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Open NDR

These materials are © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
Open NDR

Corelight Special Edition

by Alan Saldich

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Open NDR For Dummies®, Corelight Special Edition

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 1
About This Book.................................................................................... 2
Foolish Assumptions............................................................................. 2
Icons Used in This Book........................................................................ 3
Where to Go from Here........................................................................ 3

CHAPTER 1: Building Resilient Security with Open NDR............ 5

Why Can’t We Just Keep the Bad Guys Out?...................................... 6
The Birth of Zeek (Formerly Bro)......................................................... 7
Why Perimeter-Based Security Is No Longer Sufficient.................... 8
The Meaning, Value, and Enduring Value of “Ground Truth”........ 11
The SOC Visibility Triad....................................................................... 12
They’re Already In: What Can You Do?.............................................. 13

CHAPTER 2: Using Open NDR in Your Enterprise............................ 15

Exploring Zeek’s Key Capabilities...................................................... 17
Other Elements of Zeek Logs............................................................. 20
Integrating Zeek Data with Suricata Alerts and PCAP..................... 21
Why Not Build DIY Sensors?............................................................... 22

CHAPTER 3: Improving Operational Security

with Open NDR............................................................................. 25
The Power of Open NDR.................................................................... 25
Using Zeek Collections with Your Open NDR Platform.................. 26
Analyzing encrypted traffic........................................................... 27
Detecting command and control (C2) activity............................ 29
Integrating Open NDR into your security architecture............. 30
Using Zeek Data for Incident Response and Threat Hunting........ 31
Pivoting through the data............................................................. 32
Integrating Suricata alerts with Zeek logs................................... 32
Incorporating PCAP into Zeek investigations............................. 33
Using SOAR playbooks.................................................................. 34
Data reduction............................................................................... 34
Fork and filter................................................................................. 35
Speeding up investigations........................................................... 35

Table of Contents v

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CHAPTER 4: Rethinking Your Security Posture................................ 37
Perimeter-Based Security: Necessary but Insufficient................... 37
Why Open NDR Is More Powerful Than Proprietary NDR.............. 39
Trust the vendor (versus trust but verify)................................... 39
A widely used “design pattern”.................................................... 39
The flavor of the data.................................................................... 40
Analytics included (or not)............................................................ 40
Access to underlying data............................................................. 41
Cloud only or hybrid...................................................................... 41
Onboard storage or flexible options........................................... 42
Fancy maps and charts................................................................. 42
Revisiting the Core Components of Open NDR............................... 42
Open source versus proprietary.................................................. 43
Open data versus alerts only........................................................ 43
Open architecture versus closed................................................. 43

CHAPTER 5: Ten Questions to Ask Yourself about

Your Network................................................................................ 45
Are You Collecting All the Relevant Evidence?................................. 46
Do You Understand Your Network and What’s
Connected to It?................................................................................... 47
Who Was Affected by This Attack and When?................................. 47
How Far Back in Time Can You Go?.................................................. 48
What’s in That Encrypted Traffic Anyway?........................................ 48
How Would You Detect Off-Protocol Port Use?............................... 49
Can You Find Malicious Files Hiding in Plain Sight?........................ 50
Are You Sure You See Every Packet?................................................. 50
Is Your Security Team as Efficient as Possible?............................... 50
What Does It All Mean?....................................................................... 51

vi Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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etworks are the veins of modern organizations, and data is
the lifeblood that flows through them. Networks carry all
the applications and data required to operate in today’s
digital world, but it wasn’t long ago that interconnecting
computers was a new concept (sneaker-net anyone?).

Networking has transformed enterprises, but it has also opened

a pathway for criminal groups, corporate insiders, and nation-
states to easily traverse an organization in search of critical data
such as intellectual property, personal information, financial
data, credit card numbers, health records, and more. Virtually all
cyberattacks require getting from point A to point B, and these
points are connected in almost all cases by a network.

Networks create an unavoidable vulnerability, but when properly

monitored they also provide a great source of evidence for inves-
tigation when you’re attacked. According to author and security
expert Richard Bejtlich, “The defender only needs to detect one
of the indicators of the intruder’s presence in order to initiate
incident response within the enterprise” (https://taosecurity.

Defending an organization is a tough job, but often all you need is

one clue that something looks weird or has gone awry to lead you
to the path to unravel an attack. Finding that one clue isn’t easy,
by any means, but attackers are human  — they aren’t perfect,
and they make mistakes. Just like the burglar who leaves behind a
single fingerprint, sometimes a single clue is all you need.

That’s the fundamental idea of network detection and response

(NDR): To find an intruder, you need to be collecting evidence all
the time, and one of the best sources for that evidence is the traf-
fic in your network. If you aren’t monitoring your network 24/7
and keeping the relevant evidence on hand for months (or ideally,
years), your blue team (network defenders, incident responders,
and threat hunters) will be at a huge disadvantage when they’re
called upon to resolve a serious security incident or to embark on
proactive threat-hunting missions.

Introduction 1

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Network data is ground truth. Unlike applications or servers
whose data can be overwritten, network traffic contains innu-
merable clues about people, devices, applications, and data that
are critical to successful incident response and threat hunting.
Attackers use a wide variety of techniques to try to hide in the
network, but ultimately they can’t avoid pushing packets across
the wire, leaving behind an immutable record of their activ-
ity. If you’re there, ready to capture that record and turn it into
evidence, you and your team will have the high ground.

About This Book

You’ll find this book important if you want to

»» Improve the speed and operational effectiveness of your

security operations team with better data
»» See how data-driven, data-first approaches to enterprise
security can transform incident response and threat hunting
»» Understand why metadata and other information extracted
from your network is instrumental for incident response and
threat hunting
»» See why traditional network monitoring tools like NetFlow
and packet capture (PCAP) don’t give your security teams the
information they need to do their jobs
»» Enable your security teams to understand the context
around incidents by providing them with the evidence they
need to conclude investigations
»» Give your blue team the data they need to enable effective
threat hunting

Foolish Assumptions
I assume you’re a security professional in business, government,
or academia. This isn’t an implementation guide  — it’s a book
for security managers, architects, and others who may be deeply
familiar with many aspects of modern enterprise security. At the
same time, you may not be as well versed in network security

2 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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monitoring (also referred to as network traffic analysis, network
detection and response, network analysis and visibility, and a
host of other overlapping terms). You also may not be familiar
with the open-source project called Zeek (which was known as
Bro from 1995 to late 2018). If that’s you, you’re in the right place.

Icons Used in This Book

Throughout this book, I occasionally use icons to call out impor-
tant information. Here’s what to expect:

Tips are appreciated, never expected, and I sure hope you’ll

appreciate these useful nuggets of information.

This icon points out important information you should commit

to your nonvolatile memory, your gray matter, or your noggin —
along with anniversaries and birthdays!

These alerts point out the stuff your mother warned you about.
Well, probably not, but they do offer practical advice to help you
avoid potentially costly or frustrating mistakes.

Where to Go from Here

If you like what you read in this book, visit www.corelight.com
for more information about its Open NDR solutions, arrange for
a demo, or learn how Corelight can help organizations like yours
improve their security operations.

Introduction 3

These materials are © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
»» Learning the history of network
monitoring and Zeek (formerly Bro)

»» Understanding why perimeter-based

security is no longer sufficient

»» Exploring the power and importance of

“ground truth”

»» Digging into the “SOC Triad” and NDR

Chapter  1
Building Resilient
Security with Open NDR

s soon as organizations started using networks for opera-
tional purposes and sharing data that had operational,
technical, or personal value, bad actors started to try to
exploit them. Very early on, monitoring networks to see what was
going on seemed like a pretty good idea. What does “monitoring”
mean, exactly?

Is it keeping a copy of all the network traffic? Would monitoring

specific links be enough? Maybe just logging data from routers
and switches? How about focusing on specific ports or protocols?

For a modern enterprise with thousands of employees, dozens or

hundreds of sites, and thousands of servers, routers, switches,
databases, and other infrastructure, monitoring networks for
mischief gets complicated quickly. Add smartphones, cloud, bring
your own device (BYOD), Internet of Things (IoT), working from
home (WFH), software as a service (SaaS), and a host of other
acronyms, and it seems impossible. But it doesn’t have to be.

In this chapter, I explain the basics of a network monitoring–

based approach as the foundation for enterprise security and dis-
cuss why the strategy of keeping attackers out is hopeless.

CHAPTER 1 Building Resilient Security with Open NDR 5

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Why Can’t We Just Keep the
Bad Guys Out?
Enterprise security is a never-ending battle, one that gets more
difficult every year as attackers get more sophisticated, invent
new techniques, and build new tools and malware. Of course,
the easiest approach is to just keep them out in the first place!
After all, thousands of companies deliver firewalls (and advanced
firewalls!), intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, application
monitoring, end-point detection products, threat intelligence,
end-user detection, and many more.

Yet despite decades of work and billions of dollars spent on secu-

rity solutions every year by people like you, cyberattacks are con-
stant, and many of them are successful.

Attackers are creative, smart, determined, often highly moti-

vated, and often well funded. Whether it’s industrial espionage,
disgruntled employees, nation-states searching for strategic or
military advantage, or just a hacker looking for a challenge, they
all pose serious problems for blue teams who are charged with
defending their organizations.

