BS 5268 - 7.1 Structural Use of Timber

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Structural use of
timber —
Part 7: Recommendations for the
calculation basis for span tables —

Section 7.1 Domestic floor joists

UDC [624.011.1 + 674.038.5 + 691.1.11]:[692.526:694.5]:001.4

BS 5268-7.1:1989

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Civil

Engineering and Building Structures Standards Committee (CSB/-) to
Technical Committee CSB/32 upon which the following bodies were

British Woodworking Federation

Building Employers’ Confederation
Chartered Institute of Building
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment,
Princes Risborough Laboratory)
Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland
Department of the Environment (Housing and Construction Industries)
Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)
Health and Safety Executive
Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain Inc.
Institute of Wood Science
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers
International Truss Plate Association
National House-building Council
Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Timber Research and Development Association
Timber Trade Federation
Coopted members

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Civil
Engineering and Building
Structures Standards
Committee, was published
under the authority of the
Board of BSI and comes
into effect on Amendments issued since publication
30 June 1989

© BSI 03-1999 Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference CSB/32
Draft for comment 84/11849 DC

ISBN 0 580 16586 8

BS 5268-7.1:1989


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Symbols 1
4 Design considerations 2
5 Permissible spans 3
6 Bearing length 6
7 Information to be given in span tables 6
Appendix A Sample calculation for a domestic floor joist 7
Appendix B Specimen span tables for domestic floor joists 9
Figure 1 — Bearing length, permissible effective and
permissible clear span 5
Table 1 — Permissible clear spans for domestic floor joists:
SC3: regularised sizes 9
Table 2 — Permissible clear spans for domestic floor joists:
redwood/whitewood, SS grade, basic sizes 10
Table 3 — Permissible clear spans for domestic floor joists:
spruce-pine-fir, joist and plank no. 2 grade, CLS sizes 11
Publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 04-1999 i
BS 5268-7.1:1989


This Section of Part 7 of BS 5268 has been prepared under the direction of the
Civil Engineering and Building Structures Standards Committee.
The general principles for the design of structural timber components are given
in BS 5268-2 and using these principles it is possible for span tables to be
prepared for a wide range of components.
Experience has shown that different interpretations of these principles has led to
inconsistencies in span tables prepared by different compilers. It is the purpose
of BS 5268-7 to eliminate these differences by recommending the design
equations and the loading to be used in the preparation of span tables. Part 7 is
intended to ensure that different organizations produce span tables on a
consistent basis in the future, and is not necessarily intended for use by designers
for individual designs carried out in their day-to-day work, where simplified
equations may produce adequate designs. This Section deals with domestic floor
joists. Other Sections of BS 5268-7, published or in preparation, are as follows.
— Section 7.2: Joists for flat roofs;
— Section 7.3: Ceiling joists;
— Section 7.4: Ceiling binders;
— Section 7.5: Rafters;
— Section 7.6: Purlins supporting rafters;
— Section 7.7: Purlins suppporting sheeting or decking.
BS 5268-2 gives grade stresses for very many combinations of species and grade
and it is considered impractical to publish in a British Standard span tables for
all possible combinations of species, grades and sizes. BS 5268-7 is therefore
restricted to the basis of the calculations.
The solution of the design equations for many combinations of geometry and
material is most conveniently undertaken by computer. A program written by the
Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA) was used to prepare
Appendix A and Appendix B. For users wishing to prepare their own span tables
or computer programs Appendix A gives a sample calculation. Appendix B gives
span tables for three typical combinations of species and grade. Although the
presentation of span tables is not covered in BS 5268-7, it is recommended that
tables for predetermined domestic floor joist centres and loading follow this
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 12, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 04-1999
BS 5268-7.1:1989

1 Scope 2.6
notional bearing length
This Section of BS 5268 recommends a calculation
basis for the permissible clear span for simply bearing length required for the calculation of
supported domestic floor joists of solid timber. The permissible clear spans
recommendations apply to joists at a maximum 2.7
spacing of 610 mm centre-to-centre, this being the effective span
maximum spacing for which the “load-sharing”
span from centre-to-centre of the minimum bearing
assumption may be adopted as described in
lengths at each end
BS 5268-2. The method of calculation makes no
allowance for any contribution of the flooring to the 2.8
load resistance of the joists where such action can be permissible effective span
provided by adequate attachments between the lowest value of effective span found from the
elements as in a stressed skin panel floor. Only calculations for bending strength, shear strength
uniform loading is considered and concentrated or and deflection
line loads applied by partitions, trimmers and other
similar causes are excluded.
permissible clear span
This Section of BS 5268 is applicable to the species
and grades of timber given in BS 5268-2. permissible unsupported span of a joist, measured
between the faces of the supports at its two ends
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover. NOTE Permissible clear span is equal to permissible effective
span less the notional bearing length.
2 Definitions
3 Symbols
For the purposes of this Section of BS 5268, the
definitions given in BS 6100-4.1 to BS 6100-4.4, For the purposes of this Section of BS 5268, the
BS 6100-2.1 and BS 5268-2 apply, together with the following symbols apply.
following. NOTE The symbols used are generally in accordance with
ISO 3898, published by the International Organization for
2.1 Standardization, supplemented by the recommendations of
grade stress CIB-W18-1 “Symbols for use in structural timber design”,
published by the International Council for Building Research
stress that can safely be permanently sustained by Studies and Documentation, which takes particular account of
material of a specific section size and of a particular timber properties.
strength class or species and grade The symbols used are:
2.2 a Distance (notional bearing length)
load-sharing system b Breadth of joist
assembly of pieces or members that are constrained E Modulus of elasticity
to act together to support a common load F Total load per metre length
Fd Dead load per square metre applied by
mass of ceiling and flooring materials
permissible stress
(excluding joist self weight)
stress that can safely be sustained by a structural Fj Self weight of joist per metre length
material under a particular condition
G Shear modulus
NOTE For the purpose of this Section of BS 5268 it is the
product of the grade stress and the appropriate modification
h Depth of joist
factors for section size, service and loading. l Second moment of area
2.4 K Modification factor (always with a
strength class subscript)
L Effective span
classification of timber based on particular values of
grade stress Ladm Permissible effective span
Lcl Permissible clear span
bearing length M Bending moment
s Spacing of joists, centre-to-centre
length at each end of the joist in contact with the
support w Deflection
Z Section modulus
Ô Density
Ö Stress
Ù Shear stress

© BSI 04-1999 1
BS 5268-7.1:1989

The following subscripts are used: 4.3 Loading

a) Type of force, stress etc. The design calculations provide for domestic floor
c Compression loads which consist of the following.1)
m Bending a) Imposed load
1) for an effective span equal to or greater
b) Significance
than 2 400 mm, the imposed load is 1.5 kN/m2
adm Permissible uniformly distributed;
cl Clear 2) for an effective span less than 2 400 mm, the
g Grade imposed load is 3.6 kN per metre width of floor
max Maximum (measured perpendicular to the span)
uniformly distributed over the span.
c) Geometry
NOTE This imposed load of 1.5 kN/m2 entirely fulfils the
tra or 8 Perpendicular (to the grain) recommendations of BS 6399-1. The maximum imposed load
It is recommended that where more than one of 3.6 kN per metre width is a more onerous load applied to
ensure that very small joist sizes do not result from the
subscript is used, the categories should be separated calculations for small spans.
by commas. The imposed load should be considered to be a
Subscripts may be omitted when the context in long term load.
which the symbols are used is unambiguous except b) Dead load. Dead load per square metre Fd
in the case of modification factor K. (in kN/m2) to provide for the mass of ceiling and
flooring materials, pugging, etc. Weights of
4 Design considerations materials are given in BS 648.
4.1 General c) Self weight. Self weight per metre length Fj
The design calculations recommended by this (in kN/m) to provide for the mass of the joist.
Section of BS 5268 are based on engineers’ bending The timber densities (in kg/m3), given in Tables 9
theory and are consistent with the and 92 of BS 5268-2:1988 should be used.
recommendations of BS 5268-2. The design method 4.4 Design loads
ensures that the permissible bending and shear
The total load per metre length of span, F, is found
stresses as given in BS 5268-2, are not exceeded and
in different ways depending on whether the span is
that the deflection does not exceed the
less than or greater than 2 400 mm.
recommended limit of 0.003 times the span
or 14 mm (see 14.7 of BS 5268-2:1988), whichever For spans equal to or greater than 2 400 mm F
is smaller. (in kN/m) is given by the equation
NOTE A sample calculation is given in Appendix A and Table 1
to Table 3 in Appendix B contain specimen span tables. (1)
4.2 Qualifying assumptions
The calculations given in this Section apply to
systems of at least four domestic floor joists, at a For spans equal to or less than 2 400 mm F
maximum spacing of 610 mm centre-to-centre and (in kN/m) is given by the equation
having adequate flooring to provide lateral load
distribution. Because load sharing takes place the (2)
load sharing modification factor K8 and the mean
modulus of elasticity should be used.
Lateral support should be provided in accordance where
with 14.8 of BS 5268-2:1988. s is the joist spacing (in mm);
The bearing length required at each end of the joist, L is the effective span (in mm);
calculated in accordance with 5.5, may not be Fd is the dead load (in kN/m2);
sufficient for practical construction purposes. Fj is the self weight of joist (in kN/m).
NOTE At a span of 2 400 mm, equations (1) and (2) give the
same value for F.

Concentrated or line loads applied by partitions, trimmers and other similar causes are excluded.

2 © BSI 04-1999
BS 5268-7.1:1989

The value of Fj (in kN/m) may be found from the Effective span, L, < 2 400 mm
equation Bm,g × 1.0 × K7 × 1.1
F j = 9.80665 × 10 pbh (3)
NOTE These equations lead to the following polynomials in L.
Ô is the timber density (in kg/m3); L > 2 400 mm
b is the joist breadth (in mm);
h is the joist depth (in mm).
NOTE The value of F is regarded as being in N/mm in the (8)
equations given in clause 5, where all values are in newtons and
millimetres because BS 5268-2 gives stresses in N/mm2.
L < 2 400 mm
5 Permissible spans
5.1 General
The permissible effective span of a timber joist
subjected to the applied loads given in 4.3 should be
the shortest effective span resulting from 5.3 Limitation of shear stress
calculations for bending strength, shear strength From BS 5268-2, the permissible shear stress Ùadm
and deflection, as given in 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4. (in N/mm2) is given by the equation
The permissible clear span should be calculated as
E adm = E g K 3 K 8 (10)
the permissible effective span less the notional
bearing length, calculated in accordance with 5.5.
5.2 Limitation of bending stress Ùg is the grade shear stress (in N/mm2)
From BS 5268-2, the permissible bending (see BS 5268-2);
stress Bm,adm(in N/mm2) is given by the equation
K3 is the load duration modification factor, 1.0
Öm,adm = Öm,g K3 K7 K8 (4) for long term (see Table 17 of
BS 5268-2:1988);
K8 is the load sharing modification factor, 1.1
Öm,g is the grade bending stress (in N/mm2) (see clause 13 item a) of BS 5268-2:1988).
(see BS 5268-2);
Expanding the equation
K3 is the load duration modification factor, 1.0
for long term (see Table 17 of Ù adm = 3 FL-
--- ----------- (11)
BS 5268-2:1988); 2 2bh
K7 is the section depth modification factor
leads to the following equations.
(see 14.6 of BS 5268-2:1988);
Effective span L > 2 400 mm
K8 is the load sharing modification factor, 1.1
(see clause 13 item a) of BS 5268-2:1988). Ùg × 1.0 × 1.1

Expanding the equation (12)

Ö m,adm = ------ (5)
Effective span L < 2 400 mm
leads to the following equations. Ùg × 1.0 × 1.1
Effective span, L, > 2 400 mm
Bm,g × 1.0 × K7 × 1.1 (13)

NOTE These equations lead to the following polynomials in L.


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BS 5268-7.1:1989

L > 2 400 mm

L < 2 400 mm

(15) and for an effective span L < 2 400 mm

5.4 Limitation of deflection

From BS 5268-2, the recommended deflection (22)
limitation Wmax (in mm) is given by the equation
Wmax = 0.003 L (16)
A further design equation is required for the 14mm
with an overriding limitation of 14 mm limitation on deflection of spans greater than or
(see 14.7 of BS 5268-2:1988). equal to 2 400 mm: this is similar to equation (21)
but with “0.003L” replaced by “14”. The deflection of
The design equation limiting deflection2)is spans less than 2 400 mm will be limited to less
than 14 mm by equation (22).
(17) NOTE The three design equations lead to the following
polynomials in L.

where E is the mean modulus of elasticity. Limitation 0.003L

E (see clause 11 of BS 5268-2:1988),
Taking G as ------
leads to the equation

or, inserting the expressions for equivalent
uniformly distributed load, for an effective span
L > 2 400 mm

Limitation 14 mm

and for an effective span L < 2 400 mm

(20) (25)

With a deflection limitation of 0.003L

for an effective span L > 2 400 mm

In addition to the deflection due to bending the shear deflection may be significant and has been taken into account.

4 © BSI 04-1999
BS 5268-7.1:1989

5.5 Permissible clear spans The notional bearing length a (in mm) required at
The calculation of clear span requires the deduction each end should be found from the equation
of a notional bearing length from an effective span.
The calculation of the notional bearing length to be (27)
deducted from the permissible effective span to
produce the clear span is made after finding Ladm, where
the smallest of the effective spans for a given cross
section, as limited by: b is the breadth of the joist (in mm);
a) bending stress, L $ 2 400 mm; Ladm is the permissible effective span (in mm).
b) bending stress, L # 2 400 mm; Inserting the expressions for F, equation (27) gives
for an effective span L $ 2 400 mm
c) shear stress, L $ 2 400 mm;
d) shear stress, L # 2 400 mm;
e) deflection, limitation 0.003L, L $ 2 400 mm;
f) deflection, limitation 0.003L, L # 2 400 mm; (28)
g) deflection, limitation 14 mm.
From BS 5268-2, the permissible compression for L < 2 400 mm
perpendicular to the grain stress Bc,8,adm
(in N/mm2) is given by the equation
Bc,¹,adm= Bc,¹,gK3 K8 (26) (29)

Öc,¹,g is the grade compression perpendicular The equation corresponding to the loading condition
to the grain stress (in N/mm2) governing the permissible effective span should be
(see BS 5268-2)a; solved for a, and half the value of a should be
deducted from each end of the span (total deduction
K3 is the load duration modification
a, see Figure 1) to give the permissible clear span.
factor, 1.0 for long term (see Table 17
Lcl (in mm) is given by the equation
of BS 5268-2:1989);
Lcl = Ladm – a (30)
K8 is the load sharing modification
factor, 1.1(see clause 13 item a)
of BS 5268-2:1989).
a BS 5268-2 provides two values for the grade compression
perpendicular to the grain stress. When the specification
specifically prohibits wane at bearing areas, the higher value
may be used, otherwise the lower level applies.
(See footnotes to Tables 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 in BS 5268-2:1988.)
The span table should indicate whether wane is permitted.

Figure 1 — Bearing length, permissible effective and permissible clear span

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BS 5268-7.1:1989

6 Bearing length This Section of BS 5268 does not recommend

formats for different components but whatever
Although correct for the calculation of clear span the
format is used the following information should be
procedure given in 5.5 for the calculation of notional
given in the heading or in the main body or in the
bearing length may not ensure that the permissible
footnotes of the span tables, or in an introduction to
compression perpendicular to the grain stress is not the tables:
exceeded for all loading cases.
a) the loading;
The design of some members may be governed by a
loading case which does not represent the greatest b) details of the arrangement of the members;
total load of all loading cases. For example, the c) the member sizes and their maximum
governing design case may include a concentrated permissible deviations and/or the standards that
load, but another less critical loading case may define these quantities;
consist of a greater total load uniformly distributed d) the species, stress grade or strength class
along the span. and/or the standards that define these properties;
e) a statement specifying any requirements
7 Information to be given in span additional to those given in the stress grading
tables rules, e.g. whether wane is prohibited at
There are many possible formats for span tables. A bearings;
typical format suitable for domestic floor joists at f) a statement that the spans have been
predetermined centres and for quoted loading is calculated in accordance with the
given in Appendix B. recommendations of BS 5268-2 and BS 5268-7.1;
g) a statement specifying any structural
requirements that may be necessary to comply
with the qualifying assumptions made in 4.2,
e.g. lateral support requirements,
accommodation of lateral thrust at supports;
h) the permissible clear spans.

6 © BSI 04-1999
BS 5268-7.1:1989

Appendix A Sample calculation for a domestic floor joist

The object is to find the permissible clear span, given the following data as applicable to a particular design

Timber Strength class SC3 (see Tables 3 to 6 of BS 5268-2:1988)

Dimensions Joist breadth, b = 50 mm
Joist depth, h = 122 mm
Joist spacing, s = 600 mm
Loading Dead load, Fd = 0.25 kN/m2 [see 4.3 b)]
Imposed load = 1.5 kN/m2 [L $ 2 400 mm, see 4.3 a)]
or = 3.6 kN/m [L < 2 400 mm, see 4.3 a)]
width of floor
The following data are given in BS 5268-2:1988.
Grade stresses and density BS 5268-2:1988 reference
Grade bending stress, Öm,g = 5.3 N/mm2 Table 9
Grade shear stress, Ùg = 0.67 N/mm2 Table 9
Grade mean modulus of elasticity, E = 8 800 N/mm2 Table 9
Grade compression perpendicular
to the grain stress (with wane
permitted), Öc,¹,g = 1.7 N/mm2 Table 9
Density, Ô = 540 kg/m3 Table 9

Modification factors
Load duration, K3 = 1.0 long term Table 17
Depth, K7 = (300/h) 0.11 14.6
Load sharing, K8 = 1.1 clause 13

Permissible stresses and recommended deflection limitation BS 5268-7.1 reference

Permissible bending stress,
Öm,adm (in N/mm2) = Öm,gK3K7K8 5.2
= 6.437 N/mm2
Permissible shear stress, Ùadm
(in N/mm2) = Ùg K 3 K 8 5.3
= 0.737 N/mm
Recommended deflection limitation,
Wmax (in mm) = 0.003L 5.4
or= 14 mm 5.4
Permissible compression
perpendicular to the grain stress,
Öc,¹adm (in N/mm2) = Öc,¹admK3 K8 5.5
= 1.87 N/mm

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BS 5268-7.1:1989

Application of the design equations from 5.2 to 5.4 leads to the following solutions for effective span L:

a) limitation of bending stress L = 2 429 mm [equation (8)]

or L = 2 450 mm [equation (9)];
b) limitation of shear stress L = 5 538 mm [equation (14)]
or L = 21 032 mm [equation (15)];
c) limitation of deflection (0.003 L) L = 2 389 mm [equation (23)]
or L = 2 384 mm [equation (24)];
d) limitation of deflection (14 mm) L = 2 832 mm [equation (25)].
NOTE Solutions to all seven design equations have been provided in a) to d) for illustrative purposes but in practice fewer solutions
would be required for any individual permissible span calculation. Some solutions are invalid; for example the solution of equation (9)
is invalid because it exceeds 2 400 mm.
The permissible effective span Ladm is therefore
Ladm = 2 384 mm
The appropriate equation is selected from 5.5 (i.e. in this case for L < 2 400 mm) to calculate the notional
bearing length, a, as 14 mm.
The permissible clear span Lcl for the joists is then
Lcl = Ladm – a
Lcl = 2 370 mm

8 © BSI 04-1999
BS 5268-7.1:1989

Appendix B Specimen span tables for domestic floor joists

There are many possible formats for span tables and Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 are typical examples.
Whatever format is used, the information listed in clause 7 should be given.
Table 1 — Permissible clear spans for domestic floor joists: SC3a: regularized sizesb
Size of Dead load (in kN/m2) supported by joist, excluding the self weight of the joist

Not more than 0.25 (25.5 kg/m2) More than 0.25 but2not more More than 0.50 but not more
than 0.50 (51 kg/m ) than 1.25 (127.5 kg/m2)
Centre-to-centre spacing of joists (in mm)
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Permissible clear span
mm m m m m m m m m m
38 × 72 1.130 1.011 0.767 1.061 0.954 0.731 0.920 0.834 0.652
97 1.828 1.692 1.303 1.717 1.556 1.214 1.423 1.301 1.037
122 2.482 2.385 1.925 2.368 2.215 1.755 1.947 1.791 1.448
147 2.983 2.868 2.510 2.853 2.707 2.331 2.453 2.290 1.872
170 3.442 3.306 2.873 3.281 3.098 2.690 2.808 2.649 2.267
195 3.939 3.752 3.263 3.724 3.518 3.056 3.189 3.010 2.609
220 4.434 4.193 3.648 4.161 3.932 3.418 3.567 3.367 2.920
44 × 72 1.281 1.160 0.884 1.207 1.088 0.839 1.035 0.941 0.740
97 1.962 1.854 1.491 1.862 1.758 1.380 1.587 1.454 1.166
122 2.606 2.506 2.186 2.493 2.396 1.979 2.156 1.987 1.616
147 3.131 3.012 2.697 2.996 2.881 2.526 2.636 2.488 2.077
170 3.612 3.475 3.087 3.457 3.325 2.891 3.018 2.848 2.470
195 4.132 3.977 3.505 3.956 3.776 3.284 3.426 3.235 2.807
220 4.648 4.476 3.917 4.453 4.219 3.672 3.830 3.617 3.140
47 × 72 1.324 1.233 0.942 1.272 1.154 0.891 1.091 0.993 0.783
97 2.024 1.914 1.583 1.920 1.818 1.460 1.665 1.527 1.228
122 2.663 2.561 2.302 2.548 2.450 2.087 2.255 2.081 1.696
147 3.200 3.078 2.786 3.062 2.945 2.609 2.723 2.570 2.174
170 3.691 3.551 3.188 3.533 3.398 2.987 3.116 2.942 2.552
195 4.221 4.063 3.619 4.042 3.889 3.391 3.538 3.341 2.900
220 4.723 4.572 4.044 4.549 4.354 3.791 3.954 3.735 3.244
50 × 72 1.365 1.287 0.999 1.311 1.218 0.943 1.145 1.043 0.825
97 2.084 1.971 1.673 1.975 1.871 1.539 1.741 1.598 1.288
122 2.718 2.615 2.370 2.601 2.501 2.192 2.327 2.171 1.774
147 3.265 3.142 2.855 3.125 3.006 2.690 2.807 2.650 2.269
170 3.765 3.624 3.285 3.605 3.469 3.078 3.212 3.032 2.632
195 4.306 4.146 3.728 4.125 3.969 3.495 3.646 3.443 2.990
220 4.793 4.660 4.166 4.641 4.467 3.907 4.074 3.849 3.345
63 × 147 3.518 3.388 3.084 3.370 3.244 2.950 3.037 2.920 2.577
170 4.055 3.905 3.558 3.886 3.741 3.404 3.504 3.370 2.950
195 4.633 4.465 4.070 4.442 4.278 3.896 4.009 3.850 3.350
220 5.061 4.923 4.580 4.905 4.770 4.365 4.512 4.301 3.745
75 × 195 4.830 4.700 4.306 4.683 4.523 4.125 4.242 4.084 3.646
220 5.268 5.128 4.793 5.109 4.971 4.641 4.740 4.595 4.074
NOTE 1 The tables are computed on the basis that the specification does not exclude wane at bearings.
NOTE 2 The spans have been calculated in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5268-2 and BS 5268-7.1. Lateral support
should be provided in accordance with 14.8 of BS 5268-2:1988.
NOTE 3 The material should be stress graded in accordance with BS 4978.
NOTE 4 The sizes and their maximum permissible deviations should be in accordance with BS 4471.
a For species/grade combinations in this strength class see Tables 3 to 7 of BS 5268-2:1988.
Regularized sizes are given in BS 4471.

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BS 5268-7.1:1989

Table 2 — Permissible clear spans for domestic floor joists: redwood/whitewood, SS grade,
basic sizesa
Size of joist Dead load (in kN/m2) supported by joist, excluding the self weight of the joist

Not more than 0.25 (25.5 kg/m2) More than 0.25 but2not more More than 0.50 but not2 more
than 0.50 (51 kg/m ) than 1.25 (127.5 kg/m )
Centre-to-centre spacing of joists (in mm)
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Permissible clear span
mm m m m m m m m m m
38 × 75 1.381 1.302 1.123 1.326 1.252 1.079 1.204 1.139 0.932
100 2.082 1.968 1.709 1.972 1.867 1.627 1.747 1.658 1.424
125 2.702 2.598 2.346 2.585 2.484 2.208 2.306 2.194 1.935
150 3.235 3.111 2.824 3.095 2.975 2.699 2.780 2.671 2.418
175 3.765 3.622 3.290 3.603 3.465 3.144 3.239 3.111 2.812
200 4.293 4.131 3.754 4.109 3.952 3.588 3.695 3.551 3.185
225 4.774 4.637 4.216 4.614 4.438 4.031 4.151 3.989 3.555
44 × 75 1.485 1.401 1.211 1.423 1.345 1.167 1.288 1.220 1.050
100 2.231 2.111 1.838 2.108 1.998 1.746 1.862 1.769 1.556
125 2.837 2.728 2.478 2.714 2.610 2.362 2.439 2.334 2.065
150 3.395 3.266 2.968 3.249 3.125 2.837 2.922 2.808 2.544
175 3.950 3.801 3.456 3.782 3.638 3.304 3.403 3.270 2.964
200 4.502 4.334 3.942 4.312 4.149 3.770 3.882 3.732 3.384
225 4.946 4.808 4.427 4.790 4.654 4.235 4.359 4.191 3.802
47 × 75 1.534 1.448 1.253 1.469 1.388 1.206 1.327 1.258 1.099
100 2.300 2.178 1.898 2.172 2.059 1.802 1.915 1.821 1.603
125 2.899 2.789 2.533 2.774 2.668 2.422 2.494 2.397 2.124
150 3.469 3.338 3.034 3.321 3.194 2.901 2.987 2.871 2.603
175 4.035 3.884 3.533 3.864 3.718 3.379 3.478 3.344 3.032
200 4.599 4.427 4.030 4.405 4.239 3.855 3.968 3.815 3.461
225 5.025 4.885 4.524 4.867 4.730 4.329 4.456 4.285 3.889
50 × 75 1.581 1.493 1.293 1.512 1.430 1.243 1.365 1.294 1.132
100 2.367 2.242 1.956 2.233 2.118 1.855 1.966 1.870 1.648
125 2.958 2.846 2.587 2.832 2.723 2.473 2.547 2.447 2.181
150 3.539 3.406 3.097 3.389 3.260 2.962 3.050 2.932 2.659
175 4.117 3.963 3.606 3.943 3.794 3.449 3.551 3.414 3.097
200 4.681 4.517 4.113 4.494 4.326 3.935 4.050 3.895 3.535
225 5.099 4.958 4.617 4.939 4.801 4.419 4.547 4.374 3.971
63 × 150 3.812 3.671 3.344 3.653 3.516 3.200 3.293 3.167 2.876
175 4.431 4.269 3.891 4.247 4.090 3.724 3.832 3.687 3.350
200 4.943 4.808 4.435 4.790 4.658 4.247 4.369 4.204 3.822
225 5.383 5.237 4.891 5.218 5.075 4.736 4.837 4.700 4.292
75 × 200 5.146 5.009 4.681 4.990 4.855 4.494 4.621 4.450 4.050
225 5.602 5.453 5.099 5.434 5.287 4.939 5.043 4.903 4.547
NOTE 1 The tables are computed on the basis that the specification does not exclude wane at bearings.
NOTE 2 The spans have been calculated in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5268-2 and BS 5268-7.1. Lateral support
should be provided in accordance with 14.8 of BS 5268-2:1988.
NOTE 3 The material should be stress graded in accordance with BS 4978.
NOTE 4 The sizes and their maximum permissible deviations should be in accordance with BS 4471.
a Basic sizes are given in BS 4471.

10 © BSI 04-1999
BS 5268-7.1:1989

Table 3 — Permissible clear spans for domestic floor joists: spruce-pine-fir,

joist and plank no. 2 grade, CLS sizesa
Size of joist Dead load (in kN/m2) supported by joist, excluding the self weight of the joist

Not more than 0.25 (25.5 kg/m2) More than 0.25 but2not more More than 0.50 but not2 more
than 0.50 (51 kg/m ) than 1.25 (127.5 kg/m )
Centre-to-centre spacing of joists (in mm)

400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600

Permissible clear span

mm m m m m m m m m m
38 × 140 2.870 2.759 2.469 2.744 2.637 2.271 2.413 2.238 1.825
184 3.759 3.614 3.186 3.595 3.437 2.982 3.114 2.937 2.543
235 4.746 4.599 3.999 4.564 4.311 3.745 3.908 3.688 3.196
285 5.463 5.307 4.779 5.287 5.135 4.478 4.672 4.411 3.826
NOTE 1 The tables are computed on the basis that the specification does not exclude wane at bearings.
NOTE 2 The spans have been calculated in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5268-2 and BS 5268-7.1. Lateral support
should be provided in accordance with 14.8 of BS 5268-2:1988.
NOTE 3 The material should be stress graded in accordance with NLGA rules.
NOTE 4 The sizes and their maximum permissible deviations should be in accordance with Appendix A of BS 4471:1987.
a CLS sizes are given in Appendix A of BS 4471:1987.

© BSI 04-1999 11
12 blank
BS 5268-7.1:1989

Publications referred to

BS 648, Schedule of weights of building materials.

BS 4471, Specification for sizes of sawn and processed softwood.
BS 4978, Specification for timber grades for structural use.
BS 5268, Structural use of timber.
BS 5268-2, Code of practice for permissible stress design, materials and workmanship.
BS 5268-2-7.2, Joists for flat roofs3).
BS 5268-2-7.3, Ceiling joists3).
BS 5268-2-7.4, Ceiling binders3).
BS 5268-2-7.5, Rafters3).
BS 5268-2-7.6, Purlins supporting rafters3).
BS 5268-2-7.7, Purlins supporting sheeting or decking3).
BS 6100, Glossary of building and civil engineering terms.
BS 6100-2.1, Structural design and elements.
BS 6100-4.1, Characteristics and properties of timber and wood based panel products.
BS 6100-4.2, Sizes and quantities of solid timber.
BS 6100-4.3, Wood based panel products.
BS 6100-4.4, Carpentry and joinery.
BS 6399, Loading for buildings.
BS 6399-1, Code of practice for dead and imposed loads.
ISO 3898, Bases for design of structures — Notations — General symbols.
CIB-W18-1, Symbols for use in structural timber design. International Council for Building Research
Studies and Documentation, Post Box 20704, 3001 JA Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
NLGA 1979, The national grading rules for dimension lumber. National Lumber Grades
Authority, 1450-1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada V6E 2G8.

3) Referred to in the foreword only.

© BSI 04-1999
BS 5268-7.1:
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