MAPEH 3rd Quarter Reviewer
MAPEH 3rd Quarter Reviewer
MAPEH 3rd Quarter Reviewer
13. Lyrical
⮚ This style was “forgotten” for a while and
survived in a small group of dancers. 2. John K. Chua
19. Vouging o Advertising and commercial photographer
⮚ A form of modern dance created by the extraordinaire, John is best known for his
gay community. technical excellence and mastery of
⮚ Inspired by photos of models in poses in notoriously challenging photo shoots = to
various positions such as posturing hands, the delight of clients who envision the
feet, body movements in linear, angular seemingly impossible.
and precise, fixed position. o With more than 4- years of experience
⮚ Arose from Harlem ballrooms by under his belt, John has moved with ease
African Americans and Latino from one genre of photography to another,
Americans in the early 1960s. earning local and international awards
⮚ Originally called “presentation” and later along the way.
“performance.” o Snake Island, Palawan
⮚ Styles in vouging include the: o Gulf of Davao
o Old Way (pre-1980)
o New Way (1990 Film
o the Vogue Fem (started around ✔ Another art form which has risen to tremendous
1985). heights within the last century is film or cinema.
✔ As its early name “motion pictures” declared, film
Media-Based Arts and Design in the Philippines brought yet another dimension into play – that of
moving images.
Introduction: ✔ The possibilities of this medium created a new art
✔ The previous quarter provided an overview of the form that was to become a powerful social and
phenomenal capabilities and possibilities of the economic force, and a legacy of the 20th century
electronic or digital media now available in today’s world.
technology-driven world.
✔ These have enabled amazingly innovative art forms The Collaborative Art of Filmmaking
to evolve far beyond traditional painting, sculpture, ✔ Because of its technical complexity, involves entire
and architecture. teams of artists, writers, and production experts,
✔ As quickly as technology is able to develop new supported by technicians talking charge of the
devices, modern artists and designers adapt them to cameras, lighting equipment, sets, props, costumes,
enhance their creative expression. and the like all under the supervision of a film
Photography as Communication
✔ Being a modern art form, photography is viewed Philippine Filmmakers
as being more than just beautiful. 1. Lino Brocka
✔ It is considered one of the most powerful means of o Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang
communication. o Ora Pro Nobis
o Maynila: Sa Kuko ng mga Liwanag
Photographic Image 2. Mike De Leon
✔ Is today’s most important means of conveying o Sister Stella L.
information and ideas, expressing emotions and
o Itim
o Bayaning 3rd World
Noteworthy Philippines Photographers 3. Ishmael Bernal
1. George Tappan o Himala
o An award winning travel photographer o Bernal (Manila dy Night)
who has won two pacific Asia Tourism o Walking Girls
Association (PATA) Gold Awards, An 4. Peque Gallaga
ASEAN Tourism. o Oro Plata Mata
o Association award and first place in the o Shake, Rattle, and Roll
2011 National Geographic Photo Contest. 5. Laurice Guillen
o His highly acclaimed work has been o Salome
published in 5 photography books. o Tanging Yaman
o Into The Greez Zone 6. Marilou Diaz-Abaya
⮚ Tappan’s 1st Place winning image o Muro-Ami
in the 2011 National Geographic o Jose Rizal
Photo Contest 7. Maryo J. Delos Reyes
o “Seaweeds Farmer” o Magnifico
8. Brillante Mendoza
o Kinatay
o Thy Womb
Film Genres Print Media
1. Silent Movies e.g. Charlie Chaplin ✔ Alongside the digital media forms discussed above,
2. Gangster Movie Genre there remains to more conventional form known as
3. Horror/Fantasy Films ________.
4. Animated Feature Films ✔ Include here are large-scale publications such as
5. Movie Musical newspapers, magazines, journal, books of all
6. War/Disaster Films kinds, as well as smaller scale posters, brochures,
7. Westerns or Cowboy Movies flyers, menus, and the like.
8. Thrillers/Suspense ✔ Of course, all of the now have their digital
9. Historical Biographical counterparts that may be accessed and read on the
10. Film Epics internet.
11. Film Adaptation of Literary Classics
12. Futuristic or Science Fiction Advertising
✔ One major field that still relies heavily on print
13. Special Effects Movies
media is advertising.
14. Documentary Films
✔ Despite the soaring popularity and seemingly
15. Art Films e.g. Indie or Independent
limitless possibilities of online advertising and
Animation social media, Philippine artists are still called upon
✔ In recent decade, a whole new career opportunity to create advertisements that will be physically
has emerged for creative Filipinos via the field of printed.
animation. ✔ These appear in newspapers, magazines, posters,
✔ Filipino animators have been involved in the brochures, each with their specific target
creation of some of the best-loved and technically readerships and markets, and highly-specialized
challenging animated feature films produced in the approaches for reaching these target groups.
last few years.
