As Level Biology Compact Notes PDF
As Level Biology Compact Notes PDF
As Level Biology Compact Notes PDF
b, c, e) Magnification calculations
1 mm = 1000 or 103 µm
1 µm = 1000 or 103 nm
Types of microscopes
SEM – 3 nm
TEM – 0.5 nm
a) Light microscopes a) Electron micrographs of plant and animal
• limit of resolution: half the wavelength cells
• ribosomes (25nm) can’t be seen with a light a) Plant cells
microscope as they don’t interfere with the light
b) Electron microscopes
• vacuum (electrons cannot be focused without a
vacuum as they will collide with air molecules and
• water boils at room temperature in a vacuum, so the
sample must be dehydrated (specimen has to be
• carry out protein synthesis
• 80S – cytoplasm
• 70S – chloroplasts & mitochondria
2) Nucleus (7 µm)
Controls cell’s activities
• very dense, takes up colour the most when stained
• divides first during cell division
• surrounded by 2 membranes, known as the nuclear
envelope which is continuous with the RER. Image: Esrefoglu, Mukaddes. (2019). The Golgi Apparatus: Morphology and Function with Recent
Facts. Bezmialem Science. 7. 331-338. 10.14235/bas.galenos.2019.2806.
• contains:
a) nuclear pores: allow and control substances
entering in (protein to make ribosomes, ATP,
some hormones, nucleotides) and leaving (mRNA,
ribosomes for protein synthesis) of nucleus Image:
b) nucleolus (2.5 µm): contains loops DNA from • stack of flattened sacs (cisternae) formed by the
several chromosomes and synthesises ribisomes vesicles which bud off from the RER
• Single membraned organelle
3) Ribosomes (25 nm) • Packages substances into vesicles for transport
• composed of 2 subunits • glycosylation
• phosphorylating proteins
• assembly of polypeptides into proteins (4º structure)
• folding proteins
• removing the 1st amino acid methionine to activate
• energy released from energy-rich molecules e.g.,
6) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) sugars and fats during respiration is transferred to
molecules of ATP
• synthesizes lipids and steroids such as cholesterol
• ATP is the energy-carrying molecule in all living cells
and the reproductive hormones estrogen and
testosterone. • once made, ATP leaves the mitochondrion and can
spread rapidly to all parts of the cell where energy is
• its energy is released by breaking ATP down to ADP
(adenosine diphosphate) in a hydrolysis reaction
• see Chapter 12.2(i) for more details
9) Microtubules
7) Lysosomes (0.1-1µm)
• spherical sacs surrounded by a single membrane
• not permanent structures
• no internal structure
• contain hydrolytic enzymes Image:
• responsible for digestion/breakdown of unwanted • long, rigid, hollow tubes found in the cytoplasm
structures e.g., old organelles
• made of a protein called tubulin
• can even digest whole cells e.g., in mammary glands
after the period of lactation • tubulin has 2 forms – ⍺ & β tubulin
• ⍺ & β tubulin molecules combine to form dimers
• many dimers are joined end to end to form
• 13 protofilaments are in a ring to form a cylinder with
a hollow center
• this cylinder is the microtubule
13) Vacuoles
• centrioles are hollow cylinders about 500 nm long • surrounded by a partially permeable tonoplast which
• produces spindle fibers controls exchange between the vacuole and
• organizes microtubules cytoplasm
• diameter 3-10 um
• carries out photosynthesis
• contains starch grains, circular DNA, and 70S
• ATP is also produced here
• see Chapter 13.3(a) for more details
d) Structural features of prokaryotic cells
• organisms that lack nuclei or proper nuclear
11) Cell wall
membranes are called prokaryotes
• gives cell definite shape • unicellular
• rigid as made of cellulose • 1-5um
• freely permeable • cell wall made of murein (peptidoglycan = protein +
• prevents cell from bursting polysaccharides)
• no membranes around organelles
12) Plasmodesmata • 70S (smaller) ribosomes
• plant cells are linked to neighboring cells by means of • genetic material in the form of circular DNA
fine strands of cytoplasm called plasmodesmata • have no ER
which pass through pore-like structures in their walls
e) Differences between typical eukaryotic and
prokaryotic cells
f) Viruses
• noncellular/acellular
• protein coat
• nucleic acid core; DNA/RNA strand
• replicate inside host cells only
• show no characteristics of living organism
• symmetrical shape
• the virus DNA/RNA takes over the protein
synthesizing machinery of the host cell which helps
to make new virus particles
• See Chapter 18.2(d) for more details
2 Biomolecules
2.1 Testing for biomolecules • equal volumes of sample and Biuret reagent are
Food tests • if proteins are present, the colour changes from blue
to lilac
1) Reducing sugars
• instead of biuret reagent, KOH and dil. CuSO4 can be
• reduce soluble blue copper sulphate containing copper used
(II) ions to insoluble brick-red copper oxide, containing
copper (I) For extra details on performing food tests, see paper 3
• the copper oxide is seen as a brick-red ppt notes.
3) Starch Monosaccharides
• add drops of iodine solution to the sample Molecule consisting of a single sugar unit with the general
• if blue-black colour is quickly produced, starch is formula C(H2O)n
present • dissolves in water
• iodine solution is yellow brown • main types of monosaccharides – trioses (3C),
pentoses (5C), hexoses (6C)
4) Lipids (emulsion test) • glucose, fructose galactose, ribose, deoxyribose
Roles of monosaccharides
5) Proteins (Biuret test) 1) source of energy in respiration – C-H bonds can be
• all proteins have peptide bonds containing nitrogen broken to release a lot of energy which is
atoms which form a purple complex with Cu2+ ions transferred to help make ATP from ADP
2) building blocks for larger molecules – glucose is uses chains are shorter than
to make the polysaccharides starch, glycogen, and long, unbranching chain amylose and branch out to
cellulose; ribose is one of the molecules used to make sides
RNA and ATP, deoxyribose is one of the molecules
used to make DNA chains are curved and
coil into helical
branches are formed by 1-6
Disaccharides structures making the
final molecule more
Sugar molecule consisting of 2 monosaccharides joined
by a glycosidic bond.
2) Glycogen
• made of chains of 1-4 linked ⍺-glucose molecules
with 1-6 linkages forming branches
• tend to be more branched than amylopectin
• many ends due to branching aids in easy addition
and removal of glucose
• compact and insoluble, doesn’t affect the water
potential (Ψ)
made by condensation
reactions between 1,4 also made of 1,4 linked ⍺-
linked ⍺-glucose glucose molecules
Image: unknown
Dipoles and hydrogen bonds Alcohols & Esters
• unequal distribution of charges in a covalent bond is • alcohols contain hydroxyl group (–OH) attached to C
called a dipole atom
• molecules which have groups with dipoles are polar • reaction between (fatty) acid (–COOH) and alcohol (–
OH) produces an ester
• the chemical link between acid and alcohol is called
an ester linkage/bond and is formed by a
condensation reaction
The peptide bond
Haemoglobin: a globular protein • helical polypeptides are wound together creating a
triple helix
• made of 4 polypeptide chains therefore they have a
quaternary structure • strands are held together by hydrogen and some
covalent bonds
• 2 of the haemoglobin chains, ⍺-chains, are made of ⍺-
globin • every 3rd amino acid in each polypeptide chain is
• the other 2 chains, β-chains, are made of β-globin
• each 3 stranded molecule interacts with other
• each polypeptide chain has a haem group attached
collagen molecules running parallel to it
(prosthetic group) to it
• covalent bonds form between R-groups of amino
• haem contains charged particle of iron
• the haem group is also responsible for the colour of
• these cross-links hold many collagen molecules side
by side forming fibrils
• many fibrils lie alongside each other forming strong
bundles called fibres
• collagen is flexible but has tremendous tensile
• collagen fibres line up according to the forces they
3 Enzymes
3.1 Mode of action of enzymes The course of a reaction
• enzymes are globular proteins that catalyse • when the enzyme and substrate are first mixed,
metabolic reactions there’s a large number of substrate molecules
therefore almost every enzyme has a substrate in its
• function as biological catalysts
active site
• specific in nature
• this makes the rate of enzyme-controlled reaction
• precise 3D shape with hydrophilic R-groups on the fastest at the beginning
outside ensuring they’re soluble
• possess active sites which are clefts/depressions to
which a substrate can bind
functions inside of cells functions outside of cells
synthesised and retained synthesised in cell but Image:
in cell secreted out
2) pH
• pH is a measure of the H+ ions in a solution
• H+ ions can affect the R-groups of amino acids
Image: which affects the ionic bonding between groups
which in turn affects the 3D structure of the enzyme
Enzymes reduce activation energy (Ea)
• Active site may also be changed, reducing chances
• in many chemical reactions, the substrate will not be of a substrate fitting in
converted to a product unless it’s temporarily given
extra energy
• this extra energy is activation energy (Ea)
3) Enzyme concentration
• the more enzymes present, the more active sites are
• enzymes do this by holding their substrates in a way
available for substrates to fit in
that bonds can be broken more easily hence
reducing Ea • as long as there’s plenty of substrate available, initial
rate of reaction increasing linearly with enzyme
• or the shape is slightly changed, making it easier to
change the substrate to a product (induced fit concentration
4) Substrate concentration • disrupts the three-dimensional shape of enzyme
• as substrate concentration increases, initial rate of preventing the substrate from fitting into the active
reaction also increases site as its distorted
• the more substrate molecules there are around, the • increasing the substrate concentration has no
more often an enzyme’s active site can bind with change on the rate of reaction here
• saturation point – enzymes working at max (Vmax)
• all active sites are filled up
• enzyme moves to find substrates as it gets less,
collision forces start to decrease
too much product so
difficult to find substrate acting as inhibiting agent
5) Inhibitor concentration
Decreases enzyme activity, slowing down the reaction. • End product inhibition – as enzyme converts
substrate into product, rate is slowed down at the
end as the product binds to another part of the
enzyme and prevents more substrate binding
Enzyme affinities
• affinity – enzyme willingness to bind to a substrate
• at Vmax, all enzyme molecules are bound to substrate
molecules; the enzyme is saturated with substrate
As substrate concentration is increased, reaction rate
a) Competitive inhibition rises until the max rate i.e., Vmax
• compete with the substrate for the active site
• molecule similar in shape to the enzyme’s substrate
binds with the active site inhibiting the function
Km (Michaelis-Menten constant)
• the substrate concentration at which enzyme works
at half its maximum rate
• if the concentration of inhibitor rises or substrate • half the active sites of enzymes are occupied by
falls, it becomes less likely that the substrate will substrate
collide with an active site
• can be reversed by increasing the concentration of
b) Non-competitive inhibitor
Molecule fits into the allosteric site of the enzyme
rather than the active site.
