Anatomy and Breast Cancer STAGING
Anatomy and Breast Cancer STAGING
Anatomy and Breast Cancer STAGING
S t a g i n g : Is It Still Relevant?
Jennifer K. Plichta, MD, MSa, Brittany M. Campbell, BSa,
Elizabeth A. Mittendorf, MD, PhDb, E. Shelley Hwang, MD, MPHa,*
Breast cancer Staging Prognosis Biomarkers
Anatomic staging for breast cancer continues to provide prognostic information relevant
to patients and clinicians.
Prognostic staging for breast cancer now includes both anatomic factors and tumor-
specific factors, such as receptor status and genomic profiles.
By incorporating tumor biology, the new staging system will likely improve the future
discrimination of prognosis between tumor stages.
A patient’s breast cancer stage provides a concise summary of the disease at the time
of diagnosis and/or surgery. It conveys how much cancer is present, where it is
located, and highlights important tumor characteristics. It also allows for efficient
communication between clinicians and provides a framework for assessing and
relaying prognostic information based on the sum of the tumor and disease features.
By providing this prognostic framework, staging can be used to determine the best
treatment approach for individual patients. In addition to its patient-specific purpose,
it also forms the foundation on which changes in population-level cancer incidences
can be more thoroughly and accurately evaluated, by allowing assessment of the
overall impact of novel or changing breast cancer treatments. Staging information is
also frequently used to define groups for inclusion in clinical trials, facilitating
screening and evaluation of large groups of patients for research purposes.
To achieve these goals, the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) was orga-
nized in 1959 to develop a system of cancer staging using standardized language
acceptable to the American medical profession.1 During this era, aggressive local
treatments were standard (usually a radical mastectomy and postoperative radiation
to the chest wall for most patients with breast cancer), and effective systemic thera-
pies had not yet been established. Thus, the primary objective was to provide stan-
dard nomenclature for breast cancer prognostication to prevent futile care for those
likely to die from the disease. The guiding philosophy was to develop a classification
system that would convey the progression of the usual events that created the life
history of a cancer, including tumor growth (size) and spread (to regional lymph nodes
and/or distant organs).1 The AJCC used the principles of the TNM system (T, tumor;
N, nodes; M, metastasis), as described by the International Union Against Cancer
(UICC)2 to serve as the basis for categorizing the extent of disease. The aim was to
create a staging system that would allow physicians to determine treatment more
appropriately, to evaluate results of management more reliably, and to compare sta-
tistics from diverse institutions more confidently.1
Today, staging continues to be a critical tool used to communicate and understand
a patient’s breast cancer diagnosis, thus allowing for more accurate treatment discus-
sions and decisions. In today’s era of personalized medicine, breast cancer treatment
is leading the charge to incorporate more patient-specific and tumor-specific data into
determining a patient’s prognosis and thus customizing treatment decisions. As treat-
ments continue to evolve and improve, the staging system is also continuously being
Despite significant changes in breast cancer treatment, traditional anatomic TNM
staging remains relevant for several reasons. First, it allows investigators to continue
to study historic groups of patients and relate them to contemporary patients. Second,
it provides consistency in the way clinicians communicate with each other worldwide.
Last, it is often the only source of staging classification available in low-income and
middle-income countries and will likely remain the cornerstone on which evaluation
and treatment decisions are made.3 Moreover, early detection programs may be
the most effective tools for improving outcomes in these countries and TNM staging
directly reflects the success of such programs. However, in this modern era, many
treatment decisions for patients with breast cancer are not based solely on the
TNM stage. For example, local-regional treatments (eg, surgery and radiation) are
often influenced by multicentricity and tumor margins, in addition to tumor size and
nodal status. Similarly, endocrine therapy is routinely recommended for hormone re-
ceptor–positive disease and targeted therapies are frequently recommended for hu-
man epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive tumors. Thus, modern
staging systems have moved toward incorporating molecular markers into the staging
classification system.
