Dll-Pre Calculus Q1 Week 1
Dll-Pre Calculus Q1 Week 1
Dll-Pre Calculus Q1 Week 1
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to model situations appropriately and solve problems accurately using conic sections and systems of nonlinear equations.
H. Making The teacher summarizes everything
The teacher summarizes everything The teacher summarizes everything
generalizations and that have been discussed by
that have been discussed. that have been discussed.
abstraction every group.
(This section will provide opportunities for The students are given illustrations
I. Evaluating Learning concept check test items and answer key
which are aligned to the learning objectives
The students given 20-item quiz. The students given 20-item quiz. and they must identify the parts of
– content and performance standards and the parabola.
address misconceptions- if any)
J. Additional activities Extend: The students are tasked to The students are tasked to The students are tasked to answer
(This section gives situation that explains
for application and the topic in a new context, or integrate it to answer their Problem Sets about answer their Problem Sets about their problem sets about properties
remediation another discipline/societal concern)
circle. circle. of parabola.
V. REMARKS National Holiday The time allotment of 3 day session is almost 3 hours
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment
OIC-Assistant School Principal II