Immobilising enzymes
• enzyme is mixed with a solution of sodium alginate
• droplets of this mixture are added to calcium
chloride solution
• a reaction occurs forming jelly/beads
• enzyme is immobilised in the bead
4 Cell Membranes and Transport
4.1 Fluid mosaic membranes • at low temperatures, cholesterol increases the
fluidity of the membrane preventing it from being
Fluid mosaic model too rigid, this is because it prevents close packing
• ‘fluid’ refers to the movement of phospholipids while of phospholipid tails
‘mosaic’ refers to the scattered proteins (and • at high temperatures, cholesterol decreases the
glycoproteins) in the phospholipid bilayer fluidity of membrane and stabilises the cell
1) Phospholipids
2, 3) Glycolipids and glycoproteins
Lipid and protein molecules on the outer surfaces of cell
membrane have carbohydrate chains attached to them
forming glycolipids and glycoproteins
These carbohydrate chains projecting out like antennae:
• stabilise the membrane structure by forming hydrogen
bonds with water molecules surrounding the cell
• glycocalyx – sugary cell coating formed by
carbohydrate chains
• act as receptor molecules:
Þ signalling receptors – recognise messenger
molecules like hormones and neurotransmitters
Þ endocytosis – bind to molecule to be engulfed by
• act as cell markers/antigens allowing cell-cell
• phospholipids are arranged so that hydrophobic, non- recognition
polar tails do not face water. Water is on both the
intracellular and extracellular sides 4) Proteins
• therefore, tails point inwards, and hydrophilic heads
face the aqueous medium
Function of transmembrane proteins a) If the signalling molecules are hydrophobic
• act as gateways and can transform, helping in (e.g., steroid hormones such as oestrogen)
facilitated diffusion and active transport • they can diffuse directly across the cell membrane
and bind to receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus.
Carrier proteins
• require energy
• go against the concentration gradient Image:
• the proteins provide hydrophilic areas that allow the • energy is used to make the channel/carrier proteins
molecules or ions to pass through the membrane change shape, transferring molecules/ions across the
which would otherwise be less permeable to them membrane in the process
Carrier proteins
• flip between 2 shapes, as a result, the binding site
opens alternatively to each side
Water potential
> Tendency of water to move out of solution.
• water always moves down a water potential gradient,
this happens until water potential is the same
throughout the solution
• denoted by psi (Ѱ)
• water potential becomes negative if the solute
concentration is very high
WATER LOSS crenated
haemolysed /
1) Endocytosis
d) Active transport
> Bulk movement of liquids (pinocytosis) or solids
> Movement of molecules or ions through transport (phagocytosis) into a cell by the infolding of the cell
proteins, across a cell membrane, against their membrane to form vesicles containing the substance.
concentration gradient, using energy from ATP.
• achieved by carrier and channel proteins 2) Exocytosis
• these are specific to the type of molecule they’re
transporting > Bulk movement of liquids or solids out of a cell by the
fusion of vesicles containing the substance with the
• requires energy; supplied by ATP cell surface membrane.
5 The mitotic cell cycle
Structure of a chromosome • the total length of DNA of 46 chromosomes of an
adult human is about 1.8m, this needs to be fit into a
Chromosomes are thread-like structures made of DNA. nucleus of 6μm
• therefore, the DNA is wound around the outside of
proteins called histones
- histone proteins – basic proteins which
associate with DNA to form nucleosomes
• these histone proteins (and therefore, nucleosomes)
condense DNA to chromatin
- chromatin – a complex of nucleic acids (DNA
and RNA) and other proteins whose primary
function is to compress DNA into a compact unit
which will fit inside the nucleus
The cell cycle Functions of mitosis
Processes of growth, development, and reproduction. • growth
• cell replacement
• repair of tissues
• asexual reproduction
• immune response (cloning B and T-lymphocytes)
1) Prophase
• centrosomes migrate to
opposite poles of mitotic
Interphase (G1 + S + G2) • chromatin starts to
• Longest phase
• Normal cell work/functions • nuclear envelope and nucleolus begin to disappear
• The cell grows to its normal size • centrosomes and migrate to opposite poles of the cell
• Time spent between cell divisions and form poles of mitotic spindle
• asters and spindle fibres form
1) G1 phase
• cells make RNA, enzymes and other proteins needed 2) Metaphase
for growth
• centrosomes are at poles
• at the end of G1 phase, the cell becomes committed to of the cell and organise
dividing or not the production of spindle
2) S phase • chromosomes line up
• synthesis of DNA across equator of the
• the DNA in the nucleus replicates so that each
chromosome consists of 2 identical chromatids: DNA • each chromosome splits at centromere
• chromosomes start to be pulled apart by microtubules
3) G2 phase
• the cell continues to grow 3) Anaphase
• new DNA is checked, and any errors are repaired • chromatids move to
opposite poles, centromeres
• preparations are made to start cell division e.g., a are first pulled by
sharp increase in production of the protein tubulin is microtubules
observed which is needed to make microtubules for
mitotic spindle • spindle fibres contract and
chromosomes are pulled to
the opposite ends
M phase (mitosis) 4) Telophase
Nuclear division that produces 2 genetically identical • nuclear envelope and
daughter cells. nucleolus reforming
• Maintains genetic stability • nucleus divides
The division of cytoplasm.
Cytokinesis in plant cells
• cell plate forms across equator of cell; cellulose, cell
wall laid down
• cytoplasm is hence divided into 2
2) Centrosome
• an organelle found in animal cells that acts as the
microtubule organising centre (MTOC) for
construction of the spindle
• present at the poles of cell
3) Centrioles
• act as MTOCs
• assemble/form spindle fibres during prophase
• contraction of spindle fibres during anaphase
Image: separates sister chromatids
• extent of the power of a stem cell to produce different
cell types is called its potency
• stem cell therapy – introduction of new adult stem
cells into damaged tissue to treat a disease or injury
• a result of uncontrolled mitosis; cancerous cells
divide repeatedly and form a tumour
• carcinogen – agent that causes cancer e.g.,
radiations (UV, X-rays), tar, nuclear fallout
6 Nucleic acids and protein
synthesis 5’ end – free
3’ end – free
6.1 Structure and replication of phosphate group
hydroxyl group
Larger, double-ringed molecules (adenine, guanine)
Protein synthesis
a) Transcription
Process by which enzymes use the sense strand of DNA
as a template to produce a messenger RNA (mRNA)
1) RNA polymerase binds to a region of gene called
• this signals DNA to unwind so bases can be read
Image: from one strand
4) DNA ligase seals up fragments of DNA in both to form • the strand that’s read is the sense-strand
a continuous double stranded helix
• caused by a change in the base sequence of amino 1) mRNA leaves the nucleus and binds to the smaller
acids in the β-polypeptide chain ribosomal unit
• adenine replaces thymine in CTT triplet forming CAT
• this polypeptide chain continues to grow till a
STOP codon is reached
7 Transport in plants
7.1 Structure of transport tissues Structure of roots (dicot)
Types of plant cells Transverse section
found in the
found in soft found in mature
petiole, leaves,
parts of the parts of the
and young
plant plant
specialised cells specialised cells
Longitudinal section (of roots) Longitudinal section
• upper epidermis – the outermost layer made up of a 1) long hollow tubes with no end walls for uninterrupted
single layer of parenchyma cells without intracellular transport of water and mineral ions
spaces; outer walls have cuticles, stomata are less in 2) no cell contents (no protoplasm) to provide maximum
number space and minimum resistance
• lower epidermis – single layer of parenchymatous 3) their walls are lignified to withstand negative pressure
cells with a thin cuticle and provide mechanical support
- contains numerous stomata 4) cellulose lining is present for adhesion if water
- chloroplasts are only present in guard cells molecules which helps with their movement upwards
5) they have pitted walls (in non-lignified sections) for the
- helps in exchange of gases
lateral movement of water
- loss of water vapour is facilitated through this
• mesophyll – tissue present between the upper and Phloem
lower epidermis, differentiated into palisade • transports sucrose and amino acids via mass flow
parenchyma and spongy parenchyma (active process) from the source to the sink
- palisade parenchyma: tightly packed, elongated • bidirectional movement (translocation)
cells with lots of chloroplasts (for photosynthesis) • mainly composed of sieve tube elements +
just below the upper epidermis. companion cells
- spongy parenchyma: spherical/oval, irregularly
arranged cells with lots of intracellular spaces;
helps in gaseous exchange
• vascular bundles
- vascular bundle of midrib is larger
- each vascular bundle is surrounded by a sheath
of parenchymatous cells called bundle sheath
- each vascular bundle consists of xylem lying
towards the upper epidermis and phloem
towards the lower epidermis
For more information about the structure of plant tissues and Image:
how to draw them, see Biology Paper 3 Notes.
