TYPHOON PREPAREDNESS - Differentiated Performance Task
TYPHOON PREPAREDNESS - Differentiated Performance Task
TYPHOON PREPAREDNESS - Differentiated Performance Task
Performance Standard
1. demonstrate precautionary measures before, during, and after a typhoon, including
following advisories, storm signals, and calls for evacuation given by government agencies
in charge
2. participate in activities that lessen the risks brought by typhoons
PRODUCT 1 (resource speaker from NDRRMC)
A multi – media presentation that will inform the audience
about the precautionary measures from typhoon
preparedness. There should be images, notes, and at least
three frequently asked questions on the given topic. Indicate
all sources of photos, information, and statistical data taken
for proper citation.
PRODUCT 2 (artist)
A collage or poster that emphasizes the Do’s and Don’t before,
during, and after a typhoon. Put specific information with images
for your campaign material. A “call to action” statement for the
audience should also be included. (Note: The product can de
done digitally but ready-made collage or poster taken from the
internet is NOT allowed.)
PRODUCT 3 (writer / blogger)
An essay on typhoon awareness and preparedness. Your
essay must explain how to prepare for typhoon hazards during a
pandemic. A minimum of three paragraphs is required for your
Accuracy and The output The output The output The output showed
Completeness showed showed one showed two to more than four
extensive error in concepts four errors in errors in concepts
accuracy of and there was concepts and and there were
concepts and one missing there were two to more than three
included all the required three missing missing required
required information on required information on the
information. the output. information on output.
the output.
Organization All elements in Most elements in Some elements in The product lacks
the product are the product are the product are logical presentation.
logically logically logically
presented and presented and presented.
consistent. consistent.
Originality There was an There was a good There was an The product lacks
exceptional use use of new ideas average use of the use of new ideas
of new ideas and originality to new ideas and and originality.
and originality create the originality to
to create the product. create the
product. product.
Creativity There was full There was an There was some It showed minimal
use of materials adequate use of use of materials effort for
and ideas for materials and and ideas for enhancement.
enhancement. ideas for enhancement.
Punctuality The output was The output was The output was The output was
submitted on or submitted a day submitted two submitted 3 or more
before the due after the due days after the due than 3 days after the
date. date. date. due date.