Comoros Final Version V3

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Comoros-Status Report/Way Forward

Project name Design, Supply & Installation of 18 MW Heavy Fuel Oil Based
Power Generation Project - 4 x4 Mw + 2Mw = Total 18 Mw

Consultant/Engi Mitcon Consultancy and Engg. Ltd --
Pune neer
Client Shri C. P. Nasalapurkar AVP Mitcon - +91 9370331283
Representatives Email:
[email protected]; Funding Agency Exim
Bank India
Line of Credit 41.60 million
Contractual Revise
Particulars Total Contract Variation Contract
Financials OIA
1,11,45,625.13 - 1,11,45,625.13
Services 38,44,374.87 39,93,414.60 78,37,789.47
Total Contract 1,49,90,000.00 39,93,414.60 1,89,83,414.60
Contractual 18 million
PBG 1898341.46
ABG Amount 3796682.92
Billing Done So Payment against Supply
Far Plus On Present. Amount
Retention Total Billed Balance
60% Received

48,64,024.25 29,18,415.60 25,92,250.73 3,26,164.87

Payment against Services [Both Main +

On Present. Amount
Total Billed 60% Received Balance

56,94,208.98 34,16,525.39 30,80,720.39 3,35,805.00

Retention @ 10% [Supply +

10% Retenion Recd Balance
Supply 4,86,402.60
4,32,041.80 54,360.80

Services 5,69,420.89
- 5,69,420.89

Project Summary of Comoros Project

(A) Total Project

Supply 1, 11,45,625.13

Service 78,37,789.47 1,89,83,414.60

Billing Supply 55,76,821.66

Service 58,23,929.55 1, 14,00,751.21

Balance Billing

75,82,663.39 (B) Project Funds

Total Funds 1,89,83,414.60

Less: Fund Received

Advance @20% 37,96,682.92

DDE@10% 18,98,341.46

Shipment@65% 56,72,971.12

Retention 4,32,041.80

Total Fund Received 1, 18,00,037.30

Balance Fund available in Project with EXIM 71,83,377 .30

(C) Advance

Total Advance 37,96,682.92

Less: Amortised 21,11,647.02

Balance Advance 16,85,035.90

ReceivablebyOIA 12,85,751.56

Balance Advance after adjustment of 0/S 3,99,284.34

(D) Future Billing

Balance billing as above (A) 75,82,663.39

Less: Bal of Advance (C) 3,99,284.34

Net Receivable 71,83,379.05

OIA Out EXIM BANK: USO 3,68,508.73)
Standing CLIENT:USD 2,80,542.43 ) USO 6,61,969.96
Amounts MITCOM:USD 12,918.80 )
Project Status% Weightage % Completed % Actual Completion

Detailed Design & Engineering 10 100 10

Procurement 30 70 21
Execution 60 60 25
. Survey 10 100 10
. Civil 25 60 15
. Electro Mechanical 15 - -
. Transmission Line 5 - -
. Testing 5 - -

TOTAL 100 56
Project Status% Suspended -- On Hold

This report is an attempt to study the feasibility of restarting the project for the benefit of
the beneficiary target population in Comoros and to finish the project successfully

Executive Summary


To lift suspension placed by OIA on the project and restart the project in phases. This report
lays out the first phase starting with the Tank Farm. The report aims to take a deep dive into
restarting the project with minimum fund requirement, maximized billing and high impact/
visibility of the project.


The project is placed on hold due to mounting pending payments by Exim Bank, Client and
Consultant which amounts to USO .66 million and no firm time frame of the release of funds. The
mounting administrative cost also compelled OIA to place the project in suspension.


Considering the supplies made of materials on site erection and commissioning and testing of
the 6 tanks out of 9 tanks are considered that fulfill the objective of minimum fund requirement,
maximized billing and high impact/ visibility of the work in progress at the project site.


Selection of the scope: Tank Farm completion is considered because all material required to
complete the activity is on site, the activity has high visibility and high completion percentage
in the project, decent billing opportunity and prepares ground for BHEL to start their work.
Also, this activity is low end technology and activity almost labor oriented.

Funding for the


OIA will fund this activity on a monthly basis.

Erection and Commissioning of Tanks:

There are total of 9 tanks out of which plates and other relevant material is at
site for all 9 tanks including shuttering, nut, blots, accessories and base

Material on site:






Total Weight Total Weight Total Tank
of Empty Tank of Tank Weight
with Base Without Base With Other
Dia Height Plate Plate MISC. Items
SN. Description Qty (m) (m) Tons Kg Tons Kg s Kg
1 2500KL HFO 2 16 13.3 216 216000 179.4 179400 240 240000
2 500KL 1 10 7.2 26 26000 19.97 19970 35 35000
3 150KL 2 6.5 5.4 25 25000 19.4 19400 30 30000
4 20KL 4 3 3.5 14.4 14400 11.92 11920 16 16000
281. 230.
  TOTAL       4 281400 7 230690 321 321000

Photos of completed foundations


Major Landmarks in Comoros Project.


Pruicr Mame : 18 MW Heavy Fuel Cil Bared Load Gil Cannsctecd Engine Based
Power Gereratian Project With Associated Tank Fan 8 Electrical Evoculin
System AI Moroni. Urion cf Comoros

C&nilract No • D3W PEELA,'2D 4 c±ate1 18,03.2014

Con trcl Wale: 130 3.297 .90,0CO. D0 1SD Thirty two miion ire Hun dred Nni ety thousand orly
Amenimart ' Amen±uemt Agreement tArmimenis mde cn 17'11 al March 205
contract ''Alu • 0l4 LSD 14.Milli«, BEHEL I8 Million
Ahlemdumm - No. 11- 410/VF.MEET18PFG Dad 21, 0et 20111•
Conmcr Val : 0It Scope inrred to 1SD IM. 4 Millin.
£rioyf : Ministry af Production. Er»wironment, Energy, industry an± Cratt
{PEEU], Gowerment or the Urion gt Comorshaving its olfice at BF, 41
Marni, Lnion of

: &var6as +lrsructurp AManc. AND
IwI Hew Elrricals Lilied
• tl TC0N Corsultney wnM Engineering Se=vise L.nt.
- t.der' from EXIM Hal Ilia. ($0 41.80 Millien

SN ., Dale Descrlplion
1, 1?-07-2014 Letter f Awa [core1 cpl
h2 17-03-20\5 Dato oM ppr»wad at Controx1 by EXIM Sank of Incia (contract cop»l
3 03-06·201$ 5cunlies 4BG submitted.
4. 24-07.2015 L2 Schedule submrted fik at sani ng with Cent and Coruilart,
$ 24-07-2015- Access to me Ste etractive te al Contract Agreement. (5ta ctor;yes arcdar

6 78-07-2015
rt StonealLaying
Indkan Ambassadorsuccessfully
from to1gar, tea an 28r ct
inaugura''ice-President le 215

t 1. 30-07-2015
Fower Miitry & other Digritaries [Stechenge order hie}
Ct Fgistrofion at Camon,s, {Tie]
It was muluadly agrosad between HEL OI4 1hat inputs raurad tr Basic:
8. 15-3-20!5 Deign
mneelina. -

Laign Bsi Report was prepared an approval received tromn client.

9. 13.0-2X15 file
changecrdeeri] •Ia- +5/0gr4B
1 C
10 Oe+ 2015 Bknket Tux esenotn tom finance riristry ct Caner¢s- 1\+0 'cu" £f
Lt 0ct 2015 wark peril {or GIA a teen npeiwed.
Dor es solarn iutitute or Tecrckgr starts,d Irial survey work, Site chore
order fie) '
Lond near Dmbiwari wikge tcr tha Project i provided ty cent and site acng
13. el 20ls
i pro»id9d, 5ite chary,e cndsr fa}
Topographic and contour survey far pcwar pHart urea t comyieled. Sile
I4, 26-11- 2015 change cidlero]
Topograpticad and <colour survey ot 21 KV Ine or 35kn. at 3 a±ftersnt cot1ors is]
15, Nov 205 corpleled. (Site changa order fie]

6. Now 2015 ERI test atdifferent locations is completed. Ard approved by MICN DT.
201% charge
Segaprical/lc@ad beoirg ccp;city survey wxrk staretd in t e month
17. 18-11-2115
Nowemcur 20'5. sgrser sj
[Sil chgg.
18. Now 2015 Siollce will be estab5shed atter mobizurian anapprval of final DDE.

Nov 2015
153. The necessary project staff shai bo deputed cn site aiter sit¢ mobliz:lion.

As pe term of Contract Power and Watr will ±:e provided cy Cent. Which was
20. Now 2015
not given by lhem. JPPT]
Nov 2015
Detoi ceskgring wxi up tc 8¢ % ls completed ana balance wck is
under progress an?i ghal be complete based or Inputs 1ram BHEL and Survey
Nor 2015 The suppliers! ¥anders &re identfied an hl be fiouFzed in consultation with
22. the

Tre Cllerlbas oppcinted Mys Mitcor Consultant as c Consultant for 1he
25. Nw 2015 cntire

2±, Nov 2215 Ihe Cons.ltant is cord:ling the supervision and monitoring thc project pragre5s,

As a part of review they re conducting periodic progress raetirgs with CM4 cnd
25. Nrw 20'5 BH-L.
Preliminary r and Dawrgs are sutrnitterd 1 Client! Ccns ulant and 1h¢
Desgi No» 2015
3@mng are gpprvets_them.
tech«cal so_ rastegor s" ,"P!'s bee'
Jan 201& see
apprawe by client
2r. consultant in January 2016. '5ltechangecider le)
z8. 14 kn21% Back to back Contract given to 1M's Giesen nal Pwt Ltd.
Power internatoi
Lesig 2csl Report Prepared, Submirte & Approwcd by he Cent &
client's cons ultant an fcllowing basis ;- jSie charge crter file]
> Ci»l - Plant
Architeclual Drawing.
29. arch 21 & Major DOG of various activities are finalized.
l + El=ctIMochanipal -P ,ID Drawing,

Flectricat 5LD
50cf waiious activities are finalized
20 feet corlainer fr msbil'erd rzr site ctfixe. (Sitecharge orde: file]
30. wcrch 2016

31, M«ch 201% Excavation st&rld ara stopped by laca Vitagc Peoples. (addendum rc-1)

32. Marcn 2016 Cowernrent was negotiated wiln local wilkyers but tailsad to corvince.

Due to locat villagers protest arc political issue at oi; site damcimboini M/s
33.. March 7016 demobiized trcm the olsite andas t keep resources ids
and machinery IHI lhw eckin of new site /addencurn no-I] _
1he Cient proposed voigu exiting pant considering Ihe next bi site
34. ce 03-2014
eexulion 18 rw H base power lart to mica vide otter
d:.08.08.2014 adl. 6
MIICCN reverted vide letter 24 au. 201 additional Iara requlr@rent
gd tentativeplan layout. [@cdcenducm rgI;_
3$. 17.09.2016 No abjectior certificate was nadcad persaraly to QI#, (sdarm rs-1)

The new site at voudjou was wth full ot bushes ard deb'is and unlcwalls1.
us reeling with CIA, GCX corlied to handover clear, levelled slu, but
varoi Sept 2016
the sarne was not happened, Considering deicy in handover . IA has carried
gut he Clegrirg mndlgngivglling qr_bazfifrg acfiyifigs at ttsirawnerd,
1B.'1.201% First Snlprent et Machineries 1CB Backhoe, Tractor & Troley. Hydro st
[ i te
37, change crderle] L' raf no 10/20/C.06M/01A12016-17 01. 06.01.7017
RE-designing ot new ste oudj curtains vesiculate oconic rack 3 less
38. trickness & fortior ~ highly porous rGd need to deep
Dec 2016exccvalior & gectechrical report mer lion pltrg work to sustain hi
mposad ot I&as ol engine, domn((no-a1d] den

Piirg foundation cre lime consumable hence to avoid this .0IA'EHEL consulted
39. Dec 201% wIh geotechrical expert in inda, CA proceed with extensive ral1 tun±at.ans
slrenghen the base il io" whir extra civil mate·ial is required.
Custom clearanco garled on 5.1,17 for +rst SFiprent of Machineries. 'We so
40. 05,01.2017 rues! to expedite custom exemption Ior tutu shipments. Li r•
11/2010M/0\A21&-17 D1.20.1.17
1• Cleaning team assigned bw employer ailex: lo clear du to non-payment

41, 15.02.2017 ta verkr.
2 OlA intervened g& campletgd tbs said acziyty.

42 15.02.2017 Sile clearing wark compiee at new sit date I5° Feb, 2017.
43. 17 Electrical SLL & Plant La»wl submitted lo MIC.ON for approval.

44. 24.023017 (MA irrplemented changcs as perCON :&rrrsnts.

45u. 10.04207
Bncdary marking & NL recorded cy M's CPI IC April,2017
Second tl of Shipment;
46. 26/20/217 Porliar: 5iag cement,MS Fencing & Icr 3tcsl rods

,.1. Ministry at Comoros slit unable to ciear rachireries frm Pont.

47, 19.04.7017 d, Letter from 3G far custom cleaunce on 24/04/2017

eo-techrial sol! survey carpleted at rww site alad IC April. 2017 &
48. 24.24,2017
a,growea dated 24 April. 207,
24.04 2017 A!le: receipt of [=aled Geologicuil survey rcport Atierdum is ugritted
I 4$, to

5, April 2017
Power finis try and Mitcon. (Ref Geoogical expert sport,)
Site Cf~ice • water stcraga facitwar started tyMWs GPI

Third Lor of Shipment;

Tank FarmMaler'cl;
51, 26803/2017 HFO 5rage tare [2 Nc), Desal strage 'ark [I N&], HF&etlina Tank '1 No}, FO Day
Iank {I No', LO Storage Tank (I No], sad LO Tank (I Nol, stags Ian {1 No} Sissel
Dar Tgn II Np]
• 5 No Containers rulease datd My. 2017. -
52. 05.c5,2017 N container re'cased dated 109My. 201?

5Ngcanl@iner released gated 3My,2n17
Design Drawing- ;titian tick, admin' canteen{rst room,xdalor
52. 31.07.2017 structure. Chimney supporfirg; structure. guara plant gur6ral layouf.
wer house. ark far. stare workshop biding, single line iagar,
11:.«:,:w0rtion 111cirk..k;,r Tqnk km-n -::;ompleled. da,ed -z,-= A•ig. Wii. E):tcr,,'.Cl~ ,.tf'l'!l'J
$3. 02.08.201
89 cu M.

Double cat pick»p car Reache on 21,2.2017, Custom i ·aking to log ia cl@a
04.08.201 tine coot&iners, Due to which Detention and corurrage charges ce levied.
Fourth Shipment iParfial};
55. 07,08.20\7 OF. Portland slag torrent & Tor steel.

Cortairer Reached n 21,037,217 N¢l yet Reeccc. Customn is taking to long o

clsar the containers, Due to which Detention and derurragc charges are levied,
57. Aridendum 01 is sgr&d N I7-410' VP-6EEIATIP AF' SG Are OIA ceder value
lrcrease to $1,
- - "': " '" ' - ---~-~----------
Power Houso buiairg fo und a t i on
Engine Foundation
Tank farm foundation 20KL - 4N's
Tar rm foundation I50KI-2NG's
Ian tarn foundation 5O2KL-
1No's Tank tcmn fcundotian
Sept 2017 2SCUKI- 2No's Chimnrey 'oundalior

58. to March Radiztcr foundation
2019 dmin Buiaing fcurdction
Workshop Cum store building Iounation
Parking Shed ioundalion
Treatment plant foundation
Dyke wall of tank larrn area tundatian
Ccmpound 'wall
+All loundatlon completed in the month_of March 2019
59. 15,04.201 Power house catle trerch PCC st8 sl foundalion wor in uraer completed.

60, 1504201 A1 9 0s of Tanks are eady tor craction,

Chimney toundaton RCC raft casting & sorlar lawing completed ana peaestl
51. 15.04.201 5eel fa&rialion isin crogress.

52. 15.04.2019 Aamin Biding ciwi work ccm;toled bciarco external plaster reruirirg.
CM.A. had giwen l9Iler regarin; Notice for termination of work uraer GCC Sur•
tor our invwoi:e Ncs. $1002064, 400330 and 40331
Clause 161 of the contract
doled 2101219. 06.02.201ad 11,02.2019 repsctiwety Amount $366507.31
yet Ng I9»2 ter
MgIlC t a
E@yAy2319-2 t
EXIM Bank of India nod giwen Jette: ta CIA LTD ior updotc or projectprogress. Ref
Letter o GOILOC-152[1/E-AF-C01M/19/ 18 Dated.24.04,219
epy from CI LI giwen lelle: to ExIM Bank of irdi far update on
65, project zrograss. Ref letter ro.127/2€QR/CAA,219-2
23.05.201 [email protected]
EXIM. Bonkot +di had given lrter o 0IA LID toy repy or project progress. Rof
Letts no.GCuOC-'521)/5·AF0M/19)790 0at=.07,05,20•
0MA verr letter to EX/M Banik el India for Crorcs Bank Guarantee and
<gin Request ta release Ihipa»mer pcnfng since feb 209with EKIM Bank of
indika, Which ks Direct Impacfng our Ilcw of wark. Ref Letter No•
192/20/EX1VO/2RY-20 194/20NE&/ON8/919 2
Eximn Hai gjan letter io CIA to disbursemerI payment $36350/.41 holds or
advice ot MEA De to various reasons including.inter-alia, nar-submission cf AP
& PB, 5kw pxcgress, N $ubrissior at project implemenrotlon chodule. Letter
Govsrrm ent of Comaras had given letter to Eim 3nk of ind ttr

69, Rclose at penadir, Payment of 3&8507. 3 Letter ret no. 2019/2{JC.O-
€IA ad giwer liierta former mirister GC far slalus of Camors project
reaarding site c·onge and new site allotted and various activity like clexnina of

jungle.Gec survey wor and act.sally started al work 20.04.218 and smoolnty
til Feb 201. Letter no. 199/2C'CCR/0IA/2019.20
CIA had given letter t? MEA for Response to the meeting regarding
71. 04.06.201°
guarantee. Loller re no-195/20/COR'0IA,'2J-20
EXIM bork of Indio given leller to OIA or reason tor payment balds. Letlr
7 13.06.201 through mal bzdy
-73. 240. 6,2019
XIA Ban ot Ir<ia had giver. letter to CIA tar lot 2 shiprent clezrarcs
twicde project irnplementalicn schedule, civil work. APG&PIM etc.

CIA had given le'tar to MEA Ir ccntairer clearing from customs and provide
29.06.201 implernentatizr schedule, ready tor ciwl' & electro mechanic w:r to mobilise to
9 5le. [L Ne-2'2M/20/COR/CIA/2019-2001-29.6.19]

7s. 12.07.2019 Not ce af settlement between OlA &


76. 0IA haa given lellet I EXIM 'oe Delivery of shipment in 2 lots. Letter ref
GOC had given "er ta ;IA far Withdrawal of Suspersin
77. 01.28.2019 Letter refo- NI9-C53/.EIIETAPPG/SG

• '7re Request'g our payment ctter given to0C. Lefler :er no-200/20/01/018/231•
07 . 20 0t.07.08.2019
r. 17.0.2801
GoC had given lctler tc QI to: Renewal cf Witharawal of Suspension at
teller Ref no- N19.137/MEIEIETTAFPG'SG
•80. 73,09.2019
Reply given GOC or Requesting or Feyment
tetter ref no- 227/20/'COR//C1A,/2019-2C
Letter to power Minister r=gqdrg Status f BW H based powe
%. 04.10.2019
Letter rel ma-228/2CCOR/0IA,/2019-20
82 02.11.2019
cc ha give slier t 105 Ir Eterskn of APG letter Ref no-n
Vsit of wice crecident ol irain & pcyma rt reminder tram CC tc MEA
83. 05.1.2319
letter o NI9-C&9/MEIEIET,APP GK.AB
OlA had given letter o GOC Pcwer Minister tor 5TATU +
Regarding paymet and BHEL Illecd Co¢ againt 0»4 E
L85. 16.01.202C
Ltr-242/20/EK1M/01/2013 20
tank of India bag given reply on pending zayrent t ROC,Ethiopia
8±. 16.01.202 Phase-, Como@s 0IA letlar r- G01Gc-
.._, Re;y lo EM ettex o- G0».OC.CM413/2544 Regarding ;rent. Lelter
7, 21.01.200
GOC had given letter 10 IOB o: Extension cf AG. ---,-

+ 8,
Leiter no- N 2020/02/Co-Pr9HFO'DGEMI.
l s. 0IA has giwen letter to GCC t&r Waver Deurags charge$

! 30.
'8.02.2320 letter no-162/82/C0R/0IA/2018
CA hos given letter ta EKIM for assignrrent of the payrnanis zo atlas shipping pvl

- 91,

ta. Letter no-15{82'EX1A/IA'20I9-2C
OlA. hood Giwen instruct<n to MEA tor direct pcymert to ailas sripping Itd
Leiter nc-165/82/C01MOR0$/01A'2020-21, 166/82/C0AMOROS/0IA/2022-21
Given Instrucricr M.EA for Immediat lr: larvertian nocded

0I4 had
10.06.7020for ault«rised
92 penllg pawnsrt, direct payment alas shi,ring.
OMA hacd given letter to MEA fox pending disburseront ara execulin under
-93 24.08.27023 tendaho, roc,comors pxoiuci. (mailed dac-24.08.20}



OR4 had glwen lllr do EXIM tor direct payment I M's Atlas Shipping Id.

Petitian filled BHEL to cur; a st 0IM Ltd

Manpower Planning for Tank Farm Erection and Commissioning
Monthly recurring Exps
Welders: 5 to be hired from Tanzania on salary on all inclusive basis: 275 USO PM x 5 =
Helpers: 10 to be hired locally : 125 USO PM x10= 1250
Site exps:
Drinking Water 30 USO PM = 30
Fuel for Vehicle....................................................................... 30 USO PD =
Fuel for DG sets 30 USO PD = 800
Misc. exps to be spend upon pre-approval from HO 245USD PD = 245

Total 4500

The above figure does not include the salary and exps which will be incurred by the Project
Manager which will be appointed by OIA.

One-time exps -- Mobilization: Air tickets of 5 welders from Tanzania to Project site: 2500
USO One-Tine exps -- Demobilization: Air tickets of 5 welders from site to Tanzania......: 2500
USO Total : 5000

The mobilization based minimized bare shell basis and no-frills basis

The Tank Farm Activity will run for 9 months; May 01, 2023 to Jan 31, 2024

Upon successful completion of the Tank Farm it will be handed over to the client and we
will obtain the Provisional Handover Certificate for our records.

With the completion of the Tank Farm the project will be about 70% complete. We will
obtain the 70% completion certificate from the client.

Material Cost for welding tanks:

Tata MSE015 Mild Steel Welding Rods, Size: 4.00X450 mm 60 rods per box =
750x100bx=7500=approx. $100.
Other Misc. requirements= 400 USO
Total= 500 USO
Total cost per month= Manpower= 4500 USO
Material Cost PM = = 500 USO
Grand Total = 5000 USD.PM
Welding machines, cranes, vehicles and hydra needs to be assessed for functionality and
operation and may require maintenance or repair. This cost of this expense will communicated
once a proper assessment is done.

With regards to testing of tanks we will require substantial qty of water the costing of which
will be provided later.

Hints for hiring a OIA personnel who will be based in

There will be a serious need for a project manager or some person similar who is
knowledgeable of the process of erecting HFO tanks and welding. One of the key traits of
this person is that he should able to control cost and work within the budget and deliver the
tanks. His salary to be decided inclusive of food and accommodation as OIA will not provide
accommodation nor food. This person will provide daily progress report with photos.

Salaries of all employees appointed in Comoros should be inclusive of accommodation

and food. However, OIA will provide local transport.

The kick start for resumption of the Comoros Project will be May 01,

A OIA person needs to travel to Tanzania in April 2023 to interview and hire welders.
Helpers to be appointed locally in Comoros can be done when the welders arrive in















1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements for design, selection of materials,
fabrication, erection, inspection, testing, fitting of other attachments and appurtenances,
cleaning, calibration and painting of A/G CONE ROOF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AND
OPEN TOP WATER storage tanks and is intended to supplement the minimum requirements
of the applicable codes.

1.2 Engineering drawings shall take precedence over specifications/standards.

1.3 The Shell and Wind Girders to be designed as per API 650 (latest Edition).


2.1 Design Codes

The following codes in their latest edition shall form the basis for design, fabrication,
inspection, testing and acceptance of storage tanks :
IS 803 (Latest Vertical Mild Steel Cylindrical
edition) welded
Oil Storage tanks

API Standard 650 Welded steel tanks for oil storage.

(Latest edition)

IS : 875 (Part 3) Code of practice for design

Wind Loads loads other than earthquake) for
building and structures.
IS: 1893 Criteria for earthquake
resistant design of Structures.
API: 2000 Venting atmospheric and
low pressure storage tanks.
IS: 2007 Method for calibration of Vertical
Oil Storage tanks.
IS: 2008 Method for computation of
capacity tables for Vertical Oil Storage Tanks.
API: RP 2003 Protection against ignitions arising
out of static, lightning and stray
OISD-129 Inspection of storage tanks.

OISD-117 Fire Protection facilities for Petroleum depots and


OISD-118 Layouts for Oil & Gas installations.

2.2 Materials Codes

Material to be used shall conform to:

Indian Standard Specifications or ASTM standards as applicable.

2.3 Regulations

National laws and regulations together with local bye-laws for the country or state wherever the
tanks are to be erected must be compiled with.


3.1 All materials shall be as per applicable Codes.

3.2 Manhole necks, nozzle necks 350 mm NB and above may be fabricated from same plate material
as used for shell.
3.3 Plate material used for ring flanges shall have a minimum UTS of 4200 Kg./cm . For Flange
thickness over 38 mm, plate material shall be boiler quality, fine-grained, killed, and normalized
and impact tested as per the requirements of API Standard 650.

3.4 All clips and attachments shall be fabricated from carbon steel plates of weldable quality.

3.5 Gaskets for manholes and nozzles fitted with blind flanges shall conform to IS: 2712.Thickness of
gasket shall be 1.5 mm for nozzles up to 450 mm NB and 3.0 mm for nozzles above 450 mm NB.

3.6 Bolts and nuts for all nozzles fitted with blind flanges shall conform to ASTM A-307 Gr. B, A-193
Gr. B-7, or A-194 Gr. 2H. Bolts and nuts for all structural shall conform to IS: 1363.

3.7 Floating roof pipe supports and pipe sleeves shall be of carbon steel conforming to ASTM A-53
/IS: 1978.

3.8 Following classifications of electrodes are recommended for welding. However, minimum
requirements of applicable codes and appendices should be adhered to:
a] Low hydrogen electrodes namely, E-7018 shall be used for all manual metal-
arc welds of shall courses having a thickness of 12mm or more and for
attachment of shell courses to bottom or annular plates.

b] High cellulose/rutile type electrodes namely, E-6013 as per the AWS classification
SFA 5 .1 is acceptable for all other welding.

ESAB, ADVANI OERLIKON & D&H SECHERON make electrodes /approved equivalent
will only be permitted to be used in the works. Based on above, fabricator shall furnish
samples of welding electrodes to Engineer-in-Charge for approval.


4.1 All individual tank data sheets shall have dimensional/design as well as material
Final drawing with revisions, if any, shall be issued after award of contract/purchase

4.2 Contractor shall prepare all design calculations and fabrication drawings based on the
drawings issued on award of contract/purchase order and shall include the following:

1. Drawing index and Schedule of


2. Design calculation for floating roof wherever called for in the tender document for

3. GA drawing covering all details shown like list of appurtenances, lists of standards
and specifications, materials of construction, Tank design data, General Notes including
details of test to be conducted on tank, specification and brand-name of welding
electrodes to be used etc.

4. Plate layout, details of welding and bill of material for bottom sketch and annular

5. Development details of welding and Bill of Materials for shell including shell
extensions showing location of nozzles and stairway on developed shell.

6. Plate layout, details of welding and Bill of Material for Floating Roof/Self supporting
cone roof.

8. Details of spiral stairway and extension stairway to still well platform/ LT platform,
landings and handrails with bill of materials.

9. Details of wind girders with Bill of


10. Details of rolling ladder and track and Earthing connections with Bill of Material for
floating roof tanks.
11. Details of Roof Supporting Structure and Buoys with Bill of Material for Floating roof

12. Details of shell nozzles and Inlet/ Outlet Troughs and shell earthing cleats with Bill

13. Details of still-wells, Gauge hatch and Bill of Material.

14. Details of mounting of Rim vents.

15. Details of Emergency Roof Drains.

16. Details of Fixed water spray cooling System along with deflector plates along with
structural supports mounted atop secondary and tertiary wind girders and spray nozzles
and orifice plates.

17. Details of Roof opening for Float type Servo level gauge.

22. Plate cutting diagrams for all free issue material.

23. Plate reconciliation statement for free issue material.


5.1 Plates

a] Plates edges shall preferably be sheared or machine cut as per code. All machined
parts shall be suitably protected before assembly.

b] Gas cut plates shall be grounded to the satisfaction of the Engineer- in-Charge.

c] All formed plates shall be match marked with paint on the concave side with numbers
as shown on erection drawings.

5.2 Structural steel and Roof

a] Structural steel fabrication shall be carried out to the required shapes for making
the structure.

b] A pre-assembly of a sufficient part of roof structure may be called for by the Engineer-
in- Charge to assess the correct workmanship.

