Technical Seminar Report Vikas PDF
Technical Seminar Report Vikas PDF
Technical Seminar Report Vikas PDF
This chapter provides an overview of “Integration of software defined radio on an
unmanned aerial vehicle.” Also describes the advantages, disadvantages, application, and
reference required for this report.
stations to enable workers to analyse the status of the power line without risking the safety
of the personnel involved.
UAV networking plays a vital role in the improvement of multiple UAVs’
performance. The development of UAV networking has significant effects on the evolving
of UAVs. However, the unique characteristics make UAV networking different from other
wireless networks. The topology of UAV networking persists fluid when nodes and links
change. Also, the limitation of power could not allow a UAV to finish multiple missions
continuously, and UAVs keep fast movement in most scenarios which could cause a big
difference in space when a small error exists in the calculation of the control system. Thus,
the frequency and the speed of nodes updating in positions also have a significant effect on
the performance of UAV networking. The fluid topology, the vanishing nodes, and finicky
links challenge researchers to go beyond the normal networks.
Topology is the backbone of networking. The stability and efficiency of topology
control strategies could improve the capacity and stability of UAV networking. Some
researchers tried to leverage adaptive algorithms to control the topology of UAV
networking. The simulation results in show that the adaptive algorithms for topology and
positions optimization could enhance the connectivity of UAV networking 110%. To meet
the requirement of dynamic and real-time, a small world network model is presented in,
they implemented the ant colony to optimize the topology of the network to realize real-
time data transmission. However, they could not keep stable in the high frequency of
topology changing. With the prediction of the topology changing, the research in integrates
particle swarm optimization and Kalman filtering with intermittent observations to predict
the topology changes and minimize the network link loss rate. Another work in tracks the
movement of UAVs to predict the networking changes and then updates network topology
to reduce the power consumption on communication.
Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a radio communication system that is designed
to provide flexibility and adaptability in radio communication by using software to
configure the radio. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming increasingly popular
due to their versatile nature in various industries such as military, agriculture, and
surveillance. Integrating SDR into UAVs can provide a range of benefits, including
enhanced communication capabilities and the ability to transmit and receive data.
The integration of SDR on a UAV involves equipping the aircraft with a radio
transceiver that can communicate with other SDR-enabled devices on the ground. The SDR
system operates by using a programmable baseband processor, which allows for the
configuration of the radio frequency to match the requirements of the communication
protocol. There are several advantages to integrating SDR with UAVs. Firstly, SDR
enables UAVs to communicate with different communication protocols and frequency
bands, which makes them more versatile in various applications. Secondly, SDR provides
UAVs with a more secure and reliable communication system, which is particularly
important in military and surveillance operations. Thirdly, SDR-equipped UAVs can also
transmit and receive data, making them useful in applications such as environmental
monitoring and search and rescue operations. In addition, the use of SDR on UAVs can
provide a cost-effective solution compared to traditional radio communication systems.
The ability to program the radio frequency also allows for the easy upgrade and
modification of the communication system, making it more adaptable to changing
The flexibility of the SDRs make them a suitable choice for a broad array of
markets. This includes various mission critical applications such as radar, test and
measurement, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), global navigation satellite system
(GNSS), low latency links and spectrum and monitoring.
The basic concept of the SDR software radio is that the radio can be totally
configured or defined by the software so that a common platform can be used across a
number of areas and the software used to change the configuration of the radio for the
function required at a given time. There is also the possibility that it can then be re-
configured as upgrades to standards arrive, or if it is required to meet another role, or if the
scope of its operation is changed
The architecture of a typical SDR platform consists of the following boards: power,
digital, time, receive (Rx) and transmit (Tx) modules. The boards are connected using high
speed cables to ensure fast transfer of data from one board to another. The function of the
power board is to supply power to the daughter boards of an SDR system.
The clock distribution network of a typical SDR platform is centred on its time
board. This module provides a clean and stable clock to the modules of an SDR system.
For the Crimson TNG SDR platform manufactured by Per Vices, the time board uses
an oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) as a source for its internal reference clock.
