 58.203
45 2
R = 0.4518
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
KD time (s)
6. Tables
HLB % Material Span 80 (g) Tween 80 (g) Tween 20 (g)
83% Span 80/
6 17% Tween 80 41.5 8.5 -
65% Span 80/
8 35% Tween 80 32.5 17.5 -
46% Span 80/
10 54% Tween 80 23.0 27.0 -
28% Span 80/
12 72% Tween 80 14.0 36.0 -
9% Span 80/
14 91% Tween 80 4.5 45.5 -
60% Tween 20/
16 40% Tween 80 - 20.0 30.0
Table 2.2. Nonionic HLB kit used in determining the required HLB for 10 essential oils
Ingredient Supplier Genus species
Cedar oil Cedarcide Industries Juniperus virginiana
Cinnamon oil The Essential Oil Co. Cinnamomum cassia
Citronella oil The Essential Oil Co. Cympogon nardus
Clove (bud) oil The Essential Oil Co. Eugenia caryophylatta
Garlic oil Brenntag Mid-South Not specified
Geranium oil The Essential Oil Co. Pelargonum graveolens
Lemongrass oil The Essential Oil Co. Cympogon citratus
Mint oil Brenntag Mid-South Not specified
Peppermint oil The Essential Oil Co. Mentha piperita
Rosemary oil Brenntag Mid-South Rosmarinus officinalis
Thyme oil The Essential Oil Co. Thymus vulgaris
Eugenol (>95% purity) Acros Organics n/a
Geraniol (>95% purity) Acros Organics n/a
2-phenethyl propionate Acros Organics n/a
(>95% purity)
40% Sodium caprylate Calvary Industries n/a
Agnique® PG264 Cognis n/a
Caprol® MPGO Abitec n/a
Soybean oil Archer Daniels Midland Glycine max
Stepanol® WA-100 Stepan n/a
Tween 20 Croda n/a
Tween 40 Croda n/a
Xanthan gum Jungbunzlauer Austria AG Xanthomonas campestris
Table 2.4. Supplier list for raw materials used in phases 1 and 2 insecticide and herbicide
(n/a = not applicable)
Standards Purity Supplier Product code/#
Allyl sulfide 97% Sigma Aldrich A35801
Camphene 95% Sigma Aldrich 456055
Camphor 96% Sigma Aldrich 148075
(+) Citronellal >95% Sigma Aldrich 27470
Β-Citronellol 95% Sigma Aldrich C83201
Coumarin >99% Sigma Aldrich C4261
Eucalyptol 99% Sigma Aldrich C80601
Eugenol 99% Alfa aesar A14332
d-Limonene 95% Sigma Aldrich UC101-26
Linalool 97% Alfa aesar A14424
Menthone 97% Sigma Aldrich 63680
Menthyl acetate 99% Sigma Aldrich 441031
Methyl cinnamate 99% Alfa aesar A15975
Α-Pinene 98% Sigma Aldrich 147524
Table 2.5. Constituent standards used in the GC-MS analysis of essential oils
Surfactant system Oil θ (degrees) KD time in seconds
None (water + surfactants) 80.3 420.0
Cinnamon 76.8 349.2
Citronella 63.5 79.2
Clove 60.3 43.2
Eugenol 57.2 30.0
(89.57% DI water
Geraniol 51.5 28.5
2% sodium
Geranium 50.8 30.4
caprylate, 0.33%
Caprol® MPGO, Lemongrass 64.6 129.0
0.1% xanthan gum) Peppermint 64.0 42.8
Rosemary 56.0 69.2
Thyme 80.3 27.1
Mean 62.8 (nlog 4.04, SE 0.039)
None (water + surfactants) 81.6 420.0
Cinnamon 69.6 312.1
Citronella 49.9 49.7
Clove 57.5 53.0
Eugenol 60.2 51.9
Geraniol 50.2 35.2
(90% DI water, 2.5%
Geranium 54.0 42.4
w/w Tween 20, 2.5%
Tween 40) Lemongrass 61.6 96.0
Peppermint 60.7 57.9
Rosemary 61.1 117.0
Thyme 65.0 33.3
Mean 61.1 (nlog 4.17, SE 0.039)
None (water + surfactants) 60.0 309.5
Cinnamon 57.7 141.2
Citronella 52.7 62.0
Clove 55.9 41.5
Eugenol 48.9 32.6
(92.4% DI water,
Geraniol 47.5 25.9
2.5% w/w alkyl
Geranium 49.7 51.3
polyglucoside, 0.1%
sodium lauryl Lemongrass 52.6 70.7
sulfate) Peppermint 49.9 32.3
Rosemary 52.8 44.2
Thyme 59.2 82.2
Mean 53.3 (nlog 3.86, SE 0.039)
Table 2.7. Contact angle of essential oils, 5% v/v, combined with three unique surfactant
systems labeled A, B and C and the corresponding knockdown time of 9th instar
American cockroach nymphs. Statistical analysis of KD time using Scheffe’s for treatment mean
separation, α = 0.05.
Essential oil System A System B System C
Cinnamon <.0001 0.0083 -
Citronella NS NS -
Clove NS NS -
Eugenol NS 0.07 -
Geraniol NS NS -
Geranium NS NS -
Lemongrass <0.001 <.0001 -
Peppermint NS 0.03 -
Rosemary NS <.0001 -
Thyme <.0001 0.01 -
Blank (surfactants 0.02 0.02 -
only- no EO)
Table 2.8. P values of knockdown time comparisons of essential oils + surfactant system
C compared to systems A (89.57% DI water, 2% w/w sodium caprylate, 0.33% Caprol®
MPGO, 0.1% xanthan gum) and B (90% DI water, 2.5% w/w Tween 20, 2.5% Tween
40). Fisher’s LSD., NS = not significant, with p value > 0.10.
Essential oil Surfactant system 1 hr 6 hr 24 hr 5 Days
None A 1 7 23 35
B 0 0 0 1
C 0 0 0 0
Cinnamon A 40 94 100 100
B 2 18 43 65
C 4 22 51 72
Citronella A 38 85 93 96
B 4 5 8 23
C 1 6 11 22
Clove A 49 96 99 100
B 14 18 35 53
C 12 18 44 71
Eugenol A 46 91 97 100
B 19 22 44 60
C 19 38 63 74
Geraniol A 48 89 99 100
B 20 28 51 82
C 16 24 49 90
Geranium A 43 69 97 100
B 9 11 15 32
C 9 11 24 5
Lemongrass A 43 72 99 100
B 9 10 28 59
C 8 13 28 75
Peppermint A 36 59 93 99
B 7 6 10 18
C 11 11 11 28
Rosemary A 7 24 60 68
B 1 1 5 5
C 3 3 4 0
Thyme A 46 70 99 99
B 8 11 18 35
C 34 46 89 97
Std Error 2.16 4.05 5.19 6.60
Table 2.10. Percent injury of dandelions 1 hour, 6 hours, 24 hours and 5 days after
application of 10 essential oils formulated with surfactant systems A (89.57% DI water,
2% w/w sodium caprylate, 0.33% Caprol® MPGO, 0.1% xanthan gum), B (90% DI
water, 2.5% w/w Tween 20, 2.5% Tween 40), and C (92.4% DI water, 2.5% w/w alkyl
polyglucoside, 0.1% sodium lauryl sulfate) in 2 greenhouse experiments, Fisher’s LSD, α
= 0.05, n = 8.
Essential oil Surfactant system 1 hr 6 hr 24 hr 6 days
None A 4 123 23 25
B 0 0 0 0
C 0 0 0 0
Cinnamon A 66 99 98 95
B 9 20 31 28
C 5 20 21 29
Citronella A 60 100 100 99
B 0 3 3 11
C 0 0 0 0
Clove A 70 95 100 97
B 8 11 26 46
C 0 0 0 0
Eugenol A 61 98 93 84
B 0 0 10 0
C 10 13 16 53
Geraniol A 68 100 98 93
B 19 21 23 44
C 10 24 61 85
Geranium A 60. 46 100 98
B 0 1. 13 24
C 0 6 19 33
Lemongrass A 40 91 100 95
B 3 5 19 45
C 0 3 16 33
Peppermint A 21 58 74 57
B 0 0 11 14
C 0 0 0 18
Rosemary A 0 23 43 29
B 0 0 0 0
C 0 0 0 3
Thyme A 50 85 100 94
B 0 0 0 9
C 9 16 36 74
Std Error 2.50 3.26 4.23 8.08
Table 2.11. Percent injury of dandelions 1 hour, 6 hours, 24 hours and 6 days after
application of 10 essential oils formulated with surfactant systems A (89.57% DI water,
2% w/w sodium caprylate, 0.33% Caprol® MPGO, 0.1% xanthan gum), B (90% DI
water, 2.5% w/w Tween 20, 2.5% Tween 40), and C (92.4% DI water, 2.5% w/w alkyl
polyglucoside, 0.1% sodium lauryl sulfate) under field conditions, , Fisher’s LSD, α =
0.05, n = 4.
Essential Retention Compound Structure Mol wt % of oil
oil time (g/mol)
Cedar 20.267 α-cedrene Cyclic ST 204.35 4.06
20.986 Cis-thujopsene Tricyclic ST 204.35 -
25.687 (+)-cedrol Cyclic ST 222.37 5.11
Cinnamon 14.366 Unidentified - - -
20.294 Unidentified - - -
26.860 Unidentified - - -
Citronella 8.946 Citranellal Acyclic MT 154.25 23.96
12.617 Citranellol Acyclic MT 156.27 7.18
13.995 Geraniol Acyclic MT 154.25 9.05
17.143 Isopulegol Cyclic MT 154.25 -
18.713 Citranellyl formate Acyclic MT 184.28 -
19.838 β-Myrcene Acyclic MT 136.23 -
22.531 β-Copaene Tricyclic MT 204.35 -
23.836 β-Cadinene Bicyclic ST 204.35 -
24.520 Elemol Cyclic ST 222.37 -
Clove 18.784 Eugenol Aromatic MT 164.20 25.46
20.580 β-caryophyllene Bicyclic ST 204.35 -
24.152 Eugenol acetate Aromatic MT 206.24 -
Garlic No peaks - - - -
Geranium 6.740 Isogeraniol Acyclic MT 154.25 -
8.758 Menthone Cyclic MT 154.25 1.78
9.198 Menthone Cyclic MT 154.25 -
12.710 Citranellol Acyclic MT 156.27 14.78
13.990 Geraniol Acyclic MT 154.25 6.31
15.081 Citranellyl formate Acyclic MT 184.28 -
16.453 β-Myrcene Acyclic MT 136.23 -
26.231 α-Gurjunene Tricyclic ST 204.35 -
Lemongrass 13.076 Menthol derivative Cyclic MT 156.27 -
13.943 Geraniol Acyclic MT 154.25 4.13
14.710 β-Citral Acyclic MT 152.23 -
17.242 Unidentified - - -
18.252 Unidentified - - -
19.852 β-Myrcene Acyclic MT 136.23 -
Table 2.12. GC-MS constituent analysis, retention times and the corresponding chemical
structures and molecular weights of 25(b) essential oils
MT = monoterpenoid; ST = sesquiterpenoid
Table 2.12 continued
Behrens, RW. 1964. The physical and chemical properties of surfactants and their
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Singh, M, JR Orsenigo, and DO Shah. 1984. Surface tension and contact angle of
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Singh, M, S Tan, and SD Sharma. 2002. Adjuvants enhance weed control efficacy of
foliar-applied Diuron. Weed Tech. 16: 74-78.
Tadros, T. 1994. Surfactants in agrochemicals. Surfactant Science series. Vol. 54. ISBN
The HLB System: Croda’s time-saver guide to emulsifier selection. Edison: Croda,
2008. Print
Wyrill, JB and OC Burnside. 1977. Glyphosate toxicity to common milkweed and hemp
dogbane as influenced by surfactants. Weed Sci. 25: 275-287.
Chapter 3: Contact toxicity of U.S. EPA minimum risk plant essential oils on American
1. Introduction
Cockroaches are a major household pest worldwide. Of the 4,000 known species
(Blattella germanica) and oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis) are listed as public health
pests by the U.S. EPA due to transmission of Salmonella, allergens, fecal deposition and
hepatitis (PR Notice 2002-1). German cockroaches are the most common pest for which
indoor pesticide applications are made in public housing (Greene & Breisch 2002, Miller
& Meek 2004). Not only are these pests transmitters of etiological diseases, but there is
also a strong emotional response to cockroach infestations, which are most commonly
found in food preparation areas and bathrooms. There are several product forms used to
to-Use (RTU), and traps. The liquid control products typically work either by contact
The most common insecticides reportedly used for residual control of pests in
public buildings include dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos, propoxur, and pyrethroids (Wei et al.
2001). All of these, except for pyrethroids, have been removed from residential use by
the U.S. EPA. Unfortunately, insect resistance to these synthetic compounds is common.
recommended (Miller & Meek 2004). Use of essential oils from aromatic plants may be
a viable tool for the adopter of IPM strategies, which can offer quick contact kill of pests
on sight, with no residual control left behind, minimizing the risk of resistance build-up.
There is also a need for these types of products in the consumer market for pest control.
An estimated 14 million pounds of insecticides were used in home and garden in 1999,
and the vast majority was used towards controlling public health pests such as flies,
cockroaches, ticks and mosquitoes, as well as termites (Ware & Whitacre 2004, Yu
2008). Worldwide, natural products make up 7.6% of the insecticides used across all
pesticide products in the consumer market combine multiple essential oils within liquid
formulations (Table 3.1), but there is no support in the scientific literature showing a
oils sold in the U.S. market are formulated with 25(b)-listed essential oils so that they are
exempt from EPA federal registration. Many of these products also use other 25(b)
active ingredients, such as soybean oil, sesame oil, corn oil, malic acid and sodium lauryl
sulfate (Table 3.1). With significant price differences among essential oils, it is critical to
understand which oils perform best alone, and whether efficacy performance of a
There are varied reports as to exactly how essential oils work as insecticides. The
means of application techniques for essential oils include fumigants and contact sprays.
They have been reported as having antifeedant properties, repellent properties, and
ovicidal activity, and can cause reproductive delays and modifications in development
(Isman 2000; Regnault-Roger 1997; Rice & Coats 1994; Singh et al. 1989; Choi et al.
2002; Choi et al. 2004; Huang et al. 1998; Petrakis et al. 2005). The lipophilic plant oils
are known to kill soft-bodied insects by disrupting their waxy cuticle, leading to
dessication. There is also evidence that, once penetrated through the cuticle, or entered
via the spiracles, certain components within essential oils may begin to block
et al. 2009; Tisserand & Balacs 1995). In addition to the physical effects of disrupting
cellular tissue, the rapid toxic effect of essential oils indicates that there is a neurotoxic
affect on pests (Enan 2001, Isman & Machial 2006). Through experiments of volatile oil
constituents’ insecticidal and repellent properties against the American cockroach, Ngoh
et al. (1998) concluded that “contact toxicity decreases when the double bond is closer to
significantly affecting its lethal capacity”. In a study by Phillips et al. (2010) there was a
negative correlation of essential oil constituent density and its toxicity to German
cockroaches (Blattella germanica). The authors concluded that the density may effect
the penetration of the compounds through the cuticle. It was also found that aromatic
compounds such as carvacrol, thymol, eugenol, and trans-cinnamaldehyde were more
toxic than the aliphatic compound geraniol. The conclusion was that the benzene ring
present in aromatic compounds is not easily metabolized and detoxified within the insect.
Rice and Coats (1994) also found that aromatic compounds were more efficacious to
house fly than aliphatic compounds. In a study by Isman (2000) to determine pesticide
activity of phenols versus monoterpenes, the extent of toxicity of these compounds was
highly dependent on the test species. At least one of the phenols eugenol and carvacrol
were more active on fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), tobacco cutworm (Spodoptera
litura), housefly and western corn rootworm beetle (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) than
the terpenes a-terpineol and terpinen-4-ol. However, for twospotted spider mites
(Tetranychus urticae), terpinen-4-ol was much more active than either phenol.
They found that as the electron accessibility increased in the monoterpenoids, there was a
The QSAR derived from the acyclic monoterpenoids as compared to the aromatic
octopamine and tyramine receptors and essential oil mode of action in insects. The role
neurohormones, and neuromodulators (Enan 2005; Bischof & Enan 2004). In Enan’s
melanogaster, thymol and carvacrol induced a decrease in receptor binding activity,
while significantly increasing cyclic AMP (cAMP) and Ca2+ levels. The presence and
insecticidal activity, with the 2 or 3 ring positions being most favorable. Kostyukovsky
abdominal epidermal tissue of the cotton bollworm moth (Helicoverpa armigera) with
two un-named essential oil terpenes belonging to the Labiatae family. This reaction is
similar to the effect of octopamine on cAMP levels, indicating that there may be a
these constituents was not found to correlate with acetyl cholinesterase activity.
active ingredients and in combination with one another, there is also a critical need to
understand how to best use surfactant chemistry to improve efficacy. The influence of
pesticide active ingredient. Some surfactants have pesticide activity of their own and
resistance issues with conventional active ingredients (Liu & Stansly 2000; Butler et al.
1993; Imail et al. 1994; Imail & Tsuchiya 1995). Cowles et al. (2000) reported a strong
correlation of trisiloxane surfactants with low surface tension being very toxic to
twospotted spider mites even though these surfactants are registered as inert ingredients
with the U.S. EPA. Along a similar vein, a patent was filed in 2008 claiming that liquid
formulations having a contact angle of less than 40 degrees would result in rapid KD of
The fourteen 25(b) essential oils and essential oil constituents selected for the
current study are 2-phenethyl propionate (2PP), cedar (CED), cinnamon (CIN), citronella
(CIT), clove (CLO), eugenol (EUG), garlic (GAR), geranium (GER), geraniol (Giol),
lemongrass (LEM), mint (MIN), peppermint (PEP), rosemary (ROS) and thyme (THY)
cockroach nymphs
speed of KD, 14 essential oils were tested at 10% w/w concentrations in an aqueous
solution, as well as combined with one another, each at 5% + 5% w/w. All pair-wise
combinations of the 14 oils were made, for a total of 105 combinations. Preliminary
formulation work was conducted to identify the inert materials, rates and combinations
All ingredients used throughout the experiments were used from the same batch/lot to
avoid batch to batch variability which is common to naturally sourced materials. All
treatments in the Phase 1 experiment contained the same inert system, which consisted
of, by weight:
American cockroaches were selected as the model pest for these experiments
because of their widespread distribution, notoriety as household pests, and large size
makes them a favorable model for toxicological experiments. The experimental unit
consisted of one lab-reared 9th instar nymph, n = 4. Cockroaches were reared in glass
tanks in a room maintained at 20-25°C with 30-40% relative humidity. The rearing room
was kept under dark conditions and cockroaches were fed a diet of apples and dog food
on a weekly basis to maintain colony vigor. The measured variable was speed of KD,
recorded in seconds. Knockdown time was determined to be the point at which the insect
was unable to propel itself forward, control its movements in a coordinated effort to
move in a particular direction or to upright itself. A maximum time limit for observations
was set at seven minutes (420 seconds), so 420 seconds was recorded for cockroaches
The experiment was completely randomized and conducted twice. Due to time
constraint, 105 treatments could not be made in the laboratory and tested on the same
day. For each day of testing, 5-10 formulations were randomly selected and tested for
treatments does not significantly affect KD is addressed later in this chapter (Phase 2.5).
Cockroaches were gathered from rearing tanks by anesthetizing with carbon dioxide
(CO2), and placed individually into KD tubes and randomly assigned to treatments.
Knockdown tubes were made of 10 inch diameter PolyVinylC tubes, with an aluminum
drain cup in the bottom. Food and water were not provided to cockroaches after being
removed from rearing tanks since tests were initiated approximately 30 minutes
afterwards. For each treatment, a 100 ml sample was placed on a magnetic stir plate to
maintain homogeneity of the formula. A 4.8 ml aliquot of the sample was placed directly
on the cockroach inside the KD tube using a pipette (Figure 2.1). The KD tube was held
over a beaker to catch excess sample as it ran off the insect and through the drain cup.
diameter polypropylene bowl with a lid and observed for KD time. The clock was started
experiments consisted of a factorial treatment design that allowed for testing the effects
of 10 essential oils, each combined with three unique surfactant systems. This provides
critical information as to how to best design a full formulation using essential oils based
on whether it is for insecticidal or herbicidal use (see Chapter 4 for herbicide data). Four
essential oils from Phase 1 experiments were not included in Phase 2. Cedar oil, garlic
oil, and 2-phenethyl propionate were excluded based on poor KD performance in Phase
1. Mint oil was excluded due to the supplier’s inability to provide a second batch of
material consistent with the lot tested in Phase 1. All ingredients used throughout the
experiments were used from the same batch/lot to avoid batch to batch variability which
to identify the inert materials, rates and combinations which provided at least some
emulsion of the essential oils with the water content of the sample.
All formulations contained 5% essential oil, a blend of surfactants and deionized
(DI) water (Table 2.3). Surfactant system A is compliant with 25(b)/4(a) minimum risk
regulations and is similar in composition to the inerts used in all formulations tested in
Phase 1. System B utilizes non-ionic ethoxylated sorbitan esters, which are commonly
lipophilic balance (HLB) required to emulsify the essential oils of interest was conducted
prior to developing this particular system (see Chapter 2). Surfactant system C is a
is an alkyl polyglucoside product that is formulated using renewable raw materials and is
readily biodegradable. Stepanol® (sodium lauryl sulfate) is one of the most commonly
used anionic surfactant across many industries, including personal care products. It is
also listed on the 25(b) list as a minimum risk active ingredient. Formulations with
system C also had the lowest contact angle (see Chapter 2).
