Observability & Reliability of Microservices Application Using DevOps in A Cloud-Based Environment

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Observability & Reliability of

Microservices Application using DevOps in a
Cloud-based Environment
Bhikesh Khute1
Dhwani Buddhadev1
Srivaramangai R2
Department of Information Technology, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India

Abstract:- In today's extremely competitive commercial tools can enhance the observability and reliability of
environment, organizations must deliver software microservices applications in a cloud-based environment,
products that meet customer requirements with the helping organizations to achieve their business goals by
highest quality and reliability possible. After delivering high-quality, reliable software at scale.
development, deploying the application using various
methods or practice is critical. However, ensuring that We will be discussing some key technologies further to
the application runs smoothly and efficiently, adhering to know the topics in depth.
the Software Level Agreement (SLA) of the project, is
equally essential. Moreover, intelligent mitigation of  Cloud Computing
issues without manual intervention can help minimize the When computer resources are delivered on demand,
workload for DevOps teams and reduce the likelihood of users can access servers, storage, databases, and applications
human errors. It also emphasizes the importance of online. Cloud computing allows flexibility, quicker
handling code, infrastructure, and integration tools in innovation, scalability, and the freedom to select a collection
post-deployment scenarios to maintain reliability and of services based on our needs instead of managing actual
efficiency while operationalizing business projects using data centres and servers. Private clouds, public clouds, hybrid
DevOps methodologies. This can lead to improved clouds, and multi-clouds are some of the several types of
customer satisfaction, increased revenue, and reduced cloud computing. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),
downtime. Customized DevOps methodologies for platforms-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service
domains such as IT services, healthcare, and (SaaS) are the three primary categories of cloud computing
manufacturing can efficiently run information systems services.
with positive business value.
A. DevOps
Keywords:- Devops; Cloud; Reliability Systems; Software. DevOps is a culture that is practised nowadays in most
of the organizations as it has ability to deliver services at high
I. INTRODUCTION velocity. Compared to organizations employing conventional
software development and infrastructure management
Microservices architectures have increased popularity in techniques, it enables superior infrastructure and application
recent years due to their ability to improve scalability and development, deployment, delivery, and maintenance at a
flexibility in application development. However, the quicker rate. Benefits of DevOps include automation, security,
distributed nature of microservices can also make them scalability, speed, rapid delivery, and strategies for
complex to manage and monitor, which can lead to reduced configuration management.
reliability and increased downtime. Exploring how DevOps
practices such as continuous integration, delivery, and B. CI/CD
deployment, along with containerization and orchestration Continuous development and deployment of new
tools, helps to improve the observability and reliability of features are required. CI/CD tools available in market are very
microservices applications in a cloud -based environment. useful for designing, deployment and release of pipeline. It
Also discussing various monitoring techniques and tools that allows to design, control security aspects, approvals,
can be used to gain insights into the performance and behavior notifications, audit etc. Gitlab has mostly yaml based
of microservices applications. configurations. Jenkins is an open-source tool having variety
of plugins and Features which are built and updated regularly.
Furthermore, examined the role of automation in Also, other few examples of CI/CD offerings are logic.
maintaining the reliability of microservices applications by Bamboo, TeamCity, Circle CI, Travis CI etc.
automating tasks such as testing, deployment, and scaling.
Also, how error budgeting can be used to balance reliability C. Microservices
and innovation in microservices applications. Overall, this Concept of Microservices is that an application or
paper aims to provide insights into how DevOps practices and software can be deployed as multiple different modules and