Breast cancer staging is continually evolving, and it has been defined and updated by
the AJCC for over 4 decades; the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 1st edition, was
published in 1977.1 Grouping cancer cases into stages was derived from survival rates
being higher for localized disease compared with those in which the disease had
spread beyond the original site, initially referred to as early and late cases. The
AJCC Cancer Staging Manual was created to facilitate improved consistency in
describing the extent of the neoplastic disease present, and thus allow clinicians to
better determine appropriate treatments, more reliably evaluate the results of man-
agement strategies, and more accurately compare statistics or research outcomes.1
Although it will not be fully adopted until January 2018, the most recent edition (8th)
Anatomy and Breast Cancer Staging 53
of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, was published in 2016 and includes 2 staging
systems: the anatomic stage and the prognostic stage.4 The anatomic stage includes
the traditional anatomic factors, the primary tumor size (T), nodal status (N), and
distant metastasis (M) based on clinical and/or pathologic assessments. However,
additional tumor characteristics have recently been added to the AJCC prognostic
staging system to more accurately determine the stage of a cancer, such as tumor
grade, estrogen receptor (ER) status, progesterone receptor (PR) status, HER2 status,
and (when available) tumor multigene panel testing (ie, Oncotype DX, Genomic Health,
Redwood City, CA). Taken together, staging provides the most reliable source for
accurately predicting a patient’s outcome and, although anatomic staging may be pre-
dominantly used in some countries, prognostic staging is preferred for patients diag-
nosed and treated in the United States.
Determining a patient’s breast cancer stage typically starts with a physical exami-
nation to provide an initial evaluation of the extent of the cancer, such as the tumor
location, tumor size, and presence of regional and/or distant metastases. Imaging
tests are then used to confirm physical examination findings. This may include a
mammogram; breast or axillary ultrasound; breast MRI; computed tomography (CT)
scan of the chest, abdomen, or pelvis; nuclear medicine bone scan; and/or PET
scan. Depending on the examination and imaging findings, laboratory tests may be
sent to make additional assessments, such as blood tests and/or tissue biopsies.
When breast biopsies are performed, the pathologic assessment report routinely pro-
vides information on the tumor histology, grade, and receptor status (ER, PR, and
HER2). If axillary lymph nodes or suspicious lesions of distant organs are biopsied,
metastases may be identified.
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines for an invasive breast can-
cer staging workup include5
History and physical examination
Diagnostic bilateral mammogram
Pathologic assessment review
Determination of ER, PR, and HER2 status
Breast MRI (optional).
Although many surgeons obtain a breast MRI with each new breast cancer diag-
nosis to more fully evaluate the extent of disease and rule out mammographically
occult disease, wide variation in MRI use is observed and misconceptions about
MRI benefits persist.6 In general, breast MRIs have not been clearly shown to improve
the surgeon’s ability to obtain negative margins7,8 or to improve recurrence or survival
rates.9,10 Similarly, routine axillary ultrasound to determine clinical nodal status is also
frequently used but remains controversial.11,12 The benefit of axillary staging by imag-
ing is to avoid 2-stage axillary surgery; however, the main disadvantage is for those
women who may have limited axillary disease managed via sentinel lymph node bi-
opsy with or without axillary radiation. Thus, no consensus currently exists on routine
use of breast MRI or staging axillary ultrasound.
For patients with early-stage breast cancer, consideration of additional studies is
directed by signs or symptoms, and systemic imaging is not routinely indicated.13
For patients with more advanced disease, additional studies to consider may
Complete blood count
Comprehensive metabolic panel, including liver function tests and alkaline
54 Plichta et al
Fig. 1. Clinical staging categories for the (A) primary breast tumor and (B) regional axillary
lymph nodes.4 For the primary breast tumor (A), tumor size is used for delineating
56 Plichta et al
Although the anatomic extent of disease alone may not define the entire prognosis, it
has remained a key prognostic factor in breast cancer (Table 2). In 1969, Fisher and
colleagues16 evaluated more than 2000 subjects with operative breast cancer entered
into the National Breast Project by 45 institutions and reported that a larger tumor size
was associated with a decreased survival, increased recurrence rates, and an
increased likelihood of positive axillary lymph nodes. As such, tumor size was consid-
ered a key factor in breast cancer staging. Subsequently, a review of 24,136 female
subjects with breast cancer from a Breast Cancer Survey was carried out by the Amer-
ican College of Surgeons in 1978.17 Disease-free survival (cure rates) at 5 years were
60.5% for clinically localized disease and 33.9% for regional disease. Overall survival
rates at 5 years were 72.8% for localized disease and 49.1% for regional disease.
