Unit 3 PDF
Unit 3 PDF
Unit 3 PDF
UNIT 3: Membrane gas separations,
Pervaporation & Membrane reactor
Since the permeate comes normal to the flow direction of the feed,
this is known as simple cross flow (Fig. 5a).
If feed and permeate are in the same direction, then the flow is
cocurrent flow (Fig. 5c).
• – Uses N 2 to ‘cover’ liquid
• Prevents vaporization
• Maintains atmosphere to reduce ignition potential
• Prevents oxidation or contamination by reducing exposure to
atmospheric air
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Gas Separations Using Membranes
Current applications:
• Air separation - mainly N2 enriched air
• Natural gas treatment - acid gas removal
• H2 separation - H2 from hydrocarbons, ammonia purge, syngas
• Removal of vapors from mixtures with light gases (vapor separation)
• Low energy separation (no phase change)
• Reliable (no moving parts)
• Small footprint
• Incomplete separation (need higher selectivity)
• Low chemical/thermal stability (need more resistant matls.)
• Membrane founing - more frequent than other Membranes due to is configuration
(contaminated feed).
~5,000 m2/m3
CH 2 CH C [O CH 2 CH 2 ] O
Poly(ethylene oxide) diacrylate (PEGDA: Crosslinker)
CH 2 CH C [O CH 2 CH 2 ] OR C O
n O C O C C O
R=CH3; poly(ethylene glycol) methyl
ether acrylate (PEGMEA); n=8 PEO OR O
R=H; poly(ethylene glycol) acrylate O C O C
(PEGA); n=7 C C C
Ql P= Q
A = Membrane surface area (cm2)
l = Thickness of dense membranes (cm)
P = Permeability of a membrane to gas i (barrer, 1barrer=110-10 cm3 (STP)-cm/cm2 sec
P = Trans-membrane pressure drop (cm-Hg)
Q = Volumetric flow rate of gas i at standard temperature and pressure (cm3 (STP)/s)
S = Solubility coefficient (cm3 (STP)/cm3 cm-Hg)
D = Diffusion coefficient (cm2/s)
4/3/2023 (P/l) = Permeance of an asymmetric membrane to gas i (GPU, 1GPU=110-6 cm3
Dr. Swapna PANDA 16
(STP)/cm2 sec cm-Hg)
Polysulfone - C27H22O4S
• Oxygen Permeability
– PA = 1.38
• Nitrogen Permeability
– PB = 0.239
• Selectivity
– α = PA/PB
– α = 1.38/0.238 = 5.8
• Knudson Diffusion
• Molecular Sieving
• Solution-Diffusion Molecular Sieving
Both porous and dense membranes can be used as selective gas separation barriers; Figure illustrates the mechanism
of gas permeation. Three types of porous membranes, differing in pore size, are shown in figure.
➢ If the pores are relatively large from 0.1 to 10 μm gases permeate the membrane by convective flow, and no
separation occurs.
➢ If the pores are smaller than 0.1 μm, then the pore diameter is the same size as or smaller than the mean free path
of the gas molecules. Diffusion through such pores is governed by Knudsen diffusion, and the transport rate of
any gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular weight. This relationship is called Graham’s
law of diffusion.
➢ Finally, if the membrane pores are extremely small, of the order 5–20 A°, then gases are separated by molecular
sieving. Transport through this type of membrane is complex and includes both diffusion in the gas phase and
diffusion of adsorbed species on the surface of the pores (surface diffusion). These very small-pore membranes
have not been used on a large scale, but ceramic and ultra- microporous glass membranes with extraordinarily
high selectivities for similar molecules have been prepared in the laboratory.
Types of Motion of molecules through a barrier
1) Permeation:
Single gaseous molecules diffuse under rarefied conditions so that the mean free path is longer than the
pore diameter. P is constant Molecules collide with the wall. Due to low selectivity, Knudsen diffusion
in membranes is not commercially attractive (average distance an object will move before collision).
3) Convection (d/λ > 20): Viscous flow through the pores of ultrafiltration and microfiltration.
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Fundamental mechanism of Gas
transport • Solution-Diffusion
1) Permeation:
• These properties make them size selective in their dense form and also
mechanically sufficiently resistant to exist as porous flat film or hollow fibre
Rubbery polymers
Generally have higher diffusion coefficients than glassy polymers (above Tg, glass transition temperature)
In rubbery polymers, the sorption selectivity term is usually dominant, permeability increases with increasing
permeate size, and larger molecules permeate preferentially. Therefore, when used to separate organic vapor from
nitrogen, rubbery membranes preferentially permeate the organic vapor.
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• TG refers to the glass transition temperature whereas TM refers to the
melting temperature.
• The terms TG (or Tg) and TM (or Tm) give two important parameters of polymers.
• These are temperatures at which the texture of polymer changes.
polyethylene, polypropylene,
polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene,
polycarbonate, polybenzimidazole,
nylon, Teflon
Solution-diffusion mechanism:
Permeability (P) = Solubility (Sapp) x Diffusivity (Dapp) or Mobility factor
P = S •D =
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Materials Design Approach
A/B =
• Traditional membrane materials
• Glassy polymers
• Designed to be strongly size-sieving
• Low permeability
• High selectivity due to high diffusion selectivity
• Upon plasticization, selectivity decreases, sometimes strongly
• H2 selective in H2/CO2 separations
• Our approach
• Rubbery polymers
• Designed to be strongly solubility-selective
• High permeability
• Selectivity derives primarily from high solubility selectivity
• Upon plasticization, separation properties can increase in
4/3/2023 some cases (CO2/H2) Dr. Swapna PANDA
Permeability (P) = Solubility (Sapp) x Diffusivity (Dapp)
• Sapp is a thermodynamicparameter
• Penetrant condensibility, polymer-penetrant interactions and free
volume in glassy polymer matrices affect Sapp
Ideal Selectivity = PA/PB = (DA/DB)( SA/SB)
Or Permselectivity DIFFUSION
diffusion solubility
selectivity selectivity
Kinetics Thermodynamics
In most cases, PA/PB > 1 since the kinetic issue overpowers the thermodynamic one for most A and
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B in the case of glassy polymers.
Membrane materials:
Ceramic and zeolite membranes:
Ceramic and zeolite membranes have begun to be used for a few commercial applications just for a few years back. So, these
membranes are all multi-layer composite structures formed by coating a thin selective ceramic or zeolite layer onto the
micro porous support layer.
Ceramic membranes are prepared by the sol-gel technique, zeolite membranes are prepared by direct crystallization in
which the thin zeolite layer is crystallized at high pressure and temperature directly onto the micro porous support.
Composite membrane with a very thin palladium (Pd)/ silver (Ag) layer:
Thin layer of palladium on tantalum or vanadium support film and porous substrates, such as ceramic or stainless steel is
being use for many applications of gas separation. tantalum and vanadium are quite permeable to hydrogen so possibility of
getting more hydrogen that is why they are being used.
These membranes are quite permeable at high temperature, reduced materials cost and improved mechanical strength.
Palladium membranes are for hydrogen permeation and silver membranes for oxygen permeation because their
4/3/2023 inside these membrane materials is very high
Dr. Swapna PANDA 37
Hydrogen permeation through metal membrane:
First the hydrogen molecule, will absorb on the membrane surface where it dissociates into hydrogen atoms. In
next step, each individual hydrogen atoms loses its electron to the metal lattice and diffuses through the lattice as
an ion. In the last step, Hydrogen atoms emerging at the permeate side of the membrane re-associate to form
hydrogen molecule and then desorb and complete the permeation process.
Most gas separation processes require that selective membrane layer to be extremely thin to achieve economic flux.
Composite membranes with glassy thin selective layers with high flux are good, the micro porous support layer can be a
tough glassy material to provide strength.
– Temperature
– Pressure
– Plasticization
– Permanent condensability
– Polymer crystallinity
• Gas diffusion coefficients are generally increased with increasing temperature right when the polymer does not
undergo thermally induced morphological rearrangement such as crystallization about the temperature range of
• The increased segmental motion at higher temperature reduces the ability of polymer to discriminate between the
penetrance of different physical dimensions thereby resulting in a diffusivity selectivity loss.
• large variation of permeability may occur with the change in pressure of permeant contacting with the polymer.
• A few typical patterns of response can be observed in permeability versus pressure relationships.
• For the permeation of an organic vapor into rubbery polymer, permeability increases linearly with increasing pressure.
For low sorbing penetrants such as helium or nitrogen in rubbery or glassy polymers, diffusion and solution become
independent of gas pressure.
• So, a decreasing trend of permeability with increasing pressure is typically observed with highly soluble gases such as
carbon dioxide and glassy polymers.
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Plasticization pressure:
Plasticization pressure is usually defined as the pressure at which an increase in permeants occurs. So, at such feed pressure
the gas concentration in the polymer material disrupts the chain packing. The polymer matrix swells and the segmental
mobility of the polymer chain increases, this results in an increase in gas diffusivity and induces increase in permeability the
polymer is highly plasticized by the penetrant, the diffusion coefficient may become a function of time. This non-ideal
behavior is explained by the free volume theory. Free volume theory of diffusion suggests that molecules can only diffuse
through free volume in a molecular matrix.
Permeant condensability: In general, gas solubility and polymers increase with increasing gas condensability, so,
condensability can be measured as the gas critical temperature or the normal boiling point, diffusion coefficients of
permeants are found to decrease with increasing size of permeants. So, diffusion coefficient in polymers are also sensitive to
permeant shape, shape also plays a very important role. So, a linear or oblong permeant molecule such as carbon dioxide
exhibit high diffusivity than those of spherical molecular shape of equivalent molecular volume such as methane. Specific
interactions between gas and polymer molecules also affect gas solubility, gases such as carbon dioxide which has a
quadrupole moment are generally more soluble in polar polymers.
Polymer crystallinity: Crystallinity in polymers tends to reduce both permeant solubility and diffusivity thereby reducing
permeability which is usually undesirable. And polymer cross-linking reduces polymer segmental mobility, therefore
diffusion coefficients of the penetrant gas typically decreases with an increase in the degree of cross-linking in the polymer.
So, in lower molecular weight polymers chains are more mobile and penetrant diffusivity decreases with increasing
molecular weight.
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Principle of designing of gas separator membrane using
complete mixing model
✓ Complete mixing model (Designing of Membrane w.r.t. area requirement):
✓ Conceptually the complete mixing model is similar to stirred tank reactor (CSTR).
✓ In this model, the reject or residue and the product or permeate compositions are assumed to be equal to
their respective uniform composition in the chamber. (uniform mixing)
✓ Assume isothermal conditions and negligible pressure drop in the feed and permeate stream.
✓ It is also assumed that the effects of the total pressure and/or composition of the gas are negligible and that
the permeability of each component is constant. This means there would be no interaction between two
components. (ideally)
✓ The difference partial pressures of a component in between two compartments are the driving force its
4/3/2023 Schematic diagram is represented Dr.
below figure:
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Separation Factor is represented as :
• In flux equation (1), if certain total molar flow rate of a component through the membrane specified, then
selecting a membrane material with high permeability will result in the decrease the required membrane
• Gas permeability increases with increase in temperature. Therefore, increasing the temperature for a given
flux will also decrease the membrane area.
• But commonly used polymeric membrane do not allow high temperature feeds and feed temperatures are
normally below 100 °C. Heating the feed stream may result in substantial damage of the membrane.
• Thinner the membrane higher the permeation, and low area required for desired purpose.
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Applications of membrane gas separations:
Membrane gas separation modules operates on the basis of selective permeation. These kinds of technologies take advantage of the fact that gases dissolve and
diffuse into polymeric materials. If a pressure differential is set up on opposing sides of a membrane film, transport across the film (permeation) will occur. The
product of solubility coefficient and a diffusion coefficient determines rate of permeation. Very small molecules (He and H2) permeates very fast as compare to
the larger molecules. Highly soluble molecules will give higher diffusion as compared to less soluble molecules. Based on these various applications of
separation can be achieved:
Recovery of hydrogen from tail gases: Hydrogen separation from tail gases is one of the early application areas of membranes. This includes cases like recovery
of hydrogen from ammonia purge stream, separation/recovery of hydrogen from various refinery streams or separation of hydrogen from CO-H2 syn-gas in order
to adjust the composition for a particular use. The membrane used in these applications is polysulphone hollow fibers. The production of ultrapure hydrogen by
palladium membranes is used in semiconductor industries. One mole of palladium can absorb six moles of hydrogen. When palladium alloy is stretched into the
film, and a hydrogen pressure gradient is applied, the transport of hydrogen takes place.
Removal of carbon dioxide: Most oil and gas application involve removal of CO2 from natural gas components. When a natural gas stream containing CO2 is fed
to a membrane, the CO2 will permeate the membrane at a faster rate than the natural gas components. Thus, feed stream is separated into a CO2 rich, low
pressure stream and a CO2 depleted from high pressure natural gas stream. Removal of CO2 from the flue gas can be also accomplished by membrane
separation processes. Membrane processes are generally more energy efficient and easier to operate than the adsorption process. Many microporous inorganic
membranes developed in recent times, shown very good permeability for CO2 over nitrogen at low pressure.
Separation of oxygen and nitrogen: Both oxygen and nitrogen gas find wide application in various sector of chemical process industries. One of the application
of Oxygen/nitrogen separation is to produce oxygen enriched gas that is used in biomedical application as an oxygenator. Oxygen enriched gas is also used in
furnaces for improvement of combustion by the way of increasing the flame temperature. Nitrogen is used as inert gas blanketing, purging the pipelines, inerting
applications on the offshore production platform and for creating controlled atmosphere for food preservation. Traditionally nitrogen separation is carried out
by cryogenic process and also by PSA (pressure swing adsorption). But the membrane system appears promising to produce nitrogen of 95% to 99.5% purity.
Silicon-polycarbonate block polymer is a typical membrane material is used for this purpose. Oxygen enrichment can be carried out by a dimethyl
Dehydration of Air: In dehydration process, compressed air is allowed to pass through a dryer system which consists of hollow fiber membranes. These
membranes are chemically or physically post treated to adjust the pore size and spore size distribution. Such systems are operated at 2069 kPa and produce dry
air of 0 °C dew point from the feed air of 40 °C dew point.
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Helium recovery from natural gas:
The concentration of He in natural gas varies from 0.055 to 1.55%. helium in its liquid stat provides excellent cryogenic environment needed for cry-preservation of
biological materials. It is also chemically inert and provides inert atmosphere for controlled growth of semiconductor crystals. The conventional cryogenic
separation of helium is highly energy intensive process. The membrane used for recovery of He is generally hollow fiber modules. A typical hollow fiber contains up
to 2,70,000 individual fibers. Compressed gas pass through four stage permeation process. In first stage concentration of He increased from 0.05% to 1.4%. The
He enriched gas is again compressed and passed through a second stage where the He concentration is increased to 3.3% to 8.1%. After another compression
followed by removals of CO2, the helium containing gas undergoes two more concentration stages. In these stages concentration of He raised up to 72% to 90%. In
the final stage concentration of He achieved up to 99.99%. This process requires 40% of the energy needed in conventional process.
Separation of hydrocarbon from air: The permeabilities of the hydrocarbons with larger molecules sizes are lesser than gas molecules of smaller sizes. Rubbery
polymers are most suitable for the recovery of highly concentrated hydrocarbon vapors from the air.
Biogas processing: Membranes can be used to recover methane from biogases such as landfill gas. Such gas is typically 40 to 45% CO2, 0.5 to 1.0%, trance
contaminants and 50-56% CH4. In this process gas is collected, compressed and the after any necessary pre-treatment, contacted with membranes. The
membrane process produces an enriched methane fuel gas at the elevated feed pressure and low-pressure CO2 by product.
NGL recovery- Dew point adjustment: Raw natural gas often saturated with propane, butane and higher hydrocarbons. Separation of these components is
desirable o economic grounds; the hydrocarbons have more value as recovered natural gas liquids (NGLs) than as fuel. In addition, reducing higher hydrocarbons
and water in the gas is necessary to prevent the formation of hydrocarbon liquids and hydrates in pipelines. Membranes can be used to bring raw material gas to
pipeline quality by removing water and higher hydrocarbons. A simple economical membrane system can lower the dew point of gas by 20 to 30°C. Removal VOL
(volatile organic liquids) from the air of exhaust streams VOC removal Desiccation
• The process was yet to be commercialized until 1982 when Germany installed a
pervaporation plant to separate water from concentrated alcohol solutions.