System A: Na Caprylate and xanthan gum were individually added to water while
on magnetic stir plate. Caprol® MPGO was added to essential oil in a separate vial and
shaken until homogenized. After xanthan gum had fully hydrated in water for 15-20
minutes, the oil phase was added while water was still on the stir plate. The mixture was
System B: Tween 20 and then Tween 40 were added into a vial containing the
essential oil. The vial was shaken until the mixture was homogenized, then poured into
water while on a stir plate. After the oil phase was added, the mixture was stirred for an
additional 15 minutes.
System C: Sodium lauryl sulfate was added to water while on stir plate. In a
separate vial, Agnique was added to the essential oil and shaken until homogenized, then
poured into the water Phase while stirring. After the oil phase was added, the mixture was
All samples were stored in a refrigerator until ready for contact angle
cockroach nymph, n =10. The measured variable was speed of KD, recorded in seconds.
The experiment was a completely randomized design, and was conducted twice. A
maximum time limit for observations was set at seven minutes (420 seconds). For
observations that did not end in mortality, a time of 420 seconds was recorded. Due to
time constraint, it was not possible to mix all of the 33 treatments in the laboratory and
test them on the same day. Therefore, for each day of testing, 6-10 samples were
randomly selected, formulated in the lab, and tested for cockroach KD within 24 hours.
To confirm that there was minimal variation from day to day that would
significantly impact the KD data, an additional experiment was conducted in which six
formulas from Phase 2 were tested for KD on 9th instar American cockroaches (n=10) on
three non-consecutive days. The method for generating the KD data was the same as the
Phase 1 insect experiments using the KD tubes. To account for cockroach and
formulation variability, cockroaches from the insectary were randomly selected and
assigned to treatments and a new batch of formulations for each treatment were mixed on
each day of testing. Temperature and humidity of the room during the KD experiment
was recorded on each day of testing: Day 1 (June 2, 2011): 80°F, 31% RH, Day 2 (June
7, 2011): 81°F, 49% RH, Day 3 (June 10, 2011): 81°F, 45% RH.
on American cockroach nymphs will differ in comparison to a single essential oil when
used at the same concentration within a liquid formulation applied topically to a pest.
Data for the total 105 treatments were separated into fourteen groups based on essential
oil content. All 14 treatments containing cedar oil, for example, composed a group. All
groups were subjected to statistical analysis using PROC MIXED (SAS 9.2). For
treatment mean separation of essential oil groups, Dunnett’s was implemented with α =
0.05. Data were transformed using natural log, due to non-normal distribution of error.
Data for runs 1 and 2 were treated as blocks within the statistical model. To compare
PROC ANOVA was used, and treatment mean separation was determined with Fisher’s
2.4.2. Phase 2 experiment:
cockroaches. Data were transformed using natural log, due to non-normal distribution of
error. Data for runs 1 and 2 were treated as blocks within the statistical model. To
compare main effects of essential oils and main effects of surfactant systems used, data
were analyzed using PROC ANOVA, treatment mean separation using Scheffe, α=0.05.
Time period (day of testing) was used as the blocking criteria in the statistical
model. Treatments were structured within a randomized complete block design. PROC
GLM was used, with “day” set as a random variable. Treatment means were separated
Table 3.3 lists the raw material suppliers for essential oils and inert materials used
3. Results
seconds when cedar oil was combined with citronella, clove, eugenol, geranium, geraniol,
mint or thyme oils as compared to cedar oil alone (Adjusted p values = <0.01for the
mentioned combinations) (Table 3.2). The only treatments that had slower KD on
average than 10% cedar oil within this treatment group were the cedar + garlic and cedar
+ peppermint combinations, but these treatments were not significantly different from
from 10% cinnamon oil alone. Combinations with clove, eugenol, geraniol, mint or
peppermint oils had less than thirty second KD, whereas 10% cinnamon oil alone had a
Knockdown speed was increased when clove oil or eugenol were added, compared to
citronella oil alone (Adjusted p values of 0.01 and 0.01, respectively). The only
treatments with average KD time greater than thirty seconds (nlog of 30 seconds = 3.40)
Treatments which had significantly slower KD compared to 10% clove oil alone were
treatments that contained garlic oil, lemongrass oil, peppermint oil or 2-phenethyl
propionate (adjusted p values of <0.01, <0.001, 0.05, and <0.0001, respectively). There
were no clove oil combination treatments that had significantly faster KD time than 10%
Although all treatments containing eugenol had less than 30 second KD time,
there were significant differences among treatments as well as blocks (p<0.0001 and
p=<0.001, respectively) within the eugenol treatment group. Knockdown time was
peppermint oils or 2-phenethyl propionate were combined with eugenol, compared to
10% eugenol alone (adjusted p values of <0.01, <0.001, <0.01, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03, 0.04, and
(p<0.0001). The speed of KD was significantly increased when any of the other oils
were added. The difference between 10% garlic oil and garlic+cedar was marginally
significant, with p value = 0.07 (Table 3.5). Garlic oil was not toxic as a contact pesticide
to the cockroaches at a 10% w/w concentration. Insects were not monitored for KD
beyond 7 minutes, so KD time for cockroaches treated with 10% garlic oil was recorded
as 7 minutes.
All treatments containing geraniol resulted in less than thirty second KD time of
cedar, cinnamon, citronella, mint oils or 2-phenethyl propionate were combined with
geraniol, KD time was significantly slowed (adjusted p values =0.03, 0.01, <0.0001, 0.01,
geranium oil (p<0.0001). Knockdown speed was significantly increased when geranium
oil was combined with eugenol or mint oils, compared to 10% geranium oil alone (p
value = 0.01 and 0.03, respectively). For the other geranium oil combinations, there were
Statistically significant differences existed among treatments containing
lemongrass oil (p<0.0001). The oils most antagonistic to KD were garlic oil and 2-
phenethyl propionate, whereas eugenol, geraniol and mint oil combinations with
lemongrass oil were the fastest treatments, with KD speed well under 30 seconds.
The only treatment significantly different from 10% mint oil within the mint oil-
containing treatment group was mint + 2-phenethyl propionate (p<0.0001). Most mint oil
treatments had less than 30 second KD time except when mint oil was combined with
less than 30 second KD time. Treatments containing cedar, garlic, lemongrass, rosemary
oils or 2-phenethyl propionate had greater than 30 second KD time. Of these five, cedar,
garlic and 2-phenethyl propionate oil treatments were significantly slower than 10%
peppermint oil (adjusted p values of <0.0001, 0.01 and <0.001, respectively) (Table 3.7).
Compared to 10% rosemary oil, the only treatment that was significantly different
Knockdown speed was less than 30 seconds when rosemary oil was combined with
citronella, clove, eugenol, geranium, geraniol, lemongrass, mint or thyme oils, but these
treatments were not significantly faster than 10% rosemary oil alone which had 34
second KD.
All treatments containing thyme oil had KD close to or under 30 seconds, with the
exception of thyme oil + 2-phenethyl propionate, which was the only treatment
significantly different from 10% thyme oil alone (adjusted p value <0.0001).
The majority of treatments containing 2-phenethyl propionate resulted in KD
speed greater than 30 seconds, with 10% phenethyl propionate over two minutes. Due to
high variation among 2-phenethyl propionate treatments, only one treatment, 2-phenethyl
propionate + geraniol, was significantly faster than 10% 2-phenethyl propionate alone
(adjusted p = 0.01). However, less than 30 second KD time was still achieved when 2-
Eugenol, geraniol, clove and thyme oils were superb KD agents on their own at
10% concentration, each having a mean KD time well below 30 seconds (Table 3.8).
Peppermint, mint, geranium, lemongrass, citronella, rosemary and cinnamon oils were
also good KD agents at 10% concentration, with mean KD times very similar to one
another at close to 30 seconds. Cedar oil and 2-phenethyl propionate were poor KD
agents in comparison to these other oils (Table 3.8). While slower in KD time than most
of the other oils, both were able to provide mortality, whereas garlic oil was non-toxic at
10% w/w concentration. While KD time of several of the oils were significantly
improved when combined with other oils, this does not imply synergy. The improved
performance was driven by the added oil which had better activity on its own (Table 3.8).
An example of this is when 10% cedar alone was significantly improved when mixed
with citronella, clove, eugenol, geraniol, geranium, mint and thyme oils, which all had
much faster KD as stand-alone actives (Table 3.2). The KD times of these other oils
were 31, 20, 13, 15, 28, 30 and 18 seconds, respectively, compared to 10% cedar alone
3.2. Phase 2 experiment results
The only essential oil to have less than 30 second KD at a 5% w/w concentration,
averaged across all three surfactant systems was geraniol. Other oils showing fast KD
potential, and not significantly different from geraniol in speed, were eugenol, geranium,
thyme, clove, and peppermint oils (α=0.05). As expected, liquid formulations containing
only inert ingredients were significantly less able to control pests than all formulations
containing an essential oil (Table 3.9). Of the samples containing an essential oil,
cinnamon oil was the least effective oil in knocking down cockroaches. When KD times
were averaged across surfactant systems, System C was shown to significantly enhance
(p<0.0001), but “day of testing” was not significant in the model (p=0.43). Eugenol and
geraniol treatments had faster mean KD time than geranium treatments, regardless of
4. Conclusions:
Eugenol, geraniol, clove and thyme oils at 10% w/w concentration exhibited
geranium, lemongrass, citronella, rosemary and cinnamon oils were also toxic to
cockroaches, with KD times similar to one another, around 30 seconds. Cedar and garlic
oils and 2-phenethyl propionate were poor KD agents. Of all treatment groups in Phase 1
experiment, garlic oil and 2-phenethyl propionate combination treatments had the largest
standard error. The garlic oil sample tested in this experiment was not toxic to the
cockroaches at 10% w/w, but when many of the other oils such as clove and eugenol
were added to garlic oil, KD was significantly improved. Based on the performance of
these other oils when tested alone, it is clear that any level of KD achieved when mixed
with garlic oil was due to the effect of the other oil. There was no performance benefit to
Based on the data presented in Table 3.9, the top performing 25(b) essential oils
that should be considered for insecticide product development include thyme oil, clove
oil, eugenol and geraniol. These essential oils, other than geraniol, primarily consist of
aromatic compounds. Thymol is the primary constituent of thyme oil, and eugenol is the
primary constituent of clove oil. These results are consistent with previous findings that
aromatic compounds such as thymol and eugenol are more potent contact toxicants than
the aliphatic and bicyclic compounds such as limonene, citronellal, menthone, linalool,
camphor, camphene, and pinene (Phillips et al. 2010, Rice & Coats 1994). The aromatic
ring structure is typically more stable than the aliphatic compounds, making it more
difficult to metabolize inside an organism. This, coupled with the possibility of these
strong evidence as to why the aromatic compounds are more toxic to insects (Bischof &
oils on American cockroaches. The faster KD of essential oils when mixed with
surfactant system C is thought to be due to the lower contact angle of this system (see
Chapter 2). The primary factor affecting KD speed in these experiments, however, was
the essential oil. In all experiments, eugenol and geraniol are the fastest KD agents.