This reference source provides an accurate and stable (5 ppb) 10 MHz signal. This high
performance SDR platform is also engineered to support an external reference clock.
The receive (Rx) board of an SDR platform consists of multiple independent receive
channels. Each receive channel is capable of performing the receive functions and handles
signals in the analog domain. Analog signals from the Rx board are channelled to an
independent chain consisting of amplifiers, downconverters, various filters, and an ADC
for conversion to digital domain. Just like the receive (Rx) board, the transmit (Tx) board
features multiple independent transmit channels. Each Tx channel is capable of performing
transmit functions and sends signals in analog format from the DAC, upconverter, filter
and amplification stages. The transmit and receive chains of an SDR system are as shown
in Figure 2.
Fig 2: This is a high-level overview of the various components within Receive (Rx) and
transmit (Tx) chains of an SDR system
the Airspeed Queen Wasp and Miles Queen Martinet, before ultimate replacement by
the GAF Jindivik. The term remains in common use. In addition to the software,
autonomous drones also employ a host of advanced technologies that allow them to carry
out their missions without human intervention, such as cloud computing, computer vision,
artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and thermal sensors. For
recreational uses, an aerial photography drone is an aircraft that has first-person video,
autonomous capabilities, or both.
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is defined as a "powered, aerial vehicle that
does not carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift, can fly
autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a
lethal or nonlethal payload". UAV is a term that is commonly applied to military use cases.
Missiles with warheads are not considered UAVs because the vehicle itself is a munition.
Also, the relation of UAVs to remote controlled model aircraft is unclear, UAVs may or
may not include remote-controlled model aircraft. Some jurisdictions base their definition
on size or weight; however, the US FAA defines any uncrewed flying craft as a UAV
regardless of size. A similar term is remotely piloted aerial vehicle (RPAV).
UAVs or RPAVs can also be seen as a component of an unmanned aircraft
system (UAS), which also includes a ground-based controller and a system of
communications with the aircraft. The term UAS was adopted by the United States
Department of Defence (DoD) and the United States Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) in 2005 according to their Unmanned Aircraft System Roadmap
2005–2030. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the British Civil
Aviation Authority adopted this term, also used in the European Union's Single-European-
Sky (SES) Air-Traffic-Management (ATM) Research (SESAR Joint Undertaking)
roadmap for 2020. This term emphasizes the importance of elements other than the aircraft.
It includes elements such as ground control stations, data links and other support
equipment. Similar terms are unmanned-aircraft vehicle system (UAVS) and remotely
piloted aircraft system (RPAS). Many similar terms are in use. Under new regulations
which came into effect 1 June 2019, the term RPAS has been adopted by the Canadian
Government to mean "a set of configurable elements consisting of a remotely piloted
aircraft, its control station, the command-and-control links and any other system elements
required during flight operation".
The process of integration combines two separately developed systems into one.
SDR is a hardware kit which is controlled by software, defining radio parameters and mode
of operation. A full radio stack requires additional components to operate. Besides the radio
hardware, a single board (compact) computer is required to power the radio and process
the incoming and outgoing information. Additionally, antennas with the appropriate
characteristics are used, to receive and transmit radio signals.
UAVs are a great platform for various tasks. Today, they can be found operating for
commercial, scientific, and military purposes. To ensure versatility and ensure enough
margin in operating range suitable for future research, we needed to build a specifically
designed UAV. It is propelled by twelve engines and propellers (dodeca-copter), powered
by a combination of two or four batteries, and controlled manually by the pilot using the
remote controller or autonomously by the onboard flight controller.
Figure 1 shows a computer-assisted design (CAD) drawing for the inner part of the
UAV. The process of designing new parts required that the manufactured parts also needed
to be drawn. The following figure presents the final look of newly designed parts. The total
mass of the UAV is 12 kg, making it require around 50 A of current from the battery at 22.2
V, a totally 1110 W, only for hovering. Custom-designed parts need to ensure sturdy and
strong mechanical connections regarding the operational conditions of the UAV. These
conditions assume large mechanical loads due to weight and acceleration, vibrations, wind
and wind gusts, humidity, and high temperatures.
Figure 2 shows all electrical connections of the UAV. The UAV consists of twelve
brushless direct current motors (ENG), twelve engine speed controllers (ESC), a power
distribution unit (PDU), a battery eliminator circuit (BEC) adjusting the battery voltage
level for the flight controller (FCL), global navigation satellite system (GNSS), and radio
control wireless receiver (TRX). Red lines represent positive leads for power connection,
black lines represent negative leads for power connection, blue lines are signal wires, and
green lines are power lines from engine speed controllers to the engines.
Figure 4 shows all the necessary equipment for the SDR system. A single board
computer (SBC) is a compact computer used for signal processing while the software-
defined radio (SDR) converts information into a desirable format suitable for transmission.
The omnidirectional antenna (OM) transmits and receives radio signals equally in all
directions while the Directional antenna (DA) has a bias in transmitting and receiving
towards a certain direction which is determined by the antenna design. Antennas used for
signal detection and detection of the bearing to the source of the signal need to be
directional, and omnidirectional antennas are used for communication with the ground
station. Both, single board computer and gimbal, are powered by a DC buck, which is a
device designed to lower the voltage of the direct current power supply, in this case, a
battery. The required voltage for the computer is 19 V, while the gimbal requires 16 V.
Figure 7 shows the final assembly of the UAV with the SDR, while the electrical
schematic of the UAV and SDR. This configuration can provide a live localization of
received signals. Future tests on signal reception will help in the development of algorithms
for signal localization.
The evolving of reinforcement learning has been employed in many fields, and the
topology control approaches as the core of UAV networking. Moreover, it is vital for
improving the performance of UAV fleets. In this section, we are to present the related
work of reinforcement learning and topology of UAV Networking.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is an area of machine learning which concerns how
to control software agents in an environment to maximize cumulative reward. RL is
considered as one of three paradigms of machine learning, alongside supervised learning
and unsupervised learning. Comparing with supervised learning and unsupervised learning,
the RL is more suitable for solving the problem with large state spaces and could provide
more efficient and optimal decisions. Based on these benefits of RL, many researchers in
the UAV field tried to implement RL to improve the performance of UAV networking.
Currently, most research works focus on navigation and networking.
In regular scenarios, RL is implemented to optimize the path planning to improve
the communication performance of the UAV networking. Vision information is adopted
into RL as input to train the controller to recognize the obstacles and targets to improve the
flexibility of flight. The controller could adjust its trajectory to avoid the collision and
improve the efficiency of flight. Apart from the vision-based approaches, the RL based
collaboration approach also could enhance the performance of the collision avoidance, each
UAV as agent leverages RL to optimize the position control between multiple UAVs to
improve the geometry accuracy of location and improve the control accuracy of UAVs.
The power efficiency is vital to the UAV fleet. The UAV as an agent integrates the
RL, and the reward is the flight time to improve the power utility of the UAV fleet in each
UAV. This approach reduced the power consumption on the flight and improved the
communication coverage of UAV networking. In regular scenarios, these implementations
of RL on UAV could improve the performance of the UAV. However, these approaches
still could not meet the requirement of large scale and complex environment.
In large scale and complex scenarios, trajectory optimization is more important for
UAV networking. Before entering these scenarios, the RL enhanced sensing approaches
could assist the UAV in achieving dynamic trajectory via cellular network, and RL based
backhaul in real-time could improve the performance of exploration in unknown scenarios.
At the same time, the integration of RL and an autonomous control system could improve
the surviving capacity of UAV networking significantly.
Currently, UAV networking is mostly used to provide services for ground stations
or devices. Due to the unique flexibility of UAVs, the UAV could provide relay service for
the vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET). RL based optimization approaches enable each
UAV in the fleet, offload the computational tasks to the ground nodes to improve the
efficiency and computational capacity of UAV. Based on the enhanced computational
resources, the UAV could increase the capability of the relay to provide more sufficient
network services for the ground mobile users. With the surge of user accessing,
conventional UAV networking could not provide enough accessing service. A deep RL
based frame is proposed to help the users on the ground to decide which accessing point to
connect, and to eliminate the burden of each UAV. Another work that focuses on improving
the energy efficient to improve each UAV communication coverage to increase the service
to users. However, UAV also consumes the spectrum of cellular networking when it
provides services to mobile users.
Multiple agents-based RL optimization approach is proposed to improve the
spectrum efficiency between UAVs and mobile users and to improve the efficiency and
computational capacity of UAV. The communication interference exists in UAV
networking commonly, which has severe effects on the reliability, efficiency, and
transmission rate of the communication link. An RL based interference management
approach is proposed to eliminate the interference of cellular-connected UAV networking.
At the same time, the ground stations also could assess the reliability of the networking
according to the variation of the delay in UAV networking. Based on the predictions of
changing, some topology control approaches control the topology to improve the mission
operation of the UAV. The ground stations could Switch topology according to the
communication delay to improve the teleportation performance of UAV. Due to the time-
varying delay, the synchronization of control commands is a big challenge for the UAV
fleet. To improve the security and efficiency of the UAV fleet mission operation, in, a
consensus-based topology approach is proposed. Each UAV broadcasts its received
commands and timestamp and receives the peers’ results.
The majority of the results becomes the truth. After four stages, the whole UAV
networking could construct the consensus to updating the topology and eliminate the time
delay, similar work based on velocity consensus is presented in. Other approaches are
switching the topology of swarm UAV networking to solve the time-varying formation
tracking problem in direction and interaction, which could improve the reliability of UAV
networking according to relevant information of neighbouring UAVs. The topology of
UAV networking is vital to the implementation of UAVs.
The UAV fleets could adjust the topology to match the distribution of ground nodes
to charge so that the surviving time of the UAV fleets increased. The difference of the
mission operation in UAV fleet causes the surviving time is varying. Without rational
deployment and management, the replacement of the UAVs could impact the reliability
and efficiency of UAV networking. A distributed formation control is proposed in to
updating the topology to better the reliability and throughput of the UAV networking. In
extreme situations, the UAV networking is destroyed may cause throughput, delay,
transmission lost rate surge. A digraph-based approach is presented in to solve the issue
and the proving work showed that the topology control algorithm could keep the
performance of the UAV networking, although K UAV communication links are lost.
The fluctuation exists in the duration of handover reduces the whole performance
of UAV networking, which may cause a large-scale connection loss in the process. Our
approach is that the UAVs transfer their statues and connections via the UAV networking
to the ground station. The ground stations receive this information and combine all UAV
status with mission operation to generate a better topology scheme to adjust each UAV
communication configuration. To realize the topology updating, the SDN could allow the
ground stations to control each UAV changes the connection to its peers and modify the
communication parameters to achieve better performance. However, UAV networking
belongs to wireless communication, and we leverage SDR as the physical layer to realize
the updating of the links of UAV networking physically. In the network layer, we propose
an approach to leverage SDN for routing. The ground stations generate the routing policies
and upload the control commands to the SDR equipment on the UAV to update the
topology and routing policies.
Each UAV is installed with SDR equipment which includes receiving and
transmitting functions. The updating workflow of UAV networking on the air is shown as
Fig. 2. The SDR receiver achieves the data, and then controller of UAV extracts the
information into connection modification and missions operation. UAVs would operate
relative movement according to the commands for missions. The connection modification
mainly focuses on communication reconfiguration, which allows the SDR equipment is
changing parameters and communication protocols updating.
The controller sends the configuration to the SDR controller, and the SDR controller
writes the communication channels and bandwidth into the relative register. At the same
time, the protocol that includes the packet protocol and routing protocol is written in the
SDR registers. After the configuration is set in the SDR registers, the SDR reboots to update
the connection links and broadcasts its device information in the updated channels via SDR
Due to the limitation of power and computational resource in UAV, it is hard for
the UAV fleet to generate the optimization of the topology. We load this task on the ground
stations, which includes the topology generation and commands integration. The workflow
of the ground stations is shown as Fig. 3. The ground stations with SDR transceiver collect
the information that includes UAV status and performance assessment. The UAV status is
referenced for the performance assessment. The performance assessment evaluates each
UAV performance and generates parameters optimization to improve the completion of
mission operation. Different missions need different topology of UAV networking to
provide services for the UAV fleet, so each mission requirement is stored in the updating
mission requirement.
We feed the updating mission requirement, the status of each UAV extractions, and
performance assessment to the Reinforcement Learning generator and the generator
generates the optimized connection links. After generation of connection links, the
topology updating complies the connection information into topology to generate the
specific modifications to the related UAVs. At this step, the optimization generation is
finished, and then these optimizations need to be packaged into a data packet with
commands generations and sent to SDR transceiver. After transmitting these commands,
the SDR transceiver modifies the communication configurations to synchronize the
updating of UAV networking.
To get a better Reinforcement Learning generator, we combine the status of each
UAV and current UAV networking to reinforcement learning trainer, which is shown in
Fig. 4. The generator has discrete operations to set the connection links between UAVs to
maximize the bandwidth and channels and minimize power consumption. The combination
of the bandwidth, collision channels, and power consumption is considered as the rewards
to optimize this RL generator.
Table 1. Comparison between unmanned aerial vehicle and manned aerial
➢ Flexibility:
SDR allows for the ability to reconfigure the radio to support different
communication protocols, frequencies, and bandwidths, making it highly adaptable
to different scenarios and environments.
➢ Improved Communication:
SDR allows for better communication capabilities as it can support multiple
frequencies, modes, and protocols. This can improve communication range,
reliability, and security.
➢ Reduced weight:
An SDR system can be implemented using software, which reduces the need
for hardware components, thus reducing weight on the UAV.
➢ Cost-effective:
Since SDR can be implemented using software, it is more cost-effective than
traditional radio systems that require dedicated hardware.
➢ Increased situational awareness:
SDR systems can provide real-time situational awareness by allowing UAV
operators to monitor multiple communication channels simultaneously. This can be
useful in detecting and identifying threats, as well as coordinating with other UAVs
or ground teams.
➢ Improved data collection:
SDR can support a wide range of data collection and processing capabilities,
including video, audio, and sensor data. This can help in gathering more
comprehensive information for mission planning and decision-making.
➢ Increased operational range:
With the ability to switch between different communication protocols and
frequencies, SDR allows UAVs to operate across a wider range of distances and
environments, including urban and remote areas.
➢ Enhanced security:
SDR systems can use advanced encryption and authentication methods to
ensure secure communication between the UAV and other platforms, reducing the
risk of interception or tampering.
➢ Communication:
SDR allows for flexible, programmable, and efficient communication
systems, enabling UAVs to communicate with other UAVs, ground stations, or
satellites. It can operate on a wide range of frequencies and modulation schemes,
making it suitable for various applications.
➢ Signal intelligence:
SDR can be used to intercept and analyse signals from other communication
systems. UAVs equipped with SDR can collect signals and transmit them to a
ground station for further analysis, providing valuable intelligence information.
➢ Navigation and positioning:
SDR can be used to receive and process signals from GPS, GLONASS, and
other navigation systems. This allows UAVs to accurately navigate and position
themselves, even in areas with poor or no GPS coverage.
➢ Electronic warfare:
SDR can be used to detect and counteract signals from other communication
systems. UAVs equipped with SDR can detect and locate enemy communication
systems and jam or disrupt their signals.
In this Report, we proposed an approach to integrate SDR and SDN to enhance the
performance of UAV networking in the fluid topology. We leverage the SDR to build the
link layer, and we utilize the SDR to construct the SDN to manage the network layer to
improve the stability of the UAV network. Our evaluation shows that reinforcement
learning can improve the stability of the UAV network when there exists the absence of
UAVs or updating of the network. The response speed in this evaluation shows that
reinforcement learning can be implemented in a practical environment. In the future, we
will extend the evaluation into the various environment, and we will add continuous actions
smooth the performance of the UAV networking.
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