Internship Report PDF
Internship Report PDF
Internship Report PDF
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Accredited by NAAC
22/1, Nagawara, Bengaluru 560045
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Professional Skills:
An ability to identify and analyse requirements, and in designing and implementing well-
tested technology solutions for rapidly changing computing problems and information
system environments.
Problem-Solving Skills:
An ability to Design, develop and optimize solutions for information systems
employing fundamentals of system hardware & software, graph theory, finite automata,
data storage and communication networks.
Collaborative Skills:
An ability to communicate and develop leadership skills and work effectively in team
environments. They are capable of collaborating to design and implement well tested
solutions for rapidly changing computing problems and information system environments.
I, the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the internship work entitled FULL
SATCK WEB DEVELOPMENT INTERNSHIP is based on my work carried out during the
course study under the supervision of Mr.NITHIN C NAIK, Tequed Labs, Bangalore. This
internship work was done at the Tequed Labs, 3, 1st Main Rd,Ittamadu, Banashankari 3rd
Stage, Bangalore.
I assert that the statements made, and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the internship
work. I further declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that this report does not
contain any work which has been submitted for the award of the degree or any other degree in
this university or any other university.
I would like to place my regards and acknowledgement to all who helped in making
this internship possible. I thank all those whose guidance served as a beacon of light
and crowned our efforts with success.
I would take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the management
committee - Chairman Mr. C.M. Ibrahim, Director Mr. C.M. Faiz Mohammed and
the Principal Dr. Tabassum Ara for all the infrastructures provided to complete the
Internship in time.
A special and an earnest word of thanks to the coordinator and guide Dr. V Balaji
Vijayan for their constant assistance, support, patience, endurance and constructive
suggestions for the betterment of the internship.
I thank my parents for their support and guidance to finish the internship well ahead
of time. I thank my friends who lent their support in every way possible to make sure
that seminar is completed. Last, but not least I would like to thank God for giving me this
opportunity to do everything in the appropriate time to finish this internship.
1.Introduction 1-2
1.1 Introduction of Internship 1
1.2 Internship Program Objective 2
1.3 About Tequed Labs 2
1.3.1 Vision 2
1.3.2 Mission 2
1.3.3 Values 2
2.1 Requirement Collection 3
2.2 System Requirements 3-4
2.3 System Requirement Specification 4
2.3.1 Software Requirement Specification 4
2.3.2 Hardware Requirements Specification 4
2.4 Feasibility Analysis 5
2.4.1 Economic Feasibility 5
2.4.2 Regulatory issues 5
2.4.3 Technical Feasibility 6
2.4.4 Schedule Feasibility: 6
3.1 Theme Design Layout 7
3.2 Navigation Bar 8
3.3 Card 8
3.4 Footer 8
4. TESTING 9-11
4.1 Unit Testing 9
4.2 Validation Testing 9
4.3 Integration Testing 9
4.4 Browser Compatibility Testing 10
4.5 Responsive Testing 11
5.1 Implementation Tools 12
5.1.1 Front End Tools 12-13
5.1.2 Back End Tools 14-15
5.2 Screenshots of Our Website 16-30
5.2.1 Front End 16-26
5.2.2 Back End 27-30
Fig 7 Footer 17
Fig 11 Contact Me 21
A planned work experience relevant to a student's degree and/or career objective is known as an
internship. It is an opportunity that ought to advance a student's academic, professional, and
personal growth. It is an arrangement made with a company that thinks it is beneficial to assist in
the training and education of the student and is closely related to the student's major. It is intended
to help the intern create a summary report on his or her experience and is of a brief period, usually
two to four months, and is done through direct personal contact hours or through a training program.
Tequed Labs created this internship program as a component of the Bachelor of Engineering degree.
The internship program within this curriculum honors the intern. The students' skills and
excitement have improved as a result of this program as they learn about business settings and
various organizational functioning mechanisms.
• To help students develop a solid résumé and get essential work-related experience for a
successful career.
• To assist students in obtaining prospective contract or permanent employment with the host
Bangalore is home to the teaching and research facility known as Tequed Labs. They are committed
to generating things that the general public truly desires and offering top-notch instruction on the
newest technology. Additionally, they promote and market the newest electrical innovations
produced globally for their clients. They offer project consulting, accepting a range of projects from
diverse businesses, offering technical assistance, assisting in the manufacturing of goods, and
assisting in the provision of services.
To be a world-class research and development organization committed to enhancing stakeholder’s
To build best products that is socially innovative with high-quality attributes and provides excellent
education to all.
• Desire to succeed as well as desire to change.
Front End Development requirements are a list of necessary functions, capabilities or characteristics
related to WordPress theme and plans for creating it.
The process that was held while collecting the requirements of the system are as follows:
• Team Discussion:
Team discussion is the process of discussing how the project should be implemented
by the professionals.
• Understanding the focused group:
Theme should have the aim of what the audience want to see in the theme.
• Functional Requirements:
Functional requirement of the system describes what the system does. The main
functional requirements of this system are as follows:
• User should be able to view all the necessary information and specification
about this project.
• Browser compatibility.
• Non-Functional Requirements:
A non-functional requirement explains how the system carries out a specific function.
Non-functional criteria often indicate the quality traits or characteristics of the system. It is
based on characteristics such as dependability, usability, storage occupancy, performance,
and response time.
• Should explain functional and non-functional needs in terms that system users without in-depth
technical understanding may comprehend.
• Natural language, charts, and diagrams are used to establish user needs.
• Ram: 2 GB
A feasibility study investigates the likelihood of a project's success while taking into account all
relevant economic, technological, legal, and scheduling difficulties. When investing a significant
amount of time and money in a project, project managers conduct feasibility studies to identify
potential positive and negative outcomes.
Feasibility studies assist businesses to identify and organise all of the elements required to run a
successful business. A feasibility study can aid in the identification of virtually any business-related
issue, including logistical issues, as well as possible solutions. Feasibility studies can also lead to
the creation of marketing campaigns designed to persuade financiers or banks that investing in the
company is a sensible move.
The theme is sure to do well financially. The system has very minimal expense connected with it.
As a result, the system is economically viable. If the owner requires assistance with this theme,
they will be available via email upon request.
Operational viability examines whether the system will function after development and installation.
Because of how user-friendly the system is, users are more likely to utilise it enthusiastically. The
following factors were taken into consideration while assessing the system's operational viability:
The website must first be reviewed from a technical standpoint. The feasibility assessment must be
based on an outline design of the website requirement. Once an outline system has been established,
the study must continue on to identify the type of equipment, required technique of constructing
the system, and method of running the system once it has been designed. During the investigation,
the following technical issues were raised:
The theme was created and constructed in such a way that the necessary functionality and
performances can be attained through customisation. As a result, the project is feasible and can be
used even with a newer version of the same programme that supports earlier versions.
The feasibility of the project timeline is measured by its schedule. As a result, a workable schedule
was managed using a correct time plan.
This part discusses the System Design of the project.
The theme used for our project is trending theme which have good layout format. The theme was
developed on our own referring some of the websites.
The navigation bar is where users can browse all of the items selected from the website's backend.
It is a website page type. Menus are something we can do. This will take you to the edit menus
screen, which is split into two columns. Our pages, categories, and custom links are listed in the
left column. The right-hand column is where we can add and change menu items.
3.3 Card
A "card" is a little rectangle linked to a single idea from the perspective of the web. Cards are
packed with interactive features like text, links, buttons, and photos, yet they only encourage one
primary action: a single "click" through the card to learn more about the content.
3.4 Footer
Typically, the footer.html template file contains the definitions for the website's footer section. You
may also find a widget zed section with numerous columns in the area in some themes.
This part discusses the Testing phase of the project.
Unit testing focuses verification efforts on modules, the smallest component of software design.
Using a procedural design description as a guide, important control paths are inspected to detect
problems inside the module's bounds. The unit test is frequently focused on white box testing, and
the phase can be completed concurrently for multiple modules.
The finished piece of software is fully put together as a package during integration testing. The
following phase, known as validation testing, is completed when the programme performs as the
client may reasonably expect it to. The expectations outlined in the software requirements
specifications are reasonable ones. These parts' information serves as the foundation for the
validation testing strategy.
Integration testing is a methodical way to build the structure of a program while doing tests to
identify interface-related faults. The purpose is to create a program structure that was defined by
design and tested using unit-tested methodologies.
Browser compatibility testing ensures that the site works on all browsers, such as Chrome and
Safari. Because these browsers run on different platforms, it is critical to ensure that the theme is
platform-agnostic. Associated.
S.N Test Case Test Browser Expected Result Actual Result Remarks
Responsive testing is critical since the theme should provide the majority of visitors as they open
the site on various devices such as laptops, mobile phones, tablets, and so on.
Implementation is an activity that is contained throughout the development phase. It is the process
of bringing designed system into operational use. The system is tested first and then turned into
working system. Every task identified in the design specification is carried out in this phase. HTML
Hypertext Markup Language, generally known as HTML, is the writing language used to create
pages for the World Wide Web. HTML describes the structure and layout of a Web document by
using a variety of tags and properties. The theme or plugin looks almost exactly how you want it to
and accomplishes exactly what you want it to. Even still, you wish it had a different appearance.
This is why HTML was used. HTML tags were used in articles, pages, and sidebar text widgets to
manually code a hyperlink or adjust the size of headers. CSS
CSS is an abbreviation for cascading style sheets. It specifies how HTML elements should appear
when presented on screens or in other media. When the site needed to be further customized for
this project, more CSS was used. When the theme does not work as intended, additional CSS is
utilized to meet the user's needs. CSS was used to add the icons, properly scale the logo, adjust the
font size of the provided content, add a specific callout box, or simply design a segment of a post
differently. Although the chosen theme includes some functionality, additional CSS was required
to add the features required by the client. JAVASCRIPT BOOTSTRAP
Bootstrap, a free and open-source CSS framework for front-end web development, was built to
emphasize mobile flexibility. It offers CSS- and (optionally) JavaScript-based design templates for
typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components. Instead of online apps,
Bootstrap is a web framework that makes it easier to create instructional web sites. The main reason
to include it in a web project is to provide it access to Bootstrap's color, size, font, and layout
choices. The primary factor is thus whether the accountable developers favor such possibilities.
Once Bootstrap is used in a project, all HTML elements have fundamental style declarations.
Developers can further alter the appearance of their contents by using the CSS classes
offered by Bootstrap. Bootstrap, for example, includes built-in support for bright and dark tables,
page headings, larger pull quotes, and highlighted text. Django
Django, a high-level Python web framework, simplifies the development of robust and secure
websites. Because Django was created by experienced programmers and solves many of the
problems associated with web development, you can focus on building your project rather than
reinventing the wheel. It is open source, free, and has extensive documentation, a thriving
community, and both free and paid support. PYTHON
Python's support for modules and packages encourages program modularity and reuse. Footer
Fig 7: Footer Videos Blog Contact Me Login Sign up
I've learned about the numerous technologies needed for theme, product, and layout design. My
primary focus had been on front-end design as well as back-end development, resulting in Full
Stack Web Development. I have learned a substantial amount of information because of this
internship, which I believe will be beneficial to my future career. Making this product was
challenging at times, but overcoming those challenges provided extremely useful knowledge. The
crew had always assisted me in sharpening my expertise and learning new abilities. I've gained a
wealth of new experiences during my internship. I had the opportunity to experiment with various
development tools, conduct research on them, and put them to use. Overall, during my internship
term, all of my theoretical knowledge from college was put into practice.
2. A.P.G Brown, “Modelling a real world system and designing a scheme to represent it”
PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences,
and engineering sciences.
PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: use research based knowledge and reaserch
methods including design of Experiments, analysis & interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.
PO 5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities, with
an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineeringpractice.
PO 8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
To empower the students through wholesome education & enable the students to
develop into highly qualified and trained professionals with ethics and emerge
as responsible citizens to build a vibrant nation.
To train skilled and ethical professionals with the ability to plan, design, develop,
organize and manage modern and traditional information systems with the
knowledge of information technologies, services and organizations globally.