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Damascus University

Automata theory and formal languages

Closure Properties & Regular


Dr. Mohammad Ahmad

Closure properties
• The language L of strings that end in 101 is regular


• How about the language L of strings that do not end

in 101?
• Hint: w does not end in 101 if and only if it ends in:

000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 110 or 111

or it has length 0, 1, or 2

• So L can be described by the regular expression

+ e + (0 + 1) + (0 + 1)(0 + 1)
• The complement L of a language L is the set of all
strings that are not in L

• Examples (S = {0, 1})

– L1 = all strings that end in 101
– L1 = all strings that do not end in 101
= all strings end in 000, …, 111 or have length 0, 1, or 2

– L2 = 1* = {e, 1, 11, 111, …}

– L2 = all strings that contain at least one 0
= (0 + 1)*0(0 + 1)*
• The language L of strings that contain 101 is regular


• How about the language L of strings that do not

contain 101?

You can write a regular expression,

but it is a lot of work!
Closure under complement

If L is a regular language, so is L.

• To argue this, we can use any of the equivalent

definitions for regular languages:


• The DFA definition will be most convenient

– We assume L has a DFA, and show L also has a DFA
Arguing closure under complement
• Suppose L is regular, then it has a DFA M

accepts L

• Now consider the DFA M’ with the accepting and

rejecting states of M reversed
accepts strings not in L
this is exactly L
Food for thought
• Can we do the same thing with an NFA? NO!
0, 1

1 0
q0 q1 q2 (0+1)*10

0, 1

1 0
q0 q1 q2 (0+1)*
• The intersection L  L’ is the set of strings that are
in both L and L’

• Examples:
L = (0 + 1)*11 L’ = 1* L  L’ = 1*11

L = (0 + 1)*10 L’ = 1* L  L’ = ∅

• If L, L’ are regular, is L  L’ also regular?

Closure under intersection

If L and L’ are regular languages, so is L  L’.

• To argue this, we can use any of the equivalent

definitions for regular languages:


Suppose L and L’ have DFAs, call them M and M’

Goal: Construct a DFA (or NFA) for L  L’
An example

M 1 1 0 0
0 1
r0 r1 s0 s1
0 1

L = even number of 0s L’ = odd number of 1s

r0, s0 r0, s1

0 0 0 0

r1, s0 r1, s1
L  L’ = even number of 0s and odd number of 1s
Closure under intersection
M and M’ DFA for L  L’

states Q = {r1, ..., rn} Q × Q’ = {(r1, s1), (r1, s2), ...,

Q’ = {s1, ..., sn’} (r2, s1), ..., (rn, sn’)}

start state ri for M (ri, sj)

sj for M’

accepting F for M F × F’ = {(ri, sj): ri F, sj F’}

states F’ for M’

Whenever M is in state ri and M’ is in state sj,

the DFA for L  L’ will be in state (ri, sj)
Closure under intersection
M and M’ DFA for L  L’
transitions ri rj in M ri, si’ a rj, sj’

si’ sj’ in M’
• The reversal wR of a string w is w written backwards

w = cave wR = evac

• The reversal LR of a language L is the language

obtained by reversing all its strings

L = {cat, dog} LR = {tac, god}

Reversal of regular languages
• L = all strings that end in 101 is regular
• How about LR?
• This is the language of all strings beginning in 101
• Yes, because it is represented by
Closure under reversal

If L is a regular language, so is LR.

• How do we argue?

Arguing closure under reversal
• Take a regular expression E for L

• We will show how to reverse E

• A regular expression can be of the following types:

– The special symbols  and e
– Alphabet symbols like a, b
– The union, concatenation, or star of simpler expressions
Proof of closure under reversal
regular expression E reversal ER

 
e e
a (alphabet symbol) a
E1 + E2 E1R + E2R


E1* (E1R)*
A question

LDUP = {ww: w  L} Ex. L = {cat, dog}

LDUP = {catcat, dogdog}

If L is regular, is LDUP also regular?

A question
• Let’s try with regular expression:
L = {a, b}
L DUP = LL LDUP = {aa, bb}
LL = {aa, ab, ba, bb}
• Let’s try with NFA:

q0 e NFA for L e NFA for L e q1

An example

L = 0*1 is regular

LDUP = {1, 01, 001, 0001, ...}

LDUP = {11, 0101, 001001, 00010001, ...}

= {0n10n1: n ≥ 0}

• Let’s try to design an NFA for LDUP

An example

0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1

1 01 001 0001

LDUP = {11, 0101, 001001, 00010001, ...}

= {0n10n1: n ≥ 0}
For regular language L1and L2

Union: L1  L2
Concatenation: L1L2
Are regular
Star: L1 *
Reversal: R
Complement: L1
Intersection: L1  L2

Regular Grammars
6 Regular Grammars
Grammars is generative description of a language

A regular grammar G is a quadruple (V, S, R, S), where:

● V is the rule alphabet (Variables), which contains


● S (the set of terminals).

● R (the set of rules) is a finite set of rules of the form:

X → Y,

● S (the start symbol) is a nonterminal.

7 Regular Grammars
In a regular grammar, all rules in R must:

● have a left hand side that is a single nonterminal

● have a right hand side that is:

● e, or
● a single terminal, or
● a terminals followed by a single nonterminal.

Legal: S → a, S → e, and T → aS

Not legal: S → aSa and aSa → T

Regular Grammars
A regular grammar is any right-linear or left-
linear grammar


G1 G2
S → abS S → Aab
S →a A → Aab | B
Regular grammars generate regular languages

Examples: G2
G1 S → Aab
S → abS A → Aab | B
S →a B→a

L(G1 ) = (ab) * a L(G2 ) = aab(ab) *

0 Regular Grammar Example
L = {w  {a, b}* : |w| is even}

1 Regular Grammar Example
L = {w  {a, b}* : |w| is even}
Regular expression: ((aa)  (ab)  (ba)  (bb))*

Regular grammar: G = (V, S, R, S), where

V = {S, T }, S = {a, b}, R = { S→e
S → aT
S → bT
T → aS
T → bS
In General
For any transition: q p

Add production: q → ap

variable terminal variable

3 Regular Languages and Regular Grammars

Theorem: The class of languages that can be defined with

regular grammars is exactly the regular languages.
4 Regular Languages and Regular Grammars
Regular grammar → FSM:
grammar to fsm (G = (V, S, R, S)) =
1. Create in M a separate state for each nonterminal in V.
2. Start state is the state corresponding to S .
3. If there are any rules in R of the form X → w, for some
w  S, create a new state labeled #.
4. For each rule of the form X → w Y, add a transition from
X to Y labeled w.
5. For each rule of the form X → w, add a transition from X
to # labeled w.
6. For each rule of the form X → e, mark state X as
7. Mark state # as accepting.

FSM → Regular grammar: Similarly.

5 Example 1 - Even Length Strings

S → aT
S → bT
T → aS
T → bS
6 Example 1 - Even Length Strings

S → aT
S → bT
T → aS
T → bS
7 Strings that End with aaaa
L = {w  {a, b}* : w ends with the pattern aaaa}.

S → aS
S → bS
S → aB
B → aC
C → aD
8 Strings that End with aaaa
L = {w  {a, b}* : w ends with the pattern aaaa}.

S → aS
S → bS
S → aB
B → aC
C → aD
9 Example 2 – One Character Missing
S→e A → bA C → aC
S → aB A → cA C → bC
S → aC A→e C→e
S → bA B → aB
S → bC B → cB
S → cA B→e
S → cB
0 Example 2 – One Character Missing
S→e A → bA C → aC
S → aB A → cA C → bC
S → aC A→e C→e
S → bA B → aB
S → bC B → cB
S → cA B→e
S → cB
1 Regular Languages and Regular Grammars
FSM → Regular grammar:
Show by construction that, for every FSM M there exists a
regular grammar G such that L(G) = L(M).

1. Make M deterministic → M’ = (Q, S, , s, F).

Construct G = (V, S, R, S) from M’.
2. Create a nonterminal for each state in the M’.
V = Q.
3. The start state becomes the starting nonterminal.
S = s.
4. For each transition (T, a) = U, make a rule of the form
T → aU.
5. For each accepting state T, make a rule of the form
T → e.
2 Strings that End with aaaa
L = {w  {a, b}* : w ends with the pattern aaaa}.
3 Strings that End with aaaa
L = {w  {a, b}* : w ends with the pattern aaaa}.

S → aS
S → bS
S → aB
B → aC
C → aD

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