Observability & Reliability of Microservices Application Using DevOps in A Cloud-Based Environment
Observability & Reliability of Microservices Application Using DevOps in A Cloud-Based Environment
Observability & Reliability of Microservices Application Using DevOps in A Cloud-Based Environment
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- In today's extremely competitive commercial tools can enhance the observability and reliability of
environment, organizations must deliver software microservices applications in a cloud-based environment,
products that meet customer requirements with the helping organizations to achieve their business goals by
highest quality and reliability possible. After delivering high-quality, reliable software at scale.
development, deploying the application using various
methods or practice is critical. However, ensuring that We will be discussing some key technologies further to
the application runs smoothly and efficiently, adhering to know the topics in depth.
the Software Level Agreement (SLA) of the project, is
equally essential. Moreover, intelligent mitigation of Cloud Computing
issues without manual intervention can help minimize the When computer resources are delivered on demand,
workload for DevOps teams and reduce the likelihood of users can access servers, storage, databases, and applications
human errors. It also emphasizes the importance of online. Cloud computing allows flexibility, quicker
handling code, infrastructure, and integration tools in innovation, scalability, and the freedom to select a collection
post-deployment scenarios to maintain reliability and of services based on our needs instead of managing actual
efficiency while operationalizing business projects using data centres and servers. Private clouds, public clouds, hybrid
DevOps methodologies. This can lead to improved clouds, and multi-clouds are some of the several types of
customer satisfaction, increased revenue, and reduced cloud computing. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),
downtime. Customized DevOps methodologies for platforms-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service
domains such as IT services, healthcare, and (SaaS) are the three primary categories of cloud computing
manufacturing can efficiently run information systems services.
with positive business value.
A. DevOps
Keywords:- Devops; Cloud; Reliability Systems; Software. DevOps is a culture that is practised nowadays in most
of the organizations as it has ability to deliver services at high
I. INTRODUCTION velocity. Compared to organizations employing conventional
software development and infrastructure management
Microservices architectures have increased popularity in techniques, it enables superior infrastructure and application
recent years due to their ability to improve scalability and development, deployment, delivery, and maintenance at a
flexibility in application development. However, the quicker rate. Benefits of DevOps include automation, security,
distributed nature of microservices can also make them scalability, speed, rapid delivery, and strategies for
complex to manage and monitor, which can lead to reduced configuration management.
reliability and increased downtime. Exploring how DevOps
practices such as continuous integration, delivery, and B. CI/CD
deployment, along with containerization and orchestration Continuous development and deployment of new
tools, helps to improve the observability and reliability of features are required. CI/CD tools available in market are very
microservices applications in a cloud -based environment. useful for designing, deployment and release of pipeline. It
Also discussing various monitoring techniques and tools that allows to design, control security aspects, approvals,
can be used to gain insights into the performance and behavior notifications, audit etc. Gitlab has mostly yaml based
of microservices applications. configurations. Jenkins is an open-source tool having variety
of plugins and Features which are built and updated regularly.
Furthermore, examined the role of automation in Also, other few examples of CI/CD offerings are logic.
maintaining the reliability of microservices applications by Bamboo, TeamCity, Circle CI, Travis CI etc.
automating tasks such as testing, deployment, and scaling.
Also, how error budgeting can be used to balance reliability C. Microservices
and innovation in microservices applications. Overall, this Concept of Microservices is that an application or
paper aims to provide insights into how DevOps practices and software can be deployed as multiple different modules and