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Job safety analysis : Confined Space Entry


Date: 04/04/2023 Job safety analysis Number:

People In Danger Contractor: AL YAMAMA

Title: Confined Space Entry Task Routine  Non-Routine

Residual Risk
Risk Rating
Activity Hazard(s) Consequence (s) Control Measure(s) (H/M/L)

Pre – Entry High  Plan the work involving personnel responsible for Low
 Lack of Communication  Fire and explosion preparation (isolation, depressurization, draining,
venting, flushing, purging, gas testing etc.) of
 Non-compliance OF confined space
 Personal injury
HSEMS Procedures,
and Regulations
 Property damage
 Ensure the Confined Space is positively isolated
 Energized Equipment from all
 Personnel  Sources of energy (hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical etc.)
 Pressurized Fluid /equipment fall in,
collapse of  Use multi lock & tag for isolation carried out.
 Flammable & / or Toxic
Atmosphere  Ensure the confined is depressurized & content is
drained safely
 Lack of Oxygen
 Ensure the confined space is flushed, purged and
 Unauthorized Entry thoroughly ventilated as required

 Unauthorised/  Ensure the confined space is free from any

uninspected flammable / toxic atmosphere and has sufficient
equipment/tools at site oxygen for normal breathing

 Work started without

obtaining PTW  Obtain the entry permit & other associated permits
for types of work to be carried out.

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Job safety analysis : Confined Space Entry

Risk Residual
Activity Hazard(s) Consequence (s) Rating Control Measure(s) Risk
(H/M/L) (H/M/L)

 Place a Standby Person at manhole to

maintain contact with the entrant and
record entry / exit.

 Ensure safe illumination suitable to

hazardous area classification.

 No Contact with  Ensure the work to be carried out inside the

the Entrant  Loss of time Confined Space fulfil the Permit to Work
 Dark / requirement for the type of work.
Insufficient  Slip trip and fall
Illumination due to poor  Ensure sufficient ventilation and air
 Fire & illumination.
circulation inside confined space.
Entry Explosion High Low
 Dehydration
 Heat & Humid  Provide periodic break / rest to the entrant.
 Welding Fumes  Physical injuries
/ Toxic Hazard  Ensure continued gas monitoring.
 Entrapment or  Injuries & fatality
Collapse of  Ensure cross ventilation to dispose toxic
Entrant vapour.

 Ensure availability of full body harness &

lifeline etc. for emergency retrieval of
personnel from Confined Space.

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Job safety analysis : Confined Space Entry

 Ensure availability of full body harness & lifeline

 Injurie to etc. for emergency retrieval of personnel from
unauthorized Confined Space.
 Left Unattended for entrant
Re-entry /  Barricade the Confined Space and post warning
Completion notice.
 Damage to HIGH Low
 Foreign Materials machine and
Left inside equipment  Ensure there is no tool, equipment, rags or
other material left inside

 Ensure proper wind up & housekeeping at


 Ensure proper wind up & housekeeping at

Windup & Housekeeping Un scattered material HIGH
 Close the permit & associated permits /

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Job safety analysis : Confined Space Entry

Personal Protective Equipment to be Used (insert Picture(s))


Assessed By Reviewed By Approved By

Designation Designation HSE Inspector Designatio HSE Manager Designation FM Manager
Signature Signature Signature Signature
Date Date Date Date
Declaration by employee involved in the activity detailed above - I fully understand the activity outlined above and the risk control measures that I must implement,
use, or wear. I have received sufficient information, instruction and training so as to enable me to conduct this activity with the minimum of risk to myself, or others.

Operative Name: Signature: Supervisors Name: Date: Operative Name: Signature: Supervisors Name: Date:

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