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
services. So that if any of the module or service goes down it II. BACKGROUND
won’t affect the other modules of the same application. Using
microservices helps applications to scale up and develop All the research in this domain speaks about the
faster, easy to do enhancements separately for services, problems in software life cycle management and how it can
accelerates releasing of new features in market. be enhanced by using best practices. Not only technology but
skilled people is the current crunch in this domain. Not
D. Node.js enough skilled people are present in the industry who can
JavaScript is used by the free, open-source server understand and develop strategies to mitigate the same. The
environment Node.js. It functions on a number of operating papers discuss about characteristics of application such as
systems, including Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Unix. performance, efficiency and quality of the system and how to
JavaScript code is executed outside of a web browser to create enhance them. Also, it also throws some light on the lack of
scalable network applications. ".js" is the extension for documentation while building applications & products & new
Node.js files. Web servers and networking utilities can be methodologies to avoid the limitation. Developing a product
built using node.js and a group of "modules" that each handle or an application requires to follow a standard model which is
a different basic functionality. Single-threaded, non-blocking, recognized irrespective of the domains. They also speak about
asynchronous programming, which is incredibly memory the no full utilization of the modern resources which can fine
efficient, is used by Node.js code. tune the efficiency of the system. Some of the strategies also
play a key role in finding the scope and limitations of a
E. AWS Lambda system which is further discussed by these researchers in
AWS Lambda runs code in response to events and these research works.
automatically manages resources, it is a serverless compute
service. Events may include changes or some actions that are III. RESEARCH WORK
performed on an application. It is used to extend AWS
services to create backend services that operate at AWS to Jayakody et al. [1] discusses the challenges and
scale up, performance and security. Examples may include prioritization of challenges faced by organization while
HTTPS requests coming via Amazon API Gateway, S3 adopting DevOps. They have identifies & provides mitigating
bucket modifications, data update and structure modifications strategies in adopting DevOps in project development. Some
in Amazon DynamoDB, state transitions in AWS step of the challenges are consumption of more time, less
functions. expertise, no interesting tools available and lack of IT
infrastructure. However, mitigation strategies include
F. Docker establishing communication platform procedure between
Docker is an open platform which helps developers to software development and operations team, rearrange
build, share, run applications. Docker is a container that is development of group to include people who have good
used to host applications. It allows to run multiple containers. experience with DevOps, improve knowledge about DevOps
We need to make docker image run in an organised manner as adoption through recent research findings. Pooja Batra et al.
it holds out application. Kubernetes and Docker Swarm are [2] explains about the performance & evaluation of the issue
Container Orchestrator tools which can be used to scale and of the application/software while adopting devops framework.
expose our application to the world. Productivity and Efficiency is considered as essential quality
drivers to assess the performance of a project. DevOps
G. Kubernetes provide more transparency to the customer while the
Google created the open-source container-orchestration traditional model lacks the same. The efforts taken in devops
tool known as Kubernetes, commonly referred to as K8s. is far less as compared to the other models. The authors of
Clusters of containerized applications are controlled and Pulasthi Perera et al. [3] discuss how DevOps practises have
protect resources. useful for controlling application-running affected software quality and how to effectively increase
containers to prevent downtime. Another container must be quality. The rationale for why big businesses have shifted to
used in the event that the first one fails. When a failed using DevOps is presented. The conceptual framework is split
container fails to respond to a health check, Kubernetes into two sections, each of which covers the elements required
automatically and effectively handles this switchover by for implementing DevOps and their effects on the calibre of
restarting, replacing, and destroying the failed container. It is software. The research study's assumptions have been
helpful for scaling, deployment, and all-around application developed to confirm the relationship between elements such
management because it also keeps track of clusters and as practise, culture, automation, sharing, and measurement in
chooses where to launch containers based on the resources devops. Information has been acquired through online surveys
that are currently being used. and interviews with DevOps professionals in the software
development sector. After gathering and assessing the data, it
H. Monitoring was found that there is a link between the DevOps
Monitoring is a practice to check, record and test methodology and the calibre of software. DevOps practise
particular services running and their availability. Using will improve the quality of software. Additionally, there is a
monitoring tool, we can do logging of the events and actions significant positive correlation between culture, automation,
performed on the servers. We will be using Prometheus & measurement, and sharing, which implies that putting
Grafana tool to monitor of applications and their impact on automation into practise and sharing knowledge will raise
the infrastructure. All the errors, warnings & bottlenecks will software quality. The findings of this study can help
be detected and mitigated in the provided SLA. businesses that use DevOps and quality engineering teams

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
make decisions on how to enhance testing procedures. Hugo relationship types are generated based on artifacts and
da Giao et al. [4] explore some of the difficulties that templates are created. In order to get a somewhat thorough
businesses and software engineers encounter when understanding of what employers demand from DevOps roles
implementing and using DevOps. Model-driven engineering in a New Zealand (NZ) setting, Waqar Hussain et al. [10]
(MDE) has been used to address a variety of issues in describe and present a picture of Knowledge areas, Skills and
computer science, including complexity, the need for greater Capabilities (KSCs). The study's conclusions show that
system interoperability, aiding in the design process, and DevOps is becoming popular as a concept in which the duties
enhancing teamwork among members of various teams. The of individual team members are increasingly divided between
three components of the DevOps process are development, Development and Operations teams. This study will outline
build management, and deployment management. The the research and practise in the DevOps field's ramifications
author's goal is to provide a framework that can produce the and future directions, with potential applications to other
necessary configuration files or code based on the model for small advanced economies. The findings raise awareness of
tools that are already in use or even tools that could be the DevOps job market in New Zealand and assist graduates
developed in the future, with the only requirement being to and job seekers in determining their employability in this
create the necessary mapping between the tools. Guoping field. Thomas F. Düllmann et al. [11] discusses about the
Rong et al. [5] explains about the lack of documentation continuous delivery pipelines which provides short and high-
implied while building software products using DevOps frequency commits and bringing it into production. The goal
approach. A new approach, DevDocOps is a continuous is to detect, diagnose and resolve dependability and security in
automated documentation aim to create documents parallelly the Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline behaviour. To
with the working versions of the software in a very seamless overcome the same, it uses devops practices such as canary
manner. It reduces the time frame from one-two months to release, Alpha and Beta (A/B) In their discussion of a case
two days which improves customer(client) success. In their study, He Zhang et al. [6] assess the viability of using the
discussion of a case study, He Zhang et al. [6] assess the CMMI models to direct process improvement for DevOps
viability of using the CMMI models to direct process projects and pinpoint any potential shortcomings. It is
improvement for DevOps projects and pinpoint any potential explained how CMMI models can be used to evaluate the
shortcomings. It is explained how CMMI models can be used DevOps project's present processes and direct future
to evaluate the DevOps project's present processes and direct improvements. To achieve the goal of this research, a case
future improvements. To achieve the goal of this research, a study that involves a real-world software project is
case study that involves a real-world software project is incorporated. DevOps contains three interconnected aspects,
incorporated. DevOps contains three interconnected aspects, i.e., capabilities, cultural enablers, and technological enablers.
i.e., capabilities, cultural enablers, and technological enablers. Project background, research-related Q&A, study scope,
Project background, research-related Q&A, study scope, subjects, interviewing techniques, data gathering and
subjects, interviewing techniques, data gathering and consolidation, and study validity are all taken into account
consolidation, and study validity are all taken into account while designing a case study. Hui Kang et al. [7] discusses t
while designing a case study. Hui Kang et al. [7] discusses t the containers and microservices design which is the modern
the containers and microservices design which is the modern approach in today's world. The author criticises about the full
approach in today's world. The author criticises about the full utilization of the containers services that it offers. It
utilization of the containers services that it offers. It investigated the difficulties and various approaches to
investigated the difficulties and various approaches to managing services in containers using Open stack. Contrary to
managing services in containers using Open stack. Contrary to virtual machines, several containers can be set up on a single
virtual machines, several containers can be set up on a single server to maximise resource usage and improve isolation
server to maximise resource usage and improve isolation while accessing memory and I/O devices. Active: In a
while accessing memory and I/O devices. Active: In a container-based architecture, the active state is considerably
container-based architecture, the active state is considerably more appropriate. Johannes Wettinger et al. [8] explains that
more appropriate. Johannes Wettinger et al. [8] explains that DevOps when integrated with cloud provides a very
DevOps when integrated with cloud provides a very affordable cost to build and run to the meet the customer
affordable cost to build and run to the meet the customer requirements. In order to choose the right approach to do so,
requirements. In order to choose the right approach to do so, right decision making is taken with a help of knowledgebase.
right decision making is taken with a help of knowledgebase. This shows how to utilize, deploy and operate cloud
This shows how to utilize, deploy and operate cloud applications in a very organized and affordable fashion. It
applications in a very organized and affordable fashion. It captures the knowledge from experts, crawlers and
captures the knowledge from experts, crawlers and crowdsourcing. The knowledgebase contains implementation,
crowdsourcing. The knowledgebase contains implementation, cookbooks & modules. Johannes Wettinger et al. [9] reviews
cookbooks & modules. Johannes Wettinger et al. [9] reviews about the systematic and standard classification of artifacts
about the systematic and standard classification of artifacts and how it can be transformed towards Topology and
and how it can be transformed towards Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA).
Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA). It enables seamless orchestration of artifacts to model and
It enables seamless orchestration of artifacts to model and deploy. The artifacts are further classified into node-centric &
deploy. The artifacts are further classified into node-centric & environment-centric. manual selection of artifacts of different
environment-centric. manual selection of artifacts of different applications is done and further retrieval of additional artifacts
applications is done and further retrieval of additional artifacts to resolve dependencies. Further, TOSCA node and
to resolve dependencies. Further, TOSCA node and relationship types are generated based on artifacts and

IJISRT23APR2221 www.ijisrt.com 1640

Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
templates are created. In order to get a somewhat thorough collection of cascade-less phases, Process of Continuous
understanding of what employers demand from DevOps roles Testing, Process of Continuous Deployment, and DevOps-as-
in a New Zealand (NZ) setting, Waqar Hussain et al. [10] a-service results. In his article, Manish Virmani [15] discusses
describe and present a picture of Knowledge areas, Skills and all the DevOps-related factors that are pertinent to the various
Capabilities (KSCs). The study's conclusions show that stages of the SDLC, with a particular emphasis on the
DevOps is becoming popular as a concept in which the duties business need and the switch from continuous integration to
of individual team members are increasingly divided between continuous delivery of software products. It is challenging to
Development and Operations teams. This study will outline alter the same in order to satisfy the swift changes demanded
the research and practise in the DevOps field's ramifications by the client or market. Continuous Planning, Continuous
and future directions, with potential applications to other Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Continuous
small advanced economies. The findings raise awareness of Monitoring are the sequential steps to accomplish the same.
the DevOps job market in New Zealand and assist graduates Benefits include reliability, time savings, and the elimination
and job seekers in determining their employability in this of specific hardware. DevOps culture and practises present a
field. Thomas F. Düllmann et al. [11] discusses about the number of difficulties, which Shoaib Khan et al. [16] analyse
continuous delivery pipelines which provides short and high and address. Additionally, it explains how DevOps functions
frequency commits and bringing it into production. The goal within an organisation, gives a thorough explanation of
is to detect, diagnose and resolve dependability and security in DevOps, and looks into the cultural difficulties that
the Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline behaviour. To organisations encounter when implementing DevOps. The
overcome the same, it uses devops practices such as canary proposed study identifies ten significant obstacles to
release, Alpha and Beta (A/B) testing and chaos engineering implementing the DevOps culture. The difficulties are further
to the CD pipelines. It focuses on the security of the CD examined based on the different continents. The research
pipeline and uses Spoofing identity, tampering with data, revealed that the following significant difficulties are taken
Repudiation threats, Information disclosure, Denial of service into account while implementing a DevOps culture: lack of
and Elevation of privileges (STRIDE) threat modelling cooperation and communication, knowledge and skill
approach. Nikhil Govil et al. [12] discusses about some of the deficiencies. According to Azeem Akbar et al. [17], the
functional facets of agile methodologies and DevOps implementation of DevOps practises is complicated, which
processes are acquainted in e-commerce application. The inspires us to investigate the best practises that are crucial for
prime challenge mentioned is regarding updating of e- the DevOps paradigm's success in software organisations. A
commerce application on frequent basis for which there is a total of 48 best practises were discovered as a consequence of
need of continuous development and continuous integration the thorough literature review. The CAMS model's basic
which can be fulfilled with the help of devops. The project is categories of culture, automation, measurement, and sharing
on an e-commercial web application of jewellery firm in (CAMS) were further matched to the best practises that had
which products are listed online and made available to buy been found. In addition, a questionnaire survey study was
online or by visiting onsite. use of scrum framework is done to collect the opinions of experts on the best practises
explained and how it supports development teams to work that had been found. The findings of the questionnaire survey
collectively. Development and maintenance of a product study showed that the best practises identified are consistent
using devops tools is defined in detail. A report is shared with actual practises. Finally, using fuzzy-AHP (Analytic
which explains benefits of using devops and agile mechanism Hierarchy Process), the investigated best practises were
combined together helps in achieving employee engagement further prioritised according to their importance for DevOps
and customer satisfaction both leading to tremendous growth practises. Results of the prioritisation reveal crucial best
in IT industries business. Also, some of the major challenges practises. Future work will include creating a readiness model
of using agile and devops together are highlighted. Rajeev that will help practitioners evaluate and enhance their DevOps
Kumar Gupta et al. [13] reviews successful implementation of implementation plans. With the help of the build pipeline
DevOps in three different countries with timeboxed release concept, Mitesh Soni [18] presents a proof of concept for
strategies. Also, they have transformed from traditional scrum creating a successful framework for continuous integration,
into a DevOps team. It helped them stabilizing processes and continuous testing, and continuous delivery that automates the
methods to an extent where they have released several compilation of source code, code analysis, test execution,
products within a year. The quality process followed is unique packaging, infrastructure provisioning, deployment, and
in different geographical regions because following one QP notifications. The insurance business is used as an example of
makes the project cumbersome, complicated and block short how to better respond to changing market demands, has to
release cycles. Mindset is the biggest blocker for a launch new projects and services more quickly, and must
transforming team. Continuous learning is an essential part of support cutting-edge consumer engagement strategies. The
learning cycle. Prashant Agrawal et al. [14] discuss the issues facing the insurance business are discussed in this
extension of DevOps processes and automation into public study, along with the many Proof of Concept (PoC) use cases
and/or private clouds as well as how to become more agile in that were implemented, the processes of artifacts from
software development and operations. The main objective is Continuous Integration to Continuous Deployment, the build
to comprehend how DevOps and Cloud cooperate to assist pipeline for orchestration, end-to-end automation, and the
firms in achieving their transformational objectives. includes advantages realized after deployment. Monitoring, security,
setting up a DevOps process on the cloud and using services. quantifying the benefits of end-to-end automation for
DevOps approaches applied for pilot projects with Cloud continuous delivery, and integrating open-source Application
Computing prove to be a great success, as evidenced by the Life cycle Management tools (ALM Tools) are the main areas
DevOps Life Cycle Model, DevOps Framework as specified that need to be the focus of future effort. Giuseppe Vergori et

IJISRT23APR2221 www.ijisrt.com 1641

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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