✔ Among these are Toy Story, Up, The Incredibles, Comic Books
✔ Another field of print media that highlights the
Monster University, Cars, Finding Nemo, Planes,
artistic gifts of Filipinos is that comic books, or
Brave, Shrek, Kung Fu Panda
komiks as they are locally referred to.
✔ Among the other exciting milestones in the fast-
✔ The popularity of Philippine comics began in the
emerging Philippine animation industry was the
1920s when Liwayway magazine started featuring
creation in 2008 of Urduja, an animated film
comic strips, such as Mga Kababaihan ni Kenkoy
adaptation of the legend of the warrior princess of
(The Misadventures of Kenkoy) created by Tony
Velasquez went on to be recognized as the “Father
✔ Produced by APT Entertainment, Seventoon, and
of Filipino Comics”.
Imaginary friends, Urduja is recognized as the
✔ Even decades before, however, komiks creators had
first fully-animated Filipino film, created by an
already introduced characters, themes, and story
all-Filipino group of animators using the traditional
lines from Philippine Folklore, mythology, and
(hand-drawn) animation process with some 3D
history. With books and libraries not yet readily
accessible to a majority of the Filipino Public,
PASI or Philippine Animation Studio, Inc. comics became a major form of reading material
✔ Was established in 1991 and has since collaborated around the country, avidly read and shared by
on numerous animation projects and series with young and old alike.
foreign partners.
✔ Among these have been Captain Flamingo, Innovation in Product and Industrial Design
✔ Yet another breakthrough arena for Filipino
Producing Parker, Groove High, and Space
imagination, ingenuity, and innovativeness in
Heroes Universe.
recent decades has been that of design.
✔ Released in 2008 was Dayo: Sa Mundo ng
✔ Specifically, this encompasses product and
Elementalia, said to be the country’s first all-digital
industrial design as applied to furniture, lighting,
full-length animated feature film.
and interior accessories, as well as fashion from
✔ Produced by Cutting Edge Productions, the film
haute couture to bridal ensembles to casual wear.
presents Philippine mythical creatures as
✔ As a result, a number of Filipino designers have
heartwarming characters in a young boy’s
risen to superstardom both locally and
✔ Another breakthrough was the first Filipino full 3D
animated film, RPG Metanoia, co-produced by
Kenneth Cobonpue
Ambient Media, Thaumatrope Animation and Star
✔ Is a multi-awarded Cebu-based designer and the
Cinema in 2010.
creative director of HIVE, a design and
manufacturing facility for designers of interior
accessories and lighting. ✔ The result is a mastery of construction, current yet
ingenious lifestyle dressing, and a distinctive
✔ Cobonpue’s fresh and exciting concepts and feminine sensibility.
excellent craftsmanship have earned him the ✔ The first two decades of Lulu’s career is marked by
acclaim and the patronage of discerning clientele her iconic knitwear, which redefined the versatility
the world over – including prominent Hollywood of knits for the local fashion industry.
celebrities. ✔ A favorite of expatriates, tourists, and the jet-set
crowd, Lulu’s knits continue to receive praise and
accolades for its sleek lines, custome-dyed threads,
Monique Lhuiller and fluid, flattering forms.
✔ She first rose to prominence for her exquisite
✔ A fine arts graduate; Lulu has always been drive to
wedding gowns.
find aesthetic design solutions for material
✔ But she has since become one of the darlings of the
Hollywood celebrity set, with several –list stars
✔ In what she considers the second phase of her
having worn her couture creations to gala events
career, she takes on the challenge of integrating
and award shows, as well as to their own weddings.
native fabrics such as piña and silk into her knits
✔ Lhuiller studied at the Fashion Institute of Design
& Merchandising in Los Angeles, and now has her
✔ Lulu’s clever play on fashion and function is
own retail boutiques in that city and in New York.
evident in these signature knit variations, which
✔ Her collections include bridal and bridesmaids
evolve the use of indigenous fabrics as native
dresses, ready-to-wear, evening gowns, linens,
costumes to become fashionable, “wearable
tableware, stationery, and home fragrances.
✔ She is a fashion designer most prominently known
✔ The indigenous piña’s golden patina deepens over
for bridal wear.
the years, creating modern heirloom pieces that
✔ She owns a couture fashion house based in Los
become even more beautiful with time.
Angeles, California, as well as another store on
✔ Reaffirming her mastery of materials, the modern
Manhattan’s Upper East Side.
heirloom collectibles are feasts of color,
construction, texture, and fall.
Josie Natori (born Josefina Almeda Cruz)
✔ Lulu’s vision is to encourage the use of stylized
✔ Is a Filipino-American fashion designer and the
indigenous and traditional wear, and in so doing,
CEO and founder of The Natori Company, Natori
promote distinctly Filipino fabrics, traditional
served as a commissioner on the White House
crafts, and design.
Conference on Small Business.
✔ The designer draws inspiration from the rich textile
✔ In March 2007, she was awarded the Order of
and embroidery traditions of the Philippines – from
Lakandula, one of the highest civilian awards in the
the geometric patterns of traditional tribal woven
cloths to the exquisite embroidery and beadwork-
✔ In April 2007, Natori received the “Peopling of
and interprets these on her modern silhouettes.
America” Award from the Statue of Liberty – Ellis
Dita Sandico-Ong
✔ Another Philippine designer who has been
Rajo Laurel
advocating the use of local weaving techniques and
✔ Probably best known to the general public as a
natural fiber’s Dita Sandico-Ong.
judge on the television series Project Runway
✔ Known as the “Wrap Artiste” of the Philippines for
her famous bold-colored wraps, Sandico-Ong first
✔ A much admired Filipino fashion designer with a
experimented with the local weave of Ilocos Sur,
number of rational and international awards to his
known as Inabel, as well as with pineapple fibers
blended with Irish linen, dubbed piñalino.
✔ He trained at New York’s Fashion Institute of
✔ From there, she tried other local fibers, particularly
Technology and at Central Saint Martin’s in
abaca which she was introduced to by weaver and
entrepreneur Virgilio Apanti.
Lulu Tan Gan ✔ Sandico-Ong has since been working with a
✔ Her name has been synonymous with beautifull multipurpose cooperative in Catanduanes, training
crafter knitwear fashion since 1985. them in natural dye extraction and advanced
✔ Hailed the “Queen of Knitwear”, Lulu continues weaving techniques for abaca.
her design evolution with her extended hand-woven ✔ Today, her collection include wraps or panuelos, as
line, “Indigenous Couture” merging the old-world well as boleros, jackets, and long tunics of bamama
sophistication of Philippine artisan craft with fiber and abaca.
contemporary design. ✔ Her designs are presented in fashion shows around
the world and are sold in high-end shops major
international cities.
History of Hip-Hop The 1980s
✔ The 1980s marked the diversification of hip-hop as
1520 Sedgwick Avenue the genre developed more complex styles.
✔ Clive Campbell, better known as Kool Herc was ✔ The music and the equipment used both changed
born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1955. and were updated.
✔ Kool Herc had his first DJ gig at his sister’s ✔ They lyrical content of hip-hop evolved as well.
birthday party.
✔ His home address, 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, is the World Wide
birthplace of hip-hop. ✔ Prior to the 1980s, hip-hop was largely confined to
the U.S. however, during this decade it began to
The Beginnings spread worldwide.
✔ During the late 1960s, Herc was interested in ✔ Hip-hop has always kept a very close relationship
keeping the break section of songs longer. with the Latino community in New York.
✔ He would buy two copies of the song and “repeat” ✔ DJ Disco Wiz & the Rock Steady Crew, The Mean
the break section. Machine, & Kid Frost were some of the Latino
✔ During this break, he would introduce himself and artists.
call out the names of his friends who were in the ✔ In 1988, Cypress Hill was formed.
✔ These shout outs began to get more and more The New School of Hip-Hop
elaborate. ✔ Run D.M.C and L.L. Cool J were among those who
✔ As Herc’s career rose, he focused his energies on brought about the new school of hip-hop.
the complexities of deejaying. ✔ Artists projected a tough, cool, street b-boy attitude
✔ He asked his friends Coke La Rock and Clark Kent both in person & in the music.
to handle the microphone duties, known as ✔ Songs were shorter for radio play and hip-hop
emceeing. became a fixed part of mainstream music.
✔ Kool Herc and the Herculoids was rap music’s first
emcee team. The Golden Age
✔ Hip-hop’s golden age was between the mid-1980s
Others to name and the mid-1990s.
✔ Other MC teams arose after the Herculoids. ✔ Those most associated with this Golden Age are
✔ Many of these team’s wee collaborations between Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions, Eric B.
former gang members. & Rakim, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Gang
✔ Solo rapping wasn’t introduced until much later. Starr, Big Daddy Kane and the Jungle Brothers.
✔ Kool Herc coined the name “B-boy” (beat-boy) to ✔ It is characterized as the time when everything in
describe the people who waited for the break Hop-hop was new, different, innovative,
section of the song to dance and “rap”. unforeseen, and undiscovered.