Phloem sieve tube elements
Structure of vascular system 1) contains ER, mitochondria, and cytoplasmic stands
(cytoplasm reduces friction to facilitate the movement
of the assimilates)
• transports water and mineral ions via mass flow 2) end-walls modified to sieve plates/perforated plates
(passive) which allows for the continuous movement of the
• unidirectional movement (from roots à rest of the organic compounds
plant) 3) phloem tubes are present in a bundle
• composed of tracheids, vessel elements, xylem fibres, 4) area where sucrose is loaded is source and where it's
and xylem parenchyma (all dead except xylem unloaded is sink
Companion cells
1) contains organelles such as nucleus, RER,
mitochondria, and ribosomes which provides
metabolic support to the sieve tube elements and
helps with the loading and unloading of the
2) transport proteins are present in the plasma
membrane which move assimilates in and out of the
sieve tube elements
3) large numbers of mitochondria present which provide
ATP for the active transport of assimilates into or out
of the companion cells
4) plasmodesmata are present which link the cell to the 2) this gas exchange is required to uptake CO2 for
sieve tube elements photosynthesis
3) while stomata are open, water vapour diffuses out
Comparing the structures of xylem and phloem
Advantages of transpiration
1) helps in plants pulling up water from soil through roots
XYLEM PHLOEM (transpiration pull)
mainly dead cells 2) helps in sending out excessively absorbed water by
(tracheids, vessel living cells (only plants
made of elements, xylem phloem fibres are 3) cools the plant (via evaporative cooling)
fibres) except for dead) 4) helps in the absorption and transport of mineral salts
xylem parenchyma
5) helps in the absorption and distribution of water in
cell wall
lignin and cellulose cellulose plants
• xerophytes (from the greek xero for ‘dry’) are plants
that are adapted to dry and arid conditions
• xerophytes have physiological and structural
(xeromorphic) adaptations to maximise water
8 Transport in mammals
8.1 The circulatory system • tunica intima/interna – very smooth, single layer of
flat cells
• tunica media – smooth muscle, collagen fibres, elastic
• tunica externa – collagen fibres, elastic fibres
b) veins
• tunica intima – flat cells, smooth
• tunica media – smooth muscle, collagen, and elastic
• tunica externa – elastic and collagen fibres
• transports oxygenated blood at high pressures to • tunica externa is the thickest in veins
tissues • thin tunica media
• pulmonary artery and aorta have semilunar valves in • tunica intima is smooth and not crinkly
the beginning
• blood is transported at low pressures, no need for
thick walls
• contain semi-lunar valves (formed from their
• large lumen
• irregular shape • lymphatics are tiny, blind-ended vessels
• they contain valves which allow to tissue fluid to flow
in but not out
c) capillaries
• walls are wide enough to allow larger protein
molecules to pass through
• fluid inside lymphatics is called lymph
• lymph is transported to subclavian vein
• lymph vessels have smooth muscle in their walls
which contract to push lymph along
• takes blood really close to cells allowing exchange of
materials a) red blood cells (erythrocytes)
• network of capillaries is called the capillary bed • contain haemoglobin which gives red colour and
• wall made of endothelial cells and is one cell thick transports oxygen
• gaps are present between individual cells that form • produced in the bone marrow
the endothelium • have a biconcave, disc shape – dent increases surface
• gaps allow some components of blood to seep area in relation to volume
through into spaces between cells (tissue fluid) • spongy and flexible – have specialised cytoskeleton
made of protein filaments that allow them to be
• have no nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria
– more space for haemoglobin, maximising amount of
oxygen which can be carried
• broken down in spleen
c) platelets (thrombocytes)
Blood plasma & tissue fluid
• as blood flows through capillaries within tissues, some
plasma leaks out due to the pressure and seeps out
into places between the cells of the tissues
• this plasma that leaks out is called tissue fluid
• if blood pressure is too high, too much fluid may be
forced out of capillaries and the fluid may accumulate, 8.2 The heart
this results in oedema
• consists of 2 atria/auricles and 2 ventricles
• it’s through tissue fluid that the exchange between
cells and blood occurs • right and left side separated by septum
• made of cardiac muscle
Lymphatic system • papillary muscles contract to pull on valve tendons
• drainage system to prevent inversion of valves during systole
• digestive (assimilation of fatty acids) • atria and ventricles have valves between them called
atrioventricular valves:
• immunity – produces lymphocytes
• 2 types of valves: • atrioventricular valves close
ATRIOVENTRICULAR – TENDONS • forced produced in the right ventricle must be
SEMI-LUNAR – POCKETS relatively small as –
1) blood goes only to the lungs which are at a
The cardiac cycle shorter distance + less resistance to overcome
SYSTOLE – CONTRACTION, DIASTOLE – RELAXATION 2) if a too-high pressure was developed, tissue fluid
would accumulate in lungs hampering gas
Cardiac cycle
Cardiac muscles are myogenic which means it naturally
contracts and relaxes without receiving impulses from a
1) SAN (sinoatrial node)/pacemaker sends out waves of
excitation which stimulates atria to contract
2) non-conducting tissue between atria and ventricles
prevents atria and ventricles from contracting at the
same time
3) AVN (atrioventricular node) delaying the impulse
allows atria to completely into ventricles
4) AVN sends impulse down to the bundle of his and
Atrial systole along purkine fibres
• heart is filled with blood and the muscle in atrial wall 5) this causes ventricles to contract from the base
contracts upwards
• pressure is higher in atria than ventricles here so blood
forces the atrioventricular valves open
• blood flows from atria to ventricles
• pressure developed isn’t very high due to atrial walls
being not very thick
• semi-lunar valves in pulmonary veins and venacavae
prevent backflow from the atria
Ventricular systole
• occurs about 0.1s after atria contract