• Distillation alone cannot perform any further separation beyond the azeotropic point.
In the second step, the vapor diffuses from the feed side, across the membrane to the permeate side.
A condenser is installed on the permeate side to create a pressure lower than the feed side.
The second step can be defined as the ration of the components in the permeate vapor to the ration of
the components in the feed vapor.
✓ The vapor permeate is at least partially condensed to produce a liquid product. Any incondensable
vapor is purged from the system.
✓ The mass flux is due to the continuous adsorption on the one side of the membrane and desorption on
the other side. The membrane operates by a solution diffusion mechanism.
✓ The polymer becomes highly swollen on the liquid side and dries on the vapor side the diffusivity
varies across the membrane.
✓ Because of evaporation process this pervaporation operation achieved nearly isothermal conditions.
which is beneficial when it comes to economic point of view.
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Advantages of pervaporation:
• Separation of close boiling organic solvents using distillation or liquid-liquid extraction is difficult as
the components have similar properties with respect to each other.
• In recent years, the use of pervaporation technology for the separation of organic mixtures has great
importance because of the following advantages:
1. With the following low temperature and pressure involved, in pervaporation, it often has cost and
performance advantages for the separation of azeotropic mixtures and mixtures of components with
close boiling points.
2. This technology minimizes thermal degradation of heat sensitive products, such as flavor essences.
3. Energy consumption is reduced for hybrid systems.
4. No entrainer (foreign component) is required.
5. Due to molecular design of the membrane system even small units can operate economically.
6. Pervaporation uses no sorbents which must be generated.
7. Pervaporation is continuous and offers immediate recovery of solvents and for industrial applications.
8. High degree of flexibility regarding the feed mixtures that may be accommodated, through put and
final product quality.
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Membranes used in pervaporation:
✓ Hydrophobic membranes are often polydimethylsiloxane based where the actual separation
mechanism is based on the solution-diffusion model.
✓ Hydrophilic membranes are more widely available. The commercially most successful pervaporation
membrane system to date is based on polyvinyl alcohol.
✓ To overcome the intrinsic disadvantages of polymeric membrane systems ceramic membranes have been
developed over the last decade. These ceramic membranes consist of nano-porous layers on top of a
macroporous support. The pores must be large enough to let water molecules pass through and retain any
other solvents that have a larger molecular size such as ethanol. As a result, a molecular sieve with a pore
size of about 4 Å is obtained. The most widely available member of this class of membranes is that based
on zeolite A.
✓ Alternatively, to these crystalline materials, the porous structure of amorphous silica layers can be
4/3/2023 towards molecular selectivity. These membranes
Dr. Swapna PANDAare fabricated by sol-gel chemical processes.
Applications of pervaporation:
Dehydration of alcohol or manufacturing of absolute alcohol (Hybrid distillation pervaporation system):
❑ Pervaporation finds its most important application in the dehydration of ethyl alcohol. A fermentation broth
usually contains 5 to 10% of ethanol.
❑ In conventional process, it is concentrated and dehydrated by distillation. Still concentration achieved through
distillation is only 95%.
❑ Ethanol forms an azeotrope with water and ethyl alcohol concentration of 95.6%, and distillation becomes
ineffective at removing the trace amount of water.
❑ Azeotropic distillation with some additives, normally either cyclohexane or benzene, may be useful for
dehydration but energy consumption of this process is very high.
❑ As result, pervaporation which was developed by GFT in Germany in 1970s has been an attractive and
economic alternative.
❑ They use an asymmetric composite membrane of there layers. There is a non-woven polyester support on
which a polyacrylonitrile (PAN) or polysulphone UF membrane is casted.
❑ On the top of the UF membrane layer is cast an ultrathin (0.1 mm) layer of cross-linked poly-vinyl alcohol
❑ The hydrophilic PVA layer allows preferential permeation of water through it and leaves dehydrated alcohol as
the retentate.
❑ A flow diagram of a combine distillation and pervaporation
4/3/2023 Dr. Swapna PANDA for the dehydration of alcohol is as shown.67
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Other Applications
2. Control of ethanol concentration in fermenter:
Establish a continuous fermentation process, the ethanol concentration within the fermentation vessel must
be kept at 5% by weight or lower. Pervaporation has been used to maintain the necessary ethanol
concentration in the broth. The advantage of using pervaporation in such a system include the ease of
processing the clean, nearly pure ethanol extracted from the fermentation vessel and a higher fermentation
capacity or the reduction in fermenter size and costs.
MTBE is produced by reacting methanol with isobutene over an acidic ion exchange catalyst. The isobutane
conversion up to 95% could be achieved by keeping methanol to isobutane ration slightly higher than one.
Additional 4 to 5% conversion is possible by using excess methanol in feed mixture. But excess methanol
causes the problem of separation, because of formation of azeotropes. Pervaporation can remove methanol
from reactor effluent thereby reducing the methanol concentration from 5 to 2%, which can be fed to a
debutanizer column without causing formation of azeotrope.
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Other Applications
4. Separation of ethylene glycol-water mixture:
Ethylene glycol production involves hydrolysis of ethylene oxide with excess of water. The resultant stream is a
dilute aqueous solution containing ethylene glycol in the concentration range of 10-15%. Water is removed I a
series of multiple effect evaporator, followed by distillation to get glycol. Pervaporation may be applied for the
production of ethylene glycol-water mixture to either selectively permeate the minor component ethylene glycol
through a glycol selective membrane leaving water as retentate or the selectively permeate water through a
hydrophilic membrane and concentrate ethylene glycol as retentate.
Pervaporation is used to recover any lost juice during evaporation. The vapor from the evaporation process is
further processed using pervaporation. Membrane system can also be used to recover natural flavor and
fragrance compounds produced in a wide variety of food processing applications. 6. Removal of VOC from water:
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are common contaminants in wastewater and contaminated ground water.
Pervaporation is considered as an alternative technology for removal of volatile organic compounds from
contaminated water. The volatile organic compounds contained in the liquid phase are adsorbed onto the
membrane and diffuse through to the other side where they are draw off by a vacuum. The organics and some
water which posses through the membrane are condensed, the condensed permeate often separates into an
aqueous and an organic phase, offering industrial applications
4/3/2023 Dr. Swapna PANDA the possibility of recovering the organic fraction.
Factors affecting pervaporation:
Feed composition and concentration: A change in the feed composition directly affects the sorption
phenomena at the liquid membrane interface. As the diffusion of the components in the membrane is
dependent on the concentration of the components the permeation characteristics hence dependent on the
feed concentration as well.
Feed and permeate pressure: The driving force in the pervaporation is the partial pressure difference of the
components. The permeate pressure is directly related to the activity of the components at the downstream
side of the membrane. For higher permeate pressures, the feed pressure influences the pervaporation
Temperature: As the temperature of the feed increases, the permeation rate generally follows on Arrhenius
equation. The selectivity is strongly dependent on the temperature in most cases a small decrease in
selectivity is observed with increasing temperature.
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Concept and working of membrane reactor:
➢ Membrane reactors combine reaction with separation to increase conversion.
➢ One of the products if a given reaction is removed from the reactor through the membrane, forcing the
equilibrium of the reaction “to the right” (Le chatelier’s principle), so that more of that product is produced.
➢ A membrane reactor is a device that utilizes the properties of a membrane to improve the efficiency of chemical
or biochemical reactions. It is mainly applied in catalytic and enzymatic reactions.
➢ In membrane reactor the membrane is used as a contactor that separates the catalyst from the reaction
➢ In second type of membrane reactor, the membrane shows the selective mass transport properties, and is used
to shift the equilibrium of a chemical reaction by selectively removing the reaction products.
➢ The third type of membrane reactor combines the membrane contactor and separation function such as in
enzyme catalyzed de-esterification reactions. (The following 3 types MR are sued).
❖ Membrane filtration has a major role in water and wastewater treatment, which is superior to the
conventional water technologies with a proven better performance and more efficient economics. For more
than the last 10 years MBRs have emerged as an effective secondary treatment technology by using
membranes in the range of MF and UF.
✓ The MBR gives to the end user improved process control and much better product water
✓ Schematic of conventional activated sludge process (top) and external (side stream)
membrane bioreactor (bottom) can be found from the following figure: