FM Jsa
FM Jsa
FM Jsa
Residual Risk
Risk Rating
Activity Hazard(s) Consequence (s) Control Measure(s) (H/M/L)
Pre – Entry High Plan the work involving personnel responsible for Low
Lack of Communication Fire and explosion preparation (isolation, depressurization, draining,
venting, flushing, purging, gas testing etc.) of
Non-compliance OF confined space
Personal injury
HSEMS Procedures,
and Regulations
Property damage
Ensure the Confined Space is positively isolated
Energized Equipment from all
Personnel Sources of energy (hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical etc.)
Pressurized Fluid /equipment fall in,
collapse of Use multi lock & tag for isolation carried out.
Flammable & / or Toxic
Atmosphere Ensure the confined is depressurized & content is
drained safely
Lack of Oxygen
Ensure the confined space is flushed, purged and
Unauthorized Entry thoroughly ventilated as required
Risk Residual
Activity Hazard(s) Consequence (s) Rating Control Measure(s) Risk
(H/M/L) (H/M/L)
Operative Name: Signature: Supervisors Name: Date: Operative Name: Signature: Supervisors Name: Date: