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Lecture Notes For ECEN 671

Wynn C. Stirling


1 Lecture 1 6

1.1 Metric Spaces and Topological Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2 Vector Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2 Lecture 2 15

2.1 Norms and Normed Vector Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.2 Inner Product Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3 The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3 Lecture 3 21

3.1 Orthogonality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.2 Hilbert and Banach Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.3 Orthogonal Subspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.4 Linear Transformations: Range and Null Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4 Lecture 4 30

4.1 Inner Sum and Direct Sum Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.2 Projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.3 Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5 Lecture 5 43

5.1 Approximations in Hilbert Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

6 Lecture 6 51

6.1 Error Minimization via Gradients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

6.2 Linear Least Squares Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

6.3 Approximation by Continuous Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

7 Lecture 7 58

7.1 Linear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

7.2 Minimum Mean-Square Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

8 Lecture 8 68

8.1 Minimum-Norm Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

9 Lecture 9 77

9.1 Approximation of Periodic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

9.2 Generalized Fourier Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

9.3 Matched Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

10 Lecture 10 87

10.1 Operator Norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

11 Lecture 11 96

11.1 Linear Functionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

11.2 Four Fundamental Subspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

12 Lecture 12 108

12.1 The Fredholm Alternative Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

12.2 Dual Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

13 Lecture 13 117

13.1 Matrix Norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

13.2 Matrix Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

13.2.1 The Matrix Inversion Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

14 Lecture 14 125

14.1 LU Factorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

14.2 Cholesky Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

15 Lecture 15 140

15.1 QR Factorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

16 Lecture 16 148

16.1 A Brief Review of Eigenstuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

16.2 Left and Right Eigenvectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

16.3 Multiple Eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

16.4 Diagonalization of a Dynamic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

17 Lecture 17 161

17.1 Diagonalization of Self-Adjoint Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

17.2 Some Miscellaneous Eigenfacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

18 Lecture 18 169

18.1 Quadratic Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

18.2 Gershgorin Circle Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

19 Lecture 19 178

19.1 Discrete-time Signals in Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

19.2 Signal Subspace Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

20 Lecture 20 186

20.1 Matrix Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

20.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in Control Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

21 Lecture 21 201

21.1 Matrix Square Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

21.2 Polar and Singular-Value Decompositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

22 Lecture 22 211

22.0.1 Generalized Inverses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

22.1 The SVD and Least Squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

23 Lecture 23 224

23.1 SVD’s and Matrix Norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

23.2 Approximating a Matrix by one of Lower Rank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

23.3 System Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

23.4 Total Least-Squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

24 Lecture 24 237

24.1 Toeplitz Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

24.2 Vandermonde Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

24.3 Circulant Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

24.4 Companion Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

24.5 Kronecker Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

25 Lecture 25 250

25.1 Solving Nonlinear Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

25.2 Contractive Mappings and Fixed Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

25.3 Newton’s Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

25.4 Minimizing Nonlinear Scalar Functions of Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

26 Lecture 26 262

26.1 Static Optimization with Equality Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

26.2 Closed-Form Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

26.3 Numerical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

1 Lecture 1
1.1 Metric Spaces and Topological Spaces

Definition 1 Let X be an arbitrary set. A metric d : X × X → R satisfies

• d(x, y) = d(y, x) (Symmetry)

• d(x, y) ≥ 0 (Non-negativity)

• d(x, y) = 0 iff x = y (Non-degeneracy)

• d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y) + d(y, z) ∀x, y (Triangle inequality)

Some examples

1. X = R, d(x, y) = |x − y| (ℓ1 )

! 1
2. X = Rn , d(x, y) = ( ni=1 (xi − yi )2 ) 2 (ℓ2 )

! 1
3. X = Rn , d(x, y) = ( ni=1 (xi − yi )p ) p (ℓp )

4. X = Rn , d(x, y) = maxi |xi − yi | (ℓ∞ )

Definition 2 The 2-tuple (X, d) is called a metric space. ✷

More examples: Let X be the set of real-valued functions on the interval [a, b].

"# b $ p1
dp (x, y) = |x(t) − y(t)|p dt (Lp )

d∞ (x, y) = sup{|x(t) − y(t)|: a ≤ t ≤ b} (L∞ ).

Definition 3 Let X be an arbitrary set. A collection τ of subsets of X is said to be a

topology in X if

• ∅ ∈ τ and X ∈ τ .

• Finite intersections of elements of τ are in τ

• Arbitrary unions (finite, countable, or uncountable) are in τ

If τ is a topology in X, then X is called a topological space, and the members of τ are

called the open sets in X.

If X and Y are topological spaces and if f : X → Y , then f is continuous provided that

the inverse image of open sets in Y are open in X, that is, V ∈ τY implies

f −1 (V ) = {x ∈ X: f (x) ∈ V } ∈ τX .

Now let’s look at topologies defined by metrics.

Definition 4 Let X be a metric space. A ball centered at x0 of radius δ is the set of points

B(x0 , δ) = {x ∈ X: d(x0 , x) < δ}.

B(x0 , δ) is called a neighborhood of x0 .

x0 is an interior point of a set S if ∃δ > 0: B(x0 , δ) ∈ S.

S is open if every point of S is an interior point of S.

S is closed of S c is open.

x is a boundary point of S, denoted bdy (S), if B(x, δ) ∩ S += ∅ but B(x, δ) +⊂ S ∀δ > 0.

The closure of S, denoted closure (S), is closure (S) = S ∪ bdy (S).

x is a cluster point in X if every neighborhood of x contains infinitely many points of


The support of a function f :A → B is the closure of the set of points where f (x) does

not vanish.

Some observations:

1. The union of open sets is open.

2. The intersection of closed sets is closed.

3. The intersection of open sets need not be open.

4. The union of closed sets need not be closed

Definition 5 Let {x1 , x2 , x3 , . . .} , also denoted {xn } be a sequence in the set X. {xn }

converges to x∗ if, for every δ > 0, there is an integer n0 such that, for n > n0 , d(x∗ , xn ) < δ.

Then x∗ is the limit of xn , and {xn } is said to be a convergent sequence.


• The closure of a set A is the set of all limits of converging sequences of points in A

• A is closed iff it contains the limit of all convergent sequences whose points lie in A.

Definition 6 x∗ is said to be a limit point of a sequence {xn } if xn returns infinitely often

to a neighborhood of x∗ .


bn = 1 + (−1)n

has two limit points, 0 and 2.

The largest limit point is the limsup, lim supn→∞ xn , and the smallest limit point is the

liminf, lim inf n→∞ xn .

Definition 7 Monotonic sequences:

• Increasing x1 ≤ x2 ≤ x3 . . .

• Decreasing x1 ≥ x2 ≥ x3 . . .

All bounded monotonic sequences are convergent. ✷

Definition 8 A sequence {xn } is a Cauchy sequence if, for every $ > 0, there is an N > 0

such that d(xn , xm ) < $ ∀m, n > N.

All convergent sequences in X are Cauchy, but not all Cauchy sequences are convergent

in X (i.e., the limit may not be a point in X).

Definition 9 A metric space (X, d) is complete if every Cauchy sequence converges to a

limit in X. ✷

1.2 Vector Spaces

Definition 10 A set K is called field if two operations, called addition (+) and multi-

plication (·) are defined such that

1. For any two elements a, b ∈ K, the sum a + b ∈ K

(a) Addition is commutative: a + b = b + a.

(b) Addition is associative: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c).

(c) There exists a zero element, denoted 0, such that a + 0 = a ∀a ∈ K.

2. For any two elements a, b ∈ K, the product a · b ∈ K.

(a) Multiplication is commutative: a · b = b · a.

(b) Multiplication is associative: (a · b) · c = a · (b · c).

(c) There exists a unity element, denoted 1, such that a · 1 = a.

3. The distributive law holds: a · (b + c) = a · b + a · c.

When no possibility for ambiguity exists, we will usually omit the multiplication operator

and write a · b as ab, etc. ✷

Examples of fields:

• The real numbers

• The complex numbers

• The rational numbers

Definition 11 Suppose we are given a set S and a field K (called the field of scalars such


• There exists a binary operation called vector addition of elements of S such that,

∀x, y ∈ S, x + y ∈ S.

• Given an arbitrary element a ∈ K and an arbitrary x ∈ S, the scalar multiple of x by

α, denoted αx, is in S, that is, ∀α ∈ K and ∀x ∈ S, αx ∈ S.

The set S is called a vector space over K (or a linear space over K) if

1. Vector addition is commutative: x + y = y + x.

2. Vector addition is associative: (x + y) + z = x + (y + z).

3. There exists a zero vector, denoted 0, such that x + 0 = x.

4. For every x ∈ S there exists an additive inverse, y = −x ∈ S, such that x + y = 0.

5. The distributive law holds: for every scalar α ∈ K and every x, y ∈ S, α(x + y) =

αx + αy.

6. The scalar associative law holds: for all scalars α, β ∈ K, α(βx) = β(αx).

7. The scalar distributive law holds: for all scalars α, β ∈ K, (α + β)x) = αx + βx.

8. There is a unity element of K, denoted 1, such that, ∀x ∈ S, 1x = x.

The elements of K are called scalars, and the elements of S are called vectors.

Examples of vector spaces

• Let S = Rn and K = R. Then vectors are n-tuples of real numbers.
   
x1 αx1
 x2   αx2 
   
x =  ..  , αx =  .. 
.  . 
xn αxn

• Sequences in K. All infinite sequences in a field K form a vector space over K.

• Real-valued functions over the interval [a,b], with (f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x) and

(αf )(x) = αf (x).

• Polynomials with real coefficients.

Definition 12 If S is a vector space and V ⊂ S is a subset such that V itself is a vector

space, then V is said to be a subspace of S. ✷

Example: R2 is a subspace of R3 .

Definition 13 A vector x ∈ S is said to be a linear combination of the vectors p1 , . . . , pm

if there exist scalars c1 , . . . cm such that

x = c1 p1 + · · · cm pm .

The vectors p1 , . . . pm is said to be linearly independent if the only combination of scalars

satisfying the equation

0 = c1 p1 + · · · cm pm

is the set c1 = · · · = cm = 0.

If vectors are not linearly independent, they they are linearly dependent, in which case,

we may express any of the pi ’s as a linear combination of the other vectors in the set.

The set of all linear combinations of a set of vectors p1 , . . . , pm is called the span of the

set of vectors.

For T an arbitrary set of vectors, the vectors V that can be expressed as linear combi-

nations of elements of T are denoted V = span T .

If T is a set of vectors in S and V is a subspace of S, and if every element of V can be

expressed as a linear combination of vectors in T , then T is said to be a spanning set of V .

Theorem 1 Let S be a vector space, and let T be a nonempty subset of S. The set T is

linearly independent if and only if for each nonzero x ∈ span (T ), there is exactly one finite

subset of T , denoted {p1 , . . . pm } and a unique set of scalars {c1 , . . . cm }, such that
x= ci pi .

Definition 14 A linearly independent spanning set of a vector space S is called a Hamel

basis for S. ✷

Theorem 2 All Hamel bases for a vector space have the same cardinality.

Definition 15 The natural basis for a finite-dimensional vector space is the set
     
1 0 0
0 1 0
     
e1 =  ..  , e2 =  ..  , , · · · , en =  ..  ,
. . .
0 0 1

Definition 16 The dimension of a vector space S, denoted dim (S), is the number of

linearly independent vectors required to span the space. ✷

Example: Finite-dimensional vector spaces. Suppose dim (S) = n, and p1 , . . . , pn form

a Hamel basis. Let us arrange these vectors in a matrix as

, -
A = p1 p2 · · · pn

For any vector c = [c1 , · · · , cn ]T , we may form a new vector x = Ac as a linear combination

of basis vectors.

2 Lecture 2
2.1 Norms and Normed Vector Spaces

Recall that a metric is a distance measure between two elements of a set. A norm is a very

similar concept: it is a measure of length of a single vector. In fact, if a metric space contains

a zero element, we may define the norm of an element as the metric between the element

and the zero element.

Definition 17 Let S be a vector space over a field R. A real-valued function . · .: S → ℜ

is said fo be a norm if it satisfies the following properties:

• .x. ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ S.

• .x. = 0 iff x = 0.

• .αx. = |α|.x., where |α| is the magnitude of α.

• .x + y. ≤ .x. + .y..

Examples of norms for n-dimensional vector spaces:

• The ℓ1 norm: .x.1 = i=1 |xi |.

! 1
• The ℓ2 norm: .x.2 = ( ni=1 |xi |2 ) 2 .

! 1
• The ℓp norm: .x.p = ( ni=1 |xi |p ) p .

• The ℓ∞ norm: .x.∞ = maxi=1,...n |xi |.

Examples of norms of functions over the interval [a, b].

• The L1 norm: .x(t).1 = a

/. 0 21
• The L2 norm: .x(t).2 = a
|x(t)|2 dt .

/. 0 p1
• The Lp norm: .x(t).p = a
|x(t)|p dt .

• The L∞ norm: .x(t).∞ = supt∈[a,b] |x(t)|.

Definition 18 A normed vector space is the pair (S, . · .).

A vector x is said to be normalized if .x. = 1. Such a vector is also termed a unit

vector. Any non-zero vector can be normlized by multipying it by the scalar &x&

y= x.

Theorem 3 All norms are equivalent in the sense that if . · . and . · .′ are two norms, then

for any vector sequence {xn }, .xn . → 0 iff .xn .′ → 0.

2.2 Inner Product Spaces

Thus far, we have progressed from topological spaces (i.e., defining the notion of “openness”)

to to metric spaces (i.e,, defining the notion of “distance”) to normed vector spaces (i.e.,

defining the notion of “length”). We now introduce even more struture, which will give us a

notion of “direction.”

Definition 19 Let S be a vector space (not necessarily normed) over a scalar field R. An

inner product is a function 0·, ·1: S × S → R such that

• 0x, y1 = 0y, x1 (The overbar denotes complex conjugation)

• For any scalar α, 0αx, y1 = α0x, y1

• 0x + y, z1 = 0x, z1 + 0y, z1.

• 0x, x1 ≥ 0 and 0x, x1 = 0 iff x = 0.

A vector space equipped with an inner product is called an inner product space.

Examples for finite dimensional vector spaces

• Let S = Rn and 0x, y1 = i=1 xi yi = xT y (The dot product—the superscript T

denotes matrix transpose).

• Let S = Cn and 0x, y1 = i=1 xi y i = yH x. (The superscript H denotes the Hermitian

transpose, that is, conjugate and matrix transpose).

Examples for function spaces

• Let S = the set of real-valued functions on [a,b]: 0x, y1 = a

• Let S = the set of complex-valued functions on [a,b]: 0x, y1 = a

Once we have an inner product defined on a vector space, it is straightforward to define

a norm, called the induced norm, from the inner product, as

.x. = 0x, x1 2 .

2.3 The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality

The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is one of the more important results from analysis, hence it

will serve us well to prove this theorem (the proof provided here is slightly different from the

one in the text)

Theorem 4 Let S be an inner product space over the field of complex numbers with induced
norm .x. = 0x, x1 2 . Then

|0x, y1| ≤ .x..y..

Proof Let A = 0x, x1, B = 0y, y1, and C = 0x, y1. Clearly, A and B are real and non-

negative, and C is, in general, a complex number. First of all, we note that the theorem

is trivially true if either A = 0 or B = 0. It is also trivially true if A > 0 and B = ∞ or

B > 0 and A = ∞. Hence, we need consider only the case 0 < A < ∞ and 0 < B < ∞. To

proceed, we form the vector

z = Bx − Cy.

Then, using the defining properties of the inner product,

0 ≤ 0z, z1 = 0Bx − Cy, Bx − Cy1

= 0Bx, Bx1 − 0Bx, Cy1 − 0Cy, Bx1 + 0Cy, Cy1

= B0x, Bx1 − B0x, Cy1 − C0y, Bx1 + C0y, Cy1

= B0Bx, x1 − B0Cy, x1 − C0Bx, y1 + C0Cy, y1

= B 2 0x, x1 − BC0y, x1 − CB0x, y1 + CC0y, y1

= B 2 A − BCC − BCC + BCC

= B 2 A − B|C|2

= B(AB − |C|2 ).

Since 0 < B < ∞, the only way the right hand side of this expression can be non-negative

is if

AB − |C|2 ≥ 0,


|0x, y1|2 ≤ .x.2 .y.2 .

Taking square roots of both sides yieids the final result. ✷

Examples of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

• Let S = Rn . Then

|(xT y)| ≤ .x..y.

or, equivalently,
1 22 1 22
(xT y)2 ≤ xT x yT y .

• Let S be the space of real-valued functions over the interval [a, b]. Then

3# b $2 # b # b
f (t)g(t)dt ≤ f (t)dt g 2 (t)dt.
a a a

As a contextual note, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is a special case of the more general

Hölder’s inequality:

# b 3# b $ p1 3# b $ q1
p q
f (t)g(t)dt ≤ f (t)dt g (t)dt ,
a a a

for all p and q such that 1 < p < ∞ and q is the so-called conjugate exponent of p, that

is, p and q satisfy the relation

1 1
+ = 1.
p q

Then the Cauchy-Schwarz case corresponds to p = q = 2.

We may also verify that the induced norm obeys the triangle inequality; namely, consid-

ering the real case only,

.x + y.2 = 0x + y, x + y1

= 0x, x1 + 20x, y1 + 0y, y1

≤ 0x, x1 + 2.x..y. + 0y, y1

1 22
= .x. + .y. .

3 Lecture 3
3.1 Orthogonality

The inner product can be used to define the directional orientation of vectors. Recall from

elementary vector analysis that the dot product satisfies the relationship for R2 and R3

(using the induced norm)

0x, y1 = .x..y. cos θ,

where θ is the angle between the two vectors (this is a special case of the Cauchy-Schwarz

inequality). Geometrically, we see that when θ = nπ for any positive or negative integer n,

then | cos θ| = 1, and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality becomes an equality. This means that

the vectors x and y are co-linear, that is, there exists some scalar α such that x = αy.

On the other hand, if θ is an odd multiple of π2 , then cos θ = 0, and the dot product is

zero. In this situation, we say that x and y are orthogonal, meaning that they are oriented

at right angles to each other.

The notions of co-linearity and orthogonality also apply to the general case.

Definition 20 Let S be an arbitrary inner product space. Two non-zero vectors x and y

are said to be co-linear if there exists a scalar α such that x = αy.

The vectors are said to be orthogonal if the inner product is zero, i.e., 0x, y1 = 0.

Orthogonality is such an important property that we introduce a special symbol. If

0x, y1 = 0, then we write x ⊥ y. Obviously, z ⊥ 0 for every vector z.

A set of vectors {p1 , p2 , . . . pn } is said to be an orthonormal set if they are pairwise

orthogonal and each have unity length. We denote this structure by

0pi , pj 1 = δij ,

where δij is the Kronecker delta function

1 i=j
δij =
+ j
0 i=

The Pythagorean theorem is a manifestation of orthogonality. It is easy to see that, if

x ⊥ y, then

.x + y. = .x. + .y..

The concept of an inner product can easily be generalized to form weighted inner

products of the form

0x, y1W = xH W y,

where W is a Hermitian matrix. If W is also positive definite, then this weighted inner

product also induces a norm, otherwise, not.

In an inner product space of functions, we may also define weighted inner products of

the form
# b
0f, g1w = w(t)f (t)g(t)dt.

3.2 Hilbert and Banach Spaces

Recall that a vector space is complete if every Cauchy sequence converges to a point in the


Definition 21 A complete normed vector space is called a Banach space. If the norm is

induced from an inner product, then the space is a said to be a Hilbert space.

Examples of Banach Spaces

1. The space of continuous function on [a, b] with the sup norm is a Banach space.

2. The space of continuous functions on [a, b] with the Lp norm, p < ∞, is not a Banach

space, since it is not complete.

3. The sequence space lp is a Banach space; for p = 2, it is a Hilbert space.

4. The space Lp [a, b] is a Banach space, it is is a Hilbert space when p = 2.

Definition 22 The Cartesian product of two Hilbert spaces H1 and H2 is the vector

space of all pairs (x1 , x2 ), with x1 ∈ H1 and x2 ∈ H2 , under the operations

(x1 , x2 ) + (y1 , y2 ) = (x1 + y1 , x2 + y2 )

α(x1 , x2 ) = (αx1 , αx2 ),

and endowed with the inner product

0(x1 , x2 ), (y1 , y2 )1 = 0x1 , y1 1 + 0x2 , y2 1.

The Cartesian product space will be denoted H1 × H2 . This definition can clearly be

extended to a finite number of Hilbert spaces, Hi , i = 1, . . . , n. When the Hilbert

spaces are the same we sometimes use the notation Hn = H1 × H2 × . . . × Hn . ✷

3.3 Orthogonal Subspaces

Definition 23 Let V and W be subspaces of a vector space S. V and W are said to

be orthogonal subspaces if every vector v ∈ V is orthogonal to every vector w ∈ W .

For any subset V ⊂ S, the space of all vectors orthogonal to V is called the orthogonal

complement of V , denoted V ⊥ . ✷

Theorem 5 Let V and W be subsets of an inner product space S (not necessarily

complete). Then:

(a) V ⊥ is a closed subspace of S.

(b) V ⊂ V ⊥⊥ .

(c) If V ⊂ W , then W ⊥ ⊂ V ⊥ .

(d) V ⊥⊥⊥ = V ⊥ .

(e) If x ∈ V ∩ V ⊥ , then x = 0.

(f ) {0}⊥ = S and S ⊥ = {0}.

3.4 Linear Transformations: Range and Null Space

Definition 24 A transformation, or operator, L: X → Y , is a mapping from

one vector space to another vector space. A transformation is linear if superposition

applies; namely, it is additive and homogeneous:

• L(αx) = αL(x) for all scalars α and all vectors x ∈ X.

• L(x1 + x2 ) = L(x1 ) + L(x2 ).

Notation: We will often omit the parentheses when dealing with linear operators, and

write Lx for L(x).

A linear operator from an arbitrary vector space to the complex scalar scalar field

(which is also a vector space with the vector addition defined as scalar addition) is

called a linear functional.


(a) Convolution Lx(t) = −∞
h(τ )x(t − τ )dτ .

(b) General integral operators Lx(t) = a
k(t, τ )x(τ )dτ .

(c) Fourier Transforms F x(t) = −∞
x(t)e−jωt dt.

(d) Matrix operators from Rn to Rm

Definition 25 The range space of an operator L: X → Y is the set of all vectors in

Y that can be reached from X under L:

R(L) = {y = Lx: x ∈ X}

The nullspace of L is the set of all values x ∈ X that map to the zero vector in Y :

N (L) = {x ∈ X: Lx = 0}.

The nullspace is also called the kernel of the operator. ✷

Example 1 Consider Pn , the space of polynomials of degree n, that is, all polynomials of

the form

pn (t) = a0 + a1 t + a2 t2 + · · · + an tn ,

and let the operator be differentiation:

Dpn = (a0 + a1 t + a2 t2 + · · · + an dn ) = a1 + 2a2 t · · · + nan tn−1 .

The range space of this operator is the subspace Pn−1 and the nullspace is the one-dimensional

subspace of constant polynomials P0 = {a0 }.

One way to represent this differentiation is to do so in terms of a basis set. A convenient

basis set for Pn is the set (for convenience let n = 3)

{π0 (t), π1 (t), π2 (t), π3 (t)} = {1, t, t2 , t3 }

(notice that the space P3 has dimension 4). This basis set is not unique. With this basis set,

the polynomial p(t) is represented by the set of coefficients a = [a0 , a1 , . . . , an ]T , such that

p(t) = ai πi (t).

The coefficient vectors for these basis functions are as follows:

p0 = [1, 0, 0, 0]T

p1 = [0, 1, 0, 0]T

p2 = [0, 0, 1, 0]T

p3 = [0, 0, 0, 1]T

We may define the differentiation operator as follows (suppressing the argument):

Dπ0 = 0, Dπ1 = π0 , Dπ2 = 2π1 , Dπ3 = 3π2 .

We can express differentiation by operating on the coefficients of the polynomial as it is

expressed in terms of the basis vectors. This is done by defining the operator matrix
 
0 1 0 0
0 0 2 0
D= 0

0 0 3
0 0 0 0

We may then express the differentiation of the polynomial p as

p ↔ Da.

For example, we can express the polynomial p(t) = 2 + t − t2 − t3 in terms of the above

basis set as the vector a = [2, 1, −1, −1]T . Then

    
0 1 0 0 2 1
d  0 0 2 0  1  −2
   
p ↔ Da =  =  ↔ 1 − 2t − 3t2 ,
dt  0 0 0 3 −1  −3 
0 0 0 0 −1 0

which is clearly the derivative of p(t).

It is important to observe that the differentiation operator is is not invertible, meaning

that there is no operation that can recover the original polynomial from the derivative, due to

the loss of the constant term. This situation is reflected in the fact that the operator matrix

D is singular.

Now consider an operator of the form

# t
Ipn = (a0 + a1 τ + · · · + an τ n )dτ.

The nullspace of this operator is the zero vector, and the range space is Pn+1 . Notice, however,

that integration does not produce all polynomials in Pn+1 , since integration does not generate

the constant polynomials.

We may also view integration as a linear operator. Using the basis set

{ξ0 (t), ξ1 (t), ξ2 (t), ξ3 (t), ξ4 (t)} = 1, t, t2 , t3 , t4 },

we can define the integration operator for each of these elements as

1 1 1
Iξ0 = ξ1 , Iξ1 = ξ2 , Iξ2 = ξ3 , Iξ3 = ξ4 , Iξ4
2 3 4

The corresponding matrix operator for this basis set is

 
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
 1 
I= 0 2 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0 41
For example, the integral of the polynomial p(t) = 2 + t − t2 − t3 , as expressed by the

coefficient vector a = [2, 1, −1, −1]T , is

   
0 0 0 0   0
# t 1 0 0 0 2  2 
   =   ↔ 2t + 1 t2 − 1 t3 − 1 t4 ,
 1  1   1 
p(τ )dτ ↔ Ia =  0 0 0
 2 1  −1  21 
0 0 0 −  2 3 4
3 −1 3
0 0 0 41 − 14
which is clearly the integral of p(t).

We observe the following facts:

1. The integration operator maps to a vector space of higher dimension, which is reflected

by the fact that the operator matrix is not square.

2. We often think of differentiation and integration as inverse operations, or at least

integration followed by differentiation leads to the original function (but not vice versa).

We see this in the structure of the matrices, namely, it is easy to see that, using the

differentiation operator from quartics to cubics (a 4 × 5 matrix),

 
  0 0 0 0  
0 1 0 0 0  1 0 0 0
0 0 2 0 0 1 01 0 0 0 1 0

DI =  0 0 0 3 0 0 2 01 0  = 0 0 1
   ,
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 41

but operation inverse operation

   
0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0
0 1 0 0 0
 1 0 2 0 0  
0 2 01 0
ID =    = 0 0 1 0 0
 0 0 0 3 0  
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 1

is not the identity, since the coefficient for the constant polynomial vanishes upon


4 Lecture 4
4.1 Inner Sum and Direct Sum Spaces

Recall that a subspace is a subset of a vector space that is itself a vector space. The elements

of the subspace are still elements of the original vector space, the only additional conditions

to which the elements of the subspace must comply is that sums of such elements and scalar

products of such elements must lie in the subspace. For example, the rationals over the

rational field is a subspace of the reals.

Now suppose we are to consider more than one subspace of a vector space. It is desirable

to characterise the behavior of vectors that lie in these different subspaces.

Definition 26 Let V and W be subspaces of some vector space S. We define the inner

sum of elements of these two vector spaces as the ordinary vector sum; i.e., for v ∈ V and

w ∈ W , the inner sum is

x = v + w.

As it stands, this definition is not very remarkable. It gains some additional interest,

however, if we add some structure.

Definition 27 Two linear subspaces V and W are said to be disjoint subspaces if

V ∩ W = {0}, that is, if the only vector they have in common is the zero vector.

Furthermore, if every vector in S can be expressed as the inner sum of elements of disjoint

subspaces V and W , then we write

S = V + W,

and say that W is the orthogonal complement of V (and vice versa). ✷

Lemma 1 Let V and W be subspaces of a vector space S. Then for each x ∈ V + W , there

is a unique v ∈ V and a unique w ∈ W such that x = v + w if and only if V and W are


Example 2 Let S = R2 and let V and W be two non-co-linear lines that both intersect the

origin (they need not be oriented at right angles to each other). Since these two vectors are

linearly independent, they span S; thus every vector in x ∈ S can be expressed uniquely as

the sum of vectors v ∈ V and w ∈ W .

Definition 28 We say that a vector space S is the direct sum of two subspaces V and W

if every vector x ∈ S has a unique representation as an ordered pair of the form

x = (v, w),

where v ∈ V and w ∈ W . We denote this situation as

S = V ⊕ W.

Vector addition and scalar multiplication are defined, for v1 , w1 ∈ V and v2 , w2 ∈ W , as

(v1 , w1 ) + (v2 , w2 ) = (v1 + v2 , w1 + w2 )

α(v1 , w1 ) = (αv1 , αw1 ),

If the subspaces are also inner product spaces, then we may define the inner product for the

direct sum space as

0(v1 , w1 ), (v2 , w2 )1S = 0v1 , v2 1V + 0w1 , w2 1W ,

where 0·, ·1V and 0·, ·1W are the inner products for the subspaces V and W , respectively. ✷

Now let V and W be two disjoint subspaces of a vector space S. We ask: what is

the relationship between the inner sum V + W and the direct sum V ⊕ W ? The answer:

they are two representations of exactly the same thing, in the following sense: there exists

a mapping from the inner sum to the direct sum the operational behavior. Somewhat

informally speaking, two vector spaces are said to be isomorphic if there is a one-to-one

linear mapping of one onto the other which preserves all relevant properties, such as inner


Example 3 Let S = R3 , and let V be the subspace

   
 x 
V = v = y  : x, y ∈ R ,
 
Also, let W be the subspace
   
 0 
W = w =  0 : z ∈ R .
 
Then the inner sum is given by
     
 x 0 
S = V + W = x = y  + 0 : x, y, z ∈ R .
 
0 z
It is easy to see that V and W are disjoint subspaces.

The direct sum is given by

V ⊕ W = {(v, w): v ∈ V, w ∈ W }
 

 x  

  y 

 

   
= 
 ,

  0 

  0 

 


where we have arranged the ordered pair by concatenating the column vectors.

The isomorphism relating the two vector spaces is the mapping

 
φ(v, w) = v + w = y  .

It may seem that the above discussion is overly pedantic, and it may be. However, you

will find that notation is not always standard on this issue. Some books conflate the two

concepts and it sometimes leads to confusion. For example, some authors call expressions

such as x = v + w a direct sum and write expressions such as v + w ∈ V ⊕ W . Strictly

speaking, this is an abuse of notation since the elements of V ⊕ W are ordered pairs of

vectors, but we get a way with this kind of abuse because of the isomorphism. Perhaps a

little care now will avoid conceptual problems in the future.

4.2 Projections

We now turn our attention to the idea of projecting a vector from a given vector space onto

a subspace.

Definition 29 A linear transformation P of a vector space into itself is called a projection


P 2 = P.

Such an operator is said to be idempotent. ✷

Example 4 Let S = R3 , and let x and y be arbitrary non-zero vectors in this space. Intu-

itively, we want to find the vector yx = αx that is co-linear with x such that the line from

the tip of y to the tip of yx is perpendicular to x. That is, we want

xT y
(y − αx) ⊥ x, or xT (y − αx) = 0, or α = .
xT x

Thus, the projection of y onto x is the vector

xT y
yx = αx = T x.
x x

Notice that we may re-write this expression as

yx = xxT y.
xT x

Now if we define the projection matrix

P = xxT ,
xT x

we may express the projection as

yx = P y.
 
As a specific illustration, suppose x = 1. Then

   
1 , 1 1 1
1 - 1
P = 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 1
3 3
1 1 1 1
 
Then, for y = 4, the projection is

    
1 1 1 2 4
yx = 1 1 1 4 = 4 .
   
1 1 1 6 4
We can check this result by noting that, indeed,
 
, - 1
0(y − yx ), x1 = −2 0 2 1 = 0,
or (y − yp ) ⊥ x as required.

The above is an example of a rank-one projection; that is, a projection of a vector onto

a line. We can also consider the projection of a vector onto a plane.

Example 5 Let us consider the same space as in the above example, only this time, let us

consider projecting the vector y onto the orthogonal complement of a given vector x. From

the above example, we may immediately obtain the decomposition of y into the components

in the vector space spanned by x and its orthogonal complement, yielding

y = yx + y⊥x ,


y⊥x = y − yx = (I − P )y.

To check, let x and y be as with the above example. Then

 
2 −1 −1
I − P = −1 2 −1
−1 −1 2
Thus  
y⊥x = (I − P )y = 0  .

This illustrates that, if P is a projection operator onto a given subspace, then I − P is a

projection operator onto the orthogonal complement.

Theorem 6 Let P be a projection operator defined on a vector space S. Then the range and

nullspace of P are disjoint subspaces of S, and S = R(P ) + N (P ).

As we illustrated with the above example, a projection operator permits the decomposition

of any vector into two parts, since we can write

x = P x + (I − P )x,

where P x ∈ ℜ(P ) and (I − P )x ∈ N (P ). Since the range and null spaces are algebraic

complements, (I − P ) also qualifies as a projection, as was demonstrated in the example.

We may further specialize projection operators as follows:

Definition 30 A projection operator P is said to be an orthogonal projection if the

range and nullspace are orthogonal, that is, if R(P ) ⊥ N (P ). ✷

Recall the above example involving projection of vectors in R3 to a line. This is an

example of a rank-one projection, and we demonstrated that it had the form (which can be

written in two ways to make a point:

1 1 2−1
P = xxT = x xT x xT .
xT x

We will see in the sequel that this is a special case of a more general projection matrix

projection operator, or projection matrix. Let A be an m × n dimensional matrix mapping

Rn into Rm . Let us define the subspace V as the span of the columns of A. This is the range

space of A, also denoted as the column space of A. Then the projection onto the column

space of A is given by the matrix

PA = A AT A)−1 AT .

This projection matrix is of tremendous importance, and is the key component of much of

linear filtering theory.

Since the range and nullspace of an orthogonal projection operator are orthogonal, we

have the following theorem:

Theorem 7 A matrix P is an orthogonal projection matrix if and only if P 2 = P and

P is symmetric, i.e., if P = P T .

The idea of projection is obvious in geometrical spaces such as R3 , where we can easily

visualize what it means to project a vector onto a subspace. The beauty and utility of the

notion of projection, however, extends far beyond such simple applications. The main result

we now consider is the classical projection theorem.

Theorem 8 (The Projection Theorem). Let S be a Hilbert space and let V be a closed

subspace of S. For any vector x ∈ S, there exists a unique vector v0 ∈ V closest to x, that

is, .x − v0 . ≤ .x − v. for all v ∈ V . Furthermore, the point v0 is the minimizer of .x − v0 .

if and only if x − v0 is orthogonal to every element of V .

Proof This proof requires several steps:

1. Existence of v0 . This proof makes use of the parallelogram law, which we now

formally state.

Lemma 2 The Parallelogram Law. In an inner product space with induced norm,

.x + y.2 + .x − y.2 = 2.x.2 + 2.y.2 .

This lemma follows immediately by direct expansion of the norms in terms of the inner

product (see Exercize 2.5-43 of Moon and Stirling).

Now to prove existence. Suppose x +∈ V . Let δ = inf v∈V .x − v.. Let {vi } be a

sequence of vectors in V such that .x − vi . → δ. We need to show that {vi } is a

Cauchy sequence in V . Then, since V is closed by hypothesis, it follows that the limit

is an element of V . We proceed by applying the parallelogram law as follows:

.(vj − x) + (x − vi ).2 + .(vj − x) − (x − vi ).2 = 2.vj − x.2 + 2.x − vi .2 .

Noting that the first term on the left simplifies to .vj − vi .2 and the second term on

the left can be rearranged to become

.(vj − x) − (x − vi ).2 = .vj + vi − 2x.2

< <2
< vj + vi <
= 4<x −
< <,
2 <

the parallelogram law expression can be rearranged to become

< <2
2 2
< 2 vj + vi <
<x −
.vj − vi . = 2.vj − x. + 2.x − vi . − 4< <.
2 <
vj +vi
Since S is a vector space, we have 2
∈ V . Also, by construction of δ,
< <
<x − vj + vi <
< ≥ δ.
< 2 <

It follows that

.vj − vi .2 ≤ 2.vj − x.2 + 2.x − vi .2 − 4δ 2 .

Now, as i, j → ∞, the first two terms on the right hand side of the above inequality

both tend to δ 2 , and we conclude that

.vj − vi .2 → 0

as i, j → ∞. Thus {vi } is a Cauchy sequence in V , and since V is closed, the limit,

which we denote as v0 , is an element of V .

2. Necessity of orthogonality. We need to show that if v0 minimizes .x − v0 ., then

(x − v0 ) ⊥ V . We prove this result by contradiction. Assume that there exists a vector

v ∈ V that is not orthogonal to x − v0 . Without loss of generality, we assume that

.v. = 1. Let

0(x − v0 ), v1 = δ += 0.

Now define the vector z = v0 + δv. Then, by the properties of the inner product (recall

the proof of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality),

.x − z.2 = .x − v0 − δv.2

= .x − v0 .2 − 2Re0x − v0 , δv1 + |δ|2 .v.2

= .x − v0 .2 − |δ|2 .

where the last equality obtains by the construction of δ and the fact that v is a unit

vector. The result of this string of inequalities is the claim that

.x − z. < .x − v0 .,

which violates the claim that v0 is a minimizing vector. Thus there can exist no v ∈ V

such that 0(x − v0 ), v1 =

+ 0. This proves the necessity of orthogonality.

3. Sufficiency of orthogonality. We need to show that orthogonality implies minimality.

Suppose that (x − v0 ) ⊥ v for all v ∈ V . Let v ∈ V with v += v0 , and consider the


x − v = (x − v0 ) + (v0 − v).

Since v0 − v ∈ V , and every vector in V is orthogonal to x − v0 , we may apply the

Pythagorean theorem to obtain

.x − v.2 = .(x − v0 ) + (v0 − v).2

= .x − v0 .2 + .v0 − v.2 .

Since the second entry on the right hand side is non-negative, it follows that

.x − v.2 ≥ .x − v0 .2 ,

which establishes sufficiency.

4. Uniqueness of v0 . Suppose there are two distinct orthogonal decompositions of x, that

is, we have

x = v0 + w0


x = v1 + w1 ,

where that v0 += v1 . Observe that w0 , w1 ∈ V ⊥ . Subtracting the left- and right-hand

sides of these two equations obtains

0 = v0 + w0 − v1 − w1 ,

or, upon rearranging,

v0 − v1 = w1 − v0 .

The difference v0 − v1 ∈ V , it follows that w1 − w0 ∈ V . Also, since w1 , w0 ∈ V ⊥ , it

follows that w1 −w0 ∈ V ⊥ . But, since the two differences are equal, it also follows that

v0 − v1 ∈ V ⊥ as well. But the only vector that can lie in both V and its orthogonal

complement is the zero vector, so we must conclude that v0 = v1 , which establishes


Theorem 9 An orthogonal set of non-zero vectors is a linearly independent set.

Proof Suppose {pi , i = 1, . . . , n} is an orthogonal set of non-zero vectors, and suppose there

exists a set of scalars {ai , i = 1, . . . , n} such that

ai pi = 0.

For each i, form the inner product of both sides of this equation.

= n
+ > n
pk , ai pi = ai 0pk , pi 1 = ak .pk .2 == 0pk , 01 = 0,
i=1 i=1

which implies that ak = 0 for k = 1, . . . , n, so the only linear combination of orthonormal

vectors that equals the null vector is the trivial combination, hence the orthogonal set is

linearly independent. ✷

4.3 Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization

The next theorem describes a method of converting an arbitrary set of linearly independent

vectors into an orthonormal set.

Theorem 10 ((Gram-Schmidt). Let {pi , i = 1, 2, . . .} be a countable or finite sequence

of linearly independent vectors in an inner product space S. Then, there is an orthonormal

sequence {qi , i = 1, 2, } such that for each n the space generated by the first n qi ’s is the same

as the space generated by the the first n pi ’s; i.e., span (q1 , . . . , qn ) = span (p1 , . . . , pn ).

Proof For the first vector, take

q1 =
.pk .

which obviously generates the same space as p1 . Form q2 in two steps:

1. Put

e2 = p2 − 0p2 , q1 1q1 .

The vector e2 is formed by subtracting the projection of p2 on q1 from p2 . The vector

e2 cannot be zero since p2 and q1 are linearly independent.

2. Normalize:
q2 = .
.e2 .

By direct calculation, we can verify that e2 ⊥ q1 and hence that q2 ⊥ q1 . Furthermore, q1

and q2 span exactly the same space as p1 and p2 .

The remaining qi ’s are defined by induction.

1. The vector en is formed according to the equation

en = pn − 0pn , qi 1qi ,

which subtracts the projections of pn onto the preceding qi ’s from pn .

2. Normalize:
qn = .
.en .

Again, it is easily verified by direct computation that en ⊥ qi for all i < n, and en += 0 since

it is a linear combination of independent vectors. It is clear b induction that the qi ’s span

exactly the same space as do the pi ’s. If the original collection {pk } is finite, the process

terminates; otherwise the process produces an infinite set of orthonormal vectors. ✷

5 Lecture 5
5.1 Approximations in Hilbert Space

The basic approximation problem:

1 2
Let S, . · . be a normed vector space, let T = {p1 , . . . , pm } ⊂ S be a set of linearly

independent vectors and let

V = span (T ).

Given an arbitrary vector x ∈ S, find a linear combination of elements of V that approximate

x as closely as possible. We will denote this approximation as

x̂ = ci pi .

Stated another way, the problem is to find a representation of x of the form

x = x̂ + e

such that the norm of the error term e = x − x̂ is minimized; i.e.,

< m <
< + <
{c1 , . . . , cn } = arg min <
<x − ai pi <
a1 ,...,am

The choice of norm is often motivated by both mathematical and physical reasons. Some

popular possibilities include the following.

1. The L1 (ℓ1 ) (absolute value error) norm weights all errors proportionally. This can

be advantageous in some situations. Evidently, many image processing professionals

claim that minimizing the absolute value of the error when reconstructing an image

from a noisy source is more subjectively pleasing and informative to the viewer than

other criteria. Mathematically, however, this norm is not easily accommodated, since

it is generally not possible to find the minimizing set of coefficients via calculus.

2. The L∞ (ℓ∞ ) (maximum error) norm penalizes the maximum value of the error. This

approach also leads to somewhat difficult mathematics.

3. The L2 (ℓ2 ) (squared error) norm weights large errors disproportionally more than small

ones, and is an effective means of penalizing excessively large errors. This norm also

leads to very tractable mathematics, since calculus can be used to find the minimizing

set of coefficients. There are also a number of mathematical reasons to consider this


(a) In stochastic settings, minimizing this norm yields the conditional expectation.

Also, for Gaussian systems, the resulting estimate is a linear function of the

observables, leading to easy computation.

(b) This norm has illuminating connections to control theory, including Riccati equa-

tions, matrix inversions, and observers. A remarkable and useful fact is that

the optimal approximation problem under this norm is a mathematical dual to

the optimal control problem using the same norm! Much of the mathematical

machinery developed under one of those applications is easily transferred to the

other—thus providing a convenient unification of ideas.

(c) Sub-optimal approximations are easy to obtain if the strict optimization problem

is too computationally difficult.

(d) There are also important connections with martingale theory, likelihood ratios,

and nonlinear estimation.

For these reasons, the L2 norm is the one most deserving (and amenable to) detailed

study, and we will primarily focus on this norm.

Let us first consider the approximating the vector x ∈ R2 by another vector p ∈ R2 . Let

V be the subspace spanned by p. Then V consists of the line passing through the origin and

the tip of p. As we saw earlier, the projection of x onto V produces the minimum-length

vector in the norm induced from the dot product. So the best approximation, with respect

to that norm, of x in V is the projection

x̂ = ppT x
pT p

which we can write more descriptively, for our present purposes, as

x̂ = 0x, p1x.

Notice that we could also obtain this result by calculus. To do this, we form the quantity

.x − cp.2 − 0x − cp, x − cp1 = (x − cp)T (x − cp).

We then note that this is a function of the parameter c. Furthermore, since it is quadratic in

c, it possesses a well-defined minimum, which may be obtained by differentiating. Formally,

therefore, we consider the function

g(c) = (x − cp)T (x − cp) = xT x − 2cxT p + c2 pT p,

differentiate with respect to c and setting the result to zero, yielding

= −2xT p + 2cpT p = 0,

and solve for c to obtain

xT p
c= ,
pT p

which yields the minimum-error solution

xT p
x̂ = x,
pT p

which is identical to the orthogonal projection.

Next, let us consider approximating a vector in R3 by two vectors p1 and p2 (not

necessarily orthogonal) that span R2 . We need to decompose x into its projection onto

V = span (p1 , p2 ) and its orthogonal complement, yielding

x = c1 p1 + c2 p2 + e,

where e ∈ V ⊥ . To accomplish this decomposition, we need The approximation error vector

e to be orthogonal to both p1 and p2 , that is,

0x − (c1 p1 + c2 p2 ), p1 1 = 0

0x − (c1 p1 + c2 p2 ), p2 1 = 0.

Re-arranging this expression, we obtain

0x, p1 1 = c1 0p1 , p1 1 + c2 0p2 , p1 1

0x, p2 1 = c1 0p1 , p2 1 + c2 0p2 , p2 1,

which may be expressed in matrix notation as
" ?" ? " ?
0p1 , p1 1 0p2 , p1 1 c1 0x, p1 1
= .
0p2 , p1 1 0p2 , p2 1 c2 0x, p2 1

As we will see below, the matrix

" ?
0p1 , p1 1 0p2 , p1 1
0p2 , p1 1 0p2 , p2 1

is invertible, so we can obtain the desired coefficients as

" ? " ?−1 " ?
c1 0p1 , p1 1 0p2 , p1 1 0x, p1 1
= .
c2 0p2 , p1 1 0p2 , p2 1 0x, p2 1

Generalizing, suppose x ∈ Rn and we wish to approximate x by a set of m linearly

independent vectors {p1 , . . . , pm }, where m < n, that is, we desire to decompose x as

x= ci pi + e.

The desired projection is obtained by choosing the coefficients {c1 , . . . cn } such that
= m
+ >
x− ci pi , pj = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , m.

Expanding our earlier analysis to higher dimensions yields the matrix expression
    
0p1 , p1 1 0p2 , p1 1 . . . 0pm , p1 1 c1 0x, p1 1
 0p1 , p2 1 0p2 , p2 1 . . . 0pm , p2 1   c1   0x, p2 1 
    
 .. ..   ..  =  .. 
 . .   .   . 
0p1 , pm 1 0p2 , pm 1 . . . 0pm , pm 1 cm 0x, pm 1
This system of equations is call the normal equations, and the matrix
 
0p1 , p1 1 0p2 , p1 1 . . . 0pm , p1 1
 0p1 , p2 1 0p2 , p2 1 . . . 0pm , p2 1 
 
R= .. .. 
 . . 
0p1 , pm 1 0p2 , pm 1 . . . 0pm , pm 1
is called the Grammian of the set p1 , . . . , pm . It is easy to see that, by properties of the

inner product, R = RH .

Example 6 Let S = L2 [0, 1] and V = span {1, t, t2 }, the set of quadratic polynomials over

the unit interval. Define p1 (t) = 1, p2 (t) = t, and p3 (t) = t2 . Clearly, V is a subspace of S.
3 $
What is the projection of x(t) = cos πt 2
onto V ? In other words, what values of {c1 , c2 , c3 }

best approximates x(t) on [0, 1]?

 3 $ 
.1 πt
   0 cos 2 dt   2 
0x(t), p1 (t)1 
3 $ 
 π
p = 0x(t), p2 (t)1 =  0 cos πt 2 4 
 = π2 −
tdt  .

2 π2
0x(t), p3 (t)1 
. 1
3 $ 
 π
− π3
πt 2
cos 2
t dt

Next, we need to compute the entries of the Grammian:

# 1
0p1 (t), p1 (t)1 = 1dt = 1
# 1
0p1 (t), p2 (t)1 = tdt =
#0 1
0p1 (t), p3 (t)1 = t2 dt =
#0 1
0p2 (t), p2 (t)1 = t2 dt =
#0 1
0p2 (t), p3 (t)1 = t3 dt =
#0 1
0p3 (t), p3 (t)1 = t4 dt =
0 5

Thus, by symmetry, we have  

1 1
1 2 3
R =  12 1
1 1 1
3 4 5

The set of optimal approximating coefficients is then

   1 1 −1  2   
c1 1 2 3 π
c = c2  = R−1 p =  21 31 14   π2 − π42  = −0.2091 ,
1 1 1 2
c3 3 4 5 π
− π163 −0.8346
3 $
hence cos πt2
≈ 1.0194 − 0.2091t − 0.8346t2 over the unit interval.

Theorem 11 A Grammian R is always positive-semi-definite. It is positive-definite if and

only if the vectors {p1 , . . . , pm } are linearly independent.

Proof We need to show that the quadratic form yH Ry > 0 for all y += 0. Let y =
, -T
y1 y2 . . . yn be an arbitrary element of Cn . then
  
0p1 , p1 1 0p2 , p1 1 . . . 0pm , p1 1 y1
, -  0p1 , p2 1
 0p2 , p2 1 . . . 0pm , p2 1   y2 
 
yH Ry = y 1 y 2 . . . y n 

.. ..   .. 
 . .  . 
0p1 , pm 1 0p2 , pm 1 . . . 0pm , pm 1 yn
++ m
= y i yj 0pj , pi 1
i=1 j=1
m m
+ >
= yj pj , yipi
j=1 i=1
< m <2
< + <
= <
< yj pj <

≥ 0,

which establishes that R ≥ 0.

To establish that R > 0, suppose there exists a y += 0 such that yH Ry = 0. From the

above, this would mean that

yj pj = 0

but, since the pi ’s are linearly independent, the only way this can happen is if yi = 0 for all

i. Since this contradicts the assumption that y += 0, we conclude that R > 0. This proves

necessity. To prove sufficiency, assume that R > 0. Then

yj pj += 0

for all vectors y += 0, which proves that the pi ’s are linearly independent. ✷

A special case of the Grammian is when the set {pi } is orthogonal, for then 0pi , pj 1 = δij , and

the Grammian is a diagonal matrix. This structure has obvious calculational advantages,

for then
0x, pj 1
cj = .
0pj , pj 1

Theorem 12 The Approximation Principle. Let {p1 , p2 , . . . , pm } be data vectors in a

vector space S. Let x be any vector in S. In the representation

x= ci pi + e = x̂ + e,

the induced norm of the error vector e is minimized when the error e = x − x̂ is orthogonal

to each of the data vectors, i.e.,

= m
+ >
x− ci pi , pj = 0 j = 1, 2, . . . , m.

This result follows directly from the projection theorem.

6 Lecture 6
6.1 Error Minimization via Gradients

As we saw earlier with a one-dimensional example, another way to locate the approximating

coefficient that minimize the norm of the approximation error is to find the value of the

parameter that forces the derivative of the norm of the error to be zero. Here, we describe

how to extend this concept to the multi-dimensional case.

For the approximation problem

x= ci pi + e = x̂ + e,

let us define a loss function, or performance index (two terms that are often used by

control theorists) of the form

= m
+ m
+ >
J(c) = x− ci pi , x − ci pi
i=1 i=1
3 $ +m +
= 0x, x1 − 2Re ci 0x, pi 1 + cj ci 0pj , pi 1
i=1 j=1

= .x.2 − 2Re(cH p) + cH Rc.

Using the properties of matrix calculus, we take the gradient of J(c) with respect to c to


∂ ∂ 1 2
J(c) = .x.2 − 2Re(cH p) + cH Rc
∂c ∂c

= −p + Rc.

Setting this to zero yields the normal equation

Rc = p.

This approach works because the functional J has a unique extremum which, it can

easily be shown, is a minimum. This is a consequence of the quadratic structure of J, and

arises because of the linear approximation model. If the model were not linear, then the

performance index may not be quadratic and there may exist multiple extrema that cannot

be distinguished by gradient-based methods.

It is important to emphasize that the methods we are developing here apply most directly

to linear models. The general nonlinear approximation problem is much harder.

6.2 Linear Least Squares Approximation

The approximation theory we are developing is linear, in the sense that the quantity to be

estimated (i.e., approximating) is a linear combination of the vectors that span the subspace

into which we wish to project. The projection theorem establishes that there exists a unique

error-norm minimizing projection vector, but it does not provide an explicit construction

of the operator that produces the projection. Also, the normal equations give us a way to

compute the coefficient vector, but, again, does not directly identify the projection operator.

To extend our understanding of what is going on, it will be useful to identify the projection

operator explicitly (which we already have done for a couple of simple cases).

In this development, we will restrict our attention to vector spaces of finite dimension. In

this context, we may exploit the power of matrix theory. Let S be an n-dimensional vector

space and let V be an m-dimensional subspace that is spanned by a set of linearly independent

vectors {p1 , p2 , . . . , pm }, where we assume that m < n. For any vector x ∈ S, we may

uniquely decompose it into components that lie in V and V ⊥ , yielding the representation

x = x̂ + e = ci pi + e,

where x̂ ∈ V and e ∈ V ⊥ . We can express x̂ in matrix notation by defining the n × m matrix

, -
A = p1 p2 · · · pm

and writing

x̂ = Ac.

Since the projection must be orthogonal, we require that

0x − Ac, pj 1 = pH
j (x − Ac) = 0 j = 1, . . . , m.

Stacking these expressions into a single column yields

     
1 (x − Ac) p H
1 0
pH (x − Ac) pH  0
 2   2  
 ..  =  ..  (x − Ac) =  .. 
 .   .  .
pm (x − Ac) pm 0

AH (x − Ac) = 0.

Rearranging, we obtain

AH Ac = AH x.

Notice that, by identifying AH A as R, the Grammian, and AH x as p, the cross-correlation

vector, the above expression is nothing more than the normal equations.

By assumption, the set of n-dimensional vectors {p1 , p2 , . . . , pm } is linearly independent

and m < n, the matrix A is of full rank, hence the matrix AH A is of full rank, so we may

solve for c as
1 2−1
c = AH A AH x.

Finally, substituting this into the expression

x̂ = Ac,

we obtain an explicit representation of the projection operator as

1 2−1
x̂ = A AH A AH x;

1 2−1
P = A AH A AH .

This result can be somewhat generalized by incorporating a Hermitian weighting matrix W

to obtain the projection operator

1 2−1

This approach would be appropriate if we wish to vary the weighting of the approximation

on the basis vectors.

It is important to appreciate the fact that, just because an approximation is optimal

does not mean that it is a good approximation. We may only be making the best of a bad

situation if the norm of the error e = x − x̂ is not small. Thus, to complete our discussion

we need to characterize this quantity.

A consequence of orthogonality is that the error vector is orthogonal to the approxima-

tion, therefore

0e, e1 = 0x − x̂, e1

= 0x, e1 − 0x̂, e1
@ AB C @ AB C
)x,x−x̂* =0 by ⊥

= 0x, x1 − 0x̂ + e, e1

= 0x, x1 − 0x̂, e1 −0e, e1.

@ AB C


.x.2 = .x̂.2 + .e.2


.e.2 = .x.2 − .x̂.2 .

We can express this norm more descriptively by substituting Ac for x̂, to obtain

.e.2 = xH x − cH p.

6.3 Approximation by Continuous Polynomials

3 $
We saw earlier that we could approximate cos 2
over the unit interval by a quadratic.

We now extend this result to the general case.

Suppose we wish to find a real polynomial of degree n that best fits a given real function

f (t) over the interval [a, b]. Let

p(t) = c0 + c1 t + c2 t2 + · · · + cn tn

denote the form of the approximating polynomials. We wish to find the coefficient vector

{c0 , c1 , . . . , cn }. that renders the error f (t) − p(t) orthogonal to the space spanned by the

set of all n-th order real polynomials, that is , we require
# b 1 2
0f (t) − p(t), p(t)1 = f (t) − p(t) p(t)dt = 0

for all polynomials of degree ≤ n. To proceed, we first must define a basis set, which may

be any linearly independent set of polynomials that span the set of all polynomials of degree

≤ n. For example, as we did earlier, we can take basis set

, - , -
p0 (t) p1 (t) p2 (t) · · · pn (t) = 1 t t2 · · · tn .

The normal equations are

    
01, 11 01, t1 · · · 01, tn 1 c0 0f (t), 11
 0t, 11 0t, t1 · · · 0t, tn 1   c1   0f (t), t1 
    
 .. ..   ..  =  .. ,
 . .  .   . 
n n n n n
0t , 11 0t , t1 · · · 0t , t 1 cn 0f (t), t 1
# b
i j
0t , t 1 = ti+j dt, i, j = 0, 1, . . . , n

# b
0f (t), t 1 = f (t)ti dt, i = 0, 1, . . . n.
, -
Although the polynomials 1 t t2 · · · tn span the n + 1 dimensional space of n-th

order polynomials, these polynomials do not form an orthogonal basis, since

# b
ti tj dt += 0

for i += j. This makes it necessary to compute a large number of integrals. Furthermore,

the resulting Grammian may be difficult to invert. Even though, theoretically, it is of full

rank, it may be ill conditioned, meaning that it is very nearly singular and finite-precision

arithmetic may generate significant errors in the computed inverse.

There is another problem that may also arise with the use of non-orthogonal bases; that

is, slow convergence. Think of it this way. Suppose, for a given non-orthogonal basis set,

some of the basis elements are highly correlated with others, that is, for i < j,

0pi (t), pj (t)1 ≈ .pi (t)..pj (t)..

Thus, if we were to perform a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of pj relative to pi , we would

that the orthogonal component (before normalization),

= >
pi (t) pi (t)
e(t) = pj (t) − pj (t),
.pi (t). .pi (t).

would be very near zero. This means that the amount of new information provided by pj is

very small compared to the information provided by pi . The Gram-Schmidt orthogonaliza-

tion procedure corrects this problem by amplifying the length of this orthogonal component

by dividing by its length, thereby effectively increasing the amount of information charac-

terized by the resulting polynomial.

There is yet a third reason for using an orthogonal basis if it can be found: the resulting

Grammian is diagonal, leading to greatly simplified calculation of its inverse. Even more

to the point, if the basis is also normalized (which is what Gram-Schmidt also does), the

inversion is trivial, and we immediately obtain the coefficients as the inner product of the

function with the basis elements:

# b
ci = f (t)qi (t)dt,

where qi (t) is the ith element of the orthonormal basis set.

7 Lecture 7
7.1 Linear Regression

Consider the following scenario. A collection of observations is obtained. These observations

are functions of parameters that are of interest. The problem is to determine the parameters.

This is a classical statistical inference problem. For example, suppose the resistance of a

simple electric circuit is an unknown constant. We know, by Ohm’s law, that the voltage

and current are related linearly, i.e.,

I= V,

where I, V , and R denote current, voltage, and resistance, respectively.

Now suppose we were not aware of Ohm’s law, but had access to a variable voltage

source and an ammeter. We might be tempted to take an empirical, rather than theoretical,

approach to this problem. We could step through a number of voltage values, each time

measuring the current. The result would be a table of values of the form

V1 I1
V2 I2
.. ..
. .
Vn In

To relate these two table entries, we first need to hypothesize a model. This is the

critical point. What characteristics should we consider when searching for a good model?

The guiding principle in many instances is Occam’s Razor: When two or more models are

hypothesized to characterize a phenomenon, the simplest model is to be preferred. This

suggests that we start our analysis with the most simple model possible, and if that is not

good enough, we add complications. Perhaps the most important simple assumption is that

the quantities are related linearly, that is,

Ii = aVi .

If the data {Vi , Ii , i = 1, 2, . . .} were to fit this model exactly, they would appear on a graph

as a straight line passing through the origin. Even if this model were valid, however, this

exact relationship is not likely to obtain, since ammeters, and sensors in general, are not

perfect. There are two main sources of error:

1. Bias errors. Unless an instrument is perfectly calibrated, it may contain a bias error,

that is, the quantity we measure, I, is the sum of the true current and an unknown

constant offset, b.

2. Random errors. All real-world measurements are corrupted by random errors (e.g.,

thermal noise in resistors, parallax errors by human eyeballs, quantization, etc).

Consequently, it is too much to expect that any deterministic model will be an exact fit to

the data. The best that can be hoped for is a model of the form

Ii = aVi + b + ei ,

where a is an unknown coefficient of proportionality, b is an unknown bias, and the sequence

{ei , i = 1, 2, . . .} is a sequence of unknown quantities that, we assume, have an average

value of zero but are otherwise unknown. Although the bias term, b, is also assumed to be

unknown, it, as well as the coefficient, a, are at least assumed to be constants, whereas the

quantities ei vary from observation to observation.

The inference problem is to find the slope and intercept of the line that best fits the data

in the sense that the squared error is minimized, that is, we wish to choose values for a and

b that minimize the quantity

J(a, b) = (Ii − aVi − b)2 .

Fortunately, this is a problem we know how to solve. In matrix form, we may express this

model as

y = Ac + e,

where  
 I2 
 
y =  ..  ,
 
V1 1
 V2 1 
 
A =  .. ..  ,
 . .
Vn 1
" ?

We now recognize this as a projection problem. We form V , the subspace spanned by

two vectors in Rn , namely, the vectors

   
V1 1
 V2  1
   
p1 =  ..  , p2 =  ..  ,
. .
Vn 1
, -
yielding A = p1 p2 .

, -T
We then project the observations vector y = I1 I2 · · · In onto this subspace,

1 2−1
ŷ = A AT A AT y.

The projection coefficients, given by

" ?
a 1
c = = AT A)−1 AT y
  −1  
V1 1 I
" ? " ? 1 
 V1 V2 · · · Vn  V2 1 V1 V2 · · · Vn  I2 
 
=  .. .. 
1 1 · · · 1  ... 
  
 1 1 · · · 1  . . 
Vn 1 In
D!n ! n
E−1 D! n
i=1 Vi i=1 Vi i=1 Vi Ii
= !n !n
i=1 n i=1 Ii
D ! E D!n E
1 n − ni=1 Vi i=1 Vi Ii
= ! ! 2 !n !n !n
n ni=1 Vi2 − ( ni=1 Vi ) − i=1 Vi i=1 Vi
i=1 Ii
D ! ! ! E
1 n ni=1 Vi Ii − ( ni=1 Vi ) ( ni=1 Ii )
= ! ! 2 !n !n !n !n
n ni=1 Vi2 − ( ni=1 Vi ) − ( i=1 Vi ) ( i=1 Ii ) + ( i=1 Vi2 ) ( i=1 Ii )

constitute the corresponding parameter values. For our problem, we interpret these coef-

ficients as the resistance of the resistor and the bias of the ammeter, respectively. In the

parlance of statistics, these computed values are called estimates.

Notice that the fitted values, ŷ, lie on the line defined by the parameters c. That is,

Iˆi = aVi + b.

The residual is the difference between the observed values and the fitted values

$i = Ii − Iˆi Vi .

The projection operation acts to minimize the sum of the squared error between the observed

and fitted values:
+ 1 22
.!. = Ii − Iˆi Vi ,

where  
 $2 
 
! =  ..  .
Much of regression analysis has to do with analyzing the residual. Recalling our modeling

assumption that the random errors ei are have zero average value, a quick test of the fit is

to check the average of the elements of the residual vector. If it is not close to zero, then

we may conclude that our model is inadequate. We may also look for trends (systematic

deviations) in the residuals. If there are no trends, then a plot of the residuals will indicate no

systematic patterns. If such patterns exist, this also is an indication of modeling inadequacy.

An important sub-discipline of statistics involves the detailed investigation of the residuals

such as analysis-of-variance methods.

7.2 Minimum Mean-Square Estimation

Suppose we have two real random variables X, Y , with a known joint density function

fXY (x, y), and assume Y is observed (measured). What can be said about the value X

takes? In other words, we wish to estimate X given that Y = y. To be specific, we desire to

invoke an estimation rule

X̂ = h(Y ),

where the random variable X̂ is an estimate of X. The mapping h : R → R is some function

only of Y . Thus, given Y = y, we will assign the value

x̂ = h(y)

to the estimate of X.

Let us now specialize to the linear case. Let X and Y be two zero-mean real random

variables. Suppose we wish to find an estimator of the form

X̂ = hY

where h is a constant chosen such E(X − X̂)2 is minimized. (Thus, the function h(Y ) = hY

is linear.)

To approach this problem from our Hilbert-space perspective, we need to define the the

appropriate spaces and subspaces and endow them with an inner product.

Claim. Let S be the set of real random variables with finite first and second moments, and

define the real-valued function 0·, ·1 → S × S 7→ R by

# ∞ # ∞
0X, Y 1 = E[XY ] = xyfXY (x, y)dxdy,
−∞ −∞

where fXY is the joint density function of the random variables X and Y . Then 0·, ·1 is

an inner product and S is a Hilbert space. The inner product of two random variables is

termed the correlation.

We won’t verify this claim at this time, except to demonstrate that the correlation satisfies

the conditions that qualify it to be an inner product. It is easy to see that E[XY ] = E[Y X],

E[aXY ] = aE[XY ], E[(X + Y )Z] = E[XZ] + E[Y Z], and that E[X 2 ] ≥ 0. What is not so

obvious is that E[X 2 ] = 0 implies X ≡ 0. This is a technical issue that we will not plumb,

but will content ourselves with the statement that X = 0 almost everywhere, meaning

that it is zero except possibly on a set of probability zero. To interpret correlation as an

inner product, we have to make this small concession to the definition of an inner product,

but it is a very small concession and one that does not violate the concept that is important

to us here; namely, orthogonality. Thus, we can say that two uncorrelated random variables

are orthogonal.

With this brief background, we can now bring our Hilbert space machinery to bear on the

following estimation problem: Suppose we observe the random variables {Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Yn }, and

we wish to use the observed values to estimate the value that another unobserved random

variable, X, assumes.

We desire to set up the structure of this problem before we conduct the experiment,

that is, before values for X and {Yi}, are realized. Then, once the experiment is conducted

and values for the Yi ’s are obtained, we may then infer the value that X obtained. This is

an important issue that is easy to miss. To elaborate, before the experiment is conducted,

we view the quantities X, {Yi} as real-valued functions over a sample space of elementary

events. By conducting an experiment, we mean that a particular elementary event is chosen

(e.g., by nature). Let ω denote this elementary event. Then all of the random variables

are evaluated at this elementary event, yielding the real numbers x = X(ω), yi = Yi (ω),

i = 1, 2, . . . , n. It is critical to understand that our Hilbert space context deals with the

functions, and not the particular values they assume.

Let V = span {Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Yn } (we might refer to this subspace as the observation space).

Then, the best estimate of X is its orthogonal projection onto V .

The normal equations for this problem are

    
0Y1, Y1 1 0Y2 , Y1 1 · · · 0Yn , Y1 1 h1 0X, Y1 1
 0Y1, Y2 1 0Y2 , Y2 1 · · · 0Yn , Y2 1 
  h2   0X, Y2 1 
   

 .. .. ..   .  =  . .
 . . .   ..   .. 
0Yn , Y1 1 0Yn , Y2 1 · · · 0Yn , Yn 1 hn 0X, Yn 1

The entries in the Grammian are

0Yi , Yi1 = E[Yi2 ] = σi2 , i = 1, 2, . . . , n

0Yi, Yj 1 = E[Yi Yj ] = ρij σi σj , j += i

and the entries in the cross-correlation vector are

0X, Yi1 = E[XYi ] = ρxi σX σi

F , - F , -
where σi = E Yi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, σX = E X 2 , ρij is the correlation coefficient for Yi

and Yj , and ρxi is the correlation coefficient for X and Yi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n.

As an example, let us consider the simple circuit problem described earlier, with the

following difference. Whereas, before, we observed both the current and the voltage and

the problem was to estimate the resistance, the setup here is that we know the resistance,

measure the current, and desire to estimate a fixed voltage observed multiple times. The

model for this scenario is

Yi = RX + Ni , i = 1, 2, . . . , n,

where the random variables {Ni } are measurement errors. Let us assume that the To facil-

itate our development, let us assume that these errors are uncorrelated, that is, E[Ni Nj ] =

σN δij . We further assume that the noise is uncorrelated with the value of the input voltage

(e.g., Ni is thermal noise in the resistor). Then

, - , -
E XYi = E X(RX + Ni ) = RE[X 2 ] + E[XNi ] = RσX

, - , - , - , - , - , -
E Yi Yj = E (RX + Ni )(RX + Nj ) = R2 E X 2 + RE XNj + RE Nj X + E Ni Nj

= R2 σX
2 2
+ σN δij .

To illustrate, suppose R = 1 and n = 1. Then the normal equation becomes

, 2
- 2
σX + σN h = σX ,

so the minimum mean-square estimate of X is

X̂ = 2 2
σX + σN

Notice that this is still a “hypothetical” situation in that the experiment has not yet been

performed. Once the experiment is conducted, we obtain the measurement Y = y where y

is some real number, and the estimated realization of X

x̂ = 2 2
σX + σN

We can make the following observations about this estimate.

1. IF the noise source is small such that σN 9 σX , then the noise is essentially ignored

and we have X̂ ≈ Y .

2. If the noise source is large such that σX 9 σN , then the observation is essentially

ignored, and we have X̂ ≈ 0.

It is useful to compare the regression problem with the MMSE problem.

1. Both use the concept of orthogonal projections. The regression scenario projects the

space of observations (from the ammeter) onto the space spanned by the (assumed

perfectly known) voltages, and the problem is to determine the resistance and bias

coefficients. On the other hand, the MMSE scenario projects the unknown voltage onto

the space spanned by the observations, and the problem is to estimate the unknown


In the regression context, the projection is onto a subspace defined by two vectors in

n-dimensional Euclidean space, while in the MMSE context, the projection is onto an

n-dimensional subspace spanned by the observable random variables.

2. The regression problem is an empirical data-fitting problem. No probabilistic concepts

are involved. On the other hand, the MMSE approach requires the specification of the

means, variances, and correlations, and cross-correlations of all random variables.

8 Lecture 8
8.1 Minimum-Norm Problems

When dealing with equations of the form

Ax = b,

with A an m × n matrix, there are a number of possible scenarios to consider (we assume A

is of full rank).

1. m > n. In this case, the system of equations is over-determined—there are more

equations than unknowns. If, as would occur in general, b lies outside the column

space of A, then there is no value x such that Ax = b. That is, b cannot be expressed

as a linear combination of the columns of A. The best we can do, in such a situation,

is to find an x̂ that minimizes the error b − Ax̂. Under the ℓ2 norm, we have seen that

least squares (i..e., the projection theorem) provides the solution:

1 2−1
x̂ = AT A AT b.

2. m = n. This is the determined case. Then a unique solution exist of the form

x = A−1 b. Notice that, in this case, we have

1 T 2−1 T
A A A = A−1 A−T AT = A−1 ,

and there is no error. This is really a special case of the projection theorem.

3. m < n. In this case, the system of equations is under-determined, since there are

fewer equations than unknowns. In this case, not only will there be a solution, there

will be an infinity of them, and the problem is to choose the one that makes the most

sense. This is the issue we now discuss.

To illustrate, consider the system

Ax = b,

where A is an m × n matrix with m < n, such as

 
" ? x1 " ?
1 2 −3   −4
x2 = .
−5 4 1 6

One solution is  
x = 2 .

, -
However, we observe that the vector v = 1 1 1 lies in the nullspace of the above matrix,

i.e.,  
" ? 1 " ?
1 2 −3   0
2 = ,
−5 4 1 0
and so any vector of the form    
1 1
2 + t 1 ,
3 1
t ∈ R, is also a solution. The question becomes: can we formulate a notion of which of

the possible solutions is the “best” one, and if so, how can we find it? One approach to

this problem is to view the equations Ax = b as a constraint, and find the vector x with

minimum norm that satisfies this constraint. To address problems such as this, it is useful

to develop what is called a dual approximation problem.

Suppose we are interested in all values of x ∈ S (some vector space) that satisfy the


0x, y1 1 = a1


0x, ym 1 = am .

Claim: Let M = span {y1 , . . . , ym } and suppose we know that x0 satisfies the constraints.

The set of all solutions to the constraint equation is given by the linear variety

V = x0 + M ⊥ = {x0 + v: v ∈ M ⊥ }.

Verification: x ∈ V if and only if

0x, yi 1 = 0x0 , yi 1 + 0v, yi1

= ai + 0,

for i = 1, . . . , m.

The question we now address is this: Which element of V (that is, which element that

satisfies the constraints) has minimum norm?

Theorem 13 Dual Approximation. Let {y1 , . . . , ym } be a linearly independent set of

vectors in a Hilbert space S, and consider the subspace M = span {y1 , . . . , ym }. The element

x ∈ S that satisfies the constraints

0x, y1 1 = a1

0x, y2 1 = a2


0x, ym 1 = am

with minimum (induced) norm lies in M. In particular,

x= ci yi ,

where     
0y1 , y1 1 0y2 , y1 1 · · · 0ym , y1 1 c1 a1
 0y1 , y2 1
 0y2 , y2 1 · · · 0ym , y2 1   c2   a2 
   

 .. .. ..   ..  =  ..  .
 . . .   .   . 
0y1 , ym 1 0y2 , ym 1 · · · 0ym , ym 1 cm am

Proof If x satisfies the constraints, then x ∈ V = x0 +M ⊥ for some vector x0 . Now suppose

x0 has a non-zero projection on M ⊥ . Then it may be expressed as

x0 = xM + xM ⊥


.x0 .2 = .xM .2 + .xM ⊥ .2 ,

where xM ∈ M and therefore may be expressed as a linear combination of the yi ’s. But if

xM ⊥ += 0, then x0 would not be the minimum-norm solution. Therefore, since

0x0 , yk 1 = 0xM , yk 1 + 0xM ⊥ , yk 1

G+ H
= ci yi , yk ,

we may conclude that x0 = xM . Thus

x = x0 + v

where x0 ∈ M and v ∈ M ⊥ , and

0x, yk 1 = 0x0 , yk 1 + 0v, yk 1

= ci 0yi , yk 1 = ak .

We illustrate the use of the dual approximation theorem with two examples.

Example 7 Under-determined linear equations Consider the system of linear equa-


Ax = b

where A is m × n with m < n (we still require A to be of full rank in order to avoid

inconsistency problems). Our solution concept is as follows: We wish to find the vector x of

minimum norm that satisfies the constraint Ax = b.

To proceed, it is convenient to write A as

 
yH 
 2
A =  .. 
 . 

where yi ∈ Cn . The constraints may be expressed as

0y1 , x1 = y1H x = b1

0y2 , x1 = y2H x = b2


0ym , x1 = ym x = bm .

By the dual approximation theorem, the minimum-norm solution is given by

 
 c2 
+ , 
xmin−norm = ci yi = y1 y2 · · · ym  ..  = AH c.
, -T
where the coefficient matrix c = c1 c2 · · · cm satisfies
      
0y1 , y1 1 0y2 , y1 1 · · · 0ym , y1 1 c1 0x, y1 1 b1
 0y1 , y2 1 0y2 , y2 1 · · · 0ym , y2 1   c2   0x, y2 1   b2 
      
 .. .. ..   ..  =  ..  =  .. 
 . . .  .   .  .
0y1 , ym 1 0y2 , ym 1 · · · 0ym , ym 1 cm 0x, ym 1 bm
or     
y1H y1 y2H y1 · · · ym
y1 c1 b1
yH y1 yH y2 · · · yH y2   c2   b2 
 2 2 m    
 .. .. ..   ..  =  ..  .
 . . .  .   . 
ym y1 ym y2 · · · ym ym cm bm
But this m × m matrix may be written as
 
y1H y1 y2H y1 · · · ym
yH y1 yH y2 · · · yH y2 
H  2 2 m 
AA =  .. .. ..  ,
 . . . 
ym y1 ym y2 · · · ym ym
so we have

AAH c = b,

which implies that

1 2−1
c = AAH b.

