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Optimization of Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Biosurfactants From Corn Steep Liquor

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Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2015) 38:1629–1637

DOI 10.1007/s00449-015-1404-9


Optimization of liquid–liquid extraction of biosurfactants

from corn steep liquor
X. Vecino1 • L. Barbosa-Pereira1 • R. Devesa-Rey1,2 • J. M. Cruz1 •

A. B. Moldes1

Received: 9 February 2015 / Accepted: 17 April 2015 / Published online: 26 April 2015
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract In this work, the optimization of the operational maintaining its nutritional properties in comparison with
conditions for the chloroform-based extraction of surface- regular CSL.
active compounds from corn steep liquor (CSL) was car-
ried out and the nutritional properties of the remnant Keywords Corn steep liquor  Industrial stream  Liquid–
aqueous phase (CSL-less biosurfactant) was evaluated as liquid process  Biosurfactant  Nutritional medium
microbial fermentation medium. The optimal conditions to
obtain biosurfactants from CSL were as follows: chloro-
form/CSL ratio 2 (v/v), 56 °C at extraction times[30 min. Introduction
At the optima conditions, 100 % of biosurfactant extract
can be obtained from CSL, obtaining 12.0 ± 0.5 g of Biosurfactants are surface-active compounds released by
biosurfactant extract/Kg of CSL. The critical micelle con- microorganisms, with several advantages over the chemical
centration (CMC) of the biosurfactant extract was surfactants as lower toxicity, higher biodegradability, bet-
399.4 mg L-1. This value is similar to the CMC of cetri- ter environmental compatibility, higher foaming, high se-
monium bromide (CTAB), a cationic surfactant used in the lectivity and specific activity at extreme pH, temperatures
formulation of nanoparticles. The extraction of biosurfac- and salinity. In addition, biosurfactants can be synthesized
tant can be also carried out at room temperature although in from renewable agroindustrial feed stocks [1]. Natural
this case, the extraction yield decreased about 15 %. The detergents have been shown to have important roles in
extraction of surface-active compounds from agroindustrial biomedical and therapeutic areas; pharmaceutical, cos-
streams can suppose important advances for the bio-based metic and food industries as well as in the environmental
surfactants industry. Biosurfactants obtained in this work field [2]. Furthermore, due to self-assembly properties of
are not only more eco-friendly than chemical detergents biosurfactants, new and fascinating applications in nan-
but also can be cost competitive with its chemical coun- otechnology are predicted for these natural detergents [3].
terparts. Furthermore, after the extraction of surface-active In the food industry, various extraction procedures are
compounds, CSL-less biosurfactant was found to be suit- used to recover valuable soluble components from raw
able as nutritional supplement for lactic acid bacteria, materials. This is usually done by dissolving the raw ma-
terial in a liquid solvent to separate the soluble compo-
nents, which can then be recovered from the solvent in an
additional step. Raw materials that are suitable for ex-
& A. B. Moldes traction may comprise solids only, solids and a solution, or
[email protected] solids and a liquid. For example, in the corn wet-milling
1 industry, the residual stream produced at the early stages of
Chemical Engineering Department, School of Industrial
Engineering (EEI), University of Vigo, Campus As Lagoas- corn processing contains large amounts of solids and water-
Marcosende, 36310 Vigo-Pontevedra, Spain soluble components [4]. Corn is soaked in water with sulfur
Defense University Center, Naval Academy, University of dioxide (SO2) or sodium bisulphite (NaHSO3), for around
Vigo, Plaza de España 2, 36920 Marı́n-Pontevedra, Spain 36 h at an elevated temperature (45–52 °C), in a process

