The document contains log messages from an Android device. It logs messages about unsupported media formats, camera states, errors accessing hidden methods and fields, and messages related to starting an application called "CameraLauncher".
The document contains log messages from an Android device. It logs messages about unsupported media formats, camera states, errors accessing hidden methods and fields, and messages related to starting an application called "CameraLauncher".
The document contains log messages from an Android device. It logs messages about unsupported media formats, camera states, errors accessing hidden methods and fields, and messages related to starting an application called "CameraLauncher".
The document contains log messages from an Android device. It logs messages about unsupported media formats, camera states, errors accessing hidden methods and fields, and messages related to starting an application called "CameraLauncher".
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05-07 19:15:47.649 15193 15193 W libprocessgroup: Controller sfreezer is not found
05-07 19:15:47.651 15193 15193 W libprocessgroup: SetAttribute: unknown attribute: OlafState 05-07 19:15:47.651 15193 15193 W libprocessgroup: SetAttribute: unknown attribute: OlafState 05-07 19:15:47.951 15162 15199 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ima 05-07 19:15:47.961 15162 15199 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1 05-07 19:15:47.963 15162 15199 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2 05-07 19:15:47.966 15162 15199 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1 05-07 19:15:47.969 15162 15199 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 05-07 19:15:47.975 15162 15199 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm- dvi-ima 05-07 19:15:47.976 15162 15199 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm- dvi-ima 05-07 19:15:47.979 15162 15199 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm- ms 05-07 19:15:47.980 15162 15199 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm- ms 05-07 19:15:48.056 15162 15199 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/256 for video/mp4v-es 05-07 19:15:48.061 15162 15197 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service 05-07 19:15:48.114 15162 15180 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client com.whatsapp API Level 2 05-07 19:15:48.115 15162 15201 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 1 facing CAMERA_FACING_FRONT state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client API Level 2 05-07 19:15:48.116 15162 15180 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 20 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2 05-07 19:15:48.117 15162 15180 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 52 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2 05-07 19:15:48.118 15162 15180 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 60 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API Level 2 05-07 19:15:48.510 15162 15162 W .android.scan3d: Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/SystemProperties;->set(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 05-07 19:15:49.102 15162 15162 W AppSettings: Warning: providing system service notification took 105 ms 05-07 19:15:49.164 15162 15211 W .android.scan3d: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (max- target-o, reflection, denied) 05-07 19:15:49.164 15162 15211 W .android.scan3d: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->c:Ljava/util/Collection; (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 05-07 19:15:49.165 15162 15211 W .android.scan3d: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;-><init>(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied) 05-07 19:15:49.165 15162 15211 W .android.scan3d: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;-><init>(Ljava/util/ Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied) 05-07 19:15:49.196 15162 15197 W CAM_A : Build number (A037FXXS3CWC7) is not a number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689. 05-07 19:15:49.225 15162 15162 I Check Apk: check ok 05-07 19:15:49.298 15162 15162 W AppSettings: Warning: providing system service keyguard took 12 ms 05-07 19:15:49.343 15162 15162 I DecorView: [INFO] isPopOver=false config=true 05-07 19:15:49.343 15162 15162 I DecorView: updateCaptionType: isFloating=false isApplication=true hasWindowDecorCaption=false this=DecorView@931ff1c[] 05-07 19:15:49.364 15162 15162 I DecorView: getCurrentDensityDpi: from real metrics. densityDpi=300 msg=resources_loaded 05-07 19:15:49.365 15162 15162 I DecorView: setWindowBackground: isPopOver=false color=ff010101 05-07 19:15:49.395 15162 15162 W .android.scan3d: Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/View;->computeFitSystemWindows(Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/ graphics/Rect;)Z (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 05-07 19:15:49.396 15162 15162 W .android.scan3d: Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 05-07 19:15:49.469 15162 15222 E REPORT PICTURESIZE : pref_camera_picturesize_back_key 05-07 19:15:49.484 15162 15222 W CAM_A : Picture size setting is not set. Selecting fallback: 3088x3088 05-07 19:15:49.516 15162 15230 I CameraManager: registerAvailabilityCallback: Is device callback = false 05-07 19:15:49.517 15162 15230 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device: camera id 0 status STATUS_PRESENT 05-07 19:15:49.517 15162 15230 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device: camera id 1 status STATUS_PRESENT 05-07 19:15:49.518 15162 15230 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device: camera id 20 status STATUS_PRESENT 05-07 19:15:49.518 15162 15230 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device: camera id 52 status STATUS_PRESENT 05-07 19:15:49.519 15162 15230 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device: camera id 60 status STATUS_PRESENT 05-07 19:15:49.561 15162 15202 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device: camera id 60 status STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE 05-07 19:15:49.563 15162 15202 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device: camera id 0 status STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE 05-07 19:15:49.751 15162 15201 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_OPEN for client API Level 2 05-07 19:15:49.793 15162 15222 W .android.scan3d: Verification of void ixh.<clinit>() took 104.734ms (57631.38 bytecodes/s) (123384B approximate peak alloc) 05-07 19:15:49.804 15162 15222 W CAM_DeviceErrorBroadcas: Tag DeviceErrorBroadcaster is 3 chars longer than limit. 05-07 19:15:49.847 15162 15222 E FBI : Can't load library: dlopen failed: library "" not found 05-07 19:15:49.883 15162 15162 W FontsContract: Platform version of downloadable fonts is deprecated. Please use androidx version instead. 05-07 19:15:50.024 15162 15162 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 IDX: 0 05-07 19:15:50.025 15162 15162 I ProReC : setprogres0 05-07 19:15:50.234 15162 15222 W libgcam : []: GetTuningFromDeviceCode: Unsupported sensor ID. Using tuning defaults. 05-07 19:15:50.371 15162 15222 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-0. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.371 15162 15222 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to submit a CaptureRequest for Request-0: There were no surfaces on the request. 05-07 19:15:50.387 15162 15222 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-1. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.397 15162 15175 I .android.scan3d: Compiler allocated 4177KB to compile void android.widget.TextView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) 05-07 19:15:50.406 15162 15202 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_ACTIVE for client API Level 2 05-07 19:15:50.416 15162 15162 W .android.scan3d: Accessing hidden method Landroid/app/ActivityThread;->currentApplication()Landroid/app/Application; (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 05-07 19:15:50.420 15162 15222 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-2. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.434 15162 15201 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 05-07 19:15:50.453 15162 15370 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-3. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.456 15162 15222 W CAM_A : UI view not yet initialized 05-07 19:15:50.463 15162 15370 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-4. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.472 15162 15370 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-5. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.481 15162 15370 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-6. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.491 15162 15370 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-7. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.500 15162 15370 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-8. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.563 15162 15197 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-9. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:50.754 15162 15162 W .android.scan3d: Accessing hidden method Landroid/app/Activity;->setDisablePreviewScreenshots(Z)V (max-target-s, reflection, allowed) 05-07 19:15:50.795 15162 15162 I MSHandlerLifeCycle: check: return. parent=null 05-07 19:15:50.795 15162 15162 I MSHandlerLifeCycle: removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@931ff1c[] 05-07 19:15:50.844 15162 15162 I DecorView: onImmersiveModeChanged: isStatusBarHidden=true 05-07 19:15:50.845 15162 15162 I DecorView: notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=false 05-07 19:15:50.873 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: setView = TM=true 05-07 19:15:50.880 15162 15162 I MSHandlerLifeCycle: check: return. Multi-window not supported 05-07 19:15:50.881 15162 15162 I MSHandlerLifeCycle: removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@931ff1c[CameraLauncher] 05-07 19:15:50.899 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: stopped(true) old = false 05-07 19:15:50.899 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: WindowStopped on set to true 05-07 19:15:50.921 15162 15162 I MSHandlerLifeCycle: check: return. Multi-window not supported 05-07 19:15:50.921 15162 15162 I MSHandlerLifeCycle: removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@931ff1c[CameraLauncher] 05-07 19:15:50.927 15162 15380 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ] 05-07 19:15:50.943 15162 15254 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) = 101,00 ms > 70,00 ms 05-07 19:15:50.955 15162 15162 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to CaptureRequest for Request-10. The surface (null) was not valid. 05-07 19:15:51.052 15162 15380 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ] 05-07 19:15:51.069 15162 15254 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) = 101,00 ms > 70,00 ms 05-07 19:15:51.132 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: performTraversals params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={state=always_hidden adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309 rotAnim=SEAMLESS 05-07 19:15:51.132 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: fl=81810500 05-07 19:15:51.132 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: pfl=12020040 05-07 19:15:51.132 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: vsysui=705 05-07 19:15:51.132 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS 05-07 19:15:51.132 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE 05-07 19:15:51.132 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: fitSides= naviIconColor=0} 05-07 19:15:51.147 15162 15199 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime. 05-07 19:15:51.149 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: performTraversals mFirst=true windowShouldResize=false viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={state=always_hidden adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309 rotAnim=SEAMLESS 05-07 19:15:51.149 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: fl=81810500 05-07 19:15:51.149 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: pfl=12020040 05-07 19:15:51.149 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: vsysui=705 05-07 19:15:51.149 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS 05-07 19:15:51.149 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE 05-07 19:15:51.149 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: fitSides= naviIconColor=0} 05-07 19:15:51.237 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: Relayout returned: old=(0,45,720,1600) new=(0,45,720,1600) req=(0,0)8 dur=82 res=0x0 s={false 0x0} ch=false seqId=0 05-07 19:15:51.281 15162 15380 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ] 05-07 19:15:51.287 15162 15254 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) = 101,00 ms > 70,00 ms 05-07 19:15:51.293 15162 15254 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null 05-07 19:15:51.365 15162 15380 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ] 05-07 19:15:51.372 15162 15254 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) = 101,00 ms > 70,00 ms 05-07 19:15:51.418 15162 15254 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Retrieving snapshot for failed 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:, sha256=[4a9c3f643a41eb53ac0c1191a7af35180e55d813af96266cf434e8b3f518072a], atk=false, ver=231613044.true (go/gsrlt) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at nlw.d(Unknown Source:17) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at nlw.c(Unknown Source:147) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jor.c(Unknown Source:94) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jor.e(Unknown Source:568) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jor.b(Unknown Source:22) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gao.c(Unknown Source:86) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:167) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:4) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at nrk.c(Unknown Source:9) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:276) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:60) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:8) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:0) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at Source:24) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:, sha256=[4a9c3f643a41eb53ac0c1191a7af35180e55d813af96266cf434e8b3f518072a], atk=false, ver=231613044.true (go/gsrlt) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull( 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at android.os.Parcel.createException( 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at android.os.Parcel.readException( 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at android.os.Parcel.readException( 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at bil.z(Unknown Source:62) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jop.a(Unknown Source:60) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jdr.f(Unknown Source:27) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jep.r(Unknown Source:249) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jep.q(Unknown Source:840) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jep.g(Unknown Source:20) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jep.c(Unknown Source:180) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jep.b(Unknown Source:9) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jgp.a(Unknown Source:580) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jgj.d(Unknown Source:120) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jgk.handleMessage(Unknown Source:929) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jms.b(Unknown Source:14) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at jms.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:6) 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce( 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at android.os.Looper.loop( 05-07 19:15:51.669 15162 15197 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at 05-07 19:15:51.686 15162 15380 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ] 05-07 19:15:51.689 15162 15254 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) = 403,99 ms > 70,00 ms 05-07 19:15:51.691 15162 15254 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) = 3,00 > 0,25 05-07 19:15:51.693 15162 15254 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay = 4,04 > 1,10 05-07 19:15:51.694 15162 15254 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null 05-07 19:15:51.761 15162 15380 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ] 05-07 19:15:51.764 15162 15254 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) = 101,00 ms > 70,00 ms 05-07 19:15:51.765 15162 15254 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) = 0,75 > 0,25 05-07 19:15:51.766 15162 15254 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null 05-07 19:15:51.825 15162 15162 E REPORT PICTURESIZE : pref_camera_picturesize_back_key 05-07 19:15:51.856 15162 15162 E REPORT PICTURESIZE : pref_camera_picturesize_back_key 05-07 19:15:51.939 15162 15162 I Choreographer: Skipped 37 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 05-07 19:15:51.940 15162 15162 I DecorView: notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=false 05-07 19:15:51.947 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: performTraversals params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={state=always_hidden adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309 rotAnim=SEAMLESS sysuil=true 05-07 19:15:51.947 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: fl=81810500 05-07 19:15:51.947 15162 15162 I ViewRootImpl@bf80148[CameraLauncher]: pfl=12020040 05-07 19:15: