Blooms Taxonomy

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Name: Rhea Keith A. Rivera Date: 5/10/2022

Course/Year: BEED-3A Score:

ACTIVITIES (Specify at least 2 to 3 activities that are appropriate for each

Knowledge a. The teacher will group the class into 2 groups (girls and boys). The
teacher will show 5 basic multiplication facts. The group who raise
their cardboard first and answer it correctly will have one point.
Multiplications Facts:






b. The teacher will give an activity named “Identify Me!” The pupils
will identify the part of the body. Write their answers in a clean
sheet of paper.

c. Match the picture of vegetables into its names.

Column 1 Column 2

1. a. cabbage
2. b. garlic

3. c. eggplant

4. d. squash

5. e. carrot
Comprehension a. Reading Comprehension
The teacher will give a poem and the pupils will read it first and
after that, they will answer some comprehension questions.
One Sunday morning
The family went fishing
They went fishing
They caught some fish
A fat, fat fish
/f/ /f/ a fat, fat fish
It was fun catching the fish
They went home to fry the fish
/f/ /f/ fry the fish.
Comprehension Check:
1. Who went fishing?
2. When did they go fishing?
3. What did they catch?
4. What kind of fish is it?
5. Do you think fishing is fun? Why?

b. Make Me A Sentence
Choose 5 spelling words and use each in a different sentence.
make fake rake fate wake
safe late cake nape lake

c. Find the Mystery Letters

Direction: Find out which letters are missing in a word.
1. __ail Clue: GRADES
2. __ish Clue: ANIMAL
3. __at Clue: EXCESS IN BODY
4. __ell Clue: IN LOVE/ON THE STAIRS

Application a. Role Play Situation-Question

“What would you do?”
(By group)

Group 1 – You overslept. You came to class late. The teacher is very
angry with you. Tell her a story about what happened on your way
to class. The teacher will ask you about your story.

Group 2 – You went to play volleyball with your friend. You told
your mother that you went to study. You came home in dirty
clothes. Your mother will ask you about it.

Group 3 – You watched TV all night and forgot about the quiz. Your
brother asks you about the quiz. If you tell her the truth, she’ll tell
your mother.

Group 4 – Your sister/brother lent you her/his new dress/clothes.

You lost it. Make up a story how you lost it.

b. Draw F Thing
Direction: Draw a thing/animal/person/place which begins with
letter F.
Example: Fan

Analysis a. Compare Us
Direction: Compare and contrast the characteristics/appearance of
animals that are belong to reptiles and amphibians.
Reptiles Similarities Amphibians

b. I Like It, I Don’t Like It

Direction: Categorize your likes and dislikes in a table show below.

Synthesis a. Build A House

Direction: Build or create a house using any materials find at home.
b. Complete Me!
Direction: Complete the sentence using verbs inside the box. Put
your answer on the line before the number.

replaced twirled balloons study found

assembled wired laughs candy shook
involve order highlights dictionary dances
pitched planted pillow spread upgrade

1. My uncle __________ at all of my silly jokes.

2. The class __________ in the gym for a presentation.
3. It took a long time, but I ____________ the hidden treasure.
4. A teacher __________ the best parts of the book.
5. Nate _________ a curve ball, and we won the game.
6. Katie _________ very well to rock music.
7. My mom _________ my computer for me.
8. She was so excited that she _________ around in circles.
9. Dan ______ with excitement when he got a new cellphone.
10. If I want to do well on the test, I ______ hard.
Evaluation a. Solve and Color Me!

Color corresponds to answers:

Green – 1
Red – 2
Yellow – 3
Pink – 4
Blue – 5
Orange – 6
b. Fraction
Direction: What fraction does the colored area show? Color in the
bubble next to the correct answer.

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