Ed 12 Integrated Lesson Plan
Ed 12 Integrated Lesson Plan
Ed 12 Integrated Lesson Plan
Class Description There are 24 students in the classroom. There are eleven girls and thirteen boys.
There are 19 students that are English Language Learners (ELL) in the classroom.
One student receives speech therapy services three times a week for thirty
minutes. Three students receive individual tutoring sessions for thirty minutes.
Nineteen students are identified to be Hispanic, four students are identified as
white, and 1 is considered Filipino.
Background Students have been learning about various sounds and phonemes. Students have
Knowledge learned about recognizing letters. Prior to this song, students have covered all of
the sounds/vowels in the alphabet through letters of the week.
Standards: ELA 1.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about
● Content
grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
ELA1.2: Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or
information presented orally or information presented orally or through other
● English Language media.
Development (ELD)
ELA1.3: Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify
comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a
topic or issue.
● ISTE Standard (as 2.MU:Cr1: Improvise rhythmic and melodic patters and musical ideas for a
specific purpose.
Central Focus/Learning Help students recognize letters and make a connection between the letters and
the sounds they make.
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Lesson Learning By the end of the lesson the students will learn,
Musical Objective *Know all of the sounds in the English alphabet.
* Be able to read and follow along with the song in the beginning learning it.
Musical Objective(s): The student will sing the song in sync with the teacher.
Academic Language Students will be able to understand that music can be relative to so many topics
and can therefore be used in aid to understand a variety of things, especially
● Demands language. I will begin the lesson by explaining how every letter of the alphabet
makes a different sound, and how sometimes a letter can make more than one
● Functions
sound (short or long). I will then introduce the song to the class and explain how
● Forms every student will receive a few index cards with either a capital or lowercase
letter of the alphabet written on it and how when they hear their letter sung, they
should bring the index card to the front and place it in the basket. I will hand out
the index cards myself and make note of which card each student has. I will be
assessing accuracy by using a checklist of the letters and writing the students
name by the letter they had and checking whether they placed it correctly in the
basket. I will address different children’s needs appropriately, whether it is by
making the activity more difficult or whether it is by scaffolding them through the
Assessment Plan, Teacher will assess student’s accuracy of putting correct letters in basket by way
Rubric, and Feedback
of checklist while observing; student should place 2 out of 3 correct cards in the
Procedures After
Student Work Analysis
basket. Teacher should also assess student participation.
Materials Index cards with lower and uppercase letters drawn on each side, a basket to put
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the index cards in, and lyrics to the Alphabet Song projected onto whiteboard via
projector or SmartBoard for students to follow along with.
(Identify necessary 1. Load the lyrics onto the projector. Students will say the word
2. Teacher will begin making letter “phoneme”.
Students will participate and
3. Teacher will ask, “Do you know
what I am doing? I am making a identify what a “phoneme” is.
phoneme, which is simply a sound Students will learn the song and
[Time Allotted: _10__ ] that a letter makes. Can everyone connect letters to sounds.
say phoneme?”
4. Teacher will explain that we are
going to play a game and sing a
song about letters and sounds and
how by the end of the game,
everyone should be able to
recognize their letters and may be
able to connect some letters to
their sounds.
5. Turn the projector on and sing the
song once through so the students
become familiar with it.
Formative (Informal)
Teacher will test and check for understanding if students know the song is about
letters and sounds.
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Instruction and/or Teacher does: Students do:
Practice Activity
6. Pass out the index cards. Each
index card should have one letter
Students repeat: The "A" says
(Identify necessary
on it, either capital or lowercase,
AAA. (short a sound) and write
supports/scaffolding/ giving a total of 52 cards. Each
down in their index card.
modifications) child should receive 2-3 cards,
depending on how many students
are in the class.
[Time Allotted: 10__ ]
Teacher says: The "A" says AAA. (short
a sound)
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whiteboard the first round so that the
students can make the connection
between letter and sound.
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and be started when speaking about
sounds. The students could sing this in
groups while looking in a worksheet for
sound connection as detectives as well.
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