5.3 Bottom
a] Bottom slope shall be as indicated in the respective tank drawings.

b] Overlaps shall be properly cleaned with steel wire brush before

welding. c] Single pass welds are not permitted.

d] Arrange the laps to shade the water towards the Bottom drain Nozzle/ shell.
e] Annular plates shall be assembled by butt welding with backing strips and the sketch plates
shall be lap welded to the Annular plates.

f] Three plates lap joints shall be suitably joggled to a length of 150 mm minimum to
facilitate welding. Joggling shall be to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.

g] Contractor shall provide a Welding sequence which shall be adopted so as to give

minimum shrinkage and distortion and it shall be indicated on fabrication drawings. This
shall be approved by Engineer-in-Charge.

h] Bearing plate under each leg support for floating roof tanks shall be centered and welded
to the bottom plate by a continuous fillet weld of size equivalent to bottom plate
thickness. Plates shall be 600 mm round or square and 10 mm thick (minimum).

5.4 Shell

a) Shell erection shall be carried out by Jack- up method only.

b) All vertical and horizontal shell joints shall be full penetration and full fusion welds
using any one of the edge preparations permitted by the Code. Single side butt welds
are not permitted.

c] Top curb angle shall be lap or butt welded to the top course with flange turned outside.

d] Drain holes of 20 mm diameter suitably staggered shall be provided on the horizontal

plates of the stiffening ring (wind girder).

e] Hand railing shall be provided all around when stiffening ring is used as walkway
for floating roof rank.

f] Curb angle and stiffening ring joints shall not coincide with the vertical shell plate welds.

g] Vertical joints should preferably be offset by at least 1000mm.

h] First shell course plates shall be so arranged that the vertical joints clear the annular ring
welds or sketch plates welds by at least 300 mm. Vertical joints of the shell courses shall
also clear the nozzle attachment welds or reinforcement pad welds as per code and
applicable appendices.

i] Holes shall not be made in shell plates for erection purpose.

j] Shell plate alignment shall be within the limits specified in code.

5.5.8 Vents

a) Roof shall be provided with automatic bleeder vents designed

to open before the roof reaches its lowest positions and to close when the roof
rises above this point. Also same operation should follow in the clean-out position.

b) Rim vents of 150 NB at about 30 meter peripheral spacing (minimum two

Nos). shall be provided for venting the dead space between stored liquid and
seal. They shall be provided with pressure relief valve of one of the two approved
makes, set at
20mm water column.


6.1 Nozzles & Accessories

a) All appurtenances and accessories as shown in the respective tank drawings shall
be supplied by the Contractor.

b) Manhole and nozzles with blind flanges shall be provided with gaskets and

bolting. c) Nozzle and manholes may be shop assembled.

d) Flange faces shall be varnished and protected by wooden discs using at least
three bolts.
e) All nozzles and accessories shall be prefabricated and attached to the shell
The prefabricated assembly shall be stress relieved prior to installation,
wherever required as per code and applicable appendices.

6.2 Stairways, Roof Access and Handrailing.

Each tank shall be provided with stairway and roof access. Handrailing if not indicated
otherwise on tank drawings shall be provided all around.

6.3 Settling Marker :

Marker shall be provided on the shell, 500mm from the bottom to check tank settlement. Size
shall be 50x50x5rnrn angle and 100mm long. The distance between setting market is
approximately 5 meter.(minimum 4 numbers).

Shell settlement measurement shall be made after tank erection, prior to hydro testing and during
water filling.
While taking measurement on settling markers, rim space (distance between shell and outer rim)

7.1.2 Welding Procedure

a) Welding procedure qualification shall be carried out as per ASME Boiler and
Pressure vessel Code Section IX.

b) No welding shall be undertaken without approval of the welding procedure

and welder qualification test by the Engineer-in-charge.

7.1.3 Radiography and Inspection of Welds

a) All welds shall be inspected and tested as per Section 6.1 of API 650, Tenth
edition and this specification.

b) All long seams of fabricated nozzles shall be fully radio graphed.

c) Weld areas to be radio graphed shall be designated by the Engineer-in-charge.

d) Radiographs shall be taken as soon as welding of the Joint is completed. If

repairs are required, these shall be carried out before starting other welds. New
radiography examination of such repairs shall also be carried out by the
Contractor at his own cost.

e) Radiograph film length shall be 250 mm min. except if the weld is less than
250 mm long. In such cases, film length shall be full length of weld.

f) Radiographic film shall be of approved quality.

g) The radiography films and reports shall be reviewed and approved by a
approved Third Party Agency. The quoted rates are deemed to include same.

7.1.4 Liquid penetrant examination:

Wherever specified in drawing/code, liquid penetrant examination shall be carried out as
per specifications and codes. Additionally, all Horizontal and vertical Shell joints including
extensions above the Maximum Design Liquid Level shall be Dye Penetrant Tested after
Root Run and necessary repairs carried out.

7.2 Testing
All equipment required for testing shall be supplied by the
Opening other than those used for hydrostatic test or any other test shall be closed by plugs
and blind flanges supplied by the contractors.

7 .2.1 Bottom test

a) A detailed description of the proposed test method shall be first submitted
for approval to the Engineer-in-Charge.

b) Vacuum box testing shall be carried out for detection of leaks in the bottom.

c) The weld joints under the shell periphery shall be tested before erection
and welding of first shell course.

d) Contractor shall test the tank bottom for the entire weld length in the presence of
Engineer-in-Charge and test reports shall be issued accordingly.

7 .2.2 Shell Test

a) Bottom to shell joints shall be tested as follows:

i) Inner filter weld shall be inspected and tested prior to welding the outside
fillet weld. Leak test shall be performed with penetrating oil after removal of
slag. Oil shall be removed before, welding the outer fillet.

ii) Examination for inner fillet to detect cracks shall be performed using either
the liquid penetrant method.

b) All welded lugs and brackets used for erection purpose shall be carefully
removed from inside and outside surface of the tank to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in• Charge.

c) The shell joints above the Design Liquid level and not subjected to Hydrotest shall
be radio graphed in accordance with API and all such joints shall be Dye
penetrant tested for entire length after Root run.

d) Contractor shall perform the hydrostatic test in the presence of Engineer-in-

Charge on each tank after complete erection. Any defects observed during the test
shall be repaired by the contractor. No Hot work shall be permitted after

e) Filling of the tank may be restricted by HPCL Engineer-in-Charge for preloading

of foundation and hydrostatic test may be extended over a period of 4 weeks or
more to ensure proper settlement of the tanks.
f) The filling height, for floating roof tanks shall be restricted to maximum height so
that weather shield does not go beyond curb angle while carrying out the
hydrostatic testing /filling up water. The steps shall be as follows:

1) On completion of tank ad after cleaning, the tank shall be filled with water as
follows, unless otherwise specified in the tender documents.
Filling shall be in 4 stages- 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. After each stage a load
stabilization period shall be observed:
- 24 hrs between each stage for tanks with a capacity under 10,000 cum.
Filling rate shall not exceed 1 metre per day till 50% of the tank capacity and therafter
0.75 m per day.If the settlement reading after 24 hours of filling exceeds 2 mm,
the tank may be observed for another 24 hours to ensure that the settlement comes
to a halt. Further filling will be carried out only after ascertaining that there is
no settlement of the tank at this stage.
h) When the tank is full all the weld joints shall be hammered by the Contractor in the
presence of Engineer-in-Charge. In case of any defect it shall be repaired and
retested by the Contractor as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge.
i) Tank shall be emptied at a maximum water level variation rate of 5 metres per day
or as per instructions of Engineer-in-Charge.
j) All weld repairs shall be done with water level minimum 300 mm below the joint
being repaired.

7.2.5 Nozzle Reinforcing Plates

Nozzle reinforcing plates shall be pneumatically tested at 1.05 kgemg with soap solution. This
test shall be carried out before filling the tank for hydrostatic testing.

7 .2.6 Primary Drains

Drain pipes in floating roof tank shall be pressure tested with water at 4 kg/cmg. During the
floatation test, the roof drain valve shall be kept open and observed for leakage of the tank
contents into pipe drain.
Strapping and Calibration of all tanks shall be done in accordance with IS:2007 & 2008 (Latest
For details of primer and painting, Painting specification shall be referred to.


11.1 Identification
Each plate and structural member shall be clearly marked with the specification number, drawing
number and assembly number.
conditions shall be promptly replaced/repaired and reassembled by the contractor at his own cost,
failing which owner has the right to get the same replaced/repaired by others and charge the cost
incurred to the contractor.
Largest Tank 2500 material requirement

1. The base level will consist of 10 sheets

each measuring 5 meters in length, 1.5
meters in height, and gauge of 1 cm.
2. We will require 10 hydraulic jacks to
support each sheet to reach the height
of 13 meters. We will have to use
shuttering as well to build on the
3. We will use a crane to place the sheets
in the shuttering supported by
hydraulic jacks to be welded.
4. The contract clearly lists the
methodology to be used in the section
"Specifications For Tank Fabrication" .
5. In order to be compliant with the
contract we will have to be compliant
6. We will need scaffolding and
shuttering material which will cause
cost escalation for material required
to accomplish the TANK FARM.
Sheet by Sheet (classical) method.
The whole sheet construction and section for bottom, shell and roof are cut and bend
preliminary after the precise dimensions.
Advantages of the sheet by sheet method are:
- the expensive and complicated facilities such as when the rolls need, are not
necessary for the sheet by sheet method:
- the erection works need relatively not so heavy facility and the facility could be
applied for all the volumes of the tanks and the site;
- all vertical joints have length equal to the one course. So the crossing welds have
been avoided which made the tank secure for exploitation;
the shell and bottom shape is closer to the designed one;
- the tanks with every volumes and height can be made using the sheet by sheet

Disadvantages of the sheet by sheet method:

relatively longer term for erection is needed;
- the number of the weld joints and the necessary control on the site is increased:
- more qualified workers are needed for this operation.

Erection of AST sheet b

May 01, 2023 - July 15, 2023

Targeted 12% completion of

the 2 H FO ta nk s.
Project Resumption: Hiring of --- - - - - - -
Welders & Helpers ------
Completed. Material for
Erection of HFO tanks at site.
Client on board with

Targeted 50% completion of the

-2 HFO tanks _
Mobilization: Inventory of
materials on site, Bush
Clearing if required, Execution
plan understood by Welders
and the OIA appointed
Completion of the 2 HFO tanks
2500 KL, including painting and
- finishing_of the tanks._

Erection of 2 nos 2500 KL

HFO tank starts. Ceremony to
be graced by Minister of
Comoros Project
July 15, 2023 t Sept 20, 2023

Completion of two tanks

namely 500KL and 150 KL _

Erection of 2 tanks starts:

1. 500KL HFO
2. 150KL HFO

Erection starts on two 15KL HFO

tanks. _

Hydro testing of the two

completed 2500 KL
tanks starts.

Hydro Testing of two
completed tanks
Hydro testing of the two - 500KLand 150 KL_
completed 2500 KL tanks
completed. If required
snag list to be created.
Comoros Project
July 15, 2023 t Sept 20, 2023

Work on two 150KL starts

Work on the boundry wall starts

Hydro testing of two completed

150KL starts _

Work on the ladder trench


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------

- Boundy Wall completion

Completion of two 150KL


Comoros Project he

Dec 15, 2023 t Jan 15, 2023

Client invited to site for
inspection of Tank farm. By
this time all snag list is

Work on Ladder
Trench completion

Start preparing documents for

handover of Tank Farm to
Client. All handover documents
to be
gj_ven to client on Jan 13, 2023. _

Work on the 3 150KL


Provisional Tank Fram
Completion Certificate to be
obtained from Client

Hydro testing of tanks on

which Hydro testing not

JAN 20th 2023

(@) Orione lydropower



'l·T]L - ·- . , =
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! I

A tank jacking unit illustrated in
the adjacent figure consists of:
Shell Plate
Hydraulic Jack
e Lifting Arm with Sliding Chair
Upper Lug
413, Punit Chambers, Sector-18, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - Lower Lug
400703 Vertical
Maharashtra, (India). Tel: 022-27888399 I 40138339/40/41 Trestle
Telefax: 022-27888339. E-mail: Loading Point
[email protected]
Adjustable Stays Pipes
O Hidropower

12 MT Single Acting Jack 12 MT Double Acting Jack 18 MT Double Acting Jack 25 MT Double Acting Jack



Description/ Models OTJ-12 OTJ-18 OTJ-25

Working capacity (metric tons) 12 18 25

Testing load (metric tons) 18 27 37.5

Single acting
Retracting system (spring return) I Double acting Double acting
Double acting

Plate thickness range range 6-40 mm range(=8mm) range(= 8mm)

Arc between jacks/trestles (1.80 up to 3.5 m) (1.80 up to 3.5 m) (1.80 up to 3.5 m)

Shell ring height width minimum (1,800 mm) (1,800 mm) (1,800 mm)
Shell ring height maximum (2.5 or 3.0 m) (2.5 or 3.0 m) (2.5 or 3.0 m)

Jack unitary climbs (mm/stroke) 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm

Time per stroke (2 to 5 minutes) (2 to 5 minutes) (2 to 5 minutes)

Jack weight approx.(kgs) 35 45 55

Trestle complete weight approx.(kgs) 315 400 500

Jack with Trestle set weight approx.(kgs) 415 475

Power Pack Liters PSI/ BAR

10 HP, Max 34 jacks OTJ-12
300 kgs 150 liters 1706 psi 300 Kgs 150 Liter 1706 PSI/ 118BAR

15 HP, Max 45 jacks OTJ-12 325 Kgs 200 Liter 1706 PSI/ 118 BAR
300 kgs 150 liters 1706 psi

20 HP, Max 65 jacks H LJ-12

350 kGS 350 Liter 1706 PSI/ 118 BAR
350 kgs 300 liters 1706 psi

Retractable Jack OTJR-12 OTJR-18 OTJR-25

Jack installed • Tank lifted, new shell Trestle In

Ready for lifting course placed retracted
In position and external position
welding in progress internal welding
in progress

' '


OTJ Assembly Set Up
The following parts are supplied per one OTJ assembly.

Part Name
Trestle Base Plate
Trestle Box
3. Loading Point
4. Sliding Chair
5. Lifting Arm
6. Stay Pipe
7. Upper Lugs
8. Lower Lugs
9. Stud Bolt
10. 6 inch Bolt
11. 3 inch Bolt
12. Nuts
13. Hydraulic Jack
14. Female 1/2" BSP of 5.0 m Hydraulic Hoses
15. Male to Female 1/2" BSP Elbow
16. Male 1/2" BSP Tee
17. Female 1/2" BSP Needle Valve
18. Male 1/2" BSP Connector
It is recommended the OTJ is first assembled outside the shell ring being erected and then
brought inside through the use of a crane/forklift.
The number of jacks required is determined by the size and weight of the tank

