Ac Ais 001 R00

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No. : AC/AIS/001R00
Date : 01 OCT 2012


SUBJECT: Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services

01 FEB 2013


The President of Civil Aviation Authority – Macao, China, in exercise of his power under
Paragraph 89 of the Air Navigation Regulation of Macao (ANRM) and Article 35 of the
Statutes of Civil Aviation Authority, approved by the Decree-Law 10/91/M, establishes this
Aeronautical Circular (AC).

1. Purpose
The purpose of this AC is to establish the aeronautical information services requirements in
accordance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices. The detailed requirements
are prescribed in Appendix A of this AC, titled as Manual of Standards – Aeronautical
Information Services (MOS – AIS).

The standards and recommended practices in this Manual are based on those stipulated in
Annexes 4 and 15 (entitled “Aeronautical Charts” and “Aeronautical Information Services”)
to the Convention on International Civil Aviation [as in force and amended from time to time
by the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)] and other relevant
ICAO documents, and with such modifications as may be determined by AACM to be
applicable in Macao.

Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpção, 336-342 Centro Comercial Cheng Feng, 18º andar, Macau Page 1 of 2
Tel.: (853) 2851 1213  Fax: (853) 2833 8089  AFTN: VMMCYAYI  E-mail: [email protected]
No. : AC/AIS/001R00
Date : 1 OCT 2012

2. Applicability
The requirements contained in this AC are applicable to air information services being
provided within Macao.

3. Document change record of ATS Requirements

The complete history of the MOS – AIS in Appendix A to this AC is shown in the following

Issue Revision Date Subject Pages affected

1 0 01/10/2012 Initial issue All

- END -

Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpção, 336-342 Centro Comercial Cheng Feng, 18º andar, Macau Page 2 of 2
Tel.: (853) 2851 1213  Fax: (853) 2833 8089  AFTN: VMMCYAYI  E-mail: [email protected]
Appendix A

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical

Information Services

Issue 1. Rev 0

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 1


DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................ 4

Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 2. Operation Requirement ............................................................................................. 8

Chapter 3. Safety Management System .................................................................................... 12

Chapter 4. Training and Personnel Requirement ...................................................................... 16

Chapter 5. Aeronautical Information Publication ..................................................................... 17

Chapter 6. NOTAM .................................................................................................................. 19

Chapter 7. Pre-flight and Post-flight Information Service ........................................................ 21

Chapter 8. Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control .................................................. 23

Chapter 9. Aeronautical Information Circular .......................................................................... 24

Chapter 10. Aeronautical Charts................................................................................................. 25

Chapter 11. Documentation and Records ................................................................................... 26

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 2

Document Change History

Issue Revision Date Subject Pages affected

1 0 01/10/2012 Initial issue All

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 3


A degree of conformance between the estimated or measured value and the true value
Aeronautical Chart
A representation of a portion of the earth, its culture and relief, specifically designated
to meet the requirements of air navigation.
Aeronautical Data
A representation of aeronautical facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner
suitable for communication, interpretation or processing
Aeronautical Information
Information resulting from the assembly, analysis and formatting of aeronautical data
Aeronautical Information Publication
A publication issued by or with the authority of a State and containing aeronautical
information of a lasting character essential to air navigation
Aeronautical Information Circular
A notice containing information that does not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM
or for inclusion in the AIP, but which relates to flight safety, air navigation, technical,
administrative or legislative matters.
AIP Amendment
Permanent changes to the information contained in the AIP
AIP Supplement
Temporary changes to the information contained in the AIP which are published by
means of special pages
An acronym (aeronautical information regulation and control) signifying a system
aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates, of circumstances that
necessitate significant changes in operating practices.
Aeronautical Information Services
A service established within the defined area of coverage responsible for the provision
of aeronautical information/data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of
air navigation
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
A mathematical algorithm applied to the digital expression of data that provides a level
of assurance against loss or alteration of data
Data Quality
A degree or level of confidence that the data provided meets the requirements of the
data user in terms of accuracy, resolution and integrity
Human Factors Principles
Principles which apply to aeronautical design, certification, training, operations and

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 4

maintenance and which seek safe interface between the human and other system
components by proper consideration to human performance
Integrity (Aeronautical Data)
A degree of assurance that an aeronautical data and its value have not been lost nor
altered since the data origination or authorized amendment
International NOTAM Office (NOF)
An office designated by a State for the exchange of NOTAM internationally
A notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information
concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service,
procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned
with flight operations
A number of units or digits to which a measured or calculated value is expressed and
Station Declination
An alignment variation between the zero degree redial of a VOR and true north,
determined at the time the VOR station is calibrated.

AAR Aerodrome and Air Navigation Services Regulation
AFS Aeronautical Fixed Services
AIC Aeronautical Information Circular
AIP Aeronautical Information Publication
AIRAC Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control
AIS Aeronautical Information Services
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATS Air Traffic Service
ATM Air Traffic Management
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
NOF International NOTAM Office
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
SARPS Standards and Recommended Practices
SMS Safety Management System

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 5

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 The standards and recommended practices in this Manual are based on those
stipulated in Annexes 4 and 15 (entitled “Aeronautical Charts” and
“Aeronautical Information Services”) to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation [as in force and amended from time to time by the Council of the
International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)] and other relevant ICAO
documents, and with such modifications as may be determined by AACM to be
applicable in Macao.
1.2 The Manual of Standards - Aeronautical Information Services, contains the
standards, requirements and procedures pertaining to the planning and
operation of aeronautical information services and the provision of aeronautical
1.3 This Manual is based mainly on compliance with the following ICAO
(a) ICAO Annex 4 – Aeronautical Charts;
(b) ICAO Annex 11 – Air Traffic Services;
(c) ICAO Annex 15 – Aeronautical Information Services;
(d) ICAO Doc 8126 – Aeronautical Information Services Manual;
(e) ICAO Doc 9859 – Safety Management Manual; and
(f) ICAO Doc 9674 – World Geodetic System – 1984 (WGS - 84) Manual
(G) Guidance Manual for Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) In The
Asia/Pacific Region
1.4 Where there is a difference between a standard in this Manual and that of the
above-mentioned ICAO documents, the standard in this Manual shall prevail.
1.5 Differences, where they exist, between the standards in this Manual and those
contained in the ICAO Annexes shall be published in section GEN 1.7 of the
Macao AIP and also notified to ICAO.
1.6 In this Manual, standards are preceded by the word “shall”, whereas
recommended practices are preceded by the word “should”. An AIS provider
shall comply with all standards at all times and should endeavor to comply with
all recommended practices.
1.7 The AIS provider shall ensure that the units of measurement as specified in
Manual of Standards – Units of Measurement to be used in Air and Ground
Operations are used in the provision of aeronautical information services and

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 6

aeronautical charts.
1.8 When an AIS provider is not able to comply with any standards specified or
referenced in this Manual, the AIS provider shall apply to AACM for exemption
or deviation from the relevant standards. Applications shall be supported in
writing with the reasons for such exemption or deviation including any safety
assessment or other studies undertaken, and where appropriate, an indication of
when compliance with the current standards can be expected.
1.9 When an AIS provider is not able to comply with any recommended practices
specified or referenced in this Manual, the AIS provider shall notify AACM of
the non-compliance or deviation with the supporting reason including any
safety assessment or other studies undertaken, and where appropriate, an
indication of when compliance with the current recommended practices can be
1.10 Any exemption or deviation granted to an AIS provider shall also be recorded in
the operations manual. The operations manual shall also contain the details of
the exemption or deviation, such as the reason that the exemption or deviation
was requested and any resultant limitations or conditions imposed.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 7

Chapter 2. Operation Requirement

2.1 General AIS Operation Requirement

2.1.1 An AIS provider shall ensure that aeronautical information/data necessary for
the safety, regularity or efficiency of air navigation is made available in a form
in conformity with ICAO Annex 15 and suitable for the operational
requirements of:
(a) those involved in flight operations, including flight crews, flight planning
and flight simulators; and
(b)the ATS units responsible for flight information service and the services
responsible for pre-flight information.
2.1.2 An AIS provider shall receive, and/or originate, collate, edit, format,
publish/store and distribute aeronautical information/data concerning the
airspace in which Macao has responsibility for air traffic services. The AIS
provider shall publish the following aeronautical information elements
according to its responsibility:
(a) AIP, including amendment service;
(b) Supplements to the AIP;
(c) NOTAM;
(d) AIC;
(e) Checklists and lists of valid NOTAM. and
2.1.3 Pre-flight information bulletins (PIB)
2.1.4 An AIS provider shall ensure that published geographical coordinates
indicating latitude and longitude are expressed in terms of the World Geodetic
System – 1984 (WGS-84) geodetic reference datum as in ICAO Doc 9674 -
World Geodetic System – 1984 (WGS-84) Manual.
2.1.5 Automation enabling digital data exchange should be introduced with the
objective of improving the speed, quality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of
aeronautical information services.
2.1.6 The AIS provider shall ensure that the organisation of the aeronautical
information services as well as the design, contents, processing and distribution
of aeronautical information/data shall take into consideration human factors
principles which facilitate their optimum utilization. Due consideration shall be
given to the integrity of information where human interaction is required and
mitigating steps taken where risks are identified.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 8

2.1.7 The AIS provider shall make available a recapitulation of current NOTAM
and other information of urgent character to flight crews in the form of
pre-flight information bulletins (PIB).
2.2 Quality Management System
2.2.1 Quality management systems shall be implemented and maintained by an AIS
provider encompassing all functions of an aeronautical information service, as
described in paragraph 2.1.2.
2.2.2 Quality management should be applicable to the whole aeronautical
information data chain from data origination to distribution to the next intended
user, taking into consideration the intended use of data.
Note 1 – Quality management may be provided by a single quality management
system or serial quality management systems.
Note 2, – Letters of agreement concerning data quality between originator and
distributor and between distributor and next intended user may be used to
manage the aeronautical information data chain.
2.2.3 The quality management system implemented in paragraph 2.2.1 shall follow
the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 9000 series of quality
assurance standards, and be certified by an approved organisation.
2.2.4 The quality management system established by the AIS provider shall include
the necessary policies, processes and procedures, including those for the use of
metadata, to ensure and verify that aeronautical data is traceable throughout the
aeronautical information data chain so as to allow any data anomalies or errors
detected in use to be identified by root cause, corrected and communicated to
affected users.
2.2.5 The quality management system established by the AIS provider shall provide
users with the necessary assurance and confidence that the aeronautical
information/data satisfy the aeronautical data quality for accuracy, resolution
and integrity as specified in Appendix 7 of ICAO Annex 15, and the data
traceability requirements through the provision of appropriate metadata as
specific in 2.1.5. The system shall also provide assurance of the applicability
period of intended use of aeronautical information/data as well as that the
agreed distribution dates will be met.
2.2.6 The AIS provider shall comply with the order of accuracy for aeronautical
information/data as specified in ICAO Annex 11, Chapter 2, paragraph 2.19 and
Annex 14, Volumes I and II, Chapter 2. The order of publication resolution and
data integrity of aeronautical information/data shall comply with Annex 15,
paragraph 3.2.9 and Appendices 1 and 7.
2.2.7 The AIS provider shall ensure that electronic aeronautical data sets, shall be
protected by the inclusion in the data sets of a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 9

(CRC) implemented by the application dealing with the data sets.
2.3 Operations Manual
2.3.1 The AIS provider shall submit an operations manual to AACM. The
information presented in the operations manual shall serve to demonstrate how
the AIS provider will comply with the requirements of this Manual. It also
serves as a reference document agreed between the AIS provider and AACM
with respect to the standards, conditions and level of service to be maintained
for the provision of aeronautical information services.
2.3.2 The contents of the operations manual shall contain:
(a) the information required of the AIS provider as mentioned in this Manual;
(b) Scope of the services provided;
i. A statement setting out the aeronautical information services, the related
functions, and the hours of operation of the services provided.
ii. A statement identifying the location from where the services are provided.
(c) an organization chart of the AIS provider that shows the position of each
personnel and the name, qualification, experience, duties and
responsibilities of personnel who are responsible for ensuring the
compliance of the organization with the requirements in subparagraph (a);
(d) the procedures and flowcharts for the aeronautical information services; and
(e) the procedures related to contingency and emergency
i. The AIS provider’s contingency plan shall describe in detail the actions
that operational staff are to follow to maintain safety in the event of the
failure or non-availability of staff, facilities or equipment which affects
the provision of air traffic services. The plan must also cover
procedures for the safe and orderly transition back to full service
ii. The AIS provider’s emergency plan shall outline the procedures under
various emergency situations as general guide to air traffic services
(f) information on the compliance of the aeronautical information services with
the applicable requirements of ICAO Annex 4 and 15 and this Manual of
Standards – Aeronautical Information Services.
2.3.3 The operations manual may consist of a main manual covering the main areas
that need to be addressed, as well as separate supporting documents and
2.3.4 The operations manual is an important document and shall be issued under the
authority of the AIS provider. The AIS provider shall control the distribution of

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 10

the operations manual and ensure that it is amended whenever necessary to
maintain the accuracy of the information in the operations manual and to keep
its contents up to date.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 11

Chapter 3. Safety Management System

3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 The AIS provider shall establish a Safety Management System (SMS), the
requirements of which are stipulated in ICAO Annex 11, Chapter 2, paragraphs
2.27.3.and 2.27.4. As a minimum, the SMS shall:
(a) identify safety hazards;
(b) ensure the implementation of remedial action necessary to maintain agreed
safety performance;
(c) provide for continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the safety
performance; and
(d) aim at a continuous improvement of the overall performance of the safety
management system.
3.2 SMS Framework
3.2.1 The SMS to be established shall comply with a SMS framework consisting of
the following components:
(a) Safety Policy and Objectives
(i) Management commitment and responsibility The SMS shall
have a clear definition of the philosophy and fundamental
approach the service provider will adopt for the management of
safety within its organization. This includes setting the safety
policies and how they relate to the operation and maintenance
processes of the service provider. The policies shall also clearly
encapsulate the senior management’s commitment to improve
safety in the organization as a top priority, with the provision of
the necessary human and financial resources for its
implementation. The safety policy shall be periodically
reviewed to ensure it remains relevant.
(ii) Safety accountabilities
The SMS shall have clear lines of safety accountabilities within
the organization, including a direct accountability for safety on
the part of senior management. Safety accountabilities shall be
documented and communicated throughout the organization.
(iii) Appointment of key safety personnel
The AIS provider shall appoint a safety manager to serve as the

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 12

focal point and driving force for the implementation and
maintenance of SMS activities. However, the safety manager
should not be held solely responsible for safety. Specific safety
activities and the functional or operational safety performance
and outcome are the responsibility of the relevant operational or
functional managers and staff.
(iv) SMS implementation plan
The AIS provider shall develop and maintain an SMS
implementation plan that defines the organization’s approach to
manage safety in a manner that meets the organization’s safety
needs. The SMS implementation plan shall be endorsed by
senior management of the organization. A Safety Committee
should be formed to set safety policies, direct and oversee SMS
implementation and promotion and review safety performance.
It should also serve as a forum to discuss any safety-related
issues. The committee should be well represented to include key
operational staff.
(v) Documentation
A SMS manual shall be produced as part of the operations
manual, as this is the key instrument for guiding and
communicating the organisation’s SMS approach and
methodology to the whole organization. Guidance on the
production of an SMS manual can be found in ICAO Doc 9859.
It should also consist of the components of SMS as described in
this chapter. Operating an SMS generates large amount of data,
document and records. A systematic record of these documents
should be maintained and kept up to date. Such records would
also be required as evidence of ongoing SMS processes
including hazard identification and risk assessment.
(b) Safety Risk Management
(i) Hazard identification
The AIS provider shall develop and maintain a formal process
for effectively collecting, recording, acting on and generating
feedback about hazards in operations, based on a combination of
reactive, proactive and predictive methods of safety data
(ii) Safety risk assessment and mitigation process
The AIS provider shall develop and maintain a formal risk
management process that ensures analysis (in terms of
probability and severity of occurrence), assessment (in terms of

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 13

tolerability) and control (in terms of mitigation) of risks to an
acceptable level.
(c) Safety Assurance
(i) Safety performance monitoring and measurement
(1) The AIS provider shall develop and maintain the means to
verify the safety performance of the organization compared to
the safety policy and objectives, and to validate the
effectiveness of safety risks controls.
(2) The AIS provider shall establish and submit the safety
performance indicators and targets of its SMS to AACM for
agreement. Details on the establishment of the safety
performance indicators and targets can be found in ICAO Doc
9859. The safety performance indicators and targets should be
periodically reviewed by the Safety Committee to ensure they
remain relevant.
(ii) Management of change
The AIS provider shall develop and maintain a formal process to
identify changes within the organization which may affect
established processes and services. A risk assessment should be
carried out before the implementation of such changes.
(iii) Continuous improvement of the SMS
The AIS provider shall develop and maintain a formal process to
identify the causes of sub-standard performance of the SMS,
determine the implications of sub-standard performance in
operations, and eliminate or mitigate such causes, in order to
ensure the continual improvement of the SMS.
(iv) Safety audit
Regular internal safety audits should be conducted by the
service provider to assure the effectiveness of its SMS. The
safety audit should be conducted by a team of trained auditors
who are familiar with the operation of the aeronautical
information service, but also independent and not involved with
the day to day operation of the service. Records of such safety
audits and corrective follow up actions should be kept.
(d) Safety Promotion
(i) Training and education
The AIS provider shall develop and maintain a safety training
programme to ensure that personnel are trained and competent

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 14

to perform the SMS duties. The scope of the safety training shall
be appropriate to each individual’s involvement in the SMS.
(ii) Safety communication
The AIS provider shall communicate and promote the
organization’s SMS processes and activities to its entire staff, to
ensure that staff is fully aware of the SMS. The AIS provider
shall develop and maintain formal means for safety
communication to ensure that staff are fully aware why
particular safety actions and procedures are introduced or

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 15

Chapter 4. Training and Personnel Requirement

4.1 Training Requirement

4.1.1 The AIS provider shall establish procedures to ensure that all its personnel,
including cartographic technical staff, possess the skills and competencies
required in the provision of aeronautical information services. The AIS provider
shall develop an overall training policy and programme and detailed job
descriptions for its staff. The training policy and programme should lay down
the training courses that different levels of staff have to undergo to perform their
duties, including initial, recurrent and specialized training. The job description
should depict the job purpose, key responsibilities, and outcome to be achieved
of each staff.
4.1.2 The AIS provider shall ensure that its staff undergo a suitable period of
supervised on-the-job training before being deployed for duties.
4.1.3 The AIS provider shall maintain individual training records for each of its staff,
which should include a training plan detailing the courses completed by each
4.1.4 The AIS provider shall conduct annual recurrent competency check to identify
any gaps in competency, changes in training requirement and prioritize the type
of training required for the coming year.
4.2 Personnel Requirement
4.2.1 The AIS provider shall employ sufficient number of competent personnel to
perform the operation of the service. The AIS provider shall provide in the
operations manual an analysis of the number of personnel required to perform
the aeronautical information service taking into account the duties and
workload required.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 16

Chapter 5. Aeronautical Information Publication

5.1 AIP Requirement

5.1.1 The AIS provider shall publish an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
containing current information, data and aeronautical charts relating to the
airspace in which Macao has responsibility for air traffic services. The contents
of the AIP shall be in accordance with Chapter 4 and Appendix 1 of Annex 15.
5.1.2 The AIS provider shall ensure that the AIP to be published is self-contained
and includes:
(a) a statement of the competent authority responsible for the air navigation
facilities, services or procedures covered by the AIP;
(b) the general condition under which the services or facilities are available for
international use;
(c) a list of the significant differences with the ICAO SARPS that Macao has
filed with ICAO with regards to its own regulations and practices;
(d) a summary of any significant regulations and practices followed by Macao
where the ICAO SARPS allow alternative course of action.
5.1.3 The AIS provider shall establish a system to disseminate and make the AIP, AIP
Amendment and AIP Supplement available to any person upon request.
5.2 AIP Amendment
5.2.1 The AIS provider shall ensure that permanent changes to the AIP are published
as AIP Amendments. Each AIP Amendment shall be allocated a serial number,
which shall be consecutive. Each AIP Amendment page, including the cover
sheet, shall display a publication date. A brief indication of the subjects affected
by the amendment shall be given on the AIP Amendment cover sheet.
5.2.2 The AIS provider should establish and publish the publication dates for its AIP
Amendments in the AIP
5.3 AIP Supplement
5.3.1 The AIS provider shall ensure that temporary changes of long duration (three
months or longer) and information of short duration which contains extensive
text and/or graphics are published as AIP Supplement. 5.3.2 Each AIP
Supplement shall be allocated a serial number which shall be consecutive and
based on the calendar year. AIP Supplement pages shall be kept in the AIP as
long as all or some of their contents remain valid.
5.3.2 The AIS provider shall issue a checklist of valid AIP Supplements at intervals
of not more than one month. This information shall be issued through the
medium of the monthly printed plain language list of valid NOTAM required by

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 17

paragraph 6.3.3.
5.4 Electronic AIP (eAIP)
5.4.1 The AIS provider should publish the AIP, AIP Amendment, AIP Supplement
and AIC in a format that allows for displaying on a computer screen and
printing on paper.
5.4.2 Note 1. – This composite electronic document is named “Electronic AIP” (eAIP)
and may be based on a format that allows for digital data exchange.
5.4.3 When provided, the information content of the eAIP and the structure of
chapters, sections and sub-sections shall follow the content and structure of the
paper AIP. The eAIP shall include files that allow for printing a paper AIP.
5.4.4 When provided, the eAIP should be available on a physical distribution medium
(CD, DVD, etc.) or online on the Internet.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 18

Chapter 6. NOTAM

6.1 General NOTAM Requirement

6.1.1 The AIS provider shall promptly originate and issue a NOTAM whenever the
information to be distributed is of a temporary nature and of short duration or
when operationally significant permanent changes, or temporary changes of
long duration are made at short notice, except for extensive text and/or graphics.
6.1.2 The AIS provider shall ensure that the NOTAM service to be established shall:
(a) designate a NOF for Macao;
(b) operate the NOF on a 24-hour basis;
(c) establish agreements with other international NOTAM offices for the
exchange of NOTAM;
(d) use appropriate telecommunication facilities to issue and receive NOTAM;
(e) issue a checklist of the NOTAMs that are currently in force, at intervals of
not more than one month; and
(f) issue promptly NOTAM in a format in accordance with ICAO Annex 15.
6.2 Specific NOTAM Requirement
6.2.1 The AIS provider shall ensure that:
(a) each NOTAM issued is allocated a series identified by a letter and a
four-digit number followed by a stroke and a two-digit number for the year.
The four-digit number shall be consecutive and based on the calendar year;
(b) each NOTAM issued is brief, deal with only one subject, and be compiled
so that its meaning is clear without reference to another document;
(c) if a NOTAM contains information that requires an amendment to the AIP
or an AIP Supplement, the NOTAM shall contain a cross reference to the
affected AIP text or AIP Supplement;
(d) if a NOTAM is issued which cancels or supersedes a previous NOTAM, the
serial number of the previous NOTAM shall be specified;
(e) if an error is detected in a NOTAM, a replacement NOTAM which cancels
the original shall be issued;
6.3 Distribution of NOTAM
6.3.1 The AIS provider shall ensure that each NOTAM is distributed on the basis of a
request and shall be distributed as a single telecommunication message.
6.3.2 The AIS provider shall ensure that whenever practicable, the AFS is employed
for NOTAM distribution. A predetermined distribution system for NOTAM
transmitted on the AFS shall be used, subject to agreement established with
other international NOTAM offices.
6.3.3 The AIS provider shall ensure that a monthly printed plain language list of valid

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 19

NOTAM, including indications of the latest AIP Amendments, AIC issued and
a checklist of AIP Supplements is prepared with a minimum of delay and
forwarded by the most expeditious means to recipients of the Integrated
Aeronautical Information Package.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 20

Chapter 7. Pre-flight and Post-flight Information Service

7.1 Pre-Flight Information

7.1.1 The AIS provider shall make available to flight operations personnel,
including flight crews at aerodromes of departure in Macao, aeronautical
information that is essential for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air
7.1.2 The aeronautical information to be provided for pre-flight information shall
(a) relevant elements of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package
(b) a summary of current NOTAM and other information of an urgent character,
in the form of plain-language pre-flight information bulletins (PIB);
(c) relevant maps and charts;
(d) current information relating to the aerodrome of departure concerning the
(i) construction or maintenance work on or immediately adjacent to the
manoeuvring area;
(ii) rough portions of any part of the manoeuvring area, whether marked
or not;
(iii) presence and depth of water on runways and taxiways, including their
effect on runway friction;
(iv) parked aircraft or other objects on or immediately next to taxiways;
(v) presence of other temporary hazards, including birds;
(vi) failure or irregular operation of part or all of the aerodrome lighting
system and aerodrome power supply;
(vii) failure or irregular operation or changes in the operational status of air
navigation facilities;
7.2 Automated Pre-flight Information System
7.2.1 The AIS provider shall ensure that the automated pre-flight information
system for the supply of aeronautical information/data for self-briefing, flight
planning and flight information service:
(a) provide for continuous and timely updating of the system database and
monitoring of the validity and quality of the aeronautical data stored;
(b) permit access by operations personnel, including flight crew members and
other aeronautical users through suitable telecommunications means;
(c) ensure provision, in paper copy form, of the aeronautical information/data
accessed, as required;
(d) use access and interrogation procedures based on abbreviated plain
language and ICAO location indicators, as appropriate; and
(e) provide rapid response to a user request for information.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 21

7.3 Post-flight Information
7.3.1 The AIS provider shall ensure that arrangements are made to receive at Macao
aerodromes, information concerning the state and operation of air navigation
facilities and the presence of birds noted by aircrews and shall ensure that such
information is made available to the AIS provider for such distribution as the
circumstances necessitate.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 22

Chapter 8. Aeronautical Information Regulation and


8.1 The AIS provider shall publish under the AIRAC system the establishment,
withdrawal of, and premeditated significant changes (including operational
trials) to aeronautical information stipulated under Appendix 4 of ICAO Annex
15. Guidance material on the procedures applicable to the AIRAC system is
found in ICAO Doc 8126 – AIS Manual.
8.2 The information under the AIRAC system shall be published in paper copy
form and shall be distributed at least 42 days in advance of the effective date
with the objective of reaching recipients at least 28 days in advance of the
effective date. The information published shall not be changed further for at
least another 28 days after the effective date, unless the circumstance notified is
of a temporary nature and would not persist for the full period.
8.3 The AIS provider should publish, on a yearly basis, an AIC listing the AIRAC
effective dates, publication dates and latest dates on which the raw data must
reach AIS in order for an AIRAC AIP Supplement to be published and reach
recipients at least 28 days in advance of the effective date

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 23

Chapter 9. Aeronautical Information Circular

9.1 The AIS provider shall originate an AIC whenever it is necessary to promulgate
aeronautical information which does not qualify for inclusion in the AIP or
NOTAM. An AIC shall be originated whenever it is desirable to promulgate:
(a) a long-term forecast of any major change in legislation, regulations,
procedures or facilities;
(b) information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight
(c) information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning
technical, legislative or purely administrative matters.
9.2 Each AIC shall be issued in printed form and be allocated a serial number which
should be consecutive and based on the calendar year.
9.3 A checklist of AIC currently in force shall be issued at least once a year, with
distribution as for the AIC.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 24

Chapter 10. Aeronautical Charts

10.1 The AIS provider shall ensure that all aeronautical charts which are produced in
Macao are in conformity with ICAO Annex 4.
10.2 The AIS provider shall publish the following aeronautical charts which are
applicable in Macao:
(a) Aerodrome Chart – ICAO
(b) Aerodrome Obstacle Chart – ICAO Type A
(a) Precision Approach Terrain Chart – ICAO
(f) Area Chart – ICAO
(g) Standard Departure Chart – Instrument (SID) – ICAO
(h) Standard Arrival Chart – Instrument (STAR) – ICAO
(i) Instrument Approach Chart – ICAO
(j) Visual Approach Chart – ICAO
10.3 The AIS provider shall ensure that all aeronautical charts listed in 11.2 are
readily available to users, including from other ICAO Contracting States. The
AIS provider shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that the information it
provides and the aeronautical charts made available are adequate and accurate
and that they are maintained up-to-date by an adequate revision service.
10.4 The AIS provider shall ensure that each type of aeronautical chart provides
information relevant to the function of the chart and its design shall observe
human factors principles which facilitate its optimum use.
10.5 The AIS provider shall ensure that the presentation of information in the
aeronautical charts is accurate, free from distortion and clutter, unambiguous,
and readable under all normal operating conditions.
10.6 The AIS provider shall ensure that aeronautical data quality requirements
related to the data integrity and charting resolution are in accordance with ICAO
Annex 4 paragraph 2.17 and Tables 1 to 5 in Appendix 6. The integrity of the
data shall be maintained throughout the data process from survey/origin to the
next intended user. Aeronautical data integrity requirement shall be based upon
the potential risk resulting from the corruption of data and the use to which the
data item is put.
10.7 The AIS provider shall ensure that electronic aeronautical data shall be
protected by the inclusion in the data sets of a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check
(CRC) implemented by the application dealing with the data sets.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 25

Chapter 11. Documentation and Records

11.1 Documents and Records to be Maintained

11.1.1 The AIS provider shall maintain all documents and records which are necessary
for the operation of the service. Copies of these documents shall also be made
available to personnel where needed. These documents shall include but not
limited to:
(a) the Manual of Standards – Aeronautical Information Services;
(b) the AIS provider’s operations manual;
(c) ICAO Annexes 4 and 15, Doc 8126, Doc 9859 and other relevant ICAO
(d) records of all incoming and outgoing aeronautical information to be
identified by serial number and date;
(e) records of each person who is authorized to check, edit and publish
aeronautical information;
(f) records of internal quality and safety audit reports;
(g) records of reporting, investigation and correction of error;
(h) records of job description, training programme and plan.
11.2 Document Control
11.2.1 The AIS provider shall establish a process for the authorization and amendment
of the documents stipulated in paragraph 10.1.1 to ensure that they are
constantly updated. The AIS provider shall establish a system to ensure that:
(a) the currency of the documents can be readily determined;
(b) amendments to the documents are controlled in accordance with established
quality management principles; and
(c) only current versions of documents are available.
11.2.2 The AIS provider shall ensure that where documents are held as computer based
records and where paper copies of computer based records are made, they are
subjected to the same control as paper documents.

Manual of Standards –Aeronautical Information Services 26

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