MSWL 048
MSWL 048
MSWL 048
Address : ..............................................................................................
Signature of Student
Your Field Work Journal is a precious document. You must keep it in a safe
place at home, while on travel, at study centre etc. It is safer to keep a
separate personal diary with all notings so that in case of loss due to any
kind of unforeseen event, you can still compile the work done and get it
certified by the FWS in a fresh copy of the Journal. It is suggested that you
keep a photocopy of the Journal before submitting the final report to the
study centre for your personal record. Remember to take an
acknowledgement slip from study centre while submitting the final report.
The Journal will be submitted to SE Division by the study centre coordinator
along with the award list submitted by the supervisor.
E-mail :
Designation/Profession :
Date of Appointment as :
1. Field work Supervisor :
2. Academic Counsellor in Social Work :
Signature of Field Work Supervisor Seal & Signature of Study Centre Coordinator
Note :
The Field Work Journal would be returned back to the student if the details given in
the face sheets namely, profile of the student and the supervisor are incomplete or
not filled by student and Field Work Supervisor respectively. The profile of the
supervisor must be countersigned by the coordinator of study centre.
MSW(C) (Final Year)
Dr. N. Ramya
Assistant Professor, SOSW
IGNOU, New Delhi
Print Production
Mr. Kulwant Singh
Section Officer (Publication)
SOSW, IGNOU, New Delhi
July, 2015
Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2015
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Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi by
Director, SOSW, IGNOU, New Delhi.
Page No.
1) Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5
Dear Student,
Welcome to the final year of MSW (Counselling). We hope that first year field work has been a fruitful and
enjoyable experience. You are going to continue to do the field work in this year too. You will be applying the
knowledge, skills and attitude you have gained in your first year and most importantly you will be exclusively
practicing case work method in the second year in various settings namely, schools, hospitals, mental health,
women and child care services, counselling centres, research organizations, donor agencies, charitable trust,
corporate houses and institutional set up for various vulnerable sections of the society. By now you must be
familiar with the five methods of social work taught in the first year as well as with various aspects of the
profession of social work. You must have also gained some knowledge about the skills and techniques of various
methods of social work during your first year practicum.
There are two components in field practicum for second year namely: (I) MSWL-048 Social Work Practicum-
II on concurrent field visit and (2) MSWL-049 Internship and its report based on one month of placement in a
welfare agency. As a student you are required to put in 45 days of concurrent field work in one organization/
institution/social welfare agency which is spread over a period of (11 months). You have to submit the reports
and get evaluated periodically from the field supervisor who is a professionally qualified social worker who has
done MSW/MA (social work). You are also expected to complete two orientation visits in the second year
which are to be with social and welfare agencies focusing on different aspects such as open community, institution,
health, education, correctional setting etc. where counselling is relevant.
In the second year you are given opportunities to practice casework. As a learner it is going to be exciting to do
case work. However you should not become over enthusiastic. Always seek guidance from the field work
supervisor. Case work is done over a limited period of time. The time period between the sessions cannot be
too short, for example ten sessions in three or four consecutive days nor can the period be too long say one
session in six months. During the initial phase, sessions are bound to be long as you will be collecting background
information and developing rapport with the client. Later on the sessions will deal with specific issues and will
have shorter duration. In this field work journal you are expected to submit details of minimum five cases along
with explaination in details of case work components and various phases. Before submitting the journal to the
study centre, remember to keep a photocopy of the entire menuscript for future use. You must also ensure that an
acknowledgment receipt is taken from the study centre with date and signature of the officer concerned. Finally
wish you all the very best for your field work assignments of the second year.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. N. Ramya
Case Work
Case work is one of the primary methods of social work along group work and with community organization and
are virtually used in several settings and in different situations. Therefore, even when the social worker is using
other social work methods like community organization or social work research, he/ she has to use the skills and
knowledge he/she has learnt in case work and group work to achieve effective results. Thus, it can be safely said
that mastery over these methods is crucial for becoming a good professional social worker.
The learner can learn case work only by practicing this methods in the field under the supervision of a trained
social worker. The main purpose of this year’s fieldwork is to provide one with maximum opportunities for
gaining the much needed experience in all the methods of social work. Theoretical,knowledge alone cannot
suffice if one is planning to practice any one of the methods in the field, and in particular, social case work.
Social case work is one of the primary methods of social work which is concerned with the adjustment and
development of the individual towards more satisfying human relations. Satisfied and better family life, better
housing, improved schooling, hospitals and medical care facilities, protected economic conditions and better
relations between religious and other social groups helps the individual in his/her adjustment and development.
The adjustment and development of an individual depends on the use of these resources by him/her. But sometimes
due to certain internal or external factors, he/she may fail to avail the existing facilities and needs a person to help
him/her. In such situations social case worker helps him/her out. Hence case work is one to one relationship
which works in helping the individual for his/her adjustment and development.
Mary Richmond defined case work as “the art of doing different things for and with different people by cooperating
with them to achieve at one and the same time their own and society’s betterment”. Social case work is concerned
with individual and his adjustment to life and general social welfare. It does not concentrate on individual to the
exclusion of social factors. In other words the basic objective of social case work is to promote social welfare
with basic focus on individuals. Thus, it is both art and science of resolving individual problems in an area, for the
individual and the society are interdependent and social forces influence the behaviour and attitude of an individual.
As you might have read in your theory, case work has five steps namely: Study, Assessment, Intervention,
Termination, and Evaluation. In reality, case work practice may not adhere to these steps strictly. In most cases
there will be overlapping of the various steps. For example, even after the case worker has formulated an
intervention plan and is implementing it, he/she may obtain information, which necessitates a revision in his/her
assessment of the client’s problem and subsequently the intervention model. This being a frequent occurrence in
cases, the case worker should be able to constantly modify his/her plan of action and be ready to implement it.
Secondly, you must remember that you are a learner and cannot take difficult cases. If you feel that a case is very
difficult for you, you must not hesitate to refer the case to your superior or to a psychiatrist as the case may be.
some influence over him/her and can force him/ her to approach the case worker.