Selection Criteria:
1. Jacks must not exceed working capacity at any time
2. Ratio Tank Diameter (0) VS Tank Height (H)Max applicable tank height using lifting jacks is
25 m For Q 2>H. Use jacking system with appropriate number of jacks For H < <2 H. Lifting
Jacks can be used ONLY with written authorization from M/s Orione Hydropower.
TechSu ort:
For H >2 0. Unsafe. Never lift a tank
3. Number of jacks/trestles
calculation a. A=WxWLF/Q
W: Tank lifting weight in metric tons not considering bottom ring and annular plate
WLF: Wind load factor use 1.20 for max speed of 57.6 km/hr. Q: Jack rated working capacity (eg.
use 12 for OTJ 12)
b. B = TT x 0 / 3.50 0: Tank diameter in meters Max arc spacing: 3.50 m
c. C = Select the greatest value between A and B
d. D (Jacks Spacing)= TT x 0 / C
e. If D2>1.80 then C is the number of jacks required
f. If D < 1.80 redo the calculation using a higher rated jack
Note: Tanks with permanent column roof support need two additional jacks/trestle per column
4. Arc distance between jacks MUST NOT exceed 3.50 m
5. Wind speed when lifting MUST NOT exceed 57.6 km/hr (16 m/s)
6. Max shell ring height depends of selected trestle: 2.5 m or 3.0 m
7. Min shell ring height: 1.80 m. lffirst shell ring sits on annular plate
8. Min shell ring height: 1.00 m. If shell ring sits on beam spacers of0.80 m
9. Plate thickness less than 6.00 mm: Use special reinforcement
10. Jacking system CANNOT be removed during tank erection. Remove ONLYafterthetank is fully
lifted and bottoring has been welded to the annular plate
Working Principle:
a. The tank foundation is ready made. Base plates g. The top shell plate and roof construction are lifted one
are laid out and welded. plate high along with the center column if the roof is
b. The periphery of the tank is marked out on the supported by it.
base plates. Guide members for shell plates are h. The slipper engages a guide lug and thus keeps the
erected. shell ring in the correct position during the hoisting
c. The top shell plates are erected and welded operation.
vertically. The roof trusses are assembled and i. The roof plates are fitted and welded in place. At
joined to the top shell plate. the same time, the next shell plats are fitted and
d. Lifting trestles with hydraulic jacks are fitted welded.
internally (or externally for base repair) along the j. The lifting lugs and guide lugs are removed from the
periphery of the tank. The number ofjacks top shell plate and are welded to the next shell plate.
required Is determined by the size and weight of The hydraulic jacks are lowered to the original lifting
the tank. Stability Calculations are carried out position.
while determining the number Ofjacks to be
deployed. k. The tank is lifted again to allow the continued erection of
shell plates until the full height of the tank has been
e. Lifting lugs and guide lugs (fend-off lugs) are reached.
welded to the shell plates
I. When the last shell plate is fitted and welded in place,
f. The hydraulic jacks are connected in a series by the finished tank is lifted slightly so that the
means of high pressure hoses and are connected guide members can be dismantled.
to a high pressure pump from which all jacks
are jointly served. A slipper with a lifting arm m. The tank is lowered; the shell plates and the base plate
transfers the fitting power over a lifting lug welded are welded together.
to the shell plate. n. The jacking equipment is dismantled.




=========-11 %18
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1. The base plate is laid on the ground facing
The trestle box is position and fixed to the base
plate with the adequate bolt and nut as shown
below. Ensure the bolt and nut fasten properly.
Stud Bolt (9)
Nut (12)
Trestle Box (2)
.· 6 in. Bolt (10) Upper Lugs (7)

ha Nut (12)

5. The stay pipes are then positioned and fixed to

the upper lugs with the adequate bolts and nuts
as shown below. Ensure the bolts and nuts are
fasten properly.

2. The stay pipe studded bolt needs to be '

screwed out to a distance of 100 mm as shown Upper Lug (7)
below. This needs to be done to both ends of
the stay pipes. This allows proper
adjustment later in the
100 mm

Stay Pipe (6)

6. The lower lugs are then positioned and fixed to

the opposite side of the stay pipes with the
adequate bolts and nuts as shown below. Ensure
the bolts and nuts are fasten properly.

3. The stay pipes are then laid in the adequate

position as shown below. The location of the
through hole in the stay pipe need to be closets
to the base plate.
ft. «et

Through Hole
Stay Pipe (6)

7. They hydraulic jacks can be locked and

unlocked through the use of its four levers.
The levers position shown below activates the
locking and unlocking mechanism. Always ensure
that top and bottom levers are in their correct
position when switching from locking to
unlocking and vice versa.

4. The stud bolt is then inserted in the hole located

about halfway through the trestle box. The
upper lugs are fixed to the stud bolts with the
adequate nuts as shown below. Ensure the stud
bolt and nuts are fasten properly.

8. The hydraulic jack is then mounted into the trestle

box rail as shown below. Ensure that before mounting plate with a fillet weld size of 6 mm.
into the rail the levers in the hydraulic jack are
in their unlock position. Once the hydraulic jack
is mounted make sure the levers in the hydraulic Interior Shell Ring
125 mm
are in their locked

Trestle Box (2)

13. The stay pipes are then spread open and placed
so an angle of 40-90 degrees is produce between
the two stay pipes as shown below. The lower
9. The loading point is then inserted from the top lugs are then welded to the tank annular plate all
end of trestle box rail with the concave side of around with a fillet weld size of 6 mm.
the loading point entering first as shown below.
@(i] [ls

10. The sub-assembly compose of the sliding 14. The trestle box is then leveled and ensured that
it sits perpendicular to the annular plate on its
and lifting arm is then inserted from the top end
four faces This is done by faces. checking the
of the trestle box rail and is slid along and rested
trestle box faces with a bubble level and turning
on top loading point as shown below. If the
the stay pipes through the use of the studded
sub• assembly is not sliding smoothly unbolt
the bolt connecting the trestle box and sliding
chair just enough so the assembly slides
15. The arc distance between each OTJ assembly
smoothly up and down the trestle box rail.
being placed inside the periphery of the tank
needs to be between 1800 mm (min) - 3500
mm (max). The arc distance should be
symmetrical with equal spacing between all the
OTJ. It is common for the stay pipes of a OTJ
assembly to cross with those of another OTJ
assembly as the arc length distance get closer
to the min.

11. The OTJ is then brought inside the first shell

ring through the roof openings left open. The
OTJ is rigged as seen below.

below. The base plate is welded all around to the

tank annular
12. The base plate is position at a distance of 125
mm away from the tank shell ring as shown
Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings Set
16. The valves and associated fittings are then
connected in each hydraulic jack as seen below. The
needle valve has an arrow showing the direction of
flow; ensure it is properly placed as seen below.
. . seal
. tape must be applied to each of the
;' « 0' g 19. Fill the power pack with the adequate oil based
on the environment working temperature.
The hydraulic fluid inlet cap is removed and the
power pack is filled as shown below.

Temperature Oil Specs

Below 0'C (32'F) Mobil Oil l0W Mobil Oil l0W
0'C to 25'C (32' F to 80'F) Mobil 0il 20W-20
Mobil Oil 30 or any oil
Above 25'C (80'F) with viscosity of 68
Power Pack Weight Empty Oil Tank Capacity
Model (kg) (Liters)
10 300 150
15 325 200

I 20
I 350 350

' .•, ~- . ~

17. The hydraulic hoses are then connected as seen

in the below diagram. The 5 way blocks Pump Inlet Filter

areused in order to evenly distribute the
hydraulic oil
throughout the system. This will ensure the

ring being erected is lifted evenly. The hydraulic ""' j ydraulic Fluid Inlet
hoses connected into the power pack need to
be in the sequence as seen below. The red
hoses indicate outgoing hydraulic oil and
the green _
hoses indicated incoming hydraulic oil. 18. Ensure that all hoses connections in the
There system are tightly seal and thread seal tape at
must also be a needle valve connected prior to each hose joint to avoid any leakage during
connecting the outgoing hydraulic oil hoses to operation.
thepower pack as seen above and below.

1. Shell Plate Ring 5. Female 1/2" BSP, 5m Hydraulic Hoses- "A"

2. Power Pack 6. Female 1/2" BSP, 5m Hydraulic Hoses "B"
3. 5 Way Block- "A" 7. Male 1/2" BSP Tee
4. 5 Way Block- "B" 8. Quick connect coupler
9. Needle Valve

Hydraulic Power Pack Set Up

20. Connect the main control box to the power
as per the principal electrical diagram in
10. Press the ON button and hold for two
seconds. Ensure the direction of the motor fan is
rotating in the clockwise direction.

@ (E


21. The following steps are carefully followed in

order to properly fill the system with hydraulic oil
(hoses and hydraulic jacks) prior to any shell
ring erection. This steps will also ensure that
no air goes into the system.
a. The hydraulic jack levers top and bottom need
be in their lock
b. All the needle valves in the system need to be
open to half (four full turns).
c. Power pack should be completely filled with
hydraulic oil. Check oil level indicator.
d. Turnthe Power Pack ON.
e. The operation level is then pulled and hold.
Hydraulic oil should begin to travel across the Dimensions of reinforcement patch:
hoses and into the hydraulic jacks. The
Lifting Lug: 150 mm x 300 mm x 12 mm (same
hydraulic jack should slowly begin to extract its
material as shell ring being erected) Fend Off
piston 100 mm. It will be indicated that all the
pistons have been extracted completely by a 150 mm x 200 mm x 12 mm (same material as
drastic increase in pressure. shell ring being erected)
f. The operation leaver is then pushed and hold.
Lifting Lug
hydraulic jack should slowly begin to retract its
piston 100 mm. It will be indicated that all the
pistons have been retracted completely by a tu Fend Off Lug

drastic increase in pressure. Reinforcement

g. The oil level indicator is then checked It is Patch

expected to be low since the system is being Reinforcement

checked. filled. The power pack is then refilled
with hydraulic oil until the oil level indicator reads
h. In steps e-f the hydraulic jacks have completed
a full cycle and unitary climb of 100 mm. This
same process is repeated two times. In case buckling is observed an addition a curved ring
I The system is now ready to erect the first with the same radius as the tank shell fabricated of
shell mild steel angle (75x75x75 angle) or plate 12 mm
ring. The hydraulic jacks are lowered manually thick sections of 1 meter in length can be used and
by hand. This is done by unlocking the top placed on top of the lifting lug and stich welded to the
and bottom hydraulic jack levers and slowly tank shell plate.
sliding the hydraulic jacks until they touch the
ground level. The top and bottom levers are 23. The lifting lugs are then welded to the shell
then put in ring
their lock position.
isSeo being erected one for each OTJ with a fillet

o l weldof
6 to 8 mm all around. Ensure that all the lifting
' Pressure Gauge the same drawing as case 1 but a
Hydraulic Fluid
special precaution is taken. A
Operation Lever reinforcement patch plate is welded
Pressure Relief directly to the lifting and fend off lugs
all around with a fillet weld of 6 mm.

22. The lifting and fend off lugs are not supplied by
Orione Hydro power and must be manufacture
by the user using the same material as the
tank being erected. The lifting lug is used as
the load point when erecting the tank. The fend
off lugs is used as a safety measured and no
direct load should be applied when erecting the
tank. The lifting and fend off lugs must be
manufacture according to the following two
Case 1: When the shell ring being erected has a
thickness larger than 6 mm. In this case
thelifting and fend off lugs are manufacture
with accordance to drawings CC-2 to CC-6.
Case 2: When the shell ring being erected has a
thickness of 6 mm or less. In this case the
lifting and fend off lugs are manufacture using
lugs are welded at the same level slightly abovethe
point where the lifting arm touches the shell ring. The
fend off lugs are welded to the shellring being erected
in such a manner that there is a minimum gap of 5
mm between the bottomedge of the fend off lug and the
upper edge of the sliding chair. It is important to note
the fend off lugs should not be taking any direct load
when erecting the shell ring at any time.
Lifting Lug

• (@[] 'i

5-10 mm Gap No Loading

Lifting and Lowering of OTJ with Load the needle valves for that hydraulic jack and redo
this process for all the hydraulic jacks.
24. The following safety precautions need to be m. Once the desirable height has been reached ensure
carefully followed and completed before erecting that the hydraulic jack pistons have been
the shell ring. completed retracted.
a. Bolts have been properly fasten in all the OTJ n. Close all the needle valves on all the hydraulic jacks.
assembly. o. Open the needle valves on the first hydraulic jack
b. Hoses and fittings have been properly being lowered.
connected with thread seal tape. p. Unlock the lower levers on the first hydraulic jack
being lowered. Note: the lower levers
c. All the necessary welds have been properly done;
should unlock smoothly do not force the handle to
as per previous instructions. the point of bending/breaking.
d. The system must be properly filled with hydraulic q. Pull or push the operation lever until the hydraulic
oil (refer step 22) jack pistons have extracted 70 mm close the
e. The hydraulic jack levers top and bottom need needle valve and set the lower levers to the lock
to be in their lock position. position.
f. All the needle valves in the system should r. Repeat steps o-q for the rest of the hydraulic jacks.
be halfway open (four full turns). s. Open all the needle valves on all the hydraulic jacks.
The following instructions need to be follow in t. Pull the operation lever all the way this will cause an
order to erect the first shell ring and lowered additional lift of 30 mm The mm. hydraulic jacks
to sit on top of the second shell ring. must be in a complete piston extraction position
g. The erected first shell ring needs to be lifted to (that is 100 mm). While pulling and holding the
the following height: operation lever close the needle valve coming out
Height of second shell ring + Desirable Gap- of the power pack (outgoing hydraulic oil). This will
30 mm ensure the load is transmitted to the lower lever
h. Slowly pull the operation lever until the hydraulic
u. Unlock all the upper levers in all the hydraulic jacks.
jack's piston have extracted 100 mm. It will be Note: the upper levers should unlock smoothly do
indicated that all the pistons have been extracted not force the handle to the point of
completely by a drastic increase in pressure. bending/breaking. The first shell ring being lifted
Slowly push the operation lever until the hydraulic should now sit at:
jack's piston have retracted 100 mm. It will be V. Height of the second shell ring+ Gap (3 or 5 mm)
indicated that the pistons have been retracted w. The second shell ring is then built. The first shell
completely by a drastic increase in pressure. ring is then lowered by opening the needle valve
coming out of the power pack ( outgoing
hydraulic oil) slowly. The hydraulic jack pistons
should retract slowly due to the weight of the
first shell ring erected. After the needle valve is
open it will take a few minutes before the first
shell ring completely sits on top of the second
shell ring. The hydraulic jacks are then manually
lowered to the required height were the second
shell ring will be erected
X. The hydraulic jacks are lowered through the use of
a rope system as seen below Ensure that as
one person holds the rope the other sets the upper
below. and lower levers in the unlock position.
Hydraulic Jack Hydraulic Jack y The lifting and fend off lugs are then removed from
Pistons Pistons Retracted
Extracted • the first shell ring and welded to thesecond shell
j. Steps h-i the hydraulic jacks have completed a full as a hydraulic jack reaches the desirable height
cycle and unitary climb of 100 mm. close
k. Ensure that when lifting the pressure stays
between 80-120 bars. Start lifting with
pressure of 80 bars; gradually increase the
pressure as needed. This can be done by closing
the pressure relief valve.
I. Repeat steps h-k until the desirable height
determined in step g is reached. It is important to
note that not all hydraulic jacks will reach
the desirable height at the same time. As soon
z. Step g-y is the repeated for the rest shell rings
being erected.
413, Punit Chambers, Sector-18, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400703 Maharashtra,
Tel: 022-27888399 I 40138339/40/41
Telefax: 022-27888339. E-mail: [email protected] Web:

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