KS3 Ict Ig 2022
KS3 Ict Ig 2022
KS3 Ict Ig 2022
All rights reserved. This publication is not for sale. No part of this book may be produced in any
form without permission from the Ministry of Education
The Department of Curriculum and Professional Development (DCPD), Ministry of Education
would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following professionals and ICT teachers who
participated in the development of the Instructional Guides for the classes PP to XII ICT
The DCPD also sincerely acknowledges the use of online content and resources from relevant
websites in the development of the Instructional Guides and reassures that these resources are
used exclusively for educational purposes.
1. Mr. Tashi Namgyal, Director, DCPD, MoE
2. Mr. Kinga Dakpa, Director General, REC
3. Mr. Wangpo Tenzin, Specialist & Dean, DCPD, MoE
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The erstwhile Royal Education Council (REC) developed an Adapted and Prioritised curriculum
for schools so that students can continue learning during the disruptions caused by the COVID
19 pandemic since March 2020. With the commencement of the 2021 academic session, the new
normal curriculum, later renamed as the National School Curriculum (NSC), was embraced as a
paradigm shift of education from conventional knowledge-based learning to competency-based,
open-source and experiential learning leveraged on digital technologies. In order to facilitate the
effective implementation of the curriculum change, Instructional Guides were developed in all
subjects, and the teachers were oriented through virtual and short contact modes as per the
prevailing pandemic situations. The curricula were aimed at minimising the learning loss for
learners as it was designed for implementation in different situations - during school closure or
during regular contact instructional hours.
While these measures served as a solution to problems brought about by the pandemic and the
global changing trend in education, resilient and more dynamic curricula and instructions remain
the current priority of the Government. In cognizance of some of the shortfalls in the provisional
edition of Instructional Guides (IG), the Department of Curriculum and Professional
Development reviewed and revised the existing Instructional Guides across all subjects with the
aim of enforcing the competency-based learning, and making teaching-learning happen ‘anytime
anywhere’ commensurate to inclusive education so that all learners are provided with the
opportunity to learn at their pace and situation.
The revised Instructional Guides have drawn ideas and inspiration from various educational
philosophies and principles, particularly the Delors Report, Learning: The Treasure Within
(1996). The report prioritises the development of the whole person and not just academic
knowledge through the four pillars: “learning to know”, “learning to do”, “learning to be”, and
“learning to live together”. Therefore, the New Curriculum and the Instructional Guide is an
attempt to transform education from the teaching of “what” to learning of “how” and “why”
towards empowering learners with the transversal competencies and the 21st century skills and
preparing them to be lifelong learners.
It must be noted that the New Curriculum and the Instructional Guide are not just a response to
the pandemic, but a culmination of the curriculum reform work for the last four years by the
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Department of Curriculum and Professional Development. The school curricula are to be
perceived as integrated and based on themes and problems that inspire learners to learn and to
live in peace with our common humanity and our common planet. This has the potential for the
development of a strong base of knowledge about one’s self and about the world, finding the
purpose of learning, and being able to participate in the social and political milieu. Thus, this
initiative is envisaged to orient our educational process toward nurturing ‘nationally rooted and
globally competent citizens.
Wish all our learners and teachers life-enriching teaching and learning.
Tashi Delek
Tashi Namgyal
Table of Contents
Annexure 1: Class-wise period and time allocation 37
Annexure 2: Key stage-wise assessment matrix 38
Annexure 3: Breakdown of assessment weightings in two terms 38
Annexure 4: Progress report format for key stage III 40
Annexure 5: Sample digital artefact with rubric 41
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The National School Curriculum for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was
developed for implementation in schools from the 2021 academic year. One significant change in
the curriculum frameworks is the shift of focus from academic standards to competencies. Over
the years, standards-based education has become a means of measuring content coverage and test
readiness. The shift to competency-based education is aimed at developing and applying
competencies - knowledge, skills and dispositions - to new and challenging situations. It
emphasises mastery of competencies to help our students successfully navigate their personal
journeys in learning, living and working.
In school, students develop and apply ICT competencies through ICT subject-area content and
learning experiences which provide opportunities for them to transfer their learning to situations
and contexts even beyond the classroom. This shift permeates across the curriculum, pedagogy
and assessment, and for this change to make a difference in learning, deliberate attempts must be
made in all three aspects.
This instructional guide for the ICT curriculum is conceived with two objectives. The first
purpose is to provide examples of how pedagogy and assessment are designed to help students
develop the required ICT competencies. It also includes examples of curated online resources
that can be used as reference materials for teachers, learning resources for students or assessment
tools for use by teachers. The second purpose is to provide a reference for ICT teachers to
facilitate the delivery of online lessons during emergencies. The guide contains distinct examples
of pedagogy and assessment for non-contact online teaching.
The pedagogy, assessment and resources mentioned for every competency for all class levels are
only meant to be suggestive. Teachers are encouraged to modify them, use innovative strategies
or create new lessons that are relevant to their students and situations, and can help students
develop and master the required competencies.
A salient feature of the guide is the conscious integration of ICT in teaching and learning. This
may be in the form of blended learning during normal school settings, or fully online teaching
during emergencies such as the current pandemic. The curated digital resources provided in the
guide can be applied to both blended learning and online teaching depending on the instructional
approach being used by the teacher.
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Purpose of the Instructional Guide
The content in the instructional guide is aligned with the competencies and topics provided in the
National School Curriculum for ICT. The instructional guide comprises competencies, topics,
learning experiences, assessments and resources that will facilitate teachers to successfully
deliver the ICT curriculum. Using a competency and corresponding topic as the pivot, learning
experiences and assessments are written towards achieving the competency.
Learning experiences provide suggestive strategies and pedagogies for the delivery of the listed
competencies. It has both contact and online teaching strategies. Contact teaching refers to a
situation when schools are open, and teaching and learning take place face-to-face in a
classroom. Teachers can apply a blended teaching approach for meaningful ICT integration and
delivery of lessons. Online teaching refers to a situation where teaching and learning happen
online during school closures due to emergencies like pandemics. In such a situation, teachers
need to consider relevant pedagogies that are supported by technologies such as the ones given
1. Choose an online learning platform such as Google Classroom, Sherig LMS (under
development), WeChat, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. considering the ease of use and
appropriateness of the tool for the students. This platform is to be used as a virtual
classroom for presentations, discussions, sharing resources, assigning tasks, and
assessment of learning.
2. For lesson delivery by teachers, consider the use of video conferencing tools such as
Zoom and Google Meet for synchronous teaching, and creation tools such as
Microsoft PowerPoint and Camtasia for asynchronous teaching.
3. For assessment purposes, consider the use of tools such as Google Forms and Kahoot
to create quizzes, Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Drawings in Google
Classroom to assign tasks for students.
4. For the recording of student performance, consider the use of the grading feature in
Google Classroom or spreadsheets such as Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. The
scores from these sources can be transferred to the student progress report as per the
assessment criteria.
Suggestive pedagogies, assessments and resources for each competency are listed below.
Teachers are advised to refer to the instructions given therein for their lesson planning and
effective delivery of the ICT lesson to the learners.
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Class Seven
Students will be able to:
1. deliver an effective presentation using a presentation tool to
communicate information or share ideas.
2. record and edit audio using audio editing tools to create audio materials
for learning and expressing creativity.
3. apply effective search techniques to gather relevant information from the
Internet for learning.
4. demonstrate safe and ethical use of social media for effective
communication and collaboration with peers, teachers and others.
5. demonstrate acceptable online behaviours and adopt good practices of
personal data protection for a healthy and safe online experience.
6. write algorithms and basic codes to create interactive animations that will
enhance creativity and develop coding skills.
Page 3
STRAND A – Technology Operation
Presentations using ICT tools such as MS PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote and Prezi have
become common practices in organisations to communicate information. Presentation tools allow
users to create highly visual presentations to engage viewers and communicate ideas.
Through this competency, students will be able to explore MS PowerPoint or other similar tools
to create a presentation to communicate a message. Students will create presentations on their
field trips or on concepts they have learned in other subjects in pairs or in groups. They will add
multimedia and basic animations, and follow some design principles to make the presentation
engaging and relevant.
Learning experiences:
● Give a short presentation on relevant topics such as “Pema Lingpa of Bhutan”, “Fake
News on Social Media”, “Cyberbully” and “Climate Change” using Microsoft
PowerPoint. Then show students how you have created the presentation for students to
practice later.
● Divide students into groups and ask each group to select interesting topics related to them
such as “Youth issue in the 21st century”, “Should students bring mobile phones in
school?”, “Teenage love and pregnancy” and “Social media and student’s future”. Then,
ask the groups to create a PowerPoint presentation and present their work in the class.
Guide students to insert videos, images, diagrams and tables in their presentation.
● Provide students with reading materials on features of a good PowerPoint presentation
(contrast, white space, alignment, proximity, consistency) and design principles such as
10-20-30 rules. Ask them to apply these elements in their PowerPoint presentation.
Page 4
● Make students search the Internet for good PowerPoint templates. Tell them to download
a template, modify it by adding their content, apply elements of a good presentation, and
make a class presentation.
● Create a video tutorial on creating good presentations using PowerPoint and share it on
the class online platform for students to create their PowerPoint presentations.
● Ask students to select a topic they have learned in other subjects and create a PowerPoint
presentation. To guide students to create their presentations at home, share weblinks on
PowerPoint presentations and design elements through the class online platform.
● Ask students to create a PowerPoint presentation on how they have spent their summer or
winter vacation and share their work on the class online platform.
● Grade the PowerPoint presentations submitted by the students based on a rubric.
● Allow students to present their PowerPoint presentations in the class and award grades on
both material and presenter.
● Observe and maintain records of students’ participation in pairs or groups during sessions
on creating PowerPoint presentations.
● Ask students to design a one-page poster using PowerPoint on a relevant theme. Evaluate
the poster based on design, layout, message, and use of image, text, shapes and tables.
● Evaluate the PowerPoint presentations submitted by students through the class online
● Ask students to make a PowerPoint presentation through a video conferencing platform
such as Zoom or Google Meet by using the screen-sharing feature. Evaluate their
presentation based on a rubric.
1. Microsoft PowerPoint: The weblinks provide the resources and information on creating
presentations on Microsoft PowerPoint.
● https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/powerpoint/
● https://www.tutorialspoint.com/powerpoint/powerpoint_getting_started.htm
● https://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/9780735697799/samplepages/9780735
● https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmkaw6oRnRv_qE6EFkCJE-Z73EPksg
Page 5
2. Good Designs in PowerPoint: The weblinks provide information on elements of good
design principles to be followed while creating PowerPoint Presentations.
● https://guykawasaki.com/the_102030_rule/
● https://guides.lib.umich.edu/c.php?g=283149&p=1886379
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5KYlHNKQB8
● https://www.mcgill.ca/skillsets/files/skillsets/powerpointguidelines.pdf
● https://www.rockwaymiddleschool.org/pdf/Power%20Point%20Design%20Princi
● https://24slides.com/presentbetter/5-design-principles-to-improve-your-presentati
COMPETENCY 2: Students will be able to record and edit audios using audio
editing tools to create audio materials for learning and expressing creativity.
One of the key elements of multimedia is audio. Audios in the form of speech, narrations, songs,
music, etc. provide a far better experience for the users that audio editing is an important skill in
the digital world. Students need to be introduced to the basic audio editing skills using open
source tools so that they develop a good foundation in audio editing for creating multimedia
Students will be introduced to Audacity- a free audio editing software that allows users to record
audios, add multiple audios, remove unwanted sound, mix audios, and improve the quality of the
audio. To make learning audio editing meaningful, students have to be provided with real-life
projects such as recording their speeches and modifying them, mixing multiple songs for school
cultural shows, adding background music, etc.
Page 6
Topics Key Stage Standard Objectives Time
Audio Editing with Audacity A3.2 Edit sound using 7-A3.2.1 Record 400 mins
● Definition of audio audio editing software. sound using (10 periods)
● Recording audio. recording
o recording devices and steps software.
● Audio recording and editing in
o Features of Audacity 7-A3.2.2 Edit
Window. sound using
o Recording or importing audio editing
audio. software.
o Editing Audio and mixing
o Applying Audio Effects.
o Saving in Audacity
● Audio sharing
● Project on audio editing
Learning experiences:
● Demonstrate how to record audios using devices such as phones, voice recorders, and
computers, and organise them in folders for editing. Allow students to record their voices
and save them on the computer.
● Demonstrate the audio editing process on the projector and explain the key features of
Audacity such as splitting, trimming, fading, copying and pasting, adding effects and
saving in different audio formats. Then, allow students to practice importing audio and
adding basic effects in Audacity.
● Make students listen to audio that has three songs mixed together. Provide the three songs
to students and ask them to mix the songs using Audacity to make them sound similar to
the sample audio played to them.
● Provide video tutorials on audio editing in Audacity and ask students to go through the
resources to record Lozay or Tsangmo or poetry recitations. Ask them to add background
music and share it with the class for feedback.
● Introduce different audio-sharing platforms such as SoundCloud, Audiomack, and
Spotify to students and ask them to listen to other audio files or upload their original
audio files on such platforms.
● Create a PowerPoint presentation on the importance of audio editing skills and job
opportunities in the field of audio editings such as sound engineers and music directors.
Make students search the Internet for popular national and global figures in the field of
● Create a video tutorial on recording and editing audio using Audacity and how to share
the edited audio on SoundCloud. Ask students to edit audio and share it on the class
online platform.
Page 7
● Share a few songs and ask students to remix the songs creatively and share them on the
class online platform.
● Make students explore SoundCloud and create a playlist of their favourite songs. Ask
them to share the link to their playlist on the class online platform.
● Evaluate the audio editing projects completed by students based on a rubric.
● Observe and maintain a record of students’ participation or display of audio editing skills
in Audacity.
● Assign group projects to students to create audio projects on concepts related to other
subjects such as science experiment reports, field trip reports, motivational speeches and
narrating local stories.
● Evaluate the final audio editing projects shared by students through class online platforms
based on a rubric.
● Maintain a record of original audio files shared by students on an online platform such as
1. Why do we need to edit audio?
2. Explain audio editing software?
3. How do you edit audio?
1. Audacity: The weblinks provide tutorials on how to record, edit and convert audio in
● https://www.audacityteam.org/download/
● https://manual.audacityteam.org/
● https://www.buzzsprout.com/learn/audacity-tutorial
● https://hiphopmakers.com/audacity-tutorials
● https://www.instructables.com/Basic-recording-and-editing-with-Audacity/
● https://blog.accusonus.com/audio-clean-up/how-to-use-audacity/
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXoGmyzNZOY&list=PLqazFFzUAPc7XJj
Page 8
STRAND B – Communication and Collaboration
Applying effective search techniques saves time and allow students to easily find the information
and result they actually require. Search techniques such as using boolean operators and wildcards
will filter thousands of information to provide the relevant result.
Through this competency, students will see the advantages of using search techniques in looking
for information on the Internet. They will practice the search techniques and continue to use
them whenever they use the Internet.
Learning experiences:
● Make students browse information on their own from the Internet on topics they have
learned in other subjects such as “rate, ratio and percent” and “pattern in Chemistry”. Ask
them to make notes.
● Introduce techniques such as using Boolean operators, wildcards, and exact phrases to
experience faster and better information search from the Internet. Demonstrate the
advantages of using these techniques and allow students to follow the steps.
● Allow the students to use the Internet to search for information on the Bhutanese
monarchy. Guide them to apply the online search techniques and ask them to share what
they have observed by using search techniques.
● Write the online search techniques on a chart paper with short descriptions for students to
refer to and apply every time they visit the Internet for new information.
● Share weblinks or video tutorials on online search techniques through the class online
platform and ask students to apply the technique to search for information for their
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● Use video conferencing tools such as Zoom or Google Meet to demonstrate how to use
techniques to search for relevant information faster.
● Observe and maintain records of how students are applying techniques to search for
information from the Internet.
● Conduct class tests on search techniques such as keyword, Boolean search and wildcards.
● Divide students into groups and assign a task to write a one-page essay on a relevant
topic such as “wonders of the world”, “top coding language for children”, and “top
cartoon characters”. Instruct them to search for additional information and relevant
images from the Internet.
● Create an online quiz using Google Forms on Internet search techniques and share it on
the class online platform.
● Start an online discussion using the class online platform on how students are using
different Internet search techniques. Maintain a record of students’ participation in the
1. How are boolean operators used to search information online?
2. What is your favourite search technique?
3. Do you think learning search techniques is important?
1. Search Techniques. The weblinks provide basic techniques to find relevant different
types of information from the web.
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ond5eF7L-I
● https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/internet-searching.htm
● https://content.bridgepointeducation.com/curriculum/file/a3575b8c-04d9-4192-a0
● https://libguides.mit.edu/c.php?g=175963&p=1158594
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0BF5niVegs
● https://content.bridgepointeducation.
Page 10
STRAND C – Safety and Ethics
Social media is an online platform that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information
through virtual networks and communities. Different social media platforms such as Facebook,
YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc. have billions of users who interact on daily basis.
Students at this class level will be introduced to social media platforms to communicate and
collaborate with others to enhance their learning. Students will be informed about the advantages
and disadvantages of social media, and will also be taught how to use social media to help them
learn and grow as both individuals and part of the online community.
Learning experiences:
● Find out students who have or are using social media like Facebook and ask them to
share their experiences. Ask them about the benefits and challenges they encountered in
using social media. Allow them to share why they have joined social media and how
often they use social media.
● Create a PowerPoint presentation on social media, their role in society, its advantages and
disadvantages, and how people use it. Highlight how social media can be used (pages and
groups) to communicate and collaborate for learning. Invite students to share how they
are using social media like Facebook and YouTube to enhance learning.
Page 11
● Make students search the Internet on how to use social media like Facebook safely. Ask
them to list the safety measures to be followed by young people and make a presentation
to the class.
● Create a class group on social media for communication and learning purposes. Set
ground rules and initiate classroom discussions and share educational resources in the
● Share weblinks or video lessons on the safe use of social media through the class online
platform, and ask students to write a list of actions they will follow when using social
● Conduct a Zoom or Google Meet conference with students to create awareness of the
benefits (connecting with friends and family, learning, updating on global news, etc.) and
risks (fake news, scamming, blackmail, addiction, cyberbullying, etc.) of using social
media like Facebook.
● Ask students to create a poster using Paint.NET on the topic “Be Safe on Social Media''.
Instruct them to add relevant images to the poster. Once completed, ask them to share it
on the class online platform for feedback and grading.
● Maintain a record of how each student is participating in the social media group of the
● Organize a debate competition in two groups on the theme “Social Media should be
banned”. Appoint subject teachers as judges and award marks.
● Assign students to write an essay of 500 words on the benefits and challenges of social
media on students. Ask them to explore the Internet for additional information.
● Create an online quiz using Google Forms or Kahoot on social media and safety tips.
Share it on the class online platform for students to participate in the test.
● Ask students to use Google Docs or Word to write about their experience of using social
media and share it in the class online platform for evaluation.
1. How can you use social media to your advantage?
2. What are the risks involved in using social media?
3. Compare Facebook and Twitter.
1. Social Media: The weblinks provide information and resources on social media and its
benefits and challenges.
● https://medium.com/@clinguen/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-social-media-4
● https://www.commonsense.org/education/articles/how-to-teach-your-students-to-t
Page 12
● https://www.webfx.com/internet-marketing/social-media-marketing-advantages-a
● https://www.techmaish.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-social-media-for-so
● https://honestproscons.com/social-networking-advantages-and-disadvantages/
● https://www.rootsofaction.com/disadvantages-of-social-networking/
● https://yourstory.com/mystory/social-media-a-blessing-or-a-curse
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soHn6t_jjIw&ab_channel=TEDxTalks
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb9GfRJEVZk
2. Safety Measure on Social Media: The weblinks provide information on safety measures
and sample quiz on social media.
● https://study.com/academy/practice/quiz-worksheet-social-media-safety-tips.html
● https://dripdigital.com/how-to-use-social-media-responsibly/
● https://www.nortonlifelockpartner.com/security-center/15-social-networking-safet
As regular users of the Internet for various purposes, students share information and personal
data on different social media platforms. As thousands of information and personal data get
uploaded on the Internet, there are many cases of misused personal data for personal gains.
Therefore, students at this level will need to learn about the importance of data protection and
acceptable behaviour when online.
Data protection refers to a set of strategies and processes that can be used to secure the privacy,
availability, and integrity of data. It is sometimes also called data security. Students will have to
be informed not only about data protection but also about advocating good practices for data
protection and security.
Learning experiences:
● Make a PowerPoint presentation on personal data (name, age, birthplace, citizenship
number, workplace, password, etc.) and ways to protect them in the digital world.
Explain the risk or consequences (identity theft, defamation, bullying, etc.) of landing our
personal data in the hand of bad people. Ask students to reflect and list their personal
● Divide students into groups and ask them to search the Internet for information on
measures to protect personal data. Instruct them to make a presentation to the class.
● Demonstrate how to protect personal data on social media such as Facebook by changing
the security settings (who can see your post or tags), refraining from sharing personal
information, avoiding contact with strangers, etc. Then ask students to change the
security setting of their Facebook accounts.
● Share the Social Media Policy of Bhutan 2016 with the students and highlight the code of
conduct reflected in the document. Ask students to share what they can and cannot do on
social media based on the policy.
● Let students search the Internet on acceptable use policy (AUP) and the importance of
demonstrating acceptable behaviours (respect copyright, communicate politely, visit
appropriate websites, develop useful skills, connect with good or inspiring people, take
breaks from technology, etc.) when using the Internet for socialization, education, and
entertainment. Ask them to share their understanding of these concepts with the class.
● Create a video lesson on personal data protection, consequences of unprotected data, and
responsible use of online information. Share the video on the class online platform for
students to refer to and take notes.
● Assign a project work for students to research measures to protect personal data in the
digital world. Ask them to do the project during weekends at home and submit a short
report through the class online platform.
● Share the link to the Social Media Policy of Bhutan 2016 on the class online platform.
Ask students to refer and share their understanding.
Page 14
● Ask students to create an awareness poster on why and how they should protect personal
data in the digital world. Evaluate the poster based on a rubric.
● Develop questions and conduct a class test on social media policy, acceptable use policy,
and online behaviours.
● Use the class online platform to share a worksheet to identify personal data that cannot be
shared on social media or the Internet. Ask students to list the reasons to protect these
● Conduct a test using online tools such as Google Forms or Triventy to check students'
understanding of the safe and ethical use of data or information from the Internet.
● Ask students to come up with one page write up using Google Docs or Word on why
personal data should be secured in the digital world.
1. How can you protect your online data?
2. Why do you think we have a Social Media Policy for Bhutan?
3. What are some of the acceptable behaviours on the Internet that you will encourage in
your social media friends?
1. Personal Data: The weblinks provide information on how to secure personal data while
using the Internet. The links also inform about acceptable online behaviours.
● https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0272-how-keep-your-personal-information-
● https://students.unimelb.edu.au/campus-life/policy-and-conduct/appropriate-beha
● https://mediawijs.be/tools/poster-step-by-step-how-should-i-protect-my-privacy-o
● https://digitalguardian.com/blog/101-data-protection-tips-how-keep-your-passwor
● https://st-anne-stanley-school.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Acceptable-beha
● https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-citizenship/lesson/private-and-pe
2. Social Media Policy of Bhutan: The weblink contains the document Social Media
Policy of Bhutan 2016.
● https://www.doim.gov.bt/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/RGOB-Social-Media-Polic
Page 15
STRAND D – Coding
Algorithms are key areas of computer science that every computer program, at their core, is
algorithms written in a programming language that computers can understand. An algorithm, in
simple language, is a step-to-step procedure for accomplishing a task.
Students in this level will use algorithms and coding skills to create simple animations using a
programming language such as Pyleap and Scratch. They will code to add objects/characters,
modify the characteristics of the objects/characters, and add multimedia elements to the
animation. Coding to create animations allows students to explore their creative, logical, and
algorithmic thinking to expand their understanding of computer science and developing
Page 16
● Reflection - flip(), v_flip()
● Translation - object.x, object.y
Multimedia in Pyleap
● Text - Text() 7-D3.2.2
● Image - Sprite() Set mouse and
● Audio - Audio(), play(), pause() keyboard
● Mouse and keyboard attributes attributes to an
o mouse.x, mouse.y object to create
o mouse.LEFT, mouse.RIGHT interactivity.
o key.keyname.pressed
Learning experiences:
● Display interesting projects created in Pyleap to excite students and generate curiosity to
learn to code. Explain the importance of coding in Pyleap by creating various animations
and games to enhance logical and sequential thinking. Ask students to take notes.
● Demonstrate the basic structures and methods to draw different shapes in Pyleap. Explain
the window methods (caption, axis, quality) and shape functions (line, rectangle, ellipse,
polygon, circle) to create drawings. Then allow students to draw shapes such as houses,
vehicles, chorten, and emoticons by combining the shapes and adding colours.
● Divide students into groups and ask them to come up with a drawing in Pyleap by
combining shapes and applying different colours. The drawing can be related to concepts
learned in other subjects such as the solar system, water cycle, four seasons, and the
Bhutan map. Make the groups present their project to the class.
● Demonstrate the step-by-step process (changing x and y coordinates, resizing, rotation) of
creating an animation in Pyleap. Let students use appropriate characters, backgrounds
and multimedia elements (text, sound, image) to enhance the animation.
● Use PowerPoint presentations to explain object transformation (rotating, resizing,
flipping, shifting) in Pyleap by relating them to Mathematics concepts such as reflection,
rotation, translation, and dilatation. Demonstrate the functions on the screen and make
students follow the steps to create an object animation in Pyleap.
● Create a presentation to explain the fundamentals of computer games and demonstrate the
use of mouse and keyboard attributes to control objects in Pyleap. Let students practice
the mouse and keyboard controls, and then ask them to explore the Internet for ideas to
develop simple games in Pyleap.
● Divide students into groups and let them create a project (art, animation or game) on a
topic of their interest. Guide them to plan the project, execute the project in Pyleap, and
finally share it in the class.
Page 17
● Explain the importance of following good programming practices while developing
projects in Pyleap. Make students explore the Internet for good programming tips.
● Create and share video lessons on Pyleap installation for students to follow the steps and
install the program on their personal computers.
● Create and share video lessons on basic steps to follow in Pyleap coding such as program
structure, window setting, saving, and running the program. Assign a simple drawing task
for students to create and submit through the class online platform.
● Come up with a video lesson on basic troubleshooting tips (check syntax, read the error
messages, run code on every little change, comment-out code, guess and check, etc.) in
Pyleap coding for students to refer to whenever they come across issues in their codes.
● Arrange video conferences through Zoom or Google Meet to demonstrate how to create
arts, animations and games in Pyleap using various functions and modules. Then ask
students to come up with a Pyleap project to be submitted after a week.
● Create video lessons on using mouse and keyboard attributes to control objects in Pyleap.
Let students develop a simple game in Pyleap and ask them to share it on the class online
● Observe and maintain a record of students learning progress in Pyleap coding.
● Conduct practical and theory tests to check students’ knowledge and skill in Pyleap
● Conduct class or school competitions on Pyleap coding to check students learning and to
motivate them to code more. Award grades and certificates.
● Assign individual or group works to create Pyleap projects and evaluate their work based
on a rubric for assessment records.
● Allow students to share their Pyleap projects with friends for evaluation and feedback.
● Create and conduct quizzes on Pyleap coding using online tools such as Google Forms
and Kahoot.
● Use rubrics to evaluate Pyleap projects submitted by students through the class online
● Maintain a record of Pyleap projects that are created independently by students at home.
1. What is PyLeap?
2. What are some of the exciting features of Pyleap?
3. Do you think coding in PyLeap would improve your mathematics skills?
4. What is the difference between coding in Pyleap and other programming languages?
Page 18
1. Pyleap: The weblinks contain Pyleap documentation and relevant software for
installation on the computers.
● http://cs.leaplearner.com/projects/pyleap/en/
● https://software.leaplearner.com/
● https://www.python.org/downloads/
Page 19
Class Eight
Students will be able to:
1. create engaging presentation materials to communicate their ideas
2. create a short theme-based video using video editing software to
communicate a message creatively and appreciate the process of
3. avail online Government to Citizen (G2C) services for them and their
parents and appreciate the government's initiative to foster fast and
effective public services.
4. create and maintain a personal blog to express their thoughts, emotions
and ideas.
5. maintain a positive digital identity and manage their digital footprint
when exploring the Internet and communicating with others.
6. write codes to create interactive animations and games that will enhance
creativity and develop coding skills.
Page 20
STRAND A – Technology Operation
Multimedia components such as images, videos, and audio play a critical part in presentations to
communicate messages. In designing a great PowerPoint presentation, students need to learn to
add multimedia elements to enhance the presentation.
At this stage, students will have to create presentations that are based on real-life situations such
as presenting on educational field trips, summer vacations activities, creating awareness of
cyberbullying, etc. Giving opportunities for students to present on relevant topics to a wider
audience will help to build their confidence and communication skills.
Learning experiences:
● Make a short PowerPoint presentation on relevant topics (“Evolving Bhutanese Culture”,
“Dump yard in Thimphu”, “COVID-19 Safety Protocol”, “Meditation for Healthy
Living”, etc.) incorporating the multimedia features (image, audio, video), animation and
hyperlinks. Demonstrate the steps to add multimedia features in PowerPoint and ask
students to follow.
● Show and explain the good design of multimedia elements in PowerPoint such as
consistency of animation, quality of images, relevancy of videos, the layout of text,
images and videos, and hyperlink features. Then ask students to add animations on
multimedia in a PowerPoint presentation.
● Assign a project work in groups for students to create a PowerPoint presentation on a
topic they have learned in Science, English, Dzongkha, or Mathematics. Instruct them to
add images and videos from the Internet and apply appropriate animations and
hyperlinks. Make each group present their work in the class.
● Ask students to browse the Internet for information on how to enhance PowerPoint
presentations by adding multimedia, animations, and hyperlinks. Ask them to present
their findings to the class.
Page 21
● Create a short video tutorial on adding multimedia (image, video, and audio), animation,
and hyperlinks in PowerPoint, and share it on the class online platform.
● Provide students with weblinks that have video tutorials on how to add multimedia,
visual effects, and hyperlinks in PowerPoint presentations. Then, ask them to submit a
presentation through the class online platform.
● Conduct a video conference through Zoom and Google Meet to demonstrate how to add
multimedia, animation, and hyperlinks in PowerPoint presentations. Then ask students to
practice on their own.
● Evaluate the PowerPoint presentations prepared and presented by students individually or
in groups by following a rubric.
● Observe and maintain a record of how students are participating and interacting with each
other to learn how to create interesting PowerPoint presentations.
● Ask students to create a one-slide PowerPoint animation using the entrance, emphasis,
exit, and motion effects on a relevant theme (water cycle, food chain, greenhouse effect)
and evaluate it based on a rubric.
● Assign a task for students to create a quiz in PowerPoint using the hyperlink feature and
conduct the quiz among the students in the class. Evaluate the quiz on both content and
PowerPoint skills applied in the presentation.
● Evaluate PowerPoint presentations shared by students through the class online platform
and provide gradings based on a rubric.
● Conduct video conferencing through Zoom or Google Meet to allow students to make
their PowerPoint presentations on a relevant topic.
1. What is multimedia?
2. What makes your presentation engaging?
3. How do you use PowerPoint to share your ideas?
4. What are some of the benefits of adding animations and multimedia to a presentation?
1. PowerPoint Presentation: The weblinks explain how to add multimedia and enhance the
design of PowerPoint slides.
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPbylymgQEs
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn_bR1AlV-s
● https://www.bettercloud.com/monitor/the-academy/7-ways-to-enhance-your-powe
● https://business.tutsplus.com/tutorials/what-is-powerpoint-multimedia-presentatio
Page 22
2. Adding Visual Effects: The weblinks have tutorials on how to add transitions and
animation effects in PowerPoint presentation.
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGIMRszR8fA
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw_udjD2xwo&ab_channel=GCFLearnFree.
● https://business.tutsplus.com/articles/powerpoint-animation-tips-and-tricks--cms-
3. Adding Hyperlinks in PowerPoint: The weblinks provide information on how to add
hyperlinks to objects in PowerPoint slides.
● https://www.ispringsolutions.com/blog/how-to-add-a-hyperlink-to-a-powerpoint-p
● https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/powerpoint/links/1/
4. Rubrics to Assess Presentations: The weblinks display the rubric for assessing
PowerPoint presentations.
● www.teachersofindia.org/en/article/assessment-tool-rubric-assessing-powerpoint-
● http://www.hnhsd.org/teachers/wpcontent/uploads/2013/08/PowerPoint_Rubric.p
Many of us watch videos regularly for education or entertainment using the Internet. Online
video sharing platforms like YouTube have millions of active users daily. Becoming video
content creators on YouTube platforms has brought enormous benefits in terms of finance,
network, and positive impact on society.
From the early stage of schooling, students need to learn video editing skills to become content
creators in the digital age. Under this competency, students will learn to record videos, edit them,
and share them online for comments and feedback for improvement. They will learn to use basic
video editing software or applications to create an engaging video based on a theme. They will
be informed about the benefits of video editing and also inspire to create better content.
Page 23
Topics Key Stage Standard Objectives Time
Editing Video A3.3 Produce a short 8-A3.3.1 Add 480 mins
● Recording videos using different video using video multimedia and (12 periods)
equipment - digital camera, editing software. video effects to
webcam, mobile, etc. create a short
● Transferring of recordings to video using video
computer - cable, wireless, editing software.
memory card, etc.
● Video editing - import, effects,
trim, captions, audio, publish,
file formats, etc.
● Sharing videos online
● Project on video editing (Music
video, social issues, study tips,
Learning experiences:
● Make a PowerPoint presentation on the importance of video-making skills in the digital
world to express opinions, teach lessons, tell stories, record events, advertise things, and
for possible job opportunities. Explain the process involved (planning, recording, editing,
and sharing) and infrastructures (camera, mic, computers, software, speaker, etc.)
required to make a video. Ask students to share their experiences of videos they liked and
● Demonstrate the process (planning, recording, editing, sharing) of making a short video
on a relevant topic such as “21st century skills for Students”, “First Day in School”, and
“Lockdown experiences in Bhutan” to the students. Use open-source software or
applications to edit the videos. Then ask them to create videos in pairs or groups.
● Demonstrate how to edit a video using relevant tools (trim, crop, split, sequence, cut,
paste, transition, titles, speed, colour, etc.) in a video editing software and allow students
to practice these tools on their own.
● Share resources on video editing and ask students to come up with a short video in groups
after referring to the resources.
● Assign a major project for students to create an awareness video on topics related to
students such as “work hard to get promoted in school and life”, “good friends are key to
happy school life”, “drugs take life before death”, “check what you see on social media”,
“read to grow” and “value time”.
● Create and share video tutorials on recording, editing, and sharing a video through the
class online platform. In the tutorial, show how to record videos using a digital camera or
smartphone, edit videos using an open-source software or apps, and share the final video
on the video-sharing platform like YouTube. Then ask students to create a short video.
Page 24
● Share relevant online resources on video recording and editing through the class online
platform for students to refer to and come up with their own videos.
● Initiate an online discussion on the class platform to discuss issues and challenges
encountered by students in recording and editing videos. Encourage students to share
their problems and suggest solutions to problems they have resolved.
● Use projectors to show students’ video to the class and evaluate it based on a rubric.
● Evaluate the videos submitted by students in groups by following criteria.
● Give a situation such as a student misusing information and bullying others through the
Internet. Then ask them to create a video based on the situation. Evaluate and identify the
best video for awarding prizes.
● Ask students to write a brief report using Google Docs or Word on their journey of
learning to edit videos. Instruct them to reflect and share their challenges and learnings.
● Use a rubric to evaluate the video project submitted by students through the class online
1. What are the processes involved in video editing?
2. How do you make your video interesting?
3. Do you think video editing skills could earn you a living?
1. Video Editing: The weblinks provide guides and tutorials on video making and editing.
● https://extension.colostate.edu/docs/comm/video-handbook2.pdf
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6yQwLuoO3w&ab_channel=KevinStratvert
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCMcyYAtRzw
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30s-vPccI8A&list=PLWs4_NfqMtoxaZPPJpf
2. Video Editing Tools: The weblinks provide the option to download free video editing
● https://www.openshot.org/download/
● https://inshot-editor.en.uptodown.com/android/download
● https://shotcut.org/download/
● http://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor
3. Rubrics: The weblinks provide the sample of rubrics to evaluate the video projects.
● https://www.liberty.edu/media/1251/Educators%20for%20tomorrow_rubric.pdf
● https://www2.uwstout.edu/content/profdev/rubrics/videorubric.html
Page 25
STRAND B – Communication and Collaboration
Royal Government of Bhutan provides various online services to the citizens to ease the burden
of time and resources in availing the services. Services related to census, taxes, transport,
passport, education, employment, and others are provided through G2C initiative.
Students need to be informed about the online G2C services and make them avail the services
related to census and education so that they understand and experience the benefits of G2C
services. Further, teachers will have to provide opportunities for students to create awareness of
the G2C service to their parents and communities.
Learning experiences:
● Introduce online Government to Citizen services to the students and explain the list of
services such as security clearance, RSTA, citizenship, land tax, passport and others.
Allow students to explore the services through the G2C website and share their
● Make students visit the G2C website and initiate a discussion on what are the services
available on the website and how these services will benefit the citizens of Bhutan.
Page 26
● Demonstrate the use of the Census service on the G2C website to check your correct
name, permanent address, and household number. Make students also check their
personal information from the census.
● Arrange a role-play activity where a student is nominated as the ambassador of the G2C
services representing the government. The other students act as common people without
any knowledge of the services. Ask the ambassador and the people to interact and discuss
the services and their benefits. Guide the students to realize the use of technology for fast
and efficient services to people.
● Create a PowerPoint Presentation on online G2C services and share it on the class online
platform for students to refer to and explore the services on their own.
● Conduct video conferences using Zoom and Google Meet to show and explain the
different services that can be availed by the students and their parents. Inform students to
share the information with their parents and help them avail of some of the services.
● Instruct students to help parents to install G2C apps on their mobile phones and explore
the services.
● Ask students to maintain a list of services they or their parents have availed from the G2C
website. Make them record the date and purpose of availing of the services and how it
has benefitted them.
● Create an awareness poster or a video on G2C service to inform the general people about
the services and how they can help to serve the citizens faster and better.
● Ask students to make a list of G2C services they have availed of or shared the
information with parents, siblings, and neighbours. Instruct them to submit the list in the
class online platform.
● Assign students to write a short report using Google Docs or Word on services available
on the G2C website, and share it on the class online platform.
1. Why would the government also provide services online?
2. What are some of the G2C services?
3. How will you reach out about the G2C services to people who are not aware of the
4. Find out how many of your friends have used the G2C services and request them to share
their experiences of availing of the services.
1. G2C Services: The weblinks provide the information and resources on G2C services.
● https://www.citizenservices.gov.bt/web/guest/home
● https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/11241963.pdf
Page 27
COMPETENCY 4: Students will be able to create and maintain a personal blog
to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas.
The access to the Internet and availability of multiple platforms to express an individual’s ideas
and experiences provide a great opportunity for students to connect and express themselves.
Blogging is one such platform where students can maintain a diary-style journal, referred to as
posts, to express their opinions, feeling, and experiences.
Providing opportunities for students to maintain a personal blog on Bloggers or WordPress allow
them to enhance their writing and communication skills. English teachers may ask students to
write blog posts as part of their writing assignments and make other students drop comments and
feedback. The experience of maintaining a blog at this stage will help students connect with
like-minded people and inform them about the benefits of blogging in the long run.
Learning experiences:
● Create a PowerPoint presentation on the definition of blogs, bloggers, and the purpose of
maintaining a blog in the digital world. Give some examples of top national and
international bloggers, and explain how their blogs are reaching out to people across the
● Demonstrate how to create a blog using free hosting sites such as Bloggers or WordPress
and make students follow the steps to create their own blogs. Show them how to select a
theme, add images and write their opinions to make their first blog post. Ask the students
to share their blogs and make comments on others' blog posts.
● Show some examples of different types of blogs (food, technology, news, travel, fitness,
fashion, education, music, etc.) and ask students to observe and list some of the common
Page 28
elements (images, personal narrative, attractive themes, good write-ups, acknowledging
others works, etc.) in these blogs.
● Instruct students to explore the Internet to look for an idea or topic and gather relevant
images to write a post on their blog. Ask them to share their blog and comment on their
friends’ blogs.
● Share weblinks and resources on creating and maintaining a blog in Bloggers or
WordPress. Ask them to create their blogs and share them on the class online platform.
● Assign a task for students to blog about their summer vacation or a recent trip to a new
place and share it on the class online platform for comments and feedback.
● Evaluate blogs posted by students based on the quality of content and multimedia
elements that are used to enhance the content. Record the number of blogs posted by each
student within a month.
● Observe and list the comments and suggestions made by students on other blogs. The list
will show students' participation and contribution to the online forum.
● Evaluate the blogs maintained by students and shared through the class online platform
using a rubric.
● Assign students to write a blog post on their experience of starting and maintaining a blog
and share it on the online class platform. Evaluate the post based on a rubric.
1. What is blogging?
2. What are the benefits of blogging?
3. Make a plan to create your own blog.
4. Mention some of the popular Bhutanese bloggers. What are the reasons for their
1. Introduction to Blogging: The weblinks provide information on blogging and how to
create and maintain a personal blog in Bloggers or WordPress.
● https://firstsiteguide.com/what-is-blog/
● https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-social-media/blogging
● https://www.wpbeginner.com/start-a-wordpress-blog/
● https://www.instructables.com/Creating-a-Blog-using-Bloggercom/
● https://neilpatel.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-writing-blog-posts-that-rank-in-g
Page 29
2. Examples of Popular Bhutanese Blogs: The weblinks are blogs maintained by popular
Bhutanese bloggers.
● https://www.passudiary.com/
● https://denkarsgetaway.com/
● https://dorji-wangchuk.com/
● http://www.phubdorjiwang.com/
3. Rubrics: The weblinks provides rubrics for evaluating student blogs and also creating
and using rubrics for assessment.
● https://www2.uwstout.edu/content/profdev/rubrics/blogrubric.html
● https://www.ffc8.org/cms/lib/CO01900636/Centricity/Domain/728/21_Blog_Rubr
● https://timhorgan.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/blogging-rubric.pdf
Maintaining a positive digital identity has become very important in terms of finding a job or
connecting with the right people or community. The digital identity of a person is any personal
data existing online that can be traced back to that person. Some examples of a person’s digital
identity are photos he uploaded to social media, posts or comments he wrote, his online bank
accounts, and even his search engine history.
Through the lessons on digital identity and digital footprint, students will be informed about the
benefits of a positive digital identity and how to maintain one. They will evaluate their digital
identity and look for ways to improve or develop a good digital identity.
● Create a PowerPoint presentation on what is Digital Identity and why we should maintain
a positive digital identity as regular consumers of digital information and services.
Explain the ways to maintain a positive digital identity on the Internet. Ask students to
take notes and check their digital identity by searching their names on the Internet.
● Initiate a class discussion where students share how they interact on social media like
Facebook and other online platforms. Tell them to share their last three posts or
comments made on social media, and ask them to analyse or reflect on how others would
have felt about them based on those posts or comments.
● Assign a project work where students explore the Internet to search for information on
online identity and digital footprint. Ask them to list the measures to maintain a positive
online identity and make a presentation to the class.
● Let students evaluate their friends' social media accounts and find out whether their
accounts show positive or negative online identities. Ask them to give suggestions to
each other on how to improve their online identity.
● Share relevant online resources (video, images, or weblinks) on ways to maintain a
positive online identity for students to explore more and learn on their own.
● Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to explain the digital footprint and its impacts on
individuals in the real world. Share stories and real-life situations where digital identity
and digital footprints have impacted people in terms of job, promotion, relationships,
business, and others.
● Create a video lesson on positive online identity and its benefits in both the digital and
real-world, and share it on the class online platform. Instruct students to check their
digital identity and reflect on how to develop a positive online profile.
● Share weblinks on digital footprint and its impacts on individuals through the class online
platform. Ask them to share information on their digital footprints with their siblings and
Page 31
● Conduct a video conference through Zoom or Google Meet on online identity and digital
footprint, and ask students to check their digital identity.
● Ask students to make a presentation of their research on online identity and digital
footprint. Evaluate the presentation on the content and explanation.
● Make students create a poster or video on digital footprint and evaluate the work based
on a rubric.
● Give a set of questions (MCQ, matching, short questions, fill in the blanks, true or false)
on why we should maintain a positive digital identity and digital footprint in the digital
● Ask students to write a blog on how to maintain a positive digital identity. Evaluate the
blog based on the content and use of relevant multimedia.
● Conduct an online quiz using Google Forms or Kahoot on digital identity and digital
footprint. Record their scores in the class online platform.
● Maintain records of students’ participation in online discussions on digital identity and
digital footprints.
1. How can you maintain a positive online identity?
2. How could people misuse your digital footprint?
3. Come up with a plan of action to inform your community about the digital footprint and
the importance of maintaining a positive online identity.
1. Positive Online Identity: The weblinks provide information on positive online identity.
● https://www.jumio.com/what-is-a-digital-identity/
● https://www.learninghub.ac.nz/developing-an-online-identity/
● http://uploads.weconnect.com/mce/d5155d043a8e6fffa4385a64df15a176f475255
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJzuDcyR0WM
2. Digital Footprint: The weblinks provide documents and videos on the digital footprint.
● https://blog.reputationx.com/digital-footprint
● https://www.internetsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/tutorials/What_is_a_Digital_
● https://www.internetsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Digital20Footprints2
● https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-privacy-clean-up-online-digital-footprint.ht
● https://au.hudson.com/insights/article/how-to-manage-your-digital-footprint
Page 32
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bRZdUtmH8k
● https://www.abc.net.au/cm/lb/11131352/data/digital-footprint-%25E2%2580%259
STRAND D – Coding
With the advancement in technology over the years, the ability to code has become increasingly
important. Coding help students develop their analytical skills and problem-solving abilities.
Through coding in schools to create animations and games, students get involved in groups to
expand their logical and algorithmic thinking.
Through the development of games and animation using a programming languaue/platform such
as Pyleap, Scratch, or CodeMonkey, students get informed about computer science and coding
concepts in particular. They will learn about variables, loops, lists, objects, functions, events, and
others in doing game and animation projects. Such projects will widen their understanding of
game development and ignite them to think of pursuing careers as animators and game
Learning experiences:
● Demonstrate Pyleap projects (drawings, games, animations) that use lists, loops and
opacity. Then, guide students to create similar projects. Ask them to think of new ideas or
concepts they learned in other subjects to express their creativity through coding.
● Make a PowerPoint presentation to explain variables, conditions and collisions in Pyleap.
Demonstrate a project incorporating these elements and let students develop a project.
● Demonstrate a game that uses key and mouse events, functions, and random modules.
Divide students into groups and ask them to develop a similar game. Guide them to
follow good programming practices such as planning, writing algorithms, putting
comments, and testing in chunks.
● Share project ideas on creating animations and games in Pyleap such as car racing, maze
games, music player, water cycle, and calculator. Let students choose an idea and ask
them to code in Pyleap. Support them to create the project by making them collaborate
with friends and explore the Internet. Then, ask them to present their work in the class.
● Give a presentation on the importance of following good programming practices while
developing projects in Pyleap. Inform that these practices will help them to become better
coders and can handle bigger coding projects in the future.
● Create and share video tutorials on how to create Pyleap animations or games that require
mouse or keyboard events. Ask students to create a game or animation and submit it
within a week.
● Share a video lesson on using variables and lists in Pyleap projects. In the video, explain
the difference between the two with examples. Then, ask students to create a simple
Pyleap animation that incorporates lists and variables.
● Conduct video conferences using Zoom or Google Meet to explain functions and control
flow structures to decompose programs in Pyleap. Then, ask students to complete a
Pyleap task that uses functions and control flow structures.
● Share weblinks and materials on different ideas to create animations and games in Pyleap
through the class online platform. Let students explore those ideas and ask them to come
up with a Pyleap project.
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● Evaluate students’ Pyleap projects based on a rubric.
● Conduct class tests to check students’ understanding of coding concepts in Pyleap.
● Conduct practical tests on Pyleap to assess students’ coding knowledge and skills.
● Organize coding competitions in the class or school to enhance creativity and motivate
students to celebrate coding. Award scores and prizes.
● Use online interactive assessment tools such as Kahoot and Triventy to conduct quizzes
in the class in an engaging and fun way.
● Assign a major project in Pyleap to complete individually at the end of the term. An
exhibition may be conducted in the school on students’ projects for other teachers and
students to appreciate and promote coding. Evaluate the projects based on a rubric and
record the mark for reflection in the progress report.
● Ask students to submit their Pyleap projects on the class online platform. Assess their
work based on a rubric. Identify some of the best projects and share it with other students
for comments and sharing ideas.
● Keep a record of the number of Pyleap projects submitted by students through the class
online platform. Evaluate the projects based on a rubric.
● Ask students to make a presentation of their Pyleap projects to the class through a video
conferencing platform such as Zoom and Google Meet. Evaluate their work based on a
● Assign a task to students to write about their Pyleap coding experience using Google
Docs or Word. Ask them to reflect on the challenges they faced and how they managed to
overcome the challenges and became better coders. Use a rubric to evaluate the work.
● Ask students to maintain a blog using Bloggers or WordPress to journal their coding
journey. Encourage them to write regularly and use relevant multimedia (images and
videos) to express their reflections creatively. Evaluate their blog based on both the
quantity and quality of the blog posts.
1. Compare animation and game development in PyLeap.
2. Do you believe that game development would enhance your creativity?
3. List some of the important features of PyLeap critical for game development.
4. How did the development of games and animation in Pyleap help you to improve your
thinking and problem-solving skills?
1. Pyleap: The weblinks contain Pyleap documentation and relevant software.
● http://cs.leaplearner.com/projects/pyleap/en/
Page 35
● https://software.leaplearner.com/
● https://www.python.org/downloads/
Page 36
PP 2 60 2400
I 2 60 2400
II 2 60 2400
III 2 60 2400
IV 2 60 2400
V 2 60 2400
VI 2 60 2400
VII 3 90 3600
VIII 3 90 3600
IX 3 90 3600
X 3 90 3600
XI 3 90 3600
XII 3 90 3600
Page 37
Annexure 2: Key stage-wise assessment matrix
The table below provides an overview of assessment weighting for five key stages. Assessment at each
key stage is broken down into four modes of assessment as specified in the ICT Curriculum Framework.
Participation and
completion of
classwork. (face-to-face Observation, 10 10 10 10 10
or online) Conversation
(Formative assessment)
Participation and
completion of
homework. Observation, 10 10 10 10 10
(face-to-face or online) Conversation
(Formative assessment)
Planning, research,
creation and
presentation of digital
3 of Digital 80 60 50 40 30
artefacts including
coding projects.
(Formative assessment)
Page 38
Annexure 3: Breakdown of assessment weightings in two terms
The table below provides the breakdown of weightings in four areas of ICT assessment for two terms.
ICT teachers are required to keep daily records of observations and conversations with learners during
and after school, provide projects or tasks to create digital content, and conduct examinations at the end of
each term.
II 5 5 20 10 5 5 40 10
III 5 5 20 10 5 5 30 20
IV 5 5 10 20 5 5 30 20
V 5 5 10 20 5 5 20 30
Page 39
Annexure 4: Progress report format for key stage III
At the end of the year, students’ record of formatives and summative assessment in ICT will be reflected
in the progress report given below. To complete the report, ICT teachers are required to maintain a record
of assessments carried out through observation, conversation, digital artefacts and testing in two terms.
Percentage Percentage
Position Position
Attendance Attendance
Total no. of students Total no. of students
The detailed criteria for the continuous assessment (CA) and the examinations for each subject should be
based on the guidelines provided in the syllabus/guidebook for each subject.
Page 40
Annexure 5: Sample digital artefact with rubric
1. Refer to chapter four of your Bhutan History textbook on
Dzongs – Centres and Administration and Religion to get
information on Dzongs in Bhutan.
2. Select one of the Dzongs from the list and draw the
Dzong using Pyleap coding.
3. Use Pyleap methods to add colours and shapes and make
the Dzong look better and similar.
4. Save the work. The teacher may project the drawings on
the screen.
Assessment Rubric
Area 1 2 3 Score
Shapes Less than 3 different Less than 5 different More than 5 different
shapes are used in the shapes are used in the shapes are used in the
drawing drawing drawing.
Code Few coordinates are set Most coordinates are set All coordinates are set
correctly. No comments logically and correctly. logically and correctly.
are used in the code No comments are used Comments are used in the
in the code code
Colours in Less than 3 colours are Less than 5 colours are More than 5 colours are
the drawing used in the drawing. used in the drawing. used in the drawing
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