Other essential oils that have potential as insect KD agents include citronella, clove,
geranium, peppermint and thyme oils, which have KD times close to or less than 1
minute on American cockroach nymphs at 5% w/w dilution (Table 3.9). Since many of
them display excellent KD capability, choosing which oil to develop commercially will
depend on cost, intellectual property, and ease of formulating into a stable product.
Given that control of urban pests such as cockroaches often elicits strong emotion
for the home resident, providing a fast knockdown of the pests assures them of success in
their pesticide application. This research has shown that many of the 25(b) essential oils
can provide this fast KD effect. The relationship of contact angle and fast KD with
essential oil formulations is one avenue of research that should be explored further,
octopamine. Future development of 25(b) insecticides for urban pest management should
focus on the use of eugenol and geraniol with surfactants that can lessen the contact angle
of the formulation. Odor of these essential oils, while often considered pleasant, could be
an issue for some, particularly when applied indoors. Encapsulation techniques to reduce
5. Tables
Table 3.1 continued
Treatment Knockdown (seconds, Adjusted p
nlog) value
10% cedar oil 4.59 -
5% cedar oil + 5% cinnamon oil 3.77 NS
5% cedar oil + 5% citronella oil 3.17 <0.01
5% cedar oil + 5% clove oil 2.99 <0.001
5% cedar oil + 5% eugenol 2.97 <0.001
5% cedar oil + 5% garlic oil 5.13 NS
5% cedar oil + 5% geraniol 3.05 <0.001
5% cedar oil + 5% geranium oil 3.26 <0.01
5% cedar oil + 5% lemongrass oil 3.62 0.08
5% cedar oil + 5% mint oil 3.27 <0.01
5% cedar oil + 5% peppermint oil 4.62 NS
5% cedar oil + 5% rosemary oil 4.29 NS
5% cedar oil + 5% thyme oil 3.29 <0.01
5% cedar oil + 5% 2-phenethyl propionate 4.51 NS
Standard error 0.36
Table 3.2. Time (seconds, nlog transformed) to knock down American cockroach nymphs
using 10% cedar oil alone compared to combinations with other oils. NS = not significant
from 10% cedar oil alone, with p value > 0.10, using Dunnett’s for treatment mean separation.
Treatment Knockdown Adjusted p
(seconds, nlog) value
10% eugenol 2.49 -
5% eugenol + 5% cedar oil 2.97 <0.01
5% eugenol + 5% cinnamon oil 3.06 <0.001
5% eugenol + 5% citronella oil 2.95 <0.01
5% eugenol + 5% clove 2.66 NS
5% eugenol + 5% garlic oil 2.90 0.02
5% eugenol + 5% geraniol 2.59 NS
5% eugenol + 5% geranium oil 2.94 0.01
5% eugenol + 5% lemongrass oil 2.89 0.03
5% eugenol + 5% mint oil 2.74 NS
5% eugenol + 5% peppermint oil 2.87 0.04
5% eugenol + 5% rosemary oil 2.82 NS
5% eugenol + 5% thyme oil 2.65 NS
5% eugenol + 5% 2-phenethyl propionate 3.24 <0.0001
Standard error 0.13
Table 3.4. Time (seconds, nlog transformed) to knock down American cockroach nymphs
using 10% eugenol alone compared to combinations with other oils. NS = not significant
from 10% eugenol alone, with p value > 0.10, using Dunnett’s for treatment mean separation.
Treatment Knockdown Adjusted p
(seconds, nlog) value
10% geraniol 2.69 -
5% geraniol + 5% cedar oil 3.05 0.03
5% geraniol + 5% cinnamon oil 3.09 0.01
5% geraniol + 5% citronella oil 3.26 <0.0001
5% geraniol + 5% clove 2.75 NS
5% geraniol + 5% eugenol oil 2.59 NS
5% geraniol + 5% garlic oil 2.95 NS
5% geraniol + 5% geranium oil 3.01 0.07
5% geraniol + 5% lemongrass oil 2.88 NS
5% geraniol + 5% mint oil 3.09 0.01
5% geraniol + 5% peppermint oil 2.86 NS
5% geraniol + 5% rosemary oil 2.97 NS
5% geraniol + 5% thyme oil 2.97 NS
5% geraniol + 5% 2-phenethyl propionate 3.24 <0.0001
Standard error 0.12
Table 3.6. Time (seconds, nlog transformed) to knock down American cockroach nymphs
using 10% geraniol alone compared to combinations with other oils. NS = not significant
from 10% geraniol alone, with p value > 0.10, using Dunnett’s for treatment mean separation.
Essential Oil, 10% w/w N Mean KD in seconds (nlog)
Garlic 8 420 (6.04) a
Cedar 8 161 (4.59) b
2-phenethyl propionate 8 137 (4.34) bc
Cinnamon 8 46 (3.54) bcd
Rosemary 8 35 (3.46) bcd
Citronella 8 31 (3.41) bcd
Lemongrass 8 29 (3.35) bcd
Geranium 8 28 (3.33) bcd
Mint 8 30 (3.32) bcd
Peppermint 8 23 (3.14) cd
Thyme 8 18 (2.88) d
Clove 8 20 (2.88) d
Geraniol 8 15 (2.69) d
Eugenol 8 13 (2.49) d
Table 3.8. Essential oils in order of KD speed at 10% concentration on American
cockroach Means followed by same letter within a column are not significantly different at the
α=0.05 level according to Fisher’s LSD.
Treatment N Mean KD Time in Seconds
Eugenol + System A 30 23 a
Eugenol + System C 30 24 a
Geraniol + System A 30 25 a
Geraniol + System C 30 24 a
geranium + System A 30 34 b
geranium + System C 30 40 b
Table 3.10. Mean KD time of 9 instar American cockroaches with Eugenol, Geraniol,
and Geranium oil combined with surfactant systems A (89.57% DI water, 2% w/w
sodium caprylate, 0.33% Caprol® MPGO, 0.1% xanthan gum) & C (92.4% DI water,
2.5% w/w alkyl polyglucoside, 0.1% sodium lauryl sulfate), averaged across three test
dates. Means followed by same letter within a column are not significantly different at the α=0.05
level, Fisher’s LSD.
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Aleyrodidae). Florida Entomol. 76: 161-167.
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Liu, T-X. and P.A. Stansly. 2000. Insecticidal activity of surfactants and oils against
silverleaf whitely (Bemisia argentifolii) nymphs (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on collards
and tomato. Pest Mgmt. Sci. 56: 861-866.
Miller, D.M. and F. Meek. 2004. Cost and efficacy comparison of Integrated Pest
Management strategies with monthly spray insecticide applications for German
cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) control in public housing. J. Econ. Entomol. 97
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Mosson, H.J., J.E. Short, R. Schenker and J.P. Edwards. 1995 Pesticide Sci. 45: 237-246.
Phillips, A.K., A.G. Appel, and S.R. Sims. 2010. Topical toxicity of essential oils to the
German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 103: 448-459.
Rice, P.J. and J.R. Coats. 1994. Insecticidal properties of several monoterpenoids to the
housefly (Diptera: Muscidae), red flour beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), and southern
corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 87: 1172-1179.
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Chapter 4: Post-emergent herbicide activity of U.S. EPA minimum risk plant essential
oils on dandelion (Taraxacum officianale) and crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum) and the
1. Introduction
Weed management is a major input for crop production and herbicides make up
the largest portion of pesticides sold in agriculture. The EPA reported a total of 2 billion
pounds of herbicides used globally in 2007, with the U.S. making up 25% of the world
market (www.epa.gov/pesticides/pestsales/07pestsales/table_of_contents2007.htm). In
the 2011 National Gardening survey, it was reported that a total of 44 million American
homeowners used pesticides in 2010, of which 9.6 million specifically used herbicides
(Butterfield & Baldwin 2011). Typical areas of herbicide application by consumers vary
widely, from gravel paths, patio cracks, around edible vegetable gardens and ornamental
landscape beds to selective treatment of weeds in the lawn. Dandelion is the most
common weed species in residential lawns and gardens. Its notoriety as a pest can be
attributed to its wide distribution across North America, its perennial nature enabling it to
re-grow from rootstock, prolific seed production at multiple times within the growing
season, and the ability to thrive under mowing conditions in the lawn. Another weed
species that consumers spend a great deal of effort trying to eradicate is crabgrass, a
Homeowners who wish to grow organic edibles or use certified organic materials
for lawn care are restricted to a small number of products that are compliant with the
practices outlined by the National Organic Program (NOP). The certified organic
herbicide materials that have been approved for use in organic food production, which are
available to both large-scale growers and homeowners, include corn gluten meal, plant
oils and essential oils, and the essential oil component limonene. Soaps may also be used
as herbicides in organic production, but only on non-food crop areas (2011 OMRI
Products List). Regardless of these limited herbicide options for the organic grower,
over 20% of consumers active in the lawn and garden category (8.8 million users) report
using natural or less toxic chemicals (Butterfield & Baldwin 2011). Several plant
essential oils have documented herbicide capabilities, but cost and weed re-growth are
limiting factors in their widespread adoption. However, the plight of weed control for the
homeowner differs from agriculture managers in that it is often not necessary for the
threshold. Homeowners are also typically treating weeds on a much smaller scale than
production growers, with the average U.S. home lawn estimated at 0.08 hectare or 8,600
square feet (Zirkle 2010). These differences in use patterns may present better economics
pesticide to make any claim of safety on the label, regardless of toxicity profile of the
the U.S. EPA’s 25(b) minimum risk pesticide list presents an opportunity for industry to
develop pesticides for the consumer that can be marketed as “safe to use around kids and
pets”. Being able to use such language on a pesticide label can address health and safety
concerns that consumers may have about using pesticides in and around their home.
Additionally, many schools are now promoting the sole use of exempt pesticides for
insect and weed control because of favorable toxicity profiles and reduced risk of residual
pesticides in areas where children could be exposed. Several exempt herbicide products
are currently being sold that use essential oils as the active ingredients (Table 4.1). Many
of the products listed in Table 4.1 use multiple essential oils as active ingredients, with
various blends of 2-phenethyl propionate, eugenol, lemongrass, clove and cinnamon oils.
U.S. patents have been filed or issued for lemongrass, citronella and 2-phenethyl
propionate oils as herbicides (Fernandez et al. 2008, Bessette, SM 2000, Ryan & Morris
Despite three patents and several commercially available products on the market,
there is very little reported information in the scientific literature on the use of essential
screened 25 essential oils for herbicide activity using dandelion leaf disks, and reported
that cinnamon, clove, summer savory and red thyme oils were highly phytotoxic. When
these oils were mixed 5 to 10% w/w in an aqueous concentration and applied to shoots of
hours after the application. Eugenol was found to be the active component within the
cinnamon oil. It is well known that eugenol is the primary constituent within clove oil as
well. Others have also reported on the burn-down effects of clove oil on plant tissue
(Evans et al. 2009, Bainard et al. 2006). A ready-to-use herbicide formulation containing
22.9% citronella oil is currently sold in the UK under the name Barrier H™. Its herbicide
activity was tested by Clay et al. (2005) as a treatment for clearing vegetation for tree
establishment. At a high dose of 229 kg a.i. ha-1, citronella oil killed the foliage of all
weed species within one day of application, but re-growth was reported.
It is generally agreed that essential oils damage plant tissue by increasing cell
within a short time after application (Tworkoski 2002, Bainard et al. 2006). The presence
of leaf epicuticular wax on leaf surface can reduce the severity of injury caused by
essential oils such as clove oil and eugenol by reducing the retention of the spray on the
leaf surface (Bainard et al. 2006). In 2000, Romagni et al. reported that 1,4-cineole and
related monoterpene structures, which are common essential oil components, inhibited
plant asparagine synthetase. This was the first indication that there was a possible
molecular mode of action site for essential oils’ herbicide activity. However, in 2005, the
article was retracted by the author due to an inability to duplicate the original results.
The current study is designed to 1) determine whether multiple essential oils have
performance benefits over a single essential oil within a liquid formulation and 2)
evaluate performance of essential oils when formulated with different surfactant systems.
This study will be the first to compare all 25(b) essential oils and essential oil
constituents for herbicide activity, as stand-alone ingredients and in combination with one
another. It will also provide useful information on the effects of essential oils’ herbicide
activity when paired with various inert ingredients. The fourteen 25(b) essential oils and
essential oil constituents selected for the current study are 2-phenethyl propionate (2PP),
cedar (CED), cinnamon (CIN), citronella (CIT), clove (CLO), eugenol (EUG), garlic
(GAR), geranium (GER), geraniol (Giol), lemongrass (LEM), mint (MIN), peppermint
2.1 Phase 1 weed control: Pairwise combinations of essential oils tested for herbicide
enhance herbicide activity, 14 essential oils were tested individually and in combination
with one another in an aqueous solution at a total of 10% w/w. All pairwise
All ingredients used throughout the experiments were used from the same batch/lot to
Preliminary formulation work was conducted to identify the inert materials, their rates
and combinations which provided a physically stable emulsion for a minimum of two
minutes. All formulation treatments in phase 1 experiment contained the same inert
Samples were prepared in the described process: sodium caprylate and xanthan
gum were individually added to a water phase while on magnetic stir plate. Caprol®
MPGO was added to the essential oil and soybean oil in a separate vial and shaken until
homogenized. After xanthan gum had fully hydrated in the water phase for 15-20
minutes, the oil phase was added to the water phase while stirring on the stir plate. After
the oil phase was added, the mixture was allowed to stir for an additional 15 minutes.
ischaemum). An individual weed, planted into a 10 cm pot, was the experimental unit,
n=3 for each species. The experiment was a completely randomized design, and was
conducted two times. Dandelions and crabgrass were grown from seed in flat trays, and
then individual plants were transplanted into 10 cm pots filled with MetroMix® potting
additional two to three weeks to establish in the pots before treatment applications were
in a lawn setting. Treatments were not all applied on the same day due to time
restrictions. Treatments being applied on a particular day were randomly selected and
assigned to weeds. Since there were multiple application dates, weed planting dates were
staggered accordingly so that at each application date the dandelions and crabgrass plants
were approximately six weeks old. Greenhouse temperatures ranged from 15° to 21° C at
night and 21° to 32° C during the day. Overhead irrigation was provided daily to
maintain adequate moisture in the weed pots. Fertilization was provided through the
irrigation system at time transplanting, at an end-rate dilution of 450 ppm N (174 ppm
NH4 and 276 ppm Urea), 901 ppm P2O5, and 450 ppm K2O. Formulations were applied
using hand-held pump sprayers which provided a fine mist spray, ensuring full coverage
of the sample onto the leaf tissue of each weed with approximately 1 g of spray.
Applications were made in late morning hours, and subjective percent leaf injury ratings
were measured at 1 hour and 24 hours after application. A two week evaluation was also
essential oils. All three experiments were of a factorial treatment design that allowed for
testing the effects of ten essential oils (cinnamon, citronella, clove, eugenol, geraniol,
geranium, lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary and thyme oils), each combined with three
unique surfactant systems (Table 2.3). This provides critical information as to how to
best develop a full formulation using essential oils based on whether it is for insecticidal
or herbicidal use, which is discussed in Chapter 1. Four essential oils, cedar, garlic, mint
and 2-phenethyl propionate, from phase 1 experiments were not included in phase 2. All
essential oils and inert ingredients used throughout the experiments were used from the
same batch/lot to avoid batch to batch variability which is common to naturally sourced
materials. Preliminary formulation work was conducted to identify the inert materials,
rates and combinations which provided at least a short term (5 minutes) emulsion without
phase separation of the essential oils and inert ingredients from the water content in the
All formulations contained 5% essential oil, a blend of surfactants and deionized
(DI) water. Surfactant system A is compliant with 25(b)/4(a) minimum risk regulations,
and is similar in composition to the inert ingredients used in phase 1. System B utilizes
surfactants. These two particular surfactants were chosen based on the preliminary work
is an alkyl polyglucoside product that is formulated using renewable raw materials and is
readily biodegradable. Stepanol® (sodium lauryl sulfate) is one of the most commonly
used anionic surfactant across many industries, including personal care products. It is
also listed on the 25(b) list as a minimum risk active ingredient. Formulations with
system C also had the lowest contact angle, indicating that these had better spreading
properties than formulations containing surfactant systems A and B (see Chapter 2).
Table 2.3 provides a list of the components in surfactant systems A, B and C used
in Phase 2 experiments.
System A formulas were prepared in the following manner: sodium caprylate and
xanthan gum were individually added to a water phase while on magnetic stir plate.
Caprol® MPGO was added to essential oil in a separate vial and shaken until
homogenized. After xanthan gum had fully hydrated in the water phase for 15-20
minutes, the oil phase was added to the water phase while stirring on the stir plate. After
the oil phase was added, the mixture was stirred for an additional 15 minutes.
System B formulas were prepared in the following manner: Tween 20 and then
Tween 40 were added into a vial containing the essential oil. The vial was shaken until
mixture was homogenized, then poured into water while on a stir plate. After the oil
phase was added, the mixture was stirred for an additional 15 minutes.
System C formulas were prepared in the following manner: Sodium lauryl sulfate
was added to water while on stir plate. In a separate vial, Agnique alkyl polyglucoside
was added to the essential oil and shaken until homogenized then poured into the water
phase while stirring. After the oil phase was added, the mixture was stirred for an
additional 15 minutes.
Phase 2 weed control experiments were conducted June through July 2011. Fresh
formulations were made in the lab within twenty-four hours prior to the greenhouse and
field applications. Applications were made in late morning hours, and subjective % leaf
injury ratings were measured at 1 hour and 24 hours after application. A two week
experimental unit was one individually potted 6 week old dandelion, with 4 replications
per treatment (n=4). Dandelion seeds were germinated in flat trays filled with
MetroMix® potting media, then transplanted into individual 10 cm diameter pots filled
with the same type of potting media within approximately one month of germination.
The transplants were allowed an additional two to three weeks to establish in the pots
before treatment applications were made. Treatments were randomly assigned to weeds.
Greenhouse temperatures ranged from 15° to 21° C at night and 21° to 32° C during the
day. Overhead irrigation was provided daily to maintain moisture in the weed pots.
Fertilization was provided through the irrigation system at time transplanting, at an end-
rate dilution of 450 ppm N (174 ppm NH4 and 276 ppm Urea), 901 ppm P2O5, and 450
ppm K2O. Weeds were trimmed weekly to simulate effects of lawn mowing.
Applications were made using hand-pump bottles, and, for all treatments, approximately
1 g of spray was applied to each dandelion, ensuring full coverage of the foliage.
growing in a low maintenance turf area that was weekly mowed to 7 cm height. The
experimental unit consisted of one dandelion, and there were 4 replications per treatment
(n=4). The weeds were individually marked and randomly assigned to treatments in a
completely randomized block design. Spot applications to the dandelions were made
using the same hand-pump bottles used in the greenhouse trials. Approximately 2.5 g of
spray was foliar applied to each dandelion, fully coating leaf tissue.
treatments on dandelion and crabgrass will differ in comparison to a single essential oil
when used at the same concentration within a liquid formulation that is applied foliarly.
Data for the total 105 treatments were separated into 14 groups based on essential oil
content. All 14 treatments containing cedar oil, for example, composed a group. All
groups were subjected to statistical analysis using PROC MIXED (SAS 9.2). For
treatment mean separation of essential oil groups, Dunnett’s was implemented with α
=0.05. Data for runs 1 and 2 were treated as blocks within the statistical model. To
compare treatment means of formulas composed of a single essential oil at 10% w/w
concentration, PROC ANOVA was used, and treatment mean separation was determined
The alternate hypothesis is that the rate of overall effectiveness of herbicide burn-
down of essential oils will vary when combined with different surfactant systems. The
treatment list is a factorial arrangement of ten essential oils and three surfactant systems.
The dandelion data were subjected to statistical analysis using PROC MIXED (SAS 9.2)
and treatment mean separation was based on Fisher’s LSD, with α = 0.05. Data for runs
one and two were treated as blocks within the statistical model. Synergy of the essential
Colby (1967). A two-tailed t test was conducted using Minitab 15 software to determine
if differences between the actual injury rating and the expected injury rating from the
combinations were significant. For the synergy analysis, data from all three phase 2
Table 2.4 lists the raw material suppliers for essential oils and inert materials used
3. Results
Cedar oil was phytotoxic to weeds when tested alone at 10% concentration, but as
a stand-alone essential oil it was less effective than when tested in combination with most
of the other oils (Table 4.2). Herbicide injury on dandelions was significantly improved
lemongrass or thyme oils were mixed with cedar oil, in comparison to 10% cedar oil
alone. However, there were only two pairwise combinations, cedar + clove and cedar +
thyme, that significantly improved herbicide injury to crabgrass, increasing percent injury
from 43% with 10% cedar to 79.2% with cedar + clove and 64% with cedar + thyme at
24 hours (Table 4.2). For all cedar oil-containing treatments, when comparing % weed
injury at 1 and 24 hours after treatment, damage was much more severe on dandelions
Within the cinnamon oil-containing treatment group, 10% cinnamon oil was
dandelions one hour after application, but was not statistically different from
rosemary . By 24 hours, all cinnamon oil treatments injured dandelion foliage >90%. For
crabgrass, only cinnamon + eugenol and cinnamon + garlic were significantly less
effective than 10% cinnamon at 24 hours (39.2% and 40.8% injury, respectively,
All treatments containing citronella oil were highly phytotoxic to dandelions and
crabgrass, with all treatments burning at least 80% dandelion leaf tissue and 45%
crabgrass leaf tissue within 24 hours following foliar application. Citronella oil alone at
10% w/w concentration was very effective as an herbicide, with 97.5% injury to
dandelions and 51% injury to crabgrass by 24 hours. None of the combination treatments
containing citronella oil were significantly different from 10% citronella oil alone, except
for the citronella + lemongrass combination. Considering that these two oils are very
similar in composition and come from plants within the same genus, this apparent
antagonism was unexpected. However, the 1 hour and 24 hour crabgrass injury from this
Clove oil treatments were highly phytotoxic to dandelions and crabgrass, with
most treatments resulting in greater than 90% injury to dandelions and greater than 50%
clove oil on dandelions was significantly reduced when mixed with garlic and rosemary
oils, with 76% and 63%, respectively, 24 hours after application, compared to 93% injury
with 10% clove oil alone. On crabgrass, effectiveness was significantly reduced when
clove oil was mixed with garlic, rosemary, cinnamon or peppermint oils.
