Field Study 2 Answers

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Episode 1

ANALYZE (p.5-6)

1. From the PPSTs, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards and the TEDx videos that you viewed, what competencies
does a great teacher possess?

-Based on the four career stages of teachers of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPSTs), great teachers never stop
learning. After qualifying for becoming a professional beginning teacher, the next step is becoming proficient to a highly proficient
one. Whereas, based on the frameworks given by the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards, great teachers know and
understand what to teach, helping students learn, engage with the community, and become better teachers every day. Engaging
themselves in the teaching profession means engaging in a wider role that goes beyond the classroom. Based on the video that I
viewed, great teachers have a deep understanding of their students. Indeed, they are a listener which is a skill needed to transform
schools and education. Additionally, great teachers have the power to bring out the best version of their students. They have this deep
understanding and they can see beyond despite the struggles that their students are facing. They lead every student in a way where
they can see their value, destiny, and purpose that can have a full impact on their future choices.

2. Are these competencies limited only to professional competencies?

-No, the competencies I mentioned above are not only focused on professional competencies. Personal qualities are also needed to be
possessed by every teacher to achieve success in teaching and learning. Imparting precise knowledge to students is very essential
because they rely on what the teachers are teaching them. On the other hand, the personal qualities of a teacher mean a lot for a better
relationship within the classroom and a wider community where a teacher belongs. In a classroom with diverse backgrounds and skill
levels, a teacher must strive to understand each of their students to the best of their abilities and support them along in their journey.

3. A teacher to be great, is it enough to possess the professional competencies to plan a lesson, execute a lesson plan, manage a class,
assess learning, compute and report grades? Explain your answer.

- In my opinion, professional competencies are not enough to be called a great teacher. A great teacher must also possess personal
qualities such as being a good listener, which is very important because a teacher will only be able to support and encourage their
students to advance if they have a strong understanding of who they are and where they are in their academic journey. It is important
to listen to what students are interested in so the teacher can tailor lessons to their interests, how they describe any challenges or
obstacles so the teacher can be supportive, and how they interact with other students and in the classroom. Listening can also be
important to understand cultural differences and this is just one example of a personal quality that is essential to understand one’s
students and supporting them in their academic journey.

4. For a teacher to be great, which is more important – personal qualities or professional competencies?

-Teachers are essential for both personal and professional qualities. A teacher who can't communicate is worthless, and a teacher who
is ignorant of the subject matter is likewise worthless. Teachers need to have both professional and personal qualities to be great.
These qualities include good communication and interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to understand the needs of students and to
approach the teacher freely. A teacher must also have a reliable knowledge of their subjects, and keep up to date on changes in the

5. Who are the teachers that we remember most?

-In fact, most of us don't remember being taught, we remember being transformed. We don't remember a single lesson in a classroom
for the teachers who have facilitated our growth and transformation over the years, and that aspect was mentioned in the TEDx video I
watched. Although teachers all have different teaching styles, passions, and life experiences, unforgettable teachers have one thing in
common: they place a high value on the impact they want to make. These teachers have a long-term vision and don't get caught up in
it small everyday things. They accept their students for who they are and help them see their purpose, which they could become when
they leave school.
Reflect (p. 6)

Which personal traits I possess? Not possess? Where do I need improvement in?

-Some of the personal traits I have are being patient and approachable. They say that “patience is a virtue,” and this is very true for
teachers. Dealing with youngsters can be a tricky task, so being approachable is a must. I am also enthusiastic and adaptable. I love to
be a teacher and everything about it. Feeling a sense of enthusiasm from my teacher will inspire them to learn and apply themselves
better. I am also a good listener, emphatic, and disciplined. As a person, I know that there are personal traits that I need to improve,
such as strong communication skills. Possessing this quality is necessary when speaking to parents about their children. Sometimes a
child might be misbehaving, and news of this must be broken to the parents. Another trait was my patience. I knew that this trait is
very crucial in the teaching profession, especially to the students who will truly test my patience and I was afraid that I can’t hold back
my anger.

Which professional competencies I am strongly capable of demonstrating?

- I am capable of creating a safe and effective learning environment, which is essential for students to learn. I also have the skills
necessary to create an effective lesson plan, using different teaching strategies to meet the needs of various students. Additionally, I
can assess and identify my students’ needs, as well as work cooperatively with others to improve our learning environment.

In which competencies do I need to develop more?

- As a future teacher, I should strive to develop skills so that I can be the best teacher possible. Teachers want to leave a lasting
impression on their students, and I want to do the same. I realized that I have difficulty overcoming the situation of being an introvert,
I am a friendly person and love talking with other people in small groups, and typically not comfortable in a big group of people, I am
not good at socialization. For, I need to develop more when it comes to socialization to acquire knowledge and skills from others and
apply it daily. I know I can collaborate, contribute and participate unless the shy has no place for me to play the role and this I have to

Who are the teachers we remember the most?

- For me, the teacher I remember most is an ideal teacher, a role model, and an influential figure who can change the lives of students
by working in their professions to change their lives. A teacher is devoted to sharing anything he or she can share for further learning,
and this inspires me to do my best in the same way. My minds never forget how they are, and who I am today, and this motivates me
to be like they are just because of themselves.



In assisting my Resource Teacher, I observed that personal traits such as enthusiasm, sense of humor, personal touch; and professional
competencies like creativity and technical skills were least/ not displayed and as a result, students were not that engaged in class, eye
contact with students was limited, a quick lesson pace was made but there is no encouragement to students in approaching with the
topics or problems they have on mind. Satisfaction and motivation are less because the teacher lacks creativity. Collaboration and
curiosity-driven by engaging content were also limited because less activities and learning materials were displayed.


The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies (mentioned in #1) may be caused by some problems they are facing
and the lack of resources and support. Technology is a major factor influencing education today. Schools are expected to use it to
enhance the education of their students. The issues I have identified as the main barriers to its successful use are factors related to
equipment, resources and training that are external to teachers and internal factors such as attitudes and beliefs, confidence, and skills.


I would like to address this problem (mentioned in #2) by conducting action research on different factors that influence technology
integration in the educational context.
4. ACT

a) The main objective of my action research is to outline current thinking on the role of technology in education.

b) My specific research questions are:

1. What are the variety of external factors that influence the use of technology in an educational environment?

2. What are the benefits and risks of technology in education?

3. What are the risks of educational technology?

c) To answer my specific research questions, I will gather data through a survey, review of literature, and analysis.


As a future teacher, I know that being a teacher is not an easy job. You should always consider the feelings, capabilities, health,
and skills of your students. Additionally, you should keep in mind the framework and qualities that a teacher should have. Building
relationships with your students is the most important thing you can do. Without a strong foundation and relationships built on trust
and respect, no quality learning will happen.

This episode focuses on the personal qualities of a teacher and professional competencies that are very important to a teacher. It is
the teacher's responsibility to teach their students not only academics but also good values and lifelong lessons which they can apply
in the future wherever they are. They should mold their students to be an as good person as they are and be a productive citizen in the
country. A great teacher is not only measured by how knowledgeable he is on the subject and executing the lesson plan, but a great
teacher is competent, competent in a way that he has good personal qualities and exercises professional competencies. This episode
enables me to assess how ready I am in the field of teaching. I found out that there are still different areas that I need to learn and
develop to be a great teacher.

Episode 2


Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers

List of Completed Action Research Titles Author/Authors
1. Improving Speaking Competence in English Language Rita Sutjiati
through Roles in a Drama
2. Improvement of Grade 8 Low Performing Students in Elisa L. Baguio
Mathematics through ICT
3. From Stress to Success: Pupil’s Struggle and their Coping Germany DJ Tejano Lapinig
Mechanism in the Modular Distance Learning
4. Coping Mechanism in the Modular Distance Learning Ryan C. Sulivas
Increasing the Awareness in Global Warming of Grade 5 Pupils
of Anas Elementary School Through the Use of <Present
Engage-Built Infographic
5. Utilization Technique Joel D. Potane
Virtual Learning Through PhET Interactive Simulation: A
Proactive Approach in Improving Students9 Academic
Achievement in Science
NOTICE (p.13)

Questions My answer
1. What you have noticed about the action research titles? Do 1. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 1
the Action Research (AR) titles imply problems to be solved? Speaking competence in English Language.
Yes ✓ No___
2. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 2
If yes, identify the problems from the title you have given. Grade 8 Low Performing Students in Mathematics.
Answer in the space provided.
3. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 3
Pupil’s Struggle in the Modular Distance Learning.

4. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 4

Less Awareness of Global Warming of Grade 5 Pupils of Anas
Elementary School.

5. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 5

Low Academic Achievements in Science.
2. What interpretation about action research can you make out Titles of the Action Research:
of your answer in question no. 1? Improving Speaking Competence in English Language through
Roles in a Drama

From the title, I think, the study is all about ways in how can
3. Write the Title and your interpretation of the study from the someone improve his/her speaking competence in the English
title. language through different roles in the drama.

4. What do you think did the author/s do with the identified I think the author/s gather different data through different
problem as presented in their titles? approach and methods to solve the problem.

REFLECT (p. 15)

1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?
I learned that action research plays an important role in improving the delivery or quality of learners' education. Action research
allows us to apply our new knowledge in the classroom right away and allows us to think critically. We can identify problems using
action research. It also aids us in devising a solution to the identified problem. Action research is useful in situations where
continuous improvement is the goal.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher? Yes ✓ No __ . If yes, complete the sentence

I realized that conducting action research would be beneficial to me in the future. I believe that action research will assist me in
gaining a better understanding of the problems that we may face soon. Another benefit is that it will assist me in developing a
concrete solution to the identified problem. Action research made us realize that such problems are unavoidable in any teaching
and learning process. Overall, I believe that action research provides opportunities for new ideas.


From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?
 I have observed and noticed that action research begins with a problem or a problematic situation.
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.
Since we had experienced online learning for almost 2 years the learning of the student was not as productive as it was
before the pandemic, especially in Mathematics subject. I observed that most of the students have difficulty on problems involving
What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?
I realized that there is a solution to every teaching-learning problem.
Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above.
I think the solution for this is the teachers should be more patient, and understanding in teaching and of course make the lesson more
engaging and fun for the learners.

What strategies, activities, and innovation can I employ to improve the situation or solve the problem?
 As a future researcher I can plan for an appropriate intervention like using a collaborative-based approach in teaching
mathematics to my learners.
If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?
 If will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be “Utilizing the Collaborative-Based Approach in Improving
the Mathematical Skills of the Learners Involving Fractions”


Title: Level of Readiness of Grade 7 Students on Online Distance Learning Modality: Basis for Action Planning
Author: Jeanette Q. Alvarez Head Teacher III
Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial National High School

In order to help the teachers in providing quality basic education and appropriate technical assistance, the researcher assessed
Grade 7 students’ readiness on Online Distance Learning (ODL) modality in terms of availability of ICT equipment, level of
proficiency/competence of student-respondents in using the different Software and platform, level of competency of student-
respondents9 family member/s and friends/neighbor/s in using the different computer software and online and internet applications
and communication platforms.
For this study, the researcher used descriptive quantitative research design to describe students’ self- assessment on their
readiness on Online Distance Learning (ODL). A survey questionnaire using google form were used for the student-respondents. This
research instrument was adopted from the assessment tool provided by the Department of Education (DepEd) as stipulated in DepEd
Memorandum No. 119 s. 2020 entitled Conduct of school Readiness Assessment on Online Learning. The first part concentrated on
the profile of the student-respondents. The second part focused on student’s self-assessment on their readiness on online distance
learning modality.
Based on the results, the student-respondents are not yet ready for online distance learning in terms of availability of ICT
equipment and internet accessibility. The researcher concluded that the students9 decision to adopt e-learning is not contingent upon
how familiar they are with related technology because majority of them are not knowledgeable in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power
point, Adobe, Movie Maker, Microsoft Teams, Hangouts, Quiz Maker and majority are beginner in Zoom and Google Meet.
Parents/Guardians, friends, and neighbors of student respondents can provide technical assistance and support because majority of
them are competent in using computer software and in using different online and internet applications and communication platforms.

Episode 3

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