These findings confirmed that reduced cure and survival rates were associated with
an increase in the number of positive nodes; a correlation with tumor size and
T categories 1 to 3; however, chest wall involvement results in categorization as T4a disease,
whereas skin involvement via satellite nodules or ulceration is considered T4b disease and,
when both are present, the tumor is categorized as T4c. Inflammatory breast cancer is cate-
gorized as T4d disease (not shown). For the regional axillary lymph nodes (B), patients are
categorized as cN1 with metastases to movable ipsilateral level I to II nodes, whereas clini-
cally fixed or matted nodes in the ipsilateral level I to II axilla are considered cN2. For cN3
disease, patients have metastases to ipsilateral infraclavicular (level III axillary) nodes, or
to ipsilateral internal mammary nodes with level I to II axillary nodal metastases, or to ipsi-
lateral supraclavicular nodes. (Courtesy of Duke University. Illustrated by Lauren Halligan,
MSMI; copyright Duke University; with permission under a CC BY-ND 4.0 license.)
Anatomy and Breast Cancer Staging 57
Table 1
The American Joint Committee Cancer Staging Manual, 8th edition, breast cancer definitions
of anatomic and pathologic staging guidelines
Table 1
(continued )
pN2 Metastases to 4–9 axillary lymph nodes or positive ipsilateral internal mammary
lymph nodes by imaging in the absence of axillary lymph node metastases
pN2a: metastases to 4–9 axillary nodes, at least 1 metastasis > 2 mm
pN2b: metastases in clinically detected internal mammary nodes with or
without microscopic confirmation; with pathologically negative axillary
pN3 Metastases to 10 axillary lymph nodes, to infraclavicular level III axillary nodes,
to positive ipsilateral internal mammary nodes by imaging in the presence of
1 positive level I–II axillary nodes, to >3 axillary nodes and micrometastases
or macrometastases by sentinel lymph node biopsy in clinically negative
ipsilateral internal mammary nodes, or to ipsilateral supraclavicular nodes
pN3a: metastases to 10 axillary nodes or to infraclavicular level III axillary
pN3b: positive ipsilateral internal mammary nodes by imaging in the presence
of 1 positive level I–II axillary nodes, or to >3 axillary nodes and microme-
tastases or macrometastases by sentinel lymph node biopsy in clinically
negative ipsilateral internal mammary nodes
pN3c: metastases to ipsilateral supraclavicular nodes
M Category M criteria (clinical and pathologic)
M0 No clinical or radiographic evidence of distant metastases (designated cM0,
never pM0); imaging studies are not required to assign the cM0 category
cM0(i1): no clinical or radiographic evidence of distant metastases in the
presence of tumor cells or deposits 0.2 mm detected microscopically or by
molecular techniques in circulating blood, bone marrow, or other nonre-
gional nodal tissue in a patient without symptoms or signs of metastases
M1 Distant metastases detected by clinical and/or radiographic means (cM1), or
histologically proven metastases with at least 1 tumor deposit >0.2 mm (pM1)
prognosis was also noted.17 Similarly, review of 24,740 cases in the Surveillance,
Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program from 1977 to 1982 found that tumor
diameter and lymph node status were independent but additive prognostic indicators:
as tumor size increased, survival decreased regardless of nodal status; as nodal
involvement increased, survival decreased regardless of tumor size.18 Of note,
the study also suggested that lymph node status indicates a tumor’s ability to spread
but that lymph node involvement was not mandatory for distant disease
Of 50,834 patients diagnosed between 1983 to 1987 in the SEER program, relative
survival data clearly demonstrated separation of the stages with an expected progres-
sion from the best (stage I) to the worst (stage IV) using the AJCC Cancer Staging
Manual, 4th edition, TNM staging system.19 This separation of stages was again
confirmed in the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 5th edition, in which survival rates
for 50,383 patients with breast carcinoma were classified by the AJCC staging
system. Clearly separate 5-year observed and relative survival rates were noted
for each stage with an expected progression from the best (stage I: 5-year observed
survival rate 87%, 5-year relative survival rate 98%) to the worst (stage IV: 5-year
observed survival rate 13%, 5-year relative survival 16%).20 At that time, numerous
prognostic parameters for breast cancer had been postulated with well-supported
literature for tumor size, regional lymph node involvement, metastasis, tumor
Anatomy and Breast Cancer Staging 59
Table 2
Key references and findings in the history of breast cancer staging
Table 2
(continued )
Author, Y of Publication Select Highlights
Press et al,29 HER2 gene amplification is an independent predictor of
1997 poor clinical outcome (in the absence of adjuvant therapy)
HER2 gene amplification is a stronger discriminant than tu-
mor size in this population
AJCC guidelines, 5-y observed survival decreases as stage increases (stage 0:
5th edition,20 1997 92%; stage I: 87%; stage IIA: 78%; stage IIB: 68%; stage IIIA:
51%; stage IIIB: 42%; stage IV: 13%)
5-y relative survival decreases as stage increases (stage 0:
100%; stage I: 98%: stage IIA: 88%; stage IIB: 76%; stage IIIA:
56%; stage IIIB: 49%; stage IV: 16%)
Prognostic factors reviewed and literature support noted
for: tumor size, regional lymph node involvement, metas-
tasis, tumor histology, tumor grade, chromatin, tumor ne-
crosis, mitotic counts, thymidine labeling index, S-phase
flow cytometry, Ki-67, angiogenesis, and peritumoral LVI
Fitzgibbons et al,32 Axillary lymph node status is among the most important
2000 prognostic indicators for surviving breast cancer
Increasing tumor size, number of positive axillary lymph
nodes, and grade are poor prognostic indicators in breast
AJCC guidelines, Though data are not yet sufficient to incorporate histologic
6th edition,42 grade into TNM stage, it remains an important prognostic
2002 indicator
AJCC guidelines, Increasing tumor size and number of positive nodes
7th edition (NCDB demonstrate progressively worse 5-y survivals
data),21 2009 5-y observed survival decreases as stage increases (stage 0:
93%; stage I: 88%; stage IIA: 81%; stage IIB: 74%; stage IIIA:
67%; stage IIIB: 41%; stage IIIC: 49%; stage IV: 15%)
Elston & Ellis (in Revised grading criteria (Bloom-Richardson-Elston criteria)
UICC 7th Edition),43,44 provided more objective and reproducible grading results
2010 Using these criteria, grade was directly correlated with
prognosis: grade I tumors had significantly better survival
than grades II–III
Yi et al,22 Pathologic (anatomic) staging still associated with progres-
2011 sively worse 5-y disease-specific survival
Stage I: 98.8%, stage IIA: 96.3%, stage IIB: 94.5%, and stage
IIIA: 88.6%
Staging that included pathologic stage, nuclear grade, and
ER status was the most precise in predicting survival
Sparano et al. (TailorX Women with T1-2, hormone receptor–positive, HER2
Study),34 2015 negative, axillary node-negative breast cancer that had a
21-gene recurrence score of 0–10 had a 98.7% DFS rate and
98% overall survival rate
Mittendorf et al,33 The Neo-Bioscore incorporates biomarkers and treatment
2016 response to determine prognosis in patients undergoing
systemic chemotherapy before definitive surgery
Scoring included the previously defined CPS 1 EG staging
system (clinical-pathologic stage, estrogen receptor status,
tumor grade) and added ERBB2 status, which improved
prognostic stratification
Table 2
(continued )
Author, Y of Publication Select Highlights
Harris et al,35 Of breast tumor biomarker assays, evidence supports use of
2016 Oncotype DX, EndoPredict, PAM50, Breast Cancer Index, and
urokinase plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator
inhibitor type 1 in select subgroups
Only ER, PR, and HER2 biomarkers should guide specific
treatment regimen decisions, although disease stage, co-
morbidities, and patient preference should also be
Cardoso et al,(MINDACT Assessed clinical risk (using Adjuvant! Online) and genomic
Study)36 2016 risk (using 70-gene signature) in women with early-stage
breast cancer
Women with discordant disease (low clinical risk and high
genomic risk, or high clinical risk and low genomic risk) had
similar 5-y survival rates regardless of chemotherapy receipt
AJCC guidelines, Prognostic factors (nuclear grade, ER status, and HER2 sta-
8th edition,4 2016 tus) create a risk profile (sum of scores 5 0–3) combined with
pathologic stage to create a new staging system
5-y DSS and OS decreased as pathologic stage 1 risk profile
score increased (ie, path stage IIA 1 risk profile 0 5 100%
DSS and 96.8% OS vs path stage IIA 5 risk profile 3 5 91%
DSS and 88.2% OS)
Abbreviations: DFS, disease-free survival; DSS, disease-specific survival; LVI, lymphovascular inva-
sion; NCDB, National Cancer Database; OS, overall survival; SEER, Surveillance, Epidemiology,
and End Results.
histology, tumor grade, chromatin, tumor necrosis, mitotic counts, thymidine labeling
index, S-phase flow cytometry, Ki-67, angiogenesis, and peritumoral lymphatic vessel
Recent studies confirm the continued importance of anatomic staging. Review of
211,645 breast cancer cases diagnosed between 2001 and 2002, and reported in
the National Cancer Database (NCDB), again demonstrated the significance of
increasing tumor size and nodal burden because both correlated with progressively
worse survival.21 With regard to overall survival and disease stage (as classified by
the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 7th edition), the 5-year observed survival rates
were 93% for stage 0 disease and only 15% for stage IV disease.21 Using a more
contemporary database of 3728 patients with invasive breast cancer treated at MD
Anderson from 1997 to 2006, pathologic (anatomic) staging was still associated
with a progressively worse 5-year disease-specific survival on univariate and multivar-
iate analyses: stage I, 98.8%; stage IIA, 96.3%; stage IIB, 94.5%; and stage IIIA,
88.6%.22 Importantly, the combination of pathologic stage, nuclear grade, and ER sta-
tus were the most precise in predicting survival, assuming proper multidisciplinary
treatment with appropriate use of chemotherapy and endocrine therapy.22
Although tumor grade was not officially incorporated into the breast cancer staging
system until the 8th edition, it has been recommended for reporting since the 1st edi-
tion in 1977.1 In 1991, survival rates for 22,616 breast cancer cases in the SEER data-
base were reviewed using both stage and tumor grade.23 Survival rates for those
with stage II, grade 1 disease were similar to those assigned stage I, grade 3 and
were better than those assigned stage I, grade 4 (which would now be included
with grade 3 tumors). These results suggested that combining histologic grade and
62 Plichta et al
breast cancer stage may improve the prediction of outcomes.23 This was again
confirmed in a more recent analysis of 161,708 patients in the SEER database.24
Schwartz and colleagues24 demonstrated that a higher histologic grade was associ-
ated with a progressive decrease in 10-year survival, independent of tumor size or
nodal status, thus confirming grade as a prognostic factor. Although some investiga-
tors have questioned the reproducibility of histologic grading, specific methodology
has been developed to address these concerns.25
Black shading represents patients with no change in their stage, light grey represents patients that were downstaged, and dark grey represents patients that were
upstaged. Each percent is per row total for each stage using the AJCC 7th edition, then restaged based on the 8th edition (each cell contains row percent). Total
from each column or row contains patient sample sizes for each stage. Overall N 5 501,451. Patients who did not have a corresponding prognostic stage in the 8th
edition were excluded.
(Data from Plichta and colleagues, unpublished data, 2017.)
Anatomy and Breast Cancer Staging 65
The AJCC staging system continues to provide a universal, efficient, and consistent
basis on which to communicate those factors that influence patient prognosis and
treatment recommendations. The 8th edition of the AJCC staging system incorpo-
rates, for the first time, molecular biomarkers that have been validated to have critical
prognostic significance. With these recent updates to the AJCC staging manual, clini-
cians are strongly encouraged to use the prognostic stage groups, including these
additional variables whenever possible. These advancements in the understanding
of the biology of breast cancer will undoubtedly continue to serve critical roles in
the ongoing refinement of breast cancer staging and to advance both patient care
and research.
We would like to acknowledge and thank Lauren Halligan for her contributions in
preparation of the figure for this article. We would also like to acknowledge and thank
Samantha Thomas for her contributions in preparation of the data table summarizing
the restaging of patients.
31. Gusterson BA, Gelber RD, Goldhirsch A, et al. Prognostic importance of c-erbB-2
expression in breast cancer. International (Ludwig) Breast Cancer Study Group.
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32. Fitzgibbons PL, Page DL, Weaver D, et al. Prognostic factors in breast cancer.
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33. Mittendorf EA, Vila J, Tucker SL, et al. The Neo-Bioscore update for staging
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nostic biologic factors into staging after treatment. JAMA Oncol 2016;2(7):
34. Sparano JA, Gray RJ, Makower DF, et al. Prospective validation of a 21-gene
expression assay in breast cancer. N Engl J Med 2015;373(21):2005–14.
35. Harris LN, Ismaila N, McShane LM, et al. Use of biomarkers to guide decisions on
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36. Cardoso F, van’t Veer LJ, Bogaerts J, et al. 70-gene signature as an aid to treat-
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