Eugenol was a very effective burndown agent on dandelions and crabgrass, with
most treatments resulting in greater than 90% injury on dandelions and >40% injury on
crabgrass within 24 hours after foliar application (Table 4.4). Similar to the clove oil,
that was significantly less effective than 10% eugenol at 24 hours after application was
eugenol + cinnamon (Table 4.4). This is an unexpected result since Cinnamon was very
phytotoxic on its own (66% injury at 24 hours on crabgrass) and in combination with
When mixed with cinnamon, citronella, clove, eugenol, geranium, geraniol, lemongrass
or mint oils, injury to dandelions was at least 70% by 24 hours, but injury is attributable
to these other oils (Table 4.5). On crabgrass, mixtures of garlic oil with citronella,
eugenol, lemongrass or thyme oils burned at least 50% of leaf tissue by 24 hours, but
again, the injury is not attributable to the garlic oil component of these formulations
(Table 4.5).
Geraniol was highly effective at damaging dandelions and crabgrass. There was
no reduction of efficacy when geraniol was mixed with other oils and applied to
dandelions, and injury exceeded 95% by 24 hours with all treatments (Table 4.6). On
crabgrass, efficacy was decreased significantly when geraniol was mixed with 2-
phenethyl propionate, cedar, cinnamon, citronella, garlic or mint oils. However, all
Geranium oil is highly phytotoxic, with the 10% geranium oil treatment reaching
99% and 78% injury to dandelions and crabgrass, respectively, within 24 hours (Table
4.7). Geranium oil mixtures with cedar or garlic oils were significantly less effective on
dandelions and crabgrass at 24 hours compared to 10% geranium oil (Table 4.7). In
addition, crabgrass injury was also significantly reduced by 24 hours when geraniol, mint
and rosemary oils were mixed with geranium oil. However, all treatments were
Lemongrass oil was a very effective herbicide at 10% concentration, with 96%
injury to dandelions and 55% injury to crabgrass 24 hours after foliar application. There
was no statistically significant difference between 10% lemongrass oil and the treatments
in which it was combined with the other oils, except for the lemongrass + citronella
compared to 96% injury with 10% lemongrass oil. This reduction in efficacy was not
expected, since lemongrass and citronella oils are derived from plants within the same
genus, and typically contain similar constituents. All treatments were effective at burning
crabgrass, and there were no statistically significant differences among the treatments 24
combined with the other essential oils (Table 4.8). All treatments, except for mint +
cedar and mint + garlic, resulted in 90% injury or greater on dandelions within 24 hours
after application. On crabgrass, there was a significant reduction in injury when mint oil
10% peppermint oil, efficacy was significantly reduced on dandelions when mixed with
cedar, garlic or rosemary oils. When tested on crabgrass, mixtures of peppermint oil with
clove or garlic oils were significantly less herbicidal at 24 hours, as compared to the 10%
peppermint oil treatment (Table 4.9). However, all combinations with peppermint oil
While 10% rosemary oil was phytotoxic to dandelions with 68% injury at 24
hours, its efficacy was significantly improved when mixed with cinnamon, geranium,
geraniol or mint oils. None of the essential oil combinations were significantly different
from 10% rosemary oil on crabgrass injury at 1 and 24 hours after application (Table
4.10). Rosemary was one of the least herbicidal essential oils tested, with performance
Thyme oil was a very effective herbicide, resulting in 98% injury to dandelions
and 68% injury to crabgrass within 24 hours of foliar application with 10% thyme oil.
All essential oil combination treatments with thyme oil resulted in good burndown. The
thyme + garlic combination was the only treatment that was significantly less effective
than 10% thyme oil on dandelions at 24 hours. For the crabgrass 24 hour data, none of
the combination treatments were significantly different from 10% thyme oil.
tissue by 24 hours after application (Table 4.11). Combinations of other essential oils
with 2-phenethyl propionate were equally effective on dandelions at 24 hours, with the
which were significantly less effective (Table 4.11). The 2-phenethyl propionate +
compared to 10% 2-phenethyl propionate alone. All other essential oil combinations
On dandelions 1 hour after application, there was a significant difference between
runs in the model (p = <0.01), but not significant in the model for 24 hour data (p=0.52).
Geranium, cinnamon, mint, peppermint, geraniol, eugenol, citronella and thyme oils
burned over 50% of the dandelion foliage by 1 hour at 10% w/w concentration, and were
not significantly different from one another (Table 4.12). By 24 hours, these eight oils,
as well as lemongrass oil, clove oil and 2-phenethyl propionate had injured at least 90%
of dandelion leaf tissue. While rosemary and cedar oils were significantly less effective
than all the others, not including garlic, these two oils still damaged dandelion leaf tissue
by 60% or greater by 24 hours after application (Table 4.12). Garlic oil was the least
effective as an herbicide (Tables 4.12 and 4.13). Other than garlic oil, there were no
hours after foliar application (Table 4.13). Essential oil injury to dandelions was more
severe than crabgrass across all treatments, within each timeframe of injury rating
(Tables 4.12 and 4.13). See Appendix A.1 for photographs of dandelion and crabgrass
injury at 1 and 24 hours after application with 10% essential oil mixtures.
combined with surfactant system A and applied to dandelion foliage. In the greenhouse
experiments, surfactant system A, when tested without an essential oil, injured an average
of 0.63% dandelion leaf tissue by 1 hour. When essential oils were combined with non-
herbicidal inert ingredients (surfactant system B), the resulting injury ranged from 1.5%
to 20% depending on the essential oil. However, when essential oils at 5% w/w dilution
were combined with surfactant system A, 1 hour injury ranged from 7% to 49%
depending on the essential oil. By 6 hours after application, cinnamon, citronella, clove,
eugenol, geraniol, lemongrass and thyme oils combined with surfactant system A had
injured dandelion leaf tissue by 70% or more (Table 2.10). The results of the field study
were similar to the greenhouse in that when essential oils were mixed with surfactant
system A, the resultant weed injury was significantly enhanced compared to when
surfactant systems B or C were used (Table 2.11). Due to the hydrophobic nature of the
oils, it is not possible to test the oils at a 5% w/w dilution in water without adding
emulsifiers to create a homogenous solution. Therefore, any injury from the essential oils
+ surfactant system B is considered to be solely due to the essential oil since these inert
herbicide activity on their own. To determine synergy, the following equation from
E = X + Y – XY/100,
If the actual data is significantly greater than the expected value from the mixture,
then the mixture is considered to be synergistic. If the actual and expected values are
equal, the components of the mixture are considered to have an additive effect. If the
actual data from the mixture is significantly less than the expected value, there is an
Data from the two greenhouse trials and the field trial from Phase 2 were
combined and a two-tailed t-test was conducted to determine if the difference between
the actual and expected percent injury at 6 hours after treatment were significant. The
synergy of all essential oils mixed with surfactant system A was very highly significant,
with p values of 0.0005 or less for all oils. The primary benefit of this particular
combination of ingredients in surfactant system A with essential oils is the early onset of
herbicide injury symptoms. The injury of essential oils to dandelions when mixed with
surfactant systems B and C were comparable in herbicide activity, except thyme oil and
eugenol, which were significantly enhanced with system C in greenhouse and field trials
(Tables 2.10 and 2.11). Through a series of experiments not shown here, it was deduced
that the fatty acid component, sodium caprylate, in surfactant system A was responsible
for the synergistic occurrence. See Appendix B.2 for photographs of dandelion injury
4. Conclusions
The following essential oils, all of which are listed on EPA’s 25(b) minimum risk
concentration within an aqueous solution: cedar oil, cinnamon oil, citronella oil, clove
oil, eugenol, geraniol, geranium oil, lemongrass oil, mint oil, peppermint oil, rosemary
oil, thyme oil and 2-phenethyl propionate. The degree of injury was dependent on the
essential oil, with cedar and rosemary oils typically less injurious than the others. The
only essential oil included in the study that did not have contact toxicity to dandelions
and crabgrass was garlic oil. Across all treatments, dandelion leaf tissue was more
susceptible to injury than crabgrass at given time intervals. With the exceptions of cedar,
rosemary and garlic oils, all other essential oils at 10% w/w concentration burned 90% to
tissue (Tables 4.12 and 4.13). To my knowledge, this is the first public documentation on
the herbicidal effects of geraniol, geranium, mint, peppermint and rosemary oils.
phenethyl propionate oils has previously been reported and have been used as active
performance benefit to mixing two essential oils together. However, there may be a
differences in cost of essential oils, as well as constituent changes in supply from year to
Phase 2 was due to the presence of the fatty acid sodium caprylate. It is well known that
fatty acids with a carbon chain length of 8 to 12 are herbicidal when used at certain
concentrations. Several patents have been filed claiming the herbicidal use of certain
fatty acids, both stand-alone and in combination with synthetic herbicide active
ingredients (Puritch et al., 1990, Caulder et al. 2000, Sedun et al. 1999, Beste et al. 2003,
Pline et al. 1999). In the current study, surfactant system A was not herbicidal on its own
due to a sub-lethal concentration of sodium caprylate. It is assumed at this time that the
sodium caprylate caused the synergistic activity with the essential oils by dissolving the
waxy leaf cuticle and allowing the essential oil to more rapidly induce disruption of cell
affecting stomatal closure (Shulz et al. 2007). These deleterious effects lead to
desiccation of leaf tissue. Further studies have been conducted by the author to determine
whether effective essential oil dilutions can be lowered when mixed with fatty acids of
varying chain length. This may allow essential oil formulations to be more cost-effective
by maintaining their fast burn-down while using lower rates than typically required of an
essential oil being used as an herbicide. This enhanced effect from the use of fatty acid
with an essential oil could also provide a visual cue to the applicator that the herbicide is
working at a faster rate than expected. There may also be potential for using an essential
oil plus fatty acid component as a fast-acting agent for other herbicides that have a slow
essential oils in combination with fatty acids of varying chain lengths has been filed by
5. Tables
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% Ced 23 - 61 - 10 - 43 -
Ced + 2PP 40 NS 91 <0.01 9 NS 51 NS
Ced + Cin 33 NS 98 <0.0001 8 NS 58 0.06
Ced + Cit 28 NS 89 <0.01 15 0.01 46 NS
Ced + Clo 64 <.0001 98 <0.0001 5 0.01 79 <0.0001
Ced +Eug 44 0.07 96 <0.001 12 NS 44 NS
Ced + Gar 4 NS 53 NS 3 <0.001 36 NS
Ced + Ger 28 NS 75 NS 9 NS 45 NS
Ced + Giol 55 <0.01 95 <0.001 8 NS 50 NS
Ced + Lem 34 NS 90 <0.01 13 NS 46 NS
Ced + Min 16 NS 70 NS 9 NS 43 NS
Ced + Pep 39 NS 82 0.07 10 NS 53 NS
Ced + Ros 19 NS 83 0.06 5 0.01 45 NS
Ced + Thy 58 <0.001 98 <.0001 8 NS 64 <.0001
Std Error 7.93 7.68 1.94 7.79
Table 4.2. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing cedar oil. Adjusted p values based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to 10%
cedar oil alone. NS = not significant from 10% cedar oil alone, with p value > 0.10.
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% Cinn 73 - 99 - 11 - 66 -
Cin + 2PP 48 <0.01 95 NS 5 NS 45 NS
Cin + Ced 33 <.0001 98 NS 8 NS 58 NS
Cin + Cit 43 <0.001 98 NS 3 <0.01 66 NS
Cin + Clo 44 <0.01 97 NS 7 NS 48 NS
Cin +Eug 37 <.0001 93 0.02 8 NS 39 0.02
Cin + Gar 34 <.0001 95 NS 8 NS 41 0.03
Cin + Ger 68 NS 99 NS 9 NS 72 NS
Cin + Giol 47 <0.01 98 NS 8 NS 47 NS
Cin + Lem 65 NS 98 NS 9 NS 65 NS
Cin + Min 37 <.0001 97 NS 13 NS 78 NS
Cin + Pep 66 NS 100 NS 9 NS 68 NS
Cin + Ros 57 NS 97 NS 6 NS 65 NS
Cin + Thy 53 0.04 92 <0.01 5 NS 53 NS
Std Error 6.84 2.09 2.28 8.131
Table 4.3. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with treatments
containing cinnamon oil. Adjusted P values based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to
10% cinnamon oil alone. NS = not significant from 10% cinnamon oil alone, with p value > 0.10.
Standard error for Cin+Min comparison to 10% cinnamon oil on crabgrass was 10.087. This
was due to only 3 replicates for the Cin + Min treatment in the 2nd experiment.
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% Eug 50 - 98 - 15 - 62 -
Eug + 2PP 60 NS 98 NS 8 NS 62 NS
Eug + Ced 44 NS 96 NS 12 NS 44 NS
Eug + Cin 37 0.05 93 NS 8 NS 39 0.05
Eug + Cit 38 NS 94 NS 8 NS 50 NS
Eug +Clo 63 0.08 98 NS 9 NS 53 NS
Eug + Gar 37 0.05 75 <.0001 11 NS 50 NS
Eug + Ger 42 NS 93 NS 10 NS 68 NS
Eug + Giol 55 NS 98 NS 6 0.05 62 NS
Eug + Lem 51 NS 99 NS 18 NS 68 NS
Eug + Min 52 NS 98 NS 8 NS 58 NS
Eug + Pep 56 NS 93 NS 11 NS 58 NS
Eug + Ros 43 NS 83 0.01 8 NS 54 NS
Eug + Thy 47 NS 98 NS 5 0.02 57 NS
Standard 4.66 4.31 3.15 7.78
Table 4.4. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with eugenol
treatments. Adjusted p values are based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to 10% eugenol
alone. NS = not significant from 10% eugenol alone, with p value > 0.10.
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% Gar 8 - 25 - 0 - 9 -
Gar + 2PP 18 NS 46 NS 3 NS 28 NS
Gar + Ced 4 NS 53 NS 3 NS 36 NS
Gar + Cin 34 0.01 95 <.0001 8 <0.001 41 0.04
Gar + Cit 46 <.0001 91 <.0001 5 0.03 59 <0.001
Gar +Clo 22 NS 76 <0.001 5 0.03 43 0.03
Gar + Eug 37 <0.01 75 <0.001 11 <.0001 50 <0.01
Gar + Ger 10 NS 65 <0.01 5 0.03 38 0.08
Gar + Giol 52 <.0001 97 <.0001 8 <0.001 42 0.03
Gar + Lem 53 <.0001 98 <.0001 7 <0.01 53 <0.01
Gar + Min 19 NS 73 <0.001 2 NS 33 NS
Gar + Pep 8 NS 55 0.09 2a NS 23b NS
Gar + Ros 3 NS 58 0.05 0 NS 43 0.03
Gar + Thy 36 <0.01 59 0.04 6 <0.01 52 <0.01
Standard 7.39 11.44 1.61 10.63
Table 4.5. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with garlic treatments.
Adjusted P values are based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to 10% garlic oil. NS = not
significant from 10% garlic oil alone, with p value > 0.10.
Std Error for Gar+Pep = 1.99 for Crabgrass 1 hour data set.
Std Error for Gar+Pep = 13.18 for Crabgrass 24 hour data set
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% Giol 57 - 98 - 8 - 66 -
Giol + 2PP 58 NS 98 NS 8 NS 52 0.02
Giol + Ced 55 NS 95 NS 8 NS 50 <0.01
Giol + Cin 47 0.02 98 NS 8 NS 47 <0.001
Giol + Cit 55 NS 96 NS 9 NS 47 <0.001
Giol +Clo 53 NS 98 NS 8 NS 53 0.05
Giol + Eug 55 NS 98 NS 6 NS 62 NS
Giol + Gar 52 NS 97 NS 8 NS 42 <.0001
Giol + Ger 60 NS 98 NS 9 NS 54 0.09
Giol + Lem 43 <0.001 97 NS 8 NS 60 NS
Giol + Min 55 NS 98 NS 8 NS 42 <.0001
Giol + Pep 55 NS 98 NS 8 NS 58 NS
Giol + Ros 57 NS 97 NS 8 NS 56 NS
Giol + Thy 60 NS 98 NS 9 NS 56 NS
Standard 3.04 1.12 0.84 4.41
Table 4.6. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with geraniol
treatments. Adjusted p values based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to 10% geraniol
alone, NS = not significant from 10% geraniol alone, with p value > 0.10.
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% Ger 78 - 99 - 14 - 78 -
Ger + 2PP 59 NS 97 NS 7 <.0001 62 NS
Ger + Ced 28 <.0001 75 <.0001 9 0.02 45 <0.01
Ger + Cin 68 NS 99 NS 9 0.02 72 NS
Ger + Cit 38a <0.01 99b <.0001 6c <0.01 76d NS
Ger +Clo 56 NS 96 NS 9 0.02 88 NS
Ger + Eug 42 <0.01 93 NS 10 0.07 68 NS
Ger + Gar 10 <.0001 65 <.0001 5 <.0001 38 <.0001
Ger + Giol 60 NS 98 NS 9 0.02 55 0.04
Ger + Lem 65 NS 100 NS 18 0.07 65 NS
Ger + Min 48 0.01 96 NS 10 0.07 50 0.01
Ger + Pep 38 <0.001 93 NS 10 0.07 57 0.09
Ger + Ros 63 NS 97 NS 8 <0.001 48 <0.01
Ger + Thy 54 0.09 96 NS 10 0.07 66 NS
Standard 9.10 4.0 1.51 8.24
Table 4.7. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with geranium oil
treatments. Adjusted p values based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to 10% geranium
oil alone. NS = not significant from 10% geranium oil alone, with p value > 0.10.
Std error for Ger+Cit treatment = 11.29 in Dandelion 1 hr data set.
Std error for Ger+Cit treatment = 5.06 in Dandelion 24 hr data set.
Std error for Ger+ Cit treatment = 1.88 in Crabgrass 1 hr data set.
Std error for Ger+Cit treatment = 10.22 in Crabgrass 24 hr data set.
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% Min 72 - 98 - 7 - 72 -
Min + 2PP 62 NS 94 NS 9 <.0001 55 NS
Min + Ced 16 <.0001 70 <.0001 13 <0.01 43 0.04
Min + Cin 37 <.0001 97 NS 15 NS 75 NS
Min + Cit 38 <.0001 90 NS 6 NS 49 NS
Min +Clo 38 <.0001 96 NS 8 <.0001 60 NS
Min + Eug 52 0.05 98 NS 2 <0.001 58 NS
Min + Gar 19 <.0001 73 <0.001 10 <.0001 33 <0.01
Min + Ger 48 <0.01 96 NS 8 <0.01 50 NS
Min + Giol 55 NS 98 NS 9 <0.001 42 0.02
Min + Lem 52 0.05 95 NS 18 <0.01 60 NS
Min + Pep 61 NS 98 NS 16 NS 47 0.09
Min + Ros 45 <0.01 96 NS 6 <.0001 51 NS
Min + Thy 59 NS 99 NS 5 <.0001 75 NS
Standard 6.92 5.81 2.13 9.53
Table 4.8. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with mint oil
treatments. Adjusted p values based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to 10% mint oil
alone. NS = not significant from 10% mint oil alone, with p value > 0.10.
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% Pep 68 - 99 - 15 - 68 -
Pep + 2PP 50 NS 88 NS 10 NS 53 NS
Pep + Ced 39 0.0041 82 0.05 10 NS 53 NS
Pep + Cin 66 NS 100 NS 9 NS 68 NS
Pep + Cit 58 NS 98 NS 8 0.08 77 NS
Pep +Clo 29 <.0001 89 NS 8 0.08 43 0.03
Pep + Eug 56 NS 99 NS 11 NS 58 NS
a b
Pep + Gar 8 <.0001 55 <.0001 1 <0.001 19 <.0001
Pep + Ger 38 <0.01 93 NS 10 NS 57 NS
Pep + Giol 55 NS 98 NS 8 0.08 58 NS
Pep + Lem 70 NS 98 NS 10 NS 75 NS
Pep + Min 61 NS 98 NS 16 NS 47 0.09
Pep + Ros 22 <.0001 78 <0.01 8 0.08 47 0.09
Pep + Thy 35 <0.001 90 NS 8 NS 54 NS
Standard 7.57 5.98 2.77 7.93
Table 4.9. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with peppermint oil
treatments. Adjusted p values based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to 10%
peppermint oil alone. NS = not significant from 10% peppermint oil alone, with p value > 0.10.
Std error for Pep+Gar = 3.44 in Crabgrass 1 hr data set.
Std error for Pep+Gar = 9.84 in Crabgrass 24 hr data set.
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% Ros 11 - 68 - 6 - 48 -
Ros + 2PP 34 0.06 69 NS 5 NS 58 NS
Ros + Ced 19 NS 83 NS 5 NS 45 NS
Ros + Cin 57 <.0001 97 0.03 6 NS 65 NS
Ros + Cit 33 0.07 86 NS 8 NS 55 NS
Ros +Clo 21a NS 59b NS 8c NS 32d NS
Ros + Eug 43 <0.01 83 NS 8 NS 54 NS
Ros + Gar 3 NS 58 NS 0 0.02 43 NS
Ros + Ger 63 <.0001 97 0.03 8 NS 48 NS
Ros + Giol 57 <.0001 97 0.03 8 NS 56 NS
Ros + Lem 40 <0.01 93 0.09 9 NS 50 NS
Ros + Min 45 <0.001 96 0.04 6 NS 51 NS
Ros + Pep 22 NS 78 NS 8 NS 47 NS
Ros + Thy 38 0.02 88 NS 7 NS 53 NS
Standard 7.94 9.50 1.76 9.97
Table 4.10. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with rosemary oil
treatments. Adjusted p values based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to 10% rosemary
oil alone. NS = not significant from 10% peppermint oil alone, with p value > 0.10.