In other words,
1 2−1
xmin−norm = AH AAH b.

Notational Comment: The over-determined and under-determined solutions to

Ax = b

are, respectively,
1 2−1
x̂ = AH A AH b

1 2−1
xmin−norm = AH AAH b.

1 2−1
Notice that if we pre-multiply A by AH A AH we obtain

I1 2−1 T J
A A A A = Im×m ,

1 2−1
and if we pre-multiply A by AH AAH we obtain

I 1 2 J
H H −1
A A AA = In×n .

1 2−1
For this reason, the matrix AH A AH is called a left pseudo inverse if A and the matrix
1 2−1
AH AAH is called a right pseudo inverse of A. If m = n, it is easy to see that these

two pseudo inverses are indeed inverses. It is also easy to see that, for m + n, the left and

right pseudo inverses are not unique, since an arbitrary positive definite weighting matrix

can be inserted as was discussed with weighted least squares (one can obviously also define

a weighted minimum-norm solution).

Example 8 Given a linear time-invariant system with impulse response

1 2
h(t) = e−2t + 3−4t u(t)

where u(t) is the unit-step function, denote the output as y(t) = x(t) ∗ h(t). Find the input
x(t) with minimum-norm that satisfies the constraints (i) y(1) = 1 and (ii) 0
y(t) = 0.

To solve this problem by the dual approximation method, we need to express the constraints

as inner products of x(t) and other functions. Without loss of generality, we may take

x(t) = 0, t < 0. The output of this system is

# ∞
y(t) = x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ
= x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ

since h is causal.

# 1
y(1) = 1 = x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ
# 1 1 2
= e−2(1−τ ) + 3e−4(1−τ ) x(τ )dτ
G1 2 H
= e−2(1−t) + 3e−4(1−t) , x(t)
@ AB C
y1 (t)

# t
y(τ )dτ = x(t) ∗ h(t) ∗ u ∗ (t)
1 2
= x(t) ∗ h(t) ∗ u(t)
# t
= x(t) ∗ h(τ )dτ
3 $
5 3 −4t 1 −2t
= x(t) ∗ − e − e .
4 4 2
@ AB C

Thus, the constraint (ii) requires that

# 1 # 1
y(τ )dτ = 0 ⇒ k(1 − τ )x(τ )dτ = 0
0 0
=3 $ >
5 3 −4(1−t) 1 −2(1−t)
⇒ − e − e , x(t) = 0
4 4 2
@ AB C
y2 (t)

Now, from the dual approximation theorem, we know that

x(t) = c1 y1 (t) + c2 y2 (t),

where the coefficients c1 and c2 solve the system

" ?" ? " ?

0y1(t), y1 (t)1 0y2 (t), y1 (t)1 c1 0x(t), y1 (t)1
= .
0y1(t), y2 (t)1 0y2 (t), y2 (t)1 c2 0x(t), y2 (t)1

Evaluating this system obtains

" ?" ? " ?

2.37 0.68 c1 1
0.68 0.82 c2 0

which yields
" ? " ?
c1 0.556
= .
c2 −0.464

9 Lecture 9
9.1 Approximation of Periodic Functions

Let S be the set of all bounded periodic functions with period T (and hence with fundamental

frequency ω0 = T
), and form the functions

pk (t) = √ ejkω0 t .

It is easy to see that these functions form an orthonormal set, that is,

0pn (t), pm (t)1 = ejnω0 t e−jmω0 t dt = δmn .

Now let f (t) ∈ S, and suppose we wish to approximate this function by a truncated Fourier

series, i.e., we wish to form

+ n
fˆn (t) = ck pk (t) = ck ejkω0 t .
k=−n k=−n

In other words, we wish to project f (t) onto the subspace spanned by

{p−n (t), . . . , p−1 (t), p0 (t), p1 (t), . . . , pn (t)}

Since this collection forms an orthonormal set, the Grammian is the identity matrix, so we

have immediately that

ck = 0f (t), pk (t)1 = √ f (t)e−jkω0t dt.

Notice that this result is slightly different from the traditional non-normalized Fourier

series, which uses the spanning set {ejkω0 t , k = −n, . . . , −1, 0, 1, . . . , n}. In that case, the

Grammian is R = diag{T, T, . . . , T }. Thus, the non-normalized Fourier coefficients are

related to the normalized Fourier coefficients as

ak = √ ck .

One if the important questions of mathematical analysis is the issue of the convergence

of fˆn (t) to f (t) as n → ∞.

9.2 Generalized Fourier Series

The familiar Trigonometric series discussed above is but one example of a way to represent

functions in terms as a sum of orthonormal basis functions. In fact, there are many such

representations. We will not discuss many of them in detail, but it is important to present

the basic theorems that pertain.

Theorem 14 (Bessel Inequality). Let {p1 , p2 , . . .} be an orthonormal basis for a Hilbert

space S. Then, for x ∈ S and m < ∞,

|0x, pi 1|2 ≤ .x.2 .

Proof Since
x̂m = 0x, pi 1pi

is the minimum L2 norm approximation to x, the triangle inequality (.x.2 = .x̂.2 +.x− x̂.2 )

< <2
< m
+ < m
|0x, pi 1|2 .
< <
<x − 0x, pi 1pi < = .x. −
< <
i=1 i=1

Since the error cannot be negative, the result follows. ✷

Theorem 15 Let {pi , i = 1, 2, . . .} be an orthonormal set in a Hilbert space S. Each of the

following four conditions implies the other three:

(a) {pi , i = 1, 2, . . .} is a maximal orthonormal set in S.

(b) The set M of all linear combinations of members of {pi , i = 1, 2, . . .} is dense in S.

(c) For every x ∈ S, we have

.x. = .0x, pi 1.2 .

(d) If x ∈ S and y ∈ S, then

0x, y1 = 0x, pi 10y, pi1.

To say that {pi , i = 1, 2, . . .} is maximal means simply that no vector of S can be adjoined

to {pi , i = 1, 2, . . .} in such a way that the resulting set is still orthonormal. This happens

precisely when there is no x += 0 in S which is orthogonal to every pi .

To say that M ⊂ S is dense in S means that the closure of M equals S. This means that

every Cauchy sequence in M converges to an element of S.

The last formula is known as Parseval’s identity. Also, observe that condition (c) is

a special case of condition (d). Maximal orthonormal sets are frequently called complete

orthonormal sets or orthonormal bases.

Proof We will show that (a) → (b) → (c) → (d) → (a).

(a) → (b)

Let H be the closure of M. Since M is a subspace, so is H. If M is not dense in S, then

H += S, so that H ⊥ contains a vector z += 0 such that 0z, pi 1 = 0 for all i = 1, 2, . . .. Thus

{pi } is not maximal if M is not dense, and (a) implies (b).

(b) → (c)

Suppose (b) holds, and fix x ∈ S and $ > 0. Since M is dense, there is a finite set

{p1 , p2 , . . . , pm } such that some linear combination of these vectors has distance less than

$ from x. Since the coefficients 0x, pi 1 minimize the error, the approximation can only be

improved by taking 0x, pi 1 as the coefficients. Thus, if

z= 0x, pi 1pi ,

then .x − z. < $, hence .x. < .z. + $. Thus,

+ ∞
2 2 2
(.x. − $) < .z. = |0x, pi 1| ≤ |0x, pi1|2 .
i=1 i=1

Since $ is arbitrary, (c) follows from the above and Bessel’s inequality.

(c) → (d).

The expression

0x, y1 = 0x, pi 10y, pi1.

can be written as

0x, x1 = 0x̌, y̌1,

where x̌ and y̌ are the vectors in ℓ2 comprising the complex numbers {0x, p1 1, 0x, p2 1, 0x, p31, . . .}

and {0y, p11, 0y, p21, 0y, p31, . . .}, respectively. The inner product on the left is taken in the

Hilbert space S and the inner product on the right is taken in ℓ2 . Fix x ∈ S and y ∈ S. If

(c) holds, then

0x + λy, x + λy1 = 0x̌ + λy̌, x̌ + λy̌1

for every scalar λ. Hence

λ0x, y1 + λ0x, y1 = λ0x̌, y̌1 + λ0x̌, y̌1.

Take λ = 1 and λ = j. Then the above expression shows that 0x, y1 and 0x̌, y̌1 have the

same real and imaginary parts, hence are equal. Thus, (c) implies (d).

(d) → (a)

If (a) is false, then there exists a p += 0 in S such that 0p, pi 1 = 0 for i = 1, 2, . . .. If

x = y = p, then 0x, y1 = .p.2 += 0, but 0x, pi 1 = 0 for i = 1, 2, . . ., hence (d) fails. Thus, (d)

implies (a) and the proof is complete. ✷

The practical implication of this theorem is that, given a Hilbert space S and an ortho-

normal basis {pi }, we may express any element x of S as

x= 0x, pi 1pi .

We should note, however, that this equality is defined in terms of the L2 norm, and this

calls for a note of qualification. Strictly speaking, when Lp is regarded as a metric space,

the space that is really under consideration is not a space whose elements are functions,

but a space whose elements are equivalence classes of functions, that is, functions which are

identical except on a set of Lebesgue measure zero. Thus, convergence need not be pointwise.

In particular, for Trigonometric series, let C(T ) denote the set of continuous functions in

L2 with period T . It may be conjectured that, for x(t) ∈ C(T ), the trigonometric series

converges pointwise (that is, for all t). However, this conjecture is not true. Examples can

be constructed of continuous periodic functions whose Fourier series diverges at some points!

Such examples are of mathematical significance, but are of little engineering importance.

It is important to understand, however, the sense in which convergence occurs. It is L2 -

convergence (zero energy in the error).

To ensure point-wise convergence, we need to impose additional conditions. For example,

consider the following theorem:

Theorem 16 Let f be continuous and periodic with period T (and hence with frequency

2π df (t)
ω0 = T
), and suppose the derivative of f is piecewise continuous (i.e., dt
has only a finite

number of discontinuities on any finite interval). Then the Fourier series of f converges

uniformly and absolutely to f , that is, for every $ > 0 there exists an n such that
K n
+ K
Kf (t) − 0f (t), pi (t)1K < $

for all t, where pk (t) = √1 ejkω0 t .


General Case:

Now consider C[a, b] ∈ L2 [a, b], the set of L2 continuous functions over the interval [a, b].

One of the famous theorems of analysis is the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem:

Theorem 17 If f is a continuous (real or complex) function on [a, b], there exists a sequence

of polynomials {p1 , p2 , . . .} such that

limn→∞ pn (t) = f (t)

uniformly on [a, b].

This theorem suggests that we can construct sequences of orthonormal polynomials that

are complete in C[a, b], and many such orthonormal bases have been constructed, such as

Legendre polynomials and Chebyshev polynomials.

9.3 Matched Filtering

During a certain time interval of length T , a transmitter sends one of M possible waveforms.

Each waveform is a different linear combination of a set of m orthonormal basis waveforms

{φ1 (t), φ2 (t), . . . , φm (t)}:

f1 (t) = a11 φ1 (t) + · · · + a1m φm (t)

f2 (t) = a21 φ1 (t) + · · · + a2m φm (t)


fM (t) = aM 1 φ1 (t) + · · · + aM m φm (t).

The waveform is transmitted through a medium that corrupts it in some way, yielding a

received signal of the form

x(t) = fi (t) + n(t),

where n(t) is an additive noise source. The decision problem is to determine which of the

M possible waveforms was sent. That is, we desire a device that takes x(t) as an input and

yields an estimate, ı̂, of the index of the transmitted waveform.


Project x(t) onto the subspace V = span {φ1 (t), . . . , φm (t)} and determine which wave-

form fk (t) the projection is closest to. Let x̂(t) denote the projection. Then

x̂(t) = 0x(t), φi (t)1φi (t),


ı̂ = min .c − ai .,
i∈{1,...,M }

where    
c1 ai1
 c2   ai2 
   
c =  ..  , ai =  ..  , i = 1, 2, . . . , M.
 .   . 
cm aim
To interpret this solution, think if ai as the coordinates of a point in Rm (these are called

constellation points). The vector c should (ideally) be close to the constellation point ai if

that signal was transmitted. The inner product for each of the basis waveforms is
# T
ci = 0x(t), φi (t)1 = x(τ )φk (τ )dτ.

One way to implement this inner product is called matched filtering. We construct a bank

of m time-invariant linear systems with impulse responses

 0 t<0
hi (t) = φi (T − t) 0 ≤ t ≤ T

0 t>T
These impulse functions are constructed such that hk (T − τ ) = φk (τ ), hence, the output of

each of these filters at time T is a signal of the form

# T
yi(T ) = x(τ )hi (T − τ )dτ

= x(T ) ∗ h(T )

= ci

, -T
for i = 1, . . . , m, from which we construct the estimated constellation c = c1 , . . . , cm We

now feed this estimate into a decision device which determines which constellation point is

closes to c, and decides that the corresponding waveform was transmitted.

For example, suppose m = 2 and M = 4:

φ1 (t) = sin(2πt)
φ2 (t) = cos(2πt),

and let

f1 (t) = φ1 (t) + φ2 (t) ⇒ a11 = 1, a12 = 1

f2 (t) = φ1 (t) − φ2 (t) ⇒ a21 = 1, a22 = −1

f3 (t) = −φ1 (t) + φ2 (t) ⇒ a31 = −1, a32 = 1

f4 (t) = −φ1 (t) − φ2 (t) ⇒ a41 = −1, a42 = −1,

that is, the constellation points are

a1 = (a11 , a12 ) = (1, 1)

a2 = (a21 , a22 ) = (1, −1)

a3 = (a31 , a32 ) = (−1, 1)

a4 = (a41 , a42 ) = (−1, −1)

The detection problem is solved by first forming the matched filter impulse response

2 1 2
h1 (t) = sin 2π(t − T )
2 1 2
h2 (t) = cos 2π(t − T )

and evaluating the convolutions at time T , yielding

c1 = x(T ) ∗ h1 (T )

c2 = x(T ) ∗ h2 (T ).

The optimal decision is then

ı̂ = arg min (c1 − ai1 )2 + (c2 − ai2 )2 .

That is, we conclude that fı̂ (t) was sent.

10 Lecture 10
10.1 Operator Norms

Definition 31 Let S be a normed vector space, and let A be a linear operator mapping S

into itself (we write A: S → S). We say that A is bounded if there exists a real number M

such that

.Ax.p ≤ M.x.p

for all x ∈ S; M will be called a bound for A. Let us denote the least of these bounds by

.A.p , and denote this as the operator norm of A.

Useful equivalent characterizations of .A. are given by

.A.p = sup
x-=0 .x.p


.A.p = sup .Ax.p .

&x&p =1

Example 9 The space of real-valued continuous functions on [a, b] is a vector space with

real scalars. For a continuous function f we have defined the uniform norm (the L∞ norm)

.f .∞ = sup |f (t)|.

where |f (t)| here is ordinary absolute value of a real number, while .f . applies to the function

f , not to real numbers. Let us denote this normed linear space by C[a, b]. C[a, b] is complete;

this is not obvious but theorems in calculus tell us that a sequence of continuous functions

satisfying the Cauchy criterion uniformly converge to a continuous function. Recall that fn

convergesuniformly to f if, for every $, there exists an integer N such that n ≥ N implies

that |f (t) − fn (t)| ≤ $ for all t ∈ [a, b] (in other words, N does not depend on t).

For any function φ ∈ C, the operator

Aφ : f (t) 7→ φ(t)f (t)

is a bounded linear operator and

.Aφ . = sup |φ(t)|.


Also, if k(x, y) is a continuous function on the square {(x, y): a ≤ x ≤ b, a ≤ y ≤ b}.

then the operator Fk : f 7→ a
k(x, t)f (t)dt is a bounded linear operator taking C[a, b] into

C[a, b]; in fact,

# b
.Fk f .∞ ≤ |k(x, t)||f (t)|dt ≤ sup {k(x, t)}.f .∞ (b − a).
a a≤x≤b,a≤t≤b

As a special case, it is easy to see that

# b
.f .1 = |f (t)|dt

defines a norm. Clearly,

.f .1 ≤ (b − a).f .∞

for every continuous function f . However, under the norm .·.1, C[a, b] is not complete, since

we can define an L1 -Cauchy sequence of continuous functions whose limit is not continuous.

Theorem 18 If S is a normed vector space, then the set of bounded linear operators mapping

S into self forms a normed vector space with operator norm .A.p defined as above.


Let A1 and A2 be two arbitrary operators, and define vector addition as

(A1 + A2 )x = A1 x + A2 x

for all x ∈ S, and define scalar multiplication as

(αA)x = α(Ax)

for all x ∈ S and all scalars α.

To establish boundedness, let M1 and M2 be bounds for A1 and A2 , respectively. Then

.A1 + A2 . = sup .A1 x + A2 x.


≤ sup {.A1 x. + .A2 x.}


≤ sup .A1 x. + sup .A2 x.

&x&=1 &x&=1

≤ M1 + M2 .

Also, .αAx. = |α|Ax ≤ |α|M.x.. ✷

Theorem 19 If S is a complete normed vector space then the space of linear operators

taking S into itself is also a complete normed vector space.

Proof Suppose {A1 , A2 , A3 . . .} is a Cauchy sequence of operators (i.e., .An − Am . → 0 as

n, m, → ∞). Then for any x ∈ S, let xn = An x (a vector in S). The sequence {x1 , x2 , . . .}

is a Cauchy sequence in S since

.xn − xm . = .An x − Am x. = .(An − Am )x. ≤ .An − Am ..x. → 0

as m, n → ∞. Thus, {xn } has a limit for each x. Let x′ = limn→∞ xn , and define the

operator A by the requirement that, ∀x ∈ S, Ax = x′ . We shall show that A is a bounded

linear operator and that limn→∞ An = A (i.e., .An − A. → 0, the zero operator).

First, note that An = An − Am + Am , hence

.An . ≤ .An − Am . + .Am .,


.An . − .Am . ≤ .An − Am ..


.Am . − .An . ≤ .Am − An . = .An − Am ..

K.An . − .Am .K ≤ .An − Am ..

This means that the sequence of real numbers .An . is a Cauchy sequence and therefore is

bounded, that is, .An . < Q for some real number Q for every n. Now, for any given x ∈ S,

Ax = Ax − An x + An x and

.Ax. = .Ax − An x + An x.

≤ .Ax − An x. + .An x.

= .x′ − xn . + .An x.

≤ .x′ − xn . + Q.x..

But x′ = limn→∞ xn , so .x′ − xn . → 0 as n → ∞; thus

.Ax. ≤ B.x..

This shows that A is bounded.

To show that A is linear, we must show that it is homogeneous and additive. Homogeneity

requires thatA(αx) = αAx. To establish this property, we write

A(αx) − αAx = A(αx) − An (αx) + An (αx) − αAx + αAn x − αAn x.


.A(αx) − αAx. ≤ .A(αx) − An (αx). + |α|.Ax − An x. + .An (αx) − αAn x..

But, as n → ∞, .A(αx)−An (αx). → 0 and |α|.Ax−An x. → 0 since A(αx) = limn→∞ An (αx)

and Ax = limn→∞ An x. Also, .An (αx) − αAn x. = 0 since An is linear. Thus, .A(αx) −

αAx. = 0 so A(αx) = αAx.

To show that A is additive, we must establish that A(x + y) = Ax + Ay. We write

A(x + y) = A(x + y) + An (x + y) − An (x + y)

= [A(x + y) − An (x + y)] + An x + An y.

But, letting z = x + y, we see that the term in brackets on the right of the above expression

is An z − Az, which, by construction, converges to zero. Thus, as n → ∞, we have

A(x + y) = Ax + Ay.

We have thus established that A is linear and bounded. To complete our proof, however,

we still need to show that .An . → .A.. Fix $ > 0. Then for each x += 0, there exists an

integer m0 (depending on x) such that

.Ax − Am0 x. < .x.,
.An − Am0 . <

when n > m0 . Then, if n > m0 ,

.Ax − An x. ≤ .Ax − Am0 x. + .Am0 x − An x.

≤ .x. + .Am0 − An ..x.

≤ $.x..

Hence, .An − A. ≤ $ when n > 0. Thus, An → A as n → ∞ (i.e., .An − a. → 0). ✷

Theorem 20 If A and B are bounded linear operators taking a normed vector space into

itself, then the product AB is a bounded linear operator and .AB. ≤ .A..B..


.AB. = sup .ABx. = .A..Bx. ≤ .A. sup .Bx. = .A..B.,

&Bx&=1 &x&

thus AB is bounded. To establish linearity,

AB(αx + βy) = A(αBx + βBy) = αABx + βABy.

A consequence of this theorem is that, if A is bounded linear operator, then Ak is also a

bounded linear operator for k = 0, 1, 2, . . .. We may form the infinite series of operators of

the form

An = A0 + A1 + A2 + · · · + An ,

thereby generating a sequence {An } of linear operators. Note that A0 = I. We consider the

case .A. < 1. Then,

.An − Am . = .Am+1 + Am+2 + · · · + An . ≤ .Am+1 . + .Am+2 . + · · · + .An ..

Note that the geometric series (with .A0 . = 1)

1 + .A. + .A.2 + .A.3 + · · ·

is convergent to 1−&A&
. Hence the sequence {An } is a convergent sequence of operators. From

the completeness theorem, the sequence {An } has a limit, call this limit K. By analogy with

the infinite series of real numbers, we call K the sum of the series of operators:

K = I + A + A2 + A3 + · · · .

Multiplying both sides by A yields

AK = KA = A(I + A + A2 + A3 + · · · ) = A + A2 + A3 + · · · .


K − KA = I


K − AK = I.


K(I − A) = (I − A)K = I,

and K is a two-sided inverse of (I − A).

Theorem 21 In any multiplication which is associative (i.e., (ab)c = a(bc)), if an element

a has a left inverse ba = I and a right inverse ac = I, where I is a two-sided identity, then

b = c and the inverse is of a unique.

Proof To establish that b = c, we observe that, by associativity,

bI = b(ac) = (ba)c = Ic.

which establishes that b = c. Suppose there exists another left inverse b′ += b. But then

b′ a = I = ba,

and multiplying both sides on the right by c yields

b′ = b′ ac = bac = b.

This theorem establishes that there is a unique two-sided inverse of K, which may prop-

erly be denoted as (I −A)−1 . Thus, if A is a linear operator taking a complete normed vector

space S into itself and .A. < 1, then (I − A)−1 exists and

(I − A)−1 = I + A + A2 + A3 + · · · .

This expression is often called the Neumann series for A.

Example 10 For f ∈ C[a, b], define the operator A by

# b
Af = k(x, t)f (t)dt,

where k is continuous on the square {(x, t): a ≤ x ≤ b, a ≤ t ≤ b}. Suppose

(b − a) sup |k(x, t)| < 1.

Then .A. < 1 and for any given g ∈ C, the integral equation

# b
f (x) − k(x, t)f (t)dt = g(x)

has a unique continuous solution for f . In fact,

f = (I − A)−1 g = g + Ag + A2 g + · · ·

is a uniformly convergent sequence of functions.

11 Lecture 11
11.1 Linear Functionals

Let X be a vector space. As we have seen, the set of all linear operators mapping X onto

another space Y is also a vector space, with vector operations

(αA1 + βA2 )x = αA1 x + βA2 x

for all x ∈ X.

Definition 32 A linear operator that maps a vector space X into R is called a linear

functional. The vector space of linear functionals over a vector space X is called the dual

space, or algebraic conjugate space of X, denoted X ∗ . ✷

Theorem 22 The Riesz-Fréchet Theorem. For every bounded linear functional A defined

over a Hilbert space X, there is a vector xA ∈ X such that Ax = 0x, xA 1 for every x ∈ A.

(In other words, every linear functional can be expressed as an inner product.)

Proof Let M = .A. = sup&x&=1 .Ax.. Then there is a sequence {x′n } in X with .x′n . = 1

such that

lim .Ax′n . = M.

If M = 0 then the result of the theorem is obvious since then A = 0 and xA = 0. Suppose

M += 0; then we may assume Ax′n += 0 (we may have to discard a finite number of terms

from this sequence if necessary). Let

.Ax′n .
qn = .

Then qn is a complex number with |qn | = 1 and let

xn = qn x′n .

Then .xn . = 1 and

Axn = qn Ax′n = .Axn . → M

as n → ∞. Thus we have a sequence of unit vectors {xn } such that Axn is real and Axn → M.

We shall use the identity

.x + y.2 + .x − y.2 = 2.x.2 + 2.y.2

(which holds for every x, y ∈ X) to show that {xn } is a Cauchy sequence. Using this identity,

we have

.A(xm + xn ).2 4M 2
.xm − xn .2 = 2 · 1 + 2 · 1 − .xm + xn .2 ≤ 4 − → 4 − =0
M2 M2

as m, n → ∞. Then, since X is complete, there is a vector x′A ∈ X such that xn → x′A .

Clearly, .x′A . = 1 and Ax′A = M. That is, A actually attains its upper bound on a unit

vector x′A . Now let xA = Mx′A . Then

Ax′A = M = 0x′A , xA 1.

Suppose Ax0 = 0; we shall show that 0x0 , x′A 1 = 0. In fact, for any complex λ, we have

2 1 2
M 2 = [A(x′A − λx0 )] ≤ M 2 .x′A − λx0 .2 = M 2 1 − λ0x0 , x′A 1 − λ0x′A , x0 1 + λλ0x0 , x0 1 .

Hence, for any complex λ,

−λ0x0 , x′A 1 − λ0x′A , x0 1 + λλ0x0 , x0 1 ≥ 0.

For convenience, let us write λ0x0 , x′A 1 = a + jb; then the above expression becomes

−λ(a + jb) − λ(a − jb) + |λ|2 .x0 .2 ≥ 0


−a(λ + λ) − jb(λ − λ) + |λ|2 .x0 .2 ≥ 0,


−2aℜ(λ) − j2bℑ(λ) + |λ|2 .x0 .2 ≥ 0

This implies that b = 0, since the quantity must be real for all values of λ. Now suppose

a += 0. Then set λ = &x0 &2
, which yields

a2 a2
−2 + .x0 .2 > 0,
.x0 .2 .x0 .4

which can obtain only if a = 0. Thus,

0x0 , x′A 1 = a + jb = 0.

Ax ′ Ax
Now, for any x ∈ X, let x0 = x − x .
(of course, M
is a scalar). Then

Ax ′ Ax′
Ax0 = Ax − AxA = Ax − Ax A = Ax − Ax = 0,

3 $
Ax ′
Ax = A x0 + x
Ax ′
= Ax0 + AxA
= >
Ax ′
= 0x0 , xA 1 + x , xA
=3 $ >
Ax ′
= x0 + x , xA

= 0x, xA 1

as required. ✷

Let A be a bounded linear operator taking vector space X into vector space Y . For fixed

y ∈ Y , define a bounded linear functional F on X by

F x = 0Ax, y1

(F depends on both A and y). By the Riesz theorem, there exists a unique vector xF ∈ X

such that

F x = 0Ax, y1 = 0x, xF 1.

Now define a transformation A∗ by A∗ y = xF . Substituting, we obtain

0x, xF 1 = 0x, A∗ y1.


0Ax, y1 = 0x, A∗ y1.

It is critical to appreciate that these two inner products are defined over different vector

spaces. The one on the left is defined over Y , the range of A, Y , and the one on the right is

defined over X, the range of A∗ .

Theorem 23 A∗ is a bounded linear operator mapping Y into X. Furthermore,

A∗∗ = A,

(aA∗ ) = aA∗ ,

(A1 + A2 )∗ = A∗1 + A∗2 ,


(A1 A2 )∗ = A∗2 A∗1 .

Finally, if X = Y and A has an inverse, then A∗ also has an inverse and

1 ∗ 2−1 1 −1 2∗
A = A .

Proof To show homogeneity, we have

0x, A∗ (ay)1 = 0Ax, ay1 = a0Ax, y1

= a0x, A∗ y1 = 0x, aA∗ y1.

To show additivity, we have

0x, A∗ (y1 + y2 )1 = 0Ax, y1 + y2 1 = 0Ax, y1 1 + 0Ax, y2 1

= 0x, A∗ y1 1 + 0x, A∗ y2 1 = 0x, A∗ y1 + A∗ y2 1.

To establish the equality of the norms, we observe that

.A∗ y.2 = 0A∗ y, A∗ y1 = 0AA∗ y, y1

≤ .AA∗ y..y. ≤ .A..A∗ y..y.,

thus .A∗ y. ≤ .A..y., which proves that .A∗ . ≤ .A.. By a similar argument, we can show

that .A. ≤ .A∗ ., hence equality obtains.

The remaining properties are demonstrated by straightforward manipulations of the de-

1 2−1 1 −1 2∗
finition. For example, to show that A∗ = A , we write

0x, y1 = 0x, A∗ (A∗ )−1 y1 = 0Ax, (A∗ )−1 y1.

Now let B ∗ = (A∗ )−1 , so we obtain 0x, y1 = 0BAx, y1, which requires that BA = I so
1 2−1 1 −1 2∗
B = A−1 . Thus, A∗ = A . ✷

Example 11 Let A: Rn → Rm . Then A can be represented as an m × n matrix; that

is A = {aij }, where 1 = 1, 2, . . . , m and j = 1, 2, . . . , n. Let x = {x1 , . . . xn } ∈ Rn and

y = {y1 , . . . , ym} ∈ Rm . Then, using the Euclidean inner product (the “dot” product),

+ n
m + n
+ m
0Ax, y1 = y i aij xj = xj aij y i = 0x, AH y1
i=1 j=1 j=1 i=1

Thus, the adjoint of a matrix is the conjugate transpose,

A∗ = AT = AH .

Definition 33 If A = A∗ , then A is said to be self-adjoint. A real matrix that is self-

adjoint is symmetric. A complex matrix that is self-adjoint is said to be Hermitian. ✷

Example 12 Convolution. Let A: L2 → L2 be defined by

# t
Ax = h(t − τ )x(τ )dτ,

for x ∈ L2 . Then, for y ∈ L2 , we have

# ∞ "# t ?
0Ax, y1 = h(t − τ )x(τ )dτ y(t)dt
0 0
# ∞ # ∞
= h(t − τ )x(τ )I(−∞,t] (τ )y(t)dτ dt
0 0
# ∞ # ∞
= h(t − τ )x(τ )I(−∞,t] (τ )y(t)dtdτ
0 0
# ∞ # ∞
= h(t − τ )x(τ )I[τ,∞) (t)y(t)dtdτ
0 0
# ∞ "# ∞ ?
= x(τ ) h(t − τ )y(t)dt dτ,
0 τ

where we have used the indicator function

1 t∈A
IA (t) =
0 t∈
+ A

to facilitate changing the order of integration by noting that

I(−∞,t] (τ ) = I[τ,∞)(t).

Consequently, since

0Ax, y1 = 0x, A∗ y1,

we identify the adjoint operator

# ∞

A y= h(τ − t)y(τ )dt.

Example 13 Linear ODE’s. Consider the linear matrix differential equation

ẋ(t) = F x(t), t ≥ 0, x(0) = x0 ,

where F is an n × n matrix and x0 ∈ Rn . Let A: Rn → L2 [0, T ] be given by

Ax0 = eF t x0 .

The adjoint operator, A∗ , must satisfy, for y ∈ L2 [0, T ] the equation

0Ax, y1L2 = 0xA∗ y1Rn ,

where we have suppled subscripts to 0·, ·1 to reinforce the fact that the inner product on the

left is in L2 and the inner product on the right is in Rn . Thus, we require

# T
xT0 eF t y(t)dt = xT0 A∗ y,

# T
xT0 eF t y(t)dt = xT0 A∗ y,

which implies that

# T
∗ T
A y= eF t y(t)dt.

11.2 Four Fundamental Subspaces

Recall the definitions of range and nullspace of an operator:

Definition 34 The range, R(A), of a linear operator A: X → Y is the set of all vectors

y ∈ Y such that there exists a corresponding x ∈ X that maps to y; that is,

R(A) = {y ∈ Y : ∃x ∈ X: Ax = y}.

The nullspace, N (A), of a linear operator A: X → Y is the set of vectors x ∈ X that

map to the zero vector in Y ; that is,

N (A) = {x ∈ X: Ax = 0}.

The dimension of N (A) is called the nullity of A. It is easy to confirm that the range

and nullspace are legitimate subspaces, since they are closed under addition and scalar

multiplication. ✷

Definition 35 An operator A: X → Y is said to be one-to-one if Ax1 += Ax1 whenever

x1 += x2 , that is, no two vectors map to the same point in the range. A one-to-one mapping

is called an injection. It is easy to see that the null space of an injection is the zero vector

in X. ✷

If A is not an injection, then the nullspace is non-trivial, and the equation Ax = b will

have an infinity of solutions since, if xb is a solution to Ax = b and x0 ∈ N (A), then

x = xb + x0 is also a solution:

Ax = A(xb + x0 ) = Axb + Ax0 = b + 0.

Definition 36 For an operator A: X → Y , The range of the adjoint, denoted R(A∗ ) is

the set of all vectors x ∈ X such that there exists a corresponding y ∈ Y that maps to x;

that is,

R(A∗ ) = {x ∈ X: ∃y ∈ Y : A∗ y = x}.

The nullspace of the adjoint, denoted N (A∗), is the set of vectors y ∈ Y that map to the

zero vector in X; that is,

N (A∗ ) = {y ∈ Y : A∗ y = 0}.

Theorem 24 Set X and Y be Hilbert spaces, and let A: X → Y be a bounded linear operator.

If R(A) and R(A∗ ) are closed subspaces (of Y and X, respectively), then

[R(A)]⊥ = N (A∗ )

[R(A∗ )]⊥ = N (A)

R(A) = [N (A∗ )]⊥

R(A∗ ) = [N (A)]⊥ .

Proof We first show that N (A∗ ) ⊂ [R(A)]⊥ . Let n ∈ N (A∗ ) and let y ∈ R(A). Then there

exists some x ∈ X such that y = Ax, and

0y, n1Y = 0Ax, n1Y = 0x, A∗ n1X = 0x, 01X = 0.

This demonstrates that n ⊥ y, and since n and y are arbitrary, we may conclude every

element of the nullspace of A∗ is orthogonal to every element of the range of A. Thus, every

element of the nullspace of A∗ lies in the orthogonal complement of the range space of A;

i.e., N (A∗ ) ⊂ [R(A)]⊥ .

We next show that [R(A)]⊥ ⊂ N (A∗ ). Let y ∈ [R(A)]⊥ . Then y is orthogonal to the

image of every x ∈ X. Thus,

0 = 0Ax, y1Y = 0x, A∗ y1X .

This must hold for every x ∈ X, but the only vector that is orthogonal to every vector in X is

the zero vector, thus we must conclude that A∗ y = 0, which means that y lies in the nullspace

of A∗ . Thus, [R(A)]⊥ ⊂ N (A∗ ). Finally, since N (A∗ ) ⊂ [R(A)]⊥ and [R(A)]⊥ ⊂ N (A∗ ), we

conclude that N (A∗ ) = [R(A)]⊥ .

To establish [R(A∗ )]⊥ = N (A), we can follow the above procedure with A∗ replacing A

and use the fact that A∗∗ = A.

We complete the proof by noting that, since by hypothesis R(A) and R(A∗ ) are closed,

we may simply take the orthogonal complements of the above results to obtain

R(A) = [N (A∗ )]⊥

R(A∗ ) = [N (A)]⊥ .


Theorem 25 Under the hypothesis of the above theorem,

X = R(A∗ ) ⊕ N (A)

Y = R(A) ⊕ N (A∗ ),

where we employ the isomorphic interpretation of the direct sum. Also,

1 2 1 2
dim (X) = dim R(A∗ ) + dim N (A)
1 2 1 2
dim (Y ) = dim R(A) + dim N (A∗ ) ,

1 2 1 2
dim R(A) = dim R(A∗ ) .

Proof Let x ∈ X. Then, by the projection theorem, there is a unique v0 ∈ R(A∗ ) such that

.x − v0 . ≤ .x − v. for all v ∈ R(A∗ ). Then the vector w0 = x − v0 ∈ [R(A∗ )]. We can thus

decompose any vector in x ∈ X into x = v0 +w0 with v0 ∈ R(A∗ ) and w0 ∈ [R(A∗ )] = N (A).

Thus, X = R(A∗ ) ⊕ N (A). A similar argument establishes that Y = R(A) ⊕ N (A∗ ). The
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
claims dim (X) = dim R(A∗ ) + dim N (A) and dim (Y ) = dim R(A) + dim N (A∗ )

then follow immediately.

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
We show dim R(A) = dim R(A∗ ) by establishing that (i) dim R(A) ≤ dim R(A∗ )
1 2 1 2
and (ii) dim R(A) ≥ dim R(A∗ ) . To show (i), let P = {p1 , p2 , . . .} be a basis set for
1 2
R(A). Then dim R(a) equals the cardinality of P . Since P ⊂ R(A), each pi ∈ P may be

expressed as the mapping of some vector q̂i ∈ A, that is, pi = Aq̂i .

Since X = R(A∗ ) ⊕ N (A), there is a unique decomposition

q̂i = qi + ni ,

where qi ∈ R(A∗ ) and ni ∈ N (A). Therefore,

pi = Aqi .

For any index set I, we have

+ + +
ci p i = ci Aqi = A ci qi .
i∈I i∈I i∈I

Since i∈I ci qi is an element of R(A∗ ), it is orthogonal to N (A). Therefore, the only way
this vector can map to the nullspace of A is if i∈I ci qi = 0. But then this would mean
that i∈I ci pi = 0, and since the {pi }’s form a linearly independent set, the only way that
can happen is for ci = 0 for all i ∈ I. Thus, the only way for i∈I ci qi = 0 to occur is for

ci = 0 for all i ∈ I. This implies that the set Q = {q1 , q2 , . . .} is a linearly independent set

in R(A∗ ). This implies that the cardinality of the space spanned by Q is at least as large as
1 2 1 2
the cardinality of the space spanned by P . Thus, dim R(A) ≤ dim R(A∗ ) .
1 2 1 2
To show that dim R(A) ≥ dim R(A∗ ) , we replace A by A∗ and A∗ by A and repeat

the above argument. ✷

12 Lecture 12
12.1 The Fredholm Alternative Theorem

We need to address, as generally as possible, the question of precisely when a solution to the

operator equation Ax = b has an exact solution.

Theorem 26 The Fredholm Alternative Theorem. Let A be a bounded linear operator map-

ping the Hilbert space X into the Hilbert space Y . The equation Ax = b has a solution if and

only if 0b, v1 = 0 for every vector v ∈ N (A∗ ); that is, if

b ∈ R(A) if and only if b ⊥ N (A∗ ).

For the special case A: Cn → Cm ; that is, A is an m × n matrix, then Ax = b has a solution

if and only if v H b = 0 for every v ∈ Cm such that AH v = 0.

Proof We first prove the “if” part of the theorem. Suppose there exists an x such that

Ax = b (which means that b ∈ R(A)) and let v ∈ N (A∗ ). Then

0b, v1Y = 0Ax, v1Y = 0x, A∗ v1X = 0x, 01X = 0.

Since v was an arbitrary element of N (A∗ ) this implies that b is orthogonal to the nullspace

of A∗ .

To establish the “only if” part, we employ a contradiction. Suppose that 0b, v1 = 0 for

all v ∈ N (A∗ ), but there is no x such that Ax = b; that is, b +∈ R(A). We may decompose b


b = br + b0 ,

where br ∈ R(A) and b0 ∈ N (A∗ ). By assumption, 0b, v1 = 0, but then

0 = 0b, v1 = 0br , v0+0b0 , v1,

which implies that

0br , v1 = −0b0 , v1.

Note, however, that since br ∈ R(A) and v ∈ N (A∗ ) = [R(A)]⊥ , the left hand side of this

equation is zero. However, since both b0 and v are elements of N (A∗ ), the only way this

inner product can be zero for all v ∈ N (A∗ ) is for b0 to be zero. But then b = br and

therefore would lie in the range of A, contrary to the supposition that no solution to Ax = b

exists. ✷

12.2 Dual Optimization

One of the applications of adjoint operators is to solve certain optimization problems. Recall

the minimum-norm problem discussed earlier, where we wish to find the minimum-norm

solution that satisfies a set of constraints. The following theorem applies to this situation.

Theorem 27 Dual Optimization Theorem A: X → Y be a bounded linear operator from

the Hilbert space X to the Hilbert space Y . The vector x of minimum norm satisfying the

constraint Ax = y is given by

x = A∗ z

where z is any solution of A∗ Az = y. If the operator AA∗ is invertible, then the minimizing

solution takes the form

1 2−1
x = A∗ AA∗ y.

Proof If x0 is a solution of Ax = y, the general solution is x = x0 + n, where n ∈ N (A).

Since N (A) is closed (because X is a Hilbert space), it follows that there exists a unique

vector x of minimum norm satisfying Ax = y and that this vector is orthogonal to N (A).

Thus, since R(A) is assumed closed, the decomposition theorem proved earlier applies, and

x ∈ [N (A)]⊥ = R(A∗ ).

Thus, the minimizing vector lies in the range of the adjoint operator, which means that

there is a vector z ∈ Y such that

x = A∗ z.

Substituting this into the constraint equation yields

AA∗ z = y.

1 2−1
Finally, if AA∗ is invertible, then z = AA∗ y, and we conclude that the minimum-norm

solution is
1 2−1
x = A∗ AA∗ y.

Example 14 The Linear Quadratic Regulator. Suppose a linear dynamic system is gov-

erned by a set of differential equations

ẋ(t) = F x(t) + bu(t), t ≥ 0,

where x is an n × 1vector of time functions, F is an n × n constant matrix, b is an n × 1

constant vector, and u(t) is a scalar control function.

Assume that this system starts at the origin at time t = 0, that is, x(0) = 0, and that it is

desired to transfer the system at time T to a terminal state x1 , that is, we require x(T ) = x1

by application of a suitable control function u(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T . Of the class of controls that will

accomplish this task, we desire the one of minimum energy, that is, we desire to minimize

# T
u2 (t)dt,

subject to the terminal constraint x(T ) = x1 . The explicit solution to the equation of motion

# T
x(T ) = eF (T −t) bu(t)dt.

We may express this solution in operator form by defining A: L2 [0, T ] → Rn by

# T
Au = eF (T −t) bu(t)dt.

We wish to find a solution to the constraint Au = x1 that minimizes 0

According to the Dual Optimization Theorem, the optimal solution is

u = A∗ z

for some z ∈ Rn such that

AA∗ z = x1 .

It remains to calculate the operators A∗ and AA∗ . For any u ∈ L2 [0, T ] and y ∈ Rn ,

# T # T
F (T −t)
0Au, y1 Rn =y T
e bu(t)dt = y T eF (T −t) bu(t)dt = 0u, A∗ y1L2 ,
0 0

T (T −t)
A∗ (t)y = bT eF y,

where we show explicitly that the adjoint operator is a function of t, namely,

T (T −t)
A∗ (t) = bT eF .

Also, for any z ∈ Rn ,

# T
∗ ∗
AA z = A[A z] = eF (T −t) bA∗ (t)zdt
#0 T
T (T −t)
= eF (T −t) bbT eF zdt
"# T ?
F (T −t) T F T (T −t)
= e bb e dt z.

We see that AA∗ is the n × n matrix of real numbers

# T
∗ T (T −t)
AA = eF (T −t) bbT eF dt.

If this matrix is invertible, then we may solve for z as

1 2−1
z = AA∗ x1
"# T ?−1
F (T −t) T F T (T −t)
= e bb e dt x1 ,

and the optimal control is then given by

u(t) = A∗ z

T (T −t)
= bT eF z
"# T ?−1
T F T (T −t) F (T −t) T F T (T −t)
= b e e bb e dt x1 .

As a check, we can substitute this expression for u(t) into the explicit solution equation to


# T
x(T ) = eF (T −t) bu(t)dt
# T "# T ?−1
F (T −t) T F T (T −t) F (T −s) T F T (T −s)
= e bb e dt e bb e ds x1
0 0

= x1

as required. Thus, the adjoint operator not only provided a solution (there is an infinity of

them), it provided the best one in the sense of minimizing the energy in the control signal.
.T T (T −t)
In the control theory literature, the matrix 0
eF (T −t) bbT eF dt is called the control-

lability Grammian. If this matrix is non-singular, then the system is said to be control-

lable, and it is then theoretically possible to find a control input that can drive the system

from any initial condition to any terminal condition in finite time.

Let us explore the above example a but further. Consider the two differential systems

ẋ = F x + bu, x(0) = 0, (1)


λ̇ = −F T λ, λ(T ) = λ0 (2)

y = bT λ,

where x and λ are n × 1 vectors, F is an n × n matrix, b is an n × 1 vector, and λ0 is an

n × 1 vector.

From our above development, we may express the solution to (1) in operator notation as

# T
x(T ) = Au = eF (T −t) bu(t)dt.

For any vector z in Rn , we may form the inner product

=# T >
F (T −t)
0Au, z1Rn = e bu(t)dt, z
0 Rn
# T
= zT eF (T −t) bu(t)dt
= 0 >
T F T (T −t)
= u(t), b e z

= 0u, A∗ z1L2 ,

T (T −t)
from which we may identify the adjoint of A as A∗ = bT eF .

Now let us examine the system given by (2). The solution to the differential equation is

T (T −t)
λ(t) = eF λ0 ,

yielding the output

T (T −t)
y(t) = bT eF λ0 .

In operator notation, this becomes

T (T −t)
y(t) = Bλ0 = bT eF λ0

T (T −t)
or, in other words, B = bT eF .

Now, for any function w(t) in L2 , we may form the inner product

# T
T (T −t)
0[Bλ0 ](t), w(t)1L2 = bT eF λ0 w(t)dt
"# T ?T
F (T −t)
= e bw(t)dt λ0
= # T >
T F T (T −t)
= λ0 , b e w(t)dt
0 Rn

= 0λ0 , B ∗ w1Rn .

From these results we observe that A∗ = B and B ∗ = A. For this reason, the two systems

given by (1) and (2) are termed dual systems. If we think of the original system given

by (1) as a model of some physical system we wish to characterize, then we refer to (2) as

the adjoint system. This notion of duality is a very powerful concept that couples control

and estimation theory in a very fundamental way. For example, it can be shown that if it is

possible to find a control that drives the original system from the origin to an arbitrary value

at time T , then it is possible, by observing the values y in the dual system, to reconstruct

the trajectory of λ over the interval [0, T ]. In other words, a system is controllable if and

only if its adjoint system is observable.

It should be noted that the solution given in the above example is only one way to obtain

the optimal control. That solution is in the form of what is called open-loop control, since

u(t) does not depend on the current state x(t), but only on the initial (x(0) = 0) and final

(x(T ) = x1 ) state, and is pre-computed and then applied for all t. If, for some reason, the

state is perturbed of the predicted optimal trajectory, then such an open-loop controller will

not, in general result in x(T ) = x1 . This observation prompts us to consider exploring ways

to implement this optimal control law in a closed-loop fashion, where u(t) is computed as

a function of the current state x(t) via a feedback mechanism, that is,

u(t) = K(t)x(t).

The matrix function K(t) is called the feedback gain matrix. One of the elegant results of

optimal control theory is the demonstration that the optimal controller can be implemented

via state feedback! Feedback controllers are more robust with respect to perturbations, as

well as being more simple to implement, since the computation of the observability Grammian

can be very expensive and messy. By making use of the dual system, however, it is possible

to design optimal feedback controllers that are robust and economical.

The power of duality is manifest by the fact that the very same mathematics that is

used to design an optimal controller can also be used to design an optimal estimator. This

unification of theories offers great elegance as well as economy for the design of controllers

and estimators.

13 Lecture 13
13.1 Matrix Norms

Thus far, we have dealt with the general linear operator. We now specialize to those operators

that map a finite-dimensional vector space into a finite-dimensional vector space; namely,

matrix operators.

For any bounded operator, an operator norm is defined by

.A.p = sup
x-=0 .x.p

or, equivalently,

.A.p = sup .Ax.p .

&x&p =1

Using this structure, we may define ℓp norms of a matrix operator for p = 1, p = 2, and

p = ∞. Let A be an m × n matrix. Then the ℓ∞ norm of A is

.A.∞ = max .Ax.∞

&x&∞ =1
< !n <
j=1 a1j xj <
< <
= max <
< .
.. <
&x&∞ =1 < !n <
j=1 amj xj
< <

= max |aij |,

where aij is the element in the ith row and jth column of A, which corresponds to the largest

row sum.

The ℓ1 norm is defined as

.A.1 = max .Ax.1

&x&1 =1
< !n <
< a
j=1 1j j <x <
= max <
< .. <
&x&1 =1 < ! . <
< j=1 a mj x j <
K K 1
+m K+ n K
= max K a x
ij j K
&x&1 =1 K K
i=1 j=1
+m +n
≤ max |aij ||xj |
&x&1 =1
i=1 j=1
+n m
= max |xj | |aij |
&x&1 =1
j=1 i=1
+ n
= max |aij | |xj |
i=1 j=1
= max |aij |,

which corresponds to the largest column sum.

The ℓ2 norm requires more work to define that the ℓ1 or ℓ∞ . We need to maximize

.Ax.2 = xH AH Ax subject to the constraint xH x = 1. The easiest way to solve this con-

strained optimization problem is to use a Lagrange multiplier (if you haven’t seen Lagrange

multipliers before, take this development on faith—we will discuss them in Chapter 18 near

the end of the semester). The basic idea of the Lagrange multiplier is to append the con-

straint equation to the original quantity to be extremized as follows. We form the sum

J = xH AH Ax − λ(xH x − 1),

which, when the constraint is satisfied, is identical to the original quantity to be extremized.

We then take the gradient of J with respect to both the vector x and the constraint parameter

λ, yielding

= AH Ax − λx = 0 ⇒ AH Ax = λx (3)
= xH x − 1 = 0 ⇒ xH x = 1. (4)

The solutions to (3) are the eigenvalues of AH A. Furthermore, by multiplying both sides

of (3) by xH and invoking (4), we obtain

xH AH Ax = λxH x = λ.

We thus see that the quantity that maximizes xH AH Ax is the maximum eigenvalue of AH A.

.A.2 = max{ λi },

where λi are the eigenvalues of AH A. This is known as the spectral norm. We will have

much more to say about eigenvalues subsequently, but for now we simply observe that the

computation of the ℓ2 norm is more complicated than the computation of ℓ1 or ℓ∞ norms.

If A is an invertible matrix, then the A and the norm of the inverse matrix A−1 are

related as follows. Let Ax = b, then A−1 b = x. Thus,

<A < = max .A b. = max .x. = 1
< −1 <
b-=0 .b. x-=0 .Ax. minx-=0 &x&

< −1 <−1
<A < = min .Ax..

For example, if p = 2, then the ℓ2 norm of A−1 is √ 1 , where λmin is the smallest

eigenvalue of AH A.

We may obtain another useful norm by means of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Let the

m × n matrix A = {aij } have row vectors ATi . The elements of bi of the product C = Ax is

given by ci = Ai x. By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,

+ m
+ m
|ci | = |ATi x|2 ≤ .Ai .22 .x.22 .
i=1 i=1 i=1

Since Ai is a vector, its ℓ2 norm is .Ai .22 = j=1 |aij |, hence we may define the Frobenius

O m +
.A.F = P |aij |2 .
i=1 j=1

To see the difference between the Frobenius norm and the spectral norm, consider A = In×n .

The Frobenius norm is n but the spectral norm is unity.

13.2 Matrix Conditioning

Except for low-dimensional “toy” problems that are employed for pedagogical purposes,

real-world matrix equations must be solved by numerical methods using a computer with

finite precision numbers. Algorithms such as Gauss elimination and its many variants will

produce results that are not identical to the theoretically exact solution. Numerical analysis

is a branch of mathematics that deals, among other things, with ways to the sensitivity of

results to perturbations in the value of the system parameters. One of the fundamental

issues of this discipline is the notion of conditioning. Suppose we are interested in solving

the system Ax = b for x, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we cannot guarantee

that the matrix A will be represented exactly. Let us assume, therefore, the actual system

we will solve is of the form

(A − $E)x = b, (5)

where E is an unknown error matrix and $ is a scaling parameter. This system is called

a perturbation equation. Let x0 denote the (unknown) solution to the exact equation

Ax = b, that is, x0 = A−1 b. The first issue confronting us is the question of whether or

not the system given by (5) has a unique solution, that is we need to establish conditions

under which the perturbed matrix A − E$ is invertible. The following theorem establishes

sufficient conditions.

Theorem 28 Let S be a Banach space with a unit element I. and suppose A: S → S has

an inverse A−1 . If ∆: S → S is such that .∆. < &A−1 &
, then (A − ∆)−1 exists.

Proof We write
1 2 1 2
A − ∆ = A I − A−1 ∆ .

Since .A−1 ∆. ≤ .A−1 ..∆. < .A−1 . &A1−1 & = 1, the discussion on Lecture Notes 10 applies

regarding the Neumann series for the operator A−1 ∆, and I − A−1 ∆ has a two-sided inverse.

1 2−1
(A − ∆)−1 = I − A−1 ∆ A−1 .

Definition 37 The condition number of a matrix operator A, denoted κ(A), is the

product of the norm of the matrix and the norm of its inverse,

κ(A) = .A..A−1 ..

Note that, for ℓp norms, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality gives

1 = .I..AA−1. ≤ .A..A−1 . = κ(A).

The condition number is used as a measure of how sensitive the solution is to perturbations.

Theorem 29 Let S be a Banach space and suppose A: S → S is a bounded linear operator

and A−1 exists. Let ∆: S → S be such that .∆. < &A−1 &
. If x ∈ S and x + δ ∈ S are such


Ax = b (6)


(A + ∆)(x + δ) = b, (7)

and κ(A) is the condition number of A, then

.δ. κ(A) &∆&

≤ .
.x. 1 − κ(A) &∆&

Proof Since .∆. < &A−1 &
it follows from the above theorem that (A + ∆)−1 exists. From

(6) and (7) we obtain

(A + ∆)δ + Ax + ∆x = b

(A + ∆)δ = −∆x

δ = −(A + ∆)−1 ∆x,


.δ. ≤ .(A + ∆)−1 ..∆..x.. (8)

Now, by the above theorem,

1 2−1
(A + ∆)−1 = A(I + A−1 ∆) = (I + A−1 ∆)−1 A−1 ,

and by the above corollary,

.(A + ∆)−1 . = .(I + A−1 ∆)−1 A−1 .

≤ .(I + A−1 ∆)−1 ..A−1 .

≤ .A−1 .
1 − .A−1 ∆.
≤ .A−1 . .
1 − .A−1 ..∆.

Substituting this result into (8) yields

.A−1 .
.δ. ≤ .∆..x.
1 − .A−1 ..∆.


.δ. .A..A−1 . .∆.

≤ −1
.x. 1 − &A&&A&A& &&∆& .A.
κ(A) .∆.
= .
1− κ(A) &∆&

The content of this theorem is that, if the perturbation is small enough so that its norm is

less than unity, then the condition number serves as a scale factor on the relative error of

the solution with respect to the relative size of the perturbation.

13.2.1 The Matrix Inversion Lemma

Let A be an invertible matrix, and suppose A is perturbed (i.e., modified) by adding to it a

rank-one matrix of the form xyH . Suppose we know A−1 . Is it possible to use this knowledge

to facilitate the computation of B −1 ? The answer is, yes, and the result is a famous lemma

known as the Matrix Inversion Lemma (which generalizes).

Lemma 3 Matrix Inversion Lemma. Let A be an invertible n × n matrix, and let x and y

be n × 1 vectors. Define B = A + xyH . Then

1 2−1 A−1 xyH A−1

B −1 = A + xyH = A−1 − .
1 + yH A−1 x

Proof We simply multiply both sides of the equation by B to obtain

" ?
1 H
2 −1 A−1 xyH A−1
BB = A + xy A −
1 + yH A−1 x
xyH A−1 H −1 xyH A−1 xyH A−1
= I− + xy A −
1 + yH A−1 x 1 + yH A−1 x
−xyH A−1 + xyH A−1 + xyH A−1 (yH A−1 x) − x(yH A−1 x)yH A−1
= I+
1 + yH A−1 x
(xyH A−1 − xyH A−1 )(yH A−1 x)
= I+
1 + yH A−1 x

= I.

14 Lecture 14
14.1 LU Factorization

We are interested in solving the equation Ax = b, where A is an invertible n × n matrix and

x and b are n × 1 vectors. The problem is to compute A−1 in an efficient and numerically

stable way. One approach is to first factor A into the product of a lower-triangular matrix L

and an upper-triangular matrix U, so that A = LU. Once this factorization is accomplished,

solving for x is straightforward.

Let us consider the system of equations where aij and bj are real numbers:

a11 x1 + a12 x2 + · · · + a1n xn = b1 (9)

a21 x1 + a22 x2 + · · · + a2n xn = b2 (10)


ai1 x1 + ai2 x2 + · · · + ain xn = bi (i)


an1 x1 + an2 x2 + · · · + ann xn = bn (n)

In matrix notation, this system is expressed as

    
a11 a12 · · · a1n x1 b1
 a21
 . a22 · · · a2n   x2   b2 
 . .. ..     
 .   . 
 . . .   ..   .. 
   =  
 ai1 ai2 · · · ain   xi   bi 
 . .. ..  . .
 .. . .   ..   .. 
an1 an2 · · · ann xn bn

We seek real values for xi , i = 1, . . . , n which satisfy these equations. The Gauss elimi-

nation procedure involve the successive elimination of variables as follows. Assume for the

moment that a11 += 0. We form the multipliers mi1 = a11
, i = 1, . . . , n. To eliminate x1

from equation i, i = 2, . . . , n, we multiply Equation (9) by mi1 and subtract the result from

Equation (i), i = 2, . . . , n. We then eliminate x2 from equations 3, . . . , n using a new set of

multipliers and so on for x3 , . . . , xn−1 .

More precisely, suppose x1 has been eliminated from (2), . . . , (n), and x1 and x2 from

(3), . . . , (n) and so on up to the elimination of x1 , x2 , . . . , xk−1 from Equations (k) . . . , (n).
In the elimination process for xk−1 new coefficients aij are computed for equations (k), . . . ,

(n) so that these equations appear as

+ (k) (k)
aij xj = bi , i = k, . . . , n.

To eliminate the xk from Equations (k + 1), . . . (n), we form the multipliers mik = (k) ,

i = k + 1, . . . , n, assuming that akk += 0. We multiply Equation (k) by mik and subtract the

result from Equation (i) for i = k + 1, . . . , n. This yields a new set of equations

+ (k+1) (k+1)
aij xj = bi , i = k + 1, . . . , n,

where for k = 1, . . . , n,

(k+1) (k) (k) aik
aij = aij − akj (k) , i, j = k + 1, . . . , n.
(k+1) (k) (k) aik
bi = bi − bk (k)
, i = k + 1, . . . , n.
If all of the akk += 0, this process yields an upper-triangular matrix of coefficients in the

system of n equations
+ (k) (k)
akj xj = bk , k = 1, . . . , n,

where aij = aij are the original elements of the first row of A. This triangular system is

then solved by backward substitution:

xn = (n)
ann Q R
1 (k)
+ (k)
xk = (k)
bk − ajk xj , k = n − 1, . . . , 1.
akk j=k+1

The above development defines the Gaussian elimination procedure for the special case
where akk += 0 at each step. If, for any given k, this condition is not satisfied, then we must

rearrange the system of equations by the method of pivoting. There are two ways to pivot.

The first is called pivoting for maximum size, and the second is called partial pivoting.

Recall that an elementary row operator (elementary column operator) obtained

from the identity matrix I by any combination of the following three types of operations:

1. Interchange any two rows (columns).

2. Add a scalar multiple of a row (column) to another row (column).

3. Multiply a row (column) by a non-zero scalar.

Thus, we may express Gauss elimination as a sequence of pre-multiplies by elementary

operators. For example, we eliminate the the first column (except, of course for a11 by

pre-multiplying A by the matrix
  
  a11 a12 · · · a1n x1
1 0 0 ··· 0
 − a21   a.21
 a22 · · · a2n   x2 
 aa11 1 0 ··· 0
0  . .. ..   
  .. 
 − 31 0 0 ··· 0
1  . . .  . 
 a11    =
 .. .. .. .. ..   ai1 ai2 · · · ain   xi 
 . . . . .  . .. ..  .
 .. . .   .. 
− aan1 0 0 0 ··· 1
an1 an2 · · · ann xn
 
  b1
1 0 0 ··· 0
  b.2 
 
 − a21 1 0 ··· 0
 aa11  . 
 − 31 0 0 ··· 0
1  . 
 a11  
 .. .. ..
.. ..   bi 
 . . .. .  . 
 .. 
− aan1 0 0 0 ··· 1

yielding  (1) (1) (1)     (1) 

a11 a12 · · · a1n x1 b1
(1) (1)  (1) 
 0
 a22 · · · a2n    x2 
 b2 

 . .. ..   ..   .. 
 .. . .  .  . 
 (1)

(1)    =  (1) 
 .
 0
 ai2 · · · ain   xi  bi  
 . .. ..  .  . 
 .. . .   ..   .. 
0 a
(1) (1)
· · · ann xn (1)

This process is continued until the matrix is upper-triangulated.

Pivoting for maximum size. With this approach, we search the sub-matrix whose ele-
ments are aij , i, j ≥ k, of maximum size. Let the indices ik and jk denote the row and
SK (k) K T
column, respectively, of the entry containing max Kaij K, i, j = k, . . . , n . Pivoting for max-

imum size consists of the elementary matrix operation of exchanging rows k and ik followed

by the elementary matrix operation of exchanging columns k and jk . This brings the element
aik jk into the (k, k) position, called the pivot position, and the entry in this position is called

the pivot element. Since A is of full rank, pivoting for maximum size will always yield a

non-zero pivot element.

Thus, pre-multiplying a matrix by an elementary row operator exchanges the correspond-

ing rows of the matrix, and left-multiplying a matrix by an elementary column operator

exchanges the corresponding columns. Suppose we have completed the second stage of the

Gauss elimination procedure, yielding the matrix

 (1) (1) (1) (1)

a11 a12 a12 ··· a1n
 (2) (2) (2) 
 0 a22 a23 ··· a2n 
 (2) (2) 
 0 0 a33 ··· a3n 
A(2) =  (2) (2) .

 0
 0 a43 ··· a4n 
 .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . 
(2) (2)
0 0 an3 · · · ann

and  (2) 
 (2) 
b2 
 (2) 
b3 
b(2) = 
b(2) 
 4 
 .. 
 . 
Now suppose we set k = 3 and prepare to execute the third stage, and observe that
a33 = 0. We then must search the elements of the sub-matrix
 (2) (2)

a33 · · · a3n
 .. .. 
 . . 
(2) (2)
an3 · · · ann

for the maximum element. Suppose we determine that i3 = 4 and j3 = n. We then perform

elementary row and column operations by pre-multiplying A(3) by

 
1 0 0 0 0 ··· 0
 1 0 0 0 · · · 0 
 0 0 1 0 · · · 0 
(3) 0 1 0 0 · · · 0
ER = 0

 0 0 0 1 · · · 0 
 .. .. 
. .
0 0 0 0 ··· 0 1

and then post-multiplying the result by
 
1 0 0 0 0 ··· 0
0 1
 0 0 0 ··· 0 
0 0
 0 0 0 ··· 1 
EC3 = 0 0
 0 0 0 ··· 0 
0 0
 0 0 1 ··· 0 
 .. .. 
. .
0 0 1 0 ··· 0 0
Exchanging rows also affects the structure of b, hence we must also permute the 3rd and
4th elements of b(3) by pre-multiplying b(2) by ER .

Pivoting for maximum size is not necessary, and may not be computationally economical.

Obviously, one can modify the algorithm so that pivoting is used only if the existing pivot

element is zero. However, there is some advantage to having the multipliers be less than unity

in absolute value. A variation is to do what is called partial pivoting, in which, prior to

SK (k) KT
each elimination, we find max Kaik K , i = k, . . . , n, and interchange rows to bring the largest

element in the kth column below the kth row to the pivot position. This reduces the amount
SK (k) KT
of searching, since only one sub-column need be searched. However, if max Kaik K = 0,

then a column interchange will have to be made before partial pivoting can continue.

Assuming that no row or column permutations are necessary, the elimination process

may be expressed as a sequence of pre-multiplies of elementary row operators of the form

 
1 0 0 ··· 0 0
0 1
 0 ··· 

 .. .. 
0 0
. . 1 ··· . . 
. . .. 
. . . 
 
 1 
Ek =  
 −mk+1,k 1 
 .. .. 

 . 0 . 

 0 
 .. 
 . 
0 0 ··· −mnk 0 · · · 0 1

Each Ek has 1’s on the diagonal, −mik = (k) in column k below the diagonal, and zeros

everywhere else. The final stage of the Gauss elimination procedure generates the upper-

triangular matrix

U = En−1 En−2 · · · E2 E1 A (11)


c = En−1 En−2 · · · E2 E1 b.

Then the solution to

Ax = b

is the same as the solution to

Ux = c.

The advantage of this latter representation is that the elements of x may be obtained by

backward substitution.

To form the LU factorization, it remains to identify the lower-triangular matrix L. But,

from (11), we see that

1 2−1
A = En−1 En−2 · · · E2 E1 U.

Now, it is easily verified that
 
1 0 0 ··· 0 0
 1 0 ··· 

 .. .. 
. 0 1 ··· . . 
. .. .. 
. . . 
 
 
= ,
 mk+1,k 1 
 .. .. 

 . 0 . 

 0 
 .. 
 . 
0 0 ··· mnk 0 ··· 0 1

which is a lower triangular matrix. Thus, the matrix

1 2−1
En−1 En−2 · · · E2 E1 = E1−1 E2−1 · · · En−2
−1 −1

is the product of lower-triangular matrices and hence is lower-triangular, so we identify L as

L = E1−1 E2−1 · · · En−2

−1 −1
En−1 .

Carrying out these matrix multiplications, it is straightforward to see that

 
1 0 ··· 0
 m21
 1 ··· 0 
 m31 m32 1 0
L= 
 .. .. .. .. 
 . . . .
mn1 mn2 · · · mn,n−1 1

and we have established the LU decomposition

A = LU

for the case when there are no row or column permutations. If partial pivoting occurs at

the kth step, then there will be non-triangular row-permutation matrices in the factor Ek of

U. Let P be the product of all the permutation matrices in the order in which they occur

in the pivoting process. Then P A is a matrix obtained from A by performing all the row

interchanges which are necessary for partial pivoting. The equation (P A)x = P b has the

same solution as Ax = b, and the elimination process for (P A)x = P b can be performed

without pivoting, and the multipliers will be the same as those which occur in the elimination

with pivoting.

Example 15 Let us compute the LU decomposition without pivoting for

 
2 4 −5
A = 6 8 1 .
4 −8 −3

The fist step in Gauss elimination yields

 
1 0 0
E1 = −3 1 0 ,
−2 0 1

where we see that m21 = 3 and m31 = 2, resulting in

 
2 4 −5
E1 A = 0 −4 16  .
0 −16 7

The second, and last, elimination step yields

 
1 0 0
E2 = 0 1 0 ,
0 −4 1

with m32 = −4; hence  

2 4 −5
U = E2 E1 A = 0 −4 16  .
0 0 57
Finally, L is computed by inspection to be
 
1 0 0
L = E1−1 E2−1 =  3 1 0 .
2 4 1

Now let’s rework the problem, this time using partial pivoting. Since the largest element

in the first column of A is a21 = 6, exchange rows 1 and 2, yielding

    
0 1 0 2 4 −5 6 8 1
P1 A = 1 0 0 6 8 1  = 2 4 −5 .
0 0 1 4 8 −3 4 −8 −3

The pivot element is now the largest term in the first column, and the corresponding multi-
(1) 1 (1)
pliers are m21 = 3
and m31 = 23 , so elimination step becomes
    
1 0 0 6 8 1 6 8 1
E1 P1 A = − 31
 1 0 2 4 −5 = 0 34 − 16

− 23 0 1 4 −8 −3 40
0 −3 −3 11

To continue, since the third entry in the second column is greater than the second entry, the

partial pivoting method requires us to exchange rows 2 and 3, yielding

    
1 0 0 6 8 1 6 8 1
P2 E1 P1 A = 0
 0 1 0 43 − 16 3
 = 0 − 40 − 11  .
3 3
40 11 4 16
0 1 0 0 −3 −3 0 3
− 3

(2) 1
The final step in the elimination process is to set m32 = − 10 , so we obtain
    
1 0 0 6 8 1 6 8 1
U = E2 P2 E1 P1 A = 0 1 0 0 − 40 3
− 11
 = 0 − 40 − 11  ,
3 3
0 10 1 0 43 − 16
0 0 − 57

1 1

− 10
V = P1−1 E1−1 P2−1 E2−1 =  1 0 0 .
1 0
Thus, we have the decomposition
1 1
 
− 10
1 6 8 1
A = V U =  1 0 0 0 − 40
− 11
2 57
1 0 0 0 − 10

which is not an upper-lower triangular decomposition. However, it can be rendered so by

pre-multiplying both sides by the product of the permutation matrices in the order they were

applied, namely, P = P2 P1 , yielding
   1 1
 
0 1 0 1 0 0 3
− 10
1 6 8 1
P A = LU = P2 P1 V U = 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 − 40 3
− 11
2 57
0 0 1 0 1 0 3
1 0 0 0 − 10
  
1 0 0 6 8 1
=  32 1 0 0 − 3 − 11
1 1 57
− 10 1 0 0 − 10

Finally, since the matrix equation P Ax = P b has the same solution as the original equation

Ax = b, we may work with the LU decomposed equation to solve for x. To see how this

works, we write

LUx = P b (12)

and define

y = Ux,

which we substitute into (12) to obtain

Ly = P b = c,

which is of the form     

l11 0 · · · 0 y1 c1
 l21 l22 0 · · · 0   y2   c2 
    
 .. .. ..   ..  =  ..  ,
 . . .  .   . 
ln1 ln2 · · · lnn yn cn
which can easily be solved for the elements of y as

y1 = = c1
Q j−1
yj = cj − lji yi ,

since the diagonal elements of L are unity. We then note that

Ux = y,

where     
u11 u12 · · · u1n x1 y1
 0 u22 · · · u2n   x2   y2 
   
 
Ux =  .. ..   ..  =  ..  = y.
 . .   .   .
0 0 · · · 0 unn xn yn
This system is now easily solved via back substitution, yielding

xm = yn
Q n
1 +
xj = yj − ujk xk .
ujj k=j+1

14.2 Cholesky Decomposition

Although the elimination algorithms described above work in all situations, their imple-

mentation becomes more complicated if pivoting is required. This motivates us to look for

alternative decomposition methods that depend on different structural characteristics of the

matrix A.

Definition 38 Let A be an n × n matrix. A minor of order p of A is the determinant of

the sub-matrix of A formed by striking out all but p rows and columns of A. In particular,

the leading principle minor of A of order p is the determinant of the matrix formed by

striking out the last n − p rows and the last n − p columns of A. ✷

Recall that if the determinant of a matrix is non-zero, then the matrix is invertible. We

use this fact to establish the following theorem.

Theorem 30 Let A be an n × n matrix and assume that all leading principle minors are

non-zero. Then there exists a unique lower triangular matrix L with diagonal elements all

equal to one and a unique upper triangular matrix U such that A = LU.

Proof The proof is by induction on n, the size of A. Clearly, if n = 1, that is, if A = a11 ,

then letting L = 1 and U = a11 provides the unique factorization.

Now assume the theorem is true for all square matrices of dimension (n − 1) × (n − 1)

that satisfy the hypothesis of the theorem. We need to show that it is true for all matrices

of dimension n × n that also satisfy the hypothesis. We may express A as

" ?
An−1 a1
A= (13)
aT2 ann

where An−1 is the (n−1)×(n−1) sub-matrix comprising the elements in the upper left-hand

corner of A, a1 is n (n − 1) × 1 vector, aT2 is an 1 × (n − 1) row vector, and ann is is the

element of A in the nth row and nth column.

By the inductive hypothesis, the theorem can be applied to An−1 , yielding the triangular


An−1 = Ln−1 Un−1

where Ln−1 has diagonal elements all equal to one. Since det(An−1 ) is the (n − 1)st leading

principle minor of A, it is non-zero, thus Ln−1 and Un−1 are non-singular.

Now consider the n × n partitioned triangular matrices

" ? " ?
Ln−1 0 Un−1 c
Ln = and Un = ,
dT 1 0 ann

where c and d are (n − 1)-dimensional vectors to be determined. From the product

" ?" ? " ?
Ln−1 0 Un−1 c Ln−1 Un−1 Ln−1 c
Ln Un = = , (14)
dT 1 0 ann dT Un−1 ann

and compare the result with (13). It is clear that if c and d are chosen so that

Ln−1 c = a1 and dT Un−1 = aT2 , (15)

then (14) will give the required factorization of (13). But Equations (15) are uniquely solvable

for c and d because Ln−1 and Un−1 are non-singular. Thus,

c = L−1
n−1 a1
and dT = aT2 Un−1 ,

and substitution into (14) determines the unique triangular factors of A required by the

theorem. ✷

We now specialize the results of this theorem to obtain the so-called Cholesky decompo-


Cholesky Decomposition. Let B be a positive definite Hermitian matrix. Then B may

be factored into

B = U H DU,

where U is an upper-triangular matrix with ones along the diagonal and D is of the form

D = diag(l11 , l22 , · · · , lnn ).

This result follows from the above theorem specialized to the case a1 = a2 and letting lii2

denote the diagonal elements of the resulting upper-triangular matrix.

Example 16 Recall that the solution to minx .Ax − b. is given by the normal equations

AH Ax = AH b.

If A is of full rank, then Q = AH A will be non-singular, hence all of its principle minors

will be non-zero. In fact, Q will be positive definite. Let p = AH b and compute the Cholesky

factorization of

Qx = p, .

resulting in

U H DUx = p,

which can be solved by forward- and back-substitution.

15 Lecture 15
15.1 QR Factorization

Definition 39 An n × n matrix Q is said to be unitary if

QH Q = I.

If Q has real elements and QT Q = I, then Q is said to be orthogonal. ✷

We note the following facts about unitary matrices

1. Q is invertible (obvious).

2. Q−1 = QH (obvious).

3. det(Q) = 1. To see, write 1 = det(I) = det(QH Q) = det(Q) det(QH ) Since det(Q) =

det(QH ), the result follows.

4. QH is unitary. To see, note that QQH = Q(QH Q)QH = (QQH )(QQH ), and since Q is

invertible, so is QQH . Multiplying both sides by (QQH )−1 yields the result.

Unitary matrices are rotations.

1. They preserve length: .Qx.22 = xH QH Qx = xH x = .x.22 .

|)Qx,Qy*| |xH QH Qy| |xH y|

2. They preserve angles; ∠(Qx, Qy) = |Qx&&Qy&
= &Qx&&Qy&
= &x&&y&
= ∠(x, y)

The matrix
" ?
cos θ sin θ
− sin θ cos θ

is unitary (orthogonal) and the operation Qx rotates the vector x θ degrees clockwise. It is

easy to check that Q−1 = QT .

One of the most important properties of unitary matrices is that they can be used to

form yet another factorization of a matrix, and therefore has application for solving matrix

equations of the form Ax = b. The fundamental result is the following theorem.

Theorem 31 Let A be an m × n matrix with m ≥ n. Then there exists an m × n matrix

Q̂ with orthogonal columns and an upper triangular n × n matrix R̂ such that A = Q̂R̂. If

m = n, then Q̂ is unitary; if m > n, then we may append m − n orthogonal columns to Q̂

to form a unitary matrix Q, and we may append m − n zero rows to R to form a matrix R

such that A = QR.

Proof We restrict our proof to the case were A is of full rank. The proof is constructive.
, -
Let A be written in terms of its column vectors as A = a1 , · · · , an . By the Gram-Schmidt

orthogonalization procedure, we may form columns qi of Q̂ as

q1 = a1
.a1 .
qi = ri , i = 2, . . . , n,
.ri .

where the n × 1 vectors ri are defined by

ri = ai − (qH
k ai )qk , i = 1, . . . , n. (16)

Equation (16) can be rearranged to yield

ai = (qH H H
1 ai )q1 + (q2 ai )q2 + · · · + (qi−1 ai )qi−1 + rH
i ri qi

or, in matrix form,
M 
  rH
1 r 1 q
M1 a1 q1 q 2 · · · q1 an
q11 q12 · · · q1n  0 r H
r q H
a · · · qH 
 2 2 2 2 2 an 
 q21 q22
 · · · q2n  

.. .. 
A = Q̂R̂ =  .. .. ..   0 0 . . 
 . . .  .. .. .. 

. .
· · · qmn M.
qm1 qm2  
0 ··· 0 rH n rn
, -
Since the columns of Q̂ = q1 , . . . , qn are orthonormal by construction, Q̂ is unitary if

m = n. If m > n, we may append an additional m − n orthogonal columns to Q̂ to form

Q, which is unitary by construction, and we form the m × n matrix R by appending m − n

rows of zeros to R̂ to form R, yielding the full QR decomposition

 

, - 0
 
A = QR = Q̂ qn+1 · · · qm  . 
 .. 

Notice that when m += n, Q̂ is not unitary, but we still have

1. Q̂H Q̂ = In×n .

2. Q̂Q̂H = Q̂(Q̂H Q̂)Q̂H , which is the projection onto the columns of Q̂.

3. The QR factorization is not unique. To see, let U be an an m×m upper-triangular uni-

tary matrix, and formQU H UR. Then Q̃ = QU H is unitary, since Q̃H Q̃ = U H QH QU =

U H U = I and UR is upper-triangular by construction.

As an application of the QR factorization, let us consider the least squares problem again.

Recall that the solution is to find the vector x̂ = arg minx .Ax = b.2 , which has the form

1 2−1
x̂ = AH A AH b.

Although this provides the solution theoretically, it is not the best way to proceed numer-

ically. The condition number of AH A is the square the condition number of A, and that

could cause numerical conditioning problems with finite-precision arithmetic.

A better way to proceed is to note that

.Ax − b.2 = .QRx − b.2

= .Q(Rx − QH b).2 (since QQH = I)

= .RxQH b.2 (since .Qz. = .z.)

<" ? " ?<2
< R̂ c <
= <
< x− <
0 d <

= .R̂x − c.2 + .d.2

" ?
H c
where we have used the partitioning Q̂ b = . The solution is then given by R̂x = c,
which can be obtained by back substitution. Note that we do not need to “square the data,”

that is, to compute AH A.

Although our constructive proof of the QR decomposition involved the Gram-Schmidt

orthogonalization procedure, that procedure is not as well conditioned as other methods.

Thus, in the interest of reliable implementation, we must consider other methods of obtaining

this factorization.

Householder Transformations

The idea behind this approach is to perform a series of unitary rotations to change a

matrix A to an upper triangular matrix; that is, we pre-multiply A by Q1 , Q2 , . . . , Qn− , Qn

such that

Qn Qn−1 · · · Q2 Q1 A = R,

that is

Q = QH H H H
1 Q2 · · · Qn−1 Qn .

Since all of the i’s are unitary, then Q is unitary. Note that this procedure differs from the

LU factorization in that the elementary row operator matrices are not necessarily unitary.

To motivate the structure of these unitary transformations, suppose we wish to rotate a

vector x, with a unitary transformation Q1 so that the transformed vector, Q1 x, is aligned

, -
with the first element of an orthogonal basis set, e0 = 1 0 · · · 0 . Since the transforma-

tion is unitary, the norm will be unchanged, thus the transformed vector will be αe0 , where

α2 = .x.2 .

v = x − αe0

✲ αe0
Figure 1: Geometric interpretation of the Householder transformation.

To motivate the Householder transformation, let us form the vector v = x − αe0 , as

depicted in the figure. The triangle with sides x, αe0 , v is an isosceles triangle. If we drop

a perpendicular from the origin of x to the vector v, it will divide the segment v into two

equal parts. The upper part is nothing but the projection of the vector x onto the vector v.

The length of this segment is

= >
x, ,

so we write
= >
v v v
x − αe0 = 2 x, = 20x, v1
.v. .v. .v.2

αe0 = x − 20x, v1 .

This transformation is called a reflection because it reflects the vector x across the perpen-

dicular to v. Expressing this vector in matrix notation, we obtain

αe0 = x − 2vH x(vH v)−1 v

= x−2 H x
v v
3 $
= I −2 H x
v v

= Qx

Q= I −2 .
vH v

This is called a Householder transformation. It is easy to see that Q = QH , and that

Q2 = I, thus, Q is a unitary matrix.

A sequence of Householder transformations can be used to triangularize a given m × n

matrix A. To do this, we first find a transformation H1 that rotates the first column of A

to lie along e0 . Let Q1 = H1 R, so that we have Q1 A of the form (where × denotes entries

whose exact values are not of current interest)

 
α1 × × ··· ×
0 ×
 × · · · × 
Q1 A =  0 ×
 × · · · × 
 .. .. .. .. 
. . . .
0 × × ··· ×

Now consider the m − 1 × n − 1 sub-matrix comprising the last m − 1 rows and n − 1

columns of A. Call this matrix A1 . now perform a Householder transformation on A1 to

zero-out all but the first column of this sub-matrix. Let H2 be the corresponding m − 1

dimensional Householder transformation, and define

1 0T
Q2 = .
0 H2

Then  
α1 × × · · · ×
 0 α2 × · · · ×
 
Q2 Q1 A =  0 0 × · · · ×

 .. .. .. .. 
. . . .
0 0 × ··· ×
This process is continued until the matrix is upper-triangularized.

Givens Rotations

If the matrix to be triangularized already has several zeros in it, the Householder method

can be wasteful because it may change many of these zero values. Therefore, a “spot” method

of introducing zeros can be useful. The Givens rotations provide a nice way to annihilate

non-zero entries selectively. To illustrate the construction of a Givens rotation, consider the
" ?
vector x = 1 (we assume that x1 += 0 and x2 += 0. Now form the matrix
" ?
1 1 ρ x2
Q= M where ρ = .
1 + ρ2 −ρ 1 x1

" ?" ?
1 1 ρ x1
Qx = M
1 + ρ2 −ρ 1 x2

Notice that we can express this transformation as

" ?
c s 1 ρ
Q= , where c = M , s= M ,
−s c 1 + ρ2 1 + ρ2

where c and s can be interpreted as cosine and sine terms, and the angle of rotation is

θ = T an−1 (x2 /x1 ).

Matrix triangularization can be effected by a sequence of Givens rotations, each of which

, -T
introduces a zero in a particular location. For example, let ak = a1k a2k · · · akk · · · amk

denote the ith column of A. If aik = 0 for i > k, then no rotations need be performed. Now

suppose aik += 0 and, say, ajk += 0. We can null out the jkth term using the ikth term with

a Givens rotation defined by the matrix

 
1 ··· 0 ··· 0 ··· 0
 .. . . . .. .. 
. . .. . .
 
0 · · · c · · · s · · · 0
. .. . . .. .. 
 ..
G(i, k, j) =  . . . . .
0 · · · −s · · · c · · · 0
 
. .. .. . . .. 
 .. . . . .
0 ··· 0 ··· 0 ··· 1

This matrix has one’s down the main diagonal and zeros everywhere else except for the jth

and ith rows and columns.

16 Lecture 16
16.1 A Brief Review of Eigenstuff

Definition 40 A number λ is an eigenvalue of an n × n matrix A if there is a non-zero

n-vector x such that

Ax = λx.

The corresponding vector x is said to be an eigenvector of A. ✷

The geometric interpretation of an eigenvector is that operation by A on the vector

merely scales the length (and perhaps the sign) of the vector. It does not rotate the vector

to a new orientation.

For a given value of λ, the eigenvector equation

Ax = λx

is equivalent to the linear homogeneous equation

[A − λI]x = 0.

From our earlier development, we know that this system has a non-zero solution if and only

if the columns matrix A − λI are linearly dependent, and this obtains if and only if the

determinant of A − λI is zero. Therefore, a necessary and sufficient condition for a value λ

to be an eigenvalue of A is that

det(A − λI) = 0.

This equation is called the characteristic equation of A.

The value of det(A−λI) is a function of the variable λ. It can be shown that det(A−λI),

when expanded out, is a polynomial of degree n in λ with the coefficient of λn being (−1)n .

The polynomial, denoted p(λ), is called the characteristic polynomial of A. It is clear

that there is a direct correspondence between the roots of the characteristic polynomial and

the eigenvalues of A.

From the fundamental theorem of algebra it is known that every polynomial of degree

n > 1 has at least one (possibly complex) root, and can be decomposed into first-degree

factors. Thus, the characteristic polynomial can be written in factored form as

p(λ) = (λ1 − λ)(λ2 − λ) · · · (λn − λ).

The λi are the (not necessarily distinct) roots of the polynomial. It follows that there is

always at least one solution to the characteristic equation, and hence always at least one

eigenvalue. To summarize:

Theorem 32 Every n × n matrix A possesses at least one eigenvalue and a corresponding

(non-zero) eigenvector.

It is a general property that eigenvectors are defined only to with a scalar multiple. If x is

an eigenvectors, then so is αx for any scalar α.

Theorem 33 Let λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn be distinct eigenvalues of an n × n dimensional matrix A.

Then the set of corresponding eigenvectors, x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are linearly independent.

Proof Assume that the eigenvectors are linearly dependent. Then there exists a non-zero

linear combination of these vectors which is equal to zero. Of the possible numerous such

linear combinations, select one which has the minimum number of non-zero coefficients.

Without loss of generality it can be assumed that these coefficients correspond to the first k

eigenvectors, and that the first coefficient is unity. That is, the relation is of the form
x1 + αi xi = 0 (17)

for some set of αi ’s, i = 2, . . . , k, all non-zero.

Multiplication of this equation by A gives

Ax1 + αi Axi = 0.

Using the fact that the xi ’s are eigenvectors, this last equation is equivalent to
λ1 x1 + αi λi xi = 0. (18)

Now, multiplication of (17) by λ1 and subtraction from (18) yields

αi (λi − λ1 )xi = 0.

This, however, is a linear combination of only k − 1 terms, contradicting the definition of k

as the minimum possible value. Thus, the theorem is established. ✷

Suppose the n × n matrix A has n distinct eigenvalues and, consequently, n linearly

independent eigenvectors. Then the eigenvectors constitute a basis set, and any vector x can

be expressed as a linear combination of the form

x= αi xi

for some constants α1 , α2 , . . . , αn . Expressed in this form, it follows that

+ n
Ax = αi Axi = αi λi xi .
i=1 i=1

Thus, the coefficients of the transformed vector are just multiples of the original coefficients.

There is no mixing among coefficients as there would be in an arbitrary basis. This simple

but valuable result can be translated into the mechanics of matrix manipulation. Define the

modal matrix of A as th the n × n matrix

, -
S = x1 x2 · · · xn .

We see immediately that

, - , -
AS = A x1 x2 · · · xn = Ax1 Ax2 · · · Axn
, -
= λ1 x1 λ2 x2 · · · λn xn
 
λ1 0 0 · · · 0
 0 λ2 0 · · · 0 
, -
 0 0 λ3 · · · 0 

= x1 x2 · · · x n  
 .. .. .. .. 
. . . .
0 0 ··· λn
= SΛ

where Λ = diag(λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn ).

This expression obtains even if the eigenvectors are not linearly independent. If they are,

then S is invertible, and we may rearrange the above to yield

Λ = S −1 AS


A = SΛS −1.

Example 17 Let
" ?
2 1
A= .
2 3

The characteristic polynomial is

K2 − λ 1 K
K K = (2 − λ)(3 − λ) − 2 = λ2 − 5λ + 4.
K 2 3 − λK

The characteristic polynomial can be factored as λ2 − 5λ + 4 = (λ − 1)(λ − 4). Therefore,

the eigenvalues are λ1 = 1 and λ2 = 4. To find the corresponding eigenvectors we first set

λ = 1 in the homogeneous equation [A − λI] = 0. This leads to

" ?" ? " ?

1 1 x1 0
2 2 x2 0

The two scalar equations defined by this set are equivalent to x1 = −x2 . Thus, the general

solution is
x1 =

for a += 0.

For λ = 4, we have
" ?" ? " ?
−2 1 x1 0
= ,
−2 1 x2 0

which leads to the general solution for the second eigenvector as

" ?
x2 =

for b += 0. Taking a = b = 1, the modal matrix is

" ?
1 1
−1 2

" ?
−1 1 2 −1
S = .
3 1 1

" ?
1 4
AS =
−1 8
" ?
−1 1 0
S AS = = Λ.
0 4

" ?" ?" ? " ?
−1 1 1 1 0 23 −1
2 1
SΛS = = = A.
−1 2 0 4 13 1
2 3

We observe that
1 21 2 1 2
A2 = SΛS −1 SΛS −1 = SΛ2 S −1 ,

or in general,
1 2
An = SΛn S −1 .

This result makes it easy to evaluate matrix polynomials; that is, if p(t) = tm + a1 tm−1 +

· · · + am is a polynomial in t, then

p(A) = Am + a1 Am−1 + · · · + am I = Sp(Λ)S −1 = S diag(p(λ1 ), p(λ2 ), . . . , p(λn ))S −1 .

16.2 Left and Right Eigenvectors

As defined to this point, eigenvectors are right eigenvectors in the sense that they appear

as columns on the right side of the n × n matrix A in the equation

Axi = λi xi .

It is also possible to consider left eigenvectors which are multiplied as rows on the left side

of A in the form

yiT A = λyiT .

This equation can be rewritten in column form by taking the transpose, yielding

AT yi = λi yi .

Therefore, a left eigenvector of A is the same thing as an ordinary right eigenvectors of AT .

For most purposes, however, it is more convenient to work with left and right eigenvectors

than with transposes.

The characteristic polynomial of AT is det(AT − λI) which, since the determinants of

a matrix and its transpose are equal, is identical to the characteristic polynomial of A.

Therefore, the right and left eigenvalues (not eigenvectors) of A and AT are identical.

Example 18 For the matrix

2 1
2 3

we have seen that λ1 = 1 and λ2 = 4 with corresponding right eigenvectors

" ? " ?
1 1
x1 = x2 = .
−1 2

Let us find the corresponding left eigenvectors. First, for λ1 = 1, we must solve

" ?
, - 1 1 , -
y1 y2 = 0 0 .
2 2

A solution is y1 = 2 and y2 = −1, giving the left eigenvector

, -
y1T = 2 −1 .

For λ2 = 4, we solve
" ?
, - −2 1 , -
y1 y2 = 0 0 .
2 −1

A solution is y1 = 1 and y2 = 1, giving the left eigenvector

, -
y2T = 1 1 .

There is an important relation between right and left eigenvectors. Suppose λ1 and λ2 are

any two (distinct) eigenvalues of A. Let xi be a right eigenvectors corresponding to λi and

let yj be a left eigenvector corresponding to λj . Then

Axi = λi xi

yjT A = λj yjT .

Multiplying the first of these equations by yjT on the left, and the second by xi on the right


yjT Axi = λi yjT xi

yjT Axi = λj yjT xi .

Subtracting, we obtain

0 = (λi − λj )yjT xi .

Since λi += λj , it follows that

yjT xi = 0.

We have thus established the following theorem.

Theorem 34 For any two distinct eigenvalues of a matrix, the left eigenvector of one eigen-

value is orthogonal to the the right eigenvector of the other eigenvalue.

16.3 Multiple Eigenvalues

We now deal with the problem of multiple roots to the characteristic polynomial. For some

matrices with multiple roots it ma still be possible to find n linearly independent eigenvectors,

and use these as a basis leading to a diagonal representation. The simplest example is the

identity matrix, which has 1 as an eigenvalue repeated n times. This matrix is, of course,

already diagonal. In general, however, matrices will multiple roots may or may not be

diagonalizable by a change of basis.

An important pair of concepts for matrices with multiple roots, which helps characterize

the complexity of a given matrix, are the notions of algebraic and geometric multiplicity.

Definition 41 The algebraic multiplicity of an eigenvalue λi is the multiplicity deter-

mined by the characteristic polynomial. It is the number of times the root is repeated, that

is, it it is the integer ki associated with (λ − λi )ki as it appears when the polynomial is

factored into distinct roots.

The geometric multiplicity of an eigenvalue λi is the number of linearly independent

eigenvectors that can be associated with λi . For any eigenvalue the geometric multiplicity

is always at least unity. Also, the geometric multiplicity never exceeds the algebraic multi-

plicity. ✷

Example 19 Consider the 2 × 2 matrix

" ?
5 1
A= .
0 5

It has a characteristic polynomial (5 − λ)2 , and hence the only eigenvalue is λ = 5, with

algebraic multiplicity of two. The corresponding eigenvector must satisfy the equation

" ?" ? " ?

0 1 x1 0
0 0 x2 0
" ?
The only non-zero solutions to this set are o the form x = for some α += 0. Thus there
" ?
is only one linearly independent eigenvector, which can be taken to be x = . Thus the
geometric multiplicity of A is unity.

If the geometric multiplicity equals the algebraic multiplicity for an eigenvalue λi , that

eigenvalue is said to be simple. If every eigenvalue of a matrix is simple, then the total

number of linearly independent eigenvectors is equal to n, and these eigenvectors can be used

to form a basis just as in the case of distinct eigenvalues, to obtain a diagonal representation.

In the general case, where not all eigenvalues are simple, a matrix cannot be transformed

to diagonal form by a change of basis. It is, however, always possible to find a basis in

which the matrix is nearly diagonal, as defined below. The resulting matrix is referred to

as the Jordan Canonical Form of the matrix. Since the derivation of this general result

is quite complex and because the Jordan form is only of modest importance, we state the

result without proof.

Theorem 35 Jordan Canonical Form. Denote by Jk (λ) the k × k Jordan block matrix
 
λ 1 0 ··· 0
0 λ
. 1 0 ··· 0
. .. 

. λ 1 .
Jk (λ) =  .. .. 

 . . 

 1
0 0 ··· 0 λ

Then, for any n × n matrix A there exists a non-singular matrix T such that
 
Jk1 (λ1 )

 Jk2 (λ2 ) 

T AT =  . . 
 . 
Jkr (λr )
where k1 + k2 + · · · + kr = n and where the λi , i = 1, 2, . . . , r are the (not necessarily distinct)

eigenvalues of A.

16.4 Diagonalization of a Dynamic System

Consider the homogeneous discrete-time linear difference equation system

(x(k + 1) = Ax(k), k = 1, 2, . . . , x(0) = x0 . (19)

Suppose that A has a complete set of n linearly independent eigenvectors x1 , x2 , . . . , xn with

corresponding eigenvalues λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn . The eigenvalues may or may not be distinct. Form

the modal matrix

, -
S = x1 x2 · · · xn

and let z(k) = S −1 x(k). Then x(k) = Sz(k), and substituting into (19) yields

Sz(k + 1) = ASz(k)


z(k + 1) = S −1 ASz(k)

= Λz(k).

This transformation results in n decoupled first-order difference equations equations of the


zi (k + 1) = λi zi (k),

which admit the solution

zi (k) = λki zi (0)

Or, in matrix form,

z(k) = Λk z(0),

where z(0) = S −1 x(0). The solution to the original system (19) is now easily seen to be

x(k) = Sz(k)

= SΛk S −1 x0 .

Now consider the homogeneous continuous time linear differential equation system

ẋ(t) = Ax(t), t ≥ 0, x(0) = x0 , (20)

where A is an n × n matrix with n linearly independent eigenvectors. With S the modal

matrix as before, the change of variable

z(t) = S −1 x(t)

transforms the system to

ż(t) = S −1 ASz(t),

and, as with the discrete-time case, we have transformed the n-th order matrix differential

equation into n first-order differential equations of the form

ż(t) = λi z(t),

which has solution

zi (t) = eλi t zi (0)

Or, in matrix form,

z(t) = diag(eλ1 t , eλ2 t , . . . eλn t )z(0),

where z(0) = S −1 x(0). The solution to the original system (20) is now easily seen to be

x(t) = Sz(t)

= S diag(eλ1 t , eλ2 t , . . . eλn t )S −1 x(0).

17 Lecture 17
17.1 Diagonalization of Self-Adjoint Matrices

Recall that a self-adjoint matrix satisfies the relation

0Ax, y1 = 0x, Ay1.

As we discussed earlier, a self-adjoint matrix has the property that A = AH , or A = AT if

A is real.

The following results are easily obtained.

Lemma 4 The eigenvalues of a self-adjoint matrix are real.

Proof Let x and λ be an eigenvector and its associated eigenvalue, respectively of A. Then

0Ax, x1 = 0λx, x1 = λ0x, x1.


0x, Ax1 = 0x, λx1 = λ0x, x1.

But, since 0Ax, x1 = 0x, Ax1, we must have λ = λ. ✷

Lemma 5 The eigenvectors of a self-adjoint matrix corresponding to distinct eigenvalues

are orthogonal.

Proof Let λ1 and λ2 be distinct eigenvalues of a self-adjoint matrix A with corresponding

eigenvectors x1 and x2 . Then

0Ax1 , x2 1 = 0x1 , Ax2 1 = 0x1 , λ2 x2 1 = λ2 0x1 , x2 1.


0Ax1 x2 1 = 0λ1 x1 , x2 1 = λ1 0x1 , x2 1.


(λ1 − λ2 )0x1 , x2 1 = 0,

but since λ1 += λ2 , the only way for the difference to be zero is for 0x1 , x2 1 = 0. ✷

Lemma 6 (Schur’s Lemma) For any square matrix A there exists a unitary matrix U

such that

U H AU = T,

where T is upper triangular.

Proof The proof is by induction. The theorem is obviously true when n = 1. Assume it

holds for matrices of order n − 1. Suppose A is an n × n matrix and let u be an eigenvector

of A corresponding to eigenvalue λ. We may assume that u is a unit-vector.

Au = λu. (21)

By Gram-Schmidt, we may create a unitary matrix with u as the first column, of the form

, -
Q = u x12 · · · x1n

for some unit vectors x12 , . . . , x1n . Then we may write

 
 
u = Q  ..  .

Substituting this expression into(21) yields
   
1 1
0 0
   
AQ  ..  = λQ  ..  .
. .
0 0

Multiplying both sides by QH yields

     
1 1 1
0 0 0
QH AQ  ..  = λQH Q  ..  = λ  ..  .
     
. . .
0 0 0

Now let us partition the matrix QH AQ as

" ?
H t11 tT12
Q AQ = ,
t21 T22

where t11 is 1 × 1, tT12 is 1 × (n − 1), t21 is (n − 1) × 1, and T22 is (n − 1) × (n − 1). Now let

us examine the equation    

1 1
" ? 
t11 T 0
t12  
 
 ..  = λ  ..  .
t21 T22  .  .
0 0
Clearly, t11 = λ and  
 .. 
t21 = . .
" ?
λ vT
0 An−1

where vT is a 1 × (n − 1) row vector and An−1 is an (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrix. By the

induction hypothesis, there is an (n − 1) × (n − 1) unitary matrix Q̃ such that Q̃H An−1 Q̃ is

upper triangular. Thus, letting

" ?
1 0T
U =Q
0 Q̃

we obtain the desired transformation. ✷

Definition 42 The spectrum of of a Hermitian matrix is the set of eigenvalues of the

matrix. ✷

Theorem 36 (The Spectral Theorem) Every Hermitian m × m matrix A can be diago-

nalized by a unitary matrix U:

U H AU = Λ, (22)

where Λ is a diagonal matrix.

Proof We first observe that, from Schur’s lemma, there exists a unitary matrix U that

transforms A into triangular form:

U H AU = T.

We then note that since A is self-adjoint, then T is also. To see this, we observe that

(U H AU)H = U H AH U = U H AU since A is self-adjoint, thus,

0U H AUx, y1 = yH U H AUx = [(U H AU)H y]H x = (U H AUy)H x = 0x, U H AUy1.

Since T is upper-triangular by construction and T = T H , then T H is also upper-triangular.

But any non-zero above-diagonal elements in T would become non-zero below-diagonal el-

ements of T H , which would contradict the upper-triangular structure of T H . Thus, T =

U H AU is diagonal. ✷

For an m × m Hermitian matrix A we may rewrite (22) to obtain

  
λ1 xH
 xH  + m
, -  λ 2  2 
A = UΛU H = x1 x2 · · · xm  λi xi xH

..   ..  = i .
 .   .  i=1
λm xH

where the xi ’s are the orthonormal eigenvectors of A (sometimes called the eigenbasis) and

the λi ’s are the corresponding eigenvalues.

17.2 Some Miscellaneous Eigenfacts

The following statements about matrices, their eigenvalues and eigenvectors, are presented.

Fact 1 Let x be an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue λ. Then

A2 x = A(Ax) = A(λx) = λAx = λ2 x,

which implies that x is an eigenvector of A2 with eigenvalue λ2 . In general, x is an eigen-

vector of Am with eigenvalue λm for all integers m > 0.

Fact 2 If an m × m matrix A is diagonalizable, then A = XΛX −1 where X is the matrix

whose columns are eigenvectors and Λ = diag(λ1 , · · · , λm ). Thus,

Am = XΛX −1 · XΛX −1 · · · XΛX −1 = XΛm X −1 .

Fact 3 Two n × n matrices A and B are said to be similar if A = T BT −1 for some n × n

, -
matrix T . Similar matrices have identical eigenvalues. To see, let X = x1 x2 · · · xn

be the matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors of A and let Λ = diag(λ1 , λ2 , · · · , λn ) be

the diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the corresponding eigenvalues of A. Then

AX = XΛ ⇒ T BT −1 X = XΛ

⇒ BT −1 X = T −1 XΛ

⇒ BX ′ = X ′ Λ.

Thus, the eigenvalues of B are the entries of Λ and the corresponding eigenvectors are the

columns of X ′ = T −1 X.

Fact 4 Let A be an m × m matrix of rank r < m. Then at least m − r of the eigenvalues

of A are equal to zero. To see, we note that, by the above fact and the Schur Lemma, the

triangularization T = U H AU has the same eigenvalues as A. Similarity preserves rank, so T

has the same rank as A. But if rank (T ) = r < m, the last m − r columns of T can be written

as linear combinations of the first r columns. Since the entries in the first r columns are zero

below the rth entry, the lower-right (m − r) × (m − r) submatrix must be zero. But since the

eigenvalues of T are the diagonal elements, we must have at least m − r zero eigenvalues.

Fact 5 The eigenvalues of a unitary matrix U lie on the unit circle.

Ux = λx ⇒ .Ux.2 = .λx.2

⇒ xH U H Ux = |λ|2 xH x

⇒ xH x = |λ|2 xH x

⇒ |λ| = 1.

Fact 6 The eigenvalues of a positive-definite matrix Q = QH are positive. To see, let x be

an eigenvector for eigenvalue λ.

Qx = λx ⇒ xH Qx = λxH x > 0

⇒ λ>0

If Q is positive-semi-definite, then λ ≥ 0.

Fact 7 A matrix P is said to be idempotent if P 2 = P . The eigenvalues of an idempotent

matrix are either 0 or 1. To see, let λ, x be an eigenvalue and vector of P . Then

P 2 x = P x = λP x

But, since P 2 = P , we have

λx = P x = P 2x = λ2 x,

so λ2 = λ, and the roots of the quadratic equation λ(1 − λ) − 0 are λ = 1 and λ = 0.

Fact 8 A matrix P is said to be nilpotent if P n = 0 for some integer n ≥ 1. The eigen-

values of a nilpotent matrix are all zero. To see, we observe that 0 = P n x = λn x, which
" ?
0 1
implies λ = 0. Example: P = .
0 0

Fact 9 Let S be a subspace of the range of an m × m matrix A. Then S is said to be an

invariant subspace for A if x ∈ S implies that Ax ∈ S. Subspaces formed by sets of

eigenvectors are invariant. To see, let x1 , . . . , xm be normalized eigenvectors of A, and let

Xi = {xi1 , . . . , xik } be any subset of eigenvectors. For any linear combination x = j=1 αj xij
!k !k
of the elements of Xi , we have Ax = j=1 αj Axij = j=1 αj λxij , which is another linear

combination of the elements of Xi .

If there are k ≤ m distinct eigenvalues of A, let Xi be the eigenvectors associated with

λi . Clearly, the subspace Ri = span (Xi ) is invariant. Define

Pi = xj xTj
xj ∈Xi

is a projection onto Ri . Then,

1. Spectral decomposition: A = i=1 λi Pi .

2. Resolution of the identity: I = i=1 Pi .

The proof is straightforward and left as an exercise.

1 2
Fact 10 The inertia of a Hermitian matrix Ais the set λ+ (A), λ− (A), λ0 (A) , where λ+ (A),

λ− (A), and λ0 (A) are the number of positive, negative, and zero eigenvalues, respectively, of

A. The signature of A is λ+ (A) − λ− (A). Then Sylvester”s Law of inertia states that,

if A and B are m × m Hermitian matrices, then there is a nonsingular matrix S such that

A = SBS H if and only if A and B have the same inertia. The proof is left as an exercise.

Fact 11 If λ∗ is an eigenvalue of a matrix A, then λ∗ + r is an eigenvalue of A + rI, and

A and A + rI have the same eigenvectors. To see this, note that, if λ∗ is an eigenvalue

of A, then det(λ∗ I − A) = 0. Also, the eigenvalues of A + rI are given by the equation

1 2 1 2
det λ − (A + rI) = det (λ − r)I − A , which is zero when λ − r = λ∗ . Thus, λ = λ∗ + r

is an eigenvalue of A + rI. Let u be an eigenvector of A + rI. Then

(A + rI)u = (λ∗ + r)u.

Subtracting ru from both sides obtains

Au = λ∗ u,

thus u is an eigenvector of A.

18 Lecture 18
18.1 Quadratic Forms

Definition 43 A quadratic form of a self-adjoint matrix is the inner product of the matrix

operating on the vector, denoted

QA (y) = 0Ay, y1 = yH Ay = yH AH y.

Quadratic forms occur in many applications. For example, consider the level curves of

the multivariate normal density function,

1 1, -
f (x) = m 1 exp − (x − µ)T R−1 (x − µ) = C,
2(π) |R|
2 2 2

where R is a positive-definite real symmetric matrix. The values of x that satisfy the con-
I m 1
straint (x − µ)T R−1 (x − µ) = C ′ , where C ′ = −2 log (π) 2 |R| 2 represents a hyperellipsoid

that specifies boundary of the volume in m-dimensional space that has probability C of

occurring. This volume may be expressed as the quadratic form

yT R−1 y = C ′ ,

where y = x − µ. The orientation of this volume in m-dimensional space depends on the

eigenvectors of R−1 . Since R−1 is Hermitian (i.e., real and symmetric), its eigenvectors are

mutually orthogonal, and therefore define an m-dimension coordinate system. By transform-

ing the original random variable x by the transform

z = QT y,

, -
where Q = q1 q2 · · · qm with the qi ’s denoting the eigenvectors of R. Using the fact

(a homework problem) that the eigenvalues of R−1 are the reciprocals of the eigenvalues of

R and that the eigenvectors of R−1 are the eigenvectors of R, we obtain

yH R−1 y = zT QT R−1 Qz = zΛ−1 z.

where Λ = diag(λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λm ) is the matrix of eigenvalues of R. The coordinate system

defined by the eigenvectors of R permit the random variable x resolved into orthogonal

components such that the corresponding eigenvalues are the variances of m uncorrelated

(independent in the Gaussian case) random variables. This permits the joint Gaussian

density function to be decomposed into the product of marginal density functions of m

independent random variables.

Theorem 37 (Maximum Principle) For a positive-semidefinite self-adjoint m×m matrix

A with QA (x) = 0Ax, x1 = xH Ax, let the eigenvalues be arranged in descending order, i.e.,

λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λm .

Then the maximum

max QA (x)
&x&2 =1

is λ1 , the largest eigenvalue of A, and the maximizing x is x1 , the eigenvector corresponding

to λ1 .

Furthermore, if we maximize QA (x) subject to the constraint that the maximizing vector

is orthogonal to the eigenvectors corresponding to the k − 1 largest eigenvalues of A, that is,

1. 0x, xj 1 = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , k − 1, and

2. .x.2 = 1,

then the maximizing value is λk and the maximizing x is the corresponding eigenvector xk .

Proof The first part of this proof we have seen before, with our derivation of the spectral

norm of a matrix. We use a Lagrange multiplier to embed the constraint into the cost

function, and seek to minimize

J(x) = xH Ax + λ(xH x − 1).

As we computed earlier, the solution is an eigenvector; specifically, the eigenvector corre-

sponding to the largest eigenvalue.

To establish second part of the theorem, we must find the maximizing vector subject to

the constraint that it lies in the span of the eigenvectors corresponding to the m − k smallest

eigenvalues (this is because the eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix are orthogonal). So we


xk + αk+1 xk+1 + αk+2 xk+2 + · · · + αm xm

x =
.xk + αk+1 xk+1 + αk+2 xk+2 + · · · + αm xm .
xk + αk+1 xk+1 + αk+2 xk+2 + · · · + αm xm
= M
1 + |αk+1 |2 + |αk+2 |2 + · · · + |αm |2

for some constants αi , i = k + 1, . . . , m. The quadratic form then becomes (exploiting


QA (x) = xH Ax

λk + |αk+1|2 λk+1 + |αk+2 |2 λk+2 + · · · + |αm |2 λm

1 + |αk+1|2 + |αk+2|2 + · · · + |αm |2
λk+1 λk+2
1 + |αk+1|2 λk
+ |αk+2|2 λk
+ · · · + |αm |2 λλmk
= λk .
1 + |αk+1|2 + |αk+2 |2 + · · · + |αm |2

Since the eigenvalues are arranged in descending order, the ratio in the above expression is

maximized by setting αi = 0, for i > k. Thus, the maximum value of QA (x) subject to the

constraint is λk , and the maximizing vector is the corresponding eigenvector xk . ✷

Notice that, for R positive-semidefinite self-adjoint matrix, we may rewrite

max xH Rx
&x&2 =1

xH Rx
max .
x-=0 xH x

This ratio is called the Raleigh quotient. We may conclude, therefore, that the Raleigh

quotient is maximized by the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue, and, in

the case where the optimizing vector is constrained to be orthogonal to the eigenvectors

corresponding to the k − 1 largest eigenvalues, the Raleigh quotient is maximized by the

eigenvector corresponding to the kth largest eigenvalue.

We demonstrate with the following application. We first require the following definition.

Definition 44 A discrete-time weakly stationary random process is a sequence of

random variables {f [i]} such that

E f [i] = a constant

E f [i]f [j] = a function of i − j.

Example 20 (Eigenfilter for Random Signals) Let {f [i]} be a zero-mean discrete-time

weakly stationary random process denote a signal of interest with autocorrelation function

r[k] = E{f [i + k]f [i]}. Suppose {f [i]} is corrupted by a zero-mean uncorrelated noise process
{ν[i]} with autocorrelation E ν[i]ν[j] = σ 2 δi−j . We desire to design a linear finite impulse

response (FIR) filter to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio at its output.

Since the filter is linear, the total output is the sum of output associated with the signal

of interest and the output associated with the noise source; that is,

yT [t] = yf [t] + yn [t],


yf [t] = hH f[t]

with  
 h2 
 
h =  .. 
 . 
and  
f [t]

 f [t − 1] 

f[t] =  .. .
 . 
f [t − m + 1]

yn [t] = hH ν[t],

where  

 ν[t − 1]

ν[t] =  .. 
 . 
ν[t − m + 1].

By signal-to-noise ratio, we mean the ratio of the average power of the signal to the average

power of the noise source. The average power of the signal is the expected value of the power,

Po = E y[t]2 = E hH f[t]f H [t]h = hH E f[t]f H [t] h = hH Rh,

where R = E f[t]f H [t] is the autocorrelation matrix of f[t] Also, the noise power is given

No = E |yn [t]|2 = E hH ν[t]ν H [t]h = hH E ν[t]ν H [t] h = σ 2 hH Ih.

Thus, the signal-to-noise ratio is

Po hH Rh
SNR = = 2 H .
No σ h h

1 hH Rh
This is nothing more than σ2
times the Raleigh quotient hH h
, which is maximized by taking

h = x1 ,

the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the autocorrelation matrix. The

maximum SNR is then

SNRmax = .

be the noise sequence.

18.2 Gershgorin Circle Theorem

Sometimes it is important to at least obtain bounds for the values of eigenvalues of a matrix,

even though it may not be necessary or practical to compute the actual values. One way to

do this is via the Gershgorin theorem.

Before developing this theory, we state, the following fact.

Fact 12 The eigenvalues of a matrix A depend continuously on the elements of A. Since

the eigenvalues are nothing more than the zeros of the characteristic polynomial, the fact

that the zeros of a polynomial depend continuously on the coefficients establishes the desired

property. The interested reader can consult the reference cited in the text for a proof of this


Definition 45 The sets in the complex plane defined by

 

 

 

 +n 

Ri (A) = x ∈ C: x − aii ≤
K K |aij | , i = 1, . . . , n,

 

 j = 1 

 
j += i

are called Gershgorin disks, and the boundaries of these disks are called Gershgorin

circles. The union of the Gershgorin disks is denoted

G(A) = Ri (A).

Theorem 38 The eigenvalues of an m × m matrix A all lie in the union of the Gershgorin

disks of A, that is, λ(A) ⊂ G(A). Furthermore, if any Gershgorin disk Ri (A) is disjoint from

the other Gershgorin disks of A, then it contains exactly one eigenvalue of A. By extension,

the union of any k of these disks that do not intersect the remaining m − i remaining disks

must contain precisely k of the eigenvalues, counting multiplicies.

Proof Let λ be an eigenvalue of A with associated eigenvector x. Then Ax = λx or, writing

out as n scalar equations,

ajk xk = λxj , j = 1, 2, . . . , m.

Let |xp | = maxj |xj |; then the pth equation gives

K + n K + n + n
|λ − app ||xp | = K apj xj K ≤ |apj ||xj | ≤ |xp | |apj |.
K j=1 K j=1 j=1
K j += p K j += p j += p

Since x += 0 it must be true that |xp | =

+ 0, so we have

|λ − app | ≤ |apj |.
j += p

This proves the first part of the theorem.

To establish the second part, suppose that A = D + C, where D = diag(a11 a22 , . . . , amm )

we let B(t) = D + tC. Then B(0) = D and B(1) = A. We consider the behavior of the

eigenvalues of B(t) as t varies from 0 to 1 and use the continuity of the eigenvalues as a

function of t. Thus, for any t ∈ [0, 1] , the eigenvalues of B(t) lie in the disks with centers

aii and radii tρi , where

ρi = |aij |,
j += i
i = 1, 2, . . . , m.

Now suppose that the ith disk of A = B(1) has no point in common with the remaining

m − 1 disks. Then it is obviously true that the ith disk of B(t) is isolated from the rest for

all t ∈ [0, 1]. Now when t = 0, the eigenvalues of B(0) are a11 , . . . , amm and of these, aii

is the only one in the ith (degenerate) disk. Since the eigenvalues of B(t) are continuous

functions of t, and the ith disk is always isolated from the rest, it follows that there is one

and only one eigenvalue of B(t) in the ith disk for all t ∈ [0, 1]. In particular, this is the case

when t = 1 and B(1) = A. The remainder of the proof is left as an exercise. ✷

19 Lecture 19
19.1 Discrete-time Signals in Noise

One of the important problems of signal processing is the issue of detecting the presence of

signals at given frequencies when they are corrupted by noise. The mathematical techniques

we have thus far developed provide a powerful and intuitively pleasing approach to this


Consider a discrete-time signal that consists of the sum of complex exponentials of the


x(t) = α1 ejω1 t + α2 ejω2 t + · · · + αd ejωd t + n(t), t = 0, T, 2T, . . . , (N − 1)T,

where T is the sampling period. The scalars αi are complex numbers denoting the mag-

nitude and phase of the sinusoid; that is, we assume a model of the form

1 2
ai ejωit+φi = ai ejφi ejωi t = αi ejωi t .

The noise, n(t), is assumed to be zero-mean that is, E{n(t)} = 0, where E{·} denotes

mathematical expectation. The noise is also assumed to be of constant variance and uncor-

related, that is,

E{n(t1 )n(t2 )} = σ 2 δt1 −t2 ,

where δ is the Kronecker delta function.

Recall the Nyquist Condition: A signal must be sampled at at least twice its highest

frequency component to be “perfectly reconstructed” from its samples. This means that

1 2ωmax
fsamp = ≥ 2fmax = ,
T 2π
which implies
T ≤ .

Problem Statement:

Given the sampled sequence {x(0), x(T ), x(2T ), . . . , x((N − 1)T )}, there are two issues

to be resolved.

Detection: Determine whether or not sinusoids are present, and if so, how many,

Estimation: Determine the amplitude, phase, and frequency of any sinusoids present.

This basic problem occurs in radar, sonar, speech recognition, medical imaging, communi-

cations, and many other applications.

In the interest of simplicity, let us assume that T = 1. Suppose for the moment that

there is only one sinusoid present. We then can stack the data in a vector as follows:
     
x(0) α n(0)
 x(1)   αejω   n(1) 
     
j2ω 
x =  x(2)  =  αe
    n(2) 
  
 ..   ..   .. 
 .   .   . 
j(N −1)ω
x(N − 1) αe n(N − 1)
 

 ejω

= α ej2ω

 ..

 .

j(N −1)ω
= αs(ω) + n.
 

 ejω 

The vector s(ω) =  ej2ω 
 is called a Vandermonde vector.
 .. 
 . 
j(N −1)ω

If several (say, d) sinusoids are present, we may write

x = αk s(ωk ) + n
α2 
, 
= s(ω1 ) s(ω2 ) · · · s(ωd )  ..  + n
= S(ω)α + n
 
α2 
 
where ω = {ω1 , ω2 , · · · , ωd }, α =  .. , and S(ω) is the N × d matrix
, -
S(ω) = s(ω1 ) s(ω2 ) · · · s(ωd )
 

 n(1)

and n =   is an N-dimensional noise vector.
 .
n(N − 1)
Now suppose we perform a series of m experiments, in each of which we collect N samples

of data:

x1 = S(ω)α1 + n1

x2 = S(ω)α2 + n2


xm = S(ω)αm + nm

The parameter vectors αi are likely different for each experiment; if not in amplitude, then

in phase. We form the N × m matrix

, - , - , -
Xm = x1 x2 · · · xm = S(ω) α1 α2 · · · αm + n1 n2 · · · nm


Xm = S(ω)Am + Nm

with obvious definitions for the d × m dimensional matrix Am and the N × m dimensional

noise matrix Nm .

Now let us form the empirical autocorrelation matrix

m 1
R̂xx = Xm XH
m  
1 , - xH
 
2 
= x1 x2 · · · xm  .. 
m  . 

  
x1 (0) x2 (0) ··· xm (0) x1 (0) x1 (1) · · · x1 (N − 1)
1 
 x1 (1) x2 (1) ··· xm (1)   x2 (0)
 x2 (1) · · · x2 (N − 1) 

=  .. ..   .. .. 
m . .  . . 
x1 (N − 1) x2 (N − 1) · · · xm (N − 1) xm (0) xm (1) · · · xm (N − 1)
 ! ! ! 
xi (0)xi (0) xi (0)xi (1) ··· xi (0)xi (N − 1)
 ! ! ! 
1 
 xi (1)xi (0) xi (1)xi (1) ··· xi (1)xi (N − 1) 

=  . . ,
m .. .. 
 
! ! !
xi (N − 1)xi (0) xi (N − 1)xi (1) · · · xi (N − 1)xi (N − 1)
where the index i in the above summations ranges from 1 to m.

Under the appropriate conditions (which is a topic for ECEn 580), the autocorrelation

matrix of x is obtained as the limit

Rxx = lim R̂xx .

We also have

1 21 2
m = S(ω)Am + Nm AH H H
m S (ω) + Nm

= S(ω)Am AH H H H H H
m S (ω) + S(ω)Am Nm + Nm S (ω)Am + Nm Nm .


3 $
1 H H H H H H
Rxx = lim S(ω)Am Am S (ω) + S(ω)Am Nm + Nm S (ω)Am + Nm Nm .
m→∞ m

Under the assumption that the noise and signals are uncorrelated, we have

lim S(ω)Am NH
m = 0.
m→∞ m

Also, under the assumption that the noise is temporally uncorrelated, we have

1 2
lim Nm NH
m = σ I.
m→∞ m

Thus, the N × N autocorrelation matrix is of the form

Rxx = S(ω)Rαα S H (ω) + σ 2 I. (23)

Rαα = lim Am AH
m→∞ m

Now, since Rαα is a d × d dimensional matrix, the rank of S(ω)Rαα S H (ω) is at most d.

19.2 Signal Subspace Techniques

We now study the autocorrelation matrix Rxx defined by (23). Suppose N > d, that is,

there are more observations than there are signals. This matrix is full rank because σ 2 I is

full rank, but the matrix S(ω)Rαα S H (ω) is not full rank.

Let us now form the eigendecomposition of Rxx . Let µ1 ≥ µ2 ≥ · · · ≥ µN be the eigen-

values of Rxx sorted in descending order (recall that, since Rxx is Hermitian, all eigenvalues

are real). Let ui be the eigenvector associated with µi .

Now let λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λd be the non-zero eigenvalues of S(ω)Rαα S H (ω). Then

µ i = λi + σ 2 ,

i = 1, 2, . . . , d are the first d eigenvalues of Rxx . Furthermore, the eigenvectors associated

with the first d eigenvalues of Rxx are the same as the eigenvectors of S(ω)Rαα S H (ω). These

eigenvectors define the signal subspace.

The eigendecomposition of Rxx can be written as

Rxx = UΛU H
  
λ1 + σ 2 uH
 ..
.   .. 
  . 
, -
 λd + σ 2
 H 
  ud 
= u1 · · · ud ud+1 · · · uN   H 
 σ2  ud+1 
 ..  . 
 .   .. 
σ2 uH
" ? " H?
, - Λs + σ 2 I 0 Us
= Us Un
0 σ 2 I UnH

= Us (Λs + σ 2 I)UsH + σ 2 Un UnH

= Us Λs UsH + σ 2 Us UsH + σ 2 Un UnH

= Us Λs UsH + σ 2 I


, -
Us = u1 · · · ud
, -
Un = ud+1 · · · uN
1 2
Λs = diag λ1 , · · · , λd .

Thus, by the definition of Rxx , we have

S(ω)Rαα S H (ω) = Us ΛUsH .

This establishes that the span of the columns of S(ω) is equal to the span of the columns of

Us (assuming that S(ω) and Rαα are full rank).

The eigenvectors associated with the remaining N − d eigenvalues of Rxx are orthogonal

to the signal subspace, and define what may be termed the noise subspace. Any vector in

the signal subspace is orthogonal to the noise subspace.

We are now in a position to exploit this structure to perform detection and estimation.

One way to do this is to invoke Ralph Schmidt’s MUSIC (MUltiple SIgnal Classification)

algorithm (1979).

m 1
1. For some sufficiently large m, calculate R̂xx = X XH .
m m m

2. Perform an eigendecomposition of R̂xx , yielding eigenvalues (arranged in descending

order) µ1 ≥ µ2 ≥ · · · ≥ µn and corresponding eigenvectors u1 , u1 , . . . , uN .

3. Invoke a decision rule to determine the estimate dˆ of d, the number of sinusoidal

signals present. If the model is reasonably accurate, there should be N − d eigenvalues

of approximately the same magnitude (the noise power), and d larger eigenvalues (the

power in the signal plus noise).

4. Partition the eigenvectors corresponding to the dˆ largest eigenvalues into the matrix

Us , with the remaining eigenvectors forming Un . The columns of these two matrices

define the signal subspace and the noise subspace, respectively.

5. Now look for s(ω) vectors that are (nearly) orthogonal to the noise subspace. One way

to do this is to form the function

P (ω) = !N
k=d+1 .sH (ω)uk .

and look for peaks in this function. Theoretically, when ω = ωi , P (ω) should be


20 Lecture 20
20.1 Matrix Polynomials

Definition 46 Consider an m × m matrix whose elements are polynomials in λ:

 
a11 (λ) a12 (λ) · · · a1m (λ)
 a21 (λ) a22 (λ)
 · · · a2m (λ) 

A(λ) =  .. .. .. ..  ,
 . . . . 
am1 (λ) am2 (λ) · · · amm (λ)
where each entry aij (λ) is a polynomial in λ. Such an object is called a matrix polynomial.

An equivalent way to express a matrix polynomial is to note that the (i, j)th element of

this matrix is of the form

(0) (1) (k)

aij (λ) = aij + aij λ + · · · + aij λk .

Now let Ar be the matrix whose (i, j)th element is aij , for r = 0, 1, . . . , k, then

A(λ) = A0 + λA1 + · · · + λk−1 Ak−1 + λk Ak .

Example 21 It is easy to check that

" 2 ? " ? " ? " ?
λ + λ + 1 λ2 − λ + 2 1 2 1 −1 2 1 1
= +λ +λ .
2λ λ2 − 3λ − 1 0 −1 2 −3 0 1

Many of the operations possible with scalar polynomials also apply to matrix polynomi-

als. Addition of matrix polynomials is well defined, and so is multiplication, so long as we

recognize that, since matrix multiplication does not commute, the product of two matrix

polynomials depends upon the order in which it is taken; that is, if A1 (λ) and A2 (λ) are two

matrix polynomials, then, in general, A1 (λ)A2 (λ) += A2 (λ)A1 (λ). We now turn our attention

to the issue of division. First, consider scalar polynomials. We have the following lemma.

Lemma 7 (The remainder theorem) When the polynomial f (x) is divided by x − a to

form the quotient and remainder,

f (x) = (x − a)q(x) + r(x),

where deg(r(x)) < deg(x − a) = 1, the remainder term is f (a).

Proof The proof is trivial. Since deg(r(x)) = 0, r(x) is a constant, and evaluating f (x) at

x = a yields f (a) = r(a). ✷

Let us now see how to extend this result to the matrix case.

Definition 47 Let

F (λ) = F0 + F1 λ + F2 λ2 + · · · + Fm−1 λm−1 + Fm λm ,

where each Fi is an m × m matrix, be an mth order matrix polynomial. If det(Fm ) += 0, the

matrix polynomial is said to be regular. If we divide F (λ) by a matrix polynomial A(λ)

such that

F (λ) = Q(λ)A(λ) + R(λ),

then Q(λ) and R(λ) are said to be the right quotient and right remainder, respectively,

of F (λ). If

F (λ) = A(λ)Q(λ) + R(λ),

then Q(λ) and R(λ) are said to be the left quotient and left remainder, respectively, of

F (λ). ✷

To make these formal definitions meaningful, we must show that, given this F (λ) and

Q(λ), there do exist quotients and remainders as defined.

!ℓ !n
Theorem 39 Let F (λ) = i=0 λi Fi and A(λ) = i=0 λi Ai be m × m matrix polynomials of

degree ℓ and n, respectively, with det(An ) += 0. Then there exists a right quotient and a right

remainder of F (λ) on division by A(λ), and similarly for a left quotient and left remainder.

Furthermore, these quotients and remainders are unique.

Proof If ℓ < n we put Q(λ) = 0 and R(λ) = F (λ) to obtain the result.

Now consider the case l ≥ n. Since, by hypothesis, det(An ) += 0, we begin by forming

the matrix polynomial

Fℓ A−1
n λ
A(λ) = Fℓ A−1
n λ
(An λn + · · · + A0 )

= Fℓ λℓ + matrix polynomial of degree < ℓ.

Thus, we may express F (λ) as

F (λ) = Fℓ A−1
n λ
A(λ) + F (1) (λ),

where F (1) (λ) is a matrix polynomial of degree ℓ1 ≤ ℓ − 1. Writing F (1) (λ) in decreasing

powers, let
(1) (1)
F (1) (λ) = Fℓ1 λℓ1 + · · · + F0 , ℓ1 < ℓ.

If ℓ1 ≥ n we repeat the process, but on F (1) (λ) rather than F (λ) to obtain

F (1) (λ) = Fℓ1 A−1
n λ
ℓ1 −n
A(λ) + F (2) (λ),

(2) (2)
F (2) (λ) = Fℓ2 λℓ2 + · · · + F0 , ℓ 2 < ℓ1 .

In this manner we construct a sequence of matrix polynomials F (λ), F (1) (λ), F (2) (λ), . . .

whose degrees are strictly decreasing, and after a finite number of terms we arrive at a

matrix polynomial F (r) (λ) of degree ℓr < n, with ℓr−1 ≥ n. We thus have

F (λ) = Fℓ A−1
n λ
A(λ) + F (1) (λ)

F (1) (λ) = Fℓ1 A−1
n λ
ℓ1 −n
A(λ) + F (2) (λ)


F (r−1) (λ) = Fℓr−1 A−1
n λ
ℓr−1 1−n
A(λ) + F (r) (λ)

Now, substituting the last equation into the next-to-last and proceeding up the chain, we

3 $
−1 ℓ−n (1) −1 ℓ1 −n (r−1) −1 ℓr−1 1−n
F (λ) = Fℓ An λ A(λ) + Fℓ1 An λ A(λ) + · · · + Fℓr−1 An λ A(λ) + F (r) (λ).

The matrix in parentheses can now be identified as a right quotient of F (λ) on division

by A(λ), and R(λ) = F (r) (λ) is the right remainder. The proof of a left quotient and left

remainder follows in a similar manner.

To establish uniqueness, suppose that there exist matrix polynomials Q(λ), R(λ) and

Q1 (λ), R1 (λ), such that

F (λ) = Q(λ)A(λ) + R(λ)


F (λ) = Q1 (λ)A(λ) + R1 (λ)

where R(λ) and R1 (λ) each have degrees less than n. Then

1 2
Q(λ) − Q1 (λ) A(λ) = R(λ) − R1 (λ).

If Q(λ) += Q1 (λ), then the left-hand side of this equation is a matrix polynomial whose

degree is at least n. However, the right-hand side is a matrix polynomial of degree less than

n. Hence Q(λ) = Q1 (λ) and, consequently, R(λ) = R1 (λ). A similar argument establishes

the uniqueness of the left quotient and remainder. ✷

We now consider matrix polynomials whose arguments are also matrices.

Definition 48 For a matrix polynomial F (λ) and a matrix A, we may form the right value

of F (A) as

Fr (A) = Fm Am + Fm−1 Am−1 + · · · + F0

and the left value of F (A) as

Fl (A) = Am Fm + Am−1 Fm−1 + · · · + F0 .

We now generalize the remainder theorem to the matrix case.

Theorem 40 The right and left remainders of a matrix polynomial F (λ) on division by the

first-degree polynomial λI − A are Fr (A) and Fl (A), respectively.

Proof The factorization

3 $
i ii−1 i−2 i−2 i−1
λ I − A = λ I + λ A + · · · + λA + A (λI − A)

can be verified by multiplying out the product on the right. Pre-multiplying both sides of

this equation by Fi and summing the resulting equations yields

+ m
Fi λi − Fi Ai = C(λ)(λI − A),
i=1 i=1

where C(λ) is a matrix polynomial. But the left side of this equation is
+ m
+ m
+ m
i i i
Fi λ − Fi A = Fi λ − Fi Ai = F (λ) − Fr (A).
i=1 i=1 i=0 i=0


F (λ) = C(λ)(λI − A) + Fr (A).

The result now follows from the uniqueness of the right remainder on division of F (λ) by

(λI − A). The result for the left remainder is obtained by reversing the factors in the initial

factorization, multiplying on the right by Fi , and summing. ✷

Definition 49 An m × m matrix A such that Fr (A) = 0 (respectively Fl (A) = 0) is called

a right solvent (respectively, left solvent) of the matrix polynomial F (λ). ✷

We thus have the following corollary.

Corollary 1 The matrix polynomial F (λ) is divisible on the right (respectively, left) by

λI − A with zero remainder if and only if A is a right (respectively, left) solvent of F (λ).

We are now in a position to provide a general proof of the celebrated Cayley-Hamilton


Theorem 41 (Cayley-Hamilton Theorem) If A is an m × m matrix with characteristic

polynomial χ(λ), then χ(A) = 0. In other words, A is a zero of its characteristic polynomial.

Proof Recall that the adjugate of a matrix X (the transpose of the matrix formed by the

cofactors) satisfies the property

adj (X)
X −1 =

and, consequently,

X adj (X) = adj (X)X = det(X)I.

Now, with X = λI − A, define the matrix B(λ) = adj (λI − A) and observe that B(λ) is an

m × m matrix polynomial of degree m − 1 and that

(λI − A)B(λ) = B(λ)(λI − A) = χ(λ)I.

But χ(λ)I is a matrix polynomial of degree m that is divisible on both the left and on the

right by λI − A with zero remainder. By the above corollary, we conclude that

χ(A) = 0.

For the special case where the matrix A is diagonalizable, the proof of the Cayley-

Hamilton theorem is extremely simple.

Proof (Alternate proof when A is diagonalizable). Let S be a the matrix of linearly inde-

pendent eigenvectors, such that A = SΛS −1 . Then

1 2
χ(A) = χ(SΛS −1) = Sχ(Λ)S −1 = S diag χ(λ1 ), . . . , χ(λm ) S −1 = 0.

20.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in Control Theory

Let us consider the causal, finite-dimensional, linear time-invariant, single-input-single-output

system model

ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t), t≥0

y(t) = cT x(t) + du(t),

where A is an m × m matrix termed the system matrix , b and c are m × 1 vectors termed

the input distribution matrix and output distribution matrix, respectively, and d is a

scalar, termed the direct feed-through parameter. u(t) is the input function and y(t)

is the output function. The vector x(t) is the state vector of the system. The control

problem is to choose an input function such that a desired output is achieved.

We may obtain the transfer function by taking the Laplace transforms of the above

system equations and rearranging as follows. Assuming zero initial conditions, we have

sX(s) = AX(s) + bU(s)

Y (s) = cT X(s) + dU(s).

Rearranging the first of these equations yields

X(s) = (sI − A)−1 bU(s),

and substituting into the second equation yields

3 $
T −1
Y (s) = c (sI − A) b + d U(s),

so the transfer function is

Y (s)
H(s) = = cT (sI − A)−1 b + d.

Using the properties of the adjugate, we obtain

cT adj (sI − A)b + d det(sI − A)

H(s) = .
det(sI − A)

We observe that the numerator cT adj (sI −A)b+d det(sI −A) and the denominator det(sI −

A) are both polynomials in s. Thus, the transfer function is of the form

H(s) = ,

where b(s) = cT adj (sI − A)b + d det(sI − A) and a(s) = det(sI − A).

Definition 50 Let H(s) be the transfer function of a finite-dimensional linear time-invariant

system. The zeros of H(s) are those values of s such that H(s) = 0. The poles of H(s) are

those values of s such that |H(s)| = ∞. ✷

We observe that the finite poles of the system are exactly the eigenvalues of the system

matrix A. To interpret the poles, we can perform a partial fraction expansion of the transfer

function to obtain

bm sm + bm−1 sm−1 + · · · + b0
H(s) =
sm + am−1 sm−1 + · · · + a0
K11 K12 K1m1
= K∞ + + 2
(s − λ1 ) (s − λ1 ) (s − λ1 )m1
K21 K22 K2m1
+ + 2
(s − λ2 ) (s − λ2 ) (s − λ2 )m2


Kℓ1 Kℓ2 Kℓm1

+ + + · · ·
(s − λℓ ) (s − λℓ )2 (s − λℓ )mℓ

where λi , i = 1, . . . , ℓ denote the distinct eigenvalues, each with algebraic multiplicity mi ,

so that m1 + m2 + · · · + mℓ = m. The constants Kij are the partial fraction expansion

coefficients. Inverting this function, the impulse response function is

K12 teλ1 t K1m1 tm1 −1 eλ1 t

h(t) = K∞ δ(t) + K11 eλ1 t + +···+
1! (m1 − 1)!
λ2 t m2 −1 λ2 t
K22 te K2m2 t e
+K21 eλ2 t + +···+
1! (m2 − 1)!


Kℓ2 teλℓ t Kℓm2 tmℓ −1 eλℓ t

+Kℓ1 eλℓ t + +···+
1! (mℓ − 1)!

for t ≥ 0.

Definition 51 A linear time-invariant system is said to be bounded-input-bounded

output (BIBO) stable if a bounded input produces a bounded output. ✷

Clearly, if K∞ += 0, the presence of the delta function in the output generates an un-

bounded output, so a bounded system must have K∞ = 0. It can be shown that conditions

for BIBO stability are that

1. The degree of the numerator of H(s) must be less than the degree of the denominator.

This condition is satisfied if d = 0, since the degree of cT adj (SI − A)b is strictly less

than m.

2. The poles of H(s) must lie strictly in the left-half complex plane; that is, ℜ(λi ) < 0.

This can be seen by inspection of a typical term

Kimi tmi −1 eλi t

mi − 1

which tends to zero in the limit as t → ∞ if and only if ℜ(λi ) < 0.

Example 22 (Pole-placement using full state feedback) Consider the time-invariant

linear system model

ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t), t ≥ 0, x(0) = x0

y(t) = cT x(t)

with transfer function

Y (s) cT adj (sI − A)b

H(s) = = cT (sI − A)−1 b = .
U(s) det(sI − A)

Suppose it is desired that a system be controlled such that it stays close to the origin, such

that, if any perturbations to the system should occur, it will quickly return to the origin. An

elegant way to accomplish this task is to use feedback. Suppose, by some means (which need

not concern us at the moment) we are able to obtain knowledge of the state vector x(t) at

every point in time. We could then apply state feedback of the form

u(t) = kT x(t),

where kT is an m × 1 feedback gain matrix. The resulting closed-loop system then is

described by the differential equation

1 2
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + bkT x(t) = A + bkT x(t).

The gain matrix k is chosen to place the poles of the closed-loop system matrix A + bkT so

as to regulate the system in an appropriate manner.

For a specific numerical example, suppose

" ? " ?" ? " ?
ẋ1 (t) 0 1 x1 (t) 0
= + u(t).
ẋ2 (t) 2 −1 x2 (t) 1

The characteristic equation for this system is

χ(s) = det(sI − A) = s2 + s − 2,

which has poles at s1 = 1 and s2 = −2. This system is unstable, and any perturbation from

x(0) = 0 will cause the system to diverge from the origin. We desire to choose a feedback
, -
gain matrix kT = k1 k2 to stabilize this system. The closed-loop system matrix is of the

" ? " ? " ?
T 0 1 0 , - 0 1
A + bk = b+ k1 k2 = .
2 −1 1 2 + k1 k2 − 1

The characteristic equation for the closed-loop system matrix is
3" ?$
s −1
χc (s) = det(sI − A − bk ) = det = s2 + s(1 − k2 ) − 2 − k1 .
−2 − k1 s + 1 − k2

Now suppose we desire to place the closed-loop poles securely in the left-half plane, say at

s = −1 and s = −2. Then the characteristic equation for the desired system is then

χd (s) = s2 + 3s + 2.

We can achieve this performance by choosing k such that χc (s) = χd (s), which is achieved

by setting

1 − k2 = 3 ⇒ k2 = −2

−2 − k1 = 2 ⇒ k1 = −4.

The closed-loop system is of the form

" ? " ?" ?
ẋ1 (t) 0 1 x1 (t)
ẋ2 (t) −2 −3 x2 (t)

which is stable. Any perturbations will generate a feedback signal that will tend to drive it

back to the origin.

This solution is somewhat artificial because we simply assumed that we had knowledge of

the entire state. With a single-input-single-output system, however, we only have access to

a linear combination of the output, that is,

y(t) = cT x(t).

Thus, if we are to make any practical use out of the pole-placement approach to system

control, we will need to find a way to gain access to the full state. To do this, we will apply a

very simple idea: we start by constructing a computer-based simulator of the actual physical

system of the form

x̂(t) = Ax̂(t) + bu(t), x̂(0) = x̂0 ,

This system would run in parallel with the actual plant, and if our model were correct and

we knew the exact initial conditions of the plant (that is, if x̂0 = x0 ), then our simulation

would reproduce the state and we could use x̂ in place of x to effect the state feedback so that

the resulting system would be of the form

" ? " ?" ? " ? " ?
ẋ(t) A bkT x(t) x(0) x
˙ = , = 0 .
x̂(t) 0 A x̂(t) x̂(0) x̂0

This approach would work if we could be assurred that the error x̃(t) = x(t) − x̂(t) can be

made to be arbitrarily small. Unfortunately, this condition cannot be guaranteed with the

above simulation even if the model is accurate, because the initial conditions are not known.

But there is a way to improve things. We can use the difference between the actual output

y(t) and the simulated output ŷ(t) = cT x̂(t) to design another feedback system as follows.

Suppose we were to modify the simulated system to be of the form

x̂(t) = Ax̂(t) + bu(t) + ℓ[y(t) − ŷ(t)], x̂(0) = x̂0

= Ax̂(t) + bu(t) + ℓcT [x(t) − x̂(t)],

where ℓ is a feedback gain vector to be suitably chosen. This system is called an asymptotic

observer. The goal is to choose ℓ such that the state error,

x̃(t) = x(t) − x̂(t)

tends to zero rapidly as t → ∞. Subtracting the actual plant dynamics from the observer

dynamics, we obtain a differential equation in the error; namely,

x̃(t) ˙
= ẋ(t) − x̂(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t) − Ax̂(t) − bu(t) − ℓcT [x(t) − x̂(t)]

or, collecting terms,

x̃(t) = (A − ℓcT )x̃(t).

Now, it should be clear that, if we can place the eigenvalues of the matrix A − ℓcT into the

left-half plane, the error will asymptotically die out, and we may substitute x̃(t) for x(t) with

, -
To continue our numerical example, suppose cT = 1 0 . Then

" ? " ? " ?

T 0 1 l1 , - −l1 1
A − ℓc = − 1 0 = .
2 −1 l2 2 − l2 −1

The characteristic equation for this observer is

χo (s) = (s + l1 )(S + 1) − 2 + l2 = s2 + (l1 + 1)s + l1 + l2 − 2

A good rule of thumb is that the dynamics of the observer should be five or so times faster

than the dominant mode of the controller. This means that the poles of the observer should

be at, say, −5. Thus, the desired characteristic equation of the observer is

χd (s) = (s + 5)2 = s2 + 10s + 25.

Equating χd (s) with χo (s) yields

l1 + 1 = 10 ⇒ l1 = 9

l1 + l2 − 2 = 25 ⇒ l2 = 18

The resulting observer error dynamics equation is then

" ?
˙ −9 −17
x̃(t) = x̃(t), x̃(0) = x̂(0) − x̂0
2 −1

The observer dynamic system is

x̂(t) = Ax̂(t) + bu(t) + ℓ[y(t) − cT x(T )],

and since we set u(t) = kT x̂(t), we obtain

x̂(t) = Ax̂(t) + bkT x̂(t) + ℓ[y(t) − cT x(T )]

= (A + bkT − ℓcT )x̂(t) + ℓy(t).

Together, the controller and the observer form the system

" ? " ?" ? " ?

ẋ(t) A bkT x(t) 0
˙x̂(t) = 0 A − ℓcT + bkT x̂(t) + ℓ y(t).

These two dynamic equations form what is called a compensator.

21 Lecture 21
21.1 Matrix Square Roots

Definition 52 Let A be an m × m matrix. By analogy with real numbers, we consider

the existence of a matrix A0 such AH

0 A0 = A. Such a matrix A0 is called a square root

of A. Notationally, we often write A 2 for the square root of A. Also, some authors use the
T 1 1 2T
notation A 2 for A 2 . ✷

It is easy to see that all diagonalizable matrices possess a square root. In general, square
1 1
roots of a matrix are not unique, since if A 2 is a square root, then QA 2 is also a square root

for every m × m unitary matrix Q.

Let us now specialize to Hermitian matrices.

Theorem 42 A matrix A is positive definite (or semi-definite) if and only if it has a positive

definite (respectively, semi-definite) square root A0 . Also, rank (A0 ) = rank (A).

Moreover, the positive definite (respectively, semi-definite) square-root of A is unique.

Proof Let A be an m × m positive semi-definite matrix. Then its eigenvalues λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λm

√ √ √
are non-negative and we can define a real matrix D0 = diag( λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λm ). Let

D = D02 . By the spectral decomposition theorem, there is a unitary matrix of eigenvectors

of A such that A = UDU H . Let

A0 = UD0 U H .


A20 = UD0 U H UD0 U H = UD02 U H = UDU H ,

thus A0 is a square root of A. This construction shows that the eigenvalues of A0 are the

square roots of the eigenvalues of the eigenvalues of A. This proves that the two matrices

are of the same rank.

Conversely, if A = A20 and A0 ≥ 0, then can form the spectral decomposition of A0 as

A0 = UD0 U H , so that A = A20 = UD02 U H and we see that the eigenvalues of A are the

squares of the eigenvalues of A0 , hence are non-negative. This fact also implies equality of

the ranks.

To establish uniqueness, suppose A1 ≥ 0 satisfies A21 = A. By an argument similar to the

one above, the eigenvalues of A1 must be the same as the eigenvalues of A0 . Furthermore,

A1 is Hermitian and, therefore, has a spectral decomposition A1 = UD0 U H , where U is a

unitary matrix comprising the eigenvectors of A. Thus, A1 = A0 .

The same argument proves the theorem for the positive definite case.

Although spectral decompositions of matrices are restricted to square matrices, the ques-

tion arises as to what, if anything, can be said about the spectral structure of non-square


Definition 53 Consider an arbitrary m × n matrix A. The matrix AH A is positive semi-

definite (or definite), and therefore has a unique positive semi-definite (or definite) square
1 21
root H1 = AH A 2 such that AH A = H12 . The eigenvalues σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σm of the matrix
1 21
H1 = AH A 2 are called the singular values of A. ✷

Theorem 43 Let A be an arbitrary m × n matrix. The non-zero eigenvalues of the matrices

1 21 1 21
AH A 2 and AAH 2 coincide.

Proof It suffices to prove the theorem for the matrices AH A and AAH . Let λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn be

the eigenvalues of AH A, with corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors x1 , x2 , . . . , xn . Then

0AH Axi , xj 1 = λi 0xi , xj 1 = λi δij , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n.

Since 0AH Axi , xj 1 = 0Axi , Axj 1, it follows that 0Axi , Axi 1 = λi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n. thus,

Axi = 0 if and only if λi = 0. For the case λi += 0, we have

AAH (Axi ) = A(AH Axi ) = λi Axi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n,

which shows that the vector Axi is an eigenvector of AAH . Thus, if λi is a non-zero eigenvalue

of AH A (with eigenvector xi ), then λi is also an eigenvalue of AAH (with eigenvector Axi ).

Thus, all non-zero eigenvalues of AH A are also non-zero eigenvalues of AAH .

If we exchange the roles of A and AH and follow exactly the same argument as above,

we see that all non-zero eigenvalues of AAH are also non-zero eigenvalues of AH A. Thus the

two sets of non-zero eigenvalues coincide. ✷

1 21 1 21
The eigenvalues of AH A and AAH , and hence of AH A 2 and AAH 2 , differ only in the

geometric multiplicity of the zero eigenvalue. If there are r ≤ min(m, n) non-zero eigenvalues,

then the geometric multiplicity of the zero eigenvalue for AH A is n − r, and the geometric

multiplicity of the zero eigenvalue for AAH is m − r.

21.2 Polar and Singular-Value Decompositions

Recall that any complex number z can be expressed as z = ρejθ , where ρ ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π.

The matrix analogue to that result is the following theorem.

Theorem 44 Polar Decomposition. Any n × n matrix A can be represented in the form

A = HU, (24)

1 21
where H ≥ 0 and U is unitary. Moreover, the matrix H is unique and given by H = AAH 2 .

Proof Suppose AH A has r ≤ n non-zero eigenvalues, indexed as

λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λr > 0 = λr+1 = · · · = λn

with corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors x1 , x2 , . . . , xn . As we saw above, for i ≤ r, the

vectors Axi are eigenvectors of AAH , and hence, the normalized vectors

1 1
yi = Axi = √ Axi (25)
.Axi . λi

are orthonormal eigenvectors of AAH corresponding to the eigenvalues λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λr , respec-

tively. We may then choose n − r orthonormal vectors yr+1 , . . . , yn in the nullspace of AAH

to extend this set to an orthonormal eigenbasis for AAH .

1 21
Let H = AAH 2 . Since yi is an eigenvector of AAH corresponding to eigenvalue λi , it

is also an eigenvector of H corresponding to eigenvalue λi . That is, using (25),

Hyi = λi yi = Axi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n.

Now let us define the matrix U by the relationship

Uxi = yi ,

that is, U maps the orthonormal basis defined by the eigenvectors of AH A into the ortho-

normal basis defined by the eigenvectors of AAH . Thus U is a unitary matrix.

Exercise: Show that a matrix U is unitary if and only if it transforms an orthonormal basis

into an orthonormal basis.

HUxi = Hyi = λi yi = Axi , i = 1, 2, . . . , r.

Since 0Axi , Axi 1 = 0AH Axi , xi 1 = λi = 0 for i = r + 1, r + 2, . . . , rn , it follows that

Axi = 0 for r + 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Furthermore, as we saw earlier, AAH yi = 0 implies Hyi = 0.


HUxi = Hyi = 0 = Axi , i = r + 1, . . . , n.

We thus have

HUxi = Axi

for all members of the eigenbasis x1 , x2 , . . . , xn of Cn . Since every x ∈ Cn can be written as

a linear combination of this basis set, we have

HUx = Ax

for every x ∈ Cn . Since this holds for every x, it follows that

A = HU.

By exchanging the roles of A and AH , we have the immediate corollary

Corollary 2 Any n × n matrix A can be represented in the form

A = H1 U1 , (26)

where H1 ≥ 0 and U1 is unitary. Moreover, the matrix H1 is unique and given by H1 =
1 21
AH A 2 .

Equations (24) and (26) are called the polar decompositions of A. By analogy with the

polar representation of a scalar z = ρejθ , the positive semi-definite matrix H corresponds

to ρ and unitary matrix (a rotation) corresponds to the rotation through the angle θ in the

complex plane in the scalar case.

Theorem 45 Singular-Value Decomposition. Let A be an arbitrary m × n matrix and

let σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σr be the non-zero singular values of A. Then A can be represented in the form

A = UΣV H , (27)

where U is an m × m unitary matrix, V is an n × n unitary matrix, and Σ is an m × n

matrix that has has σi in the (i, i)th entry for i = 1, 2, . . . , r and zero everywhere else.

The representation given by (27) is referred to as a singular-value decomposition (SVD)

of the matrix A.

Proof From our earlier development, we know that the systems of eigenvectors {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }

for AH A and {y1 , y2 , . . . , yn } for AAH are orthonormal eigenbases for Cn and Cm , respec-

tively, and that

Axi = λi yi , i = 1, 2, . . . , r. (28)

We have also established that

Axi = 0, i = r + 1, . . . , n.

Now define the matrices

, - , -
V = x1 x2 · · · xn and U = y1 y2 · · · ym ,

and note that they are unitary. Since by definition

σi = λi , i = 1, 2, . . . , r,

Equation (28) implies that

, -
AV = σ1 y1 σ2 y2 · · · σr yr 0 · · · 0 = UΣ,

where Σ is the matrix in (27). Finally, since V is unitary, we have

A = UΣV H .

By exchanging the roles of A and AH , we may show that the SVD of AH is

AH = V ΣH U H ,

and that, for eigenbases {x1 , . . . , xn } of AH A and {y1 , . . . , ym } of AAH ,

H σi xi if i = 1, 2, . . . , r
A yi = .
0 if i = r + 1, , . . . , m

The structure of the SVD becomes apparent with the three possible cases

Case 1: m = n  
σ1 0 · · · 0
 0 σ2 
 
Σ =  .. . . 
. . 
0 σn

Case 2: m > n  
σ1 0 · · · 0
 0 σ2 
. 
. .. 
. . 
 
Σ=0 σn 
 
 0 ··· 0
. .. 
 .. .
0 ··· 0
Case 3: m < n  
σ1 0 · · · 0 0 · · · 0
 0 σ2
 0 0 · · · 0 
Σ =  .. .. .. 
. . .
0 σm 0 · · · 0

Definition 54 Let A be an arbitrary m × n matrix with SVD A = UΣV H . The diagonal

elements of Σ are called the singular values of A. The columns of U are called the left

singular vectors or left singular bases of A. The columns of V are called the right

singular vectors or right singular bases of A. ✷

Example 23 Let  
1 0
A = 0 1
1 0
To find an SVD for A, we compute AH A and AAH and construct orthonormal eigenbases

for these matrices. We obtain

 
" ? 1 0 " ?
H 1 0 1  2 0
A A= 0 1 =
0 1 0 0 1
1 0

and    
1 0 " ? 1 0 1
1 0 1
AAH = 0 1 = 0 1 0 .
0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1

The singular values are immediately seen to be σ1 = 2 and σ2 = 1. The eigenbases are

computed to be  
√1 0 √12
U =0 1 0 
√1 0 − √12

1 0
V = .
0 1

The matrix of singular values is √ 

2 0
Σ =  0 1 .
0 0
The corresponding SVD is
  √ 
√1 0 √12 2 0 " ?
2 1 0
A=0 1 0   0 1 .
√1 1 0 1
0 − √2 0 0

Some facts about SVD’s

1. The singular values are always ordered in descending order.

2. The singular values are always real and positive.

3. If A is real, then U and V are real and orthogonal.

4. The singular values are the square roots of the eigenvalues of AH A and of AAH (which

may involve extra zeros).

Theorem 46 Let A be an m × n matrix of rank r, and express the SVD of A as

" ?" ?
, - Σ1 0 V1H
A = U1 U2 ,
0 0 V2H

where U1 is m × r, U2 is m × (m − r), Σ1 is r × r, V1H is n × r, and V2H is n × (n − r). Then

R(A) = span (U1 )

N (A) = span (V2 )

R(AH ) = span (V1 )

N (AH ) = span (U2 )

Proof The nullspace of A must have dimension n − r. Let v2 be any column taken from

V2 (there are n − r such columns). Then

Av2 = U1 Σ1 V1H v2 = 0

since the columns of V are mutually orthogonal. Thus, span (V2 ) ⊂ N (A). Conversely, if

v += 0 and v ∈ N (A), then Av = 0, then v ⊥ v1 , where v1 is any column of V1 . Since N (A)

and R(A) are orthogonal subspaces, we have that v ∈ span (V2 ). Thus, N (A) ⊂ span (V2 ),


N (A) = span (V2 ).

The rest of this proof is left as an exercise. ✷

22 Lecture 22
22.0.1 Generalized Inverses

We have previously discussed matrix pseudo-inverses, and have established that if an m × n

1 2−1
matrix A is full rank, then it possesses a left pseudo-inverse of the form AT A AT if m > n
and it possesses a right pseudo-inverse of the form AT AAT )−1 if m < n. We now address

the question: Can we define a concept of matrix inverse if A is not full rank?

Definition 55 Let A be an arbitrary m × n matrix. A generalized inverse, denoted AI ,

of A is a matrix that satisfies the equation

AAI A = A (29)

AI AAI = AI . (30)

Theorem 47 A generalized inverse AI exists for every matrix A.

Proof We first observe that if A is an m × n identically zero matrix, then the n × m zero

matrix satisfies the defining equations. Now suppose rank (A) = r > 0, and let the SVD of

A be given by
" ?" ?
, - Σ1 0 V1H
A = UΣV = U1 U2
0 0 V2H

where U1 is m × r, U2 is m × (m − r), Σ1 is a diagonal r × r matrix with positive diagonal

elements, V1H is n × r, and V2H is n × (n − r). We can re-write this SVD as

D 1 E
I J "I 0? H
Ir 0
A = U1 Σ1 U2
r Σ1
V 1 =R S, (31)
0 0 V2H 0 0

D 1 E
where Ir is an r × r identity matrix, R = U1 Σ12 U2 and S = Σ1 VH1 . It is easily verified
1 2

that the matrix
" ?
−1 Ir B1
A =S R−1
B2 B2 B1

satisfies conditions (29) and (30) for any r × (n − r) matrix B1 and any (m − r) × r matrix

B2 . ✷

An immediate consequence of the construction of a generalized inverse is that

1. AI A and AAI are idempotent matrices, e.g., from (30)

(AAI )2 = (AAI )(AAI ) = A(AI AAI ) = AAI ,

and by a similar argument, (AI A)2 = AI A.

2. rank (A) = rank (AI ), since the rank of the product of two matrices is equal to the

minimum rank of the matrices.

1 2H
3. If AI is a generalized inverse of A, then the matrix AI is a generalized inverse of

AH , i.e., taking the Hermitian of (29),

1 2H 1 2H

A similar result holds for (30).

Theorem 48 If A is an m × n matrix and if AI is a generalized inverse of A, then

R(A) + N (AI ) = Cm (32)

N (A) + R(AI ) = Cn , (33)

that is, the inner sum of the range of A and the null space of AI constitutes Cm , and the

inner sum of the range of AI and the null space of A constitutes Cn .

Proof Since AAI is a projection matrix (i.e., it is idempotent), it is clear that R(AAI ) ⊂

R(A). Now let y = Ax ∈ R(A). Since A = AAI A, we have that y = (AAI )(Ax) ∈ R(AAI ).

Thus R(A) ⊂ R(AAI ) and hence R(AAI ) = R(A).

Furthermore, rank (A) = rank (AAI ) = rank (AI ). Obviously, N (AI ) ⊂ N (AAI ). But

1 2 1 2
dim N (AI ) = m − rank (AI ) = m − rank (AAI ) = dim N (AAI ) ,

so it follows that N (AI ) = N (AAI ). Combining this result with the fact that AAI is a

projection matrix,

Cm = R(AAI ) + N (AAI ) = R(A) + N (AI ).

This establishes (32). Since the defining equations for AI are symmetric in A and AI , we

can replace A, AI by AI , A respectively, and repeat the above procedure to obtain (33). ✷

Although the above theorem establishes that Cm can be decomposed into algebraic comple-

ments, they need not be orthogonal. Let us further impose the requirement that R(A) ⊥

N (AI ). We begin with a definition.

Definition 56 Let A be an arbitrary m × n matrix, and let AI be a generalized inverse

such that

1 2H
AAI = AAI (34)
1 2H
AI A = AI A. (35)

The AI is said to be a Moore-Penrose Inverse of A, and is denoted A† . ✷

Since A† A and AA† are idempotent matrices, they are projection operators. In fact, as

the following theorem shows, they are orthogonal projection operators.

Theorem 49 Let A be an arbitrary m × n matrix. then the Moore-Penrose inverse A† is

unique, R(A) ⊥ N (A† ), and R(A† ) ⊥ N (A), that is,

R(A) ⊕ N (A† ) = Cm

R(A† ) ⊕ N (A) = Cn .

Proof Since the Moore-Penrose inverse must comply with (34) and (35), Let x ∈ N (AA† )

and y ∈ R(AA† ). Note that since AA† projects elements of Cm onto R(AA† ) and R(AA† )

is disjoint from N (AA† ), we have

G1 2H
0x, y1 = 0x, (AA† )y1 = AA† x, y1 = 00, y1 = 0.

1 2 1 2
This establishes that N AA† ⊕R AA† , and from the previous theorem, N (A† ) = N (AA† ),

etc., hence the result follows.

To establish uniqueness, suppose A†1 and A†2 are two Moore-Penrose inverses of A, con-

sequently, they both possess the following properties:

AA†i A = A (36)

A†i AA†i = A†i (37)

1 2H
AA†i = AA†i (38)
1 2H
A†i A = A†i A, (39)

for i = 1, 2. By (37) and (38), we have

1 2H 1 2H 1 2H 1 2H
A†i = A†i AH A†i = AA†i A†i , i = 1, 2,

and hence
3 $
1 2H 1 2H † 1 † 2H † 1 † 2H
A†1 − A†2 = A A1 A1 − A2 A2 .
3 $
1 † 2H 1 † 2H
Now let y ∈ R A1 − A2 . Then there exists x ∈ Cm such that

I1 2 1 2H J
A†1 − A†2 x = y.

By setting
I 1 2 1 2H J
x′ = A†1 A†1 − A†2 A†2 x,

we have that Ax′ = y, thus

3 $
1 † 2H 1 † 2H
R A1 − A2 ⊂ R(A).

On the other hand, using (36) and (39), we see that

1 2H
AH = AH A†i AH = A†i AAH , i = 1, 2,

3 $
1 † †
2 H H
1 † 2H 1 † 2H
which implies that A1 − A2 AA = 0, or, transposing, AA A1 − A2 = 0. Thus,

3 $
1 † 2H 1 † 2H
R A1 − A2 ⊂ N (AAH ) = N (AH ).

But N (AH ) is orthogonal to R(A), so the only vector they have in common is 0. Thus,
1 2H 1 2H
A†1 − A†2 maps all vectors to the zero vector, which implies that A†1 = A†2 . ✷

Corollary 3 For any matrix A,

N (A† ) = N (AH )

R(A† ) = R(AH )

and, consequently,

A† Ax = x, x ∈ R(AH )

AA† y = y, y ∈ R(A).

Proof This follows from Theorem 49 and the fact that

R(A) ⊕ N (AH ) = Cm

N (A) ⊕ R(AH ) = Cn

and the fact that AA† and AAH are projection operators. ✷

Definition 57 Recalling (31) where rank (A) = r, we write

" ?" ?
, - Ir 0 S1
A = R1 R2 = R1 S1 , (40)
0 0 S2

where R1 is m × r and S1 = r × n and both are rank r. Equation (40) is called a rank

decomposition of A. ✷

Theorem 50 Let A be an arbitrary m × n matrix, and let

A = RS H ,

where R is m × r and S is n × r be a rank decomposition of A. Then

1 2−1 1 H 2−1 H
A† = S S H S R R R (41)

is the Moore-Penrose inverse of A. Furthermore,

1 2† 1 2H
1. AH = A†

1 2†
2. For unitary U and V , UAV = V H A† U H .

1 2†
3. A† = A.

1 2† 1 2H 1 2† 1 2H
4. AAH = A† A† and AH A = A† A† .

Proof To establish (41), it suffices to show that the conditions defined by (36) through (39)

hold, which are verified by direct computation.

We now prove selected portions of the theorem, leaving the remaining portions as exer-

1 2†
To show that UAV = V H A† U H , we note that if A = RS H is a rank decomposition of

A, then (UR)(S H V ) is a rank decomposition of UAV . Then, applying the structure of (41),

we have

1 2† 1 2 2−1 2−1 1 H H 2
UAV = V H S (S H V V H S (RH UU H R U = V H A† U H .

1 2† 1 2H
To show that AAH = A† A† , we note that, if A = RS H is a rank decomposition of

A, then
1 2

is a rank decomposition of AAH . Applying the structure of (41), we obtain

1 2† 1 2−1 1 H 2−1 H
1 2−1 1 H 2−1 1 H 2−1 1 H 2−1 H
= RS H S S H S R R S S R R R
1 2−1 1 H 2−1 1 H 2−1 H
= R RH R S S R R R .


1 2H 1 1 2−1 1 2−1 1 H 2−1 H

A† A† = R RH R)−1 S H S S H S S H S R R R
1 2−1 1 H 2−1 1 H 2−1 H
= R RH R S S R R R .

Recall that the singular value decomposition of a matrix A of rank r involves a pair of

orthonormal eigenbases {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn } and {y1 , y2 , . . . , ym } of the matrices AH A and AAH ,

respectively, such that

σi yi if i = 1, 2, . . . , r
Axi = (42)
0 if i = r + 1, , . . . , n

H σi xi if i = 1, 2, . . . , r
A yi = . (43)
0 if i = r + 1, , . . . , m

The following theorem provides some deep insight into the structure of the Moore-Penrose


Theorem 51 Let A be an m × n matrix with singular values σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ · · · ≥ σr > 0 =

σr+1 = · · · = σn . Then σ1−1 , σ2−1 , · · · , σr−1 are the nonzero singular values of A† . Moreover,

{x1 , x2 , . . . , xn } are the right singular bases of A and {y1 , y2 , . . . , ym } are the left singular

bases of A, that is,

† σi−1 xi if i = 1, 2, . . . , r
A yi = (44)
0 if i = r + 1, , . . . , m

1 † 2H σi−1 yi if i = 1, 2, . . . , r
A xi = . (45)
0 if i = r + 1, , . . . , n

Proof From the proof of Theorem 49,

3 $ 3 $
1 2
† H †
1 2
H †
1 2
N A A =N AA = N AAH .

1 2H
Thus, the null spaces of A† A† and AAH are the same, therefore, A† has m − r zero

singular values and we may use the same singular bases for A† as for A.

Applying A† to (42) and using the corollary, we obtain, for xi ∈ R(AH ),

† σi A† yi if i = 1, 2, . . . , r
xi = A Axi = ,
0 if i = r + 1, , . . . , n

which implies that the non-zero singular values of A† are the reciprocals of the non-zero

singular values of A, and (44) holds. By a similar argument we can show that (45) holds. ✷

Thus, if a singular-value decomposition of A is

A = UΣV H ,

where U is an m × m unitary matrix, V is an n × n unitary matrix, and Σ is an m × n

matrix that has has σi in the (i, i)th entry for i = 1, 2, . . . , r and zero everywhere else, then

a singular-value decomposition of the Moore-Penrose inverse, A† , is

A† = V Σ′ U H ,

where Σ′ is an n × m matrix that has σi−1 in the (i, i)th entry for i = 1, 2, . . . , r and zero

everywhere else.

Example 24 Let  
1 0
A = 0 1
1 0

To find an SVD for A, we compute AH A and AAH and construct orthonormal eigenbases

for these matrices. We obtain

 
? 1 0
" " ?
H 1 0 1  2 0
A A= 0 1 =
0 1 0 0 1
1 0

and    
1 0 " ? 1 0 1
1 0 1
AAH = 0 1 = 0 1 0 .
0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1

The singular values are immediately seen to be σ1 = 2 and σ2 = 1. The eigenbases are

computed to be  
√1 0 √12
U =0 1 0 
√1 0 − √12
1 0
V = .
0 1

The matrix of singular values is √ 

2 0
Σ =  0 1 .
0 0
The corresponding SVD is
  √ 
√1 0 √12 2 0 " ?
2 1 0
A=0 1 0   0 1  .
√1 1 0 1
0 − 2
√ 0 0
The Moore-Penrose generalized inverse is then
 
" ?" 1 ? √12 0 √12 "1 1
† 1 0 √2 0 0  2
0 2
A = 0 1 0 = .
0 1 0 1 0 √1 1 0 1 0
0 − √2

22.1 The SVD and Least Squares

In our study of the solutions to the equation

Ax = b, (46)

where A is an m × n matrix, x is an n-vector, and b is an m-vector, we previously have

obtained the following results:

1. If m = n and A is of full rank, then x = A−1 b is the unique solution.

1 2−1
2. If m > n and A is of full rank, then x̂ = AH A AH b is the (unweighted) least squares
1 2−1
solution, that is, the solution that minimizes .Ax − b.. Notice that AH A AH is a

left inverse of A.

1 2−1
3. If m < n, and A is of full rank, then x̂ = AH AAH b is the minimum-norm solution,
1 2−1
that is, it is the solution to (46) that minimizes .x.. Notice that AH AAH is a

right inverse of A.

All of these solutions depend on the requirement that A be of full rank, since they all

require the computation of a two-sided matrix inverse. By direct calculation, we can verify
1 2−1
that the regular inverse A−1 (when m = n), the left inverse AH A AH (when m > n) and
1 2−1
the right inverse AH AAH (when m < n)) all obey the defining equations (36) through

(39) of the Moore-Penrose inverse, hence are the unique Moore-Penrose inverses for the

full-rank exactly determined, over-determined, and under-determined cases.

None of these solutions apply to the non-full-rank cases. However, since the Moore-

Penrose inverse exists regardless of the rank of the matrix, we can still find a solution. Let

A be an arbitrary m × n matrix of rank r ≤ min(m, n) and consider solutions to

Ax = b,

and set
† ′
x̂ = A b = V Σ U b = vi uH
i b,
i=1 i

where A = UΣV H is an SVD of A, and Σ′ is an n × m matrix that has σi−1 in the (i, i)th

entry for i = 1, 2, . . . , r and zero everywhere else.

Example 25 Solve (46) for

   
1 1 1
A =  2 0 , b = 0

−1 3 2

As calculated by Mathematica,
"3 5 1
† 14 14
− 14
A = 1 1 2 ,
7 14 7

x̂ = 14 .

The fitted value is  11 

b̂ = Ax̂ =  17  .

This is the least-squares solution. Since A is of full rank, this solution could have been

obtained by conventional means. It is easy to check that A† A = I, thus A† is a right inverse

of A. Also, the matrix 5 

3 3
14 7 14
AA† = 3
− 17 
− 71 13

is the projection matrix onto the range space of A.

Example 26 Now consider the system

   
1 1 2 1
A =  2 0 2 , b = 0

−1 3 2 2

Notice that the third column is the sum of the first two columns, hence rank (A) = 2, and an

inverse does not exist, but the Moore-Penrose inverse does exist, and is
2 3 1

21 14
− 7
A† =  42
− 141 3 
5 1 1
42 7 14
 14 
− 21
x̂ =  19  ,

and the fitted value is  11 

b̂ =  17 

23 Lecture 23
23.1 SVD’s and Matrix Norms

Recall that the spectral, or l2 , norm of a matrix is the positive square root of the largest

eigenvalue of AH A, which is the largest singular value of A, hence .A.2 = σ1 .

We can also obtain the Frobenius norm from the SVD.

, 1 H 2- 12
.A.F = tr AA
, 1 2- 1
= tr UΣV H V ΣT U H 2
, 1 2- 1
= tr UΣΣT U H 2
, 1 T H 2- 21
= tr ΣΣ U U
, 1 T 2- 21
= tr ΣΣ
  21
=  σi2 

where we have used the fact that tr (ABC) = tr (BCA) whenever the multiplication is


23.2 Approximating a Matrix by one of Lower Rank

We saw in the previous lecture notes that the solution to

Ax = b,

where A is m × n of rank r ≤ min(m, n), is given by the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse,

+ 1
x̂ = vi uH
i b,

where the σi ’s are the singular values of A. It may turn out, however, that some of the

non-zero singular values are very small, in which case, a small error in σi may generate a

large change in x̂. It may be advisable, in such situations, to modify A in such a way that

the tiny singular values are set to zero, and therefore do not influence the solution.

Theorem 52 Let A be an m × n matrix of rank r ≤ min(m, n). Let A = UΣV H be an SVD

of A, and let k < r. Now define the matrix

Ak = σi ui viH = UΣk V H ,

where Σk is an m × n matrix with σi in the (i, i)th position for i = 1, . . . , k, and zeros

everywhere else. Then .A − Ak .2 = σk+1 and Ak satisfies

Ak = arg min .A − B.2 .

rank (B)=k

Proof The spectral norm of A − Ak is

.A − Ak .22 = maximum eigenvalue of (A − Ak )H (A − Ak ),

1 2
A − Ak = U Σ − Σk V H

where Σ − Σk has σi in the (i, i) position for i = k + 1, k + 1, . . . , r and zeros everywhere else.

Since the largest eigenvalue of (A − Ak )H (A − Ak ) is σk+1 , it is clear that .A − Ak .2 = σk+1 .

To establish that Ak is indeed the nearest matrix to A, we recall that

.A − Ak .22 = max .(A − Ak )z.22



.A − Ak .22 ≥ .(A − Ak )z.22

for all unit vectors z. Now let B be any m×n matrix of rank k, and let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn−k ∈ Rn

be any spanning set for N (B). Now consider the space span (x1 , . . . , xn−k ) and the space

span (v1 , . . . , vk+1). these spaces cannot be orthogonal, since if they were, we would have a

total of n = k + k + 1 = n + 1 linearly independent vectors spanning an n-dimensional vector

space, which is impossible. Thus, the dimension of the space

span (x1 , . . . , xn−k ) ∩ span (v1 , . . . , vk+1 ).

is at least one, hence the space is non trivial. Let z ∈ span (x1 , . . . , xn−k )∩span (v1 , . . . , vk+1 )

be such that .z.2 = 1. Since z ∈ N (B), Bz = 0, and therefore

r $ k+1
(A − B)z = Az = σi ui viH z= σi ui (viH z),
i=1 i=1

since z ⊥ vℓ for ℓ > k + 1. Therefore,

.A − B.22 ≥ .(A − B)z.22

Q k+1 RH Q k+1 R
+ +
= σi ui (vi z) σi ui (vi z)
i=1 i=1
++ k+1
= σi σℓ uH H H
i uℓ (vi z)(vℓ z)
i=1 ℓ=1
= σi2 .vi z.2 ≥ σk+1


since uH
i uℓ = δiℓ and the last inequality is shown by the homework. Finally, since .A−Ak .2 =

σk+1 , we conclude that Ak is the best rank k approximation to A. ✷

23.3 System Identification

One of the important problems of system theory is what is called system identification.

One approach to this problem is to excite the system with an impulse and measure the output

as the impulse response. Once this stream of data is available, the next step is to obtain a

state space realization. For this development, we will restrict our attention to single-input

single-output systems. The problem is, given the input uk = δk and output yk = hk , to find

a realization (A, B, C), such that

xk+1 = Axk + Buk

yk = Cxk .

Before proceeding, it is important to understand that we cannot identify a unique realization;

all we can do is find a realization. We proceed as follows. First, we need a representation for

the impulse response in terms of the system parameters (A, B, C). Suppose we excite the

system with uk = δk with initial conditions x0 = 0. Then

x1 = B

x2 = Ax1 = AB

x3 = Ax2 = A2 B


xk = Ak−1 B.

Consequently, the output is

h0 = 0

h1 = Cx1 = CB

h2 = Cx2 = CAB


hk = CAk−1 B.

Let us assume for the present that the dimension of the system is known to be n. Then A

is n × n, B is n × 1, and C is 1 × n. The quantities CAk B are called Markov parameters.

Now suppose we collect 2N samples of the output, where N > n. We may arrange these

samples into an N × N Hankel matrix1 of the form

 
h1 h2 h3 · · · hN
 h2 h3 hN +1 
 
 h3 h 
H =  N +2 
 .. .. 
 . . 
hN h2N −1
 
CB CAB CA2 B · · · CAN −1 B
 CA2 B CAN B  
 CA2 B CA N +1
B 
=  
 .. .. 
 . . 
N −1 2N −1
 
 CA 
 
2 , -
=  CA  B AB A2 B · · · AN −1 B

 .. 
 . 
CAN −1
= OC,
A matrix whose entries are constant along all anti-diagonals is called a Hankel matrix.

where the N × n matrix  

 CA 

O= CA2 
 (47)
 .. 
 . 
CAN −1
is called the observability matrix and the n × N matrix

, -
C = B AB A2 B · · · AN −1 B (48)

is called the controllability matrix. If O is full rank, the system is said to be observable,

and if C is full rank, then the system is said to be controllable. A system that is both

observable and controllable is said to be minimal. Let us assume that the system is minimal.

Let Hest denote the Hankel matrix obtained from the observed impulse response sequence

{hi }. Then rank (Hest ) = n and Hest can be expressed as a singular-value decomposition

Hest = UΣV H .

More conveniently, however, we may write

Hest = U1 Σ1 V1H ,

where U1 is N × n, Σ1 is n × n, and V1H is n × N. Let us re-write this SVD as

1 1
Hest = U1 Σ12 Σ12 V1H ,

and define
Oest = U1 Σ12 (49)

Cest = Σ12 V1H . (50)

By the minimality assumption, we have rank (O) = rank (Oest ) and rank (C) = rank (Cest ).

We can now identify the system parameters. We see, by examination of (47) and (49), that

Oest has the structure  


 Cest Aest

Oest = 
 Cest A2est

 ..

 .
N −1
Cest Aest
and hence the estimated output distribution matrix Cest can be obtained as the first row of

Oest .

Also, by examination of (48) and (50), we see that Cest has the structure

, N −1
Cest = Best Aest Best A2est Best · · · Aest Best

and hence the estimated input distribution matrix Best can be obtained as the first column

of Cest .

To obtain Aest , we note that by up-shifting Oest we obtain

   
Cest Aest Cest
 Cest A2   Cest Aest 
 est   
O1 =  .. = ..  Aest
 .   . 
N −1 N −2
Cest Aest CestAest
Now let us define  
 CestAest

O1′ = 
 
.. .
 . 
N −2
Cest Aest
Then we have

O1 = O1′ Aest ,

and we thus obtain

1 2†
Aest = O1′ O1 .
1 2†
where O1′ is the Moore-Penrose inverse of O1′ .

23.4 Total Least-Squares

Consider the equation

Ax = b,

where A is N × n, x is n × 1, and b is N × 1 with N > n, and suppose we desire to find

the least-squares solution. With standard least-squares formulations, we generally assume

that the only source or error is in b and the matrix A is known to be correct. The solution

concept is then to project b onto the range space of A. Recall, for example, the linear

regression problem considered in Lecture Notes 7, that both the current and the voltage

are obtained from observations, but we assumed that the only source or error was with the

current observations. We formulated that estimation problem as follows.

y = Ac + e,

where  
 I2 
 
y =  ..  ,
 
V1 1
 V2 1 
 
A =  .. ..  ,
 . .
Vn 1
" ?
c= .

The standard least-squares solution is

" ?
â 1
ĉ = = AT A)−1 AT y.

This solution corresponds to minimizing the sum of the squares of the vertical distance
i=1 (yi − ŷi)2 , and implicitly assumes that there is no horizontal error in the values of the

matrix A comprising the voltages Vi . A legitimate question to consider, however, is the

validity of the claim that A is correct. A more realistic approach is to acknowledge that

both the current and the voltage are subject to error, and devise an estimator that accounts

for this situation. This is the goal of the total least-squares solution concept.

Under the total least-squares concept, we account for perturbations to both sides of the

equation Ax = b. Consider the equation

(A + E)x = b + r, (51)

where E is a perturbation matrix and r is a perturbation vector. Our goal is to solve for E

and r such that (b + r) ∈ R(A + E) and the norm of the perturbations is minimized. We

may re-write (51) as

I J" ?
.. x
A + E . b + r −1 = 0,

or, equivalently,
"I J I J?" ?
.. . x
A . b + E .. r −1
= 0,
where A . b is the N × (n + 1) dimensional matrix formed by appending the column b
to the matrix A, and E . r is the N × (n + 1) dimensional matrix formed by appending

the column r to the matrix E, Now define the N × (n + 1) dimensional matrices

C = ..
A . b
∆ = E ..
. r

and the n + 1 dimensional vector
" ?
z= ,


(C + ∆)z = 0.

This formulation is motivated by our earlier result involving reduced-rank approxima-

tions. Assuming that C is of rank n + 1, we desire to find an N × n matrix C̃ that is the

best reduced-rank approximation to the N × (n + 1) matrix C. We proceed as follows.

1. Since both A and b are given, we may compute the the SVD of C, yielding

C = U1 Σ1 V = σk uk vkH , (52)

where U1 is N × (n + 1), Σ1 is (n + 1) × (n + 1), and V is (n + 1) × (n + 1).

2. From the reduced-rank approximation theorem, the rank n matrix that is closest to C

is the matrix
C̃ = C + ∆ = σk ui vkH . (53)

Comparing (52) and (53), we can solve for the perturbation matrix ∆ as

∆ = C̃ − C = −σn+1 un+1 vn+1 .

3. Since vn+1 is orthogonal to span (C + ∆), the rank of C̃ is n, and the one-dimensional

nullspace of C̃ is spanned by vn+1 . Thus,

 

 vn+1,2
z= = αvn+1 = α   ..
−1   .

for some constant α. if vn+1,n+1 += 0, then setting α = vn+1,n+1 yields
 
−1   vn+1,2 

x=  . .
vn+1,n+1  .. 

If vn+1,n+1 = 0, then there is no solution to the total least-squares problem.

Example 27 Suppose we observe the following values for current, Ii l, and voltage Vi :

y = {2.3, 3.8, 6.3, 8.1, 10.2, 12.5}


w = {1.7, 4.0, 5.8, 8.3, 10., 12.1}.

With  
1.7 1
 4.0 1
 
 5.8 1
 8.3
 1
10.0 1
12.1 1
The standard least-squares solution is formed as

ĉls = (AT A)−1 AT y

 
?  3.8  "
 
" ?" ?
0.01329 −0.09283 1.7 4.0 5.8 8.3 10.0 12.1  6.3 
 0.9896
=  = 0.2889

−0.09283 0.81492 1 1 1 1 1 1   8.1 
To compute the total least-squares solution, we must first form the augmented matrix
 
1.7 1 2.3
 4.0 1 3.6 
I J   5.8 1

6.3 
C = A .. b =  
 8.3 1 8.1 
 
10.0 1 10.2
12.1 1 12.5

and compute its SVD C = U1 Σ1 V T , where
 
−0.10550 −0.20257 −0.31288 −0.42277 −0.52020 −0.63292
U1T = −0.75741 −0.44236 −0.32856 −0.00309 0.13053 0.32503 
0.36451 −0.61799 0.31915 −0.53064 0.01852 0.31849
 
27.5250 0 0
Σ1 =  0 1.1114 0 
0 0 0.5381
 
0.6966 −0.0708 −0.7130
V =  0.2248 −0.9680 −0.1113 .
−0.6813 −0.2378 0.6923

Now, dividing the first and second entries of the third column of V by the third entry in that

column yields
" ?
ĉtls = .

The two solutions are displayed in Figure 27. The standard least-squares fit is

y = 0.9896w + 0.2889,

and the total least-squares fit is

y = 1.0300w + 0.1607.

The total least-squares fit is the steeper curve.




2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 2: Least-Squares and total least-squares solutions.

24 Lecture 24

We have already been exposed to several matrix structures.

1. Grammian matrices

2. Projection (idempotent) matrices

3. Permutation matrices

4. Hermitian matrices

5. Positive definite(semi-definite) matrices

6. Triangular matrices

7. Unitary matrices

8. Vandermonde matrices

9. Hankel matrices

We now encounter some additional matrix structures.

24.1 Toeplitz Matrices

Definition 58 An n × n matrix A = {aij } that is constant along all its diagonals is termed

a Toeplitz matrix. That is, the entries are of the form

aij = ai−j , i, j = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1.

Toeplitz matrices arise when performing standard linear convolution. For example, let

{x[k], k = 0, 1, 2, . . .} be the input to a causal linear system with finite impulse response

{h[k], k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N − 1}, and let {y[k], k = 0, 1, . . .}. The convolution equation is

+ −1
h[k] = h[n]x[k − n].

We may express this equation in matrix form as

 
   h[1] h[0]  
y[0]   x[0]
 y[1]   h[2] h[1] h[0] 
  x[1] 
    .. .. .. ..  
 y[2]  
 = . . . .   x[2] 
 ..   .. .. ..  . 
 .  h[N − 1] . . .   ..  

y[M]  .. .. .. .. 
 x[M]
 . . . .
h[N − 1] · · · h[2] h[1] h[0]

Another instance of Toeplitz matrices is the Grammian matrix introduced earlier. For

example, consider the autoregressive (AR) model of the form

x̂k = ai xk−i = aT Xk ,

, -T
where a = a1 a2 · · · am and
 
 xk−2 
 
Xk =  .. 
 . 
xk−m .

This model is often used to predict the future values of a sequence {xk } given past values.

The minimum mean-square error predictor must minimize E[e2 ], where E[·] is mathematical

expectation and ek = x̂k − xk . Then

E[e2 ] = E[x2k ] − 2aE[Xk xk ] + aT E[Xk XkT ]a.

Taking the gradient with respect to a and equating to zero yields

Râ = r,

where R = E[Xk XkT ] and r = E[Xk xk ]. The correlation matrix R is

 
r0 r1 . . . rm−1
 .. 
 r1 r0 . rm−2 
R =  ... .. .. .. 

 . . . 

 r1 
rm−1 · · · r1 r0
and  
 r2 
 
r =  .. 
 . 
The Toeplitz structure of R allows the solution â = R−1 r to be obtained in an efficient way

via the so-called Levinson-Durbin algorithm.

24.2 Vandermonde Matrices

Another matrix with special structure that crops up in applications is the Vandermonde

matrix:  
1 1 ··· 1

 x1 x2 ··· xn 

Vn =  x21 x22 ··· x2n 

 .. .. .. 
 . . . 
x1n−1 x2n−1 · · · xnn−1
Fact 13 det(V ) = 1≤j≤i≤n (xi − xj ).

To see this we use the well-known fact of determinants that, for any matrix B obtained by

adding the elements of the ith row (or column) to the corresponding elements of the jth row

(or column) (j += i) multiplied by a scalar, then det(B) = det(A). We proceed by multiplying

the ith row by −x1 and adding it to row i + 1 for i = n − 1, n − 2, . . . , n. We then apply the

column cofactor expansion formula for the reduction of det(Vn ) to det(Vn−1 ).

As a consequence of this fact, we see that a Vandermonde matrix is full rank if and only if

xi += xk for i += j.

Recall that our signal detection application involved a Vandermonde matrix, S(ω), which

is used by the MUSIC algorithm.

24.3 Circulant Matrices

A special kind of Toeplitz matrix is an n × m with m ≥ n matrix of the form

 
c0 c1 c2 · · · cm−1
 cm−1
 c0 c1 · · · cm−2 

 cm−2 cm−1 c0 · · · cm−3 

 .. 
 . 
cm−n+1 cm−n+2 cm−n+3 · · · cm−n
, -
When C is square (m = n), the last row is c1 c2 · · · cm−1 c0 .

As shown in Problem 6.3-28 and 8.5-20, a square circulant matrix C is diagonalized by

the DFT matrix:

C = F ΛF H

where  
1 1 1 ··· 1
1 φ φ2 ··· φm−1 
1  φ2 φ4 ··· φ2(m−1)

F = √ 1
 

m  .. .. 
. . 
1 φm−1 · · · φ(m−1)(m−1)

where φ = e−j m , and

Λ = diag(λ1 , λ2 , · · · , λm )

with the eigenvalues λi given by

+ 2πk
λi = ck e−j m .

Note that F is Vandermonde and unitary.

An interesting observation from the above result is that all square m × m circulant

matrices have the same set of eigenvectors give by the columns of F . This implies that, for

any two square circulant matrices C1 and C2 of the same dimension,

C1 C2 = F Λ 1 F H F Λ 2 F H = F Λ 1 Λ 2 F H = F Λ 2 Λ 1 F H = F Λ 2 F H F Λ 2 F H = C2 C1 .

Thus, all circulant matrices commute!

24.4 Companion Matrices

A class of matrices that are important in control theory are companion matrices.

Definition 59 Let A be an n × n matrix of the form

 
0 1 0 ··· 0
 .. .. 
 . 1 . 

Cb =  .. .. 
 . . 0  
 0 ··· 0 1 
−a0 −a1 −a2 · · · −an−1

are called bottom-companion matrices. The matrix CbT is called a right-companion

matrix, and the matrix

 
−a0 −a1 −a2 · · · −an−1
 1
 . 0 0 ··· 0  
 . .. 
Ct =  . 1 . 
 .. .. 
 . . 0 
0 ··· 0 1 0
and its transpose are called top-companion and left-companion matrices, respectively.

These matrices are called companion matrices because they are companions to the n-th

order monic polynomial

a(λ) = λn + an−1 λn−1 + · · · + a1 λ + a0

in the sense that

det(λI − C) = a(λ).

Companion matrices are important to control theory because they provide an easy way to

obtain a state-space realization of a transfer function. Let H(s) = a(s)
be a rational transfer

function with deg (b) < deg (a). To illustrate, let m = 2 be the degree of the numerator,

with n = 3 the degree of the denominator. Then

b(s) b2 s2 + b1 s + b0
H(s) = = 3 .
a(s) s + a2 s2 + a1 s + a0

Now consider the state space model

ẋ1 (t) = x2 (t)

ẋ2 (t) = x3 (t)

ẋ3 (t) = a0 x1 (t) + a1 x2 (t) + a2 x3 (t) + u(t)

with output

y(t) = b0 x1 (t) + b1 x2 (t) + b3 x3 (t).

In matrix form, this system may be expressed as

      
ẋ1 (t) 0 1 0 x1 (t) 0
ẋ2 (t) =  0 0 1  x2 (t) + 0 u((t),
 
ẋ(3) −a0 −a1 −a2 x3 (t) 1

with output  
, - x1 (t)
y(t) = b0 b1 b2 x2 (t)
x3 (t)


ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)

y(t) = Cx

with the obvious definitions of (A, B, C). The transfer function for this system is

C adj (sI − A)B

H ′ (s) =
det(sI − A)
  
s −1 0 0
1 , -
= 3 b0 b1 b2 adj  0 s −1  0 .
s + a2 s2 + a1 s + a0
a0 a1 s + a2 1
 
Since we will be post-multiplying the adjugate by the vector 0, we need compute only
the last row of the adjugate matrix, yielding the numerator
  
, - × × 1 0
C adj (sI − A)B = b0 b1 b2 × × s    0 = b2 s2 + b1 s + b0 .
× × s2 1

Thus, we see that H ′ (s) = H(s), and the given realization corresponds to the given transfer


24.5 Kronecker Products

The Kronecker product, also known as the direct product or tensor product, is a concept

having its origin in group theory and has applications in particle physics.

Definition 60 Consider a matrix A = {aij } of order m × n and a matrix B = {bij } of

order r × s. The Kronecker product of the two matrices, denoted A ⊗ B, is defined as the

partitioned matrix  
a11 B a12 B ··· a1n B
 a21 B
 a22 B ··· a2n B 

A ⊗ B =  .. .. .. 
 . . . 
am1 B am2 B · · · amn B

A ⊗ B is thus seen to be a mr × ns matrix. It has mn blocks, the (i, j)th block is the matrix

aij B of order r × s. ✷

For example, let

" ? " ?
a11 a12 b11 b12
A= , B= ,
a21 a22 b21 b22

then  
" ? a11 b11 a11 b12 a12 b11 a12 b12
a B a12 B  a11 b21 a11 b22 a12 b21 a12 b22 
A ⊗ B = 11 = 
a21 B a22 B a21 b11 a21 b12 a22 b11 a22 b12 
a21 b21 a21 b22 a22 b21 a22 b22

Fact 14 If α is a scalar, then A ⊗ (αB) = α(A ⊗ B). To prove this, we note that the (i, j)th

block of A ⊗ (αB) is aij (αB) = αaij B, but this is simply α times the (i, j)th block of A ⊗ B.

The result follows.

Fact 15 The Kronecker product is distributive with respect to addition, that is

(A + B) ⊗ C = A ⊗ C + B ⊗ C

A ⊗ (B + C) = A ⊗ B + A ⊗ C.

To establish the first of these claims, we note that the (i, j)th block of (A+B)⊗C is (aij +bij )C

and the (i, j)th block of A ⊗ C + B ⊗ C is aij C + bij C. Since the two block are equal for every

(i, j), the result follows. The second claim is similarly established.

Fact 16 The Kronecker product is associative, that is, A ⊗ (B ⊗ C) = (A ⊗ B) ⊗ C. This

fact is established by direct computation.

Fact 17 (A ⊗ B)T = AT ⊗ B T . This obtains since the (i, j)th block of (A ⊗ B)T is ajiB T .

Fact 18 The “Mixed Product Rule”

(A ⊗ B)(C ⊗ D) = AC ⊗ BD

provided the dimensions are all compatible. To establish this result, note that the (ij)th block

of the left-hand side is obtained by taking the product of the ith row of (A ⊗ B) and the jth

column of block (C ⊗ D), this is of the following form

 
cij D
 c2j D  +
, 
ai1 B ai2 B · · · ain B  ..  = aij cri BD.
 .  r
cnj D
The (ij)th block on the right-hand side is (by definition of the Kronecker product) gij BD,

where gij is the (ikj)th element of the matrix AC. But by the rule of matrix multiplication,
gij = r air crj . Since the (i, j)th blocks are all equal, the result follows.

Fact 19 (A ⊗ B)−1 = A−1 ⊗ B −1 . To see, we apply the mixed product rule as follows.

(A ⊗ B)(A−1 ⊗ B −1 ) = AA−1 ⊗ BB −1 = Im ⊗ In = Imn

Notation. Let A = {aij } be an m × n matrix. We denote the columns of A as

 
 a2j 
 
A·j =  ..  , j = 1, 2, . . . , n
 . 
and the rows of A as  
 ai2 
 
Ai· =  ..  , i = 1, 2, . . . , m.
 . 
With this notation, both A·j and Ai· are column vectors. With this notation, we can write

A as
, -
A = A·1 A·2 · · · A·n

or, equivalently, as
, -T
A = A1· A2· · · · Am· .

To illustrate this notation for rows, let

" ?
a a
A = 11 12
a21 a22

so that
" ? " ?
a11 a
A1· = and A2· = 21
a12 a22

" ?T " ?
, -T a11 a21 a11 a12
A1· A2· = = = A.
a12 a22 a21 a22

Definition 61 Let A be an m × n matrix. The vector vec (A) comprises the columns of A,

that is,  
 A·2 
 
vec (A) =  ..  .
 . 

For example, if
" ?
a11 a12
A= ,
a21 a22

then  
a21 
vec (A) =  
a12 

Fact 20 Let A and B be n × n matrices. Then

tr (AB) = (vec (AT ))T vec (B).

To establish this result, we write

tr (AB) = ATi· B·i
= (AT )Ti· B·i
 
 B·2 
, 
= (AT )T·1 (AT )T·2 · · · (AT )T·n  .. 
 . 
= (vec (AT ))T vec (B).

Fact 21 Let A, B, and Y be n × n matrices. Then vec (AY B) = (B T ⊗ A) vec (Y ). To see


(AY B)·k = bjk (AY )·j
+ +
= bjk A·i yij
j i
= (bjk A)Y·j
 
 Y·2 
, 
= b1k A b2k A · · · bnk A  .. 
 . 
, T -
= B·k ⊗ A vec (Y )
, T T -
= (B )k· ⊗ A vec (Y )

since the transpose of the kth column of B is the kth row of B T ; the result follows.

Fact 22 If {λi } and {xi } are the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of A and {µi}

and {yi } are the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of B, then {λi µj } and xi ⊗ yj

are the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of A ⊗ B. To see, we apply the mixed

product rule to obtain

(A ⊗ B)(xi ⊗ yj ) = (Axi ) ⊗ (Byj )

= (λi xi ) ⊗ (µj yj )

= λi µj (xi ⊗ yj )

Definition 62 Let A be an n × n matrix and let B be an m × m matrix. The Kronecker

sum is

A ⊕ B = A ⊗ Im + In ⊗ B.

Fact 23 If {λi } and {xi } are the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of A and {µi}

and {yi } are the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of B, then {λi + µj } and xi ⊗ yj

are the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of A ⊕ B. To see, we apply the definition

and the mixed product rule to obtain

(A ⊕ B)(xi ⊗ yj ) = (A ⊕ Im )(xi ⊗ yj ) + (In ⊗ B)(xi ⊗ yj )

= (Axi ⊗ Im yj ) + (In xi ⊗ Byj )

= λi (xi ⊗ yj ) + µj (xi ⊗ yj )

= (λi + µj )(xi ⊗ yj ).

The Kronecker sum is useful for solving equations such as

AX + XB = C,

where A is n × n, B is m × m, and X is n × m. An important example of such an equation

is the Lyapunov equation of control theory. Let us express this equation as

vec (AX + XB) = vec (AXI + XBI)

= (I ⊗ A) vec (X) + (B T ⊗ I) vec (X)

= (B T ⊕ A) vec (X).


(B T ⊕ A) vec (X) = vec (C).

This equation may now be solved by conventional methods.

25 Lecture 25
25.1 Solving Nonlinear Equations

Thus far, we have concentrated exclusively on linear models, and have explored in great deal

ways to solve equations of the form Ax = b. In this section we turn our attention to the

examination of nonlinear equations.

Consider the equation f (x) = 0. One way to approach this problem is to form a Taylor

series by expanding about some initial guess x0 , yielding

f (x) = f (x0 ) + f ′ (x0 )(x − x0 ) + higher-order terms.

Suppose we ignore the higher-order terms and solve for the value of x that satisfies the

linearized equation

˜ = f (x0 ) + f ′ (x0 )(x − x0 ) = 0;


call this value x1 . Then

f (x0 )
x1 = x0 − .
f ′ (x0 )

We might hope that x1 is a better approximation to the solution than is x0 . This suggests

that we consider the iteration

f (xn )
xn+1 = xn −
f ′ (xn )

for n = 0, 1, 2, . . .. Let’s look at an example.

Example 28 Suppose f (x) = a − x2 where a > 0. Then the solution to f (x) = 0 is a.

The corresponding iteration is

3 $
a − x2n 1 a
xn+1 = xn + = xn + .
2xn 2 xn

After a few iterations, it will become clear that this procedure does vindeed converge to the

square root of a (try it). This is the way we used to compute square roots in the “old days”

before hand-held calculators. With a little practice, one could use the old Frieden mechanical

adding-multiplying-dividing machines to compute square roots rather quickly to better than

slide-rule accuracy. Of course, those were the days when we had to walk up hill both ways in

the snow—you guys have it much easier these days than we did :-)

Emboldened by the success of this simple example, we might consider asking some ques-

tions, such as

1. What conditions on f and x0 are necessary for the above procedure to to converge?

2. If it does converge, how fast does it converge?

3. If it does appear to converge, will it always converge to the same result, regardless of

the how it is initialized?

4. Can this result be generalized?

25.2 Contractive Mappings and Fixed Points

Definition 63 Let X be a Banach space with norm . · . and suppose f : X → X and there

exists a positive number γ < 1 such that

.f (x) − f (y). ≤ γ.x − y. ∀x, y ∈ X.

Then f is called a contraction on X, or a contractive map on X. ✷

Fact 24 If f is a contractive mapping, then f is continuous. This follows since, if {xn } is

a Cauchy sequence, then so is {f (xn )}. Hence, if xn → x, then f (xn ) → f (x) as n → ∞.

Definition 64 Let X be a Banach space and suppose f : X → X. If x∗ ∈ X is such that

f (x∗ ) = x∗ , then x∗ is called a fixed point of f . ✷

Consider the equation

g(x) = f (x) + x.

Then x∗ is a fixed of g if and only if f (x∗ ) = 0. The simplest method of determining fixed

points is the method of successive approximation defined by the iterative scheme

xm+1 = g(xm ), m = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,

where x0 is chosen arbitrarily. The simplest convergence result is obtained when g is a

contractive mapping.

Theorem 53 The Contractive Mapping Theorem Suppose f is a contraction on X

and x0 ∈ X. Define the sequence {x1 , x2 , . . .} by the iteration

xn+1 = f (xn ), n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (54)

Then xn → x∗ where x∗ is the unique fixed point of f .

Proof Let the sequence {xn }, n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., be defined by (54). Then

.xn+1 − xn . ≤ γ.xn − xn−1 . ≤ · · · ≤ γ n .x1 − x0 ..

Hence, for m ≥ n, the triangle inequality requires that
1 2
.xm − xn . .xm − xm−1 . + · · · + .xn+1 − xn .

.x1 − x0 . .x1 − x0 .

≤ γ m−1 + · · · + γ n
1 2
= γ n γ m−n−1 + · · · + 1

1 − γ m−n
= γn
< .

Since 0 < γ < 1, we see that {xn } is a Cauchy sequence. By completeness of the Banach

space, then there exists x∗ ∈ X such that xn → x∗ as n → ∞. Since f is continuous, we


f (x∗ ) = f ( lim xn ) = lim f (xn ) = lim xn+1 = x∗ .

n→∞ n→∞ n→∞

To establish uniqueness, suppose x∗ and x′ are both fixed points but x∗ += x′ . By the

contractive property,

0 < .x∗ − x′ . = .f (x∗ ) − f (x′ ). ≤ γ.x∗ − x′ . < .x∗ − x′ ..

This result claims that a positive number is strictly less than itself, which is impossible.

Thus, x∗ = x′ and the fixed point is unique. ✷

Example 29 Iterative solutions to linear equations Suppose we want to solve Ax = b and

A is “near” some matrix Ae for which the equation Ae x = b is easy to solve (e.g., Ae

is triangular). One method is to consider an iterative approach by defining the successive


xn+1 = xn − A−1
e (Axn − b) = g(xn ). (55)

If g is a contraction, then by the contractive mapping theorem the successive approximations

will converge to the unique fixed point which is a solution to f (x) = Ax − b. To qualify as

a contractive mapping, we require

<1 2 <
.g(x) − g(y). = < I − A−1
e A (x − y) ≤ γ.x − y.

for some γ < 1 and all x and y. This will obtain if and only if the induced norm <I −
e A < 1. If we let A = Ae + ∆, then

< < < <

<I − A−1
e A< = .I − A−1
e (Ae + ∆)< = .A−1 <
e ∆ .

Thus, the successive approximations defined by (55) will converge to the unique fixed point
if .A−1
e ∆< < 1. This is precise meaning of Ae being “close enough” to A.

To illustrate, let
     
2 −1 0 2 0 0 2
A = 1 4 0 Ae = 0 4 0 b = 1

0 0 1 0 0 1 3

Then  
0 −1 0
∆ = 1 0 0
0 0 0
and the successive approximations equation is
   
0 − 21 0 1
xn+1 =  14 0 0 xn +  41 
0 0 0 3
, -T , 15 -T
Letting x0 = 1 1 1 , after three iterations, x3 = 16 0 3 , which compares well with
, -T
the exact solution x∗ = 1 0 3 . Of course, the number of iterative calculations can easily

exceed the number of calculations for the exact solution, but at least we illustrate the point.

The contractive mapping theorem establishes conditions for a unique fixed point to exist

as the limit of sequence of successive approximations. Now suppose that the existence of a

fixed point has already been established by some other method. What can be said about

the successive approximations if the mapping is not contractive?

Theorem 54 Let X be a Banach space and let x∗ be a fixed point of g: X → X, that is,

g(x∗ ) = x∗ . If there exists a ball

B(x∗ , r) = {x ∈ X: .x − x∗ . < r}

and a γ ∈ (0, 1) such that for all x ∈ B(x∗ , r),

.g(x) − g(x∗ ). ≤ γ.x − x∗ .,

then for any x0 ∈ B(x∗ , r), all the successive approximations {xn } are in B(x∗ , r) and

limn→∞ xn = x∗ is the unique fixed point of g in B(x∗ , r).

Proof We will establish this result via induction. Let x1 = g(x0 ). Then by hypothesis,

x1 ∈ B(x∗ , r). Now suppose xn ∈ B(x∗ , r) and define xn+1 = g(xn ).

.xn+1 −x∗ . = .g(xn )−g(x∗ ). ≤ γ.xn −x∗ . < .g(xn−1 )−g(x∗ ). ≤ γ 2 .xn−1 −x∗ . < · · · < γ n+1 r < r,

thus xn+1 ∈ B(x∗ , r) and limn→∞ xn = x∗ . Uniqueness is proven as with the contraction

mapping theorem. ✷

Notice that this theorem does not imply that g is a contraction in B(x∗ , r), since, as

a technical point, a contraction must satisfy the relation .g(x) − g(y). ≤ γ.x − y. for all

x ∈ B(x∗ , r) and all y ∈ B(x∗ , r). With this theorem, however, one of the two points is fixed

at x∗ .

Corollary 4 Let g: R → R and suppose there exists a point x∗ such that g(x∗ ) = x∗ . If

|g ′(x∗ )| < 1 and g is defined in a neighborhood of x∗ , then there exists a ball B(x∗ , r) in


.g(x) − g(x∗ ). ≤ γ.x − x∗ .

holds and the successive approximations converge.

Proof By definition of the derivative,

g(x) − g(x∗ ) = g ′ (x)(x − x∗ ) + $,

where |x−x∗ |
→ 0 as x → x∗ . This,

|g(x) − g(x∗ )| ≤ |g ′(x)||(x − x∗ )| + |$|.

Thus, for sufficiently small $, we have

|g(x) − g(x∗ )| < |(x − x∗ )|.

Corollary 5 Let g: R → R and suppose there exists a point x∗ such that g(x∗ ) = x∗ . If

|g ′(x∗ )| = 0, then there exists a ball B(x∗ , r) in which

.g(x) − g(x∗ ). ≤ γ.x − x∗ .

holds and the successive approximations converge.

Furthermore, if g ′′ (x) exists and is bounded and g ′ (x) is continuous in B(x∗ , r), then there

exists a C > 0 such that

|xn+1 − x∗ | ≤ C|xn − x∗ |2 .

Proof By definition of the derivative and using the fact that |g ′ (x∗ )| = 0,

g(x) − g(x∗ ) = g ′(x)(x − x∗ ) + $ = $.

For |x − x∗ | < r and r sufficiently small,

|g(x) − g(x∗ )| = |$| ≤ γ|x − x∗ |

with γ < 1. By the above theorem, successive approximations converge.

Now, if g ′′ (x) exists in some ball B(x∗ , r), Taylor’s formula yields

g ′′ (ξ)(xn − x∗ )2
g(xn ) − g(x∗ ) = g ′ (x∗ )(xn − x∗ ) +

for some ξ ∈ B(x∗ , r). By the boundedness hypothesis, there exists C such that |g ′′(ξ)| ≤ 2C,

and since g ′(x∗ ) = 0, we have

K ′′ K

K g (ξ)(xn − x∗ )2 K
|xn+1 − x | = KK K ≤ C|xn − x∗ |2 ,
2 K

as was to be proved. ✷

If the hypotheses of Corollary 5 are satisfied, then the convergence of the successive ap-

proximations is said to be second-order, or quadratic, meaning that the “error” at the

(n + 1)th iteration behaves like the square of the error at the nth iteration.

25.3 Newton’s Method

Let us now return to the original problem we considered, namely, the problem of solving for

f (x) = 0. We proceeded by defining the Newton iteration:

f (xn )
xn+1 = g(xn ) = xn − .
f ′ (xn )

This method of successive approximations is called Newton’s method. Notice that x∗ is

a zero of f and a fixed point of g. Furthermore, note that, if f ′′ exists and f ′ (x) += 0 in a

neighborhood of x∗ , then
f ′ (x) f ′′ (x)f (x)
g ′ (x) = 1 − + 1 22 ,
f ′ (x) f ′ (x)

and since f (x∗ ) = 0, we have that g ′(x∗ ) = 0. We thus have the following theorem:

Theorem 55 Newton’s Method Let f : R → R such that f (x∗ ) = 0. If f ′ (x) and f ′′ (x)

exist in a neighborhood of x∗ and f ′ (x) += 0 in a neighborhood of x∗ , then there is a ball

B(x∗ , r) such that for any value x0 ∈ B(x∗ , r), the Newton iterates converge to x∗ . Further-

more, if f ′′ (x) is continuous in the closed ball B(x∗ , r) and f ′′ (x) exists and is bounded for

all x ∈ B(x∗ , r), then the convergence is quadratic.

The proof is this theorem follows from Corollary 5.

We interpret Newton’s method as follows. At a given point, say xn , the function f (xn )

is approximated by its tangent line. This line passes through the point (xn , f (xn )) and

intercepts the x axis at the point xn+1 = xn − ff′(x n)

(xn )
. This process is then repeated from the

new point.

We now extend Newton’s method to vector functions. The underlying idea of Newton’s

method is the linearization of f (x), that is, the replacement of f (x) by its linear part. This

requires the concept of a derivative. Therefore, to extend Newton’s method to the case where

f is a mapping of a normed vector space into itself, we need to calculate the derivative of a

vector with respect to a vector.

Definition 65 Let f: Rn → Rn , that is,
 
f1 (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )
 f2 (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) 
 
f(x) =  .. ,
 . 
fn (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )

and suppose the partial derivative of each fi with respect to each xj exists. Then the Fréchet

derivative of f with respect to x is the matrix of partial derivatives arranged as follows:

 ∂f1 ∂f1 ∂f1 
∂x1 ∂x2
· · · ∂xn
∂f2 ∂f2 ∂f2 
∂f(x)   ∂x1 ∂x2 · · · ∂xn 
fx (x) = = . .. ..  ,
∂x  .. . . 
∂fn ∂fn ∂fn
∂x1 ∂x2
··· ∂xn

where we have suppressed the argument in the interest of brevity. ✷

Definition 66 The vector Newton iteration equation is

1 2−1
xn+1 = xn − fx (xn ) f(xn ).

The conditions that guarantee quadratic convergence to a unique fixed point are very

technical and difficult to apply, hence we forego formalizing this procedure with a theorem.

25.4 Minimizing Nonlinear Scalar Functions of Vectors

Definition 67 Let g: Rn → R. A point x0 is said to be a relative minimum of g if there

is an open ball B containing x0 such that g(x0) ≤ g(x) for all x ∈ B. The point x0 is said

to be a strict relative minimum of g if g(x0) < g(x) for every x ∈ B such that x += x0 .

Relative maxima are defined similarly.

We will use the term extremum to refer to either a maximum or a minimum. A relative

extremum is also referred to as a local extremum. ✷

Suppose we wish to find the value x∗ that minimizes (or maximizes) a function g: Rn → R.

If the partial derivative of g with respect to each of its independent variables exists, then we

may achieve an extremum of g by setting this system of derivatives to zero. We may then

test to see if this extremum is a minimum (or a maximum).

Definition 68 Let g: Rn → R. The gradient of g with respect to x is the vector of partial

derivatives, Multiple notations for the gradient are in common use:

 ∂g 
∂g(x)  ∂g 
= ∇g =  ∂x. 2 
 
gx (x) =
∂x  .. 

The Hessian of g is the matrix of mixed partials,

 2 2

∂ g ∂ g ∂2g
 ∂x∂12∂x
1 ∂x1 ∂x2
∂x1 ∂xn
∂2g 
 ∂x ∂x ∂x2 ∂x2
··· 
∂x2 ∂xn 
gxx (x) = ∇2 g =  2 1
.. .. .. .
 . . . 
∂2g ∂2g ∂2g
∂xn ∂x1 ∂xn ∂x2
··· ∂xn ∂xn

Suppose we wish to find

x∗ = arg minn g(x)


for g: Rn → R. A necessary condition that x∗ must satisfy is gx (x∗ ) = 0. We can find

this value via Newton’s method. To proceed, we expand g(x) about some initial point x0 ,


g(x) = g(x0 ) + (x − x0 )T gx (x0 ) + (x − x0 )T gxx (x0 )(x − x0 ) + higher-order terms.

Ignoring the higher order terms and setting the gradient with respect to x of what remains

to zero yields

gxx (x0 )(x − x0 ) + gx (x0 ) = 0.

Rearranging into the form suitable for Newton iteration yields

1 2−1
xn+1 = xn − gxx (xn ) gx (xn ).

We can ascertain the characteristics of the fixed point by examining the Hessian. If

gxx (x∗ ) is positive-definite, then the extremum is a local minimum; if it is negative definite,

it is a local maximum. If the matrix is non-singular is but is neither positive nor negative

definite, then it is a saddle point. If the matrix is singular, then we cannot ascertain the

nature of the fixed point without examining higher derivatives.

Newton’s method is attractive because, as we established earlier, under fairly general

conditions, Newton’s method converges quadratically. The reason for this is that the method

takes advantage of the curvature of the function g. Essentially, this obtains because the

method approximates the tangent to the derivative of g, which corresponds to the second

derivative of g. The cost for computing this derivative is expensive, however, and may not

be tractable in many real-world situations.

26 Lecture 26
26.1 Static Optimization with Equality Constraints

One of the important problems of optimal control is that of maximizing a performance index

subject to constraints on the parameters of the system under consideration. We illustrate

this situation with a static optimization problem (we use the term “static” since there are

no equations of motion—dynamics—involved in the system).

Example 30 Maximum steady rate of climb for an aircraft. Suppose an aircraft is to fly at

a steady rate of climb, and we wish to maximize this rate. Letting

V = velocity

γ = flight path angle to the horizontal

α = angle-of-attack

The climb rate for this vehicle is

r = V sin γ.

Our problem is to choose α such that r is held constant at its maximum value. To do so, the

net force on the vehicle must be zero. The corresponding force equilibrium equations are

f1 (V, γ, α) = T (V ) cos(α + $) − D(V, α) − mg sin γ = 0

f2 (V, γ, α) = T (V ) sin(α + $) + L(V, α) − mg cos γ = 0,


m = mass of aircraft

g = gravitational force per unit mass

$ = angle between thrust axis and zero-lift axis

L(v, α) = lift force

D(V, α) = drag force

T (V ) = thrust of engine.

As formulated, this example is an optimization problem (maximizing r) subject to con-

straints (force equilibrium). To address such problems, it would be helpful to have a sys-

tematic methodology. We can recognize this as a static constrained optimization problem.

It is termed static since the parameters V , γ, and α are all constants—the only “dynamic”

equation is a trivial one:

ṙ = 0.

We desire a general solution methodology for this class of problems. Let the vector

x ∈ Rn denote the state parameters and let u ∈ Rm denote control parameters. For
, -T
our example, the state parameters vector is x = V γ , and the control parameter is

u = α. Let

L(x, u)

denote a performance index, that is, the quantity to be optimized (maximized or mini-

mized, as the case may be). For our problem, L(V, γ, α) = V sin γ. Although α does not

appear explicitly in this equation, it is clear that both V and γ are dependent on α. Also,

let  
f1 (x, u)

f(x, u) =  .. 
. =0
fn (x, u)
denote the set of constraint relations that the optimal solution must satisfy.

Assuming all functions are as smooth and differentiable as needed, a necessary condition

for L to be extremized is that its total differential be zero, that is, if dx and du represent

small perturbations in x and u, respectively, then we require that the total differential of L

be zero, i.e.,

dL = LTu du + LTx dx = 0, (56)


Lu = the gradient of L with respect to u (holding x constant)
Lx = the gradient of L with respect to x (holding u constant)

Furthermore, it is necessary that, not only must the constraints be satisfied (i.e., f(x, u) = 0,

but that small perturbations in x and u do not violate the constraints. In other words, we

also need the total differential of f to be zero; i.e.,

df = fx dx + fu du = 0, (57)


fx = , the Frćhet derivative of f with respect to x (holding u constant)
fu = , the Fréchet derivative of f with respect to u (holding x constant).

If x and u are such that both dL(x, u) = 0 and df(x, u) = 0, then (x, u) is called a

stationary point. Obviously, stationarity is a necessary condition for optimality. To ensure

that a stationary point yields an optimal solution, however, we must ensure that if we wish

to minimize (maximize) L, then the curvature of L at a stationary point must be positive

(negative) for every perturbation du, which means that Luu Kf =0 , the Hessian of L with respect

to u while holding f = 0, must be positive-definite (negative-definite) when evaluated at the

stationary point.

Let us proceed to formulate a method for solving for stationary points. To begin, we

assume that the matrix fx is non-singular. Then, solving (57) for dx obtains

dx = −fx−1 fu du

which, when substituted into (56), yields

dL = LTu − LTx fx−1 fu )du.

The derivative of L with respect to u, holding f(x, u) constant at zero, is therefore given by

∂L KK 1 2T
= LTu − LTx fx−1 fu = Lu − fuT fx−T Lx ,
∂u df =0

1 2T
where we use the notation fx−T = fx−1 . Notice that this derivative is different from Lu ,

= Lu .
∂u Kdx=0

Thus, in order to constrain dL = 0 for an arbitrary increment du while keeping df = 0, we

must have

1 2T 1 2−T
Lu (x, u) − fu (x, u) fx (x, u) Lx (x, u) = 0 (58)

f(x, u) = 0. (59)

To gain some insight into the structure of this result, let us consider the two perturbation

equations (56) and (57) simultaneously in matrix notation, yielding

" ? " T ?" ? " ?
dL Lx LTu dx 0
= = .
df fx fu du 0

This set of linear equations defines a stationary point. The only way this system of equations
" T ?
Lx LTu
can have a non-trivial solution is if the rank of the (n + 1) × (n + m) matrix is
fx fu
less than n + 1; that is, the rows of this matrix must be linearly dependent, so there exists

an n-dimensional vector λ such that

" ?
, - LTx LTu
1 λ = 0.
fx fu


LTx + λT fx = 0 (60)

LTu + λT fu = 0. (61)

Solving (60) for λ gives

λT = −LTx fx−1 , (62)

and substituting (62) into (61) yields (58); namely,

LTu − LTx fx−1 fu = 0.

The vector λ ∈ Rn is called a Lagrange multiplier, which turns out to be a useful tool

in optimal control theory. To give some insight into the interpretation of λ, let us constrain

du = 0 in (56) and (57) and solve for dL to obtain

dL = LTx fx−1 df.

Comparing this result with (62), we see that λ is the negative of the partial derivative of L

while holding u constant, i.e.,

= −λ. (63)
∂x Kdu=0

It is convenient to combine all of this structure into a single function.

Definition 69 Let L be a performance index to be extremized and let f be a constraint

function. The adjoined equation

H(x, u, λ) = L(x, u) + λT f(x, u)

is called the Hamiltonian. ✷

The total differential of H is

dH = HxT dx + HuT du + HλT dλ.

By our construction, we obtain the following:

1. Suppose we choose some control value u. The only admissible values of x are those

such that the constraint f = 0 is satisfied. Thus,

∂H(x, u, λ)
Hλ = = f(x, u) = 0 (64)

must obtain. When this occurs, we note that

H(x, u, λ)Kf =0 = L(x, u).

2. We now observe that, with λ given by (62),

Hx = = Lx + fxT λ = Lx − fxT fx−T Lx = 0. (65)

3. Once (64) and (65) hold, then

dL = dH = HuT du,

which must be zero at a stationary point. Thus we require that Hu = 0 at a stationary


We have thus established that necessary conditions for a stationary point are that

Hλ = f = 0

Hx = Lx + fxT λ = 0

Hu = Lu + fuT λ = 0.

This system consists of 2n + m equations in the 2n + m quantities x, λ, and u.

To establish sufficient conditions for a minimum (maximum), we need to show that the

curvature of the performance index L at the stationary point is positive (negative) for all

increments du. To perform this analysis, we need to consider second-order perturbations of

the performance index and constraint functions. To second order, we have

" ? " ?" ?
, T T
- dx 1, T T
- Lxx Lxu dx
dL = Lx Lu + dx du
du 2 Lux Luu du

" ? " ?" ?
, - dx 1, T - fxx f xu dx
df = fx fu + dx duT .
du 2 f ux fuu du

Combining these equations, we obtain

" ? " ? " ?" ?
, - dL , T T
- dx 1, T T
- Hxx Hxu dx
dH = 1 λ = Hx Hu + dx du . (66)
df du 2 Hux Huu du

At a stationary point, we have, to first-order,

dx = −fx−1 fu du

which, when substituted into (66) and using the fact that the first-order component of dH

vanishes at a stationary point, we have

" ?" ?
K 1, T T
- Hxx Hxu dx
dL = dH K = dx du .
stationary point 2 Hux Huu du

Thus, the Hessian of L under the constraint that f = 0 is

" ?" ?
K , T T
- Hxx Hxu dx
Luu Kf =0 = dx du (67)
Hux Huu du

= Huu − fuT fx−T Hxu − Hux fx−1 fu + fuT fx−T Hxx fx−1 fu . (68)

If, at a stationary point, Luu Kf =0 > 0, then all increments in du increase, implying that the
stationary point is a local minimum. Similarly, Luu Kf =0 < 0 implies a maximum. If Luu Kf =0

is indeterminant but full rank, then the stationary point is a saddle point. If the matrix is

not full rank, then there is insufficient information to determine the nature of the extremum.

26.2 Closed-Form Solutions

Some problems admit closed-form optimal solutions. An example that is by no means trivial

involves quadratic performance indices and linear constraints.

Example 31 Consider the quadratic performance index

1 1
L = xT Qx + uT Ru
2 2

with linear constraint

f(x, u) = x + Bu + c = 0,

where Q and R are positive-definite matrices. The Hamiltonian is (suppressing arguments)

1 1
H = xT Qx + uT Ru + λT (x + Bu + c,
2 2

and the conditions for a stationary point are

Hλ = x + Bu + c = 0 (69)

Hx = Qx + λ = 0 (70)

Hu = Ru + B T λ = 0. (71)

To solve these equations, we first rearrange (71) to obtain

u = −R−1 B T λ. (72)

We then solve (70) to obtain

λ = −Qx. (73)

Substituting this result into (69) multiplied by Q yields

λ = QBu + Qc.

Substituting into (72) yields

u = −R−1 B T (QBu + Qc)


(I + R−1 B T QB)u = −R−1 B T Qc

which can be rearranged to become

(R + B T QB)u = −B T Qc,

which, since R is full rank, admits the solution

u = −(R + B T QB)−1 B T Qc.

Substituting this result into (69) and (73) yields

1 2
x = − I − B(R + B T QB)−1 B T Q c
1 2
λ = Q − QB(R + B T QB)−1 B T Q c.

To verify that this solution is a minimum, we compute the Hessian of L with respect to u

according to (68). With

Huu = R, Hxu = 0, Hux = 0, Hxx = Q, fx = I, fu = B,

we obtain
Luu Kf =0 = R + B T QB,

which is positive definite; thus the stationary point is a minimum (in this case, it is a global

minimum since L is a quadratic function).

26.3 Numerical Methods

It is rare that we can obtain closed-form solutions for optimization problems. Consider the

following example.

Example 32 Continuing with the climb-rate problem, we identify a two-dimensional state
, -T
vector x = V γ and a scalar control u = α. Thus,

L(V, γ, α) = V sin α.

The Hamiltonian is

1 2
H(V, γ, α, λ1, λ2 ) = V sin γ + λ1 T (V ) cos(α + $) − D(V, α) − mg sin γ
+ λ2 T (V ) sin(α + $) + L(V, α) − mg cos γ)

Hence, the necessary conditions for a stationary point are

= T (V ) cos(α + $) − D(V, α) − mg sin γ = 0
= T (V ) sin(α + $) + L(V, α) − mg cos γ = 0
3 $ 3 $
∂H ∂T (V ) ∂D(V, γ) ∂T (V ) ∂L(V, γ)
= sin γ + λ1 cos(α + $) − + λ2 sin(α + $) + =0
∂V ∂V ∂V ∂V ∂V
= V cos γ − λ1 mg cos γ + λ2 mg sin γ = 0
3 $ 3 $
∂H ∂D(V, α) ∂L(V, α)
= λ1 − T (V ) sin(α + $) − + λ2 T (V ) cos(α + $) + =0
∂α ∂α ∂α

These five equations are to be solved for the five unknowns V , γ, α, λ1 , and λ2 . In general,

for realistic lift, drag, and thrust functions, these equations are most conveniently solved by

numerical means rather than by closed-form analytical expressions.

In principle, the solution to the above example can be obtained by Newton’s method. To do

so, however, requires the calculation of the Fréchet derivative of the function
 
 f2 
 
h= HV  .

 Hγ 

Such calculations are apt to be extremely tedious, and most likely intractable. Furthermore,

even if the derivative matrix can be computed and inverted, it must be done at each step

in the Newton iteration, which could involve considerable computational complexity. Thus,

it may be profitable to seek more economical methods of solving this system of nonlinear


In the scalar case it is easy to see why Newton’s method converges so rapidly. At a

given point, say xn , the function f (xn ) is approximated by its tangent line. This line passes

through the point (xn , f (xn ) and intercepts the x axis at the point

f (xn )
xn+1 = xn − .
f ′ (xn )

This process is then repeated from the new point. To illustrate, suppose we wish to minimize

the quadratic function g(x) = rx2 . We proceed by finding the zero of the gradient, f (x) =

gx (x) = 2rx. Then f ′ (x) = 2r, and the first iteration of Newton’s method yields

x1 = x0 − = 0,

which is x∗ , the minimizing value. Thus, Newton’s method yields the exact solution after one

iteration for a quadratic function! This fact obtains because Newton’s method accounts for

the curvature in the function g by approximating it with a parabola, and this approximation

is exact if the function to be minimized is itself a parabola.

As we see with more complicated functions, however, the price to be paid for quadratic

convergence is the need to compute the Hessian of the function, and this can be a very steep

price indeed if the function is complicated, as with the climb-rate problem.

What if we do not wish to compute the Hessian? Consider, again, the simple problem of

finding the minimum to g(x) = rx2 by iterative means. Let us consider an iteration of the


xn+1 = xn − kg ′ (xn ) = xn − k2rxn = (1 − k2r)xn .

If we choose k < 2r
, then after n iterations,

xn = (1 − k2r)n x0 ,

which will converge asymptotically to the minimizing value x∗ = 0. The reason for this slower

convergence is that, whereas Newton’s method accounts for the curvature of the function g

at xn , this new method accounts only for the slope of the function at xn . This approach

is called the method of steepest descent, since it changes the iterate in direction of

maximum sensitivity. The general expression for a function g: Rn → R is

xn+1 = xn − kn gx (xn ).

The parameter kn determines how far we move at each step. Often, it will be convenient to let

kn = k, a constant. It is seen that this method updates the iterated value proportionally to

its gradient. For this reason, the method is sometimes termed a gradient descent method

for finding a local minimum. A steepest-descent algorithm for the constrained optimization

problem is as follows.

1. Select an initial value for u.

2. Solve for x from f(x, u) = 0.

3. Determine λ from λ = −fx−T Lx .

4. Determine the gradient vector Hu = Lu + fxT λ, which in general will not be zero.

5. Update the control vector by ∆u = −kHu , where k is a positive scalar constant (to

find a maximum, use ∆u = +kHu ).

6. Repeat steps 2 through 5, using the revised estimate of u, until HuT Hu is very small.

Example 33 Let us now apply the steepest-descent algorithm to the climb-rate problem. The

steps in using this method are as follows:

1. Guess a value for α.

2. Determine the values of V and γ from f1 (V, γ, α) = f2 (V, γ, α) = 0.

3. Determine the values for λ1 and λ2 ; i.e.,

D E−1
∂f1 ∂f1
, - , - ∂V ∂γ
λ1 λ2 = − LV Lγ ∂f2 ∂f2
∂V ∂γ

4. Determine the values of Hα . Since Lα = 0 for this problem we have

" ∂f1 ?
, -
H α = λ1 λ2 ∂α

5. Change the estimate of α by an amount ∆α = −kHα .

6. Repeat steps 2 through 5, using the revised estimates of α, until Hα2 is very small.

Steepest descent, or first-order gradient, methods usually show substantial improvements

in the first few iterations but have slow convergence characteristics as the optimal solution is

approached. This observation prompts us to consider gradient methods that are somewhat

similar to Newton’s method in that they take into consideration the “curvature” as well as

the “slope.”

Our approach is as follows: We guess a control parameter (assume a scalar control para-

meter in the interest of clarity) u0 , and then solve the constraint equation f(x0 , u0 ) for x0 ,

from which we compute L(x0 , u0 ). We then determine the first and second derivatives of L

with respect to u0 , holding f(x0 , u0) = 0, and approximate L by a quadratic curve

1 ∂L
L ≈ L(x0 , u0 ) + Lu0 (u − u0 ) + (u − u0 )2 .
2 ∂u0

The value of u that yields the maximum of this approximate curve is easily determined, call

it u1 . This value is taken as an improved guess and the process is repeated.

There are many variations of the gradient descent methods described above. Obviously,

as in all gradient descent methods, convergence is not guaranteed. The success of this

approach depends heavily on the quality of the initial guess. Furthermore, the second-order

gradient method may fail even if the first-order approach succeeds.


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