“Just keeping them out” isn’t realistic for several reasons:

»» Too many attacks generate too many alerts, swamping more

security teams.
»» Too many alerts mean lots of false alarms, incidents that
aren’t run to ground completely, or attacks that are missed.
»» Blue teams (defenders) often don’t have the data they need
to understand security incidents quickly and accurately.
»» Attackers are adept at hiding in plain sight, using “normal”
applications, traffic, and tools to move around networks.
»» After breaching an organization, attackers often lay low for
weeks or months, before they act, making them challenging
to detect.

6 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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The Birth of Zeek (Formerly Bro)
Put yourself in 1995 (if you’re old enough). In the technology
world, that wasn’t long after the introduction of NCSA Mosaic
(the world’s first web browser) in 1993. Believe it or not, many
companies were just adopting email widely and were still trying
to figure out what do with a “web server.”

Remote offices were often barely connected to their headquarters

by computer networks. If they were, those connections were usu-
ally low-bandwidth dedicated telephone lines, ISDN, fractional
T1 lines, or just dial-up. Fax machines were still in wide use, and
two-way paging was cutting-edge! The iPhone and cloud services
like Amazon Web Services were still more than a decade away.

In that era, cyberattacks against businesses were still pretty rare.

Many companies were just beginning their digital transforma-
tions, so it was harder to penetrate them and steal much of con-
sequence over networks. And because there weren’t many hosts
online, monitoring them was easier in many ways, even though
the tools were primitive.

The year 1995 looked very different at UC Berkeley. A grad student

named Vern Paxson was working at Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBL,
now known simply as the Berkeley Lab), a Department of Energy
(DoE) facility in the Berkeley hills overlooking San Francisco Bay.
He was monitoring the massive networks that interconnect the
various labs run by the DoE which include basic research labs like
LBL, but also the nuclear weapons complex with famous facilities
like Los Alamos, Sandia, and Oak Ridge. They were, and still are,
interconnected by the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), which
is usually the largest network in the world at any given time.
Figure 1-1 shows a chart of traffic growth on ESnet since the early
1990s. Back then, traffic was negligible compared to today, but it
was growing exponentially!

CHAPTER 1 Building Resilient Security with Open NDR 7

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Source: https://my.es.net/traffic-volume?scale=linear
FIGURE 1-1:  1990s traffic was low but growing fast.

Paxson developed a tool to monitor the traffic in support of exper-

iments at LBL. He named the tool “Bro,” which was an allusion
to Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel 1984. Because Bro was so
powerful and enabled Paxson to see the network traffic in so much
detail, he immediately recognized the potential for the misuse or
abuse of this powerful monitoring tool. (Bro was renamed Zeek in
2018. In this book, I use Zeek, even though it was known as Bro
for more than 20 years. If you see Zeek in this book, know that it
refers to the open-source project, which is distinct from products
like Corelight’s that incorporate Zeek into their solutions.)

Why Perimeter-Based Security

Is No Longer Sufficient
LBL, like many labs and universities, was a vastly different envi-
ronment compared to most businesses, even large enterprises, at
the time.

For one thing, it was a research facility in a large public univer-

sity that worked cooperatively with other scientific labs around
the world. Roughly 25 percent of their students turned over every
year, and the lab had scientists coming and going constantly.

8 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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They would, of course, be using their own computers and applica-
tions, so controlling those in the way a business might was incon-
ceivable. The scientists and students at the lab would be doing
all manner of experiments, from high-energy physics to energy
conservation to biology, and much of that was unpredictable. The
data sets could be massive, with things like the Advanced Light
Source (a particle accelerator) generating terabytes or petabytes
of data regularly. There was no way to enforce the use of specific
devices, applications, or data sets.

This environment required something different from a perimeter-

based security approach that was the default at the time.

Zeek evolved under the harsh conditions at LBL, as well as

some powerful trends in computing that resulted in its unique

»» Zeek is nonjudgmental. Because LBL didn’t control the

applications and data that users implemented, a signature-
based system was a nonstarter. If you don’t know what to
look for, then there’s no known signature to trigger an alert.
The underlying philosophy of Zeek is to neutrally observe
and record network traffic, not to try to decide whether a
particular packet, IP address, DNS query, or file is good or
bad, malicious or benign.
»» Zeek is a real-time event processing engine. Zeek isn’t a
static filter or list of things to watch out for. An event, however,
can be defined in many ways, so over the last 25 years, Vern
and the subsequent developers who built Zeek have created
many different packages (sometimes called scripts) to extract
different elements of data, metadata, or observed behavior
from network traffic. Zeek continues to evolve today as new
protocols, applications, and behaviors become common.
»» Zeek logs are the output of that engine. There are dozens
of “standard” Zeek logs, hundreds or possibly thousands if
you count custom or community-contributed scripts. Each
Zeek log is the product of a particular script — for example,
scripts and logs for email traffic (Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol [SMTP] log), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
connections (connection log), web pages (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol [HTTP] log), Microsoft Office traffic (Server Message
Block [SMB] log), and dozens of others, including a “Weird
log” to catch odd or unknown traffic.

CHAPTER 1 Building Resilient Security with Open NDR 9

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»» Zeek logs are compact, curated, structured, and inter-
connected. Those attributes relate to the data collected in
Zeek logs:

• Compact: Typically, in aggregate, all the data contained

in Zeek logs is roughly 1 percent of the volume of the
monitored traffic. If you were monitoring a 10 Gbps link,
you would expect roughly 100 Mbps of Zeek logs. That’s
still a lot of data, but their relatively compact size means
the logs can be kept for many months or even years.

• Curated: Zeek extracts only relevant data that’s neces-

sary for security investigations. Unlike packet capture
(PCAP) solutions, Zeek is producing a curated set of data,
designed by and for incident responders and threat

• Structured: Zeek logs can be imported into virtually any

security analytics stack (typically, security and information
event management [SIEM]) in a variety of formats.

• Interconnected: Zeek logs contain key fields that are

common across many logs (for example, they share a
common time stamp [ts] and the unique ID [UID] that
I discuss later, among others). That allows incident
responders to pivot quickly from the conn log with data
about a TCP connection, to the HTTP log to see relevant
web traffic, to the SMTP log to investigate concurrent
email exchanges, and so on.
»» Zeek is an open-source project. It has been built and
improved over many years by a team of people across
various companies and academia. So, different organizations
have developed their own packages to extract data or
generate alerts. (See www.zeek.org for more information
about it.)

With this high-level understanding of Zeek’s origins, you

can see how it’s different from other security technologies
designed to detect and stop intruders. Zeek users recognize that
“signature-based” strategy isn’t 100 percent reliable and attack-
ers will be successful in penetrating an organization, and by
default its network.

10 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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The challenge for defenders is collecting the right evidence
needed to investigate a suspected attack or breach, whether it
happened just now, or a year ago. Regardless of the recency, inci-
dent responders need the right data to assess the damage, and to
decide what to do about it. They need to know the “ground truth,”
and the best place to get that is from network data.

The Meaning, Value, and Enduring

Value of “Ground Truth”
Attackers are crafty and motivated. They’re adept not only at
evading detections by hiding in normal traffic and using admin
tools to move around, but also at obscuring their presence by
overwriting device logs that recorded what they did.

A Zeek sensor is deployed out-of-band, which means that when

you install one, you’re connecting it to a tap in your network (usu-
ally via a packet broker or TAP/SPAN port) and then it’s ingesting
a copy of the network traffic. Why is that important? Because then
attackers who are traversing your organization’s network have no
way of knowing Zeek is watching, and no way to evade it. Your
Zeek sensor is always evaluating a live copy of the network traffic,
not the live in-path traffic where the sensor could be detected and
possibly avoided.

If an attacker accesses a file server by traversing a network that’s

being monitored by Zeek, you’ll automatically have collected a
record of their activity. An intruder has no way to go back later
and overwrite a file or otherwise hide their actions. Zeek has col-
lected the “ground truth” that can’t be changed.

Often people describe what Zeek does as being a bit like a flight
data recorder (FDR) on an airplane. When something goes awry,
the first thing investigators do is recover that device. Why?
Because during the flight, it was recording the relevant data that
would be needed in an investigation  — things like: Airspeed,
throttle position, engine speed, aileron and flap angles, rudder
angles, fuel level, altitude, attitude and other critical data.

The FDR isn’t recording what everyone on the plane was wear-
ing, what movies were shown, or what each passenger ate for the
in-flight meal; it’s recording only the relevant data required to

CHAPTER 1 Building Resilient Security with Open NDR 11

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piece together what happened in the event of an accident or other
mishap. Unfortunately, using that metaphor leads people to think
about plane crashes, so I use it judiciously.

The SOC Visibility Triad

In 2019, Gartner published a paper entitled “Applying Network-
Centric Approaches for Threat Detection and Response”
centric-approaches-for-threat-detection). In that paper,
they outline the idea of the SOC Visibility Triad. The basic concept
is that for an enterprise security operations center (SOC) to have
a complete picture of the security environment, it needs three key

»» Endpoint detection and response (EDR)

»» Network detection and response (NDR)
»» Security incident and event management (SIEM)
Network security monitoring has been around for decades. In the
2010s, security professionals rightly decided there was a tremen-
dous amount of security information in endpoints (PCs, laptops,
servers, and other hosts). So, the security pendulum swung hard,
with several new EDR vendors emerging that still provide power-
ful tools for blue teams today.

But, like all pendulums, it eventually swung back. EDR data is

valuable and essential, but it isn’t nearly enough to paint the
complete picture. One simple challenge is that instrumenting
every single endpoint isn’t possible. In a large enterprise or govern-
ment agency with tens or even hundreds of thousands of employ-
ees, complex IT infrastructure, instrumenting every endpoint is
challenging and often impossible.

To complete the picture, Gartner (and many other security

analysts) recommend monitoring networks as well. The nice
thing about monitoring networks is that if you pick your sensor
locations strategically, you can get a complete picture of activity
in each segment with one sensor (as opposed to trying to deploy
many thousands of endpoint monitoring solutions).

12 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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Zeek sensors can be deployed to monitor north–south traffic
(typically traffic entering or exiting your organization at an egress
point or primary Internet connection) or east–west traffic (usually
defined as internal traffic to/from or within data centers or other
“on-premises” locations), or high-value locations (like specific
research labs, high-performance computing, specific applications
or databases, and so on).

The two systems combined  — EDR and NDR  — provide a more

complete picture, and all that data is typically ingested into and
stored in a SIEM platform (or data lake). Although you have many
ways to monitor network traffic, Zeek has been the standard for
security monitoring at the world’s largest, most sensitive, and
most-attacked networks for many years.

They’re Already In: What Can You Do?

You have to assume your organization will be breached or that
it already has been. In that case, you may be wondering how an
NDR solution built on Zeek would help. NDR is a somewhat new
category name, but it certainly has several predecessors, and
they overlap. Network security monitoring (NSM), network traf-
fic analysis (NTA), network analysis and visibility (NAV), and
network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) have all been used
over the years to describe the basic functionality of monitoring
networks for security purposes.

Zeek produces efficient compact logs that provide the evidence

that a security professional needs to investigate an incident
quickly. But that’s only true if your team has deployed sensors
and has been collecting and keeping logs from some time before
the relevant breach started.

That’s one of the most powerful capabilities of Zeek: It’s a simple

step any organization can take to start collecting that security
evidence, in preparation for that day in the future when you’ll be
grateful you have that critical data.

If you’re fortunate enough to have Zeek logs available going

back months or years, then when you hear about a new indica-
tor of compromise (IOC) that emerges from threat intelligence
services or government agencies, the first step is a simple one:

CHAPTER 1 Building Resilient Security with Open NDR 13

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Just search your SIEM platform or data lake for those IOCs in the
Zeek logs. Whether you use Backstory, Databricks, Devo, Elastic,
Hadoop, Splunk, Sumo, or something else, if you have the logs
then searching for specific strings is quick.

And, more important, your team can start pulling on threads as

they come across clues of malicious behavior. Maybe the IOC is
the signature of a particular piece of malware. If a search shows
that malware first showed up in your network seven months ago
via a phishing attack, you may wonder what websites were visited
just before that.

Then you may notice that in addition to the specific piece of mal-
ware you’re searching for, other files that arrived at the same time
are visible. What are those files? Who downloaded them? Where
did they come from? Why doesn’t the file extension match the file
type? Why was that SMB traffic on an unexpected port?

An investigator can answer these questions quickly with Zeek

logs. There’s simply no better tool for security teams when it
comes to understanding what happened on your network.

14 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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»» Learning key capabilities of Open NDR
built on Zeek and Suricata

»» Comparing Open NDR to other network

monitoring approaches

»» Looking at the UID, the FUID, and other

pivot points in Zeek logs

»» Integrating Zeek logs with Suricata Alerts

and PCAP

Chapter  2
Using Open NDR in
Your Enterprise

his chapter covers the advantages of Open NDR — because of
its inherent characteristics — versus other types of network
monitoring approaches. It also dives into some of the finer
points of Zeek logs, integrating data with Suricata Alerts and packet
capture (PCAP), and the 2020 SolarWinds/SUNBURST breach.


In mid-December 2020, it was announced that a major security
breach had occurred. A year earlier, in the fall of 2019 (or earlier),
attackers had infected the widely used Orion software of the infra-
structure monitoring vendor SolarWinds. The attack was called
SUNBURST. In the spring of 2020, the attackers used the SolarWinds
normal software update mechanism to spread malware across the
networks of thousands of companies and government agencies.

The attackers were sophisticated. Not only did they execute a success-
ful supply-chain attack, but after their malware was deployed at the


CHAPTER 2 Using Open NDR in Your Enterprise 15

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targets, it lay dormant for a period of several weeks to ensure it hadn’t

been detected. This was a well-planned attack that caused extensive
damage, the extent of which still wasn’t completely understood at the
time of publication of this book.

Stopping such a novel attack is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible.

However, organizations that deployed an Open NDR solution based
on Zeek had a huge advantage in understanding the scope and sever-
ity of the attack. In fact, one of the senior consultants at Mandiant
who unraveled the attack mentioned on Twitter (https://twitter.
com/srunnels/status/1338329916304199680) his use of Zeek
during the investigation:

We leveraged a lot of tech and this investigation only solidified

my belief that a [network security monitoring] stack isn’t complete
without Zeek. Obfuscatory attacker actions had a hard time hiding
from all the research done by the folks at @corelight_inc.”

Organizations that had Zeek sensors deployed could execute a simple

search when the SUNBURST indicators of compromise (IOCs) were
published. Assuming their security teams had kept the logs in a secu-
rity and information event management (SIEM) platform or a similar
analytics platform, a quick text search would confirm whether the
malware had been seen on the network.

This is hugely important because if an organization was a SolarWinds

customer but didn’t have access to security-specific logs going back a
year, they would have no way to know if they had been affected, and
would’ve had to assume the worst. Many government and enterprise
shops talked of having to “burn down the network” to ensure they
had eradicated the malware. According to a Business Insider article

Tom Bossert, a former homeland security advisor to President

Trump, in a New York Times op-ed, sounded the alarm about a
recent Russian hack of U.S. systems. “The Russians have had
access to a considerable number of important and sensitive
networks for six to nine months,” he wrote. He said that it could
take years to remove the hackers, and Russia could use its access
to monitor or alter government data, and spread chaos.

16 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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Exploring Zeek’s Key Capabilities
Open NDR deployments built on open-source tools like Zeek and
Suricata can be easily integrated into the security infrastructure
of almost any modern enterprise. But, before you get started,
consider these characteristics of organizations that have the most
successful deployments:

»» A data-first approach to security: You could think of this

as a “big data” mentality: The first step is collecting the data,
even if you’re not exactly sure how it will be used or needed
in the future. Not every organization is prepared for, or
wants to keep, terabytes or even petabytes of security log
data. If your organization thinks of security infrastructure as
alert-first (meaning your team would be satisfied with an
intrusion-detection system that alerts you to malware, but
that doesn’t provide access to the underlying evidence of
intrusion), then perhaps Zeek isn’t right for you.
»» A modern security operations center (SOC) and SIEM
platform: Zeek logs need to go somewhere, and most
successful deployments involve integration of the Zeek
sensors with a modern SIEM platform. Popular choices
include Chronicle Backstory (Google), Elastic (ELK Stack,
typically), Splunk, and sometimes newer entrants like
Databricks, Devo, Securonix, Sumo, or even data lakes
built on Hadoop and related technologies.
Wherever you store the logs, they need to be accessible and
searchable. Some organizations have older SIEM platforms
and will have trouble ingesting and storing the volume and
variety of Zeek log data.
»» Appropriate network tapping capability: As I explain
earlier, Zeek is typically connected via a packet broker to
your network, so it can ingest a copy of your network traffic
at that location. You’ll need an available port on your packet
broker, or if you don’t have one, you’ll still need a TAP/SPAN
port available. If your security organization isn’t able to tap
the network, then Zeek is of no use to you.

CHAPTER 2 Using Open NDR in Your Enterprise 17

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Some of the key capabilities of Corelight Sensors include the

»» High-volume traffic monitoring: A single Corelight Sensor

can handle up to 100 Gbps of ingested traffic in a 1 rack unit
(RU) physical appliance (open-source Zeek sensors typically
start to struggle at 3 to 5 Gbps).
»» Flexible deployment options: Corelight Sensors can be
deployed as physical appliances in your data center, as
virtual machines (VMs), or in the cloud (Amazon Web
Services [AWS], Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform
[GCP]). A version called the Software Sensor can be deployed
as an application on any Linux platform.
»» Integration of Suricata: This book focuses mostly on Zeek,
but Corelight has also integrated Suricata, which is often
used side-by-side with Zeek in open-source deployments.
For smaller deployments, integrated solutions like Security
Onion include both (plus other security solutions).
»» High-speed file extraction (also known as file carving):
Keeping files on hand for future forensic examination is
often useful. Corelight Sensors can extract (carve) files from
network traffic at extremely high speed — thousands of files
per minute — and operators can control which types of files
are extracted. The combination of Zeek logs, Suricata alerts,
and extracted files can help security teams resolve and
understand 80 percent to 90 percent of all security incidents
without examining PCAP files.
»» Insight into encrypted traffic: More and more network
traffic is encrypted, even inside organizations. That obviously
makes it harder to examine the traffic for malicious content
or behavior. Corelight offers a group of Zeek packages called
the Encrypted Traffic Collection (ETC) that offers insight into
what’s going on.
Although any security investigator would rather have access
to unencrypted traffic, and although that’s technically
possible with break-and-inspect solutions, those aren’t
always feasible for legal, policy, or operational reasons.
»» Traffic shunting: Some traffic is just not worth inspecting
because that portion of the network traffic is exceptionally
large and potentially repetitive. Shunting allows the operator
to divert the payload of elephant flows (very large data flows,

18 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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for example video traffic, DNA data sets, and so on) and to
retain only some of the connection metadata, increasing the
effective monitoring capacity of the sensor.
»» Community ID: Corelight supports this feature that allows
easy pivots on network connections between tools like Zeek
and Suricata. The Community ID is a hash of the five-tuple
(composed of five values: the source and destination IP
addresses, source and destination ports, and the transport
protocol). Because several other key security solutions also
support Community ID, it’s a powerful way to see correla-
tions and behavioral or temporal relationships between the
two systems for a given TCP session. For more information
about community ID, Christian Kreibich of Corelight pub-
lished a paper about it in 2018, which you can read here at
»» Data reduction: Zeek is very efficient at extracting compact,
structured logs from network flows, but it still pumps out a
lot of data. Because some SIEM platforms are priced based
on the amount of data ingested, adding Zeek log data can
increase the bill for your SIEM platform, sometimes signifi-
cantly. Corelight Sensors can reduce the volume of key logs
compared to Zeek by 30 percent to 50 percent, which can
make a material difference in your bill.
»» Fork-and-filter: Sometimes a SOC team wants to send some
Zeek logs into its SIEM platform for live analysis but send
other logs to longer-term “colder” (and cheaper) storage.
Corelight Sensors allow fine-grained control of log destina-
tions to fork different logs to different destinations, and to
filter out some logs altogether if they aren’t needed.
»» Support for the Zeek Input Framework: Often it’s useful
to automatically append or “decorate” Zeek logs with more
human-readable information to speed up investigations.
That can be done using the Input Framework, which allows
the addition of third-party data to be inserted into Zeek logs.
It might be useful, for example, to include department
names, location information, machine names, and so on, so
that incident responders do not have to constantly look up
trivial (yet important) data to understand the context around
an alert.

CHAPTER 2 Using Open NDR in Your Enterprise 19

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Note: Corelight is the company behind Zeek, and some of these
features are available only with Corelight Sensors, not with DIY
Zeek sensors. I address some of the challenges with building your
own Zeek sensors in Chapter 5.

Other Elements of Zeek Logs

One of the most powerful capabilities of Zeek is the structured and
linked nature of the data. Dozens of logs come “out of the box”
with Zeek, plus other packages from the community are availa-
ble from GitHub (https://github.com/zeek). And power users
(Zeek admins) can write their own packages for custom applica-
tions or use cases.

Because all Zeek logs are created using the real-time event pro-
cessing engine that we describe in Chapter  1, they share cer-
tain common elements. A trivial but important example is the
timestamp. Any incident responder who doesn’t have access to
Zeek logs can tell you that before they can piece together the cir-
cumstances around an incident, they need to sync up whatever
data they’ve been able to collect from sources that are usually
not tightly synchronized like NetFlow collectors, PCAP files, and
device health logs (for example, email servers, file servers, web
servers, Domain Name Server [DNS] logs, and so on).

Imagine you’re a detective investigating a crime, and you have

a bunch of clues, but they’re not on a common timeline. That
makes the investigation harder because time is a critical dimen-
sion of any incident. This is just one example of the tedious and
time-consuming part of incident response. Zeek logs, by contrast,
all share a common timestamp that allows instant investigation
across all Zeek logs with temporal data included.

Another critical field is the Unique ID (UID) field. Every TCP con-
nection logged by Zeek is assigned a unique identifier known as
the UID. This is a critical pivot point in Zeek logs that allows an
investigator to “pull the threads” as they follow clues in the Zeek

For example, the UID allows an analyst to start with a clue trig-
gered by an email, with that evidence collected in the SMTP log.
The analyst can copy the UID from that log and then pivot to the

20 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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Files log to see any file downloads that occurred during the same
session and determine whether anyone else was affected. They
may then examine any DNS queries and responses in the DNS log
for more clues, again pivoting off the UID, and examine the cer-
tificates used during the session. Cross-log linking is one of the
most powerful capabilities of Zeek.

Similarly, files are also assigned a unique ID when observed tra-

versing a network, which is known as the File Unique ID (FUID).
All files are assigned a FUID, which makes searching them a snap.
For example, if an analyst determines that malware was down-
loaded after a user clicked on a malicious link, that FUID would
be visible in the Files log. The analyst could simply copy the FUID
and search for it across the network to see if other users had also
downloaded that file or if it had made its way into other hosts in
the network.

Integrating Zeek Data with

Suricata Alerts and PCAP
Earlier I describe why relying on perimeter-based security solu-
tions is insufficient, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t necessary.
Any enterprise security team wants to detect known malicious
software or other IOCs. The problem is that lots of attacks use
novel techniques or methods like social engineering to evade IDS
solutions. That said, many Open NDR deployments built with
Zeek also rely on a complementary IDS called Suricata, deployed
in parallel and used separately, providing powerful network

Corelight has taken it one step further and integrated Suricata

onto its sensors. It has done considerable integration at the hard-
ware level to ensure that, as traffic load increases, the compute
power required to execute both Suricata alerting and Zeek event
processing can scale gracefully. Corelight also provides a modi-
fied Suricata alert that includes the UID I discuss in the preceding
section so that investigators can pivot quickly from the Suricata
alert right into the relevant Zeek log, which saves time with every

CHAPTER 2 Using Open NDR in Your Enterprise 21

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Two other tools frequently used alongside Zeek and Suricata are
PCAP and NetFlow data. Normally, if you don’t find what you’re
looking for in the thin data Netflow stream, you have to dive into a
PCAP file where 99 percent of the data probably isn’t relevant to a
security investigation. Security teams that use Zeek and Suricata,
combined with file extraction, typically find that 80 percent to
90 percent of security incidents can be resolved using those tools

PCAP files of large network flows are so large that they’re typi-
cally only kept for a few days or maybe a week or two, continually
overwritten by newer PCAP files. If you’re investigating a six-
month-old breach, PCAP can’t help you!

Why Not Build DIY Sensors?

Hopefully, with this brief introduction you can appreciate the
power of Zeek logs, especially when they’re integrated with
Suricata alerts and a modern SIEM platform. Perhaps you’re also
thinking to yourself, “This is open-source software  — I should
be able to build these things myself!” And you can. But this
section is intended to help you understand what you may be
getting yourself into, especially if you work at a large enterprise
or government agency.

First of all, it’s true: Like all open-source software, Zeek and
Suricata are both free and can be downloaded from GitHub and
installed on off-the-shelf hardware. Thousands of individuals
and organizations around the world have done so.

In fact, Zeek is also incorporated into quite a few commercially

available network security products, though many of those solu-
tions don’t allow operators to access the raw, underlying Zeek
logs. Instead, they use the Zeek data as inputs into their own
alerting logic.

22 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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Before you decide to build your own open-source/DIY Zeek sen-
sors, think about these considerations:

»» It’s free (like a puppy). Any open-source software comes

with costs even though you’re not paying directly for the
software. Mostly you pay with your time (and frustration) —
time spent by your security experts specifying, buying,
assembling, configuring, tuning, debugging, upgrading, and
just maintaining the tools.
»» You have lots of choices. Building an enterprise-grade Zeek
sensor requires your team to select the version of Zeek, the
hardware platform, an appropriate network interface card
(NIC), and a version of Linux. Your team then has make it all
work (not to mention ongoing upgrades, maintenance,
debugging, and so on).
»» You may not be making the best use of your people. In
most organizations, the people building Zeek sensors are the
very same folks whose day job is incident response or threat
hunting. Serving as Zeek and Suricata system administrators
is not a good use of their time.
»» You don’t get support. Like any open-source tool, Zeek
doesn’t come with technical support other than what you
can get from message boards, community members, or
your Zeek-expert friends. That may not matter when you’re
dealing with a single small-scale sensor in a lab, but it’s a big
issue when you’re deploying dozens (or hundreds) of
sensors around the world.
»» There’s a risk of turnover. Capable, Zeek-knowledgeable
security people are hard to find, and even harder to replace
on short notice. What if your resident Zeek expert leaves after
doing a great job building and deploying your sensors? If Zeek
has become mission-critical, you could be in a tough spot.
»» You need plenty of space, power, and cooling. DIY Zeek
Sensors typically start to struggle at 3 to 5 Gbps. That means if
you’re a big shop and you want to monitor a 100 Gbps link, you
need a rack full of Zeek sensors. Corelight’s AP 5000 appliance,
by comparison, can handle up to 100 Gbps in a 1 RU form
factor, with no packet loss.

CHAPTER 2 Using Open NDR in Your Enterprise 23

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»» You may face tuning issues and packet loss. Zeek sensors
built with off-the-shelf components are notorious for high
and often devilishly invisible packet loss. That means your
team may be seeing only 60 percent to 80 percent of the
packets — you’re essentially looking for security evidence
with one eye closed. Corelight has optimized its NIC and
software to deliver zero packet loss, which means less
headaches and better performance.

Open-source software is free, but it isn’t cheap!

24 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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»» Helping SOCs operate faster with Open
NDR based on Zeek and Suricata

»» Extending functionality with Zeek and

Corelight packages

»» Integrating with your SIEM platform

»» Integrating with SOAR platforms

Chapter  3
Improving Operational
Security with Open NDR

his chapter is about implementing Zeek in your enterprise
from a high level. It’s not the Zeek manual or installation
guide (also known as Book of Zeek), which is available
at https://docs.zeek.org/en/current/install.html. Rather,
it’s a big-picture explanation of how building an Open NDR capa-
bility based on Zeek and Suricata can have a big impact on your
security operations center (SOC), how it operates, and how effec-
tive it can be.

The Power of Open NDR

You may wonder, what is Open NDR, and why do we need yet
another category? Three things characterize Open NDR:

»» Open-source: Enterprise solutions built on open-source

software ensure that customers aren’t dependent on a single
vendor for technical advances, and they’re also not beholden
to the vendor financially. Customers have a lot more freedom
to move off the platform if they’re not happy, and they benefit

CHAPTER 3 Improving Operational Security with Open NDR 25

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from innovation from the vendor, from other vendors and
even individual contributors to the open-source project.
It’s a more powerful way to develop software.
»» Open data: Incident response and threat hunting is
detective work, and teams depend on access to the evi-
dence. NDR solutions that just give you the “answers” in the
form of “the right alerts” are probably not what a sophisti-
cated blue team is looking for. If someone at a crime scene
tells you, “The butler did it,” but doesn’t let you see any
fingerprints, cell phone records, or other evidence, you’d
be hard pressed to take their word for it.
»» Open architecture: Your needs change over time, and
perhaps your organization has specialized requirements. In
that case, the flexibility of an Open NDR platform is critical:
You can modify it with third-party packages or with packages
your own security team develops to meet your needs.

Using Zeek Collections with

Your Open NDR Platform
Some vendors like Corelight include curated collections of Zeek
packages to extend the performance of the sensors. Here are just
a few of the common open-source packages available:

»» Lateral movement detection (MITRE BZAR): Detect lateral

movement techniques in MITRE ATT&CK related to Server
Message Block (SMB) and Distributed Computing Environment/
Remote Procedure Call (DCE/RPC) traffic, such as indicators
targeting Windows Admin Shares and Remote File Copy.
»» Cryptomining detection: Generate a notice when Bitcoin or
Litecoin mining traffic is detected over Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
»» HTTP stalling detection: Detect when a web client executes
a resource exhaustion attack on a web server.

26 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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»» Long connections detection: Generate a notice when
long-running connections occur, providing early visibility
into a possible attack in progress.
»» Port scanning detection: Identify port scanning behavior
involving hosts (horizontal) or ports (vertical) across a variety
of protocols.

Analyzing encrypted traffic

As you get more familiar with your sensors, you may be curi-
ous about all that encrypted traffic on your network, and with
good reason. Short of break-and-inspect (decrypting the traf-
fic, inspecting it, and then re-encrypting it), it might appear
you can’t do much for visibility. Although many products
enable break-and-inspect, implementing them isn’t always pos-
sible. Legal restrictions or internal policies might prohibit their
use. Or deploying such a solution everywhere you’d like may not
be operationally feasible.

As encryption becomes more common, even for east–west

(internal) enterprise traffic, it’s nice to know that with some Open
NDR solutions, you have options to gain insight into potentially
malign behavior on your network without decryption.

Here are a few examples from Corelight’s Encrypted Traffic

Collection of Zeek packages:

»» Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) fingerprinting (JA3): Create a

hash of every SSL/Transport Layer Security (TLS) client and
server negotiation for use in threat hunting or intel feed
»» Secure Shell (SSH) fingerprinting (HASSH): Create a hash
of every SSH client and server negotiation for use in threat
hunting or intel feed matching.
»» SSL certificate monitoring: Track expired and soon-to-
expire certs, newly issued certs, self-signed certs, invalid
certs, change-validation errors, old versions, weak ciphers,
weak key-lengths, and bad versions (for example, TLS 1.0).
»» SSH client brute force detection: Reveal when a client
makes excessive authentication attempts.

CHAPTER 3 Improving Operational Security with Open NDR 27

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»» SSH authentication bypass detection: Reveal when a client
and server switch to a non-SSH protocol.
»» SSH client keystroke detection: Reveal an interactive
session when a client sends user-driven keystrokes to the
»» SSH client file activity detection: Reveal a file transfer
occurring during the session when the client sends a
sequence of bytes to the server or vice versa.
»» SSH scan detection: Infer scanning activity based on how
often a single service is scanned.
»» Custom encryption detection: Detect connections that are
already encrypted without an observed handshake, which
can indicate custom or prenegotiated encryption.
»» Expected encryption detection: Identify unencrypted
connections running on ports when encryption is expected.
»» SSH agent forwarding detection: See when SSH agent
forwarding occurs between clients and servers, which may
indicate lateral movement when adversaries have compro-
mised SSH credentials.
»» SSH multifactor authentication (MFA) detection: See
when SSH connections use MFA, which can help analysts rule
out other explanations for observed timing discrepancies in
SSH connections. This detection can also help teams monitor
external SSH servers for MFA compliance.
»» Noninteractive SSH detection: Reveal when SSH connec-
tions don’t request an interactive terminal and instead use
SSH as a port forwarding tunnel, which may indicate
malicious SSH tunneling.
»» SSH reverse tunnel detection: Reveal when a client
connects to an SSH server and sends the server an interac-
tive terminal, establishing a reverse SSH tunnel that may
indicate malicious SSH tunnelling.
»» Domain Name System (DNS) over HTTP Secure (HTTPS)
(DoH) detection: Reveal when DNS queries are made to
known DoH providers to provide insight into DNS traffic that
would otherwise be hidden.

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You can see the power in taking advantage of the extensibility of
Open NDR solutions when it comes to encrypted traffic. Of course,
any investigator would like to be examining unencrypted traffic,
but that’s not always possible.

Detecting command and

control (C2) activity
After attackers are inside your organization, typically they need
to communicate with the outside world. The attacker needs to
maneuver across your infrastructure. To do that, they need to
have communication with, and control over, assets inside your
network via an external command and control server (C2).

Detecting C2 communications can be very difficult because

attackers are adept at covering their tracks and hiding in normal
enterprise traffic. It’s akin to a terrorist dressing up like a sports
fan and blending in with the crowd as thousands of people enter
and exit the stadium.

Corelight has developed dozens of detections, insights, and infer-

ences to discover C2 activity preloaded on Corelight Sensors.
There are too many insights (about 50) to detail here. Think of
them as clues that C2 activity may be going on that warrants fur-
ther investigation. Here are a few examples:

»» Detections of common families of malware over HTTP

»» For Meterpreter, specific detections for Metasploit’s CLI
»» List-based detections for domain generation algorithms
»» Specific and generic detections for DNS tunneling
»» Specific and generic detections for ICMP tunneling
The focus for these C2 detections built on top of Zeek is to build
durable detections with a high signal-to-noise ratio (not to gen-
erate more alerts and false positives) by finding known tools that
attackers use that indicate probable malicious behavior. It’s a bit
like keeping an eye out for a guy walking around your neighbor-
hood with bolt cutters.

CHAPTER 3 Improving Operational Security with Open NDR 29

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Integrating Open NDR into
your security architecture
With any NDR solution, open or not, you must understand the
scope of the solution. There isn’t strict agreement as to what
capabilities are essential, required, or optional. But generally, the
flow goes something like what’s shown in Figure 3-1.

FIGURE 3-1:  Integrating an Open NDR sensor into your network.

The core functionality of the system as a whole is to:

»» Extract useful data from the network traffic, including logs,

alerts, files, and other metadata.
»» Filter, search, sort, and prioritize the alerts and log data to
look for anomalies. This can be done by humans, or in
combination with some sort of artificial intelligence (AI)–
driven tool, or security orchestration, automation, and
response (SOAR) platforms.
»» Export the data, logs, and alerts in real time to the security
information and event management (SIEM) platform, data
lake, or other analytics platform for further analysis and
long-term storage (in case a year or two from now a new
attack is divulged and the data from today becomes useful).

Some NDR solutions are all-in-one and require the customer

to convert from their existing analytics platform or SIEM plat-
form to the new NDR vendor’s analytics platform. Others simply
deliver the data to the customer’s existing SIEM platform or data
lake for analysis.

30 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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The choice about what approach you want to take depends on a
couple factors:

»» Your existing SIEM platform: Are you happy with it? Are
you planning to upgrade now (or soon)? What about in a
year or two? Can your SIEM handle the demands of a
modern big data approach to security?
»» The sophistication of your team: Does your team want the
data? Will they analyze it? Do they understand how to take
advantage of the power of the data? If not, then maybe you’d
be better off with an all-in-one solution, more of an off-the-
shelf NDR solution.

If you have a “data-first” philosophy, one that seeks answers

in the data that may not be apparent, then you probably have a
big-data-oriented approach to security, and you probably have
a modern SIEM platform and don’t want to change. In that case,
you’ll be better served with an Open NDR solution that puts the
power of the data in your hands.

Using Zeek Data for Incident Response

and Threat Hunting
You’ve heard of “garbage in, garbage out.” That concept pertains
to security data as well. Zeek is the gold standard for security-
relevant network metadata. Integrating it into your existing
security processes makes them more effective and efficient.

Zeek data can be used for incident response or for threat hunting,
and ideally for both. One of the fundamental principles to keep in
mind is that you only get one chance to capture the relevant data
lurking in your network traffic. After the data passes over your
network, if you didn’t capture it, it’s lost forever. The first step is
to begin collecting it using an Open NDR Sensor.

As the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years
ago; the next best time is now. The same holds true for deploying
network sensors!

CHAPTER 3 Improving Operational Security with Open NDR 31

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After your sensors are deployed, you can start thinking about
making use of the data, a topic too big for this book. I cover a few
considerations in the following sections, and at www.corelight.
com where you can request Corelight’s Threat Hunting Guide.

Pivoting through the data

Anyone who has used Zeek logs for incident response or threat
hunting can tell you that one of the most powerful features of
Zeek logs are the key data fields that allow analysts to pivot
quickly from one log to another.

The simplest pivot point is time — all Zeek logs share a common
timestamp that allows the investigation of web traffic, email, file
downloads or shares, DNS queries and responses, and everything
else across a common time boundary. That may sound trivial, but
when you’re gathering data from many unrelated sources like
system health logs, network performance logs, NetFlow, and so
on, and then trying to sync them up, that’s just drudgery that
Zeek avoids.

The most powerful Zeek pivot point though is the Unique ID

(UID). Zeek assigns a unique number to every TCP session that it
observes, and that UID field is present in most Zeek logs. If a sus-
pected phishing attack occurs, and the analyst observes something
in the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) log, they can simply
copy the UID and search for it across the Zeek data — if some-
thing else happened during that session, it will show up. Then,
in seconds, the analyst has a pretty complete picture of activities
across a range of interactions, protocols, ports, applications, and
other factors that otherwise might take hours to assemble.

Integrating Suricata alerts

with Zeek logs
Zeek is often used in parallel with Suricata, the powerful
signature-based IDS alerting framework. Although the two can
exist side-by-side in different sensors, Corelight has uniquely
integrated the two open-source tools into one sensor, which
boosts performance and saves analysts time.

Notably, the Suricata alerts generated by Corelight include the

UID I discuss in the preceding section. An analyst can copy the
UID from the Suricata alert and pivot directly to the Zeek files log
with that UID to find the hash of that file. The analyst can then

32 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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simply search Virus Total to see if that file hash is a malicious file
that required further investigation.

Incorporating PCAP into

Zeek investigations
The metadata that Zeek collects in real time from network traffic
is so relevant, concise, and useful that most large-scale enter-
prise SOCs can tell you that 80 percent to 90 percent of security
investigations can be resolved using that evidence alone. But that
still leaves 10 percent to 20 percent that requires something extra,
and usually it’s resorting to examining packet capture (PCAP)
files (“Let’s go to the videotape!”).

PCAP is really like a surveillance video  — if your business is

burgled, but you don’t know exactly when or how, then some-
times you have no choice but to watch a lot of video. Hopefully
the cameras were on, the recording was functioning properly, and
the contents were stored long enough and not written over! But
even though it’s laborious and time-consuming, sometimes the
answer is there.

In the world of network security, Zeek can help you pinpoint a lot
of clues around a point in time and a specific TCP connection or
file transfer, and usually that’s enough to figure out what hap-
pened and what to do about it. (“Footprints show they jumped
the back fence, guessed the security code on the loading dock, and
stole our truck!”)

Sometimes it’s still necessary to replay an entire traffic session to

really unravel a complex attack. Some Open NDR solutions incor-
porate selective, or smart, PCAP into their solutions to extend the
time window over which PCAP is useful by only keeping some
of the network traffic, usually controlled by policies that limit

»» From specific ports

»» When defined Suricata alerts trigger
»» Over specific protocols
»» Of unencrypted traffic (no point in capturing and storing
encrypted data that you can’t make sense of later)
»» From unknown protocols/ports/traffic types (to make sure
you capture anything weird you’ll want to have)

CHAPTER 3 Improving Operational Security with Open NDR 33

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By being selective (or “smart”) about which packets you capture,
you can make more efficient use of the given storage available,
which means your team can go back farther in time using PCAP
to resolve investigations. That increases the odds of success for
those thorniest cases.

Using SOAR playbooks

Zeek data is great for SOAR. One of the challenges of implement-
ing SOAR over the last few years has been the quality and variety
of the inbound data: If the data your SOAR system is ingesting
isn’t clean, standardized, and structured, then no automatic sys-
tem will be very effective.

With modern SOAR playbooks, vendors like Corelight have written

the rules to automate mundane and repetitive investigative tasks
to sort through the Zeek logs and help separate the wheat from
the chaff. Using SOAR playbooks in conjunction with Zeek data
can be a force multiplier for your SOC. Find Corelight’s playbook
for Splunk’s Phantom SOAR offering at https://github.com/

Data reduction
Zeek is a very compact data structure, which means you can keep
Zeek logs around for years.

Remember: Typically, the output of a Zeek sensor is roughly

1 percent of the monitored traffic. So, if you’re monitoring a 10
Gbps fully utilized link, you would expect roughly 100 Mbps of
Zeek logs to be created. Although that’s much more efficient than
100 percent PCAP, it’s still a lot of data to ingest and store! Some
vendors, like Corelight, have implemented techniques to reduce
the volume of logs without giving up the relevant information.

Zeek was created in 1995 in an academic environment. Commer-

cial considerations like the cost of SIEM licenses weren’t really
on the radar — in fact, SIEM platforms didn’t exist, so they really
weren’t on the radar!

With data reduction implemented, it’s possible to reduce the vol-

ume of Zeek logs as they’re exported to your SIEM platform by 30
percent to 50 percent compared to open-source implementations.

34 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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Fork and filter
Sometimes, possibly also for cost considerations (like per-
gigabyte SIEM licensing models), you may not want to export
all your Zeek data into your SIEM platform. Maybe you want the
most commonly accessed logs to go there, but you want to send
everything else to long term, low-cost cloud storage. Or perhaps
your company is moving to a new SIEM platform, so migrating
some logs to the new system while retaining your old system dur-
ing a transition makes sense.

Forking and filtering simply means to designate different targets

for different logs, and perhaps even filtering out specific logs
you’re not interested in.

Speeding up investigations
Using Zeek for the first time can be overwhelming even for expe-
rienced security analysts. With a ton of data that may be unfa-
miliar, analysts new to Zeek may not know where to start. It’s
not unusual for new users to only scratch the surface of what’s
possible because they’re not sure where to go next:

»» Using pre-built dashboards: Zeek produces a lot of data! Out

of the box, it has approximately 50 log types and hundreds of
data elements. For new users or teams, even knowing where
to start can be a challenge.
Luckily, some prebuilt SIEM dashboards for vendors like
Splunk and Elastic (for Kibana, their visualization tool) make
it easier to get started, and for your team to get more
familiar with Zeek data. When they do, no doubt they’ll want
to explore the data directly by using their tool’s data
exploration and querying tools.
»» Appending third-party data: One of the laborious, repetitive,
and mundane tasks any security analyst has to do is continu-
ously look up IP addresses and other data to see what they
mean in human terms. Is that a server in Romania or some-
thing in our Dallas data center? It might matter!
With Zeek, you can decorate the logs with human-readable
data from third-party databases of locations, equipment,
functions, or whatever else makes your analyst’s job easier.

CHAPTER 3 Improving Operational Security with Open NDR 35

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»» Learning how the most sophisticated
security teams think about monitoring

»» Finding out why perimeter-based

security is no longer sufficient

»» Knowing what to consider as you look at

NDR solutions

Chapter  4
Rethinking Your Security

his chapter steps back and takes a look at the philosophy
behind Zeek and discusses the power of Open NDR.  These
topics may be unfamiliar ground to you, depending on your
past experience and the tools you’re accustomed to using.
Regardless, I hope it helps you consider thinking differently about
your security architecture and approach.

Perimeter-Based Security:
Necessary but Insufficient
Seatbelts. Water. Good barbecue. Many things in our lives are nec-
essary but not sufficient (alone) to sustain life. Perimeter-based
security is one of them. For decades, the need to keep attackers out
of our facilities, systems, databases, networks, and other infra-
structure has been obvious. It’s also required. It’s a no-brainer.

CHAPTER 4 Rethinking Your Security Posture 37

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Just like locking your front door and setting the house alarm when
you leave, ensuring that you have correctly configured firewalls,
advanced firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems,
multifactor authentication, physical security, and all the rest is
fundamental. Unfortunately, in today’s environment, it’s not

I cover the basic idea in Chapter 1. Revisiting why this is the case
in enterprise security today is worthwhile. Recall that Zeek was
developed and evolved in the late 1990s at Lawrence Berkeley Lab
and then spread throughout the federal government before mak-
ing its way into the world of enterprise security.

Today, in 2021, as we (hopefully) exit the COVID-19 pandemic,

the world is a very different place. Enterprises of all sizes are
dynamic, dispersed, decentralized, and dependent on their
employees working wherever and whenever it makes sense. Many
organizations have to adopt a zero-trust posture  — no matter
where someone is, even on the headquarters campus, you can’t
be sure users are who they say they are. Authentication is a must.

Adversaries are determined, creative, smart, and often highly

motivated to penetrate your organization. Whether they do that
through brute-force password guessing, phishing, supply-chain
attacks like the SolarWinds/SUNBURST incident (see Chapter 2),
or social engineering, you have to assume attackers will some-
times be successful.

Therefore, if those adversaries will get in, you need to rethink

your approach to security. As shown in Chapter 1, a critical com-
ponent of a multilayer defense is the Gartner SOC Visibility Triad
that combines evidence collected from networks and endpoints
and delivers it to a security information and event management
(SIEM) platform or whatever your analytics stack happens to be.

You need to start collecting the data yesterday (actually yester-

year). If you miss the chance to collect that evidence when the
attack was perpetrated, you can’t get it back!

The other thing to keep in mind is the point made by Richard

Bejtlich: “You only need to trip up an attacker only once to dis-
cover them and take action.” Attackers aren’t perfect, but it may

38 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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seem overwhelming as a member of a blue team — because thou-
sands of combinations of tactics, techniques, and procedures can
be launched by an unknown number of adversaries over any time
period. The reality is that anticipating and preventing all possible
attacks at all times is not possible. Monitoring your key networks
24 hours a day, 365 days a year is possible. If your organization
isn’t doing that simple first step, you’re missing critical pieces of
information that your security teams will need to do their jobs at
some point in the future!

Why Open NDR Is More Powerful

Than Proprietary NDR
In recent analyst reports, the network detection and response
category includes many vendors that make a range of capability
and design choices when it comes to NDR. I discuss a few in this

Trust the vendor (versus trust

but verify)
In a proprietary (or “closed”) NDR solution, the vendor owns the
data format. It may be “Zeek-like” or a totally different method-
ology for extracting meaning and insights from network flows.
If it is, then you just have to take the vendor’s word for it. In an
Open NDR solution, the data format is wide open, documented,
and available for inspection because open-source software under-
pins the data.

A widely used “design pattern”

When you go with Open NDR, you’re following in the footsteps of
the world’s most advanced blue teams, the Apex Defenders (who
defend their organizations against apex predators). You’re imple-
menting best-of-breed open-source solutions that generally fit
the design pattern shown in Figure 4-1.

CHAPTER 4 Rethinking Your Security Posture 39

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FIGURE 4-1:  The Open NDR design pattern.

The flavor of the data

All network analytics solutions produce data, whether for secu-
rity, network performance, or other operational reasons. But not
all data is created equal. Data produced by Open NDR solutions
typically scores high in these dimensions:

»» Exportability: Can the data be exported to any analytics

platform, or are you stuck using the built-in analytics
capabilities of the NDR solution?
»» Extensibility: Out-of-the-box data provided by an NDR
solution often isn’t exactly what you’re looking for. Can you
extend, modify, append, and integrate the data easily to
meet your needs?
»» Filterability: Sometimes NDR solutions produce data you’re
not interested in. Does the product allow you to control the
volume and types of data produced? Can you easily send the
data where you want?

Analytics included (or not)

You may be an employee of a large global corporation, or you may
work at a small business and maybe even operate as a one-person
shop where you also have to make sure routers, switches, and
printers are working!

If you’re in the latter category, you probably would be better

served by an all-in-one NDR solution, where you’re getting a
pretty good first approximation of nefarious activity on your net-
work, have a nice graphical user interface (GUI), tunable alerts

40 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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based in signatures, and more  — solutions like Security Onion
(an all-in-one tool including Zeek, Suricata, and other security
tools combined with a nice GUI built on the ELK stack [Elastic,
Logstash, and Kibana] from Elastic) would probably be worth

If you’re in the former category, perhaps an incident responder

or security architect at a large global company, then those types
of solutions are probably not appropriate. For one thing, the
networks you need to be monitoring may be measured in the
tens of gigabits per second (Gbps); in aggregate, you may need
to monitor hundreds of Gbps, which requires dedicated, high-
performance sensors.

Plus, at a large company, you probably require access to the

underlying data. It’s simply not enough in a large organization
for a buzzer to sound, a light to flash, or a map to blink. You want
to investigate the why of an incident, especially if you think it’s

Access to underlying data

If you’re at a large organization, in order to understand not only
what happened, but also to whom, when, why, and how, you need
access to the data from which the alert was generated.

Networks at large enterprises are full of a massive amount of

highly complex data, unusual traffic patterns; many thousands
of users; hundreds of applications; and lots of simply weird and
unexpected behavior and activity that’s difficult for even an expe-
rienced security analyst to make sense of. Getting an alert that
says “something bad happened” or “this is an anomaly” just isn’t
enough. You must have access to relevant evidence to be sure.

Cloud only or hybrid

Cloud computing is an inexorable force, a massive phenomenon
driving phenomenal change in enterprise computing. However,
the fact is there’s a ton of data, applications, and other infra-
structure on-premises, and there will be for a long time to come.
When you’re looking at NDR solutions, cloud monitoring is criti-
cal and a fundamental requirement, but you need to think about
the whole picture and not forget about the on-premises networks
that must be monitored, too.

CHAPTER 4 Rethinking Your Security Posture 41

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Onboard storage or flexible options
Even with systems like Zeek, which are super-efficient at pulling
out the relevant metadata from network traffic, it’s still a ton of
data. Some NDR solutions store the extracted metadata onboard,
whether that includes packet capture, Zeek data, Suricata alerts,
or some combination. Even in a large heterogeneous environment
there simply won’t be enough onboard storage to take advantage
of one of the most powerful capabilities of Zeek: to go back in
time, by years if necessary. To do that, you need to have kept the
log data, and if you’re constrained to keeping the data local in the
sensor, you’ll run out of space very quickly!

Fancy maps and charts

Look, we all love those fancy graphs, charts, and maps. They’re
interesting to look at, can save time, help analysts focus on what’s
important, and tell a story efficiently. But don’t get distracted by
them — sometimes all you need is summary data.

When a patient talks to an ER doctor, it’s not enough for the

patient to say, “I’m sick, admit me!” The doctor has to run a
bunch of tests to ascertain the patient’s temperature, blood pres-
sure, kidney function, heart function, brain function . . . you get
the idea. They need the underlying data to decide whether to send
the patient home with the proverbial two aspirin or admit them
to the hospital.

Security investigations are similar. Analysts need to gather evi-

dence from many sources to paint a complete picture of an alert
and decide if it’s malicious or benign.

Revisiting the Core Components

of Open NDR
In Chapter  3, I outline the core components of Open NDR, but I
cover them here, too, in the context of the power of Open NDR and
rethinking your security approach.

42 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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Open source versus proprietary
Open-source software isn’t the only way to develop technology
and build products, but it’s a pretty powerful approach. From the
buyers’ perspective, there are a couple of key advantages:

»» With open-source software and open-core products

(solutions built on open source at the core with perhaps
proprietary add-ons), you’re benefitting from the
ingenuity and know-how of project contributors, no
matter where they work. With proprietary solutions of
any sort, you’re dependent on the ability of a particular
vendor to hire and retain the best people in a particular field.
»» With proprietary solutions, you become accustomed to
that gnawing, sinking feeling when it comes time to
renew the license or subscription. If you’ve become
dependent on the solution and it’s deeply integrated into
your IT infrastructure, it’s difficult to switch. MBAs even have
a name for it: switching cost.
With proprietary software you’re at a disadvantage because
often another viable vendor with a comparable solution just
doesn’t exist. With open-core solutions, if push comes to
shove you can always decide to implement the open-source
software yourself — in this case, build your own Zeek and/or
Suricata sensors. That’s real leverage over vendors. (But
remember the costs of “free” open-source software I cover
in Chapter 2 — they’re real.)

Open data versus alerts only

We cover this pretty extensively because it’s so important. Any
security analyst or investigator worth their salt wants the data. If
you buy an NDR solution that doesn’t allow that, eventually you’ll
be caught flat footed.

Open architecture versus closed

Life isn’t static, and neither are security threats (or solutions).
If the NDR solution you buy is closed, if its features can’t be
extended or added to, then you’re stuck with what you buy.

CHAPTER 4 Rethinking Your Security Posture 43

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Open NDR solutions’ open architecture means you can extend its
functionality with new packages. You can create new packages
yourself to extract data or other evidence that’s specific to your
company or industry. And you benefit from the work of people in
other organizations (see https://github.com/zeek/packages)
who may benefit from yours.

In the end, every company has to develop the security posture

that makes sense for their situation. But no matter who you
are, monitoring network traffic is fundamental. Counting on
perimeter-based security alone is dangerous. You must assume
that attackers have penetrated your network or will do so soon.
If you’re not gathering evidence before that happens, well, good
luck to you.

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»» Considering questions security teams
often have trouble answering

»» Finding areas to investigate in your own


Chapter  5
Ten Questions to Ask
Yourself about Your

his book explains how Open NDR can help your cybersecu-
rity teams operate more efficiently and effectively, closing
investigations using the evidence collected by Zeek and
Suricata. With a grounding in Open NDR, you might wonder, “So
what? What can this really do for me?”

This chapter focuses on a key question for any cybersecurity ana-

lyst, incident responder, or threat hunter: “How do you know?”

When faced with any incident, the problem for most members of a
security operations center (SOC) is the seemingly infinite amount
of data available to explore in an effort to understand what hap-
pened (or didn’t happen). At the same time, the universe of avail-
able data is somewhat unknown. Analysts may wonder

»» Do I have all the relevant information? What is all the

relevant information, and where is it?
»» When did this incident start? How will I know?
»» Who else may have been affected? How will I know?

CHAPTER 5 Ten Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Network 45

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And many, many others. Here are ten things your security team
should know — and can know — with an Open NDR platform.

Are You Collecting All the

Relevant Evidence?
You can tap many sources of data to help security analysts to do
their jobs. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to actually collect and
keep it. Here are some things to consider:

»» If you monitor endpoints (and you should), do you have

every single endpoint instrumented across your com-
pany? Every laptop and host, every smartphone in every
office (or coffee shop) worldwide?
If you’re part of a large enterprise with hundreds of thou-
sands of devices, not all of them will accept the deployment
of endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions. There’s
almost no way to instrument every endpoint.
»» Are all your relevant pieces of infrastructure being
monitored using appropriate logs? Is logging turned on
everywhere? Are you sure? On Domain Name System (DNS)
servers? File servers? Email servers? Databases? Data storage
systems? Routers? Switches? Legacy infrastructure? In all
sites and facilities? In every country where you have people
or facilities? Really?
»» Are those logs being kept long enough to be useful?
How long is that? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Years?
»» Does your security team have instant access to that
data in the event of a breach or other incident? Do they
have to ask for permission? How long does it take them to
gather all the data they need?
»» Is access to that data permitted? Is it constrained by local
privacy laws? Does another group have oversight over the
data that may delay access to it?
»» What about cloud-based systems, applications, and data?
Is that traffic being monitored? By what? Where is the data?
»» Is the data you’re collecting continuous or sampled? Many
logging systems don’t keep everything; they only sample

46 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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the traffic periodically, or capture only some portions of an
interaction but not others. Or they may log once every minute.
Or they may collect data on a query but not the associated
response (for example, collecting DNS queries but not

You may not have the visibility you think you have. In the middle
of the next breach is not the right time to realize you have massive
visibility holes!

Do You Understand Your Network

and What’s Connected to It?
Most IT organizations think they do, but some simple questions
sometimes may poke holes in that view:

»» Can you create a complete picture of your global network?

How confident are you that the picture would be complete?
»» How many devices are connected to it right now? Are
they all legitimate and authorized? How do you know?
»» Is every device on your network running the minimum
required version of its operating system? If they aren’t, is
that a vulnerability?

Who Was Affected by This Attack

and When?
Often attacks involve downloading malware, sometimes by email
due to a successful phishing attack. If that happens, or you sus-
pect it has happened, then you’ll have questions:

»» What’s the hash of that file? Is it malicious?

»» Who else has downloaded it? How can you figure that out?
How sure are you of the results?
»» When did it first appear on our network? Are you sure
about that? Can you prove it’s never been on your network?

CHAPTER 5 Ten Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Network 47

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How Far Back in Time Can You Go?
Hours? Days? Months? Years? Most enterprise security teams rely
on a combination of data sources to investigate breaches. Com-
mon sources are device health logs, NetFlow logs, packet capture
(PCAP), and endpoint detection and response (EDR). That means
analysts spend a lot of time pulling together information from
many sources and building a coherent picture of what happened.

The problem is often that the data they have to work with is spotty
and incomplete (as highlighted by the previous questions in this

Even more problematic is that sophisticated attackers, espe-

cially advanced persistent threats (APTs), are patient and will-
ing to wait. Sometimes they remain undetected for weeks (very
common), sometimes months (for example, in the SolarWinds/
SUNBURST breach), and sometimes attackers go undetected for
years (for example, in the case of Marriott).

If your SOC isn’t collecting and storing security-relevant evi-

dence for at least a couple of years (and ideally longer), when
you’re subject to one of these attacks, your analysts literally have
nothing to work with. How will they know when an attack really
started, and who was affected? The answer is, they won’t.

What’s in That Encrypted

Traffic Anyway?
A fundamental challenge for any SOC is the growing proportion of
internal traffic that’s encrypted. Sure, lots of break-and-inspect
solutions are out there, and any security analyst would much pre-
fer to have access to unencrypted traffic during an investigation.

But the reality is that reality intrudes. Although deploying break-

and-inspect solutions is technically feasible, it’s usually not pos-
sible, at least not everywhere, for these reasons:

48 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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»» The security team doesn’t have control over that portion
of the network infrastructure.
»» It could be illegal in some jurisdictions for privacy
»» Your organization may have policies that don’t allow
traffic to be unencrypted for security purposes. This may
vary from country to country.
»» Networks contain a tremendous amount of very
detailed, very specific, and often extremely sensitive
information. (Think about salaries, proprietary information,
email traffic that isn’t intended for public consumption, web
page visits, and so on.) So, naturally some companies are
extremely reluctant to make that available by decrypting it.

Some commercial Open NDR solutions include techniques for

gaining insight or developing inferences about encrypted traffic.
By analyzing network-level traffic patterns, it’s possible to infer
that malicious behavior may be happening, giving investigators
leads to follow instead of being completely blinded by encryption.
Can you do that?

How Would You Detect Off-Protocol

Port Use?
Wouldn’t it be great if all terrorists were known and used their
real passports when they made travel arrangements? We all know
they use fake information to travel on commercial airlines hidden
among the general public. The same is true of many attackers:
They’ve become very clever at using nonstandard protocols and
ports to hide in “standard” or “normal” traffic. Can you detect
that? How do you know?

Techniques like dynamic protocol detection can spot potentially

malicious traffic even if it’s using nonstandard ports.

CHAPTER 5 Ten Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Network 49

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Can You Find Malicious Files
Hiding in Plain Sight?
A simple technique attackers use is simply to change the file
extension to make an executable look like a GIF or some other
innocuous file type. If that happens, would you have a way to look
for it in the ocean of benign traffic? How would you go about it?
What if you miss one?

Are You Sure You See Every Packet?

Lots of network monitoring sensors struggle with packet loss at
higher bandwidth. Even Zeek sensors can suffer from 30 percent,
or even 50 percent packet loss in a way that isn’t detectable to
system administrators.

That’s like having half of your surveillance cameras tricked like

they do in the movies where the bank robber puts up a precisely
sized picture of the room in front of the surveillance camera. The
poor security guard who’s trying to stay awake all night just sees
a static, empty room. Nothing going on here!

If your network sensors aren’t inspecting every packet, your team

is flying partially blind, and they may not even realize it.

Is Your Security Team as

Efficient as Possible?
Ask any analyst, and they’ll tell you they spend a lot of time
searching, gathering, organizing, synching, correlating, cleaning,
transforming, and doing all manner of things to try to do their
jobs. A lot of it is, time-consuming, repetitive, drudgery.

And even after all that, they’re probably not sure they have all the
evidence they need. It would be like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle
when you don’t know what the picture is, and you’re not sure if

50 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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all the pieces are in the box, or even if the pieces in the box are
for the right puzzle! Are there other puzzles? Other boxes? Other
pieces? For most security teams, there’s room for improvement
and increased efficiency.

What Does It All Mean?

The modern world is driven by data, and today, so is security.
For many SOCs at large enterprises, cybersecurity is a big data
problem. With thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of
thousands of employees using all manner of devices and appli-
cations from locations around the world, trying to make sense
of suspected attacks isn’t easy. By implementing an Open NDR
solution in your organization, you can transform your security
posture into one that’s faster and more effective. Here are a few

»» Taking a systematic, data-driven approach to security by

deploying an Open NDR platform means your team has
the best, most relevant data at their fingertips. No more
scrounging around to assemble data from many different
»» Because Open NDR data (Zeek logs) is compact, it can be
kept for years. This means your team can go back in time as
far as necessary to get to the bottom of things.
»» Zeek logs are concise, relevant, and interconnected. That
translates to your incident responders and threat hunters
being able to find the edges of an attack and understanding
the context around alerts more quickly.
»» Understanding the context means they can close out
incidents more quickly, whether benign or malicious. If
it’s the latter, they can decide what needs to be done.
»» Closing out tickets more quickly means lower costs
per incident (or more capacity per team). Users of Zeek
frequently report that incidents can be closed out 10 to
20 times faster compared to incident response without
Zeek data.

CHAPTER 5 Ten Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Network 51

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»» Closing more tickets per hour, per day, per week, and
per month is better. It means analysts are more likely to
get to the serious one (faster) among the thousands of
benign alerts, reducing the existential or strategic risk to
your organization.
»» Every large organization lives with the fear of a major
breach. A major breach leads to loss of revenue, confidential
information, market value, reputation, and brand equity, or
worse, legal and regulatory jeopardy and penalties.

Data is evidence, and evidence is what security teams need to

resolve investigations. Without it, they’re not able to live up to
their potential. Open NDR can be a fundamental piece of your
security infrastructure to ensure your SOC is doing all it can to
defend your organization against clever, determined, and sophis-
ticated attackers.

52 Open NDR For Dummies, Corelight Special Edition

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These materials are © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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