• ventricles contract increasing pressure and pushing
blood out of the heart
• blood in ventricles is at higher pressure so
atrioventricular valves are pushed shut, preventing Oxygen dissociation curve
blood from going back to atria • once an O2 molecule combines with haemoglobin, it
• blood rushes upwards into aorta and pulmonary artery becomes easier for more molecules to combine
as pressure forces aortic semi-lunar valves open therefore, the curve rises very steeply
• a small change in the partial pressure O2 causes a very
Ventricular diastole large change in amount of O2 carried by haemoglobin
• muscle relaxes, therefore pressure in the ventricles
• presence of semi-lunar valves prevents backflow of
blood from aorta and pulmonary artery
• during diastole, whole of the heart muscle relaxes
• blood from the veins flow into atria
• some blood leaks down into ventricles
• the atrial muscle then contracts, forcing blood into
Bohr shift
• shift in the curve of oxyhaemoglobin due to
concentration of CO2 at a given partial pressure of O2
is Bohr effect
• the amount of O2 haemoglobin carries is affected by
the partial pressures of both O2 and CO2
• the presence of high partial pressure of CO2 causing
Hb to release O2 is the Bohr’s effect
9 Gas exchange and smoking
9.1 The gas exchange system STRUCTURE SUMMARY
The gas exchange system is responsible for the uptake of
oxygen into the blood and the excretion of carbon dioxide. • airway that leads from the throat to
trachea the bronchi
The gas exchange surface in the lungs is extensive, very
thin, well supplied with blood and well ventilated. • lined with goblet cells and cilia
The trachea and bronchi provide little resistance to the • present in the thoracic cavity
movement of air to and from the alveoli. surrounded by pleural membranes
lungs • contains pleural fluid to allow
Gross structure of the human gas exchange friction free movement between the
system lungs, and diaphragm and ribs
• located at the base of the trachea
and have a similar structure to it
albeit narrower
• each bronchus divides many times
bronchi to forms smaller bronchioles
• terminal bronchioles divide to form
even narrower respiratory
bronchioles that supply alveoli with
• very narrow tubes (<1mm) that
carry air from the bronchi to the
• do not contain cartilage unlike the
trachea and bronchi and so can
• main site of gas exchange in the
• in single-celled organisms, oxygen can simply diffuse lungs
from fluid outside the cell through the cell surface alveoli • essentially are tiny sacs with many
membrane into the cytoplasm
structural adaptations to enable
• however, for multicellular organisms such as humans, gas exchange
most cells are at considerable distances from the
external environment from which oxygen is obtained • an extensive network of capillaries
surrounds the alveoli
• therefore, they need specialised gas exchange capillary
surfaces (alveoli) where oxygen can diffuse into the network • they are also an extensive
body, and carbon dioxide can diffuse out exchange surface between the
lungs and the blood
a) Trachea b) Bronchi (singular ‘bronchus’)
c) Bronchioles
Outline the function of cartilage in the human gas • some chemical pollutants like SO2 and NO2 can
exchange system dissolve in mucus to form an acidic solution that
1) keep airways open irritates the airway lining
2) provides support
3) allow flexibility Goblet cells and ciliated cells
4) rings allow widening during inspiration • between goblet cells, there are ciliated cells
• ciliated cells have cytoplasmic extensions which beat
Outline the function of smooth muscle in the human gas
rhythmically to move mucus up the throat
exchange system
1) contraction and relaxation • when mucus is at the top of the trachea, it’s
swallowed – pathogens are destroyed by stomach
2) changes diameter of trachea, bronchus, bronchioles acid
3) controls air flow in bronchioles
(one cell thick)
• mucus is produced by goblet cells of the ciliated
• the upper part of each goblet cell is swollen with
mucin droplets which have been secreted by the cell Image:
• mucus is a slimy solution of mucin which is How alveoli are adapted for gas exchange
composed of glycoproteins with many carbohydrate
chains that make them sticky and able to trap inhaled 1) squamous epithelium is one cell thick
• mucus is also made by mucous glands beneath the
Emphysema Effect of COPD on the heart
1) inflammation of constantly infected lungs causes 1) increase in power of contraction
phagocytes to line airways 2) increase in systolic bp
2) they release elastase which destroys elastin in alveoli 3) right ventricle increases in thickness
walls to reach lungs from capillaries
4) insufficient oxygen received by cardiac muscles
3) elastin is responsible for recoil of alveoli during 5) heart failure/attack
4) with less elastin, alveoli cannot stretch and recoil, so
bronchioles collapse during expiration trapping air and
causing alveoli to burst
5) surface area for gas exchange is reduced and blood
as a result is not oxygenated properly, leading to a
rapid breathing rate
6) blood vessels become resistant to blood flow in lungs,
to compensate, blood pressure in pulmonary artery
increases and overtime, right side of the heart
Symptoms of emphysema
1) shortness of breath
2) wheezing (on inspiration)
3) rapid breathing rate
4) chest tightness/pain
5) cyanosis / bluish appearance to skin
6) fatigue
7) barrel chest
10 Infectious diseases
10.1 Infectious diseases How diseases are transmitted
> Disease – abnormal condition affecting an organism a) Cholera
that reduces the effectiveness of the function of the Transmission – via the faecal oral route or when raw
organism human sewage of an infected person is used to irrigate
> Infectious disease – a disease caused by a pathogen, vegetables
is transmissible and reduces the effectiveness of • infected people pass out the pathogen (Vibrio
functions of the organism e.g., tuberculosis, cholera, cholerae) in faeces which contaminates water supply
etc. and food whilst handling (due to lack of hygiene)
> Non-infectious disease – long-term, degenerative • the bacteria pass through the stomach acid to reach
diseases not caused by pathogens and not the small intestine – their site of action
transmissible e.g., lung cancer, sickle cell anaemia,
• they multiply and secrete a toxin called choleragen
• it disrupts the functions of the epithelium lining in the
• Transmission cycle – the way in which a pathogen small intestine
transfers from one host to another
• salts and water leave the blood causing severe
• Endemic – diseases that are always present in diarrhoea which may be referred to as ‘rice water’
populations e.g., malaria is endemic in tropical and sub-
tropical regions Prevention and control
• Incidence – the number of people who are diagnosed • treatment is via oral rehydration therapy (a mixture of
over a certain period of time glucose and salts)
• Prevalence – the number of people who have that • drink bottled water or chlorinated water
disease at any given time
• wash utensils and vegetables properly
• Epidemic – sudden increase in the number of people • raise awareness
with a disease
• improve sanitation services and sewage treatment
• Pandemic – increase in the number of cases worldwide plants
• Mortality – death rate from different diseases
Global patterns of distribution
• Incubation period – time a disease takes to infect
someone • prevalent in large cities in developing countries that
don’t have adequate sewage systems or clean water
Summary of diseases and their causative supply
agent • global distribution – Asia, Africa, Latin America
ORGANISM b) Malaria
cholera Vibrio cholerae bacterium > Vector – organism which carries a disease from one
person to another or from an animal to a human e.g.,
Plasmodium falciparum, female anopheles mosquito for plasmodium
P. malariae,
malaria protocist Transmission
P. vivax,
P. ovale 1) blood transfusion
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2) when unsterilised needles are used
tuberculosis (airborne), 3) plasmodium can pass across placenta from mother to
(TB) M. bovis (infected foetus
human immunodeficiency
HIV/AIDS virus
virus (HIV)
Variola virus virus
measles a species of Morbillivirus virus
4) cost of drugs
5) problems with funding research
6) lack of knowledge
7) infected people not identified
8) inaccessibility of some regions to healthcare
5) people are unable to keep up with the regimen are 2) same vaccine was used for whole
susceptible to strains of HIV that have developed programme/vaccine did not need to be changed
resistance to drugs 3) vaccine was live/gave strong immune response
4) one dose was enough to give life-long immunity/no
> reverse transcriptase – an enzyme encoded by certain boosters required
viruses (retroviruses) that uses RNA as a template for 5) heat stable/freeze-dried vaccine
DNA synthesis
6) suitable for hot countries/isolated areas/rural areas
Prevention and control 7) few/no symptomless carriers
1) spread awareness 8) no animal reservoir/only in humans
2) use condoms, femidoms and dental dams 9) infected people easy to identify
3) don’t have many sexual partners
4) don’t share needles 10.2 Antibiotics
5) contact tracing An antibiotic is a drug that kills or stops the growth of
6) blood collected by donors screened and heat treated bacteria without harming the cells of the infected
7) reduce mother to child transmission by using formula organism
Antibiotics may interfere with
d) Tuberculosis (TB) • synthesis of bacterial cell walls
Transmission • activity of proteins in the cell surface membrane
1) infected person coughs • enzyme action
2) aerosol droplet carrying the pathogen • DNA synthesis
3) inhaled by uninfected person • protein synthesis
4) or consumption of meat/milk of an organism carrying
How penicillin acts on bacteria
Treatment 1) penicillin prevents the synthesis of cross links which
• when TB is confirmed, patients are isolated hold together a bacterium’s peptidoglycan walls (so
• Several drugs such as the antibiotic streptomycin are penicillin is only effective when bacteria are growing)
used to ensure bacteria are killed 2) enzymes autolysins secreted create small holes that
allow the wall to stretch so new peptidoglycan chains
Prevention can link
• contact tracing 3) penicillin prevents linking but holes continue to appear
• cattle are routinely tested for TB making the cell wall weaker
4) when bacteria take up water via osmosis, it cannot
Global distribution withstand the pressure potential exerted due to the
• TB is endemic however most common in poor and weakened cell wall and bursts
crowded living conditions
• also present where a large number of people have Why antibiotics do not affect viruses
HIV/AIDs Antibiotics target areas of the bacterium such as its cell
wall or other organelles. Viruses do not possess such
e) Measles organelles and therefore are immune to the effects of
Transmission – inhalation of droplets of moisture
containing the virus
Prevention and control How bacteria become resistant to antibiotics
• vaccination 1) people not completing course of antibiotics causing a
• treatment – bed rest and medicines to lower fever reservoir of bacteria to remain
2) remaining bacteria mutate to become resistant
f) Smallpox (eradicated) bacteria with resistance survive
Factors that led to the successful eradication of 3) when they reproduce they pass on the allele for
smallpox resistance to their offspring
1) smallpox virus was stable/did not mutate
11 Immunity
11.1 The immune system • during an infection (caused by pathogens invading the
body), cells under attack respond by releasing
chemicals called histamines
• these attract neutrophils
• this movement towards chemical stimulus is called
Phagocytes (neutrophils & macrophages)
• originate in bone marrow
• they’re scavengers – removing any dead cells and
invasive microorganisms
• have a lobed nucleus and granular cytoplasm
• short-lived cells
• made and mature in the bone marrow
Macrophages • travel to the spleen for final stages of maturation
• larger than neutrophils
1) B-plasma cells
• travel in blood as monocytes which develop into
• short-lived
macrophages once they leave blood and settle in
organs, removing foreign matter there • produce antibodies
• long-lived cells
2) B-memory cells
• do not destroy pathogens completely, they’re cut up
and their antigens are displayed, hence it becomes an • form the immunological memory of the body
antigen presenting cell (APC) • responsible for 2° response
Phagocytosis T-cells
Made in the bone marrow but mature in thymus.
Thelper • they can also increase the effect of phagocytosis
• produce interleukins Þ T-lymphocytes can only recognise antigens on an
• interleukins stimulate: APC surface
1) B-cells to make antibodies
2) other T-cells to divide b) Humoral immunity
3) macrophages to enhance the effect of
Tkiller (cytotoxic)
• destroys cells by releasing perforin which makes holes
in the cell surface membrane
• leads to immunological memory of antigen
• responsible for 2° response Image:
a) Clonal selection
Immunity Process by which an antigen selectively binds to and
activates only those lymphocytes bearing receptors for
the antigen. In short, this is basically recognising and
choosing which B-cells to use.
• Thelper cell recognises B-APC and becomes activated,
releasing interleukins to signal further actions
Autoimmune diseases
Occurs when the immune system mistakenly identifies
self-antigens as foreign (non-self) and mounts an
immune response against them.
• during the maturation of T-cells in the thymus, millions
of cells are destroyed as they have T-cell receptors
complementary to self-antigens
• some of these cells evade destruction and are
activated to stimulate an immune response against
the body’s own proteins
• starts as an attack involving antibodies and killer T-
cells against certain parts of the body
• attack can be localised in one organ or directed
Image: against the whole body
• immature white blood cells are produced quickly, • e.g., Myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1
disrupting balance of components in blood diabetes, lupus, psoriasis, etc.
• as a result, the body does not have enough red blood
cells or platelets Myasthenia gravis (MG)
• this causes anaemia and increases the risk of
excessive bleeding
• the number of mature lymphocytes and neutrophils
decrease, so susceptibility to infections increase
• the person is now said to be immunosuppressed
Immune response
> immune response – the complex series of responses
of the body to the entry of a foreign antigen
- involves the activity of lymphocytes and
• antigen – substance that is foreign to the body and • antibodies are produced against receptors on muscle
stimulates an immune response fibres for acetylcholine which is released by ends of
• self – substance produced by the body that the motor neurones to stimulate muscle contraction
immune system does not recognise as foreign and • people with MG have Thelper cells that are specific for
therefore does not stimulate an immune response cell surface receptors for acetylcholine
• non-self – any substance or cell recognised by the • Thelper cells stimulate a clone of B-cells to differentiate
immune system as foreign and stimulates an immune into plasma cells and secrete antibodies that bind to
response receptor blocking transmission from motor neurones
• muscle cells are not stimulated so muscle tissue
Role of memory cells in long-term immunity starts to break down
Remain in the blood for years and cause long-term • symptoms – muscle weakness
protection. • treatment – drug that inhibits enzyme in synapses
that breaks down acetylcholine increases its
concentration so its action in stimulating muscle
contraction lasts longer or surgical removal of the
thymus gland
In treatment
• treatment of breast cancer – antibody binds to
cancerous cells and marks them for destruction by
• Hinge region – gives flexibility to bind around antigen immune system
• treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune) –
• Antigen binding sites – sequence of amino acids in
antibody binds to proteins secreted by T-cells that
these regions make a specific 3D shape which binds
causes damage to cartilage in joints and blocks its
to one type of antigen
Poor response to vaccines due to –
• suffer from malnutrition and don’t have enough
proteins to make antibodies or clones of lymphocytes
• defective immune system and don’t develop
necessary B and T cell clones
Vaccination programmes
Eradication of smallpox
• Variola virus was stable, it didn’t mutate and change
cell surface antigens
• vaccine was made from a harmless strain of a similar
virus – a ‘live’ vaccine is more effective
• infected people can be easily identified
• vaccine was freeze-dried and can be kept at high
temperatures for as long as 6 months
• didn’t affect animals – easier to break transmission
Herd immunity
Herd immunity interrupts transmission in a population so
that those who are susceptible never encounter the
infectious agents concerned.