Std error for Ros+Clo = 9.87 in Dandelion 1 hr data set
Std error for Ros+Clo = 11.79 in Dandelion 24 hr data set
Std error for Ros + Clo = 2.19 in Crabgrass 1 hr data set
Std error for Ros + Clo = 12.37 in Crabgrass 24 hr data set
Treatment Dandelion 1 hr Dandelion 24 hr Crabgrass 1 hr Crabgrass 24 hr
% Adj P % Adj P % Adj P % Adj P
injury value injury value injury value injury value
10% 2PP 39 - 90 - 9 - 49 -
2PP + Ced 40 NS 91 NS 9 NS 51 NS
2PP + Cin 48 NS 95 NS 5 <0.01 45 NS
2PP + Cit 60 <0.001 95 NS 11 NS 65 0.03
2PP + Clo 55 0.01 93 NS 5 <0.01 58 NS
2PP + Eug 60 <0.001 98 NS 8 NS 62 NS
2PP + Gar 17 <0.001 46 <.0001 3 <.0001 28 <0.01
2PP + Ger 59 <0.001 97 NS 7 NS 62 NS
2PP + Giol 58 <0.01 98 NS 8 NS 52 NS
2PP + Lem 53 0.03 94 NS 5 <0.01 45 NS
2PP + Min 52 <.0001 94 NS 7 NS 55 NS
2PP + Pep 50 NS 88 NS 10 NS 53 NS
2PP + Ros 34 NS 69 <0.01 5 <0.01 58 NS
2PP + Thy 55 0.01 95 NS 3 <.0001 50 NS
Standard 4.63 5.05 1.11 5.06
Table 4.11. Percent control of dandelion and crabgrass (LSMeans) with 2-phenethyl
propionate treatments. Adjusted p values based on Dunnett's comparison of each treatment to
10% 2-phenethyl propionate alone. NS = not significant from 10% 2-phenethyl propionate alone,
with p value > 0.10.
Essential Oil N % injury (1hr) % injury (24hr)
Geranium 6 78 a 99 a
Cinnamon 6 73 ab 99 a
Mint 6 72 ab 98 ab
Peppermint 6 68 abc 99 a
Geraniol 6 57 abc 98 ab
Citronella 6 57 abc 98 ab
Thyme 6 53 abc 98 ab
Eugenol 6 50 abcd 98 ab
Lemongrass 6 48 bcd 96 ab
Clove 6 42 cd 93 ab
2-phenethyl propionate 6 39 cde 90 abc
Cedar 6 23 def 61 c
Rosemary 6 12 ef 68 cd
Garlic 6 8 f 25 d
Table 4.12. Percent injury of dandelions at 1 and 24 hours after foliar application with
10% w/w essential oil formulations. Means followed by same letter within a column are not
significantly different at the α=0.05 level, Fisher’s LSD.
Treatment Actual % Expected % P value Joint activity of
injury (6 injury (6 hours) essential oil +
hours), n = surfactant
12 system A
Cinnamon + A 95 18 <0.0001 synergistic
Citronella + A 90 18 <0.0001 synergistic
Clove + A 95 26 <0.0001 synergistic
Eugenol + A 93 22 <0.0001 synergistic
Geraniol + A 93 33 <0.0001 synergistic
Geranium + A 78 24 <0.0001 synergistic
Lemongrass + A 78 16 <0.0001 synergistic
Peppermint + A 59 12 <0.0001 synergistic
Rosemary + A 23 9 0.0005 synergistic
Thyme + A 75 15 <0.0001 synergistic
Table 4.14 Herbicide synergy of ten essential oils mixed at 5% w/w concentration with
surfactant system A (89.57% DI water, 2% w/w sodium caprylate, 0.33% Caprol®
MPGO, 0.1% xanthan gum) 6 hours after application to dandelions. Actual and expected
injury percentages are an average of 2 greenhouse trials and 1 field trial. Two-tailed t test to
determine if adjusted = expected.
2011 OMRI Products List. 2011. A directory of products for organic use. ISBN # 978-
Bainard, LD, MB Isman, MK Upadhyaya. 2006. Phytotoxicity of clove oil and its
primary constituent eugenol and the role of leaf epicuticular wax in the susceptibility to
these essential oils. Weed Sci. 54: 833-837.
Beste, C.E., M.A. Priola, R.A. Smiley. 2003. US Patent # 6,503,869 B1. Enhanced post-
emergent herbicidal compositions containing ammonium salts and methods of using the
same. Jan 7, 2003.
Butterfield, B. and I. Baldwin. 2011. National Gardening Survey 2011: a definitive guide
to Lawn & Garden business trends, analysis and understanding. National Gardening
Association. Burlington, VT.
Caulder, J., R.H. Crowley, P.S. Zorner, and S.L. Evans. 2000. US Patent # 6.034,034.
Process and composition for controlling weeds. March 7, 2000.
Clay, D.V., FL Dixon and I.Willoughby. 2005. Natural products as herbicides for tree
establishment. Forestry. 78. No.1 p.1-9
Pline, W.A., J.Wu, and K.K. Hatzios. 1999. Absorption, translocation, and metabolism
of glufosinate in five weed species as influenced by ammonium sulfate and pelargonic
acid. Weed Sci. 47: 636-643.
Puritch, G., R.Bradbury, and W.Mason. 1990. US Patent # 4,975,110. Fatty acid based
herbicidal compositions. 1990.
Romagni, JG., S.O. Duke, F.E. Dayan. 2005. Inhibition of plant asparagine synthetase by
monoterpene cineoles. Plant Physiol. 137 (4): 1487.
Sedun, F.S., C.D. Wilson. 1999. US Patent # 5,919,733. Non-staining herbicidal soap.
Jul 6, 1999.
Tworkoski, T. 2002. Herbicide effects of essential oils. Weed Sci. 50: 425-431.
www.epa.gov/pesticides/pestsales/07pestsales/table_of_contents2007.htm. 2006-2007
Pesticide Market Estimates. Usage. Section 3.1.
Zirkle, G. 2011. Modeling Carbon sequestration in home lawns. HortSci. 46: 808-814.
Appendix A: Essential oil chromatograms from mass spectrometry analysis
Figure A.1. Chromatogram of cedar oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.2. Chromatogram of cinnamon oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.3. Chromatogram of citronella oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.4. Chromatogram of clove oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.5. Chromatogram of eugenol sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.6. Chromatogram of garlic oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.7. Chromatogram of geraniol oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.8. Chromatogram of geranium oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.9. Chromatogram of lemongrass oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide
and herbicide experiments
Figure A.10. Chromatogram of mint oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.11. Chromatogram of peppermint oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide
and herbicide experiments
Figure A.12. Chromatogram of rosemary oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide
and herbicide experiments
Figure A.13. Chromatogram of thyme oil sample used in Phase 1 and 2 insecticide and
herbicide experiments
Figure A.14. Chromatogram of 2-phenethyl propionate sample used in Phase 1 and 2
insecticide and herbicide experiments
Appendix B: Photographs of essential oil HLB experiment
Photographic images of HLB determination of essential oils experiment were
taken at multiple intervals. The photographs presented below were selected based on the
timepoint at which phase separation had occurred and required HLB could be
determined. In each of the following images, HLB surfactants ranging from left to right:
Figure B.1. Cinnamon oil with surfactants and water, photograph taken 25 hours after
mixing ingredients.
Figure B.2. Citronella oil with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 26 hours after
mixing ingredients.
Figure B.3. Clove oil with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 25 hours after mixing
Figure B.4 Eugenol with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 2.5 hours after mixing
Figure B.5. Geraniol with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 3 hours after mixing
Figure B.6. Geranium oil with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 18 hours after
mixing ingredients.
Figure B.7. Lemongrass oil with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 1 hour after
mixing ingredients.
Figure B.8. Peppermint oil with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 1 hour after
mixing ingredients.
Figure B.9. Rosemary oil with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 1 hour after
mixing ingredients.
Figure B.10. Thyme oil with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 1 hour after mixing
Figure B.11. Soybean oil with surfactants and water. Photograph taken 10 minutes after
mixing ingredients.
Appendix C: Photographs from tensiometer for contact angle measurement
Water, θ = 111.2°
Citronella A, θ = 63.5°
Citronella B, θ = 49.9° Citronella C, θ = 52.7°
Table C.1. Sessile droplets of formulations measured for contact angle using Kruss
Table C.1 continued
Table C.1 continued
Lemongrass A, θ = 64.6°
Lemongrass B, θ = 61.6° Lemongrass C, θ = 52.6°
Appendix D: Phase 1 photographs of weed injury 1 and 24 hours after application
Photographs of 10% Essential oil formulations applied to dandelions and
crabgrass 1 and 24 hours after treatment (HAT). For each group of pictures, top left –
dandelion 1 HAT, top right- dandelion 24 HAT, bottom left- crabgrass 1 HAT, bottom
Figure D.1. 10% cedar oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.2. 10% cinnamon oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.3. 10% citronella oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Photo not available
Figure D.4. 10% clove oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.5. 10% garlic oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.6. 10% geraniol, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.7. 10% geranium oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.8. 10% eugenol, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.9.. 10% lemongrass oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.10. 10% mint oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.11. 10% peppermint oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.12. 10% rosemary oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Figure D.13. 10% thyme oil, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Photo not available
Figure D.14. 10% 2-phenethyl propionate, 1 and 24 HAT on dandelion and crabgrass
Appendix E: Phase 2 photographs of weed injury 6 hours after application, greenhouse
& field trials
Figure E.1. Cinnamon oil treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, cinnamon oil + system A B or C, and
system A B or C alone
Figure E.3. Citronella oil treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, citronella oil + system A B or C, and
system A B or C alone
Figure E.5. Clove oil treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, clove oil + system A B or C, and system A
B or C alone
Figure E.7. Eugenol treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, eugenol oil + system A B or C, and system
A B or C alone
Figure E.9. Geraniol treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, geraniol + system A B or C, and system A
B or C alone
Figure E.11. Geranium oil treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, geranium oil + system A B or C, and system
A B or C alone
Figure E.13. Lemongrass oil treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, lemongrass oil + system A B or C, and
system A B or C alone
Figure E.15. Peppermint oil treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, peppermint oil + system A B or C, and
system A B or C alone
Figure E.17. Rosemary oil treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, rosemary oil + system A B or C, and system
A B or C alone
Figure E.19. Thyme oil treatments in greenhouse trial:
Within each photograph (L to R): untreated, thyme oil + system A B or C, and system A
B or C alone
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