1630 Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2015) 38:1629–1637

known as steeping where raw starch is the input and pro- more studies are needed to optimize the extraction condi-
cessed water is the output [4, 5]. During the steeping tions of biosurfactants from CSL. For this purpose, it will
process of corn, readily available carbohydrates are re- be interesting to study the interaction of extraction tem-
leased favoring the growth of lactic acid bacteria that can perature with other extraction conditions like amount of
produce up to 50–150 g L-1 of lactic acid as primary solvent or extraction time.
metabolite and biosurfactants as secondary metabolite [4, The main objective of this work it is optimize the con-
6, 7]. ditions for the extraction of low-cost biosurfactant from
In this study, attention was focused on the liquid in CSL, using chloroform in a single stage. The extraction
which the corn is steeped, which after evaporation is conditions evaluated in this study consist of temperature,
converted into a residual stream referred to as corn steep amount of solvent and extraction time. In addition, after the
liquor (CSL) [6]. CSL is a soluble solid that constitutes extraction of biosurfactants, the nutritional properties of the
nearly 40–50 % (w/w) of the dry weight of corn and con- remnant aqueous phase of CSL, as nutritional supplement
sists of a mixture of reducing sugars and amino acids [8]. for lactic acid bacteria, will be evaluated.
CSL has various industrial applications, e.g., it can be
mixed with fiber and after dewatering and drying used as
corn feed [9], or it can be used directly as a nutritional Experimental section
medium for industrial fermentations [10–13]. Therefore,
this residual stream has been proposed by Bustos et al. [14] Reagents
as nitrogen supplement during fermentation with lactic acid
bacteria or Gao and Yuan [15] has used CSL to improve Chloroform (stabilized with 50 ppm of amylene as
the biotechnological production of 2-keto-l-gulonic acid. preservative), CHCl3 (99.8 %); sulphuric acid, H2SO4
Some authors have proposed the utilization of organic (96 %, PA-ISO); methanol, MeOH (99.9 %, HPLC-gradi-
solvents for the extraction of biosurfactants. Thus, Camil- ent grade); MRS broth; yeast extract; precipitated calcium
ios et al. [16] extracted an extracellular rhamnolipid bio- carbonate, CaCO3 (99.0 %, PA) and anhydrous D(?)-
surfactant produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in a glucose, C6H12O6 (PA-ACS) were purchased from Panreac
solid-state fermentation, by washing with water the solid (Barcelona, Spain).
culture and then undertaking a liquid–liquid extraction into Corn steep liquor (Lot #MKBN0183 V, liquid brown,
chloroform–methanol 3:1 (v/v). Most of the biosurfactants 50 % solid content and pH 4.4) and surfactin, a commercial
considered in the literature are produced extracellularly; surfactant (C98 %), from Bacillus subtilis, were supplied
thus, they are recovered from the fermentation media by by Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA).
liquid–liquid extraction. However, some microorganisms
such as Lactobacillus pentosus produce cell-bound bio- Preparation of microorganisms and inocula
surfactant, which are extracted from cells by solid–liquid
extraction. For instance, Vecino et al. [17] proposed a Lactobacillus pentosus (L. pentosus) CECT-4023T
solid–liquid extraction with an aqueous phosphate buffer in (ATCC-8041) was obtained from the Spanish collection of
the absence of salt to extract the biosurfactant from L. type cultures (Valencia, Spain).
pentosus cells. The strain was grown in Petri dishes containing com-
A novel application of CSL, discovered recently by plete medium MRS Agar, at 31 °C for 24 h. The microbial
Vecino et al. [7], is based on the possibility of extracting biomass in the inocula was determined indirectly, by
biosurfactants from this corn wet-milling byproduct. This measuring the optical density at 600 nm, and adjusted by
is an interesting finding because if the liquid–liquid ex- dilution with water to 3.0 g of dry cells per liter. One
traction process is optimized, this biosurfactant could be milliliter of this suspension was added to 150 mL of each
cost competitive with the surfactants obtained by chemical fermentation medium to achieve an initial biomass con-
synthesis. In a previous work, Vecino et al. [7] have tested centration of 0.02 g of dry cells per liter.
various organic solvents for undertaking the liquid–liquid
process of biosurfactants contained in CSL. Among the Extraction of biosurfactant from CSL
solvents evaluated, chloroform gave the best extraction
yields. The extraction conditions used in this preliminary The biosurfactant was extracted from CSL (15 g L-1) at
study compromised the utilization of CSL:solvent ratio of different ratios of chloroform/CSL (2, 1.25 and 0.5 (v/v))
1:10 (v/v), for 4 h at room temperature (25 °C). These and different temperatures (30.5, 39, 47.5 and 56 °C) up to
conditions have also been used by Jamal et al. [18] during 200 min at 200 rpm in 1 L Pyrex bottles with screw caps
the extraction of biosurfactants produced by Pseudomonas (for avoid chloroform evaporation). After extraction, the
aeruginosa. However, from an industrial point of view, mixture chloroform–CSL was decanted and the

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2015) 38:1629–1637 1631

biosurfactant was separated from the chloroform by rotary pentosus. Experiments were run in 500 mL Erlenmeyer
evaporation (Buchi Rotavapor R-210, equipped with a flasks, with a fermentation volume of 150 mL using
digital controller V-850, heating bath B-491, vacuum pump 30 g L-1 of glucose as carbon source and 20 g L-1 of
V-700, and closed-circuit chiller F-105, Switzerland). The CSL-less biosurfactant and 10 g L-1 of yeast extract as
evaporation was carried out at 474 mbar and 60 °C. Finally nutritional supplements. Fermentations were carried out in
the biosurfactant extract was dissolved in water or metha- an orbital shaker at 150 rpm, 31 °C and 30 g L-1 of
nol (MeOH) by vortex and sonication process. CaCO3 were added at the beginning of fermentation pro-
cess to neutralize the lactic acid produced. For comparative
Extraction yield of biosurfactant from CSL purposes, two additional fermentations, with MRS broth
and regular CSL were assayed under the same operational
After extraction of the biosurfactant from the CSL, the conditions. Both CSL (regular CSL and CSL-less biosur-
chloroform was evaporated to dryness and the biosurfactant factant) were supplemented with 10 g L-1 of yeast extract
extract was redissolved in water or MeOH. Two mL of this and 30 g L-1 of glucose. At given fermentation times,
solution containing the biosurfactant extract, at concen- samples were withdrawn from the fermentation media and
tration of 2000 mg L-1, was dried at 105 °C for 24 h for centrifuged.
calculation of the dry weight and the extraction yield. All
measurements were carried out in triplicate.
Quantification of glucose and lactic acid by HPLC–
Determination of critical micelle concentration
of the biosurfactant extracted from CSL
The glucose and lactic acid in the supernatant were ana-
lyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
The critical micelle concentration (CMC) is the concen-
with diode array detection (DAD) and refractive index
tration of biosurfactant over which it is impossible to re-
detection (RID) (Agilent Technologies 1200 Series, Ger-
duce the surface tension of water in more units. The CMC
many). Instrument control and data acquisition were per-
of the biosurfactant extract obtained from CSL was deter-
formed with OpenLAB CDS software.
mined by diluting the extract in water (from a concentra-
A sample volume of 20 lL was injected into a Rezex
tion of 2033.3 up to 10.2 mg L-1). The surface tension of
RHM-Monosaccharide H? (8 %) column (300 9 7.80 mm,
the solutions was measured by the Wilhelmy plate method
8 lm particle size) (Phenomenex, USA) maintained at a
in a force tensiometer with a platinum plate (Easy Dyne
constant temperature of 65 °C. The target compounds were
K20, KRUSS GmbH), at room temperature. All determi-
analyzed using an isocratic elution, with Milli-Q water plus
nations were carried out in triplicate.
0.005 N of H2SO4, at a flow rate of 0.4 mL min-1.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis
of biosurfactant Statistical analysis

The biosurfactant extracted from CSL or surfactin, used as The commercial Solver software (Microsoft Excel 2011)
control (1 mg), were ground with 10 mg of potassium was used to fit the experimental data to the models by least
bromide (KBr) and pressed (7500 kg for 30 s) to produce squares non-linear regression. Lactic acid production and
translucent pellets. glucose consumption were described by kinetic models
The FTIR analyses were carried out in a FTIR spec- proposed in previous studies [19–22].
trometer (Nicolet 6700, Thermo Scientific). Spectral mea-
surement was performed in transmittance mode in a range
of 400–4000 cm-1 with a resolution of 4 cm-1 with an Results and discussion
average range of 32 data scans. A KBr pellet was used as
background reference. Production of biosurfactant from CSL: optimization
of the extraction conditions
Evaluation of the nutritional properties of CSL
for lactic acid fermentation Figure 1a shows a general flow chart for the steeping of
corn in the wet-milling industry that results in the extrac-
The liquid phase obtained after the extraction of the sur- tion of water-soluble components and Fig. 1b shows the
face-active compounds from CSL (CSL-less biosurfactant) flow diagram proposed in this work for extracting surface-
was tested for use as nutritional supplement for the active compounds from CSL. In a previous work [7], dif-
biotechnological production of lactic acid by Lactobacillus ferent organic solvents were evaluated (chloroform, ethyl

1632 Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2015) 38:1629–1637

(a) Processing of the solid fraccion: First

grinding/ Degermination/ Second
Maize grinding/Sieving/ Separation
Reception Dry cleaning Steeping
Liquid fraction of water soluble
compounds namely corn steep liquor (CSL)

Aqueous solution
NaHSO 3 or SO 2 Evaporation H2O

CSL (containing
Glucose Yeast Extract 50% of solids)

Lactic Acid Aqueous phase Liquid-Liquid Chloroform

(CSL-less biosurfactant ) Extraction

L. pentosus CaCO3 Organic phase

(containing BS)

Extract of Biosurfactant (BS) Distillation

Fig. 1 Flowchart illustrating: a corn steep liquor production (CSL) and b the extraction of biosurfactant from CSL

acetate, methyl tert-butyl ether, trichloroethylene, hexane, should be fixed at 187.5, 135 and 82.5 min for chloroform/
heptane, and dichloromethane) for extracting the biosur- CSL ratios of 0.5, 1.25 and 2, respectively. Optima con-
factant contained in CSL observing that chloroform, ditions to obtain biosurfactants from CSL can be fixed as
methyl tert-butyl ether, and dichloromethane gave 100 % follows: chloroform/CSL ratio 2 (v/v), 56 °C at extraction
extraction yields; however, the high amount of organic times [30 min.
solvent used in this preliminary work, 10 mL organic sol- Moreover, to determine whether all the surface-active
vent/mL of CSL stream as well as high extraction times compounds were extracted in the first extraction process, a
(4 h), can inhibit the application of this extraction protocol second extraction was carried out at chloroform/CSL ratio
at industrial scale. Among the solvents evaluated, in this 2 (v/v), 56 °C during 60 min. No more surface-active
previous study [7], chloroform has been chosen because it compounds were detected after the second extraction stage.
is denser than water; it has a low boiling point (61.2 °C);
and in previous works [7], it has showed a good extraction Extraction yield of the biosurfactant from CSL
capacity. Thus, surface-active compounds can be separated
by liquid–liquid extraction from the aqueous phase and Under optimal operational conditions, once chloroform
later recovered from the organic phase with a low energy was evaporated, the balloon containing the biosurfactant
cost. was dried and weight; the yield in this conditions was
Figure 2 shows the kinetics of the extraction of biosur- 12.3 ± 0.3 g of biosurfactant extract per kg of CSL. In
factant from CSL. Different ratios of chloroform/CSL and addition, to see if the amount of water used to re-dissolve
different extraction temperatures were tested. When the the biosurfactant was enough to solubilize all the biosur-
chloroform/CSL ratio was fixed at 0.5 (v/v), maximum factant extracted, biosurfactant also was dissolved in
extraction yields were obtained at 56 °C after 187.5 min; methanol for extraction yield. Thus, when the dry weight
whereas when the ratio chloroform/CSL was fixed at 1.25 was calculated after dilution of the biosurfactant in water or
and 2 (v/v), maximum extraction yields were achieved methanol, the yield was 12.3 ± 1.8 and 11.5 ± 0.7 g of
after 82.5 and 30 min, respectively. At lower temperatures, biosurfactant extract per kg of CSL, respectively. Almost
the extraction time had to be increased to maximize the no differences were observed in the extraction percentages
extraction yields. Thus, at 30.5 °C, the extraction time calculated in 2 different solutions. The average extraction

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2015) 38:1629–1637 1633

Fig. 3 Critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the biosurfactant

extracted from CSL

concentration of biosurfactant extract was lower than the

CMC, the surface tension of water in the presence of bio-
surfactant was linearly related to the concentration of sur-
factant, and thus it is possible to establish a relationship
between the biosurfactant extract concentration and the
surface tension. Figure 3 shows the relationship between
the concentration of biosurfactant extract and the reduction
of surface tension in water. The CMC of biosurfactant
extract was calculated from the intersection of the tangent
to the curve at the inflection point with the horizontal
tangent through the points at low concentration (see
Fig. 3). Biosurfactant extracted from CSL was able to re-
duce the surface tension of water from 70.6 ± 0.2 to
40.9 ± 1.7 mN m-1 with a CMC of 399.4 mg L-1. Some
chemical surfactants have similar CMC values than the
biosurfactant extracted in this work; thus cetrimonium
bromide (CTAB), a cationic detergent used in the formu-
lation of nanoparticles, has a CMC of 9.2 9 10-4 mol L-1
corresponding with 335.3 mg L-1. On the other hand, the
surface tension reduction in water achieved with biosur-
factant from CSL was similar to other biosurfactants pro-
duced by lactic acid bacteria. Thus, biosurfactants from L.
Fig. 2 Kinetics plots obtained during the extraction of biosurfactant acidophilus ATCC-4356, L. casei ATCC-7469 and L. fer-
from CSL at different temperatures of extraction and different
chloroform/CSL ratios (v/v): a 2, b 1.25 and c 0.5 mentum ATCC-14931 are able to reduce the surface ten-
sion of aqueous solution in 27 units; whereas biosurfactants
yield was 12.0 ± 0.5 g of biosurfactant extract per kg of produced by L. plantarum ATCC-14917 reduced the sur-
CSL. Some biosurfactants (such as surfactin) are poorly face tension of water up to 24 units [23]. Otherwise, the
soluble in water. In this case, the biosurfactant extracted surface tension activity of the biosurfactant extract from
from CSL, was soluble in both aqueous and organic phases, CSL was higher than the surface tension reduction
at concentration of 2000 mg L-1 as indicated by the achieved by the biosurfactant produced by L pentosus
similar extraction yields obtained in both cases. ATCC-8041 and L. rhamnosus ATCC-9595 that reduced
the surface tension in 19 and 18 units, respectively [24, 25].
Determination of critical micelle concentration
of biosurfactant from CSL FTIR analysis of biosurfactant from CSL vs
Calibration curve was prepared using solutions containing
different concentrations of biosurfactant extracts and Figure 4 shows the results of the FTIR analysis of the
measuring the surface tension of these solutions. When the biosurfactant extracted from CSL in comparison with a

1634 Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2015) 38:1629–1637

commercial lipopeptide biosurfactant (surfactin). The bio- in order to corroborate this fact [27]. Figure 5 shows the
surfactant from CSL and surfactin produced four similar kinetic production of lactic acid and glucose consump-
bands in the FTIR spectra: (1) a band at 3425 cm-1, tion by L. pentosus during use of the CSL-less biosur-
indicates the presence of peptide groups resulting from N– factant as a nutritional medium, in comparison with the
H stretching and O–H stretching of carboxylic acids, use of MRS broth or regular CSL (containing the sur-
although by the size of the band this it can be deduced that face-active compounds). After 25 h, all the glucose was
the concentration of peptides should be lower in the bio- converted into lactic acid in all three nutritional media
surfactant obtained form CSL than in surfactin; (2) bands at evaluated.
3010–2855 and 1467–1378 cm-1, denoting the presence of In addition, the lactic acid production was successfully
C–H stretching corresponding to CH2 and CH3 groups of described by the kinetic model proposed by Mercier et al.
aliphatic chains; (3) a band at 1743–1710 cm-1, corre- [28]. Several authors have used this kinetic model to pre-
sponding to the stretching vibration of C=O bonds in car- dict the generation of lactic acid during fermentation [19–
boxyl esters and (4) a band at 1647 cm-1, corresponding to 22]. According to the aforementioned authors, the pro-
C=O–N bond (amide I bond) and at 1543 cm-1 denoting duction of lactic acid can be described by a sigmoidal
the presence of N–H bonds (amide II bond). curve. The product concentration can be easily modeled by
direct integration of the corresponding differential equation
Evaluation of nutritional properties of CSL-less and non-linear regression with Eq. 1.
dP P
¼ Pr P 1  ð1Þ
dt Pm
Some authors have pointed out that during the biotech-
nological production of different metabolites, extra where t is time, P is the product concentration, Pm is the
complications can be noticed during the downstream maximum product concentration, and Pr is the ratio be-
processing of fermentation products when the culture tween the initial volumetric rate of product formation (rp)
media contain biosurfactants [26]. Thus, the extraction and the initial product concentration (P0). The original
process of biosurfactant contained in CSL not only re- equation proposed by Mercier et al. [28] for biomass
sults interesting to obtain natural bio-based detergents, (X) modeling included a correction term for inhibition
but also it is convenient if extract complications are want (1 - X/Xm). As the product also causes inhibition, and to
to be avoided during the utilization of CSL as nutritional provide a more conceptual approach, a product original
supplement in biotechnological processes. However, be- inhibition term was included in the equation (1 - P/Pm),
fore using CSL-less biosurfactant, without biosurfactants, which presented a variation pattern closely related to the
as nutritional supplement during industrial fermentations, function included in the original equation of Mercier et al.
it is necessary to corroborate that CSL keeps its prop- [28] but provided a better understanding of the process.
erties as nutritional supplement. Thus in this work, var- Thus, the resulting differential equation can be easily
ious fermentations were carried out with lactic acid solved by a fourth-order Runge–Kutta method coupled
bacteria that are generally recognized as nutritionally with an optimization algorithm dealing with Newton’s
fastidious because of their high nutritional requirements method [19] to produce Eq. 2.

Fig. 4 Comparison of the FTIR

spectra of surfactin vs
biosurfactant extracted from

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2015) 38:1629–1637 1635

and the production of lactic acid, for the three different

nutritional media.
During the fermentations, L. pentosus fermented glucose
by the homo-fermentative Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas
(EMP) pathway to yield lactic acid as the sole product in
also the cases, even when CSL-less biosurfactant, subjected
to a liquid–liquid process with chloroform, was used as
nutritional medium. Table 1 shows the maximum ratio
between initial volumetric rate of product formation and
initial product concentration, Pr, and the yield expressed as
g of lactic acid per g of glucose consumed, YP/S, during
fermentations carried out with the three nutritional media.
These fermentation parameters were obtained by applying
the above-mentioned kinetic modeling process. The max-
imum value of Pr (0.609 h-1) corresponded to the MRS
broth fermentation, whereas there were no differences be-
tween the Pr values for fermentations carried out with CSL
containing surface-active compounds (0.279 h-1) and CSL
where the surface-active compounds were extracted
(0.237 h-1). Regarding the maximum lactic acid produc-
tion, Pm, there were almost no differences between the
three media evaluated, achieving maxima lactic acid con-
centrations around 26.0 g L-1. Table 1 also includes the r2
values (a measure of the degree of correlation) and Fis-
cher’s ‘F’ parameter (a measure of the statistical sig-
nificance of equations).

Economical considerations

Surfactants find applications in a wide variety of industrial

processes [29–32]. However, as the environmental com-
patibility is becoming a progressively important factor in
Fig. 5 Experimental data and calculated time courses of lactic acid selecting industrial chemicals, the commercialization of
and glucose concentrations during lactic acid fermentations using L. biosurfactant is gaining much attention in comparison their
pentosus, carried out with three different nutritional media: a MRS
chemical counterparts. Thus, surfactin, produced by
broth; b Regular CSL; c CSL-less biosurfactant
Bacillus subtilis, is one of the most widely studied bio-
surfactants [33]; at a concentration of 10 mg L-1, surfactin
can reduce the surface tension of water from 72 to
P0 Pm ePr t 27 mN m-1. Nevertheless, the high cost of surfactin ($820/
P¼ ð2Þ
Pm  P0 þ P0 ePr t 50 mg) prevents its industrial use. From this point of view,
the biosurfactant extracted from CSL could have industrial
After fitting the lactic acid production data to the kinetic
applications, rather than surfactin, as it can be obtained
model described above, glucose consumption was deter-
from a cheap and renewable substrate with a simple ex-
mined by using Eq. 3 [20].
traction process using chloroform. This process can be
1 carried out under no severe conditions (chloroform/CSL
S ¼ S0  ðP  P0 Þ ð3Þ ratio 2 (v/v), 56 °C at extraction times[30 min) and in this
work, it has been verified 96.5 % of chloroform can be
where YP/S is the product yield, P and P0 are the final and recirculated into the system. The technology proposed in
initial product concentrations, respectively (g L-1), and this work, avoid the high cost and longer periods of times
S and S0 are the final and initial glucose concentrations associated with the fermentation process involving the
(g L-1). production of biosurfactants by a specific microorganisms.
Figure 5 illustrates the close agreement between ex- Moreover, MRS broth is an expensive fermentation
perimental and calculated data for consumption of glucose medium, used in several biotechnological processes. This

1636 Bioprocess Biosyst Eng (2015) 38:1629–1637

Table 1 Parameters obtained after the kinetic modeling of experimental data for glucose consumption and lactic acid production during lactic
acid fermentation of L. pentosus in the presence of three different nutritional supplements
Lactic acid production Glucose consumption
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2
P0 (g L ) Pm (g L ) Pr (h ) rp (g L h ) R F value* YP/S (g g-1) R2 F value*

MRS broth 0.004 26.039 0.609 0.002 0.997 1149.609 0.857 0.989 305.656
Regular CSL 0.494 26.321 0.279 0.138 0.999 2356.000 0.719 0.994 550.521
CSL-less biosurfactant 0.720 25.975 0.237 0.171 0.997 1035.364 0.709 0.992 422.427
* Significance [99 % for the three different nutritional media

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Acknowledgments The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of properties from Gluconacetobacter sucrofermentans CECT 7291
Economy and Competitiveness (This work was funded by FEDER focused on its use in degraded paper restoration. BioResources
funds under the project CTM2012-31873). X. Vecino gratefully ac- 8:3630–3645
knowledges the University of Vigo for receipt of a predoctoral 13. Rivas B, Moldes AB, Domı́nguez JM, Parajó JC (2004) Devel-
contract. opment of culture media containing spent yeast cells of De-
baryomyces hansenii and corn steep liquor for lactic acid
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