4) On being referred to by another institution like the educational institutions, correctional institutions and
health care institutions.
5) On being required to do as a legal or procedural requirement. For example, in adoption cases, the prospective
parents have to be interviewed by a social worker.
6) On being referred to by other professionals like doctors, lawyers or teachers.
7) In some cases the case worker has to motivate the clients to seek counseling. This happens frequently when
clients are street children, vagabonds, rag pickers, vagrants etc.
It is easy to see why many of your prospective clients may not have high opinion about the usefulness of the case
worker. In other words, they may not feel the need for your help or they may not even know that you can help
them. In other cases the clients may have a different idea of what counseling means. She/ he may feel that you
can give her money or job, which will solve his/her problem instantly. These misconceptions should be removed
Also important is the approach one adopts when you meet a client. This would depend on the nature of the client,
the client’s problem and the manner in which the client has approached the case worker. For example, if the
client is a street boy, the approach would be different from the approach you would adopt, if your client is a
middle class woman with marital problems. In the first case if one meets him in the street where he is most
comfortable and you may not even inform him that you are doing case work and that you are trying to help him.
In the second case you would meet the woman in the privacy of the counseling room of your institution. Again
with the street child you may talk to him informally about his likes and dislikes, which may be films, his job etc.
On the other hand in counseling a woman, your approach would be rather formal and after the necessary
introduction you may go to the problem directly. These differences will remain throughout the case work process.
In your first meeting you must be able to gain all the necessary information you need to initiate the case work
process. Some of these information would need to be modified and some of the information provided may even
be false. But you will have to record the information, as if it is completely true.
The information required will differ with the type of case. But the following are some of the areas you will need
to collect the information about.
In the following page a sample is given only about various possible sessions. This does not mean that one has to
strictly adhere to these sessions and the issues concerning them.
Aims of the first session will include:
To establish a working relationship
To clarify and define problems
To make an assessment
To define goals and the roles of the case worker and client.
Name and address of the client
Age and sex
Educational qualifications, Religion, caste Category: rural – urban – tribal etc.
Occupations and social status
Family Background
When the client is an orphan or does not have immediate relatives, the people important to him/ her can be
mentioned. Otherwise the following table can be used.
S.No. Name Relationship Age Educational Occupation
with Client qualifications and income
Relation with the different family members and the relationship among the family members themselves are important.
One may also collect any other relevant information.
In the first session one will be able to get only the client’s opinions on the relationships and may not be able to
verify its veracity Secondly the client would not be necessarily open about the details regarding his/ her personal
life. In Indian society people rarely go to strangers with their personal problems. Relationship of the client with
people who matters in his/her life is important. For example:
Relationship with father
Relationship with mother
Relationship with siblings
Relationship with others like uncle, aunty and cousins
Relationship between the parents
Relationship between the father and mother with the siblings
Significant relationship (with any one else)
Stepson-stepdaughter relationship, if relevant
You may mention the kind of neighbourhood where the client lives; the kind of peers he/she may have and the
general socio-economic conditions that prevail in the area; the influence of these factors on the personality of the
clients; relationship with the neighbours, shopkeepers and other important individuals and service providers.
School/educational institution
If your client is a student, then you must get details of his/her school. Type of school or educational institutions;
the standard of education provided in the school; the relationship with his/ her classmates; relationship with
teachers; his/her performance in studies and his/her performance in co-curricular activities.
If the client is unemployed, one can ask him/her about his/her last job (if employed earlier) and why he/she lost/
left his /her job. Ask the client about the impact of that on himself/ herself and his/her relationships with others.
One can also ask her/him about the efforts he/she is making to get a job or why he/she is not trying to get one.
Accident and trauma affected individuals
If the problem of the client is medical or psychological in nature, you must ascertain the type of the problem and
its consequence on the client. The learner can ask the history of the problem, its initial symptoms and its later
manifestations. One can ask about the steps he/she has taken to alleviate the problem.
In case of accidents or injuries, one must ask how it all happened. Care must be taken to ensure that you deal
with the situation with sensitivity, which such cases deserve. In most cases he/she may have been fed up repeating
the sequence of events to various individuals.
Future plans
The client can be asked what his/ her plans are for the future. This can give you an idea about the client’s
psychological/mental state.
Ending the session
The client has to be asked when you can meet him/her again. Fix a time and place. Take care to see that you
honour your commitment in meeting the clients as agreed upon.
By now the learner would have important information about the client, based on which one can formulate
responses to the client and more importantly ask probing questions, to obtain further information about the
client’s problems and causes.
The learner would now be most likely to strengthen the rapport with the client, as he/she would be more
comfortable in his/her presence and on the other hand will have enough information to ask more pointed questions.
One can ask more information directly related to the problem., the client’s own opinion on the nature and cause
of the problem. You may ask whether the client considers other individuals as being responsible for the problem.
He/ she can attribute negative characteristics to individuals around him/her. He / she can be asked whether others
are causing problems for him/her, if so then, why? He / she can be asked why these individuals are creating
problems. Illustrative examples can be asked which prove the point. In some cases one may feel that the client
is lying,but one must remember that one should have unconditional positive regard for the client. You must never
say “you are lying” or “please tell the truth”. It is likely that the relationship may break as the client would lose
In this and the following session the learner’s questions can frequently refer to what the client said previously, for
example, one can say: “Last time you told me that you were unable to study at home, because your parents
frequently fought with each other. What are the issues on which they fight?”. Needless to say one should tactfully
put across these sensitive topics. At the same time it is important to obtain this information from the client.
Sometimes one may feel that the client is telling everything else expect the problem because he/she does not want
to face an embarrassing situation or talk about it. It is important that one looks for ways one can introduce the
subject without the client feeling that one is forcing him/ her to reveal the problem.
It is a fact that in several cases, the problems initially presented by the client and the issues surrounding it, may not
be true. It is possible that the client may be knowingly or unknowingly testing the learner’s ability as a case
worker or counselor.
The learner should, by now, build a rapport with the client and conduct a home visit. A home visit is a good
opportunity to gain information from sources other than the client. Information is obtained from observations and
The following observations can be recorded:
The characteristics of the place of residence/ description of surroundings.
Its orderly or disorderly nature; the level of the standard of living it exhibits; the family members present; their
attitude towards the client; their opinions towards each other; etc.
The characteristics of the neighbourhood-kind of neighbours, relationship with others, social and psychological
impact of living in the neighbourhood.
If the problem is related to the place of work, then these opinions can be ascertained from the colleagues,
superiors and subordinates.
The following members can be interviewed and their opinions can be recorded.
Father, mother, children, other relatives who share the common dwelling place; neighbours who seem to know
something about the client; his/ her colleagues at work; and his/her superiors at work.
Ensure that information is obtained in a non-aggressive manner. The approach to get the information should be
culture specific and purpose specific. Actually there are sub-cultures within the mainstream culture that are
different from those of the mainstream. For example, in the slums you may not be able to get information without
others knowing about it. In many cases others may already know the problem you are investigating. In such
cases, one may not be able to follow the principle of confidentiality in its real sense and in those cases one should
be as inconspicuous (tactful) as possible.
One can expect a variety of responses during home visits. The following are some of the reactions that can be
1) The house dwellers may feel that you have come to solve a problem and may welcome you into their homes.
They may discuss their problems freely and frankly.
2) The house dwellers may make you feel comfortable but they may not be forthright with their responses.
Maybe they are not comfortable with a stranger in their house and asking them personal information.
3) The house dwellers may feel uncomfortable and also make you feel like an intruder in their house.
4) In other cases some members may behave in a friendly manner and others may be indifferent and some
others may be hostile. These members have to be dealt in a different manner and may need more effort from
the learner’s side to elicit information.
Further you could also enquire about the impact of the problem on the family members. The relationship and the
nature of the relationship can be described. The inconsistency if any between the client’s version and the version
of the family members can be noted.
Most facts are now available which can be used to formulate an intervention strategy. One will be able to judge
whether the problems can be resolved or not.
Most of the problems commonly found can be divided into four categories:
1) Relatively easy problems which can be resolved by simple means: The problem could be of a
student who needs fee exemption from school as he/she is from a poor family or of parents who want to
adopt a child or whether a child support grant can be given to a particular family or not, etc.
2) Relatively serious and severe problem like alcohol addiction, drug addiction, schizophrenia and
severe depression: For these problems one may be the facilitator and refer the problem to the experts.
One can do home visits, counsel the client and the client’s family members with the guidance of the experts
to some extent only.
3) Relatively long term problems that would need care services: These problems can be like finding
suitable old age home for the client or finding care services for women, children, differently abled etc. These
cases will require some kind of networking and rapport building with the service providers.
4) Problems caused by severe social disabilities: Case worker is often criticized for focusing on the
individual and his/her inability to solve problems some of what cannot be solved at the individual level and
should be solved at the society level. This is a genuine limitation of case work, which should be recognized.
For example, a farmer who has lost his crop due to severe drought cannot be helped by the case worker
beyond certain limitations. Another example is the problem of untouchability, which cannot be solved by the
case worker. You may only give them an opportunity to ventilate their feelings and, if possible, see that they
get some government benefit/legal assistance or aid.
Based on the above observations you have to formulate an intervention plan. The intervention plan should have
the following components:
The diagnosis/analyses of the problem
The causes of the problem
Possible solutions
Material and non material resources available
Limitations of the situations- the client’s, the agency’s and yours. Client’s limitations may be, for example,
that being a woman, her mobility may be limited.
Aims of the intervention plan
Time framework for implementing the intervention models
Already some of the possible solutions may be emerging as you discuss the problem with the client. You may
already have some of the skills mentioned at the beginning stages itself.
Unless the self of the client is totally disintegrated he/she will participate in the decision-making process. Some of
the possible skills that can be used are the following:
Giving Advice
Giving advice in some cases can be one of the ways of helping the client to resolve the problem. On the other
hand it may be rejected by the client if he/ she feels that you have not understood the problem from her/his
perspective or if she/he feels that the advice is not realistic. Some individuals from socially stigmatized profession
or background may take the advice as unnecessarily moralistic. These attitudes in the client will reduce, if not end
the effectiveness of case work process.
Most importantly the social work principle of self-determination and social work value of believing that every
person has the necessary ability to resolve his/ her problems is violated. Hence,one must avoid lecturing the
Some clients may want advice as they feel that they are not capable of making their own decisions or do not want
to take the responsibility. This happens frequently in Indian situation with individuals who are not allowed to take
decisions and are used to depend on others for making their decisions. This happens with children, some
women, daily labourers etc. They may simply ask you questions like “what do you suggest that I should do?” and
there may be a temptation to play God in the situation and advice them accordingly. As far as possible this
temptation should be avoided and one must ask them the possible solutions and guide them accordingly.
Providing Information
At this level, providing information is an ideal task as it is helpful to the client and will give one immense
satisfaction without much risk. But to give useful information one should have credible information from reliable
sources. Apart from the resources available in the agency one may keep in mind the agencies visited in the first
year and second year of orientation visits, and remember the facilities available. See if the client can be referred
to any of those institutions or any other professionals known to you. You must also know the government
programmes and institutions which can benefit the client. It will also help the client if you can have some basic
information in legal matters and give advice on legal matters.
Providing Explanation
Explanations are of three types: (Brown 1950):
i) Interpretative explanations – what?
ii) Descriptive explanations- how?
iii) Reasons- giving explanations- why?
Most explanations will involve some aspects of all three.
Interpretation Explanations
It will facilitate communication between the client and others involved as different interpretations of the same
event can cause miscommunications. One can provide interpretations of others’s viewpoint to the client which
will help in removing misunderstandings.
Descriptive Interpretations
You can explain how things work and how the various services can be obtained. This will be required when the
person needs guidance. Children will need this information if they have not been socialized in effective manner.
Secondly, in the health related field, you may need to explain the need for procedures. For example, in ‘HIV/
AIDS pre-test counseling’ one may need to tell the client what the tests is all about and what could be the
Reason- Giving Interpretations
Some clients may have lost the capacity to think rationally as the self is hurt. In such cases you have to provide
rational explanations. In some cases, it may not be possible to give reasonable explanation. For example, an
accident victim cannot be given a reply why the accident happened to him and not to another person.
But in some other cases, we may be able to give explanation to clients: For example, a patient admitted due to
dehydration can be told why it happened and how to avoid it in future.
Offering Reassurance
Many clients do experience traumatic events in life. They are frightened and fearful about situations they have
experienced and afraid that they will have to undergo that experience again. You must be able to give support
and encouragement to them.
At times we may have to provide support and reassurance to the client in advance of an event. For example,
appearing for an important exam, in other cases you may counsel the person after the event, for example, a
student who has failed in the exam and needs assistance to cope with the situation. You must remember that your
assurances should be truthful and honest. The purpose should not be to make the client feel better temporarily.
For example, you cannot tell a terminally ill person that he/she is fine. Similarly knowing the Indian legal system
you cannot promise a dowry victim quick justice from the courts.
In certain matters, however it would be easy to know that the client is wrong. For example, a juvenile delinquent
who thinks that he is right when he is stealing or a cancer patient who has to quit smoking and refuses to do so.
You cannot obviously agree to client’s self-determination there.
Providing Support
Providing emotional support is a key activity of the social case worker. Give an opportunity to the client to talk
about his/her problems, listen and ask relevant questions, listen, give him/her an opportunity to vent their feelings,
offering sympathies and allowing catharsis (ventilation of emotions) in the client. There are four negative feelings
usually exhibited by the clients namely, anger, fear, grief and embarrassment. You will need to support the clients
when they express these feeling during the process of interview.
Another category that needs material and practical assistance are people who become temporarily incapacitated
like victims of disaster, riots etc. They need material assistance for sometime before they can start rebuilding
their lives. In many cases this seems to be the easiest solution possible. But you should check whether the client
really needs this service and for how long. Institutional care is costly and encourages an attitude of dependency.
This should be avoided as it is neither in the best interest of the client nor the agency. However the situation will
be different in a rehabilitation camp.
Once the intervention strategies are ready, the same can be implemented. The implementation of the intervention
plan will take two or three sessions. By this time you must be aware about the various aspects involved in
counseling. You need to make a check list about whether you have been able to perform as an effective case
worker. As has been repeatedly stressed, the social worker must have an increasing level of self awareness.
You can check the following: (From Philip Burnard in Counseling Skills Training 1950)
Empathy is the ability to feel like another person is feeling. It involves forgetting about our inner dialogue. This
in most cases is easier said than done, as every thing the client says may trigger a train of thoughts in our minds
which will lead us to our inner world and away from the client. In such situations there is a danger of misunderstanding
the client problem, moralizing and advising.
Warmth towards the client is shown in different ways in different situations. Excessive warmth in the wrong
situation can hurt the client’s feelings. In India the exhibition of warmth will also be culture specific.
Genuineness means that one should be really interested in the client and his/ her problems. You cannot fake
concern for your clients for a long time! Positive regard is an extension of the principle of acceptance and this is
actually shown to the client through body language and careful choice of words.
Concreteness is a principle of non-judgmental attitude in action. The client’s words are taken at face value and
are totally accepted. Apart from these, a sense of humour or seriousness is recommended depending on the
The plan you make when you start the case work process will have the objectives of the case work process,
which will be clearly, mentioned. When these objectives are met, then the case is closed. The case can be closed
even if the objectives have not been attained and when the case cannot be handled by the case worker. All
through the case work process, you will need to record the process, carefully.
Termination of the case takes place when you have reached the objectives you have set for each case.
Possible outcomes of case work
Client has experienced change in his/her behaviour which helps him/her to adjust better in his/ her environment.
For example, an academically poor student is given counseling after which his/her motivation for study has
increased and his/her relationship with his/her teachers has improved.
Client has been provided with a changed environment in which his/her requirements and/or limitations are better
understood which helps him/her to improve his/her social functioning. For example, parents of a slow learner are
made to understand that he/she cannot perform as well as others and that special care is needed for him/her. This
will reduce the pressure on the student to improve his/her performance beyond his/her capacity.
Client has been provided with the service he/she required. For example, a loan has been sanctioned to him/her.
Client has been assessed for his/ her ability/capacity to do a certain activity. For example, parents who want to
adopt are judged whether they can be good parents. Client has been given information about a service, a disease
or an event which may affect his/her life or enabled the client to lessen his/her anxiety. Client has been counselled
to accept a damaging impact on his/ her life. For example, an accident victim has been helped. Client has
improved his/her relationship with individuals or groups. For example, marital problems have been solved. Client
has been given ego-support and encouragement to assist him/ her to go through a stressful event. For example,
a nervous student has been helped to write an exam or face an interview. Client has given new ideas to solve his/
her personal problems. For example, he/she has been suggested to refer his/her child to a medical doctor. Earlier
he/she had believed that evil spirit had badly affected his/her child.
According to Mathew (1991) evaluation is the activity of ascertaining whether case work service has achieved
the desired result in a case. It is the social worker’s review of all the other components of the case work process
in order to make an appraisal of the result. Evaluation seeks to find answers to some of the following questions:
Has the client been helped in accordance with the philosophical assumption and principles of case work? What
tools and techniques were used and why? If the client’s problem is still unsolved, has there been any forward
movement in the case situation? If case work help has not produced any result, what are the reasons?
Evaluation is also an ongoing activity, although as a component of the case work process, it finds full scope and
expression only after a period of activity. As a social worker continues to offer the service or services, evaluative
discernment occurs to him/her at specific points of time regarding the strength, weakness or gaps in his/her social
assessment and regarding the success or failure of his/her ways of helpfulness.
Evaluation of the case is done at four levels:
1) Evaluation done by yourself.
2) Evaluation done by the client herself/himself.
3) Evaluation done by the agency supervisor and the field work supervisor.
4) Evaluation done by agencies that have referred the case to your agency.
Some points for evaluation:
1) Your assessment of the client as the case progressed.
2) Your intervention formulated in relation to the problem. The reasons for choosing the particular intervention.
3) The appropriateness of the intervention.
4) The outcome of the intervention in terms of the desired effect on this client.
5) The effectiveness of the techniques used.
6) The professional nature of relationship between you and the client.
7) The support that agency has given you.
In order to give you minimum exposure about how to practice case work, its process, the various phases and
how to record a case work an example of a case of a family with marital problem has been presented in the
following pages. This case record would give you sufficient information on how to write case work. For further
guidance the learner can approach the Field Work Supervisor (FWS) regarding how to go about with each case
depending on the nature of problems.
Nature of the Problem
According to Asha, her twenty five years of married life were by and large peaceful. However, since the beginning
of 1989 (about ten months prior to the first interview) a lot of misunderstandings had taken place between Asha
and her husband. She was being scolded for every action by him. Her suggestions and comments were not
appreciated. She felt that her husband was not giving sufficient attention and love to her and the four children.
There was tremendous change in his attitude to the family members. She also complained that often her husband
used to be away during evening meals -the only meal when everyone in the family used to be present. The
problem reached its climax on 29.11.1989 when Asha and her husband had heated arguments over the latter’s
behaviour. On that day Asha was badly beaten up by her husband. That incident caused her more mental than
physical pain. That was the first time ever in her married life that her husband physically assaulted her. As Asha
and her family were well accepted by the residents of the locality and as they maintained good social status, it
was all the more difficult for her to share her problems with others.
Family background:
Husband: Asha’s husband, aged 45, was a tall and fair looking gentleman. After matriculation he had some
technical training which helped him to get a job in a factory in Indore. Later he managed to get sufficient loan for
his own business in hardware.
Children: Asha and Rajan had four children. The eldest child was a boy aged 19 and was in B.A. second year.
The other three were girls: one aged 17 was in class twelve and the other, twins aged 15 were in class ten. They
were average in studies.
then explained that since almost a year she and her husband were not on good terms. Asha felt that she was given
less importance at home. Her opinions and comments were not given importance by her husband. She felt that
her husband was having a lot of misunderstandings about her dealings. Asha also said that she had doubts about
her husband’s morality. Her husband was found to be extraordinarily friendly with the accountant’s wife. According
to her, the accountant named Anand and his wife Sunita were cheating her husband and they were enjoying the
profit of her husband’s business. Asha made several attempts to persuade her husband to give up his relationship
with the Anand family. Things reached its climax on 29.11.1989 when Asha was badly beaten up by her husband
following a heated argument over the issue. The incident brought a shock to her life. Tears rolled down from
Asha’s eyes as she narrated the incident in choked voice. There was a pause for a while and Asha looked up to
the worker expecting him to break the silence. The worker then asked Asha about the time of the incident. The
client said that the incident took place around 9.00 p.m. in the evening. When the children ‘heard her cry, they
rushed to the bedroom and pleaded with their father to stop beating their mother. She said that they had a
sleepless night and “that she felt sorry for her daughters who were preparing for their half-yearly exam. Since
that day Asha did not sleep with her husband. The client stopped narrating her problem by saying, she did not
know what to do. I have no place to go leaving my grown up girls to themselves. I do not know why God is so
harsh with me. There was silence for a while.
The worker told Asha, not to be disheartened by what had happened. He explained to Asha that the incident was
certainly an unfortunate one. The worker further told Asha that he was anxious to help her find a way to solve her
problems. The worker also expressed his doubts about many possible reasons which had paved way for those
developments. He told Asha that he needed more time to study the case and that probably they could meet after
a couple of days, may be by the week end. That was agreed to by Asha and she suggested that she would meet
the worker on 9.12.1989.
You might have noticed the following things:
1) The client approaches the case worker but is not sure what he can do for her. Since Indian society has
traditional elements individuals are more comfortable asking family members, neighbours, religious
figures and friends for advice rather than ask professionals. In urban areas however things may be
2) The case worker in spite of knowing her still has to collect the information required in systematic
manner before he can attempt a diagnosis. This is required because now he is entering a professional
relationship with the client. Individuals in informal relations may tell exaggerated versions of events
and impress others. This information can be misleading and prove detrimental to the diagnosis that
the case worker is making.
3) Personal history, the genesis of the problem according to the clients and the current happening are
some of the information the case worker obtains from the first session. Any intervention will be
based on this primary information.
4) The case worker applies the following techniques and principles. One: he gives unqualified positive
regard to the client. He is gentle with her, allows her to settle down comfortably in the room and
allows her some time before asking her the relevant questions. Two: he does not judge her on the
basis of her sex, social situation or her problem. He never gives the impression that she is to be
blamed for what has happened. However, he does ask her cooperation to solve the problem. Three:
he gives due respect for her feelings and allows her to express the same. He does not feel uncomfortable
at her crying and repeated pauses in between her sentences.
5) At the end of the session he offers her sympathy and hope. He also fixes the date and time for the next
Second interview with Asha
Asha came to the worker at the appointed time. The worker asked Asha about the situation at home and
whether she started talking to her husband. Asha told the worker that they were still not in talking terms.
She, however, said that her husband used to talk to the children and servant lady. Then the worker asked
Asha how long she expected to remain without talking to her husband. Asha kept silent and did not reply. The
worker suggested that instead of brooding over the mistakes in the past, she might make up her mind and break
the ice in the interest of her children and family. Asha said that she wanted to find a lasting solution to the problem.
Then the worker asked how she felt if the worker had a talk with her husband over the issue. Asha raised her
eyebrow and looked at the worker. The worker told Asha that he felt that it was necessary to have a talk with her
husband in order to find out her husband’s mind and attitude over the problem. The worker explained to Asha
that perhaps her husband might have had certain reasons which made him to change his behavior. Asha, however,
feared that the time was not ripe for the worker to talk to her husband. She felt that things might further deteriorate
if her husband came to know of her meetings with the worker. Asha instead suggested, that it would be easier if
a situation was created where the worker and her husband could meet before a formal meeting (interview) took
place to discuss the problem. Asha said that long back her husband had once expressed his desire to meet the
worker in connection with meeting an astrologer. Asha then explained that her husband had earlier approached
some astrologers when he had some setbacks in his business. However, his experiments were futile and he had
to spend a lot of money. At that juncture the worker intervened and asked Asha as to what made her husband to
associate the worker with astrologer. Asha then told the worker that her husband was aware of the fact that the
worker was wearing a ring which had a stone. The worker then explained to Asha that the ring he wore was not
one given by any astrologer. The worker told Asha that he was undergoing colour therapy. He explained to Asha
that some doctors and scientists prescribe the use of colour therapy like the use of water therapy, physiotherapy,
radiation therapy, yoga etc. The worker expressed his reservations in recommending any one to adopt that
method as he himself had not experienced anything extraordinary. Asha however, said that there was nothing
wrong in discussing that matter with her husband which would help the worker to establish rapport with her
husband. The worker then asked how he could meet her husband just like that since there was no initiative from
her husband’s side. Asha then remained silent for a while and then suggested that the worker could visit her
husband at her residence on any day for a friendly visit and that she would instruct her son to make an enquiry
with the worker about the ring that the worker wore, in the presence of her husband.
1) The case worker in this session asks the client about the situation. He finds out a piece of information
that in itself is not of much use, but which can be used to solve the case- the client’s husband’s
interest in alternative therapy.
2) Secondly, the case worker advises the client to take a positive step. The case worker did not simply
ask the client to do something. He first poses the question and set the scene for asking the client to
take the step. In some cases the client will resent that the case worker is suggesting a course of
action as it may seem to him/her that the case worker is blaming her for the situation. The case
worker, therefore, should be careful while advising an action to the client.
3) Thirdly, the case worker consults the client on the future course of action out of which emerges an
effective ad acceptable solution.
The worker went to Asha’s residence at 8.30 p.m. Asha, her husband and children were at home. Asha’s
husband welcomed the worker and offered him a seat. Asha’s husband asked why the worker had not
brought his wife and child. The worker replied that as he was going to visit several places in search of
accommodation, for a friend, he preferred to go around alone. By that time Asha’s son came and wished
the worker and sat near him. During the conversation of general things Asha’s son asked the worker about
the ring that the worker wore. There was a long conversation on the subject in which Asha’s children and
husband participated. That ,in fact helped the worker to interact with Asha’s husband who showed keen interest
in meeting the Colour Therapist. The worker agreed to take him to the Therapist but expressed his desire to have
a talk with him before meeting the Therapist. He agreed to it and an appointment was fixed for 15.12.1989 at
4.00 p.m. at the School of Social Work.
1) Since the family is known to the case worker he made an informal visit to the house without informing
the client’ s husband that he is going as a case worker. You must think how this is possible if the
client’s family is not known to the case worker. Some family members will object to outsiders being
involved in internal affairs.
2) Home visit is an important source of information about the client but it should be done in a proper
manner. You can use friends, neighbours or employees to make the home visit look like an informal
visit. However, in case of formal home visits, for example, for judging the suitability of a couple for
adoption, the home visit can be done in a formal manner.
Asha’s husband met the worker at the School of Social Work at 4.00. p.m. The worker enquired as to why
he was keen in meeting a Colour Therapist. Asha’s husband said that once upon a time his business was
flourishing well. However, during the recent past he had heavy losses. That was disturbing him. On the
advice of his accountant, he had to spend a large amount of money by holding consultations and seeking
help from astrologers. He further alleged that some jealous people were trying to bring him harm through
sorcery. The worker told him that he had little faith in sorcery and that no one could do harm to another
person through sorcery. However, Asha’s husband refused to agree with the worker. Then the worker
asked him whether he could narrate any instance which he knew in which anyone known to him was
cheated through sorcery. He replied in negative. The worker explained to Asha’s husband that he could
arrange an appointment with the Colour Therapist and reiterated that there was no guarantee of any
solution to his problem by meeting the Colour Therapist and adopting Colour Therapy.
The worker then asked him, whether he had anything particular to share with the worker. Asha’s husband
again replied that he would speak about himself and his problems only after meeting the Therapist. It was
then decided that they would meet the therapist on December l7, 1989.
1) Here is an example of using something of the client’s interest to build rapport. The case worker has
absolutely no faith in colour therapy himself but says that he will readily accompany the client to the
therapist. It may be noted that he is not telling lies about his faith in colour Therapy. He makes his
opinion sincerely to the client.
2) Also notice that the case worker while conveying his lack of faith in the sorcery does not mock or
criticize the client’s belief. You will frequently come across beliefs, traditions and values which you
yourself do not believe or you feel are irrational superstitions. However, you must not be judgmental
in your approach and respect the client’s beliefs.
In this case these beliefs did not adversely affect the case work process. In other cases, however, beliefs
of the client may harm the problem solving process. In such situations you have to be extra careful, as
you will have to remove the belief without hurting their ego.
The worker told him that he was not seriously concerned about any comments of the Therapist. He further
suggested to Asha’s husband that he could share with the worker confidentially whatever he wanted to
share regarding his problems. The worker explained to him that as a Social worker he could assist him to
analyse some of his problems.
Asha’s husband then told the worker that there was some truth in what the Therapist said. He explained to
the worker that since almost a year he had been meeting with misfortunes and did not know what to do.
He said that even at home he had no peace. At that juncture the worker intervened and asked him about
the problem he faced at home. Asha’s husband told the worker that he was not getting any support or
encouragement or understanding from his wife. He argued that women were least bothered about the
problems of their husbands. He further told the worker that whenever he came home after a day’s work
and running about, his wife never bothered to sit with him and share his difficulties. All she wanted was
money. Asha’s husband explained that sort of behaviour really discouraged him and very often he preferred
to eat outside. He also told the worker that his wife was least bothered about his health; she never used to ask
whether he had his breakfast, lunch or supper. Instead she used to give long discourse about family status and
dignity if she happened to know that Asha’s husband spent some time with any of his friends or associates. After
saying so much, Asha’s husband said “Oh I am sorry, why should I speak all these to you. By nature I am a
simple man. I speak out to others whatever I have in mind. And there is no use of it. That is my main handicap”.
The worker told Asha’s husband that he did a good thing by sharing his problems and feelings with the worker.
The worker explained to Asha’s husband that he could perceive two types of problems that he faced: one
relating to his business and the other relating to relationship with his wife. The worker told him that it would take
quite some time to understand and analyse those problems.
The worker suggested to Asha’s husband that he should meet him at least once in a week and more frequently if
necessary during the following one or two months in the process of finding solutions to his problems. He also told
him that he would have a talk with his wife as well since she also had equal responsibility and role to play in that
situation. Asha’s husband seemed to be a little unhappy about this suggestion and he cautioned the worker that
it would be dangerous to speak to his wife. The worker also told Asha’s husband: “You have shared some of
your feelings and problems with me. It is possible that your wife also must be having similar feelings and problems.
All these need to be brought to light and studied. Then only we can work for some amicable solution. In this
process both of you will have to forget and forgive many things”. Asha’s husband took a deep breath and then
told the worker that he was willing to cooperate with the worker, if the worker was confident that things would
not go from bad to worse.
The worker thanked Asha’s husband for his cooperation and told him to meet him on following Wednesday i.e.
27.12.89. at the same time and place. He also advised him to spend more time at home with his wife and children
so that they would not feel that they were not cared for. He suggested to him that as far as possible he should
have his meals along with his wife and children and take the family for a film or an outing once in a while.
The case worker deals with the client tactfully. He does not tell the husband that he had met the wife and
is involved at her request. In this case that information would have harmed the case work process. In
other cases it would be better to reveal the information,. You must take the decision on how, when and
why to reveal the information depending on the nature and progress of the case.
Asha met the worker at the School of Social Work at 2.00 p.m. The worker asked whether there was any
change in the family atmosphere. Asha told the worker that on the previous two days her husband had his meals
along with the children. She said that she did not join them for meals and was busy serving them. Asha told the
worker that she was willing to talk to him, but did not know how to make a beginning. The worker told her:
“Where there is a will, there is a way. You only said that you were serving meals to your husband and children
since the past two days. While serving meals, you could have easily asked: Shall I give some more rice or water
or pickle etc”. Asha then asked the worker whether her husband met the worker. The worker told her that he
and her husband had a very long session. Asha was keen to know whether the worker informed her husband
about Asha’s meeting with the worker. The worker told her that he had not informed her husband about it and
that he expected to inform him during the next meeting scheduled for 27th December. When Asha asked the
worker about details of their meetings, the worker told Asha that her husband frankly shared many of his problems.
The worker explained to Asha that one of the main causes of all the problems that they faced was due to the lack
of proper communication between Asha and her husband. The worker told Asha that her husband needed more
care and attention from Asha. He explained to Asha that her husband was faced with a number of problems
relating to his business. In that situation he also needed the concern and love from the family members. When he
did not get that, it was natural for him to look for the same from other sources. The worker told Asha that to
some extent she too was responsible for the present situation. The worker advised her to show some personal
interest in the business of her husband by asking how his business went etc. That would also help Asha to
become aware of the ups and downs her husband faced each day in his business. The worker also told
Asha that she should not expect her husband to bring in more money, if his business was not going well.
The worker expressed his hope that Asha and her husband could find some solution to their problems if they
made up their mind to work together. Asha invited the worker to her home on the New Year Day. The worker
told her that he would certainly visit their home on January 1st and expressed his wish that, the New Year’s Day
would be a special one for Asha’s family. The worker and Asha agreed to meet again on 30.12.1989 at the
School of Social Work.
Family Visit
The worker and his family made a casual visit to Asha’s family at 5.00 pm. to wish them a happy New Year.
There was only friendly conversation.
husband smiled and said that they came together on his two-wheeler. The worker expressed happiness over the
improvements they made in patching up differences. The worker asked Asha whether they started talking. (She
said that without talking it would not have been possible for them to come together).
The worker expressed his desire to hear some more about other developments, if any, in the process of restoring
normalcy in the family. Both Asha and her husband remained silent for a while. Asha’s husband then said that
things were normal at home. When the worker asked: “Is that so?” Asha said that on the mid-night of December
3lst they were watching the New Year’s TV programme and some how conversation began to take place while
they were making comments on various items and actors. That very evening onwards Asha and her husband
began to sleep in the same bedroom.
The worker congratulated them for breaking the long spell of silence. He told Asha and her husband that it was
a very important step that they had taken in the process of dealing with their problem. The worker then explained
to them that the main problems they faced were two; one relating to the relationship and the other relating to their
business. He explained to them that unless they restored normalcy in their relationship, forget and forgive each
other, it would be difficult to find a lasting solution to their problem. One major reason which the worker could
perceive was lack of proper communication between the two. The worker advised both Asha and her husband
to try to share all their feelings and problems which they faced daily both in business as well as in other daily
Asha’s husband said that his wife was least bothered or interested about his business. Therefore, he preferred to
refrain from sharing things about his business and related problems. Asha intervened and asked the worker as to
why she should interfere in her husband’s business.
She said that she did not know anything about the business and that she had nothing to do with that. The worker
explained to her that she too had equal responsibility in the business of her husband. The person who runs the
business also had feelings, emotions, need of love and care and appreciations. The worker explained to her that
it was her duty to give a helping hand to her husband by way of encouraging and sharing of feelings etc. Once
there was no such interactions, communication gap would widen and cause many other problems. The worker
explained to her that the Anand family in one way was able to have a share in the business of her husband due to
the problems her husband faced in the business.
Asha expressed surprise at this news and said that if her husband had told her about this problem she would have
given her gold ornaments and helped him. Asha’s husband intervened and said that once he had mentioned to her
that he wanted to mortgage her ornaments and take some money for business. That time she expressed her
displeasure and said that it was a shameful act and that the public would speak about it. Asha then said that her
husband never told her that he was indebted or his business was in danger of collapse. The worker told her that
probably because of her attitude and lack of proper communication her husband had to look for other alternatives.
Asha then asked whether she could still help her husband and get rid of the partnership. She said that she was
prepared to do anything to keep the Anand family away. The worker told her that probably she could still help
her husband. That totally depended on her and her husband. The worker advised them to sit together and find
out the possibilities.
The worker then suggested that they meet him every Saturday at 4.00 p.m. at the School of Social Work for
sometime. It was decided that they would meet again on 13.1.1990.
1) The case worker expresses support and encouragement to the clients when they made progress.
2) The case worker tries to get the solution from the clients themselves and prepares them to accept the same,
as it would benefit them.
3) You might have noticed that the first interview with both the husband and wife takes places after numerous
individual meetings during which the case worker prepares them. Further he sees that some changes have
taken place in the behaivour and that the process can move on.
Interview with Asha’s Husband
Asha’s husband met the worker at the School of Social Work. He said that Asha was not feeling well and was
suffering from fever. When the worker enquired about improvement in their relationship, he said that Asha was
willing to give her gold ornaments for selling or for mortgaging. She also had a saving of about Rs.6,000/-. The
worker asked Asha’s husband about his plans. He said that he was negotiating with Anand and Anand was ready
to withdraw his partnership for Rs.40, 000/-. That amount was more than what Asha’s husband expected. The
worker asked him about the opinion of Asha. Asha’s husband said that Asha was willing to give any amount as
she was keen in breaking her husband’s relationship with the Anand family.
Asha’s husband told the worker that during their conversation several times Asha raised suspicion about his
morality and relation with Anand’s wife. He further said that she had no reasons to doubt him. Asha’s husband
said that in fact he should suspect her more since she can no longer bear a child as her uterus was removed two
years ago. The worker told Asha’s husband that she might be at the stage of menopause and the women in that
stage usually face several emotional probems. The worker explained to him some of the physical and psychological
characteristics of that stage. He advised him that he should have more understanding and make her feel that he
cared for her. He suggested to him that he should take her for entertainments etc. once in a while.
Asha’s husband thanked the worker for his guidance and suggested that it would be worth if Asha herself was
informed about the characteristics of the menopause period. The worker told him that Asha’s husband could
take her to a lady psychologist known to the worker. Asha’s husband told the worker that anything related with
psychologist was not appreciated by her and that she had wrong information or feelings about it. The worker told
Asha’s husband that he was a better person to explain to her and make her understand that each stage of a
human being’s development was marked by physiological and psychological changes. To know, it was better
that one consulted specialized physicians in that subject. The worker suggested that it would be better if Asha’s
husband motivated her to meet some doctors.
Asha’s husband thanked the worker and said that he would try to convince her. Asha’s husband took details of
the psychologists. It was then decided that they would meet on 31.1.1990 as the worker would be away during
the following week. The worker also asked him to come along with his wife for the next meeting.
She said that her meetings with the Psychologist were useful. She also said that her husband expected a big
business contract and if that came through, they could avoid mortgaging the ornaments. She also said that there
was tremendous change in his character and behaviour. The worker told her to keep up the spirit and continue to
cooperate with her husband.
ask her daughter to go for Home Science. The worker kept enquiring from Asha and her husband about their
progress for a couple of months. In the month of September 1990 Asha’s husband told the worker that he had
recovered all the mortgaged ornaments and that once again he was having a good business. The worker felt that
there was no need to do further follow up and so the case was terminated.
1) The case is terminated as the problem was successfully resolved to the satisfaction of the clients.
2) As one can notice the role of the case worker becomes less and less in the last few sessions. The clients
begin to sort out the problems themselves. The case worker merely encourages them and keeps tab on the
In the following pages you are expected to neatly present the daily report of your field practicum activities. You
will be undertaking visits to two agencies in your locality where counselling services are being provided. It could
be even NGOs which serve in open community setting, or any other service sector.
The rest of the pages are meant for writing reports of 45 days of concurrent field visits: at least five reports of
individual conferences and group conferences (wherever applicable). You are expected to present consolidated
reports of each case after the termination of the cases. Every student must conduct at least five cases following
the principles and keeping in view the various phases and components of case work.
At the end you are expected to provide summary report for the entire work of the practicum for second year.
For “Internship” you must use separate block which is provided to you along with the SIM.
Summary Report of Second Year Field Work
Agencies Visited
S.No. Name of the agency Date
1. ...................................................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................................................................
5. ...................................................................................................................................................
Concurrent Visits
(Minimum 45)
S.No. Main activity in one line Date
1. ...................................................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................................................................
5. ...................................................................................................................................................
6. ...................................................................................................................................................
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12. ...................................................................................................................................................
13. ...................................................................................................................................................
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15. ...................................................................................................................................................
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49. ...................................................................................................................................................
50. ...................................................................................................................................................
Individual Conferences
(Minimum 5)
S.No. Place Time Date
1. ...................................................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................................................................
5. ...................................................................................................................................................
6. ...................................................................................................................................................
7. ...................................................................................................................................................
8. ...................................................................................................................................................
9. ...................................................................................................................................................
10. ...................................................................................................................................................
Group Conferences
(Minimum 5)
S.No. Place Time Date
1. ...................................................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................................................................
5. ...................................................................................................................................................
6. ...................................................................................................................................................
7. ...................................................................................................................................................
8. ...................................................................................................................................................
Evaluation Report of Supervisor
Total Marks : 200
Field Work Supervisor : 100 (Internal) Faculty SOSW, IGNOU : 100 (External)
1) Induction Meeting 10
Attendance and Report
2) Orientation visits 20
Attendance and Report
4) Individual Conferences/ 15
Group Conferences
Attendance and Report
Total 100
Note : 1. A Student needs to secure a minimum of 50% marks by both internal Supervisor and the
faculty respectively in order to pass.
2. The Supervisor is directed to give not more than 80 marks out of 100, that too in exceptional
cases. The usual marking should be below 75 marks.
3. Wherever Group Conference is not feasible, the internal Supervisor may give Marks in that
column based on the over all performance of the student.
for Concurrent Field Work of minimum 45 days. His or her performance during
E-mail : ....................................................................................
Date : .....................