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ThousandSwordsArmyGuide PDF

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THOUSAND SWORDSMAN Mepium MELEE INFANTRY AC W Hit Points u Speed 1 Morale +2. Melee Attack 5 Melee Damage 4 Ranged Attack +4 Ranged Darmage 4 Cost 120 gp Upkeep 75 gp/month woot ” ” ese men athe core that the esto the Thousand Swords suppor They ae the most rumeous, sear nd well equipped inthe Shields, sport short swords and scale armor in addition to a metal helmet Additionally, they each have one orto heavy war darts, weighted by lead counterweight. These are thrown right before a charge, n order to soften a formation up, Once in the thick of combat, these men ae trained tobe extremely | aggressive, 0 break the enemy formation quickly and punch through thei ne. As these swordsmen usualy are sen against the mast unarmored infanty on the field, they then envelop the enemy from behind. This i, of couse, ll in theory i they are stuck fighting 8 | heavier opponent, they may be bogged down for some time and their primary advantage negated, The Thousand Swords were founded by Jean Luca with this uit specially in rind - he saw the refrrns putin place by Veckyt, Hetman of the Dread Empire of Cheln and | tried to adapt ther to his newly formed mercenary company. So fr, ithas been a success - these swordsmen have yet to lose in battle PRECURSOR CHARGE: if When this unit uses an action to dash it can take a Bonus action after moving to make 2 melee attack Ifthe unit moves atleast two spaces in a straight ine before taking this bonus action it has advantage onthe attack rll. This unit ean also use it's ranged attack only | ‘once, and can choose to us it a the same time as its attack Bonus action. ANTEINFANTRY: I This unit gains +2 to attack and +1 to damage when attacking aunt that is classified as ight or very light. ” yas meme ” THOUSAND SPEARMAN MEDIUM SPEAR INFANTRY Ac “ Hit Points 10 Speed 1 Morale +2 Melee Attack 8 Melee Damage 43 Ranged Attack : Ranged Damage : Cost 40 gp Upkeep 15 gpimonth "ow ” eretere eect te etemed Seer a etter eccaet ape ened ere ea lee oe eo They ate the juniormost troops in the company, often given a spear to fight with unt they are proficient with a shortsword. They are armored with studded leather armor, square shield, a metal helmet and a good pair of boots. Ther job isnot to push but to stay in place and act as the centerpoint for the double envelopment that the Thousand Swords usually tries. As most of the budget goes to the ‘swordsmen, these men are unexceptional but good enough for their task. ‘Alto, they have short swords, so technically they are classified by the company as sword infantry; a major selling point. | Di : EFEND: | | | ] ” wow we This unit use its reaction to impose disadvantage on one melee or ranged weapon attack (not magical spells or artilery) made against it Ser: This unit can take a bonus action on it's turn to set to recieve enemy cavalry. The unit cannot take this bonus action ifit occupies or ‘moves through diffcul terrain on it's turn Until the start ofits next tum, melee attacks by enemy cavalry against the unit's front facings (not rer flanks) have disadvantage. Additional, this unit has advantage when it makes a melee attack withthe ready action ora counterattack against an enemy cavalry unit before the start ofits next turm ” ” eet THOUSAND ARCHER LiHT MISSILE INFANTRY ac B Hit Points 9 Speed 1 Morale 41 Melee Attack 2 Melee Damage 2 Ranged Attack +3 (range: 3 spaces) Ranged Darmage 4 Cost 50 gp Upkeep 35 gp/month ” wo mt Rais rs arsersers oreo) tel sce reece ier senate enn ered seers econ ancora support. These men are that support. The Thousand Swords as a company have a focus on offense, so these men are trained to work in close coordination with infantry assul targeting aeadydarnaged units engaged wit the swordsmen. They generally ae taught to target other risile units only when its absolutely necessary, but prefer to retteat to another spat instead. When the main body of enemy infantry is encircled, these sellswords shine a they ran down artows on tightly packed infantry. Their equipments similar to thelr spear counterparts; lather, ahelmet and a shot sword After lf you hte the Thousand Swords, you actually want a thousand swords. | vou If this unit doesn't move on its turn and uses its action to make a ranged attack, it can take a bonus action to make a second ranged | attack against a different enemy unit that is within range and adjacent to the first enemy target. Fuser: | Th i oe bares io et sw pero so erro

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