MYP Grade Descriptors by Subject
MYP Grade Descriptors by Subject
MYP Grade Descriptors by Subject
Grade Descriptor
• has a very limited understanding of mathematical concepts; rarely selects or applies appropriate
mathematics to solve simple familiar problems
1 •
recognizes simple mathematical patterns but does not investigate
very rarely uses appropriate mathematical language or notation; cannot construct arguments or
draw conclusions
• attempts to create simple models to solve real-life problems, with very limited success.
The MYP Grade Descriptors are determined after MYP Achievement levels are calculated. The conversion from MYP achievement levels to MYP grades is
based on the published MYP Grade boundaries applicable across all disciplines in the Next Chapter.
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA
Language & Literature Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
• analyses texts in a very limited way, rarely justifying opinions and ideas with examples or relevant
terminology; provides very little comparison and contrast of works
1 • produces texts with little imagination, sensitivity and creativity, offering no new perspectives; demonstrates
no sensitivity to context and intention; rarely makes stylistic choices
• demonstrates limited accuracy in spelling/writing, pronunciation, grammar, syntax and punctuation, which
frequently hinders communication; demonstrates very limited organization of opinions and ideas, often
incoherent; demonstrates very limited or inappropriate use of language-specific conventions.
• analyses texts at a basic level, occasionally justifying opinions and ideas with few examples or relevant
terminology; provides little comparison and contrast of works
2 • produces texts with limited imagination, sensitivity and creativity, offering few new perspectives;
demonstrates minimal sensitivity to context and intention; makes few stylistic choices
• demonstrates limited accuracy in spelling/writing, pronunciation, grammar, syntax and punctuation, which
frequently hinders communication; demonstrates limited organization of opinions and ideas with little
coherence and logic; demonstrates limited or inappropriate use of language-specific conventions.
• analyses texts at a basic level, occasionally justifying opinions and ideas with basic examples and relevant
terminology; superficially compares and contrasts works
3 • produces texts with some imagination, sensitivity and creativity, offering new perspectives; demonstrates
limited sensitivity to context and intention; makes some stylistic choices
• demonstrates adequate accuracy in spelling/writing, pronunciation, grammar, syntax and punctuation but
with errors that sometimes hinder communication; organizes opinions and ideas with some coherence and
logic; accurately uses language-specific conventions.
• analyses texts satisfactorily, inconsistently justifying opinions and ideas with examples and relevant
terminology; satisfactorily compares and contrasts works
4 •
produces texts with a satisfactory degree of imagination, sensitivity and creativity, offering new
perspectives; demonstrates some sensitivity to context and intention; makes stylistic choices
demonstrates generally good accuracy in spelling/writing, pronunciation, grammar, syntax and punctuation,
although some errors may hinder communication; organizes opinions and ideas with satisfactory coherence
and logic; accurately uses language-specific conventions.
• analyses texts competently, justifying opinions and ideas with sufficient examples, explanations and
terminology; competently compares and contrasts works
5 • produces texts with a considerable degree of imagination, sensitivity and creativity, offering new
perspectives; demonstrates some sensitivity to context and intention; makes stylistic choices that reflect
appreciation for the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning and impact an
• demonstrates accuracy in spelling/writing, pronunciation, grammar, syntax and punctuation so
communication is not hindered; organizes opinions and ideas coherently and logically; accurately uses
language- specific conventions.
• analyses texts thoughtfully, justifying opinions and ideas with appropriate examples, explanations and
terminology; thoughtfully compares and contrasts works
• produces texts with a substantial degree of imagination, sensitivity and creativity, offering new perspectives;
demonstrates considerable sensitivity to context and intention; makes stylistic choices that reflect
considerable appreciation for the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning and
impact an audience
• communicates appropriately and with a substantial degree of accuracy in spelling/writing, pronunciation,
grammar, syntax and punctuation; organizes opinions and ideas effectively; consistently and effectively uses
language-specific conventions.
• analyses texts perceptively, justifying opinions and ideas thoroughly with effective examples, explanations
and terminology; perceptively compares and contrasts texts
• produces texts with a high degree of imagination, sensitivity and creativity, consistently offering new
perspectives; demonstrates considerable sensitivity to context and intention; makes stylistic choices that
reflect considerable appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape
The MYP Grade Descriptors are determined after MYP Achievement levels are calculated. The conversion from MYP achievement levels to MYP grades is
based on the published MYP Grade boundaries applicable across all disciplines in the Next Chapter.
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA
Physical & Health Education Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
• produces work of very limited quality; conveys many significant misunderstandings or lacks understanding of
most concepts and rarely uses knowledge or skills.
• states physical and health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge; applies physical and
health education knowledge to investigate issues and suggest solutions to problems set in familiar situations;
applies physical and health terminology to communicate understanding with limited success
• constructs and outlines a plan to improve physical performance or health; outlines the effectiveness of a plan
based on the outcome
2 • demonstrates and applies skills and techniques with limited success; demonstrates and applies strategies and
movement concepts with limited success; recalls information to perform
• identifies and demonstrates strategies to enhance interpersonal skills. Identifies goals to enhance
performance; outlines and summarizes performance.
• lists physical and health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge; applies physical and health
education knowledge to investigate issues and to solve problems set in familiar situations; applies physical
and health terminology to communicate understanding with some success
• constructs and describes a plan to improve physical performance or health, with limited guidance; describes
3 •
the effectiveness of a plan based on the outcome
demonstrates and applies skills and techniques with some success; demonstrates and applies strategies and
movement concepts with some success; recalls and applies information to perform
• outlines and demonstrates strategies to enhance interpersonal skills with some success; outlines goals and
demonstrates strategies to enhance performance; describes and summarizes performance with limited
• outlines physical and health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge; applies physical and
health education knowledge to analyse issues and to solve problems set in familiar situations; applies physical
4 •
and health terminology to communicate understanding
constructs and describes a plan to improve physical performance or health; explains the effectiveness of a
plan based on the outcome; demonstrates and applies skills and techniques
• demonstrates and applies strategies and movement concepts; identifies and applies information to perform
• outlines and demonstrates strategies to enhance interpersonal skills; outlines goals and applies strategies to
enhance performance; describes and summarizes performance.
• identifies physical and health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge with limited guidance;
applies physical and health education knowledge to analyse issues to solve problems set in familiar and
unfamiliar situations with limited guidance; applies physical and health terminology to communicate
5 •
understanding with some consistency
constructs and explains a plan to improve physical performance or health; analyses the effectiveness of a plan
based on the outcome with some success
• demonstrates and applies several skills and techniques; demonstrates and applies several strategies and
movement concepts; analyses and applies information to perform with some success
• describes and demonstrates strategies to enhance interpersonal skills with some success; describes goals and
applies strategies to enhance performance; describes and evaluates performance.
• identifies physical and health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge; applies physical and
health education knowledge to analyse issues to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations;
applies physical and health terminology consistently to communicate understanding
• designs and explains a plan to improve physical performance or health; analyses the effectiveness of a plan
6 •
based on the outcome
demonstrates and applies a range of skills and techniques; demonstrates and applies a range of strategies
and movement concepts; analyses and applies information to perform
• describes and demonstrates strategies to enhance interpersonal skills; explains goals and applies strategies to
enhance performance; explains and evaluates performance.
• explains physical and health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge; applies physical and
health education knowledge to analyse complex issues to solve complex problems set in familiar and
unfamiliar situations; applies physical and health terminology consistently and effectively to communicate
• designs, explains and justifies a plan to improve physical performance or health; analyses and evaluates the
The MYP Grade Descriptors are determined after MYP Achievement levels are calculated. The conversion from MYP achievement levels to MYP grades is
based on the published MYP Grade boundaries applicable across all disciplines in the Next Chapter.
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA
Individuals & Societies Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
• demonstrates very limited knowledge and understanding of subject- specific content and concepts
1 • formulates very limited research questions, which may lead to very limited action plans; collects
and records very limited information; evaluates very little of the process and/or results of the
• communicates very limited information and ideas; may document limited sources of information,
if any.
2 occasionally appropriate to the audience and purpose; documents limited sources of information
in an unstructured way.
• demonstrates some basic knowledge and understanding of subject- specific content and concepts
• formulates basic research questions, which lead to limited action plans; collects and records basic
information; evaluates some of the process and results of the investigation
• communicates basic information and ideas, using a style and/or format that are sometimes
• demonstrates adequate knowledge and understanding of subject- specific content and concepts,
occasionally using terminology in context
4 • formulates adequate research questions, which lead to suitable action plans; uses adequate
research methods to collect and record information; evaluates the process and results of the
investigation, but may lack depth or insight
• communicates information and ideas, using a style and/or format that are appropriate to the
audience and purpose; documents sources of information
• analyses some sources with reference to terms of origin, purpose, value and limitation.
• demonstrates clear and detailed knowledge and understanding, regularly using a wide range of
terminology in context
• formulates and justifies clear and focused research questions and follows comprehensive action
plans; uses a range of research methods to collect and record relevant information; evaluates the
• demonstrates a wide range of knowledge and deep understanding, consistently and effectively
using terminology in context
• formulates and justifies clear and focused research questions and follows detailed comprehensive
action plans; uses a wide range of research methods to effectively collect and record relevant
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA
Sciences Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
• has a very limited understanding of scientific concepts; rarely selects or applies knowledge to solve simple
1 •
familiar problems
incorrectly states a problem or question; cannot identify variables or hypotheses; attempts to design
experimental methods, incomplete and of limited quality
• presents or interprets data incorrectly; cannot comment on outcomes of investigations; states no
improvements or extensions to experiments
• very occasionally outlines basic understanding to address how science is used to solve problems or issues;
applies scientific language with very limited success.
• has a limited understanding of scientific concepts; sometimes selects or applies knowledge to solve problems
in familiar situations; makes simple judgments, without scientific support
• states a problem or question simply; outlines hypotheses and variables in a limited simple way; designs
experimental methods with limited success
• collects, presents and interprets data in a very simple way; comments simply on methods or outcomes of
6 • correctly generates relevant data to transform and interpret in a correct and useful way, with scientific
reasoning; evaluates validity of hypotheses and methods in depth and in detail; describes detailed beneficial
improvements or extensions to experiments
• explains the ways in which science is applied and used to address specific problems or issues with its correct
implications; consistently applies scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and precisely.
• thoroughly understands scientific concepts; independently selects and applies sophisticated scientific
knowledge to solve a variety of problems, with independence and expertise; evaluates information to make
complex scientifically supported judgments
• explains problems or questions in a comprehensive way; explains hypotheses using high-quality correct
scientific reasoning; designs a logical, complete and safe method with appropriate materials and equipment to
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA
Design Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
• produces work of very limited quality; conveys many significant misunderstandings or lacks
1 understanding of most concepts and rarely uses knowledge or skills.
• states the need for solutions; develops basic design briefs, which states the findings of relevant research
• lists some basic design specifications for the design of a solution; presents one design, which can be
2 • creates incomplete planning drawings/diagrams; demonstrates minimal technical skills when making the
solution; creates solutions, which function poorly and are presented in an incomplete form
• designs at least one testing method; states the success of solutions.
• identifies the need for solutions; outlines research plans, stating primary and secondary research, with
some guidance; highlights main features of existing products; develops basic design briefs, based on
relevant research
• lists some design specifications, relating to a solution’s success criteria; presents one feasible design,
using appropriate mediums or annotation, which can be interpreted; selects designs, referencing design
designs, critically justifying their selection; develops accurate planning drawings/diagrams, and identifies
manufacturing requirements
• constructs logical plans that identify the efficient use of resources; demonstrates some excellent technical
skills; generally follows plans to create functioning solutions; explains changes to designs and plans
• designs ranges of relevant testing methods; evaluates the success of solutions against design
specifications; suggests improvements and explains the impact of solutions with limited guidance.
• explains and justifies the need for solutions; independently constructs detailed research plans, identifying
and prioritizing primary and secondary research; analyses ranges of existing products in detail; develops
detailed design briefs that summarize the analysis of relevant research
• develops detailed design specifications, explaining success criteria for solutions; develops ranges of
feasible designs, using appropriate media and detailed annotation, which are interpreted correctly;
7 presents designs, justifying fully and critically their selection; develops accurate, detailed planning
drawings/diagrams and outlines manufacturing requirements
• constructs detailed, logical plans that describe the efficient use of resources; demonstrates excellent
technical skills when following plans and creating solutions that function as intended; fully justifies any
changes to designs or plans
• designs ranges of detailed, relevant testing methods; critically evaluates the success of solutions against
design specifications; explains improvements and the impact of solutions independently.
The MYP Grade Descriptors are determined after MYP Achievement levels are calculated. The conversion from MYP achievement levels to MYP grades is based on the published MYP Grade
boundaries applicable across all disciplines in the Next Chapter.
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA
Arts Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
• demonstrates very limited knowledge or understanding of the art form; develops limited and
1 superficial critical appreciation of artworks; rarely identifies links between knowledge and
artistic decisions.
• states a very limited artistic intention; practical work is minimal or disengaged, and in most
cases does not reach a point of realization; skills and techniques are very limited, and rarely
developed or applied to create or present artworks
• constructs limited meaning but rarely transfers learning; creates disconnected responses.
• demonstrates limited knowledge or understanding of the art form; develops confused or
oversimplified critiques of artwork; only occasionally uses knowledge to inform artistic
2 • develops a very basic artistic intention; demonstrates limited creative thinking behaviours and
limited practical explorations of ideas, which may not reach a point of realization; acquires,
develops and/or applies limited skills and techniques to create or present artworks
• constructs limited meaning and occasionally transfers learning; creates limited artistic
• demonstrates areas of knowledge and understanding of the role of the art form in one
context; develops clear, but oversimplified, critiques of artwork; sometimes uses knowledge
to inform artistic decisions
• develops an artistic intention which is sometimes clear; demonstrates some creative thinking
behaviours and practically explores some ideas through to a point of realization; acquires,
3 develops and applies some skills and techniques to create or present artworks
• constructs some meaning and is sometimes able to transfer learning; creates basic artistic
• demonstrates general knowledge and understanding of the role of the art form in various
contexts; develops clear and adequate critiques of artwork; uses knowledge to inform artistic
4 • develops an artistic intention, which is clear but predictable or infeasible; demonstrates
several creative thinking behaviours and often demonstrates a practical exploration of ideas
through to a point of realization; acquires, develops and applies some skills and techniques to
create or present artworks
• constructs meaning and is often able to transfer learning to new settings; creates artistic
responses which often intend to reflect or impact the world.
• demonstrates substantial knowledge and understanding of the role of the art form in original
and displaced contexts; develops focused and accurate critiques of artwork; uses knowledge
to accurately inform artistic decisions
5 • develops a clear and consistent artistic intention which may not be fully developed or feasible;
demonstrates substantial creative thinking behaviours and demonstrates a suitable practical
exploration of ideas to shape artistic intention through to a point of realization; acquires,
develops and applies substantial skills and techniques to create or present artworks
• constructs meaning and regularly transfers learning to new settings; creates artistic responses
which suitably intend to reflect or impact the world.
• demonstrates very good knowledge and understanding of the role of the art form in original
and displaced contexts; develops critiques of artwork which often show depth and insight;
uses knowledge to purposefully inform artistic decisions
• develops a clear, imaginative and coherent artistic intention; demonstrates a range and depth
of creative thinking behaviours and demonstrates a full practical exploration of ideas to
6 purposefully shape artistic intention through to a point of realization; acquires, develops and
applies a range of skills and techniques to create or present artworks
• constructs meaning with clarity and purposefully transfers learning to new settings; creates
very good artistic responses which purposefully intend to reflect or impact the world.
• demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of the role of the art form in original
and displaced contexts; develops insightful critiques of artwork; uses knowledge to
purposefully and effectively inform artistic decisions
• consistently demonstrates a clear, imaginative and coherent artistic intention; demonstrates a
range and depth of creative thinking behaviours and demonstrates a full and extensive
7 practical exploration of ideas; acquires, develops and applies a range of skills and techniques
effectively to create or present artworks
• constructs meaning with depth and insight, and effectively transfers learning to new settings;
creates excellent artistic responses which purposefully intend to reflect or impact the world.
The MYP Grade Descriptors are determined after MYP Achievement levels are calculated. The conversion from MYP achievement levels to MYP grades is based on the published MYP Grade
boundaries applicable across all disciplines in the Next Chapter.
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA
Grade Descriptor
• demonstrates very limited understanding of messages, facts and ideas across spoken,
1 •
visual and written texts
demonstrates very limited understanding of aspects of format and style, and author’s
purpose for writing
• rarely interacts to share basic information on everyday topics and exchanges very few
ideas and minimal information
• lacks organization of basic information and ideas. Writes and speaks with very limited
command of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
• demonstrates limited understanding of messages, facts and ideas across spoken, visual
and written texts
• demonstrates limited understanding of aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose
2 •
for writing
interacts occasionally to share basic information on some everyday topics and in some
familiar situations by exchanging few ideas and minimal information
• organizes basic information and ideas on some topics of personal interest. Writes and
speaks with a basic command of vocabulary and grammar.
• demonstrates some understanding of messages, facts and ideas across spoken, visual and
written texts
• demonstrates some understanding of conventions including aspects of format and style,
and author’s purpose for writing
• interacts to share basic information on some everyday topics and in some familiar
3 situations
• organizes messages, facts and ideas occasionally. Writes and speaks with a basic
command of vocabulary and grammar.
• demonstrates satisfactory understanding of messages, facts, opinions, feelings and ideas
across spoken, visual and written texts
• demonstrates satisfactory understanding and ability to interpret conventions including
4 •
aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for writing
interacts adequately to share basic information on everyday topics, in a range of familiar
• organizes simple text adequately to communicate some ideas and feelings. Writes and
speaks using some basic language conventions; demonstrates inconsistent command of a
basic range of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
• demonstrates good understanding of messages, facts, opinions, feelings and ideas across
spoken, visual and written texts
• demonstrates good understanding and ability to interpret conventions including aspects of
5 •
format and style, and author’s purpose for writing
interacts sufficiently to share information on everyday topics, in a range of familiar
• organizes simple text well to communicate some ideas and feelings. Writes and speaks
using some basic language conventions accurately; demonstrates sufficient command of a
basic range of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
• demonstrates very good understanding of messages, facts, opinions, feelings and ideas
across spoken, visual and written texts
• demonstrates very good understanding and ability to analyse conventions including
aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for writing
• interacts substantially to share information on everyday topics, in a range of familiar
6 • organizes simple text very well to communicate some ideas and feelings. Writes and
speaks using basic language conventions accurately; demonstrates a considerable
command of a basic range of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
7 situations
• organizes simple text effectively to communicate ideas and feelings. Writes and speaks
using basic language conventions accurately; demonstrates an excellent command of a
basic range of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
The MYP Grade Descriptors are determined after MYP Achievement levels are calculated. The conversion from MYP achievement levels to MYP grades is based on the published MYP Grade
boundaries applicable across all disciplines in the Next Chapter.
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA
Grade Descriptor
• demonstrates very limited understanding of information and ideas across spoken, visual and
written texts
• demonstrates very limited understanding of aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for
1 •
rarely engages in basic conversations about topics of personal interest and exchanges very few
ideas and minimal information
• lacks organization of basic information and ideas. Writes and speaks with very limited command
of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
• demonstrates limited understanding of information and ideas and rarely interprets them across
spoken, visual and written texts
• demonstrates limited understanding of aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for
2 •
engages in basic conversations about topics of personal interest by exchanging few ideas and
minimal information
• organizes basic information and ideas on some topics of personal interest. Writes and speaks with
a basic command of vocabulary and grammar.
• demonstrates some understanding of information and ideas and interprets them to a limited
degree across spoken, visual and written texts
• demonstrates some understanding of conventions including aspects of format and style, and
author’s purpose for writing
• engages occasionally in conversations about topics of personal interest and some topics of global
6 •
significance by exchanging relevant and detailed information and ideas
organizes information and ideas very well in a structured text in a range of interpersonal and
cultural contexts. Writes and speaks with a considerable command of vocabulary and grammatical
• demonstrates excellent understanding of a range of information and ideas and interprets them
thoroughly across spoken, visual and written texts
• demonstrates excellent understanding and ability to interpret the author’s choice of style, format
7 •
and ideas to suit an intended audience and purpose
engages actively in conversations about topics of personal interest and some topics of global
significance by initiating and maintaining an effective exchange of information and ideas.
• organizes information and ideas effectively in a structured text in a range of interpersonal and
cultural contexts. Writes and speaks with a clear sense of audience and purpose; demonstrates a
sophisticated command of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
The MYP Grade Descriptors are determined after MYP Achievement levels are calculated. The conversion from MYP achievement levels to MYP grades is based on the published MYP Grade
boundaries applicable across all disciplines in the Next Chapter.
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA
Grade Descriptor
• demonstrates very limited understanding of information and ideas across spoken, visual and
written texts
• demonstrates very limited understanding of aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for
1 •
rarely engages in basic conversations in social and some academic situations and exchanges very
few ideas and minimal information
• lacks organization of basic information and ideas. Writes and speaks with very limited command
of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
• demonstrates limited understanding of information and ideas and rarely evaluates them across
spoken, visual and written texts
• demonstrates limited understanding of aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for
2 •
engages in basic conversations in some social and some academic situations by exchanging few
ideas and minimal information
• organizes basic information and ideas, for a limited range of audiences and purposes. Writes and
speaks with a basic command of vocabulary and grammar.
• demonstrates some understanding of information and ideas and evaluates them to a limited
degree across spoken, visual and written texts
• demonstrates some understanding of conventions including aspects of format and style, and
author’s purpose for writing
• engages occasionally in conversations in social and some academic situations by exchanging basic
MYP Year 5 Resources – adapted from IBO eAssessment Guidance 2016 MB @ ABA