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Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol.

2012, 114, 325–331 325

Research Article
Validation of a method for the analysis of phytosterols
in sunflower seeds

Álvaro Fernández-Cuesta1, Marta R. Aguirre-González2, Maria V. Ruiz-Méndez2

and Leonardo Velasco1

Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IAS-CSIC), Alameda del Obispo s/n, Córdoba, Spain
Instituto de la Grasa (IG-CSIC), Sevilla, Spain

Phytosterols are natural compounds that contribute to lower serum cholesterol in humans. Sunflower
seeds and oils are rich sources of phytosterols. Breeding for phytosterol content in sunflower has been
scarce thus far, mainly because of the lack of analytical methods suitable for use in plant breeding. The
objective of this research was to validate a method for the analysis of phytosterols in small seed samples of
sunflower. Samples consisting of six seeds were analyzed for phytosterol content in a set of 87 inbred lines
using a method adapted to small samples. The accuracy of the method was evaluated through the
standard error of the analysis of replicates of ground samples, which was 72.12 mg/kg compared to
average values of 1665.3 and 1887.2 mg/kg seed in the samples. Sunflower inbred lines showed ranges of
variation from 1426.0 to 4710.0 mg/kg seed and from 2855.2 to 9752.0 mg/kg oil. The method
correlated strongly with the conventional method based on the analysis of extracted oils (r ¼ 0.85).
The results indicated that analysis of phytosterols on samples consisting of sunflower seeds is an accurate
approach for breeding and genetic studies, in which extraction of the seed oil is not feasible.

Practical applications: Phytosterols are usually analyzed in extracted oils. However, studies in plant
breeding and plant sciences often require a direct analysis of phytosterols in seeds, without previous oil
extraction (e.g. large-scale screening of germplasm in breeding programs or genetic studies). Our results
will be useful for plant scientists interested in the analysis of phytosterols in small samples of plant tissues.

Keywords: Oil analysis / Phytosterols / Seed analysis / Sunflower seeds

Received: April 9, 2011 / Revised: June 30, 2011 / Accepted: August 17, 2011
DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201100138

1 Introduction phytostanol esters) for enrichment of food products [3]. The

use of phytosterols as enriched food ingredients in functional
Phytosterols or plant sterols are natural constituents of plants foods has increased in recent years [4], though the effect of
that belong to the group of isoprenoids. They play essential phytosterols is also exerted as natural components of regular
functions in plant cells such as regulation of fluidity and diet [5].
permeability of cell membranes in a similar manner to cho- Sunflower seeds and oils are rich sources of phytosterols
lesterol in mammalian cell membranes [1]. Ingestion of phy- [6–8]. However, no breeding research has been conducted to
tosterols prevents intestinal absorption of cholesterol in increase phytosterol content in sunflower seeds [9]. For other
humans, resulting in a lowering of serum cholesterol [2]. important seed quality traits such as tocopherols, breeding
These findings stimulated interest in the use of phytosterols research led to the development of germplasm with modified
and related compounds (phytosterol esters, phytostanol, and tocopherol profiles [10, 11] or increased total tocopherol
accumulation in the seeds [12]. Studies in canola reported
high heritability estimates for phytosterol content in seeds,
Correspondence: Dr. Leonardo Velasco, Instituto de Agricultura
Sostenible (CSIC), Alameda del Obispo s/n, 14004 Córdoba, Spain
suggesting that the trait is amenable to selection [13].
E-mail: [email protected] However, the lack of analytical methods for phytosterol
Fax: þ34 957 499252 analysis suitable for use in plant breeding programs has been

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326 Á. Fernández-Cuesta et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2012, 114, 325–331

a deterrent for selection for this trait in sunflower and in other self-pollination. Seeds of all plants of each inbred line were
major oilseed crops. bulked at harvest. Table 1 shows the average content and
The most common methods for determination of phytos- range of variation for seed traits and seed quality traits in the
terols involve extraction of the lipid fraction followed by set of 87 inbred lines.
alkaline hydrolysis, extraction of the unsaponifiable fraction,
derivatization of phytosterols, and separation and quantifi- 2.2 Analysis of phytosterol content in sunflower
cation by GC [14]. Alternatively, methods for direct saponi- seeds
fication of the samples without previous extraction of the lipid
fraction have been developed [14–16]. These methods have The method of analysis of phytosterols in sunflower seeds was
been adapted to the analysis of phytosterol content in oil adapted from previously published methods [13, 17–18].
seeds, both in canola [13] as well as in sunflower [17]. In Three replicates were analyzed per inbred line. For each
sunflower, breeding for seed quality traits selection is usually replicate, six sunflower achenes were husked and the seeds
conducted at a single plant level, except for traits such as fatty (husked achenes) placed in 10-mL propylene tubes. Two-
acid profile that are under embryogenic control [9]. This hundred microliters of internal standard solution prepared by
means that only a reduced number of seeds from a single dissolving cholesterol (99% purity, reference C8667, Sigma–
plant can be used for the analysis, the rest of the seeds being Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) in hexane–ethanol (3:2)
used to continue selection. For selection to be effective, the solution at a concentration of 0.1%. Alkaline hydrolysis
analysis of phytosterol content on a reduced seed sample was performed by adding 2 mL of a solution of potassium
should show good correlation with the phytosterol content hydroxide dissolved in ethanol at a concentration of 2%.
of the extracted oil. The objective of this research was to Seeds were crushed and homogenized in a homogenizer
validate a method for the analysis of phytosterols in small seed (Heidolph RC 500, Kelheim, Germany) equipped with a
samples of sunflower by comparing the results with those stainless-steel rod of 8 mm diameter at a speed of
obtained using a conventional method of analysis of phytos- 5000 rpm for about 15 s. Seed rests in the rod were washed
terols of the extracted seed oils. with 1 mL of the ethanolic solution of potassium hydroxide
and collected in the tube. The tubes were then left in a water
2 Materials and methods bath at 808C for 15 min. Phytosterols were extracted by
vortexing with 1 mL hexane and 1.5 mL water. The upper
2.1 Plant materials hexane layer was transferred to 2-mL glass vials that were
maintained in an oven at 37.58C overnight. Fifty microliters
A set of 87 sunflower inbred lines covering broad variation for hexane and 50 mL silylating mixture composed of pyridine:-
genetic background as well as seed quality traits such as oil hexamethyldisilazane:trimethylchlorosilane 9:3:1 by volume
content, fatty acid profile, and tocopherol content and profile (silan-sterol-1, reference 355650.0922, Panreac Quı́mica,
was selected for the study. Plants of the 87 inbred lines were Barcelona, Spain) were added to the dried pellets and the
grown in the field in the spring-summer season of 2008 in vials were left at RT for 15 min. The solution was transferred
Córdoba, Spain, in rows 5-m-long with 1-m-spacing between to 2-mL vials containing 200 mL inserts and centrifuged at
rows and 0.25-cm-spacing between plants in the row. 4000 rpm for 10 min (Unicen 21, Ortoalresa, Madrid,
Sunflower heads were bagged before flowering to force Spain). The vials were capped and conserved at 208C.

Table 1. Seed traits in a set of 87 sunflower inbred lines

See quality trait Mean  SD Minimum Maximum

Thousand-achene weight (g) 67.4  33.5 18.5 210.7

Achene oil content (% achene wt, dm) 35.1  7.5 16.6 47.4
Kernel oil content (% kernel wt, dm) 48.8  7.1 31.9 65.8
Palmitic acid (% fatty acids) 8.1  6.0 3.6 32.2
Stearic acid (% fatty acids) 4.4  2.8 1.4 26.4
Oleic acid (% fatty acids) 41.7  16.9 10.0 90.5
Linoleic acid (% fatty acids) 45.3  17.1 2.1 71.6
Tocopherol content (mg/kg kernel, dm) 299  79 85 467
Tocopherol content (mg/kg oil) 621  178 165 1050
Alpha-tocopherol (% tocopherols) 83.8  31.1 0.4 99.5
Beta-tocopherol (% tocopherols) 4.9  10.8 0.0 59.0
Gamma-tocopherol (% tocopherols) 8.6  25.5 0.0 98.4
Delta-tocopherol (% tocopherols) 2.8  12.1 0.0 68.0

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Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2012, 114, 325–331 Analysis of phytosterols in sunflower seeds 327

Gas chromatographic analysis was performed on a Perkin hexamethyldisilazane:trimethylchlorosilane 9:3:1 by volume

Elmer Clarus 600 GC equipped with a ZB-5 capillary column (silan-sterol-1, reference 355650.0922, Panreac Quı́mica,
(id ¼ 0.25 mm, length ¼ 30 m, film thickness ¼ 0.10 mm; Barcelona, Spain) and heated at 608C during 15 min. GC
Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA). Hydrogen was used as analyses were performed using an Agilent 7890 GC equipped
carrier gas at a pressure of 125 kPa. Split injector and FID with a FID, a PTV (programmed temperature vaporizing)
were maintained at 3208C. The oven thermal regime was injector, and a HP-5 capillary column (id ¼ 0.25 mm,
the following: initial temperature of 2408C was increased at length ¼ 15 m, film thickness ¼ 0.22 mm; Agilent, Avondale,
58C/min to final temperature of 2658C and held for 10 min. PA, USA). Hydrogen was used as carrier gas at a flow of
Total analytical time was 15 min. 10 mL/min. Split injector and FID were maintained at
3508C. The oven thermal regime was the following: initial
2.3 Determination of the standard error of the method temperature of 758C during 1 min was increased at 408C/min
to final temperature of 2508C for 30 min. Total analytical time
The accuracy of the method of analysis of phytosterols in was 35.4 min.
sunflower seeds was determined by calculating the standard
error of the analysis of 48 replicates of two different ground 2.6 Analysis of fatty acids and tocopherols
samples, using an amount of flour equivalent to the weight
of six sunflower kernels. The standard error was calculated The fatty acid profile of the seed oil and the seed tocopherol
following Windham et al. [19]: content and profile were analyzed on three replicates of six
ffi seeds. Fatty acid analyses were done following the method
u X described in ref. [22], using a gas–liquid chromatograph
u ðX  X Þ2
uP ij j
PE Autosystem XL (Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Norwalk,
u j
t i R1 CT, USA) equipped with a 2-m long column packed with
SE ¼ 3% SP-2310/2% SP-2300 on Chromosorb WAW (Supelco
Inc., Bellefonte, PA, USA). The oven, injector, and FID were
where Xij is the jth replicate on the ith sample, Xj is the mean maintained at 195, 275, and 2508C, respectively. Tocopherol
value of all replicates of an ith sample, R is the number of content and profile was determined by high-performance
replicates, and N is the number of samples. liquid chromatography (HPLC) as described in ref. [23]
using a fluorescence detector (model 2475, Waters
2.4 Seed oil extraction Corporation, Milford, MA, USA) at 295 nm excitation
and 330 nm emission and iso-octane/tert-butylmethylether
Seed oil was extracted using the official method UNE 55-062- (94:6) as eluent at an isocratic flow rate of 0.7 mL/min.
80 [20]. About 15–20 g of sunflower seeds dry to Chromatographic separation of the tocopherols was per-
constant weight in a vacuum oven at 708C were crushed formed on a LiChrospher 100 diol column
and solvent-extracted during 4 h using hexane in continuous (250 mm  3 mm I. D.) with 5-mm spherical particles, con-
soxhlet extractors. After this time, excess solvent was removed. nected to a silica guard column (LiChrospher Si 60,
5 mm  4 mm I. D.). Quantitative determination of toco-
2.5 Analysis of phytosterol content in sunflower oils pherols was carried out using external calibration curves.
Total tocopherol content was calculated as the sum of
Phytosterol content and composition in sunflower oil was alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol content
analyzed in a two-step process comprising extraction of the expressed as mg/kg seed. The peak areas of the individual
unsaponifiable fraction by the method UNE 55-004-73 [20] tocopherols were corrected according to their previously cal-
and determination of sterols by the method UNE 55-019-73 culated response factors: alpha-tocopherol ¼ 1.0; beta-
[20]. For extraction of the unsaponifiable fraction, 50 mL tocopherol ¼ 1.80; gamma-tocopherol ¼ 1.85; delta-
ethanolic KOH 2 M were added to 2.5  0.001 g of crude oil tocopherol ¼ 2.30.
and 1 mg of 5alpha-cholestan-3beta-ol used as internal
standard (reference 26710, Sigma–Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, 2.7 Statistical analyses
USA) and heated during 2 h [21]. The unsaponifiable matter
was extracted three times with 50 mL ether. Comparison of means between data obtained by analysing
The unsaponifiable matter was separated into subfrac- seeds and extracted oils was conducted through paired t-tests.
tions on preparative silica gel TLC with hexane:ether:acetic Simple correlation coefficients (r) between both types
acid (70:30:1, by volume) as developing solvent. The bands of analyses were also calculated. The significance of the
corresponding to phytosterols were scraped off the plate and correlation coefficients was calculated by the standard
eluted with dichloromethane. Phytosterols were converted to testing procedures for r ¼ 0 null hypothesis [24]. The
their corresponding trimethylsilyl ether derivatives by the analyses were conducted using SPSS statistical package
addition of 200 mL silylating mixture composed of pyridine:- release 19.0.0.

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328 Á. Fernández-Cuesta et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2012, 114, 325–331

3 Results

The accuracy of the method of analysis of phytosterols in

sunflower seeds was evaluated through calculation of the
standard error of the analysis of replicates of ground samples,
which were used instead of intact seeds in order to minimize
the effect of genetic variation among seeds. The results
revealed a standard error of 72.12 mg/kg based on two
samples that averaged 1665.29 and 1887.19 mg/kg, respect-
ively. Accordingly, the average coefficient of variation attribu-
table to the analytical method was 4.06%, assuming complete
homogeneity of the ground seed samples.
The set of 87 sunflower inbred lines showed large vari-
ation for seed phytosterol content, measured on samples of
six seeds, from 1426.0 to 4710.0 mg/kg seed. Seed phytos-
terol values were converted into oil phytosterol values by
considering the percentage of kernel in the achene, which
ranged from 45.6 to 83.7% and the achene oil content, which Figure 1. Scatter plot of oil phytosterol content (mg/kg oil) in a set of
ranged from 16.6 to 47.4%. The so-calculated oil phytosterol 87 sunflower inbred lines analyzed using a method based on the
content ranged from 2855.2 to 9752.0 mg/kg oil. analysis of six husked achenes versus a conventional method based
Table 2 shows a comparison of the results obtained by on the analysis of the extracted oil.
the analysis of phytosterols on husked achenes and those
obtained by the analysis of extracted oils from the set of
87 sunflower inbred lines. The average oil phytosterol con- In contrast to the results obtained for total phytosterol
tent determined on the extracted oils was 4704 mg/kg oil, content, both methods of analysis showed small but signifi-
which was not significantly different from the average phy- cant differences for phytosterol profile. Considering the four
tosterol content determined on husked achenes and con- major phytosterols, the analysis of the extracted oil in the set
verted to phytosterol content in the oil (4694.9 mg/kg oil). of 87 sunflower inbred lines averaged 8.5% campesterol,
Correlation between oil phytosterol content determined 8.7% stigmasterol, 59.5% beta-sitosterol, and 14.0% delta-
using both methods was 0.85 (Fig. 1), indicating that the 7-stigmastenol, whereas it averaged 8.0% campesterol, 8.1%
analysis of phytosterols on samples consisting of six husked stigmasterol, 56.7% beta-sitosterol, and 17.6% delta-7-
achenes provides a reliable estimation of the phytosterol stigmastenol in the analysis of husked achenes. Despite
content analyzed on the extracted oil. such small discrepancies, probably due to differences in

Table 2. Phytosterol content (mg/kg seed oil) and profile (% total phytosterols) in a set of 87 sunflower inbred lines analyzed using a
conventional method based on the extracted oil and a method based on six husked achenes, and comparison of both methods through paired
t-tests for comparison of means and coefficients of correlationa)

Trait Analysis of extracted oil Analysis of husked achenes t-testb) r

Phytosterol content 4704  1266 4695  1199 0.12 ns 0.85

Campesterol 8.5  2.4 8.0  2.7 5.03 0.94
Stigmasterol 8.7  1.7 8.1  1.7 7.38 0.90
Delta-7-campesterol 2.5  1.1 2.0  0.6 4.22 0.39
Clerosterol 1.0  0.4 1.0  0.3 1.00 ns 0.16 ns
Beta-sitosterol 59.5  4.3 56.7  4.3 10.25 0.82
Delta-5-avenasterol 2.0  1.2 1.5  1.5 2.81 0.41
Delta-5,24-stigmastadienol 0.9  0.8 1.6  1.1 4.98 0.02 ns
Delta-7-stigmastenol 14.0  4.7 17.6  4.7 16.08 0.90
Delta-7-avenasterol 2.9  0.9 3.5  0.9 8.16 0.75

For comparison of both methods, seed phytosterol content determined on husked achenes was converted to oil phytosterol content using
previously determined achene oil content and percentage of kernel in the achene.
ns, not significant; , significant at p < 0.05; , significant at p < 0.01.

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Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2012, 114, 325–331 Analysis of phytosterols in sunflower seeds 329

chromatographic conditions, correlation coefficients between Table 3. Positive correlations coefficients were observed
the percentages of individual phytosterols using both between beta-sitosterol and campesterol, between delta-7-
methods of analysis were very high: 0.94 for campesterol, campesterol, delta-7-stigmastenol, and delta-7-avenasterol,
0.90 for stigmasterol, 0.82 for beta-sitosterol, and 0.90 for and between delta-5-avenasterol and delta-7-avenasterol.
delta-7-stigmastenol (Fig. 2). The high correlation coeffi- Beta-sitosterol was negatively correlated with stigmasterol,
cients suggest that the method of analysis of phytosterols delta-7-campesterol, 5-avenasterol, delta-7-stigmastenol,
in husked achenes is reliable enough for selecting for phy- and delta-7-avenasterol. Stigmasterol was also negatively
tosterol profile in sunflower. correlated with clerosterol and delta-5,24-stigmastadienol,
Kernel phytosterol content was negatively correlated with whereas the strongest negative correlation involved campes-
thousand-achene weight (r ¼ 0.48, p < 0.01). Oil phytos- terol and delta-7-stigmastenol.
terol content was negatively correlated with thousand-achene
weight (r ¼ 0.32, p < 0.01) and percentage of kernel in the 4 Discussion
achene (r ¼ 0.32, p < 0.01). Also, oil phytosterol content
was positively correlated with kernel phytosterol content Breeding research to modify phytosterol content and profile
(r ¼ 0.77, p < 0.01) and negatively correlated with achene in sunflower has been scarce thus far. One of the bottlenecks
oil content (r ¼ 0.50, p < 0.01) and kernel oil content for breeders to work with phytosterols is that most analytical
(r ¼ 0.52, p < 0.01). Both kernel phytosterol content methods for phytosterol extraction and derivatization are
and oil phytosterol content were negatively correlated with rather sophisticated and require previous extraction of the
the percentage of delta-5,24-stigmastadienol. Correlation seed oil [13]. To facilitate the analysis of phytosterols in
coefficients between individual phytosterols are shown in breeding programs, research was conducted in sunflower

Figure 2. Scatter plot of the percentage of major phytosterols in a set of 87 sunflower inbred lines analyzed using a method based on the
analysis of six husked achenes versus a conventional method based on the analysis of the extracted oil.

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330 Á. Fernández-Cuesta et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2012, 114, 325–331

Table 3. Correlation coefficients between individual phytosterols expressed as percent of the total phytosterol contenta)

Stig 7-Camp Clero B-Sito 5-Ave 5,24-Stig 7-Stig 7-Ave

Camp 0.19 0.20 0.15 0.26 0.00 0.16 0.76 0.20

Stig 0.01 0.41 0.30 0.04 0.45 0.09 0.09
7-Camp 0.13 0.67 0.02 0.01 0.56 0.32
Clero 0.27 0.05 0.19 0.07 0.11
B-Sito 0.30 0.17 0.67 0.43
5-Ave 0.19 0.15 0.31
5,24-Stig 0.12 0.08
7-Stig 0.16

Camp, campesterol; Stig, stigmasterol; 7-Camp, delta-7-campesterol; Clero, clerosterol; B-Sito, beta-sitosterol; 5-Ave, delta-5-avenasterol;
5,24-Stig, delta-5,24-stigmastadienol; 7-Stig, delta-7-stigmastenol; 7-Ave, delta-7-avenasterol.

[25] and rapeseed [26] to develop near-IR reflectance spec- There is little information on the variability for phytos-
troscopy (NIRS) calibration equations for rapid screening of terol content in sunflower germplasm. This research was
breeding materials. However, the results obtained in sun- based on 87 sunflower lines thoroughly selected for variation
flower revealed a poor correlation between NIRS predicted in seed and seed quality traits such as achene size, oil content,
and actual phytosterol values [25]. Alternatively, several fatty acid profile, and tocopherol content and profile. Even
authors have developed methods for direct extraction and though the number of lines included was low and they were
derivatization of phytosterols from small amounts of seeds grown only in a single environment, the results revealed large
without previous oil extraction [13, 17]. However, it has not variation for seed phytosterol content, with a range of vari-
been reported how such methods correlate with conventional ation from 1426.0 to 4710.0 mg/kg seed and from 2855.2 to
methods based on analysis of the extracted oil. The results of 9752.0 mg/kg oil. Previous studies including sunflower gen-
the present research indicated that the analysis of phytosterols otypes grown over a range of years and locations reported a
on sunflower seeds is highly accurate, as it shows a low range of variation between 1798 and 4713 mg/kg oil [25] and
standard error in the analysis of replicates of ground sun- between 2100 and 4540 mg/kg oil [28]. Still higher variation
flower seeds. Also, oil phytosterol content estimated from should be expected in the evaluation of large germplasm
seed phytosterol content, percentage of kernel in the achene, collections. Further studies are required to determine the
and achene oil content correlates strongly with the analysis of heritability of the trait and its amenability to selection. In
phytosterols on the extracted oil. rapeseed, high heritability values from 0.84 to 0.91 have been
Oil phytosterol content will depend on both the seed determined, suggesting a good response to selection [13].
phytosterol content and the seed oil content. For instance, To sum up, the results presented show that analysis of
a sunflower germplasm with 60% seed oil content and phy- phytosterols in samples consisting of a few sunflower seeds is
tosterol content of 2500 mg/kg seed will yield an oil with a an accurate approach for breeding and genetic studies, in
theoretical phytosterol content of 4167 mg/kg oil, whereas a which extraction of the oil from the seeds is not feasible.
sunflower germplasm with 40% seed oil content and phytos-
terol content of 2500 mg/kg seed will yield and oil with a The authors thank Alberto Merino and Angustias Jiménez for
theoretical phytosterol content of 6250 mg/kg oil. As biosyn- technical assistance. This work was supported by research project
thetic pathways of TAGs and phytosterols are not directly P07-AGR-03011 from Junta de Andalucı́a and EU FEDER
related [1, 27], analysis of phytosterols in the extracted oil in a funds.
set of sunflower accessions or lines does not provide infor-
mation on genetic differences for phytosterol biosynthesis, as The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
such differences may be masked by differences in seed oil
content. Accordingly, the analysis of phytosterols in seeds is
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